11 FARMS UyjJklJ jW- -' T?"r"?' - ' - - - . . REAL ESTATE RFAL ESTATE RFAI PsT-Tr Notes from Fort Crook - 4RM A5D R ( 11 LnB FOR ItU rBX AT HtXH LAMI FOR t ALB ; FARM Al RIMH LOU FOR liLI CoT.tinufd 1 Continued ! Irn Cawttaaed. TI1E OMAHA SUNDAY BFX: A TOIL 24. 1910. RANCHES rvrv . . vrMiDI crjv "fe, gMgjgj ; EDUCATIONAL EDUCATIONAL 7 Per Cent Net Farm Mortgages Farm Mortgages par 7 In ldsbo ON ABSOLUTELY SAFE SECURITY, bet ante there is a greit nd of money. Tba set tlers arc deles much devalopineEt work; seeding, planting of orctardf. erecting of HOMES; pernanent In tbtr character, and Ja the purchase of Implements, much a oner it reded IN ALL INSTANCES THB SECURITY OFFERED is AS GOOD AS THE BEST IN THE EASTERN STATES. TEXAS REALTT JOURNAL A high . class msfasir.e giving reliable informa- I lion about fiitirt state oi jx. . i lnwl report about development, resource. . I product, no ; ten en wrere to iocie ; make money. Invaluable to homeaeeker at.d investor, itnpi cfpy axJ f-a tf Ti 1W. are pubUirbeT. rrt lar.J rteir nd crlv nant your ub nptior.. ; Tcia Rltr jeurr.al. Hourton. T. 1 MAKE to .' a year grom fit. frr,M. maJ! fruf.. atid vertab'-wa, in tfc Ur-tt Guir C country cf Tia. th rr4en tpct of America Ocr fc-ac-re traci at 13 an ac-, payat! Bi Oow-a I arJ CM I mortt. offer the rnoat -attrartive nducTneTiti o fcoma rketa an lnrert- i o- in tr.it ceuntrv 'W r:t for our , iviioi literature ft- h-urltr l-arjd Co.. at Ridge Bd. Kiuii City, Mo Which School and Why? Lilt of Am gum mti cf Compaaiei aid Offictri to Pou in Alaska Eefiment Will Sot Be Kf quired to Participate in Practice Jtarcliti Because of lu Early Departure Stork at Home of Lieut. Morrison. a"d ir.at t.er(ore it maV.e The fclicair.f af ;T,tner.t of romtiniM Tha ieat d.f f trrnoe Or- and off.ccra cf the piaieentb inianir to Hkt,cr in A.i.aka J at Mn ar.oounf eo To Fort Wuliam H Sai4 Medg..ar. I'ori't yet tre Idea 11. at a 1 butireta coiieaft are alike, no diffrr.r where vou ferure lour bu" r, edufation. tsOTi MnnJier-LamPtTian EjuneM Cclit and other tiunn- colitara :.ie rt fererre thit Putt tre M -.heT- La tr nman Coiit-re In a claea by t'.ae'f. i the frt that m tha llciihr-Lrr;'rTiaji Toiiefa you wiii find a c ast ot teachr bo are df- t tera. band, machine -"" lauxn and l orn- ferent from those to be found In ether Miitiui ct ffe. rrier-jampn.an iufcon era are not tea-her ho are worktr treir tray tbrtfur cb(.l by trhir.f part of the time, ror are they teachera who can be blrad for tba aalarj- ueualiy pud by buicfa oollea Tea M;r,er-Lairirran Collefe en ploy a teaefcera that other ool iesm carmoi par. beeeuae tba Ho tar-1 irpmas CtKiega cannot afloid to emp.oy ," p. oroinary tarbr;a Par, in V and L t'o)unl dener, Cbap.a n Jatre W . ta n C har.e M Bandel. adtutant. Cc-iei!'je 0r- il;lmar. yap- Ttere aat m tini tn MONET YIELDED A GREATER LNCO.VE, at it doe-i la otter portions of Idabo to thia very da But AT TWIN FALLS, wtera THE IRRIQATION ENTER PRISE, FINANCED BT THE KCHNS of PHttborf, and alo BT CHICAGO CAPITAL, eorera tha atupndooa totU of MORE THAN TWO HUNDRED AND FORTT THOCSAND ACRES tb aecority la o jrood tbat MORE MONEY HAS BEEN COMING HERE IN THE LAET FEW YEARS and tha Iterat rata n grad ually getting lover. THE TIMT; TO INVEST IN IDAHO IS RIGHT NOW aa tha auction la filling up ry rapidly. Not a day paaaea but tbat a umber or famlllea from NEBRASKA. IOWA, KANKAS. THE DAKOTAS, and oiber mldd irattern state, rout tera to maka tbelr bonaa. Tba poople ar uaod to lower intareat rata: are all of a good claaa of cltlcenablp; bare waJtby and Influen tial frieada whara they coma from, and ARE ABLE TO GET ALL THE MONEY THET WANT AT THE LOWER RATE OF SEVEN PER CENT. YOU CAN NOT LOSE ANY MONEY BT INVESTING IN IDAHO; tba country la deatlaad to bo on of tba rtcbeat of all tfea atatea, Tba character of people la of tba bat; tbrifty, laduatrloua. aober. and Cbrlatlaa In character. TWIN FALLS, A CITY OF FIVE THOUSAND PE6PLE IS A "DRY TOWN" and baa CHURCHES. SCHOOLS, cement aide walVa and all tba conren lencea of clTlllaatlon. IT 19 A OOOD PLACE TO LIVE IN; THOSE WHO COME ARE DELIGHTED WITH THEIR SUR ROUNDINGS; THEIR PROSPECTS; and Uy balld FOR THE FUTURE. YOU CAN DOUBLE THE EARNING POWER OF YOUR MONEY bere la Twin Falla. Idabo. with the lichen soil on earth behind it aa Talcable and acfflclent aecurlty. Mr. Joba B. Daw. of our fina. U aa old bankar and under stands tba bualneaa thoroughly. Mr. H. E. Powets of our firm la aa old Omaha man; know both aactioca; la fully allTa to the math ode la TOgue la Omaha aad Nebraska. , Aa a firm wa caja aatiafy yo conoarcUig our reliability; Integrity and responsibility. Wa wast yon to know what Idabo can do toward EARNING YOU MORE MONEY. WE CAN DOU BLE YOC INCOME. IT WILL COST LITTLE TO WRITE US A UETTER. AND WE WILL BE GLAD to answer arery in quiry to your fullest satisfaction. POWERS & DEW FARM MORTGAGES TWIN FALLS, IDAHC 7 Per Cent Net I Kah. ! EXCEPTIONAL. !rriM--on property In 'Utah, t uOP ace ieded ind under reaer vo r ar.4 ear.a a atreaflv cor.atructe-j : rexer vo.r capacyty for (( acres: add'tior.a'. . land ava; able; mc-Ft prornlr.eM w eatern ir r fiiicn er.F.near ar.ewa profit of oer n.l lion do. '.art to me mj'lt from tbip r:'P eny; prira tiiiO1.. ISu.(ii nth; reAaonabl I tr on balarce: ouid connder part traJe In riear jproperty. Joseph X. Flirp- i ton 1721 Welton frt.. tenver. C'oio. I FA F.MS FOR 5AL I Fee our bargaina in mcr-.ern Karaat and eaatarn Coicrao, $li to W. W lil take I income property in eschat.ge I LATHHOP it TlBIV. , U irr E'.df CHEAP FAHM LAND." i In ftrn Nebraek and Colorado. Writ i for price , NEBRASKA LAND COMPANT. ' Sidnay, Ne-b. THE B e Land Phow to be held next No vember in Chicago, undtr tfce autpicie of . the Chicago Tribune, will have exhibits i of lajid product from etry atate In the : Vnlted ?i".es. Every rt;on6ibe iand com par.y w.H have an exhibit. tpare in Uili bow i not wold to wjid-cat otimpanies. If a want land, visit tnia ahotr You can not afford to ar.er.fl a trtc..o1 wbete you wi.l be au.'.t bv ttudema in ih riit c'ae above Toj go to tthoiil for ine'.rvct ion. and it par you to get the bet. Juat at U paya the Maher-Lajnp man College, to ante tha beat. If you tre a Moalier-Lanripman frad.iata you will meet with lb aame tap.d ad vancement tbat baa tnii experienced by tfct Mnaner-Lampman CKjIlegr i . A foDtia.ii t.e?r rites at e i;a f-ourct If you are ttt-ght by irieyper'ebced arj 6t.t teacJ-.era. Jour d1lomt wiU tnt mux. much to on. Tbe unpraeedeited growlt! cf th Wc t,fr-Lan.pman CoT-ge a'.d it." tin;iaraJleied aticce and the etfitiet'tv tf Mos-her-laniproan tud-nt.e a tie bttt eAldercea that tfte Moher-Latrpn an Cur-ge it giving a (jtial.ty cf iutrL.cton that cannot b cbta'ned eiaet" hera. 1 O'jr eigant r.ew ctttlcri-'e. illLrtrated by a large nutrbfr of full-piFe ba'f-tor.ca 'will aoon ci'rae from the preaa. cnd ut your Mr and addreat on a po:l uri e !iil mail you a copy just aa aoon as lt a completed Special information may be bad ty tit:r.g or caUrc , StLdentt may entetr at any time. School will t in aetaion ill f-nimer. Address, Mosher & Lampan 1TTH AND FARNAM STS. OM.AHA. NEB , FREE BSt-ACRE HOMESTEADS Mil lion of acre Fertl e lajida Valuable in- ! formation, law, maps ahowlngr how and hera t locate ae-nt for 3c, mailing coet. Western Lard Con-.pany. 1 4H. Cheyenne, ! Wyo Buggies, Stanhopes, Concords, Traps BELOW COST! Itekraea FOR SALE S. W. V and B W. O-ia-ji. Liorota County. Kebruka, M per a era Inrewlgwu. Mi offer. P. O. Box ;jk. Cedar KajUda. la EXC1LVXGE 10, 2 0 or 4 0 arret, fine fruit or gar den land near Florence to exchange "k ri Omaha property. HASTINGS & HEVDKX, Karth Dak.t 1 CI 4 Harney St Ckiakoaaa- Land Bargains tOi acre wheat land. I tU mites from main line Northern Pacific R. R. In North Dakota. Oood. smooth, tiilablc land, g-ood toll clay tubadl. PRICB IF SOLD TO ih,'TH EHti PER ACRE If aold hi Quarter and half aMKn IkD.aS TO E J 1 1'EK ACKii. JoM tha aame kind of land that otheiw are rerai.u.g at from l;5 to Sf.' per acre is the tarn Top Delivery Vagons Oclov Cost Drummond lEth ted Htrety . - - - . - - , - T - .- t v. - '.-- " " -"-"- ' ' ..'; . "" " capiaia Ueorae D. Ouyer. coTnmMri ; I B tarn 's-oiR. F. Ball. Cap'.a.u E rid P. Warfie.a. Firat Lieutenant ititnti R W. atoir-at. t-e, ond Lieuteaar.t James M "iiutihi and Second 1-aeutecan. A El Icott Brown. , P. usii r.ia ! !,on-cemmi,ored ttaff of 1 ficera- Sergeant Mi)ir Hairy Hoir. F: eg: men la I v jarier-matt e- rsrean; Lou W. Wir.ierberger Ke;-mri.iaj I'ommla I aa:y Sergeant Hairy A l!a:i aid. I'oio: f-e?gant Juhn Ai.en iiu Iajten-e Ioet To Fort Liacum: C.n. panes C and ) Captain Wiiram " Errnett. CaptBin (J Aritut Hadael. First Licutenart ti'crg-? H White. First Lieuterar.t ro.ert 1. Carte-, ."second LieutTart Luther t , Jaroe. becond Lieutenant J.pe; h A At- kirs and Se;ond Lieutenart C. S .ai 'ierberger. Battalion arigtaj-.'.. Major 0car i Dax.M-.aon. ! To Fort Pi M.tfcael- Companies D and , N. Capta.n Harry F. Daittn I iret Lieu-t-iar.t Josepii F. Wre. Fjrrt Lieutenant Raiph W. l.-rury. Seror.d lieutenant Frank : C. MK'ut.t. tec cid L'.euiet.ant (jrtorfe 1 j Waugh fd Second Lieutenant K K. i FickerT.g. , To Fort Dsns Companies B and L. Captain Mark Wheler. Captan Mar.jn i L. Crirornina F'ttt L'eutenant Charie a Stone, Jr.; First Lieutenant Waiter c j Short, Second LieutenaJ-.t Oliver K. Wood 1 and Second Lieutenant Fiedrirk C. Kcgera . 11,0 poet frdnance trgenl ! To Fort Gibbon: Companies A and o. -j private Flovd li Smith. Company M. baa Lieutenant Colonel R H Wilson. Captaja : tM.B detalled'on extra dutv In the quartet - lwrence B. Siroonds. First Leutenant master a departmrnt. vice Private Claud j Dwight B. Lawton First Lieutenant Kobert j E Shover, coa.r E. relieved John Wesu Flrat Lieutenant R. M . King- prlvate Harrv P. Adaroa. Company B. man. m-oji lieutenant i-n.i.p o. "i. f,tvw,h infantry, a 'ldier casually at and Second Lieutenant Herbert t I 00k ,hUr t htf twj prderrd to proceed to sergeant. Major Frederic ; p.r .ton. KortD. A Kuaaell. X ' r-,.,. t-- . ..i. .3 ... Wyo . rei'oning upon arrival thereat to the r-L..r.0r,rFSr,:C07:?!",rf. " comma-idir.g officer for duty. The cost of Joseph F. .hn. First Liejter.a.,! Perr'n L tiansponation and Increaaed cot of sub iKtmth. Second Lieutenant Fredanrk I s. at er.ee a reported I to the oommandin, iBotcben. Second Lieutenant Napoleon W. I officer. Company B. tleventh intaatrj-. aa P.i.ey and Second Lieutrci Cnar.es K. i a charge againn the aoldiar. Nulaen. Batumon eeigeart. Wkjor Ed- ; l-eva of absence for ten daya to taka ward Slykea effect on or abmjt May 1. iVia. ha been Orders ere received from the depart- I If ranted Second Lieutemant F. W. Hoar hen. rr ent headquarters that the sixteenth u- . uuinnoiHui ana romiuiNarj ! iar.rry will not i requited to participate Tie o.'.tnm.nd rg officer has directed tha hereafter the cc-.tt guard wi'l corurt ct to p-te in t'ie rg'ment of larg est te'm of nw in the army. Tha fol lowlr.g aoldie'-a w'.ll l'e available In tr or der named I'nrate James H Sanford , CpmpatT I.: private Will-.am H Co.eman. Corr.pary H Private Peter ma sh, Cona-pa'-y "5 J-iste Thona Coinnliy. Coea panv K. Private Arit.tr.y ruoff. Corn pan V. and Frit ate Lee B. Maitax. Cora ptry F The I s jir tt.i'i . vton 1 s n n requeft. of First Lrute'.at.l P L Sm.th. S.xtert to infant y. as adtitart of the Second battai i.r. of t-e rtriment has been accepted, and l)euter.rt snuth was aeslgned to Companv H cf the tiin.cM. vli e First Ueuter ani Walter Haney. fansferred to unaa-a-e-.ed I'mata Hury L Taiehijse Company H ho recently :e-nliied for the regi mt rt his t en detailed en sptcial duty as mounted orderly Second Lieutenant F W. Boschen. bat la ion quartermaster a"d commtea'-y. S'x tenth lnfartry, lias been relieved from ten.j.orary duty with Company 1 of the leiment. pruate Shfrman C Anrtere-'h. Compatlv F. has been transferred to Company H of the reg mert. Private Floyde I ensmore. Company F. has been relieved from special duty In tba ' bowling alleys. ! Private Ge:rge E McWillrajns Fourta , lnlanttj. unaastgr.ed. has ten detailed on special duty as assistant to th chaplain. Battalion Sergeant Ma.'or Ldward Slykea has been relieved from special duty aa act- 3415 Burt Street Must be sold at once, owner goiEg to California. Here is a chance to ob- Uin a fine, well built, modern home, only 2 years old. Has 8 large rooms, be sides good attic. Lower floor finished In oak, second floor birch and quarter sawed pine. Has a full basement with servant's toilet. Scre-ns and storm windows, fine yard 4 7x150, paring paid In full. Handy to two car lines. Don't fail to see this at once. Pric $5,700. HASTINGS & HEYDEN 1C14 Harney Et. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE FOR BID? FOR STATE PRINT LSi. Bids will b reoeivod by tba Stat Print ing Board at tba off ica of tba aeeretary of state at Linooln, Nebraska, en or before If b clock, noon. Situ re ay. April m. xsia. LEGAL NOTICES CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION. State of Nebraska Offic of Auditor of Public Acoounta. Lincoln. Feb. 1 IMS. It is hereby certified tba.t the State Mu tual Life A urar.ee Compary of Worces ter, in the tr-at of Maaaachuaeti. t. for printing and blnduig tba f ollowinx re- 1 complied with the laauranoa law of th;a ports and pubucauona: Biennis 1 reports w ;aLate. appucaoie to sucn eorcpamea. ami is commissioner of public lands and building, therefore authorited to oonilr.ue the busi attoroay general, superintendent of public teas of life insurance in this stale for the instruction. Biat treasurer. eC7ry or ttate, auditor of public account, bureau cf labor, adjutant general, Ubrariaa. Board of Irrigation. Food, Dairy and Drug cc.ro wussJon; SeaatoB Laws 1U; He port of Stars Rallwar eommicslon. Beard of AgrJcinturw. Stat Board of Horticulture. Department of Banking. Buildir.g and Loan ataociatjon. liunrnts'i association. Insurance sum- J mary. Also, miaoei aneous prmung. i-iana current year ending January XX lKt Summary of report fUed for tb year end in: December C, 1S16. INOOME. Premiums All other source REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Toll! DISBURSEMENT. Paid poiicjr bolder A1J oiber paymerta 1 one buying" tbia land is aura to max a j profit, as it is offered for tet than it is . worth and ta eartalc to ad anew )ne rf . bur firm haa Juat retomed from North FINS ADDITION PROPOSITION IS : Dakota. 6tan plow are lux.nli in a 1 res adjoinirg a fast growing new loan dear. - every Migbborbood : aetuer loot ia Nanhera Ok aboma Icr rat at reason- merely speculator! art buying- lands; acU ab'a prK. oa tmn. tor addition pur- and climauc condiuont are grood. Tma land I'aees Here la eot-.ttEir.g f.ca. Address I u 1 ke.v to advanoa tf. or laor per acre .& kA Tuiaa. OkL I by i.ext fall. Tba land ta underlaid wltb j coal, a fcich means a great deal t eettiert Orrgsa. 1 and addt 10 ita value, but Bolting it added I to tba p-.oe aa that account. OREOON-wJWS ACRES IN rAllOl'l Ut and butictgraat gnon, St; E acres is V, 1.1. met 1 Va-.ey. '&. W. M. ataiAera. Jr, aVJeartoti, Ore. aih Daksta. Pnal estate transfers for April SL 11 ,,r.!..t uJi hv W.d a.id Guaract and tesdert mhboth cod Any 1 Trust company . bonded abstracter ITIt general Total ADMITTED ASSETS. LIABILITIES Net reserve S" !r C 0 FOUTH DAKOTA LAND Tba ruth it as for atamey couety land. Bev-rai new I'be ( .pbon, Daur'.at (ML i-t rauroad xiow bu'ldir in ttia county J Br mi ana deb rvar ar.oLey m tr.a i xt two teara Cboitw lands aelUng at Ti&m tt b t.l Bar acre. For scapB and in- limliM wrlla It. re. land rVnaltr t.. S4 Pao B.dg Jdusneaioila ItUaa. GO WITH US TO NORTH DAKOTA TUEFDAT. MAY 8D. Round trip rate from Oruaba tA. All of your exbecaea paid if you buy. J. H. Dumont & Son 1K Fa-rani St WRITE for our booklet No i- describing tuaner swetiona, fu-wt-claaa -ana at IA j tr. Wi per acre, stale how -an acre o ar la lb an ark el for. biaia Mat and teuokwi S. as r. F. J Farru-gtoB A V-n.paa). av( Near York Lit BwsT Sal. A BAP. 3 A IN tat a (fa la central Texas, ail but U acre ieeei biark Boll, very neb; t acre, ta cultivation; venasr'.nt water; at acre ttet arer SV. Oa publie road, r mlie to good market. la t good school, goad catghbor. feat eievation. Dry. warns ausonber. Get U of asthma 'a about tao )r. Fin for throat aad lurg ireubta. Manr churcbaa 111 Oreaa tit. N Wichita, at. talk aik.lt tour a-NAPs; Kara m i. ili ha got Um ail faied. acres ut pr.ria land two cue frwoi Troy . Gratt coutiy. valh Dakota Ttua is roiUior .ltd. but lb best cf soil 1' woria Hfra. for a abort iirx.e I offer: It for t-suu. (mo ,Mh and tb Utsn la; five ear at ( per cent. If J .-ut a ra. get out to ae ttaia Quick. Addtwaa , WANTED to Trad lfet acra tiateni TbuSa R. tUlftil Trov. b. Li. wa Un hi.rtf f,a rtvar t. ! FOR SALE Eirtity-acra twiprored farm. I aaiia fraiw Kag Lak at St per acre ; K a re rwady for harrwHinf of truck nop Dehor rboiu bargaaa J. Peboasbca, Esc Lata Tax. Farriani street. Telephone tx.ugla ISSE.: P-aiton Townwte company V M as . l iduch. lota t. and IS and other land. P.alstan "7 W G Whltmor and wife at at. ta Valley Stock Yard and Oram Co.. part cf aev at-ia-l I " Bam to aanva. ae'ta awi W.-H-S Ram to same. n V aam tWO A. M. Byer and wife to th JlcCag-u Investment company, e1 lot Z. block 177, city Geora W. Hanry and wife to U. P. P R Co. 4 of dm of xsk feat of lot . block l. city 4 000 McCaru In vast mart Co to U. P R P. Co wet of net. feet of lot a, block m. city 7 flat Homoiead Co. to Anna Ivael. lot Homestead Freaerch Jorg!;-!! i wife to Nel Kaer. jot 4. block S. Carenoen.. . 5 Char.es A. Mor ae and .fe to E. F Stiannalian. lot 1. block 1. A.amo Plata I.&UD Mirtr.a B.ackwil to C B Siater, lot lu. b.-.k a. K'.lby plat- i H A Lan.son t" C. E Lalnson. lot U. bkk . Wair ut HUI 1 A. M Kimball to R. R Kimball. e of n1. i V trl(-U 1 Kenve-d eP-a.tr Co. to 1. W. Harp. lot SX Ksniuad lit K J V. Hart and husband to B. C. eRa'ry Co.. tot 11. block 11 Slilnn'a I B A. Thayer et a! to 9 A. Ferguson. iota 1 and X. Windsor Piac (Mb Charie SacdnrsJt and wif to J J as ter. sa or lot 4. bloc IX. E. V smith b add .. book and atationery auppile for Horpital tar Insane. Linooln and Norfolk; Stat 1 Rchoa; for Dependent Children. Ortbopedic i boapltal. penitentiary. Soidier' aad Si.or a Hume. Burkeit and Miiford; governor, aud itor, aevreiary of Btate. treasurer, commis tiocer public lar.dt and building, supenn- OT puoi.c ir.sirvicTion. attorney j;t pcrury ciairr.s .. railway rttj.misfiPt. supreme n o.Kr liabil'tiea. court. Dpartment cf Baxkmg. Board or Surplus beyond ctp Irrigation, insuranc oeparxmant.. ruoiic itaj Block Library comnciaaion. Board of Jiquallxation other llabllitii and Aasewment. adjutant genera, ana Ne braska Industrial Home. Specification! for urns ran be found la th prflc of the secretary of state. A'J bids must bs acrompar.led by a bond eoual in amount to the prcbabl cast of in practice marches of tfcre cays dura- tion on account of esi.y oeparturc l.r aen-ice In Alaska. In the past two years the two batia'ions of the S.xteenth Infantry, stationed at this post, have been trained to fat march. ng lor one or two roura to be used in cat of emergency. This command tan now march lor that length of time at the rat of four mile an hour without injury to any man or officer, and for shorter dis tances, say a rnl.e or two m let at a much faster rate, aa wa shown at a marching contest hetd bere recently be tween the different compant, when a detachment from Company L Wxteentti infantry, consisting of twenty-eight en listed men. equipped with rifie. belt, cartridge box and bayonet, under the com mand cf Second Lieutenant A. Kljoott Brown, Sixteenth Infantry, covered a dis tance of 1.1 miles in fourteen minute and thirty-five second heel and toe move- mile), lb. rate of marcn being t X miles per hour. The principal feature of tn march wa the stride of Corporal WlJiam DriBoow, who attained hi ped of loco motion tramping over tha hill of Wast Virginia. Corporal Driacow ta on of th moet conspicuous f.gures at tae pott standing six feet and three iDchee in hi nocking leet. Colonel Gardrner. commanding Fort -roa. ren.. is busy improving tr.e scenery or tn poat by planting new shade tree, purchased to rspiaoe those which hare died during tha winter or wer destroyed by cut worm. Last spring th ooionel per sonally superintended the planting of about 1.1U0 treat of different variolic, of whicb only about twenty have died. 6inc arrival at Fort Crook ia Wi U;e colonel baa spared no pain to make Fart Crook on of th most attractive miJtary post In the west, and to insure hi labor and care he ha ben the instigation of the de partment laauicg: a circular of general in structions aa to the care and preservation of young trees whose lives are endangered from r aa fires, etc. Tha work in the poet far den la progress ing rapidly and the men of this command are locking eagerly forward to tha um they wili be able ta enjoy some of the product of their labora. Upon request of the post surgeon, the commanding officer ha issued instruction for ail officer and f ami lie, a o .l en listed men and tbelr famiiiea to report at th poat hospital for examination to de termine whether or not tbey will be re quired to be vaccinated as a preventive against smallpox, before boarding the transport at Seattle en route to Alaska Captain Harry F. Dal urn. Sixteenth in fantry, haa recently returned fro D Momea. la. where be was on duty in con nection with the annual inspection of the organised militia of the stat of Iowa. i Captain Da Hon haa received, through anlti ' ' , JJ I Utr' cbannele. a letter of commendation .. from the adjutant general, stat of Iowa compliment nig htm upon th manner in - e-77-"7 which he performed bl dutie a inspector. XU0i.S.0 Captain Carl A. Martin. Fourth infantry. ! stationed al thia port pending th arrival or nis regiment t ine i nued state, wat U f-44 2t r r,o.ixi.w Sixteenth infantry. Private John S. McBane. Companv L. Sixteenth infantry, who ha ten uffarlng for almost a er from the effect of a broken arm. caused by a fall from a bmw during the target season of 1MK. has beet) ordered to proceed to the general reoruit depot. Jefferson Barrack. Mo., for exam ination before a board of medical eff.oera. evbrexjuvnt to hi being discharged from the army on surgeon a certificate of disa bility. Pnva: Flrwt-cJ John L Hewter. boe pitaJ crx. aemntact to IetaJ 9urgern Georg D. Graham his been ordered to proceed to Fort Omaha Neb.. retyortJtuj upon arrival thereat to tha commanding officer for duly. Sergeant F!rrt-cl Christian A. Herkel man. bospltaJ corps, having oomplered the Inspection of a damsured X-ray maehloe at this poat ha been ordered V return to this proper station. Fort Biley. Kaa. Leave of absence for tea day ha been granted Captain C. M Bundel. adjutant Sixteenth infantry. Second Lieutenant A. W. Lane. Feun i InTantry. has been detailed at poat and oontrurting quartermaster. reJievm; Ftrst Lieutenant G JL White. Sixteenth In fantry, of hit dirt ies 'a such. . Leave of absence for twenty days ba been granted Second Lievtenant Napoleon W. Riiey. Sixteenth infantry, to wialt Graeey, Ken. Private Andrew W. Hill. Compar- H. ha been tranaf erred to the Sixth cavalry and directed ta pnoed to Fort Des Motne. Ja rental Surgeon George D Graham. Untied State array, has ben relieved from th temporary duty at this post and -ordered to Fort Omt-ha,. Neb., reporting upon arrlTaJ therwat to th oommandir.g officer for temporary dirty for such time a hi wrrice may be required, not to exceed one mont h . Private Rarauel H. Jones. Sixteenth in fantry band, ha been transferred to tb E-c-hteenlh infantry band and directed to proceed to Fort Mac keraie, W. Leave of absence for twenty days to visit his home in Greenville. Mies., ha been granted Recond Lieutenant C. K. Nuleen, Sixteenth infantry. Chaplain J W Hlllman. Pixteenth In fantry, ha applied for leave of abSAno for one month to view Denver. Coio.. prior to hi departure for station In Alaska. The cbapiain deaerve a wail earned rest, aa his dut.es at the post ar very arduoua Lieutenant Gardner. United State Marina corps, wno 1 paying a abort vwit to hi father. Colonel Cornelius Gardener, eora mar.dlng Fort Crook. Neb., reoeived the officer of this post informally at the cx.ionel a quarters Thursday betaee I and p. m. The stork vi:tsd the quarters of Lieu tenant and Mr Morrison Friday evening. April lt. and left a nine-poupnd baby boy. Mother and baby are doing noe y a rvl con gratulations are pouring in from ail officers 'ordered to proceed to Topeka. Kan., and i and lad e of tr.e post rVJTi: !C ISLiSAIiJtTI oor.eult w ith lb adjutant general, atate of &anaa. prior vo tne oegrcmrg or trie n and i nual inspection of tr.e organised militia of X.OTMlS.I X(T7 i U Kansas First Lieutenant G. H White and P. L. fc4.t6t.Xf 4t ! smith and Second Lieutenanu J. M Total witnaa mr hand and the sea! cf the fhurc-hil'. L. R James. F W. Bcten and Auditcr of Public Acoounts the day and I Mctun. ail or the sixteenth infantry the work bid upon. The board rtaervet tba fght to reject any and all bida Lincoln. Nebraska. Arrll VS. 1T. PTATE PRINTING BOARD. By H. G. Thorn, Secretary to tha Board. AJrM ft NOTICE OF BALE OF IRRIGATIOJf DIK trict bona Te ail whom it nay conoern ; 1 Natio hereby riven that tr, Board ef 4d j Da-ector nf tb KimbIl lrr gai-on I'lstrict ht declared Us Intention to e'.i and siii sil in entire lsse of the bands of ea.o 1 dtrk-t teretofot authorised te be iss. eo . by said board ard by the e"tr of aa d dtricl, to- it: Tfc rum cf Two Hundred r first above written. Ibstl I SILAS R BARTfTN. And tor of Public Accounts. C. E. PIERCE. Deputy. W. iJ 1NDOE. Genarai Agent for Nebraska, J-t Be Bldg. AprJt Dlt Second Bank who hv jtst returned from Fort Leaven worth. Kan., undergoing elimination for promotion. Lave been Informed by the War department that tbey have successfully passed the same and will reoeiv tbeir re spective appmntroer.ta for tb next higher grad ia a short tins. As the officers are among th oldest in tb regiment, it bopd that tbey may continue to srv mors th effioer and enlisted men of the Sixteenth infantry. Mr lATie. mr-.her of Second L1euter,ar Late. Fourth infantry, quarte'-marrer ef poat. wro wa severely scalded by tr.e bursting of cme of the hot wster pipe la rear of the sbov-e in ".hear quartern. 1 re ported to be gwitlrg along very nicely. Miss Hillman. e ater of Chaplain Hiiiman left last week for New Tork City to visit brothers axd aimer at that blac Mlaa Hii anan will iwmrn' the Chaplain t" A.aaa-a. and take station with Mm at Part William H. Sea ard. wbore . export to be of great assistance to th cbapiaia lei hla religious work, wavcb he has partly out lined Beoond Lieutenant M ". ffialienbercar Ptrtebr.th "infantry. ba reouear.ed leave of haenre for twenty day ta v.ait Ienvr i Cold . tyr the exprews purpr.se nt )r:mng rb whom thev ar so faxrunar Th. M-r.lar WeAneutav airl.l -hns" for I '"e ranks of tfif "benedicts Lieutenant r T 1 're en ined men w he'd at the post Srwi:n1erger end Ms bnje expect to spend rVODDCr 1 3KCn ' 'iymnaslum hall n a good tt-ndnc. t heir bore jriojn in Alaska . Prtvte Jot-eph Pf;ffr and John Brtram The commar.dirg cffcr of rolumhif were the star attraction of '1 evening Ear-sck. O. ha informed tn a art horittaa and Fifty Thousand 121.0 OW'i Dollar or any VeeV.r f T- V.e TJ tj: with their - barn dance. t this post of the appk.ension and teiarn part of eaid Issue, at trt tffc of sa.id nDer 01 iflt mat ined 10 JJiOW . Private Charles Mav cf Corcranv L 1 u arliiter control at tf.at p-.st of Pr vate. Safe at Kay lor, S. D , Cap tured at Utiea. board an me corner of First and Chestnut Streets In Kinibaii. Coui ty of Kimbaii ana State ef Neb'aska tn Saturday. May 14 lt). at the hour ef li o c.o k coon. Sealed proposal w.ll be received by the board at , : t sa,d ofrif for tne purchase of said MITCHELL, b. U. April H "Bpeotal bands uxtll tb day and hour aaaaed abore. Te.ea"rjn v-A aacond man of tr trio of at wf.ieh time tea said board wlil open 1 . 7 . , U.e propoaa and award tr purchaee ef I rubber ho attempted to rob tba Kay lor the bono to tb highest reiponsib. biaser j bank Thursday right wat captured at or bidder, tba board, however, reserving r-.v-a it.rii fi.r.. .mi. t availed Hmtif of a two month' furlough. , Albert Ste-ner and Kay Jarkaon, bih if the right t reject any and ail bida No bor.e can b soid bv sid board al ier l.Sol iMi r.nrty-f v ,t per cer.t of thtMr race vaiue. 1 i.s aad bone ar payab. I in from ten to tweaty year and bear ats TRAVEL WHAT w can offer to a anaa with mil etoney: Tb best farm t.d rancbe In l.yntaa couety Wru tor Iiata C ark it Kestcb. Fu.iace. a D. SOUTH DAKOTA BARGAINS Vtw d ewuaty , t ani ea f raea ra 1 aad to a. valued at par acr. lor a -c under tour ing aatmaiile: must L is good cwnditmn and ef iadard make aodraa w. F. Cwaaiarbata Midland. Ttx. 6ELL OK TRADE M acre bert land la the Texas paabaaai tn a toC'; every Fast S S-llrX at IS per arr. carr aor asaoothi at a bargain: ub)ect t tit si I per cti.t Sa --li-!-Tl at I i n.ertrag V par acre, d pf cant, not. lui. ir acr. carry MO N. F. i MU-n. at . trad equity far stosr land ar city prop Si per acre, carry Jt Hyde la fartr.s !". Virm fer swic aad atat trada H. Dsjb farm N. E. t-I-l N. T. , Klt. Jitrion. Kaa. eaai. at SI (r a -i per nt f . e acre in rro d. at H per ere. T per rem niisb.a lev acres in l-l N . eM. at It. per acre. Wt.l slow the at ar t.rt.e Hut or wtu. I'M. B WILSON. Mor.damui. lot, fXR SAl.K tour niit.qu.sbmer.la. I eu'ies from K R loan, good aatsr J. C JNtatr. Crest on. S D, LARGE tract, rich land. auitabl e-biiiaiion. FtaeM rltanate and wster. First ciaa ateaaa raundry. Ci'y 1 eu poa uiwti. ilthrua R.ly C . Del Ria. Tea. I BIT tot wear fastest grewin eiry, iw lar down, doiiar week Isd oelrverad by ! bask. Illustrated bvoalal free. Tct'.n I- prevcmanl Co . !; V Ei Faso, Ta St Sweeps Trtp U Caaaplata Wlvaewt a Tlslt ta SWITZERLAND offering more vacation opportunlttwa than all oiber cetwin cwrabitd. W w;U gladly help you arrange a complete tour with practical ug tas tier and rrt aduo WlTHi.rUT ANY CHARGE. Our Amerltan offua haa baea eatab.ished fcr your conven iL and a ct'dtal tnrMaU"n la ex tended te niak free us ef its ser vice WRITE N-"'W for a py of HOW TO SEE SWITZERLAND and our Travel letter No H iwitt ranaaAX. bvaixwoajj. t4X ruth Ave. at Tor Olty. ha reported lack for dutv. and It it ru mored tfctt while itir Cbarb auncbe upon lb 'Bea of matrimony " He i:l tat quarter In th t iclr.lty ef the post. Serreant E S Griffith troup I. thi'd cavalry'. n charge of Private Albert L Stokea. Company L. Sixtaenth trfrtry. ar med yesterday at tbi pnut from Fort Wingata N M. Prlvat Sick deserted frcro Fort Crook. Neb.. Feburuery t and tirrendered at Galiup. N. M Marc n. Cotr.panr M. S'atae'ith krfr.tr w ao de serted th service Ma . lH! They wera apprehended m P.ttabuig. pa . by Iaiee tive Jame B. Boyle. It 1 belrg runwrel aboct the post tt.tt erders will soon be received from the War department to th effer: tt.t nonoom mis'orieyrl officer ard privates w'.o hte leas than en vear to serve on dat 4 1- ir .f the rerlment for Alaska, w-.il b dis- a rastauraat aatiag a meal. Eb.nff ft- .Trf toei at Fort Wir..t. N (Charged for the convenience f tfw govern. ir at in city gave a deoriptKa t tha v by a general court-martial for deser marshal at Utira of tha taa robbers and j tion couid not be aooetrpiished on account Pr cat intereai, payable semi-ant-a'Jy . aoom o cioca ott or tn.ai walked Into -"i" a ,. dlrTcid ihst tl e eero"ard strict4 iffl? ofoVt o i Bbrtff " n"?-- r ancompaaied br oeriif.ed eneek. pay ab t to Tacktoa. who hurried there in aa auto- I N M to F urt Crook N be charged he ercr cf tfc Klmha.l Irrtaarton r.i.irtct ' .k.i. . ir., . . . i agaix.st him. Srt-nt GnfntB rl ao r ,,! Uu ii.i. tma .tn r.ni ,.t i. ' .. . " ' " i r ranted a delay of ten das befor return- amount of the bd said clck la be ra- 1 t Sootland. j tn station tainad by lb district a lrccldated damage ! Tr third man i still at large, al'.bougb in caa the tiu iirt sa d check a -oom. j be was aa aod aa captured tba night of panes at ail be accepted by the board and . . the bidder ehel! refuse tr fsll to carry out ! lt" roboary wbsa the three anen wer t m bid Hy order of lbs Board of D rr--trr i aurpriaed in their hiding along the railroad THE KlMIiALL IRRIGATION D1STK1C1. trat-k at S..tind .Junclion. waiting ta by 1 tv Via.aer. Preetexii. Altwst: Fred . ...... . . ... K. Moigta. aKiiar. A13d Iti ti.e fre.ght tbat wat going t . I office.- dcovared then and inade ac TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Owe Dallas Pes Year. The worjcingfr.aii is u cs-reful what hla daagbter reads as tha baaker. Tb Le U la jstoat ary thrifty. self - res part lug home attack. Oa fcf them waa captured aad tb ether two raa Tbr war pursued, whias a rjular futiiad of abots waa kept ug by the purauera and tha pursued. On af tba twe dropped aid when ti. offlcara j oan. up ta kim tbey tbougb he waa suf ! firtemtly isjurwd tbat re was about all 1a. . and tbey kept la pursuit af tba ataar. n.er.t upon tbeir wrttt-n proniiae tn ra- ertls in their respective orranlxat or.a. and ! (il be re-e'ilined on ttie day pillowing that of dtrcharga Priv.te a r.o will have ! than one year to e-v on dtte f as.. lirf atHj who do rx-t desire to be d.ail.arged and i-etiliwd will be transferred ty the de partment rsmmintf to other organisation In tn s department t the extent of actual ' tvir cie u.ereiri. If aucb is tl.a o 1t rwr.anr &reant Klannarv hat reoonel .W'-U affect prwctiral tao-third of the hers for duty He was former.y atauored ' wrmmand at Fort Ethan Al.n, Vt T. remamlng robber, tea float of toot, w.ar.aged ta get away. Wtet the offier returned to get their wounded robber, be had evidently come ta Ufa aad anade guod hi aacapa Th offtoera bave a good deecriptlua of tb anaa aad belief tbey will yet capture him. Psrsjrtect Advetrtutlng Is p.cturaa ta rcAd ta tug Llweala raiit Raelded. PIERRE. P. D. April SZ- ?pacial -Tt.e I. ate Ineurwxet d9rtmer -hat dee!:nd to gram a l.oers for 1 ar to tb Baxker Life Insurance ouaupat.y of Lie o.u. Nab , and no laoetiae will b Issued t tbat company asitil a dispute batwee the oompanr and the state de7rtmt It adjumsl Th company onntiriulng t tis a policy funa. aftet It bad Ja. rejected, by tbe state dtart n.evt. as irfrt rorr; ply tax wiLh tna piN.t-y form lea af thia auaia