Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 26, 1910, Page 4, Image 4

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    TIIE BEK: OMAHA, TUESDAY, -APEIL . gfi, 1010. , ,
Wichita, Sioux City, St. Joe and; White Sox Shut Out Naps: Athletics Bat
After Leading Until Last, Wichita
Wins Six to Five.
Lincoln Wlna frum Dmtfr Five to
fr'oar, St. .loarph .tgiiln Tronncre
Champa i:ihl to Five, nml
Mom Drali Topeka.
Omaha In the lead
ma today, then
2T. Iytu k kept
a greater (.ai t of the
twitched and helped
Wichita to win It hack after all seemed
ovar, making an even break on the series.
Pnth teams played Rood ball, Up to the
sixth Wichita hart made seven hits and
secured four walks without a score. Three
fast double plays were resonBible. In the
sixth, three hltn. two'l.uf;es on balls and a
lilt batsman yielded three, and three mure
rm In the ninth after two were down
and Schlpke had lost a rhanre to make
the third by throwing low to fln--t, on a
bao on balls, Pctttgrcw'a two-bane hit and
Arnew's error on Shaw'a Ions fly.
Two singles, a sacrifice and an en or gave
Ormiha tme In the first. Shotton's double
and King's slngi1 'scored one In the third.
Two men hit by pitcher, a sacrifice, Claire's
error and singles by "A Knew and Shut ton
4ave the visitors two In the seventh and
Corridon's slntrle and steal, followed by
Schlpko's double, yielded one In the eighth.
Manager Fox was put ont of the grounds
In the first inning fof objecting to a de
rision. Omaha's five 'double plays were
the fetums. The score:
.. V
.. 4"
.. B
.. 8
.. t
11 '
1 .
A. E.
3 1
Hughes, 2b ..
Relden, If
Mlddleton, rf
lsbe.ll, lb
Claire, ss
Westersil. 3b .
pettlgrew, if
Bhaw c
Altchison, p ,.
......84 1 6
13 27 16
"AB. . H
Photton, If ....
Fox, 2b
A anew, cf
King, Zb 3
Kane, lt ............ . 4,
Corrldon, ss ............ 3 ''
Welch, rf 3 .
Schlpks3b ....... ...I. 4 I
Cadman, o 3
Hallenbsck, p 4 ,
' ToUl"...'...-'....'.'.3i't. B i 8 '26 IB 2
Two out when wifinlng run was scored.
Wlohlta 0 000030036
Omaha 1 0 1 u 0 0 2 1 0-5
Struck out: By Altchison, 9; by Hollen
beck, 4. First base on balls: Off Altch
ison, 1; off Hollenbeck, 0. Hit by pitched
bail: By Altchison, 2; by Hollenbeck, 1.
Stolen base: Corrldon. Sacrifice hits: Fox,
Welch. Two-base hits: Wewterzil, Pettl
grew, Shaw, Shotton, Schlpke. Three-base
hit: Claire. Double plays: Schlpke (un
assisted), Corrldon to Cadman to Kann,
Corrldon to Kane, Hollenbeck to Corrldon
to Kane, Cadman to Schlpke. Iuft on
bases: Wichita, 13; Omaha. 6. Time: 2:00.
Umpire: Clarke. Attendance, 700.
Indiana Make Series Three Oat of
Foir nt Toieka. ''
TOPEKA, April 2B.-The Sioux made (t
three out of four by taking today's game,
t to 2. Burnett started oft bad by allowing
i twoalngle and a double In the first, scor
ing two. Two hits in a row In the second
pronraieeeVeeme ' more; but he tightened up
and held Topeka sate. One hit In each of
the last four Innings, all scratchy, was' all
the locals could pick. Kaufman kepi tho
visitors safe until the fourth when a walk,
- three singles and a double scored four.
An error and ta. rifltH, a single, score J
another in the eighth. Score:
AB. H II. O. A. E.
Qoflten. as B 0 1 2 1
Coillns, If-rt. 1
Neighbors, of. 8
Fenlon, rt-lf 4
Stem. lb.
Welch, 3b..;
Mliler, c ...
Bears, 2b...
Burnett, p..
35 G
8 27 11
AB. K.
Wogley, cf t
Keltiey, ss
i nomason, li..
Pennll, rf
junk.e, 3b
Kerns, c
abuou, lb..
vanl, 2b. .......
Kauinian, p....
.. 6
.. 6
.. 4
.. 3
.. 3
.. 2
.. 1
Totals..'....-.....::. 24
2 10 27 8
Baaed for Kaufman In ninth.
Sioux City..... i. ..,.,0 0 0 4 0 0 0
Tuptka 2 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0-6
0 0-a
Two-b. ae hits:. Tlnmao.', Fen. on, K-rns.
Bacniico Itua: Ne.hbnrs, VVooiey, Kuuf
niau. Basts on bails; off kuutiiimi, 1;
nf lluiuvu. 3. Slruttk uut: By Kauduun,
4; by Burnett, li. Li-u on baites: Topi-ku.
lu; Sioux City, B. Stolen bane: yuilltti
Tune: 1:56. Umpire-: bpviicer. Attend
ance; J0O, .
Four to at. Joseph Ip to
Sixth, Wilis Drummers Wlu.
IT. JO&EPH, April 24. -In a gume that
was closely contusted for six innings the
Drummer made It three straight against
Des Mollies thnr afternoon, winning by u
rally In the savewta. t p to the sixth the
scorn stood 4 to 4 and Pitcher litrche wan
succeeded by lor lies Molnei,
when the Drummers started the onslaught
with the bet thai uJKled In tile ucfem of too
Champs, to 6. l ive !ut scuie made by the
visitors came In the eignth. Mciiicgnr was
unable to slop the scoring In the seventh,
three of the tour runs b u(g madv off him.
However, he held Uio Home boys safe for
U" rest of the way.
Des alolnes was ine first to score, clout
ing Ualgina tor' two hits and a run In the
lust. Hit Drummers niacin two in their
half after Heiche had stiuck out the tlrst
two men up. Oulglno was well supported
and liehl the Champa until the tourlii, when
unit run was maue. 1 1 1 the sixth, Davis'
men pushed over an additional brace of
tallies, takirg a lead ut two rune. The
lead was held for a short time otuy, us the
Drummrrs evened up In their bait. Then
came uie kevenin, . in wlucn the balloon
went up for lue visitors, 'three hits lor
extra bases counted heavily fur bi. Jo
seph. The rcore ;
It. II. O. A. E
.1 2 0 0 0
o o 4 a i
0 3 2 1 0
2 2 0 0 0
0 1 b i V
1 2 2 2 0
0 1 2 i 0
10 5 11
0 110 0
0 0 0 0 0
1 U 21 12 1
H. II. O. A. E.
12 10 0
3 0 0 0
2 14 2 0
2 2 2 4 1
1 2 12 U . 1
114 2 1
0.1 2 0 1
1 0 u 4 V
0 0 2 0 1
"5 11 2? 12 4
0 1 0 2 0 1 0-5
0 0 0 2 4 4) a
Dalton,. rf, lb.,,
MatiiLk, cf ...
Curtis,. If.,,...
Ktrner. lb..,,..
Nelhott, 30..,.
Haft., SS
Bschant, c...
lleiciie, p
Mo. rsgor, p...
. B
, ,. X
i t!
ST. JtEl
AB. '
PuwelF, U ...; ;
Mi-Lar. rt 4
MkChvanejv 2, Jov ,.'...' 4
C.fcOi. .lj,...:....V...-. 3 .
LVi Im rt. s -. . ; . . . : . I
UcN.!, ,U",.....,:..i. 4,
jul(no,if...,..(.'..u 8 -Vo.,
;..x. 3-
J '. a ;
Totals 31
Des Moines....... ..,..1 4
St. Joaeuh 2 0
Hits: Off Ca'Ksno, 11 In line Innings;
iff Herche, in MX Innings: on McOregor,
i In two innings, 'Iwu-Li' hits; Joii,
C'orhan, H'-rrhe, Raftis. Three-baie hit:
CIsrK. ; Sacrifice hits:. Mot'hesney, Wolfe,
llaf. Is. StoiMi ba f i; Coihan, 1 a ton. Net
hoff. Bases on balls' utr (ialxaiio. 4; off
Itcicha, t. Struck out: By UaUano, 3; by
Hen he, - Uouble pa, a. C.ulian t Jonoa
tu ClaUk. Nuihitf l Colllksn lo K erner.
LH till basrs; sit. JvMepli, , Dos Moines,
Standing of the Teams
W.I I'd
Floux City... I 1 .71
W.I Pet.
Columbus":., a 4 .SO)
St. Joseph.., t 1
Omaha Z 2
I'cnver 2 2
Wichita t 2
I .inn, hi 2 2
Topeka 1 3
Den Moines. 1 3
.7rKHTolKl I 4 .m
.WW St. Paul .... S .7
.6 0Mlnneapols. 6 4 0
.600 Ktnwi '1ty 4 4 .6f"t
.iouUndlanapoll. 5 6 V
.Mlxmlsvllle ..4 7 4
.Milwaukee.. 1 6 .143
W.I... Pet
Philadelphia 8
Pittsburg ... &
.blT I Detroit
,,S- York..
.447: Philadelphia
.t2 i Huston .....
.4-MSt. I,olllS...
.2SS' Cleveland .
Chicago 4
New Vork... 6
Cincinnati ,. 3
Boston 2
Brooklyn ... 2
j ft. Louis.,
Western League Lincoln at Wichita.
Sioux City , at St. Joseph, Omaha at Den
ver. Des Moines at Topeka.
National League Brooklyn at New York,
Huston at Philadelphia, Uttsburg at Chl
cago. St. Jxiuls at Cincinnati.
American LeaaueChlcago at Cleveland,
Detroit at St Louis, Philadelphia at Bos
ton, New York at V ashlngton.
American Association Columbus at In
dianaoolls. Toledo at Louisville. Mlnneap-
I oils at Milwaukee, St. Paul at Kansas City.
I 10. Time: 2:20.
1 tendance: 900.
Umpire; Haskell. At-
Hard Hit Dall from Tnoniaa Ignores
Do I an and Permit score.
DENVER. Colo.. April 26. An accident to
Dolnn In the ninth Inning gave Lincoln a
chance to win today's game. A hard hit
ball from Thomas's bat took an ugly bound,
the ball cutting a gash utuler Dolan's right
eye and darting away to the right. This
gave Thomas his life, and enabled him to
tramp In with the winning run on Jude's
It was a game of many happenings. In
the first the wlldness of Hagerman and
Adams of renver forced three Lincoln men
over the plate. In the fourth and fifth In
nings, Denver fell on McUrath, by driving
him to the bench with the scora tied. Den
ver took the lead In the sixth and seemed
to have tho game cinched up to the Dolan
In te third Innln.? Lincoln had three men
up, making two hits, and gelng given one
base on balls, without getting a man to
second. One was caught off first and the
othre two' were caught trying to steal sec
ond. In the next Inning James and Sullivan
led off with single, and no one scored,
owing to fast fielding. In the seventh three
Lincoln men drew basea on balls and two
struck out, the last man expiring- on a
weak grounder to third.
The ninth was lively. Oagnier-was given
first. Thomas' hot daisy outter brubjed Do
lan's eye, putting Uagnlor on third ana
Thomas on second. Judge scored the two
of them with a single. Cockman aacrificed,
advancing Jude to third. Cobb flew to
Heall. who doubled Juda Jit the plate.
For Denver. Thompson, Who took Dolan's
nlnon. alneled to right. Weaver sacrificed.
Schreiber. battling for Adams, died at first,
sending Thompson to third. Lloyd flew out
to Jude and it was over, score:
A B. U.
A. E.
Lloyd, 2b 4
Kelley, ss .,. 8
Beall, If
Cass Id y, rf 8
Lindsay, lb 3
3 0
McAleese, cf 4
Dolan. 3b
Thompson, 3b
Weaver, c
Hagerman, p 0
Adams, p .
Totals .
........ 1
31 4
' AB. R.
6 1
2 2
5 1
8 1
A. E
Waldron, cf .
Gagnler, ss .
Thomas, lb ..
Jude, If
Cockman, 3b
Cobb, rf
James,' Cb ....
Sullivan, c ...
McOrath, p .
WUUs, p
1 "
4 U
0 0
Ttala 29
8 26 16
rrtatioii for Adams iii the ninth
u,.iw nut- hit hv hall: he batted fair.
Denver 0 0 0 2 1 1 0 0 04
Lincoln 8 0 0 0 0 t 0, 0 2 B
Two-base hits: Waldron, McAleese, Kelly.
Three-base bit: Beall. Stolen bases: Beall,
McAleese, Weaver. Saoriflce hiUi- Kelly,
Lindsay, Weaver, Cockman. First base on
balls: ' Off Hagerman, 8; off Adams, S;
nff MrCrsth. 1: off Willis. 2. Struck out:
Hv Hauerman. 1: by Adams, B. Double
nl'nvs: Weaver to Lloyd. Bentl to Weaver,
WuMrnn to Cockman. Left on bases:
Denver, 6; Lincoln, 10. Balk: MoQrath.
Hit with pitched ball: Sullivan. Time
2:U0. Umpire: Mullen. :
Boosters May
Attend Opener
Flan for Commercial Club to Boost
for Omaha Rase Sail
Club. ' '
It Is possible that plans will be made by
the Omaha Commercial plub to attend the
opening game at home of the Omaha base
ball club on May 10, when Topeka plays
No positive action has beer) taken, but
the matter will be brought up at tho
meeting of the executive committee of the
booster organization , Tuesday noon, at
wl lch time the disposition , of that body
will be ascertained. i
On the day that Omaha, plays, Its first
homo game it Is plnr.nid to have m parade
in which the players, officials of the club
and all clltxena who have autoa and yho
expect to witness the first contest will be
represented. ,
Other cities in the league have had th
support of the various booster organisa
tions when the opening of the league was
held last week, and those which wlU open
at home after a trip around the circuit
arc planning for a big day.
Many who are Interested h the ball club
and the Commercial club think that such
a move would be beneficial, not only to
the club, but to the city, as Jf would show
the right booster splrl.' 9" '
Gould Diets, chairman of, the entertain
ment committee of the Commercial club,
Is In favor of all the members of tho
organization, who can do so, reserving a
tectlon of the grandstand at Vinton park
ar.d start the home team off rfght on the
opening occasion. Others have been ap
proached and are in favor of such a plan.
It is also suggested that every auto
mobile owner in Omaha Who Is going to
the game make an i.ffort to join the pro
cess'on that will move to the grounds on
May 10. A band will lead the way and
the occasion will be made more or less
general holiday.
Inasmuch as the base, bait team 'adver
tises tha city of widely, as any
Institution within i biundnrlca, the gen
eral feeling seems tii be; that as much
encouragement a .-PiW-lbltf ' should -p of
fered at the starloff'of the home season.
Jim Davis Throws Jr! White In
Barilla Contra..'
YUTAN. Neb.. April 35 T-Spclal.-A
three-round wrestling match between Jim
Davis of Fremont ami Jay M'hlte (colored)
oi Kansas City pulled qff at Shula's
I, all Knlil.iltlV 1 M a lti-ld ,.l.l. . .
fall in i Ou. In tH. second round Whit
put l'avm to ine mat in i 13 Davis was
awarded the third lall In 1.40. Davis and
White both show li making of good
wrestlers and are trying out for cham
pionships. Davis', weight la IV) pounds,
While's. 17.
In the preliminaries W. rt. Fteemer of
Fremont scored a throw over V. L. Du
rant of Leshara In :U2. Charlie Seffern
Ol Ulliaiieh avnu tuoin. i
St. Lonii American! Trounce Detroit
Six to Five.
Wlnnlaar Tallr Made on Hit Batsman,
an Error, a Passe Ball and
aerlflre Hit Many
UT. LOUIH. April 2$. A hit batsman,
Bush' error, a passed ball and a sacrifice
fly gave St. Louis the winning run over
Detroit In the twelfth Inning today. The
game was played on a muddy field with the
temperature near freeslng and both teams
played a ragged game marked by heavy
hitting and many mlscues. Score:
B. H O. A It B H O A .
Blow. If 4 111 IMelntTrs, If., t 6 0 0
Waliaos, b . I
Hoffman, cf.. 4
Orl,i, !....
01 IBuah, ss 4 1 I I 1
0 1 OOoW), rf I 1 0 0
II OC'wf-rri. lb-rt 1110
1 T I IPsUhsntf, b 4 I I 0 0
1 11 1 OMorlsrltr, b 4 0 t
110 0T. Jonas, lb. I 1 7 0 s
00 nstsnat, S...4 0 1
11 WHIM, p 4 0 0 t 1
1 i OD. Jonas, ef,. 110 0
00 opamoil, p..-- 1111
1 0 4) 0 ToUls 4 135 11 I
Hsruell, ss.
Abatain. lb...
liammHt, rf
riahar. rf. . .
Stlrien, o.
Bailsr, p...
Ortaa .......
Wa44ll, p...
Totals 44 10 M If
Batted for Demmltt in ninth.
Batted for Bailey In ninth.
Winning run scored with two out.
Detroit 000184)1000 0-6
St. Loula ...0 2000000800 1-4
Two-base hits: Delehanty (2), Demmltt,
Orlggs. Sacrifice hits: Wallace, Bush. Sac
rifice fly: Absteln. Double plays: Stephens
to Absteln, Wlllett to Bush to Jones.
Passed ball: Stanage. Stolen base. Cobb.
Hit by pitched ball: By Pernold, Hoffman.
Wild pitch: Bailey. Bases on balls: Off
Bailey, 6; off Waddell, 8; off Wlllett, 3; off
Pernoll, 1. Struck out: By Bailey, 1; by
Waddell, 1; by Pernoll, 1; by Wlllett, 6.
Hits: Off Wlllett, 7 in eight innings: off
Pernoll, 3 In three and two-thirds Innings;
off Bailey, In nine Innings; off Waddell,
2 in three innnlngs. Left on bases: Detroit,
11; St. Luols, 10. Time; 2:20. Umpires:
Perine and O'Loughlln.
New York, 5 Washington, 2.
WASHINGTON, April SB. New York
bunched hits with Washington's errors In
the first Inning today, 6 to 2. Warhop was
hit hard in the third Inning and was re
placed by Qulnn, who waa effective. Sen
satloral plays were made by Cree, Laporte
and Elberfeld. Score:
Hampblll. cf.
I 0 0 Milan, cf I O 0 1
II OSrbaatar, lb.. 4 I I I 0
1 U 1 01..IIT.R. If... I 1 1 1 o
110- Elbarfi, lb. 4 0 0 t 1
111 eoaaalar. rf . ... 4 0 I 0 0
10 1 CiUntlaub, lb.. 4 0 14 1 0
0 0 1 OMc&rtda. aa.. I 0 1 71
0 10 Ostrsai, e 4 14 1
Woltar, rf.... I
Cbaaa, lb 6
Craa, If I
Laporta, Jb.. 4
Knljht, as.... 4
A'tatln, tb... I
Bwaanar, . c. 4
Warhop, p.... 1
Qulnn, p I
find 1
1 0 0 0 OObarlln, p.... 1 0 0 4 0
10 0 1 0Crooka 1 1 0 0 0
Totals W I 7 22 I
M I XT 11 0
Batted for Oberlln in ninth.
Batted, for Warhop In fourth. .
Washington 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 02
New York ,...4 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 S
Two-base hits: Hchaefer, Street, Crooks.
Hits: Off Warhop, 2 in three Innings;
off Qulnn, 4 In six innings. Sacrifice hits:
Austin. Stolen bases: Hemphill, Wolter.
Left on .bases: Washington, 8; New York,
6. Base on balls: Off Oberlln, 4; off War
hop, t; off Qulnn, 1. Struck out: By Ober
lln, 3; by Warhop, 2; by Qulnn, 1. Time:
1:40. Umpires: gan and Evans. , ..
Philadelphia, 4 Boston, , ,11.
BOSTON, April 25. The locals made three
times as many hits aa Philadelphia did to
day, but a series of mlsplaya by Boston
and two singles in the fifth gave th vis
itors enough runs to win; 4 to 2. A feature
waa -Lewis' batting.. .cqr: .- iX i
B.H OiA.t i--i': ' B.HO.A.IV
Hartvsl. If.
Odrrint, cf.
OMeCaaall, . lb 4 I 4
0Uor4, ur t I 1
OSptaker, cf., 4 9 10 0
OStahl, lb..... II1SS 0
OWacnsT, ss. M I 1 0 S 0
VNilaa, rf 4 10 0 1
ftLawla, If 4 I 0 0 0
Ocsrrlfaa, c. I I 1 1
Col Una, 2b,.. Ill
Dakar, lb.... 4 0
Uavla, lb I 0 1
Murphy, rf... I 0 0
Molnnoa, as.. 4 1 1
Tbomas, o..., 4 0 3
Atkins, p.... 10
vwood, p 19 0 10
Totals B) 4 14 OHall, p.
.... 100
.... 0 0 V 0
Totals...... IT II 27 11 I
Batted for Wood in eighth inning.
Philadelphia ..0 0 0 8 0 0 0 04
Boston 20000000 03
Two-base hits: Mclnnls (2); ' Lewis (2).
Home run: .Collins. . Hltai Off Wood, 4 in
eight Innings. Sacrifice hits: Speaker,
Carrigan, Murphy. Stolen bases:' Collins,
Wagner, Hansel I (2). Left on bases:
Philadelphia, 4; Boston, 8. Basea on balls:
Off Atkins, 2; off Atwood, 4. First on er
rors: Philadelphia, 1. Struck out: By
Wood, 6; by Atkins, 1. Passed ball: Car
rigan. Time: 1.66. Umpires: Dineen and
Kling Confers
with Murphy
Former Cub Catcher Report
National League Head Hai
Not Paid Fine.
CTHICACKX April 26.-John Kllng, former
member of the Chicago Nationals, arrived
in Chicago today from Kansas City and
held a conference with President Murphy
at th West Side ball park. Manager
Chance of the Chicago team, however, said
that Kilns had not officially renorted to
I the club and that Kilns could not do so
until he had paid the $700 fine against him.
It is said that this matter will be attended
to tomorrow.
Nest Game Will lie with Tabor Cot
lege at Tabor, Mmy SI.
TARKIO. Mo.. April 25. (Special.) Be
cause of an unusual conflict of dates th
Turklo college base ball sohedule has just,
oeen compieiea. ix is as roiiows:
May 2 Tabor college, -at Tabor.
VI a V 1 I i r ri
( May 4 Comer university,' at Lincoln, Neb.
May 10 ciarinda Mink league, at raruio.
May 17 St.. Mary's, at ait. Mary's, Kan.
May 1 Camtibml college, at liolton. Kan
May 20 Highland university, at Highland.
May ZJ Amity conege, at College Springs,
June 2 Amity college, at Tarkio.
Shootlngr Datea Changred.
The Nebraska state shoot at Columbus,
which has been advertised for May 31, June
1 and 3, has been postponed to June 1, I
and 2. This move was taken because th
slate law forbids tournaments on Decora
tlon day, which comes on May 30. On this
day It was expected that the practice
shoot for the meet would be held and the
managers of the tournament did not want to
conflict In any way with the state law.
From the entries that have been re
ceived to data It looks as though the stat
shoot will be one of the most successful
that has been held in years. Many enniss
have been received already and it Is ex
pected that the lists will be well filled be
fore they close.
Many shooters from Omsh;. will partici
pate. Indiana Beat Wllber.
W1LBER, Neb,. April . (Speclal.)-Guy
Green's Indians defeated the home team
Sunday in the opening game of the seav
aon, principally through fielding. Wllber
had evtrythlng their way for five innings,
but gave the Indians nine runs in the
next three innings on three hits and a
bunch of error. Shimonek pitched win
ning ball, but his team-mates failed him
in the pinches. Khrsiak sr.d A Shimonek
worked the squetxe play beautlfuly. Score:
10 6 2
i U?d,'ln"
Wilber 2 7
Batteries: Shan -and imlth; Shimonek
and Prucha. Three-base hits: Slieetak. i.
Attendance: 300. Umpires: Welkin and
When you want what you want when
you want It, say so through The Be Went
Ad columns.
Grand Island
Acad enly Wins
rAthletic Meet
Broken Bow High School, Five Points
Behind, Rank! Second, with
Home Squad Third.
GRAND ISLAND, Neb., April 25. (Bpe-
clai.) The track meet of the high achoola
of Broken Bow, Ilavehna, Grand Island
High school and Grand Island Collage
academy, on the Grand Island college
campus in this city Saturday afternoon,
resulted in a victory for the academy boys
with a score of B8, Broken Bow coming
second with 21, Grand Island High school
third with 20 and Ravenna fourth with 18.
The acad amy team carried off first in
the mile race, shotput, three short races,
hurdles, discus and hammer throw. Grand
Island won the pole vault and took a
number of seconds. Broken Bow took
first In the high and broad, jumps and
second in th half mile and Ravenna won
the half mile and second In the short rates.
Broken Bow had a small representation
in the events, but they were all good ath
letes. The local high school has good material.
but lacked practice. The athletes of Grand
Island college are Jubilant over their vic
tory from Hastings college last week, but
regret the feature that Captain Shires waa
taken sick In that event and will not be
able to enter the athletic field again this
Movement on Foot
to Send Team East
Nebraska Athletic Board May Rescind
Its Stand on Base Ball for Time
at Leant.
LINCOLN, April 25, (Special.) A meet
ing of the athletic board of the University
of Nebraska, which had been called for this
evening to decide whether the Cornhusker
base ball team Bhould be disbanded or per
mitted to play the rest of the games on its
schedule, was postponed until tomorrow
Student sentiment is demanding that the
athletic board give the base ball team per
mission to play all the games on the east
ern trip. If this' Is dore the faoulty mem
bers of the board will have to recede from
their Intention not to certify to tho players
under the anti-summer ball ruling ef the
Missouri valley conference.
The Cornhusker board has Informed the
other schools In the" conference that Ne
braska Is aware that It has several pro
fessional players oh Its team. Vet, In spite
of this statement ' the'- other schools are
willing to play the Nebraska team pro
vided the local board will' certify to the
standing of the men. The other- schools
admit the certifying would be only a farce,
but they feel they 'are bound to call for
statements on the Amateur Standing of the
players because ' the conference rules d-
mand that such'a-thin b done. All the
schools have said" IHey would not protest
a single man on the Nebraska demand.
An attempt wlirismsae'lt the board
meeting to get tttV'fartilfy1 tneVnbers to eon
sent to let ,the teaht 'Tiiake th trip and
issue a declaration t'hat Nebraska will not
stand for the anti-summer ball rule an
other season. This statement would mean
that the' Cornhuskers would insist on re
scinding the anti-summer ball ruling of
the conference. There is llkelv to be no
dlff IfcItS .in having this business accom
plished, for five of the other schools In
the" .'conference have declared themselves
opposed to the present rgulatlon;
The Cornhusker team will play Highland
park college of Des Moines here Thursday
afternoon. Word 'Tias been sent to the
Highlanders that this game will be played
regardless of the action taken by th
athletic board at . Its meeting tomorrow
Tha freshmen team is scheduled to play
Bellevue college of Omaha Wednesday
afternoon. There has neen a great shakeup
In the lineup of the first year men, but
the nine will be In shape to give the col
legians a "hard Vun- for their' money. The
freshmen will depend upon their fast twirl
ers to win for them, Karr or Klepser will
do the pitching for the beginners. Either
of these twiriers is better than any pitcher
the varsity has and is destined to do great
work for the Cornhuskers next year.
Bicycle Rider
Badly Injured
Frank Kramer, American Champion,
Painfully Hurt by Running
Into Fence.
NEW YORK. April 26 Frang Kramer of
Orange, N. J., America's champion cyo
list was painfully injured In the five-mile
professional rac ' on the Vallsburg cycle
track at Nwark, N. J., today when in try
ing to avoid a collision he ran into a fence.
Kramer said afterward that he would be
able to ride again in a day or two.
The summary;
One Mil Handicap, Professional Percy
Lawrence, Sun Francisco, (85 yards) won.
Time: LSI-.
One-half Mile Match, Professional P. G.
Hehlr, Australia, beat John Bedell, Lynn
brook, L. I., in 'straight heats. Time of
heats: l:s and 1;1V.
Australian Pursuit Ilace. Amateur Phil
lip Wright, Salt Lake City, won. Distance,
six and three-fourths Time: 14.2214.
Two Mile' Invitation, Professional E. F.
Rook. Boston, won. Time: 4:3fi.
Five Mile, Professional, Open Ivrr Law
son, 6alt Lake City, won. Time: 11:00ft.
Weston Nears
Eastern Goal
Veteran Pedestrian Reaches Vernon.
N. Y-Eats Eight Panoakes
for Breakfast.
tJTICA. N. Y.. April 26-Edward Payson
Weston will resume his walk to New York
after midnight last night from Vernon, six
teen miles wst. He slept from 8 s. m.
until 7 p. m. today, after a hesrty break
fast, which included eight pancakes. He
has not entirely recovered from his attack
of indigestion. Weston expects to reach
Utlca at 4:30 a. in. ,
American Horses Third.
PARIS, ' April 25 In the Prix Du T.ols
De Boulogne of ll.flfW. ten and a half fur
longs, at St. Cloud today, H. H. Diiryeait's
Hose Noble finished third, and Thomas
Hltchrock, )r 's. IrkouUk was third ill the
Prix Du Grns-BulsHOn of !X). -six and a
half furlongs. Frank J. Gould's Justlilen
Hi and luvanible . finished third, respec
tively, in Um 1'rlx Volas'iucx. a hsnd.osp
of ll.Oou, ten furlongs, ar.d the Prix Des
Acbeplnes of $M0, six furlungs
Cincinnati Pitchers Could Not Find
the Plate.
Cincinnati Rally Came Too Late to
Win tho Game, bnt Saved a
Shateat by Scoring Threo
CINCINNATI, April 2o.-Fallure of Cin
cinnati pltchars to locate the plate In the
early Innings was largely responsible for
St. Louis' 8 to I victory today. Packman
performed well until the sixth, whn the
locals scored three on a series of hits,
coupled with basea on balls. Score:
B.H.O.A.K. B H.O.A K
Husflna, lb.. 2 Oil 0nacher, If... 4 1100
Kills, if 4 110 OLubart, lb... 4 1 I 0
Oakaa, cf I I 4 0 OPasaart, lb... I 110 1
Konatrhy, lb 1 0 10 0 OMItchall, ef.. 10 10 0
Kvana. rf.... 10 10 OKsan, lb 4 0 11.0
Breariatiao. cf 4 1 4 1 VlarCabs, rf...l 110 0
Hauaer, ss....! 0 0 ODownay, as... 4 1110
Mowrsy, lb.. 4 1 1 4 OMrbasrt, C...I 1 6 1 1
Backmas, p.. I 0 0 I 0 Koth, o 0 0 1 1 0
Spaas, p 0 0 0 0 0
Totals 10 117 11 0 Covalaakla, p. I 0 0 I
Oaauar, p.... 0 0 0 0
Miller 1 0 0 0 0
Total It 7 17 14 I
Batted for Coveltskie in the eighth.
St. Louis 2 0 4 0 0 0 2 0 0-8
Cincinnati 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0-4
Two-base hits: Bresnahan, Mowrey,
Beacher, Downey. Hits: Off Spade, 4 In
two and one-third inlngs; off Coveleskie,
2 In five and two-thirds innings. Sacrifice
hits: Konetchy (2), Pachert (2). Double
play: Lobert to Downey. Left on bases:
St. Louis, 7: Cincinnati, 9, Base on balls:
Off Spade, 3; off Coveleskle, 6; off Back
man, 6. Hit by pitched ball: By Gaspar,
Konetchy. Struck out: By Coveleskle, 4:
by Gaspar, 1; by Backman, 3. Wild
pitches: Backman, Gaspar. Time: 2:10.
umpires: O'Day and Brennan,
New York, 8 Brooklyn, 1.
NEW YORK, April 25. In a game marked
by exceptionally brilliant fielding New
York defeated Brooklyn 3 to 1. in tue sixth
Inning Brldwell started a triple play by
stopping Hummel's grounder and throwing
to Doyle for a forceout on Wheat. Doy.e s
throw to Merk caught Hummel at first
and Burcb, who had overrun third, was
nipped at the plate. There also were four
double plays in the game. Kucker was
found for six hits snd three runs in the
last two innings. Brooklyn's tally was due
to a base on balls and Burch's triple.
aBtted for Devore in eighth inning.
B.H.O.A B. B.H.O.A.K.
Devon,, If.... I 1 0 oT. Smith, lb I 0 0 1 0
Snodsraaa ..1 10 0 OBurch, cf 4 110 0
Barker, it.... 0 .0 1
u Wheat, II.,., I 11 0 O
Doyle, 3b.... 4 1 I
0 Hummel, lb.. 4110
ODaubert, lb.. I 1 10 I 0
OH. Smith, rf 4 V I 1 0
OMcMUlac, as. 4 1 1 S 0
OBorgen. .... I 1 ft I 1
OKurker, p.... I 0 0 I 0
Totals M T 14 II 1
Murray, rf... IIS
Seymour, cf.. 4 0 0
brldwell, as.. I 1 I
Devlin. 8b..,. 10 0
Merkle, lb.... II
Myers, c Ill
Wltee, p...... t00
Totals ST I 27 If 1
Two-base hit: Brldwell. Three-base hits:
Daubert, Burch. Saolrflce hits: Wheat,
Wlltse. Left on baseB: Brooklyn, 6; New
York, 4. First on errors: Brooklyn, 1.
Double plays; Murray and Myers; Hummel
and Daubert; Wlltse, Doyle and Merkle;
McMillan, Bcrgan, ri. smith, Daubert and
Bergen. Trlplpe play: Brldwell, Doyle,
Merkle; Devlin and Myers. Struck out:
By Rucker, 2: by Wlltse. 3. Bases on balls:
Off Kucker, 3; off Wlltse, 4. Umpires:
Klem and Kane. Time: 1:35.
Poatnoned Game,
CHICAGO. April 25. Plttsburg-Chioago
game postponed; wet grounds.
Aero Club Ready
' with Summer Plans
Club Will Meet This Week to Ar
range Program for the
The Aero club of Nebraska is fortunatb
In having Omaha for its headquarters.
Particularly is this so when it Is consid
ered that the pick of Uncla Barn's army
officers who sre interested In aeronautics
are stationed in this city. With them in
terested and back of the movement for
advancement th members feel that there
cannot be any obstacle that may not be
met and overcome.
An investigation of the weather condi
tions at this point Indicate that they are
ideal both for ballooning and aeroplane
work. The prevailing winds toward th
northwest are Just what are needed for
ballooning to maintain a maximum flight
and the atmospheric conditions due to tha
slcvatlon are right. i
Now that the weather is assuming a
somewhat settled state a meeting of the
directors will be held some time this week
and plans for the coming season will be
discussed and steps taken to carry them
out.' i
Blir Klghtrr's Kxhlbltlona Inspire
Confidence In Trainers.
BHN LOMOND, Cul April 26.-In the
presence of a crowd of critical fight fol
lowers who visited Jeffrie' training camp
today th big fighter gave a physical cul
ture exhibition that more than satisfied th
Jeffries' condition compared with his
physical trim when he began training shows
a remarkable improvement and for the
first time today he frolicked about the
gymnasium with his old-time exuberance
of spirits.
Th morning's work-out consulted of a
session with th chest weights, followed by
a fast mix-up with the medicine balls and
the exhibition of shadow boxing, finishing
with three fast rounds with Bob Armstrong
and two mora rounds of roughing it with
Farmer Burns.
Th boxing, of course, was the special
event of th work-out and took place at
high noon In the hand ball court, which
was hotter than a Turkish bath. After the
three boxing periods, In which the big fel
low showed much better speed and keener
accuracy than heretofore, perspiration
rolled off him In streams.
Hlckard and Berry.
Tex Rlckard and Clarence Berry reached
camp In tlm to wltiiefc the boxing and
set-to with Burns. They expressed sur
prise at -Jeffries' marked improvement.
Jeffries played with Berry after his work
out, frisking about Ilk a coy young hippo
potamus, apparently not in the least fa
tigued by his gymnasium work and his 10
mlls run on th road In th early morning.
Berry was so well pleased with Jeffries'
showing he declared he was willing to in
crease hks bets on the battle of July 4 to
Berger has not hesitated to say that In
the part Jeffries lacked fire snd ginger,
but this morning he declares he was satis
fied for the first time.
"We could not possibly hsv hoped for
anything better," said Berger. "Jim is in
great form. About all he needs Is plenty
of boxing and you may depend upon It I
will see he gets it."
Rlckard requested Berger to go to San
Francisco a week from today, when the
promoter proposes to post an sddltlonal
tW.OOO of the purse money. Rlckard will
then have posted $.'o.0h0 of the amount to
the fighters. Th remaining ;i.0oo will not
bo due until forty-eight hour before the
big battle.
Omaha on Glidden
Route, is Selected
as Night Control
Samuel M. Butler, Successor to
Hower, Holds Conference with
Motor Men on Way East.
Omaha will be on the Glidden tour route
for 1910 and will be one of the night con
This statement was madp Monday after
noon ' by Samuel M. Butler, chairman of
the contest board of the American Auto
mobile association, after a conference with
W, R. McReen; president of the Nebraska
Association of Automobile Clubs, and sev
eral other prominent automobile leaders of
Omaha and Council Bluffs. Mr. Butler
stopped in Omaha enrnute east from Cali
fornia, where he has been for some time.
A chanrre has been made in tho manage
ment of tht American Automobile associa
tion. Mr. Butler has succeeded Mr. Hower
as chalrrnah and the offices have have
been moved from Buffalo to New York,
with paid officers In charge all the year
around. The- Manufacturers' association
now stands back of the association nnj It
Is on mors of a business' basis.
When the' tour for 1910 was first planned
Omaha was placed on the route. A change
was then mRde and Omaha was cut off.
Now comes Mr. Butler to look the ground
over and after consultation with Omaha
and Council BlufTs enthusiasts decides that
Omaha must be on the rnuto and that the
tourists will stop over night. The run will
be from St. Joseph to Omaha.
Dal Lewis, pathfinder for the tour, will
be in Omaha In a few days on his trip
to mark out the route and the different
Conductor Toscanlnl'a Achievement
Is a Mental Phenomenon Be
yond Analysis.
Ons evening recently, as upon a previous
Saturday afternoon, . there was a demon
stration of the capacity of the human mind
with respect to "powers of memory the like
of which has never been witnessed in New
York City. The conductor of the Metropol
itan Opera company. Toscanlni, a man of
slight physique and no suggestion of phy
sical power, conducted the massive opera,
"Die Melsterslnger," Wagner's only com
edy opera, without having before him a
single page or even note of the stupen
dous score.- He had likewise conducted,
earlier in the season, the production of
"Tristan and Ysolde" without any score
upon the conductor's desk. This production
has caused greater comment among true
muslo lovers than anything given by either
of the grand opera companies this winter.
Even the most critical of the abler mu
sical critics of 1 New York dismissed their
caution and reserve tn writing of this per
formance of "The Melsterslnger." And as
a musloal production alone it, with "Tris
tan," stands apart as possibly the supreme
revelation New York has had of Wagner'B
genius. But Toscanlnl's exploit reflects an
even greater phenomenon of the mind.
Rctcos Oonkling spent three weeks of in
eessaat toll in committing to memory the
speech In the academy of music In the sec
ond Grant campaign, -which occupied three
hoars in its -delivery. ' The marvels of mem
ory' which were :charactorislo. of Macauley
and alto of Gladstone, -verbal memory, en
abling them to repeat page after page of
Homer, are ofterr.ciuoted si- perhaps the
highest examples of the capacity of the
brain to absorb and to-retain the written
er printed word.
But Toscanlni mastered the score of an
opera which required four and one-half
hours for the production. An operatic score
Is very different from the printed page,
which has only word after word and line
upon line. The soore contains almost In
finite numbers of notes, and these have
their respective parts among the various
instruments of the orchestra, as well as the
voices of the chorus and of the leading
singers. All of these details must be mas
tered, not one lost. And it was easy to
discover as Toscanlni Conducted that every
note and every instrument and every voice
in the entire' corps was absolutely at his
command. And It was said of htm that
this is also true of all the scores of operas
which he conducts. That surely Is a men
tal phenomenon beyond the power of anal
ysis or investigation. It ranks with the
world's greatest feats of memory. Holland,
In Philadelphia Ledger.
Seas' 9 2&S G ZZS
Normal, healthy Mood, contains- millions of tiny red corpuscles, which ara
th YltaUalng' and nourishing element of the circulation. These corpnsclert
constantly forming In healthy system by the extraction of nutriment from food
eaten, and thle nourishment la then supplied through the circulation to every
portion of the system. Any gystem which does cot receive the proper amount of
blood nourishment Is not prepared to withstand the countless disorders that assail
It Bad blood can not nourish the body, the circulation must be pure, rich and
strong If we would enjoy good health. Bad blood manifests Itself In various
ways. With some It takes the form of skin diseases and eruptions, others become
bilious and malarious, with sallow complexions, torpid liver, etc. If the germs and
Impurities In the blood are of a more virulent nature then bad blool becomes mora
serious and produces Ehenmatlsm, Catarrh, Soros and Ulcers, and like troubles.
Nothing equals S. 8. 8. for bad blood. It Is Nature's own blood puriflor, made
from roots, herbs and barks. It goes Into the circulation and removes evory im
purity or poison, strengthens and enriches the blood, and In this way rupplios the
body with the proper amount of nourishment to maintain Rood health. S. B. 8.
Is likewise the finest of all tonics and whllo purifying the blood builds up every
portion of the system. 8. S. 8. cures every ailment coming from bad blood, and
It does) so Blmply because It purifies the circulation. Book on the blood sent
free to. all Who wrlto. TUB BWTFT 8PECIFI0 CO., ATLANTA, OA,
Always Ask For It.
Kansas City Whitewashed by St. Faul
Six to Nothing.
Kalnta Si-ore l'l, lnn ,, DnnMe
Steal llooilrr Wallop t nlnm-
t olnnela Heat
M ml In-n a.
KANSAS CITY. Ap,u ;-,,-st. Paul shut
out Kansas City in the opening game ol
th local seuson to.las. M.,)t)r Darius A.
Brown pitchrU the rii.t .;li. st. Paul's
first run was won en a double steal.
ST. PAti
1) 11 OAK
Clarke. If..
I 1
I 0 i'Shann.n !.' i J 10 I
I I'Hiilln'.n. r, , i4i i
I 0 oi.,, s , f, 1
Iloufher, 8r. . 4
Jetiea, of a
Murray, rf . . . . 6
ttpenrer, r 6
Auirey. lb. . 4
M l''onn'k. a i
W rlgley, 2h.. i
Uehrins, p. . I
0 I
1 I
10 i.lliml.r. tl
:: 0 13 1
; o l o
4 110 0
i J 1 I I
" o I 4
10 111
1 0 I) I) 0
10 0 0 4
1 0 II 0
o o o
6 H II 4
I I I lYnlir, Jb
II I I'l tx, 11.
1 I 1 IK! Inn,, .. .
I S I IMiilliMn. I-
I 0 I VHiller. c...
llrmulnm, p
Total 34 0 V IS fsan. p
KnlUM-y ...
lluanle ....
' o-analon ,.
Total, ....
flatted for Sullivan in tilth.
Hutted for Brandon In fifth.
Hatted for Swan In ninth,
Halted for Hitter ill ninth.
Kansas City 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
St. Paul 0 1 1 0 1 0 0
T S-
Hits: Off Brandon, 4 In five Innings;
off Swan, 6 In four Innings. Two-haae
hits: Jones, Clarke. Three-hat hit : spen.
ci r. Homo run: GMuing. Sacrifice hits.
Boucher, Wrlgley, Love, Unmdoni. Left
on bases: -Kannus tity, 7; St. Paul, 7.
Stolen bases: hilam. Clarke, Boucher,
Jones, McCoi-nilck. J MuMe plays: Spencer
to Wrlgley to Autrey; Spencer to Autrey.
Struck out: By Swan, 2; by t'.ehring, 4
First base on errors: Kansas City, 2
St. Paul, 3. Bases on bails: Off Brandom
2; off OehtinK, 4. Hit by pitcher: F.IIam,
Yon.- 'Time: 2:15. empires: Owens and
Indianapolis, ft Columbus, 4.
INDIANAPOLIS, April Zj.-ln the open
ing game of tho season here today Indian
apolls won from Coumbus, 6 to 4. by timely
hlttlnir. The weather was cool, but a larg
crowd was in attendance. Score:
B.H.O.A.K. U.H O.A.H.
rtudt.'rnn, If a 0 t 0 flUHllv, If 4 0 10
IMehanty, ef I 0 I 0 OiMwell, nr.... 4 110 4
Mllllgan. 2b.. S 1 1 1 llioana. II).. .4 14 4
'arr. lb 4 2 f 1 HiKman. ;b. li 0 I 1 I
Hajdon, rf... 1 0 3 0 OHl'rbman, rt 1 0 0 0 I
Miir.-h. SI..... J 111 Oil Ilourko, 3b I S 2 1 0
UnwermaJl, c S 1 7 1 flyulnlan, as . I I 2 0 fl
U'wla, ss 3 0 1 J IJamea, c I 0 0 1 0
(Iraham, p.,,2 113 0 Arrogant, c . t 0 : 1 0
LleWiarit, p. 4 1 1 o j -
Total! 27 I 27 10 I
Totala 3i T S4 10 1
Indianapolis 0 2 0 0 0 a 0 It -t
Columbus 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 0-4
Two-base hits: Murch, Qulnian, O'Rourke.
Struck out: Hy Graham, 6; by I.lebhart, 2.
Bases on balls: Off Graham. 4; off Lleb
hart, 3. Sacrlfloe hits: Chadhnurnc, Hey
den, Ucllly, Odwell. Double plays: Down!
to Hosaman. Stolen bases: Delehanty,
Miligan. Hit hy pitcher: lllnchman,
O'Rourke. Umpires: Ulerhalter and Cu
sack. Time: 1:45.
Poatnoned Game.
MILWAUKEE, Wis., April iK.-Mlnne.
spoils, Milwaukee game postponed, account
wet grounds.
Hooper Wins from Arlington.
HOOPER. Neb., April 2S.-Speclal.)-ln
the opening game of the season here Sun
day the local team was victorious over
Arlington. The game was well played con-
tsldoring the practice the teams have hud.
score: , it H i;.
Arlington 020000000 264
Hooper 00120020 S44
Batteries: Arlington. Rump and Cook;
Honpar, Koienic and McDonnld. Two-hns
hits: Riirup, Westerhoff. Three-bnse hit:
Basler. Double piny: Basler to Hecker ta
Westerhoff. Struck out: By Rurup, 14;
by Kopenlc, 15. Kirst base on balls: Off
Rurup, S; off Kopenlc, 3. Hit with pitched
hall: By Rurup, 2; by Kopenlc, 2. Time:
Rev. W. II. Deeblc of South Dakota
Believe Motor Cur Will Aid
Him In Service.
ABERDEEN, B. P., April X.-lSpeclal.)-Rev.
W. D. Deeble, a Congregational minis
ter who has Just removed from Groton to
Hlghmore, is perhaps the first clergyman
in South Dakota to own an automobile..
He has purchased a fine machine of an
Aberdeen dealer. Rev. Mr. Deeble has a
large territory to cover and believes he
can better serve his parishioners with an
automobile that he could with a horse and
When you want whut you want when
you want It, say so through The Bes Want
Ad columns.
rnn nnn m nnr.
ALL - -