Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 24, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2

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(1 TfjFij0tjf'&&ifvPf&
Imported and Domestic Stray Hats
C VoifI) ttnthimoA with tha rlever mndea
S in neiu shapes and wide ranges shown in
? day we mention a mMl
-J A sya m sWW W e sva svsTV wrsw , - ,K
? Jot 9
C - ) -a v; 'V.V. A
number to
he found in , the
boys and girl 3
hat department
and in the infant
wear section.
la Hat Department
Kngriith' middy shapes for boys,
mllans and tnacklnaw straws, at
$3.00 to .500
Chlldrehs fancy pattern hats, at,
S7.50 t .. $3.50
Wide assortment of plain tailored
hats for boys and girls,, at
$4.00 -down to 500
Most exclusive line of young
ladles' hats, reasonable prices
84.00 to $10.00
tbc win
31 I i Vi i f1TW
1518-1520 Farnam Street
(Continued from First Page.) ,
h axpresed ha desires as to how It should
be carried out. ' ' - ' !
It would be of interest to know Just how
Mr. Clemens looked upon work which shall
be posthumous for him. But It s under
stood that after, a time the manuscript
will be taken ifrom Its present "resting
' place ana put Into the hands of writer
. who will continue the work started by
Mark Twain. They , will be selected from
the field of typical American literature.
To carry out the real Mark Twain
humor will be difficult and to find should
ers to fit the literary toga of , tha van
quished humorist Is a tank Just ,riow for
gotten in sorrow.-1 .,,.,, '
Servieea , An Simple .
Services ss simple as his wholesome life
-attended the tributes paid here today to
Bamuel I Clemens . (Mark . Twain).
New York City -was but. a stopping place
In th dead author's last Journey, as his body
was brought here from his home -at Red
ding, Conn., where he died, to be taken to
Elmlra, N. Y., for burial. But It was
. here that , the chief expression was to be
'. found of, the loving, regard '.in .whloh he
. was held by the American people. .
Ths Brick Presbyterian church at Fifth
avenue and Thirty-seventh street wss se
' lected for the funeral- services , this noon.,
. xwo ciose inenas ot Mr. Clemens were
chosen to spesk eulogies.- They" were ftev.
Dr. Henry Van . Pyke, f ormsrly pastor of
the Brick Presbyterian church and now
. professor of English literature at Princeton
university, and Dr. Joseph H. Tw'tchell of
Hartford, a city for. seventeen years the
author's (tome. ' '.,...
Charrh'ls Crowded.
Although the Brlok church seats 1.200
persons, it wss by no means large enough
, to contain all who had desired 'to see for
the last time the face of . Mark Twsln. To
ensure that all those who lightly claimed
the privilege should obtain It, cards of In
' vltstlon to the number of 400 were Issued,
with the understanding that when these
'were presented the doors would be opened
to the' general fiuKUc. After the services
It was announced the opportunity would be
given for those outside to enter the church
and file past the plain mahogany coffin.
In keeping with the known sentiments of
Mr. Clemens, the program Included no
vocal muele and no pallbearers. Two organ
selections, brief prayers and the few words
of eulogy constituted the service.
Attending the services were representa
tives from the Lotos, the Authors' and ths
'Players' clubs, prominent publishers and
editors, eminent members of the bench and
bar and literary men and women of note.
Viewing; the Remains.
.' TTntlt 10 o'clock tonight thousands passed
In and out of the church looking on the re
mains o fthe dead humorist Of the thou
sands who had the last glimpse o fthe dead
man few could keep tears from their eyes,
t'pon the coffin lay a wreath of laurel,
fashioned by Dan Beard, the artist and
atuhor. and a little bunch of white roses.
Late tonight ths coffin was conveyed to
the private car of R. E. Loom Is of the
Lackawanna railroad for the transporta
tion to EImlra,.N. T.. where it will be in
As tho Flower
Tempts the Honey Bee
IS?-- ;Ttt
-44 ic? )
' The Memory Lingers '
Popular ikz. 10c; Large Family also lfic.
Postum Cereal Co., Ltd., Battle Creek, ML.i
Infant Wear Section
j We are showing a beauti
ful assortment of fancy hats
for tiny totsj some of the
new ones are leghorns,
mllans, tuscans and satin braids,
$2.25 $3.50 $3.05 $5
Also fetching new linen and
lingerie hats for summer wear.
terred tomorrow afternoon.. Funeral ser
vices w)l be held In iBlmlra tomorrow.
It wa stha wish of Mr. Clemens that
there be no display over his funeral. The
casket bore the expression:
Death nor suffering left no trace; upon
the features of the dead writer. Garbed in
the white suit he loved so well his body
reoosed as natural as life within the coffin.
A memorial service will be held at Carne
gie hall within ten days.
l' - I
Mrs. Todd Explains Wky She' Shot
and Killed Her Hnaband at
DEADWOOD, S.'D., April' -(Special.)
"I killed him becaluse I toved-hlm and"!
could not 'bear to 'see him .quit hie Ac-I
cording to testimony at the- coronersJ ln-
quest Into the death of Jerry Todd,' ths
recognised leader of the colored colonjJ
here, this was the- reply Mrs'.' Todd,
young bride of four months, made to" hei1
friend, Mrs. Bell,. Just -after Todd had
fallen1 from a pistol shot In his side.
In her testimony, Mrs. Bell said that Mrs.
Todd rushed to the Bell residence for help,
declaring she had shot her'' husband, and
adding. "You know I always said I would
kill Jerry if he left me," but that Mrs.
Todd a few minutes later added' that she
had not Intended to kill Todd, but merely
fired raOMa leg to scare him. "On the
strength, of this testimony teh woman was
held by the coroner's Jury and later an
iniormation charging her Wtlh murder
was filed by the state's attorney.
Report At Superintendent Reed to
Determine Method of Handling
ths Omahn, Mall. .
' (From a Staff Correspondent.)
' WASHINGTON. April a. (Special Tele
gramJ-Clyde M. Reed, chief of the dlvl
slori of adjustments of the Postofflce de
partment, left here today for Omaha to
take up. the matter of transportation of
mall by street ray ways fin lieu of the
present screened wagon service.
Street railway service has .been sub
stituted for wagon service in many cities
and ths depsrtmont believes conditions In
Oir.aha are particularly adopted for the
Introduction of similar service there.
. Should the visit of Mr. Reed result In
the Introduction of strett railway mall
service in Omaha It la believed considerable
saving In cost will be made. If conditions
In Omaha prove to bo what the department
believes them to be Superintendent Reed
will recommend railway service and it will
be put In operation, effective June 1.
Glenwood Defeara Malvern.
OLENWOOD, April . (Special.) Glen
wood and Malvern played' a snappy ball
game on Glenwood's grounds Thursday
afternoon. Score. Oenwood, 7; Malvern, 8.
Batterles-tMalvern. Qehrhardt, Piatt and
Boehner; Ulenwood, Gunseily, Chambers
and Stlmson. Umpire. C. M Inner.
Oatldlnsj Permits.
A. B. Cramer, J727 Davenport, frsme,
11,000; Hayden Bros.. 1614 Douglas, stair
way to basement. $1,100.
Persistent advertising is the road to Big
with cream and sugar,
tempts the appetite. '
Ever taste this crisp,
brown appetizing food?
Always ready to serve
always delicious
Second Ireeze Completely Finishes
Vegetable Growth.
Kew Wist Contract Between mi
Operators and Miners Will Be
Completed la Two
" Weeks.
(From a StaTf Correspondent.)
DBS MOINES, la., April 2J. Sreolsl
Telcsram.) The Iowa weather and crop
bureau is confident that the storm which
swept Iowa today will practically finish
the fruit crop and greatly damage tne
small grain crop. The freese of this morn
Ing was greater than that of a week ago
nd it . Is exoected more Is to come. This
afternoon, a heavy snow fell, wnicn
melted rspldly, but with the hlg-h wind it
cSused some suffering. The oats crop in
Southern Iowa has been frosen and much
ttt the wheat has been ruined. Only a
smoll amount of corn has been planted.
but it may have to be planted over again
The trees are badly Injured and the leaves
practically all frosen off
Contract In Two Weeka
Within two weeks the new wage con
tract between Iowa coal operators ,snd
miners will be completed and the 18,000
union miners In the state who havs been
Idle since April 1, will then resume their
work, according to the opinions of the
Wading members of the Joint scale com
mittee. The rapid progress of th scale
committee during this week Is taken as
an lndlcaton of the near completion of the
compact. ......
Carroll Files Petition.
Oovernor Carroll today . Tied 'his nomln
a (Ton papers with the names of 8,106 per
sons thereon, representing about thirty
counties. Only 1,600- names are necessary.
Protest Against Hlsjher IlateS.
The Railroad commission commenced this
morning receiving . protests from northern
Iowa coal dealers against the contemplated
increase of coal rates In Iowa, more espe
daily the Iowa proportion- of the inter
state rate from- Illinois. The railroads and
the ooal operators have prepared to put.
Into effect a new rate which would have
the effect of raising rates from Illinois
into Iowa. The commission has not ss yot
passed on -.the, rates proposed and the big
coal rate case Is still pending. .
' - New town Corporations.
Net corporations: Geneva Elevator com
pany. Franklin county, capital $25,000; Pen-
pie's Building company, Des Moines, $",0,000
Decorah Glove and Mitten Works, $10,000.
The . Burlington Brick company increased
capital to $00,000. The National Denatured
Alcohol company of Marshnlltown filed an
amendment enabling' the company to manu
facture commercial alcohol and distilled
Carroll's Memorial Day Speech.
Governor Carroll has accepted an lnvlta
Hron-' TO -Be" thB"Memorlal day "apeakor on
May ' 80 at.- GrlnneU. He has also been
invited to attend A big banquet in May
in 'Ney.York to start a movement for an
International exposition In that city In 19134
Many '"Kew-" Candidates". '
Fix candidates ior congress filed papers
with ths secretary of state today, namely
E. H. Hubbard, N. E. Kendall, W.
SmlthV-iCUnt L. Brlotv John H. Darrah end
Je-A,. 8.- Pollard. Those who filed for the
senate are: Edward A. Llrigenfelter. Des
Moines; . Carl' .'"Keuhnle, Denlson; R. S.
Johnston, Columbus Junction: William- H
Meaner, .Cedar Falls, and C.-R. JHene.dlot
Shelby. -For 'the house: D. -P.-Hogan,
Massena; Grant St'ahl, Diagonal; J. W.
Campbell, , Fort- Dodge; B. F. Stoddard
Jesup: Q. W. Van Camp, Greenfield; T. A
Klngland, Lake Mills; E. H. Campbell
Battle Creek; J. W. Reed, EJon; H. H,
Bnettger, Davenport; J. W. Morrlssey
WhaL-Cheer, and T. A. O'Cdnner. New
, Report on the Cuard Companies.
Captain H. F. Dalton of the Sixteenth
Infantry made his report today on Inspcio
tlon of the guard companies In southern
Iowa, th4 Fifty-fourth and Fifty-fifth regl
ments, rating them as follows:
Excellent Centrrville band. Knoxvllle,
Red Oak, Ottumwa band, Davenport and
Muscatine; also the hospital corps at Des
Moines ana lows t;ity.
Very Good Shenandoah. Wlntereet. Osks
loosa, Centervllle. Ottumwa, Iowa City and
Good Wash In Rton. Burlington. Fairfield.
Company A of Des Moines. Villlsca. Ames,
jn anion, corning and council Biuirs.
Fslr Fort Madison.
Poor Creston, Des Moines and NeWton,
He recommended that the company at
Creston be mustered out, and also the one
at Newton, unless a new armory is built.
Reslgrns from Collesre
Prof. L. E. Troeger of the agricultural
extension department of the Iowa State
college, formerly of Des Moines, has re
signed his position with the department
and will become secretary-treasurer of the
American Shropshire Registry association
May t
Concessions to Miners,
Additional concessions were granted to
the miners by the operstorS at today
Joint committee meeting, when they ac.
cepted, with little discussion, the hrushtn
clausa in the contract, granting an Increase
from i to cents per Inch and for load
Ing and unloading slate from 17 to 18 cents
a car.
(Continued from Pag One.)
Ing of children. Strength and good phy
sique, as well as suppleness of limb and
grace of body, are to be secured by early
gymnastic training. This Is not to be done
in schools, or under the care of gymnastic
Instructors, for children of the tender se of
from i to ( years old. ar bs the schol
ars, a child, ths writer believes, has no
fear, and is easily encouraged to hold ac
tions by the gentle guidance of father or
mother, and so in a series of remarkable Il
lustrations hs shows how ths little one may
be thus, cautiously and yet firmly, trained
to physical feats. These, while not vying
In ony way with the dexterity of the skilled
acrobat, do muoh towards forming ths ap
pearance and ths movsmeuts of later years.
A child of 1 Is laid en a table, preferably
In a garden, and there father or mother
will carefully raise htm as a prellmlnsry
to teaching him how to rlse'hlmselt from
I a recumbent attitude Into one that, with
practice, provides exercise of a most
healthy kind for smsll llrabs. Tiny girls
are shows bending In an attitude,
once acquired, will always provide wake
ful movement. Poised on bis father's hand,
a small boy will raise one limb after an
other, balancing himself with perfect skill,
snd In thli way hs will attain, to a fear
lessness that will come in very satisfac
torily in future Ufa.
Sample of German Discipline.
A soldier In the German army, who at
tempted to commit suicide, has been sen
tenced to seventeen days' Imprisonment,
"not for attempllrn; suicide, but for stesl
Ing the bullet with which hs shot hlmic'f.'
A number of thefts had tiken place In the
barrscks, and tho soldier in question was
rrrlsed thst suspicion fell on him. He
took thw secukstlon so to heart that hs de
termined to commit suicide. He . accord
ingly stole orw cartridge from the store-
oom, and, using his own rifle, fired nto
his mouth. The shot shattered his Jaws and
also caused him to lose ths sight of botb
eyes. The cnurt-mnrtlal discharged the man
on three cnuata of theft, but sentenced him
for stealing the cartridge.
(Continued from First Pasre.)
suit of his' observations made during his
recent visit to the United States regarding
the rrowth of education there. M. Bou
troux took Colonel Roosevelt's Ideal as the
highest type of man which American edu
cstlon sought to produce, quoting fre
quently Roosevelt's own words In the ex
position of his theme.
Introduction la Laadatorjr.
The speech jot M. ' Llard, vice-rector ot
the University of Paris, In Introducing
Colonel . Roosevelt wss laudatory. After
(hanking the American ex-presldent for ac
cepting the Invitation of the university, M.
Llard said the university particularly
wished Its students to hear "ths greatest
voice of the new world, that ot a man who
Speaks by sctlon as well as words, giving
to ths world counsels of Justice and en
ergyJustice as ' thS end and energy as
the means."
Turning to Colonel Roosevelt M. Llard
Said: "You denounce the idle and the use
less, but you combat also the mischief
makers and the selfish. You do not sep
arate moralltytrom politics, nor right
from force. You are a rough soldier and
a paclflo thinker, a man of action, a
preacher of high virtue and a llvlna ex
ample of the virtues you presoh."
America, the speaker continued, recog
nised In POosevelt the embodiment of Its
noblest-traits, but In his Journey across
Europe the nations perceived In him some
thing more the representative ot a larger
Ideal than that of country or of raoe ths
champion of right and Justice among the
peoples. '
M. Liard ssld in conclusion: "ijixe omer
American who have come to address us
vou will see that America and France are
Bisters not only by common tradition, but
also by the. community of many Ideas and
sentiments guiding them in the pathways
of the Mure. " .
' ' Mr. Roosevelt's Address.
Mr. Roosevelt said In part:
.". "With you here, and with us In my owa
home. In the long run, success or iauurs
will be conditioned upon the way In whlcit
ths" average man, the average woman, does
his or her duty: first, in the ordinary,
ever y day affairs of life, and next In those
great occasional crises which call for' ths
heroic virtues. ; The average cltlsen must
be a good cltiaeh If our republics are to
succeed. Ths stream will not permanently
rise higher than the m?ln source, and the
main source of national power, and na
tloral greatness Is found in the average
cltlxenahlp of the nation. Therefore It be-
hooves ' us to do our best to see that tho
standard of. the average . cltlsen is kept
high, and the average cannot be kept high
unless the standard of the leaders is very
much higher. .
"It is well If a . large proportion or. the
leaders In any republic, in any democracy,
are, as a matter of course, drawn from
the classes represented In this audience
today: but only provided that those classes
possess the gifts of sympathy with plain
people and of devotion to great Ideals. You
and those like you have received special
advantages; you tiava all of you had the
opportunity , lor mental training; janny ,of
yoq . have . .had leisure; most of you havs
had a chance for. the enjoyment of life tar
greater than comes to' )the majority of
your follows. To y6u and your kind much
has been given,. andXora you muoh should
be expected. . ,
Credit Not for Critics.
"It Is not the.crltlo who counts, not the
man who points- out how the strong man
stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could
have done them better. The credit belongs
to the man who is actually In the arena,
whose face Is .marred by dust and swest
and bloodj who strives , valiantly; who
errs, and comes short again and again, be
ceube there s no effort without error and
shortcoming; but who does actually strive
to 'do the deeds: who knows the great en
thusiasm, the groat devotions; who spends
himself lii a worthy cause; who at the best
knows In thev end the trlirtnph of high
achievement, .and Who at ths worst. If he
(ails, at least falls .while daring greatly,
so that his place shall rever be with those
cold and timid souls who know neither
victory nor defeat. Shame on the man of
cultivated taste who p mills reflnemon;
to develop into a fastidiousness that unfits
him from doing the rough work of a
workaday world. - Among tho free peoples
who govern themselves thers Is but a small
field of usefulness open for the men of
cloistered : life who shrink from contact
with their fellows. Still less room Is there
for those who deride or slight what Is done
by those who actually, bear ths brunt of
the day; nor yet for those others who al
ways profess that they would like to take
set ion, If only ths conditions of life were
not what they actually are.
"I pay all homage to Intellect and to
elaborate -and specialised training of the
Intellect, and yet I know I shall have the
assent of HI of you present when I add
that more Important still are the common
place, every-day qualities and virtues.
Will to Work and Flfbt.
"Such, ordinary, svsry-day qualities in
clude the will and tha cower to work, to
fight at need, and to have plenty ot
healthy children. There are a tew people
In every country so born that they can
lead lives of leisure. ThSas tufa useful
function if they make It evldt that leisure
does not mean idleness. But the average
man must earn his own livelihood. He
should bs trained to do so, and ha should
be trained to feet that he occupies a con
temptible position If he does not do so;
that hs is not an object of envy It he is
idls, at whichever end of the soolal scale
hs stands, but an. object ot contempt, an
object of derision.
"In the next place, the good man should
be both a strong and a brave man; that
Is, he should be able to fight, hs should
be able to serve his country as a Soldier K
the need arises. There are well meaning
philosopher who declaim against the un
righteousness of war. They are right only
If they lay all their emphasis upon ths un
righteousness. War. is a dreadful thing,
and unjust war Is a crime, against human
ity. But it Is such a crime because it is un
just, not because It Is war. Ths choice
must ever be in favor ot righteousness, and
this whether the alternative be peace or
whether the alternative be war. The ques
tion must not fee merely. Is there to be
peace or warf The question must be. Is ths
tight to prevail Are the great laws of
righteousness once mors to be fulfilled?
And the answer from a strong and virile
people must be 'Yes,' whatever the cost.
Cars of Sterility.
"Finally, oven more important than abil
ity to work, even more Important than
ability to tight at need, la R to remember
that the chief of blessings for any nation
is that it shall leave Its seed to inherit
the land. It was ths crown ot blessings
in biblical times; and It is ths crown of
blessings now. The greatest of all curses
is the curse of sterility, and ths severest
ot all condemnations should be that vis
ited upon wilful sterility. The first essen
tial in any civilization 1 that the man
and the woman shall be father and mother
of healthy children, so thst the rare shall
Increase and not decrease. If thla Is not
so. If through no fault of the society there
l-fa1IUre to Increase, It Is a great mis
fortune. If the failure In dus to delib
erate and wilful fault, then It Is not
merely a misfortune. It Is one of those
crimes ot ease - and self-indulgence, of
shrinking from pain and effort and risk,
which In the long run nature punishes
more heavily than any other. If we of
ths great republics; If we, the free people
who claim to have emancipated ourselves
from the thrslldom ot wrong and error
bring down on our heads ths curse that
comes upon the wilfully barren, then It
will be an idle waste ot breath to prattle
of our achievements, to boast of all that
we have done. No refinement of life, no
delicacy of taste, no -material progress,
no sordid heaping up of riches, no sensuous
development of art and literature, can in
any way compensate for the loss of the
great fundamental virtues; and of these
great fundamental virtues, ths greatest Is
tha race's power to perpetuate tha race.
Two Sets of Qualities.
"In short, the good cltlsen In a republic
must realise that he ought to possess two
sets ot qualities, and that neither avails
without the other. He must have those
qualities Which make for efficiency; and
he must have those qualities which direct
the efficiency into channels for the public
good. He is useless if he Is Inefficient.
There Is nothing to be done with that type
of cltlsen of whom all that can be said
Is that he Is harmless. Virtue which Is
dependent upon a sluggish circulation Is
not impressive. There is little place In
active life for the timid good man. The
man who Is saved by weakness from ro
bust wickedness Is likewise rendered Im
mune from the robuster virtues. The good
cltlsen In a republic must first of all be
able to hold his own. He Is no good cltl
sen unless hs'haa the ability which will
make him work hard and which at need
will make him fight hard. The good cltl
sen is not a good cltlsen unless ha is an
efficient cltlsen.
Tho Next Step.
"There ara plenty of men calling them
selves socialists with whom, up to a time
point. It Is quite possible to work. If ths
next step Is one which both we and they
wish to take, why, of course, take it,
without any regard to the tact that our
views as to the tenth step may differ.
But, on, the other hand, keep clearly in
mind that, though It has been worth while
to take one step, this does not In the
least mean that It may not be highly dis
advantageous to take the next.
"The good cltlsen will demand liberty tor
himself, and as a matter of pride he win
see to It that others receive the liberty
which he thus claims as his own. Prob
ably the best test of true love of liberty
In any country Is the way In which minori
ties are treated In that country. Not only
should there be complete liberty In mat
ters of religion and opinion, but complete
liberty for each man to lead his life as he
desires, provided only that In so doing he
does not wrong his neighbor."
State Department
For Forestry Bill
Senator Burkett's Measure Hai Good
Backing) but Eastern Schools
Oppose It. .
ea-BSBassnsM (
' (From a Staff Correspondent.) ' ' .
WASHINGTON. April 23. Special Tele
gram.) Senator. Burkett's bill establishing
a. Morton Institution of agriculture and
forestry as a memorial to the late. J. Ster
ling Morton, former secretary of agricul
ture, to be located at or near 'his former
home, Nebraska City, 'Is understood to be
enthusiastically favored by Secretary Wil
son. Senator Burkett believes he will be
able to secure a favorable report from the
senate committee on agriculture and for
estry, of which he is a member.-.But he
is Just a little afraid that by the time It
gets Into the senate some of the agricul
tural tchools and particularly the schools
of forestry, notably the Yale school, will
begin opposition, making Its passage
through congress hard. He believes, how
ever. In the merits of the bill and he will
have back of It the earnest support not
only of a goodly portion of the senate, but
the Department of Agriculture as well. Ho
la convinced of Its merits and will leave no
stone unturned to create In the state from
which th father of Arbor day came a
monument to his memory In the proposed
institution of sgrlculture and forestry.
The Burkett bill, which passed the senate
some time ago providing for assessing lands
of the Sac and Fox Indians In drainage dis
trict No. 1, In Richardson county, Ne
braska, was reported favorably from the
house commlttea -on Indian affairs today.
Originally Senator Burkett introduced this
bill limiting ths cost per acre at $7. 60, but
In view of the price paid by farmers for
lands In this drainage dlatrlct, namely $3.00
per acre, It has been thought best to fix
the limit of cost per acre at $9.00. Chairman
Burk or the Indian affairs committee said
today that he believed the bill would pass
the house in tha near future. Senator
uilt on the
Have you heard of the "One Hoss Shay"
That was built in such a wonderful war,
That It ran a hundred years to a day?
Have you heard of that, I say?
Here is where the "Racine" Stanhope puts it all over the "Deacon" and his "Shay."
It is built to wear and in spite of its strength, durability and beauty, the "Racine" Stan
hope is not beyond the means of the ordinary buyer. Hundreds of Satisfied Customers are
using them. Why not you?
JJIfrios Co.
0. VV. Corner 10th and Jones Streets. Entrance on Viaduct.
Burkett has been working with mlRht and
msln for h measure which was rrported
favorably tod-y.
Senator Burkett tonight presented a besii
tlful banner to the winning camp of the
Modern Woodmen of America St Woodman
temple on Pennsylvania avenue, the camp
having eeeurrd the largest number of new
members In ths last six months. A. H.
Talbot ot Lincoln, head consul of the Mod
ern Woodman of America, who was ex
pected to be present and present the bsn
ner, wired Senator Burkett, who Is one
of the members of the order, that It would
bo Impossible for him to meet the engflge-
men and asklrg him to act In his behalf.
Mrs. Harriet Lake, state regent of the
Daughters of the American Revolution
for lows. In her report of the yea's work
to congress today stated that there were
170 loyal Daughters of the American Rev
olution women In the Iowa chapters, an
Increase of ninety-nine during the year.
Rural carriers appointed are as follows:
Nebraska Clearwater, route 1, Walter
S. Snyder carrier, William P. Snyder sub
stitute. Iowa -Goodell, oute 2, H. R. Allaban
carrier, no substitute; Little Rock, route
1, Emll Jans carrier, Conrad L. Bauman
substitute. .
The Weather
For Nebraska Fslr. cold.
For Iowa 'Fair, cold.
Temperature at Omaha yesterday:
Comet rises Sunday at 3:34.
Comet rises Monday at 3:31.
OMAHA, April $3. Official record of tem
perature and precipitation compared with
the corresponding period' of the lant three
years: VA0. 1309. 1908. 190;.
Maximum temperature.... 45 16 79 (19
Minimum temperature 30 36 55 44
Mean temperature 3S 61 67 Oil
Precipitation 00 T .66 .0
Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal at Omaha since March 1,
and compared with the last two years:
Normal temperature - 64
Deficiency for the day.... 16
Tola! excess since March 1..., 04
Normal precipitation 12 inch
Deficiency for the day 12 Inch
Total rainfall since March 1 23 Inch
Deficiency since March 1 3.29 inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1910.... 2.t9 Inches
Deficiency for cor. per oi, 1909.... 2.44 Inches
"T" Indicates trace of precipitation.
L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster.
n sv J r
Is the most effective medicine
for the complete purification
of the' blood and the complete
renovation of the whole sys
tem.' Take it this 6pring.
Get It today In .usual -liquid form or
tablets called Sarsatabs. 100 Doses $1.
The only term used for our
Not good this week and
poor next, but always good.
Ever stop to fiiink what that
kind 'of work means!
Think it over.
You need the kind of work we
do and cannot get it elsewhere.
Phone Douglas 1812.
f. CJ !---- 5 a. m 32
CV I 6 a. m 31
fkJJV 7 T 7 a. m 30
I Cr J V - J 8 a. m SI
I S Z--5iV 9 a. m , SS
"--5e 10 a. m :5
4T$NViI'ft 'I a, m 8S
li"Yi5 ii 12 m 40
jS 1 p. m... ...43
C V OiYS' 2 P- m 43
J $ p. m 4"
eVrr 4 P- m 44
C JC 5 P. ni 41
dp. m 44
7 p. m 43
Plan of tho "Ono-Hoss Shay"
FT V: , J
" V rF
AO HHJ '-m U 1
Auto Seat Stanhope.
UR 1910 mod
els provide a
wide range of sc-
lection for all tastes
snappy stylcs for the
young bloods, quiet
elegance for the Con
servative follow and excellent
quality for all men.
We direct your special atten
tion to Dourke twenty-fiv.
We claim it to be tho best Suit
or Raincoat possible to pro
duce for $2f).(H). r,ig range of
We would like to soil you yout
clothes this season. Drop In and isil
It over.
Spring Suits. $18 to $40.
Raincoats and Overcoats $1S to $4(
For your next hat try a Itotirke
Preferred that's our $3 hat. You
will find It an excellent value.
All the blocks and colors. ,,'i
318 S. 15th St.
Angling weather. ;
"Don't "fish" around for a tailor,
however. There's no need of It.
There's no benefit In lt.That thla
should be your tailoring establish
ment is proven by the fact that It
la the tailoring shop of the best-
dresfsed, most prosperous men in
Tailoring Co, ;
804-308 South lGtli 81
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T..''vV '?'- '.' "
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rsra .iiSKu
The "Racine'
A Vehicle of Quality.
Is liuilt In the Ixnjnil Way.
It Is Iti'llt fcr KticiiRlIi u'nl
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