Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 27, 1910, Page 3, Image 3

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TTie New Store
Lincoln L&bon to End with Host of
Citizen's Clubs.
City Ovarii Aatkorlm Appnlittmril
of Body thmt Will usa;r.t On.
rral I'laas for (llr Bet
Irrmrnt, (From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. April 2S. (Special. )-Thi
b-auUful city (truck another blow In the
dlr-ction of the "Ideal" la't nlfht, when
the Candy Prof. Candy ordinance was
vafscd by the city council. This ordinance
rrovldes that the mayor shall appoint a
committee of twenty, to prepare som"
ineral plan for th Improvement of the
fVy. This committee so the ordinance
"ovldes nhall have aa members four coun
cil tnmbi-n, two park board members, one
county commissioner, one member of the
tchool board and one rejr-nt of the s ate
ui.lverslty. The plan to be proposed by
thla commission la to be voted on at a
general or special election and If adopted
shall be binding on the jity council.
By the appointment of this commission
practically every prominent "Idealist" In
the city will be able to ai cure at least a
c halrmanehlp or a vice-presidency of some
At the present time Lincoln has a maycr,
"i ity .council, an excised board, a achooi
board and a park board. Hut the giave
question of state have proven too much
for these and. so, many clubs have been
formed to advlee and Instruct them In
their duties. So at till time matters here
are about In this condition.
Tho council watches the mayor, the Ex
ciso board watches the council and the
mayor, for the mayor Is a member of the
Kxclse board and Is a part of the council;
the school board watches the Excise board,
the council and the mayor; the rark board
watches the school "board, the Excise board,
th council and tha mayor; the City lmJ
provement society keeps a ,check on the
I'ark board, the school board, the Excise
board, the council and tho mayor; the City
club tvathces the Improvement society, the
Tark board, ' the aohool board, the Excise
board, the city-council and the mayor; the
charter committee keeps tab on the City
club, the Improvement society, the Park
board, the school board, the Excise board, '
the city council and the mayor; the com
mittee of fifty looks after the charter com
mittee, the City club, the Improvement so
ciety, the Park board, he school board, the
Excise board, the city council and the
mayor. Over the committee of fifty, the
charter committee, the City club, the Im
provement society,' the I'ark board, the
tchool board, the Excise board, the city
council and the mayor is the Initiative and
Referendum league; guiding and abetting
the Initiative and Referendum league, the
committee of fifty, the charter committee,
the City club, the Improvement society, the
Park board, the school board, the Excise
board, the city council and the mayor Is
George Elliot Howard and Prof. A .L.
Candy, both of the State university, the
last named of the city council, and both
of practically all the clubs named above.
The Commercial club? Oh, yes, that fur
nishes the membership for the others and is
the excuse.
t, f, . o iv, i .Yew .Jlody. ..: ,
vlndTnow over the mayor, the city council,
the Park board, the school board, the Ex
cise board not excuse board the City club,
the Improvement society, the committee of
fifty, the lnltlatlvo and Referendum so
ciety, George Elliot Howard. A. L. Candy,
to say nothing of the Candle Light Club
and the Round Table, and Jim Malone and
Itev. Mr. Poulson, Tom Darnell and a score
of others, is the new Commission - of
Twenty. . -
And tho fame men and the same women
compose all the clubs, the evident Idea be-
Xmisxro rf
Thi Iydu I rmnuM Mi wewt Co.
' Why You Should Send Now
This book is a treatise on all those diseases peculiar to
women. They are fully explained in plain and simple language,
that anyone can understand, and instructions for a complete
course of home treatment.
In a word, with Lydia E. Finkham's Private Text-Book at hand
to refer to in case of need, you need have no cause for anxiety
about your ailments.
The Danger ol Delay
Any woman who possesses this book has at hand such informa
tion as may save her a serious illness, and if she is already 31, it
will give her an intelligent understanding of her case and suggest
a cure. This book is a text-book not a mere advertising pamphlet.
Until you have read it, you cannot make sure of the exact
nature of your trouble. A great many women suffer from some
complaint, which may not seem very serious to them, because they
do not know what it is or to what it may lead.
: Perhaps you are one of these women. Do not remain in doubt
tnother day send for this book and find out for yourself.
This book is written in the kindly sympathetic spirit that guided
Mrs. Pinkham in all her actions towards her suffering sisterhood,
and you will feel when you are reading it as though you were
having a confidential chat with some motherly and trustworthy
woman friend.
Remember, your letter will be treated as .strictly private and
confidential and the book will be posted to you in a perfectly plain
envelope, without any printing on the outside.
Till Up This Coupon
' Cut out th! Coupon at once while you thick of it. Don't wait till by
and by or you may forget It. It may be the means of saving you from
year of suffering perhaps from death itself.
FU1 in your name and address and send it along to the Lydia E. Finkhara
Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. It will bring you Mis. Pinkham's 80-PAGE
PRIVATE TEXT-BOOK In aplaia envelope by return of rst,Wrjrw.
Ci-T -
Ing to organise sufficient clubs to give each
member at leat one presidency.
The latest suggestion which these various
clubs and societies have to pass on was
made In an unsigned letter, rejected by a
local paper. The writer suggested this:
"That at tha city limits signboards be
eristructed and on them these words
painted: This Is the city limits of Lin
coln. Wipe your feet before entering." "
In the meantime the papers here had
several letter this morning regarding the
now famous request of 8. H. Btirnham for
a temporary bank sign. As only the City
Improvement club, whose president's hus
band voiced the first public objection to
the sign, and the city council, have passed
on It, It may be some time before the
matter is finally settled. An election could
be called on the matter it the same time
the city commission offers Its plans to the
-Col at on Primary.
Addison Wslt, candidate for the repub
lican nomination for secretary of state, has
Issued a campaign card, printed on the
back of which is the following information
regarding the coming primary election:
Polls open at S a. m. In cities where
registration Is required and close at 9 p. m.
At all o'her places polls open at noon and
close at 9 p. m.
In voting place a cross opposite the nam
of the candidate you desire to vote for, but
sil cnndldntes voted for must appear In the
snir.e party column.
If you vote for candidates In more than
rne column your vote will not be counted
C ounty conventions must be held to elect
delegates to the state conventlol which
formulates the platform and elects a state
centrnl committee to be held July 2 at
such place and hour as the state central
committers mav rieatirnat
This applies to all m.lillrnl ruirtnes havlnc?
state and county organisations.
The primary was created to give the
voters the largest pots ble scope In nominat
ing candidate for public office. If you
neglect to participate In the primary or
general elections don't dlok If the other
fellows do It for you or to you.
II. T. Clnrk Visits "on.
Henry T. Clarke, sr., was in Lincoln
today, the guest of the family of his son,
Henry T. Clarke, Jr., railway commls-iloner.
Mr. Clarke, r., was celebrating his 7th
birthday and looked as well as he said
he felt.
"I am feeling as well as any man can
feel, he said, "for I have so much to do
that I cannot take the time to feel other
than well. I have been In Nebraska Just
fifty-five years and In that time I have
seen a mighty empire grow and it is still
growing, more ropidly than It has ever
grown before. The growth In Omaha is
short of the marcelous, while Lincoln
shows splendid Improvement and a most
vigorous growth."
Mr. Clarke said Nebraska City was the
real cause of the location of the state
capltol here, because In those days the
people of the Otoe county town, had an
idea the people would go on further and
make that city the river town of the state.
Instead of that the people stopped at
Omaha and that city became the metro
polis. Mr. Clarke had hoped to call on his old
friend, Dr. George M. Miller, who Is
now at the Bailey sanitarium, but his
condition is much that Dr. Bailey felt that
the viBlt would not be enjoyed by either
of the pioneers.
Walrath for Bryan.
E. A. Walrath of Osceola, one of the sec
retaries of the late democratic senate, was
In Lincoln this morning and voiced the
hope that he has heard expressed by many
democrats, that Mr. Bryan woTN, make
the race for the senate. Mr. Walrath was
for W. H. Thompson, and as secretary of
the populist state committee had waked
up quite an organization for the Grand
Island man, and ' like Edgar Howard was
left' high and dry, when the L'ttle Giant
withdrew from the race.
A Flerea Attack
of malaria, liver derangement and kidney
trouble Is easily cured by Electric Bitters,
the guaranteed remedy. 50c. For sale by
Beaton Drug Co.
Foley's Kidney Remedy will cure any
case of kidney and Bladder trouble not be
yond the reach of medicine. No medicine
ran do more.
Write NOW For
Lydia E. Pinkham's
Private Text-Book
Upon Ailments
Peculiar to Women
Lincoln Man
Leads Spanish
War Veterans
Reunion at Columbus Closes with Din
ner ftt Which General I. C.
Hartign Presides.
COLUMBIA, Neb., April iSS. (Special
Telegram.) Today was the closing and
most Important day of the Spanish War
Veterans' reunion In this city At the
morning session the election of officers
took preference over all other business and
resulted as follows:
Department Commander E. H. Phelps,
Senior Vice Commander August Warner,
Junior Vice Commander Perry Miller.
Judge Advocate W. K. Burke, Colum
bus. Surgeon John G. Marron, Bralnard.
Chaplain "Charles Goodall, Omaha.
Inspector George Lldden, Lincoln.
Marshal A. I Rollln, Columbus.
Department Adjutant Harry E. McGur
ren. Lincoln.
These were reappointed by the depart
ment commander: Counsel of administra
tion P. D. Eager, Lincoln; A. D. Fetter
man, Omaha; John C Hartlgan, William
Schults, Falrbury; II. D. Corneau, Omaha;
C. G. Adams, Lincoln; J. S. Haney, F. S.
Iecron, Columbus.
Lincoln was unanimously selected as the
place for holding the reunion of 1911 on
April 26, the anniversary of the date Pres
ident McKlnley made his call for troops.
A resolution was passed calling on the
senators and representatives from Ne
braska to use their Influence toward rais
ing the Maine and removing the sailor
dead to the national cemetery at Arling
ton. Department Commander G. A. Axel
son of Missouri acted as Installing officer
for the new department officers.
A camp firo waa held in Eagles' hall In
the afternoon at which Captain Arthur
t'nderwood of the Second Nebraska was
master of ceremonies. Senior Vice Com-mandcr-ln-Chle.f
Emory F. Marshall of
Chi co go arrived today and waa the guest
of honor at the banquet In the evening.
The banquet hall seated 200 guests. Gen
eral John C. Hartlgan was toastmaster
and the principal speakers were W. A. Mc
Allister of this city. General J. H. Culver
of Mllford, Captain Arthur Underwood of
Cheyenne, Wyo.; Captain Allen O. Fisher
of Chadron. General P. H. Barry of Gree
ley and Emory F. Marshall of Chicago.
Seventh Victim
of Ponca Fire
James Minor, Burned While Trying to
Save Wife and Children, Dies
of Injuries.
PONCA. Neb.. April 28 James Minor,
who was fatally burned while making
heroic efforts to save the members of his
family from death In a fire In their home
Sunday, died today, making seven deaths
In all. . .
Fire Does Heavy Damage to Farms
Southeast of Broken
BROKEN BOW. Neb., April 2.-(Speclal.)
A disastrous pasturage fire occurred at
the old Buckeye ranch and some adjoining
farms about twelve miles southeast of here
Monday afternoon. About 3.000 acres of
fine pasture land and many fence posts
were destroyed. L. H. Jewett of this city
owns nearly 1,000 acres of the old Buckeye,
while I. A. Reneau represents the Bradley,
Mathlesen A Walker Co.. which own the
balance of the property, consisting of 1,000
acres. Nearly 200 head of cattle, belonging
to Mr. Jewett, were on the place at th
time, and escaped by a very narrow mar
gin; eighty are reported to .be badly
scorched and there is a probability of some
of them dying. Pasturage belonging to
George Marsh, W. H. Van Nortwlck, Will
Hickman and others, aggregating over
1,000 acres, was destroyed. Mr. Reneau
roughly estimates the loss to be between
$1,1)00 and 12,000. The fire was started by a
young man on a leased farm adjoining;
he had piled great heaps of rubbish and
put a torch to them without establishing
fire guards. As the wind was blowtng a
perfect gale from the northwest, the flames
were soon beyond control and jumped Into
the big ranch. The farmers of that vicin
ity were aroused and fought frantically
for their properties all the afternoon,
Messrs. Reneau and Jewett, who had ar
rived on the scene by automobile. tnWino-
(an active part. By nightfall sufficient
guarus in xne snape or plowed land, had
been swung about the flames, and they
soon died out.
Five Applicants Are Accused of Vio
lating; Slocomb I, aw.
NEBRASKA CITY, Neb.. April M.-(Spe-cial.)
The city council Monday evening
gi anted saloon licenses to J. P. Michelson.
George Bader, Kloos & Bauer. T. n.
Brown. B. O. Bruggman, A. J. Kuh'lman
and Ingram St Tebo. Remonstrances were
filed by Revs. A. K. Perry, J. w. Merrill,
W. W. Barnes and J. A. Koser against
the granting of saloon licenses to Chris
W. Schneider. Frank Effenberger. A. O.
Kramer and William Schrelner. O. F.
Cook, who has been tending bar for
Schrelner. filed a remonstrance against Joe
Curtan. All of the men were charged with
violating the Slocumb law In nr,irv
divers way. The council then set Wednes-
ca evening as the time for hearing the
remonstrances. The ministers have re
tained attorneys and will try and stop the
granting of licenses to the men against
whom they have filed their protests. There
were a number of other applicant, who
had published their notices, who. hearing
that remonstrances were lo be filed, failed
to file their bonds and certified checks.
Some of the saloonkeepers against whom
remonstrances were filed were given notice
last year that this would happen If tiey
did not conduct better places.. 1 It was
anticipated that Nebraska City was to have
fifteen saloons, but this fight has cut the
number down to seven up to this time.
DtIc fur Welching Sugar.
HI'RON. 8. IX. April .'..-(Special Tele
gram.) W. O. Newton of this city, after
years of experimenting, has succeeded In
h venting and securing a patent for a
device for measuring sugar. By the use
of this machine 100 pounds of sugar can
be weighed out In 2fi-cent packages In a
very few minutes' time, tests having been
trade and showing that leas than four
ounces of the 209 pounds thus weighed
marked the difference. A company for the
manufacture of the device will b formed.
J -4
Salary Payment to j
Ludden is Legal
Attorney General Thompson Rules
Allowance to Secretary of Nor
mal Board is Proper.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. April M.-(Kpeclal) Another
prop was knocked from under the pol
iticians who have boo trying to discredit
the State Normal board, which a demo
cratic legislature failed to abolish, wllcn
Iieputy Attorney General Grant Martin
ruled that the board acud legally when
It paid to Luther r. Ludden $400 a Vear
salary for acting as secretary.
The democratic legislature first at
tempted to get rid of the republican board
by legislating It out of existence and giv
ing the governor the right to appoint a
democratic board. This attempt failed be
cause the legislature was not competent
to enact a constitutional bill, so the su
preme court declared tha law invalid.
Failing in' that, the press bureau of the
administration attempted to discredit the
board and charged that It was paying to
Luther P. Ludden, a member, $400 a year
as salary for acting as secretary, which
the bureau held was contrary to law. Thla
had been the custom for years, and even
the secietary of the defunct board, Mr.
Graham, drew his little expense account.
though one of the bitterest opponents of
the legal board. So Auditor Barton, to
settle the me.Uer, asked the attorney gen
cral to rule on the question.
Diamond Swindler Drought to Omaha,
Bat Finds Article of
Jewelry Sold.
PLATTSMOUTH, Neb., April 26.-(Spo-cial.)
Sheriff Qulnton took the diamond
swindler, who refusr to give his right
name and addrrss, to Omaha Monday to
try and locate a diamond ring valued at
$145 that he claimed to have disposed of
to a pawnbroker on Douglas street. He
said he vlslUd a jewelry store In Sheridan,
Wyo., and selected the ring and had it
sent by express to Newcastle, C. O. D.
He then went to Newcawthj and while ex
amining the ring substituted a cheap one
for It. The paste ring was returned to
the Jew.fler, but he promptly refused to
accept it and held tho American Express
company responsible for the value of the
ring. The company has since born look
Ing for the man and the ring. Chief Don
ohue assigned a special man to meet the
sheriff and his man and accompany them
to the pawnshlp, Tha broker admitted
that he purchased tho diamond ring and
had sold It to a traveling man representing
a New York suitcase house, but did not
know where he was at the piwaent time
The sheriff returned home with his pris
oner, who was recently sentenced by Judge
H. D. Travis In district court In this city
to scrve five years- In the state pen
Itentlary, after he- had, pleaded guilty to
the charge of having swindled a Nebraska
City jeweler out of a diamond ring In the
same way. he did the Jeweler in Sheridan
Grand Lodge-Officers- and EseeuUva
Committee Hold Conference
at Fremont. ,
FREMONT, Neb., April 26. (Special.)
The executive committee of the grand lodge
of the Eagles, together with the grand
lodge officers, met here this morning to
make arrangements for ths next grand
lodge session at Chadron. Among those
present were Jules Althause of Omaha,
president; J. M. Tanner of South Omaha,
grand secretary, and R. E. Landls of Chad
ron, grand treasurer, and the entire execu
tlve board. A big time Is assured at the
Chadron meeting. One hundred and fifty
Sioux Indians will be on hand and put on
a aeries of realistic war dances. The busl
ness men of Chadron will run a special
train carrying all delegates free of charge
to Hot Springs and return, and besides
all this tender the visitors a banquet. Al
though clear up In one corner of the state,
Chadron confidently expects to see a full
attendance of delegates from all aeries, and
Is doing more to assure them a good time
than more pretentious places would do.
The big Eagles met with the local aerie
last evening and this afternoon were given
an automobile ride about the city.
Nebraska News Notes.
BEARTICE Mrs. Kathleen Moore Mol
ony, for more than twenty-five years a
resident of Beatrice, died Sunday, aged 77
KEARNEY James E. Doremus and Miss
Minnie Paxohl of fiheloton were married
by the county judge of Buffalo county
Monday afternoon.
NEBRASKA CITY Reason Carnes, aged
49, and Mrs. Helen Dysart, aged 38, both
of Weeping Water, came to this city Mon
day and were united In marriage.
BEATRICFt-Chrlatopher C. Fuller, who
located In Gage county In 1867. died Sunday
evening, aged 7S years. He leaves no fam
ily except his son, Amos Fuller, his wife
having died years sgo.
house and Miss Grace Lambert, well known
young people of Palmyra, were united In
to the
the "toastie" flavor of those
crisp, brown fluffy bits of
food t
Post T
For breakfast, luncheon or
supper. They are. fully
cooked, and can be served
from the package with cream
and sometimes fresh or stew
ed fruit
"The Memory Lingers"
Pkgs. 10c and 15c.
Postum Cereal Company, Ltd.
Battle Creek, Mich.
manlage In this city Monday. They WV1
make their home at Palmyra.
MADISON John Just, and C. P. Johnson
of Battle Creek were before the Commission
on Dipsomania and were adjudged fit sub
jects for detention and treatment, and were
taken to Lincoln Tuesday by Sheriff Smith.
HOLDRKOF-The Sunday schools of
Frontier county held their district conven
tion at May wood, Sunday, at the Methodist
church. Representative were present from
the schools of the county and three inter
esting sessions were held.
STELLA A hen belonging to Mrs. H. T.
Wilson, who lives four miles north of
town, laid an egg last week weighing five i
ounces. The egg was eight Inches In cir
cumference and Inside the shell of the
large egg ass another egg perfect In every
STELLA Leman Weddle, who lives three
miles west of town, has a pig three weeks
old that has five well developed ears.
Two of the extra ears are growing from
the regular ears, and the other one is near
one of the other ears. The pig Is in a
healthy condition.
MADISON Mrs. Sarah E. Rader of Nor
folk commenced action in the district court
Monday for a divorce from her husband.
Albert E. Rader. alleging In her petition
desertion, and praying for a divorce, ali
mony and the custody of her two children.
MADISON Mrs. Grace B. Paul of New
man Grove. Neb., has filed a petition In the
district court of Madison county asking for
a divorce from her husband, James K, R.
Paul. She alleges desertion and extreme
cruel treatment, and prays for a divorce
and the custody of her Infant son.
NEBRASKA CITY-The members of the
Nebraska City High School Athletic asso
ciation are In training for the big field
meet to be held of the Nebraska Inter
scholaatlc association, to be held at Te
cumseh next Saturday. A large delegation
will go down with the teams that go from
this city.
KEARNEY The body of Porter Bldwell,
a man 72 years old, who has lived alone In
a cottage near Watson's ranch for several
years, was found In a path near the cot
tage, where It Is evident that he fell and
died alone some time Sturduy night. Ills
daughter, Mrs. N. B. Hislet, Is a resident
of Kearney.
LUSHTON York county fnrmers have
been thoroughly aroused as to the im
portance of securing first class seed corn
and hundreds have experimented with seed
corn by testing same, and It is believed that
by reason of the testing of seed corn York
county will not plant corn that will not
grow. .
PLATTSMOUTH Rev. J. II. Steger con
ducted the funeral services In St. Psul's
Evangelical church In this city Tuesday of
Mrs. William Ottersteln. The tdeceased Is
survived by her husband and seven chil
dren. She was born In Germany. Decem
ber 15, 1857. and has resided In this cMy for
several years.
NEBRASKA CITY The funeral or Mrs.
Kathertne Epler, wife of J. B. Epler, was
held In the cemetery south of this city
Monday. The deceased died Saturday and
was one of the pioneers of this section.
She was 72 years of age and came to
this state In 161. She Is survived by a
family of grown children.
NEBRASKA CITY Miss Katherlne Bur
gert, who has been making this city her
home for a number of years, died Monday
after an Illness lasting some time. She
was S2 years of age and a sister of ex
Clty Treasurer Q. H. Burgert and Mrs.
J. J. Hoehstetler. The body was taken to
her old home at Toledo, O, for interment.
KEARNEY Miss Gertrude Phillips, a
teacher of a school In Center township, a
few miles northeast of Kearney, died Mon
day after being unconscious for nearly four
days. She partook of some candy about a
week ago which seemed to have been pois
onous in Its effect, as she became seriously
111 almost Immediately after eating of It.
MADrsON Herman Krleger of Norfolk,
who Is now serving a thirty-day jail sen
tence for vagrancy, was brought before
the Commission of Insanity Monday, com
plaint having been made by Chief of Police
Marguardt of Norfolk. After examining a
number of witnesses the commission de
cided to reserve decision for a day or two.
CHARLESTON Frank Cans and A. C.
Connera, who have been doing a thriving
business stealing chickens from York farm
ers and selling to chicken buyers In other
-counties, were tried before District Judge
Corcoran and .found guilty. Gans was given'
one year in tha penitentiary and Connets
will lodge in the lory county jaii ror ir.e
next ninety lays.
BEATRICE The following teachers have
been elected to -fill vacancies: Miss Winona
Proper of Nebraska City, Miss Chloe Green
of North Loup, Miss Agnes Baker, Miss
Haeda Poerverleln, Miss Minerva Todd and
Miss Harriet Shackelton. all of Beatrice.
W. H. Smith, the science teacher, and Miss
Katherlne Gibson, head of the German de
partment, were re-elected.
NEBRASKA CITY Last evening there
was a lively fight on the streets oeiween
two women. The women were Mrs. Har
riet Chapman and Mrs. Calvin Chapman,
the former being a divorced wife of Cal
vin Chapman. The fight took place In
front of his place of business and at
tracted a large crowd. Mrs. Calvin Chap
man gave the divorced wife a severe
drubbing before the husband appeared and
separated the women.
BROKEN BOW Rev. W. H. Bromley,
assisted by Prof. Myers, as musical di
rector, who la holding successful evsngel
Istlo meetings here In the Interest of five
churches, has found the opera house too
small to accommodate the crowds. A taber
nacle, capable of seating over 1,000 people,
Is accordlnglngly being erected. As work
Is being rushed tt will probably be com
pleted Wedensday.
HUMBOLDT J. W. Bahmer, a young
farmer of Bohemian or other foreign par
entage, died at the Park hotel about 6
o'clock last evening of heart failure fol
lowing an attack of apoplexy sustained
Sunday afternoon at the postofflce lobby.
Very little is known here of the deceased
beyond the fact that he has a wife and
two children, who often accompanied him
to this city from the fsrm several miles
HOLDREGE Orvlle Breese, a well known
resident of this city for a number of years,
but who now lives at St. Lawrence, S. D.,
has announced his marriage to Miss Ruth
Wilson of that place. Miss Wilson Is a
graduate of the South Dakota Wesleyan
university and Is one of St. Lawrence's
most accomplished young women. Mr.
Breese Is the owner of the Eldrldge ranch,
near his bride's home town.
HOLDREGE The democrats of ths Fifth
district are planning to have a big banquet
at Beaver City the evening of May 16. Gov
ernor Shallenberger. li. D. Sutherland and
a number of other prominent democrats of
the district and state, will be present to
give their views of the coming campaign
and the necessity of a strict adherajice to
certain baelo principles. It Is expected by
those In charge of arrangements that this
will be one of the most momentous gather
ings to be held In the Fifth previous to the
formal opening of the fall campaign.
HOLDREGE The local gun club has
made arrangements to have Mr. and Mrs.
Topperweln, the expert marksmen of San
Antonio, Tex., In this city the lattter part
of May. The couple will do considerable
fancy shooting for the benefit of trap-shooters
here. The appearsnce of the Topper
welns may be the occasion of a two or threo
days' trap shoot, open to the marksmen of
the state and the west. If the proper ar
rangements ran be made the club will also
conduct a tournament at that time In which
team shoots will be a leading attraction.
HOLDREGE Rev. F. N. Swanberg re
turned to this city today sfter having spent
Sunday at Swedeberg. where he was pres
ent at the fortieth anniversary of the Swe
dish Lutheran church of that city. A large
number of former members and pastors of
the church were also present. Including sev
eral from a considerable dlstanoe. This
church was Rev. Swanberg's first chsrge
when he came to this state, and since that
time he has become well known among the
people of his denomination over Nebraska,
last week at Omaha having been elected
president of the State Association of Swn
dish Lutheran Churches.
STELLA The annual election of officers
of the I-adles' Research club took place
at the last regular meeting for the season,
resulting as follows: President, Mrs. L.
Have; vice president. Mrs. Kshurn Wheeler;
secretary. Mrs. J. G. McBrlde; treasurer,
Mrs. Dr. Calllson. The club Is composed
of twenty members, and during the last
year have been the means of establishing
a traveling public library, arranged for a
lecture fourse, and are now engaged In
planning for the beautifying of the park
which the town has recently acquired, be
tween the depot and the Florence hotel.
The club has been In artlve operation for
fifteen years and a year ago joined the
State Federation of Clubs. Through this
medium an art exhibit and pottery display
has been secured at different times during
the year.
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