tttt: r.FE: o.r.T.. . att; at. .rrur, m. nn. f A PIAIIQ SALE BEY.OHD COMPARISON Pri::: Cat Far EVaa tbi Caii ef f"!jiafa:iurin Th entire stok of high irrade ru.mos purrhasod by us from the Western Storage and Reduction Co.. at :'' on the .-II.r tnrthr with .-ill the latest stvles received from the east IS 1 O 15 lO DOUGLAS STREET DOUGLAS i STREET TmnrnrNi I t - ' - ''. IBm(U)o). Remarkable Purchase and Sale WASH JACKET SUITS Actually worth $7.50, $10.00 and $120 - On the second floor of our Douglas street store we will open tomorrow, Saturday, the most remarkable sale ot a manufacturer's entire surplus stock of over 500 new wash jacket suits that was ever held in Omaha. This sale is another demonstration of our resourcefulness buying for cash and such tremendous quanities has two noteworthy advantages Variety and value you derive the benefit. The quantity is so large that eveiy new style, every new color and every size is represented. The suits are made of various materials in plain tailored and beautifully trim med styles, all actually worth $7.50 to $1250, on sale at our Douglas street store las bwm Store $2.98 Great Sale Tailored Sails and Dresses Saturday The Dresses Aclually Worlh lo $35 Consist of over 3D0 new 1910 styles for street and evening wear made of taffeta, foulard, pongee and all wool cloth, materials, in all sizes and shades. There are scores upon scores of beautiful new styles and C actually worth from $19.50 to $35.00; vp on sale Saturday at our Douglas street store The Soils Aclually Worlh up lo 40 Consists of over 500 strictly plain tailored and beautifully tricuned dress suits in the very latest new spring model.-?,' made of all wool cloth materials of serge, worsted, basket weave and diagonal weave materials. ern factories, specially selected for our spring tra!c, are cot in readiness for your carefuJ inspection. Remember that seeing costs nothing and is essential to a wise decision. If you want the best piano made, remember you must come here for it. for we are sole Nebraska agents for the incomparable STEINWAY, the Standard pia-;o of the world. If you want the best piano value at moderate cost we are able to please you, for we have pianos "in the most modern styles ami beautiful cases at $'.! . $U5.', $l5.t'0 an. I so on up, each one chosen by expert piano knowledge from the whole field as being the best worth its price. Our 25-vear guarantee stands back of ea'h instrument sold. Here you find safe piano buying, the lowest price and the most accomodating terms. Your money back if you want it. We have for your critical inspection such celel rated makes as Steiuway & Sons, Weber, Steger, Emerson, Hardman, McPhail and our Hand Made Sehmoller & Mueller Piano, sold from factory to home at just one small profit. EASY TERMS Any piano in our stock may be secured from, us ea very easy payments.' No advance in price when paid for by installments. $t.0i a week brings a beautiful piano, including A Handsome Scarf and Free Stool, to your home. Following is a partial list of Saturday's Special Bargains: Royal. Upright, mahogany cw. only S3.0) KrU. Cabinet Graml. ffbony ca-H. only . . . . $Ii.O) Rnabe Jk l o., ro-wv. h1 :;.. only $11 5.00 Gay lord, nuihngany i-um. only $125. CO Kimball, ebony ra, only Sl-M.OO Umkrr Bros., vabiiift ran.l. only 8140.0O KHW, walnut a.-.c. only $152.00 Hac-kley. waliuU ms, only SlttO.OO Chase, cabinet itraii.L only S 173.00 Packard. French niottleil w.-ilnat, only . . . -SlS--OO KaaJ)e A Co., gulden oak, uprtht, only . . . $200.00 Vooe & Sons, almost new, only S215.0O iTert Ionl- fancy walnut rase, only . . $228.00 .vurtxiiiuu, cabinet upright, only $1.32.00 Four Baby Granil Futno. iiu-lmlihij sri'in.iy, li.irtl nuut, steger anil Knierson. -liifhr'y u.-mmI vac!), ni from S2G3.0O S2)0.00 ' SSIO.OO $t.-nMM. Chirk.eri.i; & Sons, upright, only S313.00 S..OO.0O KniUlp, ni;Uioi;any case, upright, only earh. -t SCSI. 00 Pianola ami Tluyer Pianon of all make each, up from S45.0O $5.".00 and SS3.0O Ten rolls of music free witli cacli, pnrchu Every instrument fully guaranteed. III fj Amongst them are white and cream serge v j . J suits and ponge suits, la various colors, ac- 1 j V j JL tually worti 125 to 41, on ! Saturday at J3 J .................. . ....... . I our Douglaa street store I I'v - : : J J ss WOMEN PSlppl AVW 'AvTK-' . IN THE liln mm m y i Tyi pH L . . . -- J i -------- ---- We have heen selling Pianos to your neighbors in Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Colorado. Wyoming and the Dakotas for fifty-one years and all the advantages of our exper ience and position in the trade are yours if you buy from us. We ship Pianos everywhere and pay freight charges both ways if the instrument, after careful examination, is not entirely satisfactory. Write today for catalogues, prices and terms. Do not overlook this opportunity, as it is positively the greatest money saving piano sale ever inaugurated in recent years. We will present a copy of the Sehmoller & Mueller Triumphal March E'REE to all partici pants in our recent Name Contest calling at our salesrooms. Sehmoller Gl rJliielier Piano Co. ESTABLISH ZO 1333. 1311-1313 FARNAM STREET MANTJTACTXJEES.S, WHOLESALERS and RETAIL DEALERS. Brunch, Stores: Lincoln, Sioux City, Council Bluffs, South Omaha and Atlantic, Iowa; also 156 DistriDuting Agencies "Throughout the West. 0 maha, Was .Represented : atlExcIusive Dedication Omaha, waa rtsprsMnted at th formal dadluaoa.of th Paia-a ffwc at Vfu4 lnnojn. D Co. Una wae. Mr. and Mr. Huxia CSar blng among tha prtvlleirl fw wh.aitanad th correuM and lh vacapOtfOt waiuJa. foilownd. Tluy wr (uvata itttia Barrtt, tlnor of th bureau ai Amertcan republics,, whj waa In .Uiarga. . Only 300 fiesta attenrltd ths rs ceptliin. and lmiluilnd. biil tha Prmtl dsnt and Mrs, Taft, mnbr of lix diplo matic curfa. Paiacs of Paaca waa armtnd at Waah- tncton as a donation by Andrew Carn"iri, ' who haa-' bwn cm of the great promoter j of lntoraatlona amity amonc air t0 wjtlj powwr. TW palaoa arands aa a teat!- I monial to tha aar wramt of twnry-ona Amaricaa rpubllits- that they will not en ar In war wltn each othnr. It so hap pens that Peru aud Ecuador hava bean on tha rs of war for mama tiraa, and Haytt la on- strained roiadona with Peru, . whlla Nicaragua haa a covarmnent formed a tha result of a civil war, which la not rc. oKTiixed by even tha United States. So there is plenty of work for Mr. Carnegna and bh' peace palaca to do. SAHLIN WAISTS M Pleasures Past oalal aTswala at Iota at -vr&lall Concnlal Taopla Kaat and Xa Joy TnaauMlTaa to Jia Vtaoat. What Bridegrooms- Wear , Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Fairfield entertained at dinner last evenlna; for Mrs. William I I I ICamea of Kanaaa City. Covers were Diaued ! I for Mr. and Mrs. ffi. M. Fairfleid, Mrs. , WllJlam L. Karnaa, Mrs. Charlaa T. drew . art. Miss Lynn Curtis. Messrs. Frank Ham. i ilton. Major Erwm. Earl Gannett. SL W Hart. Tha P. JT. G. club met Thursday aftor- noon at t!ia home of Mrs. Edward Maacit. , Five hundred waa played and prises wera ; won by Mjm Mlnda Pruetta. Mrs. Earnest Stuht. Mrs. Edward Maaca and Mrs. Rich ard Mlas Kramar. Mrs. Richard i Talbot and Mr. Maacit were the jueata of i the afternoon. M.-s. P. JeHHen entertained the H. G. I TIQtrETTfi decrees the cor rect garb for men, quite as much, aa for women, and latterly there haa come a chan ire of fashion In maacu- une array. For example, the time honored frock coat haa been supplanted by a cutaway ind it Is in tha latter stiape that a man munt appear for his weddins; If tha ceremony taites place In tha daytime. Precisely the points that distinguish a fa-mal cutaway, aa one might sail It. from a lounging coat, are to be tnld by a competent tailor, and care must be taken that the difference is pronounced. Tha waistcoat usually is made of tha same material as tha coat, although fancy cloth may be used. It should be single breasted. Trousers should be gray mixture or stripe. Boots should ba patent leather, button, with calf topa, and the tie light gray or pearl. This same drea la suitable tor the men of tha wedding party, as tha only difference In tha at tire ts In the color of tha trousers and ties. These must ba darker In color than the bridegroom's. Frock coats are relegated to' tJle Be of elder !y men. Fur traveling, a sa-que coat, either double breasted or single. Is correct. Tha color and cloth may be any choice the wearer pleases. For air formal- o"a1nns In- the day time patent leather Burton boots, with calf tops are corrert. and it Is safe to say that on all day occasions of "dreea" pearl gray tie are tha color to be chosen. Foiir-in-handa are. tha knots tied. For an evening wedding a man wears a full dress Coat, which means on with tails. Dinner coats. Improperly called "Tuxedos." are merely evening lounge coats and are not dressy. With a tail coat a white tie muat be worn, and a white waistcoat, single breastod, according to the latest fashion. Wh.ta gloves are Imperative. Shirts must have plain white bosoms, pleated ones being suitable only with dinner jackets. With a tail coat or a formal cutaway a high silk hat must be worn. If flowers are put In the buttonhole they should be white. red and whita flowers, while in the dining room pink and whita ware the prevailing colors. Following the ceremony there was a reception, when Mrs. Haney. waa as sisted by Mrs. 8uiter and Mrs. A. Roesch ot Oscaloosa, la., and Misa Starling. The out-of-town anests were Mr. and. Mrs. i George Williams and Mr. E. W. Williams of Fremont;. Mr. and Mrs. William Dutton of Hastings and Mrs. suiter anu -nx. Roesch of OscalooHS, Ta. Mr. and Mrs. Haney left for a western weddina Journey and will be at home after June lt W0 Norh Twnty-f!ftli -t. Personal Gos. p Where taa rewpla axa. They Are Cclag rad Tkar Xxyeet ta BrtDt Davis. Frank Kennedy, John L. Kennedy, Ben jtton. W. T. Burns. Eva Wallace and Mm Ella Maa Brown. The Comia club waa entertained yester day by Mrs. B. F. Marti. Mrs. J. F. Dim mick made tha high score and tha guest was Mrs. Austin Corn well of Cedar Rapids, la. The next entertainment will be a mau nee party May H it tha Orpheum given by Mrs. Harry Pilgrim. Weddincr Bells Chimes Xing' fas Xanvy Coapiaa Knewn la Omaha ana aonasemsnta ef Others Are Xaaa. Mrs. A. V. Smith entertained tha Alter- club W ! nnl . r .t oi&rrid Th . . . . i i .. - nate t-ara viuu ymm ini Miermivii i u prises wera won by Mrs. L Pascal, M;-a. i Mrs. G. N. Douglas of Kansas City, for merly of Omaha Is the guest of relatives and friends. Mrs. Lewis of Portland. Ore., will arrive Friday to be the guest of her sister. Mrs. ' Milton Barlow, for a few days, j Miss Ella Maa Brown, who has been I visiting Mrs. Samuel Burns, Jr., la now ; the guent of Mrs. Arthur Keelina. Miss Susan Holdrege has gone to Madrid, j Neb., where she will spend a week on tha i ranch of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Holynke. I Lieutenant Nueison and Captain Bundel, I who have been spending the last two weeks j tn tho east, returned Wednesday to Fort ! Crook. Rev. and Mrs. Albert Miller and Mrs. 1 Hammond of China, who are spending a year visiting relatives In America and who ' have been the guests of Dr. and Mrs. S. K. Spaulding and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hunter for a fortnight, will leave today for i Evanston, 111., their former home. a diamond contest will take place at the j opera house. The Woman' a club lias closed Its work far the summer and with the exception uf j possible called committee meetlng.i there will be no more club gatherings until next ; October. Tha literature deparunant waa i last to elect its officers and adjourn. It 1 mat Wednesday afternoon and re-elected ! Mrs. Millard, leader; Mrs. Joseph Poicar, ! secretary, and Mrs. H. S. McDonald, treaa- : urer. 31a assistant leaders wUL be oiioHflii j tor the year, the leader to make these i selections. I The eharmtng little play, "The Mairlo ; Sword," glvisa by the children at the borne j of Mrs. L. F. Crofoot two weeks ago, will ba repeated Saturday afternoon of tills ! week at the bema of Mrs. E. W. Nash for tha benefit of the Crecue and tha Social Settlement ansoclauon. Because it is to ' be given in a private home some misunder- ' standing haa srlsen regarding the admis sion. It is not Invitational and ail wishing tickets may secure them by telephoning to Mrs. Crofut or Mrs. Nash. It is probable that "Sunbonnats." given so successfully recently by the Altar g-illd of Trinity cathedral, will be repeated later for some of the several cliar-.tlea of tha city. Dundee Woman's club held its last meeting- af the spring and elected officers Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Arthur Crossman. The following officers wera chosen for next year: President, Mrs. This Warm Weather HAVE SWEET A!D C1REA1VI DELIVERED Before Breakfast CALL A L A M I T 0 Douglas) 411 3. R. Elson; vice president. Mrs. J vv Marshell; secretary. Mrs. J. F. Furgeson; treasurer, Mrs. J. C. Edgerly. The Woman's aux.llary of the Eplscopn. churrh of Omaha and South Omaha hold tha last monthly meeting of the season today. All Saints' auxiliary is hostess. Persistent Advertising la ma road to Bli Returns. Wa nlaa a aa aauas, aa eyaiata, ao etnaga, aa heavy ataaiav We lave Exd-slve Sale la Cmahi We will be pleased to. show them. Mail orders promptly filled. Weinlander & Smith Tirt1aa Xxolaslva Ynralshitiaa. XL 7 gwasla lata atraa. Q NEW C00SING CLASS AT Totr wims'9 crxryrxAar AXJZATTO. aa-rt Taciaw V ac Tiewaonaj IMS WaBTOOaT. KaT 3, M 9 JQ I a faw friends Informally at lunchoon toda at tha ' Omaha club tat Mra, Karnaa of P. Jesaen and Mrs. A. Lockner. The naxt maerna; will ba la two weeks with Mrs. R. L. Rows. Those present wera Meudaraea R. I Rowe. W. W. Watt, W. A. MotIn tock.. WlnchaU. T. R. Mullen. A. M. Jeo kins. L. C. Giles. A Lockner. L. Pascal. W. C. Fenwlck, P. Jeasen. Mrs. Law-renca B. Simonda of Fort Crook entertained at luncheon today at her home for Misa Stona of New York, guest of Mrs. B.Mjiter. Covers wera placed for Miss Stone, Mrs. Franklin Bouitur. ; Daisy Doane, Mrs. A. L. Read. Mra. W Li our and Mrs. almonds. Among the larger affairs of today was tha luncheon given by Mrs. Leonard Kv eratt erf Council Bluffs In honor of Mies Podia of New Tark City, who la visiting relatives. Fifty guests wera present. M as Kayaa of Council Bluffs entartaiuad ubiects: P!ain Paacry; TWii ufssona on Saiada. Fa: for tour laeaana. Puff Paatry. - TH3 DELPT T2L4 E0O2I, lf1 Smith Nineteenth str.-et. opvn daily f from U a m to 7 o. tu.; Stimiays. from I p. ra.. ta 9 p. m. Chaf;ng-din suppers on undnya blauuaa City, gueat of Miaa Lynn Curtla Mrs. Eva Wallace waa hostess today at tha meeting of the Original Brtd club, a lien all tha members ware preen t. In cluding Meedamaa Saoiuei Burns, jr.; T. L. home. Mrs. G. N Douglas of Kansas City was tha ef tha club and Mrs. L Jonnson snd Mrs. E. L. Brace made tha high scores. The- next meeting will be tn two weeks at the home of Mrs. E. L. Brm-e. Tha Friendship elub was entertained last evening by Miaa Mabel Casey. Prises were won by Miss Luede and tha huatess. Miss Ella Crosby will be the hostess at tha next meeting Thursday of next week. Mr. and Mra. Leo Crotte entertained at ( dinner laat evening ra compliment ta Mii.s Vesta Victoria and her chaperon. Mis Jean La wry, of Landon. England. Miaa Ola Bella Kerrey and Miaa Eva Paany left this morning for Lincoln ta at tain tha Phi Gamma Delta, dancing party which, will be beid this evening. Mr. and Mrs. B J. Dinning will mova to tha home of Mr. and Mra Warren Black well and Madam Blackwall about June 10. when Mr. BlackweU and Madam Black Weil will sail tor Europe. Ms and Mra Dinning are havtng a new homa built en Thlrty-eaveuth street near Famam. wUl rant Cia4 vacant ho-oo, fur thoaa vacant rooms, ar aatauw boardara aa abort auCca, at a vary small euat ta yea. Ba aaavtaced. (j Question Vlt CALUMET Dsldns Povder. trnm-i Sistesl k-mmi WocU'l Psra 'ead Exas Ckssaao. U9V Otcil WIvea Oajawt ta CleJkat A great many foiaa think that aftar mar riaga a maa should not go to bis club m tha evening. The sensible girl who wan '3 to ba happily married will never seek to curtail her husband's liberty. It stands ta reason, that a man men's society oc casionally, even though ha la devoted to ha wife. Ha needs change of scene, change of Ideas and a different outlook aa Ufa to mane him doubly plea lad with b a homa surroundings. Aa evening at the duo la tha best thing la tha world to aaep things bright at homa, and wdea a wife tntortereo with her hus band's liberty aha shows aha doea out trust htm. Lose af eruot smns ail aorta of trouble, and la often the prerursur of the ominous "rift within the lute." Tha wadding of Jean Chardc. daughter of Mrs. Elizabeth Cliarde, to Mr. John 3. Mrrer of Morrill. Nb., took place Wednesday evening at the home of the briite's mother. The ceremony was performed at 8:30 o'clock by th Rev. Frank L. Loveland. The bride wore a white mulle gown with trimming of lace and carried a showr of bride's roans. M.-s. Payton played the Lohengrin wedding march as the prnty entered the living room, where the ceremony waa performed. Miss Joeelyn Charde, sister of the bride. Miss Emily Bridges, Pearl Roberta. Mi I Clauda Rogers. 11. as 11. mile M'rcer and Miaa Mary Car y'.e. gowned in white lingerie gowns, stretched tlie ribbons. Little Miss Ruth Rigdon. niece of the, car wera decuraud with and winta blos soms. Following the -eremony there was a bona, Following tha ceremony there was a recaption when about fifty guests wort present. Assisting Mrs. Ciiarde wera Mra Alfred Charde and Mra Paul Rigdon. Mr. aud Mrs. Mercer will ba at home aftr May L at Morrill. Neb Tho- wedding of Miss Blanche Haney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Haaey, to Mr. John D. Williams took place Wednes day evening at the home of tha bride's parents. Tha ceremony waa performed by the Rev. Frederick Rouse of tha First Congregational church at I o'clock. Tha wore a beautiful pink meaaa Una gown with trimming of pearl and ear ned a shower bouquet of bride's roses. M.SS Mabel Haney, sister of tha bride. waa Dnaaaina-d a ad wora a paio meaaa.lna gown aud carriad pink rosea. Mr. Charles Brown was taa beat maa. Lutie Mots aaraa Smeaion waa ring bearer and carried tha ring In a lily. Tha wed ding party entered tha parlor where the ceremony waa performed to tha strains of Woman's Work Aota-raea f tha Organised Bodloa Alamo; tha Uut at Ua dartaxtair a Concern ta Women. Whetnur the Omuiia W!n' club con tinues to meet in tha First Congrega:ianal cnurah in future. It has placed there a memento in keeping with the things for which it stands. Tha BoHton Ivy, the women bad expected to plant at the public library, has been planted at the church, wh.uh haa served as aiub house for the women for twelve years. In ocnsultatlon with the library authorities Tuesday It was learned that ma little grass plot In which It had been intended to do the planting Is soon to ba paved over, because it cannot be kept green. By tha time tha officers of the club got this information it wu too lata to reach the membership and In conaeuuenc-e a few went to the library at noun Wednesday for tha Planting. The club officers took their slips to tna First Congregational church and set them out. tha members of tha literature department Just adjourning, being the only other mem bers present. Tha annual convention of the Women's Tempertnce union of the Fourth district of South Dakota convened at White Lake Thursilay for sessions extend- green j lng over until rriaay evening, rreceuing tha formal opening of the convention a re ception was held for the delegates from towns throughout the district who are at tending the convention. A feature of one of the sessions was the annual addr-exa of tha president. Three speakers, Mra Adelaide the Mendeisatonn wedding march played by I Zeliner of Texas, MUs Margaret Wlntrtnger Madame Baetena Curing the ceremony of Evanston. III., and Miss Bower wars the parry stoud under a canopy of green present and rema.ned unt-.l the final ad farna and palms w'jlua waa studded wiut ' Jnurnmeut of tha convention, making ad Bina rcara. Tha library waa decorated with, dresses at different timet This evening e- v "fell ir7f in Tin INALITT and )rce mark tiie Belle- mont blocka. la your hatter's wirtdo'w or on yoor head, their sijriificant styla fwitares imprs you in stantly. Thera is no "jnst-as-ijood' hat made to sell for threis dollar. 1 THE WESTERN HAT & MFG. CO. MILWAUKEE m Best ir S or s