Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 01, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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Council Blutfs
Minor Mention
Til Council Blnffs office of the
Omaha Be la at 18 Boot gtreet.
Both 'phone 43.
Davis, drugs.
The Clnrk bnrber shop for bath.
CORRIGANB. undertaker. 'Phone 248.
Woodrlng Undertaking company. Tel. 339.
Lewis Cutler, funeral director. Thone J7.
Rulrd Sc Roland, undertaker. 'Phone
Mv tailoring makes friends. Martin Pel
ersen. woCaliiM! P W,t!' hU"-
r,iV' 'lerr,V- " '" tmv.-rt to 411 W.
Broadway, Lyes examined free.
S-e our gold frame socials for thla
week. C. L. Alexander. Broadway.
For first-class wall piper work. painting
and wal' pijur and r nsonablo price, see
Jensen. Maainle temple.
The bent r. jd cha...j.t p'.nre In the city
t.( p, vour wm'I n.iper nnd pnl'ifnu Is
Y . -holalsen & Co., 14 South Main street.
Fo" rent, livery nnin, corner h.;it Ilroa'!
way and l.njon street, per month
flrst-iiasM cordition, room for forty head
of rtoc-K J I. SV. Winder At Co.. Counci,
BV'ffs I-
The funeral of the late Turner Tlnnell
will he held Sunday afternoon ot 2 o'clock
at the family home, Hixteenlh avenue ana
Fourteenth street, and burial will be In
Fairvlew cemetery. Itev. A. Oveiton will
conduct the services.
ON AND AFTER Hnturday, May 7, 1S10,
the banks of Council l.iluffs will close .Sat
urday at 12:30 p. m.. and on till oilier busi
ness duya at 3 p. in.. City Nntionnl Hank.
Commercial Nnt'onal Bank, Council Bluffs
Sjv'irig Hank. Fust National Bunk. Mate
fc. viegs Bank.
Alpha Shew, Hi-year-old son of Mr. and
Mm. F.dward Shew of Mlnden. la., died
early Friday morning In the Kdmundson
Memorial hoHpital from Injuries sustained
six weekn ao. The youth received a frac
tured skull while, winking about some ma
chinery In his father s barn. The body was
sent to Mlnden for funeral and Interment.
Mrs. Mary Smetak died yesterday at Ht.
Bernard's hospital, where she was com.
mltted by the commissioners: for the in
sane on April 15. She Is survived by a
sister, Mrs. Anne Vmia, USB! South Six
teenth street, this city. The funeral will
be held this morning at 10 o'clock from
Cutler's undertaking eatablishment and
burial will bo in Fairview cemetery.
The fire deportment was called out yes
teruay morning and again In the afternoon
to tho scene of the blaze on Broadway
and Pearl street to pour water on a quan
tity of smoldering hay which had been In
the barns burned Thursday afternoon. At
8:80 o'clock yesterday morning the depart
ment waa given a run to the residence of
W. P. O Hara at 1017 Third avenue. Burn
ing rubblbh had set fire to the approach to
the barn. The blaze was extinguished with
but nominal dumugo, Shortly after 12
o'clock the department was called to the
residence of George Camp at Second ave
nue and Thirteenth street, where a defec
tive chimney had started a blaze in the
roof. The only damage was a email hole
burned In the roof.
Hons Home In Track Suit. Janitor
Finding; Salt Where Thief
Left It.
George D. Smiley. Janitor of the Third
street school, while walking through Fair
mount park early yesterday morning on
his way to the school, discovered a suit of
clothes on the top of the hill near the park
water works pumping station. He turned
the suit of clothes over to the police and
for a while the officers scented a suicide
mystery. Later Folsom Everest, son of
Frank P. Everest, reported to the police
that while "working out" In Falrmount
park preparatory to the high school field
inett, gome maliciously Inclined person IfmX
stolen his clothes and that he had been
compelled to make his way home in Ms
attenuated and abbreviated running garb.
The clothes found by Janitor, Smiley proved
to be those missed by young Everest.
Real Estate Transfers.
These transfers were reported to The
April 9 by the Pottawattamie County
tract company of Council Bluffs:
J. J. Brookhouser and wife to Jor
gen Hansen, lands In 2-77-44, w, d..$
Thomas H. James and wife to
Thomas H. James, lot 21, In block
26. in Central subdivision to Coun
cil Bluffs, w. d
Emma lianford to J. M. Pullen. lots
1. 2, 3. 4. 6 and 6. in block 14. In
Oakland, la., w. d,
Anna M. Holmes and husband to K.
1 Stowe, lots 1,-2 and 3, in block i.
In Mornlngslde addition to Council
Bluffs, la., w. d ;.
Benjamln-Fehr Real Estate company
to George and Ida Wheeler, lot 14,
In block 13, In Ferry addition to
Council Bluffs, la., w. d
Causa H. Mueller (ruardlnn) to Cam
Ilia Hanna, undivided 1-28 of lots 1,
2, S, . S. U and U, In Auditor's sub
division of outlot Turley, In Council
Bluffs, la., g. d
Cornelia J. Comlns to Liestlne Comlns,
lots M and 21, In block T, In Steele
& Wood's subdivision of lot t , In
East Omaba, d
George W. Llpe and wife to F. T.
True, lots In Benson's 2d addition,
Day' subdivision and Ferry's addl
tlon to Council Bluffs, la., q. c. d..
Benjamln-Fehr Real Estate company
to F. T. True, lot S. In block 8. In
Potter & Cobb'a addition to Council
Bluffs. la., w. d
Jessica J. Sledentopf and husband to
P. T. True, lot 2, in block 8; lot 10,
In block 24 and lot 23, In block 43,
In Ferry addition to Council Bluffs.
yd, w. d
E.Vt Edell and wife to F. T. True,
'lot In block 12. In Wright's ad
dition to Council Bluffs, la., q. e. d..
Elmer Taber and Flora M. Sanders
to V. T. True, lots 8 and t. In block
4, In Benson's 2d addition to Council
Bluffs, la., q. c. d
Twelve transfers, total $U.fc3
Marriage Licensee.
Licenses to wed were If sues yesterday to
the following:
Name and Residence. Age.
W. A. Embry, Spokane. Wash
Alta Farney. les Moines, la 21
H. L. Miller. Beatrice, Neb 21
Clara Braun, Beatrice, Neb..,, 19
T. E. Crellln. Orchard, Neb 21
Laura Johnson, Arlington, Neb 22
Joe Bender, South Omaha, 23
Maud Kuckla, South Omaha 18
Allen C. Carr, Hurley, S. 1 31
Floy G. Mills, Hurley, S. D ta
rphostrring, Furniture lie.
paired and lieflnltthed, Feathers
Renovated, Mirrors Keplaled,
and all kinds of mattress work
Both Thones.
19 So. Main St., Council Bluffs.
'IIave 11 Dine Right
W. Klein II
uan liouey on
Twenty Years or 8sccearul i;asiaa
Mo connection with the firm calling themselves Tfce Clark Mortgage Cm.
Council Blulis
Testimony Concluded Earlier Than
Had Been Anticipated.
Legal Questions Involved Empha
sised to the Court in Argu
ments . Daring; Brief
The hearing In the removal proceedings
afain.t Major George H. Richmond, chief
of police, was concluded yesterday after
noon and Judge Woodruff took his decision
undfr advisement. It Is understood that
Judge Woodruff will hand down his de
cision tho early part of next week. The
hearing camo to a conclusion sooner than
had been expected, judging from the slow
progress made Thursday by the prosecu
ion.and was undoubtedly due to the fact
that the court Intlmntrd Thursday evening
:hat It would not devote much more time
io the ease an the term at Avoca demanded
his presence there.
Tho cross-examination of Major Richmond
a as concluded at the morning session, and
with tho calling of Judge Snyder of the
police court. Justice J. K. Cooper and Con
stable J. C. Baker, the prosecution closed
Its ca.e.
Stat? Senator C. G. Saunders was called
to the stand at the beginning of the morn
ing session to corroborate the statement
of Major Richmond regarding tho time of
day when R. B. Wallace, defeated candi
date for mayor two years ago, complained
of the sale of liquor on election day In the
bnsenifnt of the building occupied by the
Manhattan saloon.
Attorney General Byers said he would
waive nny opening argument, but finally
mad a brief opening argument. Judge J.
R. Reed made the opening argument for the
defense, dealing with the legal questions
Involved, and was followed by Attorney
Emmet Tinley, who made the closing argu
ment for the defendant. Mr. Byers occu
pied about two hours with,the closing
argument for the prosecution.
Byers 'Wants Change.
"We look to the judge to make this the
beginning of t'.ie end of such administra
tions Irf every city in the state at Iowa,"
declared Attorney General Byers In eon-',
eluding his closing argument.
Mr. Byers said the proceedings to re
move Major Richmond, formed one of the
most. Important ' cases preeented to any
court In the state of Iowa in a number of
."We have come to a time In the state '
of Iowa when such an administration as
that of Chief Richmond has been shown to
be, must cease," said Mr. Byers.
The system of taking money ifrora women
of the town, whom he terms "unfortunate,
helpless creatures," the attorney general
characterised as "rank extortion."
The cross-examination yesterday of Ma
jor Richmond by the attorney general was
mainly in relation to the accused officer's
alleged knowledge of th presence of J.
C. Maibray and his associates In Council
Bluffs d-urlng 1908.
Questioned, regarding a man named
Hancock, froqj Omaha,' who testified In
the earlier stages Of the trial that he tele
phoned Richmond and read him a letter
which had' fallen Into Hancock's hands
through an error In the address to "Bot
44" Instead of "Box 4," and which waa
evidently Intended for Mabray, Richmond
said Hancock never telephoned to him.
If such a message was received by any
officer of the department he did not bear
of it, and believed he would certainly
have received a report of It had such a
message been received. "Hancock testi
fied," said the chief, "that the telephone
conversation took place about half past
o'clock In the evening, rive nights out of
the week I am In bed at that time. I have
no recollection of the occurrence, and am
sure I did not receive the message. ,
Affidavit of Dan Weir.
Regarding the affidavit of Dan Weir, a
former detective ot the Council Bluffs po
lice department, which was read by the
attorney general. Major Richmond said
with considerable wej-mth:
"Dan Weir committed the greatest per
jury when he made that affidavit What
evtr talk I had with the officer was
after the rumor of a certain horse race,
which we Identified after the expose and
arrest of Mabray and the others a year
ago. At that time there was no mention
of Maybray. The matter waa mentioned
briefly as I was leaving my office. I
asked the officers what they knew. They
had heard so and so and so, but they knew
nothing. That affidavit Is false as hell.
The man who obtained it and succeeded in
getting Dan Weir to sign It Is worse than
Dan Weir."
In his affidavit Weir swore that Major
Richmond had Instructed him to keep away
from the gambling houses. In regard to
this part of the affidavit Major Richmond
"Captain Shafer reported that Welr was
spending a good deal, of time In such re
sorts. Richmond said he told the captain
to tell Welr to keep out of such places.
The captain reported that Welr said he
would go into gambling houses whenever
he pleased.. I asked Welr the next day
if he had made this reply and he said he
had. I told him there was but one chief
of police In Counoll Bluffs and that he
must obey orders or I would file charges
against him. After that I gave him thirty
days' leave of absence on pay to go to his
farm In Dakota. He wanted three months
on pay and said he must have It. , I re
fused the request and asked for his res
ignation, which he gave me.
No Knowledge of Mabray.
"No officers has evtr been removed on
account of the Mabray affair. I knew
nothing of Mabray at that time; you might
as well vet that out of your mind now ai
any otlier time. Like many other cltUens,
I felt romething was wrong, but I couldn't
get tj It. I knew nothing about Mabray
and don't believe any of my officers did."
Questioned as to receiving a complaint
from a man from Louisville, Ky., who
claimed to have been bumped by the Ma
bray gang. Major Richmond testified sub
stantially as follows:
"In the fall of 1908 a man from Louisville,
Ky., came to my office, accompanied by
an attorney ot that etty. Ha said he had
been swindled out of 110.000 on a .fake horse
rsce about six weeks before that. ' He
wanted to locate the swindlers. I asked why. he Jiad not repcrted the matter
at the time of the swindle, and he replied
i . " i , i . , .
1 Council Bluffs Iowa jl Iowa
that he got out of town too quick. He
ald he had not reporttd It to the county
attorney or any other authorities. I asked
the man how he happened to get Into th
affair. and he said he came here to bet on
a race which he understood to be fixtd
In his favor. I told him I had no sympathy
for him. but that I d:d not like to have
such things happening here, ar.d I would
give him two plain clothes men to asslpt
In the Investigation, and that If the
swindlers were here we would nrrest them.
"I suggevted that they file an Information
In order tht tbe police department might
have something to work on. They never
came back and t did not think of connect
ing this Incident ot the time with te
Mabray gang.
First Time Kavr Mabray.
"The first time I saw Mabray to know
him was two or three months ago. In the
Grand hotel, when I was Introduced to him
by George 8. Wright. Mabray was at that
time. In custody of Deputy Cnltcd Sta'es
Marshal Oronrweg. I may have seen him
before that time," declared Major Rich
mond. Justice Cooper ard Constable Baker were
recalled by the prosecution in rebuttal of
M4Jor Richmond's testimony relative to the
Incident when ho handed the two officials
$20 each. They both adhered to their origi
nal testimony that the money was given
them In the toilet room of the Grand hotel.
With the exception of State Senator
Saunders, the defense did not put on any
Thirteen Thousand
Share of School Fund
Pottawattamie County Will Receive
This Amount from Semi-Annual
State Distribution.
Th schools of Pottawattamie county re
ceive 213,570.70 as their share of the semi
annual apportionment of the proceeds of
trie, state school fund for 1910, according to
the computations of the state auditor, who
Is custodian of the fund. Notice to this
effect has been received by County Auditor
The Independent school district of Council
Bluffs receives tfl,8r.2.01 as Its share of the
distribution. The distribution is based on
a pro rata share of 84.6 cents per pupil,
according to the school enumeration. The
share of Pottawattamie county is appor
tioned on a basis of lfi.OOO pupils in the
county. That of the school district of
Counclt Bluff la apportioned upon a basis
ot 7,62 pupils, aceordlr g to the last school
The share of the fund which Is appor
tioned to Pottawattamie county la derived
from the following sources: Interest on
sohool fund loans for half a year, I3.631.W;
six months' schoot tax, 89,854.44; fines.
tMPS.M; total, 118,(70.70.
The next apportionment will be made In
September. -'
Mrs. Joseph Olsen of Manilla. In..
Receives Insurance Poller of
Alnsworth.. Neb., Man.
HARLAN. la., April J0.-(6peclal.) Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Olsen. who reside near
Manilla, paid a visit to O. P. Wyland's land
office yesterday for the purpose of signing
the necessary papers which wilt make Mrs.
Olsen the beneficiary of a life Insurance
policy to the extent of $2,000.
Tears ago a family named Crum lived
east of this city near Bowman's Grove.
Dyer Crum left the couhty and went to In
diana; then he went west and settled Dear
Alnsworth, Neb. In a love affair Crunvwas
shot In the shoulder, and he rnada his way
to the home of Joseph Gardner, residing at
the time east ot Klrkman In this county.
Mr. Gardner's daughter, Maggie, waited on
the Injured man and dressed bis wounds.
When Crum recovered from his Injuries he
was without money, but told Miss Gardner
he would remember her kind deeds.
Crum returned to the vicinity of Alns
worth, Neb., Joined the Modern Woodmen,
took out a life Insurance policy for 12,000
and made It payable to Miss Maggie Gard
ner of Shelby county, Iowa, Lit Novem
ber he was thrown from a horse and killed.
Since then efforts had been made to find
the beneficiary, but In the meantime she
had changed her name to Mrs. Olsen and
her residence was not found until a short
time ago. Her father is a resident of Har
lan and her husband, Joseph Olsen, la sec
retary of the Farmers' Mutual Telephone
company and is a prominent Jefferson
township farmer.
Pi els Rorenaen and Mrs. Sens Nielsen
t'nlted Vnder Laws of United
HARLAN, la., .April 80. (Sneolal.) Nels
So re n sen and Mra Sena Nielsen were mar
ried In the court house here yesterday aft
ernoon, within an hour after they arrived
In Harlan from a voyage and rail trip from
Mr. Sorensen . went to Denmarka last
April. During his stay aorosa the water he
became acquainted with Mrs. Nielsen and
they became engaged to be married. They
would have been married In Denmark ex
cept that the requirements of Danish law
are that all property rights of children,
where a father marries a second time, shall
be fixed before-the second marriage can
take place. Mr. Sorensen preferred that
his property should be disposed of as he
sees fit, according to the laws of Iowa,
so the marriage waa put off until they
reached Harlan. And Just as soon as the
matter eould be arranged after their ar
rival the ceremony was said.
Rev. N. A. Wesgaard of the Danish Bap
tist church officiated and a few of their
friends witnessed the ceremony. After the
wedding the newly wedded pair went to the
home of the groom's daughter, Mrs. An
drew Rosenkllde, east of Harlan, where a
fine wedding dinner was served. Mr. and
Mrs. Sorensen will live In Harlan.
Ida Cssstr Bandar School I'nlon.
IDA GROVE, Ia. April .-Spec.lal.
At the annual meeting of the Ida County
Sunday School association C. E. Kelley of
Battle Creek was elected president, W. T.
Smith of Battle Creek vice president and
Bruce Lusk of Ida Greve secretary . and
treasurer. State Missionary Eleentraut and
fitate Secretary Fitch were present and
n a2e addresses. It was determined to
launch a campaign during the coming year
to double the attendance at the Sunday
schools of Ida county. Every township In
the county was represented.
Baater Suit la DUaalsaed.
IDA OROVE. Ia., April SO. -Special. )
Word eomes from ftan Diego, Cal that
the suit for tlOO.OOO brought against James
R. Baxter, the former Ida Grove and Dcs
Moines millionaire, has been thrown out
of court and the decision g'ven by Judge
Guy finally disposes of the matter. lfhh
Evans, a nurse, sued Mr. Baxter for IIOJ.OOO
damages. Mr. Baxter Is over 70 years of
PersUtent Advertising ia the Road to Big
Returns -
Fort Dodge Wins
All-Iowa Debate
Defeats Sigourney't Team at Iowa
City, Landing State Honors
Third Time.
IOWA CITY. Ia., April 30.-(Speclal Tel
egram.) Fort Hodge High school won the
debating championship of lowa here lact
night by defeating Slgourney's team in de
fending the negative of the question:
"Should Amrriran Cities Adopt the Com
mmission Plan rf Government?" The vote
of tho Judges was two to one. SlgourneV
was the champion of the eastern Iowa and
Fort Dodgo of the western district, fori
Dodge has won tho championship for three
years. The feature of the debate was the
strouit work done by Helen Stockman, the
girl member of the losing trio. The mem
bers of the teams follow: Fort Dodge.
Richard Colby, George Bradshaw and
Geoige Wright; Hlgourney, Guy Clubb.
leader; Hlen Stockman and Edward Mc
Qulnn. The Judges were: Judge Bmlln
McClaln of the Iowa supreme court, Prof.
B. A. Wilcox of the University of Iowa
and Superintendent Frank Smart of Daven-
port. Superintendent F. L. Focht of Eagle
Grove presided.
Denver's Judge Helps Police of Bur
lington to Bring J. C. Fergnson
to Taw.
BURLINGTON, la., April 30.-(8peclal
Telegram.) Judge Ben Lindsay, the "kid
Judge," assisted yesterday afternoon In the
identification of a man arrested here to
day. Lindsay readily recognized the
stranger ,J. C. Ferguson, who had pre
sented him In Monmouth yesterday a num
ber of manuscript poems to read. Fergu
son then confessed that he had robbed two
residences In Monmouth shortly after his
talk with Lindsay.
Ferguson was arrested here on the
charge of robbing the room of J. C. Oreen
of Galesburg in a local hotel. The stolen
goods were all recovered. He Is believed
to be a much-wantd man.
Financing; Electric Line.
IDA GROVE. Ia., April 30. (Special.)
At a mass meeting held here to do some
thing about the proposed Des Moines 4
Bioug City electric railroad President Reed
of the company made a statement of con
ditions and a booster committee of frve
was appointed to secure the payment of
all delinquent subscriptions In this section,
the money to be kept In the bank here
until suflfle'.ent has been raised to pay off
the $S,S00 still owed the engineering com
pany. If this debt can be paid 6ff the
survey of the road will pass into the hands
of the. directors, and with them more ac
tively in charge of the business It Is hoped
to accomplish something. President Reed
stated that the road has paid out $30,00),
owes fo.500 to the engineering company
and has unpaid subscriptions amounting
to $13,000.
Iowa Federation of Laker,
MARSH ALLTOWN, Ia.. April 30-(Spe-elal.)
President A. L. Ulrlck of the lowa
Federation of Labor has Issued the call for
the eighteenth annual convention of the
federation, which is to be held In Waterloo
beginning Tuesday, June 14, and continue
until the business of the convention Is dis
posed of. The session is to be of Import
ance, as a number of legislative acts are
to come up for consideration. They are to
be presented to the state assembly next
winter. .
Ida Cointy Girl Incinerated.
IDA GROVE, Ia., April 30. (Special. )
Relatives here were notified that Miss Ellen
Sykes, formerly of Ida county, was burned
to death In a hotel fire at Meadow, S. D.
The fire Is supposed to have started from
a lamp turned over by a demented person.
Three were burned to death and the re
mains of the Ida county girl were' com
pletely Incinerated. Her mother ran the
hotel. Besides the Miller hotel, a bank,
lumber yard and livery barn were burned.
Iowa News Notes.
PRE8COTT A. E. Tipple has been elected
school superintendent of the Prescott
schools for the ensuing year, having served
In that capacity the last year.
LENOX Editor Richards of the New
Times has bought the Time Table from
the former owner, Mr. Clark, and there
will now be but the one paper conducted
at Lenox.
CLARION The city council wlIl seM the
electric light works. The city has received
an offer for the property from Messrs.
Turner and Curtis, of Des . Moines and
Omaha, respectively.
LOGAN The Logan Business Men's asso
ciation will hold a meeting Tuesday even
ing, next, at Helm's restaurant. Matter's
looking to the Interest of Logan will be
under consideration. ,
LOGAN Farmers and poultry men here
have met with losses in feeding corn which
failed to mature last fall. The poisonous
substance is in the interior of the kernel,
according to veterinarians here and at Den
I son.
LOGAN Mother's day. May 8, will be
observed In Logan, especially In the
churches and at the regular meeting of
the Pierian cub, in fact, the Pierian club
has Mother's day observance In charge
IOWA CITY-Captaln Benjamin T. Sim
mons of the Unltvd States army. Inspected
the University of Iowa student regiment
yesterday arternoon at a dress parade held
on the foot bail gridiron before a crowd of
3,000 people.
HARLAN Louis Chrlstensen and Hans
Hansen of this city and Matt Lorenxen of
Jackson township, were In an automobile
that turned turtle near Randolph, Neb.,
Tuesday, in which accident, the driver.
Tilton Weber, was killed.
CRE8TON For ten days Charles H.
Dawson, special agent for the Burlington
route, has been at Mercy hospital In the
city of Burlington being treated for a fit
or Hiccoughs, and Is now in a critical con
dition, with no hope for recovery.
IOWA CITT-Mrs. MacLean, mother of
President George E. MacLean of the Uni
versity of lowa, fell on the steps In the
president's home here yesterday, suffering
a sprainva wrist ana other Injuries which
may prove serious because ot her advanced
sge. .
ANITA Rev. W. II. Keyser, pastor of
the Christian church at Brldgewater, has
accepted a call to the Anita church, where
the field is much larger and the salary is
proportionately lamer. Rev. Mr. Hevaer
has been on the Brldgewater charge for
me last two years.
CRESTON A new townslte has been con.
tracted for five miles south of Brldgewater
oy a representative or the Red Oak
Nortnwestern Electric Railroad company
The contract waa for elirhtv n'r. nf lunil
bought from the Q. E. Hlocum farm, and
mt price was size per acre.
CRE8TON C. E. Rloe, for a number of
yeara proprietor of the Creston Cornice
woras, nas sold his business here to Frank
Landreth, a prominent real estate man.
for property In Colorado and expects to
mane mat state nia future borne. He makes
the change on account of his wife's U)
CRESTON Major F. 8. Burd of tire Iowa
National guard, assisted by Assistant
Adjutant E. B. Lucas, has been busy here
ttie last aay or two checking up the prop
erty of former Company I preparatory to
snipping it to ciarinda, where a new mili
tary company Is being organised and which
will bear the name formerly held by the
company nere.
OSCEOLA Because the state Is unable to
get corroborative evidence In the Dr. Sella
case. In which the doctor is charged with
criminal assault, the case has Lean dls-
niiskad. Dr. neiis was sentenced to a
twoiy-rar term and the case waa an
P'aled and a lieu t; nnmoJ. but tnc
iack of sufficient tvuicr e has iTouglit
about the dl.mrlKi-a!.
rK.RRY At a meeting of reprcserUtlves
of twentv-four of the volunteer fire depart
ments of as nmny towns In central lowa
here todav the Central lowa Fire Fighters
association was organised. Ohief Flanuguil
of Terry wss chosen president and Ciuef
miner or .-vevana vice presmem. "
meeting ami tournament will be one of the
featureM of the organisation.
DrRCgl'E Wlnneehlek farmers ana
horsemen are experiencing much grief
lateiv with sick liureei.. due, it Is believed,
.w-. . 1 1 .. . ..,.,1,1.. ...,-n There has
been a general epidemic In that county and
a thorough investigation ha been made
and that is the oeeUlnn reached. So much
corn was gathered soaking wet In the fail
mat ii was imposnioui 10
nt.ts i n r f t C TUI. a flarnnnn the
funeral of Miss Nellie Dority. younger
duughtnr of Mr. Thomas Dority of this city,
wss held. Miss Dority has for twelve
clpal of high schools at Jefferson, Grand
Junction end L.eMars, ana nas noun i i"u
pupils who will regret to learn that she
succumbed to a serious heart difficulty
Wednesday morning.
CKDAR FALLS The First Congrega
tlonal church of Cedar Falls will observe
its fiftieth anniversary May 12 to ir, with
appropriatn historical programs. Former
pailtors Will D preeeni nnu a lpoih(u'-v ...
v.- ... tn whiiih man. citizens will roil-
gratu'ste the church people on their activi
ties. 1M only survivina n wit-. -
a T tl...h t VI rn.M a rA m B ll . and Dr.
8. E. Snowden, pastor emeritus of the hon
ored church. The regular pastor, Rev.
Ernest E. Day, Is very popular ana unaer
his ministration the growth has been phe
nomenal. Cannibals Kill
and Eat Yankee
Heathen Capture .Two Presbyterian
Workers on Savage Island and
Hold Feast.
SEATTLE, Wash., April 30 The barken-
tlne, Mary V. Wlnkleman, which has Just
arrived at Mukllteo, Wash., from the
Friendly and Tonga Islands, in the South
teas, brings details of the murder and eat
ing by cannibals on Savage Island, near
the Tongas, of ttev. Horatio Hopkins and
his assistant. Rev. Hector Laurie Mc
pherson, missionaries of the Presbyterian
mission, on February 6, as already cabled.
While the barkentlne lay at Tangatabu
Tonga Islands a canoe load of mission na
tives from Savage island arrived at Fua,
bringing news. of the butchering.
The natives said that Hopkins and Mc
pherson were teaching in the mission build
ing stands on the beach In the little har
bor of Savage island when 200 of the
unconverted savages, howling war cries
and brandishing clubs and spears, de
scended upon their quarters and took
everyone prisoner. The missionaries had
about twenty converts in training at the
time and only nine of them escaped.
Both missionaries were bound with
thongs and were left lying on the beach
In the tropical sun for several hours, while
the savages took the native captives in
land. The cannibals on returning to the beach
carried the missionaries on a litter to the
crater of the extinct volcano," Van Lue, In
the center of the islands.
There for. two days and nights they held
a corrobree and at times their dancing
and reveling' could be seen plainly by the
fugitive Christian natives as ' they stole
along the shore. While most of the can
nibals were sleeping an oportunity came
to the captive natives to escape. Their
going .was hastened by the sight of two
cannibals donning the missionaries' clothes.
The clergymen had already been eaten.
The Wlnkleman brings news of a general
revival of the old-time religious customs
in the Tonga, Society, Solomon and Cook
groups. The natives are holding dances
and feasting on human flesh as they did
In the days before the white man Inter
fered. Burkett Defends
Anti-Trust Law
Votes for Cummins Amendment to
Railroad Bill Because Law is
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, April 30. (Special Tele
gram.) Seoator Burkett, when asked to
night why he voted for the Cummins
amendment to the railroad bill, said that
he thought the bill went a little too far
in repealing the antl-trust laws and that
agreements as to rates should be submitted
to the Interstate Commerce commission be
fore they went Into effect.
Charles A. Smith of Exeter, Neb., Is In
Washington attending an exposition of
office supplies In the Treasury department.
which Is under the direction of W. M.
Geddea of Orand Island, former representa
tive of the government expositions at
Omaha, Buffalo, St. Louis, Norfolk and
Mrs. Nettle Collins Gates of Nebraska,
president of the Nebraska society of the
National Daughters of 1812, who has been
attending the annual convention In Wash
ington, has left for Philadelphia, Atlantic
City and New York on a sightseeing trip.
She will not return to her home in Ne
braska for some days.
Rural carriers appointed:
Nebraska Bralnard, Route 1, John
Freech, carrier: no sub. Comstock, Kouta
l Percv E. Fuller, carrier; M. W. Dunbar,
substitute. Fairfield, Route SI, Virgil Hogue,
carrier; no substitute.
Iowa Mlnourn, itouie l. jonn u. wariora,
carrier; harsh hi. Warlord, substitute.
eiouth Dakota Emery, Route 1, Frank
Meran, carrier; John Moran, substitute.
Oeddes. Route 4, Henry Herles, carrier; no
substitute. Plerpont, Route 1, Rasmust
Teiten, carrier; no substitute.
Postmasters appointed:
Nebraska Champion, Chase county,
Thomas T. Jordan, vice W. Davidson, re
signed. Iowa Iron Hills, Jackson county, Martha
M. Bowling, vice G. W. Baker, resigned.
South Dakota Waterbury, Jerauld county,
Margaret Mawhlney, vice R. Wetherili, re
signed. The First National bank of Lodge Pole
has been authorized to begin business with
1,000 capital. F. G. La Salle Is president,
W. C. Melton, vloe president, and C. C. La
Salle, cashier. Tbe Omaha National bank
of Omaha has been approved as reserve
agent for the above bank.
Vanneas and Ryan Mix.
, ORAND ISLAND. Neb.. April 30 -(Spe-clal.)
The renewed complaints with refer
ence to the management of the Soldiers'
Home In this city reached the street-fight
stage yestarday when, according to a mem
ber of the local public library board and a
merchant, who were witnesses of it. C. O.
Vanness, who filed with the state board
the complaint of poor meat being serves,
became Involved in a controversy with
George K. Ryan. Mr. Vanness Is a member
Omaha. Mr. Ryan Is a cltlxen of this city,
a prominent member of the Orand Army
post of this rlty, and some time ago held
a tnlnor position at the bums, uuder the
present souimandauk
State's Attorney in Chicago Alleges
Bribery in Legislature.
(hi. 'ago A Western Indiana Avers
that Former Omaha Man De
frauded Company Out of
f nst.i.ouo.
CHICAGO, April no.-lnvestlgatlon of a
bribery scandal involving tho Chicago &
Western Indiana r.tllroaU, the Illinois
legislature, as composed two years ego, the
city council of Chicago and sums uf money
which may run anywhere betwern I'fMXW
and treble that amount, was ordered by
Rtato s Attorns Wayman, who yesterday
directed that aspeciul grand Jury be em
paneled to conduct the investigation.
The states attorney's uctlon today Is
hajtcd on allegations made by John C.
Fetter, who was sued today by the Chi
cago & Western Indiana for the return
of SD2i,0n0 out of which the railroad com
pany aveis Fetter defrauded the company
In real estate transactions. Fetxer, In his
turn, has asked for an Injunction to en
Join the prosecution of this suit, alleging
that parts of the money which the road
seeks to recover went to influence legisla
tion, both at Springfield and at Chicago.
Asking for th pclal grand Jury, State's
Attorney Wayman's petition states:
"He (Wayman) further shows the court
that on April 28. A. D. 1910. a certain bill
In chancery was filed In the superior court
of Cook county by ono John C. Fctxer, in
which said claims that large
amounts of money in his possession, but
really the property of tho Chicago &
Western Indiana railroad, were used for
unlawful purposes of bribing public offi
cials." '
Seek Hisht-of-Way.
About three years ago Fetzcr. with Ben
jamin Thomas, then president of the Chl
cagd & Western Indiana, and Charles R.
Kappts, a real estate expert, set about
to acquire a right-of-way Into this city.
The road alleges that Fetrer acted as Its
agcr.t, while Fetxer declares he was not
an agent, but a speculator who purchased
land and sold it to the company, the com
pany having the right to reject any parcel
In February last charges were made that
Fetter, Thomas and Kappes had defrauded
the company out ot SMiO.OOO In these deals.
Suit wa threatened by the road, but after
conference the matter, under formal agree
ment of the parties concerned, wns referred
to former Judge K. C. Field, whose de
cision as arbitrator was to be final.' Judge
Field recently made his award, holding
(hat gross fraud had been perpetrated upon
the railroad company and ordering the re
funding of 5,000.
Recently, it leaked out today, Thomas
and Kapprs returned to the coffers of the
company a total of 176,000, stating that this
sum exhausted their Individual resources.
Fetxer refused to abide by the award and
today's suit was brought against him. The
suit, however, names Thomas and Kappes
as well as Fetter.
Alleges Flaw In Law.
'Under the Illinois law, when the West-
ernx Indiana and two smaller roads were
consolidated some thirty years ago, the
construction, according to some lawyers,
contained a teohnlcal flaw," explained Mr.
Delano. "Two roads might consolidate, but
not three, but two roads might combine
and then take In a third, however."
The Western Indiana is said to have
taken advantage of this "alleged flaw" In
the statutes and united the three roads, ac
cording to the scheme.
Fetter's bill for an Injunction included as
an exhibit' a letter from E. A. Delano,
president of the Wabash Railroad company
and representative of that road on ill
board of dlreotors of the Chicago & West
ern Indiana. This letter reads;
March 17. 1907. (Confidential.) Mr. B.
Thomas, President and General Manager
Chicago & Western Indiana Railroad:
Dear wlr I encoise a leuer iroin jur. .
Travous, which explains Itself. 1 his is
written as a result of a conference wnlcn
Mr. Travous had with Judge Henley at the
time we sold our notes to tne uomcra
parties. I believe we should, in a quiet
way, get the legislation which Judge Hen
ley and our counsel concluded is deairable.
It is a bad thing to have something of this
kind brought up by the bankers every ttme
we have to do any negotiating for the sale
of securities. It might give us very serious
trouble. We had a case of this kind on
the Burlington, where a rather unscrupu
lous lawyer got hold of a technicality of
this kind and gave us a great deal of
According to a statement dictated by Mr.
Delano today the meaning of his letter to
Mr. Thomas would stand out in innocuous
Innocence had Mr. Fetxer also appended
the letter of Mr. Travous.
Members of the aldermanlc body are aald
to have been approached in connection
with securing land for right-of-way Into
the ctty.
Board of County Commissioners Isanes
Warning; Aganst Racing and
Reckless Pnoe Generally,
Breakneck automobile driving upon th,e
county roads must cease or offenders will
be punished, says the Board of County
commissioners. A resolution of warning
was passed by the board yesterday after
noon, sitting as a committee of the whole.
Tho sheriff and county attorney are called
upon to go after offenders.
The board has moved, because of the
constant complaints from farmers par
ticularly those bordering the Dodge street
road. Automoblllsts freed from fear of ar
rest by police, have without question, been
hitting It up to a merry clip. There Is a
slat law which forbids driving at a dan
gerous pace on public htghwaya.
Former Captnla Seeks to Avoid Pay
meat af Large Bnm to Nebraska
WASHINGTON, April 30 Captain Ober
lln M. Carter's troubles In the supreme
court of the United States are not over.
He was discharged from the army, sent to
the penitentiary and more than $400,000
taken away from lilm because of his al
leged Implication In the Savannah, Ga.,
harbor Improvement scandal.
Now Carter has taken the preliminary
steps to ask the court to review a Judg
ment of the United States circuit court of
appeals for the Fifth district, requiring
him as a stockho'.der of the American
Loan and Trust company of Yfebraska, to
pay an assessment of over $25,000 to the
receiver for creditors of that company.
Redskins Fonnce 1'pon Troops fa
Yneatan Three Reported
' Killed.
MEXICO CITY, April SO News of a mur
derous attack by Maya Indians upon a
small detachment ot Mexican troops In the
territory of Qulntanaroo, Yucatan, was
brought by passengers arriving on the gov
ernment transport Progresso, according to a
I pec la I to the Mexican Herald from Vera
Crus tonight.
New Books
NATHAN lU'RKK; by llary 8 Watts.
PP.. 1 ., The Macmillan company.
At first sight Nathan Burke will not
srem an xeitional man. He Is introduced
In Mrs. Watu' txie as a backwoods boy,
sprung froh the hnrjy pioneer stock that
settled the great Western Reserve. He Is
not a brilliant youth, but he has the
steadiness and tenacity of purpose, the
unswerving prrsletency and honest ambi
tion. Growing to manhood In the days
Just precdlng the Mexican war. ho find J
In those stirring times plenty of opportun
ity for the exercise tif his powers. He
conies creditably through experiences that
tist his resources of character thoroughly
nnd In tho end wins success nnd happlnesa.
RALKIUH; by William Devereux and
Stephen Lovell. 31S pp.. $1.50; J. 11. Llppln
cott company,
The story takes up that period in the life
of the grat Raleigh, when by his clever
ness and bravery he discovered and over
threw that plot against the life of Elisa
beth, which Is known In history an "Bab
iiigton's Conspiracy." and which was the
Immediate cause of the execution of Mary
of Scotland. The course of Sir Walter's
life romance Is beset with even more than
the. usual obstructions which iire said to
bar the pathway of all true love. But
Talth and loyalty conquer Sll. and at th
fnd of the story Raleigh wins the two
great desires of his heart.
IN OLD KENTUCKY: br Edward Mar
shall ami Charles T. I 'any. &2 pp., 11.60
O. W. Dillingham company.
This novel is founded on the play of th'
ame name. It is a story of mountain
lif among the Cumberland and Is here
rounded out and completed.
by Mary K. Mania. 4(U pp., Il.JO; Unhrop,
Lee ei Shepard company.
A story of life on a Wyoming ranch
called the X Bar H from Its cattle brand.
The "Little Knight" Is a boy of mysterious
antecedents, filled with the traditions of
chivalry, which he brings to bear upon the
rough, but noble-hearted, cowboys, whd
pet him, and w Ith Interesting results. l(
Is only at the close of the book, when th
hero, now a well-grown lad, has been
through all the phases of the plcturesqus
life, that the mystery Is cleared up.
Wolfe Fenwlck. 368 pp. $1.60. Lothrop,
Lee & Shepnrd company.
This novel takes Its title from a Thomas
Hardy sentence, "Justice has been done,
and Time, the Arch-satirist, had had hli
Joke out." The scone Is laid In Montreal
and is about a young woman who so com
promised herscl'f by loving attentions to
her step-brother, a corrupt young genius,
when no one knew he was related to her,
that sho came near to ruining her life.
J0 pp. $1.60. Cupples & Leon company.
This story tells of a good looking young
Virginian, penniless and friendless, who
comes to New Tork.' Ills' manner of en
tering society and acquiring a fortune
makes Interesting reading, and. of course,
there is a fascinating and clever heroine.
Canfleld. Sti pp. $1.60.
By Chauncey L.
A. C. McClurg &
This novel deals with the pioneer dayl
of placer mining In California, particularly
of the experiences and exploits of six stal
wart men hailing from widely separated
sections of the country. The story of the
toll, diversions, strokes of fortune and ro
mantic adventures of young Ranee Poole,
sturdy Wakefield, the shrewd, good-natured
Irishman, Donovan, end the redoubt
able "Tex" Potter Is felicitously told In
easy narrative style.
THE RED SYMBOL. By John Ironside,
355 pp. . $1.50. Little, Brown & Co.
This story tells of the adventurer tJiat
befall a young newspaper man, Maurice
Wynn. who Is sept to .Russia primarily on
business, but soon finds himself involved
with a secret society of nihilists. Ills ad- ,
veptures are Incessant and always tinged
with the element of danger which keepa
the reader on the qui vlve. Furthermore,
they are usually the outcome of his en
deavors to assist fascinating but elusive
SOI pp.. $1.30. Houghton-Mlfflln company.
Io this volume Miss Brown enlarges our
circle of friends by another group of th
folk she understands so well and handles c
deftly. Most, if not all of these stories,
have appeared In the magaxinea. A fen.
of the titles are: ''The Play House," "Sat
urday Night," "The Auction," "A Qrief De
ferred," "Partners," "The Challenge." '
"Gardener Jim" and "The Masquerade." ,
THE EDDY, by Clarence L. Cullen; SS.'
pp., $1.60. O. W. Dillingham company.
A story of New York.Mfe, which scores
triumph in that, despite its subject, it leaves
a clean and wholesome Impression.
Miscellaneous. . . ,
erett T. Tomllnson, 370 pp., $1.60. Lothrop,
Lee & Shepard company.
One of the well known "Four Boys" hai
received word of his inheritance of a pari
of a coal mine In England. His three friends
accompany him on his voyage to the land
that ever will be of Interest to the people'
of the United States. There Is an abund
ance of action and adventui-e In the story.
It is not a book of travel, although In-.
formation, as well as some descriptions of
well known places naturally enter Into the
EMY, by Warren L. Eldredt 8M pp., $160.
Lothrop, Lee A Shepard company. - -
This story tells of a boys' school, with
glorious past, but an uncertain future,
largely due to the wrong kind of secret so
ciety. The boys, after testing his patience
In every way that youthful ingenulnty can
suggest, come to rally about an atbletlo
I and brainy young graduate In the splendid
transformation of the society, and soon of
the entire academy.
by Margaret Williamson; tig pp., $1.. Lo
throp, Lee A Shepard company.
This American brother and sister are sent
to England to be shown the leading places
of hlstorlo Interest In company with an
English brother and sister of their own age,
and under the wise direction of the mother
of the latter. Everyone will enjoy reading
of the Jolly trips taken by the four children
and Mrs. Pitt, the mother of English;
Philip and Barbara.
French Heels May
Cause Girl's Death
Canse Her to Trip in Aisle of
Theater and She plunges Over
Balcony Bail.
NEW YORK, April SO. Louise Loefflsr, a
high school glr. of 14, was tripped by her
high heels as she descended a steep aisle
In the gallery of a theater here tonight,
fell over the railing and pluged to th
main floor, fifty feet below. Her skull wag
fractured and she probably will die.