The Omaha Daily Bee. WEATHER FORECAST For Nobrnska Fair and wnrnior. For Iowa Fair nnd warmer. For weather report pro pane -. BRIGHT NEW FEATURES ON CUR MAGAZINE PAGE FT VOL. XXXIX-XO. LT,7. OMAHA, TUESDAY MORNING, APRIL, 26, lfUO-TWELVK PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. HYDE'S DEFENSE GETS HARD BLOW Damajinj Testimony Given by Drug . gist, Who Says Colonel Swope'i Meclizine V'as Harmless. SMALL AMOUNT OF STRYCHNINE German Aerial Cruiser Wrecked During High Wind Zeppelin II is Torn from Moorings Near Limburg and Dropped Into Trees Near Weilburg. HUGHES GOES TO SUPREME COURT Governor of New York Appointed to High Bench, Succeeding Justice Brewer. FIiOST AND SNOW DESTKOY CHOPS Early Grains and Fruit Trees Suffer Harm from Freezing Weather in Mary States. WELL TAKE EFFECT IN OCTOBER HEAVY STORM IN SOUTHLAND a4 Drug Was o! Insufficient Quantity to Causa Death, He Says. TAKES SOME OF IT INTO COURT IThecry Docs Not Explain Presence of Poison in Body. MARGARET SWOPE ON TH EST AND loan Yn uinn Tell Story of Attack of Typhoid, the Treatment from Dr. Hyde and Convulsion tent Followed. KANSAS CI TV. Mo., April 15 There frax nothing harmful about the strychnine tnl(5 which Colonel Swope wai accustomed ' to taking, testified O. H. Gentry, an In dependence druggist, In the Hyde murder trial today. This druggist filled the pre scription fur James Moss Hunton for many years. Hunton Induced Colonel Swops to take the medicine. "Tlil.s, ald Mr. Gentry, la a general one for building up the system and adding red corpuscles to the blood. It contains a small amount of strychnine, but Is harm less." A he talked he held In hi hand a slx ounc vlal of the medicine. Proof that he liuJ faith In IiIh own goods was not lack ing, for, occasionally, he uncoiked the bot tle and took a drink of the contents. Hard Blow for Defense. Besides compounding the tonic, Mr. Gentry isald he gold Mr. Hunton many other kinds of medicine which went into the Swope house. None of them contained cyanide of potassium or other poison in dangerous quantities, he said. Dr. Hyde wrote some of these prescriptions. On .De cember 9, however, said the druggist, he sold to some member of the Swope family two tubes of hypodermic strychnine. The testimony of Mr. Gentry was gener ally conceded to be a hard blow to the de fense. By proving the colonel's habit of taking the tunic, the defense expected to explain the alleged presence of strychnine in the body. Dr.' Hyde faced the first of his alleged victims shortly before noon today, when Miss Margaret Swope took the stand. The physician Is Indicted on three counts, charging bin) with poisoning her. No witness that has been before the Jury hua Interested Dr. Hyde and his wife so much as this girl. Both followed the wit ness closely and watched her carefully. The testimony of Miss Swope this morn' Ing was uninteresting In the main. She bad just begun to discuss her illness when court adjourned for the jaoon recess. " illlw Sltoiif "im Stand, Margaret Swope was slow In reaching the court room this afternoon, and as a result the trial was somewhat delayed In getting started. Entering the. court room, the girl walked near to her sister. Mrs. Hyde, and looked at her. Many thought the two would speak, as the younger girl gazed longlnvly at her sister, but Mrs. Hyde only bit her Hp and stared straight ahead. Miss (''wops said Dr. Hyde was the first physician to diagnose her illness as typhoid fever. The stale attempted to show that this dlago!s differed from that made by Dr. G. T. Twyman, but the court would not permit the witness to testify as to this phase of the case. The witness then told of the giving of the hypodermic Injection to her by Dr. Hyde. "It was almost dark In the room," she said In a low and faltering voice. "There was but one light burning dimly. My surge wan out.. "Dr. Hyde came Into my room, and, com ing to my bedside, said he was going to give me a hypodermic. "He took my arm and rolled up my uleeve. "I drew away as soon as the needle en tared my arm. He gave me the Injection ind then left the room." "Did he feel your pulse before he gave you the hypodermic?" was askea. "No," she answered. 'Did he turn up the light before he gave you the hypodermic?"" "He did not," 4UBA HAILS GENERAL WOOD Island Greets Army Officer with Marked Knthnalaam Visit la Brief. HAVANA, April 25.-Of greater interest to the people of Cuba than any event In the Island in many months was the recent brief visit of Major General Leonard Wood. The arrival of tha former governor gen eral was hailed with enthusiasm and It was evident his popularity had waned but little. It was noticeable, however, that the warmth of General Wood's reception was much mora marked on the part of the higher elements of society, represented by former members of and sympathisers with the old moderate party of President Palma, than by adherents of the present dominant liberal party. , - ) SLAYER OF RUTH WHEELER SINGS HYMNS AT TOMBS Albert Wolter Jolas with Prisoners and Knows o Fear of ' Electric Chair. lEW YORK. April -Albert Wolter, convicted of the murder of Ruth Wheeler. Joined vigorously with his fellow prisoners of the Tomb today In singing hymns. No ns called to see him but he was cheerful all day and au three hearty meal. The warden said hi appetite improves al! the time. He l.3m not to dread sentencing Wednesday, JAIL BREAKER IS ARRESTED Ian Who Sawed Way Out of Slons Falls Prison t'antared at St. Joaeua, Mo. 8T. JOSEPH, Mo.. April 25j-EImer Voght Who confessed that he I wanted at Sioux Fall. 8. P., on a charge of pitoff:ce robbery, was arrested here la?t night and la held for the couth Dakota authorities, Voght admits that he sawed his way out of u mt GIa,) Fella fcMVArill 1. AU a UMBl'RO - AN - PER - UHN, Prussia, April 25. Zeppelin II, one of three dirigible balloons of tho German govern ment's aerial fleet, ran away today and was destroyed. The airship, which was forced to descend here, last night, owing to a storm encoun tered while attempting a return trip from Homburg to Cologne, broke her moorings and without a crew drifted in a northeast erly direction. A half hour after Its es cape tb- rlglble dropped at Weilburg and was ' 1 to nieces. Of ' lee aerial cruisers that made the hi 1 flight from Cologne only the Parsed o " rned to Cologne under Its own po , The G t was sent home by train. Zeppelin 4 -ted out bravely yesterday morning,' "J ts forced to descend here later. Ti -J. . The mill i qulsltloned at adjacent i iiiiii w u im viiuit-u ml nujtivriii sons s k d only with great diffl in hole j, "Ls machine on the ground gnrrls cuuy in mm during the tftormy night. At noon today the gas bags were filled and the Journey to Cologne was about to be resumed when a sudden squall tore the dirlglbe from Its moorings, tossed It about in the air for thirty minutes and then dropped It with a bang that put an end to the monster's career. WEILBURG, April 26. The runaway Zepplln II descending here struck a clump of trees and parted at the middle. It lies Indeed among the trees at the side of a cliff. The aluminum frame was demolished and most of the gas escaped from the bags. No one was injured. LONDON, April 25. An aerial derby from London to Manchester Is In prospect for Wednesday. Both Graham White, who failed In his attempt last week, and Louis Paulhan, the French aviator, who arrived here last night, are planning to start for the SiiO.OOO prize that morning. Paulhan gave official notice to the Aero club today of his intention to attempt the 186-mile flight Wedneeday, weather permit ting. Whlte'B machine will be completed In time to permit him to ascend at the same time with the Frenchman. Paulhan contemplates a continuous flight, though, according to the rules of the con tost, two stops are allowed. Both men will use Farman biplanes. I Misfortune continues to dog the airships of the British army. The one which re cently made so successful trial flights was caught by a gust of wind at Farnburough when It was - taken out of Its shed this afternoon, and turned turtle. The gas bags were torn' to shreds and the framework smashed. ' ) Three Women " Burn to Death at Meadow, S. D. Hotel Destroyed by Firn at Little Inland Town Saturday Two Men Have Narrow Escapes. MITCHELL, S. D., April 2r!. (Special Telegram.) Information was received here this morning of a bad fire which occurred Saturday afternoon at Meadow, a small In land town forty miles south of Lemmon. A hotel caught fire at 8 o clock in the morning and the building nearly consumed before any of the Inmates were awakened. Mrs. Miller, owner of the hotel, and her daughter, and another woman were burned to death. So quickly did tho structure burn there was no time for them to escape. Frank Brown of Aberdeen and Cecil Braught of this city made their escape from the second story by breaking a win dow and dropping to the ground. Braught was burned on the hands and feet. A lum ber yard and the First State bank were also consumed. Division Among Indiana Democrats Taggart's Scheme for State-Wide Pri mary to Nominate Candidate for Senator Meets Opposition. INDIANAPOLIS, Aprlt rt. The proposi tion of Thomas Taggart that If the demo crats of Indiana elect ' their legislative ticket this fall that a state-wide primary election be held to choose a candidate for United States senator did not meet today with the approval of those who desire the state convention on Wednesday and Thurs day of this week to endorse a candidate for the senate. Governor Marshall said today: "I shall expect the convention to settle that question, as it should settle all other questions that come up, to suit Itself and not to please me or any one else. It Is up to the convention." Robber Tips Barber with Own Money What wa probubly the highest priced shave ever administered by a barber wa3 that given to a highwayman by Bert De Ruse, who operates a barber shop at Fourteenth and Douglas streets. While the highwayman stood before him with a revolver thrust in tho barber's face, shortly after midnight Monday moir.lng, De Ruse collected 15 for the shave. The fact that the tonsorinl achievement In which both men had figured several days before had been an excellent one. ac cording to Mr. De Ruse, was responsible for the payment of the $5. The barber's account of the affair is that the bar.dlt held him up, and, after securing It's in tended victim's money, had recognised him and recalled tha shave. Mr. PeRuse wa returning from a late ' social gathering, when he suddenly was j jrour. ht up short with a command and the ; sight of a Colt's revolver, at Seventeenth and Davenport streets. The hold-up man Executive to Continue State Duties Until the Fall Term. TAFT MADE OFFER LAST FRIDAY Tender of Office Made by Letter and Acceptance Duly Received. HORACE WHITE HEADS AFFAIRS Lieutenant Governor . Fills Vacancy Until November Election Gov ernor Leaves Second Week In October. WASHINGTON, April 2Ti. Governor Charles E Hughes of New York has ac cepted tho appointment of Justice of the supreme court of the United States to suc ceed the late Justice David M. Brewer. The following statement wu given out at the White House: "The president by letter of April 22 ten dered the appointment to the supreme bench to succeed Justice Brewer to Gov ernor Charles Evans Hughes of New York. By letter of April 24 Governor Hughes ac cepted. "In the president's letter to Governor Hughes he told him' that as the supreme court would adjourn Its hearings this week, the persons appointed would not be called on to discharge any Judicial func tion until the opening of the October term on the second Monday In October and that, therefore, If Governor Hughes could accept he might continue to discharge his duties as governor until his qualification on the day of the opening of the court In October next. Chance In October. "This was a material factor In Governor Hughes' acceptance. Accordingly, if the nomination Is confirmed, as there is every reason to btlleve It will be. Governor Hughes' qualification will not take place until October." ALBANY, N. Y., April 25.-Governor Hughes v.11 enter upon the duties of United States supreme court Justice the second week In October next, according to announcement made at the executive cham ber late today. He will remain as governor until that time. Horace White, republican, Is lieutenant governor of New York. He will succeed Governor Hughes for the time intervening between Uovernor Hughes' removal to Washington and the November election. " Ten-Cent Fare to Council Bluffs is Knocked Out Judges Sanborn, Hook and Adams ' Hold Street Railway's Present Charge is Legal. . The Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Rail way company may continue to charge 10 cents on its Intercley line and does not have to grant transfers within Council Bluffs and Omaha from that line. That tho Interstate Commerce commis sion cannot control the Omaha & Council Bluffs street railway line between Council Bluffs and Omaha is the decision an nounced by Judge v. . born, .who was in Omaha Monday. The decision is signed by Judges Sanborn, William C. Hook and Elmer C. Adams. These Judges hold that the Interstate Commerce commission has no Jurisdiction over street railway companies because they are not held to be commercial carriers in the sense of carrying freight and paasen gers. The decision also says that the com pany may charge a 10-cent fare on its bridge lino between the two cities and that it does not have to grant transfers from that line to the other lines running in the two cities. Senate Will Look Into Third Degree nnoni.iuiu.v, jpru 25. The senate. fT A CJITTT1SJ1V I committee on Judiciary voted today to con duct a thorough examination into what is known as "third degree" methods of ex. tortlng confessions from persons charged with crime; also the practice of employing persons in the espionage of Jurors. The decision to Include in the Inquiry the practice or employing persons in the esplon age of Jurors was prompted by disclosures maae during the Investigation by the com mlttee of charges against Robert T. Devlin United States attorney for the northern district of California, whose confirmation for another term Is being held up In the senate. for Good Shave searched the others pocket and found $7, u ui ui iu silver aoiiar and a green DUCK. aii rignt, you can go now," the stranger announceu, as he turned to depart. At that moment however, he hesitated with an In tent look Into the face of Mr. DeRuse, "Hold on. he said. "Alnt you a barber?1 The barber admitted he waa such. wen, say, tins alnt bad," remarked th noia-up maji. toure trie fellow tha thaved me the other day, and it waj thi best shave I ever had." After a momen more of meditation over this developmen the man with the gun produced the stolen money again. "Why, er, I'm ready to giv you the best of it," ha said. "Need any thing?" "Well, you can pass mswhat you think that shave was worth." remarked Mr. De Ruse. At that tha bandit handed back tha $3 bill and hurried away I W e-DdAC?. roA Y ii J ') jg From, the Cleveland Leader. "DR. GUTHR1E"1S MAM KEYES Woman Charged with Dynamiting Lived at Dea Moines. GRADUATE OF DRAKE COLLEGE Formerly Sweetheart of Jesse Quick at Prairie City, Whose Home Was Wrecked Woman and Cenana Man. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES, la,, April 25.-(Speclal Tel egram.) It haa been discovered that Dr. Mary Guthrie, the woman held in Jail at Newton, charged with dynamiting a resi dence, formerly lived in. Dea Moines where she was known as Bertha Keyes, and that he has been a frequent visitor to thl city where she is known by that name. She Is believed to have graduated from Drake col lege. There seen. no doubt she was the cause of the destruction of the home of Jessie Quick near Prairie City, but -she till denies complicity. The cause Is said to have been Jealously and revenge, as she waa a former aw eet heart of Dr. Hall, who had married Quick's daughter. The damage to the residence. wa4 serious and it Is re garded as strange Vhat bo one was In jured. . , .t,,.'nr ........ . Mrs. Mary Andesaou of vtW!lty--wasro- day held In 'bonds to. tne'grand Jury for obstructing the work of the eensus enumer ators by refusing to report the names of lodgers In her hotel. She claims she had given the enumerators all th information she possessed as to her roomers. .. DATE FOR ARGUMENTS IN PACIFIC MERGER CASE Time and Place for Hearing; Will Be Set by Circuit Court at May' Session. " WASHINGTON, April 23. The hearing of the arguments In the government case for the dissolution of the merger of the Southern Pacific and Union Pacific rail roads will take place probably about Oc tober I. The selection of a definite date end place will be made by the Judges of the Eighth circuit at St. Paul In May. An nouncement to that effect was made at the Department of Justice this morning. C. A. Severance has represented the gov ernment In the case, which Is a proceeding to dissolve the merger of the Southern Pa cifio and Union Pacific railroads on the ground that it was a violation of the Sher man anti-trust act. The positive announcement of the de termination to fix a time for the hearing of the case apparently disposes of reports which have been reevaled frequently that the government had decided to abandon the proceedings against those two railroads. The expectation Is that the arguments will be heard at St. Paul. PRINCE OF M0N0CA AT ROME Protest of Vatican Airalnat Hla Visit to polrlnal to Take Form otr Circular Note. ROME, April 25. Albert, Prince of Mon aco, arrived here today. The king sent his own carriage to convey the prince to his hotel. Soon after his arrival the prince vis ited his majesty. It is reported the protest of the Vatican against the prince of Monaco's visit to the king will take the form of a circular note from Cardinal Merry Del Val, the papal secretary of state, to the royal nundai, instructing them to notify the. governments to w-hlch they are accredited that the visit of Albert to tho quirlnal must not be con sidered as creating a precedent for other Catholic rulers. - If you lost your job lost it honor ably The Bee can get you another. Keep plugging. Don't be discouraged. As long as there's work, there's want ads. The Bee offers you a fine list today, from which you may select. It will offer them every day. Keep your eye on its col umns. You will win out. Douglas 238. . Looking for a place to spend the summer. First Prize v Fight Ticket For Roosevelt It Will Be Made of Gold and Pre sented to Former President on Arrival at New York. DENVER, April 25. The first tletet for the fight between Jim Jeffries and Jack John.on at San Francisco on July 4, will be presented to Theodore Roosevelt on his arrival In New York. This statement was made by Jack Gleason, while in Denver yesterday on his way to the coast. The ticket will be made of solid gold and ap propriately engraved. BEN LOMOND, Cal., April 25. Little was doing at Camp Jeffries today as the fighter did not Indulge in either road or gymnasium work, but contented himself with an hour and a half of hard base ball practice, which he seems to enjoy thoroughly. NEW YORK, April 25. Wall street. In large part, Is making its vacation plans with Oakland, Cal., on July 4, as the prin cipal stopping place. The "street" has the fight fever to an unprecedented extent and today it was roughly figured that of 1,000 reservations of berths for the Pacific coast expected 4o-be made within-the next three weeks -at laaal-a .hlrd would be taken by men in the financial district, who plan to see the Jeffrles-Johason battle. Many clubs are arranging for special cars to take delegations of their membership west, while larger organlrations are plan ning to charter whole trains to take big parties to the scene of the big mill. Bushel of Gold in Collection Box All Kinds of Gems and Valuable Rel ics Given for Church '. Debt. NEW YORK. April 211 With the help of an appraiser, Canon William Sheaf Chase engaged today In the Interesting process or examining a bushel of gold, gems and sil verware, the proceeds of a unique collec tion taken yeBterday at Christ Protestant Episcopal church In Brooklyn. The collection was taken to raise a fund for paying off a debt on the rectory. Ushers carried big baskets down the aisles and into these the congreijaUon dropped bits of precious metal in the shape of Jewelry and coins, each article being wrapped and sealed. A sale will be held later, at which those who gave up cher ished pieces of Jewelry will have an oppor tunity to bid them back again. The silverware and gold which cannot be Bold will be disposed of at the assay office and melted down. One of the smallest packages dropped Into the baskets accidentally became unsealed and a $10 gold piece fell out. YANKTON FARMER KILLED Aimer Carlaen'a lloiljr Badly Muti lated by Explosion of Gaao llne Enarlne. YANKTON, S. D., April 25.-(peclal Tele gram.) Aimer Carlsen, a young farmer, was Instantly killed Sunday by the explosion of a gasoline engine, while pumping water for stock. Mrs. Norman Nelson, his Bister, found the body of her brother terribly mutilated. How Big is Omaha? What Some People Think About It K.S.M0 J. A. Hawser, David City l;."f.7 C. B. Wilson, St. Paul. Minn. lt,4:; Mrs. V. Casey. M2X ,S. 12 12.2ia Frank Cusey, 1j2 S. 12 IM.oHi F. V. Judsun, 11th und Howard 1M,4')1 E. 11. Ward, llih and Howard HS.2;7 Robeit Benson, K. O. 151.:hj3 Jacob Burkhard, 11(12 S. 17 147.304 F. C. Rogers. Brown Uh.i.'Xi C. I. Palm, SKI Burt !.'!. 77 1 Chiintine Hansen, SilO H. 2'i 134,7iiS Thomua Dunlop, ZiHa Charles 14."i,U78...Mrs. Berne Barnes, 4uth and Dodge l&i.MM ; I. H. iSiier, fit) S. 1 142.0T.5 J. Merchant, 2: N. 25 14.773 Mrs. Kma Burker. 3701 Hliernian 147. sM Cornelia Doll, 12 H. 11 144.3Z.1 Mis. A. E. Kulp, 2,14 N. 1:4 147. tJ0 Joseph Kulp, li'oi N. 24 III.-,. UUO J...G. J. Watson, K. i.i 135.m A. E. Kelp. 2514 N. a 142.(00 Mildred Watson, il' K 21 U,,() Mrs. C. WutH.jn. 2'1G S. 21 Hl.OtJ G. C. Halsey. 3.20 S. 2S .172. ..Harriett I Hunter, liactsniouth l,2ii Mary bourn-born, 12Til s. ji; 137,123 J. B. Bond, f,J3 S. :i 147. H.O F. W. Coleman, 1J12 S. 2 Hi. Goo Mrs. K. L. Dotiglil.v, Bachelor laS.SM B. I. Barnes, 4)tli and Undue 1'i7.4;l'. W. H. Haywood, Gothcrihui g iiw.321 M. Aikii), :nti s. r l.M c.Ui Peter i:iangran. 61 N. 18 126.0OU J. R. Scott. H0.1 D'lulns lt.OjO A. A. Kralitx, U N. 23 j The Census Man ROOSEVELT GUEST OF PARIS Former President Attends Meeting of the City Fathers. GIVEN FLATTERING EECEPTION Addrexs of Welcome by President of Council la Complimentary Tribute to American's Great Public Services. PARIS, Apni 25. Mr. Roosevelt was the guest of the city of Paris today in the magnificent Hotel De Vllle, or town hall, which has played so conspicuous a part In French history. In honor of Mr. Roosevelt's visit tho Hotel De Vllle wis decorated with Ameri can and French flags. The former presi dent, accompanied by American Ambassa dor Bacon and M. Jusserand, French am bassador at Washington, was received at the entrance with great formality by M. Carcn, president of the municipal council; M. Deselves, prefect of .he Seine; M. Lamque, president of the general council of the Seine, and M. Leplne, prefect of police. '- ' '' By thesa h was conducted to the Salles Des Deliberations, where he attended a niton of the city fathers, after which he, Sighed hla namo In the "Llvre De 'Or" and mad a tour of the building. An Immense crowd in the streets ac claimed the former president as he entered and left the building. From the Hotel' De Vllle, Mr. Roosevelt went to the Carnavalet museum, which contains the most Inter esting documents of Paris relative to the history of the city, and which were shown by George S. Caen, the curator, who is the author of a serins of works on "Old Paris." Reception la Flattering. Mr. Roosevelt's reception at the Hotel Da Vllle was flattering. The vestibules and grandstands had been decorated and the guests escorted to the council chamber through lines of uniformed republican guards. As he entered the chamber he was given an ovation from the floor and from the galleries, which were crowded with women. Among the prominent persons present were Premier Briand and other members of the cabinet, a representative of Presi dent Fallleres and many members of Par liament. The speeces of Mm. Caron, Deselves, Lampue and Leplne were tributes to Colonel Roosevelt. In extending the formal welcome to tho city M. Caron said that Mr. Roosevelt loomed up to Paris as "what we call a ronn being courageous; you have mastered yourself by ruflection, because though pas slonately loving a struggle, you love more passionately conciliation and peace; be cause you are a patriot, to whom your country owes great achievements, and be cause you represent the conviction that the law of work Is the fundamental law of being, a thought you have so brilliantly developed In asseitlng that the man will fully Idle and the woman willfully sterile have no right plaoe In a healthy, robust and vigorous community." M. Leplne declared that the demonstra tions made by the French people In honor of Mr. Roosevelt showed that ho had touched their hearts. "It Is a mistake," he said, "to believe that Paris Is skeptical and frivolous. Benrath the ashes tho fire burns and the soul of tho people is as full of Idealism as In the most glorious days of our history. Paris respects In "you the great republic to which you belong and (Continued on Second Page.) 12S.S24 M. L. Beckwith, 4Til2 N. 3C l.lM Francis Keavey, 623 S. 13 13D.W0.... Jerry Ratterman, Jr., 2411 Capitol 104, HS2.. Harold Buss, Farnam Daisy It. Porter. Holdrege Lv.rv,"', (;' Fol-y. . O. WalHirom, 8. 2 C. L. Bub, Woodbine Ed Evans, K. o ...,M. B. WllllimH, Shenandoah Philip Nathan, Htato iJ,"ru.nk.J- H,,8U. 'ome A. Laurent, Elwood Mrs.-G. N. Hope, 201 H 26 Minn Otten, 621 S. 17 F. L. Lang, k O ..N. F. Hallstrom, Charles Mr. W. O. Smith, 112 H. 35 Byron Loomis, H o W. M. Wheeler. Lincoln J- vv . .Drexel, 2.'i2(i hi 10 Philip Klamm, 3114 K lo V,:"",11"' ll-llcvue Mildred Pickett. Wahoo Mrs. II. J. Wells, V B Dr. R. J. Harp. l. ', O. Larsen. 8. o Karl llahli, 1408 8. 8 J. V. Jackson, H. O Ambrose Gleason, Creightuii Lillian Knnda, Niobrara Jexsle Grant, IMS park Hairy Goetx. 1jM INrii 123.5S7 1MMM6 liii.m 147.! 2n",0u0 lSN.titi! 141.711 1-M..M 14S, 5O0 1..1.2T.0 17D.RS l;.7,t:w Uk.:ou H:t,7'5 l'li' 142.2.1 I. ";J,l."6 IU.4.,2 MI.M )y,24J ISVJ'5 I4:t.r,77 H12.717 liio'lilS 1H7.:.4-. II. 2 M4 hiU.tM) 1-M.4SS...., 147. W.I..... 1U),2IW ....Mlku Bolktr, 257 pierce Is Counting Now. Georgia, Tennessee and Arkansas in Grip of Cold Wave. HEAVY v DAMAGE IN MISSOURI Apples, Peaches, Cherries and Pears Greatly Harmed. GREAT DAMAGE TO COTTON CROP Heavy Frost I Reported In Pnrts of Kansas, Missouri and Oklahoma ( londs Sure Fruit In Some Sections. WASHINGTON, April 25,-The last wavo of frost and storm, which has been sweep ing eastward, leiivlni; destruction of crops ami fruit In Its wake, 1ms not spent Its efforts, the observers In tlu weather bureau believe. Tonight the Indications are there will be heavy frosts or even frecslng tem peratures lu tho Ohtu valley, the Interior of the east gulf and south Atlantic states, and It Is not Improbable that a light frost may be felt even In northern Florida. "A moderate' secondary disturbance," in thtr official designation of tho weather re ports. It was over tho northeastern Mis sissippi valley early yesterday when It sud denly shifted east. ATLANTA. Da.. April 2.7 - For the first lime In the history of Atlanta there was an April snow today, Which lasted for three hours. The fall was as heavy as any of the last wlr.ter. With snow storms of hllxznrd propor tions raging throughout eastern Tennessee, northern and central Alabama and the greater jait of Georgia, this action today faced a ."jr.-at lows In early cotton, fruits and vegetables. In Gcorglu, according to Commissioner of Agriculture T. G. Hudson, fully 60 per cent of the cotton crop Is killed. More than 90 per cent of the crop was above ground and reports Indicate that a scarcity of s"ed will prevent replanting of vast acreages. The fruit crop, it Is stated, ha suffered little damage. Snow Covers Tennessee. CHATTANOOGA, Tcnn., April 25. Snow that began falling at 2 o'clock this morning had attained a depth of three Inches at toon and waa still falling. BIRMINGHAM. Ala., April 23. A snow and sleet storm struck north Alnbama last night and this morning the thermometer In Birmingham registered 23 degrees. NEW ORLEANS, La., April 25. Reports received here today from many sections of Louisiana and Mississippi Indicate that thousands of acres of cotton have been severely damaged by the tuidvof lat nl.trht and the night before. In many instance replanting will be necessary. NASHVILLE. Tenn., April 25. Snow fell here this morning to a depth of one and three-quarters Inches, the first fall of snow In April since 1R6. MONTGOMERY, .n April r.. "The only hope for the Alabama cotton crop above ground Is rain tonight. If It should remain coid and ck-ar, with frost. Ilia crop will be killed." This Is the statement of J. A. Wilkinson, commissioner of agriculture, today. Frost Further North. KANSAS CITY. Mo., April 23. A snow storm, remarkable for the season of the year, prevailed this morning all over Mis souri, northeasttri. Arkansuj, eastern Kan sas, Tennessee and as far suuth as Mont gomery, Ala. The snow malted almost aa fast as It fell, but at times the fall was heavy. j In Oklahoma, western and southern Kan sas and the greater part of Texas the weather was clear. Temperatures ranging from 2 to t de grees below freezing to i degrees above freezing were reported from" all points In Kansas, Missouri and northern Oklahoma. Frost was reported from points as far south as northern Louisiana. A freezing temperature prevailed at Memphis and killing frosts were reported from western Kansas points. At Enid, Ok)., a tempera ture of 83 degrees was reported. Reports from central Missouri today In dicate that the fruit crop has been seri ously damaged. The gentral opinion among Kansas City fruit growers is that the fruit crop I eastern Kansas and western Missouri hai not been seriously Injured. The low tem peratures have been accompanied by clouds In this section and this condition probably has saved the fruit. Snowfalls in the eastern country. Ne braska weather was clear, but freezing temperatures were reported from all parts of the state. COLUMBUS, O., April 25. Stale Inspec tor of Nurseries Shaw said today that th reports of the damage to fruit throughout Ohio are exaggerated. There has been some damage to cherries and other early fruit, he said. Potatoes that were up wer cut down and ull tomato plants vvert killed. Grapes were damaged, but not to the extent that has been reported. Heavy Duuiajte In Middle states. CHICAGO, April 2!. Despite tho a:must unprecedented storm that swept over a dozen states In the last forty-eight houia and government prediction of hioio cold and snow, the shifting of the wind to tht northwest promises to mitigate extensive crop damage In the rnlddlo went. A canvass of the situation show that greatest damage has resulted in Iowa, Illi nois, Indiana and Ohio. Greatly reduced fruit crops and loss of early corn are cer tain. Reports from the northwest lhdlcatd that barley, oats, rye ami corn wer badly damaged by the cold. The soil, however, It still In fine condition fur plowing .and It i not loo late for reseedlng. In JhantaH, Missouri and Kentucky snow is expected to protect small fruits and lessen the loss on apples. Mississippi, Tennessee and Arkansas re ports show considerable damage ha been done by the coldest late April weather on record In those states. Information lroin Wisconsin and Michi gan Indicate that the fruit crop will not be much more than half usual size. Heavy Know In Missouri. ST. IXH.'Iri, April 24. Heavy snowstorms and high winds, with a temperature seveib! degrees below freezing, are reported throughout Missouri and southwestern Il linois tonight. A report from Lebanon, Mo., in the heart of tha ifla district, ktule that faUiiime