Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 06, 1910, Page 4, Image 4

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Denver Takes Only One in the Western; Phillies Win; Pirates Are Shut Out; Browns Lose
Decision in Close Game at Denver
Arouses Ire.
Paul Hurler Manages to Defeat
Columbus Four to One.
failed Oast, Whrn Ilia Ran Would
Have Tied trorr (irlaallee Win
by Score of Four to
Good llnuinst Made Profitable by
r.rrors In Fourth M adhens
llrat Millers One to
DENVER Colo., May 6. Intercut In lo
iay'a gams entered about a hit made by
Da I ton In the eighth Inning. Some warmth
cropped up over the same. The hit was
far away over the bicycle track and easily
good for four bases. When the ball ai
field' d It waa thrown over to ai'cond and
the bag waa touched. Umpire Clark de
creed that Dalton had omitted touching
that bag as he went by, ho waa out. A
ths hit had meant a tied score If allowed
there waa a wild acme about tne umpire,
after which Raftls waa arnt Into the gloam
ing. Manager Davis protesud with all
the vigor of his good lungH, but had to
take the place at short. Tonight Owner
! Of Ina declare he will not play again If
Clark umpire.
Des Molnee' errors gave lenver the lead
In the aecond and fourth Innings, which
the visitors could nut overcome.
The visitors scored In the first on a base
on balla on Dalton and sacrifice of Colli-,
gan and a hit of Muttlcks, and again In
tho fourth In a two-bagger by Matticks, a
aarlflce by Raftls, a hit and a steal by
Nlehoff and a tilt by Kerner.
Ienver acored in the second on a hit by
Caaaldy, a sacrifice by Lindsay, a hit by
McAleese and an error by Hen. In the
fourth a bane on bulla to Lindsay, an error
by Nlehoff a hit by McMurruy gave the
other runa.
When Biersdorfer relieved Hem he
topped Denver's hitting and run-getting,
but It waa too late.
After the Dnlton episode In tho eighth
Des Molnea got a runner to third in the
ninth, but could not get the man home.
The score:
AH. It. H. O. A. E.
Dalton, rf .1 1 a 0 0 0
Colllgan, 2b 3 0 0 5 2 0
Matticks, cf 4 1 2 2 0 1
Raftls, as i 0 1 2 0 U
Davis, a , 1 0 0 0 0 0
Nelhoff, Jb 4 1 2 0 2 1
Cut tls, If 4 0 0 3 0 0
Kerner. lb 3 0 15 10
Hachant, c 4 0 2 7 3 0
Hens, p 2 0 0 0 0 2
Rlersdorfer, p 1 0 0 0 0 0
Total 31 3 10 24 8 4
., , All. R. II. O. A. E.
Lloyd, 2b 2 0 0 1 3 0
Kelly, hk 4 0 1 4 2 0
Heall, If 4 0 1 0 1 0
vassiny, rr 3 1110 0
Lindsay, lb 2 1 0 12 0 1
McAleese, cf 4 2 2 2 1 0
Doian, 3b 4 0 0 1 2 0
McMurray, c 3 0 1 4 6 1
Adams, p 3 0 0 2 3 1
Totala ) , 6 27 17 3
Denver 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 04
Dea Moines 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 03
Two-base hits: Radiant, Matticks. Molen
baaes: Lloyd, Kelly, McAleese, Nelhoff.
Sacrifice hlU: Adams, Colllgan, Kaflls,
Lindsay. Baaes on balls: Oft Adams, 2;
Off Bens, 2; off Biersdorfer, 2. Struck out:
By Adams, J; by Bens, 4; by Biersdorfer, 4.
Left on bases: Denver, 8;. Des Moines,. S.
Double plays: McMurray to Kelly, Adams
to Lindsay.. Hit by pitched ball: Cussldy.
lime: Umpire: Clarke.
laager Bill la Appointed Captain of
the Reorganised Omaha
Word was received from Pa Rourke last
night that "Slugger Bill" Bchlpke has
been made field captain of the Omaha
base ball team.
"Slugger Bill" la a favorite with all the
Omaha fane and hia appointment to the
place of bona of the Rourkea will be ac
cepted by his frlenda with much rejoicing.
Bchkpk. Is a hard worker and fights all
the time and should prove a gwd field
Basel In 'a Mlzrra Win Second llnlf
and Championship of Three
Men I.eayrara.
BesHin a Mlxera won the second half
nd the match for tho championship of
the three-men leaguea of Omaha by a total
Of 4f plna. Bill Schneider had all hluh
honors for the evening with 16 for single
game ana mo ror loiais. (score:
1st. 2d. 3d. Total.
Beaellrt .121 141 178 its
D. Schneider.,....... ..151 . lft . ITS 4M)
W. Schneide m I'M ' 187 Wfi
Totals ...'.1 434 4s8 541 1,468
1st. , 2d. 3d. Total.
Neely , 15rt i 171 171 4ns
Plckard 144 Ittf lis 435
Read 100 m Vi) 4t4
Totals 460 4ir
The following are he scores
night for the motorcycle: Voas, i'M; Ager
wrg, (lit; Latey, 6i; Zurp. 664.
Nine Boya Matehea and One Girls'
Settled Across IN eta.
Nine boyB' matches and one girls' have
been played o far this week in the high
school tennis tournament. The results so
far are aa follows:
Luuile Kellers won from Gladys Clifford
by -3 and the other set in default. Bollard
v. on from Mltchel by default. Susmaii
defeated Offut in 0-tt 6-4, 6-3. MeCague
Itfeaied MtMei.emy, 7-S, 6-1. Millard de
feated Linn, a-a. 6-2. Scott defeated N Io
nian, 1-0. 6-1. Harm won from Hayley by
default. Davla defeated Ohrle, 6-3, g-6.
iiancker defeated PaUley, 6-0, 6-1.
The entries for the doubles are coming
In and they will be played off aa soon a.s
voaelble after the singles.
The senior class basket ball team and
the high school "B' basket ball team will
piay a game at the Young Men's CnrlstUu
association Thursday night, in ordir to set
tle the question of which five has the
championship of the school. High school
"B" has a record of some twenty-elgnt
games won and two lost and the senior
lads have defeated all the other cluss
basket bail teams.
HIbTstIm Says Saggeated Trauafer to
Oklahoma, City la Impossible.
DENVER, May S.-The Des Mclnea fran
chlae In the Western league will not be
transferred to Oklahoma City if John F.
Hlgglna, owner of the club, can prevent It.
According to an Interview with Mr. Hig
glns here todsy, ha purposes to spend
money freely In keeping ths Des Moines
team In high class. Among the additions
in prospect. It la said is Lange of the Chi
cago Americans.
"O'Neill Is only the president of the
league, while I am the owner of the Des
Moines team," Mr. Higglns is uuoted
saying, touching the statement credited to
ITeaiaent uosui, insi ine ies Moines
franchise might go to Oklahoma City.
"1 think Dea Mnlnea la the best town In
the league outalde of Denver, and I am
ulng to tnveat more monev in my team
We nave 10,000 tickets already sold for the
Ol-i-i ,ng game mere.
A Bli khauie
la no to have Uucklen's Arnica Calve to
curs burns, sores, plies, cuts, wounds and
Ulcere, Ke. For sale by Beaton Drug Co.
If you have anything to sell or eir-lt&jige
advertise It la The B- Want Ad columns
Standing of the Teams
...14 4 .778
...10 7 M
Denver 9 2 .SIX) Ht. Paul..
St. Joseph... 7 3 .7 Minneap's
Wichita J 4 .6911 Columbus
Sioux lltv... 4 4 ..W, Toledo ...
9 .W0
9 9 . 600
Topeka 8 6 .fiOoj I,ouisville ... 9 10 .474
l.lnooln ft 7 .4ir Indianap s .. a vo .a
Omaha 3 X .27H Kansas City. 9 .4
lies Mqiues. 3 10 .KUi Milwaukee .. 4 11 .2K7
W.L.Pct W.L.IVt.
Phila 9 4 .W2 phlU 9 4 .W2
PlttMburg ...9 4 .TO-'i Detroit 11 6 .6W
New York ..11 S .iH; Cleveland ... 9 6 .)
Chicago 8 6 .71 Now York.... 7 I .53
Cincinnati ..6 7 .4ii2 Boston 7 8 .4T
Boston 6 .357 Chicago 5 8 .3X5
Brooklyn ... 6 12 .294. Wash 12
. Louis ... S 11 .313, St. Louis 3 9 .2U)
Yesterday's "-core.
Llncutn-Toprka, postponed; rain.
Ktoux City-VVIihlla, postponed; rain.
les Molne.s, 3; Denver, 4.
Oiniiha-St. Joseph, postponed; rain.
Boston, 1; Brooklyn. 0.
Philadelphia. 9; New York, 3.
Cincinnati. 6; St. Louis, 2.
Chicago, 2; Pittsburg, 0.
Chicago, 3; Detroit, 6.
St. Louis. 1; Cleveland, 2. .
Washington, 1; Philadelphia, 10.
New York-Boston, postponed; rnln.
Columbus, 0; St. Paul, 4.
Toledo. 1: Minneapolis. 0.
Indlanapolls-Kansas City, postponed;
rnln I
Unilsville, 0; Milwaukee, 3.
fannies Todny,
Western League Lincoln at Topeka.
Sioux City at Wichita, Des Moines at Den
ver, Omaha at St. Joseph.
National League Boston at Brooklyn,
Philadelphia at New York.
Amiricun League Chicago at Detroit, St.
Louis at Cleveland, Washington at Phila
delphia. New York at Boston.
American Association Columbus at St.
Paul, Toledo ut Minneapolis. Indianapolis
at Kansas City, Louisville at Milwaukee.
Western League Gossip
"Jawn" Higglns, owner of the lies
Moines club, says that there Is nothing do
ing in Hie talk of taking the Des Moines
franchise away and giving it to Oklahoma
City. "Jawn" soys his sole aim now-a-days
Is to spend money to give the Iowa capital
a good team and that lie will go as far
aa necessary and a little farther to do it.
He says OMell Is only president of the
league, while he is the owner of the Pes
Moines club and will have something to
ay about any changes that are made. If
he can help it.
fcloux City has purchased "Chick" Hart-
man, lnfielder. from Denver. "Chick" ac
companied his new teammates on the trip
east when they left Denver, Tuesday night.
Fugate for Topeka and Olst for Lincoln
pitched tight ball. Wednesday, at Topeka.
Only ten hits were made in the game.
Higglns has received a wire from former
manager "BUI" Dwyer saying that he Is
ready to report for play. Transportation
has bren sent to him at Waterbury, Conn.
it is probable that tho big first sacker muy
not be in the best of condition on his ar
rival In the west, but Manager George
Davis has hopes of putting him in the first
corner in tho near future.
Lincoln is making big preparations for
t opening day, May 10. An invitation has
him extended to Taft to witness tho first
home game and Mayor Love, Governor
Shalleiiberger and W. J. Bryan will occupy
The Denver Times Is stronger than horse
radish in roasting Ueorge Clarke for his
umpiring. In fact almost half n column of
space Is devoted, telling the fans, how the
games should have been umpired according
to the viewpoint of the sporting writers.
It's pretty hard for most sport writers to
keep score and umpire accurately at the
same vlme.
George Graham has received word from
Pa Kourke to begin getting in shape so
that lie will be able to go into the game at
any time when the team reaches homo.
George is in good condition right now' and
ready to Jump Into the Scrimmage when
the call comes.
Des Moines Is still hopeful of landing
Lang from the White Sox. Higglns Is
looking for the word anytime that will
make the pitcher hls'n.
Kearney Leaguers
Defeat Hastings
In Cold Weather, Before Shivering
Crowd, Westerners of Buffalo
County Win 8 to 7.
KKAKNKY, Nek Muy 5,-The Kearney
capitalists defeated Hastings, m an exhibi
tion league game yesterday. The score
stood 8 to 7 at the close of the last inning.
The weather was cold and the spectators
watched the game in overcoats. The mana
gers of both teams made frequent changes
of men during the game fur the purpose
of testing their abilities.
Kearney still has eighteen men on her
list and they ire all showing up well, mak
ing the prospects for league ball this
seavou very bright.
fill SCO
Train of Twelve Curs to Take Omaha
Puna West.
Arrangement huve been made by the
Greater Omaha Athletic club to run a ape
rial excursion to San Francisco for the
Ji fferies-Johnaoii fUht to be held July 4.
Negotiations were completed Thursday and
It is expected a special train will bear 500
fight, fans away from the city over the
Union Pacific.
It Is expected that the train will leave
June 29 and arrive In 'Krisco the morning
of July i. It will leavo July 5 and arrive
In Omaha July 9. It Is proposed by the
railroad company to furnish a special of
ten or twelve coaches, t'pon arrival In
San Francisco the sleeping roaches will
be switched on tracks convenient to the
city so that those who wish may sleep in
the cars.
Lincoln Player (iolnix Hume After
Twenly.One Years.
George Hogrlever, who has played pro
fessional bate ball for twenty-one years
and who has been with the Lincoln team
Sim last year, when lie waa bought from
Pufblo, hu a been released. He started to
play ball In the early 'son and lua been in
(he Western league since 1:H6. He will go
to his Wisconsin home and probably will
land a Job in some of the minors la that
part of the country.
Cincinnati Snatches Five to Two
Victory from St. Louis.
Ohio Hurler la Effective Kxcept In
One lnolnar Boston Whips the
Trolley Dodgers One to
FT. LOUIS, May 5. A .seventh-inning
rally gave Cincinnati a 5 to 2 victory over
St. Louis today. Harmon was wild while
Gaapar. except for one truing, k"pt the
hits well scattered. Score:
Hiimnx, 2b.. 6
Kllla. It .... I
(lakaa, rf ... 3
Kouelchy, lb 4
Rvanjs rf.... 8
Phelpr, c ..4
HauMtr, as ..4
Mnwrey, 3b.. 4
Harmon, p.. I
Corrldon, p.. 0
O'Hiini I
Huawitt 1
1 3
1 1
0 3
1 is
0 2
1 6
0 0
1 2
0 1
0 0
0 0
1 0
ORew her, If. .. 4
OMIIler, rf 4
OHohhtMl, lb 5
12 0 0
1 t 0 0
17 3 0
13 0 0
0 6 4 0
1 t 4
0 6 2 1
113 0
0 0 0 0
('Mitchell, cf.
fiFnian, 3b ..
01nwney, as.
OMiUwn, o .
lI,ohert, 3b .
Ouaier, p . .
0 Totala ....
32 37 15 1
Totala 32 7 27 17 1
Halted for Harmon in seventh.
Batted for Corrldon in ninth.
St. Louis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cincinnati 1 0 0 0 0 0 4
2 0-2
0 0-6
Two-hasp hit: Ellis. Dousle play: Phelps
I to Mowrey. Htolen bases: Beschor, Mlt-
cneji, ijowney iz). nil oy pncnea nan:
Hy tlaspar. Kills, uvantt. wild piicn:
Harmon. Bases on balls' Off Harmon, H;
off Gas par, 3. Struck out: By Harmon, 2:
by Corrldon, 1; by Caspar, 2. Hits: Off
Harmon, 6 In seven Innings; off Corridon.
none in three Innings. Ijeft on bases: St.
Louis, 8; Cincinnati, 8. Time: 1:50. Um
pires: Klem and Kane.
Boston, 1 Brooklyn, O.
BROOKLYN. May 6. -Although outbatted,
Boston took the opening game of the series
here today, 1 to 0. Mattern kept the hits
scattered and was favored by phenomenal
support at critical points. A remarkable
one-handed catch by Sweeney, which he
turned into a double play, saved the game
In the sixth. Score:
AB. H.O.A.E. AB. H.O.A.E.
Moran. rf ... 3 1 1 0 HT. Rmlth, aa 3 3 1 4 o
I'olllnB. If... 8 1 0 DBuroh. cf ..30100
Gcta, 2b 4 0 4 6 ODavUlaun, cf 1 0 0 0 0
Rharpe. lb... 4 1 13 0 OWheat, If.... 3 2 3 0 0
Herzog. 3b... 3 0 2 2 0 Hummel, 2b. 4 0 4 1 0
Hwaeney, aa.. 3 0 2 2 ft Dauber t. lb.. 4 1 15 0 0
Back, cf ... 3 1 2 0 OH. Smith. r(. 3 0 0 0 0
H. Smith, c. 2 0 0 4 oLnnox 1 0 0 0 0
aJiuern, p... 3 0 0 2 OM. KIveen, 3b. 4 0 1 2 0
Erwln. c 2 1 S 3 0
Totala 27 I SI K 0 Barter, p.... 3 0 0 3 0
Totals 31 6 IT 14 0
Smith in ninth.
0 0001000 01
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0
Boston, 4; Brooklyn, 7.
Beck, T. Smith, Wheat.
Sweeney, Smith, stolen
Batted for H.
Left on bases:
Two-base hits:
Sacrifice hits:
base: Erwln. Double plays: T. Smith to
Daubert. Sweeney to Sharpe. Bases on
balls: Off Barger, 3; off Mattern, 2. Struck
out: By Barger, 1; by Mattern, 1. Time:
Umpires: Johnstone and Moran.
Chlrnaru, 2 Flttabnrsr, O.
PITTSBURG, May R. Chicago shut out
Fittsburg 2 to 0, today. Overall was ef
fective, striking out seven men and al
lowing only three hits. He was supported
by errorless fielding. The score:
Batted for Powell In the eighth.
Pittsburg 00000000 00
Chicago 00100000 1-2
Two-base hits: Sheckard, Beaumont. Sac
rifice hits: Miller, Steinfeldt, Overall. Stolen
base: Leach. Bases on balls: Off Powell, 4.
Hit by pitched ball: By Powell, Chance.
Struck out: By Maddox, 1; by Powell, 2;
by Overall, 7. First base on errors: Chi
cago, 2. Left on bases: Pittsburg 7; Chi
cago, 10. Hits: Off Powell, 8 In eight In
nings. Time: 1:50. Umpires: O'Day and
Bren nan.
I'hllatlelphla, 1 w York, 3.
NEW YORK. May 5. -The Philadelphia
Nationals outplayed New York in every
way today and defeated the Giants, 9 to 3.
The score:
Batted for Raymond In the third.
Batted for Dickson In the eighth.
Philadelphia 0 2 6 0 0 0 0 0 1 B
New York 00000000 23
Two-base hits: Grant,' Devore. Three
base hit: Magee. Struck out: By Ewlng.
2. Bases on balls: Off Kwlng, 4; off Ray
mond, 2; off Dickson, 1; off Klawltter, 2.
Umpires: Rlblor and Emslie.
John Kling Signs
For Three Years
Becalcitrant Cub Catcher Now Beady
to Don Uniform to Get Into
CHICAGO, May 5. John Kling signed a
three-year contract with the Chicago .Nu
tWinjtl 1.jnirilA huMti hall nlllh In PmaMnl
C. W. Murphy's office here late tonight.
"subject to the terms of the National com-
mission's ruling." Mr. Murphy said. This
means that Kilng will get a salary of
H,&X for the season. In addition Kling was
iv. oh-r-u for hi. .h.r. ,.f ih. naa
prize money what President Murphy pre
sented his players at the close ot the VMM
This Is the final move in the famous base
ball caae and all that remains Is for Kling,
to get out and play ball.
Davenport, Waterloo, Blooming-ton
aad gurlns)fleld Are Victors.
DAVENPORT, la.. May B. Davenport
seised the lust game from Ruck Island, t
io 1, today by a bold play in the seventh
inning. Hits were as scarce as warm sun
beams, but errors were plentiful, largely
i n aocuunt of the cold, l'hu soore:
Davenport 00000020 i 4 2
Rock island 0O0V0010 0-1 t 3
liulycross and Coveny; Cavet and
WATERLOO, la.. May 5 -Waterloo open
ed Us nieinuer.tnip in tne Three-I league to
uay by detesting Dubuque easily, 5 to 3.
Tne score: H U E.
Waterloo 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 6 S 1
Dubuque OU010001 02 7 i
Clow Be and Harrington; Harruig and Ma
lum. DANVILLE, III.. May 5.-DanvlIle a
newcomer In the '1 hree-l league, opened thj
il'10 season today by losing to tilooinlngton,
9 , a Tl... u -A. u if I.'
,v v. lie nu, . , .
Ilnnvlll A A A A A A A 3 A I I
Uluoniington 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 04 t 2
Wood and Wolfe; Royer and Langdon.
SPRINGFIELD. 111.. May 6Peorlas
fiimlcr. aere wild in the seventh inning
yesterday ar.d Springfield Hon the opening
game, 12 to 4 Peorla'a errore were more
thoae of amission than commtxalon. Score:
e'prlr.gfield 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 U 10 I
Peoria U00004000 4 S 4
liudermilk and Johnron; Cooke, Mercer
and Aa'uuasen.
Foley Kidney Pills contain In concen
trated form ingredients of atsabliahed ther
apeutio value for the relief and curt of all
kidney and blaJdar tilmenU
What chamcc s rHtReroKAPooKtAieQfttiq- ?
Tajo-ourAHD-m&JSAsesrvu. f
crj sy A I HAT rim
JXr oi'po" FLY"
Jeffries' and Johnson's Managers
Fail to Agree.
Colored Champion Insists on Either
Eddie Graney or Jack Welch of
San Francisco, So There
Y'on Are. '
SAN FRANCISCO May 5 After four
hours' gentlemanly wrangling at Jack
Johnson's training quarters on the ocean
beach today, promoters and principals of
the Jeffries-Johnson fight came to a dead
lock over the choice, of 'a referee. It was
finally decided to postpone ths selection
of that official until May 15.
After the elimination of a few undesir
ables, the controversy narrowed down to
Eddie Graney and Jack Welch and Eddie
Smith of Oakland, Johnson Insisting on
one of the two former men, and Sam Ber
ger holding out for Smith,
Johnson's objections to SmiOi waa that
Smith gave him the ivrotig end of a de
cision in a fight, with Hank Griffin In
Oakland a few year ago. The negro re
fused to consider "Cti'arllo Lyton of ' Los
Angeles, as he is a fellow citizen of Jef
Although Charlio White, who at one time
figured prominently as a possibility, was
not even mentioned, the outcome of the
controversy is thought to have left the
possibilities for the choice of an eastern
Johnson Is firm in his objection to Smith
and Berger Is equally firm In opposing
Welch and Graney. Johnson has an
nounced today he would begin training a
week from Sunday.
"Five or sixwecks of hard work Is all I
need,' he said. i
BEN LOMOND, Cal., May 4.-Jeffries
hurried back to his training tamp here at
noon, bringing with him Mrs. Jeffries, who
Is recovering from an operation. Jeffries
did not visit San Francisco during his
late holiday, preferring to let Berger
squabble over the referee question with
Jack Johnson and the promoters of the
Jeffries was pleased to hear that Frank
Gotch, the champion heavyweight wrestler,
will Join the camp in a week.
Gotch Steals
March on Pole
Getting Date
Champion Wrestler Secures Own
Time and is Now in Good
Form for Match.
CHICAGO, 111., May S.-B'rank Gotch,
champion heavy-weight wrestler of the
world, Iowa farmer and acknowledged pre
mier of the mat in tricky grappling, won
his first point in the championship mutch
with Zbyszko, the Polish giant, set for May
I 80 at tha Whi,e ex baU pa, k' when he
I we"' t0 Minneapolis pearly four weeks ago
BIld 8.a" "ecret tr"''" for he cllm
I matJCh ot hU career' Tha Humboldt county
'nd owner at that early date "outguessed"
foreign rival. He had not been matched
with Zbyszko because of hla excessive
terms, but "guessed" that the Pole would
not go home to Europe without wrestling
"Gotch left everything here in Chicago
to Emtl Klank, the Empire Athletic club
official and hlr manager," said a local
follower of the game. "Klank was in
structed to hoid out for 00 per cent for
Gotch, win, lose or draw, and Gotch knew
the I'ole would have to concede his point.
As a result, Gotch is now in perfect con
dition to meet the b!g man from Poland.
Gotch- was not in lorm when he met
Zbysxko In a handicap match lust winter.
Ha has watched the. Pule carefully and
has handed down his plan of campaign
against Zbysxko.
"Gotch doubts his ability to successfully
work the too hold on Zbyszko. But he
had the same lack cf confidence In that
hold when he preparttl for Mjlimout. And
it Is wrestling history that he took tha
Turk off his guard and, surprised In in by
getting the winning fulls with a half-Nelson
and crotch hi id."
lliiirr Heady lo Report.
DES MOINES. la.. May 5.-(Speclal.)-Fonuer
.WatiuMer William Dwyer of the
Dea Molnea BuKe Lall club has wlied
Owner john F. iliggtns that he will nport
to tha teaui as oou us tritiiHporlution is
forwarded to hifi ut Wuleibury, Conn.
This means that he will reach Hie team
In lime tor the Deliver series, it hr is
The hatd-hlttiiig first i-acker is Just re
covering from the effects of an operation
p. i formed in March for appedtcltla. It Is
probable that ha 1. not In ln. beat of tun
union for pluviug. but Manager George
Davis haa hopes uf putting him buck ut
tlikl In the near future. If the outfield
does no pick up In backing it is iMjaible
Kerner Mill be ahlftud to tne outfield from
fiial base when ivyar is iu snas. .
William I. Phllpott of Teenmaeh
Celebrates SIxty-Flrat Anni
versary of Illrth.
TECUMSEH, Neb., May 6.-(Speclal.)-Tecumseh
claims to havo the youngest
civil war veteran In Nebraska In William
I. Phllpott, who was not yet 16 years of
age when the war closed, but saw practi
cally two enlistments, totaling nineteen
months, in that struggle. Mr. Phllpott was
61 years old on April 22 and celebrated his
birthday by joining the Grand Army of tho
republic, of which he had never before
become a member.
When a mere boy of 12 years Phllpott
went to the front as a flfer with Company
I of the Ninety-eighth Ohio. When the
soldiers were being recruited he played the
fife and beat the drum and helped stir up
patriotism. The company took Phllpott
along and dressed him In the army uniform,
although he was too young to be regularly
enlisted. With his boyish appearance and
weighing less than eighty pounds Phllpott
attracted much attention and one day when
the company was In Louisville, Ky., a lady
was heard to remark, "Oh, what a pretty
little solider.' The boy, however, kept up
with tho regiment on all the long marches
and saw many skirmishes.
After threo mopths as a flfer boy Philpott
took ill and was sent home, but In April,
18G4, ho enlisted In Company A, Eightieth
Ohio Infantry, and served for sixteen
month, being on Sherman's march to Che
sea, and in many engagements.
"I don't see how they cs.i find any
younger veterans than I am, for they
wouldn't have been old enough at the time
of the war to get in tho service," said Mr.
Phllpott In speaking of his record.
Mr. Phllpott has lived 1n Nebraska since
1871, and In Tecumaeli since 1884. He had
two brothers In the civil war. One of them
is ttorney J. E. Phllpott of Lincoln, who
was colonel of an Ohio regiment, and the
other was the late Dr. C. H. Phllpott of
Tecumseh, who was a prlvute in the Eigh
tieth Ohio.
Nebraska News Notes.
SEWARD Ralph Dunbaugh the only
son of Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Dunbaugh, died
at their home this morning. He underwent
an operation yesterday. He was a most
estimablo young man.
TECUMSEH Richard L. Metcalfe as
sociate editor of The Commoner, Lincoln,
will deliver the address to the class of the
Tecumseh High school upon the occasion
of graduation, Thursday evening, May 2il.
1 he clnss will include eighteen young peo
ple, eight boys and ten girls.
HOLDREGE Ellsworth J. Swldell and
Zalda Belle Little, both of Oxford v.eri
married at the Baptist parsonage yester
day by Rev. W. M. Martin. The bride was
born at Genoa. Ill , where she spent her
girlhood. The groom ha llvfd on a farm
near Oxford all his life. The young couple
expect to go to housekeeping at ono on
a farm In Harlan county,
SEWARD The will of the late Henry
Bedford, which was contested by his chil
dren, was set aside yesterday by Judge
Colman. This estate was floO.OOO and the
money was left to be divided among twenty-seven
grand children when they had
reached the age of 30 years. Some years
prior to Mr. Bedford's death he gave each
of his children a fine farm.
TECUMSEH The Tecucseh friends of
Miss Mary Falrbrother, who have heard
but little of her since the San Francisco
earthquuke, will be pleased to learn that
she Is succeeding In newspaper work In
that city. At a recent feeting of the
members of the parliamentary section of
the California club of San Francisco, of
which Miss Falrbrother la a member, she
was presented with a handsome California Missouri 02110100 05 4 5
club pin by her associates. Arkansas ' 40000210 0-7 8 4
HOLDREGE The first event of the ! Marshall and Kline; Tompkins and Mil
school year's close In this cltv was he'd j fold.
yesterday when the senior class of the high I
school observed "sneak" dy, whlc'i D Arcadia Defeats Lake City.
grunied them annually by the faculty. It . AKB CITY, la., May 5. (Special.) The
wa-s Intended at first to have a picnic at . Arcadla amateur base ball team defeated
Vtock Falls, north f here, but th i Incon-, V , k (M,y professional team In the
slstency of the May weathtr dr ve then 1"" . ,i, v.sirdav. Th
liii r, ri a wniinrr piau o, so inpv weoi it,
Oxronl, Instead. There they had an en
joyable tiniij, luncheon, at the hotel, and
a trip to the Republican river b?lng amnog
other amusements of the day's proaram.
Miss Mathlns n, one of th i h srh sell ol
Instructors, accompanied the Mais, mil
chareroned them during the clay. N xt
Wednesday evening the snnutl Junior-senior
banquet ll bs g ven et the N
Hampton hotel. This has been a r gular
function for a number of yea s pas' ard
this spring the attend nc? will Ve la e '
than ever, plates having been engiced for
over 100 f if l oth classes. A number of oas s
will be responded to by hoth students and
members of the high school faculty.
HOLDREGE L. T. Johnson, chairman of
the Commercial club's committee on ar
rangements, haa announced the plana for
the "Phelps Countv Boosters' day" which
will be held in this city on May 14. The
merchants of the city will make prepara
tions to entertain the pei'ple of the county
In different ways, vltn the objfet of pro
moting the Interests of the farmers and
the townspeople, which are Identical with
thoxe of the retailers. Addresses will be
made during the day and problems of com
mon good will be discussed by county
boosters. Go irge B. Irving of Chicago,
who has made considerable study of the
smeller clths and their operations In a
business way, will give an address In the
evening at the ora house. He will point
out the pitfalls that usually are In the way
of the average town and what co-operation
and enthusiasm la nrrea.ary to keep
the people of the cltlea and adjacent terri
tory working for the ultimate good of ull.
While In thla city Mr. Irving will study
Industrial and manufacturing resources
here and make recommendutiona to
profitable InisliKs. expanu.on In different
lines of trade in the city.
If you have anything to sail or exchange
udvertlae it In The Uea Want Ad .columns.
Philadelphia Swamps Washington
with Score Ten to One.
Feature In Game, as Two
from Enrh Team Are
Credited In Helpers'
PHILADELPHIA, May 6-Philadelphla
swamped Washington today, 10 to 1. The
latter played poorly In the field and could
not hit Morgan's delivery. A peculiar
featuro of the game was that only two
players of each team were credited with
assists. Score:
Milan, cf ..4150 Oltarticl, If .. 4 1 I 0 0
Srhaefw, 2b. . 4 0 1 0 lnldrtn;, rf.. 3
lllvll. If.. 4 0 I 0 JStrunk, rf... 1
Klberf.dl, 8b 4 1 0 0 OCnlllna. 2b... 1
Gearler. rf... 8 1 S 0 llllalh, lb .... 1
0 10 0
12 0 0
0 12 0
0 0 0 0
10 0 0
0 2 0 0
0 10 0
2 10 0
2 3 0 0
0 0 1
10 4 0
CriHika, lb
, 4 1 0 nltakar, 3b ,.4
2 II 3 0 IM.'Innls, 3b.. 0
,8018 Ollltvla. lb.... 8
8 0 0 ( 1 Hoiiw, lb... 1
Murphy, rf... 3
,11 4 23 8 r. Hurry, aa ... 8
LtYlngatnaie, c 3
Morgan, p .. 4
McBricla, l
Street, o
Walker, p
Totala .
Totala .....31 9 87 4 1
Philadelphia 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 10
Washington .....-... 000001001
Two-b-ixe hits: Oessler. Uaker. Sacrifice
flies: Murphy, McBride. Sacrifice hits'
DkvIb, Dath. Stolen base: Hartxel. Left
on bases: Washington, fi: Philadelphia, 5.
Pases on balls: Off Walker, n. Hit by
pitched ball: By Morgan, Gessler. Struck
out: llv walker, l: by Morgan, z. wim
pitch: Walker. 'Time: 1:42. Umpires:
Connolly and Dlriefrh u '
Cleveland, ill St. I.ouls, 1.
CLEVELAND, May 6. Cleveland played
Its seventh extra inning game of the season
today and beat St. Louis, 2 to 1, In ten
Innings. Joss had St. Louis shut out till
the ninth, when with two out Hoffman
singled, stole second and scored on Wal
lace's double. Cleveland won In the tenth
on Stovali's single, Clarke's sacrifice and
Bradley's hit, which would have been good
for three bases. Score:
AB.H.O.A.12. U.K. H.O.A.E.
Orariey, cf.. 4 0 8 0 OFIsher, If.... 4 0 8 0 0
Turner, sa... 4 0 0 8 0 Hoffman, cf 4 14 0 0
Krueger, If.. 0 10 0 OWaliaca, 8b. 4 2 2 0 0
Lajole, 2b... 4 0 2 4 lOrlxxa, 2b... 4 0 12 0
Stoall. lb.. 4 1 14 0 OCrlaa, lb ... 4 0 8 0 0
Clarka, 0....S 1 8 OSobwaliar rf. 33 0 0 0 0
Lord, rf .... 8 0 1 0 0Harta.ll, aa. 8 0 0 1 0
Bradley. So.. 4 8 1 2 OKIIIIfar, c ,4101
Joaa. p 2 0 0 4 OFowall, p... 2 0 0 1 0
asione 1 0 0 0 0
Totala 32 80 18 iGUIIgan, p 0 0 0 0 8 0
i . ' --
...... Totals 38 428 1
One out when winning run was scored.
Batted for Powell In ninth.
Cleveland 0 00001000 12
St. Louis 0 00000001 O-l
Hits: Off Powell, 4 In eight Innings. First
on errors: St. Louis, 1. Two-base hits:
Bradley, Wallace. Three-base hit: Kruger.
Sacrifice hit: Clarke, stolen bases: Brad
ley, Hoffman, Schweitxer. Double play:
Hoffman to Killlfer, Bases on balls: Off
Joss, 1; off Powell, 1; off Gllligan. 1. Left
on bases: Cleveland, 5; St. Louis, 4. Struck
out: By Joss. 9; by Powell, 6. Time: 1:54.
Umpires; Kerln and Sheridan.
Detroit, 5 Chicago, 3.
DETROIT, March 6. In a game marked
by one. peculiar inning. Detroit today beat
Chicago. Walsh was batted off the rubber
In the seventh, the home team having tied
It with two out and still having Cobb on
second when Young was called In. He
walked two men, filling the bases. Jennings
sent Morlarlty to. bac snd Duffy called
Scott Into the game. Moriarity was then
called back to the bench without reaching
the plate and Schmidt, a left-hand hitter,
went to bat for the first time thlB year
and singled, scoring two runs and deciding
the game.
Summers was strong outside one Inning
and Walsh was good until Stanage opened
tho seventh with a triple and the hilling
began. Both teams fielded better than the
figures show. Walsh' was put off the field
in the eighth for talking from the bench.
Hatted for Rummers In seventh.
Batted for Lathers in seventh.
Batted for Scott in ninth.
Detroit ..0 0 0 0 1 0 4 0 -6
Chicago 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0-3
Two-base hit: Zelder. Three-base hit:
Stanage. Hits: Oft Summers, 6 in seven
Innings; off Walsh, 7 in six and two-thirds
innings. Sacrifice hits: Lathers, Zeider,
Cole, Walsh. Stolen bases: Bush (2), Cobb,
Crawford. Double plays: Lathers to Dele
hanty to Simmons, Summers to Lathers.
Left on bases: Detroit, 7; Chicago. 8. Bases
on balls: Off Summers, 2; off Walsh, 2; off
Young, 2. first on errors: Detroit, 2; Chi
cago, a. strucK oui: ai pumhh-i , .
Walsh, B; by Scott, 2. Time:
plres: Perrine and O Loughlln
1:50. Urn-
'Mlssu" Kicks on Vniplre.
FAYETTEVILLE. Ark., May 6. (Special
Telegiuin.) Four rank derisions at the
plate beat Mlsslurt In the game yesterday.
toy the score of 7 to 6. Missouri had a
Datched-up team In t.he field. Marshall
who pitched yesterday did a.) again today
and Hayden replaced J-leeeher at
MsourTi 0 2 1 1 0 1 0 0 0-5
firct min
game was played at Carroll. The game was
a fast one, notwithstanding a few error on
I both sides. The purnera lor- ijik riiy
vre Crlsslnger and handler; oatcuer, rom
Gaffney. A mHtnuioth crowd was In at
tendance. A Pleaaant Surprise
follows the first dose of Dr. King's New
Life Pills, the painless regulators that
strengthen you. Ouarantecd. &c. For sale
by Beaton Drug Co.
Hecently-Klect lominlaalonera Reor
ganise Departments of
Municipality. (
HURON. B. D., May 8 (Special.) At a
meeting of the newly elected officers last
night, Huron 1 now uVider what Is known
aa the commission farm of government.
Mayor Korpp briefly addressed thho meet
ing, which was largely attended, after
which the following heads of departments
were chosen; it. L. Tobln, street and
public property; Charles E. Young, police
and fire; John C. Madsen, water works and
sewer, and A. A. Chamberlain, finance and
revenue. These appointments were also
made: ' '
Foley Kidney rills sra antiseptic, tonlo
and restorative and a prompt corrective of
11 urinary Irregularities. Refuse substi
tutes. Fur sals bv all druggists.
Iieo Want Ads will boost your business.
ST. PAUL, Minn., May r. -Chech mil the
better of It In a plirhcr's 1 attle this after
noon, St. Paul shutting Coin nl us out In
the second game of the, lere , 4 to 0
LMihardt was wild In the Hist Inning and
forced In a run. St. Paul lurched hlti
with Columbus' errors In. the ninth Seora:
All. H. Org K
All H O.A.K. -
Clarka. If
,3110 HO Kourka,
2b i) I I In
Bulbar, 3b.. 4
Jonaa, rf . . 3
Murray, rf. . 8
Sfienrer, c . , 2
0 2 4
CO,lall, cf .. 4 0 i tmr
0 Unarm, lb. .. 8 1 J 11'
0 10
I . il (iRiinaman, lb 4 ill 1 it
6 AHIt'fhmati, rf 4 1 1 ft
Aulrrv. lb. .1 2
. R-!H. It . . 3 0 l) 0 II
Oyulnlan. aa. . I 0 2 4 1
0 Arbogaat, c. . 1 0 3 A II
OUebhardt. p 1 0 1 1
Mc orm'k. aa 4 0 i 1
WrlajlFV, 2b. . 4 1 4 8
Chech, p 8 0 0 1
Totala 27 4 27 1 8 I Totala 1 8 ti 11
St Paul 1 0 0 2 0 0 10 -
Columbus 000000000 0-0
Two-has ' hit: Murtay. Stolen bases:
Boucher. Murrnv, Clarke, Autrey. Rases on
bal's: Off Cheih, 2; off Llebhardt, f). Hit
bv ' niched ball: Downs. Strit k nut- By
Chech. 3: by Llebha dt, 2 Tasked ball: Ar
i bogast. Siioriflce hits: Llebhardt. ClarVi.
Sacrifice fly: Jones. Left on bae: 3 .
Paul. 7; Columbus, 7. l:l. Lmpi es;
Ferguson and Blerhalter.
Toledo. I I Jllnnrnpolls, O.
MINNEAPOLIS. May rV-Ylngllne; held
Minneapolis to three hits today and Toledo
won, 1 to 0. Score:
Dawson batted for Clynier In eighth.
Minneapolis 00000000 0-1
Toled.) 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1
Three-base hits: Freeman. ButDr, F.lws.t.
Struck out: Bv Altrock, ; by flngllng. 3.
Bases on balD: Off Altrock, 4; of 1 Inj I in,
4. Time: 1:45. Umpires: VanSyokle ill
Mlluankrr, at Louisville, O.
MILWAUKEE, May R Tom Dougherty
pitched grand ball this afternoon, the home
club winning, 3 to 0. Score:
Milwaukee 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 -J
Louisville 0 0000000 0-0
Two-base hits: Dougherty, Dunleavy.
Bases on balls: Oft Dougherty. 1; off
Weaver, 4. Struck out: By Dougherty, 0;
by Weaver, 6. Umpires: Cushack and
Donne Takes Pern's Mensnre.
CRETE, Neb., May B.-W Special. A very
close and exciting game of base ball was
played yesterday afternoon on the Doane
field between Doane and Peru. Doane won
It in tho first inning, when It made four
runs. Dlvoll's home run, that brought in
two other runners, wus tho master stroke.
Doane mads no more. runs, und Peru could
get but three, one In the sixth and two In
the ninth. Peru played a very plucky game
In the face of defest. It was a pitchers'
battle, In which Orth proved himself a lit
tle better than Stevens. "Tuck" Moore, a
former Doane player, caught for Peru. Tho
soore: R.1I.E.
Peru 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 23 3 5
Doane 4 00000000422
Batteries: For Peru. Stevens and Moore;
for Doane, Orth and Mronson. Struck; out:
By Stevens, 6; by Orth, 9. Umpire:-Brld-enstlne.
Burklra-Smlth Go.
Considerable Interest attaches to the six
round go scheduled for Friday night at
Ostoff hall between Guy Buckles and
Tommy Smith. The match Is booked by
the Sterling Athletic club, which has also
arranged for some hustling preliminaries
ahead of the main event.
fSrlnnell Gives n fianie. .
DES MOINES.' MaV 8. (Special ' Tele-',
gram.) Nebraska defeated Grlnnell college
here yesterday In a loosely played game by
a score of 10 to 8. Greensllt hit well for the
visitors and Olmstead pitched a very good
uphill game. Score:
Nebraska 1 0 3 0 4 0 8 6 0-H
Grlnnell 1 3 4 0 1 0 0 0 0-1
Batteries: Mathes. Olmstead and Green- .
slit; Flckuns and Loos. Hits: Nebraska, 15 1
Grlnnell, 7. Errors: Nebraska, 4; Grlnnell, 6.
Thitl AJhlotiO
'Q upports boy" fj
3 trousers andl
without wnnk-
line. Freedom
of circulation
'and Quickness in
dress is assured.
For bovi In knee
'trousers. Made for
girls alto.
Warta mm
Sold bv Leading
nartmcnt houses.
11 your dealer does
iot ateeD uiciu.
riir Dealers re
rl.n nv detective
'pairs. Kaioa uaM
. Unl.
latnstoo. Mien.
Is one of the best remedies of the
American Druggists Syndicate.
It contains medicinal properties
of the famous waters-of Carlitbad,
Wiesbaden and Marli nbad.
It cleanses tho system, elim
inates gout, rheumatism, grnvel,
corrects torpid liver, poor diges
tion, and Is good for the kidneys,
the blood and the nerves.
If you are all run down and your
system neodu cleansing and toning
up, if your appetite is bad and
your brain isn't clear, you'll be
very much pleased with this rem
edy, which is next to a gloJ phy
sician's prescription. ,
At n 4 n. S. drug store.
4 Jrf
31 Id f
aWf m i iu Vim
11 I
a f 111
1 ti li 11. 1 - m
':-'. S Ki
Look for
this Sign X oV
in the J MB Ivm
Ofugg!l'i f " " " fl
I With 11,000 Oil.,, pHnlaa
FOftD FOR Waak and nervous met
wno una their bower xm
NJI-"iVVFi work and youthful vlgoe
'-' " gone aa a raault of over
work or mental exertion should take
uiaka you tat and sleep and bs uiaa
91 Bog 3 boxas ta.BO by mall.
BXBBatA ft af OOOaHEtl, SBVtt CO,
Cor. 16th and Dodge Streets.
Oot. lata sad names eita. Omaha. ah
Piano Player Co. Sfock
of Pianos,
Plavera. Player pianos
and Piano Plaver Mu.ic. aV aala
Saturday. May. .Cu. i