Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 07, 1910, EDITORIAL, Page 16, Image 16

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Faror the Elimination of Toy Piitoli
and Big Crackers.
G. O. I Banquet
Calls Out Many
Prominent Men
"A Little at a
I Grsai
I May
I Bale
Adrlre ( Phratrlana Calls for Mod
eratlnm Rntk'r Tb.-.u Zrohlhl
tlon of the I tr of Fire
work!. If the people of Omaha want a sane
Fourth of July, toy pistols and K'.ant fire
crackers should be done away with, accord
ing; to the opinions of Home of the city's
leading physicians. Pome are opposed to
firework of any kind, but the general opin
ion la that the things which need the most
attention are toy pistols and giant flre
c rack era, from the ue of which the great
number of cisea of lockjaw develop.
Prompt attention to Injuries when re
ceived la also suggested as a means of
lessening the evil connected with the cele
bration of Independence day. The use of
anti-tetanus serum is advised a a pre
ventive of lockjaw when people are
wounded by exploding firecrackers or pow
der burns.
"I feel that the question of a pane Fourth
II being greatly exaggerated," sstd Ir. A.
P. Condon, "and I know that If firecrack
tra and all other kinds of fireworks were
taken away from me when I was a kid I
would have fell that I was being deprived
of a great deal of pleasure.
"I would limit the size of the firecracker
t be, but I can see no reason why
the f mailer firecrackers should not be used.
Of course, there will be some accidents,
but there are accidents connected with
everything, and because an occasional case
of tetanus develops I do not think that
there Is any Justification for doing away
with fireworks."
Toy Pistol Tabooed.
"The dangerous caniion cracker and toy
pistol should be eliminated," said Dr.
Charles Rosewater. "but I can see no rea
son for doing away with the smaller fire
crackers. The sanest way to observe a
ane Fourth is to take care of Injuries
promptly. I believe that the people should
be Instructed to take Immediate action
aftr Injuries have been received.
"The first thing to do la to call a com
petent physician and In the case' of open
wounds they should be washed Immediately
and kept open. The up-to-date physician
knows that such wounds should not be
sewed up, for this often results In lock
Jaw, When dirt or powder Is found In a
wound, anti-tetanus serum should be In
jected to prevent lockjaw. I believe that
fully 97 per cent of the cases recover where
the proper precautions are taRen and the
' anti-tetanus serum Is used.
Liability of l.ockjarr.
"Before' this method was pursued. In Chi
cago out of 800 cases thirty deaths resulted
from lockjaw, while during the last two
years since the Introduction of anti-tetanus
only three deaths have resulted. It should
be used In time, as It Is not a cure, but a
preventive of the dreaded disease.
"With regard to the sane Fourth of July
proposition," said Dr. A, K. Detweller, "I
would say, do away with the greatest of
all evils connected with such celebrations
by abolishing the toy pistol. These are used
by youngsters who never ought to be al
lowed to handle them and are the cause
of more lockjaw than all the other flre
worka combined. Giant crackera also should
be prohibited, but there Is no use of making
a fuea over the small firecrackers."
"If a sane Fourth," said Dr. Frank
Wi jy, "means a doing away with foolish
fireworks, I would say that I am heartily
to favor of a sane Fourth. The thlag of
Imitation war and high explosives, besides
killing off our young,- Is nothing but a
nuisance to the community and should be
Woodbury Says
the Company Will
Build the Main
President of Water Company Writes
to the Water Board Another
i Proposition,
i President Woodbury of the Water com
pany has again written to the Omaha water
board, suggesting a way In which the new
main from the pumping station at Florence
to Omaha may be laid. The letter, which
was delivered to the water board In Omaha
today, reads:
. "NEW YORK. May 4, 1910-To the Water
.Board of the City of Omaha Gentlemen:
In common with the Intelligent citlxens of
Omaha, the Omaha. Water company recog
nizee, the fact that an additional main to
Florence Is sorely needed for the safety and
good service to the citlxens of Omaha.
"On July. 27, 1908, I wrote your honorable
board stating that 'the board of directors
had authorised me to say that the Water
company will undertake to lay ao much of a
new main between Florence and Omaha as
may be necessary, provided the water board
will enter Into an agreement, binding upon
the city, to pay the company upon comple
tion of any portion of the works the total
cost of such improvements, with per cent
Interest In addition to what would other
wise be the purchase price."
"To this letter I receive no reply, so on
October 22 of the same year I again wrote
to the water board reiterating the offer, to
which I received no reply.
"On July L 1910. the city of Omaha will
owe the Omaha Water company, with ac
crued Interest, approximately $425,000 for
past due unvald hyJrant rental. If the city
will pay the company thlj money I will
recommend the board of directors to renew
the proposition In our former letters.
This suggestion Is made to the water board
' aolely In she Interests of the citlxens of
Omaha and for the benefits of the water
plant, only forestalling an extension that
the city of Omaha will be obliged to make
when It cornea Into possession of the plant.
Tours truly,
Do not take a aiibaiuu-.e for Chamber
Iain's Cough Remedy. It baa no equal.
lakes This Anamer la Salts for Dan.
ra In the Mercer Balld
Inn Case,
C. II. Wlthnell, city building Inspector
has filed reply In district court to th
second arrwnded petition for damages of
Mercer estate. Judge Kennedy last Satur
day auatalned a demurrer with respect to
the city of Omaha, leaving Mr. Wlthnell
as the sole drfmr'ant. The answer filed
Friday seta up thjt Mr. Wlthnell acted
In the course of duty and following in
. atructlons In attacking the Mercer build
ing at Thirteenth and Capitol avenue. The
plaintiff asks S37.M0. The city attorney
; and his deputUa represent Mr. Wlthnell
in the litigation.
I i
A Bmk for Liberty
from stomach, liver and kidney trouble It
made wh -o a So box of Dr. King's New
I.lf f bought, For sale by Beaton
Business Men, Doctors, Lawyers and
Laborers Anxious to Secure
Seats at Board.
The character of the purchasers of tickets
for the republican banquet at the Hotel
Roma Monday evening makes It certain, ac
cording to the officers of the club, that
It will be as representative a gathering of
republicans as has ever been brought to
gether at a similar function anywhere In
In Omaha politicians, active and qui
escent, have secured tickets, and besides
them there are business men. doctors,
lawyers and laborers. From various towns
and counties In the state will come leaders
of their communities who have written In
for reservations, and their number assures
at least one reprenentatlve from more than
half the counties In the state.
Monday the club will have a man at the
Rome all day, with a table In the lobby,
to accommodate those who tor one reason
and another have not yet bought their
tickets. A bunch of fifty has been held
back by the club officers for this purpose.
Uoort music has been engaged and a
number of selections will be played while
the Informal reception is In progress from
6 to 8 o'clock.
Governor Kberhart of Minnesota and
those of the state leaders who arrive In
Omaha before 4 o'clock In the afternoon
will be taken for an automobile trip
through the boulevards and parks, If the
rain should not be falling too hard.
Bee's Census
Cards Aiding
Hundreds Getting Into Count Through
Use of Published Beturn Coupons
Cut from Paper.
"We have founl The Bee census slips to
be of the greatest advantage to us," said
Chief Clerk Graff of the census depart
ment. "These slips huve been coming In
at the rate of about 100 dally. Of course
some of them are from persons that al
ready have been enumeratfd by some other
member of the ft mlly. But a great many
of them are from people that have been
missed by the enumerators from some
cause, or people who have been out of
"It Is safe to say that The Bee slips
have helped us to get S00 or 400 names that
we could not have secured otherwise.
Schedules are at once sent out to these
pcrtons or a special afjent sent to the house
and a schedule obtained by mall or In per
son. Some of them bring the schedules In
Swift Motor Boat Stolen from
Street Lssdlag on Mls
aonrl Itlver.
"Lady Grey," a trim little motor boat be
longing to H. Martin of Council Bluffs,
was stolen from the landing at the foot of
Burt street Wednesday night.
The boat Is valued at $200 by Mr. Martin.
"Lady Grey" Is one of the fastest motor
boats on tha river.
I want no " least of
V reason. "
) I ask no "flow of
f soul."
But CampMft Soup
in season.
And a good cap,
cioua bowl.
Don't ask merely
for "tomato soup."
Ask for ''Campbell's."
It is your privi
lege to decide for
yourself what soup
you like best. And
you will neveifc
know the richest
and finest-flavored
of all until you
have tried
Tomato Soup
Then if you think
there is any better; or
if you think your mon
ey is better, the grocer
will return it. The
same with any Camp
bell's Soup.
21 kinds 10c a can
Just add hot water.
onng to a boil,
and lent.
A cop of Campbell's
Menu Book at hand
will antwer many
dady conundrum.
Joseph Campbell
Camden N J
Look for the
Tad's Dental Rooms
235-236 PiiUi Black
Makers or good clothes. A nlfa
Una at spring patterns on hand
aad our prices ar right. A liberal
discount on two or mora Bulla.
$wMm iTi5
Your rvs.'&V"Ya
"MrvS G00D
aui of I L (jj
Walata , 1 1
Special Sale
Women's. Men's aud Children s
fine cotton and mercerized lisle
Hosiery; all over lace and lace
boot patterns; black, tan and
light colors; double soles, heels
and toes; also children's hosiery;
some with double knee, heels and
toes worth 26c, I
now at
uuvviaia m uiu
o in mnv.i. vroniih
ivumnia 4iiii uiu.m, - "
white, pongee, grey, blue, tan and
and single row emDroiaery; imeu
alove. 'oun!!,.r: .$l.00-$1.50
2 clasp Silk Gloves Kayser & Fownes" double finger
ends; black, white and all fancy shades, now at, per
pair .. 50t 75 and 81.00
Long Silk Gloves Special value; double finger tips, in
blue, tan, grey, skvt pink, pongee, white and black;
2-cIbsd fasteners; pure milanese, worth 1.00 a pair
npr nalr. at.
Chamohiette Gloves Natural color;
Women's Fine Neckwear at 25c-50c
New Dutch and sailor collars, jabots in crochet, cluny.and
fancy lace effects, fancy lace, embroidered and tailored
stocks, ascots, etc. latest creations 9 '"if Iftf
many worth $1.00, at OO'OVl
All Silk Moire and High
Up to No. 150 black and all
at, yard
Women's New Auto Veils and Scarfs
Fine Silk Chiffon Auto Veils and Scarfs hemstitched bor
derstwo yards long and one yard wide black and all
"!orr.w"!h.,1.p.lo$3:50:. 98c-$1.50-$1.98
Women's Light
Women's Italian Silk Vests; silk
ribbon trimmed tops; pink, white
and blues, all sizes $1.69
Women's Sleeveless Vests; fancy
crocheted fronts; fancy colors
all sizes, 35 3 tor . .$1.00
Children's Sleeveless Vests
at, each
Big Sale of Cut Flowers for Mother's Day
A large supply of white carnations, roses, sweet peas, lilies of the
valley and many other varieties at special prices Saturday. Don't
forget your mother.
Quuivrgi (JwurWi QowtrZ QowrW'i
til V
r i . YV ....
MM I .WMSBaaaBBBBaaaaaaMBsasiaBBaasBSBBsaaa
2 1 . a
Omaha's Pure
Food Center
Specials ior Saturday
600 extra heavy Clothes Baskets,
small, medium, large ami extra
large 60o, 8&o, $1.00, $1.35
Gloss Starch, bulk, per lb 40
I-os. Standard Vanilla 100
1.000 lbs. fancy .Sultana Raisins, per
lb 10
I.emon or Orange Peel, per lb... 180
3 lb. can .Self Heating Soups.... BOO
Quart bottle Lotus Table Vinegar ISO
Haarman'S pint bottla Sweet Pickles,
at 18o
2 lb. tin Stewed Strained Tomatoes,
at 10a
1 lb. tin Peeled Muscatel Grapes SOo
t lb. tin Lotus Tomatoes (whole) ISO
(Per doxen 1.6i)
J lb. tin Lotus Sliced Peaches 38e
(3 cans for $100) .
U lb; tlna Imported Sardines., llo
49 lb. sack Lotus Flour $1.60
1 lb. sack Wheutol, the brain break
fast loud aso
Hochinun'a Pretsela, 1 lb. cartons 100
PretieU, hulk, per lb fco
Fiorina Drape Fruit oo
New Potatoes, per lb 6o
Lemons, per dnxen 16o
fplnach, per peck 80o
2 large bunches Radishes 6o
Carrots, Turnips. Beets 00
5uKvg& (JufWa ( Wny (SRv
A Bee Want Ad
will rent that vacant house, fill those vacant
at a very small cost to you. Be convinced,
rooms, or secure boarders on short notice
I Biff Ad
I Par
oi Hosiery
Women's and men's fine lisle and cotton
hosiery black, tan and light colors,
fancy figured black and colors; fancy silk em
broidered; all over laces ana lace boot pat
terns; some with wide hem tops; fj s
extra spliced soles, double heels lyDC
and toes, per pair, at
Women's Pore Thread Silk Hosiery
Women's Pure Thread Silk Hosiery; plain black
and fancy colors; fancy silk embroidered; all
silk, with wide hem and lisle garter tops; lisle
soles, double heels and toes QSl
worth $1.60 a pair, per pair, at vOV
Women's, Men's and Children's
fine cotton Hose; black, tan and
colors; misses', children's and
boys' fine and heavy ribbed
School Hosiery; fast black and
all sizes worth 16c
a pair, at
uiui vti t
Bnrl lambskin: black
green; Paris point 111
iu mo nuu .uam iiv
washable; ail sizes, now at. per
-35 and 50
Lustre Taffeta Ribbon
colors worth 2oc, -I
i r
Good American taffeta, silk serge,
etc. cravenette, etc. gold, oxi
dized silver, gun metal and natural
wood handles, worth QQ J 50
up to $2.50; at, each..vOC"
Weight Underwear
Women's fine ribbed lisle Com-'
binatlon Suits; lace trimmed
umbrella knee; all sizes . . 69
Boys' Porosknlt Shirts and Draw
ers; shirts, high neck, short And
long sleeves; drawers, knee
length, each 25
Fine ribbed cotton all sizes
ucVrj5i 0uAv& QwVt 5G5vg
.' -a
Lotus Butter (cartons) per Hi... 330
Best Country Butter, In sanitary Jars,
per lb 310
Palry Butter, per lb Bto
Fresh Eggs, per dozen 83o
Guaranteed F.ggs, per dozen .... 86o
Brandeis KgKs, per dozen 30o
V. A. Cheese, per lb SOo
New York State Cheese, per lb. 35o
Domestic Sy 1mm Cheese, per lb. 88o
Cottage Cheese, per pkg 100
Blue Label Cheese, per pkg 100
Waukesha per pkg 8 So
Neufchatel Cheese, per pkg &o
We will have on "Special Sale" Cus
tard Cream Roll, assorted flavors.
Icing, chocolate, caramel, vanilla
and strawberry (only) each.. ISO
Creamed Peanut Squares, per lb. 15o
A delicious home made randy, made
regularly at 2ic per lb., Saturday
of the fluent materials and K'Us
only, per lb 16o
Other Dalntlea In Candy Department
Salted Pecans, Creamed Brazil Nuts,
Suited Filberts, Creamed Wafer (as
sorted flavors). Suited Almonds.
Large assortment chocolates.
(uU (tV (J
Time Will Get
You All the
You Weed"
at the
1519 Dodge
Don't pay cash, use your
CVedit, it is good and we sell
Clothing Cheaper than the
Credit Stores.
If you haven't tried the
WHEN YOU don't know
how easy it is to Clothe your
We handle a Complete line
of Clothing for the WHOLE
In our
Men's Department
you will find:
Ladies' Department
Than CASH.
Credit Clothing Co.
1519 Dodge
Saturday la uoys' day at
Do not be satisfied with
the "good enough" kind get
a real shoe made for hard
wear, that a good, live boy
will give them.
If our kind of boys' shoes
cost a trifle more than the
common kind, you will find
them worth more than the
We guarantee every pair
of our boys' shoes to be sat
isfactory to the boy and to
the parents.
I t OH $2.00
ion to l3i, $1.75
Drexel Shoe Co.
1419 Famam St.
It Costs Money
for ti to use this space to tell you
about the good guallty meats we sell,
but it'a tho only way to let you know
about it. If we Hold the 'common
kind" we wouldn't care to talk fo
loud, but a we sell only first qual
ity we're not afraid to do u little
For Saturday that's for Sunday
eating, you know we'll have extra
line quality Beef, Fork, Mutton, X.amb
bosldsa our own dressed Chickens.
Hive us your order early. You know
our prices are right, as our expenses
are not as heavy as others, for we
don't keep any book' accounts, sell for
spot vault and don't deliver any goods.
Jos. Bath Cash Market
1921 Farnam Street.
Tel. Douglas 6964.
An Ideal Karat I'a.
are the nemo of perfection in tailoring art. Our Inrgu showing of ser
viceable, handsome, spring suits at the above prices, comprises cvejr
thing that Is best In the season's newent woolens, and every new Bhaae
which makes it easy selecting your suit here, and we positively savo you
from $15.00 to $5.00 on any suit you may choose.
Beiut ful Trousers
are to be found In abundance In
our great pants department, which
is conceded to be the' largest and
best iti the city, and our prices are
far below, "quality considered,"
than you will pay elsewhere
Our range
of prices
are ....
$1.50 to $6
Better Trousers never
r graced a
man's legs than we
s" a S4.00
85.00 and
The East
Baltimore, Md., May 7 to 9, inclusive $41.25
Cincinnati, ()., May 8, 9 and 10 $23.95
North Manchester, Ind., May 13 and 14 $19.50
Atlantic City, N. J., May 15 to 17, inclusive. ; $43.90
Washington, 1). C, May 15 to 18 .$41.25
NTew Orleans, La., May 14 to 16 inclusive. ....... .$43.65
Detroit, Mich., June 8 to 10 inclusive. .$22.50
Chicago-Nebraska Limited
leaves Omaha every evening at G:08. Best hour, train and
way to La Salle Station. Most centrally located, and most
commodious station in Chicago.
See your ticket reads via "ROCK ISLAND."
Read The Bee for
Daily Dividends
It will pay you every time
you make coffco to use our refined
goods. Steel cut and sifted. This Is
the up-to-date method of preparing
coffee for use, and wo have the
only machine In Omaha for producing
It. All dust and chaff removed,
leaving a clean cut granulation, which
Is all coffee. It's easier to make
and It'B better to drink. No egg re
quired. It cost! no more than the
old style goods.
Mocha Mixture . .35o 3 lbs. ..$1.00
Excelsior Ulend ASo
"THE corrEE HIS,"
MAIIf BTOBB, 313 B. 11th St.
Branch at Fnbllo Market.
1610 Harney.
Candy Special
for Saturday
40c. Mexican Maple Goodies
60c Princess Sweet
Chocolates, at
60c Chocolate Dipped
Peanuts, at
Myers-Dillon Drug Co.
Jfltti and l ui'iiaiii hi.
P. S We manufacture our own I'K
I ' Ft K A M . Try our Ice cream NuhA
WATKlt und notice the difference.
Hotel Rome
Cor. l()th and Jackson Sts.
Two brocks from leading
department scores and all
Pfir - R ))
- 'v-i j
Furnishing Specials
"Pongee" Silk Shirts; collars at
tached; plain and fancy nS
colors; a real $1.25 faHC
value, at W V
Men's Fancy Hose; a choice as
sortment of colors; always a bis
value at 15c; specially
priced for tomorrow
per pair, nt
The new "Chantecler"
four-in-hand neckwea
r. 45c
Lates To
J. S. McNALLY, Division Passenger Agent
14th and Famam Sts., Omaha, Neb.
All the Sporting News
The Shoes of the Season
The favorite I,ow rut Shoes fori
Summer wear will lie our Ankle Strap 1
funips and strap Sandals.
We have these handMome shoes In I
one, two and three-strap models.
Choice leathers of Patent Kid,
Suede, and Gun Metal Calf.
Short Vamps and High Arch
Instep. Shoea that were made tor
good Dresners.
S3 S3.50 84 to $r
AU Wldtha and SUs.
We take the greatest pleasure In
showing these new almea.
10th and Douglas Streets.
coNawtjcaa oiaTaiauTta
3224 So. 2tlh Street
lID. A-14X0 Jfi.llh is