Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 26, 1910, Page 7, Image 7

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Land Baron Conricted in Land Fraud
Cases Tired of Law Suits.
FSmZS TO FAY THE PE5ALTY gi iance Companies Decide to
Advicce Rat's on Western
Wlm Marshal
Tab. Him ta (.read Islaad ta
B-ra1a Serrtaat Three
Maataa nlf.c.
rit Kort mm it.
jvoMi Crt.fW a ynbii Aocomataat.
- Xightlsa" rixtar Barg-ess-OTaa Co.
1SSO HatU'aal Xaf Xncwraao Co, 110.
l"h;.ri E- General Agent, W.h4. j
tcta Tcbi XTr T-xra In moth p'-oof j
vaiit. Nominal rest, ishukerls, IS A liar y.
Bast Money la a landlord s profit. I'ot '
tr-'y home It snakes for Iinilr hatpi- j
r.rra and Ind' ;-ndnc. Sec ?Setnt-k av- j
li(.an4 Lcaa An n ltd Omaha, j
&uk for Okiahoaia Special Aa-u-tart
At.ct.y JTvr?l K. H i-n a ill
leave this ev-ntng for Muskogee. Okl.. to
rrnr for the trial of Governor C. .
Haseil of thst state, ur.dr f-drl tn
U:ul for oompiicity In th MwkofM
lV W fraud. Tbe trial wilt take place
at Tulsa. Okl.. beginning May &
irnaea Oo to Xar E. D Licnen.
"jti:l agent of the ierd department, ha
-jrt to Inver to look Into some a:igd
Tinvnirri uii iiirHM-B. v f anal r arnpr it rrpmnni rwi:mg aim i
' nietlon Of his work there he will Join For- j ,. tak-n to Hruid Inland tn tmrln hi fln,M
csl AMinint Attorney General S. ru ttnen j writer e 0f sonmcnt.
Interest Rates
Are Raised on
Farm Land Loans
Farm Mcrtg-tjes.
everal year back.
Omaha men handling the money of big
n Oklahwiiia la tuiiti is the hearing of the t
"A wiOtoirf town 4ot friuda. in which Gov
ernor" Haskell and other are a I'fM to be
Jtcr AfflaaeVta la ITmtt Caa U. C
Brome and D. M V.nsor.tialer fiid affi
. diH hicnuay In d. strict court opposing
a motion In behalf of Mr Julia Mor.t
atormry Pratt. This motion 1 to di'so've
tr attachment on tl. i evidence, aectirod
at the time Messrs. Brome ar.J Vinson haier
fried euit against Mr. Pt.itt. The affi
davit avwrt that Mr. Prstt i not a resi
i tfert of Omaha and sny that since she has
t'p r"a the rat of lr.tret on farm loans
in .Nebraska ami adjoining Hate. The
new rats fixed ry many '.rarina- corapanita.
Thatr... M. Hunting :n of Seattle. hut-"rn ir,unu,ce concern. 1 per cent.
,.. w .., r, v.h haa der-lded to ! Mrajnt i per.-raiy kJ fcerttofore for
at.-ept the tn-ttkhle and ill enter upon ;
in the Grud Ieoind jail and H. fine, j "iranc. compa.ilea aod prtvat. Inreatora
under a conrtcuon f..r all-ad corrpllclty ini"? ,h,t th copanie are pretty well
rurhard and Comtock land con- up ana Jowr.a now. ana uj e.rn
or of thr-e rear. o. ' hv aU.rme the rate of in-
t fnlted State Mar-;"'"'11 xn'r ""C"B lo ny a"J- 11
are instructing their airenta to pe
more ronwmtm In the amount per acre
Indicted in the federal court at ,t,,n'a-
Frnate lnveitor in the eat wno 100a
for their living to the Income from west
ern farm loan ailerw that the cot of llv-
ij compel ins them to k a rtlirer
Hjpochlorite of Lime to Be Used in !
Abont Two Weeks.
i x j
Caaer ? rirat Made - -m ml
the Trvataaeat Will Frnmaially
aarMlM h laatalla
! Here.
H'jntlrg-ton rnt
Omaha with Barrett Richard. W. G. j
ComMte k, C. C. Jajnenon, A. Tr pltt. F.
M. Wolcott. A. B. Todd. Fred Hovt and ,
Jme. K. Pid fur conplracr to defraud. icg U comp-Jlins
...k,, ..- .-,.,i 1 rate of Interest.
encloeurr of puhllc land, by meana of
false and forced soldier- declaratory state- ,
menu. Huntlrgton. Hoyt and Retd wer
managera of the Maverick Land and Trust
company operating at Rushvllle. Gordon j
and Hay Fpr.njrs. '
Wolcott and Pld were acquitted on tbe(
trial of the ca-e. Comstick. Richard
The Northwestern Mutual Life 1 under
stood to have raised Its rate to ( per cent,
and aome of the Connecticut companies are
also threatening to follow snit In aome
section agent have been lntructed to
make no more loan for certain companies,
ahich claim thy hTe all the farm mort
gages they car to carry now. This is not
Tlho' You Look the Town Over,
You'll Find IMo Spring Overcoats
at GIG Equal to Ours
about two wek. Tr. j t 't? 5
rey City e?ert who i I ., - . . i v." -sNXj
b of the chlorlnatlon ! ' l-"rj
ten living In the east she has filed a ( jam,,,, ,r.d Triplett were tried separately
homestead claim and a stone and tlmier
ciaim near R.und I'p. Mont., snd grave hr
residence at th time of filins ax at Bos
ton. BarliaartoB BaUaf Sapartmaat Barling
t.ri r.eaauartws ha Just received Uie twen-ty-flr.'t
annual report of the Burtjgton Re
lief dt-partrnent. shows dat there
are now member la the ass'iclatlon.
The relief department 1 a voluntary organi
zation of Burlington employe?, who bind
themselves together Into a mutual accident
Insurance company. During the year Just
ended ST.rtOOu baa been paid out in benefits
and durtna; the toenty-on year the asso
ciation baa been in existence tbe company
pent from its own treasury ll.Ot.tM0 in
maintaining and operating the deportment.
Oven 7.),n(! ha been paid out in benefit
by the department since It organization.
Bunrtr Conpaay Xrfaa Knit The Amer
ican Burety company lost it. uil ainsi
XX M. Vinsonhaler Monday, when Judge
Redick Sustained a demurrer in behalf of
the defendant attorney. The surety com
pany sued Vlnaonhaler for coeta incurred
to defending suit brought br the county
of Dougla to recover fees in the county
JtiJce office when Mr. Vinsonhaler was
the Incumbent.
a were Huntinrton.
ail of them convicted.
Fined for Sale
of Diseased Cow
Live Stock Men Who Dtotc Tubercu
lar Animal from Iowa Prose
cuted by GorenuaeaL
3. Jenaon and Allen Dudley, two enter
prising live stock men, were fined in the
United States district court $20 each, Mon
day morning for driving a diseased cow,
supposed to be afflicted with tuberculosis,
from Council Bluffa la., to the South
Omaha stock yards. In violation of the
United States statutes 1n such case made
.04,cari4e4. .-, . .
J nson and Dudley were indicted at the
recent sittln of th federal grand Jury, and
entered a plea of guilty of th offense.
Their purpose was to dispose of the
diseased animal, but the bureau of animal
. lnduitry ir.terf erred, the cow war con
fiscated and deetroye.
itrue in Omaha, according to the big agen-
Todd and Hoyt, and . . " . . .
money, but they all admit that a raise to
j t per cent may be looked for at an early
ew Hrarli Dealest. ' date.
Aa appeal wa taken m the case to the -n jj rlmpJy an indication of conserva
clrcuit court of appeals, but this appeal ' usm," said m agent. -The political out
was denied Detember 1 1!9. and a sub- 1 look may not have anything In particular
sequent application for a new hearing was ! to do with it. so far as the west is con
also d-nied by the circuit court of appeals ' cerned, but In the cast that factor is al
ln all the caee about two weeks ago. ! mays to be reckoned a ith. I believe the
These appea. applied to ail the case, but 'era of per cent money is about over, and
Huntington, Todd and Hoyt declined to go from now on, for som time at least, th
any further in the case and notified their , tendency will be upward."
attorneys that they were ready to take i
their medicine. Hoyt was given a tUKKK)
fine without imprisonment.
The case of Comstock. Richard. Jameson
and Trlpiett. have been carried to the
United Stales supreme court upon an ap
plication for a writ of certiorari.
An effort will be made to secure a par
don for A. B. Todd, a resident of Ne
braska City, on account of his failing
health, as it Is not thought that he could
survive even tbe short imprisonment sen- I
tence imposed upon him.
A mandate ha Just been received front
the circuit court of appeal permirting the j
sentence in Huntington s cae to be car
ried out in the Grand Island Jail, Instead of
at Omaha.
Dean Beecher
Says He'll Quit
Juvenile Work
Is Thrown in a Huff at Truant Offi
cer Gepson Over Statement of
That Official
The "hypo" will be pushed Into the
Omaha city water in
John U. Leal, the J'
first made a success
treatment of water, will come to Omaha
again to start the use of hypochlorite of
lime for th water company.
The house and tanks for preparing tbe
process are now almost completed at Flor
ence and Burt street station.. At
the last named place the construction work
is about dona The first car of the material
for treating th waier arrived today
the east and several more will follow as
soon as Dr. Leal 1 ready to begin bis ex
perimenta. Dr. Leon L. Lnmsden, who has been in
vestigating tbe water question for a month,
will not be able to remain to aee the ex
periment tried, as be mutt leave this even
ing for tVashmgton. He believe the In
stallation of the proce 1 bound to hav
a good effect on th Omaha water supply.
Blar Clataaa for Syateaa.
Dr. Leal claims for his system that,
wl He the raw water show, ordinarily, a
high number of bacteria, where the supply
is taken from a river as in Omaha, the
treated water shows but fw. This hypo
chlorite costs about $0.50 per M pounds
In the east and south, possibly a trifle
more In this city, as It comes so far. It
Is Introduced into the water after being
prepsred In tsnks ho'dlrg v to l. r!
lona The tank have a vertical shaft In
the center, and attached to this shaft are
wooden blade to agitate the solution. "The
bottom of th tank is cone shaped and at
the bottom of the cone 1 a pipe con
nected with a small centrifugal pump. The
discharge of the pump 1 so a man red that
water cin be taken from the bottom of th
tank and returned thereto near the top.
thus assuring a thoroue-h mixing. Anv
Insoluble material can be removed with the
pump by opening a valve on the discharge,
making a blowoff. Pipes carry the solu
tion Into the supply water.
Besides being in successful use In sev
eral eastern cities. Dr. LeaXs process, or
something very similar, is now In use at
Mlnneapolia at Kashville, Tenn. ; Harris
burg. Pa., and at other placea notably in
Montreal. Quebec.
k. - -i . 9 '
a' . Je iV-
. y W m
A broad taiement that, bnt more tnsn Justified by the facts in our
rosfion. The variety of cur SRortn.ect i reslly utiasua) at tliit rnr.
In tyle job may choose the ' ruil tary, presto," cr Tegular"
overexjata and be asFurvd that whatever coat yott chx. will fit you
IxrfK-Uy and keep Its stylish appearance a lorg time.
Should ycur rref rfnce be a top mat. then you ve every opinnnity
to be eiaetlT suited with tbe bandsocie. perfect fitting and tji'h top
coats we display at $15.00 Won t you f! us the to how jou
these Eylcndld coats, at
SldrrairuiCfotMna Go,
m i,! aw j t
gg i sail i jf I iiit '' a
Brewers Raise
Tax Valuation
of Own Motion
Increase of Several Thousand in Re
turn Kade by Metz Bros. Bar
ton Estate Questions.
Each Governor
Boosts Own Town
riepltsed with Truant Officer Gepeen.
Very Rev. George Beecher, dean of Trinity
cathedral, threatens to quit Juvenile court
work in winch he has been a prominent
1 am oniy a volunteer," said Dean
Beecber, ' but if I am in the way I am j .
going to set out. Tour attitude is quit. ! Say that They Would Like to Meet
disgusting. "
Dean Beecher became offended because
T " Yrtr 'jiL? m
Mr. Gepeon testified In th case of Harold
Smith that the clergyman had sent the boy
to th official for a permit for the Smith
boy to go to work.
"Why I have no memory of anything; of
the ort," said Mr. Beecner.
"I remember It distinctly, " said Mr. Gep
son. '
This ditlcne. which did not then seem
The Met Brothers Brewing company h.- .w , ,. mBin
does not propose mac tne touu isfsoipiii
of Douglas county personal taxea shall
be lower than last year, for this brewery ( U, truKnt orncer met later in the Judge s oet ot tbe repHei that have been received
private office. Dean Beecher made the ' eat Indicate That the rulers of the !
statement with referenc to his quitting 1 suce uiu iu m reprewenwu noma pre-
Invitations have been sent to the gov- i
ernors of th states of the country by the i
Commercial club asking them to consider j
Omaha a a meeting place when the ex- .
ecutive of trie different states will as
semble in conference some time next fall. ;
Replies hav been received from a nam--ber
of the governors and the general die- ;
room before Judge Sutton. Th Incident I portion aoe not point to tne poesiDiiity or
1 i tin.n Knnarentiv rleaed. but when the dean tne conrerencej taaing: place in Omaha.
in Omaha, bat Oh, Ton
Home Town!
Juki BUI aatd Twin Paraiele Wallop
klmor Cae mm W
At th Sunday nieeting of the Omaha
Gun club, John Hill and Tom E. Parmele
won out over Elmer and Warren
Cunairf by one puint. Hill mail 3S out of
in. while Parmele got but 17. On the losers'
aide Cundiff waa with SZ and Cope got
'J3. The ecore:
omii liifli y's9 lwoi own is
has voluntarily increased its return several
thousand dollars ovtr lat year. '
In 19W County Assessor Shtiver put the
brewery In at JStOOS. There was a com
plaint to the Board of Equalisation, which
lowered the assessment to I7S.O0u. This
year the Metx company has made a re
turn of tM.3l. It is the first brewery in.
The Guy C Barton emai has returned
37.500. Of this tr.500 la scheduled a
mortgage rotes, and th balance as "prop
erty not otherwise specified."
The Barutn estate taxes raifce several in
teresting questinn.
The lat capitalist asserted residence In
Karpy county and the will waa offered for
probata at Paplllion and inheritance taxes
pa..d U Sarpy county. It is believed that
a large part of the estate, which ts worth
St. 000. 000 or more. Is taxable here on per
sonality, for it i In personal property that
most of the estate consists of.
County Assessor Shriver is inquiring
where the rest of the estate la, and If sub-
Juvenile court work.
Tbe mother of th Smith boy called upon
for evidence sa id she did not exactly ra-
member whether or not the dean had made
th application in question.
fer to have the meeting in their favorite 1
citie. i
A reply haa been received from Gover
nor Deneen of Illinois in which he admits i
that Omaha Is a town worthy of consider- ;
I Uon, but that Inasmuch as Springfield ,
instead of
spending it
Few people know how easy it is to pay for
a home on the easy term plan. They don't real
ize that the money they pay as rent would take
care of the monthly pavrnents on most anv home
they choose to purchase
In the real estate columns of Thursday's
Bee will be found a great many choice home pro
positions advertised for sale on the easy term
plan a few hundred dollars down balance
monthly like rent.
Make your selection and buy. Don't pay
another month's rent.
Cop ....
111 Will 1 i.-irfi mrMAv will watfh fr.r Tunt
.IWiW ltil UMU omii line 14 3 j r
....(win nii mil uflii lioia 19
m win lorn luae u S2
Total ....
I a.- tnea
on the aubdividers.
Th girl Is Tillle Irving, aged 1 years.
tsesicte tnis incident ine lamentation of a 1 iiiufurra ,
girl ordered to Geneva helped to surcharge 1 wants the meeting he can do nothing but i '
the atmoFphere with emotional excitement I lw1 hu ald ln aaststing to locate it there. I lirprV X( VTITD I'CITC rTAD
I Governor Ebrrhard of Minn!auta would ! Jl L ii V. I j i'Ui JLI LU L JL.J 11 VI
I also like to bare the meeting in Omaha. ! '
cut tninics tnai im r am would oe a more i
convenient plac and will do all ln his i Defendant Who Smashed DrUJ Store ic8 of a tek-pram from a mall town
power to ne;p mat city to land the conven- i T-vP, Pa. in a
"Red" Burke Mad
at Sight of Victim
Breaks Into a Delirium 'When Con
fronted by Kan He Attempts
to EilL
tion. In each instance the governor of the
different commonwealths is working to
hare the conference ln the principal city of
bis domain.
I mi ifflw rnirn iitj i
OtlOll 11101 10UO 031(11 11U0 17 s
...iii. wiw K'na uno ii' is I
...UUliO liWl 1U0UJ Oliil koJ-iS Z7
Total O
obxir ta Tm Old
to liarn that th sura way to cur a cough
iT cold 1 with Dr. King's New Discovery.
K and C u. For sal by Beaton Drug Co.
1 Mrs. Ernest Severn Is the giies". cf rela
tive in Kansas City t!.i ween.
W. A. Kelly, superintendent cf th rejr
sry division of the Omah postorflce. has
returned from a week's visit at Exorlaior
Spnn. Mo.. he has been under
treatment fvr rhcuniAtm. Mr. Kelly re
turn much improved. He says there is a
hi mo Omaha colony ther taking treat-aahu
kmlf tkm
I I. . ! Jl J iil t v
A M 1 f yi4,"
.y -..w.
! 1 -
mf aa mmd
rX fti iiismsif - In n ii -
The American
Ira jsnartty. auaJtr- and ftatvor
mmmt awui beurcr to
torn awns Hour, turn ai kr'
ciucrUr.tntttlB4i atta ia
Local Fans Look
for Opening Day
Preparations Are Being: 2ade to
Make it a Gala Day in
A great deal of Interest is already mani
fested ln the opening of th league base
ball season ln Omaha. The Idea of the
Commercial club and other organizations of
the city participating ln th festivities la
taking well and it is expected that one of
the biggest crowds that ha ever attended
a game ln th city will be present to wel
come Uourke'a 1510 team.
The first reservation fur a box was mad
Monday morning. when Al. Mucke,
Omaha's most consistent tan, reserved box
11. It i expected that many other reserva
tions will be mad before the week is over.
It Is rumored ttat the Elks will reserve
a section of the grandstand and 'other
bodies who want to boost th game In
Omaha ar planning to be present at th
"Red" Btrrke, sullen, defiant and unre
pentant. whei confronted ln police court
by John Hawkins, the man be tried ta kill
ten day ago ln a bloedy knif duet, weak
ened, staggerfd and then broke into a wild
delirium of fright. He waa to have been
arraigned on a charge of assault with in
tent to kill. Tbe arraignment waa set over
to Tuesday morning.
Burke la the obdurate prisoner who had
to be subdued by the use of a fir hose
after a day of battle with the officer at
the city Jail, following hi arrest.
Hawkins was sent to th hospital in a
dangerous condition, but ha recovered
sufficiently to be removed to the city Jail,
wher he 1 held a a principal witnesa
from the Alma Jail and by what he thought
a clever ruse tried to deceive the authori
ties as to his whereabouts. He succeeded
in doin? this for a short time, but his nd-
Iowi proved his downfall and in less than
forty-eight hours after that occurred he
was in charge of the Harlan county aheriff
waiting to take the train bnck to Aima.
Lsrt week Veline obtained enough
money, presumably from relatives, to pay
fines and costs in Harlan county and mas
immediately turned over to Sheriff Gustus
of this county. Here he paid in full all
money due complainants in tbe cases
asainrt him. The county attorney there-
upon recommended to Judge Dungan ltat
Blake Brinkley indigr.antly denied that he j the minimum fine be imposed upon him.
was "fail of hop" when he smashed the ! Accordingly he was fined llflO and coets,
showcases, mirrors and other furniture ln i which be paid at once and was released.
Frank W. Fogg drug store April i.
"I never eat no hop." said Brinkley. "I i fT I f T " .
had a little coke the night before, maybe." j X nlet X flCS tO
"Where did you g-t the 'coke,' " asked j
Judge E:el!e in criminal caurt. j
"Oh, at he same piace, Fogff'a." said the
negro. .
"Did Fopg sell it to you?"
"No; it was a clerk named Lenders."
l ounty Attorney t-nglish waa meantime
English Makes Notes of Trstlaaoay
reareriiag Sale of Drwat Which
Pat Frewaieal Mu lata Pit
of Ueatrwetiow.
Creamery Butter
for Select Thief
Does ISot Like the Idea of High Grade
Butter Bein? Sent East
v from Omaha.
A political economist who stands on the
platform of Nebraska butter fur Ne
braakans entered a Northwestern car in
the railroad yards and bore away to safety
a tub of butter about to be sent to hungry
little New York.
Failing, however, to remain to explain his
position and neglecting to make known his busy taking nots ar.d included ln his datajBobler Approaches "Bad Customer,'
Who Arrests Him Sentenced
to County JaiL
to a charge of ptit larceny and waa sen
tenced to ten days ln the county Jail. He
was a young appearing fellow, but appar
ently an expert tn the business of ahop
lifUnc a bis sucoes in the three stores
here would indicate.
Chickens Enter
Divorce Court
Mr. Place's Poultry Becomes Issue in
A;tion Brought Ag-ainst Hirn
by Eis Wife.
Sell Booty to
Deputy Sheriff
Argue on Omaha
Rates May 12
Counsel to Be Heard at Washing-ton
on ControTerry Between Commer
cial Clubs and Roada.
negro ,
bottle of th
patriotic purposes, detective have been I the cf Lee Broomfield and Charley
assigned to the task of bringing him before j Taylor, who were present. Brinkley ald.
juatfe tsryce trwiora ror a debate on the.ahen be bought the cocaine. The
suojtct or conservauan or natural r.s 'urce.
Thi msy be part pf a plot to Influence
the eastern market." remarked Chief Sav
age of th detective department. "Butter la
a hiphly ssnsKav commodity. We have a
strong clue."
Cn hundred evators the Updike com
pany dor own,
la Prlds of Omaha flour their Talue's
a clearly shown;
T"!x"T JW tbe T-ry fines, wheat with
car makw election.
Xaest fajaed aa4 mill that famous brand
T ft jut that perf.xtio
1S N. 14th. City.
Old Man Killed
by Passing Train
A. J. Swaney Found Dead Where a
Train. Had Struck Him
A. J. Bwaney, 7 years old, was found
lying on th Arena O and Northwestern
crossing ln Council Bluffs dead from in
juries apparently received wbea struck by
a train. Th body - was found at 7 30
o'clock by Alfred Bratt. Sfll Locust street,
Omaha. Th body was taken In char a by
th coroner, wb will probably hold an ln
qurat. Nothing ia known of the time of
th accident or by what train th dead
man was struck.
Mr. Swaney lived at North Eighth
street Ia Council Bluffa, H leave a
widow, tao aon and two daughter. He
waa formerly aispicyed at th Wickam
bnck yard, hut bad sot been able to
work for several
testified that be bought a
"dope" for 99 cents.
"Probably they made s cents profit on
the sale," said Judr- Estelle.
iBnnkley pleaded guilty to the charRe of
malicious destnic-tion of property. He was
not sentenced end msy not be. pending a
lease In which he may testify.
Hmrrr a Trader Towlh.
Harry Home, up for breaking ed en
(tcrinir. insisted he is only Ml years of sge.
! He couldn't tell, he said, the Sav of hi
May 12 has been set by th Interstate! , birth or th part of Wisconsin where ha
Commerce commissi Jn as the data when i "ill Represent Omaha Before the In- first saw the Hunt.
ail arg-umentB will be made at Washtng-.on j teTStat Commerce Com- ' 11 the "l1"1" "T the court and the
I In th cajtes of the Commercial club and i - 'county attorney that Hurne
Guild Watches
Return Rates
th Grain exchang against the railroad,
in the matter of lower freight rate.
Loaer tariffs are asked for oa da-ry pro
duct between th Atlantic seaboard and j
the west. The prener.t charge is H.30 per
into Juveni'e court and doe not cr ad
CENTRAL, CITT, Neb April 25. Spe
I c:i. "Is the bull around. If lie in't i d
Just like to sell these pan' to you, aa I
j got them pretty cheap and a ill sell them
In this manner a man who afterward
gave his name as Dan Lyons, approached
W. H. L'iztiey at the latter s livery barn
in this city, bent on sa.licg him some
which he had Just stolen from some local
Lore, all unaware that tbe man whom he
a a addressing was the deputy sheriff of
the county. He bad been to the barn a
short time before and borromed a Cui.i y
ent to gcttBark cf Mr r.;zney to carry hla stulf in.
George H. Place sold some chickens th
other day and aa a result must come Into
district court on a motion to show eaub
why an attachment fur contempt should
not issue.
Place, who Is being sued for divorce by
Mrs. El! en Margaret Place, ia under re
straining order from disposing of his prop
erty. The other day he was offered
good price for the chickens, or he needed
the money, or he wanted to be perversa,
or fur aoma other reason, he. it 1 charged,
sold the fowls, ilrs. Place is now seeliin
to have the property put uncler Judicial
1 .
Mr. Pink Plucked
by the Policeman
Betectires Eecofnire Him, Although
He Promenades Unier An
other Same.
be overly fcpecif.c about fact which might
Commissioner J. M. Guild of the Com- ' be loosed up.
merdal club left for Chicago Sunday to j Another arra.smment was that of Artlim
lattend the Irt rstate commerce hearin . licCnnell on a charce of wife abandon-
vwit-n he mude bis second trip, and
Mr. Diz-
hundred and a teduciion to 7 renin la;"1' take up the matter of return ment. It i four years McCocnell
sxked. Lumber from the south la now 1:hr, on shipments. Many of the lmple- married and only the other dny that bis
taxed at 264 cents, and the old rate ofxa n,ent- vebicl ar.d other h:-per who r- wife brought. the charge, although MuCnn
cent I aaked. Proportionate reductions on i0"' return shipments of damaged goods j neil U a!l-red ta hive diverted h-.T on the
grain shipments and lumber going to the ' are oln lo present them t-fire the com- i day of the marriage which accord'r.g to bis
northwest ara asked. (mission. An alleged injustice in the rate ' testimony wa c n.pulrory on h:s part.
that 1 to be charged by th railroads for j The man l.i been living at Erewster
the return of these good 1 ret forth inland the day a warrant was placed heie in
which in some casea the freight on return I tle band of Sher.ff Brailt:-. that day
shipments is 5 per cent of ih original i McConne-U etrted for Orr.aha vlkitej
charge for shipment-
Poles Celebrate
National Day
Will Jubilate in Honor of Adoption
of the Polish Constitution.
rr.aue the above announcement,
nvy promptly replied;
"Yuu may consider yourself under arrest.
I happen to be the deputy sher'ff here."
In tpite of his reinonstrar.o-s the man
was tikc-n tu the ;al-, and aa invesuca-
tion was at once started in the local alore
i to swe if there were any good miing. At
Lurke it a found that tha fellow, wtiom
the c erks afterward idc-ntiiuu. had come
tn during the afternoon, and looked at a
I suit, aid had ii iaid away for lu-n until
I b couid draw some motey, a he claimed
Uj be wk.n. .n tie raUjxiad. He tame
iattr in the day, and while aniiher
Pink Washinittor.. alias Henry Sh&rpe,
colored, a fugitive from Justice, ws pi k1
up Mondy m.Tnintt by Detect! -es M trhtll
and Sullix-an and lodgd ln the police sta
t ion.
VVashir'srton is wa.ited ln J.ick;
Hi., on a charge of bnrrlsry. He is also
anted there for break!: g Jail. He u I'; l
held here until offlrers from the JllincJa
city tik him in charge.
! a if and ursed her to come to live with
i . . , i in
- , n"n. e names are now rr.acie tnat irurc :
DANISH DRAMATIC CLUB BUSY i a.aik fom t. -if. fnend. it'-rk "a dJt'- hi: la-
:at Breaster. McCon.iell pleaded guilty turned made away with two of
trie three pan of part which he tried to
Presim to Pre-aeat Dra
lSU Hail West
sa ia Wash
but was a it ben te need.
CnH E. ..m-. aiio f
Next Ponday the Polish pple of Omaha
wia hav a celebration in honor ef th
adoption cf th Polish constitution, at
Tenty-thlrd hod Walnut street. Mayor
Dahiman waa t hav baea the speaker oa
this occaaioh, t a he Is to leave for
Rochester. N. T ln a day or- two. City
make the mila and t iini have been made ieci&'!T I wa T jrr !
wounaa. aores. . aoatefca uiaer rueaaera win also he on for this proitucttuts snd rre ut i
burn or Injuria, fcc I" by Bt.4tun hand, and at is planned to make Uie oc- j of Datath torn taleta wi.1 be faund ln th
Icuiuo a aala aXXa ot
with both uartie woandad. demand Buck-1 Comptroller LoWck wfl
i en s Arnica Salv.
Th Danish dramatic club, "IiagTOSr."
has prepared an elaborate production of
Ludwta Boll-erg's famous cla:ical drama.
"Erasmus Mor.tanus." celebrated play
will be presented for the f:rt time in
America at tn Danish theater at Wash
ington hall, Sunday evening. May L
and hUujrltally cor, ect scenery, acrrt.ii
.trre-sted at Hwidreare Heleaard
from f aatoay Aftrr Pay
la I 9.
April 3.-
e n.i b-
j ell to Mr. Disney. The pant were after
lard identified tjr the c.trks from
j Lurke's.
I At CarUon Nordstefit Clothing company's
i Here he secured a pair of pants In the
! same manner. At M.kjmer s b made the
j same biuff, and hi.e he had ent the
I cUrk to U. of the tui to look fur
a ape ial kind of g ov he evidently turk'd
New , facing charge of se.iing mcrtgared prep- ,r und,r his rt three veu, and aome
rlei I eny. b.ta 'n Pfc-lp. J Hm .in c jr e. I B'0a' Th ' Uanng the Macbauiar
Jrtf aiurday a'ter bav-
trude rnai-k were f.njr.1 it -i l..- v. .i, I
in, f..l all ti.e fine a:.d cost ia both I uI -'udder s grocery the next dsy.
counti.s. j When Liun w& arraigtxd before Judge
tare ek aga Velia escaped teju ant niomih be pleaded
eny mexjjnm-baxlc
is a feature