The Omaha Daily Bee The parent that pollutes his children' mlnda T brlMlng home flltbr nesr-P ' no tnan a criminal. The Bee lm to print a paper ,or tne nome- WEATHER FORECAST For NYhrr.tikn - Showers, warmer. For Iowa - warmer For woitl.rr report see lago 2. VOIi. XXXIX NO. 2 OMAHA. . Tlll'IJSDAY MOHXIXl! COrV TWO CENTS. ROYAL WELCOME rOR ROOSEVELT JUng, Haakon and Queen Maud Meet Former President and Wife at Railroad Station. ir" - 1 ATTENDED BY MANY OFFICIALS Motive Back of Chinese Riots Political One ST. 1,011 IS GREETS rr ESI DEJiT TAFT Mound City Gives Chief Executive Hearty Demonstration During Day's Visit. 1I1I lU 1.1111)1-110 BEFORE JURORS Lorimer Investigating Body Calls Democratic Legislators on Carpet to Tell of Deal. Intended as Warning to Prevent Completion of Hankow-Canton Railroad Loan. LEAVES AT NIGHT FOR CAPITAL - . " ' i " . i ; ; ; . - 1 MAY . 1!'1( TWKI.Vi: I'AOKK. SIN'llLK r ! Members of Cabinet, Parliament and City Officers Present. JNCH AT AMERICAN LEGATION Members of Royal Household Also Guests of Minister Pierce. HOLIDAY FOR SCHOOL CHILDREN INobel 1'rlir Address at the Na tional Theater Tomorrow Mght to Be Followed br a CIIRISTIANIA. May 4 Tlio capital of Norway, which dan In mourning ycHterday for Blorostjerne BJornson, a red. white and blue today with the entwined flags vt the United Stat and the Norwegian monarchy. In honor of Theodore Roosevelt. All the public buildings and most of the private houses weru lavishly decorated. The reception given the former pres ident wan Impressive. There was no cheer ing at the railway station, but the crowds that occupied the adjoining square and every point of vantage on the roofs and In the windows of nearby building uncovered respectively. Cheering is rare In this country. Th Kooscvelts arrived here soon after midday. liavinK hecn brought from the aouthern extremity of the kingdom on a special train provided by the government. Mr. Uoosevelt was signally honored by King Haakon and yueen Maud, who came to the station to personally greet the party. The platform of the station was covered vlth a red carpet and Inside the building a temjmrary stand had been erected for the receiving party. This was occupied by the king and iueen. with a large suite, all of the members of the cabinet, members of Parliament, city and state officials, pro fessors of the university and other dis tinguished members of society. Kind Greet Itoonevelt. As the train drew in and Mr. Roosevelt stepped down his majesty crossed the plat form, and. without waiting for an intro duction, shook hands with the former president. He then presented Mr. Roose velt to the queen and Mr. Roosevelt pre sented Mrs Roosevelt, Miss Kthel and Kcrmlt to their majesties. Greetings exchanged, the queen took the colonel's arm and the king offered Ids arm to Mrs. Roosevelt. Followed by Miss Kthel nd Kermit. they walked through the royal waiting room, which was half filled with flowers' and ftsas. tor tho -carriages. . The party drove to the palace, where after a brief stop, the Roosevelts, still accompanied by the king and queen and a few members of the royal household, drove to the American legation, where they had luncheon as the guests of American Minister Pierce. The luncheon was fol lowed by a reception. If his present plana are carried out, Mr. Roosevelt will remain here until 7:30 o'clock Vriday evening, at which time he will pro reed to Stockholm. Tomorrow he will deliver the Nobel prise address at the National theater and In the evening be enteitalned at a banquet. On Friday he will receive a doctor's de free front King Frrderlks university. Travel In lloyal Train. From Kornsjo to the capital the Roosn relts occupied a special train sent for them hv the government. The train was In Share of Superintendent of State Rail ways Aas and his staff, who ore responsi ble for the safe movements of the royal a in. The conductor wore a broad leather belt bearing the arms of Nir.way. There was splendid honor In this, as the belt Is in tended to Indicate that royalty is traveling. The car used, by the Roosevelt was that formerly occupied by the Norwegian cabinet lit visiting the king or Sweden. lr. Hagrrup. Norwegian minister to Den til. irk and twice premier of Norway, was on tho train and greeted Mr. Roosevelt on tiehalf of the Nobel prise committee. At Rygge the party was Joined by Her bert II. I. Peltve. American minister to )."orway, and Charles 1. White, secretary tt the American legation. J Holiday for School Children. Chforenoiin trip through the southeast Vomer of' Norway was enlivened by fre nuent demonstrations. At every place along the route the school children had toeen Riven a partial holiday In order thar Ihey might see the distinguished American. The train stopped at a few stations and teamed slowly past others. In every in ftance crowds were at the stations and vo a variety of school yells. Mr. ltoose i oil never failed to acknowledge the salu tations. There was a large gathering at Moss, a here a top was made. Hoys from the sigh schools gave cheers which drew Mr. loosevelt to an open window of the car. That sounds like an American college tell," he said. "I wish you and the grown up good luck.'" The boys cheered again, is the train drew out of the s;::on. NORTHERN ORATORS TO MEET Sri en Institutions Will He He pre. en led In Contest at Minneapolis Tomorrow Mabt. ltWA CITY. M.iy I iSpecliil.-l'n- usiul pi eparations are being made this rar hv t'.ie srvcu orators who are to rep fent Minnesota. Michigan, Northwestern. WIscnMn. tilierlin, Iowa and Illinois In the No:tiier;i otatoilral league contest, to b held in M "nap. nil M.iy 8. Wlf eon ..ii, Minnesota and Iowa finished Irba rb-nv Ti e preliminary Indications show that Wlscjtism an, I Min:ot.i will head t'le compvtit.ou au.iln this jer. Following the t'i titles ,,f the and the names of the contestants: "Propery again: Humanity." r.dwin W. McKeen. University of Minnesota; "Our Afrlc.:i Enigma," M. Thomas. University of Mlehifin; " Nation's Opportunity." Glenn N. Merry. Northwestern university; For the Common t!.ii,l' Jes.e J. Rable. University of Wisconsin; "Dwiattrc De mocracy." Coldwln L. Nuck, Obenln col lege; "The American Navy nn.l the World's Peace." lul S. Collier. University of Iowa: "T'xy'tatus of Women. " Is ma K. Volght, l"n-tisltr .if llano. . i CHANCiSHA. China. May 4-The recent rioting In thin province has placed ttie 'tjlnese govern ' In an embarrassing p iilon. regard Hankow-Canton lall- wi loan. F.v fie if accumulated that the dis iiance t i? ''llbrrately planned by Infls, Vial Pf jf Bs warning to the centiS. auth v?iot to meddle In the af falls Iii Sivlnce and to make plain the del, W supposition of the llunnn Itcs to 1 cTompetltlon In the railway const ruct yfJf Millions t jnlnese are Imbued with the Idea that K : ) government Is yielding to foreign Infl Vce which Is seeking politi cal control i'ti China. Peking realizes the situation, while desiring to proceed with the lallway agreement, understands that hasty action by the government might be followed by the most serious consequences. A pro tracted delay appears Inevitable. Meantime, the central authorities arc mak ing efforts to place the Ilttnanites: and have ordered the new governor to deal llen Icntly with the rice rioters and also with the revolutionists who recently attempted the bomb outrage against tho crown. The would-be assassins have not been put to death, but have been sentenced to life im prisonment. Carnegie Says Tariff Law is Best Yet Made Steel King Praises New Statute and Says Taft is Model President. N K W YORK. May 4. Before sailing for his summer homo in Scotland, Andrew Carnegie had a few words to say about the tariff question. "In myopinlon greater progress has been made by the latest tariff revision towards the perfect tariff than ever before," be ob served. "Of course. It Is hard to please everybody and I can only express my opinion by quoting something I read on a postal card lately:' "Let the scowlers scowl, let the howlers howl and the politicians go It. The country's all right and I know It." Mr. Carnegie highly complimented Presi dent Taft, saying that he was a model president, but that he worked too hard. "lie wants to please everybody and In that lies his greatest fault. There Is no comparison with the work of the previous administration." said Mr. Carnegie. "One did the spade work and the present ai ministration Is sowing the seeds. As to Mr. Roosevelt's plans I do not know what he wants, but he has a way of getting any thing he docs want, and I presume that when he returns he will obtain whatever be Is looking for." Mclntyre Asks Kor Continuance Defendant in Hamilton Murder Case Wants More Time to Prepare His Defense. MULLEN, Neb., May 4.-tSpeclal Tele gram.) The Hooker county district court convened Wednesday morning, with Judge Hunna presiding. At this time It is not known whether or not the Mclntyre mur der case will be heard at this term. The defendant has asked for time In which further to prepare for trial, and the court has not yet ruled on the application. C. W. Rector, who is considered an Im portant witness In this case, and who had gone to Tenlo. Wash., on a visit to a sister residing there, was brought here Sunday morning and Is being held by Sheriff Cloyd without ball to testify in the case. It la ex pected that Rector will corroborate this af fidavit of Frank Cleavenger, charging the crime to Hurry It. Mclntyre. Reports, purporting to have been dis patches from here, telling of a high ten sion in public feeling, cannot be confirmed. Law and order. In the strictest sence of the term, have prevailed throughout the entire Investigation of the case. FORMER 0MAHAN DROPS DEAD Jesse Wnlf Umpires While Rnllillnir Fence on Homestead In outh llrkola, , SIOUX FALLS, May I. t Special. Over exertion while engaged In constructing a fence on his homestead caused the death, almost without warning, of Jesse Wolfe, former resident of Omaha. Neb., who for acme time had resided on a claim In. Tripp county. Before coming to South Dakota lie was employed by the Pacific Kxprrss coni I'Pi.y at omaha. He was suddenly taken ill while building tho fence and went to his home and retired. dlng almost linme itluielv His ileath la suimosed to have rc- t suited from an attack of heart failure, hi ought on by the exertion w hile construct ing the fence. t ' Suit Case Filled with Dogs, Innocent Man is Arrested Leaning asatilst a telephone pole, white faced and quaking, while he watched a suit- cae a few feet in front of him rock to and fro a::d give forth queer sounds, Ja;er E. Orates, a travel. tig shoe ralesmun, pre- I tented an odd ght and suffered arrest ruion Wedue.-da. Graves had be ' come terrified over the animated Jerks. ! Jumps and sounds of his suitcase as lw walked down the street and hu dropped ' It at the corner o' Eleventh und Douglas streets, where 1 'atrol Officer Eddie Morgan placed him under arrt. While a large crowd gathered about the man and the Bullcase and the latter con tinued to teeter and bob up and down In a most unusual faction, P.illoenmn Morgan Investigated the affair. "Got a license to do tricks on the street?" Morgan asked the salesman. N-uo. 1 haven l any license. fa tered . ' Gravte. "But I'm rot doing any tricks, j officer. It s the uitca." "Coma on not. Don't get saucy,' Mor- CHARLES WHITE FIRST WITNESS Senator Albert E. Eisley of Newton Also One to Testify. WAYMAN COLLECTS EVIDENCE Fifteen Legislators Will Appear at the Inquiry. W. E. MASON READY WITH STORY Pefeatrd Candidate for l.orlmer's Place Makes Bold -Insertion Mans- Places In X nper House Are Ilonaht. CHICAGO. May 4 In the tpecial Brand Jury Investigation of th alleged bribery In connection with the election of t'nlted States Senator William Lorimer. the first witnesses today were P.epresentative Charles White who alleges he accepted I 11.000 to ca-st his vote for lorimer: Senator .iioeri r,. i,isiey or ixew ton. w no maue me first speech In the legislature denouncing Lorimer as a candidate, and Representa tive Henry K. Shrppard of Jerseyville. Representative Thomus Tippet of Olney was pit sent in tho state attorney's office. Tippet was a candidate for the minority leadership against Lee O'Neill Browne, who Is alleged by Representative White to : have disbursed the so-called Lorimer "slush i fund." The three legislators, all of whom are democrats, said thi y were present i'l answer to telegrams from the state's at torney. Tippet and Sheppard votfd for Lorimer but Isley held out for the democratic can didate, Stelnger. To reporters, .Mr. Kisley said he would testify as to common gossip at Spring field that democratic votes were being sought with money In behalf of the Lori mer candidacy. That States Attorney Burke of Sanga mon county, of which Springfield is the county seat, Intends to push an independent inquiry Into the bribery charges was made evident hero today. Wayman Finds Witnesses. "I have two democratic state repre sentatives who will give Important evi dence before the special grand Jury in regard to the alleged bribery in the election of William Lorimer as United States senator," said States Attorney John Wayman today on his return from a mys- terons visit to St. Louis and the southern I part of Illinois. "These witnesses w ill appear before the I grand Jury on Saturday and tell some Im portant things about the election of Mr. Iorlmer," continued Mr. Wajmart. "Iam not at liberty to give, their names, but I will say they are members of the state legislature, whose names have not been mentioned thus far in the Investigation. Their identity will be a surprise. "I brought no one back with me. I left Murnane of my office In St. Louis to finish up the work there. The two men In ques tion will positively appear before tho jury on Saturday. "1 consider that my trip to St. Louis has been highly successful. I have nothing more to say." Mr. Wayman disappeared after the grand Jury session Monday and did not say where he was going. It was not known here until word came from St. Louis last night that he was there. The grand Jury was in ses sion only a short time and no evidence was heard in the Lorimer case because of Mr. Wayman's absence. Mason's lleelaratlon. "I believe thut M) per cent of the feats In the I'nited States senate can be said prac tically to have been purchased." This statement was made today by former I'nited Slates Senator William K. Mason in the course of an interview' in which he urged the election of United States sena tors by direct vote of the people. A morning paper quote Senator Mason as sdylng that he had hfard tit Springfield before the election of Mr. Lorimer that the honor was for sale and that the sena torial toga would go to tho highest bidder. Mr. Mason, however, today denied that he had made any such allegation. Mr. Mason was n candidate for the sona- toiship, but w ithdrew ills name before t tie I last vote, when Mr. Lorimer was chosen. At his office today, Slates Attorney Way man said he expected fifteen state repre sentatives and senators would appear be fore the grand Jury before its sessions were concluded. ST. PAUL GOES REPUBLICAN Herbert P. Keller Kleeted Mayor 1 Plurality of Nearly Five 'I housnnd. ST. PAt'L. Minn., May 4. Official returns from yesterday's municipal election in St. Pr.ul show tliat lleibert P. Keller, repub lican, was elected over his opponent by a plurality of l.'.qs in a vote of i,290. the largest plurality ever given a mayor in St. Paul, gin commanded. "Unwind that grip and come along w ith nw " No amount or pcrsunstun or commands however, could move the talesman to touch the giip He protested wildly he didn't have any control over its actions and furthermore couldn't uiiderstlrnd them. So far as he knew, he said, there was noth ing mot? lively or mechanical In the suit case than a few collars, shirts and neckties. Half mystlf ed and thoroughly exasper ated. Morgan was about tj pounce on ttie suitcase and break it open on the spot. A third man came running excitedly upon the scene. "Hold on there." shunted the newcomer. "That's my dog." Then it drveloped that there was a dog Inside the suitcase; tout Grave had taken the object by mistake for his grip, wiiieh was idcntiial in appearance, and tliat the mib-equent Incidents were wholly beyond i ., . , . ., . r,iitrjil ,,f lhow eorirn.. The animated grip and its canine con i t -nts are the property of William Armour I the oldest cabman in Omaha. AYi iw v.esfTTr:. mm. wmi czjd pernor '&ssasmmiimmNm tf tzssmtommm nt. i From the Minneapolis Journal. WIRELESS FOR FEDERAL USE Government to Install Station Here to Handle Business. PART OF NATIONAL SYSTEM Cities of loanlrr r"i ire .placed In Instantaneous' Communication with Head-of the Gov ernment. Prof. C. J. King of the naval observatory, Washington, U. C, is In Omaha with a view to the establishment of a govern ment wi"e!-ss station here to handle the government business exclusively, except such as pertains to the War department, which has its own independent plant at Fort Omaha. Tho government departments to be handled by the new station will be the weather bureau. Naval and Postoffice; de partments, thus eventually eliminating the telegraph service now thus employed for these departments. The location of the new Omaha station has not yet been decided upon, but it will be a wholly independent concern, with its own tower, cables and wires, which will be connected with the federal building by means of conduits. Omaha m Central Station. The Omaha station will be one of forty seven stations to be utilized by the gov ernment for this purpose, located at Wash ington, D. C; Atlantic coast, gulf coast and Pacific coast points, with a number of Inland stations, four of which yet re main to be built; one at El Paso, another at Omaha, another at Denver and an other at Los Angeles. The electrical voltage will be sufficient to prevent Interruption by any other wire less system now In operation, and all sta- I Hons will be in direct communication with Washington. The remote stations will be connected with Washington by relay sys tems, but the Omaha station will be oper ated without relays, either to the Pacific or Atlantic coast stations. The Omaha station will be equipped with every ap pliance of modern wireless telegraphy and will be In charge of a chief and three as sistants. It Is the present Intention to have the station Installed within the next ninety days. M X S( Al.DKl) TO DF. ATII Mr 7,elmann Killed by Hnrstlna of Holler Flue nt l.rninrs. LF.MAltS, la.. May 4. (Special Telegram NiJ Zeimann. nged II. was scalded to death by the bursting of a boiler flue at the Plymouth roller mill, where he was fire man. His flesh was literally cooked. He leaves a widow and one child. A sale in 7 days or money back offer Eceins to be just the thing neces sary to move the articles about the home not ncedY i. Housewives are telling these things through Bee Want Ads light along, and when it does not It re funds the money. Such articles as cots, chairs, sew ing machines, lawn mowers, gas stoves, refrigerators, etc., are good articles to advertise now. Call Douglas 23 8 and the ad taker will write your ad and tell you what it will coat and place It for you. Then the ml begins to work. Kveiybotly ivmU Hoe wmit mis. Another Kise in Sight Illness Halts Prosecution of Sugar Magnate Material Witness for Government in Heik , Case is Threatened with Appendicitis. NEW YORK, May 4 The illness of one of its chief witnesses may seriously hamper the government In its prosecution of Charles R. Heik, secretary of the American Sugar Refining company, whose trial on sugar underwelghing conspiracy charges is set for May 10. The supreme court In Washington on Monday threw out Heik's immunity plea and the long delayed trial waa expected to be begun next week. Today, however, there was manifest anx iety on the part of prosecuting officials over reports of tho condition of Richard Parr, the customs official who discovered the fraudulent device by which the gov ernment was deprived of duties on sugar imports and whose testimony was expected to play an important part in the trial of Heik and other men indicted with him in this connection. Parr Is threatened with appendicitis and an operaton may be neces sary. The prosecuton at the least will be con siderably hampered if Parr is unable to appear, although it is said that since the trial of tho last sugar underweighing cases new evidence of an Important nature has been discovered. Parr has played a prom inent part in the trials previously held. FARMHAND SHOOTS EMPLOYER Dick Mock of Aberdeen, S. 11., Fa. tally Shot In Quarrel (tier Pay ment of W'ases. ABERDEEN, S. I., May 4. (Special.) Because Dirk Mock, his employer, called hint a name In a guarrel over wages, a farm hand, known as Red A. Texas, fired three shots at Mock on the later' f.irtn mar Forbes, N. D. To shots took effect, one in the lung and another in the neck. Mock cannot live. His assaillant was taken to Ellendale, N. I)., for safe keeping. DO IT If the census enumerator has fill out this roupon, cut it from The Bee, fold It on the dotted line and drop it In the nearest mail box with the address on the outside. Postage and envelopo are not necessary. CHARLES L. Supervisor Name Address Name Add: Name Address MRS, SWOPE BEGINS STORY Sister-in-Law of Dead Millionaire on Witness Stand. GREAT CROWD IN COURT ROOM Hart Been -No ickneas In Home for Tears Before Oatbreak of Ty phoid Deaths of Colonel Snoiic and Ilnnton. KANSAS CITY. May 4.-Mrs. Logan O. Swope took 'the witness stand In the Hyde murder trial today. Standing room was at a greater premium when the Hyde trial began this afternoon than It had ever been before. The hundreds of people who refused admission to the court room stood In the hall ways, were forced to form In a single file. The line reached from tho entrance to the court room down three flights of stairs and half way around the criminal court building. No emotion was shown by Mrs. Swope. Dressed in a dark gown and wearing a flowing black veil, she walked quickly to the witness chair. The defense made strenuous objection to the witness telling about Dr. Hyd 's courtship of her daughter .J udge Latshaw overruled the objections, but the state did not press the subject. Mrs. Swope simply said she met Dr. Hyde a year and a half before he, was married to Frances Hyde, June 21, 19oD. Immediately after their meeting, said the witness, the physician began to call on her daughter. Describing the premises at her home as being In good condition, she said: "There was no sickness In the house for many years prior to September 190U." On September 12, said Mrs. Swope, Dr. Hyde first talked about Colonel Swope'a will. "He," sald the witness, speaking of Dr. Hyde, "came to Mr. Hunton and myself. after he had talked with Colonel Swope, and said: 'Colonel Swope wants to make a will. He wants a Mr. Hawthorne to be an exicuior. He seems to have it In for Mr. Hunton.' "Mr. Swope. had told him, he said, he (Continued on Second page.) NOW not got your name, or those of friends. OFFICIAL BUSINESS f.irD STATES CENSUS. SAUNDEKS, of the Census, Fodoral I'uildhig, Omaha. I Puts in Busy Day with Addresses and Two Base Ball Games. PRAISES THE SUPREME COURT Calls it the Most Sacred Thing in American Government. I MAKES SPEECH TO THE FARMERS i:eculle Should He t;leu Povtrr to Wlthdrnnr Land from Fntry lulll Methods Can Br Worked tint. ST. LOUIS. .May 1 -President Tafr's five days' trip to the middles west ended here today, and he left Uto tonight for Wash ington, where he Is scheduled to ariKc early Friday morning. It remained for St. Louis to give Mr. Taft the heartiest demonstration of hU jp:estnt Journey. The city was gait decor ! t . . 1 1 .. .,,i , i ..... ,, ..i -; .. .- . , .. ....( niui men1 ,ic viirtTlilipi .lll- ever the president was. Several times hU automobile wax stopped to receive bnqiiet of flowers. These Mr. Taft sent to St. Luke's hospital and tho Home for Im-ur- l a hies. The apparent warmth of I lie reception here seemed to affect the president, and when .at the luncheon of the Business Men's league, late In the afternoon. Pres ident Walker Hill praised him, amid deaf ening applause, for his appointments of Messrs. Lin ton and Hughes to the supreme court, Mr. Taft launched Into a vogorou? speech In phlch he paid his respects to Mr. Bryan for his reported crltclsm of (Jov ernor Hughes, and decried the "cant of the demogague" and the "disposition of ! public Journels" to maklte unjust charges lit-ninst men in nuhlie life. ppeal for Justice. "All I urn appealing for is jjustlce and a square deal." said the president, "not espe cially for myself, for. Indeed, I am In a position where 1 can get Rlong better than some of the rest without it. But 1 am ap pealing for Justico In dealing with all classes." "The constitution of the United States," said the president, "was made by the people of the United States and we have a popular and a representative government, but the people who framed the constitution realized that in order to secure the best government they must Impose limitations Upon themselves so that the resultant of the views of the majority should be em bodied In law and In , national politics through certain instrumentalities that would impose obstructions, to sudden emo tional movements of the people, that wait not Haken with the deliberation necessary to secure wisdom, and that ought to U delayed and held up until they could pass under the observation not only of Philip drunk, but of Philip sober. "And so it was that in the division of power they created a legislative branch, an executive branch and a juduclal branch, and In that conslttutlon they gave to the supreme court and dthe subordinate trib unals to be established by congress certain powers, which. Interpreted by Marshall anil those w ho follow ed him, make that coui l unique in the tribunals of the world. Itlabts of People, That court was constituted to preserve the rights of the people and the rights of tho Individuals aguinst the jieople them selves, whenever In the, hi at of emotion or temporary' aberration they enacteu measures that deprived the Individual of his Just rights under the constitution. Hence it is that to me, a lawyer, the su preme court of the United States is the most sacred thing hat wu have in this government, and that the appointment Of men to that bench is the highest and most bacred function that the executive lias to perform. "1 am nut exalting the Judiciary above tho legislative or the executive branches, or saying thut the Judicial has any more power than the txcutlve when the exeutlve is within his functions, ur when the legls- latlve is within its functions, for the su- . "" ' i""" IIIIIIIHUUIIP. Addressing a Joint meeting f .h Farmers' unh-n and iho people of St. Lotiiu at tho Coliseum today, President Taft de voted himself to a Ui hrncHl discussion uf tile bubjtct of conservation. He' declared tho ttrm covend a nldu range of sub jects. "But as concerns congrcts at this lime," he added, "conservation resolves I's-lf Into tho necessity of pjsslng at onco the on I which will give to the executive turpi,-!., tionrd authority to withdiatv lands for power sites and other purposes. With this : pow' '' lM the hands of the president of the l niUl1 States, we can sit comfortably b. I "!t'"SK a,la devise the best in, an- of disposing of the great public domain to the benefit of present and future gen.-ui Hons.'' I vioveriior nauiey introduced the presldi-m at the fanneis' convention and dccbuc.l ' thai the great movement of ennserv al.ou , had t.o more "enrocst, sincere uud i t Ifeclive friend than piesident Tatt." i The president cnll.-d out laughter and from the agriculturists by iiu louncins that ho was probably the one nun 'in public life in tin: country who .vntild , admit he hud nev r had any fuiinlnt; 1 expi i lunee. Turning to the subject of consei v ation. Mr. Taft said theie were few people who 'had a definite idea hs to J lift what run- servatioii leally nuanv ! The first girai subject of conservation, 'he declared, had to do with human lite. .In this oiinei Hon he ngaln urged Ihe c tuMihhiiirnt of a national bureau of health 'ihe president, spoke of the grrru sir. d. ... that are bring Inula In the fight again -t , consumption in d cancr and took the posi ' tioii that the government mlht Well for : nlsh money t i piuvide the means of com ! batting iliseuse and b'inulnjt about Hi ! "maulery of the Intellect over imtuial Spiaklng of the conservation of the I water supply -ind the Improvement of riv ! era and harbors, piesidenl Taft ui' d anew ids position, that pri jeo t provided for In the liver and harbor bill musi pn ve their feasibility am practicabililv. His statement In ti ls i. s,i, t vc c-i.i dully inii rcsilng in view of the lvi,i reports that he Contemplate a veto of