Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 29, 1910, Page 7, Image 7

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    THE r.FK: OMAHA. FT! I DAT. ATniL 20. MV
P"?rT riTV khttq . pnifrrutv nu.'T ixr qiitp
A . &A, A VIII llAJllkJ UJ.I 1 liJliJLLbl
Mac .
IfiMi CfrtlflM- lr-lbUo
ixnitut I
X-igbttag r.tir-lnrmi Oiaadoa Co.
UMIiiloul Life tuuua Ce 1910
Chnr;f E. A-. jeneral Agent, Omana.
on Tau JT-ae Fura ia mm h proof
M.u Nominal cost. S.iukena. 1J A Kar y.
Socialist leaka at Lmo John M
oru. i.anonai organ.aer i.f the socialist
rj speak at tba Lyre theater
i"- day night.
cey t Xoaa to imn Buum at
i"wert aseorlstlon run and uim
inetiwvis cf repayment. ISeoraaxa Savings!
and Loan Ase a ir Board of Trade Bldg
Officer King Suipended for Discovering-
Perpetual Motion.
axrrszs 10 leave his biat
Are United in , , .
. Banquet to Foraer Uaion Pacific
District Court Official tt Omaha Gab.
Wurki Taree Hewn Ihmlar, Wffl
la frees all Over OsbbAuu WaUa
viae firuM r "re
els! Detail.
Little Xisunderstaadings Are Ad
justed by Ji&gt Estelle
After Hearings.
Ce-Laeereee with riiml
Mr and Mn. Georse . Mark walked
' out of dtrirt court ThurdBy mnetiina; a
1 hppr and reunited eoupie. The action
The ' against Marks tr wtfe abandonment is
on a d.smissed and tbe troubles of tbe coupls
IIHaels Oafi-a! Offlelel Recall
Messersee ( Servlew an
OrrrUa4 Bawd.
Susperded far working overtime;
t. nf PtTmnon Tk T I. ne wa
Indians ta War Falsi Ten hnw" la- with that of the who iru ar- i em over.
d'ans hnilHiH a spectacle Thursday mora- ' rested Monday fr absolutely nothing. Btn ! Judge Estei'.e also presded at the ra
in t the unlim station, where they ap- aeclared with a volume of argument that ur.itmg of Mr and Mn. Lar.uio Mellto,
pi-sred In fall r pa nt and feathers. They I there wa no Justice in the world; that : though Mr. Melto did not sr.end in per
were on tejr a ay to the . where they ! -nrr had been penalized absolutely without ' son the dismissal of the charge against her
a gertn. a kerne., a far-fetched h.nt of husband. To Melito the court a-ddreeaed
raupe, a few reuarka.
Kir. worked thr hours overtime, at- I "If you don't take eare of yoar wife and
:rnd:r.; anduoue:y to the duty of wa:itin children." sa:d Judge Eateiia "and eome
hia beat and the beaia of three other po- i up here aa!n yu w:ll be truaipea nam.
.ireiren. reporf.rc every hoiir and a few
rime eTtra. and Kinf tu appended
To Intemept Patrolman Kin from h
seaWiua b"at-a.kinif and reprrrlr.)f re-
a.;i be '.i w;tb a ai:d weex ahow
la tia stvorea Coarta Mri ET.:a U
X rn haa tnen (riven a drrree f dlTorra
I- the di--rt rm:-i fr-i-n tVaaninron B.
K.r f f-iety. Hr. Mane CarlSeia ha
a 3-rree from Oliver E. Car!hia for the
Kawtlaa The Woman'! Trl-
il.icrr auartrr'y win meet Friday
a: tha Caivary Fa;i.t churr-, w;ta devo-
t.onai aerr oea at 11 a clo-k and aa addraaa j quired the misenir.ty of a telephone oper
at 2 orriork by Mrs. Elmore, mifaionary ator. Capta.n Moelyn. a aerjeant and two
: I:jd.a. patrolmen. When King waa interrupted
SakiKaa flaaa Xaatt Mayor Dahlmaa ' ha waa caught and phyaicaily detained from
t l.i at. fur rucBeter. " T.. to at- Lur1n BMily around h.a beat and re
tend tha convention of delegates frsm all porting.
Amer-cin rit.f-a to conelder cj:y planning "S'n outrage. expontulat-d King,
and ntr beaut-f 'cauun. He wli! begone until ' Te faataia Aarrves with Hlaa.
"Pur it ia." remarked Captain MaFtyn,
wbjen tha pruonrr gave hia ldeaa. "tThat
do you thank the othr pollpeman could do
toward earning thejr money w;Lh you but
ung Into their beata To you want to fill
the Jnba of eTery man on the forrt-T
King r.ret came to notice when the tele
phone operator received hia cail at
n r rw-k s n hour after the :nan waa under-
ar.sed befr- J if ge W. H. Murgrr m ovA to have competed hia days work,
the riited rtatea d-J-trlct court Thur!y j u otricrr on dutJ.r. the operator
.-naming entered . p,e of rJllty d wa. L ot dr8k t.
entencad to pay a of liW. , n . hr .. 1(,
-Pitcher Haa- sr,-t rjiilon. "He orka from 12 to 8
May s. L-inr.g hj aieence President L-ouia
Burmier of the city council w:3 be act
Li g mayor.
' Iditor Wliama Flaada OniltT W. R.
""".'..liama d;mr of une Uiair Tribune, re
cently lixllcirf by the federal grand jury
far using trie Vnited States mails for im
proper purpnse. haa concluded ts change
Lia plea of not gui:ty to guiity. He waa
Vice-President Winiajn L. Park of the
niinoia Cectrni ra.lxoad waa banqueted
Wednesday at the Omaha club by
hia former aaso-lates of the Union Pacific
and a as heralded aa the man who grew
up Willi the great Uverraod route, start. ng
aa a boy fre.ght bra Rr man and ending aa
the general yuperlniendenu
The banquet room waa beautifully df-co-raied
sun carnations and pa-ma and di
rectly ov-r the place at the head table,
where Mr. Park waa seated were two
Deserting his wife and children la the it- i d. inrai a '
meaneet mg a man cn oo. 1 -
It hi bei'eved that the court misunder- photograph of the former general super
t.d a llrtle In r-ferrlng to Meiito s chil- ' iniendent on the front and a picture of
dren. for Meiito is a-leged to hsre deserted ! the Union Pacific staUon at North Plane
his w'fe an hour after the wedding cere- i Bn ' u cover, mprrsrnuii ib hi-.-
mor.y. when h a father-tn-law refused to
corns acriES with tie dot, dower or portion
which M.!to had been led or had led hlm
se'f to e-rpert. if'n has been in Jail for
ome time. har-Jtg been indicted by the
rar,d Jury.
Oura-e Marks, the other husband of the nf
morning session, wouid never have been j uo la ev7 nBe uf Uie ord 3d wnai
in il if Mrs. Edna Marks bad better
where Mr. Park first went to work for
the Hamman system.
General Solicitor N. 11. Loomis acted as I
toae-tniarter and in - psy'.r.g a tribut t I
the new vice-president and hea-1 of the op
erating department trf the Iiiino Central.
said that Mr. Park has certainly made
Wc announce for Saturday
at this store the greatest sale
'.s Spring Suits
ever held this early in the season. We will sell our
high grade hand-tailored spring suits NOW, at
end-of-the-season prices. See a few of these suits
in our windows. Then read our Friday ad.
"The House of
Hiffh Merit."
Tttebar tfa-Bsoat la Ts
S'n of the P.ourkes arrived in the city Tues
day fr'im Wurni: and spent the lawt three
clays at his home in Council Bluffs. He
aneru tha Omaha team at Tpeka Satur
day and pribably will pitch in one of the
game against the Colleyites In the series
to be played there. He says the bunch la
feeling fine and dandy and an soon aa they
have acme real Um bail weather, will enow
oma rpeed.
"Say. you must be wrong on King.- an
nounced the operator again, an hour later.
"He a reporting agate
A conference between Sergeant Dillon
and Captain Mostyn resulted.
"What does be think this is, a merry-go-round
T' ruminated the captain. The latter
then dispatched Sergeant Samuelaon and
Oomsnlaaio. Zaspect Dltcaew-County ! h. . , him. ,h. r,ti.
"Te.l him he'U get stck If he doesn't look
at his watch." said tha captain. "Explain
to h.m he inn t a moving picture, and this
Comanis; .oner O. V. Pickard and County
Surveyor McBride are in Mlliard, where
rhey will meet the directors of the Papiiilon
dramaire Amtre anrl 1 rn u np.r tmHtnm
srhere ditches of toe district will cro n't a marathon race he's in."
Tnitr!as county roaJs. The Papilllon
drtiimj! district has offered to pay the
cost of bridges made necewary In return
far t: e use of nadslde ditches on tiie
county rignt of way
understood criminal procedure. Mrs. Marks,
,t appears, had the idea that following
onmplalnt against her husband he would
be immediately released back to her. In
stead. Marks had to stay in jail for some
time, or until h i arraignment and hearing
had come la due order.
Trade Boomers
Carrying Long
List of Calls
Excursionist! Plan to Leave Their
Cards with. 165,000 People ia
South Dakota and Xebraska.
The Omaha trade excursionists are going
ks tlie Union Pacific's loss was the
Illinois Central" a gain. He reiated the
story of bow the man entered the Overiaad
service aa a boy and at IS was
a freight conductor, at 2 a passenger con
ductor, at SB a division superintendent. In
IWs) he waa made rupertntendent of the
Wyomirg district ar.J in 1PW wits promoted
to genera, superintendent.
rark friril sf His Mra.
Mr. L-oomis said that Mr. PiLrk was
loyal to the Interests he represented and
waa a consistent friend with every subor
!din.t on the Union Pacific system.
The toaatmaster paid a tribute to the
man who rose from the ranks, saying that
when the Illinois Central found it neces
sary to get a good man to Introduce up-to-date
methods on its road, it seiectd
Mr. Park from hundreds of candidatea
This, he said, waa both an honor to Mr
Park and to the Union Pacific, where he
received his training.
The guest of the evening spoke feeling of
th regrets he had in leaving the Union
I to lave their calling cards with a lot of j Pacific and declares thai he mooid ever
people in the ten days they are an ihe j have fond memories of his associates and
King was captured in the act of making
for a pau-oL
"Lmrae alone. he snarped. "I got to
King's star is at the station and King
is out on a vacation.
j tr-p through South Dakota and northern
I Nebraska.
I It has been estimated that at least WS.090
j persons will be recipients of visits from
the boosters not personal afternoon
calls but thai many will see the booFters
em mawtoa aaa !! ta ak
uahate Her la Ik (
The collection ot eevral hundred dona
t.ons fur the Wise Memorial fair and
bsizar was heemn this momirg. Tire
vacuus being staned out in the down-town
oirtrict- These donations are of such a
' arted as'ortmrnt that whn collected and I
1,1hcm1 in the Krug theater, a'hfre the falri
Twins Sustain
Same Injuries
Paul and Pae lickersoa Are Hurt
ia Identically Same Way
While Spinning Topa.
former companiana
W. B. Scott of Chicago, assistant di
rector of maintenance and operation and
C. B. Seger. general auditor of the Har-
riman system, paid iinbuto to their former j
lellow worker In h gniy comolimentary i
and that many will be seen by the boosters i u-rms.
in the ten days that the special train General Grenville M. Dodire of Council !
scours the wertera and northern eommuni- fluffs, the original cief construction en- i This will average about 16..V per gnoer- was toasted aa the man who built j
day. This looks Uke a big task and Chair- tae T-nion PaciHc, la speaking, he paid a 1
man Hayward and hia crowd of workers higtl buia to Mr. Fark for hia efr.ciency
on tiie committee hsve measured off a big and ioya.ty. He reviewed some of his
Job. Those who have responded to the j eaiie, eisrnenrn on the Union Pacific.
L UUri iaftiU msu t U Ltrc w as w ui ai u sush
to the taik.
The first four days over the Milwaukee
road will be strenuous. Friday will be
ieasy. because the party spends half a day
I at Eeadwood, and Saturday will not be
! hard, for naif a day will be spent at Lrftad.
j aith only four other towns through that
nsrt Ol l lie counirr 10 we i a, .1 a tin uini
Paul I it. th 7rtn over the HurHneton to Hot
J. B- Xickerson. deputy United States
will he op-nrd fundav nirht wi:h a mrrwi I marshal, has a pair or twm boys.
concr-t. the interior wa resemb'e a bigjaad aged i years, I Springs. Sunday aill be a day of rest, and
nartment store. The '.mm f-r davs t " Chrixtnias day Mr. Nlckerson presented gu,,,,.,, ulr-e hustling days over the
hf. broi K'n la so many sir.s that thp
c-TimittE has kept a force of clerks work- I operates by a smail co.l spring. About a
month ago Paul s tcp went to pieces wnne
the b..ys each with a patent top. which ! Korthwestrm atthe start of the return
c urt.J late at night claesify'ng M i nm ao x-aui irp "j iii- wunw It wu f0una necessary for the transpor-
tnrg ns tlm for the fair. he waa spinning it ana me con epnng iirw ,at)on committee to add another eom-
; at Keiley A Heyden's. where 3d ' out- tne snaro ena 01 m sprjig prncun- , pirtmrat car to the train. On checking
yr c of tlie srons receipts f ir the bal- ! tri' m rtSht hand between the thumb and ; up xiie reprv-niona fur state rooms it was
snce of week Is to be given to the ' forefmger, cutting through the palm of 1 ound tnat eighteen reservations had been
fair rinds, ass enlivened when notice of ', - baJ,1 n coiled its up under the j mMde with only ten available,
the donation waa snnomcr-d. Sev-rai I cuticle. A surgical operation was neces- ,
young lad',.-s wc-re present to welcome the Mr' - remove the spring, raui Das since
victors aul srht rhnr bio-inoi "for ! recovered from h.s injury.
rvr-et charity ! lm. evening. Page, twin brother of Paul,
A w.msn' of Hastlncs heileve hst m IdenticaJy the same kind of an
Taaaar. the w'.ite bull terr-er duna:-d bv ; ccldent with his spring top. the spring
tjie tri.-nd a few days ago. is coin iiseif up under the cuticie of h s
h. r iong W imppy. ?he has writt-n to ' hand- Pduc!ng a painful wound,
ts. hoenital c.mmiMee to eav that her p"e " Pul under lnf!uMlc al
f.rnt. a p"t..lnrrarh of wh-cio. tog-ther with , anaesthetics to permit tne removal of the
a l ipTf.ig from The Fee. alio enclosed wth P"ng. and a second operation became
l-er iett-r dsaiTeard a ninth ago snd ! necessary Thursday morning to prevent
has not be-n se-n since, ard asks the com- y poaaibil.ty of tetanus eneuing. The
iriute to invrstignte the matter. M-s. j coll sprtiiga in each instance wtre nearly
Sonnenlerg however, declares ttie donor two inches 'n length,
hs been located and she ref .ises to be- I " """
lievc thit Caeisr ca-ne int.i bis posnesst
except n a mux legitiinata mann
Fo'ey'a Kidney Remedy wi".l cure any
case of kidney and bladder trouble not be-
reacb of medicine. No medicins r
Will Not Collect
for Joy Rides
j Lue
cc.t do BMira,
;judg Crairfcrd Telia Chauffeur He
Must Collect His Own
Charged ait.i having umwI an automobile
j and uie services uf Its chauffeur for seven
hours on to buy the machine.
' a niai iio gave hs aame as John X.
.-tiiiUi mils found not guilty by Judge L-'raw-i
iyii Tiiursd-y mortiir.g. Tiie evidence
ia-'.ri Smith su to Uie eifoct that he
Rev. N. M. Mann
Leaves the Pulpit
B.etiring' Pastar of Unity Church ta
Lngaje ExdusiTely ia Literary
Work Offers Resignation.
aith which be waa connected as early aa
Officials Scad Mmaaaapea.
Regrets were read from President R. S.
Lovett. Vice President A. I ilotkr, Sup
erintender.t of Telegraph I- H. Korty, Gen
eral Attorney John ". I-acey of Cheyenne,
Director of Maintenaooa and Operatkins
Julius KruttscbEltt. Dlractor of Traffic J.
C. Stubbs. Mall Traffic Manager H. P.
Thyie. Attorney F. CiaiiUlard. Cimsuiting
Ensineer J. D. Isaaea aad. T. J. Foley, Mr.
Park's assistant.
The guests of tbe ev swing were:
Rev. Newton M- Mann, pastor of Unity
hurch for twenty-one years, the
one Unitarian church of Omaha,
tendered hia resignation at the an
nual meeting of tne church board
held Wednesday night. He will remain in
the pulpit here at least until September 1.
when Ins year empires. A proposition em
bodying a plan to make Dr. Mann pawnor
emeritus at a nominal salary waa intro
duced at the meeting, but at his sugges
tion Billon a as deferred.
Dr. iiann resigns to devote his time to
literary work. He is second la age among
tijr paMors of Omaha.
"I am not certnin what I shail do about
uie proposition to sue me pastor emer
itus, said Lt. Mann. "That wouid necessi
tate my staying m Omaha, and I ana yet
undecided about t:;au The matter has
J. C. Aliavie
K Anderson
W. H, Anderson
J. W. Adams
C. W. Axtell
B W. F.lair
W. C. Bartlett
W. S. Basinger
J. O. IJnnkerhoff
D. C. Buell
Geo. T. Crindell
E. H. Crocirer
W. T. Canals
W. D. Lincoln
F. E. Lewis
G. H. I-ikert
G. F Davis
R S. Ece
C. F Fuller
A. H. Fetters
W. H. Garratt
J. W. Griffith
Edson Pjch
A- B. R utherford
H. J. fUiih
Joph Roberts
Chas. P Ross
W. IT. Sanford
J. A. Sheean
C. B. S'-ger
N. H. Loomis
J. W. Lacey
C. J. Lar.e
E. L, Lomax
A, D. Sinei merhorn
J. H. Stephens
C. S. Stebbins
J. S. Sykes
A- Traynor
J. A. Turtle
J. A. M inroe
W. H. Mirrav
W."C. McKeown
J. Q. Matthews
W. R. McKeen.
J. F. Xaily
T. M orr
P J. Peterson
VT. H. Putcamp
V O. C'.arK
TV R. Canill
f. P. Cary
C. C. Cortell
A, J. Collett
C C. Iorey
W. Taiey
H. J. St-.ritig
F. B. Southard
J. H, Frafford
J. B Sheldon
A, W. Scr-hner
J. A- Griffith
W. H. Hancock
F. N. Het-s
R L. Huntlev
.". F. Harriman
Wm. Jeffers
A. F. Jonas
f. M. Jones
H. G. Kaill
A- F. V .ck Roy
Win. Whit ta Her
P I Wiliiair.s
W. H. i.kms
K. H. Wjnd
Chas. Wrs
J. C. Tuing
Gen. G. M. Dodge
u . B. St-ot t
M- C. Martin
Be a Guest on
The Pennsylvania Special"
The 18-hour train to New York leaving Chicago
at a quarter to three o'clock every afternoon and
arriving New York 9.45 a. m.M is the very highest
type of train. You are treated as a guest from
the moment you step on board. Every attention
that means your comfort and convenience is
given you gladly.
This trip is looked upon by business men as a
pleasant break in the business routine rather
than as a necessary part of business.
Other New York daily trains leave Chicago 8.15
a. m., 10.05 a. m., 3.15 p. m., 5.30 p. m., 9.45
p. m., 11.45 p. m.
For reservations or further information, call at
in) y . -v;7
Omaha City Passenger Office
213 Board of Trade Building
or address W. IL ROWLAND, Traveling Pasaenycx Aent
i Postoffice Department to Hare 525.
! COO Structure Here.
Plaat tw Expedite) Haadllag mt Malls
t Be Erected by Railway Cesa-
n rvn nT ra
in Thrco Days
Black Hand Men
On Roosevelt's
T-l r, . ' equipped lor
rail, is Report; terai po.t
A new postoffice sub-station Is to be built
i near the Tenta street pai-ng-r stations
j in the i. ear future to cost tAML
The exact location is not yet definitely
: decided upon, but it will be either on the
I vacant tract Just north of the street rail
j way switch at the south end of the Tenth
street v educt or directly across the Tenth
; street viaduct frim the Union station. The
! building is to be of stone and brick, three
i ttorieB high and will be thoroughly
equipped for postoffice purposes, both as for the wholesale, resi
dence, business and ra.lway districts, and
t fnr Th. rwBilnn and fit r nf the itimJIs ir.
tl-TSTt VflT 1 Tfc ',"iM,'f t'pect;
l.oei :mf. ff.r I . it, a f r t haa tniciiiAsi . a 1 ' TT. " TTT J .
at pnu-ncM the ivim of mJrwwiifci ! T , XJUXUiSia WigMiouAijr w u-icu -ui rtv on the iv ir:n rvchin aad dt-
T as 'iirr'li T Taasa n , ,t ' ras nf TT x fr rn na i I
spective purchaser aad i , . . ! Paria and Former President is parting daily from Omaha.
machuiea of buu- ,'' , i r. J
jaga." Under Careful Guard.
: -( - 1,1 ' N 128 a Weil wots
. :'v "j asd I would like
4. v - J te U the whole wc
" . . i cf it. I tnZe
cumpaaiiung aitnees.
nid of i tarrow nig time In wnieh he auf-
;f-rej tao bteasdowns and the less of a
ie.r nf tns ;n dlsplayins the virtues uf
'is car to Smith and t-ie iaiter's friends,
.ie net ncied Smith iisd indicated a wil
ii'gness to pay a rentiar rental raus for
the diversion. Tbe court decided Schuitx
wou.d have t eoliect his dues through an
other channel than the police euurt.
The Key to the situation Bee Want AdfH ! Tncn amoassacor at urnm. aa. j uswrmna ' sulllon the Un.on Pacific for a sue
the French ambar.iiaJor to tne Unitd I for Iilo nrw postoffice, wniih will be bulit
stales, snd Mme. Jusserana ar.a ottier ais- j ov f iad company submitting the
tinguisnrd persoiges. Toasts were j pr'.potif.on and then rented to the
I umitted. i government.
It Is reported that the French author!- j
Ut-s have been considerably aiiirmed for i
Co one! Rooeevelfs safety According to an '
evening newspaper the police acre advis'd j
. ; from Napies that American anarchists ;
a ere f-tilowmg him and a most r gorous !
DANVILLE. l".i, Apra Several per- mora for them to pass between the ara- Hinniiinct haa been instituted here. The)
suns were injtred and property damaged ' m"" kitcheij and residence and pushed the . ex-presidrnt naa been Mccompaaied every
in trie amount uf aaveral tniM.sand do. ars
Elephant Herd Raids City,
Smail Houses Bowled Over
Cured by Lydia E. Fink
ham'sVegstable Compound
iGWinkw. TTii " Lrdla H rink.
Lam's VMreti'ula Compound has rcaia
Ee a well woman.
liie to
1 roraf emale troufcla
and fearful pains ia
my bark. Iiiadths
brst doctor! and
they all decided
that I had a tumor
ia addition to my
f emaie trouble, and
adrised aa opera
tion. Lylia E.
1'uiAiarn WecLablfl Cr.mpoond raada
tne a waU. wnmaa and I bars do mora
bat tache. I hope-1 can hrlpotbers by
t-'ir.r tnera what Lylia IL Pinihain's
Vf?ui i Con:TX)Tir.i has dons for
t-." Mas. 1" s su. Ixse, SS3 1'lrat S L.
Tha above la or.y or.e of the thoti
Baads of frrvu-f;U letters which, ara
cratanUy bir.? rtxH-ived fcr tha
"Hnkham r.jim.ti nt Y m-i
Jtss..wriicri rrOThev.ri1 a.innrit'thae k1 keepers mere er.gag-d in the unsusual of team. F. Krabbe. one of the Sep-
Lrcia E. Pinahaai'S Vegetable Cora- i I'" ' o""!n eepnaata In ajtmo-hiles, ers. aho was asaiailrg in the taking of!
Jrttnd, made from roou and herbs, ti,e female efc.-x1-d. F r several hour three cf the bui.s into their quarters in j
actiia-Iy d-jei euro these Obsanate di. ' lrpfcaaia " at Urge. depito the the cars, aftr their capture, lats today.
ea.4efl of womea aftrr ail Olner ltPanS 'fact that tha entire force of police re- was Mured scamst the side of a nearby'
fca" Uneo. alia that Try anch suf. serves was cabled hito actixin and gave bam and seriously l-.jured.
ch. i tier rrsifs were slightly Injured whfn '
After eecapTg. the eierhams moved fur ' horses were frightened or througT their
auras time m a bunch, then separated. , en fi-rat during the stampede !
They storped for nothing except brick More fan Id wtre vu,u-4 by the,
axil una buildings. Small frame strui- elephants ar.d the darrage prnaab:y will j
tui-ea, coal sneda. feaon aad'. trees in ' 4gtate t? or C9.ts) ,
tfer path mere pushed aside, turned over, j Tnnisht ere '.iepi-art is stiil at large, two t .1 ih d: kp pt.c
. 'ir-onted or tluowa to ona sine.
tr. llacn mas for eighteen yrs pastor i '
of the Unitarian church at Rochester, ?i. T. I P.V3Ja. April S. the vu.t ot former
! President Rooseveit and his family to Par s
Good results always nios the use of j was concluded ton-rhi with a sala dinner
"oiey's Kinney puis. They give prompt j bv Jnp miDltxt.r ot forfign aflaira. Other,
reiief m a-l case, of kidnry and blades ' , ww Antl.mdor ud Mrs. Bacon.:
j, rAmrm. are haanng. strengtaeaing and . .
...j seuue. iry uia For sale by all : ,-nnul r'ru ex-r-re-, s ;ae ,,lrcnon t,f ioion tor the new
, " , I Srrt Mme- iub't- Fremier Bnand. ,uyusf:lc Prop,,Fiuons have been sub-
j Oyde McReed. supenntendent of rail
, a ay adjustment; J. M Marsten. super
: intendent of mail trausportauon; George
j L. VanDj ke, representing the postmasiei
, general, and Postmaster 3. F. Thomas o
uti'at.a hsve been in conference with rail-
ay officials in reference to the matter
for several days, and all that now remains
The 5EAL Internal treatment cures
the periodical, occasional or moderate
drinker, the habitual and excessive
drinker and tha nervous man who haa
ta drink to keep from becomins more
nervous, it takes away all inclination
to drink, all desire and craving for
drink by neutralizing the poison ot
alcohol in the system and ri-4dln( the
blood of the poison by a rapid process
of elimination, leaving the drinker In
the same normal condition be 'was lo
before tasting liquor, so far as tha ef
fect of alcohol may be concerned all
appetite for drink grone and be a new
Ni Hypodermic Injections
The Internal treatment eflectg
a perfect cure In three days without
hypodermic injections.
A Guaranteed Contract
A guaranteed bond and contract is
Civen each patient agreeing to effect a
perfect cure, or refund the money st
he end of the third day.
A Modern Treatment
CXRK for the drink habit; lt is the
most modern and perfect of known
treatments, originated by a riaysiclaa
compounded by a physician, and ad
ministered by experienced pbyslciana,
Tha Neal la a Physician's Care
If you have taken a number of old
cures and gone to- drinking again
worse than before, what la the use of
taking another old cure? The Neal la
the latest, improvetd. 'up-to-date, only
cure in the world.
Institute or Home Treatment
If uaaule to comer to the Institute
end lor the Home Treatment, which,
ia lust aa effective as Institute Treat
ment. Call, write or 'phone for free
book and copy of contract Xeal Insti
tute Co., 1501 South Tenta street,
Omaha, Neb. All communications
strictly confidential. Bank referencee
Elevator Fire !
Awakens Again
plant Throw Vicinity Into
Second Panic
kitchen ai.4e. badly rrightfn.tig the per- b, two Ir.suec'ors of tne Anarchist ! Flamei from EuiUf of flTe-SthueideT '
brgade in plain ciothea The Axericiu
embassy haa been gtisrded day and night ;
by six inspectors, in reliefs of six huura, !
, a.d'd by loliee officers. Several auspecta i j
have been shadowed cnntantly. There is ! Fames rising from tne smou.dertng rams '
j no official cur.fij tr.atiun. however, of these 1 of the Xye-Schnr ioer-Fowier elevstor j
reports. ' Thursday noon, tnrew the district sroul 1
rira; woman owes it to herself to at
leant nye Lydia E. PlrJi ham's Veeeta
r a Compound a trial betor submit
tiay to aa operation, or girtnf up
Lewi of tto vry.
21 n. Plnkhavna, af Lynn. STaaa
iarlK-a all sick women to write
her Utr alTife. Ish Ima sruivlrt
theuaandii ta Lc altta tuui titir
cdrlco ia trts
sons within.
hen eight and one female irpr.ant j At ,hf h0m9 ,f JoS(.pn pblM.
.f uie aingiir.g show stampeded here overturning a shed and killing a horse, one
; eterday. Aa tne jju cyder-ins were seir.g of the animals anarked Peebles and hurled
unloaded afer several hours' r'de fr'im 'm agsittrt tne s.Je of his resiflente. He
Chicaga one of t;ie made a break ia now in a critical condition,
lor liberty, bowi'ng uver the keeper and Barney O'Neai. ilvn-rraan, was thrown
escaping. He was rsl.owea by seven buna irom nis wagen wr.rn tii net or elephants ' EU,Bl anJ Rertnit R10Brelt each enjoyed Tweniy-ighth and Oak street into pan.e
Laier, hile U.e entire force of trainers dashed down a fcide strert and in front i ,h. n-,i n.nn, r .n a.,.miu. e,-nt ih- second time as the seiuel of the H i -
Count de Lambert, who after a preiimln- j The smoking heaps of gram and wreckage j
ar' flight invited tlirm for a sail tnrough j aers discovered again in f.sinrs ty Mrs. j
the a.r. Potn acuepied Jvfuilr and earn ! Ella Bond, whose home borders the fire- j
m turn c.lrr.bfd into ie seat beside the ; swrpt district the turned in an alarm '
f':; QcagCT-rw.,.
1 w. ..tin icii
S F-it'-sT- ( 3
o: "
Engraved Stationery
WtLlmg Immitmtnmm 1 nils 11 minli
Vimttng CmnLu
AH tMii pmJ forma ia current bm1 esmsd
in d btiM maniwe and punctually eeiiMraa nine
Emboaaed Monogara Statione-ry
sdaeWvetesasnlasnualaMfSBa iij
Msil enewnsre.
n a. iuvi a , ivr J fw 1 r 1 j
1210.1212 Hewsrd St. Pshm D. 104
Woman's Club
Plants Its Ivy
n.s afiemoon. Aconmpamed by Baroness , 0 cunr.agration which wiped out the mliis ! After HiMUe at tie Public LlbraTT
rCstoumeiles de Conauuit thes" visited ! mere on the night of April a ;
ngmcii Aiecorais uongTe-
ticaal Oiurch,
Tie ivy has been planted. Bu there!
j This announcement, to be pruperly
i punctuated, must be acrorr. named by tha
narr.p of a da.nty little oxford on a pni-
count, who took mem f jr a spin around and called out the nc.gnbora to aid in the
the fieid at a heignt of aoout lie feeu ICer- ' r.rie o severs brad of live rock housed
mit remarked Lt:a M waa Uie Cnesl ex-' m the B.inJ barn. Tba terror of the night
penence of his life. of Hre aa awakened in the little nr.,ri ' . r ,
. i UDe biuff T1" uf The Womsn's club deleg.tlon, which
M.t sd is !S.t. . )f Aprll 4 were duplicated. ; , ... ... hll Mtl , ...
-"-' """" vuiv , 1 am r.rrmiB got u.e Disss unJer nmin .! i
" - " ' 1 ' . wu M xuroe .i w .i 1. i ruiuiiu, 4.1.1 . ;ste n tlie arti-r-iiM.n r 1 m rrn k. " 1 w.
A X the hinue of W.lUa.n M.illrr. three cf aitrriiuii wrh bnii r,r f...- .i.ii.,.- p-r-, t .-.i, .
, 1 " " ' - u caue ui conaiui ru. sua.iion.I to th disantKiint-nent. ha solved ih rn,.
eirohaats found tii'J-e was r-t sufficient Lnt fjiti li ,t1-i 1 r-w,i ,,r. 1 , l- ui.,.n.nni..ieni. r.m sonea tne proa-
j 9 1 - 1
plants. The Woman's club hai presented
iue:f w t:i the ivy and it is runs nourun
ing under the shadow of Uia First Congre church, where the club holds its
Of course, there waa nut much of a cere- '
mony at the postponed planting scene, but
ivy wlU grow without speeches.
twining gren thst drap
c walls of Windsor, omy to meet
j iem of finding a home for the innooect Utile
ee ranearter Wka Wan Cared,
Mr Wilford Adsms is his name, and he
antes about Hi "Sum tint sgo was
sonfined to sy bed v. it a rhronia rheums
ttsra. I esed two bolt if s at Foley's Kidney
Remedy wi' god effect, and tbe thltg
bottle put mm on my feet and I resumed
work aa conductor on the Lx ting ton. Kr.
Bireet BaJay. U gave me more relief any anedicms I have e er Usd. and
It wi I do ail you ciaini la caaa of rheu
Bistism." Foey's Kidney TLemedy curea
rheumatiasB sy eliminating the ar.a acid
treta tha biood. For aaa by aU ai uggt