THE OMAHA SUNDAY P.EE: MAY 1. 1910 llfi, FK.3T ACA1XST FMSTF0X SKIN SELLS An Experience Bearing: oa Recent Weather Condition.. SmULS COLD WARDED OFF Haw Caleraae FrvM Ortwm Fearat Off KIIIIbb tela Wave Dariaa April, Vmmt Vnr. The iuktm of our aestern fruit eroarr i a success founded on tlrel-ps patience. scnj;ulou care and a cor.tlnoous ux of brain. Trull p-rowtrn In pan of our western state, a here warmth ) abundant and water turned on or off from Irrigation dltcbra as wanted, bas bomt almost an exact ecience. Twnty-rive year ago the Grand valley In wester Colorado was a d"rert. TJay It contains Kmc of the iroFt valuable agricultural land In the country. Jt fruit r archers have conquered drouth, norm a 4V' plant dtBaB. A jear a', for the first time In a down year, there a pon aiderahle Ions from early ;rtri- frosts. I.laht frosts had been met tv "t murtnc" 'ruining pllen of damp hay In the orchard' Just before daybreak. The smoke clouO j protected buda from sharp sunlight of that altitude aomethlr e over 4 W fec-t and the frost fu drawn off gradually without harm to the bloseoms. This method was rot effective, however, when the thermome ter went below freeilnj 1-art spring promised to b of the usuu mildness, but on April "J& the weather oh I server at Orand Junction sent out a frost warning that fUlad the whole valley mtth drrad. The temperatu'e m'g-ht fall to 2? or 23 degrees. One ranchman determined to try a petroleum pot device which had barn nhiblled In the valley, but not irl generally taken up. It was 2 o'clock in the afternoon when he encaged the jvt. Five hundred w ere distributed over tw!V acres. They were to act as huge Jump., to raise the temptrature of the entire orchard. rlrla Pats ef Oil. Five, neighbors Joined in the work. Two thermometers were hung in the orchard. At ahort Intervals one of the workers w ould call out the reading. It was freezing at o'clock. An hour later It was 2S de free. At U. the last of the pots were being filled. The mercury touched X de grees. ' Torchei flew from pot to pot. Now ca-me the teat. Would those tiival pots of burn Jig oil. looking like a gala illumination at k garden party craxlly out of place on a winter nlgtit. cope with a February cold wave? Aa the men gaged at the yellow names idly wafted this way. now that, the idea of those scattered lanterns prevailing against all the cold between heaven and earth seemed preposterous. They looked at '.he thermometer. Still X dere-s. A mo ment later It registered Z7 digrrces, minutes after 3. degrees The mercury in the ara of the gradually limled up to Sb degrees. frva pots Far and wide the pwta burned on, but not now aa a mere idle illumination. Now they seemed animate with human will. At lat the eat began to lighten. A great general was marching to their relief. And the bright eye of the run showed over tbe line of the mountains. The following Tuesday another cold wave, worse than the first, struck tbe val ley. The killing cold began earlier and continued longer. At daybreak, when It was espected that a temperature which bad been gradually rising for an hour would oci. ttnue to ascend, came the worst assault of all. Feeling that the f cht had been win, the owner of the orchard Insisted that his neighbors go home and get some rest. Befor- they left the pots were half covered, aa so much heat was not needed. Klcbtlac a rUreasek. Ten minutes after the neighbors had de prrted. with daylight streaming In. the thermometer began suddenly to drop. It was X degree before the rancher was aware of the danger. As fast as he could Ik- began to kick the tops off the pots But there was only one man. where a half doren were needed. The cold broke thiough the wall of heat and was In among the nets after the buds. 111.- rancher guided bis course clearing off n.p to a thermomettr. It stood at 27 degreea. He kicked across the orchard to another ther mometer JiO fffsreis. He workid faster and faster. A few seconds lattr the mer cury stood at li degrees and then the tun came. Many buds were affected by this drop, but enough was left to make a good crop. It was a .esson in the heed of hoiding preparation at a hair-trigger until the sun actually conies up. Crude oil was obtained Curing succeeding nights, and the work made much easier. Tbe crude oil bums much longer and can be handled without r. f ranchers v. ho used the pots last apring, tbe must successful had 100 to each acre. His table of readmits showed an eitreme differ) nee of IS 1rrr between tbe center of the heat cone and the out a; j4. tine of the ten acres w hicb he pro M be had practically a full crop, an oetis among surrounding orcharde. It is proposed now- to uw coal as well aa oil. This spring a dostn or more ei IHrlments in heaters are being tried, and a frost, fchould It come, will f nd the valley creating a ciirrate of Its own. It is esti mated that the pots cost about per acre a ear on a reasonable insurance con sidering the prices at which fancy" fruit is sold. Collier's Weekly. CHICAGO VASSAR GIRL WINS Uaagkter af Urabasa Taller Beaefl rlarr f Wllliaraa Braa Faae- rriae. Hum Kathartne Ta ior. daughter of Cranaia Taylor of Chicago Commons. Is Cie first Chicago giii to win the William Burden fund echularihip offered to senjors at Vessar. The fund, which devotee ll.IAO annuaJly to aeudlng some student abruad for a tears study, waa founded four years ago by a Chicago woman. Miss Mary Borden, now Mrs. George Douglas Turner, in honor of her father. The awarding of the prise indicates pop ularity with the cUse. as well as scholarly ttainmenta. for the names of two or three applicants are selected by a commit lee of the faculty a most eligible, and then voted upon by the senior claaa. It is intended to tnable the student to spend a jar abroad In travel and study, wiilia view to some active work through which she intends to support herself and M socially useful. When, some seventeen years ago. Graham Taylor fuunded (ne social settlement at Grand avenue ajid Morgan street and took hia family there to live, hia procedure In a.cding aal of hia child re to the public school In that neighborhood, the Monte flore. waa looked upon by many with con ' 'iderable mtscl ing Nevertheless all hia -hildrea took their grammar school work here. Miss Tay lor has been editor of the Vaaaar i Miscellany, the ofriciaJ o-gaa of the col jrce. during her senior year. It is her m i nation to wk4 year before leaving far ciMoiea. U is S ear tld Cbkag o Tnb- AT FANCY TRICE Continued from Paa One i t'readnought. the Thund-rer. at the Thamei Iron works, will brlna into e Isterce the l.ZTTth man-of-war built for the royal r.svy on the river during four centuries of warship bulld'.rg In that total Is counted every class of war craft of which there Is record, from ai!l three-deckers of th oldn time, aid mod ern. f!rt-clas battleships, to gunboats, sloops of war and corvettes of the days of spars and sails, and modern torpedo boats and destroyers At Trafslsrsr. In fact, eleven of the twenty-seven ships that formed Nelson's line of battle were Lon don or Thames built ships Eleven out of Nelson's thirteen ships at the battle of the Nile had been sert afloat on the Thames. Thirteen of runeeri's sixteen at Campcrdown were Thames-built men-of-war. Seven of the seventeen men-of-war that took part at th bombardment of Sbastopol In the Crimean war were also Thames built. Numerous Crimes Stir Up Spain Bodies of Unearthed Which Point to Bad Work in Some Quarters. April 30 'Special Iispetch to The Be I The mystery of a of murders la causing considerable sensation throughout Spain. Two year are a errant named Cea In the employ of Count Allva de Gaytan. a near relative of the Carlist leader, the Marquis Cerralbo. and belong ing to one of the o)det families of the )-parish nobility, mysteriously disappeared. Recently Cea's 'body was found burled in a w ood on the estate. Several of the eerva.nts were arrested on suspicion, but the count was so emphatic In declaring hia belief in their Innm-ence that the Judare was led to believe that he knew something of the crime and ordered his arrest. However, nothing could 1 proved, and the count was liberated. Now one of the accused sen ants has made a confession. He Mates that a few days before C a disappeared be as sisted at the secret burial In the garden of the cstle of an Infant, belonging to one of the serving maids, of whom the count s on was said to be the father. Following up this confession, the Judge ordfred the child's body to be exhumed. In doing this the corpse of a yourg man was unearthea. pointing to anoiner crime having been committed. AUSTRALIAN FARMER HAS THIRTY-TWO CHILDREN He Reared Twte Urge Famllte. Oae After twe Other, writ T we Vises. - i STDNET. N. S. W.. April 30.) Special to The Bee. An amusing Incident occurred at the Coombungee Agricultural show, near Brisbane, where a priae w as offered for the largest family In the district. The Queens land minister of agriculture waa present, and remarked that the district could hardly equal hia own constituency, where there lived a man with twenty-four children. A fanner preenpily rose and Interrupted the tnlniater by remarking that be had thirty-two children, and that av.l were liv ing. Inquiries showed this waa the fact, the fanner having been married twice and having reared two quite considerable fam ilies, one after the other. BOERS H0N0RTHEIR KING Lea hr Geaeral De Wett, Seath A fri es Ssbjeets Has- Ksslaal't Xatlsaal Hraas. BLOEMFONTE1N. April SC' - i ;.fclal Dis patch to The Bee..) General De Wett, the f amoua Boer gvierrilla chief, who is now minister of agriculture of the Orange Free State aa it la to be rechrlatrned under the South African I'nlonl. recently addressed a me-etlne- of farmers in his district, and at the end his hearers lustily aang "The Volkslied" (the national anthem of the old South African republic). The general Joined in as said. "That hearty aa anybody. Tnen he is quite right It Is our old hymn. But now, as we are British sub jects and loyal men. we roust also sing God Save the Kins..' " This, the meeting proceeded to do, the general leading in the singing, which one who was present says, was not a whtt lesa lusty than that of the "Volkslied. AMERICAN TOURISTS ROBBED A rah Bwataaea Brat I Irish Priest aa4 Aaaerteaas aad Rifle Their Packet a. CAIRO, April DO iSpecial to The Bee.) The authorities are searching vigorously for the Arab boatmen who recent y beat and robbed an Irish priest and a party of Aieferican tourists. Father Mui.en, and four American stu dents were being conveyed by shoreboata to their steamer, when they were brutally attacked by the men rowing them. Mr. Mullen, who is a sturdy Irishman, hit out vigorously, and eventually overcame the boatmen. The cries of the Arabs attracted ; two meire native boats, and another I struggle commenced. This time the priest and students were beaten down and their I pockets rifled. Satisfied with their spoil J the Arabs rowed the wounded tourists to the steamer and disappeared. DIVERS SEEK TREASURE SHIP Try ts Pla Wealth Laet la the Lit tle Affair wilth the Isaa lah Araaata, GLASGOW. April JC (Special Dispatch to The Bee..) Divers from Ctyloa are being employed to search In Tobermory bay for the Forencla. the treasure galleon which came to disaster during the It trie affair of j brininc over these men to begin opera tion! at an early date. Tbey have been accustomed to working w Hhout diving dresses, and have been most successful in locating Isolated banka of peart oysters at ! considerable depths. The syndicate be lieve that the position of the sunken ship has been located by former salvors to within aa area ef eso square yards. It is 1 calculated that the value of the treasure oa ho.-A la Miial la about r.T M ana I CROP DAMAGE HEAVY IN SPAIN reatiaee Bala Caaaee Hrtir aa4 te ,eal Pefeat sf ret Death. slAlRlf. April S. (Special Dleaalcb to The Bee. Contmuoualr tad weather thrnnrliAut TM In is ffe UH1T STaat rt, m.r. 1 and some loss cf Ufa. Tetrnie from Castellea state that tbe orar.g-t ert.a has feeea ralaea. and oib'.-r crop sat feeea North Carolina a Healthy Spot Lecturer in Edinburgh Boosts State as aa Ideal Place in Which to Lire. EPINBVRG. April 50 i Ste utl Ihspat, h j to The Bee I A lecture on North Carolina. ' as a country affording great apportunf.ics ! for young em.gTsnts, was delivered in ; Edinburgh recently by Edward F.a)ey. 1 The state of North Carolina, the lecturer ! stated, was a very desirable field for young j men adapted to work In fruit and vecetahle ' farming under the favorable conditions of a fe-tile soil and penis! climate. The I thermometer usually ranged from 3H de grees in winter to K. in summer: therefore eery month .n the year was practically i a a-rowina month, and crops matured j quickly and permitted of rapid rotation. Thus frim three to four crone could he taken off the ssme piece of ground each year The climate In North Carolina was a healthy one The wo-k. thongh hard, was conducted in the open, so that yourg men had every opportunity of becoming robust and strong. ANCIENT BELL STILL SOUNDS ITS MERRY CHIMES 'stsir the Tarsia Whew Ja Are Waa a Mere t.lrl li Tresre. f PAR15. April 3f ipcifcl Ihspatrh to Ths Bee. t Few persons suspect that in the cathedral church of Notre I'ame is a bell contemporaneous with Joan of Arc "the Vested be II which sounded the tocsin when the maid of Iorrairi' appeared In August. 14J. and Paris ti beseiped by the English This hlMorie bell, referred to by Victor Hugo in his " Notre Iame de Faris." was given to the cathedral In 1 by J'an de Montaigne. It was refounded In ), and then tebaptised und'-r the name of Emmanuel Louise Therese. in honor of i Louis XIV. and Marie Therese of Austria So if this bell is not the same bell which the heroine of Iomrcmy heard, neverthe less the same me-ta,' vibrates today at the gieat religious ceremonies of the metropol- I it an church. In view of later events it seems rather more than a coincidence that 1 when all the other bells of Notre Iiatr.e were drstroyid by th revolutionists,! Joan's bell should have been spared. i BEQUEST FOR CATS IS VALID Jaiatlre Bar-tear Dee ides Dahlia Hesse far Fellees C.eta Twrratr Thoaaaad Dollars. 1'1'BLIN. April 30 Special Liispatcb to The Bee Mr. Jurtu- Barton delivered Judgment recently at I'ubHn in a case in which the question was raised as to whether a bequest in the will of the late Miss Swifte. of Dublin of new con sols for the benefit of the Dublin Home for Cats, was a valid charitable bequest. It was held that the bequest was valid. COTTON PLANTED IN RHODESIA Amwareaweata Made for Growelaa; It lav the therm Part ef Afrlea. CAPETOWN. April 80. c Special Dispatch to The Bee The British Cotton Growing association have accepted the offer of the directors of tbe British South Africa com pany, which will make possible the growing of cotton on a large scale in RJiodesia. GIRLS' DREAMS OF DRESS Cst sal Qaallty of riothlnat Rearalatea by Available Fonda. Schoolgirls of New York's wealthy fam ilies who are of the social-elect spend an average of S900 a year for dress and would like to spend IS.aOO; girls of families per haps equally wealthy, but without equal social distinction, spend an average of Sati and would like to spend 11.100. These sta tistics are the result of studie-s by Miss Inex Weed, former dean of the woman's college j of th Vnlveraity of Washington et Seattle. based upon investigation at a private school In New York City. Silk stockings at K a ' Vr; street suits at each; hand embroid- , erKl lingerie and einiilar articles go to make up the SHOO total spent. ! shoes at IT. street suits Hats at SJ5 each, it SH5 and evening fowns at K are w hat the socially elect 1 1 ; sirls desire, she said, while tbe girla of ! minor social position get along with cheaper Quality, although both the elect and out- aiders drive to school dally in automobiles In contrast Miss Weed cites fipures show ing that working girls manage to dress on an average of t7&25 a year. The feminine lrustince Is Just aa strong among them, how- ever, as these girls would like to spend e0O a year for clothing 4; t ' F IT: t 'i at. Xl!i:!'JU r v i ij ( Ij )jijfce' - - fi "!: !h I ''"'".L Try Fownes; gloves did lut Fownes began Leaiher gloves benefit of this Jr course u guarantee in possible length, size and wv, "V avw, a mm mm 1 1 i j . . m li I "V (iElli;! :So Wk vw It', a Fawaas - M a. ' ""H 7 sal. ROCKEFELLER HOLDS BACK BtlieTei Othen Should Help the Pine Kew Church. COIfCBEGATIOX TO GET A CHASCE If Ike Fifth llrtir Baptist a Be Half Mmiss-Dollir I flee Will Br -Mkea All tease Ihrwaak. 114 It KT 1. B FR.-NC1S. NEW -JORK. April 1 (S:cial 1 . to The Bi-e John I. Kjck'I.-k patch can hard.y te called a Cicae man in which attract his interest and tht matters e is no denying his Interest in the Baptist church generally and In the Fifth Avenue Kaptlst church, in which be is a commun .cunt, particularly. Thts congregation is arrang ing to buiid one of the f-nest hous-es of worship tn this c.ty and the icfea has pre- vailed m some quanerr .rut .-r. rtocae- - " " v'"" " ' feller intended to stand the greater part, if not .11. the con of the new structure. This lda however received a severe J" recently when Rev. (. harles F. Aked pMtor f-I tne cnurcn maoe tnia announc-ement . l ne ouuaing or. mis c nurcn icr us Is not to be by a .certain d.stmguished man of wealth in this prish. nsr by his son. It is to be built by the whole congrega tion, each giving according to his or her means. Every one must contribute and w hen the structure shall have arisen to testify that th.s pari-h is not content with mediocrity. I will unfold rrany other great plans I have In view." Be It understood that the reasm Mr. Rockefeller will build the church is not be cause of unwillingness to give the money, but he believes thst the spiritual power of i th(, congregation will be greatly increased ; te er,tire membership shall share in the , bunding. And 1 am inclined to believe he is . -i.-ht in so thinking. j kwreli (.ola( by rrexy. Apparently conditions in England are not so different from those we are familiar i with in the matter of church-going A great deal of business is done by proxy and it is oftentimes a g"eat convenience, but when It enmes to fullfUlmcnt of obligation to the church of God It doe strike on as a little incongruous for a man to expet his wife and children to attend to a duty that de volves upon the head of the faml'y. When Bishop Ingram visited this country a couple cf years spo, his vigorous rrinrner and ring- i lng eloquence when he addressed the ! throngs that were ever ready to listen ! when he was ready to speak, made a great impression. We fancy that the following ! recent utterances will f.nd a responsive j echo in many an American breart. In the I subjeot introduced by the bishop in his ! Ijenten mission addresses in certain subur- ban districts of Ixmdon one wa.c. "Home ' training In religion." "How many men were content to say to the children. 'Now dears, run off to Sun day school.' or see the wife go to church every Sunday evening and never attempt to go themselves? If the father was godless or a non-church goer, sooner or later the bnys would follow in the same footsteps; and if for no other reason, but for the children's Bke the men should sanctify themselves, and by prayer, Bible reading, church attendance and the teaching of the children, bring religion Into the home. The father represented God in the family, and he was responsible for the teachir.g of the love and fear of God. and if the fathers of the present day took more interest In the children. It would make a great difference In the religion of the home life, both now and in the years to come." Free Preabyterlasi Pews. There is a strong movement in the Pres byterian ohurch In this city to do away with pew rents entirely. The argument is that the renting of pews tends to create a class distinction in the church which kee-ps many people away because they cannot afford to pay as much as the pew holders and believe they are therefore looked down upon. Several of the churches have recertly done away with pew rentals mid others are considering taking the step. Cbarch Activity la Fraaee. Though the French church seems chiefly occupied in conducting an aggressive cam paign against the state in behalf of the curial maxim that Christianity stands or falls with state recognition and the own ership of property, it is clear that this kind of activity does not appeal to the whole body of French churchmen. A large number of young men. mostly belonging to the church, started a movement eipht vea-s ago which, under the name of Sil lon. has become widely known because of its intensely real and earott pr-opcRanda. Its object is to gather together those who believe in the brotherhood eif men and who see in religious faith an indispensable moral basis for the publve good. One of the best known leaders ef the I movement is Marc Sargnier. a man of great oratorical power, who has usrd It to j pruning season does not last long if 'the garden Is to have Its best results, For once the sap runs freely in plants or There's more than double tips in their favor C. . .iL 1 -y I UWI IC 3 SUA IVVVTSyil. Pcrhaps you thought - it was not possible to get & reaJlv rood fit in silk gloves. they fit He the Fownes kid winter. making silk gloves 64 years ago: 133 years ago. Yours is the experience, at no extra cost y have double Dps, wan & every pair and come in every shade. laaaaa. aa. wm waal OWINt 1 Kid Fittinq SILK iloyeS , a. Entrraved Stationery S Wmddkm? hitrntimmm Ammmmmcmmmmim AM cofrwot fmM m cwrrni aacakl uramw -mfT-wi j ElmboMed Monogram Stationery mtU rW mark mmmaMmd at prujm lowttM A. L ROOT, Incorporated 1110-4111 Haware S. rVsaa D. let. 4 I . . . i iiicf inr y are e?r-i"L:s v irjur3 n c ;ot rut. bleed :?: as f.orists say. vt if the eld t'c'Slh is not pruned to rid the toots of weak cr dtau eVx t. fnu. h of the plant's trergth is tii. and s'nsil and few fl.i-r' P be the :t id of te Mri,.i' .T icamcn'is ad mit fr !y the if inability to prune as r ght fu'Iy they should. '. deur i each p-ece of wood and so great its poam bilities that thy ear-not bring th tneeUes to cut It off. even when thry know better fiuser-s would grew. The truth is to prune sufficiently, one must cut i ia'rrr. y mercllesly. sune a foot of iom cane Ixing ncn.e too much. !t;drar.g.i on be cut alnnst to the original, a tj re cu.d thir.k. Cane fcur or five feet n.av fall under the knife., the cutting l.i-if alwajs about two or three lric'u-s atu-vf tlie first hp joint from tiie root or toig Itushes that were eno-niously hiith befcre piun-ng are not mot, lhen mche- f-otn the ground when they hae been cut. but such action means laice fiowers and a rapid growth of new csnt Fti .rp this treatment the flov ers v.i be hrnali ind not as many in i numtwr I The rut Tor piunmg loses iy to cut ; tfit..n jruri or m0 ,,ll(f a jo'nt mak- j mg, blfak . clean, sharp'cut. that . the ends ar.all not be a refuge for bugs. -j- c-h shoot is- to re cut dow n ur i ih, t "inr j i. a uniform height. To leave one or two )0Iip areF if to permit much of the plant s stiergth to go to st-m. rather than to flower In all prtiD-iip. whether ciir-pcs or a kr.ife be used, the cut must be smooth. One thai is in the len rough makes nice little hiding placts fc-r animal l'fe that will feed upon foliage oi later upon the blossoms. Grape vines are supposed to be cut be fore the sap tepiT.r to run. but a - little delay will do no harm According to rule they should be cut back to one Mem for the first ear or J o. if they are to develop into healthy, strong vines. A good root can naurlsh two sums, sometimes if jciuth, but there is always a risk. BELFRY LEVEL BUT WEARY Heroic Effort to Easallse the Mrala of tbe Trip In ihe Maare roarh. In tbe early days of traveling by stage coach across the Rocky mountains -the trip was likely to be relieved of monotony by incident of no ordinary occurrence. But th fatigue of the Journey was art to wear upon the nerv es it the weak and the timid. Sometimes the passengers became so wors out a to lead to a suspicion of their sanity. The Rt. Rev. D. S. Tuttle. in his "Remi niscences of a Missionary Bintiop," de-scrihe-s an instance in point. One forenoon the coach rolle3 into Ienver and the six horses came prancing up to the office of Wells. Fargo & Co. A large crowd was assembled, as the incom ing and the outgoing of the daily coachos were the great events for the town. At the stop the only pesienger quickly threw open the coach door, leapeeS to the ground, ran hurriedly across the street, and. turning a handspring, stood on his head with his heels up a ca Inst a support ing wall. Several men followed him. quite sure that here was another passenger crared by the long, sleepless ride. One said to him. in a tone of sympathy, "Why, cap'n, what's the matter?" Slowly coming to a right-slde-up posture, the man answered, "Well, jny friend, I'll '.ell you what it is. This standing on my hes.3 ir the only position which I haven't been In during the last twenty-four hours in yonder coach, and I wanted to make the thing harmonious and complete all around." A Viper la (be Staamaeh is dyspepsia complicated with liver and kidney troubles. Electric Bitters help all such cases or no pay. 60c. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. The Slim Woman Is Winning The day of the slim woman's triumph has arrived. "The thinner one is the more etyltsh," say the dressmakers. This would have been sad news for the fat woman a year ago. She would have had to try dieting or exercise. Nowadays, however, the woman who is too fat for the stvls goes to a druggist and rets a case of Marmola Prescription Tablets, one of w men sne taxes alter earn meal ana at bedtime and so reducea her superfluous flesh quickly. Thee tablets, being made in accordance with the famous prescription, are per fectly harmless, and tney are. also, the most economical preparation a person can buy. for they cost only "i cents a large case, one of which is frequently enough to start a person to losing fat at the rate of 12 to 14 ounces a day. Pretty nearly every druggist keeps this tablet In stock, hut should your he sold out. you can easily obtain a case by sending to the makers. tbe Marmola Company, tii Farmer Bldg . Ieiroit. Mich. (Adv.) MAIMDO 6 ft ateaaa, npntsMH If S bslrlnaaar sn a aexlr. The aalr eaT aa4 Mitral B4liry . Lam Uui tl.e! awsle lee. aeaa Car babbles frwe. a Madame Josephine Le Fevre, ses t'kauasl at- rklUSa. ra sole tar Myn-IfilloB lirus Co.. bflaton Drug Co , tb bell Draf Ce . Haioee Drag Ce Osisaa. CUrs Im u Ca. Osanoil BilXIs. 9 ? Oinniaillniai9 !njon James Says: "I Have No Hesitancy In HIS HONOR IS RIGHT IT WILL CITY F OMAHA Executive Of lice JA VIES C. DAHLMAN, Mayor April 12, 1010. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCEITS': A short time after the Xeal Institute Company had started oj.erations here in Omaha, on South Tenth street, they under-' took to demonstrate by treating an Omaha man that I had known for years and knew him to be almost a complete wreck from the diink habit, and seemed to me to b a hojieless case. This man, after four days treatment, told me that he had no de-ire whatever for drink and when lhjuor was offered-him could not and would not lrv it. Since leaving the lntitute, after a treatment of four days, lie lias pone to work and is filling quite a rej-ponsible josition, he is looking fine and tells me he never felt better in his life. - From what I have seen in this particular ease, I have no hesi taurv in saying that 1 believe they can cure any case that thev get a chance at. .7 AM MS V. DAHLM AN, Mayor. THE N3AL CURE Omaha Institute. lu a THE NEAL t t ni You Don't Buy "Futures" When You Buy "Sectionets" tr tat tcfy r.-ing device etery ' 6 section ha been made with much I Z'M'ZV't ! aAa meant good nonev Invented In a v'ece cf furniture tion-prcvi uct I-. e or , n-L-.h. ..... t,i ,n r... j ehlne or Just a Urt.r'e t-i r.g cabinet. w hich rtoesn t be'n to work ail ewer 1 mm the clay you buy It. it tsn t true seon-vwf. ! If "atectloneta. hew ever, there is as tied tip eaintal net a penny that isn t iioirr its full share from the start to opera's your busires at lower cost abd with greater ronven ence .Secttoaet' at lst make modern fil ing systems possible to even the smallest business, or the ere with the least re- qufre-me-'s or the prctes slonsl mar or buying futures wlthoat ssttrevaf anee. 'Beotlcets" mSKe n pos ih f"T tre sma!iet busin-'se. the business of growing needs and per haps 'imited rspilsl. where every rent counts. In addition to the above lines -ore carry the largest stock of high grade office DESKS, CHAIRS and TABLES in the West. We are makinp an unusual REDUCTION FROM REGULAR PRICES this month on all DESKS, CHAIRS and TABLES. Omaha Printing Co., Phone Doug. 346; Ind. A-3451. BAILEY (Ei DENT1S 1 m Toweslfe Wednesday, BLISS TOWNSITE COMPANY F. C. MARINER, President. SAM C. BUSH, Vice-Pres. MRS. ADA M. MARINER, Sec'y-Treas. On Wednesday, June first, at Bliss. Idaho, will occur the sale of lots in the new town of Bliss. A TOWN WITH TIES FOR ALL Situated in the Center of gated Fruit and Farming Lands. For full information address BLISS Saying That I Believe That The Case of Drink Habit. lio: South Tentii Street Institutes at Ies Vloinea, taeuport and Ctf, IS THE ONLY CURE to be up to the minute te take advantage ef m e and money saved by medersj methods, without ruttlrg needed capital Irto unearnirg furniture "geeetkeaeas' may be espanded from the requtremeata cf a doctor with one patient to a trans continental ra'lread and everr cent et the r cost will be an earning ceat all the time. "BectiOBeta" ar the first b'g lmpre vo mer, t in filing devices since tbe Invention cf modern buMness systems We want tell yeu more about these "little brothers to Shaw-Walker Systems" we want Xm tell you wby our whole reputation and standing in this community is week of them, why w knew they are fitted te pour neds. why ycu can no konger fore re tea installation rf tbe nodera office system, you knew rou need. Wt ha'e somethlrf of Interest te Bar alao to the biggest busiaess man i tha man who thl-ks Ms present system ft. is all requirements. We can show jrooww Itively how you can save roener Wont you come In and give us tbe epporewnhry, or 'phone and we will do tbe eemmc? 918 924 Farnam Street M AC H x s Best equipped dental offic In the middle west. Highest grade dentistry at reasonable prices Porcelain fillings. Just like the tooth. All instruments carefully sterilised after each patient TH1RH KlXsOR. PAXTOX BLOCK Corner 16th and Farnam Streets. M.JLSLM. peiiii June First GOLDEN OPPORTUNI LINES OF BUSDNESS. 100,000 Acres of Fertile Ini- TOWNSITE COMPANY Bliss, Idaho ahlmaim Neal Treatment Will Cure Any THE NEAL This is an internal treatment, taken in 30 drop doses, no hypo dermic injections, and cures the very worst case of drink habit in three days, at the Institute or in the home. The Neal was origin ated by a physician, compounded by a physician, and is given at our Institute by a comjetent physician. The Nfl is th ltleet Improved, luosl u 'i-lo-date and bett drink habit rure Id 1 be world today. Tbe Neal it unreservedly endoraed by leading Phy sicians, bankers, bufc!n8 and profes sional mt-n, city, county, state and fed eral officials; tbe clergy and press.