Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 24, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Page 8, Image 8

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TO) "FT3 ? flu) !
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nrn omatta Sunday bke: avjiu, 24, 1010.
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On Sale 'Monday at the Host Extraordinary Bargain Ever Known in the Vest
This was one of the best known dressmaking ' establishments on Fifth Avenue. It supplied
many of New York's most fashionable sets with fine apparel, made from fabrics and
trimmings that were imported expressly for tljis house.
' i
The stock is larger, the goods arc finer, and the bargains are greater than in any sale of the kind ever
held in the west. We bought the entire stock at a low cash figure, and offer every yard and piece of mer
chandise at much less than its cost to import, j (Practically' oui entire main floor is devoted to' this salej
L i-n . 11 n.....i. ii.i,a...Milriiii .mm .
All the Elegant ;-Eaces
and Fine Dress Trimmings
From the' Dressmaking Stock at the Most
Extraordinary Bargains
This firm was an importer of the finest laees ever
brought to this country. Wide silk appliques, silk em
broidered hands, silk Spanish lace effects, medallions,
festoons and galloons, in crochet, .Venise and Oriental
laces and ins.ertions, 42-inch fancy silk filet mesh nets,
42-inch .black and colored silk'; nettings, jetted and
spangled nets, soutache braided .alloyers,- real Irish cro
chet, real eluny' and real. Princess la,ces
Included in these groups are sample pieces of the most
elegant dress trimmings, such as jetted; spangled. Iridescent and
metallic fancy and band, trimming, beaded , garnitures, etc.
ACTUALLY WORTH UP TO $3.00 A YARD, at, yard,
15c, 25c,, ,50c and J8c
Special Sale in Millinery Dept.
lb! Pattern Hats
From James G. Johnson, 647 Broadway, N. Y.
Early ,
Worth, up to
- at
( . V. ' 'Lair
Smartly trim
med with os
trich plumes,
feathers, lace
and net bows,
flowers, etc
stunning largo
and medium
shapes new ,
straws for dress and evening wear. Every one an exclusive style.
Brandeis $5 Millinery '
Every Brandeis Hat is an Up-to-date Style, no Matter How
moderate the price may be. These clever stylus at $5 are hats
that you couldn't buy anywhere else for Igbs than $10.
Great Sale of IlaJr Goods
; Hair Goods Parlors Second Floor.
Manicure, Ilairdressing and Shampoo. Appoint
ments made by. phone." 1
Our 34-inch Coronet Braids, made of fine natural wavy
human hair, in a'good assortment of 1 (T OO
shades only P5s0
Auto Nets Extra large, at, each .10c
$12.00 French Hair Coronet Braid, at. 8.98
$15 2 C-inch Wavy Switches " . y
$12 28-ineh Wavy Switches
only 87.08
$7 24-lnch Wavy Switches
only 84.00
Straight Hair Switches 18-
inch, only . GO
Straight Hair Switches
n ". only 81.30 V Vaw
Transformations Made V'V v f " ;
or seiecieu wavy nair, '
18-inch, real $3 O )Q
value: pnecial. . WitO
S 11
All the Fine Silks From the Dressmaking Stock
Lot 1 All the imported Satin
Directoire Messalines, Peau de
Cachemere, Ottoman silks,
Dress Taffetas 24-inch print
ed Foulards, Crepe 'D'Auteil,
Pongee and shan
tung silks, Ben- '
gallnes in dots ir
plain weaves and
geometrical ef
fects, worth up to ,
$1.50 a yard; all (.
go at; yard. ..... 'j
M T . 1 All 11 i
.bos is aii tne stunning
' bordered Marquisette satia
Meteor, 36-inch Majestic satin
de Chinej beautiful double
width Radium Silks and Foul
ards, 36-inch cachemere de sole,
n o i. j jt
silks, e x t r e m e j
novelties m suit f
- a,nd coat lengths. . , -brocades
& pom
padour silks
worth to $3.60, yd
Lot 3 The most elaborate col-.
lection of Lyons and Paris silk-
and satin novelties ever dis-,
played by any house 'in this,
country. Panels, hand painted
chiffon, velours, swell patterns in
evening brocades exclusive dresB
leneths brocades.
velvet and satin
novelties, and the 2ft
most exclusive V
F r e n o h double
width foulards
worth up to $7 a
yd.,; at," yd. . . . '
AH the Dress Goods From the Dressmakmg;StbclH
This Fifth Ave. dressmaker imported directjy all the voolen. suitings used in the establishment. Beautiful'
exclusive suit lengths, satin finished' Austrian Venetians, beautiful two-tone Drap D' Ete, French and,
German Vigoureux tailor suitings, cr;eam diagonals and IJerringbones, exclusive patterns, satin and.',
silk,, stripe. Marquisette and French "Voiles, stunning Hopsacking, chiffon ' ttl tA
weight broadcloths, Priesley Cravenette suitings, silk and wool, black W Uj f ' 1 ! V
and colored7 yoiles displayed on bargain square, and regular dress goods U6?3 J y J )
department7-;positively.'.worth upto $5.00 a yard your choice, at, yard. . . ' r
sui xaiiij iiuub auu j xvvuiijr a
. ' M ft t. m 1
lompietea uowns, laiiorea buits and
Dresses from the Dressmaking Stock.
A number of them have been displayed in our 16th St.
window. The materials in this lot are gauze, soft
velvet, rich silks, combination chiffon cloths, crepe de
chines and foulards many of them elaborately trim
med,' including elaborately embroidered linen suits
worth up to $100 on ! '
e i i : r t- rl
All the Partly Hade Tailored Jackets, Sep
arate Skirts, Coats, Lingerie Skirts and
Linen Skirts and Waists from the big stock
Go on second bargain square, worth up, to $10.00, at
25c, 50c, S1 and $1.98
1 . ' '
7 omen's New Outing Apparel
Specially Adapted for Field Club and Country Club Wear
Also Smart New Summer Suits, Dresses, Coats
-The latest, cleverest and most pTaticabstyleT? -for early
summer wear. , ; . . .... , i , ,-
Cut in the most approved styles, also the wide wal cheveron
suits, at $17.50 $22.50 $25 $32.50 and. . . . . .35
... . .... . : -'.-, '
The New White Worsted Suits.
With the black hair line stripes, black collars and cuffs
extremely nobby this season,, .at. 819 $25 and.-. .'. .$35
. . New Long White Serge and Cheveron Wale Coats
'"With' Hack fiatin or "large' fancy collars; at $12.50 '$15
Rlftand 'i:.:r.'; " ..: '' " -.S2S
1 V T '' - i . '. " . "r
' ' t.
The New Long Shantung and Rajah Coats
The 'most practical of summer garments for, wear1 over ljn
' gerie or; linen dresses all new ideas, !ai-$10 $12.50
$15 $19 and . : .: . . . . $25
Great Sale of Fancy Linens
J a p a n e Renaissance .Lace
u. Scarfs .and Center Pieces ,
drawnwork linen centers '
values up to $2, each ,..08c
Japanese Hand Drawnwork,
lunch cloths and scarfs; worth
up to $2, each 08c
Austrian hand drawn Scarfs
and Shams; also Irish, Hand
Embroidered Scarfs and
Lunch Cloths, worth up to $1,
each, at ............. .4,0c
Renaissance lace and Austrian
Hand drawn 18-inch Center
pieces; worth BOc, each ..25c
54x54 Austrian hand drawn
Lunch Cloths; 5 rows of
drawn work; regular $2 values
each, at 08c
Stamped Dollies and Center
pieces; worth up to 25c, each,
at ' -2c and 5c
The New Lingerie Dreses
In the most dainty effects of laces and embroideries made
with the straight effects, also the new over tunics, at
$25 $32.50 $39 $49 $59 $75
New white serge skirts, at $6.08 $7.50 $3.08 $10
$12.50 and v $15
The Pretty New All Linen Dresses
klso pretty ' combination linen dresses, the new plain-colored
flounce with figured linens, dainty embroidered and
pretty tailored effects, at
, $15 $19 $25 $29 $35 .
New white linen skirtsat $3.08 $5 $7.50 $8.08
and up to $10.50
Omaha's Best Stock of Rugs
-When you are ready to select your new rugs for
spring, you can be better satisfied at Brandeis than
anywhere else. The stock of new and desirable pat
terns is larger here, and the prices are invariably the
lowest that can be asked for high grade rugs. You
can select just the right rug for any room here.
9x12 Brussels Rugs at
$9.98 These; rugs are in
oriental and floral pat
terns," two-tones and all
over effects a splendid
Variety, worth up to $15,
.at $9.98
Axminster Rugs at $19.98;
9x12 size, a fine new line
to choose from, values up
to $30.00, at. ..'.$19.98
Best Quality Seamless
Brussels Rugs All new
patterns in these 9x12
rugs, actual $20 values
special at ......$13.98
?xl2. Velvet Rugs at $14.98
Two tone all overs,
Persians and oriental pat
ternsthe values are up
to $24; this sale $14.98
Clever Styles ia VcmenV Summer Footwear
Women of taste choose Brandeis Shoes because they are positively certain of good
quality and correct style in everything they buy here. This season we are first
to show the newest early summer styles in low shoes ?0 T A r A A
for women-every new shade the prices are 9flwU"Vtftfw'vyvv
. it
Linenware suitings, linene suitings, Bradford cloth,
cotton serge and linen suitings wnite ana ail
colors; also effective stripes, pn blue, pink, brown,
tan. cream and rray 'jrrounds all will make
j w V
nobby spring suits, skirts, and dresses a most
important sale of suitings values up fin
to 29c on special counter, from the
bolt, at, yard.
7 1 1X1VOD
Seamless Bleached
Sheets at 50c size 72
x90 bleached sheets
made from good heavy
sheeting; 75c values
not over 6 sheets to
any one cus- fp
toraer, each. ... UUC
Size 81x99- bleached
seamless heavy sheets;
made from good, heavy
round thread
sheeting, each.
Yard wide white cam
bric, beautiful snow
white finish made to
. sell at 12Mc a yard
"10 yard limit;' from the
bolt Monday at the
.Muslin section,
at, yard.
Yard wide long cloth
and finest muslins; on
bargain , square, in 10
to 20 yard
lengths, at, yd.. . . .y C
Ilonday's Curtain Specials
Full size ruffled Muslin Curtains, at, pair 69o
Lace Ourtains 60 inches wide, 3 yds. long. . .$1.50
Scrim Curtains trimmed with filet lace, pr., $3.98
Cluny Curtains these double nets, worth $3.50 '
special for Monday, at, pair ; $2.50
Filet Net Curtains, in Arab color, for Monday $1.98
Duchess Curtains in new ivory colors our own
importation; for Monday, at $5.98
Leather Itope Portieres We have just received a
new shipment from San Jose, California; at, per
pair $5.98 and $3.98
Couch Covers, worth $1.25; special at, each. . . .79c
Filet Net We show the largest line at, per yard,
from; 25c to 85c
Regular 10c Sash Curtain Rods Monday at, each 5c
Snow Flake Curtains We have them at, per pair,
from .." ; 98oto$3.00
You Must Come to Brandeis Stores to Bev Properly
Fitted in the Best Ready-to-Wear Clothes.
Rogers-Pect Hand Tailored Suits
...... ;
t These are the clothes of re
finement that the best dress
ed men in Omaha choose
they, are correct in style and
are made by the very best
tailors in New York the
best ready-to-slip on clothes
that money can buy, at"
$21 to $35
"Brandeis Suits Make
Well Dressed Men"
Iff II 11 I I III '1 .r-