TTTE CWAHA SUNDAY BEE: APRIL 24. 1910. TIMELY REAL ESTATE COSSIP Union Paciio Spends Big Sam for Freight Depot Ground. BUILDING EEC0ED3 FAVORABLE First Tare Moitki ! 1010 Skew Gala l PereaHe luard Profit la Nrh Sixteenth Street Deal. Real ' f iliate nhowed pronounced activity last week and aoma blfc trannfer of city property wore made. The Union Pacific has necured all the ground that It want at preaent upon which to erect lta new freight depot at the north end of the Tenth atreet viaduct, and the amount expended 'In obtaining thl property will amount to approximately 1000.000. To thla will be added probably $100,000 more for erecting the atructure. . Thla property waa quietly bought by va rloua partlea for the Union Pacific. The negotiation were carried on by ,the Mc Cague Investment company. The erection of the Union Pacific office building at Fifteenth and Farnam atreeta will have a tendency to Increase the vaJua of property and real entate men are Optl rnletlc over the future of that section of the city. That this huge atructure and the on to be erected by the Iten Biscuit com pany will afford a nncleua for building operations In this section la the belief of most real estate men. A comparison for the first three months of 1JI0 shows that more permlta have been Issued for dwelling houses than were dur ing the same period In 1909. Last year 211 permlta were Issued for dwellings, while Uils year there were 218. Of this number, B were for frame houses and fifteen for brcx.. or cement . The. money, expended In this period last year waa $i34,3. compared with U1.E for 1910. . " 1 January of thia year was the only month In thla period .which, fell .behind last year' figure pand this 'was due to the cold weather- experienced at that time. Permlta this January called for' an ex penditure of 1I00.9NO for. dwelling houses, as agatnstr 1198,400." The other months ahow an Increase.' . . . ; That the value of property along North Sixteenth Is Increasing Is bore out by the fact that a property' which was' bought four years ago for 20,000 sold for $32,500 spot cash last week. . This property is located at 614-1S-U North Sixteenth street and waa aold to L..' Krane of Futlerton by E. M. F. 'Leflang. The deal was made by T. W.- Haaen. Aside from a profit of $12,500 on the deal, It Is said that Mr. Leflang- received $5,300 and $ per Cent net on rentals. The building is occupied by a grocery store,' meat market 'and Jewelry store.. Those who are acquainted, with condition along that street say that other property .. values have . Increased propor tionately. - , : The following resolution was adopted at the meeting of the Omaha Real Estate ex change held Wednesday: Resolved, That the Omaha Real Estate exchange requests all householders to fill out their cenaus, blanks at once to' save the time of the enumerators and aid in getting a complete census, and that all those who have not received the blanks telephone to Mr. Saunders and obtain the same. Mine Anna Downs has sold a lot and two modern houses at Thirty-first and Marcy streets to Albert F. Ohman for $7,000. William Cosh has contracted with Hast ings & Heyden for a five-room cottage to be built for him at Twenty-fifth and Ames avenues. . Hastings & Heyden sold a six-room house On Lothrop street, between Twenty-first and twenty-second, to Wl Ham ZItxman for a home. The price paid was $4,230. Tr. Fred Simon of Oakland, Neb., has purchased a home at 1309 Emmet street. Ha paid $4,000. An Indication of the activity of Omaha real estate' at this time 'is Illustrated by the number of sales that have been made by Hastings & Heyden since the first of April. The number of parcels of land and houses that have been sold by that firm to date Is forty. These sales not only In clude city property, but deals made in the sbburbs. Other firms of Omaha have long lists of exchangea that have been made, ' ar.d It la the general belief of real estate men that thla will be a record breaking year for the transfer of Omaha property. In almost every Instance the deals have shown a profit. The residents In the vicinity of the Field club are assuming the role of agriculturists and this weather has Inspired many , In that section to get busy with the spade and tho hoe.' i "Too much outdoor work for any In door meetings," said W. A. DeBord, presi dent of the Field Club District Improve ment club last week. "South Thirty-fifth tvenue is one of the busiest agricultural communities In this ' part ct the state. With White, Adam, Guild and ICohn all fixing-' up new places, sodding, putting In shrub, fruit and shade trees, they have 6 Impregnated the air with their activity that It Is catching and keeping Haarmann, Stoltenburg and all the rest of us busy staying with tho procession. "Uniform tree guards were set on every ireo In the shout this last week. ' ."Commissioner Fiynn had his gang out and swept things up as clean as a kitchen floor, while Councilman rchroeder had the council order an arc light at the Interser l3Ma-J.rr'S'i'.tiag ' iT fk A FLOUR MILLER.!! ' Here is a golden opportunity tSt a four, miller who watits to make a change and get Into a new country where opportunity looms large and where . the rapid ssulment of the country I WILL WAKK 111S FORTUNE FOR HIM. Buhl, Idaho, Is the market point for ttt.000 acres Carey Act land; the richest land that lira out of doors. There Is cheep electric power gained from the falls of (he rlnake river. There are oceans of farm produce of every description. Everything Is favorable. Pleas V K1TK ilK AT UNCE! You can aatltfy yourself yourself about this If you will writ to me at once. I run semi you a booklet showing JUHT WHAT TltlM HX'TION HAS tO IK PKN1 ON; Jut WHAT IT V ..L 1 Kt'K rot'. Write for the book. It cont.t nothing and may mean a fortune to you. Adtrtea O. K. MuQUOWX. Beareary BUHX COM- "i iiwwieiiwiiiiaatyTwis tlon of Foppleton avenue at ths last meeting. 'Ho far everything the organisation has set out to do has been aocompllxhed. Al ready the residents on neighboring streets sre beginning to sit up and take notice, so when the call Is sounded for a real neighborhood movement, they will all be there." A glance at the real estate transfers for the month of April shows that the Invest ment In suburban property Is brisk. Many have bought lots in the outlying districts with a view to erecting homes. C. P. Traver and his brother, E. 8. Traver, are building several large apart ment houses In Omaha thla spring. C. P. Traver Is building a thirty-room apart- ment house at 1319 Park avenue and four St. Louis flats at Thirty-first and Jack son streets. He Is also building a thirty room apartment . houso. at Thirty-first avenue and Dodge street. E. S.. Traver is building a sixty-four-room apartment house on Thirty-fifth, between Farnam and Dodge streets. These will all be modern, with a l conveniences, and will add ma terially to the large number of apartment houses' which are being 'built' in' Omaha this spring. Work Is now proceeding on the new building of the Expressman's Delivery com pany, at the southeast corner of Eleventh and Davenport. John Harte has the con tract and the building will cost $."0,000. It Is to be of reinforced concrete construction, four stories and basement, and will be the finest structure devoted to Storage In' this section of the. country. There will be piano rooms, to be- kept at a certain temperature always, trunk rooms and other special features. J. P. Quth la the architect and has de signed a building in which it is said noth ing needed in such a place has been over looked. The building will be 60x132 on the ground. , v.. . , . .......... Promotion for James B. Sheean Former Omaha Man is Made General ( Solicitor for the Northwest ern at St. Paul. I James B. Sheean. ' 'formerly with the Northwestern, in Omaha, in the legal de partment, has been, advanced to the posi tion of general solicitor of the road. In succession to the late Judge Thomas Wil son of St. Paul. Mr. Wilson had held ths position of general solicitor for eighteen years, and waa considered one of the great lawyers of the northwest. It is considered no small compliment to the ability of Mr. Sheean that he has been selected for this highly responsible position as the successor of. Judge Wilson. Mr. Sheean was for several years one of the local attorneys of the Northwestern system in Omaha, going to St. Paul as as sistant to Judge (Wilson some three years ago. I ' 1 NEW FAST FRUIT SERVICE Barllna-toa Establishes New Freight irais . from Kansas City ,' to Omr.ha. For the accommodation of fruit dealers, the Burlington has put on a new fast freight train which will leave Kansas City at 6;16 p. m. and arrive in Omaha at 8:80 o'clock the next morning, where con nections will be made with fast trains going north, east and west. The train is to be known as Burlington fruit train No. 71 Arrangements have been made to have the train connect at this city for Man kato, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Duluth Minn.; Superior, Wis.; and Sioux Falls and Aberdeen, S. D. This will mean that deaer in fresh fruits can use Omaha and Kansas City as headquarters and they will be able to get fresh supplies at short notice. It Is reported . that General . Counsel Bailey P. Waggener of the Missouri Pa cific,, who recently expressed his views on policies In Omaha, has been promoted to a new position of general solicitor for Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado and ' Okla homa. Mr. Waggener has been with the Missouri Pacific for thirty-five years, and If the new appointment Is made It will mean a general reorganization in the Atchison law office of the company. A new Illustrated pamphlet has just been Issued by the Burlington, describing the scenic tours through Yellowstone Park, by way of the Cody, or east en trance. The booklet contains many strik ing photographs taken while on one of the tours by A. W. Wakeley, son of Gen eral Passenger Agent L. W. Wakeley of the Burlington road. This year the company Is Rutting on personally conducted eighteen-day trips through the park, whlclf is an Innovation. The new acheme Is to conduct Informal camping tours, and those making the trip will camp In tents at Important places along the route, Instead of putting up at hotels. It la expected that the new ar rangement will appeal strongly to nature lovers. General Freight Agent Conrad E. Spens of the Burlington has returned from a business trip to Chicago. Chief Engineer R. U Huntley of the Union Pacific and Mrs. Huntley iwlll leave Omaha Sunday for a trip to Chicago. SHERIFF GETS "FUGITIVE I.lrelr Man Hunt at Yankton Iteaulta In Capture of Kajlor Bank Hobber "aspect. YANKTON, 8. D., April rp. (Special Telegram.) A lively man hunt Is on here, with a sheriff and deputies from Kaylor, who followed closely on the bank robber who attempted to rob the Kaylor bank Thureday. The man was found here but dodged Into ths railroad yards and eluded the officers, but was captured tonight. He had drills on him and his hat had been shot through. Cleveland In Flsht. HARLAN. Ia., April 23.-(Speclal.) Ex Senator W. F. Cleveland of this city has thrown down the 'gauntlet and decided to enter the raco for nomination at tb June primary for the democratic candidate as congressman from the Ninth d'strict of Ions, regardless of who may be his op ponent on the republican side of the cam palgn. Walter I. Smith, the present con gressman. Is seeking renomlnatlon and will be opposed at the republican primary elec tion by H. W. Byera, the present attorney general of Iowa, and who la extremely anxious to succeed Judg.t Smith. Letters to Basket Hull Men. Nine members of the Omaha HlRh school baKkrt hull nqusd recelvi d an "()" as a reward for steady work during the reason Just finished. The leturs (,-lven were of a new pattern and excited much comment among not only the reclvm. but of all ho saw then. The boys Id whom Cnao'i "rns prevented letters were Pdward Hur- rt'cM I.oii!s irtd. Ilobi rt Flrley Hsrry Kulskofsky. Clarence Patten. 'harder Tnmu'.a, W I! limit liiumtu aod Vlgl PREACH FRESH AIR COSPEL Three Phyticiani Talk on Tubercu losis at Temple Israel. DOCTORS DISCUSS DISEASE Addresses of Dr. Uoets. Dr. Rose- water and Dr. I.ana-frld riare Emphasis oa Ont-of-Door Life. In addresses from three physician a large audience at the Temple Israel was Instructed In the gospel of fresh air, sun shine, good food and rest as the preven tive of consumption. The addresses were given Friday night as one of the general responses to the request by the Society for . the Prevention of Tuberculosis that Tuberculosis day be observed on or about Sunday, .April 23. . Those who talked were Dr. James 8. Ooetx, Dr. Charles Itosewater and Dr. Millard Langfeld. The physicians all touched on the various phases of the topic, showing that air 1 the most Important demand of the human body; hat sunshine Is a defense against the germs that attack the body; that nour ishing food Is required to produce a vital ity sufficient to conquer disease, and that confidence In nature' own forces furnished In the human organism is a necessity. Dr. Ooetx,- in opening the discussion, stated the enormity of the tuberculosis or consumption scourge, giving figures and historical facts.' He showed that the dis ease reaps a greater harvest of death than all other diseases oomblned. Tho physi cian then explained that the malady strikes Its victims when they are In the years of their greatest usefulness, those years be tween 16 and 30. ' He concluded by saying that the epldomlo Is preventable, curable and capable of eradication. . ... ; . Diet Aid to Health. In his address on the proper hygiene and diet for preventive measures, Dr. Rose water took occasion to say that the Jewish race,, according, to. statistics. Is less susceptible-to the malady than any other race, and that this was because of the law of eating observed by the race. The religious practice of having all food Inspected that is eaten by Jews and the abstinence' from pork, he said, acted as a safeguard for the Hebrew race. Declaring that the only real cure of disease lie within " the body Itself, Dr. Langfeld further developed the reasons for the immunity . of Jews from consumption. "The Jews are the oldest race," he said. "For that reason they have acquired through the centuries a greater force of prevention in 1 their-Inner organism. The habits' of the -race are only" partially re sponsible for Its apparent freedom from Ills." " . . Dr. Langfeld described the organic force of prevention of disease as the "mechan ism of defense." He explained that in the beginning of the . world the microscopic germs, created for the good purpose of destroying dead matter, had gradually fixed themselvs upon the human body through the - latter" weakness. ' Battle of Germs. From that point- combative germs de veloped In the Infected body against the original microbes, 'he said. In ithe sur vival of the fittest those who outlived the attack of" the germs were possessed of a store of the defensive germs, which they transmitted to their offspring, according to the' speaker. .', ; "Therefore the greatest antitoxin lies In the bodv." concluded Dr. Langfeld. HI theories dovetailed With Dr. QoeU and Dr. Rosewater to the point that fresh air, good food and the' anti-toxin in the body would conquer disease. He explained anti-toxin for weakened bodies is now obtained from animals. Dr. Rosewater named beef, eggs and milk as the best food for consumptives. He pointed out the need for pure air to suf ferers. . In hi account of the Inroads of con sumption Dr. Goetx declared that the United States loses between 160,000 and 200,- 000 persons from consumption every year. PATTON FAMILY REUNION AT WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Retired MlnUter and Wife Celebrate Fiftieth Year of Their Mar ried Life. Hale arid hearty, Rev. and Mr. William Dickey Patton of 2551 Manderson street. are to celebrate their golden wedding Sun day in the presence of their three children, Dr. David H. It. Patton of Chicago and William D-. Jr.. and Frank C. of Omaha. Rev. Patton is a retired Presbyterian clergyman and fifty year ago he was married to Mary Loralne Tidball In New Castle,. Pa., the birthplace of both. Dur ing the Civil war Mr. Patton served In the field hospital, service a a member of the Ministerial Vo.Onteer Relief association, He was graduated from the old Jefferson college In 1859, the year before hi mar riage. While serving a an active clergyman he has had charge of Presbyterian churches In Harrlsburg and Philadelphia, Pa.; Carollton and Chllllcothe, Mo.; Osage City, Kan., and Lincoln,' Neb. The fiftieth an niversary of the couple's wedding will be celebrated quietly at the home in the pres ence of member of the family and rela tlves. ' ' ' . Saturday night an Informal reception was held from 8 until 10 at the residence for a number of Invited guests. The children to be present at the celebra tlon are Dr. Patton of Chicago, William D., Jr., who Is emp.oyed by the Richardson Drug company, and Frank C, who Is treas urer of the same concern. Among the rela' tlvrs from out of town will be Mr. and Mrs. John L. Tidball and Mrs. L. J. Cooper of Crete, R. H. Tidball, Mr. M. A. Law rence' and daughter of Lincoln and Mrs. S. C. Patton of Joplln, Mo. Considering their age, the couple are In remarkably good health and have lived together during what they consider the greatest age of American history, having ssen the introduction of telegraphy, the telephone, steamboats and automobiles. WOMAN TELLS STORY OF WOES Mrs. Lllllna Stamnielt, Workjngr War Home, Meets Suffering and Privations. With a pitiful account of her sulftrlng at the hands 'of a b.uo! hunband, Mrj. Lillian Stanimelt, Z2 years old, applied to Captain Moatyn for assistance Saturday, declaring aha had made her way lrjm Wilmington, III., toward her home at Dun ning, Neb. The woman had pasi d thrJ day In the care of Miss Jontg of tne Associates Chi:'i-es and had been dis missed from there, she aald. Following a conference with Miss Jonta, Captain Moatyn learned that the woman had been kept by the charitable organisa tion t.ll It was deeded she must find a nay to leave the city. Ths po.lce capta n announced he would raise the fjnds to tend Mrs. Stamnielt home. He declared she wks n a e.'.ju.:y lil condition and needed attcntiou. Ha telephoned the woman's relatives at Dunnlr.g and t:o step lor the Immediate transports. Ion of his charge. The Associated char t.e4 win Farmer Denies that He is Dead Reads Account of Hit Death ia tho Taper and Then Bales Hit Hay. William Belt, . a farmer . near Honey Creek, denies the report of his death and the subsequent loss of his . body. When etn working at a hay baler near hi home he persisted In the statement that the an nouncement of his demise made by an' en thuslastlo friend In Florence, wa not In adherence to the fact. I am doing as well a could be ex pected," said Mr. Belt. ."I can account for the failure of the coroner, to receive my body by. the fact that I refused to deliver It." i . The fact remain that despite Mr. Belt' strenuous . denials, a Florence man, declar ing himself an eye witness, claimed to be on the way to ' the oroner' office with the body. Thl original person alio In- alsted that a newspaper correspondent In the village go and look over the mangled remains. Squeamlshness at the sight of blood caused a refusal,-, which Is now deemed to have been unnecessary. Assessor Has Too Many Irons in Fire County Assessor Shriver Says Thomp- . sett Does Not Hive Time to Assess. II. J. Thompsett, a news ."butcher'' for Barkalow. Bros., got .himself 'elected a deputy tax assessor for the Fifth district, nd when news vending and tax collecting conflicted, .the latter,, say County -Assessor Shriver, went by the board. Thompsett ha to date . made only . forty-two return of 1,000 due In his district. - The county, assessor laid the matter be fore Deputy County Attorney Matney, who summoned Thompsett. t Mr. Thompsett promised to be good hereafter. - The county assessor Is meditating taking the matter up with the Board of County Commissioners. If impeached a deputy as sessor may be fined from 20 to (100, besides being discharged. ... NEW FIRE HOUSE APPROVED Fire and Police Board Find Balldlna- at Twenty-Second and Ames Ave nue In Good Shape. Friday afternoon the Board of. Fire and Police Commissioners made an inspection of the new fire engine house at Twenty- second street and Ames avenue, which 1 now about ready to be turned over to the city. Accompanying Mayor Dahlman and the board were Building Inspector Wlth- aell. Contractor Gould and Architect Melsner. After , a thorough inspection the com missioners and the' other In the party ex pressed themselves as agreebaly disap pointed. They had been informed that the building ' was cracked and getting worse all the time, whereas they found it In good ' shape. "' Next to the Frank E. Moore house at Eleventh and Jackson streets, thla house on Ames avenue la considered the best in Omaha. A soon as the building ia accepted by the city council the fire and police board will equip the new building as No. 16. Ap paratus from other engine houses' win be used at first' Later, when - the - Central fire house I equipped with fire 'fighting machinery cn auto trucks thl and other outlying houses will get part of the appar atus to be displaced by the faster equip ment. IRRIGATION CASE IS DECIDED J u dare Manser Hands Down Deere In Action Brought by Keith : Cooatr Board. Judge W. H. Munger handed down a, final decree in the case of William , HC Thomas .against John J. McCarthy, treas urer of Keith county, and the Board of County Commissioners of that county Sat urday morning, In which it i adjudged and decreed that certain irrigation bonds not heretofore specified and described shall be surrendered for cancellation and the complainant' bill Is ordered dismissed. The original action was brought to en Join certain assessments for paying bonds issued by the Alfalfa Irrigation district of Keith county. The claim was made that the bonds were illegal and void and an' in junction was prayed for and decree waa so entered December 16. 1909. Mark Twain's Offering to . Congress Was Keg of Liquid WASHINGTON,, April SI. The death of Mark Twain has recalled ths ino:dent of his writing a letter to Speaker Cannon In UOi when he was engaged In working for a bill "In the Interest of literature" a h expressed it. In hi communication he asked for the privilege of the floor of the house. The original letter was found today In Speaker. Cannon' files and appears be low. Mr. Twain asked th thank of congres as that action carried It the privilege of the floor. The humorist' request caused much amusement at the time mem ber of th house, although it was not officially acted upon. The letter follow: WASHINGTON, Dec. 1, , 1SKW. "Dear Uncle Joe: Please get me the thanks of congress not next week, but right away. It 1 very necessary. Do accomplish this for your affectionate old friend and right away! by persuasion If you can, by violence If you must. For It la imperatively Strong Healthy Women If a woman it strong and healthy in a womanly way, moth erhood means to her but little suffering. The trouble lies in the fact that the many women suffer from weakness and disease ol the distinctly ieminine organists and are unlit ted (or motherhood. This can be remedied. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Cure the weaknesses and disorders of women. It acts directly on the delicate and important organs eoaoerned ia motherhood, making them healthy, strong vigorous, virile and elastic. "Favorite Prescription" banishes th indiipoiitiont of the period of expectancy and make baby' advent easy and almost nalnln. It auickens and vitalizes the feminina orfim, and insures a healthy and robust baby. Tboutand of women haw testified to its mirvelott merits. It Makes Wesk Women Strong. It Mikes Sick Women Well. Il'tntt druggists do not ocr substitutes, end ure them upon .you as " iuit as gooJ." Accept no secret nostrum in pine of thia uon-tttrtl remedy., ft ' contains not a drop of alcohol and not a grain of babit-foricing or injurious drug. Is pure glyceric extract of healing, native American roots. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE LECTURE Clarence C. Eaton oP Mother Church Speaks at Brandeis. GIVES DEFINITION OF PRAYER Declares Ilia Religion Is Entrenched Behind Promise of Christ, with Assarance of Divine Vnderstandlas;. Clarence C. Eaton, member of the board of lectureship of the First Church of Christ, Solentlst. of Boston, the "mother church," lectured Friday night at the Brandeis thea ter on "Christian Science as the Science of Life." "Christian Science, a the clence of life and being, advance to the olutlon of the perplexing problem which confront u by discarding all mortal speculation, theories and superstition about God, HI being and Intent, and' His relation to that which He created," aald Mr. Eaton. "Although dis agreeing with the old theological' schools and those who have assumed to know, all about God and to teach men thereof. Christian Science does not announce a new, strange or Irrational God, but unfolds and declare ' a correct comprehension and a right understanding of the one God, His nature, qualities and law. One Infinitely good God is all It recognises and proclaims. "It demonstrate that God la supreme In Intelligence, wisdom, power, justice, truth and love, and therefore Includes the con sciousness of absolute and Infinite good. It proves that He is the mind, spirit, soul, life and substance of all that actually ex ists; also that He Is the author of all true being the origin and source of all entity or existence, the only cause and creator, and that His works are spiritual, righteous, unchanging and eternal. Christian Science declares that God Is the principle of His creation; hence the conscious, energizing, governing, sustaining presence of the uni verse, whose law means the completeness, perfection and harmonious operation of all that is. It declare that He 1 Infinite Love; hence He 1 compassionate, merciful, tender, warm, comforting, true. In a word, It teaches that God, our heavenly Father, I all ln'all. "Prayer, we understand, is genuine com munion with God. It is purely the recog nition and acknowledgement of a right God and His absolute ' supremacy. Christ Jesus prayed; so do Christian Scien tist. His prayer were all answered. Christian Science in entrenched behind the authority of -Christ' promise: 'Whatso ever ye shall ask the Father In my name. He will give It you.' This Inspires us to hope that ultimately through an under standing of the operation of unchanging Divine law we shall obtain an answer to our prayer with the same certainty as did Jesus. He said in his appeal to God as he stood before the tomb of Lazarus, whom he raised from the dead, 'I knew that Thou nearest me always.' Christian Scientists recognize that associated with every prayer or sincere desire for the manifestation of God's presence and power there should be positive faith, conviction and knowledge that the prayer Is consis tent with our true relation to God. Such an attitude merit and provide for an an swer" to prayer in accordance with the scripture: 'What thing aoever ye desire when . ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and y shall have them;' also, 'And If we know that He hear u. whatsoever we ask, we know that w have the peti tion that we desired of Him. Trlbate to Mrs. Eddy. ."Christian Scientist, while appreciating and acknowledging the Chrlstlanly philan thropic servloe which Mrs. Eddy has ren dered this age, . confess their inability . to grasp Its full import and significance. But thl we do know and bear witness, that her life of sweet simplicity, spiritual de voutness and self-sacrifice to God, the purity of her thought and purpose, and her devotion and faithfulness to the . ex alted ministry to which she was provi dentially called, has made possible the healing metaphysically of all manner of disease, sin and suffering. Think what that alone means to humanity, and then ask yourself. What can I render in re turn for all these benefits and blessings? "We do not worship Mrs. Bddy, our leader In thl great redemptive movement, but we do respect and love her,' because she first loved us, and has unreservedly given her Ufa to thia cause for all mankind." : Democratic County Meeting;. LAKE CITY, Ia., April 23. (Special.) A conference of the democrata of Calhoun county will be held In the court house at Rockwell City on SaturdayApril SO. This gathering will be for the purpose of dis cussing matter of Importance to the county democracy and for consultation relating to a county democratic ticket at the coming primaries. necessary that I get on the floor for two or three hours and talk to the members, man by man. In behalf of the support, encouragement and protection of one of the' nations most valuable assets and in dustries lta literature. I have argument with me also a barrel with liquid in 1L "Get me a chance. Get me the thanks of congress. Don't wait for the others there is not time. Furnish them to me yourself and let congress ratify later. I have stayed away and let congress alone for seventy-one year and am entitled to the thank. Congress -knows this pereftcly well; and I have long felt that this quite proper and earned expression of gratitude has been merely felt by the house and never publicly uttered. "Send me an order on the sergeant-at arms. "Quick! "When shall I come? "With love and benediction. "MARK TWAIN." Descriptions in Grigware's Path Fleeing Convict's Measurements and Photographs Scattered Broadcast Through Northwest. Warden R. W. McClaughry of the federal penitentiary has sent out a large number of photographs and descriptive circulars of the escaped federal prisoners, Frank Qrlgware and Theodore Murdock, offering $400 for the arrest of the fugitive. United States Marshal Warner Is sending out a number of postal photographs and de scriptions of U rig ware to all officers In Nebraska asking them to be on the look out. s It Is thought that Qrlgware Is headed for the northwest, and may cross through Nebraska, though it Is seriously doubted Thanks to The Public for Their Appreci ation oi Our Ceautiiul New Store Wo wish to extend our sincere thanks to tho people of Omaha for the splendid manner in which they have shown their approval of our new establishment. We are deeply grateful for the many kind expressions of con gratulation that have been showered upon us. It makes us feel that we have done what we set out to do, and that was to give Omaha the most beautiful and highest clas store for ladies' ready-to-wear apparel that can be found anywhere. It is indeed a source of great satisfaction to know that our efforts have been so thoroughly appreci ated. . The great crowds that visited us during the past week bear fitting testimony to the fact that this city is well worthy of such an undertaking. We are proud that it is left to us to do this. We have set a high standard for this new store and it will be our constant thought to live up to it. The very highest principles of modern merchandising will characterize every detail necessary to the successful operation of this business. The very finest class of goods will be carried and will be sold at a fair price. We are better equipped for perfect service than any other house in Omaha and tho people of Omaha may feel assured that they will have it. Kindly accept our heartfelt thanks for the royal welcome that has been extended. OraiCIlM BROTHERS 318 and 320 South Sixteenth Street mi r-icJS' iff Special All Braids In thl aneclal sale. starting tomorrow, are made from pure French and German Convent cut hair. Our , Peerless 80 and 14-Inch pure Wavy Hair Switches, jno better value f.;6 0.".e.r!?:...;. , 510 to $8 Pure i French- Natural Wavy Hair Switches, - made from . strictly first quality convent cut hair, I ol.. 28 inch, worth $12, Clft at this sale 1W rTtr.':.?..... to $4 (f Go Out Into The Union Pacific Country Where there are greater opportunities and less competition; where nature is generous In both climate and soli It Is in this section that thousands will find homes in the next few years. Co VU Union Pacific "The Safe Road" Electric Block Signals Dining Car Meals and Service "BEST IN THE WORLD" LOW HOMESEEKERS' FARES First and Third Tuesday of Each Morth During 1910 To Many Point In Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Idaho, Oregon and Washington. ' For Information Relative to Rates, Routes, Etc., call on or address CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1324 FARNAM ST., Phones: Bell, Douglas 1828, and Ind., A -3231. Is Made by the Goodrich Co. All seamless tube. Every Foot Warranted. LAWN Triton, Torrent, Cascade, Whirlpool and Artesian are all Big Sellers. TTT 11 il Goodrich Hoso has no Competitor, either in price or quality. ;Jas. Eteteit fi Son Co. Exculsivo Omaha Selling Agents Lawa Moven and Wire Cloths 1511-1513 PQDE TREEl If he will attempt to put In an npprsrance In Omaha or vicinity. Marshal Warner It of the oplnlnln that 0-lgware' recai' la but the question of a few days a features are so well known from his f t. quent pictured In papers all over the coun try that hla early Identification Is In evitable. FIRE AT ESTHERVILLE, IOWA Flame Break Out Late at Mgkt and Do Dames e F.stlmaled at uo,ooo. ESTHERVILLE, Ia.. April 23.-(Ppectl Telegram.) Fire tonight at 11 o'clock, de atroyed the White House hotel. C. A. Corey, proprietor, valued at 150.000; three livery barn owned by John P. Klrby, and valued at W.'M; Anderson tockdale office, with loss of ll.&OO; Fred Gondgea, blacksmith shop, $1,200; portion of tho Ce ment Products company, tile plant. With a loss of $1,800. There was very little In surance. The origin Is unknown. Stylo and Quality Is what you want when you buy Hair Go o d s Our up-to-date styles and unusual values have built up our present large business. Sale Starting Tomorrow '23 weVkf We carry a lares stork of irv and drab, and can match the oddest shades. Xairoresainr, skillful faolal and oalp treatments, chiropody and mu. lonrin; by experienced attendant. Everything in nalr work. Por ap pointment TILB'BOBl DOTCHUtS U333. Addxeea Dept. B for Illustrated Cat alogue, For mail order above prices good for one week. Send sample hair. TT 1