Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 06, 1910, Page 7, Image 7

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    ttte r.EK: qmatta. Friday, may n. mo.
on mat it.
fcufbttae Tlxtaros nrgeso-Orandaa Oo.
Charles S. Ady. General Agent. Omaha.
Ittora Toes ru Tars in moth proof
Fault a. Nominal cost. Bhukerta, II A Bar?.
Tour Child Wsad. a Band Mia A ion of
ktftan play nan J, 11.60. Sunderland, 1U
! raying for a bom. ia aa easy aa paring
rant. Nebraska Bavrnga and Ioan assocla
tlon will ahow you tba way. Board
Trad building, 16th and Karnam streets.
Taa Conesrt Grand Mason St Hamlin
ttano which will bo used at the May Fes-
' tlval haa arrived at A. Hospe Co.'a muslo
house. It la creating a furoie with the
' local pianists.
rield Club Expert JU signs George Dow,
Clubmaker for tho Omaha Field club, haa
, resigned hla position, A successor haa not
been chosen to fill Mr. Dow'i place, but a
bumbdr of applications are being considered.
Tha Zild'a Off at Brodegaard'a Do not
fall to attend tha great half-price aala on
Japp Florshelm'a bankrupt wholesale
' Jewelry stock. Wonderful bargains. At the
' alga of the Crown, 115 South ISth Ht, Watch
' eur Sunday advertisement.
Bnyri Tlslts In Omaha Secretary John
, JT. l''Jtes of the Dry Farming congress,
which Is to be held In Spokane, October
f to 10, has been In Omaha visiting D.
fc'm Deaver, a member of the local ex
ecutive committee. The county commis
sioners were asked to lend their Influence,
to sending delegates from each county In
tha state to the congress.
Theatrical Suit Settled O. D. Wood-
Ward and the Hiubert Theatrical company
have entered a dismissal of the suit, which
Mr. Wovdward brought In district court
In March, 1909. The disagreement was over
.vision of receplts of a Thanksgiving day
attraction at the .Boyd theater. Mr. Wood
"ward assumes the coata and the defend
cnts naive all claim growing out of an
Tedoral - Petit Jury Discharged The
federal petit Juroa not engaged In the
trial of the Kharaa, were discharged
Thursday morning for the remainder of
the term. The trial of the Kharas case,
which la likely to hang on all week, will
finish the spring term of the federal
courts for the Omaha division. Judge W.
H. Munger will go to Lincoln next Mon
day to hold court there, as Judge T, C.
Munger ia engaged In holding court al
Bait Lake.
Creighton is to
Improve Campus
University Will Spend $20,000 in
New Walks and Eetaining Wall
on Twenty-Fourth Street.
Manual Training Dettartment
Schooli Givet Exhibit.
, Creighton university has plans ready for
Mho retaining wall that Is to be erected
i along the west side of Twenty-fourth
l.treet. Just cut through from Burt to Call-
1 fornla. The wall nnd sidewalk In front of
I the university grounds will cost close to
(420.0CO, and bids are to bo asked at. once.
The city engineer's office Is now busying
Itself to have the water and gaa mains laid
In the new'y opened street, so that the
Street railway company Is making his heart
islad this year by rushing all ita work and
keeping out of tho way of the paving con
Incidentally, tho city engineer says the
treet railway can get In to lay the con
nectlna- piece of track between the main
line at Twenty-fourth and Cuming and the
nd of the present stub at Twenty-fourth
nd Cass. " ' ' "
Uowirra' lo.l.. Baaaaet Oae Wfclca
All Enjoyed to l lnut--Preaby-tcrlaas
Plaa for
Nebraska. Clothing; Co.
Announces something .entirely new for
ffnen. Next eaiuraay a. iu vu uuj a
pox of six collars for 39c, Latest prevailing
styles. Guaranteed four-ply.
Derides that I.ottle Lewis
entity of Larceny from
the Person
Twelve good men and true- .pent from 4
I O'clock Wednesday afternoon until 8:S0
Thursday morning reaching a decision as
to the guilt of Lottie Lewis, a negro
woman, charged with larceny from the
f Irporson ot Henry Mattleson.
I Tho wrangle of the Jurymen started at
Knce, when, on the first ballot, tho vote
stood eight for conviction and four for
At midnight three of the four had won
(over, and for the remainder of the session
It was a heated, vociferous debate with
I the last obdurate Juror, who it last gave
tin at 8:16.
WasCured by LydiaE.Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound
Elwood, Ind. " Your remedies hava
cured me and I have only taken six
bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta-
iDie liomnouiiu. x
was sick: three
months and could
not walk. I suf
fered all the time.
The doctors said I
could not get well
without an opera
tion, for 1 couia
hardly stand the
Dains in my sides.
especially my right
one, and down my
riant lejr. I betran
to feel better when I had taken only
one bottle of Compound, but kept on
as l was arraia to stop too soon. Airs.
Sadie Mull&n, 2723 N. It. St.. El-
ood. Ind.
Why will women take chances with
an operation or draor out a sicklr.
half-hearted existence, missing three-
lomri or the Joy of hying, when they
ran find health in Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetaoie uompounar
For thirty years it has been the
standard remedy for female ills, and
as eurea iiiousanug or women who
ye been troubled with such aiU
nts as displacements, inflammation.
oration, ubroia tumors, lrreguian-
perlixiic pains, backache, images
and nervous prostration.
you have tli sll&rbtrst doubt
tt Lydia K. 1M 11k ham's Vepe-
iile Compound will heln you.
?rlt to Mrs. IMnkliam at Lynn,
v Ui.s.i tor iTiwj. Your letter
wtU be confidential,
iA tUo Adtice tree
is Vd fr
Ik. B
An instructive and remarkable exhibit Is
shown by tha manual training department
of the South Omaha city schools at 41A
North Twenty-fourth street. The first day
closed yesterday and the exhibits will re
main during the rest of the week. The
walls of tha large room are lined with pic
tures, water colora, crayon and pencil
sketches, aa well as fine maps, paper cut
ting and kindergarten work. These repre
sent all gradations of tha work of freehand
and mechanical drawing from the lowest
to the final year of tha high school. Many
of the pieces are artlstlo and speak great
praise for earnest instruction and patient
In addition to this work, the work of the
sewing classes of the seventh and eighth
gradea of the public schools Is a constant
source of admiration to the throngs of
visitors. The work varies' from the run
ning of the simplest seam to the making
of a finished garment. The girls do this
sewing while the boys are permitted to
work in the shops. The garments on ex
hibition all bear the name of the maker
and each girl makes a garment to fit her
self. None of the seing is done by ma
chine work. It all shows ability and many
garments are exquisite.
Manna! Training: Lessons.
Work in wood carving and clay model
ing In the fifth and sixth grades Is worth
more than a passing glance. The comical
face of a bull terrier with a side twist to
hla nose, a pig which lacks only the squeal
tigress with wicked eyes and a couchant
panther on a rock, not to mention ele-
pnants, norses, 110ns ana dragons, are
among the excellent pieces on exhibition in
the clay modeling class. The wood carving
is mostly panel work on various designs.
The boy's bench work in the grades Is
thoroughly worthy. Kach boy haa a cer
tain number of pieces to work out from
blue print drawings. Good work is In
sisted on and there is no lack of dicipllne
on tha part of the instructor. It is ap
parent that the boya love this hind of work
and many of them excel in it.
Tho cabinet work of the advanced
classes In tho high school ia worthy of
long study.
AU kinds of Joining, such as a square
mortice, a keyed mortice, a plain dovetail
comer, a hidden dovetail corner, a gradu
ated rule, a T square, a drawing board, a
conbination book shelf, a hallc bench are
among the exhibits.
Today six boys from the South Omaha
High school will do exhibition bench work
all day for the benefit .of the public. They
have their carpenter's benches at the back
of the exhibition room. A competent guide
and demonstrator will conduct each party
about the large hall.
Too much praise can not be given Prof.
A. R. Nichols who is at the head of the
manual training department.
Miss Anna L. Meyer conducts the clay
modeling classes, the wood carving classes
and the basket work. Mlsa Lillian Ruders
dorf of the Chicago Art institute, also a
graduate of the University of Nebraska and
a Couth Omaha girl by birth, has charge
of the drawing and painting.
Bowlers' Banquet Bnlly. ( . .
The banquet, given, as a fitting close to
the South Omaha bowling season last night
at the Greer hotel, waa in every respect
Joyful affair. Almost , every member
of the eight bowling teams, as wen as a
number of loylted guests, participated. A
menu of creditable length and excellent
variety waa enjoyed from the olives and
grape fruit down to the last pull at the
cigars. Not a thing was lacking which
men enjoy on occasions of this kind. After
the eating speeches were made by several
distinguished citizens of the city, including
J. M. Tanner, J. E. O'Hern, Swan Larson
and a number of others. Athletics and
fraternallam formed the basis of the sev
eral addresses. Music waa furnished by
part of the South Omaha High School or
chestra, and by a trio of colored singers
from Omaha. This was the first annual
banquet and from tho wayiho entertain
meni waa receiveo 11 is iiaeiy to prove a
permanent affair.
Presbyterian Dinner.'
A company of nearly 100 members of. the
First Presbyterian church of South Omaha
dined at Masonic hall last night and con
sulted over plans for. the new church.
which is in progress of erection at Twenty.
third and J streets. The basement will
soon be completed and the walls raised to
a point where the cornerstone can be laid.
This will bea ceremony of considerable
moment and will take place in about three
It was ascertained thaf about 116,000 had
been pledged for the building and that the
prospecta for more are good. The members
of the building committee having charge
of soliciting funds report varying sue
cess. Seldom were they refused when
they asked for funds.
It Is the present plan to complete tho
basement of the church , first, so that
services may be held there until the super
structure Is finished.
This Is your opportunity to secure a lot
that is sure to increase In value.
The city park in Hillsdale has been fully
developed. L street has been paved to 44th
The Omaha ft Council Bluffs Street rail
way are under contract to have cars run
ning on the West L street extension by
July 1, 1910. This Insures splendid tian
portatlon facilities.
1 ne bouth Omaha school board has ap
proved the plan of Architect John Klewlt
for a new brli k building to be erected in
Hillsdale this year. , , '
Ail lots are on grade all , streets , are
graded. Our prices die low, ranging from
1175 to $300 for the best corners. Our unns
are liberal; 110 makes the cash payment
balance tS per month.
Bounded on the north by F ktrret, on th
west by 44th street, on the south by
stret, and on the east by 41st street.
This property, goes on sale Saturday
morning, May 7. On account of the ear
line not being completed we will maintain
a free artomoblle service, leaving J. 11
Kopleti' office, No. 503 N. I4th St., every
fifteen minutes for the addition. For
further paillculais see
Olflce No. 60S N. 24th St. Tel. South 34
Slaasle t'lty Goaaln. .
Mhfs Helen White is recovering .from her
recent serious tllnuos. ,
, Miss Bsle Dare will entertain the Hem
aay club Friday evening.
The Shamrock rtub will give Its banquet
thin evening at the club rooms.
William Kawdm snd wife have return
from a month's Visit on a ranch near Urd.
The South Omaha Commercial eluh will
meet at luncheon today at tb , Haverly
'PHONE WOI TH fc for a ease ef JET
TKH )01.! TOP. Prompt delivery to an
ixtrt of city. William Jetter.
I The Presbyterian King's Daughters will
met Frldsy:' Mtv nt tre lvrie of Afnn
temn. fr- North Twentieth street
Tho f.imral "f Motanret McShsne will
take blare at l:J0 a. in. tndav Instead of
st the time previously snnotineed
The carpenter union will meet hereafter
at the fhamrnrk hall and li no longer af
filiated with the rentral Inbnr union.
Tho Cororera tnrv In the ra.e of Mai
Hochmtith yeMerdav morning brought In a
verdict 'f death from his own hsnd with
suicidal Intent.
The Msglc t'ltv circle of Klnit's leueh-
ters will meet Thursday afternoon. Mav V
at the home of Mrs. ilruce Mct'ulloch at
I:.10 o'clock.
Ixin Condi a'a hnru frll a tth him VAater.
'sy while he v as riding home from the
I nion Stock yards and he i-erelved Injuries
which will lav him up fo.- a week. His
ankle was rprslnrd and he had bruises
about the body.
Orand Worthy President Frank R. Her
ring of South Bend, Ind. will be a guest of
the Council Bluffs Fraternal Order of
Eagles Frldav evening- All South Omaha
EaKlee are requested to meet at Twentv
fourth and N atreeta at 7 p. m. where spu
ria! cars will be found to take them to
Council Bluffs.
We desire to thank the many frlenda of
the late Charles Newev, better known aa
"Old Charley," for their liberal contribu
tions to tae fund which made possible his
well ordered snd thoroughly rvapectable
funeral Tuesday last, which must have
Impressed deeply all those who attended
the laying away of this lovable old mn.
Acknowledgement Is made particularly to
Mr. O'Hern and to Mr. Jameson of
Armour A Co.. to the Rev. Alfred G.
White and to Mr. Bernard J. Larkin, the
undertaker, who were especially kind. Rob
ert Benson, M-s, O. T. East.
Seven Hydrant
Suits Against
City to Trial
Water Company Arranging: to Bring
Cases for Collection of $350,000
to Hearing- Soon.
Attorney R. S, Hall, representing the
Omaha Water company, was at the federal
building Thursday morning to arrange for
the hearing of the seven remaining semi-
snrual hydrant rental suits pending in that
Eleven of these suits bave already bean
brought, four of which have been settled,
approximating $2;0.000, through the city
paying the judgments at the suggestion of
the circuit court of appeals.
The seven remaining suits Involve IGoO,'-
000. Contentions of the city are practically
the same as in the suits for which it has
Iready been defeated lh the circuit court
of appeals.
Union Pacific Ready to Pay More
Than Its Share of Expense.
Trnnble Is 4all'lpa-4 from' .North
western and Mlssnnrl Paelfle
Over l.orast aaa .Mrhalae
Klrret Crossings.
Members of the city council are congrat
ulating themselves on the attitude taken
by the Cnlon Parlfle officers in the matter
of the proposed new viaducts. The L'nlon
Pacific tells the rouncllnx'ti that It Is
ready to stand more than a fair share of
the expense of the Locust and Nicholas
street viaducts, over the railroad tracks,
in order to get tne structures tinder way
this stason.
Some trouble la anticipated by the coun
cil from the other roads concerned, the
Missouri Pacific and Northwestern, espe
cially tho former.
"The Missouri Pacific has never been
compelled to put a dollar Into vleducta in
Omaha," said a member ot the committee
on railroads and viaducts, "and now that
we have called on It to do the right thing
by the city we find a disposition to buck.
We feel the road is making a mistake in
taking that attitude, la calculated to
seriously delay these much needed improve
Smooth Crook
Works Old
Five Omaha Merchants Are Trim
med by Means of Bogus
Calls on Welsh
to Verify Rain
Foolish Woman Has More Confidence
in Weather Man Than in Her
Own Eyes.
'Is this the weather bureau?
'Yes. What can we do for you?'
Colonel Welsh at the 'phone.
"I wanted to ask If It is raining?"
"Beg pardon."
Rain was falling nil over Omaha moll
of Nebraska and some of Iowa and Kan
sas. The forecaster waa pussled.
"Is It raining?"
"Are you in Jail or in a hospital?"
"Why, I declare. What do you mean.
Of courso I am not in Jail."
Oh, excuse me. But I thought you
might see that It was raining by merely
looking out the window, and noticing the
people going by with raised dmbrellas.
Yes, n la raining."
Well, ' isnf that what the weather bu
reau is for, to tell u when it Is raining""
Colonel Welsh slammed up the receiver
and made remarks.
a clever
his way
'Make your credit good, then sting 'em
With this little maxim in mind
crook has victimised five Omaha
ouses and haa gone merrily on
with about 1200.
A man representing himself to be one
A. Davis appeared at tn. five business
houses in question a few days past and
left a check saying he wanted to place an
order for goods.
Of course I am a stranger to you and
you won t want to cash this for me, but
when you bank your money you can leave
for collection and I will call later for
the goods," explained the genial Mr.
He called later and was In each Instance
happy to find that his check had teen de
clared to be good by the banks.
A few days later the operation was re
peated with a much larger check. Since the
urbane customer's standing had been so
thoroughly established by the former
check he was not subjected to delay in get
ting his change. ! Ine!
Some way or other those1 later checks were
not so good aa the first one "by about 100
per cent. i
The victims are John Flxa, Nebraska
Clothing company, Berg Clothing company.
London tailors and David Crounse.
A boot Boylns; Anto Tires.
If you want to assure yourself of no
trouble from tires you must purchase
either Morgan 4. Wright. O. A. T. or Hart
ford tires. These are standard makes that
have proven their merit and reliability by
severe tests over a. long period of time.
In Omaha they are for sale by the Omaha
Rubber Co., 1608 Harney street. This con
cern alao haa the most adequate facilities
for retrieving wornout tires and making
them as good as new again.
Novel Inducement for Fair Condaeted
t Krngr Theater by Hos
pltal Board.
Marriages without fees and a handsome
wedding gift to boot!! This is the latest In
ducement of the dlreotors of the Wise lit
mortal baiar, and it Is now up to couples
with matrimonial intentions to avail them
Ives of the offer. Justice William Alt-
vtadt, who has more than a city reputation
for breaking down the barriers in the way
of connubial bliss, will officiate and look
aa happy and benignant as if he were re-
oelvtng the largest fee a happy groom over
bestowed. This Is something to look for
ward to, but there Is In addition a sub
stantial present.
Wednesday night the Krug theater was
again filled with those in quest ot bar
gains and patrons of the arts. The former
devoted their attention to the stalls, while
the other section of the visitors had pro
vided for It another of those entertaining
programs which have been the feature of
the basar alnce it opened. There were ex
hibitions of national dances by pupils of
Prof. Chambers, and the pupils of Miss
Fitch's School of Acting amused with the
farce, "At Brown College." Tne principal
parts were taken by the Mleaes Tlmblln
Smith, Olson, Burnham and Madsen, and
Gordon Burney, Percy McNeill, Myron Van
Brunt. Colin Clements and Arthur Wort'
endlke. The musical portion of the hill was
sustained by the iHayden quartet, Joseph
S. Meyers, Will Hetherlngton, Milo O.
Smith and Albert Mcintosh, who played
"Evening hour (KuExmer) and a minuet
by Mozart; and Mrs. Millie Ryan's ladles'
quartet, composed qf the Misses Burnetts,
Williams. Chandler and Crowe. There will
be a matinee each day, and tha operetta
"Princess Chrysanthemum" will be re
peated Saturday afternoon, and not Fri
day night, aa announced.
What Everybody Wants.
Everybody desires good health, which
Impossible unless the kidneys are sound and
healthy. Foley's Kidney Remedy should be
taken at the first Indication of any Irreg
ulartty, and a serious Illness may be
averted. Foley's Kidney Remedy will re.
store your kidneys and bladder to their
normal state and activity. For sale by all
druggist a
Chronicles of the Grouch Family
This is her father a cranky chap
Who for love's young dream didn't care a rap.
Too bad! Let us hope things
will mend coon.
fMM'll'V'Mff IflfMTftl'W"""1
Lawyers' Delay
Costly tq. County
llOOi' '
Procrastination of Attorneys ii Cause
of Heavy and Useless. Expendi-
tnre of Publio Funds. '
Disinclination .of attorneys to proceed
to trial with casea in district court has
raised the ire- of Judge Estelle. The term
of district court haa been in. session four
full days and not a single Jury case has
been tried. The expense to the county
in Jury fees alone is $400. .There are fifty
jurors on the panel, drawing $2 a day
each or a total of $100 a dayv
Judge Estelle has Issued av warning that
cases will be dismissed unless tried. This
is In enforcement of a rule adopted when
the presiding Judge system went into ef
fect at the beginning of the February
term. .
Hajf a dozen cases on which attorneys
have defaulted have already been stricken
from the docket. - ' ' '.
English Denies
the Allegation
Woman Charged with Orand Larceny
Tells Judge County Attorney is
Her Lawyer.
Mis Etta Shaw, charged with grand lar
ceny, startled district court when arraigned
by her statement regarding her attorney.
. After the girl had plead not guilty, Judge
Estelle asked her If she had an attorney.
"Mr. English," replied the prisoner.
"I mean," said the court," have you an
attorney of your( own.
. "Mr. English is my lawyer," said the
girl. .. .
That lawyer, somewhat mystified, said
without smiling, "I'm not your attorney.
I am the prosecuting attorney."
The girl was instructed to make other
(KVlon Who Can Talk)
Permanent Employment
Balldlna Hers Ita.
J. V. Rasp, an: Wirt street, frame,
$1.SM; J. W. Rasp. 2519 Wirt street, frame,
$1 tu). IJoyd D. Willis. S!U North Forty
first street, brick, $10,000; J. K. Musgrove,
1171 Orand avenue. K.uw; Hasting A Hey.
den. 25ti2 Pierce street, frame. 1 WO; Hast
ings it Heyden, KM South Twenty-fourth
atreet. frame. 11.7V); Hastings Hevden,
1530 South Twenty-foui th street. $
Hastings A Heyden. 21(D Poppletn avenna.
frame, tl.tiflO; Hastings c Heyden, 1&
South Twenty-first street, frame. $1,600;
Heatings & Heyden. 1W North Twenty
second street, frame. tl.bflO; J. W. Holm
ii lot. llj North Thirty-sixth street, frame,
tft.aiio: (leorge B. Darr. l.SOl Hall street,
frame, 2tu; C. H CheiTy. ob Evans
Htieel. frame, $2 DUO; R. l.anderyon. fcl
South Twetiiy-nlma, brick veneer, j;,Wu.
Election of Officers Held at Ananal
Meeting of the Nebraska
t ommandery.
The annual meeting of the Nebraska
Command) ry Ixyal Liegion was held Wed
nesday evening at Creighton Institute hall.
Officers elected were: Commander, W.
H. Riggs; senior vice commander. J. J.
Mercer; Junion vice commander, S. H.
Morrison; recorder, F. H. Bryant; regis
trar, W. J. Hohn; treasurer, Edward Vp
dlke; chancellor, John Grant; chaplain, I..
A. Arthur; council, J. H. McClay, Thomas
Swobe, Horace Ludington, John R. Man
cheater and 8. 8. Curtis.
Following the election, the annual b&iv
quet was served at the Rome. Addresses
were delivered by General J. H. Culver,
Captains J. H. McClay, W. J. Broatrh,
John A. Gordon and W. H Riggs. The
annual paper was read by Captain Henry
E. Palmer on his captivity among th
Mioux Indians in the northwest In the early
summer of 1W. The Ioyal legion will
meet again the first Wednesday evening In
llaafcoad Arrives frooa Karoos
Tlauo for F'ooerol Thorsday
The funeral ot Mrs. Ellen Koamanv who
waa found dead at her home Tuesday
afternoon, was held from tha -residence,
1741 South Tenth street Thursday after
noon. Henry Koannan "arrived In- Omaha
Thursday morning to attend the funeral
uf his wife, afltr a fast trip from New
No canvassers
nor solicitors,
If you have EVER
"mande good" at
thing I will pky
you $100 a week.
Position perma
neit9 work ia
Omaha, if you pre
fer, you've got to
work HARD.
No "quitters"
nor men seeking
easy job'9 are
wanted. Please
don't take up my
time nor waste
if you
your own
are not
a "hum
This is an In
stallment Real Es
tate Proposition,
planned on en
dowment lines
POINTS" of aivy
similar thing in
America. You'll
buy it yourself
before you get
through. I did,
and I'm going to
buy more. ,
If YOU'VE got
the grit, determi
nation, "steam"
to make good at
anything you can
make M0R.E at
Call Room 216 Henshaw Hotel, 9 A. M. Friday, May 6
Yuri.. Mr. Koaman received the tragic
neaa of his bereavement, when he landed
in New Tork from a tour through Kurope.
The funeral took place at 2 o'cloc k. The
Rev. T. J. Mackay officiated. Burial waa
at Prospect Hill cemetery.
A Tea nt Gold
couM buy nothing better for female weak
nesses, lame back and kidney trnuM; than
Electric Hlttirs. 5oc. For sale by Deatoti
Drug Co.
Jodae Estelle Hears Pleaa In Court
from l.arajo lianbrr of A e-
ruaed People. v
William Carnaby, paroled forger, fafed
Judge Estelle again, thia time on a grand
larceny charge. He pleaded not guilty. A
similar plea was entered on a ilnlir
charge by Ueurge Tabor, who la alleged to
have stolen property woith $I.;0) frjm
Henry Goodman.
Joseph Williams und Ernest Wl's in. both
colored, denied, having held up Jame
Htupal. A plea of not guilty to manslaugh
ter came from James Hal, colored wh
struck his common law wife. Flora Putter
son, a" blow from which she died April 1'..
When you want you want when
you want It, say ao through Th. lies Want
Ad oolurina.