Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 07, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Page 8, Image 8

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i - r 'se c irr ip a j . mm
B ip o. nn dl cs a s
For Hen and
Young Hen
This is an important annual event in Brandeis Stores, and our plans and preparations for this sale have been going on since last summer, when we contracted for our blue serges at a price far less than the market
price today. We offer you a saving or fully one-tmrd. Every suit absolutely correct in styie ana cut. jvery coior is iasi ana every size is nere.
Si ll
11 V
You Can Buy a High
Grade Blue Serge Suit
in This Sale for
One-Third Less Than
Regular Prices
Special Sale
Men's Trousers
Highest 'grade worsteds,
flannels, Scotches and
cassimerea, full or med
ium peg top plain or
ruff bottom-.W to 50
inch .waist, worth from
$7.50 to $10. See C
these of fers at. . .
A Fine Bluo
Serge Suit Is
Correct for
Every Occasion
It Looks Right
Summer, Fall
or Winter.
Fancy worsteds or cassi
mcres all sizes scores
of good patterns, 50
at... vp-
Flannels, piques and wash
fabrics all new designs;
worth up to $3.50, tjj J 25
Boys' Base Ball Suits; 6 to 17
years; shirt, belt, cap and
quilted pants C1Q
at .. JOC
Cow bp y and Indian Suits; 4 to
49c - 98c
Every Man (VMWtffa ' , . (Wihi
m .two An Nla
I J ' G'oodliiu, ,f. Guarantee . feZg&Stef
&A ffjX It Will Look hMff b-:'- Tailored Serge MtfffljzM
Well Every MV 0W?1 '"v R-ffl&m
J !,n Wil wm
I m4 a a irn a a nn 1 B on nn c.i x! f i mt7h R 1 $25 MOHAIR HAND TAILORED 1 I
Guaranteed sunproof dye nd all worsted R I '"'k B ored- Your tailor can't make a sutt of H M
Serges; smart, well tailored Suits that B "?vr mbr,u8 i, 'Ej n?L wlv I I 8,,ch h'Eh c,aBS ""aerials for less than g g
will give satisfaction; $15 values, at B Kjhjnaterlals are finest Oswoco weave I g e,25 or $30. Suits that fit correctly, at B I
ff Iff i
US' i-','ja
AH Wool Blue Serges
Arc Advancing in
Price. You May Ncver
Again Have a Chance
Like This to Buy at Such
Price Redactions
Boys' Knickerbocker
Suits at $3.45
Special pur elm so of
Boys' Suits, in ages (5
to 17 years very
strongly made of reli
able fabrics, in new col
ors and patterns; extra
pair of pants fl Z4S
with each suit. vj)J
Baseball and Bat Free with
with every suit. ,
Here are the best clothes for men of re
finement. The world s finest hand tailored
blue serge Suits for men; made by Hlrah-
wickwire & Co., Chicago, and Rogers-
Peet & Co.,
New York
The newest
and most ele
gant fabrics;
latest styles,
Your Boys' Suit at Money
Saving Prices
Best all wool Bults; blue serges,
double breasted Scotches, caR
slmeres, etc.. In all ages
worth up to $7.50 $ Jg
Base ball and bat free with
every suit.
See our new styles in Wash
Suits for boys; Buster Browns,
sailors and Norfolks, in finest
wash fabrics; all the newest
colors for summer; splendid
group, up from
59 OS 81.50 81.08
$2.50 82.08 i i p.
Every boy wants one of our
balls and bats, which we give
away free with clothing.
Men's Light Weight Underwear
Big stock of men's light weight' Undershirts, Drawers and Union
Suits, including many sample lines of high grade underwear.
Men's Shirts and Drawers and Union Suits, worth up to $1.25
each, at DmfC
Men's Shirts and Drawers; Otis lisle and Balbriggan worth up Cft
to $1.00, at JUC
Men's Undershirts and Drawers, worth up to 75c ' Q
now at '. .' . . . . .Cif C
-Men's' 35c and 50c Lisle Silk Hose
per pair, at 10
Men's Roc and 50c. Suspenders, per
pair, at -10
Munsing Union Suits; perfect fit
ting, at ....8J.0O to $2.50
Earl & Wilson Redman Collars
for men, at 2 for 25
Special Sale of Men's Shirts
This was a big special purchase of men's shirts the famous Griffon,
Star and Custom Made Shirts; pongee, soisette and madras, in negligee styles.
All the men's $2, $2.50 All the men's $1.50 and All .the men's $1.00 and
and $3 shirts," f 50 $1.75 Negligee QQ - $1.25 shirts, CQ
at plt shirts at......OK4 at JJv
Men's Manhattan Shirts French flannel, silk and madras, some with soft
cuffs, silk initial with each shirt, at $1.50 to $5.98
famous John B. Stetson Soft, and Stiff Hats
latest styles, for $3 50
Imported English Derbies, at $300
Brandeis Special Soft and Stiff Hats . . . .$200
Men's Sample Hats; odds and ends, at . . . .98
Boys' Hats, worth $1.50, at 98
Boys' and Children's Sample Hats and Caps
, worth up to $1.00, at 25 and 49
Trunks and Suit Cases In Kascmpnt Now Storr.
Trunks, at. .$3.98 $4.98 86.50 l to $ft5
Suit Cases. at..OSS 81.2. Sl.KO
Officials and Lawyers Agree Amount
Hast Be Thus Determined,
Acting Mayor Borinntrr Thinks the
CUr and Gum Company Should
Have No Trouble In I'omliii
to an Airffmrnl.
AMtstant City Attorney Dunn and othrr
official cay that the det'lMon of th utate
tuprtme court on the Omaha gaa case,
with Thorn W. Bi-ikburn ai plaintiff in
tervenor, simply means that the amount
now due the Omaha Gaa company must be
ascertained In court.
Former Councilman Harry Zimman and
Weaver & Oilier, who handled the suit
and were attorneys for Mr. Blackburn
from the start, contend that this finding
will have to be made by a court and jury.
City Comptroller Lobeck has funds on
hand to the amount of $142,981.91, available
for the payment of any money that may be
allowed the Omaha Gas company toy the
court. The bills of the Gaa company now
In the hands of the comptroller total $144.
873.36, of which 633 In for new posta and
moving posts from one location to another.
Thus there Is a deficit of S1.KpO.43 in the
fund available as against the amount
claimed by the company.
The Gas company's bills do not Ineluds
We wish to inform our
friends and the public that
we have this day sold our
entire stock of Pianos, Play
ers, Player Pianos, and Piano
Flayer Music to Hayden Bros.
The piano and player part
of our business has hamper
ed our efforts In developing
the talking machine end of
, The talking machine busi
ness has become a large and
a growing one, and we have
just added the. product of the
Zon-O-Phone factory to our
already large Victor business,
for both of which we are now
' factory distributers.
There Is, therefore, a
greater demand upon our en
ercles that must be provided
for In this way.
We bespeak for Hayden
llroa. the very best of atten-
lion to our former customer
and friends In the Piano and
Player line.
any Interest, except for the first two years
after the suit was started. This 'tern of In
terest will be pretty substantial before a
final agrepment is reached.
Acting Mayor Burmenter this motnln.5
held a consultation with Mr. Dunn touch
ing the case. The' assistant city attorney
said he believed the city and the company
should not now find any difficulty In com
ing to an agreement. "There la nothing
that I can see In the way of a quick set
tlement," said Mr. Dunn. ' "The city hps
had the gas and the company Is entitled
to a fair price for it. What that price Is to
be can only be decided after a hearing
and a showing by both sides."
It Is understood that, In anticipation of
this outcome of the suit. City Chemist
Crowley's office has been making tests of
the gas burned in street lamps for four or
five months past. Just how much gas Is
being consumed by the street lights now
arid at the time the $23 contract was at
tempted to be entered into by council will
have to be shown ut the hearing In court,
letter l.lalit Furnished.
Mr. Zlmman and Weaver St Glller, as at
torneys for Blackburn, admit that perhaps
better gaa ar.d better light are being fur
nished now than was the case In other
years, when they Insisted on $10 per lamp
per year as a fair price for the gaa and
$9 a fair price for the use of the burners
and hoods and for maintenance. At that
time council hart an offer from' the Cleve.
land Street Lighting company to furnish
burners and hoods and maintain the street
equipment for $9.90 per light, the city to
pay the Omeha Gas compnny for gas
actually used, at au agreed figure per 1,00)
The city of Omaha owns the posts used
for gas lighting, but the company controls
the Welsbach burners and the hoods. A
royalty Is paid on these, and as the city
contends this royalty Is paid to the parent
company controlling the Omaha Gas com
pany. At present the street gas lights are burn
ing between four and five feet an hour,
and the quality of 'gas Is meeting the re
quirements of the standard set by the
W. J. Connell, who had a large part In
tho court case all through, seeking to up
hold the oontrai-t made by the council, had
no comment to make pending receipt of the
decision rendered by tho court and the dis
senting opinion of Judge Letton.
Georae V. Clabaugh, vice president and
secretary of the gas company, is 111 at his
home and his views could not be ascertained.
Brandeis Stores Red Cross Drug Sale
Special, 13 C
DC --Oil
Dr. L. L.jrnf
Graves' Tooth
Powder, 1 3 C
25c Bottle, 8c
1 pound 20
Mule Team
Borax, 9c
oc banitoi
Face Cream
!5c Packer's Tar
Soap 15
. -
rrm. sau
... IW 9 -
am (s t I
Special. .17c
5 cakes Iv
ory Soap for
10c Jap
Hose Soap,
msy W'jfft
1 .00 -Traveling
case, special, 49c
10c Palm Olive, 3 cakes for 83o
25n I.llac Talcum Powder To
"6c Rubber GU.ves 39o
$ cakes Colgate's English Process, SSo
Soc Colgate's, William's or Mennen'a
Talcum Powder lo
15c CorylopBls Talc 19o
25c Colgate's Dental Powder l&o
26c Dentos Tooth Paste 9o
2 oo Hanltol Tooth Wash 13 o
26o Rubifoam 190
$1.60 Oriental Cream C1.09
75c Pompeian Massage 49 o
60c Java Rice Powder 28o
60c Mme. ' Yale'a Powder 39o
25c Imported Rica Powder 14o
l6o Perfect Face Powder ISO
60c Bloosom, Grab Apple
Bloom, White Rose r Carnation
Perfume, per ounce, special. .. .860
2 Orange Wood Sticks Bo
16c Chamois 9o
100 William's Shaving Soap So
23c Cloth Brushes 4c
Dr. White Is again here, holding a
demonstration of his fuot remedies.
Regular prlco. 25c; special Red Cross
price Saturday, lic per package,
2 for 330
60c Milk's Emulsion 99o
$1.00 Smith's Green Mountain Ren
ovator $1.59
60c Syrup of Figs 45o
$1.00 Lydia Plnkham'a Veg. Com, 89o
$1.00 Duffy's Pure Malt. ...... .690
' S5c Castorla (always) 33o
$1.00 Swamp Root 890
76c Fountain Syringe 49o
T60 Hot Water Bottle 49c
$2.25 Com. Fountain Syringe. .. 33o
$1.25 Fountain Syringe, special 91.59
Victor's, Femnle Douche 92.60
Marvel Syringe 93.73
10c Shinola 60
2uo Shinola outfit 170
JSc Whisk Broom 15o
7 tubts M. Q. Developer 350
2 dozen Post Cards 35c
6c Developing Trays Ko
1 pound Hypo Eo
$1.00 4x5 Plate Holders 490
SMxi'i Plate Holders 390
$1.00 Ruby Lamp ,790
$1.50 Tripods 890
25c Masks 17o
6c Owl, 3 ' for 10c
6c Capailura. 3 for lOo
Garcia. 3 for 35a
Robert Burns, per box of 25.... 91-85
Special 25 Montanos, in boy, Sat. 69o
Gather In Man Want, d in Gregory,
S. V., on Description Knr
nlsked. K. E. Stevens, wanted In Gregory, S. D.,
to answer charges of highway robbery,
assault and fleeing from the city, was ar
rested In Omaha Friday morning by De
tectives HellMd ani Donohoe, who Iden
tified him by a description.
Stevens was formerly employed In Greg,
ory as a bartender. His perloo of troublo
followed his discharge from the saloon
where he was .employed.
To Die on the Sraffold
is painless compared with the weak, lame
hack kidney trouble causes. Klectric Bit
ters Is the remedy. 60c For sal by I3e
lou Drug Co.
New Boat Wakes
Interest in River
Effort Being: Made to Have Office
of Engineer Located in
An effort Is being made by the pub
licity bureau of the Omaha Commercial
club to locate the office of the engineer
who will have charge of the work of mak
ing the Missouri river navigable at Omaha.
The new boat has aroused Interest.
Major K. II. Schula. who has charge of
the entire project of the work on the Mis
souri river, will take care of the Improve
ment end of the project and another en
gineer will be appointed to attend to the
work of navigation.
It has been suggested that this engineer,
who has not as yet been named, be sta
tioned at Hloux City, but nn endeavor is
being made to locate his headquarter here.
Major Schuls will have his headquarters
at Kansas City, where he can oversee the
work of Improvements on the river between
Kansas City and St. lmls. that portion of
the atream being the first to receive at
tention in regard to the plan of making It
With the Missouri river navigable he
tween St. Iuia and Kansas City, Omaha
and Decatur and Pierre and Fort Benton
only half at the 2,600 nillss remains to be
reclaimed before boats will ply between
the headwaters and the mouth.
A convention of the National Mlnsouri
Navigation congress will be called the lat
ter part of September in Kansas City by
Governor John Burke of North Dakota,
president of the association. Secretary W.
A. Campbell has been notified that $1,500
has been deposited to the credit of his de
partment that la to be used to advertise
the convention.
Tame Wolf
Turns on Keeper
Lacerates the Leg- of the Man Who
Feedi and Cares for
Fred Bitney played with a "tame" wolf
Thursday. Friday ho spent In bed.
The Injured man was romping with a bl 1
grey timber wolf b lonirg to the
menagerie at the shooting gallery at Funr
(teenth and DoukIu streets, v. here l.u
j worked, when the animal rjut peevish ai.d
amiikitoti at him. I
The long, ugly fangs of the beast nipped
hlin on the right h g. Rltney was taken at
once to the emergency hospital at the O'l
llce station for treatment to avoid possibU
Infectlon with tetanus. He mffered con
siderable pain fro'n his wound and
seriously ill Thursday right.
Bea Want Ads will boost your business
Lawyers' Delays
Anger the Judge
Estelle Threatens to Discharge the
Jury if Cases Are Fat
"If attorneys do not get ready to try
their cases, I shall discharge the Jury alto
gether," declared Judge Kstello In district
lourt Friday morning after going over the
tall and finding the same condition which
has . been In existence throughout the May
Judge r.'slelle, after the Goito Jeohatispo
Jury had been Irnpannelled before himself,
let the whole panel go until Monday, be
cause there were no other Jury casts ready
for trial.
A ramplc of the ay attorneys try to
keep rases on the docket occurred during
tiio call. An attorney for the defense roso
when the cape was named and sulil:
"Your honor, this suit might as well be
urlckcii. The plaintiff has died since it
was Initiated and It Is admitted by every
one that none but the plaintiff could re
cover. All lUht to 1. fixate lias teoiid
question ended."
J. U. l.uos from the office of Frank
Crawford arose In protest. "This Is Mr.
1 1 1 fni (i n i-axe," waid he, "and since Mr.
(Vtufonl Is traveling In Kurope. 1 would
ak that the case wait until ha comes
' The client will not come back, will u?"
Now is the time to
Get Acquainted with the World's Best Corsets
COME and see the corsets that have ,
caused thousands of physicians to with
draw their objections to corset-wearing, j
COME and learn how to be stylishly,
slender and still perfectly comfortable
and healthy.
COME and see the newest Nemo Corsets
for SLENDER WOMEN they're just as
GREAT in their way as the world-famous
."Self-Reducing" Corsets.
"7 VERY NEMO is a patented specialty
which does something for you that no
other corset can possibly do.
COME WOMEN can wear almost any
corset; but most women actually NEED
the special NEMO SERVICE, which means
correct style, perfect comfort, good health
"Nemo Week!" Fashion Week." We'll Expect Yon!
kmHI-tiMMi-i I siHlIM
ami jptw IWT"
inquired Judge KuMIe with some arcahm
a he BU'uck the i-ane from the docket.
Omaha Snloonlnts liurged nllh Hell
ing to Indiana Held Till Jnry
Merit In llrrrmbrr.
Several of the (in aha salootilsts charRpri
with selling liquor to the Indian, I.anui
reaux, ten days ago. and who took a con
tinuance, were given a hearing before
I I'nited Btstes Commissioner Anderson
I Thursday afternon and Friday morning and
j were bound over to the federal (trimd Jury
I In SV4k rm h. K'M'-h !-...( In ClmAtia. in Jla-
cemher. The defense ill mnt of thee
cusi-h as that lrnoreaux. who i 4
"iftoiil pigeon, " rpreenled to the saloon
men that he was a Mexican or u I'reneh-
' man, even when they had axked him If
I lie was not an Indian.
Lame back may be curwi uy applying
Chambcrlln's Liniment two o- three times
a day, wito a vigorous rubbing at each ap
plication ,
Burglar Steals
from Ministci
Taker. Suit Case Containing a Bible;
Some Science Books and
Slipperi. y
There Is one burglar In Omaha who If
cither reforming, studying literature and
tcience, or I tearing bin hair In rae, i.u
cording to a report made at police bend
nuurters Friday morning. Apparently uj
mistake the burglar stolo a suitcase Ui
lolglng to a minister and cinmlnliiu' a
J Jllble. book of science and pair of b atnci
; iiiippers.
! The thuft was mado from Hev. XI
I layes of Chicago, pastor of
Agathani church of 1oukI:is I'
was visiting 111 umalu. It wn,ii
burglary occurred sum tinfe
luii t.11