Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 01, 1910, EDITORIAL, Page 12, Image 20

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1. 1f10.
Wheat Faih to Advance at the Open-
ing with No Bad New.
Cara .
I Pall and I nrkrl, nllk
llatlau Drmiail In Kl-
denre 4 ash (aff la
OMAHA. Arrll . 1910
Jjirk of riiv serious new rhreked the
tdvHiire In wheat at the opening. The
larket was fairly well stiptKirted later and
urn shorts covered, giving cloning figures
A slight nlvanrr for the week 1 1 h.I iiik.
l'he market had a good tone and further
Advnricis are probable.
With whi-ar unchanged nun was not ac
tive and trading waa light. Receipt n
Untie light and shipment were in mop".
There waa nothing new developed In the
wheat situation. Values were some easier
at the opening, but buying became general
later and closing prices were aome higher
than yeeterdav.
Corn was dull and unchanged value ruled
In narrow range throughout the dny.
Offerings were light, but no buying de
mand waa In evldenci . l.'.ifh stun waa
steady and unchanged. '
Primary wheat receipts were 227.f4 bu.
and shipment were 24H.uot bu., against re
ceipts laxt year of 274.0UO bu. and shipments
ef I87.UUU bu.
Primary corn receipts were 27G.COO bu.
and shipments were C'.i.oOO bu., against re
ceipts TkFt year of 2!5,Oi() bu. and ship
ments of 65,000 bu.
Clearann w ere 11,000 bu. of corn, 800
bu. of oats ami uhiat and flour! to
SuXOOO bu.
Uverpool closed 'id lower to Vid higher
on wheat and nominal on corn.
Local range ot options:
Ai tlclM.I Op n. lllgn. Low. Close. Yes y.
Corn -May..
1 01
1 dl
1 00
1 01 I 1 01
40! 4li
US '.I, I M
Oiunlin ( oU Trice.
WMKAT -No. 2 hard, ?l MYn I 0."; No. 3
bard, I "n?l V"; No. 4 haiu, .vmiAir; rejected
hard. w:n-; No. 2 spi luti. l.ul l..t. No. J
spring. icijl.iw; No. 4 t-oiing, miuHoc; No.
durum, hi"ifcic; .o. .; nui'um. euMc.
COIGN-No. 2 white,; No. A white,
6'J'4'ijti0e; ino. 4 while. 5iioic; No. i coior,
fcS'.atrjicU'.fcc; N'. 3 color. o.i: ; No. 4 colur,
iwmuoc; No. 2 yeiiow. in'f.i.u'ic; No. 'A yel
iuw, in'riiii'ci No. 4 yeilo... n.''j,',4 tc; No. 2,
6ic; No. 3, uti'4'ff 6ic; No. -I. w2tjc; no grude,
Wilt 60c.
OATS Standard, Tti'tlWc; No. It while,
eMfjc; No. 4 white, Its'gaiic; No. 3 yellow,
W'i'aroc; No. 4 yellow, .iSijim:; No. 3 mixed,
:; No. 4 mixed, 37'i.tSc.
BARl.EY No. 4. 4tH60c; No. 1 feed, 4t!'r
4Se; rejected, 44i4'ic.
HVt-Au. 2,; No. 3, 73W74e.
Carlo! Receipts.
Wheat. Corn,
Chicago 1 4 42
Minneapolis . I d
Umahu 1 M
AMIlUlll M
in t il, t,.'- o ih
hlte, Vf'Je,
J. wiM'y,
Ic higher,
Wlllti, 4.VH4M.'; No. 2 nnxell. 4"fl4V.
IiAY-I iictianKeo. cnolee tuootny.
No 13.
lA'l - I in. hanged to
114 OlHi
14 oil, choice prairie. III Pn II. Jb, choice ai- I
laila, ! m'a II M.
Hi T I Kit ( nciiangi d, eresniei y. extras.
21" ; firsts, 2'ic, seconds, Ic; packing stoek,
t.KJti 10c lower; current receipts, new
cases. fo.,i6; miscellaneous cass, $.S.3i;
southerns, 4 90, storage packm, H iO.
H ceipts t.iij.uienis.
V. heat, bushels s.uj m
4 -.jrn, hUMntiM l,0'i
Oals, busucla 1,0 i l,.i(l
Prospect Is for ContlnneH tool Till
".audajr Kvrnlna,
A cool wave xptead over the Missouri
and upier iiajiMnppi alleys i rnlay nigiu
and a very markeu fail In ternperuiure la
shown this morning irom the i.ppur laacn
west over the vuiifn to llie Koiay moun
lains. r'retzing teinpei aiurc.-e were le
coined in the extreme upiiei Mississippi
ana upper MImhoui i vm,,it. n. u-ran
ciutidy weathir pi e alls in me up'i vai-it-yi
aim ciouu aim unsetued conditions
ait.- general luiouguout tne west. 1 he de
pression, ceniral over Hit: upper valleys
r i nlay morning, lias coiiunueu easiwaid
alnce the preceding report and Is central
over the lower laars and jm. i-awience.
vaiiey this morning. 1'he wnrin wave tuai
accompanied me uepre!ioii over lilt ceu
iini vdoeys 1 nurmu anu l''i loay Mill I at
t mil intj depiHMoii anu Ihe weather is
in uc 1 1 warmer in lue Ohio va.ley and easl
ei ii slates and la warmer generally over
Hit east ami huuui. u un an area of High
pi ensure ovenyug the upper vaneys. luc
weather will loniiiiiH' com In tins vicinny
tonigni and Sunday.
Tne following shows the temperature und
precipitation lor tne lat tnree ycais:
Ulo. l'.kw. i.M. 1J07.
Minimum temperature.,.. ,. .1 m a
1 i ecipiialioii 1' X ,uu
i uucv.
Noioiai tempciauiie for todi;i'. 07 degrees.
Delicti nc) o precipiiailoa tince iarcu 1,
4.UI Inches.
Dcriciency con eiponding period In l'.WO,
2.4b inches.
li. lu n iicy corresponding period In l'JOb,
2 io un lies.
A. WELSH, local Korecasler.
torn and TV heat Hegion llolletln.
for l)malia, N'eli., for the tw inty-foiir
hour enuing at S a. m., 7oth miiridian tune,
saiurduy, April )0, luly,
Icmp. lUm
Max. Mill.
Ashland, Neb :w
Auburn, Ni b M
li ken Bull', Nel. id
t'oluinbua, Neb... M
Ciilliertson, Neb..
t-'Hlrbury, Neb... Hi
Fairmont, Neli... fvt
(il. 1 - In nil. Neb.. K.i
i larl inglon. Neo. 7V
Itasiln;;!', Neb.... Hi
lloiilrtge, Neb.
(iHKnalt, Neb...
DinuhH, Neh
'lekumali. Neb.
Alta. lu.
Carroll, la
Clarliida, la...,.
hibley, In
!iou. City, la.
Minimum lemperatuio
period ending ul 6 a. m.
Cloud y
I't. cloudy
tNot included In
. .00
Features of the Trading anil losing
Prices on Hoard of Trade.
CHICAGO, April 3u llcisian flies and
ciiincii uuk.-i iieid Hie iinaginaiion of
wheat speculators, lute ill lue session to
uay and excluded fioiu a.tciHion inioits of
lain In the southwest and atones mul for
eigners had been liberal sellers In the Ciu.-
cano market, i . ices, alter ain eany decline,
closed firm at a shade to Vu'c advance.
Corn finished V to 'ziSiC lughir. oats,
unchanged to -Vu'ic lower mm poviion,
10c to 2!c higher.
Notwlihstunding the strength of wheat In
the final dealings, the weak period was of
longer duration than on yesterday and the
net gain wus small. News regarding rain
today was somewhat discounted because
the showers were said to be scattered and
not of the best variety. Announcements by
railroads that recent crop damage narra
tives had been exaggerated, especially as
to tho effects of cold snaps, were more than
offset by seemingly countless advices by
wire and mail reiterating details as to f.y
and bug invasion. September wheat opened
He to He lower at 11.01 to tl.OlU. touched
11.00",, advanced to 1.0174 and closed at
Prospect of continued light receipts was
the chief reason cited for the strength In
corn. July opened He lower to He higher
at 61Sc to G1V. sold up to V2Hc and closed
firm within a shade of the top. Cash corn
waa steady, with olferings light and de
mand fair. No. 2 yeiiow sold at 61frC2c.
Oats were active. July opened unchanged
to Vc lower at 40c to 40'c 'and closed un
settled at 4C4C, after touching 4OV((40Hc.
Purchases said to he for a large local
speculator now on the Pacific coast put
provisions higher, offerings being limited.
July pork cosed 20c up, July laid, 12Vc,
ml July ribs. I i.e.
Leading futures ranged us follows:
No. of
District. Stations.
Columbus, 0 17
Louisville, Ky h
Indianapolis, Intl.. 12
Chicago, 111 2t
St. Louis. Mo 13
lies Moines, la It
Minneapolis, Minn. 30 .
Kansas City, Mo.. 24
Omaha, Neb l'J
Max. Mln.
fall. .00
Al tlcles. Open. High. I Low. Close. Yes'y.
. May
1 08'! 1 OKI
1 0-IVti 1 0,W
101SI ltttVfc
1 07(01 1 OSI 1 07HI
1 1 031,1 1 02-,
1 01', 1 01',j 1 X-S
5'Va7i Bst.;
ItilSwj'sl 2S!
62;,fTti3 113 -m
ut IkS11
41Wi 41V'
I i I
21 SO 21 67V, 21 30 21 62l 21 40
11 M) 21 86 21 iiO 21 K) 21 60
21 6u 21 bi' 21 iA 21 05 21 60
12 324 12 47'i! 12 32V,' 12 47"; 12 26
12 lb 12 30 j li la 12 274, 11 124j
12 10 12 .','6 12 10 I 12 27 'ft 12 0,
12 20 12 22V; 12 17V 12 224: 12 12',
I 11 '-, 12 16 i 11 l'7'-, 12 15 i 11
1 11 16 12 12S,! 11 V24i 12 124; 11
6ii62v(eri hi
6.V.I u'i
41 !41fc:4H:
40 I 40' I
I . I
84 46 ' .0o
Decidedly cooler weather prevails over
the central and western portions of the
corn and wheat region. Freezing tem
peratures were recorded at thirteen sta
tions In '.he Minneapolis district. Light
snowers occurred In the Dakotas Frlaay
nlgnt. L. A. WELSH.
Local forecaster, weather liureau.
Bearish Influences Lend Unfavorable
Aspect to Situation.
llallrnads Incrense Wages of Km
ployrs. bn This Will Not
Hinder Kntarr Devef-iilimrili,
Cash quotations war as follows:
KLOl'R Steady ; winter patents, 5.em(
120; winter straights. t4.7fufo .25; spring
tiralghts, 4 fotf4 '.6; bakers, Sl.uO'ao.OO.
KYB No. 2, i"74c.
BAULKY-Feed or mixing, 44ft50c; fair to
choice malting, 6ift64c.
SKKDS Flax. No. Lsoiith western. S2.324;
Is'o. 1 northweatern, X2.40:j. Tlinotny, 14.40.
L'lover, ill. 25.
PROVISIONS-Mess pork, per hbl., J21.75
4B22 09. Lard, per 100 lbs., 112 67'-. Snori
ribs, sides (loose), r2.12tra 12.37"-,. Snort
Clear sides (boxedj, IllfcOig 13.75.
Total clearances of wheat and flour were
iiial to 261,000 bu. Primary receipts were
K2..HO0 bu., compared witn 214.O0O bu. the
rorrespondlng day a year ago.
Kstiiuated receipts for Monday: Wheat,
tears; corn. 60 cars; vats, 131 cars; hogs,
000 head.
Chicago Cttsh Prices Wheat. No. J red,
ll.OHS&l-lPS; No. J red, l.tf4il.0!i, No. I
hard. Jl OMjl W4; No. 3 hard, $1.04 1.09;
No. 1 northern, Sl.Otiu 1.09. Corn, No 2 cash,
ts-fioe; No. S cash, 67&.VSc; No. 2 white,
(MQitioc; No. 2 yel.ow, Sljiiijc. Oats, No. 3
white, 42i8434c; No. 3 white. 4(V'(i4lc;
No 4 white, 40ft 41 4c; stnndard. 4244('42c.
Bl'TTKM Kasy; creameries, 2i,ij284c;
1aliies, r2U254c.
KUt S Steady, at mark, rases Included,
17Vul94r: receipts. 20.H10 cases; firsts,
194o: prime firsts. 204c
CIIELSKV-Strady, daisies, 14il5c; twins.
14dl44c; young Americas, llgllV; long
horns. 144U14c. .
POTATOES Finn; choice to fancy, 2S
80c; fair to good. 25t(27c.
POl'LTHY Kasy ; turkeya. loc; chickens.
I7c; springs. 17c.
VEA1 Steady; 50 to do-lb. weights. 81ic;
n to W-IK weights, 9r(10c; 85 to 110-lb.
weights. HuUc.
Chicago Receipts Wheat, 1R cars; corn,
43 cars. oats. 1.10 cars. Kstltnated Tomor
rowWheat, ( cars; corn, 14) cars; oats, 131
Mlaneapolla Grata Market.
May. tl OS'.,: July. II 7 V September. $1 OoS;
cash: No. I hard. SI. 104; No. 1 northern,
ll.OPVfi'": No. t northern. II 0Sul 07',;
No. J. 110341,106V
VIAXClosed at S2K.
CORN -No. S, yellow. SMi'V?4c.
OATS No. J. whtte. IS'iUV.
RYrNo. 1 71tj734o.
THAN -In ino (siund oks. StS.OAeiS.U.
FLOl'R First patents (In wood f. o. b.
Minneapolis!. STHu.4; second patenu,
6 emaa.?.; Second clears, 2.So&a.l0.
Uaotatlons of the Day on
NEW YORK, April SO. FLOUR-Dull and
about steady; spring patents, S5.25Ca5.5.r;
winter straights, S4'20t4.50; winter extras,
No. 1, S4.0U&4. 0; winter extras. No. 2, S3.7o
ti4 00; Kansao straights, 4.Mil'5.nO. Re
ceipts, lS,!Ki(i bbls.; smpments, 1.1. .W bbls.
Uye flour, quiet; fair to good, H.Z(q,1. 45;
ciinloi. to fancy, I4.5OS4.60.
CORNMliAL Qukt; fine white and yel
low, SI. 403,1.45; coarse, 1.251.30; kiln dried,
WHEAT Spot market Irregular; No. 2
red, 1.14, nominal, c I. f. ; No. 1 northern,
11.174. nominal, f. o. b., opening navigation.
Option market was easier on prospects of
ruin la the southwest, but there was nu
merous crop damage reports. Including
bom'.- by insects in Illinois and Missouri,
and bears were not uggresslve and tho
market was steady at tne decline, closing
at 8i(lc net . decline. May. $1.1441.I5,
closed at 11.15; July, SI 104'ul. 10S, closed at
Sl lo-V September, 11.064, closed at 11.064.
Receipts, 63.600 bu. ; shipments, 100,601 bu.
CORN Spot market steady; steamer,
!34c and No. 4. 60c, both nominal, elevator,
export basis; export No. 2, 644c, nominal,
f. o. b. Option market was without trans
actions, tloi-ing unchanged. May closed at
ttc; July, 71Sc; Sep'cmtK'', 70-lc. Receipts,
16..S75 bu.; shipments, 710 hu.
OATS Spot market steady; mixed oats,
36 to 32 pounds, nominal; natural while, lb
to 32 pounds, 454fr4!c; clipped white, 34 to
42 pounds, 464'ijc. Option market was
without transactions, closing normal. Re
ceipts, 51,670 bu.; shipments, 755 bu.
HAY Dull prime, S1.10; No. 1, $1.10; No.
2; No. 3. STxfiSOe.
HoPH Steady; state, common to choice,
19i)0 crop, 22y25c; 11KI3, nominal; Pacific
count. r.s.i, 14 16c; 1'JOH. nominal.
HIDES Firm; Central America, 23234c;
liogota, 22'(i'23c.
LEA'l HLR Firm; hemlock firsts, 2ii'y
2lc; seconds, 23(y2;c; thirds, 22'g25c; re
Jeoted, 20(21c.
PROVISIONS Pork, steady; mess. S24.0O
I&24.EO; family. 26.00iii;26.50; short clears,
S25. OlKa 27.1;. Heef. firm, mess, 15.0OJrl6.0O;
family, 19.0tV&20 00; beef hams. S24.O0(y 26.00;
pickled bellies, steady; pickhd hams. 116.00
Ki 16.50. Iard, firm; middle west, prime,
Il2.7t.fc 12.85; refined, firm; continent, 113.20;
South America, 914.00; compound. IIO.Oo
lo M.
TALLOW Dull; prime city, hhds., 74c;
country. 74t7Nc.
Ut'TTER Steady; creamery specials. 30
H304e; extras. 294c: third to firsts, 2i
2Hc: state dairy, common to finest, 2r,1f2il4c;
process. 23'r26c; factory, 22if 2:c; Imitation
creamery, 234'&24,2C.
KGliS Steady: fresh gathered.
storage packed selections, JliI34c; fresh-
gathered, regular pacneo exiras, rusts,
2l4tt22c; fresh gathered, regular packed,
firsts, 2v(,21ic.
CHEiiSiS Steady; slata specials, lie;
f ii e, (y4c; fair to good. 64JiSc; common,
4AS54c; full skims. .K&34C '
NEW YORK, April 3 . (Sp clal Tele
gram. I Active, but weak, ep.tomlred the
ginersl tone of the stock market during
Ihe greali.r part of the present week.
H.iarlsh Interests have lieen In
ilueiKing every Incident of business to
lend an unfavorable aspect to the general
sKculatlve situation. To some extent
ti.ey have succeeded In intensltylng the
dlrptiFltton ot the financial community lo
hold aloof lor a time. Call money this
week went to 7 per cent, the highest since,
January. The calling of loans was di
rectly responsible for the hardening of
the market. The. awplua in ban4i nave
lien depleted through heavy exports of
gold and It was necessary to ca.ll loans
this week to make up the reserve. Hith
erto the outgo of gold has betn counter
balanced by the currency receipts, but tnls
week the movement was modified. The
New York bunks: lost approximately
I4aO0,0OO In cash reserves up to today. In
the currency movement there Is shown for
the week a. net gain of So.lM.WX) offset In
a measure, by a loss of S2,7oS.OOO to the
'Ihe unprecedented gold flow of S17.50O.0OO
abroad i last week s bank statement,
was complied as tha chief Item. A tem
porary enevk has lallen upon exports by
the uctlon. of the Bank of Lngland In low
ering the price of eagles In London. The
mon-.y situation Is Just now a big fac
tor in the market.
While calls upon banks Incident to May 1
Involving disbursements have been held by
some as a factor In the hardening of tiie
market, we must look outside of New York
for another cause which may have helped
harden the market.
Ilauks Loaning Heavily.
For some time It has been hinted thai
the Interior banks were becoming more and
more loaned up and tnis situation has now
been ltallsed by M all street.
The heavy laud speculation that lias been
gaining headway iniough the middle wesi
Tor tne last several months has now
reached proportions that it-call the serious
occurrences of previous similar occasions.
The ty4ng up ot resources of the interior
banks in real estate loans means, ot course,
thut Wall street cannot look lo tho Interior
as a gruat reserve for funds whenever there
Is a stiffening of the rates ill the eastern
money market, as has been the case ever
since the panic. Appreciation of this tact
at this stage among the batiks and largo
borrowers Is without doubt the underlying
reason In chief tor tho new development In
the money market.
The action ot tne United States Steel cor
poration directors this week In placing the
common slock upon a 6 per cent busis has
had a most salutary effect. And now a care
ful analysis ot the past and present Income
of the steel corporation leads lo the belief
that the company will have no difficulty
in maintaining the basis of lis ttock. Had
the company paid 6 per cent on the com
mon stock each car since Us organization
there would have remained a balance of
X206.o00,000 a-vallable for new construction.
Steel common Is now selling at X24. It
has been looked upon as a speculative slock
and the irrand rises and falls have scared
away Investors. Hut the action of the
directors raising the dividend makes it de
sirable, no mailer what Its board quota
tions are-. Its holders will lose the cnance
ot "professionalism."
Railroads liaising AVnges.
The feature of the railroad situation Just
now Is the wage-raising movement. Fif
teen of the great railroads will Increase
wages 145,000,000. These fifteen roads, which
Include all the affiliated New York Central
lines and all the lines of the Pennsylvania
system, show annuul gross earnings of ap
proximately SI. 100,000,000. Their aggregate
surplus Is annualiy about S6JI.000.0o0, so it
can lie seen Increased wages will not hinder
development. At the same time It Is likely
that maturing flnanclul plans will result In
the Issue of S200.O0O.O0O by various railroads
shortly. Within the last few days there
have been Indications that several of the
roads are ready to Issue new bonds aa soon
as market conditions become better.
Directors of the Chicago. Milwaukee &
St. Paul are expected to authorize an Issue
of bonds for extension and Improvement.
The amount will probably be in the neigh
borhood of S50.000.000. The proceeds of this
Issue will be used in furthering a plan for
the improvement of the St. Paul and Its
Puget Sound extension. The St. Paul
proper Intends to spend S2.000.0O0 for double
tracking. There Is no doubt of the ability
of the St. Paul to carry the burden. If it
had not been for the severe winter the an
nouncement of a S50.000.000 bond Issue by the
St. Paul would have attracted no attention.
The stockholders of the Baltimore & Ohio
nave approved a proposition to issue S37.
200.000 worth of new convertibles and S37,
200.000 capital stock.
Railroad Earnings.
In nine months Baltimore & Ohio has
earned 7 per cent on its outstanding stock.
The Southern Railway Is well ahead of last
year's earnings so far. The surplus for nine
months Is S4.O00.000. Damage to the cotton
crop kept down revenues. Hard winter and
liberal expenses-have kept down the figures
of the Atohlson, Topeka & Sunt a Fe. Nine
months' figure are not yet available.
There was a boom in International buying
this week and several copper and metal
stocks were purchased for foreign buyers.
The weather this week did considerable
damage to crops and fruit.
Advices from Washington today stated
that final action upon the administration
railroad bill might not be taken until June
and that congress would hardly adjourn be
fore July 1.
Business conditions In the south continue
to Increase In prosperity, although the cot
ton crop was badly hurt by cold weather.
Tho bond market continues firm.
Bends were rosy. Total sales, par value,
SI. 371. 000: 1'nlted States 4s. registered, de
clined 4 P- cent on call during the week.
Number nf sales and principal quotations
on tfcicks were as follows;
61.. HiKtl. Low. ClnM.
I!stls steel spring I
Ilea 'Una M.ti iv'. I
Rr'in.- sH ii : " "-' ,
h'PilWir . p., i 4.-i : 7 '
R'li Inland Co 1i l"i .4 4: 4'
oc l.linl (. sfil l"i M
SI. 1, A s V. M l 4.. 41 I
si, i.oio s. w 4" r. r' f4 '
si. I. s w p'd ; " i ;. .1
Sln,. Sheffield . I JO, "-' 71 j
Snulnrn Ti'-.TIr 21'. i-.-m l-'t 1- ,
Seuih'-'.i Raliw i.-j :'i
?n kallaay pf J fit H '
'lnr i'nppr :.'i" 2,4 ii'i i
'iaa A P, ifle l.ei ji a.'i, "
T.. HI I.. W 4 I I .14 '
T , SI. 1.. A W. pM S .! 4 -1
Inlon TaiH'c i;.!."i . ,. I
I rnorl I'ac f ic pffl fl f"'1, ft '
1. S. Real',- . ., 74 7' !
I'. S. Kuhner i ; '
1'. S. ff-eel 1 1.4.x M (
I'. . Stsel tM II"'! '1(4 '
I lah ("upper 4 u .t, 41', 41
Va.-l an. t heaalisl I. Jul
Wabaul le'i ! l)'l IK'
Waljih pl.l .. 4li 4I-1 ! .
Weiern Marylani
Wei.lln,lHnipe h;,mtrlu . i
Went era I ni. n loo US '.
Wh4lng U. K '
Total mla lor the da. 4 aruir;. :
New York :loar- Market.
A Hifjh Grade Bond Yieldin4 6J
NEW YORK. April .10. M u N E Y - -On
call, nominal. Time ,oans, Hteady and dull;
sixty days and ninety days, 44'('44 per
cent; six months. 44'h44 prr cent.
per cent.
actual business In bankers' bills at S4 Miow
4 8455 for sixty-day bills and at S4 S765 for
demand. Commercial bills, S4.S:;1ri'i 4 M'.
SILVKR-Har, 54'4c. Mexican do.lars, 44e.
BONDS Government, strady. Railroad
bonds easy. I
Closing limitations 'on bonds were as!
folio s:
..I' Int. M. M. 4', !
..1IK4 Japan 4 4
. .1051 do s M
..l'li'l'K. ( . So. tut S "2 I
..IIISI. S ilb. 4a 19.11.... !
..III-,!,. & N. unit. 4j :i.i' I
. . 7: V.M.. K. T. lat If.. 9715
. A"-- M11 en. 44 f
..1'V M11. Pa. Iftc s 7 !
.. . N. tt. K. cl M. 4'. a 114 I
U. i. raf. !
do coupon
V. 8. Sj, ri.
do coupon ...
t'. 8. 4a. re,"
do coupon . . .
Allla-I hal. lal
Am. Ag. &...,
Am. T. T. rv. 4n
Am. Tfit'aci'O 4....
do la
Armour or t o. ifl
Atriilten Rl'll. 4a...
do cv. la
do c-v. ua
AI. C. I., lal 4a ...
Bat. A Ohio 4a
do 34
do R. W. H,....
Brk. Tr. cv. 4a
fan. ot (la. 0
rentral Leather ,'a.
C. o( N. J. it. 6t..
l liaa. & UI1I0 4ua.
Uo ret. Aa Hl4Sl. L.. S. W. e. 4a.
Chicago & A. JS-. "do lt gold 4. ...
C. B. & . . 4a ... H.S'Seatfiaj-d A. L. la...
do f.n. 4a M 8o. Pa Ilk- 10I. 4s..
r. M. & B P. g :i'a k. do cv. 4n
iKi'aN. V. r. g. S'ir
si4 do deb. 4n .
&,N. Y.. N. II.
l'i cv. s l'l'
K. at W. lft c. 4s.... :w
94 do pv. 4a 11114
t'tNo. Pacific 4
n, do la
HH0. S. U. rfdg. 4i.
M I'miii. cv. S',4 U.i
1M' do eon. m
Reading gen. 4...
IJISSI. b. At 8. F
.l-.l do jrt'n. 4a..
tf I
101 I
W !
fg. 4a 2 I
CSii I
77'a :
HI j
C, R. I. & P.
do rtg. 4i
t'i1o. Lnd. 6a.,
Colo. Mid. 4..
1:. & 8. r. & :
U. & H. cr. 4
1). A R. tl. is
do ret. ia
mstlllers' f.a
Crla p. I. 4a
dfi gen. 4a
flu cv. 6. sor. A
'Mo aerlea B
Ren. dec. cv. oa rn
111. Cen. at ref. 4a. 9S
Int. Met. 4h
Bid. Oitare4.
1 do IN ref. 44
89 so. Reilwar it...
... . 78 do gen. 4a
.... 7541 nlo'i lclfiu 4...
44s 74 do ct. 4a
VHi, do lal rrf. 4c.
.... M f. 8. Rubber 6a....
Hi I". S. Steel M as...
.... 7'1 'a.-('aro. diem. ii
2'i Wabaah lit ua
7:u do lat & ex. 4a.,
7MWeilern Md. 4
67 West. Elec. cv. o.'
Vi la. Ontral 4a
Mo. P. CV. bS ctts.
44 i
. .100 1
..iock, :
.. ', I
..10:0, 1
! :
.. 92
.. (.4
London 4 losing Stocks.
LONDON, April 30 American securities
opened firm on the stock exchange here
today in sympathy with the strength jn
Wall street yesterday. Prices further Im
proved on covering and after a silKht shad
Ins the market cloned firm and from un
changed to a point over yesterday's New
York closing.
Sl'il.oulBTlllo & N.
4 M., K. T
7a N. Y. Central.,
s-'n Norfolk ai W..
1114 do pfd
1 Ontario A W..
III14 Pennaylvanla
18s V Rami Mine....
87 Heading Sl
Southern Hy Ittli
& St. P...14i dn pli.: 24
t souinern Pttrltlc Ilia
40, tniou Pacific a;.4
) do pfd m
24 I'. S. Steel 4
4 do pfd ill",
36 V4 Wabaah Ni
2Ki do v pfd 4.r,
llltnoli Central ISa1 Spanlah 4a luH
SILVER Bar, steady at 24 15-16d per oz.
MONEY 3ra3 per cent.
The rale of discount In the open market
for short bills is 3 per cent; for three
months' bills, 311-16 per cent.
Consols for money
do account
Arnal. Copper
do pfd
Baltimore & Ohio..
Canadian Pacific-..
fhefapealte A O...
Chicago U. W
Chi.. Mtl.
Ua Been
Denver & Rio U
do pfd
do 1st pfd
do 2d pfd
Grand Trunk
.. 42'4
. .1234
.. u
.. 44V,
Cleurlna; House Bank .Statement.
NEW YORK, April 30.-The statement of
clearing house banks for the week shows
that the banks hold Sf.771.loO more than
the requirement of the 26 per cent reserve
rule. This is a decrease of $8,244,475 in the
proportionate cah reserve as compared
with last week. The statement follows:
.Jl,217,6;i7,500 'J 317,000
. l,lH4,75ij.&00 9.M0.1.VII0
UN. 141.300
. 2:w,3ia.oHi
. ;.,4fi0.aou
. 29Si.liS9.loO
1. 1159.44 10
lO.V.'0, 4"0
Legal tender
Reserve required...
Ex. V. S. deposits.
The percentage of actual reserve of the
clearing house banks today was 2S.37.
The state of banks and trust companies
of Greater New York not reporting to the
clearing house shows:
Loans $1,19.77,900 S9,S2,900
Specie 12S.;tf1.300
Legal tenders L'l.ltvl.oto
Tolal deposits 1,255,179.900
United Kansas Portland Cement Company
First Mortgage 6 per cent 10-ycar Sinking Fund Gold Ronds
IAIT.D APRIL 1st, 1910 DUE APRIL 1st, 1920
Semi-Annual Interest, payable April lat anil October Itt at Commerce Trust Company,
Kansas City, Missouri. Coupon Bonds of $100, $200, $500 and $1,000 Denomination,
with Privilege of Registration to Principal. Redeemable at 105 anil Interest at any
Interest Period on 60 Days' Notice. Pending the Preparation of Engrayed Bonds, Interim
Receipts will be issued by
Commerce Trust Company, Kansas City, Trustee
Tlie United Kansas Portland Cement Company owns and operates three large cement plants located at
Independence, lola and Neodesha. Kansas, the initial cost of which aRKreRated $.1,4(X),000.(X), and whose
combined annual capacity exeeds two million barrels. Its shipments exceed those of any other competitor in
the entire Western Territory. The offisers and directors of the Company are:
George E. Nichols in. President, Kansas Citv, Mo. M. L. Atden. Kansas City, K;m., of McAnany & At
O. V. Wilson, Kznsas City, Mo., President Rylcv- den, Attorneys.
Wilson Orocer Co. " W. S. (ioodin, Secretary.
A. V. Cockenll, Vice President, Nevada, Mo. W. F. Dewey, Assistant Treasurer.
Frank C. Nicholson, 2d Vioe-President, lola, Kan.
A. H. Campbell, lola, Kan., Attorney.
John F. Goshorn, lola, Kan., Attorney
Wm. I.aoyoo. St. Louis, Mo., Capitalist.
J. N. Roberts, Lawrence, Kan., Capitalist.
R. W. Mocker. Kansas City, Mo., Member Utilities
L. II. Callaway, Nevada, Mo., Banker and Capitalist.
T. W. VaadWcr, Nevada, Mo., Vice-President Farm
and Loan Association.
Wm. K. Caffee, Carthage, Mo., Banker and Manu
facturer. Leigh Hunt, lola, Kan., President Hunt Engineering
I.. L. Northrup. Treasurer, lola, Kan., President
Northrup National Bank.
First Mortgage Gr;. Bonds .
Preferred Stock, 7 Cumulative .
Common Stock
PURPOSE OF ISSUE. These bonds are issued for the purpose of retiring, on July 1st, 1910.
$1,081,176.70 debentures now outstanding, and to supply increased working capital.
SINKING FUND. The Deed of Trust provides that a minimum of SlfiO.OOO each year, beginning
April 1st, 1912, must be deposited with the Trustee in a sinking fund, for the retirement ot all bonds at or
before maturity.
SECURITY. The bonds are an absolute first mortgage on all the Company's plants and property,
which are appraised by Westinghouse, Church, Kerr S Co., Engineers of New York City, at $5,827,775; to
which can also be added live assets of $783,780, not included in their appraisal, thus showing aggregate assets
of $6,511,555.
(Auditor's Report)
Net Earnings f years ending Dec. 31, 1909
Less Expended for Betterments
8h7.8(i2 67
Average Annual Net Earnings
(Equal to Seven Times Bond Interest)
FIRST. The total value of the property behind this issue of bonds is $6,511,555 over four times the
amount of the bond issue. ,
SECOND. The average net earnings of the Company for the past six years have been seven times
the bond interest and nearly three times the bond interest and sinking fund combined. "
THIRD.--Tlie manufactured product is a recognized standard of quality in the markets the Com
pany serves, which insures the permanency of this industry.
FOURTH. The Company is the largest producer of Jiigh grade Portland Cement west of the Miss
issippi River. ,
FIFTH. The management is in capable and experienced hands, and the work of manufacture is con
ducted by an able corps of scientifically and practically trained operators. Mr. Geo. E. Nicholson, president
of the Company, is one of the most experienced cement manufacturers in the United States.
Having sold over $700,000 of the above bonds to Directors and Stockholders of the Company, we
offer the remainder at
98 and accrued interest yielding over 6 1-4 per cent
Further information, engineer's report, and legal opinion may be had on request.
Commerce Trust Company
Capital, One Million Dollars
Inrettment Securities Department Kansas City, Missouri
Subscriptions will be received by Samuel Burns, Jr., New Voik Life liuilding, Omaha, Neb.
$1,157,003; total balance In general fund,
St. l.oala General Market.
ST. lXM IS, April HO. WHKAT Cnh un
rhaned; track. Nu. 2 red. I1.10$1.12 V. No.
2 haid, JlUHql.U. Fuiurea higner; May,
July. 1.01V
COKN 'asli lower; track, No. 2. 6:Kj363Sc;
No. 2 white, toc. Futures higher; May,
blwolic; July, tij y,c.
OATS Ca.h lower; track. No. 2. 42c: No.
2 white, 44c. Futures firm; May, 40c; July,
KV K Nominal, TWa"!!1:.
Fl.oi'K l'nchanfrrl; red wlmer patent.
15 IXi' eKtrn fancy and Htralght, Jl.TOfff
&.20: hard winter clear. $:i. tuft 3.90.
KKl Tlinulliv. JS.UOii3.oO.
BKAN Firmer; Hacked. eat track, $1.0(4 '
H A Y Unchanged; timothy, $14.501 18. M;
pr.iiile. ir.'OOii 14.00.
BAOUlNii 7aC.
HKJir TWIN K 7c.
PROVISIONS Pi. rk. hla;hr; lohblnir.
$21. 7n. l-ard. Iilcher; prime steam, $i2.4ntf
1 2 . f0. Ury salt meats (bnxedi. lower; extra
shorn, S13 874; clear ribs. $13.87S: short
clears, $14.1?S Bacon (boxed) lower; extra
shorts, $14 12H; clear ribs, $14.12Vs; "hort
Clears. IMS?1.
Pon.THV Quiet: chickens, lfic; springs,
23o; turkeys. 17c; ducks,. 13c; (ease. 7c.
Hl'TTER fiteadv; creamery, 24ij;e.
KUUS Steady, 19c.
ltecrlpts. Shipment
Flour, bills I0 ftW)
Wheat, bu 17.S T, KM
Corn, bu W 700 41.i"O0
Oats, bu 7.200 28,500
l.lTerpool Orala and ProTtalaaa.
dull; No. $ red western winter, no stock.
Futures dull: May, 7s 3Vd, Jul v. 7s J1,i
October. 7e 4d.
CORN Hpol ulet; new American mixed
northern, 6s old American mixed 6a
SHd. Futures nominal.
Kaaaaa 4 1(7 Crala aad Provlelaaa.
KANSAS CITY. April SC -WM KAT-l'n-rbaiiKed;
No. 1 hard. $1 OTftf 1 11; No. I. $1 ftl
lif. No. 1 red, Jl otiylio. No $. $1.022l.O.
t)RN tnitunl to ljo iiisher; No. 2
Mllwaakee Grata Market.
ket steady.
WHKAT No. 1 northern. $1 lVfc'l 11; No.
1 nrarthen-n. $1 OT!."; July, $I.08V.
OiRN 6IVjSsi
HAltl.K Y-&niilca, &vu&c.
Aliia-Chalmars pffl
Amalsmatel t ripper
American Agricultural
Am. Heel. Sugar.
American Can
Am. C A V
Am. loll on Oil
Am. H. & I.. pf...:
Am. Ic ftacuritiea
Amartcan I.lnased
American Ijocomotlva ....
Am. S. R
Am. 8. a B pfd
Am. Stael Paundrlaa
Am. ft'icar Retlnlna
Am. T. & T
Am. Tobacco pM
American Woolan
Anaconda Mining Co
Alihlaon prd
Atlantic Coaat Una
Hsltlmore ft Ohio
Bethlaham Steal
Hrouklyn Rapid Tr
Canadian Pacific
Antral liaathar .
Canlral leather prd
tlamral of New Jaruy
Chaaapaaka aV Ohli
I'hlraxa Alloll. oftarad..
Chicago Ot. Waataro, na .
C. 11. W. pfd
Chicago A N. W
, M. A 81. P
C, i;.. C. Jb Bt. L
Colorado F. A 1
Colorado AV Foulhara
nonaoliilatad Gas
Corn Producta
llalawara sV Hudann
llanver AV Klo Grands
II. AV H. O. pfd.
rilatmara' Snurlllaa ......
Krla lal pfd
Kris d pfd
flaneral Elacirlo
Oraat Northern pf
Great Northern Ore ctfa....
llllnola Ontral
I nlerixirougti Met
In. Mai. pffl ,
International Harrester ...
nl. Marine pfd.
International Papar
International Pump
lows Central
Kanaas riir to
K. C. Ro. pfd
Lacleoe Gaa
lxuleIUe aV Naahillle. . . .
Minn a BU loulr
M.. SI. P. AV B . M
M., K. A T
M , K. Ai T. pfd
Mtaeouii Pacific
National Blerult
National Led
N. R. R. o M td pfd ...
New Jork Crrsl
N. T.. O AV W
Norfolk AV Western
North American
Northers Patino
Pacific Mall
Peoele' a Gee
p.. c. e. av si. L
Plllo'wrg Com
Preatad lel r
rulluiM rslsoe Car
ion S5 u ti I
8r.. 7U SB'i 674, :
K4I 421, I2i, 41 S
(..-0 SH la Kll MH I
!I0 H
70i 61 67'
son Si)i o ni4
l.inn i i i
410 24 23 '4 24
KW) 4u, 47 47
1, 1XJ 71',, 7H 7'a
too )(a io.i i
noo M'i M' et'4
' m m 121 i'4
1.70i) ij isn'-i lj.v,
lit 4 a4 M
900 314 frl Jl'a,
l.lod 41 40i (OS
I.SfK) li irf74a
uo Mi lies ioi
too 124', i:iv 121
1,3110 l'H-4 107H 107i
. J
4.60O 7Ta 7 71
1.4 lHJ'a 1U44 )hS
law) 42V 11 W I' W
4.(110 14 ss :"i
2A aO (0 nl
400 !7, 37 37
M 144 li H'
too l:lH MH ISa'a
;.w ti , an.,
4'r) 37 CCa 36',
1 M'i MS 17,
4,7i ri'a lilit 111
00 1S4 H', It
MO 1 liS' 147
soi) (414 It's '4
jut ns
4H, 44 44
I4 !414 S4t4
1110 144 146 146',
1.100 ms m m
1.J04 1'4 M 62S
400 1.1S'4 laW 131
S.1U0 Ml t
ai r.2 fa
tm tiiA ffs vv,
300 11 1T4 17
424j 4;, 42V,
00 2o l It',
eno sii, i;v 31
HO 44 64 ,
1.T00 14SV 14A 14!
jno ins is7 ists,
l.nuo im sxi
too tr 44 s
TOO It 74S '4
. 4.r i :s
. 4 7( 1 iu. 11S
00 1i 11x114
, 1.IMI H14 7'f, 70s
, I t"0 lios IMS Ht
io a i'v
. U.Oofl 1U 111V, IMti
lll t lis
li fS es4
3a las 4S
tt 34 374
I.ocal Serarltlea.
Quotations furnished by Samuel Burns,
tr., 14 New York Lire building. Omaha:
Bis. Aak0.
Beatrice Cresmerr, com R!t, 9014 j
city vi umana a,a, ivv iusl,
Cudahy Packing t.o. fa sa H9S
Columbua Electric L,lght
lows Portland Cement bonda
ly:ng Bell dumber Co 99 l'K)
Nebraska Tel. UKk, 6 per cent !I94 I11OI4
No. Hlatiel Valley Irrl. Co. 6a, 390... V Ifitl
Omaha Water Co. 6s, 1914 l'K) 101
Onmlia Water l. 6a, '944 m 94
OtliehaX Water Co. 2d pfd 12 13
Omaha Uaa (a, 1117 flu 14
Omal Gas 6a, 1914 . lt4 H
Omaha B. L. AV P. Aa, JS3J f)v,
Omaha K. 1.. pfd t per ce.u 24 S3,
Omaha 8t. Ry. 6a, 114 9', l'jni,
OlllaJia AV C. B. 81. Ry. Aa. 192S V VH,
Omaha Ac C. H. St. Ky. pfd M M1
Omaha AV C. D. St. Ry. com ;i 741,
Omaha A C. H I'.y. A- R. pfd lis
Paclflo T. & T. i. .917 m S4
Sou Hi Omaha is, cliy of 1"V, li ts
8iuux City alock yarJa pfd SA 90
Topeka Ry. (a, 1930 ... ;i9
Inlon Slock Yarda atuck, 8. 0 97 94
To net 6 per cent.
Huston Nloeks tail Bonds.
BOSTON. April 30. Closing quotations on
mining slocks were:
Allouec 41 Mohawk 41
Amal. Copper 67 Neyada Con 1914
A. Z. U Ai g 34 Mpltslna Mlnee 9',
Arizona Com ISA North Unite ii
Atlantlo 6iNonh LaJie 1114
II. AV C. C. ot S. M . HSOId Doml&ion 3J
Dutte Coalition ZO Oacsola 134
Cal. AV Arlmna. (1 I'arroil 8. AV C 14
Cel. A Hecla M Wulnry 77
Centennial II Shannon 1
tper Range C. C. 45S Superior 394,
Haet Uutte C. Ai 1 Superior A B. M 10
Krsjl'dln lH,Superlor AV P. C 11
Glroua Con T Tamarack 49
Granny I on. 401, It. g. & 0 3JU,
Greene Oananea ltU. H. S. R. AV M 4014
lale Royale copper... 14 dn pfd 4HV,
Kerr Ike eHl'tah t on ZIS
Lake Copper 91 1 lah (dipper Co 42
La Salle copper 1 Winona 6S
Miami Copper Zl Wolverine 190
Bask Clearings.
OMAHA. April 30. Bank clearings for to
day were $2, and for the corre
KUondtng date Ittst year $2,004,701.66.
1910. I90o
$ S.4lt.4f4.12 $ 2.finO.1.42
2.414.199. M 2.044.159. li
2 770.247. 24 2.1S4.1d3.30
2.4(0.819. S7
2.M9.77I.98 2 2-.13. 224. 73
3.240,50.06 2,004.751.66
Totals $15.13.S7.9J $13,710,543.49
Increase over the corresponding week of
last year $11,202,544.43.
New York Mining: Storks.
NKW TTORK. April 30 Closing quota
tions on mining slocks:
Allre AO M.eedrllle Con t
Rrunawlck Con I Uittle Chief
Com. Tunnel alock... 17 Mailran 130
do bonda . 16 Ontario 179
Con. Cel. Vs 106 Opblr I3S
Horn Sller 44 Htandard . 4J
Iron surer 144 Yellow Jacket 90
ef fared.
Treaiary Statement.
WASHINGTON. April SO. The pondillon
of the treasury at the beginning of business
today waa as follows:
Trust Ktinds iiild coin, $K51.183.8fi0: allver
dollars. $4X9.71.000; silver dollars of 1S0,
$3,767 ooo: allver certificates outstanding,
Oeneral Fund Standard silver dollars In
general fund $1.011. R33: current liabilities.
$106 651, 159: working balance In tressury
offices. $rV24H,144; In banks to rre.1i I nf
treasurer of the I niteil Hiatea. HjK.MI.
tubsldlary allver coin, $21,520,711; minor coin,
Staple and Fancy 1'roilnce I'rlccs Far
ulsbed by Buyers and Wholesalers.
BUTTER Creamery, No. 1, ueiivcred to
the leiail trade 111 1-ib. curious, 30c; Nu. 1,
in 00-lb. tubs, 2!'2-; No. 2, l.i 1-lb. cal lulls,
31c; In bO-lu. tuos, 27c; pui hiuii aiuck, Holid
pack, l'J'.-iC, dairy, in 00-lb. m us, Zjc. .vlarkei
cliaiigi-o every '1 uesday.
CHEESli Twin4, lUVac; young America,
17Vat-'; daisy, 17c; litnburger, 18c No.
1 brick, loc; No. 2, ioc; uomcstic block
siwlbs, 22c; imported Swiss, 30c.
POULTRY Urcased broilers. J9.00 do.,
for storage, $0.00; fur livsti springs, 20c;
hens, ihe; cocks, J'c; ducks, 20c; geese,
15c; turkeys, 20c; pijjeuiis, per duz., $1.20;
homer squabs, $4.00 ptir doz. ; fancy stiuabs,
$3.50 per doz.; No. 1, $3.00 per doz. Alive:
Broilers, from l1 to l-,j lbs., 45c; 11 10 2
lbs., 30c; hens, 10c; old roosters, 10c; young
roosters, 10c; ducks, full feathered, 14c;
geese, full feathered, 9c; turkeys, ISc;
guinea, fowls, 25c each; pigeons, 76c per doz.;
homers, $3.00 per doz.; squabs, No. 1, $2.00
per duz. ; Nu. 2, 50c.
FTt'H (all trozenj Pickerel, 9c; whltefish,
13c; pike, 10c; trout, 13c; largo crappies,
15fa.l8c; Spanish mackerel, 18c; eel, lbc; had
dock, 13c; flouiifiers, 12c. Fresh catfish,
18c; trout, 13c; buffalo, 8c; halibut, 9c; white
perch, 8c; whltefish, 15c; yellow perch, 9c;
bullheads, 12c; white bass, 17c; rocshads,
$1.00 each; shadroes, per pair, 60c; frog legs,
30c per doz.
BEEF CUTS-Ribs. No. 1, 17c; No. 2,
14Vjc; No. 3, 134c; loin. No. 1, VJc; No. 2,
lie; No. $. 1414c; chuck. No. 1, 9',jc; No. 2,
9c; No. 3. S7e; round. No. 1, UV;c; No. 2,
11c; ino. x. io:ac; piate, no. 1, ic; No. 2,
7'c; No. 2. 7Sc.
STRAWBERRIES Tennessee and T..-nilr.
lanu. 24-ut. cases, per cafe. 14 25: 2-l-m
cases, per case, $2.00.
ORANGES Cal I lorn la Camella and Pro.
ducer brands Redland Navels. S0-9B-112
eizea. per box. $2. S3; 126 size, per bo. 13:
15O-176-200-21O-250 sizes, per box, 3.65. other
brands from Riverside and other districts
.er box. $28533.00; SO-96-U2 sizes, per box!
t2.502.76; Havana. Mediterranean Sweets
120-112 sizes, per box, $2.75; 150 und smaller
sizes, per box, $3.00.
LEMONS l.imonlera. extra fancv. son.
300 sizes, $6.60; choice. 300-360 sues, oer h,,v
$4.60; 240 size, 60c per box less
BANANAS fancy select, per bunch, $2.25
j2.50; Jumbo, bunch, $2.753.76.
UltAfE 'UU1T jf'lorida. 46 size. 14 SO:
64-64-80 sizes, per box. $5.
A r-PLES tien iiavts, per lib.. in?.-,-
California fancy, V. W. Prarmalns. ner
box. $2.10; California, extra fancy W. VV.
Pearnialns. Red Wood brand, ner hn.
S2.25; extra fancy Iowa Jonathans, per bbl '
... . .
t'ltAMHSiuuta-je.rsey. uesn stock, per
box. S2.
DATES Anchor brand, new. aO 1-ih
pkps. In box. per box. $2.
1US canrornit. .tic size, soc.
IRISH POTATOES Wisconsin and na
tive, per bu., 40fii50e; Colorado, per bu., 5oc
bbl.. $2.
CABBAGE New California and southern
per lb., 4c.
ONIONS 1 exas crystal wax. per crate.
$2; yellow, per crate. $1.76.
OLD VEGETABLES Parsnips, carrots,
bens, turnli. In sacks, per 10., 2c.
GAKL1C Extra fancy, white, per lb..
15c; led. per lb.. ISc.
RADISHES-Per doz. bunches, 4ac.
TURNIPS Per doz. buncrus, 50c.
CARltoTS-Per dug. bunches, 60c.
KHALlOTTK Per doz. bum lies, 60c.
PARSLEY Per doz. bunches, 60c.
BKETS Per doz. bunches, 60c.
SPINACH Per bu., 12 lbs.. $1.00.
EUG PLANT Fancy Florida, dog., $1.60
TOM A TOES Fancy Florida or Cuba,
per 6-bek. crate, $2 25; choice, $1.75.
per, about 26 lbs., $6.O0f4 00.
GREEN PEAK Per hamper. $2 60.
CUCUMBERS Hot house, per doz., $1 .its
2.00; Texas, per dog , 75e.
RADISHES Extra fancy home grown,
per dot. bunches, 15.
LETTUCE Extra fancy leaf, per dog.,
46c; head lettuce In hampers. II 75.
PARSLEY Fancy home grown, per dog.
buncoes. 40c.
Kill' BARB Per doz. bunches, 43c.
ASPARAGUS Per dog. hunches, 76c.
GREEN ON It INS I'er dog. bunches, 250.
HORSERADISH 2-dm. In case. $190.
WALNUTS Mack, per lb., 3c; Califor-
BAMTZTa BXnUTS, JB. May 1. 1910.
613 Hew York Life Bid?.,
Omaha, Web.
We Beg To Annouiut Ti nt
Mr. Lawrence Drinker,
formerly assistant titasurer of the Nebraska Telephone com
pany. Is now associated with us In the handling of investment
We will continue as In the past, to deal only in IUkIi Grade
Securities, and trust we may be favored with a continuance of
your patronage.
Our List of 6
investments on Request.
nia. No. 1. oer lb.. 17c: California. No. 1
soft, per lb., 14c.
HICKORY NUTS Large, per lb., 4c;
small, per lb., be.
COCOANUTS Per sack, $0.00; per dux.
Cotton Market.
NEW YORK. April 30. COTTON Market
opened steady at an advance of 4 puinls
on Alay, but generally ls points lower In
response to week-end realizing and disap
pointing cables. The same people who
took up cotton on May contracts yester
day appear In the ring as buyers of May
and July, however, ano while general busi
ness was quiet, May sold up 10 a nel ad
vance of 11 points and the new crop to a
net gain of l'a- points during the -early
Cotton futures opened steady; May, 1( 7oc;
July, 14.60c; August, 14.05c; September 13.04c;
October, li!.b4c; November, j.'.4oc, bid; De
cember, 12.45c; January, 12.41c; March,
12.310, bid.
LIVERPOOL. April 30. COTTON Spot la
limited demand; prices 1 puini higher;!
American middling fair. H.; good mid
dling, 8.09(1; middling, 7. !.!, low middling,
7 85d; guod ordinal), 7.5UU; culinary, ,'.3(0.
Tha sales or the day were 4.000 hales, of
which 3i0 were for speculation and export
and included 300 American.
ST. LOUIS, April .W.-CoTTON Un
changed; middling, 14lc; gales, 106 bales;
receipts, 959 bales; shipments, 1,?0 bales;
stock, 36.879 bales.
Coffee Market.
tures closed steady at a net decline of 4
to 10 points. Sales were reported of 26,500
bags. Closing bids: May, 6 Hoc; June, .40c;
July, 660c; August, .65c; September, 6.ii0c;
October and November, 6 toe; December,
6.70c; January, .73c; February, 6.76c; March,
6.78c; April. 6 70c. Spot, quiet; Rio No. 7,
Mte; Santos No. 4. tlc. Mild, quiet; Cor
dova, 9'fjl2Uc.
St. Joseph l.le Slock Market.
ceipts, 100 head; market steady; steers, $0.00
jiH.OO; cows and heifers, $4.00' 7. 50; calves,
HOGS RecMpts. 1,500 head; market
steady; top, $9.60; bulk of sales, J.2.Vy:l.0.
No sheep on sale.
Particularly In tti California flnltff. ! cer-nn
lo crmtlnu Just an long aa production .nrrsHnaf
al the preei.L ratio and oil atucltfl continue to ad
vance hundred of prr cnt. Our Weekly (HI Re
view. Juai lfcuued, rovera the oil Ion comi'ie
henalvely and ab olutely without biaa. Warns j ou
agamat atm ka ttt tudlffarent merit and point out
enormoua profit-making poaHlbllltleri of other. W a
arct In dally telegraphic touch with relln hie rp
reH43ntativea In the varloua oil flelda. Mllllonu are
being made monthly by California inveatora In nil
atoclm. Mllllona more will be made, but you
must act quickly lo take advantage of (he big,
oncoming boom movement. Send today for our
lDerialiits In III! and rnb Ftofka f
Peoria Grata Market.
TEORIA. III.. April M. CORN HlKher;
No. 2 yellow, 69V((i0c; No. 3 yellow, Mc;
No. 3. 6sViC; No. 4. 66'c; no (rade, 4!H(
OATS steady; No. 2 white standard,
(2Uc; No. 3 white. 41Vo42c; No. 4 white,
l)rr Goods Market.
The cotton anods market was a llltle more
active during the day In the primary di
vision, where converters and printers are
showing more Interest. Linens are steady,
burlaps quiet and yarns steady hut quiet.
NEW YORK. April 30. . SUGAR Raw,
steady; muscovado, 89 test. 1.74c: cen
trifugal, W test, 4.24c; molasses uar,
test, S.4l'c. Refined, qulat; cruhel, 6.86c;
granulated, 1 15c; powdered, 6.26c.
Omaha Hmj Market.
OMAHA. April 30 HAY No. 1. $9 00; No.
2. $.0O; packing. $6 00. btraw: Whaat. $! 00,
rye and oats. $7.00. Alfalfa. $1200 The
supply of poor hay Is much heavier than
the demand.
llalalk Orala Market.
DT'MTTH. April 30. Wll EAT Ma v, Jl 07S
Jnlv, $1.0K'1,; No. I northern, $l.077; No. 2
lorthern. $1.06; May, $1.V7H
OATS-30S0. .
11.000 Amer. Finance A Seu., ' eq itotk bun.,
at ii flal
6nl Amer. Poar At Light i"c eum. pM -0
1H Auto-Press pM '2
10 Associated oil, Calif K.
1A llalrh Fubllahllif to. ipar l"l IH
1101) Big 6 Tun. ',' bund Iit " W
2.1 frown ftiemlnal Ito. (par I'K Tf 00
200 Cox Mulilmaller A.00
6'HI t'olllna Wlreleae Telepliune A
100 Oa.ry oV Inter -ITliaji Hv ... 23.00
6ul (or part) Kueniel Hro-ewi 8m. & tonus M
7S Itueratate lnd. T. T. toli
1100. lit!. IIO11O New fla'e Telephone Aa DAHAInU
20 Oxlord I.lnen "A" anil rollvert IA
UK) (Iklatioma tlaa l.le-. 7 cum. prd. ..
60 Paaa-Me-)'. I'ol. tpar I3H BI4
ail Hadio Telephone i(iarent) AM
10 I nt. Wlreleae 7 I m . Iranfrahle 2 1
40 I nl. Wlrele- 7 r p'd.. transferable 2". 04
11 Albaush-liever. " I so. N. V. Airline.
A Alhaugli-Llover. 'lelepoit A A rim
1 Am. Drug.. Svnfl. fnll)10 t olulilli. Nal'l. I.lfe.
10 Am. Ilrug. Syn tnewl ii tier. Amer. Coffee.
40 Fage W.W. I'tire. pfU.;10 Kockffird Telephone.
A Hadio Te)ephfne. A Am lirug. Hrnd.
K. K. bMlTIi, !21 LaKllle St., thlcago, III.
dividends c'ra:
$47,000,000.00 Calffo.'nu'.Hw. insure
suns whv careful Investors are tiirnlns; in
California Oil a the safest and nmat
profliahle opportunity of today. Write us
(or the reasons why.
332 liush HI., Man KraiiciM'o.
fi Vnlted Wlreleae pfd. Trans..
10 German Amerlren Coffee ....
AO Kadlo Telephone (any part)
10O0 King Soloman T. A L
IOiO Ollpln Kuaeaa
!jU0 New Stale Tel. 4 Bond ..
. . 27 AO
... 7A
.... .;.
... .'
A. 0. Andersen, Peterson, la.
Herbert E. Gooch Co
Brokers and Dealers
omAiaT, noTinoM, btooxs,
Otaaaa Office i Ala Board of Trade Bid
Bell Valepaoae, Doualaa !
JndepeWient. A-9H31.
Oldest aa Bouse Is 4h State,