Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 01, 1910, HALF-TONE, Image 21

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    Omaha Sunday
i HE
rn on Tw roTm.
:UX i- T:I wr?:
":iay m 'i::;i';. may i. :.i
Esjcgsn ard 21cchii::al P'clerr-J iha; Jlrsat Be Hat is Cone cf P-ttiaT- Dotst. EeaTy Raij and Monster Switches aid Creasy Withoct literraptisj the Traffic Aloz Crcwded Thcrouirirej
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.:ours aad ta .astray i:va ta- aiat- j -;'-, '-' ' ' .VcNsTn ' r " i h ' ?' '
aa lour i t v- -. ..- - 3r f.-'a-- , , , , l i
I I - r, Wi" M Ull ' Ill
iao-n arv- tie traca .c a -i- l- :sri'-:s th-m .3 a wcrk ra ;.- ro o dona. R
Ur--5ouai ar- v.: :r--: aa-cwa -er- rtai a-.;a-r : raff :c :s rra.,'r aad in rs prcptr posrioa. It is pat ia pertt svx.:-i 3 cf tra;:
is ccucsra-:i. oaU ti-y ar- :. :-..,a1-'-.i a:' ; -r a-1 a. :r- . :- -:-.uaa .: ui?ti, ar" .rou a-ti a: e-xcz -ai. ;ra-k ailli.rj aa t rpa:
st!'i ta ra ones. wi5a:a3 ajry.sgra H..aa .: ;o ta-f yar 1 a--sa.-y T a-ai are curved :a sa..a a way .a": aai Ji-a i.-. .. ra-e-: rr '-t ".t- n-a?
aad m&2 mucti 2i':r tiaa i : :r aara a-a ma:.-r:ai m rafaiuicrti r. rn- -is.- .;f .ar-z-r .ar ai :a u.a'-e ottaeata aa- arouaa -ae t.?a. a."-'- ar ta.d
:a'r-xa-ti araount of n;1.2J a: p.-ss .-: -a- tra.'.aa
a aay. wr a-s:aaa ia ta ci;' s '.a-'-4-a: aji a.: . :a .a- iiaj .'.-a7 au is i-- j ...... . rS,3 -.j. ir-jiiyi citis" ex p.aittf.j
oi tax ..afarer stjea.
Tax a--- ciatxna. a., ecu:-' :ra. Joaa.-: j- a ? i.. aa. i-a
arr.-ts .a on fr-..t ars ta-.-" ar-.- '.....l.-'j r,y a at.a:r--craax,
- a.a picia up a ra.: j ! p.a. e- .; a s:r : ri. ...;
ci:aaTra:r:oii ar. or a hea-r iz :n. :..e oaa- a:a. '.x. aa. a..
la r-a.i.a--- jr tax naae cf i -a . ;as pa-x
wi3xre taxy afi to tse pat aa pus::;oa. Eaa ra.l w niii i
jKaaaa. 3i.-j :ax ncaai far ssactta-j-? :c x-.x aaout.
'''a a te aravi:.oo wors :a cocap;-txd aaa eve-y.n.a :s la
reaaesa far ta-J Ia"3 rf tax see -a.l.;. taxv a.-- arcana: t J ta
platx v, axr- tax;- arx o- ut in ijok;;. ;a aa; ai .na-.dx tax ol J
traca. Tax a-xxi gaaa Ma-s r .-. x it :--' ,: .: s iu. oar-y
aaoat six '.aoaxs T'ax uii a ar" a.. j.- xx- aaar: aa: 1 a a-'-v
;:- p.ii:,i ux'w"n r :;! oi-i oexs. Ts ; :h arx s:x J" ija'.
:aca-a aai ava fe-t icn. aa 1 ar- -.a.i cf a.t.x a-a.
Tax uxt ralia are p2a-I a ae ru?ar-...Ji l.Huatt ;: rt' ir f et
:,?!:- ini.'aes apart, aad are !i;t a: i j ti .aa: fx't ;- :ai aca ir;ut;ajj :r. paxaaxa'. la -aa asre ta i5trt ra;.way ruai wi .ea -.:
:nxr Tie ra.ia ar p.aeii aaa a aj-a aectica of "rari - ?aay e.c':a:-rs h aa.i raaidy gruaa.i beaota taeir :ra ta:az
a:.-asa:ds tae oil w;taout ia:rt'ra a a:ovxra-nt jf ra- Ja a caaaax :a tit. raxtr.-). cf ecairrs-Tioa aad :astai cf Htt p'i" cff.'-.a.-
i'ir "iV'axrj tax a-"w are dan a- y ar ;i:'.a-'t : tax ra.. a:- ;:a 'leva dry cr-isae-l raoa a tJ':aa.i::oa of centre e .a .a.i. and
rxaly ia plae a; ocx end. aad tax c!d a: tae aiaxr. Tiy are tax en:;r sua- c::- sor.d szaaa.
x-irvea s-:ai-ivaat am ta-'T :: .r. aa.: ca-:u jt'aa-M:'x-: t.j; won o a:ou.r s: tear .rx coane"tr:a wra ias a a cr r ;CH:ra :.-:a tr.x
uV:: ?' tax cli t.-a.: r-i:- - 1 s ar ; . c:;-".ix i aa 1 waen ia "ax srea. axt.;':at of ataer:aa urk taa: ux .. -ax a' :a
sa.i--a ar p-i: i 'a- .'. i r:-s are ai a .: .t a -id ra..a sr" t:vai a- r- 1 ra xaoa t'ar aai ran; onx rx-
r -atove i. :ac aa;tar Ta.s a ra- a:oj' .--r.- a-x prt c atr-! ra.. ay
s 4oi:s a. aa-'ar t..:n 'f 'a" :s .:rr.. .J' - a- a ?". r s ar i a:aa'.'-d .:..: r.n" ar err. );.; - j i--
irao's aa. f'.rHS aa a .aJ 'a- cy ta- ; d aai tar -rz-cZii aa : na.-v-j axt,-r:a" tax --a :f ta- .aa
f...ji3 a;'-r a.. a--1 p.a : wa-- ; a a ".:' ai"caaa. a as;.xar t -r:a; taa- ;s ' a ; a" ta- ...a-b. a -a ra taot ,
ax d.rt. a.v a -..e j.-a-' Ta- -a. - a:- ;x.i :a ::-r a: :a- ry car a' are .a :xr--ta:ax: a air :.- cca.i- froai v::.:a tii niaaara-.
a or :-r a-a-y .cn:;xr :a .Xir i--r ::e a re ; rt: 'j.rua:. ' j ' r at ra.'.j aaaa-s tae ptjf a s.ia a:e to be a.-x , a. cr-jasiai
.c. r- ia- pci. xraou.-e. tax - -'..a. p ; i-xasary ta at-r. e tr. ? cars Jiaia.ra are a.a: t
rere; .-d :aa a-" a: . o-j ;f :!.- . "a.. .s '.n.t; a- r':." w'atoa pia..a ic.Io ! acrara
p-;; ;,rn rr.a: ta- cf ta- ar If r i-u -r. --.a- mx-": tax aia'rrai arr. :n Or
gr-O'iaa-i: t.) ta- -ara axr ma..! n- aa :iT.' irr iraatx .. rady t " :a i
rr'.t'!. aai r :-i' i nx a'.ra-ir" :r. ;or?: : x j j- fa- rf r liaa Tbx oaar- a s::ffi'-!-a i; ;aa:-- :f !- : --p .-- --a. oj -i -:r. -r;aa
r so aen:aa taat
afrarwari lie ra.gat no, ax ai to ee
-:-' ta aaai' of tile stret ' h
sa- aaadreds of men at wora pattaa
do a a new aettion of tracs.
Ta a-eraae ci:3ea ia a rnetropc.
:raa cut Ui no wrapp-.: ap '.a ata own
affa.ra taat aen ae comes aensa a
gaa of woraaaa laaortag away :.i tax
aa;dli of bua-aerw street, tae strta
:a? fta!- cf ta hap?entn-ps. aa tay
appear to him. ccnai8a la tae fact
taat ta tit Is ten up. aad he avast
b earufxl if a attempts to croaa
warn tie laboren ar- at warit. If
j aaadyid ais feeiia-ra art caief!y taotie
i of anacyaace, h ia daaturtjed taa: be
, moat chaaLg hia train, of taouat and
waate aotn of aaa vaiuabin braia en
t rx7 tn pictaj- baa way over aionads
of aaad, partsg b'ocks aad raiiroad
Taat ta daaarraaed a tree t. tae
piles of dirt aad aepa of pavias atones
Bluffy prcgtrss aad ladaatrta: dere;
opmat d'ea not o:cur to tae tnaa wao :a .Tttxat apca 'a.s o:
taongata. Suca la not tae case wita tie mayor, tax city fatara aad
tae atrt rail-way men. wacae basiaesa it ia to ee taat ta- pxcp.e
of tae city gz ade'juare nroiiey service. To taose ia-
tom up itt-eeLa are Tttax su5;ec'a
pears on tae aurface.
At tiie preheat taiae aa eaormoua amount of re-. oa str-ii t; ;n -v ;r
U Lsinjf done la ta city of Otnaaa by tiie Otnaaa ai Coaac:: el-ift'a
Street Railway company. Old ra.Ia are betas taaea up aad r-oia-. x i
by new aad aeavier ones, new curves and s-r-.t:axs are .a
stadied. aad ktadred iaiprovmenta are taita fiaox. w-.tao at aay
in terra ption ia tae regaaar street car service It sexma araast in
creditaSle ta aay taat tracia are betas torn ap for siocia aa i aew
oa- pat in taeir place while tae caa-s roil m-;rrily on ta
regaiar acaedale. bat taat ia jaat waat is betas done.
Suca ia the caae on Caaoaag street, from Sasteeuta to T-ren"y
fifta afeaae; on Twelfth street, between Lousiaa aai Iiovard
arreeta, aad on Capral avenue, between Fiit4xn-ai aa i i.a.eentii
rareeta. A male of double track is bea;s corapifted ar r.orea.-e. naif
a mile at Beaacn aad aooa new taauk3 are to te laa
street, from Tenth to Siateenta stress
There are many th.nss cona-cted w.ta suca aa uaaxrtaa.aa tat
are little naderstood by tae general viz'.u:. Everyta-as ia done ar
cordang ta a system aad by trained forces. Gai.x-d bv aixu wa arx
expert ia their line, working ia tin. son. aexrc.a'y impoHniai- '.zizi
are accomp!iaaed w-thout aay apparen effort.
; Waen a wt:on cf track ia to ae tori up aad -rp.aed
by material of a aewer aad better const rue u. a. a zaa4 of .aocr-rs
ia aent to ta soot armed with picka aad cr-j-vbars. I-'l.-i. "ft'-rt.i
are concentrated upon one pa.. a a b;.ck. and s - v -. f-oaj wor'f.ns
with a pick the block of araa:-- , loofx-ned aad '..ft-i i. :ai :t pla x
ia the midd'e cf the tracks. When on p.xce cf pa--ti-..: ts aa'n
tmy the others are removed qu.te eaaa.y. aad :a a sa rt r.aa- ta
blocka of graaite are piled a:ongi:ie of tU- r-a- k. read t "
carted away.
Once ta pare-cent ia torn j? aataer gang of
at the h'j of taeir feilow -workmen and best a .i-g o :
which Lea ceneath tae pa-em-'n. Ta:a ia hatil-d away
that the street will act be uaaece-aa.-.iy blocked frcci -ra
year the street railway company g:vea away hundreds cf :
dirt. If taw daataaee ia not too great from tae seen of c-a. ta
company will haul the eara free of charge to aa pia. e taat it ma
be needed Some people have yards that ta-y w-..;a to e.-va-- aai
beantify with lawns, aad they are weiccme to ax d.r if tai-r ;-aa
ue it.
Where a eencrere or stone f aundaaon ;s alread :a ?ixcx tax
w-jrk of czemvatloa ia more difficult. Ta concrere m is; bx riiopped
o t aad ta naald away to be rtraaUii and made aae-- :a-o con
crete or broken rock. Once the foaadarton ;s r-m-tv-d traa-d raxa
appear upon ta scene and make a mmute eiaai.aat.Q of eaca t.x
to see whether it ia fit for continued sxrv-oe, or z x;d cn.y for
kindling wood. During all this work ta cars ar paaaug ov.r a-
radla aa though nothing was taking place
The next step !a to ptace lifting jacas and-r tax ra. s n onr
that they may be lifted areral inches aaove taeir normal pon-.taca
Should a car happen along while tae travk :a elevatxti. ax motor
man tap a signal wtt.h h:s bell and one of tax lar? rs runs to t.i
jet. B touching a lever the rails ar- again Icwerxd to th-:r
normal poaitaon aad ta ehic!e may paa in safety Cni- tae car :a
clear of th track the raia ar eieated once more aad tax wora 's
ruJiied The raiia ar esamtned by an expert juaa-. wuo ma- ie
d-r!fH out in b!u overalls, and h decide for the stre-t n.'.wjr
company whetaer or not th-y will be consigned to the l ink ea
or aaed fr use cn ome I. a waere traffic ia !e-s h-avy.
U'hen the excavation gang has neared away tae p;lea of paVi
mnt and d.rt. and ta inspectors ta examined the ta.s and ra. i.
:. ani -rr-s -:-?-s cn fa at envflesa chain. Thw
r;i- the c:ry in taat it a: as- aiways have a gaag of
:s prcpertv in rpa:r New impro',menta are dicor-
-rei wlier'-ov tae efficiency of tiie ser":ce may be improved, and. evwif
ad an tin? wi'h tax tirn. an un-to-dar street. ra.I-way company must
p cctitia ial'.. build ttg aad repa.rtas and morpaaiag the valu
tiie head cf tax Omaaa ib Couacil Blaffa
is K. A. Leaaixr tli' assistant gtjaerad axaav
ixr fail thx r".poc5ibLl:ty far nearly every-
company i-.e caotses has lieutenaata aad
atrade. Tli.j being dene.
:a 5' aad tn ra prt
tt-.aa.-: .: tarn aers.
Tae a-ds are curved tn sa.a a wa
:a beneath aad aroaad tae t.ea.
Vie tracaa iiaed s:ra:gnt aad graaeu to tax p- ;oxr ne.
a- ccacr-'e sang ..0111x5 apca tae wen aaa pna aown a iaye
cc.r-te to a axpra cf aacut f'.vt .aca-s. Ta- rocs, sand an : ma- '
xrvai -sxd .a making tax concrete in -aaloau-ti at Tw -nty-excjad d;nt
aad N.v.a;.as str-e- a" aa iastrara-nt iaa-vn aa a tiaai-aa-l. 0 i-.-aei. po-re
- n .ca w ij.xra. xa by eiettt Tats .r.g p:-. as u... tons o; ta-
rua--t: rock at a -irax aad damps :t aatu t-- cr used ay ax 3-r-xr jr
ra.ra-ay ..cnipany :a aaa.iag it trim puce to p:a.e a-a.....-,
are taa -a to tax scene o: cperauons ary. aad miiteo wa-x tae
work ia c";ae aa-nx. T'ats :s necessary on a.:'ua. "! ta- Ti.caa-ss
K. Findi-y. the
aad r-taa-va-ts. ha- the d;-ect caar? of ail
tag. and taa: a knows his business ta deai-fc-
ta the present situation.
aad tae
so :
-tad bed flnianed there ia aa
0 a- done. V tres must b
a tax- will be ia iin wita
vas b"low. aad a.s wcrk falls anon A. L. Lott, supertntea
f l:n-s. He '. is who s s to : the cara are supplied wita
aai taa- ta-r ar no defect.- tn ta- wtrtng s-stem connected
wa tax op-ration cf str-x-r cam
In a.itrton ,: this wora ar.a'im-rarx.;. !s chiefly eoost7i
f.on wo-k. 'a-'re are hun-ireiis cf detail. connected with the auc-ces-ita.
ocxra'.oa of a strext railway system. Cars must be kept ia
order. porre- piant mast b- so er-aipped a. to provide both, far
r,T;lar service aa I em-r-r'nc;-rs, aad af-r tae money is ecllectad
a wn:oa tae i-em-at aaru-ras. aace it ia caul .a tax kt. asax; r.
s ono t- tpe i'cr. m 'or-f i mast b- counted, ca-cked off wtta tae ladivtd-
A.'--r :;- '.-oaiT'-t-- aa.-x .1 ;..e--e and s-.-t." or aai. a layer a it r-,r'.--s aa i ;:i -"t. to tae bank. Th- larg- office forte at ta
.'. sand a-oat aa .a' ! .a tat- aa r- i- -pre id o er .: pr para ov t.: 1c- .1 .tr-et ra.lav .-otnaaa- h-a i.juar'ers spend the entire day
.ay. a.; ;a- new pa.x :ut '1-x r'-.)..axs On-aaa -i :c:. cc'iar-ti and ca-caina up the 0 astn-ss of tae day before.
C.-f-s ctre,. Ra-i-itty cctupaay 1. a.e apa-je oetwe -a ra traoas C'f:ctal- of 'he company -ay taa: "hx-- intend to make imgrrr-a-wr.a
"tr-r" x ar.'ta h.-n- . r now pa-, -aient is pot ao . a Af-r mxp- yir aa fast as taey ar- able aad bef jr a great whale tha
he urti lts are .a plac a tain ca.itae of aaad aad cex-n : sp --ai n-w a-a . -y ratls now being ia.d in many parts cf the city will aaTw
.;-.(?: !.- p.! .--mnt aad a?aed "-- ta cracks Tit:- :a called replaced a- lighter :'" rraffti la heavy. Curves will b-a
!o " -ar-i can pa.-.-.c
i per-atns 0 rapid
can ad-aac- i.
each oth-r without stopping and every
mnsr be advanced aa faat as the
o a nunireiita pa
teiy by tax ma.u
nana -a. a p,- - t:
a a saor' um-.
us-d a. :n -et j-ecnoji ia called
rhicu we s-as l.-'i t pounds T
aai curv-s at inter :t.J
of tra.
frag. " each of wi
on cf these frogs
i.-uaia has no x-.evat'd tra.aa o- s as war 9. out ha.s practically
-ryh-ag whicn in-' to make up rapid surface transit- Owing to
aad saaciocs sr-x-s or tne cry taere a as b-n no serious
rxf jm::. m bu.s;n-ss .l.strtc-j. and the need of an elevated cr
.-'iTva- ..-:. ra has r.ot ::-en :-it Th- greater portion of the lanes
cf t.aa.i t :r. 2'.uff- -itreet Railway company axe doubie-
tra s. : : v a. a . s i-.a - w.ta tax J-iays often occasioned on stag!
ra. A .- -ct.-. ar.s a- effen occaaioned a the -rajrions
. 3
.i a ax -. ..s ai.d '.-it ta ; aares. ta-re are no ' loops" cr lanes
runrttng aao i tax cry tn tax f rm ct a ciroln or oval, hut the tracks
a." la:! east and w-st, aai no-th and south. Where ta "loop" fys-i-a.
: ia xTe.. a b akdowa cf one car may mean that the entarw
a- !.- bioi-k-d an.". he iaaa is, hnt where the eros
"1 w- svt-m is uswii aa m Omaaa. if an accident occurs but on
str-e' is cut off. or. perhaps on y a portion cf a street. The transfer
Tae sys. -"tn u 1 .Serai, and
a ts ticular pcnon cf the
peat!-. oe re
f.ty to aa
-rsoa 'o rtte from aay par-par-
for oax fare. Should
s wra ia-'a.-y co. p-r .-- tn-y
. wat.a is returned ta ta- powx
wora 01 oca itag tae rai.s ts cans
1 te-x-;
tv ;oiata-
ia' ton f )- tii-
wa-nce it came,
the tan
ar- la ta.i en to s.
tae tra. i. Evn a."
in use for months
ta- rails arx t-r-:e-i
teaanc- d-partm-a. .i sex taa ax co. pxr
b;"n-a. If far any -a.;on n- w :r:ai is der-ct;
Tia.n s tax tn.prtors cf tax fact aad tae sr-
rm.:s a."" r-joaa i. cr ru tanected, with n.- wire.
Ea. a rail is fasrjnxd ta ta- rail wtta axay iron
p ares bo aaa tog-th-r w.ta iron bolts. Cn a. uuat cf the grooved
ith are aow being aaed tax weigh-.
; tax a: r t rn.wav
- U-e.t ta-ra ia ao d-scoaae
?r tae str-et ta r"pa7--d and ;
aa lasr-ct: in is ma.i- ar
by m-ans cf an ;nsram-:it
ompany and great
;t tea. or -.-a-i. ' :a
a- tracas have been ir.ter-aia aad
us--i by ma.a-
-ocaxcttons are not
tae in.-t ramec. f ac
is l ag ap aad tax
o. -is true. on cf th- n-w rails
aaoat tax an.y nar. of tne rccnstru .-non worn taat caan:. be tone cn board a car at For:eth and rarnam. wita tax tatectioa cf going
a..e the cars are moving over tae fracas. T'axne are ns'iaii.- put to aouth Otnaaa, he r.dei to Stxteenta or Fo'irtxenth street and
ia p. a " a: mint after the cars atop running, and :t ia a.ways looks-! chang-a for a Soirh Otnaaa car -n;ca g '-s at right, angles w.ta tas
apon aa a h.s nad-;rtaklag by civil engineer Famam street line.
onsiol-riag ta- fxactnena wtth which eacn piece of metal mast Omaha ia fortanate m ha. tag a rat claaa street cars or what is
f.t the pi, tue engtn--rs accompiiah woadera and in a known among railroad men as tax rllaag stock" of the company,
ccmparativeiy shor time an oid frcg can b torn up and replaced Thre are no old-fashioned cars, sa .i aa are often seen in eaatera.
by a new cae. Evry precaa'ion against mistakes la taken by the crtea. and the vh:-ies are k--- :n constant repair "Pa aa you-
st.---f railway company and ta mamfacturers. The crosaiagi anl enter cars ar- on many of to- ' n-s. waicti ar no- to b- excelled
carves ar- put into poaition a: the fae'ery before they are by the moft up-'o-.lare m New Ttjr.t Cry.
snipped to avoid against any posaibi- mistake in calculatiooa. Altaouga ta- rpatr wort an ! ta- laying of s-w tracaa In th
Tax ordinary ooserver aaa but little conception of th vaat basiaeaa of the town ia o"cupy:ag tax a;en:ton cf the engt-
amo int of work connected wita such an undertaking aa ia at the aeenng for: cf the srret ra.l-J.av ccanpany. tare new hnes are be-
preent uraie befare the Omaha s: Council E.affs Sfr-r Rn!wif tag built. A gang of w-rSi-t is p-x-tjartng to put down track fro -a
company. Immense sums of money ar aetaa.-y ftjr suca wora. Twen-y-four-fi and O fr-ts. t) pas taroiigh the South Omaha stock
of ta- pass;:
upon '.he o r
ca ;
? oars ioe-s no- fa.i upon the ceatr, oat bears dowa aad it ia'ed that the expense incurred in putting do-ta a mil yards. Th- sxcond oig ;ob oa hand tae bu.ldlng of tae Eimwood
. sitnieraiag was not done to counteract this the cf single traca r about 2S. )). It cost ta tr-t railway company Park hne from Fortiera and Leav-nwor-h streera ta ta nark TD
j".'tJo to put down tae track a: tae corner if Twenty fonrth ai track near Maaawa !a also being tt d and. r-bni!t. Still a third
- -would sp--al and d.aantrous accidents m.gat follow, ta
ipaay ' laces strong ;r.,a braces ata.ast tne rail at every foara
Cam.n- strx--ti
rakes a nnmber cf 5-ceat fares to Dat.J ev-fii a allltion is h".ng built
Eroaiway. Th
When the axw .raka are
th steel gang follows with th necessary taw Is f ?r laying th new th txes the ballast gaag appea.r wita loads of crushed stone, called
foot cf traca. but taia is generally f jrgottea by tne puahc. wnich new srt:on of track will rm s.nta from Caa i:r-et to a d.sianc of
a pcsition aad securely fastened u iooas only at ta profit making aid of th que-sticu. 1.42 1 f-et. all of which will Iv paveil w.ta v:t.---! brica oament
The Cmaaa i. Council Eluffa Street Railway cumpany empiovs over a concrete base. Aaorhe- fea-u--- of recent cunaf mctioo work
nea.-iy - men for its construction work. Gangs of ma are ai- is ta laying of a new cab! f-om th- -en-r-i pew-- -ration to th
ways at work, for, lis th guo-1 housewfe. a trt railway -om- Dougiau: srreer bridge in Council EI u its. The caa e will carrv 11 )S
h prt-per gtVng far heavy traffic aad put down in piae of taos aad wo rim -a wra sho-U and picks the raila to ta re'i-air-Hi paay s warn ia ner iioa. As soon aa cn-e-f ton of tra a ia reia:rd o:ta and wtll b- la: 1 t-nire t unl-ri-oind
rsdla. Tnow which are being repfaced tn Omaha eiit aeTen-y-three
pouada to th ya-d. A few years ag- thy wer consi lered
ballaar. Thaa ia La.d beneata th- tracks to a depth of six inches.
Th are boned in this rock to a depth of about tare inches