TTirTfSDAV. MAY .". 1H10. 21 Xavaaa Nebraska "LINCOLN, NEW JERUSALEM"! Mayor Love Dravs 'Word Picture of Future Capital City. HOW HE HOPES IT WILL APPEAR TUtt RKK: OMAHA. Iraalels Stores i teat Sate Wosierfs Storm (Coats, Automobile Coats n t 1 I nrlrr I'ommlUrr tin)' Now 1 pun Draft of rw Instrument lei He 'relented l the et l.rulslatnrr. il'rom a Staff C.-ii i rsp i,,lcnt ) LINCOLN. May 4 i Special, t - 1 .Iticm ln. the Xr jTiif slein. .'" Such is the dream of Mayor Iove. lie bedews such a city tv s in lh" mind of ti e Prophet, v hen lir ea'd: lit Mulil the Now .! ni-.i!cin. cm iiiK down out of hc.irii." :-'" l If c 1 1 v his pnsrd the stage of the "Holy i'il" and if Jii" "City of lions Love.'' and has stated out on the last leg of its Joining to Te Ideal. Mayor Loe quoted ll. o Prophet In an ddtcss delivered last niirht to the Federa- whlch meeting sev ai'd progressive citl- n Itrotlin hood, hi 'it We bought all the Samples from Holstein . Young, 11 . 17th St., New York $25 and $35 Cloaks Will Go Thursday at $10. rial other ploiilin lens talked of plans for the future Lincoln. ; Among the speal-ets writ- I'r. George K.J Howard, of the Sta'e university; Jasper J,. McBiien. load ff i i" iimv .-rslty cvteii- sion elopartiii' lit. and Hc-v T. M. Shiphcril. pastor of the First Congregational church. Major !xvc disouw-'-d problems which i C t in front the excise hoard, the city owned ' uter nhd light plant, r)!id discussed the purposed ohm til, how under construction for pre filiation to the next legislature. Tlilf chnrtcr provld' s f o the commission : form of government. j Ho cloned with till picture of the future ! Lincoln: "A prnspci oils city. A city which pre serves nod administers its public utilities i for the-' benefit of all, instead of allowing them to ho evpioitnl ly a few. A city which fiirtilrflips to i ich and poor alike, so ; cheaply -that none- tied be deprived of them, the best of water, light, transput'- ; tamn. communication, park, pluy grounds, ' ImioKh, music, school, art naileries, t churches, ho.-p,tals mid many other. things nut now dreamed of. until it will be more , (ultimate to be a poor man In .such n city ' llian a mil llonali e In the b vera Re city of i UMlay. Think or it.. Inr.ini of It.. 1-t the , ixlon of it take hold nf your imasinaiions j nd then tell me if that Is not what the I prophet meant, when he naid: 'Heboid, the i .Vew Jerusalem conilns dmu out of ! heaven:' " ( IrnrlnK Ide n n I k. I Mayor fove, niembrs of the city coun- j cil and the nuinerous clubs of the city arc KtilvInK" hard to make Lincoln the ideal place pictured by the mayor and lh ir ef forts have begun to bear fruit. Only Mon day nlKht tho council pass-d a resolution natlfylnn th street commissioner to carry nut lis orders issued Huinetliins like a year ugoto remo the nhow cases from the sidc wlaks In front of. the stores. Thia success lias Inspired Secretary Whit ten of the C.imerclal chib and he Rot busy. wi'ltlnR a note to the Rovernor asking that th rubbish be removed from the state house grounds. Mr. YVhltieh has not yet Rot around to hav some half a hundred vinegar barrels removed from 'the sidewalk on Pstreet near ihe Burlington depot, nor a large platform which adorns half of the walk across the Btreet from the vinegar barrels. In his talk About the future of Lincoln Mayor Love told of the charters coni niittre. which Is uow at work for the benefit of tho people of thin city. The new J'lyM'erti il, .Jtroyjdtjtor tUo election of f lve'vcou'rliillu7l, dud 'Ihe mayor, who will have'aitthorily to appoint all the help necessary, to carry on the work pf the government. This charter ha a long road to travel, however, before it becomes er factlve. After leaving the original com mittee it must be passed on by the other tluba of tiie city and then It must pass muster at the hands of the state legis lature. A i hat ter drafted under similar conditions last years was defeated by the legislature regardless of the fact that the entire Lancaster delegation favored it. Many husine men. headed by former Mayor Urow n. killed that charter. The business men do not object to the various organisations talking and working for the ' Ideal, but when It Pomes to trying out their "Ideas on the city there Is usually vigorous protest, fn there will be a fight before the next legislature when that charter Jnakes lis appearance. Metcalfe's I, title lluoni. The, meeting at Tecuniseh last night may mean furl her complications In the already badfy tplil denioetatle party. In that It may hhve some bearing on the senatorial situation. L'r. Kliss;mmons, toastinaster. presented the name of Itlch I.. Metcalfe as the candidate of southeast Nebraska for Um democratic nomination for United Slates" ni'uator. In doing thi: the mas'ter told- of the splendid service to the puAty rendered by th Commoner editor. I pon. the presentation of tiie name the audience applauded voi lft i ously, Mr. Hryan and Governor rfhnllc uhcrgcr even giving 3 We bought all these sample eoats at a price so low that we offer them at less than half price. There never was such a grand chance to buy a rain and dust proof coatfoi automo bile wear or a practical coat for all kinds of weather scores of beautiful stylts every coat offered at an extra ordinary bargain. Rubberized Satins, Rubberized Silks, Shan tungs and English Glorias, Natural Pon gees, Cloth of Gold, Rajahs, White Serges, White Diagonals, Cravenettes, Etc., Etc. All the cleverest new styles of this sea son are represented new military col lars or new long lapels new shield fronts new Raglan sleeves many are tailored as smartly as the most expen sive wool coats. Your Unrestrict- TPK-iiidxl c-t n our ed Choice ... 1 IlUlibaay Main Floor E : While these coats are all Sample Garments, every size is included. Any woman can find a great vari t ety to select from in the size that fits her perfectly r i I r ,' All colors are represented in this great sale. Thou sands of women admired the cloaks in the window. We never offered such coat bargains as these. Not a coat in the lot worth less than 820, many worth up to $55 vented Metcalfe getting Into the race there Is no outstlon but the name of Metcalfe would be filed, for the would soon be raised. Buffalo Democrats Will Banquet ! Second Annual Feast Will Be Held in Kearney, June 9 Long List of Speakers. formal applause. That is. according to one pifsent. they gently tupped their hands to- j. 'lief w ithout making much noise. Met- j ifllfs aa looking at them and th'-y had tr do something. ! After" the" bmuinet Mr. Hiyun and the, governor were Joking Metcalfe about his! boont and liorhVoii'.nioiili d on the fact that! its ha no', put auny the kingly crown. I "1 wasn't ralcd i: Hint political school j where my Instructor taught :ne to put an ay V$)0 crottii. " iio itnsweied. Kor' uutny weeks democrats have been iitging Mr. Metculfn. 10 git Into the sen-, BtorlaVsTaco. but io far the associate editor ! of the Commoner has not encouraged the! J mtiiwnt for him to an .Treat extent. ttis irienos nave lahen nts nacgw ardiitss ton ( j KKARNKY, Neb., May 4.-(Special.) The j second annual banuuet of the democrats i of Buffalo county will be held In this cl;y on the evening of June 9. I'lnns are bc I ing made to make this arfalr most ex I tensive. 300 guests afe to be In attendance ! and all the big chiefs In the democratic I party are on the program, which Is as follow s: J. C. Byrnes of Columbus, will act as tcastmastet. The address of welcome will be delivered by W. 1. Oldham of Kearney. "Why are We Here." Kred Shopard of Lincoln; "Why the Next 1'resident Should be a Pemocrat," W. B. Price of Lincoln; "The Next Congress," J. K. Dean of broken How; "Municipal Ownership of Public I'tllillcs," K. W. Brown of Lincoln; "Non-Partisan Judiciary," J. J. Sullivan of Omaha; "The Pame-Aldrich Tariff Bill," V. It. Thompson of Grand Island; "The Income Tax." IX. I). Sutherland of Nelson; "National 1 lemocracy." It. L. Mftcalf of Lincoln; "Western Nebraska Democracy, " J. J. McCarthy of Ogallala; "The Polltl- called In the court room to discuss the proposition of calling another election to vote on the question of Issuing bonds to the sum of $115,000 for the purchase of the old water plant or the Installation of a new one. These bonds were beaten at the election last Tuesday by three votes, the franchise asked for by the old com pany was also beaten, but the light bonds carried by a large majority. A heated discussion took place, which lasted over three hours, but It was finally decided to call another election In thirty days. There were about 3n0 citizens in attendance at the meeting. MKAV-BHOWN MlltDFK 'TRIAL Motion to Quash Indictment Taken I lider Advisement. NKLIGH, Neb., May 4. (Special.) A Jury was finally secured to try the McKay Brown murder case today, with W. V. Allen and O. A. Williams of this city de fending, when after the first witness was called. Senator Allen made a motion In open court to quash the Indictment for the reason that the time charged in the infor mation as the date of the crime was an Impossible date, being December 7, 1H10. The court immediately took the matter un der consideration and proceedings rest for tho time. In the case of the state against three parties for boot-legging, the defendants plead guilty and were sentenced to pay u fine of J1W and costs each. Josiub YV, Siomi. PIKHCK. - Neb., May 4. (Special. I Joslah W. Sloan, who was stricken with paralysis lat Saturday forenoon, while at work at the lumber yards of H. II. Mohr, the West ward was elected president of the council. Nebraska etra otes. KUKMOXT-Nels Nelson, an employe of the Fremont Marble works, had an ankle badly crushed yesterdoy afternoon by a heavy wheel which he was assisting In re placing falling on to it. His foot will be saved. STANTON Fire Tuesday noon destroyed a barn belonging to Rimer Vaneps. When the alarm was sounded the fire had al ready gained such headway that It could not be saved. The firemen kept the fire from spreading to adjacent buildings. WVMORK The Touzalln hotel changed hands yesterday. I N. and K. C. Miner, owners of the building, taking charge. Mr. and Mrs. C. ti. Harrison, who nave been managing the place for several mouths past, expect to locate In California. SEWARD E. J. Johns of Lincoln, who was arrtsted by Sheriff Oitlar on the charge of havirfg stolen $;5 worth of ladles from a vat In Oermantiwn. had his preliminary hearing thia morning before Judge Oladwlsh and was bound over to tho district court in the sum of Ji00. 1 .NKUKASK A CITY Ed Roberts, who has been traveling over this county, repottsj potato bugs as being more nuinerous than lor years, and predicts the destruction of through a grate which protected an ele- thn potato crop unless the gardeners and vator shaft and fell so his head was caught farmers get after the insects In the right by a descending elevator and badly in- manner. jured. He brought suit against the com- TUCI'MSEII-Linn Linford, son of J. S. I pany for a large sum. but after hearing like ordinance has been regularly intro duced and either postponed or killed. This time it was the dealers In Fourth of July materials that objected on the ground that they had ordered their stock. FAIRMONT W. G. Brooks, superintend ent of the public schools for the past year, has been recently elected superintendent of the city schnnlB of Caldwell, Idaho, at a salary of 11.400. Caldwell Is a city of 4.000 population, the county seat of Can yon county, and situated on main line of I'nion Pacific railroad. Mr. Brooks has ac cepted. He will be succeeded by William H. Morton, who has been principal of (he high school. WYMORE The case of J. A. Ferguson, representing the Jewel Tea company of Chicago, charged with peddling In the city without complying with city ordinances which require that peddlers shall take out and pay for a license before doing busi ness in the city, was culled In Judge Craw ford's court yesterday afternoon. Defend ants filed a stipulation of facts and the ease Is set for trial next Saturday. A. D. McCandless who drew the ordinance under which the prosecution Is brought Is defend ing Ferguson. E. N. Kaufman represents tne city. XKBRASKA CITY On May 21, 1W.I. .lames tioff, who was working for the Morlon-Gregson Packing company, fell SHARP ADVANCE IN STOCKS Market lilies on Itoninr of Heavy Sales of Bonds on Foreign Bourses. NEW YORK, May 4. A vigorous recov ery in the stock market today was based on roports that sales had been effected of large new issues of railroad bonds to for eign purchasers, especially In Paris. No official announcements were made on the subject, but a break of '4 per cent 111 sterling exchange gave color to the rumors. The amount of the bonds thus placed abroad was variously estimated at $.'.0,000,000 to over $100,000,000. New York City revenue warrants and bond Issues of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul; Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati & St. Louis; Missouri, Kansas & Texas, and I'liion Pacific and Southern Pacific companies figured In the current reports. about coming forward to mean there might ' be a chain- that Mr.' Bryan will get into the lace, while others belleva he would not run against his old-time employer, G. M. Hitchcock. P d : lie demociats here be Uve that only Hitchcock's candidacy prc- ...I L'ultira nf VullM.ltg " CllVorilfir Anil "Why We all Should 1 - Shallenberger; be Democrats." ( hnaha. I mir lit 10-11 nVlihcL lino rt itla rlatipMcra Jumes C. Dahlman of ! , ' ' . i Mrs. John Gate of Sioux City, was with t him when he passed away. Two other Another Falrltury election, FAIRHIKY, Neb., May 4.-(Special.)-Lust evening another mass meeting was MOTHERS FR1E1 Wm mm. A LINIMENT FOR EXTERNAL USE. Nt only It Mother's Friend a i&fe and simple- remedy, but the comfort and healthful condition its use produces makes it of ines tlmsble value to every expectant mother. Mother's Friend relieves the pain and discomfort caused by the strain on the different liga ments, overcomes nausea by counteraction, prevents backache and numbness of limits soothes the inflammation of th re8 glands, and in every way aids in pre serving the health and comfort of prospective mothers. Mother's Friend is a lini ment for external massage, which by lubricating and expanding the djJIerent mus cles and inembrnw, thorouchly prepares the system for baby's coming without S danger to the mother. Mother's Friend is sold at drug stores. Write for our free book for expectant mothers. A 1 daughters, Mrs. Charles Morris of Des Moines and Mrs. A. B. Maxwell of Ames, la., arrived today, while the only son, William, is expected here from Hadne, Wis., tomorrow. The body will be taken to Des Moines Thursday to be laid be sides the body of the wife of deceased, who died iron, the same affliction five ears ago. Mr. Sloan was one of the pio neer contractors of northeast Nebraska, I and was highly esteemed by all. The ! beautiful church buildings of Pierce were i elected by Mr. Sloan, or under his su pervision, as well as a great majority of the fine residences. He was a veteran of the civil var, enlisting in an Iowa regi ment, and serving nearly foi:r years. I.licnkf Fee Raised al ?lerT. I PIERCE. Neb.. May 4 -i Sptcial. At a 1 meeting of the cuv council Tuesday, saloon licenses were giatited to four applicants. ' Vic Peterson, M ix Fiedler. Fied'Hti i her and B. F. Lyb Hie licenses being fixed 1st $1 eflO per minim, which is an increase Linford. living near St. Mary, was riding on a lister Monday, when the tongue broke and thiew him off in front. The machine passed over him ami it is thought it in .luifd him quite badly internally, tie re mained unconscious for some time. NEBRASKA CITY Superintendent of Schools George E. Martin anil all principals hHe been selected for the coming year. Mr. Martin reported the enrollment of the schools lor the past month was 1.301. and I tie av -rage attendance was l.Wii. There l was considerable sickness among the pupils i FREMONT Bicycle thieves arf becoming . numerous within III, insr f.k- ri-ivs Tliiw morning two young fellows were arrested at Ashland with two wheels stolen here In their possession, .lack Noble is in the county Jail awaiting trial on the charge of stealing a wheel on Saturday and sell ing it at a local repair shop TECFMSEH Mrs. Belle ( part of the evidence Judge Travis dls missed the case, ills attorneys yesterday filed another suit aguinst the same com pany for the same accident for $,(i.ii0. The case will be tried at the fall term of the district I'oiirt. When you vnnt wr.av you want when you want it, say so through The Bee Want Ad columns. NEW GOVERNMENT FOR HURON Heeentlj -Elect Commissioners Iteor Itniiixe lletinrtmenls nf Municipality HURON. S. D. , May 4.-(Speclal.)-At a meeting of the newly electeel officers last nip lit. Huron Is now under what Is known as the commission form of government. Mayor Koepp briefly addressed thhe meet ing, whleh was largely attended, after which the following heads of departments were chosen: M. L. Tobin. street and public property; Charlrs E. Young, police and fire; John C. Mad.scn, water works and sewer, and A. A. Chamberlain, finance and revenue. These appointments were also made: S. S. Ovtatt. auditor; W. II. L'ecker, chief of police; Ed Davis, day polie-e; John Tobin, night police; Lyman Hinckley, police Jus tice; Captain B. F. Teets, city Justice; I. A. Churchill, city attorney; Carl Peterson, water Inspector; J. Y. Campbell, city treasurer; C. C. Brawner, assessor; S. P. Malone, M. D. Whlsman and Dr. J. L. Class, board of health. The appointments are received with "much satisfaction by the general public. CONCORDIA CHORUS WILL SING Last Concert nf Reason Wll Be Given Sunday Afternoon at Herman Home, Beginning 4 p. m. The Concordia Ladies' ctiorus will give Its last concert for tho season Sunday after noon at 4 o'clock under the direction ul Prof. Reese, musical director of thft Facngerfest. , Arrangements have been completed to make this concert the best of the season. Several well known soloists will take part In the program. Friends desiring Invitations can secure them at the door of the German Home , Xehraaka Clothing; Co. Announces something entirely new for men. Next Saturday a man can buy a box of six collars for Kic. Latest prevailing styles. Guaranteed four-ply. Bee Want Ads will boost your business. ONLY ONE WAY TO SHAKE IT OFF t.'nhappy Is the man or woman with bad back at all. It begins in the morning, when Hi llti'iin of!5 " KPt "I1 fro,T1 ''ed so lame, sore and Sterling, will go to the I'nitcd States pliar- Stiff that It Is hard to bend over to put maceutlcal association meeting in Washing-j your shoes on. ton, D. C, May 10 and 11. as a delegate . ,, , ., , fom the Nebraska association. She will ' A" ln' HiPre Is a ljavy. dull, throb- also attend a pharmaceutical association I hing pain In the small of (lie back. Just: 1'.. I.. I. l '.. ... ... . I oer tne moneys, it hurts to bend over, i "iRaclrnrlio V7.ll fief Wnroo onrl o rest, no sleep, no peace Worse Until the Kidneys Are Cured. meeting at Richmond. Va.. and visit rela tives in Illinois before she returns home. NEBRASKA CITY Articles eif ini'orpora lion of the Farmers' Elevator company of ; I'litmyra. nave been riled with tin- eouniy clerk. The Incorporators are II. L. Severe, j C. F. Reed. B. F. Ilnnnan. E. C. Rudge I and J. P. Mahonev. The capital stock of ! the cejinpany Is $:!".. 000, In shares of 110 ! each. The y will operate an elevator at Palmyra. NEBR ASKA CITY I hiaive Rogers, who bus resided on the east siele of the river for lh past fifty-five years, died Tuesday after lingering illness. He leaves a wife alii four e-hildren: Jesse, who lives near Pen vl. la.; Hi nrv. In Dakota; Pit, I le.i '"r, end M-. M r'ha Grsholoin in Dakma. The funeral will he held Thursday. I In 'was iiulte weal'hv nod one of the lust know n men of that si iiion. ! NEBRASKA CITY-The citv coiiiieil I Tuesday evening prai'trd a sil ioti llcei.see I np freed of uiie tne j. w . Mon'-'on. i i is muses nne sh'ooii to lift anything or even to get up from a chair. Any sudden, aw kward move-j ment sends a sharp, darting twinge I through the sore spot. ! When night comes the sufferer re- I tires to fitful sleep, can't lie cumfnrta- : bly In any erfie position, or turn over without a painful effort. Don't look at backache as merely a muscular pain, that will pass away with ' rest. There Is deeper trouble. Nine i times out of ten It Is the kidneys that ; throb ard ache, and there can be no re- I lief until the kidneys are given help. j The kidneys hae a big work to do j All the blood in the body Is coursing ' through the kidney filters constantly, to ' poisons. It is a lieax y so far A wholesaler's I n i f t VVf in r v .. i- f.i: t n it iiiiii'ii-inr It THE BRAD FIELD DO.. ATLANTA. OA. was decided to consolidate the off'ces of - - - . j water and st;ect rominlss otter with that DRINK AND OPIUM Habits lined by a thorough and scientific course of treat niiut, which removes the craving or necessity for liquor or drags. Imparts r.ew strength to every organ, and builds op the general health. proven efltcselous by Su years' lis ard the I'liiA of mnm limn SMl.Oilll natlnits RtVMr ef lml'stt'Sf The ceimine Kele neel l administered In (,ts Ftate uclv at IB! KSkaiCT 1X1IIIUTB, astk and Casa Btrssts, OMAHA, MB. eif chief of police, the app tetment of George W. Goff by the mayor being unin- licenses granted license fo eh was granted for $.V). The cmineil also d- eldd to arrest and take before the police hide-!' sll nersops who n n p bsrl-or on Mi'i used doss. The polio w ill li.uU afte r i ti i"M-r anil there will l no dog catcher ' appointed. I.l'l.'IOVTTl,A V'O- .j fr n r,....lul .' Iniously confirmed by the council. The j noting Monday evening laid over the nr..- ! Falary of Mr. Goff was placed at $75 per ' n"sed ordinance forhldil'oa big fire crrcKo" i month. Other appointments were made bv I , r ork on the Fmnth e.f .lolv , n. ., . ... ,. , il doubtful If il is ever riirrerted Th" ; the Mayor as follows. DotivU tones, at- j rrr,innr, H, lltr,,d.ieed at the .eooe-t ! toiney; Di. I R., as city health of the Unoshters of the Amerlcmi Ilvolu- officer; V. J. lUetede. CJUncllman from i "' ,h councllinen at fust,t,d j I la bo in favor of It. For several yean a I enough task when the kidneys are well.! cold, chill, feXer. or soinej thoughtless expoosure. or overlndiil- j gence in liquor, lea, beer or coffee, is TelliA Story. likely at anv ..time to Irritate, Inflame and congest the kidneys, and interrupt the purifying work. Then the aching 'begins, and is usual ly accompanied with some irregularity of the uiir.e too frequent passages, .sediment In the urine, scanty, painful passages, or blood In the urine. Thousands testify to the wonderful merit of Loan's Kidney Pills, a remedy for the kidneys only, that acts quickly, cures tho kidneys, regulates the urine, and drives backache out for good. OMAHA PROOF S. M. Simbcrg' photographer, 2f.I7 Bur den Ht., Omaha, Neb., suys: "About five years ago I began to have trouble from my bark and kidneys. 1 could not stoop without suffering from severe pains through my loins anil the least work I did tired me. None of the remedies I tried bad any effect on my complaint ami my kidneys gradually grew weak, the secretions passing Irregularly. When 1 read t about Dean's Klelney Pills, 1 re solved to give them a trial anil procured a supply. By the time I had used sU boxes I felt like a different person. I still take Doan's Kidney. Pills occasion ally and they always benefit me." H lfthcj'iliipJ IllaHW -7iesiassiss DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS Sold by a.11 dealers. Price So cent. Foster-Milburn C Buffalo. N Y , Proprietors. JfthtftmhTita Iti Yoor KieJ.e-vs . Tsa-y iisai-AaaaasMtt