6 THE BEE: OMAHA. MONDAY. APRIL 2.". 1010. WBOTf "IP ttti n .1, ns r y,r 'HI P 1 11 phone Uoud as Zelo. ion will! imd a cneep- sialP ready' io serveou . J figl .Bee nmii-Ail Want Ads Want awls received at any tluie, toot to Insure proper classification moat h presented' before 12 o'clock m. Tor the fTrilm edition and before TiSO o'clock of previous evenlnar (or morn I na- and Sunday edition. Want ads received after inch honra will hare their flrat , Insertion ander the headtna- "loo I. ate to Classify." (ash moat accompany ail order for want ed, and nr advertisement will be accepted for leaa Jnnn SCO centa for flrat Insertion. nates apply to either The Dally Sunday Bee. Always coant alx words to a line. . CASH RATIOS FOR WANT AOS. REGULAR CLASSIFICATION One Insertion, 1 l-il centa per word and 1 cent per word for each anbseqnent Insertion. Each Insertion made on odd days, 1 1-2 cents per week. 1.0O prr line per month. Waut ads for The Bee may be left at any of the follunlnit drag stores one Is . your "corner dranlil" they are all branch offices for The Bee and yoar ad will be Inserted lust aa promptly and on the same rates as at the main office In The Bee Building, .Seventeenth and Farnam streets. Albach, W. C, 40th and Farnam. Hemnck. S. A.. H02 si. 10th St. J'ajton Pharmacy, 7a 8. 16th St. Benson Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. Bernls Park Pharmacy, Mil and Cuming. lllake-Bradlsh. Wit Sherman Ave. ' Csttghlln, c. R., 6th and Pierce Sts. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 1213 Military Ave. ' Hlnterlong Drug Co., 31st Ave. and Farnam. Crlssey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake. Cooney Pharmacy, 2228 S. 16th St. Cermak, Kmll, I2G4-G S. 13th St. Ehler, F. H., 2X02 Leavenworth. ' Foster & ArnoMl, 213 N. 25th St. Freytag. John J.. 1914 N. 24th St. ' FreRger Drug Co., 1.V N. l'ith St. Florence lrug Co., Florence. Neb. , Green's Pharmacy, Park Ave. ard Pjielflc. Oreerough, O. A., 106 S. 10th St Oreenough, O. A., Tenth and Hickory. Haydnn, William C. 24120 Farnam Ht. Hsi,f(;om Park Pharmacy. 1501 S. 29th Ave. HolKt, John, 624 N. 16th St. Huff. A. L. 2:124 Leavenworth St. Johaiimn Drug Co., 24th and Spalding Sts. King. H. S., 2238 Farnam St. Kountze Place Pharmacy, 330 N. 24th. Mares, Fred L., 2019 Central Blvd. Patrick Drug Co., 1624 N. 24th St. Lathrop. Charlea E , 1324 N. 24th St. Goldman Pharmacy, 24th and Leaven . worth 8ts. ...Saratoga Drug Co.. 24th and Ames Ave. Kchaefer's Cui PTice Drug Store, 16th and Chicago Sta. . Schaefer, Aucust. 26S1 N. lfith St Sehmfrtt, J. H.. 24th and Cuming Sta. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Grace Sta. Wlrth, O. H.. 40th and Hamilton Sta. ANNOUNCEMENTS Multigraph Work J. C. Nbrthrup, Mi Puxtun. Douglas 6685. THE MEXICAN WHITE SAPPHIRE. A great discovery. A gem with the hard . pens, brilliancy and luster; can't be da ted ed from a genuine diamond. We guar antor this gem to retain its beautiful bril liancy und sparkls 'orever. the same ai a Ktnuine diamonu, at 1-30 Itaa cost. In olid gold mountings. Call or write for Il lustrated italogue. DeLong Jewelry Co., Uw McCague Bldg.. Omaha. CEMENT BLOCKS ffiJi. In Mock. Estimate given contract work. Call after 6 p. m., Mh Ave. and Kahler Six. B-'sw i Omaha Concrete Stone Co. MONEY m TO LOAN - LOW In sums to 310 Be U dg. Phone Doug. 2Hi. UNION LOAN COMPANY. tiOOD MERCHANTS LUNCJH. c prru A. JETE3, 1302 Douglas St. VJ-O. TWO changes of vaudeville every week. Parlor Theater, west of 14th on Douglas. Missouri Filters mad, sold. 1310 Howard. FINE clock repairing; prices right; call, deliver. Belknap, 306 Sunderland Bldg. THE WINDSOR HOTEL, two blocks north of Union Station, announces to the public that It will hereafter be conducted on the European instead of the American plan. The hotel Is under new management and la thoroughly renovated and modern ized. In connection with it is a new up-lo-date cafe. The cafe is one of the best in Omaha, Interior f.nmh of black miosion. 'the public is Invited to take Its firm bun day meal ac "The New WIndBor Cafe," U & loth.. POATi 8. H. Green Trading Stamps with hard and soft coal. People s Coal Co. , Douglas ITU; Independent. A-Mt B. ,F. WURN. Optician. 424 Brandels. GOING TO BUILD? Get Ideas of a prac tical builder. E. 11. Olien. Tel. Benson 20. f 1 a II. Cole Sign Co.. D. S76. 1316 Fat nam. JOHN E. H1XIOE, shirts. 630 Paxton Block. THE HOME FURNITURE CO.. 20 per rent loss than Omuha prices. 20th and L Sta. " . ELEVATORS REPAIRED Freight Pas. ng.. J. R. Kennedy. 104 e. ISib. Doug.JitoJ. PATTON'8 Sunproof paint, Jap-a-lac; try Enamel, Saratoga Drug Co., tlb A Ames. EXPERT drainage engineer. Write N. J. McEathron, 'MH New York Life Bldg. I'ATTON-iK)TvrMAN"Hb wTcO. AGENTS P. 4 F. COKBIN BUILDERS' HARDWARE, CONTRACTORS' SUi PL1ES. 161i Farnum. 1 hone Doug. 5SS4. Cement lilooka bkstqualitt. v-cuicu IJiUlaS Ideal Cem.nt Stone Co. ' PHOTO ENGRAVING Acid Blase Etching. Prompt Work. W. R URAMBLETT Co.. 1311 Howard. D. tail. SHOES called for and delivered frae. Pieadard Fbie Repair Co.. 1M)4 Farnam. LYNCH BROS. PLH?J0,B FKPATR WOK K A SPECIALTY. TUt A. tlh 1'hooe Iouglas 1477. ANCHOR FFNCECO. Iron and Wire Fences Cheaper than Wood. Last a Lifetime. MT N. 17th Phone Red Sll DAVID COLB Creamery Co J. A. KEP.VAN WILL MAKE YOUR 6UMM&H SUIT. 604-10 Brandeia Bldg U'KSTKRN DUPLICATING Cit . M 11.. I Bldg. Multigraphed letters. Doug. 364L , BARKER BR0S. PT. CO. Fhrwln-W Pts . oil, varnish, glass and brushes. 1608V Farnam. Douglas PrlnLng Co. Tel. Douglas e4. Bee Hive Cleaning and Dye Work. 1620 & 10th Et. Tel. Douglas 4167. ILER GRAND HOTEL Finest in the west Turkish Baths Hth and Howard Sts. -iUlAlfcll U'11"0 .THE City Oarbage Co.. Tel. Doug. 17. ceaus vaulta, cesspoola and remove nia iui, alcs and all kinds of refuse. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued. I EYES EYES EYES IIAVK THBM RYAMINKD RV AN KX- PERT OK REPl'TATK N. 1 HAVE I rU'CCKSSKULLY TESTED EYES AN1 I KITTED OLA S3 EH IN EUROPE AND I AMERICA. RECENTLY DoINU MOST I OF THIS WOKK KOR. THE Wl'RN OPTICAL CO. SEE ME NOW. REASONABLE PRICES AND SATISFACTION tll'ARANTEED. y. maitiiei, 406 PAXTON BLOCK Red 6.125. DOUGLAS 3S31. Ind. A-1753. Koken Bros., Carpenters, U.H N. V.th. R.S26I MAGGARD Van Storage or Omaha Trunk Van & Storage Co. rack. move. More and ship H. H. goods. D. 14W, B. 2421 TIIOS. DUBKIN Klocol!5t.0?onrd WRING OLD BUILDINGS A SPEC IALTY. 260J Cuming St. Tel. Harney 244S. Fence, Iron and Wire. ChamDlon hence Co ,3th A Jackson Sts. Tel. V. 1590. Shirts BURGESS SHIRT CO. made to order. 616 Karbach Blk. STOP THOSE HEADACHES by using glasses fitted by an expert optician. August Johnson, with Frlta Sandwall Jewelry Co.. id Floor Paxton Block. MONUMENTS J. F. Bloom & Co., Movtd to new location, corner 17th and Cuming Sts. 'phone Doug. 676. DR. H. P. JENSEN has resumed his of fice practice at room 446, Bee Building. Hours: 10-12 a. m. and 2-4 p. m. Telephone; Douglas 6670. AUTOMOBILES DRUMMOND gi Sells Buggies, s Auto Builds Wagons. Repairs Autos and All Kinds of Machines, lwh and Harney Su. SEND for our list of second-hand cara. DEK1GHT AUTOMOBILE CO.. 1S14 Kama '.n Nt. 1909 STODDARD-DAYTON Touring car, with top and full equipment; used but little $2,300 l'JOW Stoddard-Dayton roadster, with top and full equpmetit; used but little line condition 2,000 1907 Stoddard-Dayton Touring car, 7 pasMenger. full equipment, over hauled l.tOO Waverly Electric, without battery.... 100 With battery 3t0 Reo Touring car, two-cylinder, 1U05 model 400 1907 Stoddard-Dayton, with touring car body and limousine body; all in good condition 2,000 DERIGHT AUTOMOBILE CO., Isl8 Harney St. FOR SALE A 1U08 Bulck touring car at a bargain, fully equipped. Write A. A. Hyers, Huvelock, Neb. $!ti0 lot for auto. Address L 264, Bee. ELECTRIC runabout, but this week, J2O0. Douglas 22fi. KOR KALE 0 H. P. Austin car, newly painted and completely overhauled. Opeu and closed body, glass front, top, extra tubes; complete set of tools, tire covers. Cost (6,600 lesb than a year aud a half ago. Will tell at great sacrifice. AddriMS Arthur etou. Oniaua, Neb. AUTOMOBILE GOGGLES, 25o to S3.50. Columbian Optical Co.. 20U-2U S. 16th. OMAHA'S foremost repair house; all kinds of repairing; when In trouble call Douglax 72til or A 2011. The Paxton Mitchell Co., 2318 Harney St. FOR SALE For heat bargains In auto mobile, write or call on the NEBRASKA-BU1CK AUTO CO. 1IIU-16 Farnam SU CAIX US for Demonstration of Cole "30." Midweut Auto Co.. mth and Farnam. WRITE for list automobile bargain. 11. B. FREDRICKSO.N AUTO CO.. Omaha. Auto Painting ZurLUARg MURPHY & SON. 1412 Jackson. AUTOGENOUS WELDING All kinds of broken cylinders, crank cases nd tastings promptly repaired. All work guaranteed. BERTSCHY MOTOR COMPANY. Council Bluffs, la. UATifrATNS ,n UMl1 utomoblles. DVXVVJAl-lO VeIl0 Automobile Co., 1903 Faroara St. SECOND-HAND motorcycles, $.7) and up. Omaha Motorcycle Co.. 1620 Capitol Ave. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET in or out of business call on GANOESTAD, 404 Bea Bldg. T D. McNeill-Jewel Realty Company. Write Us for Bargains. 615 N. 24th. Tel. bo. 7!M. South Omaha. FOB SALE A good retail lumber yard, in central Iowa; Investment of JliOuO. Ad dre 1 246, care Bee. Ml'ST sell Ice cream factory, cafe, con fectionery, at a great bargain; other busi ness. Address Box 323, Ellsworth, Kas. FOR SALE Bakery; reason for selling poor health. Address tl 2tW, care Bee. FOR SALE A $10,0(W stock of general nurchandlhe. In a live northeastern Ne braska town; sales for VMt, titi.W. 'JO per cent German .trade; business not over-done; largo territory; gel good profits; reason f.ir Helling, going 111 banking business In Soutli Dakota July 1: no traders need apply; will dlscourt. Address Y 326, care Omuha Hto. ICE CREAM PARLOR and stationery store; only soda fountain In town of 600; good location. Y 34. Bee. FOGEL & ALTSTADT TO BUT OR SELL. J Neville Blk. Doug. Slil TO GET In or out of business la Omaha, Pouth Oinsha or Council Bluffs, see Wil liams. 411 McCague Bldg.. 15th and Dodge. A LIVE responsible manufacturers' agent, wanted as Division Sales Manager, by leading specially house, handling small, well advertised line of novel utl.ltles. Ex ceptionally profitable commission opportun ity. Address R. 8. Co., Room 1111-160 Broadway, N. Y City. 1 WANT man to take Interest In legitimate i business; big profits; no competition: must Va.U'lU 1U J,WV. JIQUIVH, J I a. ! H M MUNNECKE, collections, 6D4 Brandeia FOR SALE We buy, sell and trnde lards, merchandise and Income property: enn description of jour property; no deal too large. "Opportunities' mailed free. City ttealty Co., Land Brokers. Muskogee. Okl. W1KTITTI A h.... tnw 11(1 u.nn,. 'lien notes, first mortgage drawing per cent and due In five years on partly (m- ' proved patented section of land seven miles 'south of Happy, Tex., and half mile or rt. 4. switch. Above feet ion has a new five-room house, stable, well and three miles of j fence, and sold for' 116.600. , i. ui.iuunv llV luui. iiiiira .w Act now. and do not write us unless you mean business. Address L. C. Klein Land Co., Happy, BwUher C'ouugr, Texas. BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued. TO BUY. SELL OR TRADE Eee Midland Inv. Co. 103 McCague B'.dg. Hardware Stock Machinery, fixtures, good location In Omaha. We must sell this business quick. Price, $1,250. Will take part rash. GET IN BUSINESS for yourself, where there Is a future. You can't help making money If you own your own business In Omaha. Everything boom ing. Lots of building and repair work. SEE ME AT ONCE. CHARLES I. ROWE, Room 4, 1623 Farnam St. Tel. D. 3227. THE CUSTER County Abstract Co. of fers its books and business for sale; a vuuipeieni ana rename aDBiracier fu ijui -chase a good business on his own terms. x ne ausiraoiers or tnis couniy imvw mui. buafness than they can attend to promptly. The present owner has too much other business to make abstracts. Willis Cadwell, Broken Bow, Neb. IMPLEMENT business for sale In the liveliest town in the North Platte valley. Owner must look after other Interests; will take H,7o0. First man who comes with the motley will buy this; It's a big snap. Write or call on Thompson-Downey, Scotts Bruff, Neb. CORNER STORE ROOM Where man of right caliber can make money. T. J. Hook, 1101 N. 18th St. From 9 to 6. PARTNER for amusement without com petition. A good paying business for the right kind of man. Address P 268, Bee. FOE SALE General Merchandise Stock Between $4,000 and $6,O0C, In flrBt-class condition, located in the best town in N. W. Nebraska; object of sale, settlement of an estate; no trade accepted. Address Y 861, care Bee. BAKERY FOR SALE Doing cash busi ness of $y00 a month; no wholesale; no de livery. Pure Food Bakery, Webb City, Mo. MEDICAL practice for sale; south cen tral Nebraska town of 700 large terri tory one other doctor; $400 cash or good paper required to secure practice and office. Combination box 7, Republican City, Neb. CHIROPODISTS DR. ROY. 1505 Farnam St. Douglas 647. DENTISTS BAILEY A MACK, Sd floor, Paxton. D.105J. TAFT'S Dental Rooms. 1617 Douglas St. DANCING MORAND'S, 15th and Harney; lessons Mon.. Frl.. 8 p m.; private dally. D.-1041. EDUCATIONAL THE SPRING TERM AT Boyles College Is now open day and night. Students are admitted any day. Prepare for profitable positions In BOOKKEEPING, SHORT HAND, TYPEWRITING, TELEGRAPHY, CIVIL SERVICE, sure to be open in the fall. The catalogue Is ready. Apply for It. BOYLES COLLEGE, Boyles Bldg. Omaha, Neb. Both 'Phones. ST. ANDREW'S SCHOOL FOR BOYS 41ST AND CHARLES. Rev. F. D. Tyner, &4& Charles. Harney 2383. SPRING TERM MOSHER-LAMPMAN BUSINESS COLLEGE. Unexcelled course In business, short hand, penmanship and English. None but experienced teachers. Day and evening sessions. Most Interesting catalogue pub lished in Omaha, bend for one today. MOSHER & LAMPMAN. Seventeenth and Farnam Sts. DETECTIVES OMAHA Dct Agency, 421 Paxton. D. 131. CAPT. T. CORMACK. 617 Karbach. D. 283$ DRESSMAKERS ALL kinds of plain sewing. Prices rea sonable. Call Harney 6130. SEWING DONE. 2210 Langdon Court. Dressmaking and plain sewing. D. 4433. M. SELECOW, 2902 Farnam. Harney 2017. MIHS STITRnv f.m Farnam. Tel. H. 467a J EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN SANITARY HAIRDRESS1NQ PARLORS. Switches Made from Combings, $1.50. C01 Paxton Blk. 'Phone Doug. 4671. E. P. BRUCE Molina Pianos. 413 McCague. "EaDIES. It -will pay you to get our prices on h-ts. willow plumes, fancy feathers, flowers; frames, braids, etc. PEN NELL, lill Douglas St., second floor. GOOD, clean, snappy vaudeville. Come and have a laugh. Parlor Theater, west of Hth on Douglas. Dress Pleatings, Buttons Covered All sixes and styles. Ideul Pleating Co., 200 Douglas lilk. uom pnones ARSFNIC and J RON complexion wafers rrakes clear, wimu bivoi. " j m.n wu ana $100. Sherman & McConnell Drug. Co., Omaha. WTKflV Seamless hosiery fit bette all(i wear longer than an other hose. 519 Bee Bldg. Douglas 4337. THE FREN CH WAY gJi V.rn.2 Ladles' clothes beautifully dry cleaned. CHINA decorating; order work a special ty. Lessons Tuesday, Thursday and Satur days. Firing daily. Children's classes Sat. urday morning. Mrs. C C. 11 ungate, S4 Brandels Bldg Tel. Red 64J6. WE frame pictures at reasonable prices. Barker Bros. PL Co. FOX Ladles," tailoring, latest styles sat isfactory fit. 2922 Leavenworth SU H. 663. SWITCHES, from combing, $1.50. Mrs. Oowe. 1021 N. 19th. South Omaha. EVERYTHING FOR THE GARDEN For l.awsw SOD FOR SALE and sodding done. F. Peyton aV Co. Doug. fcal. kareerlea. Patronize Home Nursory LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE LINE OF NURSERY STOCK IN THE CITY. Sales Grounds, 19th and Douqlaa Pbcne Douglas 1678 er Douglas 44U1 M. P. BYRD NURSERY CO., Nurseries North Omaba. TlJlTTTQI sn1 Plama that grow. F. W. X UliliO Meneray. Crescent Nuraerv Co., Omaha yard, list and Farnam Sta. Pboae Harney I,TITTTrpTRETC8 AND SHRUBS, a general 1 line of nuraey suck. Benson- Omaha Nuraey, Benson. Neb. Tel. Benson ."4. FURNACES AND REPAIRS GAS sioves cleaned and repaired; gaso line repairs; wster fronts; new furnaces. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS. Ho lb. 'PUonca. U06-UU Dougiaa (. FLORISTS BENNETT'S Flower Dpt E. store entr"ce. HESS A BWOBODA. 1415 Farnam St. J. II BATH. 1S2 Harney. Douglas 3000. A. DON AGHUE, 1007 Far. D. 100J; A-1001. J. F. WIICOX. Council Bluffs. Ia.; larg est greenhouse in west; beautiful flowers for any occasion shipped anywhere In U. 8. L. Henderson. 1513 Farnam St. Doug. 1258. BRANDETS CUT FlyOWER DEPT. HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical, and Office. BOOKKEEPER FOR LOCAL INSUR ANCE COMPANY, PREFER YOUNG. LADY WITH INSURANCE EXPERI ENCE; SALARY NO OBJECT, DEPENDS UPON EXPERIENCE. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS'N., INC.. 76ii-G4 N. Y. LIFE BLDG. (EST. 8 YRS.) . Factorr and Trades. WANTED Hand-lroners, steadr work, good pay. Kimball Laundry, Fifteenth and Jackson. GIRLS experienced on power sewing ma chine. Apply C. W. Reynolds, 1008 Jack son St. GIRL WANTED to learn hair dressing. Oppenheim Parlors, 313 McCague Bldg. 'Phones: Doug. 23y6; A 1556. Housekeepers aad Dosnestlce. WANTED Girl for general housework. 1622 Lothrop. Tel. Web. 876. COMPETENT girl for general housework. $616 Dodge. 'Phone Harney 4782. A GIRL for general housework; S In family; wages, $6 .er week. 1529 S. 26th St GIRL for second work. Mrs. Viotor B. Caldwell, 630 S. 20th St, SIX housekeepers. 15th and Dodge. Canadian Office. WANTED A nurse girl. 2319 Webster. Phone Harney 636. WANTED Girl for general housework; three In family. 2KU) Poppleton Ave. Tel. Harney 3183. GIRL tor general housework; good home and steady place; good wage. 1302 Park Ave. COMPETENT cook. Apply 206 8. S2d Ave. or telephone Harney 206. WANTED Girl for general housework. No washing. 401 S. 38th St WANTED Compt tent girl for general housework In family of two. 214 So. 10th. Tel. Douglas KUbl. GOOD g'.rl for general housework, $6 per week. Mrs. Cowdaroy, 1325 So. 30th St. GIRL to assist with housework. 2215 Douglas. GIRL to assist with housework and care of children. 1514 Cabtellar St, Tel. Red 6464. ,, GOOD girl ' tor general housework. Mrs. Lee HerdmarI,13o04 Harney St. Tel Harney yo. ' WANTED A' young girl to assist with general housework. 559 So. 26th Ave. GIRL to assist with housework; no wash ing or cooking; good wages. 102 N. ISth. GOOD home and $5.00 a week to girl who can do general housework. Two In family, 2101 Wlrt street WANTED A girl to help with general housework; highest wages paid; call at once. 2127 Douglas. GOOD girl for housework. 1020 8. 35th Ave. Telephone Harney 2104. LADIES wanted to take work home, ap plying transfers, $1 to $4 dozen; original; reliable firm; work guaranteed. Trleber'B, 1201 Farnam St. WANTED A good second girl; small family; highest wages paid. 305 S. 38th St. GOOD girl for general housework, $5.00 week; no washing. Tel. Douglas 3000. 221$ Howard St. . GOOD girl to assist with housework. Chas. Thompson, 2444 Templeton. Web, t'21. LAUNDRESS, for Mondays preferred. Apply at once, Wm. Moncrleff, 113 S. 36th St. Tel. Harney 4420. GOOD girl or woman for light house work; good wages; white or colored. 1562 N. 19th St. GIRL for general housework: one who can cook. Tel. Harr-cy $41 or address U20 a. zstn at. GIRL for general housework at 1521 N. 40th St. Tel. Harney 822. A GOOD, neat girl to assist with house work; small family; good wages. . 4940 Un derwood Ave. Dundee car. WANTED Good girl to learn general housework. 2919 N. 20th. 'Phone Webster $48. WANTED Experienced girl or middle aged woman for general housework. Mrs. R. Rlx. 3304 N. 24th St WANTED CHAMBERMAIDS Steady Employment Good "Wage HOTEL LOYAL GIRL to assist with housework; one who likes small children. 1508 Corby St Tel. Webster 234. GIRL for general housework; no laundry work. Mrs. A. O. Peterson. 3313 Cuming St. GIRL to assist with housework and help take care of one child; good wages. Phone Harney 4745 or call at 120 S. 34th St. GIRL for general housework; good wages; apply at or.ee. 614 S. 10th St. WANTED A competent cook; no laun dry. L. C. Nash, 820 N. 38th. GIRL or middle aged woman for general housework; small family; good wages. 1310 Park Ave. H. 4i44. WANTED A white washerwoman work by the hour. 1915 Charles. to U1RL for general housework. 302 Dodge 6t. Tel. Harney 1419. WANTED Immediately, a good compe tent girl for generil housework. 625 N. 41st Ave. COOK wanted at once. Douglas 4912. JUST what someone la looking for A position as housekeeper: family of three. R. H. Duke, Druggist, Mason City, Neb. GIHL or middle aged woman for general housework. 2118 Maple 8', GIRL for- funeral housework; three In family; $5 a week. 202J Wlrt St COMFORTABLE farm home near Omaha, family of two; would like woman without home to make her home with them; good, wages. 303 Barker Blk.. Omaha. A GIRL for general housework. Mrs. J. P. O'Keefe. 3025 Davenport St. WANTED A young girl for general housework. Cooking not required. 210 No. 23d St. louglaa 4232 LADIES wantfd to take work home, ap plying transfers; $1 to $4 doxen; original; reliable firm; work guaranteed. Trlebar's, 1201 Farnam el HELP WANTED FEMALE lloaseker pere aod Domeatlca -Coat'd. GIRL or woman for general housework; experience net necessary. 6002 Dodge St. GOOD flrl for general housework. Family Of three. 1622 Lothrop St. Tel. Web. 87o. WANTED A cook. Mrs. Harold Glfford, 420 S. 36ii St. Tel. Harney c44. WANTED Girl for general housework, S In family, wags $6. Mrs. 11. C. Miller, 1134 So. 32d St COMPETENT girl for general housework; no laundry; wages, $6. 108 S. 33d. WANTED A good laundress for Monday or Tuesday. Tel. Webster 545 or call 2415 Manderson St. YOinv'O girl to do light housework and assist with care of children; good home for high school student. Tel. Harney 1734. 3902 Cass St GIRL for general housework: no laundry work; $6 a week. Mrs. Ben Cotton, 601 S. 28lh Ave. WANTED A good washerwoman to take washing home. Harney 1636. 3611 Jones St. LADY WANTED To do plain cooking. Apply at 1906 Farnam. WANTED A girl for general housework. Mrs. A. B. Loqulth. 2017 Spencer St. GOOD girl for general housework. Good place, good wages. Apply Dr. Hostetler, 808 S. 20th St. COMPETENT girl for general housework. 812 N. 89th St. Tel. Harney 3031. WASHERWOMAN for Monday mornings. Inquire 621 S. 21st Ave. WANTED Girl for general housework, Dundee; good wages. 6106 California St. 'Phone Harney 251. WANTED Housekeeper; on farm; In a Christian, sober family of 4; good wages and steady employment Route 2, Box 65, Columbus, Nto. GIRL for general housework. Call Har ney 341, or address 1120 S. 28th. WANTED Girl for general work, $7 p. p. p.; all conveniences; no washing; cooking plain. 118 N. 39th St. WANTED Girl for general housework; only two In family. 3326 Harney St. GIRL for general housework laundress' dept. 1248 8. 7th St. (Park Wilde Ave.) WANTED Good Girl for general house work. Dr. Hotetter, 808 S. 20th. Tel. Douglas 779. UlaeeUaneoaa. LEARN HAIRDRAISSINO It pays. Ton can earn $14 to $26 weekly. Pull course taught J. L. Brandels. Halrdraaslng Dept. YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit the Young Woman's Christian association building at St. Mary's Ave. and Seventeenth St., where tney will be directed to suitable boarding pieces or otherwise assisted; look for our travelers' aid at Union station. PUPIL NURSES wanted at Douglas County Hospital, 40th and Poppleton. Ad' dress Mabel Christie. WE can take you out of your shortage of laughs In this world. Everyone laughs at the Parlor Theater, west of 14lu on Doug las. THE greatest spectacular posing act In the vaudeville world at the Parlor theater, beginning Sunday, April 24. HELP WANTED MALE Agenta, Solicitors aad Salesmen. TWO men to work from rig and solicit; good pay. C. F. ADAMS, 623 S. 18th St. AN energetlo young man as manager of salesmen; $35 week. 512 Wars Blk. WANTED An experienced salesman with an established trade to sell ladles' ready-to-wear garments, muslin underwear and petticoats to the trade In the state of Nebraska. Apply with re-ference to Lock Box 755. St Louis, Mo. CLERKS, bookkeepers, railroad men, make money selling small tracts of land to their friends. You can do the same. Write us, we will show you bow. La Belle Land Co., Galesburg, 111. GROCERY SALESMEN WANTED For one of the biggest groceries in Omaha; only experienced men who know the busi ness thoroughly need apply. Apply, giving age, experience, salary expected. Address F. 242, Bee. WANTED A good hustling subscription solicitor to go on the road for The Twen tieth Century Farmer. Call or write man ager of circulation. The Bee Publishing Co. START LOCAL ACCIDENT INSUR ANCE AGENCY THAT WILL PAY YOU 116 TO $40 WEEKLY. UNUSUAL OPPOR TUNITY OFFERED. GOOD PAY AT START AND RAPID INCREASE TO WORKER. ADDRESS FOR PARTICU LARS. HOME CASUALTY CO.. AGF.NTS everywhere; send three dollar for three sample equalizers, retail for three dollars each. 200 per cent profit Na competition; eaaily applied, full dlreotlona. The hardest working pumps work eaay. Wind mills work easily and noiselessly wltti slightest wind. Great money maker. Write today, now. Equaliser Manufacturing Company, $40 Bee Building, Omaha. EXPERIENCED oolUctoj lor houae fur nulling Co.; state experience and raferenca WANTED A solicitor with horse and buggy to drive through the country and solicit subscriptions. Call and see circu lation manager. The Bee Publishing Co. WANTEU-rRetall shoe salesman; none but first-class man with experience and references need apply. Address, K 263. Bee. TWO bright, energetlo young men for peimanent city positions. Apply 612 Ware Bik. WE POSITIVELY have the fastest sell Irg household patent on the market. Wool failne Co., Pittsburg, Pa. LIVE agents, men or women, wanted to Introducve high grade article used In every home. Nice work, good profits. Write to day for free particulars. Bartlett Supply Co., 411 Brown Blk., Omaha ,Neb. Clerical and Off lea, WANTED Stenographer, male, for posi tion in automobile shop, a material and time clerk; good opening for a live one; stute salary, experience and references. Address Lock Box 124. Council Bluffs, la. SALES MANAGER FOR LARGE ELECTRICAL SUPPLY HOUSE; MUST COME WELL RECOMMENDED AND POSSESS ABILITY TO GET RESULTS FROM THE SALESMEN; $1:0 SALARY. WESTERN REF, & BOND ASS N.. INC.. K7S.2-M N. Y. LIFE BLDG. (EST. 8 YRS.) WANTED Young man aa office assist ant In lumber and grain office out of town. Must be quick and accurate at flgurca. Apply In own handwriting. Address V 266, Bee. INEXPERIENCED male stenographer; $30 a month. Address, A-254. Bee. ova. WANTED Roys for factory work: clean. 'Irht work: good pay. Omaha Bos Co. F.ast Omaha. WANTED Hoys 16 to 18 years of age to work In shoe factory. Apply Superin tendent F. P. KlrkecdUl Co., llul Har ney lr HELP WANTED MALE Boyl -Continued. FOUR good boys wanted. Apply 7 a. m., I'.emls Bag Co. WANTED Top trimmers. Apply K. W. Reynolds Manufacturing i!o lwis Jackson. WANTED Registered drug clerk; refer ence letiuired. Harley Drug Co., Lincoln, Neh. WANTED l'nlnt era. Interim- work; scale pay; apply R. 1. A E. O. Hamilton at new Hamilton Apts., 24th and Farnam. WANTED First class Platen press feeder. Good position for right puny. Irvln A. Medlar Co., 414 8. 14th St. WANTED Experienced timekeeper for contractor, state age, experience, references and wages required. Address J 3.fi, Bee. D'Ug stores anaps. Joba. Knlest. Bee Bldg. WANTED Car carpenters, car repairers, machine blacksmith. Apply Cudahy Pack ing Co., South Omaha. EXPERIENCE furniture and carpet salesman. Home Funilture Company, South Omaha. ' HARNESS, collar and raddlemakers wantud; also cutters and machine oper ators; open shop; good wages W. Davis & Sons, 2O40 Howard St, San Francisco. WANTED Foreman In coal and build ing material yard. Must be energetlo young man. One experienced In handling men preferred. Address In own hand writing, giving reference and state salary desired, S 269, Bee. lllscellaneoaa. ' ANYONE. ANYWHERE, can start a profitable mall order business at home evenings. Send for particulars. Heacock. 139, Lockport N. Y. WANTED Men to learn automobile Dueinesn; we leacn Dy mail, and get you a Job at $26 weekly. Rocheeter Auto- nioDiie ncnooi, rtocnosier, in, x. WANTED Men to learn barber trade Practice furnished by free work, careful Instructions by experts. Few weeks com pletes. Tools given, board secured. Ex perience In shops before completing. Catalogue mailed free. Moler Barber Col lege, 110 S. Hth St. COME and see our large stock of fancy laughs. Parlor Theater, 1408 Douglas. IRMENf;$15 MEN wanted for railway mall. Internal revenue, postofflce examinations. Write for examination schedule. Preparation frea Franklin Institute, Dept U0N. Rochester. N. Y. GRIFFON auto strop for safety razors, $2 prepaid. Melcher-Schmldt Drug Co., 17th and Farnam. THE Parisian Model, The Queen of Poses, at the Parlor theater, beginning Sunday, April 24. WANTED Painter and paper hanger; must be married and of good habits. Dahl Iielmer, Portsmouth, la. -i . t. : LABORERS WANTED. Omaha Oaa Co. 1509 Howard St MEN wanted. E. W. Reynold. 1008 Jaok son St. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Iloraes and Vehlclea. ALFALFA hay. Wagner. 801 N. 18th. HORSES for sale. 1415 Cap. Ave. D. 1810. LET Frost fix that wagon. 714 a 14th. DELIVERY & We have two es high and medium. Racine V AfJOXSl "'K" srd. Three types of ' "lv-" v-'-L1 J medium priced wagon". Get catalog, jonnson Daniortn uo., iutn & jones BUGGIES, sumes. stanhopes, runabouts, high class work, lor sale cheap, uil Far DELIVERY WAGONS Heavy teaming, gear and farm wagons. 1117 Farnam St FOR SALE Horse, 2 harnesses, buggy and spring wagon. 2116 J St., So. Omaha. FOR PALE OR TRADE for land: Two mares, one ntalllon (registered); all trotting stock! mares same breeding; use auto; must sell them. Call at 302 Neville block. Omaha. Man will show them. Stallion over seventeen hands. WILL sell cheap galted saddler, Blue Ribbon, 8 years old; thoroughly trained; drive double or single. Address W. U. L. Taylor. 435 No. 26th St.. Lincoln, Neb. HARNESS or phaeton, sale or trade for piano, phono, or gun. Address L 204, Bee. Baaja-les. RUNABOUTS, buggies, surreys and stan. hopes. "Racine" and other high-grade makes told by us at moderate prices. John son Dap forth Co., 10th and Jones Sts. LOST AND FOUND FOUND A cow. James Reha, 2h and Harrison Sts., South Omaha. NOTHING but deeency on our stage, west of Hth on Douglas. Parlor Theater. IF you are short on laughs go to the Parlor Theater, west of Hth on Douglas. LOST Brlndle white bulldog, box-tailed; reward; return to Innen, 109 N. I6U1. SMALL PURSE, corner 16th and Fainam or Farnam ciir. Kindly return to Miss Atwell, 4124 Farnam. Tel. A 3.W. Liberal reward. The Teddy Bear Expert Cleaners and Dyers. 191S HARNEY. BOTH 'PHONES. STRAYED frem my farm. . two Jersey helfir calves. Reward for information leading to their recovery. Notify Arthur D. Brandels, care J. L. Brandels Sons. MEDICAL FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghlon Medical college. Hth and Daven port Sts.; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. Phone Douglas 116 Calls answered day or night BEST nerve bracer for man. Gray's Narv, Food Pills, $1 a box, postpaid, bberman t McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. ' 1 "Your paper brings results. I have advertised my California lands in The Los Angeles papers and The Bee brings more busi ness than they do." This ! what John Moresh, a California land doalrr says t of The Bee's real estate advertising. The Ilee can sell anything. It can ell It quickly. i Call Douglas 238 if you are ia a hurry. MEDICAL DR. W. C. M XVELL 624 It.-,.. II ; Has cured huiiiimia ,1 Inent people In Cmu:,.i , the V. S. of PILES .it. , 1 an operation. No m.n Murray hotel. AVERAGE TIME I Rupture, one visit. IT., . days. Cancer. CutuiiM, 1. Gout. 30 days, tiuit. i ami 1: 90 days. No ktiire, blouU quickly and eamiy tlies.i vui when you become lullv mr Ing our new tm-ihnils. Writi nil parts of I I .A without' D141'4. Res, . ' l- istula, S 1 1 ism ami !' ton, etc., ! " :-'-o how 1 ' l os.-lhle 1 'a 1 "tuvrn ' ' " f book UCltMAIN 1'tH.HlHS. t ni 1 M ,,, ailll mil's, hi. Broad w , Council H DRS. STIVERS STIVERS Formerly the Radium M. il.cu, u,u Surgi cal Institute, now suite 8, Pat :e:,.n Block All chronic diseases for nun women' Consultation and examination fret We glv the radium treatment. MONEY TO. LOAN s)ALA Hi" AND tUATTIiLl, BjsutuiwwmsHiwxwwitmwBjmi Notice to the l'ublic No Moro High Kates $10 to $1,000 LOANED ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. PIANOS AjND SALARIES. THIS If A NEW FIRM Organized by the REPUTABLE BUSI NESS MEN of this city te protect honest working people in need of temporary help from the extortionate charges of th . so-oalled loan oom pantes. We will loan you all the money you want and charge you only 10 per cent a year. THIS MEANS YOU PAY 1 1.00 interest on $ 10 for 1 year. 1 i.dv interest on a lor 1 year. $ 10.00 Interest en low for 1 year. $ and all other sums In proportion. Easy $ Weekly or Monthly Payments. Reaaon- iable Appraisement Charges. A glance at the above raws will con vince you how uiuca tu .save by, $ dealing with us. $ NO RED TAPE NO DELAY. $ I Money in your pocket . within an. f 1 bour. $ i Independent Loan Co., ! ROOM 204 WITUNELL BLDG.. $ $ Phone Duug. 046. lfith and Harney. 2$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$t$um$$u$m$$$w$$$$$u$$4 u$$$$$$$$$M$w$$$we sjsnnin$it$tjm it private Loans . m $$ $10 UPWARDS ' 5 u on FURNITURE and PIANOS In-use: $$ 1$ also to those holding u $$ STEADY POSITIONS. $$ $$ A Modern Firm. 11 $$ With a Modern Purpoae. j $1 $$ LOOK AT OUR RATES; 3 $$ CAN YOU BEAT THoiMT $$ $$ Pays Principal and Interest. $$ $$ No Other Charges.' si $$ $25-6 PAYMENTS' OF $4 CO j $$ $3- " " $6.60 $$ H0- " $7.60 .. n $$ Payable) weekly or monthly. j 2 Other sums in proportion. $ This company Is backed by men $$ with unlimited -capital, for the Dur tl $$ pose of helping those lu need et leu-'. $4 $$ porary assistance. la $$ OUR PURPOSE 13 $ $$ To make loans to those who oannot $$ $$ afford to pay high rates. We will $j npay off high rata companies and ad- $$ vance you more money at leaa oust $t than yeu are now paying. t$ OMAHA FINANCIAL CO.. la it $01 Brown Blk.. Opp. Brandeia. M $$ 'Phones: Douglaa 2036; lnd. A-2036. $f $tt$m$tm$tm$mit$ttt$ umaimmtttttttti Salary and Furniture Loani at positively the LOWEST RATES, quicker; service and MOST CONFIDENTIAL DEAL of any in the city. Patronise the BIGGEST AND BEST. RELIABLE CREDIT CO, Third Floor. 807-808 Paxton Block. Douglas 14U and A -1411. WB DO NOT ADVERTI8H lUDAQUIDtt I TI L'O After you have had an unsatisfactory in- I tervlew with those who do, oume In and! we'll show you that we make loans ac a cheaper rate than any advertised. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., ' For eighteen years at , Southwest Cor. 16th and Farnam Sta, 1 11$ Board of Trade Bldg.. Telephone Douglas 22U4. , MONEY IOANfiD SALARIED PEOPLE. WOMEN KEEPING HOUSii: AND OTH ERS, without security; easy payments. Office in 66 principal cities. Tolmua. rooia 61$ New York Life Bldg. Furniture loans; private. 4 Patterson blk. MONEY MONEY MONEY Wo will loan you any amount on your FURNITURE, PIANOS and LIVE STOCK, or any other chattel SECURITY. Wa positively have the lowest rates In Omaha. CALL and CONVINCE YOURSELF. BUtt- INESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL, NEBRASKA LOAN OM 7 Crounse Block, Corner 16th and Capitol, uppoaue i-ostoiiiee. Both 'Phones, Douglas 13o6; A-1366. DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 vV. C. PLATA IT, Tel. Red 611. r ibl DOdge. MOVING AND HOUSE CLEANING. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. cleans your carpets and floors. Electrio vacuum systuin. Buy So. 17th. Tel. DloUI. EXP. Delivery Co., office 16th and Dav enport Sts.; warehouse, 2207-OH Izard St PAPERHANGERS, use the beat Snow, flake paste. Omaha Paule Co., ili V. Uto, Doug. 8760. Fin TT MOW HAVE YOUR FURN. U A-L TURK REPAIRED AM UPHOLSTERED. MOOS FARNAM. H. 8U FOR furniture po.lshtng, repairing and upholstering, call Douglaa 67'.'!. 8TOVES stored. Kance, 1611 N. 24th Bu -iTTrp T ktj Hand Ironed. $ pali VUXi liVll0 ..bon, Douglas WA pair.- U. HAVE your gua stove connected by the i only expert In Omaha'. satlstagUwn guar. I auteed. 'Phone WiU.r $218. , , . i . WHAT la the use of taking tip your car. pets wnan you cun nnve wiem cieanca on the floor In a few hours? Free estimates given. Heal Air Cleaning Co., $00 Douglas block. 107 d. 16th St. Phonea: Doug, lib; lnd. A-MJ6 Across from Hayden'a. i