THK 1U:K: OMAHA. MOXIUY. MAY C. 1010. v rrtH SIDELIGHTS ALONG WASHINGTON BYWAYS Things You Want to Know The Odorous Onion M--innmiinnnmmBTaaciamBBBHnnnMnHMBBnaiiMHi i x . I : 7 1 Xvmtw tw departure frcm publ'C l.f . f IM- Koxer,e Hale w.ll be reg-rited by TiTiT tit hW -lXIH ttlCte Me few ser'p-a fc"fl many r.te employes who will eonvlf th-rafOn with the thought th-r.t after March J11. they can enjoy a r"g sr. rr rltrsrttte Ithout fear of the ser. ler ffnicr from Maine romlng along f-tnr Hate d-tt teheed Teke of '. iri'n .When ! was a young iiiemter cf n. senate he had f submit to Kivlng h i sr.- ofTerwJ'fl r p:pc. c;Sirf:n ail cigars In the Corridors, committee rocms ae1 ".Jivator. When he Mmf oi of the leaders. hnwvr" he ihir.s1 matte Tl.ere . are. "No Srnoklr.g" :$:. on hwme -and s-nale Mitn rf tV rap. I !. hut r ii pretends to obtfnr fich a !u.f on Ue house Sid. esseoik... fine Speaker .rrcn rr r-grrt in arrnd"i.g t- r ,hair in the h-"use each d.iy . that he .!. to, Ms eifa-- 0r fo ihe Fr.t ot'li" r-U uppoM"! trl (.iff rf !i -teco fitifkf outf i1 ;f Of CMk room trouble i c"-t:n to fcllov. ' . "'Hmty SM1 c iir hv 1 droppf-i down fi brt." frKl ttrf of liie teni eirTa'or r. ' when I -.-.or Utir in the of-fi-.C 1 Mi cipar pruty but I l.k rr h.bttfr. ttd lin he 1 roiin3 a must tn hii choir between the 1o. ' Vhn Kensior Hwie la presiding over a rfiTimifl" 'neet!i!f he de not permit hl fc:ov reewiber to unoke. even in eierutive ejr.n MTr.bT imtitr in th executive fftfiort fiT the mate. and Penatar llale. pierful t" !f. T.i revor been ab to i r'oroe h: nn-r.okins rule on h. c peratir Ha pernii h.mwc.f to enjoy another reru"arltT. much to the d.noom r?rv ' U.oe close to htm. He abhorn a tel ephone He not In any r rruroMinces te inJjre.-l. 4 -U-IW over th lre and fur thermere. kka Trever allowed an tnirrumer.t t-. ber:aiiod in hia pr rate office. 1ence whenever his private FeoreTarr f.nda rec eaarr o niate Inqu'.rie he either ha to BORN GAMBLERS By Oorge Slater Deck. TV the1 Precher. the Old Doctor, the . Editor. Un Clrcu Man. the Race Track Of Ode,! ard fvelf were lounging tn the gruunds cf the Pel Monte hotel comparing (rur. Imjreesions of the gambling l.eli of ,!oT!tetejjhtc.b e.Jial vurited ttai ven- Hr M-fh Vreater had jt concluded ,h;a "'." which wm of course h'ghly acd uUy ooruienBsatory of all gamblers a.nd ramMIng methods, whem'the Old Doctor askefl- "Iia aay one of you gentlemen ever known or heard of Pave Mortimer. h ! man. because, as they both vehemently de thfwcard monte and thlmMe-r,g gambler cUd won , from " wlr, traveled with the amailer olrcuee of wi0 WM not tr.,Bf o ,.,n from hlm Hf this' runtry for years. made mu(,h mJ "Here ts one w ho knew him like a h,h - , . . . , . . u , , n but in hi later years his fortune book. :. replied the Clrcu -Man. He ful- rA ar,A A . .u . , v-ariea. and when he died ujt the resu t of kd Mt show for several eeaona t:ii I . ... , . . ' what 'he dtn t know about piscatorial ..... riemfc as applied to catehig human suck- i . . Vr,,, rs-waaat worth knowing , Da;e MortimerT' queried the Rc , Track OfflciaJ it. a muMng tone. TVhr. thSX feuow used to butt in at Our fair and light Tiarness' rare meet, which of I . , . . 1 oourse st-e had 'fixed for our own lnef:t, . ' .... . . .SAnd w. sondered why it was that he twr ur.tft an uiveatigation proved that the driver cf our "jre thing that burned tip o - mcney was on leave's payroll. Then we tied the tin ran to him good and hard. and oe ay w hen he was trying; to filter on -to live track tf.rough the fence a swipe gave h-n the cold ste-l in h feed box Uiat kil.ed him.'" , "Kfl," aaid the Old Doctor. I was pres ut at man e i!rth and death. His fn;.'v history is aa e'ear a proof of the transmission of mental qualities from par- rrt to effspring as I have ever met In a spedlol practice of aJmost half a century, and It Is tSnly one of many case coming r-4i4er" fay observation that compel me to r wrll as condemn such men a we Jt? .V11 raitle this venli.g. Yes. 1 Mvai") Mortimer ail through his life. aod If -yea at t know why I believe rreiy-wne .uv rer njiiurwi iimuim w - - wu it on oe iratn an you must by force of birth be Just ahat they . know, don't you. that I'm rot hot-airln' ra I w!T)"g5ve you a bTlr-f Vstory of his when I ssy I've done de best I csn family' up to four weeks ago." I ' i'ay. girlie, tskd one o' your blazer to We lit or clgara and listened to the de hock shop, and w id de morty p Jy I' Qld Doctor's' stery: Mil an" Je rent. Plant cheap out in I-ave 1Iorurar I the son of an ' Greenwood. A man who loTVl a swipe . English crook el wide reputa's.n. was a , '"iafs'nate him atnt'pot no bbsin-ss cx K tnl fimMrr lis InnlH our on P-ct'.n' lid silver ha-vlies en Irs coff n ern country during the t rr. s whtn it was je.twT to kaow all about the game in order to break eA'en. He had been taught to t'elle, aad a firm In the belief, that the sM td htsn a good li!ng He . . m i u. .4 i. was arvmxe-y nrn. p.inv, fee.ll ia th excitement attending and up to the time w baa he was ar t to"h In' Texas. In !(!. by a greaser w ho rCawiKm rim in me. act oi ri.eanvg b "uld ratht-r win W ctr.ts vn a sure tr- any time than ait d.vwn to a meal. ..' - . . i . .... i.i wire, live s mw.rr, wmi i ; - - - i-m entire Jite. wa r .t Jimiale Clark. Inliis diy recognlied , l'n ,!s to other ra ms. sr4 ni ne -A us the most successful crooks who1111 v'' know what he wanted to lay hih mfr Tt-tfA hi. m t inn t v. tiiLener b-ais rf the Ohio and V.lasslppi In ihe. "That man mi a gambl-r bcnue h--srly a)a. Aayune who hsd any dubt ic"uMn ' b arythmg .else, ai.d I will wtite about Ler al i'lty at cards would Mx.n l ave 11 l At'iti elikselird If Itr rat in a game with her She was a very atU assistant I i l'r L istatid and her gamenej. n per- laps fee tt u unrated hy the fact that w i en 1 aiteT.dd her at the time t-f Iav'a I tiY She wafitrd tn t lry. uuld 1 a b itrd tn tt me 1 that Ihs ; B lh Iv'a pa-er. were proud of the frufeeskiD tliey bad be-n b..rr. Into. A!: thiir time and talent was d-vote-d to the game arul their ewjy prayer waa that their chbd might Ur able to make his money tn the aamS manner ar.a ..iiv . - ' enevOe IBelra v ionr visin -" otwto I(JT. JUM descenosni or tntf-rc tt lef take tc i ilioitin sm I'ave UTUiir toe k 'o gam bling and hia pa'ema w.- prn.d if aim Uy the'tfrne he wc II yea.- ti , tA r.yr fk(r luirl.1 tw.aali-. A . . IK- ...... ...... ...... Ihe dice,- the Itrtmble, the the strap :i the tr4jat the age of 1 he was out, L-f hlmseJt iri Uunrhed la Ue su rtii rund tre rtf'tol or go to phene In sorr ot.ier offioe- A-nong rre trt n her rf f"He houe of rp-rese-t ;! who a-e a-!steemt 1 l;p-" - r.:r I Anlrf .1 P-te-s of V- j -rliie!le M- P-ter rreeenta at lat , a portion or the ertoc-atle sec-inn rf j (Rack p.y 1i F-osion. end w he-n 'n Whi)- , lion r.irt himfff p'f"'T fc'wn i i Metroptvt':n club i-r t tb -s i 0-rt.rrt1v iM w.iuii inii! j : r, ,1hp;m mojit of ni 1 Mjr fconr o- I Af m:tr of frt ther i m r;r i jivo'n of r(ii:)th-i1-tuTiN fu:fl!r Hff i-"i Wr IV(-ik. Whm th- ' con'Mlfr ti po'itlri unret 5hRn i now bri4 ti lh country. l wtien fir.rtf Ht to rrt r from h' dtriot n corffM If Tie In notion, Mr. Pter k. ro rr.r Ii (t-l!ni Ih wivt of Milne or CaradJ. He doen t burden him self :;h a lot of unnecenaary trapping! and tiUFM( Wher. he geia off the t-ajn he p.rka up fukle and tm ruitcaae con taining a chir.fe of cloihrs and jroes the interior. The -jld hu arranged fur provision, and the too live a primitive life until the vJa.-ac)iue-.1 sialesman J ready to re turn to cultured inaton. 1b the Interval between h:t departure from that city and hia return thereto he h la.bored like an export woodsman, felling trees, hunting and f.fhlnp and en.toyir.g hlmlf as only a real woodsman can Mr. Teters Is one of the deep student of legislation In the house. He piaya hard and j he works hard. He is the type of member I who regard commutes work as far more j Important that attendance on the floor of I the house, and It Is declared that he scar , every bill which come before the house commitiee on interstate, and foreign com ! frreree.. He recently msde a two-hour speech j in opposition .to the administration bill which w as generally rVira.-ded as so log ically sound that the chairmaa. Mr. Mann, in charge of the bliL.'tad oo hesitation in croesirig the aisle and congratulating the young member from the Bk Eay. of hia ancestor, which he lored to the hour cf his death and In which he could ee no wrong. He married t he'daughter of a gamb'er who had worked a a:-capper" for hia father for many j-eara. and she, ton, was and Is. thoroughly ooitveTsant "with trie sure thinga that always were her husband" stock In tride. Notwithstanding that Dave s dice were aJwaya londed. his thlm b fixed. Tils cards marked and hia strap and lcM.p certainties, he and his wife al- wajs maintained that he was' an honet i II r wm nu in rr T Prrfl I f fix. . o Wwi j ki v,. m.. , . "fca to hi wire was,. a few dollars vine . . . - , ' )" s around the houee. th d amoeds on hff nfHk ap(J nng m(mfhB. f i.ndlonJ .j ot Mt9 BmounUB ,0 aw pr , Mmbler., outflt 4nd icjonD 0livla-l old . . , " , 1 WBS ra'lfw rrofesstoraTy whrn he waa ,rnili.. hr . . , brought horn wounded from ihe race trark . , eT . ....."" pa;n. nut he refused It, saying: "i n bet a tenner that the stuff would kill me. 1 never took nothin" to make me game when I waa all wool, an" I'd s a sucker to take dope to d.e on." When I told him he had but a few moment to live, and that if he dlrd to say anything to his wife It must be said at once, be took her hand and. clasping It to his heart, said: If Ioc hasn't deped this sews out wrong and try feeltn- ain't playln' me false, that wipe's gimlet has done me up good and proper, an', you ain't gom to have no futther use for your marriage receipt pretty soon. Xow. don't cry. girlie." IV a I ach be as cool as an oyster and show up brave. It hurts roe 'cause I can't leave you a bag o" coin, 'cause we kno-w that widders' characters a. n't safe w.dnut de coin; but say. rlrl'e. vnu u i a i. or a bard at his finale. Iet the otier debt r" Th- feed and clothing guy t Kk dere chanfe on me. an' if y kick, blame It de swipe. Say. gir..e. don't let Johnt j chuc k de d'e- or t row de loop on de tr. t or at Ac f. i.. '..ii - m . , - mi incr yoj re co?Kore HJ;',i fot r'ght. 'cause if he goes out i""""-'" " n fall by d wavs de an' j ''iaee de family. And ea? glrlre, doM - i i g' or.. r'""n New York for I'll b.t " I Kul ,h gambling spirit, which, brn Ii hin. YimA A n m i . . r.. .... . ... oet o an ra.Tonil on the s b)eH of whn I get back to the tditor. . .. ffice," dor la red Ard my f.r, .-tnon after my return to rT1' lr") h- "n the subject of hon I ' r. ulna .. T . .. V . . " in-r are i i im tnon tot children. een tinu. the third and fitirh f-nerail.jn of those who hit- the Iord " said the Preacher. "I hope that my 1 an Patch ri will f,i' low Ms she a closely ,, Mortimer followed h'a dad." ejacu ate.1 the R1r Tmck lifficUI. - '-Tt.Jif l.iKtrv imtm ... .u.. .. . " w-... iimmi mat ev. r happened In any generation of the gr at Gilmcre family of acr. b'.' chlrn-d In the (',rcul j4n "Bui. ductor. did the amt mar.. a f,,r gau.b'irc deveh-p in U. twin .f this pree-lii pair'."' I inquired .i-ai neavens he replied. "ff his ... - iiiiiti was a cier taae nj heredity -.he your g s. n' Is eq plain that you ran al- roust pbui'raph It. The undertaker who piepaitd liti bjdy lor burial to'd me ri siquj ii unci vyCLyLLrf i sv-zwr wi ASrWDC. Htft CKVNC. PONS fX QUtVWCN HIM, ANb HNO our ANC. A BV1CO GETS . WOULD XXJ CALL A COW TffoN Ht'S A HQtTWif A LWifXff wrct .AasdTi m .... e j.fflSi&y ir or I- I.'vcx-J vl 'V'7 COPTRJGHT, 19ia BY THE The Tired Business Man By Walter A. Sinclair. "I see that a lot of the older senators are leaving." observed rriend Wife. "Some are leaving and some are left." said the Tired Business Man. "While the tre leave in the fail, these sturdy oaks of the upper chamber chose the gentle springtime for their specialty. Tht tllder Statesmen ere giving merited rebuke to the old reyln.? that few die and none resign. They r.ot only are resigning, but are resigned. The senate chamber is get tina too riotous for peaceful s'umber. "Those political seers who see some sjf nificance in even' act of a prominent front In the hall of letfslation will tell you that the persons with the retiring disposition have seen the footprints on the wall or the handwriting on the tands of time. Maybe so. Maybe they are worried by splinters from the party plan over which -they slid so carefree. It isn't a matter of health, either, for they are hale' and hearty, or. rather. Hale and Alcrich. But I think it Is the lack of old time sleeping facilities In the upper cham ber "If you want to. you can believe that It wa weariness af the constant outcry Possibly. I can conceive that it would be very trying to eat breakfast each morning while reading from the r.fws paper propped up against the Ireakiast fiKl box that somebody else had slam med me. It must be depressing to be pic tured as dropping in at the headquarters of the Interstate dally for orders bffore going to work at law making or block ing. It can't be xaet!y chirking to be that he had been In the room but a few mtr.uUe when little Johnny entered, and placing two five dollar bills on th- table said. 'Pay, mister! I won a fiver from s'sier on de "prop' th3t dad couldn't live over night wid dat cut In his. bread basket, an' I'll Jest bet you ten plunk dat you can't make him breathe no more." " I was sppointed sniardian for the children snd soon found thst I muet 3-t the boy awsy from h mother. bersuie she. true to her breeding, and stubbornly refusing to believe that there Is aiy wror.s In gamb ling, was teathir-g him the tricks used by hia fathr and encouraging him in the belief that he would be rich son - day if he learned to manipulate them perfectly. I tent him to a good h' school up th' Hudson, but it waa only a short time un'.il he was ttie owner of nearly all the watches, ar.lves. jewelry ard hepsk' tht the ither boys had brought to the school with them, and the principal wrote me thit if I did Hot come and take him away h would have him. piared in a reformat, r. t have oft i wished that I had allowed him to be placed in durpnee. hut his rn .th-r pleaded so hard for that I rr.t him io another school te'l'n'.; the principal f jlly and frankly who a" d what I - was a-d g vlng Mm a free l;.rc- to us- am- m'hds he mlsht prefer In the task of breaking up Johnny's Gambling proptriitic The boy bel aved as weil as could lie expeci-d from any one of h' ate the f rat oa and night at mi school, but on li e eAering if tie second di . when all tie hc wre in tie chapel for everiirtr pray ers, he sudderly rose fro-n his nat. flashed a 1. ire bill, and v.iih g.-et gravity offered to bet that the ir ;t! had two IJOo) gold pieces In his i ket The pr ncjal. knowii.g he U r.vl hae uie coin, end btlleving that it wn-:'d almost bieak the heart of the young ramMer end nl the same time t-arh I'm a g-xid lesson t.i win the mone ff.rr. rim. touk. (lie bet. 'Then, turning hia x-kf.i wrorg side jout to show that he did not haxe t ic coins. be proceeded to deliver a snort ie-ture on ! tne evil of jrarr. bling. held Johnny' u; to ridicule as a would-be gambler from Ihe alums of tne cr. v who did not kno how to use the mocey that his guaid.aa - 'KXlbW WTM HIS TrtE. WAY he's cCre IP I ASK HIM &c -WKTS (& V. tVf-J?T NEW YORK EVENIMS TELEGRAM (NEW YORK HERALD CO.). AI Right Reserved fVa""3 ' . l'iTiT7raiaT''liifTa1iaMIIIIIIll Ii Ii I i deln.t-'ed &s running errands for preda tory powers a.l day and then swaggering up the street arm In arm with the trusts at eventide, ihoulderir.g the common peo ple off the walk in front of the hiph cost of living traffic. "Personally, I would' grow very weary of being prominent that each day some convention or delegation or editorial or sermon would warn the particular war ree cf that day to avoid me as he would a creditor. This would be even more irk ing if I had spent a lifetime arquirinc a venerable and benevolent appearance and the ability to' w ear a,, fctraJirht up collar, a white pique waistcoat, with a piqued constituency In the pocket, and a frock had so kindly provided for his pleasure, told the boys that a fool and his money are always soon and easily parted, and concluded by orderin? my ward to go to hia room at once and r'main there ur.tll called f . In answer to a'l this. Johnny." calmly demard-1 that the hoy sitting next to hint slmuld give him SlOOi I before he would leave the chapel and It then and thee developed that he j bet IjW with ere of the boa that l e would make the principal empty his pe,ck j ets in the presence of the whole school. On the day affr this evidence ' of Johnny's utter dejravity I received a let ter from an a ngry principal informing me tiat It had royuted only two days for my ward to demoralize a whole school and biing great hjmllijtion on the principal himself; that said ward of mine was at that w riling locked in the cellar, and that under r. coinid.ratK'n would he be hid even there f r the rata to feed on any j longer than until rorn 'of 'the net day. I 1 have had an awful of it with 'that boy in ihe la.t six years. He has io use. as he tein.a n. for any oiner ' ri m's game, but. like hi ancestors. Is alnsy on the lookout for "su( l.-r '" who lane the bait of hi own sure things, and 'l have neer known him to la.y money Ion ar.ythlr.g els: than It's own certaln- t'e.a, but once. ' I f ori I-.. return from the mountain of ; Pennsylvania, where I had sent him to re icuperate after an attack of .yphoid last i he t ild n e that a g pay fortune lt-!l'r, whom 1- met tuere had resd the' I of his l ands ar.d told him tnat a large fortune awaited him n the bowel cf ' 'the earth; alto that his father had visited I him In a dream and told him he; ! thought It was worth while to gamble a I little i n what the fortune telle r t ad I .Id him Then he sh iwed rue -0m. wli'rh' he sa J he had won worklrs three card mori'e arid thltT.ble-rggtT'g up In ti-.e n. jn- -try and had Hie nerve tj S-k rre Jjt the hn ef $ 'At t aild to .t f'jr use 1u buylnie nun- ' mif shares at 10 cen: ir ahaie. Of , cuure. J refused, tut a ilny ir iiu after- ' ward I leaincd hia had ' pawn'd last dltuiorid ring for ..' . I est: ft5 AM AlSsn? TO lATttRFERS. DlQtfimON ?! COWDOy "RtATS K. - nt now so cven fHiLts, WHV, ME GAlMO SMlLtS , W. USE ? ir om.v RiLts mm . 'I Tells Friend Wife Some Senators Leave and Others Are Left. coat, without losing: a note. A great deal "HT allowance ought to be made 'for prornl-r.-r.t men. who have to live In frock oo.t at all hours. "Time was when any male person with these accomplishments and a et of patriar chal wind caressers or. better still, a growth of Abraham Lincoln whisker, could go-right Into the senate, providing he was kindly regarded by the princtpal rail road cr corpors.tlon of the state he hailed or aldrichcd from. All he had to do was to snuggle dow-n In hi chair each day and go to sleep, waking long enough to say 'Aye' if nudged once and 'Xo' If he got two bells. It was an Ideal existence for a man who had been ordered by his physi cian to take a complete ret from all activi ties. "But that has all been changed, for sev eral year past the United State aenate ha resembled a stage on which a very sad lot of barnstormers are being presented with all the vegetable and cats of the old school. Only those who were lively on thc.r feet and enjoyed such diversions have been able to endure It with any amount of enjoyment or safety. It's like riding In an aeroplajie the higher they are the harder they fall. And so when the state machines begin to wobble as though suf fering a lost tire they stup and retire. A toga In mothballs gathei no moth." "Io you think little Rhode Island will let Penaor Aldrlch retire?" asked Friend Wife. "It would be a dispensation of Provi dence R. I.." said the Tired Business Man. (Copyright. 1310. N. Y. Herald Co.) which she gave him and 'which he in vested in that confounded mock. Later he rot hold of lO.onO shares of the same stock from a lot of boy shareholder, who had tired of waiting for dividend, for which he paid 1 cent per share, and In the Course of time, by begging, borrowing, pawning his, winter clothing and gambling over ;lme. he had accumulated Jf.OXJ shares of stock, which I had repeatedly "old was worthless. About six weeks ago his mother, who wa 111 at the time, gent for me. and. much to my surprise ahowed me a dividend check for komething over V whk-h they had ris ctived by mail that day. The check was accompanied by a letter Informing; the rce ij iwit that l e enclosed check was the first of a serka of monthly dlvid'nd which the ei.rrpnr.y hoped to continue for at least twenty-four consecutive month, and that because of his having been kind enough to invest with them when they needed the money for dee opment work, the company would now reciprocate by giving him a ten-day chance to obtain 30.000 more shares at the old ground floor price of only 14 ent per share. After ten days th price was to be advanced to fl per share. I did not like this letter. The outlook was too gorgeous. After persuading th boy to a company his mother and sister to Armagh township and remain there with lim until ina mother would recover her health. I came on west to Investigate the mining enterprise in which Johnny I o deeply interested. Just a I expected. I found that it la nol a commercial It is not even a prospect. There is not an much as a hole In the ground The divi de rd was but a portion of the money paid In to the promoters of the fraud, every cent of w!:in and much more will return to iluni in payment for additional stock. There will never be another dividend paid Th.- s'.ork I worthless, and for the first time in Ms short life Johnny Mortimer has b'u played f ir a su' ker. But this experi ence will rot drive 1 i rn eraiy or in the casl degree interfere with the nn tenor e.f t i way, for he I a born (eiuthr, car ing in li leas for th nv :iev tl an l.e rare I. r tl.e game, and he wlil lose do time in The dep'ed. b.. d.-llrious onion ma not be an srlstrocrst among xegetahle but Is entltsM to rank amorg the great wealth producers of the agricultural world The onion crop Is among the mml prof tai le cf all the product of American farms e(-ri' eoce haxir.g demmstrated that onions un- der proper conditions will yield s ret profit , were hot tranpls:rted In the eapeilmn.t of tttt per acre. - Thus a farm whlcMwouid of the North l'.l,. ta Maiion the tiatis-prrdu.-e a net profit of an acre In wheat planted onions ) iriilcj .four times as niuctt won'd yieM fifteen t'mes a much if planted t3 the acre as the ilne,l spurts In onlor. A biindre,l-acre field of the irti v would ep-ct the oni 'tt to be sin hest land uhder the verv beet conditions gulTl fie,, fiom the ii,'nr- cf Inset ouid leld a profit of .;' from cerea's nr.. jiut ,vl,-h :s not f. m.- The imv In onion it would ield Jt..-W Hut for- union thrlp 's very f r, I of ti e puiiger.t tunatelv for the onion market, the land jU,-e of the gro-Airn top. n which Its bite particularly a.lapted to onion culture is f(lta) ,,, kin.N . f c utworms also liailted 1n fXtcnt. ,lestruct;e b tlie t-nlon. Tli-re are The ceess now being taken for the a rumbei f fmi;ui ilin'S which attack I'nited SIMn prohah'iv will show a yield the onion and soire of them woik great of H W bushels of onions In the census , l aim In oni, n f M. of !! New York prxulured more than any In pihiv tv ..: . ts t lirown niotn other state in the union. So concentrated I for the m e,l tr. l.r on on Itself. la was the onion growing lr.d i.ti that one- I (,!, (rni mo our- cvtnlve fields half of the entire onion leld wa produced .i. votej to tl.e a;' )'ifc of tlie se',1. 'hn by twenty-five out of the more than !.' this s.-d is sufficiently i.. I'hirese la r ount lew tn the 1'nlted Siaies. Tixaji is,-ei go tl roiicli tl.e f lei Is rn l.gith-r now becoming one of the moot prominent (!r f.-ads lino 1htk bass The seed Is producers of onion a'iior. the states In , r4,rn to some .( in .il point, where It is fact, ti e orlon has prove.! to be something; flrea.l out b ciiy. It is afterward of an empire ball-!, r there In the Brow n- I r, rhy thPMigli an onion thivrhlng nv.i Mlie region, where only a de.ade auo the ! r,,ne and tl.e s d Is washrd and drlrj rural dlsrtrlcts were almost uiipeopl.-d. tiv ' It f f . ,,wr) ,h.xt the land on day there Is a population of fully b-iXk', m hll.h ono s.-e,l is grown shall be rx and they are making tho land flow th ; , e-exllngrly fertile ano free fr-ni ail nox the milk and honey of wealth .leriv ed 1 ,,, , WPt js Tnr l(K.n grower using thi mainly from the growing of the mild flav-. new m. thod has feit riously the need ored Hermudw onion. of wr ,uon transpVinter Many fforta T. C. Ne if Laredo Is known as thej mV( w, ,,,,, ,., j,,,,, probU"m of onion king of the Rio llrande. His farm tr,n,(lunttng. but without suc.-es. llow ylelds at least .Ki pounds of onions lo!f,pr , h( nmU,r harvesting a uo the a. re. The entire yield of that small i silfu) hf lirT nj. Wn flln,,. d.Mrlot. comprising 1 ?X acres ts said to Tn nBM, cclle, tno tor are a,l approximate l.0rtn pourds. The crop , th grouid. Dry weather is sold st such prices aa to yield a net profit j vp(.v j,.,,. ,onc , ,ne r.,,,M on. of MAw. or to the acre Mr. Nve for i )f on ,h ( cJr(1 whfu four yean, has art alde five acres for the u haV( bon a!k,w. , , tha growing of Bermuda onions, and has kept fr w.k gnth,.,v lrit a a careful rerora or an ma financial tran- i factions growing out of his onions on these five acres. This account show that with i g,-H. ma an,. .u.. .errm . ha. netted him a profit of 1 3 in four . . . . i i i . . I... i .... .i The "Jilted of Bermuda Is now the j world s most' concentrated onion-growing .-egion. lta prosperity and Its financial i depression, are determined by the statu or It onion crop, nermuoa s iu i nny i Ihe Easier Illy, out of which it makes a profit of hundreds of thousands of dul lara erery year. Strange aa it may im, these two Industries are very closely al lied, the Easter Illy being a cousin-German to the onion. They both belong to the allium family, of which there are some iV! different branches. It is said that the onion Is probably the Rf( nianv othfr ,atv s onion Rrowet first vegetable ever cultivated by man. A , h. v( upM ftVera; crop twu-e as far back as civilisation goes Its literature as h(VB tnoB (j. iau. reveals the cultivated status of the on, on. much more fert- Th;, lesson ot Holy Writ Itself tell us that the children ; carefu, lrtensive cultivation Is alsj born of Israel in their sorrowful aKfr'n'1 i out In other crops and shows the pcsslbtl through the desert remembered the "fish Uy j)f th( fulure when farming becomes a we did eat freely, the cucumber and the j prof,,ion melons and the leeks and the onions and Thpre arf manv alffr,nt varlP,is 0f the garlic" and longed fur tl.em sgaln. onlonR ,om of tDm belng produced by To this day the onion of Egypt is still I djvslm ot tne bulo Bt,me frin, t, p ,eta known by the name by which Israel called , nd Jlome from black Tll, bt,st it-"batxel " The oldest of Chinee rec- j known of courae, ot u the varieties are orda ahow that the onion was a cultivated th(J BermudlJ and tJpanish onions. They plant, and botanists have traced It back Br(j yery mucn miIl1er than the other va to tfce table lands of the Hindu-Kuh j rjetlM and are nol usually grown for mountains, tha very cradle of the human , pprlng onions. Another kind of t-nlon Is race. I ,ne pjarlttta. This la a small onion used In the cultivation of the onion for gener- for pjcklln(t purposes. It sells for about atlons It has been the custom to grow , fc a huHhvX in the hoUsale market. them directly from the seed; but in re- i Hou!ieWv.., t,ften complain of the trouble cent year a new order of onion culture lhfy ,)ave ,n clpanlns these little onions, ha prung up. By this method the seeds but" h ,s tha, lt the roots. tops and are started In hot houses or cold frame fs ar pIaced ( bnc for a dny and when they have reached a sufficiently ,wo a of the rcf.13e win wa!,h away growth they are transplanted Into the an(J wU1 ne) hard woik. nor onion beds. To transplant a few hundred j ahedJln! 0f tMra n the preparation uf bulba is not a formidable task, but when one goes to set .W bulbs on an acre he ha a job on hand. It exceed all the rematnder of the labor of onion growing and selling put togeiner. a gooa ou nn set out S.000 plants a day. while a nimble fingered person accustomed to garden work will easily set out 5.00. It require about twenty-five day' work to set out an acre In onions by the tranoUnting method. The experiment stations of the various states have demonstrated the advantage of returning to the practice cf the "good things" his forefathers for four genera tions before him doted on. "Did Johnny's twin sister Inherit the same evil tendencler" Inquired the preacher. " Please do not require me to answer that question." replied the old doctor, and as he roso from Tils seat I noticed that he brushed away a tear. When we returned to the hotel we found a number of our fellow tourist playing bridge. Among them a mjt vivacious and lovely woman, who for several day had been the life of our party. She waa so in tenely Interest-d in the game that siie paid no attention to the pleadings of lie-r little flaxen haired boy. who wanted to be taken to his room. I shali never forget the pitying look of the old doctor aa he laid his wrinkled band on the woman's shoul der, looked Into her eyes as though he was reading her very suuU and said: "Dear madam, take sn old doctor's ad vice and do not become Infatuated with bridge." And I know the reason why. (Copyright. IS10. N. T. Herald Co ) MEAN. He ought to make good match. He rolling in money." "Ye, but that's all he does with U roll In it' tr.irplanlrd oiilot-.s. In . rr cse the trstis plantrd htilh leMd M b'.iVin to the a. rr sb !r those nAI t : s rspl.tril. d j irl.led o'iU ;i liifhrls to t'if ,cre At the eprtnieiit station transplanted 'r.iots lelf1ed bushels to the acre. a compared with bushels wheie the" Urge stomee ho !e much like the familiar corncrib They possess a gr ut advantage oer apples and many other fruit which . nulst nrketed shortly ater maturity, , R. mrUvUl the Urm(r ma. kM? his onlnr.s until ho considers t'.ie market h'gh enough ti warrant their sale. A well known writer on onion subjects ways that he has f re.juet.;.y grown mora thmiMnJ , crfc- Jo do this has cost him C per acre. A thousand bushels at Tf cents a bush-l iM-lngs film In 7rA thus leaving a net profit of H" think that In well irrigated land a l..V bushel crop Is possi ble. Massachusetts long has lieM the record, for acre production of onions. While not . wr. tl favored with natural soil fertility the picklea. It is not to be expect"! 'hat onion grow ing may be converted Into a source of j prom ,iy ,nt. th,,UMnda of anners who are growing wheat and corn and other less profitable crops today. If there should be a stampede to onion growing because of the bun a Asa profits In It tho onion market would be glutted and wheat and corn would, become more protiublK than others. sr razssBio j. xabkcw. Tomorrow slaking Paper. Earth tremor felt In Atlantic City. Uti serpent butting in hetlme. probably. Notiie report from Alaska that men won't work, preferring to go to Idltaroo and hunt for gold. Won't work, eh? Whisper, dids t ever hur.t for gold? f'olor.ei R-iosevelt has tiffined tha desir able citizen. There appears to be only two uf him, one h- iiio' Jdiou KiN. J The ' Onlooker J Constituents are complaining that the) government free seeds are very poor this year. Probably connects In some way with the high cost of thing. Scientist has discovered rubleer In tha cactus. Accounts f..r the resilience a few horns of paique will put Into a human. Mr. Johnson ta s he Irtenrts to ask Mr. Jeffries some very pointed ifutstions when they meet In the ring. Mixht as well cut that out. Conversation don't show In tha pictures. Emln-nt Iaughtcrs of the American Revolution save the equal suffragists are only a lot of frump That settle It. No body of the sterner ax had the nerve to use that word. HUH. It has been said, and' no organization bf women can survive being call-d a lot of fruinps. To your tents or your cell, oh. suff rag-tte-st Cleveland divorce suit reveals that while a man and wife dwelt In the same housa they Ignored each other. Huh. Begin chronicling those little things and the size of Uie paier will have to be Increased. High hook among the census enumera tor, with record of eM persons In one day. Is a young and pretty g1ri. alure thing. Whoever resisted tha wlrvseirae smiles and plaintive request, "Oh. won't you please write something In my aulograpl) album?" Temporary l.w. ' The race traek man I furl of guile. of coin h- baa a stack; He lets you hold sunt for awhile. Hut be alwajs takes It ba k. -r. E. M.