Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 24, 1910, EDITORIAL, Image 9

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    unday Bee.
rAoxi on TO IIOIT.
Political and Social News of the Old World Reported by Special Cable and Correspondence
The " Omaha:
Thirty Thousand English and Scotch
Farmers and Artisans Head
for America. 1
CTances in West and Northwest
Attract Them Mightily.
Convention at Glasgow in June to Be
Most Notable.
Conference In London Brings
About World's Inlon to Protect
Women and tilrls In All
IONDON, April 23.-(Speclal Dispatch to
The Bee,) One of the most remarkable em
igration movements of modern times from
Great Britain Is now In progress. It la
estimated that not less than 30,000 sturdy
English and Scotch of the farming and
skilled artisan classes will have started
for Canada and the United States during
the month of April and other thousands
re to follow. Most of these emigrants are
bound for western Canada, though some
will seek homes In the northwestern Amer
ican states.
The quality of this new tide of emigra
tion la even more remarkable than Its
quantity. They are not "assisted emi
grants." For Instance, among the 1.600
passengers on the Empress of Britain,
which sailed recently from Liverpool to
Canada, 200 of them formed a special
"land party," which Is going out under
the auspices of the Canadian Paclfio rail
way officials to settle In the Irrigation
district of Calgary, In the province of Al
berta. Included in this party, which rep
resents a combined capital" of $250,000, waa
the first batch of settlers going out under
Sir Thomas Shaughnessy's scheme for pro
viding ready-made farms for British Immi
grants. Nineteen families were destined
for these homewteads, and their members
were drawn from various professions.
They included an engineer, a former Inn
keeper, retired civil servant, army pen
sioner, builder, coachman, dairy farmer
and veterinary surgeon.
What They Are Bringing.
On of the party, breeder of prise
poultry, had paid $76 freight on aome chick
ens which ha waa taking out to his ready-
made farm. Another member was form
erly a horse trainer' at Newmarket, but,
tiring of racing, desired a quiet home for
his children. "The whole party appeared
very optimistic as to the future! On had
married to qualify for a farm, It being
stipulated under the scheme that occupants
should be married men. The youngest of
the party waa 2S and the oldest 60. Each
family waa possessed of capital ranging
from $1,000 to $3,500.
"I have just settled with a Lincolnshire
man who has a capital of $K,000," said Mr.
Bethune Gray of the Canadian Pacific rail
way land department the other day. "lie
will bo one of our next party, and I am
now In correspondence wtth a man who
has a capital of $100,000, who will, I hope,
take the whole of It to Canada."
Of course, all these emigrants are not so
well fixed financially as these, but with
few exceptions they are capable, intelli
gent, hard-working people, who win ma'e
Ideal citizens.
W. C. T. ir. Convention.
The eighth tri-ennlul convention of the
World's Woman's Christian Temperance
union which meets In Glasgow June 4,
will In many respects be a most remarkable
Earnest women from all quarters of the
world will be present to discuss the best
plans to advance the cause of temperance.
There will be between sixty and seventy
delegates from the United States and Can
ada, while Japan, Australia. Africa, India
nd the various continental countries will
be represented.
Anapng the American delegates will be
Mrs. TJUlan N. N. Stevens, president of
the National Woman's Christian Temper
ance union; Miss Eva Kllbreth Foster, Miss
Anna A. Gordon, Mrs. Sarah H. Hoge,
Mrs. Ella Hoover . Thacher, Mrs. Mary
Sedgwick and others. Miss Sarah Powell
Wright, president of the Canadian Chris
tian Temperance union, will represent the'
Dominion. Among others who have signi
fied their Intention of being present are:
The president of the Woman's Christian
Temperance union of Australia; Mrs.
Sara S. Nolan of New South Wales, Mrs.
Cole of Christ church. New Zealand, pres
ident of the National Woman's Christian
Temperance union of her country; Mrs.
rr. MacKensle. president of the Cape ool
ony Woman's Christian Temperance union;
Mrs. If. F. T. llallowes. president of India
Woman's Christian Temperance union;
Miss Isabella Hargrave. president of the
Foreign Auxiliary Woman's Christian Tem
perance union of Japan, and Miss Morgan
of Japan; Mis A. S. Olilin, assistant sec
retary of the National Woman's Christian
k Temperance union of Sweden; Mrs. Flor
I eiice Bannister, National Christian Tern
' Bi-rance union, organizer of the Transvaal,
South Africa.' Mile, de Laveleye of Bel
glum Woman's Christian Temperancs
unlou; Frault-ln Ott.l'e Hoffmann of Ger
many, and other continental white ribbon
The women of England and Scotland will
e that the foreign delegates are well
lucked after.
Ta 8te "White Slaving."
A remarkable gathering has Just been
held here, having for Its object the sup
pression of the whits slave traffic.
For many years Jewish societies
throughout the world have taken an active
and" leading part lu the efforts made ta
wipe out this terrible blot on modern civ
ilization. With a view to consolidating the work
f the various bodies In this direction a
Jewish International conference was hld
In London under the auspices of the Jew
h Association for the Protection of Girls
Women, of which Lady Rothschild Is
k The proceedings vej re attended by dele.
(Continued a Fat four.)
All Are Waiting to Give Him the
Heartiest of Welcomes.
X I 1 1 In Copenhagen In Mar to Br
Followed kr "tar in Christiana
and Stockholm for Three
COPENHAGEN, April 23. (Special Dis
patch to The Bee.) All Scandinavia will
do honor to Mr. Roosevelt. It Is deeply
regretted here that the distinguished Amer
ican will only be able to spend one day
at the Danish capital, but the Danes will
endeavor to make up in their warmth of
their reception the shortness of the time
they will have to entertain hint. An effort
was made to have Mr. Roosevelt make a
longer stay In Copenhagen, but he has
found It Impossible to get here before May
3, and as he is scheduled to deliver his
Nobel Peace Prize address at Chrlstiania
on May 6 he can stay here only one day.
During his stop In Chrlstiania he will
be the guest of King Haaken at the Royal
Palace. On May 7 he will leave Chrls
tiania for Stockholm, where he Is expected
to remain three days.
The Faculty of History and Philosophy
of the Norwegian university has con
ferred upon Mr. Roosevelt the degree of
doctor of philosophy. This intelligence was
communicated to Mr. Roosevelt by tele
graph, and he Immediately returned his
thanks through the American minister in
Ilia; INaine for the Ilaby.
The new Princess of Sweden's first
daughter and third child of the crown
princess, is to be named Ingrld Victoria
Louise Margaretta, but despite this, is a
fine, healthy little girl. The crown prince
and crown princess are delighted at the
advent tt a daughter, the two older child
ren, the Dukes of Westcrbotten and Up
land, being boys.
-evr Mountain Climber,
Mrs. Aubrey LeUlond, an Englishwoman,
has established a record for mountain
climbing in Norway. Sixteen unnamed
peaks in all were ascended by Mrs. Lc
Blond, who left the beaten track at Tomso,
and op the summit of each height . her
guide built up a stons mound to tell future
climbers of the peak's conquest.
Wanta Ills Skeleton Bark.
1 A remarkable case Is reported from
Stockholm, In Sweden, where a wealthy
resident has been endeavoring to recover
the ownership of his skeleton. Twenty
years ago Albert Vystrom signed a con
tract with .the Royal Swedish Institute of
Anatomy making over his body, after his
death to the Institution in return for a
sum of money. Since then he has come
Into possession of a large fortune'
and he Is anxious to caoceLhls contract1
with the institute. The matter was brought
before the law courts, but not only was
the case decided against him, but he was
even ordered to pay damages to the in
stitute for having extiactcd two teeth
without authorization, lns contradiction to
his contract.
Women la Norway.
Some interesting facts about women's
suffrage in Norway have been prepared
by Mr. J. Castberg, ex-minister of justice
In the Norwegian liberal cabinet. . Mr.
(' berg says In Norway women got the
municipal franchise In 1901 and the parlia
mentary franchise In 1907. ken have uni
versal suffrage, but tho female suffrage
was at present confined to those women
who, themselves or through their hus
bands, paid taxes on a yearly income of at
least IM. This limitation excluded about
200.000 adult women out of 5,000,000. With
the female franchise was combined eligi
bility for parliament. The first time that
women exercised the franchise waa at the
general election last autumn. Seventy per
cent of tho enfranchised women ' voted.
Women were divided on the same political
lines as men. Of course, there were excep
tions, but as a rule the Influence of, the
mm u y un me result or tne election had
oeen aoubieo. Three women stood for par
liament, but they were all defeated by
their political opponents. Only one woman
got elected as a member's deputy that
was, she would take the. place of a mem
ber who died or was absent through ill
ness or any other cause. On the whole,
It might be said that the result of the
first exercise of the parliamentary fran
chise by women In Norway was to awaken
the public spirit of women.
Judge Thereupon Takes It Upon Him.
self ta Discharge the Poor
GENEVA, April 23. (Special Dispatch
to The Bee.) In Berthoud, a small town
in the canton of Zurich, an elderly widow,
tha mother of six children, and in poor
circumstances, was charged with stealing
i'M from an old and eccentric carpenter.
The widow pleaded guilty, and said th
old carpenter waa so rich that he had gold
and silver in his rooms. She took aom
money In order to buy clothes and bread
for her starving children and hfrself, feel
ing that the old carpenter would never be
able to use the money.
As the Jury brought in a complicated
verdict of "Guilty and not guilty," or
words to that fffect, the Judge dls
charged ha.
Viceroy ta Held In High Esteem
by tho Indians, aa Hhons
by Proclamation.
CALCUTTA. April 23. (Spclal Dispatch
to The Bee.) The viceroy has proceeded
on a tour, devoid of ceremony, embrac
ing Cawnpore. Agra. Delhi, the Kurram
valUy, Pesliawur and Dehra. He will
arrive In Simla on May 7.
Calcutta has recently shown In many
ways Its keen regret at the Impending
departure of the Earl of Mlnto. Tha fact
that an all-Indian movement is now be
ing started to commemorate the Inlrp-
auction or reforms by tne laying out of a
big Mlnto park at Allahabad, and the
erection of a pillar recording their procla
mation, Is a striking sign of the place
which the viceroy baa secured in the
esteem of Indiana,
Now Holds More of Metal Than Any
Bank in the World Ever
No Present Indication, but Plenty
Plausible Plans.
Claretie and Le Bargy Leaders of the
Quarreling Factions.
Eplstatnry Exchange of Kplthets and
Charges F.arltes Admiring; Won
der of Public, but Honors
Hold About Even.
PARIS, April 23.-(Spcciai Dispatch to
The Bee.) The steady accumulation of gold
by the Bank of France Is arousing Inter
est in diplomatic circles, and the question
Is being asked If Fiance is preparing for a
general European war. While there Is at
t lie present moment no indication of war In
the near future which can possibly In
volve -France, there are danger spots both
In the near and far cast which may de
velop so that war will come quickly.
Austria and Russia appear to have come
to an agreement In regard to the Balkans
and have put a curb on the ambitions of
Ferdinand of Bulgaria, while the tension
between Japan and the United States has
been lightened, but in high diplomatic clv
cles It Is recognized that there are ele
ments of dangr at both these points.
That this Is the secret of the accumula
tion of gold by the Bank of France Is re
garded as not at all unlikely. There cer
tainly seernB to be no economic reason
for It.
Under the law the Bank of France can
not issue more than $1,100,000,000 of notes
At the beginning of the year the actual
Issue of notes was approximately $1,000,
WAOOO, against which the bank had In Its
vaults coin to the value of JSOO.OOO.OOO. Of
this $142,000,000 was In gold, the greatest ac
cumulation of gold by far ever held by any
bank In the world.
And still , the accumulation of gold goes
on. It Is not innatural therefore for diplo
mats to ask if France Is quietly preparing
for trouble, . . ;
. Row In the Comedle.
Whlhtti. o-rMm t wntM wr in thn nrrta-
&ect in the near future or not, there is no
doubt that , rvery Bitter and virulent cWtl
war is in progress in France's great na
tional theatrical enterprise, the Comedle
Francals. M. Claretie, administrator of
theater, and M. Le Bargy, a full socletalre
and member of the committee, are leaders
of the two factions, and the language ex
changed makes the recent complimentary
passage-at-words. to coin a phrase, be
tween Mr. Oscar Hammersteln and Miss
Mary Garden, appear like a conversation
at a 5 o'clock tea 'at a young woman's
Old Francals subscribers throw up their
hands. The end of the world seems at
hand when, In the one theater in the world
where everybody had always hitherto been
polite, where there is never any fuss or
bustle In the carpeted passages and green
rocms like salons, and where the call boy
is an elderly, noiseless servant like an old
family retainer, the director and leading
actors call each other names.
What has M. Claretle's management con
sisted of? asked M. Le Bargy; and he re
plies: "Five and twenty years 'of Incom
petence." What has M. Le Bargy's career
been? "Tweniy-flve years of treachery,"
retorts M. Claretie, in so many words.
It Is to be hoped that the row will not
be wiped out in blood on the dueling
ground. M. Claretie, armed with his acade
mician's sword, and M. Claretie, armed
with his rapier of Saverny in "Marlon De
lorme." Exchange of Verbal Shot.
Having sent in his resignation, which,
tc become final, must, by the famous de
cree of Moscow, be renewed six months
hence, M. Le Bargy has explained why he
old so. Having accepted .the resignation,
M. Claretie has also explained why he did
so. But neither explanation has been par
liamentary. M. Claretie says in Bubstance:
"M le Bargy's career has been twenty
five years of treachery. Gustave Larrou
msnt said one day: 'You have at the
Francals a man who betrays you, a ser
pent which beslavers the maison and you
with its venom. I have thus known M. le
Bargy of old.' "
M. Claretie goes on to say that M. le
Barby never acta, but draws hts salary,
delays plays by refusing to rehearse, and
is always acting outside the Comedle.
These be fierce words, but M. le Bargy
Is quite capable of hitting back. "M.
Claretie," he declares, "has, since the
reading committee of actors was abolished,
accepted nothing but bad plays at their
expense. M. Claretie persistently stultifies
and paralyses the managing committee of
actors, which votes resolutions year after
year that are never carried out."
The quarrel, which they themselves de
scribe as a quarter of a century of In
competence versus a quarter of a cen
tury's treachery, does not seem a very
good advertisement for the Comedle. Nor
hrve matters been improved by M. Mounct
Sully, the oldest member of the company,
who enters the list and declares: "Alas!
All M. le Bargy says Is only too true."
Another Opt ana scandal.
I have before called attention to
the alarming growth of the opium
habit among French naval officers.
Now comes another case from
Brest. Dr. Bechon -wss called to the
rooms of a woman named Suxanne Hol
land, aged 22, who was suffering terrible
pains. She was barely able to speak, but
managed to convey to tha doctor that she
had passed a portion of the previous night
In company with a friend and some naval
officers, and that she had swallbwed six
opium pills. Dr. Bechon ordered the
woman to be taken to the hospital, where
she died an hour later In fearful agony.
The prefect has Instructed the police to
make Inquiries wtth a view to ascertaining
the names of the officers who had spent tht
evening with the woman Rolland. Coming
after so many other opium scandals, which
are still the subject of Judicial Inquiry, this
new affair has caused a great sensation.
The King "Take it to tho University for Conformation First."
From the Philadelphia Record. I
Servia's Monarch Not a Favorite at
Russian Court.
Austrian Politicians Much Interested
In the Accounts of the Recep
tion Given the Visitor by
' the Ccar.
' VIENNA, April 23. (Special Dispatch to
The Bee) Despite the denial from St.
Petersburg that King Peter of Bervia was
received In Russia with decided coldness,
it Is persistently reputed here that such
was the fact and that the Servian mon
arch feels the slights said to have been
put upon him, keenly. One Belgrade pa
per, in fact, says the king intends to ab
dicate in favor of the crown prince. It Is
felt here that King Peter's position has
been rendered Impossible by the czar. The
crown prince of Servla Is shortly going to
St. Petersburg at the Invitation of the
czar, and It is said that the czar suggested
to King Peter that he should resign.
Just how much truth there Is in all these
stories it is Impossible to say. It is not
impossible that they have been spread by
Austrian diplomacy, which is greatly wor
ried by the progress made by Russia in
solidifying the Balkan Slavo under Rus
sian leadership.
Movement of Emperor,
The Emperor Francis Joseph, who has
been residing during the last six months at
the castle of Schonbrunn, is expected to
spend part of May at Budapest, and about
the middle of June he is going to Ischl
for a stay of three months. It is expected
at Vienna that King Edward of England
will pay a private visit to the Emperor
Francis Joseph at Ischl during the second
week in August.
Woman of Courage.
The rather feeble health of the ex-queen
of Naples, the Emperor Francis Joseph's
sister-in-law, recalls the fact .that she Is
the only woman who has received the
Russian cross of St. George, which is only
conferred for acts of conspicuous bravery
under fire. The ex-queen received It in
recognition of the courage she displayed
In connection with the magnificent defense
of Gaota against the armies of Garabaldl
and King Victor Emmanuel.
One day during the siege a bomb fell Into
the room where King Francis and Queen
Sophia were dining. King Francis retreated
to the cellar, trembling with fright. Queen
Sophia rose from the table and walked to
a looking glass that hung on the wall, and,
noticing that her hair was whitened by
the plaster ' dust raised by the bursting
bomb, said quite calmly: "What a pity
It Is that powder Is no longer fashionable.
Don't I look quite an eighteenth century
queen with my whitened hair? I must
keep it so while the garrison Is being re
viewed." Queen Sophia conducted the entire de
fense of Gaota, which was so magnificent
that the garrison was permitted to march
out with all the honors of war. Every day
she visited the ramparts and encouraged
officers and .men. She sighted the guns,
and her example shamed those who were
disponed to surrender into an appearance
of courage.
Kerens la Doing Well.
I'nlted States Ambassador Kerens Is rap
idly making his position secure in Vienna.
The Missouri statesman Is lacking lu some
of the fine points of development upon
which European diplomats place so much
stress, but his hearty good humor and com
mon sense by far overbalance these omis
sions and his popularity Is growing. The
fact that he is a devout Catholic Is a great
help to him.
New Diamond Field Found.
CAPE TOWN. April 23. (Special Dlipatch
to The Bee.) A government exploring
party has established the presence of dia
monds similar to those found at Luderltz
bucht, in German, South Africa, on islands
oft tha coast of German territory, which
are owned by Cape Colony,
O'Brien Joins
with Unionists
Unites in Forming at Dublin the All-for-Ireland
League Move De
lights the Nationalists.
" -
DUBLIN, April . (Special Dispatch to
The Bee.) William O'Brien lias practically
Joined hands with the unionists In the es
tablishment 'of .the "All-for-lreland league,"
which has been formed In Cork. At the
meeting which formally launched the new
organization there were on the platform
Iord Dunraven and Mr. O'Brien, Lord
Castletown and Mr. T. M. Healy, Colonel
Hutchison Poe and Mr. Maurice Healy,
many prominent unionists and most of Mr.
O'Brien's independent parliamentary asso
ciates. The avowed object of the "All-for-lreland
league" Is to extend throughout Ire
land a new political spirit and to bring
together men of all parties and, religions,
whose chief grounds of difference have
been removed by' land purchase Into com
mon endeavor for Ireland's good.
Tho nationalists are Inclined to greet the
"league" with Joy. They claim It unmasks
the O'Brlenlsts and places them where
they belong, with the unionists nd against
home rule.
The result of this, the followers of Mr.
Redmond claim will be to so weaken Mr.
O'Brien's following that in the next Par
liament he will not have half the following
he now has.
It Is understood that the new organiza
tion will, however, have candidates for
practically all the seats now held by na
tionalists, whether there lu any hope of
carrying them or not. The nationalists rec
ognize the Importance of meeting this con
dition and are making strenuous efforts to
fill the party war chest.
Already nearly ti 15,000 has been sub
scribed and the letters that accompany the
subscriptions so far breathe an enthusiasm
that promises great results. The doubling
of many of the bishops' usual annual sub
scriptions to the fund is a most encourag
ing feature, in sentiment and substance.
Young Dike Is Happy.
Society is beginning to disturb Itself over
the marriage of the duke of Letnster, quite
indifferent to the fact that the young man
himself continues perfectly happy at Kll
kea castle, where, with his two brothers,
his three unmarried aunts, and his uncle
and ex-guardlan, Lord Walter FltzGerald,
he keeps up the traditional hospitality of
the Geraldines. His dukedom only dates
from 1706, but his earldom is the oldest lu
Ireland, and tho long roll of ancestry
shows names recalling the most stirring
romances and the most devoted patriotism
that any race can boast.
There is "Gerald Mor" the Great Gerald;
and "Gerald Oag" the young Gerald.
There Is the tenth earl, "Silken Thomas,"
and the eleventh, who is known as the
"Wizard Earl;" there Is the twelfth,
"Henry of the Battleaxes," and the six
teenth, the "Fairy Earl." And in quite
modern times, there Is Lord Edward Fltz
Gerald "Rebel" or "Patriot," as the case
may be, who, wtth his wife, Pamela, lived
out a romance as fu.l of herolc'devotlon
and hopeless pathos as any one among
them all.
At Carton, the chief seat of the Fltz
Geralds, hangs a portrait of one other
scion of the race as famous for her beauty
and goodness as the men of her house
were for their prowess and their truth.
This Is Lady Elizabeth, "the fair Gerald
Ine" of Surrey's poems.
Colored Afrlcaus Not to Participate.
POUT ELIZABETH, April JM. (Special
Dispute!) to The Bee.) At a conference of
colored African politics: organisations here
a resolution was passed declaring that the
conference was unable to recommend the
colored population to take part In the union
celebrations. Nevertheless, an address will
be presented to the pr nee of Wales in token
of loyalty.
First of His Kind Known to Con
tinental Europe.
Not Orthodox In His Religion, bnt
Does ' Mot Deny Ills Hebraism
nd ' Has Contempt for
Those Who Do,
ROME, April 23. (Special Dispatch to
The Bee.) To Italy belongs the credit of
being the first continental power of the
first class to appoint a Jew as Its prime
minister. Outside of Benjamin D. Israeli
I Lord Beaconsfield). prime minister of
England-; Signer Lulgl Luzzattl, the new
Kalian premier, Is the first Hebrew into
whose hands has been placed the guidance
of a great nation.
Curiously enough, the ex-premier. Baron
Sonlno, was also a Jew emigrant from
Irfghorn; but his mother was an English
Protestant, and he himself wsa not
brought up in the Jewish faith. About
the origin of Slgnor Luzzattl, there is no
possible dougbt. He comes of a famous
family that has given Jewish rabbis,
physicians, poets and scholars to Italy for
generations, and he has never been other
than proud of his membership of the
Jewish race.
Last year, when described by a Social
ist piper as "the Jew Lulgl Luzzattl," he
wroto to the Journal declaring that, al
though he had freed himself from dog
matic religion, he Invariably turned back
to the Jews when he was taunted with
being one of them, in contradistinction to
thoso Jews who sneaked away like cowards
whenever they were described as Jews.
Signor Luzzattl's career has been consist
ently brilliant. He flrBt entered Parliament
forty years ago, and in 1891 received his
first cabinet appointment, as minister of
the treasury. He has also won high aca
demic distinction in the fields of political
economy and law. It is significant testi
mony to the position of the Jews in Italy
that, while Slgnor Luzzattl is premier, the
mayor of Rome, Slgnor Ernesto Nathan,
is a member of the Jewish faith.
American Consul Wood at Venice, is de
termined to put a stop to the attempted
fleecing of his fellow countrymen by a
curtain class of merchants after the style
attempted on a young American couple
recently. The wife bought a necklace for
80 francs, which she asserts, she paid for
with three English sovf reigns and a 5-franc
piece. Other goods were shown to her and
pressed upon her, which she, however, dill
not wish to purchase.
Later the salesman called at the hold
and asked her if she would not take the
goods that had been shown her. Again she
refused. Then he said that Bhe had not
paid fuV the necklace. The toman was
amazed, and told him she had made pay
ment on purchase.
Tho salesman found out that she and her
"husband were leaving Venice that even
ing. What was the astonishment of the
Americans to find that the salesman, with
same other young men, were at the sta
tion, where again payment for the necklace
was demanded and angry words used. A
crowd gathered and finally a policeman
came up and arrested the Americans.
Meantime Mr. Wood, the American con
sul, was communicated with, and appeared
In court In the morning, when the Ameri
cans were at once set free, the consul un
dertaking to answer for them. The magis
trate was given the necklace In the mean
time, so that he might probe the affair to
the bottom.
The moral to be drawn from it Is this,
that Americans would do well to demand a
wrlttni receipt In every case when they
pay for goods.
Boxer Dice After Boat.
BOSTON, April 23. Max t.undy. a boxer.
who sparred six rounds with Joe O'Brien
of Cambridge at Brockton last night, was
found dead in bed at his home in Rox
bury today. Te body was sent to the city
Donpiiai morgue iur an examination.
Czar's Government Will Not Draw
Back in Matter of Taking
Over Finland.
Passive Resistance Will Be the Form
Finally Adopted.
Not a Question of Finnish Wishes, but
Russian Claims.
Wins I. unit Applause as Dancer on
Stage In Warsaw, but Taltrs
Money to Defray lost
of .Schooling.
ST. PETERSBURG, April 23. (Special
Dispatch to The Bee.)-Thore will be no
drawing back by Russia In the matter of
dealing with Finlund.
That can be put. down as certain. The
Russian view is that with tho strong antl
rtusslsn feeling existent In Finland that
country, under the old conditions, was a
menace to the peace and safety of the
empire which could not be tolerated.
I understand a monster petition is being1
prepared In Finland to be presented to tha
czar, proving him to reconsider his de
cision. It Is virtually certain, however,
that Finnish opposition to tho projected
legislation will be strictly confined within
constitutional bounds, taking the form of
passive resistance.
Many Finns now acknowledge that the
declarations made by their friends among
Jurists abroad against Russia's legal claim
to introduce the legislative measure com
plained of damaged Instead of helping tha
There Is the highest authority for atat
Ing that neither the petition nor resistance,
whether passive or active, wUI have any
Case Against the Finns.
The official Russian position was re
cently outlined by the Novue Vremya. in
this language: . .
"Finland enters into the composition of
the Russian empire as an integral portion
thereof, consequently Russo-FlnnlBh rela
tions do not at any point touch the do
main of International law. Besides,
It Is a question not of Finland's com
plaints, but of Russia's legitimate claims.
Finnish laws deny to common subjects oj
the empire the rlstTts-conrerred upon Finng
In other parts of the empire.
"Again, the Finns do not wish to par
tlcipate in the common imperial expenditure-
for national defense. They refuse to
protect the empire with the blood of their
sons, as Russia defended them during the
Crimean war. The Finns, too,, have de
liberately employed a gauge on the'rail
ivays which prevents Russian rolling
stock from entering the principality."
Hound to Be a Lawyer.
Appearances are deceptive in the case of
Marie Rutkovsky. The fashionable audi
ence that crowded the great theater lu tho
Pollsli capital the other night gave her an
ovation as she appeared as tho prima -ballerina
In "The I.ake of Swans," a ballet
for which Tchaikovsky wrote the exquisite
They saw she was young, very pretty
snd mistress of her difficult art. She per
formed the exacting and complicated
dances of the princess as though nothing
In the world was easier. Sho roused the
house to enthusiasm by the grace with
which sho did the fouettes, as the critics
call spinning round on one toe an incred
ible number of times. The Pollah papers.
Indeed, record the fact that she went round
thirty-nine times without stopping. Aa aha
moved across a rosy lake in a fairy ship
with the beautiful prince and Tsohalkov
sky's enchanting music floating through the
theater, nobody would have Imagined that
the ballerina was a girl witU a most serious
view of life. But the fact is her object
in giving performances in Warsaw waa
to make enough money to continue her
legal studies at the University of St.
She has set her heart on becoming a
barrister. Unhappily, the Russian senate
lias recently decided that a woman cannot
be admitted to the bar. Mile. Rutkovsky
will make a new effort to gain a victory
for her Bex and to become Russia's first
woman advocate.
If she falls, sho lias decided to enter
the medical profession, and will study
medicine at the university. She adores
dancing, and will not neglect her art but
Intends to combine a serious profession
with the more frivolous one ho now!
Poisoned by Dad Fish.
A telegram, from Simbirsk announces
that 150 Veasanls In different villages In
the Ardatoff district have died from poi
soning by bad fish bought from an ltlner
ant salesman.
Heuaon Given for the Harem of the
Esn!tnn of Turkey Leav
ing Him.
CONSTANTINOPLE, April 23. (Special
Dispatch to The Bee.) It is now known
why the harem of Abdul Ilamid deserted
the ex-sultan in a body. The wives had
not rebelled at the duty of tasting every
paiticle of food Intended for Abdul In
order to see there was no poison, but
when they were called upon to sample
the nauseous physio which he has to take
they determined on their departure.
Their Wright Too Much for (raft
and Four of Crew of Five
Are Drowned.
EDINBURGH, April 23. (Special Dis
patch to The Bee.)-Four Fliih of Fifth
fishermen were recently hauling in. their
nets filled with herrings, near Anstruther,
when an extraordinary accident occurred.
Upwards of fifteen crans had been placed
on board, when Hie boat sank, being over
loaded with the weight of the fish.
One of the 'crew w as rescued b another
boat, but four - tUitaued.