THE BEE: OMAHA. TUESDAY. APRIL 20, 1910. $ Thn3 "Arnnlrl" &nnrfs I -4r ir 3 i i .ya . if.' rjij- ; ' TJs, t-iuoo ny menisci J fe'i ' uL a '.'T"" tr t'i t & .inn 3 TBI YOU PIG own 1518-1520 Farnara Street 5 jpii have given up the crop and have ceased imudglng. The peach and berry- crop, according to the HI. Louis weather observatory of ficials, probably are- also destroyed, al though there is blight hope that a rising temperature will save a portion of both. A severe snowstorm is reported as raging in the vicinity of Cairo, III. The minimum temperature In St. Louis today was 25 de grees and similar registrations are reported throughout a radius of ISO miles. . Frosts Hart Fruits. LOUISVILLE, April .-Unprecedented low temperatures for the season and steady snowfall throughout western Kentucky and western Tennessee today marked the prog ress of the cold wave, which has now spread as far south as northern Missis sippi. ; At Nashville and Memphis the ther mometer registered 32 degrees this after noonthe coldest late April weather on . record. In western Kentucky the snowfall gave prospect that morning would find a blanket possibly two Inches In depth on the Itround. - - - " ' "' ' Reports from that section and west Ten nessee are to the effect that the snow Is expected to protect small fruits and to hold down the loss on apples, etc. Frosts and clear weather over a con siderable portion of central Kentucky nnd middle Tennessee, however, .will do heavy damage to fruits and truck jrardons. CLEVELAND, April 2.-Klliing frosts have been reported today from practically all the principal points In Ohio. In Colum bus, Cincinnati and Cleveland, the mercury fell, below the freeslng point on Saturday night and, according to United States Fore caster James Kenealey, frost, snow and rain Is the Immediate outlook. "It Is Impossible to estimate'' at present the damage to the crops," said Mr. Ken ealey, "but I 'have'recelvedreports of 'kill ing frosts' ,fr,om all over Ohio, Indiana and Illinois. The area of !ow temperature ex tends down to Carolina and throughout the middle west frost and snow, may be still expected." SPRINGFIELD. 111., April J4-AI1 records for lat?- cold weathar In central Illinois wero broken today. It was 10 degrees be low freeslng tills morning In Springfield and other points. Only once In April In any pru lous year lias the . temperature been so cold, and that was on April 1, 1899, when the mercury dropped to 19 degrees. The total snowfall for yesterday and lasl night was 'three Inches, according to Di rector Hum of the government weather bureau; Never brforu has a trace of snow been recorded after Apell 15 In this region, Moie reports of crop damage poured In to day, but the 'oss cannot be definitely de clared at present. LEXINGTON? Ky:: "April ' reports from central and eastern Kentucky this morning show that fruit and vegetables were either killed or badly damaged by the frosts of last night and Saturday. The dam a.Hf is estimated at 1100,000. Tobacco plants suffered. Flee Inches, of snow, covers the stotlon about Ilopklnsvljle. , I DEATH. RECORD. John Christopher Mnrmon. FALLS CITY, Neb.. April 2W(Speo'aI.) John Christopher Harmon died hero Sun day morning. , He was born. In Effelden In the grand duchy of Hesse Dermstadt the Bth of May, 1W tn'is, In oompany with his parents, two brothers and two sisters, he came to., the United States, landing in New York, rand shortly- after removed to Lancaster county. Pennsylvania, where the family, established a residence, There he met Slid married Ma;aret Peeter, whom he had know n . In. Germany. In JSf7 he removed to Ogle county,- Illinois, where he resided' until tbe. death of his wife In V81. )le was the father of si children, two sons and four" daughurs. nil of whom survive hi in with the, eii'fption. of the youngest son, who died In Infuhry. Hls children are Adam Ilarinort, Anna . Harmon, Mrs. Mary Lrund of Peatiiee, Mk Howard Swonk of Lincoln and Mrs. Otho' Watchel of thl city. Clurenre C. l.nd?rt. The body ot Clarence C. Lauden, who died In fs'-jamcnto. Cal., last week, ar rived In ('.Omaha Sunday evening. The funeral Wl I take plae Tuesday afternoon, piobsb'y ' from tla , llrslley & Doirance chapel. t'Mr. Laden was S3 y?ars old and bad lived In Omaha. ' Jniues ' II. lirGowan. KANSAS CITY. April 23.-James II. Mc Gowan, af(J 4) 'year,, manager of the Kansas' City (Mo.) company and presi dent of t!t 'Wyandotte, County (Kan.) Gas torai ny; died at his home here today of it art dl jrusc,. Ue was a brother of Hugh J. McUowan ut Indianapolis. , LITTLE GIRL STARTS FIRES tMrteeu-Yeajr-Old Ln Sets Eight Mount- Ablase JuM to See tannines llaa. PITTSDI'IIU, April 25,-The police made two arrenta of unusual Juvenile offenders today. Josephine PuttjoWBka, 13 years old. Is charged wlta setting fire to eight houses. Shu laid the fire engines thrilled her. Ut ile daniuge was done. Another 13-yi'ar-old boy. Uarnejr' Leahy, cripple, was arrested for drunkenness. He -was unconscious when (ound. Mere FIMacs la Moats Dakota. PIEKRB, 8. n Arrll SS.-OpuelaU-W. W. Soule of Rapid City,' came in Saturday nd filed nominating petition; for himself. U a deOiocraUc candidate for congress and . .. ,. , . ; "Arnold" Knit Vests for babies and children up to three yearg old. In these garments the indi viduality and superior ity of the 4 Arnold "fab rics, patterns, style and trimming are cmpha , sized they are in a V I . . Soft, elastic, porous, com fortable, healthful, dainty nnd handsome. They alt have the "Arnold" patent armhole and sleeves. Prices, 23c (all cotton), to 2.00 (all silk.) Call for Illustrated catalog. 5 PtOPLTS aTOirt 4) for Chnuncey L. Wood of Rapid City as the candidate of that party for governor. Today Is the last ' day for the filing of petitions of candidates' for the June pri maries, and it is the expectation that a complete democratic state ticket will be filed before the closing hour. John Kelly of Flandrenu, who was one time elected as a populist to congress, from this state. Is to be the running mate of: Mr. Soule, but who the rest of the nominations will be is not known. I 1 Street Cars I sins Mirrors. Every Omaha street car now lias a small mirror Into which the motorman may glance and see the whole side of the car and the street. The Omaha Rubber com pany, 1WS IUrney, sells a similar article for automobiles. They are quite useful and i.iay prevent a serious accident. It's just like eyes in the back of your ,head. Every machine should have one. They also carry every known auto accessory besides tires, rubber hose, hot water bags auto tools and automobile apparel' for men and women. They repair and retread auto tires. It's the largest and most satisfactory In stitution of Its kind In the west. , ' I low Ntwi Notes. MASON CITY-E. M. Sparks of Plum OttK a few days ago aiposed uf titty six hcaa of bogs, nine monuis old, recuiv me tor tna Bttme l,ttt:4.8, ou tnu Cnicago mi kec. IOWA FALLS Mrs. John T. Boy. an, wue ot ex-8usritf Boylan of this county, anu her sister leave uoon for an extenutd .our of the European continent. Itiey ex- iiect to be gone until next fail. GREENFIELD The first off leal test of the new water works was maae Saturday, and aside trom one small defect,, rtadliy remedied, the system was found to be first class and tne city now boasts of as fine waterworks as any town of tne sise in tne state, , ... , - .. , . MASON CITY From all over Winneshiek county comes the- report ol many sick horses, so much so Uiut an -epidemic -was' feared; ejulte a thorough examination has been made and It has been ascertained to nearly a certainty that the trouble Is the feeding of mouldy corn. MASON CITY-A pet bulldog owned by Mr. and Mrs. Will Sneers of Nashua sud denly went mad and bit their little son's lace so that he was hardly recognisable. A large part of the nose was bitten off and several ugly gashes Inflicted on both right and left cheeks. The dog was killed. IOWA FALLS A large amount of re jected corn, as well as other material that does not pass muster In the open market. will be able to find a market for its dis posal at the new denatured alcohol p ant , that has been established at Eagle Grove, and la now awaiting the sanction of the government to begin Operations. CRERTON A tumor weighing 128 pounds was removed last week from the body of Mrs. Henry Lock wood, who lives south of this city, at one of the local hospitals. The woman's weight was reduced one-half by Its removal. Mrs. George Auracher of this city also submitted to the removal of a . tremendous growth, at the same time, which weighed forty pounds. Both patients are reported to be on the road to recovery. CRE8TON Barney Long, aged 50 years, night watchman at the West Burlington shops for the Burlington road, was found dead, lying along the railroad track, a short distance from West Burllngtom Saturday. Long had comp'eined of feeling 111 and started to go home. It is supposed a sud den attack of heart trouble overtook him, as there was evidence of a severe struggle around the ground where the body was found. TEKA MA H- Saturday evenlnar the Board of County Commissioners of Burt county appointed Miss Nettie C. Nelson to the vacancy of the office of county superin tendent of Burt county. Mlee F-1a Ne'son Its former occupant, having resigned Just previous to her death. Miss Nettle Nelson was the republican candidate apposed to Fda Nelson Inst fall. The board 1 republi can. The appointee Is a resident of Oakland and one of that city's school teachers. JOWA FALLS Two hundred and fifty dollars an acre for Hardin county real estate is the latest record established for high priced land In this county. The tract Involved Includes twenty acres, with fair Improvements, and is located Just within the corporate limits of the town of Acklev. The place is known as the old Peverence place, which was conducted as a tavern in an early day and which was favorite stopping place on the old stage line. WYNOT The farmers of this vicinity are organising a farmers' elevator cora panv. At a meeting held Saturday right addresses were given by - Mr. O Vincent of the Farmers'. Grain oompany of Omaha and Mr. R. D. MoCoun. manager of the Farmers Grain company of Vermil lion. S. V. A temporary .orghrtlsatlon was formed and about one-hai Hie. necessary oapltnl raided on the snqt.. SuyrjUng com mittles were appointed to raiite unbalance. CRESTON Owing to the removal of Cap. tain Wick to Texas. Company I. Iowa Na tional guard, of this plsca. Is liable to be mustered out, as there seems Jo be no one to assume the position and as the com pany was so recently rsc.rulted with raw material, Just before the annual Inspec tion by Captain Dalto. the standard -of ex cellence which is necessary had not been attained with the new recruits, . conse quently the company received a low rating. IOWA FALLS The township assessors in this county are -all filing extra bills with the county of S26 each for extra work done this spring In making the assessment in their reaneotlve districts. It is claimed by these officials that extra work was de manded In gathering crop and farm eta tint lea. making about twice the work here, tofore demanded of an assessor. In gath ering this data It was neresssry to In clude the acreage of each farm, the yle d in crops therefrom, the number of animals, tho produce sold, etc nwrvn-Th. tvt vjriiieMInn of this city rave re-el cted he fol owing 'esch ers fnr th cnsulns "Vir: W. ' H, Mver. (iipsMntendnt; Ulna M Maudlin, prlneWl Idit M. Sallsnder. grammar ' room: Annie Johnson, recond Intermediate; Lij'da HMI. flrt Intermediate: Kerths. Swanson. second primary; Grace Berry, lret primary. Ws JeAnette Nelson was re-elected asslrtan irineleal but rannot-aexetit ea eeenunt of H-r apnolntment as ceittv superintendent The board his vet to 1 1 ret her arcc-sor snd also a muslo teacher, !i T- t PMOWP: floi'TH si fr s e of JET. TER GOLD TrP. Promnt dl.vcry to any part of o'X. Henry J. Jetter. ' a- -vi v r i r j i .fc mv i NEW ETHICS FOR GOLFERS Canons Lay Down Rulci as to Where Ball Must Lie Before the Drive. DISTRIBUTE WEIGHT OF BODY it Should Ie Properly Balanced at the Time of, Snl(lni at the Small. bat Klaslve Pellet. ' NEW TORK. April ti.-One of the new canons of (rolfing style -which no heretls has yet d.tred to dispute Is that s hlch ad vises the player to stand with his ball more nearly in line with his right toe, as the distance to be covered by the shot diminishes1. Nowadays almnst every one drives with the ball opposite a spot half way between his heels, or even two or three Inches tn front. But he plays his cleek shots with the . hall rather farther back,' and In approach play usually stands so ' that the ball Is almost opposite his right heel. All this Is most orthodox. But It Is some what less usual to Inquire why It should be so.' However, does not the answer to this make plain the whole problem of stance, which Is pimply a matter of equi librium and depends upon one simple rule: However, you stand, you must have your weight so distributed that your center of gravity Is opposite the ball at the moment of hitting it. The reason Is not difficult to see, and, perhaps, It may be a source of.enllght ment as well, as a help, to. have again brought to the notice of those golfers who are In the habit of pulling or slicing badly one fundamental Idea. An ordinary golf club la constructed so that if the ball Is to be hit squarely the shaft must', at that moment of Impact be at right angles to the direotlon In which the' player wishes his ball to travel; that Is to say, the player's hflnd must be op- poslte the .ball. If they are not the club face, as It comes In contact with the ball, cannot possibly be at right angles to the line-of flight,- apd a glancing-blow,-re sulting In a pull or slice. Is the Inevitable result. . It Is, however, easy for a golfer to prove for himself how the natural position of the hands. In holding any two-handed' weapon such as a golf club, depends upon the dls trlbutton .o the . weight of the body. Let him clasp his hands In front of him, then shift his weight on to his left foot and note how promptly his arms fall', forward, like some delicate pendulum, in accordance with the change. Contrariwise, If he throws his weight on. to. his right foot and at tempts at the same time, to keep his hands well to. the left as if he were going to play "off his left toe," fie will realise that the position Is one of constraint In which a powerful stroke Is Impossible. It Is this factor which makes It so awk ward to play from an uneven or iasaeure stance. The player's weight has to be dis tributed differently frem usual, owing to the necessity of obtaining a firm footing and the natural position of his hands being thus altered to play his ordinary stroke becomes Impossible. Every one has ex perienced the fact that where some hillock or hollow In the ground prevents htm from resting the same proportion of weight as usual upon each foot, though the stance Is otherwise thb same, he feels that he simply cannot play the stroke according to his accustomed method; often he Is con strained to play In some fashion quite un triedand with complete success. Because, as we must know, the most Important thing IS hot that he should stand In a par ticular way, but. -that stance and swing should be " suitable to each other. Golf, like fencing and other sports In which the stroke demands great nicety of' aim, de mands that the poise of the body be reck ored as of the utmost importance, Driving with the ball well forward and driving with It as far back as possible have each certain advantages, but neither is the slightest good unless the player Is standing so that the natural position of the hands, that position Into which they will fall at the lowest point of the stroke, h exactly opposite the ball. It Is hardly . . ' ' eeessary to prove that It Is when the hands are in this natural position that the blow attains Its greatest force. In theory It Is quite sufficient that the body should be properly balanced at the moment of striking the ball. Accordingly swaying the body Is not necessarily fatal to a good shot. In practice, however, the case Is rather different, because when a player sways back with the upward swing of his club the chances are. against him swaying forward to exactly the right de gree In the down stroke. In any case, by swaying he Is Introducing a new and diffi cult factor Into his calculations, and the less this factor Is allowed to affeet the conditions of the problem the better. It Is all very well to talk about the bad results which come from swaying or an awkward stance, bad habits into which many golfers have grown; what Interests them the most Is how to avoid these pit falls. An early visit to the club's profes slonal and a couple of lessons ought to show the player Just how to overcome his errors. ENTRIES FULL OF INTEREST Every Bis; Llae Driver Will Be at Grand Rapids. GRAND RAPIDS. Mich., April 25.-Bn tries for the early closing stakes of Grand Rapids'1 meeting were recently announced for the coming season, and are of great Interest to horsemen. While the Furniture City Driving club, which manage the meeting, Is not In membership with the grand circuit, yet the meeting will be the first of tho year In which a $10,000 stake for trotters and one of $6,000 for pacers are given. The list of nominators Indicates that with very few exceptions every big line driver will be In Grand Rapids, such as Geers, Murphy, McDonald, Macey, LaselL Deam, Walter Cox, McMahan, W. J. Andrews. Millard Sanders, L. V. Shuler, John L. Dodge and several others, with the beet candidates in their respective training strings, or, In other words, the list showa tho very beat of the year, and the trotters and pacers which will be In the great events from the start to the finish of the racing year. While there are no classes In the Grand Rapids early closing card for green horses, yet many horses unknown to fame are en tered. and as a great majority of them are products of mile track circuits and natur ally the pick from the two-lappers. their contest against well known big linora makes the card doubly Interesting. The first entry of the year also shows that everywhere the procpeots for big en erles In all early closing events, as well as class races, are very bright. The fl0,0u0 stake has a total of twenty-three entries, more than the nominations to the Detroit classic, the M. & M. stake, which looks right eneouraglng for the balanco of the season. The entries for the faster classes, such at the 106 pace, naturally are not many, yet the fact that outside of the big stake all ethers have received an average entry of fifteen for each class. Is a sure indica tion that racing material large In number and fine In quality Is promised for the en tire season. - - Grand Rapids' management has promhwd to farlnsr men total csf 31.pW lit stakes and purses, and their liberality Is there fore well appreciated by owners and drivers with a good entry tlsU The management Owns one of the finest mile tracks In the west, and with purses equal In value to the best grand circuit meeting and a . entry list wbh-h Includes the country's best racing prospects, the big meeting In Michigan will be of as much Importance to the season's harness sport as many opening- meetings of former year In Detroit. , . Horner Rivals Martin Sheridan , . , e, p- .. Michigan Runner Recognized at Best All Around Athlete in Amer- - ica Today, PHILADELPHIA, Fa... April 2S.-Horner of Michigan, now recognised- as the great est all around athlete In America, will be the center of attraction in the special events at Pennsylvania's relay races. He seema destined to fill the shoes of Martin Sheridan, America's all around champion. and to say that he will probably make even better records than the world famous Mar tin Is about the highest praise that can be given to Horner. The Michigan marvel seems to be' at home either on track or field. For instance, In the recent meet with Cornell, Horner won .the . thirty-five yard dash, was second In the hurdles and won the high Jump and shot put. The latter Is his special 'event and, barring accidents, he is sure to make a new College record. Horner will compete, In the shot put and high Jump, and he will also enter either the hurdles or the 100 yards. Though a big man, weighing, close to ISO pounds, he has shown great speed even or the quarter, though. It Is hardly likely .that outdoors he will prove so fast in this contest. During the past winter Horner has com peted in the following events with the fol lowing records: Thirty-five yards dash, 4 seconds; forty yards hurdle, 6 seconds; shot put, 46 feet TVs inches; high Jump, 6 feet 11 Inches. .. . , He has also run on Michigan's one-mile relay team. Horner Is a good broad Jumper and he has dona eleven feet in the pole vault. Thus, with such remarkable ability in so many different events, Horner is expected to break all existing point rec ords when he competes tn the all around championship this) summer. ' ' I ; .. ROOSEVELT GUEST OF PARIS (Continued from First Page.) to which it Is attached by Indissoluble tits. Its heart goes straight out to the man you are." Mr. Roosevelt replied. In French, voicing gratitude for the expressions addressed to him, but protesting that they were too flattering. "You make of me," he said, "an ideal, which I can only try to realize In the future." , t ; The former president paid a high tribute to Paris and Its past; saying that he agreed with M. Leplne that It was a mistake to regard Paris as did tourists, as a place of amusement. "Parts.'r h added, is a city of work. of science and art, whose Industries are Incomparable. It is the capital of a coun try radiant with the 'virtues of peace and war." - Mr. Roosevelt 'feferreif to' the great dls COveriea'"wTl'lcvh ''FiWcV had '"glveh ' ton the world,-1 mehH6Wi,''8sfc$!etly,' Pasteur And the Academy of;'Flhe"Arts,'-where students from every country' dome to "'commune with the muses In the sacred wood." Later-Mr. Roosevelt took tea -with Edith Wharton, the authoress. This evening, he was the dinner. ruetV6f General Bru-. gere. chief of the general staff of the French army,., following which he at tended 1flie"orera. , Mr, Roosevelt has received an invitation from' Count Zeppelin' to make a trip with him In his dirigible bailon,, but will decline, because of a lack of time- ' As honorary presJdent.of the Academy of Sports, Mr. Roosevelt has accepted the Invitation of President Hebrand to receive his - colleagues tomorrow afternoon at Issy-Lea-Moullneaux . where several French aviators will make flights In honor ot the American. , , , , . . i I Culled From the Wires The cruiser Charleston of the American Asiatic squadron has sailed for Shanghai. 'i'h gunboats, Wilmington, Callno and 8a inaro, will remain at Arooy. ' A special to . the puluth News-Tribune from Houghton, Mich., says that the steamer Northern ' King, which had not been reported since leaving the Poo line and for whose safety; seme apprehension wss fell, is safe In shelter at that port. Three lives were lost lh a fire which de stroyed the 8oo line depot at Edgewood, N. P., Sunday. The -living rooms over the depot 'were occupied by, the family ot Agent G. A. Krueger, and his wife snd two daughters, aged T and 9 years, respectively, were burned to death. .' . Charles B. lira per, proprietor of Draper Hall , at Oeonomowoo, Wis., and one of the most widely known hotel men in the country, died at that place Sunday. He was a picturesque character and his guests and friehds Included prominent people trom all sections of the .United States. The first selsure of cotton shipped under bills of lading issued by Knight, Yancey & Co., -was made In Mobile tiunday, when Deputy United States Marshal White served an Injunction on Captain Arthur Parker of the British steamship, Meltonian, restraining the movement of 4,SC0 bales of cotton loaded in the stesmer and con signed to Latham A Co., Havre, France. Driven at high speed In a race with an in terurban electric car, ah automobile In which were John LeLora and William Studebaker, was wrecked when it struck a broken culvert near Charlottesville, Ind., and Lie Lora was Instsntly killed. Stude baker was not seriously hurt. Ths two men were testing a new motor. De Lora recently came to this City trom Dayton, O, TWo lives were lost in a fire which de stroyed Miller's hotel, the Meadow State bank (Meadow, S.' P.), a lumber yard, a livery barn and a pool hall yesterday. The dead are KUan Miller, stepdaughter of the woman who managed the hotel, and an unknown elderly woman -on her way to Join her son on a homestead. Cecil draught and Frank Brown; Jr., ot Lemmon were quite seriously burned. , The Great - Northern railway has lust ordered telephone train dispatching appa ratus to be installed on six mor divisions of Ms road. This road Is already using telephones for this purpose on approxi mately $1,000 miles of lines, and the new extension, which Includes the Fergus Falls. Breckenrldge. Northern Dakota, St. ClWd snd Carcade divisions, reaches out In the neighborhood of 1,900 mile. Extraordinary precautions were taken Sunday by the authorities of Atlsnta to forestall the threatened attacks on five negroes held as suspects In the killing of Motorman 8. T. Hrewn and wounding of Conductor W. H. Bryson, whose street car was held up. . Thousands of white persons thrcpged the soene of the crime and efforts were taken by the police to keep from thm knowledge'' of further fscts whlcn mlKht Inflame smoldering rsce hatred. - The mystery surrounding the Identity ot the Harvard alumnus who had offered I'OOnuft o build a new bridge over the Charles river as an approach to the s'tdlum ficm Cambridge-was cleared when I', was letrned that Lars Andersos, 'M. of Brook lyn, was the man. The propoaed bridge would rep'ace the present structure, which has been found Inadequate to accommodate ihi croud that flock annually to the stadium tor the foot bail and other garage. Frost Damage Causes Sharp Rise in Cotton Market at New York and New Or leans Adrances on Receipt of Newt of General Snowstorm. NEW TORK, April 23 Reports ef Se vere damage to young eotton over a wide area In the south as a result of the storms and frecxlng temperatures of the last two days caused a big sdvance In the cotton market at the opening here today. Busi ness was more active than for days past, snd the advance, which extended to some 30 points, or $1.60 per bale, en most of the new crop months, reflected excited general buying. The market was Influenced also by cov ering again cotton supposed to have been shipped by the recently failed southern firm, particularly In Liverpool, and there was moreover some buying upon a report compiled by a local authority showing a prospective reduction In the acreage of Mississippi and Louisiana. NEW ORLEANS, April 25,-Freexlng weather and snow in many parts ot the south sent cotton up J1.75 on the opening In the local future market today. The new crop Is reported killed in many pieces. The market opened with the new crop months at an advance of 84 points over Saturday's closing. The old crop months were not affected so much, but stood at an advance of 14 to 20 points. On the floor were many delegations of planters from the interior of the cotton belt. This element bought heavily and so did the shorts. After the call bears tried hard to check the advance, offering great quanti ties of eotton, but In the first half hour of trading the advance in October was widened to 89 points. One of the contentions of the long side was that planters were short of seed and that If the cotton was killed in many places by the cold westher, another short crop would be In order this season. Texas Is said to have suffered severely. Reports of lee in many sections of Missis sippi were received, and the Georgia crop, on which hung a large part of the hopes of the bears, was reported to have been severely damaged. All of the cotton which was up in many - parts of the Interior ot the south is reported killed and the reed which had been put in the ground is said to be rotting. The future market continued to seek higher levels as the day advanced and at noon the new Crop months showed an ad vance of 12.60 a bale over the close Sat urday. HOW UNCLE SAM BUYS COAL Price raid Is Determined by Qual ity and Inspection Pur sued with Visor. The" United States government buys about $7,000,000 worth of coal every year for use In the navy, in public buildings In Washington, and other cities, and for other purposes, about one-third of it mainly coal used In publlo buildings on specifica tions under which prices are fixed accord ing to the value or quality Of the coal de livered by the successful bidder. A definite standard of quality for the coal thus purchased Is specified by each bidder, and this standard is considered in awarding the contract. If the value of the coal furnished Is below the standard fixed a discount Is made from the contract price, -if Its value is above- the standard an al lowance la made for the. excess In value and a proper sum is paid In addition to the contract price.. The value is determined by tests and analyses made by the geologi cal survey on samples taken from the coal furnished by the contractor. These analyses and tests show the quality of the coal in terms of fixed carbon, vol atile matter, sulphur, ash, and moisture, and especially it heating value In British thermal units, as determined by calorimet- rlc tests. Until within a few years the agents of the government. In buying coal relied upon the integrity of the dealer and the repu tation of the mine or district from which the coal was obtained, and these formed the only possible assurance that the coal was equal In quality to the grade to be furnished. The new method has been so successful that It will probably be gradu ally extended to oover a larger share of the government's fuel supply. A full statement of this method of buying coal Is contained In a recent bulletin of the United States Geological Survey (Bulletin 428), entitled "The purchase of coal by the government under specifications, with analyses of coal delivered for the fiscal year 1908-09," by George S. Pope. The bulletin Includes a satement of the factors affecting the value of coal, a de scription of the methods adopted for sam pling and testing, a form of specifications used under the new plan, a list of govern ment contracts for ooal for the fiscal year 1909-10, and a table of analyses of coal furnished for the fiscal year 1906-09. The new plan has not yet been applied to fuel purohoeed for the vessels ot the United States navy, but does cover about 400,000 tons of coal bought for use on the Isthmus of Panama and about 140,000 tons used on steamers plying from New Tork to Colon.t Washington Herald. i Announcements of the Theaters. A more representative audience has not attended an Omaha theater this season than that which filled the Orpheum Mon day night. Familiar face of society folks, merchants and professional people made up for the most part ths great audience that enthused much over the noted English singing comedienne, Vesta Victoria. It was Indeed a fitting compliment to Miss Vic toria. The streets surrounding the Or pheum were lined with automobiles and the entire atmosphere around the popular Vaudeville theater was toned to that pitch that evidences the presence of some dis tinguished staf or dignitary. The sale of seats indicates a complete sell-out for the week. Bright, crisp, snappy Just as "Ginger Girls" should be, are some of the char acteristics of the delightful entertainment being given twice daily at the popular Gayety this Week. In claiming Ed Lee Wroth as its own comedian, Omaha, has made a wise choice, for it would be diffi cult to select an artist who could cause more hearty laughs than does Wroth, who years ago sold papers on the streets of Omaha. Did you ever See a runaway train? It you didn't, you, have no idea what an exciting event It Is, and how full of tre mendous possibilities. The Lyman H. Howe travel picture series shown at the Boyd this week glvee a most graphic Illus tration of ths havod wrought by a runaway train on an Austrian railroad. This Is one ot the most remarkable films In exist ence, but Is only one ot a series of remark able pictures that are being shown. The exhibition Is entertaining and educational and should be seen by all, whether they have traveled or not ' The theater is open afternoon and evening each day. Woman's Work Activities of the Oiganlnd Bodies Alecf the tlaea et Un dertaking ef Ooaoerm to Women. The Omaha Woman's club has finished Its year's work. Installed its new officers and adjourned until next October. The annual meeting was held Monday afternoon and a large attendance was out. Reports of the eight departments showed all doing good, definite work, while the reports of the general officers Indicate stability and serious effort. Under the presidency of Mrs, Edward Johnson during the last two years the club has made a material gain In membership - and she retiree with an enviable record to her credit. Mrs. R. M. Cameron, the newly elected president, returns to the executive com mittee, which she has served before as recording secretary, with the confidence of tho entire membership and Its cordial support. With ' Mrs. C. W.- Hayes, vice nreMldont- Mp. T. T 1telv second vice president; Mrs. N. H. Nelson, recordlnlH secretary; Mrs. George Bonner, correspond ing secretary, and Mrs. K. R. Hume, treasurer, the new executive committee Is strong and the prospects for the year bright. Regarding the several proposed amend ments to the bylaws of the General Fed eration of Women's clubs proposed by Its executive committee, the club will send Its delegates to the Cincinnati meeting un instructed with the exception of one amendment proposing to Increase the state federation dues to the general from 85 to 50 cents a club. On this change the local women drew the line, feeling that It would work a hardship to the smaller town clubs and the state federations, which are al ready heavily taxed to meet their obliga tions and their demands. Mrs. George Tllden, who has long been In touch with the work, expressed the opinion that the tendency of the national organisations Is to grow extravagant - and she advocated devoting any additional tax to the work In the state which is much In need of It. It was voted that the club should plant a Boston ivy at the library building Wednesday at 12 o'clock. The old and new executive committees will do the planting. The moving picture show and Its possi bilities has attracted the attention of club women and others Interested In social bet terment and promises to be turned to prac tical account In several cities before long. Miss Jane Addams' suggestion that moving pictures of the thrilling stories ot the Bible be substituted for the Sunday night sermon In many of the churchee has met with cordial approval and the women are now agitating that moving picture theaters bo operated by the clubs with the present popular 6 and 10 cent admission charged and that the stories of the Old Testament be substituted for the too often question able themes so popular lh almost all cities and towns. The question of securing the slides and the expense of It Is of course the serious obstacle, hut this can and will be met as other needs have been met when the club have decided that they must be. It has been suggested that slides showing Bible" stories, slides of travels and other things that would be educational and up lifting can be provided and sent from one place to another Just as the majority ot the popular moving picture show glides are. The establishment of a few of these theaters would create the demand for slides and make them more easily obtainable. This subject will come up for' discussion In many of the state federations of clubs this fall afid will undoubtedly lead to definite action. , ' i -! o- rt p r"-r: t.i The-retrrehr:'"tp1c ''department ' of ' the Woman's tlub wlll hold a farewell luncheon Wednesday at 1 o'61ock at the Young Men's Christian association. 'This will -be Its last gathering of the year. The literature department will meet on Wednesday afternoon for the last time and will elect its officers for next- year. Dundee Woman's club will hold Its laBt meeting Wednesday. ... ' This will practically end the club meet ings for the summer. The Woman's club of the Railway Mall Service will hold other meetings and the Women's Christian Tem perance unions .will continue their meetings during the summer, the business meeting alternating with, the education meetings every two weeks. Omaha Women's Chrls tlon Temperance union will meet Wednes day afternoon at the home of Mrs. John Dale, Twenty-eighth and Woolworth ave nue. It will be an educational meeting. Frances Wlllard union will meet Wednes day In all day session at the home of Mrs. George Covell. A press program will be held in the afternoon. Wholesale House at Aberdeen. ABERDEEN, 8." D., April 4. (Special.) A representative of Daniels A Kemper, wholesale grocers of Chicago, was In Aber deen looking up a location of a branch wholesale house here. If capitalists will agree to construct a suitable building on a ten-year lease, the house will be estab lished. The Weather FOR NEBRASKA Fair, warmer. FOR IOWA Fair, cold. Temneratnre at Omaha yesterday: Hour. ARE YOUR MONEY and VALUABLES ...SAFE? In the San Francisco and . Bal timore fires over 60 ot the so called fireproof safes were a total loss, together with their contents, while hot a'. 'single safe deposit vault was Injured. Everyone has something- of value, which If ' lost would take time, money and energy to replace Our vault Is of steel armor platt and provides absolute security for money , and .valuables. . Boxes rent $1 for three months. Call and see thera. American Safe Deposit Vaults F. O. IIAJtEIt, President, flee ddtf. 216 S. 17th St. Hour. Peg JiLim S S:::::::::::::: S Or Jn. Ji a. m 3X J rOTTl AJ a. m 41 ' J T 10 a. m 4! V" J3 11 m 44 fy 4V r - 18 m. 47 fZclVvrlbJ P- m 4 -r IT71 1 p- m 52 i ? LJv0 s p- m M Wyr4-1!' 4 p. m H7 iS-eVWI rj 6 p. m , 58 -" J 6 P- m M 7 p. m M 8 p. m M r tfnTPiJlr'''''"' mrf MSBf 'JTk sV TO r OUR years or cx pci.icncc in . selling clothes ot quality has-, devel oped for us such a reputation in Omalia that our name is at once asso c i a t cd with the thought of clothes of a high standard of merit. Bourke Twenty-Five Is a name we have given, to our lines of Suits, Raincoats and Overcoats at $25 We know they are tho best that tailoring sWll can produce. for $26, and would be ploneed to have your opinion of them. Spring Suits. $18 to $40. d Jk Raincoats and-Overcoats, $18 to $40. . . . - ,., UOtltKE PREKEIMllCn that'll our $3 hat is built to stand tho weather and retain its shape. All the new blocks and colors. y v f.' 318 S. 15 th St. THE teeth are injured more by neglect than from any other cause. Thoroughly brush them every day with J, i PERFECT Tooth Powder and they will be cJeansed, preserved and beauti fied. It, neutralizes mouth acids and imparts purity ' and fragrance to' the breath. ' S3 Hot A Milk Trust Thi Original and Genuine EIOHLIGK'S ALTED HULK Th Fcod-drlnk for All Ages. At restaurants, hotels and fountains.. , Delicious, invigorating and ; sustaining, ;, , . Keep it on your sideboard at home. '.- ' Don't travel without it. ; ;-; ' A quick lunch prepared in a minuta. -Take no substitute. AskforHORLICK'S. .Others are imitations, : . . John Says. "The more friends I make the more cigars I sell; the more cigars I sell the : more friends I make." TBTST BUSTEB 60 CIOARS ARB BOOSTING) MY -PBIEWDSHrP IilS'f . Central Cigar Store 321 South 10th Street. Lyo Best Place fo Have Your Teeth Cared For. This is a perplexing question, confront the people every day. Reputation, It tht Dentist has It, will cover ' a hundred thoughts which you may have forgotten 1 to ask about Dr. Bradbury, with his many . years of practice, will give you the very best results. Crowns and Bridge work from S5.0u up Fillings $1.00 up. DON'T: FORGET WB SUPPLY TEJSTH WITH- , OUT PLATES. Nerves removed without hurting you. Teeth extracted 'without'." ' pnin. Ordinary plates from 4 to $12.50. Hundreds of people bave been .saMfed here. Why not youT ... , . M DR. enADE'JRY, THE DEHTIS1 1508 rarnaia 8U 'Phone, D. 17t 17 years iskv location. Pride of Omaha. She saw the "Pride of Omaha, She bargained for and bought It: The bread It made was highest grade,' For long, long years she'd Bought It. JACOB VOEGKLI. ' 1435 N. 19th St., Omaha.. AMISEMEMH. BOYD'S THEATER CtLL US 1919. Mats., Tu.s,, Tbnrs. fc Bat., Children, lCo Adults, 8SO. Evenings, Sbe, 3ic Is 5',. , Lyman M. Howe FXBTITAZi OP T8AVE&. Scotland, India, Thrilling St.epltchase, Slunaway Train and Twenty Others. Meal Weeki Hunting in Africa sad 20 Others. T.rvt- 19-&5-B0-7B) Dally Xafc, 18-as- e all v.,-, cloning Xrluajr nifffai uinana'a own uunimiu, -ED- X.EB WHO, sua .. THE GINGER GIRLS EXT&ATAQAMZA ANU VAUDITU.U Cadies' Sims Matinee Dally at 8:10. Bat. biat. ana i'iit, Fare w oil Porlorm. auoes WM. OHKYl s-tAVilid, Its Uia Who Wins." ' Kr Ugl T h o a t or prio.s lOo, BOo sad 30e. . TOKIdET AID ALL THIS WX2K, Vernon tho Great BTPNOTIIT i.. ,,. . sad Via famous Oompany. Par Laughing Purposes Only. iOTalCED VAUDEVILLE Matinee Every Say, CilS Evening, 6:11 Tills week Veta Victoria. ,' Gu Lil ward's "Kountry KM.." Ciiptuiu Mail nilllun Oruber, The Shield Kamliy. World's Comedy Four, arbrey 'lwiii Brothers, Mllle, Emerle. the Klnodruiue and the Orpheum Cutu'trt yrtliesHa. Prices, ltfO, Hoc, luu. . ,t ,