8 TTTK TYT: OMAHA. TTEKPAtV 'AFiTIL 2(1. 1010. wiFjeMy . mig) iu)ee warn one Douglas 2.38. You will findl :1 a coeep- ill si alF ready io serve you . . A Tl C '-' vV e-V. , . 777Mm Want - Ads Want ada receive at mny time, to lnre proper classification ma bo presented before 13 o'clock m for the ertiiag edltloa and before Ti30 o'clock of prerloaa Taii tor aioralDf and landar cdltlona. Want ada received after each hoars will have tbelr flraf laaertlon nnder the heading; "Too Late to Classify." t'aah moat accompanr nil order for want ada and nr advertlaement will be accepted for lesa than 20 centa for flrat Inaertloa. Ilatea apply to either The Dally or Sunday Bee.. Always coant alx words to a line. CAHI1 RATES FOR WAST ADS. REGILAR CUAtSiriCATIOjr Oao Inaertlon,- l-st centa per word and 1 cent per word for each aubaeqoent Inaertlon. Each Inaertlon made oa odd daye, 1 1-2 centa per week, 1.00 per line per month. Want ada for The Dec' may be left at any of the fullonlnir dron" atorea mt la yonr "corner droaalat" .they are all branch offlcea for The Bee and yoar ad will be Inaerted Jnat a promptly and on the same ratea aa at the main office In The Be Balldlns, seventeenth and Farnam atreeta. Albach, W. C, 40th and Farnam. Horanck. 8. A., 1402 8. ICth St. l'aytun Pharmacy. 7'JO S. 16th 8L JliTiiin Pharmacy, Ijenson, Neb. Hi-mls I'ark Pharmacy, "M and Cumins. Illake-P.radlsh, 2819 Sherman Ave. Caiighlln, C. R., 6th and Pierce Sta. Clifton Hill Pharmacy. 13 Military Ave. 'Ilmlerlong Drug Co., Slst Ave. and Farnam. Crlssey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake. Cooney Pharmacy, 2i28 8. 16th St. rtiraak, Kmll, 12G4-C S. 13th St. Killer, F. 11., ma Leavenworth. Foster & Arnold), 213 N. 25th St. Freytag, John J., 1M4 N. 24th St. Fi-egger Drug Co.. 1.10H N. 16th St. Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb. Ureen's Pharmacy, Park Ave. urd Pacific Ureeruogh, O. A., 106 8. 10th St Greenough, O. A., Tenth and Hickory. Hsyden, William C. 2320 Farnam St. Hat. scorn Park Pharmncy, 1601 a. 29th Ave. Hoist, John, 624 N. 16th St. Kuff. A. L. 2924 Leavenworth St. Johansnn Drug Co., 24th and Spalding Sta. Klnsr, II. S., 21:38 Farnam St KounUe Place Pharmacy, X304 N. 24th. Maropi, Fred L., 2019 Centr.il Blvd. J'atrlck Drug; Co., 1624 N. 24th St. Lathrop, Charlea E., 1324 N. 24th St. Goldman Pharmacy, 24th and Leaven Worth sts. Saratoga Drug; Co., 14th and Aimi" Ave. Schaefer's Cut Price Drug Store, 16th and Chit-ago Sta. Schacfer, August. 2(31 N. lth St. Schmidt, J. H.. 24th and Cuming Sta. Walnut Hill Pharmacy. 40th and Cuming. Walton Phirmacy, 20th and Grace Sta. Wlrth. O. H-. 40th and Hamilton Sta. DEATH AND FUNERAL NOTICES OI'INANE Patrick, at St. Joseph's hos pital Sunday. ' Funeral Tuesday fronv residence, 2628 Parker street, to Satfrad Heart qhurch. at a. m. Interment Holy Sepulcher cemetery. t'AHD OF THANKS. , We desire to thank our many friends and families, especially employes of the Union Pacific car shop, for ktndnemi, sympathy and floral offerings during the Illness and death of our beloved father. Mia. Martin Murtensen and family. LODGE NOTICE! A. O. C. W. The members of the North Omaha lodge 169 arc. requested to attend the funeral of Brother Put rick Uuirnand Tuesday 8:d0 a. m. from residence at a,28 Parker street, bervicea uc Sacred Heart cnurch. W. A. TKui'MKHilt, M. W. F. M. McCoullough, ltea. w .IllRTIIS A.U DEATHS. Births Allen Sanders, 1407 North Foitieth, girt; Henry Deltbdi, liiM bouth Eightu, uoy; nairy peiry,' 26b3 iiouge, uoy; Luwrd i.. luauioy, z;io Poppleton aveuuti, boy; Clrlna V aiami, 1J2H Boum Seventli, boy. Ueatlis naby Magian, bouth Nine teenth; Amanda Guinea, . 2608 Dewey ave nue. 1,1; tinier Ciirisiensen, 8t. Joseph's liosplLai, U; Baby Khedln, liia Car. ion; baby Hoedubler, 106 Ohio; Mia. Gertrude C. L.arson, 2T17 South 'I nirtysecoiid, ai; AlKieno timiiiian, liaj Soutn , Tluriy-f itui avenue, 3; Jonn V. Miller, iilniwood. lsoo., bi. MAHKIAUE l.lt KNSKS, Llrtnees to wed meie Issued to the lo ink persons: Nune and Kesidenue. Alpha M. Harnes, Cmalia.... tdna S. Davison, Onuliu , Herman H. Koll, South Omaha l.iizlo McGrew, Umaiia , Frank GreenouKh, Pender ,. Mubcl purke, Pender....; , John S. Mercer, Omaha ov fol- Age. ... 2,4 ... 19 ... 20 ... 19 ... 28 ... 2S er 21 jean i. tnavae, umana ov er 21 John E- Walkintfton, Fonianelle, la... Laniie Roll, Stanton, la .. 23 .. 21 ANNOUNCEMENTS Multiraph Work J. C. Northrup. iOti i lon. THK MEXICAN HITK SAPPHIKIf. A crest discovery. A Kern with the hard ness, brilliancy and lu.iei; tan't ba d ircied fioni a cenuino d'amond. We (jusr ante this t;em tu r-ialn us buautiful bill liancy and sparki "oievar, ibe am a a genuine diamond, at 1-J0 th cost. In aolld sold hiountina. Call or write for II )uiraid cuialuKiie. Del.un Jeetry Co., UK McCacue bid . Oif.ab. VVAi EXT BLOCKS A" l,nRls n. In stock. Ettlmates anveit Contract work. Call after i p. m., .'"lli Ave. and Sahler Sta. u-3idS Omaha Concrete JStoue Co. MONEY TO LOAN LOW KA I I.. in auma to Hill, UV Hku Huh. Pnone Dour. xsui. UNION LOAN t,OiPANV. EHOKS called for and delivered tree. Standard t-uu Kepalr Co,. 1 Farnam. P1T " Green Trading Stamps U,1JJ lib hard and sofi vuui. Pap. a Coal Co. Uouflaa 1?4. Independent A Hu li. F. WUHN. Optician, at lirandcia. COIKO TO BUM LI T Get Ideaa of a prao tlcal bulidsr K. II. Oisvn. il. Hanson 14 hi. 11. Cole Smn.'Co.. 1. iTlis K14 Farnam. JOHN E. HIMOE, ahlrta, 6J0 Paxton Block. THE HOME FURNITURE CO.. 2U per rent loss than Omaha prices. 20th and L ia KLKVAVOKS KG.HAIIIKU Freight. Pas. nt'r J. H. KrKiid'. 104 U. lllb. Dcug.JSUI. PATTON"S San proof aalnt. Jap-a-lac; try Enamel. kalua Drug Co Mia 4t EXPERT drainage engineer. Write N. J. Mclaibrou. tl New York Life Hi.l 'FINE cl ick repairing; prices rlRht; call, I "Uver. Belknap, toe Sunderland Bldg. I ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued. ) p:yes EYES EYES HAVE THEM KXAMINED BY AMX; PI.UT (IF HKPI'TATION. I HA.f' srt VESSFl'LLY TESTED EVES AND FITTED GLASSES IN El"KOPE AND AMEHICA, RECENTLY 1 UNO Mijjr 1F THIS WOUrt FOR TUB WLRN OPTICAL CO SEE ME NOW. REASOVAHLE PRICES AND SATISFACTION Gl'ARANTELD. V. MATT1IEI, 405 PAXTON BLOCK. DOUGLAS 3631. Red 6J25. Ind. A-l.Ui. L'ATTON-BOWMAN 1IDW. CO. AGENTS P. & F. CORBIN BUILDERS' HARDWARE. CONT RAC fOKo. SUP PL1LS. 161S Farnam. Phone Pout- 6w4. Cement Blocks ilJnlco. PHOTO ENGRAVING Acid Blase Etching. Prompt Work. W. R. BRAMBLKTT A Co., 1311 Howard. D. 6971. THE WINDSOR HOTEL, two blocks north of Union Station, announces to the publlo that it will hereafter be conducted on the European Instead of the American plan. The hotel la under new management and la thoroughly renovated and modern- i T. ....nr...... l.i.i u!,h It In a now lin. IZl'U. Ill iuiiiihuuii .... .v . - to-date cafe. The cafe la one of the best In Omaha, Interior f.nlsh of black mission. The public Is Invited to take Its first Sun day meal at "The New Windsor Cafe," bM S. 10th. GOOD MERCHANTS LUNCH. R HTS A. JETE3, 1302 Douglas SL u vJ. TWO changes of vaudeville every week. Parlor Theater, west of 14th cm Douglaa. Missouri Filters made. aold. 1310 Howard. LYNCH BROS. "-KNa1 REPAtR WORK A RFKC1ALTV. JUS & ICth Phone Douglaa 1471. ANCHOR FENCE CO., Iron and Wire Fences Cheaper than Wood. Last a Lifetime. 207 N. 17th 'Phone Red S14. DAVID COLB Creamery Co J. A. KERVAN WILL MAKE YOUR EUMMER SUIT. 603-10 Brandela Bide- WESTERN DUPLICATING CO., 403 Bee Bldg. Multlgraphed lettera. Doug. 364L BARKER BROS. PT. CO. 8herwln-W Pts., oil. varnlab. glass and brushes. 1G09V& Faroara. Douglas Printing Co. Tel. Douglaa (44. Bee Hive Cleaning and Dye Works. 1620 8. 10th St. Tel. Douglas 4367. ILER GRAND HOTEL Finest In the west 16th and Howard Sta. Turkish Baths THE City Garbage Co., Tel. Doug. 133T. eleana vaults, ceaspools and remove! ma nure, ashes and all kinds ot refuse. Kohen Bro., Carpenters, 1119 N. 17th. n.3254 MAGGARD Van Storage or Omaha Trunk Van & Storage Co. Pack. move, store and ship H. H. goods. D. 1496, B. 1428. TIIOS. DURKIN PocVntracroV WIRING OLD BUILDINGS A SPEC IALTY. 2609 Cuming St. Tel. Harney 244S. Fence,, Iron and Wire. ChamDlon Fence Co 15th & Jackson Sts. Tel. D. 1590. Shirts BURGEES SHIRT CO. made to order. SIS Karbach Blk. STOP THOSE HEADACHES by using glasses fitted by an expert optician. August Johnson, with Frlta Saridwall Jewelry Co.. 3d Floor Pazton Block. MONUMENTS J. F. Bloom & Co., Moved to new location, corner 17th and Cuming Sta. 'Phone Dou. 76. DR. H. P. JENSEN has resumed his of fice practlco at room 446, Hue Building. Hours: 10-12 a. m. and 2-4 p. m. Telephone: uougius t,u. AUTOMOBILES DRUMMOND g Buggies, kes Auto u. Buuds Wagons, Repairs Autos and Ail Kinds of Macliines. liuh and Harney Sis. SEND fur our list of second-band cars, DLKlGilT AUTOMOBILE CO.. 1814 Farnam Si ELECTRIC runabout, but this week, J200. Douglas i-'-i. i FOH tALE yt H. P. Austin car, newly painted and completely overhauled. Open and closed body, gias from, top, cxir tubes; complete act ot tools, tire covers. Cost 6,tu0 less thaa a year and a uatf ago. Will tell ut great sacrifive. Addtsss Arthur toioii. Omana. Neb. AUTOMOBILE GOGGLES. to $3.50. Columbian Optical Co.. i0.i-211 S. lGtn. OMAHA'b foremost repair house; all kinds of repairing; when lit trouble call Douglas 72M or A 2011. The Paxton Mitchell Co., 2318 Harney St. FOR SALE For best bargains in euto nifbuex. wnte or call on the NEUKASKA-bUICK AUTO CO.. 1SU-16 Farnam bt. CALL US for oemonBtratlon ot Col ja." Mid, veil Aulo Co.. MUi and Farnam. WRITE tot lifct automobile bargalna. II. H. FKEDRlCKfcON AUTO CO.. Ciniaha, Auto T'siintinsy "Murpi'y it." Get AUlO I UlUllUg our prlceJ. ANUHEW MURPHY & SON. 14L2 Jackson. " AUTOGENOUS WELDING All klnda ot broken cylinders, crank cases and lasiings promptly repaired. All work guaranteed BERTssCHY MOTOR COMPANY. Cjunc.l Biuffs, la. UAT'fi ATKS used automobile Velle Automobile Co. 1302 Farnam bu SECOND-HAND motorcycles, $.0 and up. Omaha Motorcycle Co., IHM Caiiol Ave. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET in or out ot business call oi G ANUca 1'AU, Bee Bidg. 1,. u. il. j McNeill-Jewel Realty Company, n tin is lor i.ai gains. 115 N. 24th. Tel. to. 'M. bouth Omaha. FOR SALE A gooil retail lumber yard In central Iowa; Invvslnieni of iij.vuO. Ad dita Y -t. cars Bee. I T ' T l .. 1 . lrtl. 1 " I.v.... ,vu L,v-uiu lat-iory, care, con- fecuonery, at a Rieut bargain; other busl lifts. Addres-s Box 3J3, Ellsworth, Kas. I ICE CREAM PARLOR 'and atationery I store, only fcoda fountain . In town of rou- good location. I M, ilee. FOR SALE Cheap; well oquipped black smith ahop. Address M. Hubts, Randolph, , Neb. WANT man to takj Interest In Uk'ltlmate business: big profii; pa competition; must bar P.M to Uouo. Address, a Hi, Bee. BUSINESS CHANCES (Cotitinuedj FOR SALE A $10,000 stock of general m rchanill.se. In a live northeastern Ne braska town; sales for 1M, $4.2,000; W per cent German trade; busimss nol over-done; large territory; get good profits; reason for selling, going in banking business In South Dakota July 1; no traders need apply; will discount. Address Y 326, care Oniuha Bee. FOGEL & ALTSTADT TO BUY OR SELL. S Neville Blk. Doug. 3121 TO GET In or out of business In Omaha. South Omaha or Council Bluffs, aee Wil liams. 411 MoCague Bldg.. L-ib and Dodge. WANTED Young or middle aged man with $10,000 to take Interest In merchandise carlot brokerage business In Denver, hand ling about 300 cars per year; has paid over $4,000 net annually; Increased business demands additional capital; will make sat isfactory arrangements with right party; references exchanged. TOM X. HOUSTON, 2368 Emerson St., Denver, Colo. H.M.MUNNECKE. collections, 594 Brandcls FOR SALE We buy, sell and trade lands, merchandise and Income property; eud description of jour property; no deal too large. "Opportunities" mailed free. City Realty Co., Land Brokers, Muskogee, Okl. TO BUY. SELL OR TRADE Sea Midland lnv. Co.. 103 McCague Bldg. Hardware Stock Machinery, fixtures, good location In Omaha. We must sell this business quick. Price, $1,250. Will take part cash. GET IN BUSINESS for yourself, where there Is a future. You can't help making money If you own your own business in Omaha. Everything boom ing. Lots of building and repair work. SEE ME AT ONCE. CHARLES I. ROWE, Room i. 1623 Farnam St. Tel. D. 3227. THE CUSTER County Abstract Co. of fers Its books and business for sale; a competent and reliable abstracter can pur chase a good business on his own terms. The abstracters of this county have more business than they can attend to promptly. The present owner has too much other business to make abstracts. Willis Cadwell, Broken Bow, Neb. IMPLEMENT business for sale in the liveliest town In the North Platte valley. Owner must look after other Interests; will take $1,700. First man who comes with the money will buy this; It's a big snap. Write or call on Thompson-Downey, Scotts Bluff, Neb. CORNER STORE ROOM Where man of right caliber can make money. T. J. Hook, 1101 N. 18th St. From 9 to 5. BAKERY FOR SALE Doing cash busi ness of $l00 a month; no wholesale; no de livery. Pure Food Bakery, Webb City, Mo. MEDICAL practice for sale: south cen tral Nebraska town of 700 large terri tory one other doctor; $400 cash or good paper required to secure practice and office. Combination box 7, Republican City. Neb. FOR SALE Established real estate and Insurance business with office building for $XOO cash. Good opportunity for a healthy man. I s.m sick. Address Insurance, Bee, South Omaha. CHIROPODISTS DR. ROY.- 1505 Farnam St. Dougtas 6497. DENTISTS BAILEY & MACK, $d floor. Paxton. D.10K5. TAFT'S Dental Rooms. 1617 Douglas St. DETECTIVES OMAHA Dot. Agency. 42$ Paxton. D. 1S1. CAPT. T. CORMACK. 617 Karbacb. D. tS3 WHEN writing to advertisers, kindly mention The Bee. DRESSMAKERS ALL kinds of plain sewing. Prices rea sonable. Call Harney D130. SEWING DONE. 2210 Langdon Court. Dressmaking and plain aewlng. D. 4412. M. SELECOW, 2902 Farnam. Harney 2047. MISS STURDY. 701 Farnam. Tel. H. 4671 ALL kinds of plain sewing. Harney 5130. EDUCATIONAL THE SPRING TERM AT Boyles College Is now open day and night. Students are admitted any day. Prepare for profitable positions in BOOKKEEPING, SHORT HAND, TYPEWRITING, TELEGRAPH If , CIVIL SERVICE, aure to be open in the tall. The catalogue 'is ready. Apply tor It. BOYLES COLLEGE, Boyles Bldg. Omaha, Neb. Both 'Phones. ST. ANDREW'S SCHOOL FOR BOXS 41ST AND CHARLIE 3. Bev. F. D. Tyner, $t48 Charlea. Harney 2381. SPRING TERM MOS1IER-LAMPMAN BUSINESS COLLEGE. Unexcelled course In business, short hand, penmanship and English. None but experienced teachers. Day and evening teskions. Most Interesting catalogue pub IUhed In Omaha. Send for one today. MOTHER & LAMPMAN. Seventeenth and Farnam Sta. EVERYTHING FO R WOMEN SANITARY HAIRDRESSING PARLORS. Switches Made from Combings, $1.50. 01 Paxton Blk. 'Phone Doug. 4671. E. P. BRUCE Mollne Pianos. 413 MoCague. t inur.St. It Mill pay you to get our prices on bite, willow plumea, fancy feathers, flowers, frames, braida. etc. PEN NELL, lhll Douglas St., second floor. GOOD, clean, snappy vaudeville. Come and have a luugh. Parlor Theater, west of 14th on Douglas. Dress Pleatings, Buttons Covered All sixes and styles, ldeul Pleating Co., tot Douglaa Blk. Both phonos ARSFN1C and IRON complexion wafara makes clear, white skin. By mail 50c and 11 Oil. Sherman Ac McConuell Drug Co., Omaha. WTVfWA Seamlesa hosiery fit better 1 xKJ it and wear longer than any other hoae. 519 Bee Bldg. Douglaa 4:137. THE FRENCH WAY iV..S Ladlia' clothea beautifully dry cleaned. CHINA tiecoratlng; order work a special. .. I ....All . Tll.llluV Thlll-I.lau mnM i ' j ... " ..'- - - - j v . , ii oaiui. days. FlrinK daily. Children's classea Sat. ui day morning. Mrs. C. C. Huugate. 94 WE frame pl.-tur"i at reasonable prices liatker Bro. Pt. Co. FOX Ladles' isllorlns;. latest etvlea eat lafartrry fit. 2 TCI Iavenworth St. II. 661 EVERYTHING FOR THE GARDEN Fur l.ina, SOD FOR SALE and sodding done. J. F. Peyiou l Co. Doug. EVERYTHING FOR THE GARDEN (Continued.) ft retries. TPTTTTQ "! plsnta that grow. T. W, 1 HLliO Meneray, Crescent Nursery -Ox. Omaha yard, list and Farnam Sts. Phone Harney 4660 Patronize Home Nursery LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETB LINH OF NURSERY STOCK IN THE CITY. Sales Grounds, 19th and Donglaui Phone Douglas IS? or Douglaa 4496. M. P. BYRD NURSERY CO, Nureerlea North Omana. rcT?TTl'TTREES AND SHRUBS, a general uul1 lino of nuraey stock. Benson Omaha Nuraey. Benson, Neb. Tel. Benson 6-"4. FURNACES AND REPAIRS GAS stoves cleaned and repaired; gaso line repairs; water fronts; new furnaces. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS. Both 'Phones. 120S-13HS. Douglas Bt. FLORISTS BENNETT'S Flower Dpt. E. store fl.itr'ee. HESS aV SWORODA. HIS Farnam 8r. J. H BATH. 1628 Harney. Duugtas 8004. A. DONAGHUE. 1607 Far. D. J001; A-100L J. F. WILCOX. Council Bluffs, la.: larg est Rreenhouse In west; beautiful flower for any occasion shipped anywhere In U. S. L. Henderson, 1519 Farnam Bt. Doug. 1258. BRANDEIS Oirr FLOWER DEPT. HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical and Office. BOOKKEEPER FOR LOCAL INSUR ANCE COMPANY, PREFER YOUNG LADY WITH INSURANCE EXPERI ENCE; SALARY' NO OBJECT, DEPENDS UPON EXPERIENCE. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS'N., INC.. 752-54 N. Y. LIFE BLDG. (EST. 8 YR3 ) Factory and Trades. WANTED Hand-li oners, steady work, good pay. Kimball Laundry, Fifteenth and Jackson. GIRLS experienced on power aewlng ma chines. Apply C. W. Reynolds, 1008 Jack son St. GIRL WANTED to learn hair dressing. Oppenhelm Parlors, SIS MoCague Bldg. 'Phones: Doug. 23S6; A 1558. Iloasekecpers and Uomestlea. WANTED Girl for general housework. 1622 Lothrop. Tel. Web. .. COMPETENT girl for general housework. 3516 Dodge. 'Phone Harney 4782. A GIRL for general housework; 8 In family; wages, $6 per week. J529 S. 26th St SIX houaakeepera. Canadian Office, 15th and Dodge. WANTED A nurse girl. 2S1 Webster. Phone liarney 636. . Vl WANTED Girl for general housework; three In family. Ml 'Poppleton Ave. Tel. Harney 31M. .'i w il . GIRL tor general housework; good home and steady . place; , good waea. Park Ave. . ,' -,' COMPETENT cook. Apply 206 S. S2d Ave. or telephone Harney 106. WANTED Girl for general housework. No washing. 401 & 88th St. WANTED Competent girt for general housework in family of two. 2614 So. 10th. Tel. Douglas, 661. GOOD girl for general housework, $6 per week. Mrs. Cowdaroy, 1325 Ho. 36th St. GIRL to assist with housework. 2215 Douglas. GIRL to assist with housework and care of children. 1614 Castellar St. Tel. Red 6444. Lee Herdinan, 8504 Harney St. Tel Harney WANTED A young girl to assist with general housework. 659 So., 26th Ave. GIRL to assist with housework; no wash ing or cooking; good wages. 103 N. 18th. GOOD home and $5.00' a week to girl who can do general housework. Two in family, 2101 Wirt street. WANTED A girl to help with general housework; highest wages paid; call at once. 2127 Douglaa. ., GOOD girl for housework. 1020 B. 86th Ave. Telephone Harney 8104. LADIES wanted to take work home, ap plying transfers, $1 to $4 dozen; original; reliable firm: work guaranteed. Trieber's, 1201 Farnam St WANTED A good second girl; small family; highest wages paid. 805 S. 88th St. GOOD girl for general housework, $5.00 a week; no washing. Tel. Douglas 3060. 221$ Howard St. GOOD srlrl to assist with housework. Chas. Thompson, 2444 Templeton. Web. 4tlZl. LAUNDRESS, for Mondays preferred. Apply at once, Wm. Moncrleff, 113 S. Sth St. Tel. Harney 442ft GOOD girl or woman for light house work; good wages; white or colored. 1653 N. lUth St. GIRL for general housework; one who can cook. Tel. Harrey 841 or address 1130 a. zstn bl uinn xor general nousewora at iom r. 40th St. Tel. Harney 322. . A GOOD, neat girl to assist with house work; small family; good wages. 4940 Un derwood Ave. Dundee car. WANTED Good girl to learn general housework. 2U N. 20th. 'Phone Webster Hi. WANTED Experlelced girl cr middle aged woman for general housework. Mrs. R, Rix. 3904 N. 24th St. OIRL to assist with housework; one who likes small children. 1U Corby St. Tel. Webster 294. GIRL for general housework; no laundry work. Mrs. A. O. Peterson, 8313 Cuming St. GIRL to assist with housework and help take care of one child; good wages. Phone Hurney 4745 or call at 120 ti. 34th St. GIRL for general housework; good wages; apply at once. 614 S. 10th Bt. WANTED A competent cook; no laun dry. L. C. Nash. 820 N. 3th. GIRL or middle aged woman for general housework; small family; good wages. 1310 Park Ave. H. 414. WANTED A white washerwoman to work by the hour. 1918 Charlea. GIRL for general housework. 8003 Dodge St. Tel. Harney 1419. WANTED Immediately, a good compe tent girl for gene:- 1 Housework. tS N. 41st Ave. GIRL or middle aged woman for general housework. 2113 Maple S. COOK wanted at once. Douglaa 4911. WANTED A young girl for general hourework. Cooking not required. 810 No. KU St. Douglas 4K4 HELP WANTED FEMALE Koaaekeepera and rnmestte Ceat'd. WANTED CHAMBERMAIDS Steady Employment Good Wages HOTEL LOYAL LADIES wanted to take work home, ap plying transfers; $1 to $4 dosen; original; reliable firm; work guaranteed. Trieber's, 1201 Farnam St. GIRL for general housework; three in family; $5 a week. 2023 Wirt St A OIRL for general housework. Mrs. J. P. OKeefe, 8626 Davenport Bt GIRL or woman for general housework; experience not necessary. (002 Dodge St GOOD flrl for general housework. Family Of three. 1628 Lothrop St. Tel. Web. 916. WANTED A cook. Mrs. Harold Glfford, 420 b. 86th Bt Tel. Harney 644. WANTED Girl for general housework, 3 In family, wages $5. Mrs. H. C. Miller, 1134 So. 32d St COMPETENT girl for general houaework; no laundry; wagea, $6. 108 S. 33d. WANTED A good laundress for Monday or Tuesday. Tel. Webster 645 or call 2415 Manderson St YOUNG girl to do llpht housework and assist with care of children; good home for high school student. Tel. Harney 1734. 8902 Cass St GIRL for general housework; no laundry work; $6 a week. Mrs. Ben Cotton, 001 H. 88th Ave. WANTED A good washerwoman to take washing home, liarney 1636. 8611 Jones St. LADY WANTED To do plain cooking. Apply at 1908 Farnam. WANTED A girl for general housework. Mrs. A. B. Loqulth. 2017 Spencer St GOOD girl for general housework. Good place, good wages. Apply Dr. Hostetter, 608 S. 20th St. COMPETENT girl for general housework. 812 N. 3tth St. Tel. Harney 803L WASHERWOMAN for Monday mornings. Inquire 621 S. 21st Ave. WANTED Girl for general housework, Dundee; good wages. 6108 California St "Phone Harney J6L WANTED Housekeeper; on farm; In a Christian, sober family of 4; good wages and steady employment Route 2, Box 66, Columbus, Neb. WANTED Girl for general work. $7 p. p. p.; all conveniences; no washing; cooking plain. 118 N. 89th St WANTED Girl for general housework; only two in family. 8326 Harney St GIRL for general housework laundress' dept 1248 S. 7th St. (Park Wilde Ave.) WANTED Good Girl for general house work. Dr. Hoatattor. HUH S. 20th. Tl. Douglaa 779. A GIRL for araneral housework: waarea $6. Harney 841. 1120 So. 28th. WANTED Girl for general housework; good wagea; small family. Inquire 610 N. 21st St . . GIRL to do ceneral houaework for fam ily of two; references required. Apply 415 North 20th street. W1NTKI1 A hnnuliuiK, roll llurn.v 2233 or 4030 Nicholas St. MIseeilamaoaa LEARN HAIRDRilSSINO-It pays. Ton can earn $16 to $25 weekly. Full eourae taught. J. L. Brandela, Halrdreaalng Dept YOUNO WOMEN, coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Woman's Christian association building at St. Mary's Ave. and Seventeenth St., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted; look for our travelers' aid at Union station. PUPIL NURSES wanted at Douglas County Hospital, 40th and Poppleton. Ad dress Mabel Christie. WE can take you out of your shortage of laughs In this world. Everyone laugha at the Parlor Theater, weat of 14tu on Doug laa. THE greatest speotaoular posing act in the vaudevillA orM a r th. Pojlor thHtr beginning Sunday, April 24. HELP WANTED MALE Agenta, lollcltera said Salesaaea. TWO men to work from rig and solicit; good pay. C. F. ADAMS, 628 S. 16th St AN energetic young man as manager ot salesmen; fctt week. 618 Ware Blk. WANTED An experienced salesman with an established trade to sell ladles' ready-to-wear garments, muslin underwear and petticoats to the trade In the state of Nebraska, Apply with reference to Lock Box 756, St Louis, Mo. WANTED A good hustling subscription solicitor to go on the road for The Twen tieth Century Farmer. Call or write man ager ot circulation. The Bee Publiahlng Co. 8TART LOCAL ACCIDENT INSUR ANCE AGENCY THAT WILL PAY kOU $16 TO $40 WEEKLY. UNUSUAL OPPOR TUNITY OFFERED. GOOD PAY AT START AND RAPID INCREASE TO WORKER. ADDHEfei FOR JrAiiTICU LAKH. HOME CASUALTY CO- AGENTS everywhere; send three dollars for three sample equaiizera. retail foi three dollars each. 200 per cent profit Nt competition; easily applied, full directions. The hardest working pumps work easy. Wind mills work easily and noiselessly wits Slightest wiad. Great money maker. Write today, now. Equaliser Manufactunaj Company, 6M Bee Building. Omalia. EXPERIENCED colltotor lor bouse fur tolslilng Co.: atate experience and reference. WANTED A solicitor with horse and buggy to drive through the country and solicit subscriptions. Call and see circu lation manager- The Bee Publishing Ce. WANTED Retail shoe salesman; none but first-class man with experience and references need apply. Address, K 863, Bee. TWO bright, energetic young men for permanent city positions. Apply 612 Ware Blk. WE POSITIVELY have the fastest sell ing household patent on the market. Wool faiine Co., Pittsburg. Pa. LIVE agents, men or women, wanted to Introducve high grade article used In every home. Ntoe work, good profits. Write to day for free particulars. Bartlett Supply Co.. 411 Brown Blk., Omaha ,Neb. WANTED--) salesmen; experience not necnatary; men of good appearance, who want to make money and are willing to work. Call at St James hotel afternoon or evening- inquire for E. Mallow. AGENTS wanted In Nebraska, Iowa and South Dakota tu sell English walnut lands In California on commission; big money for right parties. Address Y 327, care Boe. tloya. WANTF.D nor, for factory work; clean, 'Icht work: coed pay. Omaha Box Co., Eaat Omaha. HELP WANTED MALE Doya -Continued. WANTED Large atrong boy to help around floor surfacing machine. Apply S. Waterman, Tuesday, 1 p. m., new part Creighton college, 14th and Davenport. WANTED Errand boy. Lew Rabcr'B Printing office In The Bee Bldg. Clerical and Office. PALES MANAGER FOR LARGE ELECTRICAL SUPPLY HOUSE; MUST COME WELL RECOMMENDED AND POSSESS ABILITY To GET RESULTS FROM THE SALESMEN; $150 SALARY. WESTERN REF. A BOND ASS N., INC.. 762-54 N. Y. LIFE BLDG. (EST. 8 TUS.) WANTED Young man as office assist ant In lumber and grain office out of town. Must be quick and accurate at figures. Apply in own handwriting. Address Y 205. Bee. Factory and Trade. WANTED Registered drug clerk; refer ences required. Harley Drug Co.. Lincoln, Neb. Dug stores ianaps. Jobs. Knleat. Bee Bldg WANTED Painter and panar hanger: must be married and of good habits. Dahl lielmer, Portsmouth, la. EXPERIENCE furniture and carpet salesman. Home Furniture Company, South Omaha. HARNESS, collar and saddlemakers wanted; also cutters and machine oper ators; open shop; good wages. W.' Davis & Sons, 2040 Howard St., San Francisco. WANTED Foreman In coal and build ing material y&rd. Must be energetic young man. One experienced in handling men preferred. Address In own hand writing, giving reference and state salary desired, S 2, Bee. A STRONG young man to work In the paint factory. Apply 2d and Hickory, at factory. VVAVI'If'TI Automobile workers, top v sl makers and trimmers; high est wages paid In the city. 18th and Har ney Sta. DRUMMOND. HARNESS MAKER wanted. Address Frank Olzer, Gillette. Wyo. Jdlseellaaeoaa. ANYONE. ANYWHERE, can start a profitable mall order business at home evenings. Send for particulars. Heacook, 739, Lockport N. Y. WANTED Meri to learn automobile business; we teach by mall, and get you a Job at $25 weekly. Rochester Auto mobile Sohool, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Practice furnished by free work, careful Instructions by experts. Few weeks com pletes. Tools given, board secured. Ex perience in shops before completing. Catalogue mailed free. Moler Barber Col lege, 110 & 14th St. COME and see our large stock of fancy laughs. Parlor Theater, 1408 Douglas. IRMEN THE OLD RELI :$15 ABLE. 109 N. 10tn Suits to Order. GRIFFON auto strop, for safety raxors. $2 prepaid. Melcher-Schnildt Drug CO., 17th and Farnam. THE Parisian Model, The Queen of Poaes, ait the Parlor theater, beginning Sunday, April 24. RAILROAD CONTRACTORS. We have 600,000 yards machine and fresno work on Burlington in Wyoming. Trans portation on men and outfits over Burling ton lines. Seventeen and eighteen cents. For patrloulars address. MACARTHUR BROS COMPANY, Thermopolls or Wolton, Wyoming. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horace aad Vehicles. ALFALFA hay. Wagner. 801 N. 16th. HORSES for sal. 1415 Cap. Ave. D. 181. LET Frost fix that wagon. 714 & 14th. DELIVERY have two high and medium. Racine WAfiOKS hls"h grade. Three types of lYAUOiXO medium priced wagons. Get catalog. Johnson Danforth Co., 10th & Jones. BUGGIES, snrriea. stanhopes, runabouts, high class work, for sal cheap. 1117 Far Bam. DELIVERY WAGONS Heavy teaming, gear and farm wagons. 1117 Farnam St FOR SALE OR TRADE for land: Two mares, one stallion (registered); all trotting stock; mares same breeding; use auto; must sell them. Call at 302 Neville block. Omaha. Man will show them. Stallion over seventeen hands. (INK hlah-a-rade pneumatic tire bike stanhope buggy, almost new, one-half price. 3519 Jackson. Tel. H. 2423. . FINE new depot wagon, also new Moyer single buggy and new sets of harness to match. Tel. Doug. 673 or 632. B. II. Rob Iso n, 2526 Dodge St., Omaha. LOST AND FOUND FOUND A cow. James Re ha. 83th nnd Harrison Sts., South Omaha. NOTHING but decency on our stage, west of 14th on Douglas. Parlor Theater. IF vou are short on lsughs go to the Parlor arlor Theater, west of 14tb on Douglas. gmai.t. PURSE, corner 16th and Farnam or Farnam car. Kindly return to Miss Atwell, 4124 Farnam. Tel. A 8S87. Liberal reward. The Teddy Bear 1918 HARNEY Exsert Cleaners and Dyera. BOTH 'PHONES. MEDICAL FREB3 medical and surgicsl treatment at Creighton Medical college. 14th and Daven port Sta.; special attention paid to con flnement cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. Phone louglas 116, Calls answered dsy or night. DRS. STIVERS & STIVERS. Formerly the Radium Medical and Surgi cal Institute, now suite 8. Patterson Block. All chronic diseases for men and women. Consultation and examination tree. We clv.i the radium treatment. "Your paper brings results. . Lhave advertised my California lands in The Los Angeles papers and The Bee brings riiore busi ness than they do." This Is what John Moresh, a California laud dealer Bays of The Dee'g real estate advertising. The I5ee can sell anything. It ran sell It quickly. Call Douglas 238 if you are in a hurry. fs MEDICAL tContiniit u i Dll. W. C. MAXWELL K41 Dl,ln Visa fMit eri l,ii ml r.flit nf f ha .... Inent people In Omaha nml nil uarts of the U. S. of PILES nnd Fl.vTl I. V w.ihnm an operation. No pain. Tel. IM4.4 Murray hotel. AVERAGE TIME TO CUKE Rupture, one visit. Piles and Kistnn days. Cancer, Catarrh. Rheumitlam Hml Gout. SO days. Goiter and Blood Poison, etc., 90 days. No knife, blood or pain, s,.,- n.nv quickly and easily these cure are pussihln when you become fully Informed roncrn Ing our new methods. Write for free book GERMAN DOCTORS, Corner Miilit tul Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. BEST nerve bracer for man. Uny a Nerv Food Pills, 31 a box. postpaid, bhermaa li McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN ALARY AND CHATTELS. M$m$M$$$m$msro.$4t$is$$$$$$$$uD Notice to the Public No More High Kates $10 to $1,000 LOANED ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, PIANOS AND SALARIES. THIS IS A NEW FIRM Organised by the REPUTABLE BI7SI. $ NESS MEN of this city to protect $ honest working people lu need of $ temporary help from ;he extortionate $ charges of the so-called loan com panies, we will loan you all the money you want and charge you only 1 10 per cent a year. 3 THIS MEANS YOU PAY t t $ 1.00 Interest on $ 10 for 1 year. $ $ $.d0 Interest on 25 for 1 year. $ $ 10.00 Interest on 100 for 1 year. 1 and ail other sums In proportion. Easy Weekly or Monthly Payments. Reason- $ able Appraisement Charges. $ A glance at the above rates will con- 1 $ vlnce you how much you save by $ $ dealing with us. $ $ NO RED TAPE NO DELAY. $ Money lu your pocket within an i hour. I t Independent Loan Co., ! ! ROOM 204 WITHNELL BLDG., J $ Phone Doug. 6046. 16m and Harney. 5 . $$W$$$$$WtW$S$$$$$$$3?$$;w$$3tWv M(uiiHtHiimwjwH tmmmftnsci8 ft PRIVATE LUA.Sd ,4 $$ $10 UPWARDS li $1 On FURNITURE and PIANOS in use; 14 i$ also to those holding u $$ STEADY POSITIONS. II $$ A Modern Firm. 13 With a Moui-rn Purpose. ' $1 1$ LOOK AT OuK KATES; U 1$ CAN YOU BEAT THJSMt '"' U U Pays Principal and Interest. - t; $8 No Other Charges. ti $$ $25-t PAYMENTS OC $4 . l $$ M-t " " $5.60 $ W $a6-4J " fbtu $$ $40-4 ir.w li $$ Payable weekly or monthly. $1 $$ Other sums In proportion. li $$ This company Is backed by men (1 $$ with unlimited capital, for the pur- $1 Spoas ot helping those In need of tern- J porary assistance. u $$ OUR PURPOSE IS M STo make loans to Uiose who cannot $1 afford .to pay high rates. We wilt tl . . . ee hivh -1 j I. . V ' - ' . Wliu Mil I $$ vance you more money st..less ooet.. M $$ than yeu are now paying. u $$ OMAHA FINANCIAL CO., JJ 11 01 Urown H1W (Inn Krmi.l.l. $$ 'Phones: Douglas 2036; lnd. A-2038. $4 Salary and Furniture Loans at positively the LOWEST RATES, quickee service and MOST CONFIDENTIAL DEAL of any In the city. Patronize the BIGGEST AND BEST. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Third Floor, 07-808 Paxton Block. Douglas 1411 and A-14U. WB DO NOT ADVERT! 33 IMPOSSIBILITIES. After you have had an unsatisfactory In terview with those who do, come In and we'll show you that we make loans at a cheaper rate than any advertised. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., For eighteen years at Southwest Cor. 16th and Farnam Sta, , 119 Board ot Trade Bldg., ... ' Telephone Douglas 2296. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE. WOMEN KEEPING HOUSE AND OTH ERS, without security; easy payments. Office in M principal cities. . Tolmao. room $13 New York Life Bldg. . . . . ', Furniture loans; private. 4 Patterson blk. MONEY MONEY MONEY We will loan you any amount on your FURNITURE. PIANOS and LIVE STOCK, or any other chattel SECURITY. W positively have the lowest rates in Omaha. CALL and CONVINCE YOURSELF. BUS INE8S STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. NEBRASKA LOAN CO., 7 Crounse Block, Corner 16th and Capitol. Opposite Postofflce. Both 'Phones, Douglas 1356; A-135G. DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 W. C. FLATAU, 'i11 MOVING AND HOUSE CLEANING OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., eleana your carpets and floors. Elotrlo vacuum system. 309 So. 17th. Tel. D1559. EXP. Delivery Co., office 16th and Dav enport Sts.; warehouse, 2207-09 Izard St PAPERH ANGERS, use the best Snow flake pavie. Oina.ha Paste Co., 7 If S. Uin. Doug. 1T,'60. FOR furniture po lshtng, repairing and upholstering, call DouglHS DTL'l. 6TOVES stored. Ranee, 1611 N. 24th S:. HAVE your gas stove cc.nacted by tb aoly expert In Omaha- satisfaction guar 7 . - i rpui,.... u;. I . ... I ' PAINTING and paperhanglng; nil work guaranteed. HuhhiII, lTlli lasa -st- ici, Dourloa 7214. " WHITEWASHING. r'ser patching, storm windows, fcreens put on and taken down, cleaning. Tel- i'-'ny WHAT Is the use of taking up your rar. peta when you can have them cleaned on the floor In a few hours? Free eetlm.ije given. Ideal Air Cleaning Co.. 200 Dougla block, 107 8. lfith bt. Phones: Dome. '4j; Ind. A-1J34 Across from Hiyden's.