THK BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY. MAY 5. 1910. 4 l mm tali TT. YDUBO OWN 3 II i fT31WTN. : . - 1518-1520 Farnam Street ? If it permits Itself tn lone the stern and verlls virtues, nnri tliln without reg-nrd to whether the. Iohs I 1ne to the growth of a hearties and all-abHorhlns; commercialism, tii prolonged InUnlKenop In luxury and soft effortless ph fie, or t(j tho deflcatlon of a Wnrped and twisted sentimentality. Moreover, and above all, let us remem hrr that words count only when they jrlvp xpre-ielon to deeds or. are to he translated Into them. The leaders of uie Red Ter ror prattled of peace, while they steeped their hands In the blood of tho Innocent ; and many a tyrant has culled It peace, when he has scourged lioneet protest Into alienee. Our words must be Judsed by our deeds: and In striving for a lofty Ideal we muni use practical methods; and If we cannot attain all at ono leap, we must advance towards It step by step, season ably content so long as we do actually make rome. progress In the rlicht direction Now, having freely admitted the limita tions to our work, and the qualifications to be borne In mind, I feel that I have the right to have my. word taken seri ously when I point out where, In my Judgment, great advance can be made In me cause or international peace. I speak a a practical man, and whatever I now advocate I actually tried to do when I was for the time being the head of a great nation, ard keenly Jealous of its honor and Interest.- suit other nations to do only what 1 should be glad to see my own nation do. Treaties of Arbitration. The advance can be'made along several lines. First of all there can be treaties of arbitration. There are, of course, states ao backward that a civilized community ought ret to enter into an arbitration treaty with them, at least until we have gone much further than at present in securing some kind of International police action. -But really civilized communi ties should have effective arbitration trea ties among themHelves. I believe that these treaties can cover almost all ques tion liable to arise between such nations If they are drawn with the explicit agree ment that each contracting party will re rpect the other's territory and Its absolute aoverelgnty within that territory, and the equally explicit agreement that (aside from the very rare cases, where the nation's honer is vitally concernedt all other possi ble subjects of controversy will be sub mitted to arbitration: -Much a treaty would Insure peace unless one party deliberately violated it,- Of course, as yet there Is no adequate safeguard" against such deliberate violations, but the establishment, at,eut4i.. cnt number of these treaties would go a JlT J' t,5J'd:i:r(tiJ1&' a world, opinion which iwmild finally find expression In the provision of methods, to forbid or punish any such violation. Thw llagae Tribunal. Secondly; there Is the further develop ment of the-Hague Tribunal, of the Work of the conferences and courts nt The Hague. It has been well said that the first Hague confereiue framed a magna charta for the nations,; It get before us an Ideal whih has already to some extent been realized, and towards the full realiza tion of which we can all steadily rtrlve. The second conference made further prog ress, the third should do yet more. Mean while the American government has more ' than once tentatively auggested methods for completing tlm court of arbitral justice, constituted at the second Hague confer ence, and for rendering It effective. It Is earnestly to be . hoped Unit the various governments of liurope, workli g with tho-.e of America and of Asia, shall set them selven seriously to the task of devising some method which shall accomplish this result. If 1 may venture the suggestion, It would be well for tl)e statesmen of the world. In planning for the erection of this world court; to study what hns been done In the United SiateH by the supreme court 1 cannot help thinking that the constitu tion of tho United ' Ptntrs. notably In the establishment of the' supreme court and in the methods adopted for securintr peace and pood relations among and between the dif ferent states offers certain valuable an alogies to whnt should be striven for In order to secure,' through -the Hague courts and conferences, a species of world feder ation for International peace and .luetic. There are. of. course, fundamental differ ences between what the United Sintes con stitution does and what we should even attempt at this time to secure at The Hague; but. the methods adopted In the American constitution, to prevent hostil ities between the stales, and to secure the supremacy of the federal court In certain classes of cases, arc well worth the study GOtJSTSWEO?. raws PAW-PAW PILLS A JIunyon'a Tav-- - ' 'Tfl-.T Pllla are nn. &$tj all other lax- A v'jiiii,jru'7i tivcs or cathartics. They coat the liver a, aiuviiy oy '-1 09 thow.H-. rt-t ri they Jj nt weak en; lul thtv d oUrt all tho gecro tiens of the l.vcr una s o"iac:i in a way tiu.t ccon tu!i thes? organs in a healthy condition ui corrects couati- oninicn rer.stination is'ulo for mott ti!mcnt. Thers ure thiriy-twa fect of t u.u:i bowels, which fa really a sewer pipo. WLcn this pips bacttnoa cloercd. the wT'.ob tystem becomes poiiccei, causing bi.iou'nes, in liss'.ion sn4 impure ioo I. TfU-.h often produces Theumastism and kM'-'-y a.l ments. Na woman who s ilfers v. i.a con stipation, or as.' liver crmluat c-.n ts pect to have a clear comploxtca, t? enjoy good health. Ulunyon's Paw-Paw Pil's ara a t-nh to tho stomach, liver an 1 per e. T cy invigorate inslend cf wra'enin.-j th y enrich the blood n6teed oi t-n-loversh-ing it; they cnnhlo tiio f.cmach to jet all tho 1 1 uribbibent ."on luoJ Uiat u put into I. Theso 1 1 !a rnntin n e-Jawrl, us dope, they ara .oothr . 1 a I latin. T w. v l -; i tor e' j Xi ;. without plt-ia. V..sq 113 tU. Watch Friday Papeis mi' tin ng :ue or i'iam r" nvf r t.-o . Mi slrk of ri.M ! .-. l',;:yet-. Player Pi- fj alia un.i t'l.iiiu rm er Mulc at KATXIIK'S laaaTancBagrBttr ration. In mi "ArnoJcT J Goods $ : r'S Something New ot Interest to Vomen. We are showing the "ARNOLD" y Fine Knit Gauze Umbrejla Drawers, embroidered and lacrt trimmed. They differ from lawn, cambric, or drawers made of rib bed fabric. Prices start ' at 50 ' cents. Money back If you are not . satisfied with them after a trial.' Write for Arnold booklet. . PEOPLE'S STORE of those who seek at The Hague to obtain the same result on a world scale. Limitation of Armaments. In tho third place, something should be dune as soon as possible to check the growth of cirmainenta, especially naval armaments, ' by International agreement. No one power could or Hhtnild act by itself; for It Is eminently undesirable, from the standpoint of the peace of righteousness, that a power which really does belltve in peace should place Itself at the mercy of some rival .which may at bottom have no such belief' and no Intention of acting on it. Hut, granted sincerity of "purpose, the great powers' of the world should find no insurmountable difficulty in reaching an agreement which would put an end to the present costly and growing extravagance of expenditure on naval armaments. An agreement monly to limit the size of ships would have been very useful a few years ago, and would still be of use; but the agrrement should Vo much further. Finally. It would be a master stroke If those great powers honestly bent on peace would form a League of Peace, not only to kerp the peace among themselves, but to prevent, by force If necessary, its being broken by others. The supreme difficulty in connection with developing the peace work of The Hague arises from the luck of any executive power, of any police power to enforce the decrees of the court, in any community of any size the author ity of the pourts rests upon actual or potential forcr; on the existence of. a po lice, or on the knowledge that the able bodied rr.en of the country are both ready and willing to see that the decrees of Judicial and legislative bodies are put into effect. In ntw and wild communities where there is violence, an honest man must protect himself; and until other means of securing his safety are devised, it la both foolish and wicked to persuade him to surrender his arms while the men who are dangerous to the community re laln theirs. He should not renounce his right to protect himself by his own efforts until the community is so organized that t can effectively relieve the individual of the duty of putting down violence. So it Is with nations. Each nation must keep well prepared to defend Itself until the es tablishment of some form of International police power, competent and willing to pre vent violence as between nations. As things are now, such power to command peace throughout the world could best be assured by some combination between those great nations which stocerely desire peace and have no thought themselves of committing aggressions. The combination might . at first ba only to secure peace within, pertHin definite limits and certain definite condi tions; but thu ruler or statesman, who should bring about such a combination would have earned his place In history for all time and his title to the gratitude of all mankind. John Kearney Fined. CLAY CENTER Neb., May 5. (Special Tnlntfiflm 1. 1 h ri U'arn l wl-n u-nu i t- ' crntly found gull y of assault and ba'tei-y on Peter Walther, a cntnty fupervsir, was this mor.ilng sentenced by the court to pay a fine f (f.O and os s e f Ve p ose cutlon in the lower court. He was triad oi a felony charge In thed Istrlct court and found not guilty. A verdict was tended late last n'ght in the action of Saphrona Drder against lay Center, the pla ntlff getting ?tS5 damagn. The case has be n (n trlil for three d.ys. The cause of actlnn arose In Mrs. Dedur stepping Into a hole in tho sd;val' the latter part of 1908, raus'ng her lnju.l-s. I'lister Mill Changes Hands. FORT DODGE. Ia., May ..-(Special Tel egram.) Tht- American Cement Plaster company of Lawrence, Kan., today bought the Iowa Hard Plaster mill and gypsum land and will operate It for a year and then build a finely-equipped fireproof mill on 2fi0 acres of rich gypsum land now In their possession. Roy Merrill remains lo cal manager. . The hill! was built In 190U by the company, with J. It. ISutler, presi dent, and J. J. Ryan, vice president. They remain directors of the new roncsrn. Comet rises Ratardsy at 1:65 a. pi. Comet rises Buaday at 8:34 a. m. The Weather. FOR NEBRASKA Shower and colder. FOR lOWA -Showers and warmer. 'Temp 'i -at ure at Omnhu yealerday: 1 Hour. , Des S a. in fi a. in i 7 a. m 4S fa m 4 S a. m i. 4S 10 a. m 4S 11 a. m 4S J2 in 47 1 p. m 4 ! p. m 4'.l S p. m 41 I p. Ill 4!l Bp. m 4S j p. m 4'i i p. m 4s 8 p. in 4 Local Record. OFFICE OF THE WEATI.Ett Hl'REAl OMAHA. M:iv 6. Official record of te:n- piiaune and prccipi.auon" c.uupaivj u 1 . I. Liu- eorrt'' Hi r rxj .if CD,. Insl tlttve mr: ls'J, I'm. l.R 1 nr. Maximum teni;)crature.... -. . 95 s rd Minimum teiuperuture.... 47 ' 41 4! Mean lemperatuse ,. 4S Tt 44 80 Pioc .38' m .U .IS Tunpci aiui'u and precipitation ilepartutes from the normal at om.cha s:nce March 1 .inn eomp.ireo win tnc lis; Normal temperature Deficiency t tie day Toial excess rlrce March I, Normal precipitation tluee vears; 11 ;u .11 Inch laid.. I'.xcess Tor Hi d y Total rainfall s'noe M-Wii" 1.. Defie.ency iece March-1. I'lo. Deficiency for cur. perlid lfJO. (cf c V'uiy for . c jr. per:4 llrpurla from Mattona S atiun and Slate 'fern, of 'Wrath, r '7 p. in. 'heyrniio, pntly cloudv..;. M Denv?r. paitly cl udy l l'e Molnia. tl:i fit lioilge City, cloudv 4K . . .! Inch .. .Winch .. 11 Inches ;. S.tK liiehri ... J.U Inches 7 P. M. Max. Tern. M m 51 50 H ill!- fall.' . .01 nmic:. tain NortU- Platte, partly cloudy 60 Omaha, liglu i ,'n. 4 4 -,! M Sil ht 4i Pucbl i. clear Uirl(l City, clnndv ...... t alt Lke I'ity. cloudy. Santa Ke. cier Valentine, rain 4H 4t Indicates trace . f nr. r 1 1 .1 1 u . l..n It. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. ' i i ii i IOWAXS MARE FLYING VISIT Senators Dolliver and Cummini to Open Campaign. BIG MEETING FOR DES MOINES Two I'olltlrlaaa Will 'Make Worry. I p Visit rrubably t Toeaetay to Pnt Life In l.acalac Vork. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES. May 5. cSpeclal Tele gramsInformation was received here this evening that Messrs. Cummins and Iolllver Will return Immediately to Iowa to take part In the political campaign for one or two days onjy next week. They are dated to have pne big rally In Des Moines, prob ably Tuesday evening. This will formally open the state campaign, which has been lagging because of the Inability of the sena tors to get away from their work In con gress. New laterorban l.lae. A committee of Des Molnea business men has been appointed to confer regarding the advisability of a campaign to sell stock for the proposed .interurban line between Rd Oak and Des Moines. Preliminary work on this Interurban project is complete and the Tlght-of-way has been secured. If It Is built It will mean a line 100 miles long to Red Oak via Greenfield. Two Men Captured. Steve Mohan of Des Moines and Dave Cunningham of Colfax were arrested to day at Unionville. eighteen miles south of Albla. by Sheriff Griff lug. The two men, R Is alleged, had stolen a team, buggy and harness at Given last night, and were cap tured at the point of a gun after a chase across the eighteen miles of country. Jnnklns Case In Court. The case of John Junklne' of Ottumwa was leached In thu Iowa supreme court today. Junkins Is under sentence to be hanged in July next for the murder of Clura Rosen more than a year ago. It was an atrocious crime solely to secure ?i t.i Jewelry on TTer person. He con-Yrs.-c-tl the whole thing. Judge J. C. Mit chell appeared to plead for him on the ground that he Is a congenital degenerate and wholly irresponsible, therefore should not bo hanged. It Is regarded as not at all probable the court will interfere with tho sentence pnssed upon the negro. ' Tnxrs on Plaster Trust SteeSc. In a. case from Blackhawk county, that of Morrill against Hentley, the supreme court held today that the stock of the L". S. Gypsum company, held by twenty five residents of Waterloo, was assessable in Iowa, though admitting that in a sense It would be In the nature of double tax ation. The owners of the stock had not returned the same for taxation, but the tax ferrets made the assessment. Supreme Court Decisions. George P. Johnson, appellant, against Story cotintv. Story county, affirmed. J. A. Tucker, appellant, against W. G. Stewart ct al. Dubuque county, reversed. Charles Morrill et nl against F. T. Bentley, appellant, Blackhawk county, reversed. Fairfield to Have Armory, There was filed with the secretary of state today the articles of Incorporation of the Fairfield Armory company with 120,000 capital; also the Washta State bank, $i5.fp00; the Bancroft Farmers Elevatcr com pany, $20,100. and the Farmers Implement company. Sac City, $10,000. t Optometry Board at Work. The Stale Board of Optometry Is engaged this week In making examination of fifteen applicants for certificates under the op tometry law as to their ability lo fit (flasiee, tc.;- The law: has been ih force a little over a year and but a small pro portion of the opticians of the state hava been examined. State Medical School Safe. iPresident Mac-Lean of the state university has issued a statement to the press In re gard to the status of the State Medical school at Iowa City, in which he states that the medical school is a fixed part of the Institution and not In the slightest danger of being abandoned or transferred. So much discussion has been aroused over the effort to save the medical department of Drake university that an impression has been created that the state was to abandon its school. Protest Akvalnat Insinuations. The State Bar association appointed a committee which today waited on tho own ers of one of the daily papers to protest against publication of an article relating to the sudden death of the late J. K. Ma comsir, in which there seemed to be an lnsiiiuutluii that his death was not from mutual causes, it develops that there was in fact nothing mysterious about his death. Muy lie n Strike. Local members of the freight handlers' union met last night at the Trades and Le.bor assembly hall and voted whether or not to strike. The result of the vote is not known. It was telegraphed to Chicago, where the votes are being counted. If the majority rules there will be a general v alkcut. Charges Against Chairman Cownie Iowa .Board of Control Says Former Official is to Blame for Outbreaks in Girls' Industrial School. DES MOINES, la.. May 6. The present members of the State Hoard cf Contrjl today filed with Governor Carroll the r le pirt on the tecent outbreaks In the Girls' Industrial school at Mi chel'.vl K Thty a lego that John Cownlo, former chairman, whoa.- term ixp'red April 1. was respond' 1 for the outbreaks. The loror chaig s hit Chairman Cow.iie was too familiar vl h the nitl inn. ales in ti thair. ; t mt li ci I hi -itr! the fcod at the Instl utio i n the r preier.ce; that he told then that th matri , Miss Hattlu, was m?aii a d quarrelsome. It I also d;claied that re pjita of brutal punDhment a e untrua. Iowa Factories Short of Coal Many Must Close Within a Few Days if Mining is Not Re sumed. DES MOINES. Ia , May S Many Iiwa manufactui lr.g plants will close wltr.ln a f i w days un'e the mines ns ime w r. si only. The supply of Iowa toil ! i hauited In ma- y iti'sla'nces a d III no s aid Kcntue!;y coal !a lusr ng the e id. The loaa r a'e comn lues worked rsrldly to day, but halted this after u.oi r sumlng n rf the ' clauss p cvidln s penalties' for violation of the agrtn n.. This Is a clause to wh ch the mlr.e werke s obj-ct. Inn rn Nolrn, . IOWA CITY-The State Historical society WdiivtKlay evening el weird the following members from Des Molnea; F. M. Hubbcll, Rev. Charles S. Mdhury. Nathsnlal T. Ouernser, t. t. Ellyeon. IOWA CITY Two wells of h'ta-i lwn were found (yesterday by workmei exca vating for the new pnysics buiii.. in Co University of lows. They were fo'md on the site of the old bull-ins. hch was burned ten years ago. MARPHALLTOWN fUty-five out of 4 total of seventy-two teachers In th puhlio schools were elected to their ps tlons for the next school yea by tha board it a meeting he.d Wednesday. In many cases the salaries were Increased. CX)N RAPIDS-B cause the ton coun cil became weary of the protest of the saloon owners, who objected to a recent Increase In the mulct tax, the council last nlaht revoked the licenses of th s lr n i of ths town and th place went dry today. The license had been Increased f r m I1.7J0 to ll.SCO MAXWELI. Charles Bracken, and an Italian laborer, both emp oyes of the Mil waukee, were seriously injured this morn ing, when the rallioad veloclpeSe on wh'ch they were riding Jumped the track whli running at a high rate of speed near here. The Injured men were taken to a C dar Rapids hospital. MARSH ALLTOWN-The snnusl Join convention of the Iowa State Association of the National Assoclat on of letter Car riers and the Iowa Sat' B.anch f tha United National Assocla Ion of Postlffl'e Clerks will be held In this city, Mav H. F. Barret of Council Bluffs Is presidnt of the State Letter Carriers. IOWA CITY Prof. Percy Born1 well, B. L , I. L. B.. LL. M , Ph. I)., professor of con stitutional law In the University of Mis souri has been elected professor ot law In the University of Iowa to succeed rof. Samuel Hayes, retired. He Is a gradfuats. of the University of California. He has Just published a text book on International law. NEWTON While shooting ras at his heme, five ml e from here W-dtaday, Ralph Smith, son of Mr. and Mr . .1. E. Smith, accidentally shot and p rhaps f -tally wounded his brother, Elden n h ) 32-callber bullet struck the boy In the faci as ho was kneeling to look under the corn er b and ploughed its way through hi i law and Into his necR. His condition It ctl leal. TOLEDO Being frustrated ones In his attempt to commit suicide and being cut down from the rope by which he hung sua pended by the neck d d not prevent John Oeman. a blacksmith, aged 48, from mak ing a second and succ-ssful attempt. H took a more sure way the second 'm and thtew htmrel In front of a Po k Iflaid tiain as It was leaving the slatloi at he tier, Tama county, where the family lives. He received Injuries from when he die! three hours later. NOT . FAIR OR TRUTHFUL (Continued from First Page.) a great many of the projects hf 1 been initiated without regurd to tholr to. slbillty, but In order to give various states their proportion of the money they had paid to the reclamation fund through the sale of public lands. Mr. Ballinger was not able to give a di rect answer, but said In answer to a ques. tion by Attorney Vertrees that he had not been able to get either of the officials of the reclamation service to express any doubt as to the feasibility of any pro jects. - . Mr. Ballinger was asked about the let ter in which Mr. Garfield told the president that Secretary Ballinger had instructed Director Newell and Engineer Davis of the reclamation service to make the restoration of lands, withdrawn under Garfield, slowly, in order not to reflect on the previous administration. Mr Ballinger said he gave no such order and recalled that no such suggestion had been made. "If there was- any suggestion," contin ued Mr. Ballinger, "it was at the instance of Mr. Newf II, In a letter to Senator La- Follette, ' suggesting such a course The fact Is that restorations were not made slowly, but were made In the course of two or three weeks, as fast as they came down from the reclamation service. It was not . a fair -and truthful statement. I had no desire to reflect on the previous administration, however, and did what' I could totavold jjv-'.'l Forestry Policy Reversed. Mr. Ballinger said that since Plnchot's dismissal there has been a reversal of the policy of the forestry bureau which held full sway when Plnchot was In charge, "I think it had the effect of . keeping a great many people from going to Canada because there is a great deal of land in our reserves capable of being developed." "Explain what you meant when you testl tied that you had your hands up and could not get them down and why you remained silent under criticism," said Attorney Ver trees. "Had I followed my natural Impulse," said Mr. Ballinger, raising his voice, "I would have made a strenuous effort at the outset, giving the absolute fact of the con spiracy which existed against me and would have given to the public answers to all of the charges preferred against me. But I obeyed the direction of my superior and supposed that others would remain silent who had the same obligation to do so that I did." Letter from Taft, Mr. Ballinger then read a letter which he said the president had written to him from Beverly, September 13, 1908. It la aa follows: My Dear Mr. Secretary: I send you In letter form my conclusions in regard to the charges ana otlnc mailers, i nave scu aiousiy retrained Horn mentioning Plnchot's name In the matter because 1 uo not Wish to make it Impossible for him to remain in te service. I vulus him highly as a publlo servant and believe him capable of further great usefulness. His weakness has been h,s Inability to credit hliin and honorahl m. lives to those who uiffer from him as to rns memoo or Doing things when ha la purulng a worthy ooject with all ths en thusiasm of his nature. I know him well and am very fond of him personally and mean, if possible, In spite of this defect to preserve his great aullity, valuable experience and patriotic disinterested zoai for benefit of the public 1 service, i-irase, intrerore, advise your sub ; ordlnates to be very particular not to In voive Mr. Plnchot In this matter and to 1 rtst silent In view of . the complete ac 1 liulttRl they receive (rom my fetter. Should It be necessary, as la not un ; likely, to submit all this record and evi dence to congress, 1 shall be glad to have I your authority and that of your subordl ' nates to leave out of your answers any references to Plnchot or the part he took In bringing Olavls' report to my attun I tion. . I have every confidence in both you and I Pine-hot. 1 know you are both patriotic and sincere and both favor generally the I same result as lo conservation, but that - Sou are a lawyer like me. and Insist on the legal way, while Plnchot is Impatient of ; such restraint. . I wish to secure the high j value of the service of you both for the I great work before us. Sincerely yours, "WILLIAM 11. TAFT." , P.S. You are at liberty to publish the May letter enclosed as soon as you desire. I On second thought, perhaps would have . mor.; weight If I gave It out after I have l given time enough for you to receive It. In omer woros i snail give It out Wednes day night for Thursday morning's papers. KltssceraM Wins Kaallr. NORTH PLATTE. Neb . May 5-Jaek Fitxgerald of t.v Shamrock club of South Omaha knocked out Cuddy Williams of Kansas here last night in two rounds -Jack connected with a short right hook in . citnen and wuiiama took the count. Be Wa: t Ads wll' boost your business. MOTS MI STB Or OCAaV HTBAIf a3TJa Port.- NSW riBKr NKW YOSK .' NKW YORK u r.aryol, , LUNIKiN.. .- pi.Ybhu'th. NEW YORK yrw Yds a ....... NtW YOSK N.W YOKK Ql BF.NSTOWN .. S'.H THAMPTUN-, FOl THAMPTON.. NAPLES LKOIIORS PAI.rRMO TRIE1 B HAYKfi.- Arr'd. Sll Ixt , Ponan ban la. . Tautome .luila Campania. . . . Poniaranlan. . Hajaatlc .('araiatila .Roma .....Adrliet r Uraot Kalsnla '.......Taoaiina iCaronla ........Oaanle X. Wiihaliaa. . Scrlla , . Calabria ' . Lombarala - Clara uiimiii SarsiaUS) HYDE BEGINS HIS DEFENSE Attempts to Show Death of Swopes Sue to Natural Causes. jmJJONAIItE WAS ENFEEBLED Dr. Saaagler Testifies that I ranale Poisoning, Typhoid fever or Meutastltls Might Have Canned Coavnlaloaa. ' KANSAS CITY. May S.-That Colonel Swope was In 111 health for months prior to his death and that natural causes might have been responsible for th convulsions of Thomas H., Chrlsman and Margaret Swope. the defense In the Hydo trial at tempted to prove In opening its case today. Sylvester Ppangler testified Colonel Swope was so enfeebled for a year before he died tha: ho fainted several times. The mil lionaire, said Mr. Ppangler, told him the day before hie death, that he might die at any time. From Pr. F. W. Froehting the defense elicited the Information that either uraemic poisoning, typhoid fever or meningitis would result in the symptoms shown by the three Swopes when in convulsions. On cross-examination the physician admitted the attacks also resembled cases of strych nine poisoning. Ths witness was In tha hands of the stats when adjournment wss taken at noon. Mitchell Police Are on Strike Chief and Two Patrolmen Lay Down Start and Clubs Because New Mayor Defers Appointments. MITCHELL, 8. D.. Msy 6.-(Speclal.)-Thls city has but one policeman to care for the peace and dignity of the town. Three officers wslked Into ths city hall and laid down their clubs and took off their stars, when it became apparent that they were to receive their appointments for the next year at the hands of Mayor Hitch cock. The mayor had decided to post pone his appointment of the police depart ment until ths June meeting. Chief Cun ningham and two patrolmen felt they were entitled to a re-appolntment at once, and because ths mayor did not hand It out to them, thsy oult their Jobs. Policeman Newman was the only man to stand by the' administration. The mayor declined to make the appointments at this time, owing to a discussion over the Increased salary question of the police, and the possibility that the council would not confirm all his appointments In that line. Ths mayor wilt temporarily appoint a couple of men to fill the places. OLDF1EI.D TO TRY FOR HfCCORD Trial on Cheyenne's Koor-Mlle Speed way Nay .11. CHEYENNE, Wyo., May 6-(8peclal.)-J. A. Sloan, manager for Barney Oldfield, arrived here today and Is making final arrangements for the appearance of the world's speed king and his 200 horse-powe Bens In world's record trials and competi tion races on the Cheyenne four-mile, one lap speedway, on Wednesday, May 11. Tho Cheyenne Motor ' club, under whoie auspices the trial records will be made, will secur a license for Ihe track and sanction for the meet, and .officers of the American, Automobile,- association will be present, so that there will be no question as to ths. record being official. Electrical timing devices will be Installed and every possible effort mads to get the correct time of Oldfleld s trials. He and his man ager are Insisting upon the completeness Of these arrangements and this Indicates their faith In the local track. On Thursday, May 12, Oldfield w ll at tempt to lower the Denver record of thre hours and thirty-four minutes h!d b,' Harold Brlnker. His manager bellies that ha can make ths one hundred and t?n miie trip, Cheyenne to Denver, In two hours or better and thus realize the best time evsr made by a locomo'ive between the two points. HYMENEAL MeXeeley-Hurd. DUBUQUE. Ia.. May 6. (Special. )-The marriage of Miss Marian Kent Hurd of this city, to Le McNeely of McNeely, 8. D took place Wednesday evening at S o'clock. The service was read by Dr. Hugh B. Atchison, of St. Luke's Methodist Episco pal church, at ths horns of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Q. Hurd. Mr. D EPOSITS made on or before May 10th in ths SAVINGS DE PARTMENT of the UNITED STATES NATIONAL DANK will draw Interest from May 1st Thres per cent interest is paid on saving deposits and compounded semi annually. Funds may be withdrawn at any time without notice. The combined capital and surplus is $1,200,003. The total assets are over $13,O0D,0D). It is ths oldest bank in Nebraska, established in 1836. United States National Bank M.T. BMLOW. Ptm. C. tV. WATntt, Vic:-Prii. G. E. BWEKSTiCI. An'l Cut. V. B.CVlttiVLl, Viet-Pm I. P. MDItNVI, An !. Can. W.E. IIOADIS, Cataler. X C McCLCIE, Au't. ESS Goat and Pants ".'J0 nice patterns to select from. ",TheyviiicJude blue series, greys, and browns. livery garment guaranteed perfect in fit and style, acCarthy-lVilsoh Tailoring Co. 304-306 South 16th Street." McNeely was formerly private secretary to Speaker Henderson and Sonatnr Allison, and had charge of the speakers' bureau at Des Moines. In the campaign ef lSXM. He Is postmaster of McNeely, s. D., which town wss named after him. After the reception the couple left for their home In McNeely. Nomination Easy, Says Sutherland Congressional Candidate in Fifth Dis trict Does Not Expect Opposition for Nomination. LINCOLN. Neb.. Miy S. Sp cisl Tel gram.) Mr. Bryan and Governor Shallen berger broke even on cal ers this afternoon. Wll.le Rfid of Madison called on the prjsl-d-ntlal candidate, and R. D. Sutherland, candidate for oongrest 'n the F It i dli trlet. called on Governor Shaljenberger. Mr. Held failed to find the p e-ldtn a! rardidaie at home and Mr. 8 therla id would not even call at the Commoner of fice, spending considerable time at It1 Lindell hotel when he might have b en p ' lng his reec!s to Pryan. He was r.ot dli cussing extra fen-Ion for publication, bu he said Fred Ashtun was not a Candida's In the Firth distrci and that he bile el ho would have no opposition for the nomi nation. 1IUISH ACTS U RAILROAD nil. I. nmher of Amendments Pnssed by Lower ody. WASHINGTON. May S.-The house today adopted by 10S to 77 an amendment to the railroad bill providing that when a rail road when In competition with a water route lowers Its rates, such rates cannot be increased without a showing on tho part of the railroad of new reason for such Increase. An amendment by Mr. Hardy of Texas empowering the Interstate Commerce com mission to fii railroad, rates was defeated, 63to W, On motion of Mr. Sims of Tennessee the bill was amnded so that if a railroad does not pay within the time limit damages awarded by the Intetstate Commerce com mission, the person interested may take action to enforce such award in a state or federal circuit court. Commander JnHna A. Pratt "ost No. 143, Dept. 111., G. A. R. Mr. Isaae Cook, commander of above post, Kewanee, III., writes: "For a long time I wss bothered with bachache and pains across my kidneys. About two months Sgo I started taking Foley Kidney Pills and soon saw they were doing Just as claimed. I kept on taking them and now I am free from bachacho and the painful bladder misery is all gone. I liks Foley Kidney Pills sowell that I have told many of my friends and comrades about them and shall recommend them st every oppor tunity." For sale by sll druggists. &vr&A Suction Cleaners Saves Temper and "Nerves A cleanly housewife abhors dirt. She and her servants broom, ftruih, dust and beat thoroughly every dsy. That it work and strennffn work (sites much time and much energy, tends lo abbreviated temper snd ruffled nerves sad after all doesn't get the dust out ot trie house. Puts PEERLESS Suction Cletner ; in your home and your housework will be minimired, your home will be S thousand times clesner. There is s store in town ready to demonstrate the " PEERLESS " for you. iiiii - Illtiilrntrd hrwik and atMreii ot utartst PEEKLESS tlort sfnl en rtfutst l Manufacturers Outlet Company, Mtf. 9 Chambers Street. Nw York FarSakW ' Ths Bennett Company. Orchard k "Wllhalm Carpet Oo. Omaha. Vsb. to Order, $20, a sJ I VMj rMaiaaJ , E VERY Bourke-4 Twenty- Five leaving this store means another pleased customer and ionnartpnt pnlron Wo Jiro really making a great dem onstration of values in ISuiU nml Hainooats at $25. Wo are keenly anxious for you to know this, as we are convinced that it would at once, deter mine your clot hen wishes for spring. would like lo cell yon your clothes this season. Drop lo and talk It over. Spiinn Suits. $! i $10. HuliKoats, fin to $:!(. The notRKK lUKKr-.tmr'n that's our $3 hat Is a riotnonatra lion of big value. All the new blocks and colors.' 318 S. 15th St. ANNOUNCEMENT Wo wish to inform our friends and the public tbat we have this day sold ur entire atock of Pianos, Play ers. Player Pianos, and Piano Player Music, to Hayden Bros. The piano and player part of our business baa hamper ed our efforts in developing the talking machine end of it. .- ' The talking machine tjusl nesa has become a large and a growing one, and we have Just added the product ot tho Zon-O-Phone factory to our already Urge Victor business, for both of which we are now factory distributers. There is, therefore, a greater demand upon our en ergies that must be provided for in this way. We bespeak for Hayden Ilron. the very best of atten tion to our former ctistoniers and friends in the Piano and Player line. PIANO PLAYER. CO, How About, a little Wine for the Dinner? California Port.or Claret, per qt, at ..25c, 85c and fiOo Imported Port &r Claret.. per qt.. at 73c, 91.00 and $1.26 Home Made Grape Wine, j)er gal., at : , . ,$1.00 Imported Italian Olive Oil, per qt, at . . . . ; 78c Burham's Clam Bouillon, 2 bottles for ; i5o Beef Extract, 2-oz. Jar ..... ,20c ISaU and Tstsphoas Ordsra Promptly rrisd. J.ady Clerks In Attsadaaos. CACKLEY BROS., WINE MERCHANTS lai jr. ieth at. Opp. r o. fcotn monss THE DELFT TEA ROOM, 303 South Nineteenth street, open dsllv from 11 a. m.. to 7 p. ni.:- Sundays, from 5 p. m., to g p. m. Chafing-dish suppers, on Sundays. f AMVSBMBNTS. 1 dAM MR. THOMAS J. KELLY Blrsotor Prsssnts tljs , r.lEIIDELSSIIOn CHOIR Assistad By MR. JOHN FARSELL BAXITOSni TUESDAY EVE., MAY10TH Ttoksts 1 1.50, S1.00, TSo aad Mo (All rossrvsd) ' alo Opsas May 7th at ths Tbsatsr. : . Tonight nnnrmrio Mat. sai. 8:15 uimi.utiu jtt HSNST W. BAT AOS Om) THE MERRY WIDOW Sams Oreat Company Znoladlns; VASES wrxBSK sod osoacHS DAvnasAj, moss I Klg-hts te.00 to 60s May ltVIS WTLUAM OOX,Z.IaV BOYD'SrSJi,.,. bast Fsrfonaanga J, Tonlg-ht SilS, and Saturday Matlasa a ill I.TMA1T X. KOWs'l r- TRAVELS PICTURES Sat. sTIrbt, Kay 81. Eva X.aai" and ia riTia a Woodward Stock Co. a-, is-as-to-n Daily MJ Latft-as. ,-e ue... ail wcrK, clos'ing ViVlsy uWnu Z,as aiaiiBTBSBBsa 91 sns BMaaoa FOIL IE yC N. Y. AMD PARIS Live baby sotivsnlr; ' every patron ttn numbered coupon tree; draw Ins Krl, mgbl Ladlss' Dims statin Dally al tils. G.I U.I inil N If 111 4 'A mmM ,.r ,am 111, War U,,a, v. n.....H. ADTAMCXO TA0DSVXX)XK Mstlaa Cssry Dsy, SiiS aoinf, Si I'hla Week Annabel) UliMfmd. 8 rlom a Venun. Ous Edwards' Kountry Kid Hulier and Basaett, Kay, Two Coioys an Kav lie I on. tVataou anl tl.a Kinudroiu and th urplian'y C'ncrl Or! tcsur rnoss ivo, so ac sua,!