1 V THE OMAHA KTN'PAY TIKE: MAY . 1910. Ms is a ProOTeroM Business Man reading' Bee Want-AdsTHe ooi ld& First Position m a BWfM ! , - .. II RHKAIIIVI8 IS a If Alii TV V V U 1 H UlL MB A U U k l. U. JL. 4V fsjr" JtAAKJf Jfc. J. "V-M. I - ycr Vv2 TI O - tt A t J An. "Now fhroji&h ike Bee'Want-Ad . OFFERED FOR RENT OFFERED FOR RENT OFFERED FOR RENT OFFERED FOR RENT OFFERED FOR RENT OFFERED FOR RENT OFFERED FOR SALE Rooms A part meats aad Flats lentlaeed. Room oatlaaed. aad Cottages Coatlaaed. lie l Isrellaaeona -t oatlaaed. -A,. Am MOUEKN room; running water. !tll Cap llul Ave. ROOM good board. 1S Chicago St ROOMS and board. 317 Douglas SL FOR the most moderate priced meal try "The New Windsor Cafe." 639 8. 101b. FRONT room; modem; in private fam Ui ; price reasonable. 114 8. 2th .St. J mo nlc, large rooms. 3553 Harney. THREK nicely furnished rooms; front and back parlors; moil rn. 22 N. 21st St., fione B-5i;o. Til E 1RVINT1. lfavrnworth: newly "crated, single and doub e room with first class board at rrasonaolr prices. Table board a specialty. Doug 5537. Famished Rooms, 1S12 CHICAGO ST. Rooms, with or with out board, single or rn suite. NICE ROOM for one gentleman in pr. 'au faml.y. walking distance, t per mouth. fj4 . 23d. SOUTH front p-Hor for two. 1.1 pt week, gUso one single room, ti. 2110 Douglas TUT! DDT Tf 2 T, AS Clean, flr.t c'u r0oma, c close In. Dougls t LARGE front parlor; also single rooms. House modern. 231!) Dougiaa St. O- M. . hauls trunks. Douglas all. DODGE HOTELLargo outalde, ami steam heat In every room; rates ty want WARM rooma. $2 per week; fie bat a. Ofdca Hotel. Council ttluffa. STRICTLY modern rooma In brick flat close in, leasonaoie; 'pnune, electric liga', gentlemen preferred, tui ts. iOd bt. TWO laige rooms, one with alcove. Board If desired. Private. 114 S. l!th St. FURNISHED ;oms for gentleman. & 13tb iL; Ihe cbatnam. Hi ELEGANT front room, tine furniture, (M as. astu. xso iku oq kouea, A nice large room on lit floor; pleasaa. urroundings and with private family; ami able fur two aentleoien. 723 S. 26th Ave. TWO front rooma, etrictlv modern for light housekeeping. 4768 N. I4tb. TWO modern well rurnlshed, aouthe.tst ftont, rooms; private famil ; beautiful lawn. 702 Ororgia Ave. FRONT preferred. rooms, modf-rn; railroad men laia Burt fct. WALKING distance, verv modern, pleas ant rooaia. 2110 Chicago St. NICELY furnished room, new, all mod ern, desirable location. 120 S. ti St. FRONT room, atrictly modern. 1K22 Capl tol Ave. ROOMS Newly papered, elegajitly fur nished; modern; front and back parlors. 1910 Capitol. NICE large steam heated furnished room for one. two or three young men or women; board If desired. 2bl( Farnam. Harney (278. ISIS Chicago Kt. Nleely furnished front room, suitable for two gentlemen. LARGE room, good location, distance. 607 S. 261 h Ave. walking 25C for the best meal In town. Windsor Cafe." 020 S. 10th. "The New FOR RENT A larsc. nicely furnished, cool east room, modern conveniences. 10j3 Park Ave. NICE modern room, suitable for two youna; "hien or nun and wife; also other rooms. 218 North lth. FURNISHED rooms board. 1002 is. 20ih St. with or without BEAUTIFUL FRONT PARLOR, with alcove.; and other rooms; walking distance; reasonable price. 2427 Dodge. Ikuirlas 778i! Mfll HARNEY St.. front room; location; walking distance. desirable FOR RENT Nice furnished back parlor Apply 613 N. 20th t. TWO furntahed rooms, ensuite, very cen tral. Inquire 1506 Farnam, 3d floor. ONE large, extra nlo front room: fine furnishings. 20 N. 20th Si. No sign on bouse. FURNISHED modern rooms for one or two gfntlemen. 1717 Hurt St. NICELY furnished rooma, modern. 0th. 115 S. DEWEY European hotel. Uta Faraaia, FURNISHED roome for rent. 211 N. ISth El FURNISHED rooms, house new; plenty bot water. 316 N. 19th. NICE'.Y furnished rooms for gentlemen. 6.4 S2Sth. NtV&l.Y furnished front parlor, reason able, lt&i Webster. GOOD rooma for gentlemen. 218 N. ISth. FOR RENT Large front room. 3041 Cali fornia tit. TWO nice single room. 2215 Farr.am. FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms; rea aonab e rent. 2t35 Capitol. ONE modern sleeping room, tit., 3d. floor. 710 N. 16th 606 N. 17th. front and back parlor, to gether or separate; also single rooms, mod ern. TWO nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 2115 California. FINE large front alttlng room, larga rlothea closet, or man ami wife or two or three gfntlemen. 313 N. 20th. TWO nice single rooms; modern. tth. 301 S. Farnam Large well furnlahed. south front. FURNISHED rooms. $5 per month, for young men: electric light. Heam heat, tele phone, running water, laundry and press tog privileges. 2S27 Harney. TWO nicely furnished rooms. 21 Dewey Ave. FOUR furnlshel rooms for house keeping; no children; references lequired. Ib N. 40th. TWO front rooms; $6 week. 1202 Farnam. ELEGANTLY f u: r.Hhed. large room, modem, private tamlly; cheap. 7U N. lUih el. RJ 5556. TWO nicely furnished rooma for two or three people. Ma N. I3lh St. WANTEl Two gentlemen tj occupy front room; modern. Zi'.i Harr.ey. NICELY furnichrd. er week. &1 N. Uih. modem room, $2 60 FOR RENT Furnlnhed. nice front room, pleasantly located, convenient and reason able. 3103 Maple tit. THREE rooms In private family; all new 'urnlture and everything modern; gentle men only. 2403 linrney i t. f ' .A ROE parlor, close In. $14; two coay W itclde ru"ma. . ana . tiuse in. in. a HU CUlcas 4)) Faraleaed Room Coatlaaed. ONE or two nicely furnished rooma; prl vata family. $15 H. loth lit. Tel. Doug. 7726 FURNISHED rooma. II SO and $2; mod ern. 1m X. 20th St. Apply after o'clock. NEWLY furnished room. everything strictly first class tni modern; rv'tnln walking distance. 222 Douglas. FIRST class modern furnished rooma. everything new, close In. good neighbor hood. Reasonable. 604 X. zlt. Tel. Rd 293. FURNISHED room In 2727 Capitol Ave. private family. FRONT room, suitable for one or two; ! two preferred; boaid if desired; reasonable. ! 210 N. 23d. HANDSOMELY furnished room in pri vate family; modem; .walking distance. 2-'21 L'O'jgiaa. r-none Doug. TOM. PINOLE room, modern; 11.50 per week SlU Harney. NICELY furnished rooma, per wc(K. L4.4 H artier Su modern; $2.50 MOUTH front room, nodern, for two; no other roomers, nice lawn. 2120 hpe;icer. Tel. W ebstei- 47il. MOlERN furnished rooma. 2042 Farnam. ONE front room furnished, N. lbth Bt. modern. FOUR rooms, floor. 829 8. 22d. partly modern, ground t Oil RENT Furnish' d rooma. 204 S. 20t!i. FURNISHED room for rent, las. 2S04 Doug- T1IREE very '-iiribie housekeeping rooms, parlor floor. 135 per month. ujO S. 2th Ava. ONE or two private family. Douglas 7726. nlcel v 615 $. furnished Ith St. rooms, i Phone, FURNISHED S. 12d St. housekeeping rooms. j"2 Tlle (ipnririn First-class family aub ueorgiu mi Georgia Ave. hotel. H-53L MODERN rooms. Phone. Hot and cold naler all hours. 1913 Douglas. TWO single rooms.- 2S06 Dewey Ave. FRONT parlor and single room, 16th. Jd floor. $14 S. PIEA3ANT room to gentleman; fine location; Hansconi park district; one block .'rom car. Private family of two. No other roomers. Address K-637 Bee. PINOLE or double rooms, modern. 8. litth. 621 Hi OUTSIDE rooms; bath, floor, list 12. $H 8. 16th. Sd THREK unfurnished light housekeeping looms. 2415 Capitol Ave. Tel Dougiaa 63M. TWO email rooms and three large aouth rooms; modern. 2111 Dougiaa. NEWLY and nicely furnished rooms, In a new flat. Doug. 64o2. 214 N. 25th St. NICELY furnished rooms; 6. 17th Ave. . modern. 714 FURNISHED and unfurnished 2406 Cuming tit. FRONT parlor; modern. 56S6. 2038 Farnam. 'Phone Dougiaa NICELY furnished large modern room; new bouse; five blocks from postofflce. 2U13 Chicago. LIGHT, airy rooms; 1 two baths: large porch; lawn; reaaonable. Doug. 30D1. 2.124 Harcey. FURNISHED sleeping rooma. per week. 12 S. 16tb St. men; $1.15 THREE elegant modern rooms; walking distance. 216 N. 22d tit. SINGLE front room; modern; walking distance; board II desired. .01 Ueorgia Ave. Harney 1120. FINEST rooma In town, south exposure, walking distance. 2025 Dodge. NEWLY furnished rooms, atrictly mod ern; $1.50 and $2. 2571 Dodge. NEWLY furnished rooro; modern cheap. 07 S. Snh St. and FOR RENT Nicely fumlahrd back par lor. G13 N. 20th St. SINGLE room for gentleman, Mason. H. 2792. '. 3001 FRONT room, ground floor, large porch and yard. $10. 624 N. 30th. FOR RENT Three p eatant rooma; mod ern; partly furnished: gas atove; refer eneea required; no other roomers. 2701 Wool w orth. STRICTLY modern, newly papered painted rooms. 2223 Farpam. ind FOR RENT Unfurnlahed. upstairs floor of 4 rooms, with water and gas; rent $12 a month; in house with owner. 4430 Farnam St. Telephone Harney 4037. . Aaartmeata aad Plata. four-rooi; Nichols tt modern flat. $20. ro I-ROOM flat, good condition, on Park Ave., $34 00. 'Phone Harney 156a. CENTRAL, N. lid. all modern 4-rooa Tat. 320 ONE of the most beautiful apartments In the cltv. will be vacated aoon. Apply to JOHN W. ROt-BlNS. 103 Farnam dt. FOR RENT tilx-room apartment In Tbe Barnard Apply J. C. Barnard, 417 N. Y. Life Bide. Tel. p. 1666. SWELL APARTMENT. Fine 5-room. strictly modern apartment in Hanticotrs Park district, nearly new, oak finish throughout, llvlna room It) feet long, fireplace, everything up-to-date; must be seen to he appreciated, on'v MO. PAYNE, BOSTWICK ft SIFTER. Sole Agents. 601 N. Y. Life P.ldg FOUR-ROOM senU-baaement flat In Dun ay. 10th and Pierce tits., steam heated. CONRAD YOUNG. Tel. Douglas 1571. U18 Dcdge SL ELEGANT apartments, race. U biter 4.28. Sirehlow Ter- 6 ROOM all modern except furnace; newly papered: rent. $20. Dougiaa 6666. FOR RENT Walking distance. 6-r apart ment, 615 bo. 2 UI, near Leavenworth: mod ern except heat: rent reasonable, but lef eiences required: kty at cottage In rear. Call up Webster tl5 or HugUa 1124. THE SHERMAN for an apartment. Websier 57'. . Call TWO 4-i oom fiaia. one $! and one $22. In Clowry Bldg.. 1W Chicago Si. 4-HOOM apartment. 816 . tti 5-llOoM. all modern flat, on fast aide HanM-om Park car line. No. t2lJ South 2m St $-' a month. Key at office. BENSON A MEYalRS CO. 412 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone luug. 74ir SWELL DUPLEX APARTMENT 316 K. 27 tn St., $ rooms and baih, every thing modern and up-to-date, new decora tions hard wood floors, close in. $37 60. P Y N E, BOSTWICK-eV 8I.ATER. Sole Agents. 1 X. T. Life Bldg FOUR-ROOM APARTMENT. iVerv desirable 4.jroora apartment, naarlv new. brick. Everything first class and in walking distaace. 821 . 34th. UARV1N BROS., 44 Floor N. X. tpVXe. NEW DUPLEX HOUSES L'813 and 2817 Jackson street, now being completed, very choice o rooms and bath $35.00. H. II. LANDEKYOU, 44'J lioard of Trade Tel. Doug. L'ljljInd.A-'Jlol FOR RENT 6-room flat. MOJ Cumming. CHOICE BRICK 2612 Dewey Ave. 7-rooms. oajk finish, everything the bst ajid walking distance. US. GARVIN BROS., Jd F.oor N. Y. L 3-ROOM flat In good condlttton. 7(H South 1T.th atreet. $10. Fell Ffnkerton Com pany. 40S First Nat l Bank Bldg CENTRAL APARTMENTS One cool, high grade flat, full modern, high finish. ; hardwood. 6 rooms, each entered from i priate hall." hot water free all year, steam heat, gas range, shades; walking distance, vet all cars, .summer. -', ; w inter. I. more. Double price gets no better. Take nobody's word; e"e It yourself. Refe-ence required. REM IS-CA RLBEKO CO.. Geo. P. Henils. - C. (J. Carlberg. 480 Hrandels Hlitir R, ,lh ('hones Mr. A l Tin L 6-room apartment In the Hamllion, 24th and Farnam. Phone Red 42S,".. lloasekeeplaa; Rooma. A SUITE of threa elegant new rooma, modern. 120 N. 20th. THREE elegant rooms in walking dis tance, all modern. Iitj N. lid." TWO large front rooms, furnished for light housekeeping; modern; cooking gas and private phone; no children. 614 tj. 2th. FRONT room; furnished for housekeep ing. $2.50. 2218 Leavenworth. THREE nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; modern, with new piano, refrigera tor and gvs; good location. 2u65 St. Mary's Ave.. Phone Douglas 4432. LARGE, pleasant, front, room for light housekeeping; bath, gas, telephone. 606 S. 29th St. Two unfurnished rooms. TWO rooma Dodge. with gas. $3.7$ week. 2401 FURNISHED rooms: light housekeeping privileges. 2709 Farnam. Two modern housekeeping rooms; close in; light; heat, and laundry furnished; fine neighborhood; only $16. 523 8. 25th Ave. FRONT room, first floor, furnished; mod ern sleeping apartment. Bell telephone. 1916 California. TWO clean rooms, two beds, gas range. Phone Douglas 3902 or call 1613 Webster. SA1 HARNEY St. Nicely furnished suite of housekeeping rooms; modern; walking distance. TWO and 3 furnished and unfurnished apartments for light housekeeping; steam heat ana modern, $iz.&0 per month. 4us M. 24th St. TWO desirable housekeeping rooms; ga and linen furnished; In modern flat, close in; rent reasonable. 2114 Chicago SL TWO unfurnished housekeeping; rooma. 1310 S. 11th SU $S per month. TWO connecting outside rooms for house keeping, gaa range; modern convenience 604 8. 27th St. SUITE of housekeeping rooms, modern. 601 N.. Mth. TWO furnished rooms, Leavenworth St. $2.26 week. 2220 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. N. 18th. 413 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, modern, clean, cool. 2026 California tit. FOR RENTVLlght housekeeping rooms; I newly papered front rooma for light housekeeping; modern except heat; do children; $16 per month. 1914 N. 24th St, THREE modern front rooms, bath same floor; $22 per month. 2676 Harney. Doug las 617D. TWO front modern housekeeping rooma. T10 N. 16th tit., 3d floor. . ROOMS for light housekeeping; 2018 Howard. modern. TWO front rooms for light housekeeping; modern. 201S Leavenworth. TWO nicely furnished rooms; atrictly modern. Hanscom park district. 632 8. 2Sth St. Tel. Harney 5146. MAY 1, furnished rooma, strictly modern, for light housekeeping;-2 people only. 1051 Georgia Ave. Harney 2S80. FURNISHTED room for light housekeep ing. 622 S. 20th. NICELY furnished light housekeeping rooms. 2028 Farnam. Red 5211. TWO nice rooms for housekeeping. Farnam. 2226 TWO rooms for housekeeping or sleep ing. 2217 Howard. Tel. D. 6973. TWO modern rooms. 3006 California St. TWO or I newly papered front rooms modern; refrigerator. 614 S. 22d. Doug iaa 2177. THREE furnished bouaekeeping rooms 608 N. 16th St. THREE or four rooms; best location. Douglas 5528. light housekeeping 115 Boutn 25th Ave. HOUSEKEEPING rooms; -cheap rent. 1911 Dodge. t OR 3 rooms, distrl-t; S rooms rooms with - gas. J7t'i St. light housekeeping; park wi;h gas. ft per week; 3 $3.50 per week. 1342 S. SUITE of housekeeping rooms; entrance. 1916 Capitol Ave. private 2 OR I completely furnished, modern rooms, to couple without children; private family. 535 S. 24th Ave. COMPLETE furnls.ied rooms for house keeping: evrrything modern. 315 8. 26th St. NEWLY papered housekeeping and sleep ing looms. 710 .8. 14th. UNFURNISHED rooma for housekeep ing. 818 N. 17lh St. MODERN housekeeping apartment. Burdette tit. 1606 TWO or three large front rooma fur nished, with refrigerator, gas rsnge. phone, tewing machine: ,io children. 307 N 25th. THREE or four rooms, main floor; com plete for nous keeping. 301$ Davenport. FURNISHED rooma for light housekeeo- Ing. 606 N. 18th. TWO to four -unfurnished rooms for housekeeping; all modern; light, heat and telephone f urn. shed. 1041 Park Ave. Phone Harney 3192. THREE rooma, Jo 13 desirable ebater. modern H. 843. furnished THE HOWARI 2-roOm apartment, bed In wal'.. furnished complete; Ice and heat furnished. $25. Phone Red 4487. I afaralaaed Rooma. TO RENT Three-unfurniahed rooma for light housekeeping. 43! N. tib EL Phone W ebster JW THREE modern unfurnlihed rooms. 110. 1 Jackaon. FIVE rooms; upstairs; all modern, except heat. 1S27 Burdette. TWO unfurnished housekeeping rooms. 1 1" a. Mary'a Ave. TWO unfurnished rooms for keeping; on furnished. 63(1 P. Ight house ait h Ave. UNFURNISHED rooma for rent; reason able. 1701 California St. THREE nice housekeeping rooms, 18th and Webeter. Apply at office. 1726 Webster. FIVE rooms, partly modern, $11 J76J Burt. THREE-ROOM flat; lartre rooms: modern except heat; $10. 2206 N. 20th. FOUR unfurnished rooms for light house keeping; aul modern; light, heat and tele phone furnished. 1041 Park Ave. Phone Harney 3992. FOUR large, airy rooms: raa and hath $15 a month; no children. Call Sunday. 3007 DUNDEE Two unfurnished rooms 4916 Capitol Ave. Famished II oases. FOR RENT At once, furnished house piano, lerge yard, barn for auto or horse; family having city for a year; references. Harney 3417. THREE bedrooma. fine east norrh: VMeM club district: modern and hot water heat Phone Harney 5200. Heasea aad Cottaa-es. FOR RKKT-Thnlr. JL-,r 614 N. 22d St.; new plumbing, hath, pol ished floors, fine view. $23. Tel. Red 5264. HOUSEHOLD OOOUS pacited. forwarded; cheap freight rates; aautna and storing. EkpreeaineD'e Delivers Co. Tel. Doug M 032 IZARD, modern 10 rooms, rent $40. near two car lines. 8-room cottaere. modern with f ii i.t . - 43d St.. between Cuming and lxard; splen did place for gardening. o-room. an modern, V14 N. 40th St. V. S. D. MERCER CO , Phone Douglas 1536. 222 Paxton FOR RENT 7-room fist, mortem in. quire Sommer Bros.' Grocery, 27(53 Farnam. 6-ROOM cottage with large attic; newly papered. Fine yard and shade trees; mod ern. Phone Harney 245. 6 ROOMS. 1321 S. 28th. all modern except furnace; $2$. Harney 3359. CARPET CLEANING Vacuum ayatanv On aha Van Storace Co.. u go. 17 la at Tel. D. lie, lud. 3334 DAVENPORT. 7 rooma. $25. HOUSES i aP vreuin Boos at Cu baa Kid a. KB CUR LIST BEFORE RENTING-, ave time and money; all atxea, all prices, PAYNE, BOSTWICK 8LATa.lt. eta Floor. N. T. Ufa Bldg. REDUCED RENT. Look at 4042 Seward St.. a fine eight room, strictly -modern home; in splendid shape throughout; modern plumbing, brand new furnace; cornet lot, paved street; all of this for $27.50 per month. PAYNE. BOSVWICK 4 SLATER, Sole Agents, 6th Floor N. Y. Life. HOUSES, Insurance. Ring-wait. Barker Blk. e-roera brick house, all anoara, north art of City, $26. 4-room, brat Xlaor asartmeat, LUJ N. lit L. $11.60. $ alee rooma, 1417 Clark St. $$L C. M. BACHKANN. 4M Paxton Blk. Tela. H. Piti. Kaa, D. iota, SEVEN rooms, new, modern, Bemis Park. 1212 N. S5th Ct. $32.50. 8-ROOM new modern house. 11 No. 31st on blvd., $4. hLelly lnv. Co., 220 Neville Blk. SEVEN-ROOM new house, all modern $126 Caaa at. Inquire next door eaisu ALL modern, t-room brick bouse, finest repair, 1107 N. 23d St.; key next door; reference required, $26 per mo; owner pays water. Apply H. F. Curtla. Telephone Harney 1M. . g-R. brick flat, 2212 California, $45. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1002-3-4 N. Y. Life. Doug, or A-2153. 6-ROOM. modern. U Maple St, $17. TWO BLOCKS FROM COURT HOUSE 508 8. 19 th St. 5 rooms strictly modern and up-to-date, building Is brand new and we will paper throughout for good tenant. Only $37.50. PAYNE. BOSTWICK it SLATER. Sole Agents, , 601 N. Y. Life Bldg. t-r. h. and 4 lots, 30th and Redlck Ave., $9. 6-r. h. 23d and Mason, $15. 2 9-r. houses, 27th and Howard, $27.50 and $30. Z small houses, So. Om., 4 rooms, being overhauled, ts. Telephone D 2107 (or evenings D."4S05. 2-ROOM HOUSE. 3120 Webster. 85 5-room house, 3128 Half Cnes. $12 50. 8-room house, Xat Evans St.. $12 50. 8-room house, modern, 2407 Lake. $20. J. H. PAKRoTTK. BOARD OF TRADE. $32.50 Modern, 8-room, oak finished house. 1305 S. 2Sth. FOR RENT 6-room house, modern e cept heat, $18 month. 3211 Charles St. HOUSES FOR RENT. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. Suite 624 N, Y. Life Bldg, Red 1J. 1600 N. 20th, rooms, mod.. $20 SIM Chicago. ( rooms, mod., IV. istii Mason. 10 rooms, mod.. $31.50. Others. Rlngwalt rHos.. Barker Block. NEW six-room brick house, modern. Har ney 647. FOR RENT Six and aeven-room, modern houses. Telephone Webster 14SS. OMAHA .Van & Storage Co.. pack. move, store h. h. goods; storehouse, ll"-" N lth; office $0 S. 17th St. TeL Douglas t"4' HOUSES. N. Y. L. flats. Garvin Bros.. 34 floor - 0F. all-modern T.mnni ttrlnlr flat . - decorated; polished floors. $32.10 Tel Har - nev 35S2 " I HANStTiM PARK SNAP. 1325 S. 31st St., 8 large rooms, fire yard, house thoroughly modern and In fine shape, rent reduced to onlv $l. You cannot beat this If you look all week. PAYNE. BOSTWICK ei SLATER. Sole Agents. 601 N. Y. Life P.ldg. EIGHT-ROOM flat. $50; 4-room apart ment. 130. . Walking distance. u. g im Phone Red 4487. 13 YOUR HOUSE VACANT? If so, tee us at once. We ran pur a good tenant in It for you. Exclusive egencle only HASTINGS HEYDEN. 1614 Harnev Bt FORE8T HILL PARK-Elegant 8-room house. Jiu-t completed: $50 ti desirable tenant. 10 minutes walk to wholesale dis trict. .1405 8. 6tli St. 11 louglaa 4616. FIVE nice rooms for colored with refer ences: $U: 1714 William. Also 4-room bouse for white. $9; 2231 Pacific. Douglas &li. Ind. A-4384. 7-ROOM modern house, bth and la fine repair; $. Turklngion. Bee Bldg. ird FOR RF.NT C-room modern house. West Farnam. fine lswn. shady porch, laundry. 311 No. SM. Telephone Harney 320. GOOD HOUSES 923 N. 26th. 6-r., all mod. except furnace, onlv tS). 2004 Decatur. T-r . all mod . Including fur nace, onlv $J0. 3154 Ames Ave., 6-r., city wa'.rr and gas. onlv $10. 1204 N. 2Cih. 6-r., all mod. except furnace, onlv 114 1546 S 27th. all mod. including furnace, $22.50. 1113 N. lsth. 6-r In. $;ii.,V). mod. except furnace, close 4 Burdette. -r , mod. except furnace. good barn. $io 4107 liard. 7-r.. strictly tion. $27.50. 2522 Wirt, 8-r.. all mod , barn. $32 50. 3814 Davenport, fine 7-r. IS,. $20 N. 25lh. dandy 6-r.. mod., fine loca large yard, large mod. house, only strictly mod St. Louis apartment, close in. $36; Will paper throuphout. 12S S. 3.'.th, 8-r.. all mod.. $:.. SU5 Farnom. swell 8-r.. strictly mod. house in West Farnam. $iio. Payne, Bostwick & Slater, Sole Agents, 001 N. Y. Life Bldg NEW. SIX-ROOM. MODERN ; nice large reception, with nicely finished open stair; pretty colonade opening to living room; good slxed. light dining room; convenient kitchen, large pantry and ice room; good bed rooms: large bath with porcelain fix tures complete, hot and cold water; pol ished oak floors In living, reception and dining rooms, polished beech In other rooms; electric lights, with beautiful five light shower Illy effect in living room, dome In dining room; heavy bevel plate oak door; two-panel birch doors in living rooms. Well built throughout, good lumber, double floors; one block from car and paving; good, sightly lot. Iet your rent pay for thl pretty little home; price, $2.25. $185 cash and $24 per month; would rent for $35 down town: will be ready about June 1. See me today, for this will sell quickly (one on lot next to this advertised last Sunday, old before noon). Come to my residence Sundav or evening, not at home during week days. F. S. Trullinger. 115 S. Halcyon Ave., Benson. 'Phone Benson 122 7 rooms, all mod., 1608 Yatos St., $30. 8-room mod. house, 523 N. 2Mb Ave.. $36 50 7-room. modern, oak finish. 29 Farnam, 842 50. 10 rooms, all modern, steam heat, all In best of repair. Ml Park Ave., $5R. 10 rooms, splendid home, hot water heat, oak finish. 802 WorttilnRton Place. J. 11 rooms, strictly modern house, 2124 Dav enport St.. JflO. 10 rooms, suitable for two families, 4232 Burdette St.. 230. 7 rooms, heated apartment. Her Annex, ICth and Jackson Sis.. $47 50. 3 rooms, modern except heat. 2317 Douglas, $12.50. 6 rooms, mod. except heat. 211 S. 30th, $18. 5 rooms, 725 Pierce St.. $1S. 4 rooms, mod., 2127 Farnam Si . $W. 3-room heated apartment, 1712 Burt St . $20. 6 rooms, new. modern apartment. 3d floor. Patrick Bldg-. 24th and Ijtke, s.a. OEORGE COMPANY, 1W1 Farnam St. EIGHT rooms, 127 S. 25th. all modern, cloee In. $45. Eight rooms, 856 S. 2th. beautiful all modern home, fine yard. $50. Eight rooms, 2602 Capitol Ave., all mod ern, close In. $35. Nine rooms, 1614 Emmett, all modern home. See agent. Seven rooms. 2307 Davenport, nicely dec orated, half block to high school, all mod ern. $45. Seven rooms. 2712 Jackson, double brick, all modern, close In. $45. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St. FOR SALE or rent, an all modern ce ment block house. Entrance on Field club. Inquire of owner, Mary E. Heaton, 3566 Woolworth Ave RENT MONEY WILL BUY THESE SOUTH OMAHA. Three room house not in good repair, but In a fine location, near Q St. car. only $630. Small first payment -will buy this. Also two 4-room houses, one in the rear In same locality, only $S40. See us at once. Owned bv nonresident, who Instructs us to close out. A fine chance to get a little home, and in one case the rent of the second house will help pay. Another at $575 $8 per month: $75 down. REAL ESTATE TITLE TRUST CO. Ground Floor. 1201 Farnam Street. SWELL HANSCOM PARK HOME. Look at 856 P. 28th St.. 10 large rooms: fine corner lot; house in finest repair throughout: has splendid hot water heat ing plant and A-l plumbing: price. $50. PAYNE. BOSTWICK & SLATER. Sole Agents. 601 N. Y. Life Bldg. FOR RENT 112 N. 26th, 9 rooms. $30; Dodge. 7 rooms, $27.50. '604 FURNISHED modern house. West Far nam district. June. July, August; no child ren, $Ti0. Ring-wait Bros., Barker Block. 9 ROOMS. CLOSE IN. Look at 508 N. 2lBt St.. swell new 9-room. strictly modern home: oak finish, tile bath room; owner fu.nlshes shades, laundry stove, gas range; prle-e. $50. ' PAYNE. BOSTWICK SLATER. Sole Agents. 001 N. Y. Life Bldg. CHEAP RENT 1S39 N. J4th St. 6 rooms, modern and in verv fine shape, only $15. PAYNE. BOSTWICK SIFTER. Sole Agents. 601 N. Y. Life Bldg. MODERN 8-room house. $35. 8012 Vlaaon St. 2516 Rees. 4 rooms. $10.00. 3009 Decatur St.. 6 rooma. $16 00. 2412 Parker. 6 rooms, $17.00. J. N. FRENZER. Both 'Phones. FOR RENT 5-room modern hous?. $16 00 per month. 2118 North 27th Ave. 1130 S. 31ST.. S-room, modern. $31' 50. 1800 Pinkrey. 9-room. modern, $30.00. 2901 Farnam St., S-room, modern except heat. $'O0. 40fc N. 23ds 8-room, modern, $35.00. K52 Farnam St.. 7-room. modern except heat. $25.00. 1709 S. 10th. 7-room. modern. $30 00. F. D. WEAD. 1801 Farnam St. $1-5.009 ROOMS modern, good condition, water paid, or will rent 6 rooms. $15. main floor: 4 rooms. $12, 2d floor. 2224 N. 19th. $22.50 5-room mod. cottage. . walking dis- I tare, good condition. 715 N. 23d St. j $15.50-i rmms. water and gas. water raid. ' 3i,C Krward St. I 18 108 rooms, water and toilet, water j ralJ' K TTVX; i Doug. 89s Ground Floor N. V. L. Ride 1 " N"o. Mth St.. 6-r. mod. ex. heat, 2 0 117;; So. tb s.. 5-r mod ex heat. $20.00. ' H1RKETT TERRENS. 422 Re I'.ldg. ' Phon D. 47M: A-17.4 A VEST EARXAM DISTINCT No. 117 N. 40ih St. beautifully fin(shel brick house, with reception hall, livlrs riMim. dinlntr room, kitchen and 4 bed rooms; two mantels, two baths and toilets. Rent rs-oitH hie HANKCOM PARK DISTRICT. 1050 S. -"th si . modern house of 9 rooms bdrooms; hfiuse will be pair-led and put In eod replr; resonsbi rrtnt JOHN W. ROKRINS. 1M. FARNAM ST. 6-ROOM roitsee res.r port. $19. Dougiaa 44W. 36th and Dav-en- NF-W r-ri-"i flat, nenr 24th nnd Ixwi-y Ave., oak f'nisli and fliKr. laundry, khs rne. riiades nd r"rt1n r"d. t' Ednest Sweet. M S. Y. IJfe. Ioug. 147!. MS 8. JTH ST. 5 large rooms, atrictly modern In evert-respe-t; ill par-r tliroughoul for right tenant: J4C PAYNE. BOSTWICK SLATER. Sole Agents. 601 N Y. Life Bldg FOR RENT 7-rixim. all modern house, with cemented basement and laundry room, 4 bed rooms; choice neighboruowd, 113 N. 22d fit., T2 50. Tel. lied U4 $32 50 And water; fine T-room house In HEM IS PARK: 3321 Myrlie Ave. la pretty little street.) $37 60 2M N. 22d St , 2d floor. St. IaiuIs flat; 6 rooms, all modern; walking dist ance. M00 4103 Iiard St., large 8-room stone and cement house, on coiner lot; look at this today. GLOVER REALTY SYNDICATE. Ground Floor N. Y. L. Bldg. Both Phones $37.50-314 a 27TH AVE., 6-room flat, new and modern. $1 00-1140 32d St., 8-room dwelling. modern. $35 00-1536 S. modern. 29th Ave, -room dwelling. D V. f HOLES COMPANY. Ill Pd Trails Bldg.. 16th and Farnam St." Telephones Doug. 49. Ind. A-2049 If04 SARATOGA. 6 rooms, modern except heat, $15. 822 N. 50th Ave. i Dundee), new. never occupied, four bed rooms, will lease by year, $:to. F. C. BEST. 957 N. Y LIFE 'Phones: Douglas 3320 and Harnev 3714 $22 50 8-R. modern, two-storv house, "06 N, 8ith St. 515 6-room modern flat. 1S0H Lake $15 5-room modern lower flHt. 1M1 Ijke $12 50 6-room flat. 2TI21 S. 16th St. $6.502 rooms, 14.40 S. Iilth St. $ 50 2 rooms at 214 N. lfit h Si Robinson & wolf. 43.". Paxton Block. Offices. rooms in RaldridKe Wead WEAD. 1801 Farnam St SUITE Bldg. F. Stores. FOR RENT Large store-room and base ment. 22x70, all newlv rienorated, new plumbing. 2423 Cuming St. Remt $30 N. P. Dodge & Co., 15th and Harney. TRACKAGE PROPERTY. We offer for rent the one-story and base ment brick storeroon at 914 Farnam. This property has trackage fadliies In rear. Apply Bee Buildl.ig Co.. 17th uid Farnam. Desirable store rooms in the new Cltv Na tional Bunk Bldg.. facing on 16th t. The second f.oor of this building Is belnjf ar ranged for high class shops. Let us show you through the building 617 8. ISth St., room 20x0 feet, with good basement, $75 per month. We also have some rood warehouse apace, well located, two floors, 66x132 fe. GEORGE CO., 101 Farnam Si. D. 756 2230 So. 18th St., Brick Store, 22x50, and Basement $20.00 BIRKETT A TEBBENS, 423 Bee Bldg. 'Phonea D. 4754; A-1754. STORE room, 921 South 13th street. Also suitable for email manufacturing plant. Fell V Plnkerton Comapany, 408 First Nat 1 Bank Bldg. HALF second floor warehouse at 1207 Howard St. F. D. WEAD. 1S01 Farnam St. STORE or office space to rent, nam St. Western Umbrella Co. 1822 Far- $22.50 Nice store In brick bldg., fine loca tion, 2616 N. lfith St. $35. Nice store for barber shop and 6 rooms above 1703 8.1 10th St. ROBINSON & WOLF. 435 Paxton Rlock OFFERED FOR SALE Boaralea. RUNABOUTS, buggies, surreys and stan hopes. "Racine" and other hlgh-rads makes void by us at moderate prices. Jonn. son Dartorth Co.. 10th and Jones tits. ONE high-grade pneumatic tire bike Stanhope buugy. almost new. one-half price. 3519 Jackson. Tel. Harney 2423. Farnltnre. DON'T BORROW MONET on furniture, piano, salary, etc., until you 8e3 THE J. A. HUTTON CO.. 514-616 Paxton Block. HOUSEHOLD furniture, glass front cup board, gas rs.nge, beds, dining able, chairs, etc. 2240 langdon Court. PRINTERS' FURNITURE. Four Imposing tables. Iron base and stone top; also 8 galley banks and two ateam tables for sale. Apply Bee Pub. Co.. 17th and Farnam. FURNITURE and household goods at private sale Tuesday and Wednesday, at 311 8. 33d St. n t o it r Household goodi r Urt Lirj ter 2445. 2024 m s. Web- iami. r Ml'ST sell at once, furniture of seven room flat, complete; linens and bedding In finest condition; flat rent. $50; fine location; 4 blocks from business district. C 6'3, Bee. FOR SA ."heap, three-burner, oil stove. $28 N St South Omaha. alKkiaail lastrasaenta. 6TMPHONY Grand Columbia Orapha phone, splendid Instrument. Price $200 and never aold for less. Will sell one. which Is brand new.and In perfect condition, for $170 Good reaaon for selling. Addreaa G 140. Bee. FINE upright Sohmer piano at sacrifice; owner leaving city. 1911 Cass. Typewriters. BECOND-hand typewriters cold, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange. 1607 Farnam. Typewriters for Kent ALL MAKE anson 1316 Farnam St.. Omaha M iscellaneoae. THREE quster tnun cable for aa!e. Apply George R. Wright. Bee Bldg ID-HAND oak counter, hand-carved mar ble cashier plate; wire wicket about 40 ft. odd ahapc; will fit a room 20 feet wide. Can be seen at atorage house For further particulate 'phone Dougiaa 238. Bee Hull J Ing Co DRUGS at cut rrlces; freleht paid on all f0 orders; catalogue f-'e Sherman at lie Connell Drug Co, Omaha. Neb. tyPkwkiteks Slightly used and rebuilt Underwoods. Olivers. Remingtons. Smith Premiers. M0.1- archs. I.. C. Smiths and other makes. Full , guarantees. Price ' and S manufaciur- ers' ($.". and up). Lowest retail pricea lxok 1 over our stock before buylfg or write for 1 our bargain lift. I hsirlbutei s. H F. SWANSON aV CO.. IXC.. 1312 Farnam St. Omaha, Neb. j The Bee gamed 950 inches in want ads the last week, over the same time a year ago. This is nearly 100 inches more than the nearest competitor. These ads are wonderful pullers. Getten of whatever you want. Real treasures. MALLEABLE steel ratine, perfe. t core dition. also gas tantte. 3.113 Cuming. COMBINATION gas and electric light fixtures; restaurant st-ani table, water filter and large butchers Ice box. Doug. $470. HAl.L'3 safra. new. Id-hand. IMS Farnam. SECOND-HAND soalea at 1507 Harney. WE HAVE on hanrt a number of Ink bar rels which we will in.ll at tOo each. The are fine for ism wa'r- or aViea. Call at press room. Bee Publishing Co. Vol? A1 V Nstional cash register with ru" 0'1LiJj tupe. almost new. Cheap it taken now. Address K Koi, Bee. TO BUY. ell or trade, at a profit, see, write or telephone MacDOXALD & BOYER, 4ICS Brandels. V VyJ pA fountain" nd llave a Tuft a ten syrup roumc-r lomit -mi to sell. New. it ensi. i: Now I win take $lso for tt. J. D. BARNES. FULLERTON. NEB. ELEGANT wardrobe; folding-bed, cherryi cost new, $. S4-3 Dewey. 11. ISM. FOR SALE New and Jd-hand bllllardi and pool tables. We lead the world In cheap bar fixtures, easy payment Bruna-wick-Balke-Collender. 407 8. 10th SL FOR SALE-t2.0i.iA ocean wave swing, in good condition, will sell at great sacrifice for cash. Box 25. Auburn. Neb. SCHOLARSHIP on leading bus neaa col lege for sal. at discount. Addrt e P SO). Bee. FOUR-BURNER Eclipse gaa ransa, double oven, good condition. $5. lied 7o3 or 25(10 1'ieice. TLo EconOlllV Window Screen will uv A-n-uiiuiU ,axe you on-halr. 1". 11. Weirlch Fixture Co.. all kinds of mill work FOR SALE 3-horse power Thor motor, cycle; first-class condition. U'hone Harney 7S FOR SALE 182 ft. of nice lawn fencing, two walk gates, one drive gate; price $-'7. 'Phone Web. 1929. F. H. Dobock. FOR SALE Two time clocks. In perfect running order, all complete, to take care of 200 employes. See Superintendent, Bran dels Stores. FOR SALE-Nfw. popi-oved White Sew ing machine. Apply 7ifi Smth llitli St. NATIONAL CASH REGISTER. Four-drawer, total Bddcr. di-iull strip and ticket primer; usd less than year and half. Original cost. $(X00. Belongs to bankrupt stock and must be sold at once by trustee. In excellent condition. A bargain. Tele phone or write R. C. Roper, David City, Neb. RAYCLE. nearly new. must sell at once at your own price; bin bargain at $45. Jall Anderson. D. 7703, or at 2124 Farnam St. FOR SALE Gentleman's all leather trunk; finest condition: reasonable; owner leaving city. 1616 Burt. SAFES Overstocked with second-hand safes, all sixes and makes; bargains. Amer ican Supply Co., 1110 Farnam St. FOR SALE t"ess m good 3792.' Inn child's b'd and niat conditlon. Phono Harney OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON INST.. 413 N. Y. U Tel. D. 1664. Dr. Kathryn Nichols. 5R N. Y. Life Biri PATENTS D. O. BARN ELL. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 71U HUFFMAN, 11$ Neville Bldg. Book free. Wlllard Eddy, registered practitioner In U. 8. Pat. Office. 618 Paxton Blk. Red im. HIRAM. A. 8TURGESS. registered pa:ent attorney. U. 8. and foreign patents se cured. 6'. N. Y. Lire BldK lei 1 4n PERSONAL OMAHA Stammerers' Ins.. Ranige Bldg. HINDOO strengthen. TABLETS will build. 60c. BELL DRUG CO. brace. ABLKNK DK VOY, manicuring and Inaa sage, 524 ti. 16th 81. Flat t. Phone D. 754a. MEcHANO-THERAPY Is a drune-a curs for lost physical vigor. Consult DR. Vlargarlte Hailoran, Hi Neville Bldg. Tel. Douglas 77til. Under auprrvision ot M. D. BRAIDS and switches made from comb ings. $1 up; a fine line of switches on hand; mail orders filled. Mrs. p. Mover, 2512 St. Mary'a Ave. Tel. R. Jlil, "When 1 came to Dr. Miien, 42S Kamge Bldg., had been troubled with rbeuiuatism and my daughter with kidney trouble. He cured my daughter in one month. She. was weak. NTow, she is strong. J am well and only hope others will feel as well as I do, ufter taking his treat ment. "C1IAS. LLND, Miuden, Neb." "JOsTk WASHBURN'S book. The Under aoiid bewer." at all book .tores: price, U-U EXPEI'.T china picker-, wediiinj; piesenta L tpeclalty. 1814- Davenpoi 1. Ind. H-2Iaii. ' MAGNETIC TREATMENT BATHS. 1 MASSAGE Miss LaGiune. 1617 l'odge : St., brs. 10 a. in p ni. Basement flat. I A HOME for women during ccnfineuient. ! We find homes for babies, whose mother ! cannot care for them Iiabiea boirdfil 1 For terms address Mrs. Martha l. l-, 401 Bancroft tit.. Omaha, Neb. 'Phone Douglas u:i. WE rent and repair all kinds of as machines ind A-1663 Doug ml NEBRASKA CYCLIC CO. liin and Harney tils. ing