TIIE BEE: OMATTA. SATURDAY, APRIL M. 1010. MANY TO LEAVE HIGH SCHOOL Two Hundred Seventy Will Be Graduated This Year. W2i 2rt Haw T . " 111 aaii uiiiiaim.t 4" m usiaa i n Piai an ,mr frWtir 1 P MSMMSMMNA a-a. . aaV.I H .MLfaW Va. n 1 d! ! b 1 fn) js Women's I I K V f l ' 1 Drsa Wasa U I VJU' 1 M Saturday I, COMMENCEMENT JTJNE NINETEEN One llandrrd ftlatrFI Glrla aad 105 Bar Will Rrrrlve Diplomas Following Eaerrlar at Braadrl Theater. Two hundred and neventy boy and girls will be graduated thin year from the Omaha IIlKh school. Of theiie 106 are boy and 166 glrln. The proportion of boya and (irla la tllghtly larcer than at a good many high achools of the country. The annual commencement, exerciae will be held In the Brandela theater June 17. Of the graduates twenty-five glrla and thirteen boya are eligible to compete for plarea on the graduation night program. Those who graduate thin year are: Jacob Albert Arthur A'tirk Irving Alllfon t:inrem-e Allyn Orvlll Andrews fheslcr Haker Kichard Humes Thurston Hoik nap Stanley Heranck Abe Hcssel Hsm Work :dwaid Hunllck l.umlr Puresh Joseph Hurror JMward Hurnham 1'orrrst Hyrd lust a ve Carlson Homer Carlson Joe Oarnaby Wilbur Coons John CutrlKht J "ran 1'avlilson Calvin rnvla J.oiile Imrtds Hugo Knholm Kred Fernald Itobert Flnlev Harry Fraxer Ceorge Oelb Klhert Gould VVIIIIam (Irodlnsky Warren Hamilton Henry Hansen Charles Hardy Winifred Harm Kenneth Hatch Harold Havlland Wilbur Hnynea Wilson Heller Hugo Heyn John Hllniia Charles Hoffert l.eonard Hoffman Warren Howard Brandon Howell Charles Hudson l.othardt Jensen William Johnston Otto Jones Alfred Kennedy Clifford Kelrlo I'hlllp Kline Harry Kulakofsky The Girl Dorothea Abraham Kthel Albanh Kdlih Anderson Mabel Anderson Julia Anheuser hara Ayrea Kdna Bartlett Alarsrery Beckett Mabelle Berlin Blanche Bessel Bculah Bedslre Harriet Blake iiaiel Bonine J .Ida Brengle Helen Buck Graoe Burtngton Marie Bush Muriel Butlln Violet Carlson Marlon Carpenter Hose Carr Katherlne Case Merrills Case Kmlly Chase Nellie Christensen Kthel Clark Blanche Cohn Kay Cole loulse Copeland Mnna Cowell Para Cralge Helen Davis Blanch Deaver llasel Degan Kllxabcth Doud Kit her Dugher Crystal Eilglngton Nallle Rlgutter Zela Elmer Mae Engler Claire Kver Stella Kvers Marguerite Fah Ina Fltgerald Anna Frankum Anna Flunhman Gertrude Frost I)alsy Fry 1'aullne Gala Alice Gideon Gladys Olfford Klhel Glasgow Henrietta CJIImor Marie Gordon Ruth Oould Maude Greb I'aullne Green Kos Grodlnsky Irmt Gross F.lso Haarmann Krna Hadra Kdlth Hargadln I.uclle Hager Mabel Hamilton Nancy Has J.ottle Jlensmen Cora Horn (Ida Horn Marguerite Howard Kdlth Jaeobson Alma Jensen Anna Johnston May Johnston ' Teckla Johnston Marguerite - Kent Irene Klrschsteln 'da Kulakofsky Annette Ijidy liuth lJke Elizabeth Larsen Addle Loe Isabel Linn Russcl Lock wood I'wlsht Kong James McAllister I'hlllp McCullnugli Robert McCague Wallace Mclionald Vernold Magney Fred Malone I-.ee Mnlone I'hlllp Metx Alfred Millard Hugh Mills Barton Nash l.eon Nelson Kdward Newman Chester Nleme.n Walter Ohrle Caupcr Offut Clarence Patton 'lilllp Payne Bernhardt Peterson Ion I'ltman I.ou Plxley John liny ley Karl Reel Merrill Rohrhough Max Roeenblum Hlinm Salisbury Wllllarrf Sandy Harrv Shellberg I.arren Scott Maurice Shelllngton George Sugarman Claude flhrum Kdward Smith Warner Smith Panford Ppratlin Harold Sterner Robert Strehlow Robert Thompson William Thompson Chandler Trimble Wallace Troup Allan Tukey James Van Avery Clarence Wasberg Charles Waugh Milton Weeks Ralph Welrlch Thornton West Kawrence Wilbur Kymphus Workuff Graduate. Marlon Lombard Henrietta McCague Ruth Mcllvalne Elizabeth McMullln Sadye Marowlts Mildred Marr Ruth Mathews Helen Maynard Minnie Mercer Dorothy Meyer Avllda Moore Helen Morey Mildred Mullln Florence Nation Edith N'eale Ruth Neef Amy Nelson Ksther Nelson Nora Nelson Minnie Nygard Ruth Odelf Kdna Ostrum Irene Owena Clara Parker Caroline Pederson Clara Peterson. Klale Peterson Ruth Peterson Gertrude Pfelffer Mary Philllppl Irene Phillips Nellie Plckard Nellie Pritchard Lydla Ramer Irene Ratchford Clale Rau Helen Rayley Alice Reddam Lillian Refregter Florence Rhoadea Helen Robinson Giselle Rodman Fannie Rosenstock Dora Pass Henrietta Schneti Marguerite Scott Ruth Sheldon Irene Bhepard Jasmine ftherraden Maryallve Pldewell Minnie Blek Florence Smith Gladys Strivers Kva Stringham Margaret Squalr Frederlcka Swarta- landcr Helen Taylor Bernlce Thomaa Gertrude Thompson Kthel Tierney Frances Todd Jennie Cndeland Irma Vancura Katherlne Van Nos- tiand Mabel Walworth Cleo Warthen Kdlth Waterman Flolse West l.ydla Wlckstrom Mabel Wilding 1oulse Willard Gretchen Williamson Norene Wilton Mabel Wirt I.uclle Wolfe Florence Woodhall Ptella Wright Josephine Yates Marie Yates Gale Yeoman I Row Over Fence is Aired in Court i w Injunction is Asked For to Prevent the Eetmilding of Auburn Hill Fence. Trouble clouda are floating about the crest of Auburn hill. Mrs. Nellie Reynolds and Peter Melchlora cannot agree about the division fence that tinea their property. The disagreement has been stewing and sputtering for several seasons and has now broken out in district court. Mrs. Reynolds has filed a petition praying an Injunction against Mr. Melchlora to re strain him fron. replacing thla objeo tlonable fence, which ah has had torn town. Eh remarks In her petition that It obstructs Ingress and egress from her. property and that it really la bullded across a publlo highway, same and said being much to her inconvenience and dis contentment. A temporary restraining order has been granted by Judge Sutton and the case will be argued May T. JE0BATISP0 GOTTA DA MAN M A area t Goes on Trial for Too I'ranilactioaa I'ao of 4a. Dtlllett. Gotta Jeobatlspo will be the first defend ant in the criminal branch of district court when the Kay term opens. Jeopatlspo had an argument with a fellow Italian In a boarding house, and moral suasion falling, used a knife,' It Is alleged, on the other disputant Who OoMa out doe not appear. i A Life Problem 1t by that great health tonic. Electric Dltters. la the enrichment of poor, thin blood and strengthening the weak. 50c For sale by Beaton Drug Co. ' Great Sale of Gloves Women's Tvo-CTap Gloyrs French Kid and Lambskin, Paris Point and single row embroidery; all the new est shades of champagne, tan, blue, green, gray, also black and white; :t r-.h"a si, $i.5o Long 811k Gloves Pure Milanese; elbow length; double finger tips; black. white, pongee, tan, and all fancy shades; worth $1.00 per pair, at Chamoisette Gloves; washable Two clasp; all sizes lp.Cflf per pair, at O0, Ovi, 59c Handkerchiefs Women's plain and cross barred Pure Irish Linen. Initial Hand kerchiefs; also men's hand em broidered, Initial, pure Irish linen Handkerchiefs; a a full size, worth up to . Sf 35c, at Vj Spring Nckwoar Crochet, Venise, Embroidered and Lace Trimmed Effects Lace Jabots, New Dutch and Sailor Collars, New Ascots, etc., worth up to $1.00, each, at . 25c and 50c . All Silk Taffeta Ribbons High luster plain and moire Taffeta; black and white stripes and fancy Dresdens;.. up to 6 Inches wide; black and. all colors, worth up to 25c a yard, at; yard 15c aTA aw Sale of Women's Hosiery $1.50 98c Women's fine, pure thread, Silk Hosiery; black, tan and all light shades per pair, now at , Women's pure thread, Silk Hosiery; fancy silk embroidered boot patterns; all silk and silk with lisle garter tops now at ..39c Women's fine, Imported,' ' Lisle Hosiery; silk mercerized and lisle; some with double soles, heels and toes.. Women's, Men's and Children's fine, cotton and mercerized Hos iery; black, tan and light colors; also misses', children's and boys' fine and heavy ribbed hose, worth 25c, at. . . 15c Women's and Men's fine, Imported Lisle and Cotton Hosiery; many fancy effects; fancy figured ' black and colors; garter tops; extra spliced soles, heels a"nd toes, worth 50c, , . . "now at . . . . : . . . , . . . Women's, Men's and Children's fine cotton Hosiery; double heels and toes; also children's school hose; fast black; worth ' Oj, 15c, at;... i. '. .C.' 25c Saturday Specials Card Printing Department Brandeis East Arcade. . Leather Initial Card Cases Free with 100 Call- .Op ing Cards, at. . ... 0l We offer a few sample card cases, made of, fine leather; regular $1.00. values, Saturday only 39 c BRA.IDEIS STORES t?s, ' 87.50 $9.75 $12.0 Women's, Children's Light Underwear Women's Fine Lisle Vests fancy colors crochet and silk ribbon trimmed all sizes ................. .49c Women's Swiss Ribbed Combination Suits lisle and cotton lace and silk ribbon trimmed umbrella and lace knee 49c Women's' Italian Vests fancy colors hand embroidered fronts silk ribbon trimmed all colors and sizes. .$2.59 Boys'. Athletic Union Suits; short sleeves, high neck and knee lengths, all sizes'- at T A-iir TT l 1 T 1 imams merino vests ana uanas very fine ribbed garments, all sizes . .'. .25c Children's Fine Cotton Bib-1 Children's Fine Cotton Knit bed Vests-sleeveless with nts-urabrella ' and lace trimmed .knee all sizes-. iiipuu liecK. anu arms. . .jjc each Here Are Splendid Specials for Women Who Appreciate Good Values in Hair Goods , ji jur coronet craia, measuring , fullv ' 32 inches long: eood XSt " ' and full, made of the very fin- ' wavy hair; comes in assorted vl 'iZjr ji iti', colors, with the exception of Cr-V S&ttJj1 ... ; J?'jfJf arav and white, for (k AO Ur - - V 'rjZ:m- ,rW ' Saturday onlr. . . . . . Jal.lf 0 li t, ,--.-. - . ,v" -X) Natnrtl Waiy Switches ' v" 0d 2k 2-'nch, made of fin hair ..93.98 i"vV.-.iJ n-mcn long, mad or nn hair 95 , J8-inrh Ions-, made of fina hRlr ,V' - V Zi for 7 '.MM no' t-,i r i .,, a .a s as s tin ill aar ii teV "JT Wool covered. 75c values. Satur day only 3Ao, Net covered, 50c value, Satur day only IS Large Auto Nets, Saturday only, at So Gray and whit switches, very seasonsble. ' Facial and sralp treatment, halr- i aressiag, manicuring, snampooinf, ' tc Special Snail- Sale Surplus Stock High Grade Suits of MORRIS & CO., Broad way, N. Y. Values up to $25.00; on sale now , SAMPLE SHOES and Oxfords, of Hand Sewed &n rft Shoe Co., values up to $5.50;'on sale now. ...... .yaCt OU J. IIELPIIAND Clothing Company 314 North 16th Street. v The numerous up-to-date patterns in the spring and summer styles of Sorosia often causes the question to arise WHICH ONE? The new vamps are short and the arches high, giving a decidedly different appear ance to the foot than from last year's fitting. Black Suede, Dull Kid and Patent Kid, are the three most popular leathers. Monograms are S3.00 8oroi, $3.50 nd $4.00 6 Sorosis Shoe Store ' 203 So. 16th St.,' rJLAJTX WZX.COX, Manager. iliiMail- -'- - i-- '. yiyyTgrj "Now's the day and Now's the hour" i "7 THE BEER YOU LIKE HAVE A CASE SENT HOME CONSUMERS' DISTRlaUTIN JOHN NITTLER 3224 SO. 24TH STREET IND. -1420 For That Boy of Yours Saturday Boys' Day at Drexel's . , ,,His Shoes -His feet' should betyjSur Tlret considera tion. Put lm on his feet right early In life. The Importance of shoeing the , "boy right while he is growing . is overlooked by many a parent. Most of. the foot troubles that you have can be avoided In the boy if you aB, particular. . . The boys' shoe department at this store Is a big factor of-our business. We are spe cialists -in boys shoes. We not only carry the stock, but it's the best money can buy. W are always particular In , fitting boys' shoes. , 8TKEL SHOD SHOES one of our best boys' shoes - Iiittle-Oerrta'Siirs -top to is m 32.00 Youths' Sizes 1 to 2 .Boys' Sizes 2H to SH 92.25 -S2.50 Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam St. Rollablo I Dentistry iP Taft's Dental Rooms THE TWENTY CENTURY FARMER Ob Dollar Year. Smart Oxfords HERE'S the Swell Oxford the Two Hole Pump. The low cut Shoe of the season. It's artistic, handsome and com fortable. Every man likes it. Patent Colt and Calf Leathers. Military Heels. A Refined Shoe For a Gentleman's Wear. Tan leathers For Thoe Who Prefer. $3.50 $4.00 to $5.00 We are showing Oxfords at their best in all the good st.es. Our Oxfords fit penectly at every point. No rubbing or slipping. With our perfect Shoe service we guarantee every Shoe we sell to fit as a Shoe should flt4 FRY SHOE CO. TIIE SIIOERS 10th and Douglas Streets. Pay Cash and Save Money Buy all your meats 'from us and you'll save money, and henldn you will get the choicest. JulcleBt, tnder oat nipats sold In Omaha. Knowingly we never allow a tough steak or roatt In our shop. We buy only the choic est; sell for spot cash; keep no book accounts; neither do we deliver These are the reasons why we can sell such good meat for less than the other fellows sell Inferior quality. Don't forget our own, home aressed chickens Nothing like them In Omaha. Pot Roast 124 0 and 100 Chuck Steak 13Ho Rib Boll :..80 Home Made Pork Sausage, 18Vio Jos. Bath Cash Market . 1921 Farnam Stroet. Tl. Dougla e84. , CLOTHING COMPANY EXTRAORDINARY mi fu fin x'l im.iii'iii.jBun HiairaaaTOmTMjramaajawn SUIT VALUES AT n aW'MauiirrHoi'iriv'Ba ft PW mm For Saturday's selling we place on sale 845 h.m.lsomr sn-tni stiita for men nd young men. Kvery gnrtmnt In this lot it :iiis. A lutely pure wool, cut in the latest of fanhion, ami n, choir scli-( uj,'J? of the season's newest shades, Including tho ever popular, I'lain It Ii V K S K R O K. Though you may look the town over, you will not find the rjuul ot theso suits, unless you pay from 95.00 to $7.5( more thnn wo sk. SPLENDID -TROl'SKR VALUK9 At $.3.00 and $!.50 Men's and young men's high grade trousers, in plain blue serges and fancy worsteds, peg top and, outing styles, actually worth $4 and $5. FUJI X I S 1 1 1 X ( J ) K p. HTM K XT Beautiful line of dross shirts nt 48 anl $1.00 Underwear values unsurpassed at 25S 45 and 75 ii r garment. & BOYS' HATS The latest spring styles for tho young fellows, at 051 81.50 1 1 n'iliiiiToi)AK' QvM CovwV.'i (JouArji QaUi (iwl, CAr C' CaAa Court ney's Second Floor. ffj) - -J, Omaha's Pure J ft Food Center SPECIAL Court ney's Ijtinch Counter, iu lUise-ment. (J- V y (f: CARNATIONS CARNATIONS CARNATIONS 0 2,000 Large, Fresh, Assorted Colors; per dozen 25c ! OXOCEBT pom BAT- THE BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD Very Low Faxes To BALTIMORE, Boutlir Bas iT, ntlst Convention. ATLANTIC CITYO-n'l- f mW7. Vrsbytrlaa Obacob, KIT 18-31. WASHINGTON, World' las. - Ik C. aT Bobool Aa " 'aoolatloB. May la-ao. CONSULT NEAREST TICKET AGENT REGARDING STOP OVER PRI V I LEGES AND OTHER DETAILS, or Address B. N. Austin, W. A. Preston, Gen. Pass. Agt T. P. A., Chicago Chicago BPECIAI.S VBOAT ' 1,000 extra quality heavy Clothes Baskets 6O0, 860, $1.00 and tl.85 500 lbs Sultana Raisins (extra fine), only, per lb 10o One car good Cplorado Potatoes, ier bushel - 65o 8-lb. tins Snyder's Tomato Soup..l5o 46c quart bottle Bishop's California Chill Sauce B60 Dr. Johnson's Educators (In bulki. per lb 80o Olnger Knaps, by the barrel. ... .-.BOc .Orape-Nuts, per pkg ...10o Mara velll Macaroni, per pk '. 100 Fresh Roasted Peanuts, per qt..'. .60 Aberdeen (snow white) Flour, "Be.t on Earth." per sarki 1.75 24-lb. sack Ralston Whols Wheat Flour, per sack $1.95 4 8-lb. sack Lotus Flour, per sack $1.60 Matiath's per pkB...10o, 16o and BOo FBVIT IABD TXOETABIiB DEPABT MBMT I,emon, per dozen I60 Spinach, per peck... JOo Fresh-Tomatoes, per lb ....lOo Carrots, peets and Turnips,' bunch 60 Pineapples, Mushrooms, Imported Endive, New PotataeS, Celery. Water Cress, Watermelons, Canteloupes, Strawberries. .Cucumbers, Wax and String Beans, Peas. 1 BUTTER DEPAHT- a ABO CXEZBB MI NT Lotus Butter (cartons), per lb....33o Best Country Butter (sanitary Jars). J per lb 380 fr- lairy nutter (duikj, per 1 u y Guaranteed Eggs, per dozen 36o Freeh Eggs, per dozen ...23o O Brandeis' Eggs, per dozen 30o Imported Swiss Cheese, per lb...3So IJomestic SwUis Chense. per lb...2eof Edam Cheese ' . $1.00 1 Blue Label Cheese, per lb 10c f Neufchatel Cheese, per lb Co cl Waukesha Cheese, per lb 360 f Oottage Cheese, per pkg 10c J SPECIAL IB BASEST DEPABT- (f ME NT TOB IATTODAT This Is a delicious home made cake, rA nn the side with anrlcot Jelly and shredded cocoanut. (f .180 ' t Saturday only OABDT BXFABTMEBT Piunt and Ooooann Britus, rmr Found, 150. Made of the finest material and sell .5 regularly for 2&o per pound; Hatur- day only, per pound L COURTNEY & CO., t 4 AXvgn (ufUg'. (urVr (6Wg5j. Q.Vi Q&m3 (oScCT 17tti and Douglas iatrecta IBS 3 GELLING OUT PINK ARTIBTI0 WALL PAPER AT LESS THAU COST 2C03 FARXAM ST. G. A. LINDQUEST GO. 235-236 Pixtoa Block Makers of good clothe. A nice lln of spring patterns on hand and our prlcss are right. A liberal discount on two or mora suits. PILES FISTULA All FAT WBJ1 OVBBO maatai Blaaas cured without a surgical operation and OvAraat4 to last a Lifetime No chloroform, ther or other nnaral anaesthetlo used. Bzamiaatola Ft. WrlU Fo Ft Book. DR. EZ. R. TARRY $34 BBS B&DOk OMAHA, BEB The Bee aims to print a paper that appeals to intelligence; not to an appetite for scandal and sensations. Early Excursion Rates East St. Louia, June 4 to 8, ina .$15.40 Baltimore, May 7 to 9, inc. .r. .... . .$41.25 Atlajitio City, May 15 to 17, ina S43.90 Washington, D. 0., May 15 to iff, inc S41.25 Detroit, Mich., June 8 to 10, ino., July 6 to 10. . .S22.50 Cincinnati, 0., May 4, 8, 9 and 10V $23.95 Saratoga Springs, N. Y., July 4 to 6, ina. ..... .$39.60 North, Manchester, Ind., May 13-14 .. ..V. ...S19.50 New Orleans, La., May 14 to 16, ino t . .43.05 For complete information about routes,' train service, stopovers, limits, etc., tickets and berths, call on r - - 1 J. B. REYNOLDS, City Tanenger A$ent, .;5i-rsij tijjjjj 1502 Farnam Street Omaha f""'"" Ml III. Illlll -L , ,.1,, Read Tho Beo for All the Sporting News Ito Haydon'o for rJoat Mutton L?gs per pound , . . . . 10c Mutton Stew per pound .Gc Mutton Roast per pound 8c Mutton Chops per pound 15c Beef Tenderloin per pound . . .15c Veal Roast per pound 10c Veal Stew per pound 8c Veal Chops per pound .10c Hams per pound .15c Pork Roast per pound ..V. . .11V&C Try Hayden'o First Get off at Omaha Sixth Annual Convention July 18, 19 and 20 Associated Ad Clubs Meet with America's business creators WRITE OMAHA AD CLUB TOR PROGRAM awstjrarasaa-M f.M iff fRfj ( Saturday Candy Special 40c Black Walnut Taffy, ' O r n 39c 40c at COc "Princess Sweet" Chocolates, lb 60c Chocolate Peanut' Clusters, lb.. Myers-Dillon Drug Co. JOth and Farnam bta. Hotel Rome European IN THE HEART OF THINGS Cdr. lGth and Jackson Sts. Tw'o blocks from leading department stores and all theaters. tfOMK Mlt.M-Il.