- TIIE OMAHA" STNDAV BEE: 'APRIL 24. Ifllft. q MVJfeA ,agZ3rfev HE-AI, ESTATE . i J BP HbI y - 1 - I . REAL ESTATE CITY PROPKRTY rOK SAI.R. Continued ) REAL ESTATE CITY PROPKRTY FOR SALE. (Continued.) REAL ESTATE CITY PROPKRTY I'OR SAI.K. tl'ontlnued ) REAL ESTATE ITY PHOPKMTV KOK MI C, Continued.) REAL ESTATE ITY PHOI'KHTY KOH SAI.K. (Continued.) REAL ESTATE CITY PHOPEHT1 FOH I.R. (Continued ) , REAL ESTATE ITY ritOI'F.MTV KO (ALU Continued.) ' i D. V. Sholes Company Lll Board of Trade Bldg. 16th and Farnam Sta. f 1,760 1S1 Enrkln Pt . Jot 1110x120 ft ( .?,ln."nV "r"." ...J T.... - II.. lllll.mra in nnu las In the rear renting ror e V ' arm lu. Wrii.r sit neat. B room guod plumbing, aiona walk, mealy uacoratext, hlgn and lightly; block from car. t-aay trm. $ 3.000 Char Ht.. near 41t. eouth fiunt, (0x130 ft., fine t-rcom cottage, modern rept h-at. fruit and ahade. .g0 417a Chicago St., 7 rooms, modern, hot water heat; lot 501128 ft; flna ahade; a ' lone fruit. ffi (60 Wobater tit., between 27th and Bth. a good two-story, square, modern, 7- room houM, reduced for quick sat. 1.S0O-S6M fipeoi-er St., T rooms, thoroughly modern, oak finish; nice location; south front. Tsrma. fi.7M Pratt SL. near 16th, nearly new 2-story, squar. S-room hou: e. thorouajhiy modern, nicely decorated, uewly painted; lei ft.; fine shade, splendid hum. 4. WO 1M H. 20th St., WxiM ft. of ground, corner; paving all paid, good t-iuom cottage, pormlaln bath, sewer, water, gas; good shade., A bargain. ) 1,000 Howard Bt., near 3&th, nearly new l-room house, thorouxhly modern, furnaia heat; oak and pine finish; oak floors; good cemented cellar. W.uw can. baiaoce time. t a.000 21W Chicago Bt., lot 44x120 ft., new I-room, two-story house; thoroughly modern; oak, birch and gum finish; oak aud maple floors; splendid, wen built house; good location. ,2b0 Nearly new 2-room, strictly modern dwelling, en 34th. west of Hanscom Park; lot boil 40 ft; good barn; paving paid. One oi tne cheapest house in tnls dis trict. t. MO 1322 S. Klh Ave., near Field club; lot 46x121 ft.; S-room. two-story, hot water heated houee; oak finish; thoroughly modern; nandaoraely decorated, f .o00 On 8. lt)th St., most complete l-room bouse, hot water heat; two bath rooms, I tiled: finished In quarter-sawed oak, with oak floors; handsome decoi a.lcin j; larg ground; beauUrul view and a very fin home; new. Death only reason for selling. 112.00 On Central boulevard, near Field club, east front, nearly new, atrlctly mod ern, up-to-date, root touuee, eoavenlently arranged, tiled bath; lot tffix lid ft., with good shade. U.O0O Nortbeast corner 84th and Dodge 8t., eonxr lot, fine shade, exceptionally well built, modem, up-to-date, 10-room house; handsome quarter-sawed, carved oak finish; fine library with bookcases. 4 bed rooms on second floor; servants' quarter third floor. A delightful home. MjOOO Near SSd and Farnam, nearly niw -room reeldeinc. SOxltiO n, of ground; fin ished downstairs with fine oak, handsomely decorated: sun parlor and sleep ing porch on second floor, with tiled bath; third floor completely finished tor servants and blllard room; hot water heat; fine plumbing; all paving paid. 114,000 In west Varnam duttrtrt. very choice location, 66 feet of ground, well built beautifully arnngd, strictly modem, 10-room huuse, near the cur; must beautiful 'living room In the city; fine billiard room; all In perfect condition. Not heretofore offered. This In a home that will please you on examination a to location, arrangement and convenience .a. 000 A very handsome, new. modern, pressed brick house, In the Ideal cream section of the west Farnam district; 10 rooms, hot water heat, fine plumbing. Brick garage. If you are in the market for something good, let iw show vou this. . . 113.000 lOOxlio feet, east front corner, went Farnam district: high and sightly, both atreets paved and paid Permanent walks all "round, bplenrtld. well built. It-room, modern, oak finished house; 2x5 studdlnK. double floors throughout, and a verv choice location. Or would sell the housa and one lot for $9,600. or the corner lot for 14.200. EASY TO BUY TERMS In Creighton's 2d Addition on Parker St Within hk btaok p MUftarr Are. ear Win we have five new, well hallt, thoroughlj modern. weU arranged, delightful home of and a rooms each, with large tOxl.0 and 160-ft. Vote, sewer, water, gaa. permanent aldewalks. High and sightly location. We wWI sell these house on th easiest kind of term. Small oash t-ayment. bal ance aam as rent. per Pent Interest. Beside. yu cannot duplicate the properties at th prica wa will tell them to you for. We want to how you thee places. II rem go oat today our Mr. Spain, at 43X4 Paoatur Hu. la aam block, will show o thi-vugfe. VACANT I l WMOitt ft. outhtMt corner 30th and l-.vnport, with pvlng p-iid. ThU la obtp I I tt)-Kortht ornr 3th and Chicago St.. 9xl30 ft . high ang sightly I 2 hi17S f l east froot on the boulevaid, luat north of Poppleton Ava. 10.000 and lifiOUO residence adjoining. On of th finest lots in th city. 1 Iisa-Northeast corner th and Poppleton. 106xliS ft., sewer, water, gaa. street to be paved; high and sightly location, g sa-Her front foot for 278 ft. by 114 ft. deep, high and sightly, on ttth Ave. and th ' Borth of the Field club. Room for nine houses; exceptional bargains. INVESTMENT t 1526-s7 Park Av.. two well built, t-room modern brick houses, fine oak finish. oak fioor downstair, five bedroom on second floor, with bath: all mod- rn for quick scule owner will make most attractive prC9 of anything la Omaha of this description Lt us ahow you thes th first of th weea. I- llghtfal location, overlooking II ana com Park. 7,600 60x11) ft. fronting 17th Ave., and lth St., with old house, renting for 220 per roanih. M0 TlD-top brick flat. rooms on first floor and oo second fioor; hot wtr ' het oak finish, etrletlv modern In every respect; upper floor renting for 140 Owner Uvea downtalr. Ut &ixl ft. Location high and sightly, near Brownell Hall, one block from car; 12 minutes' from 16th and Farnam. 217M0-Two fine stone buildings, fl. E. corner 26th and Cass St., ranting for I1.S00 per rear or would give possesnion. Right party can make big money In family tioiei or renting rooms. House have hoi water heat; very fin hard.vood finish and cost im,0j4) lo build. ffifiOO Two l-room modern brick flat and modem 6-ioom cottage on corner lot west of High school, renting for till er month, tot x&4 tu MOoa-Rlght in the heart of Omaha, corner lot 66x7T ft; leased for 7 year at a net rVntai of UtwO; lease paying all taxes. At the end of lease th.s lot will 0. worth fullv 177.000. One of tn best downtown buys In th city. tif, 000 Gooc Inside purchase, 162x142 ft. within less than on block of court house on tlsrney Ht. Thle Is avallahl today tor profitable Investment of Inexpensive bu.ldings and In a tew year the lot . -,ih huiMlni. added. On of th ACRES ' Twenty acres on West Podge St., t miles from downtown, very high aa sightly, aad a delightful spot fvr suburban horn Price, M.IOO. 49 sres 1 mil west ai Irvtngton on paved road. Cnoice. 25,o00. Garvinhurst 5 to 10 Acre Tracts YO MILES WEST OF FlJREXCE ON EAilY TERMS AT FARM LAND PRICKS. Level paved road from Omaha. Fine tracts for garden truck, fruit, poul try or suburban ribrrle. PRICK-U0 to 15 an acre TERMS-' cash, balance. 1, 2 and 3 yers. If you want a bargain In a small tract at farm land prica see us without delay. Wl LL TAKE YOU OUT ANY TIME. Garvin Bros. 2d floor N. V. Life. Phomj V Phoiie Ioug. sol OK T. Jorgcnsen Phone Florence 3iT7. 2024 Miami $4,000 t-ioom. all modern; 3 rar lines available. Harrison & Morton REA! THIS 81 KB Hl SlNKSS KNAP. 22x131. between llth and 12th street on iHiugias. Price $5 .. P O. NIlilLN It CO . 7J X. Y I- Bldg. Both 'Phones ALL NEW, modern i-room home for sale bv ow ner. J 1-'" Charles. Call 2 4 0.1 Chicago. ' ) Telephones: Douglas 49 J Independent A-1I019. rocma, Hr and watr, fruit and shad. .i, V -r,V Vi. e... :..V ..;: -'- e" ....... v. monin. nuuie irun ana neuge. cottage, furnace heat, sswer. water. gas will be worth two or three times present fw good things on th market doe In. Only $3,500 Large 9-room house, strictly modern and in good repair. No. 2613 Pierre i?t.; large barn, woodshed and fine cis tern; lot 6Sxl60 f'et; only two blocks from car. W. FAUX AM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam St. Tcls.: Doug. 1064; lnd. A 1 0 6 4 . HERE IS A BAR;.IX $1,50 $650 cash, balance monthly, for an S room, 2 apartment house, new plumbing; A-l re pairs; lot 44x132; rents for $25 per month. 2611 Binney St. $ 950 $450 cash, balance monthly, 3 room cottage, city water. 2914 Central Boulevard. ROMXSOX & WOLF, Phone D. 2418. 435 Paxton Blk. 22d and Leavenworth On the west side of 22d St . just south of Lean r ortlit a larce lot Mil 'J with 3 rc oin houi.e. Price 2. ). The Byron Reed Co. Tels. Doug. 297. A SS.14. 212 S 14th St. INVESTMENT SNAP Four bouses of ( rooms each, modern ex cept furnace: east front; paying It per cent net. Must sell, or might divide . $7,000. THOMAS W HAZES'. lOi 8. pith ht.. 'Phone, I). 1J00. llanx-om Park. Home Laigaltis. Modern home, beautiful trea. lawn and Tardeti. Hot water beat, 'phon owner, larncy 27. Buy a New Home VK CAN PLEASE Y(H A LARGE LIS T Tt SELECT FROM. THESE WILL ALL BE OPEN THIS AFiERXOOX PINKNEY STREET Numbers 1411. 141:?, 1417. 1421 !ind 14J.. Five. t and 7 rrtcims each, every one strictly modem, nil oak and yellow plno ..... ,, . . . , . . finish; all built by day labor; material the very best. Houses papered, vards sodded and all ready to move rlnht Into. $! 2J to each. (.RACK STRL'LT L'lUL', 2 1 ( Hi, 2110 and l2 1 1 J Four 7-rooni houses, just completed and offered for the first time. All strictly modern papered nd up-to-date. Oak finish and i Full cemented cellars. V. i y attractive. Paved stteet; cement side walks; easy walking distance. Prices :,: to f.l.tjnu each. Dl'NDKK lU NUALOW 0111 CAPI1)L A L. ! Filie alKe 6.rowm house, built last fall. nevpr occupied. Has large living room Five larKe moms, with liath room and ; across the front, with vent.bule, laj ga din floored attic. Finished in oak: attractive: in room, south and east windows, splen front porch; best of plumbing and fixtures. d;d kitchen, pantry and rear veslihule. In the same blin-k with a number of $4'"K) G.en stairwav and three nice sleeping to tlO.OU) homes. Price of this beautiful ! roonm and bath. Oak finish downstairs home. W.K00. ; &n pretty open stairway, price. W.MW. OFFICE OFFX KVKHY SATURDAY KVEXJXd HASTINGS & HEYDEN Telephone Doug. l(0i; Harney 2484 or Yehster 321 Auv Evening 1G14 ilarney St." ( Good Homes $4,5(M) A SUBSTANTIAL BRICK of J r.; first floor has massive solid oak doors, mantels and Inlaid oak floors; second floor has 4 bed rooms and bath; plumb ing Is all new, and a good furnace: large porch both front and back; barn with a little repair would be fine for horses or automobiles. This is a very good home for the price asked and we want a proposition on It. Can x make terms. West Farnam district. $3,500 For a good 6-r. house and 4 fine lots, all covered with iruit aud fine for building. -This Is a good place for cow and chickens, and will take a reasonable payment down and carry balance as a straight loan; one block to car. $2,900 For that new house at 4602 N. 31st Ave.; has 5 large rooms on first floor, with up-to-date bath room; fine fur nace and cemented cellar. 1 can make reasonable terms on this. Call me up and I will show you through. $2,200 EACH Two fine 5-rooni cottages, modern except heat, practically new, close to car and school, In fine location, near 36th and Ames. A fine investment, as they will rent well, and should sell for $2,600 each. $2,750 For a good 7-room house, modern except heat, on large lot, covered with thrifty fruit trees, near 27th and Pop pleton Ave. Terms. SOUTH AM AHA $1,800 For a good 6-room house, city water and gas, in Corrigan Place. This property cost over $2,500, ana we must sell it. $1,250 Just finished, a nice 4-room cottage near 40th and Q. Part cash, balance $6.60 a month. 1 have a good many other good houses in all parts of the city; also acreage and lots. Call at my ofllce; 1 may have Just what you want. F. H. Drake Red 5326; A-1753. 516 Brandeig Bldg. (Jood Ones $3,500 to $4,000 Caldwell and 2oth 7-room cottage, good Pf . ni;o, i.'ji d. strictly modern; Interim finish natural pine; combination fixtures. 4.vam laan. L,'.aj balance ti per cent per annum. Adjolnging above same description 2.1. ' sam terms. Would prefer to sell Ik. ih of above together, hut will tell grp. aiatcly it nece.H.-ry. In Windsor Plai e on South .14th Street. )i-ro.)iii house, hard pine, strictly modern, good cellar, laundry, good barn, ail in good r pair; ''-foot H.Taced lot lOxl.tl W.MD rash. $1,250 balance per cent per annum. Cuming and ,12d Close to Hernia Park tl looms, all modern, combination fixtures, natuial pine, iiood foundation and celUi l Lot 42x1 UK-$.1,500. list and Ames. 8 rooms, natural pine. all modern, good cellar and foundation. laundry, gas and electric light, fruit Will remcht rvi.ar and paint outside of house' for buy er S l.".oo: $l.rtiO or more can be i borrowed on this property. I PERRIXE & WOU OTT. Itouglaa 7)1. Paxton nik. 8 ROOMS 54,000 Veil bu'.lt and verv attractive home ipenv In Walnut Hill district, lars- lot. e;ni nIH ..loole h:, 4 bedroom 1 law rooms first floor. fill, cement basi - ment. fc'.od furnace. It rheip becuuse the owner hs l-ft city and should si"ll at or.ee at this price. Glover Realty Syndicate, Oruund Floor N. Y. Lif' Iou. 3 HI. 5004 Florence Blvd. I.'.F'jO; lot M feet. el front' bent outlo..' In the cltv; 6-toJm cottage; has gvs und a :t r. Harrison & Morton Foit 8A1.E-N Haven's drug store, rrood stand, stock and sale. Terius asy. Council bluff a MIAMI STRKLT 1818, 1820 and 1S'2 Tlirert o-rtiom modern cottaaes. Have parlor. diniiiK mom. kitclnu, two bed rooms; aio ptair to attic. KirM-clatm pliimluiig throtiKhout; cement cellars and cement sidewalks; electric light and All convenient to stores, schools and car line. Prices very low, .'.3i0 to J2,47). MLRLDITU AVE. ;j!j." iind I'll.)? Two biiind ne.v cottages. nioMern except heat. Kuch hava t-stihule, parlor. dinitiK room, kitchen, two nice bed rooms arid biith. They are finished in the best of auarter-sawt'd yellow pine. All caruenter work on tluwe. two cottaxes waj day labor. ''uu will find by personal Inspection thut the workmanship is first class throughout. Also huH nice large, attic and basement. I 'ei easy terms. Price. l.'.jUO eai h. 3715 North L'4th St. 10 Net Investment Cr. By rents $3,280 Dr. To taxes $240 To insurance 60 To coal 230 To janitor 360 To light 2 3 To water 150 To incidentals 215 1,2 80 Leaving a net credit of $4,000 per year on an Investment, of $40,000. The above is a statement on one of the best built (very nearly fireproof) apartment houses in the city. Very fine location. If interested would be glad to give you further details. Call for E. V. Stoltenberg. SELBY D. 1510. 436 Board of Trade Bldg R. E. oL .fb FOR SALE REAL ESTATE BARGAINS Good and Easy 2tilS Corby, 7 rooms; lot 50 to 121 : cellar, barn fruit, two blocks from cars $1.7.V.' Near 29th and Ames Ave., 5 rooms, natural pine, good cellar, furnace. Owner will put in bath for purchaser at sale price; lot 42 bv 120 $2.3ofl. Nar 2Sth and Ohio, 7 rooms, hard pine, modern except heat, cellar; lot 50 by 127; small barn; $2.6T0. Manderson and 29th, 7 rooms, hard pice, modern except heat, good foundation and cellar, front and back porch, two blocks from cars, fine condition, reasonable terms: $2.xr,o. . 2ith and Locust. 7 rooms, hard pine, etricilv modern, hot water heat, in excel lent repair, lot 42 by 10, fruit; $2,fJ0; cash $(00, balance easy. PERRINE & WOLOOTT, Douglas 7801. SC2 Paxton Block. HACKETT'S ADDITION Lots facing new boulevard now on sale on easy terms. See these lota before you buy. Take Deaf Institute car to end of line, half block west, 1 block north. II. J. HACKETT, 4622 Boulevard Ave. 'Phone Webster 757. 360 N. Y. Life. FLOREXCE LOTS WITH IX REACH OF ALL No need of paying two i-r c-e fo;' a go i I suburban lot w.ien yoii can buy on-? t ht adjoining the Kloie:c- iar lina, betweei Omaha ami Florence. 50vl..2 In sie. for 2226 tiii to $.. on terms to suit. We have , an even dozen of !he.-e full iised, miuUi ; frot t lots to ell This ground Is only a i few blocks south of the villas of Fio.ence : and is bound to greatly increase in value. ; Look tor our stfc;:i on iviki s.ue or cat : line, one blo k east of tnee lois. SIHMKR cc CHASE CO., 3M) S 17th St. Both 'Phones. 50x200 $1,250 on-nee HKil., mur'.v npH'--i;f Ki'in in.' arnenn Rr M nrrnn i ! r I 1 IriQP I D i VXVJV Alt 1 C I L' piMJ 'I'll V 1 i 1 "1 I 1 1 1 V ( v 1 1 r' 1 r'Ji H1-N Dl'lliUMtl , On Davenport St.. near the bou evard well built, t room, all modern house and I lint water heal nr.c'e v:..oj laige lot tiux12. New paving laid In lull, -' The Byron Reed Co Tel:). Doug. 2:',', A 3it. 212 S. 14lh M.' :U-JS Cass St., ir4,i:)0 Tills l-rxii all modem Iioum', full south front corner lot witn room for anotner hou-e on 32d St. Stna'.Ust r Mm in the house Is Mil' tiood comouiui.on home and m vetiment. Glover Realty Syndicate, Uround Flour N. Y. Life 1-uug 3vU. Boycr's Bargains Elglit-room housp, niotl prii in evpry way; good burn; permanent sidewalk and around house; lot 4 0x12.". ft. Located at 38 N. 2:th St. Bargain at $4,000. Seven-room house nuHiern except heat; lot MxlSl ft., good barn; cistwrn; some t.hade and rrtilt trees. 3115 l)catur t!t. x. .. Slx-rtom hoie, tnodern ex cept heat; lot 3txl33 ft. 1a cnt.il t H.'4 N. HHh rt. Com blmsl wot kshop and coal sheds In yard. Very cheap at I2,4o0. Right-room all modern house: lot ttfxfMI ft., at south east corner 24th and Binney. lan and hedge; permanent walks In yard and sidewalk. $4."V. Kive-ioom houe, modern ex it pt heat; lot joxl.tt ft. Located at Sat Maple sit. Price, fZ.UU. Seven-room house, modern exorpt heat; good barn; full lot. lAH-atcxl at 4.". I r Krsklne St. Price, V2.m. Five-room cottage. partly modern: good barn: shade, trees: krt 30x165. located at 1; Ohio St. Look at this and make mo an offer. The northwest corner of iOih and Nicholas Sts.. with one mo-slory frame building, two one-story frame buildings and one double brick flat builhlng. Price, i;,0)0. Six-room modern home. Full lot. Lafayette Ave., In Hemls park. Can be had for only 2.1.MI0 If taken at once. KiKht-room modern house, lot STxllT,. at 9:iS North 2:"th S;. Paving and permanent walks, pood barn, an elegant bargain at tl.MO. 'Three houses, located be tween th and 7th streets and Pierce and Pacific streets, lot tix;il. an excellent Investment at $3,000. Klght-room house. bath, toilet and gas; also one four room houtie in rear with toilet. lxt ;:7xl:!2. Located at 400 William street. All for $2,800. Six-room. practically new house, modern except heat, lot 4xHS, Webster street near Stith. A very fine part of town, on car line or within walking diKt.-tnce. Excellenf neighbor hood. Price only $3,000. Vacant Property Two fine lots at northeast corner of 27th and Saratoga, h'acn 0x127. $1,000 takes both. Two fine lying lots at south west corner of 4Sth and Grant Mreets. A big bargain. Both for $. One 2fh street. V north of Curtis, lot block 22x125. Price, $750. On "2d between California nd Webster streets, lot 20x104. Permanent walks, $1,200. CHRIS BOVER. 22d and Cuming Streets IT I RTSrU JTHEA aT607l27 NORTH OF BEMIS PARK OXLV $500. located on Decatur, near 34th, 3 lots, each 50x128, east fronts on 41st, Just north of Leavenworth, at $400. 40x110 Corner, 23th and Grant, $500. 50x127 South front on Manderson, near 29th, $600. 50x140 East front on ISth, just north of Manderson, $550. 5-Room cottage at 3538 North 28th, lot 40x127, for $1,450. New 6-room, story and half house, at 4116 North 18th St., only $500 for equity. Owner has left city. W. H. GATES R. 617 N. Y. Life. Ph. D. 1294." BENSON ACRES " 3 BLOCKS NORTH OF COUNTRY CLUB, $500 . wj'.i huy one of these tracts, 311x126 feet. CAN MAKE EASY TERMS. GARVIN BROS. Third Floor N. Y. Life. Cheap Vacant Lot At !5tn and Kim Sis. we have an fast front lot. unite a little below grade, tha' we offer for S.XX). The lot is 44 feet by 11 lack to alley. Fine garden land. A. P. Tukey & Son Phone Doug 21S1. 414-445 Bd. of Trade Bldg. $550 CASH "7 Will liuv 7-room cottage at Wth and Jackson Mi.; ood rooms, bath, toilet and Kas. full basement, leiuinn for $22 a month Pi ice. $2,214). balance $25 a month, iucludirg the interest at per cent. It means 14 p r cent net on the Invest ni'-nt, or It will make you a good home. (ilovor Realty Syndicate, Oround Floor N. Y. Life. " Doug. 3- Croft House $5,000 uGx Ko. unit!, front, on Amu Av., nea m tm-e Ixjulevard. Harrison & Morton SNAP moduli house with f:ir- Mx-ioom. new. i i ace east ftoot. very eas lernis. novth part of citv ii.ni' TllxS W. HAZKN 1(5 S. lth. Plioiie I). 1". VKW 5 LOOM COTTAtJK I All ! odei n except heal; large, east front j lot. nesr X". I ti and Martha streets. j l'ce 2.'iX: Laav terms. j P. o. MLLSEN U Co. j 703 N. Y. U Hlrtu. Roth 'Phone. T HACK AC, K PltoPF.RTY. We offer (or rent store building at til Km Dam. one-stoi v snd basement, with ttackaxe. Pee Hul'.diug Co., 17 h and r arnaiiL We are Selling Every Day 28 Lots Sold Only 59 Lots Left Come Out Today And see the charms of this BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE SECTION an learn why OTHERS ARE BUYING. Some of the finest loti left. Thr ii not a poor lot in NORWOOD All large lots, beautiful shade trees, broad cement walkg feet wldet 16 of the lots front ou MILLER PARK, one of Omaha's largest and meat beautiful public parks. The beautiful FLORENCE BOULEVARD winds through NORWOOD, 120 to 150 feet wide, and beautifully parked. NORWOOD is situated on bluff, with a splendid view of the LAKE? and the RIVER. Don't delay. Make your selection today. Salesman on the ground. And bear In mind that these lots will DOUBLE LN VALUE. N0RRIS & MARTIN Doug. 4270; Web. 4638. Well Worth the Money $7,0003724 Lincoln Hlvd.: S rooms, si richly modern, containing reception hall, living room, dining room, den and kitchen on fir at floor. S bed rooms and bath room on sea'ond floor. Oak and whit enamel finish. An elegant home In every respect. Ti owner has been transferred to another city and the best offer secures this fine prop erty. $6,6001814 Lothrop St.; 8 rooms, new and modern; full lot; paved street; quarter sawed oak finish; Just newly decorated. $n.O0O 32d and Marcy 8ts., beautiful n w bungalow, rooms, entirely modern, lot 60x116. This location Is a very desirable on e. $2.325 171 N. '2Dth St., very convenient 6-room cottage; modern in every way; full lot and can he sold for $400 cash and the balance in monthy payment of $18 Some on will certainly get a snap In this property. $2.100-Near 2lst and Vinton Sts.; 6-room. all modern; $300 cash; balance tn monthly payments to suit convenience of purchaser. $2,1001222 S. 27th St.; 6-room and bath; also summer kitchen; lot 60x162; 2MM cash; balance terms. $J,R0O 2S0I N. 2th St.; 6 rooms and an extra room for bath which oan be put In at any time. This house baa gas. city water, electric light, beautiful lawn, sbadt and fruit trees. A very desirable little home at a low price. $1.200Florence; overlooking the river; 6-room cottage, lot Sxl32. a very attractive place and a splendid bargain. Trr:- can be arranged on any of thes proper-tie. Payne Investment Co, Bell, Doug. 1781; Auto., A-l 188 Entire 3d Floor Ware Bldg.' INVESTMENTS $1(1,0003 brick stores and 3 flats abovi bringing a good income and alw ay rented to same tenants tor 10 yrs on car line and corner lot. 10.."iU 3 frame stores and R flats, above steady Income of $i0. a month On car line and never vacant. i li.i.o-i frame stores and 4 fiats, renting for $100 a mouth. All In first-class condition and tn the best of loca tion for an Increase in value. $ 4,000 S-room housf and 11-room house, on paved street and close in, renting for $42,000 a month. Can make terms on any of the above. ,. P. DODGE & CO., 15th and Harney. AN ELEGANT RESIDENCE We now offer for sale one of the finest nrnnertlea in tha West Farnam district, comprising a. very substantial irame residence of fourteen rooms, very conveniently arranged and hand somely finished, and spacious grounds 136x165 in dimensions. The location is unsurpassed. For further informa tion apply to THE BYRON REED CO., 'Phones: Doug. 297; A-3834. 212 South 14th St. $2,500 Lot north of Farnam, on 3Sth Ave. bill, east front, 60x169, all specials paid; best view in Omaha and surrounded by costly homes, built within the last three years. This location is a II. e one. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1002 3 4 N. Y. Life. D. or A-2152. Morrison House Oiaaonallv across from Home Miller's $2,V00 place. Are raising It and licuting It. Price, $.1,000, plus improvements. Harrison & Morton Wanted Listings We have buyers waiting for proper ties that can be sol I on easy payments. We will advertise all bargains. Have buyer for flat properties. V. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam St. Tels.: Doutf. 1064; lnd. A-1064. OMAHA'S NEWEST ADDITION. Th most beautiful laying medium priced lots in tiie any. m nheiman Ave., prac tically walking distance. lit reel paved, ewer, water, gas connected without coMt 10 buyer. Soirw lots are as low a $,M). Terms: cash, ba anr i each year. NOWATA LAND AND LJT CO, aull -4 H. 1. Lit bldg. Kd 1M. Lots in Norwood 623 Bee Bldg. One of the best houses In Omitl 13 rooms, best hardwood finish. Full 3 6-foot lot; one block from Oman; wlub, four blocks from poetofflce; tw car lines; Just in line with westward advance of business. A $30,000 prop erty for $12,500. No. $026 Dodge St ALFRED C. KENNEDY, Real Estate, Fire Insurance, Rentals 209 First National Bank Bldg. Tel. Douglas 72$. Genuine Bargains We would like to have you call at oui office and see what we have for aala be sld the following: 2M4 Hpsldlng wi.l be sold at a bargau and on terms to suit purchaser; $ rooms lot 40x124. larg barn, prlc $2,240. 2122 Lothrop Ht., 10 rooms, south frakv. hot water heat; plumbing and flxturw cost $1,000. Pee u and mak offer. 1403 N. 23d; seven rooms, bath and hat hot water heat; paved street and paid for You want to see this to know what 1. Is Ilk. 14 N. 42nd Pt. ha seven room and hall ground floor oak. Price very low. 102 ts. Sfth Ave. (this Is a pab); . rooms, strictly modern; will all cheap thll week. Int. Land & In v. Co. DJim. JlO-213 Bee Bldg. A-237S' WANT OFFER on S-roora modern house 210 Grant must sell, THOS. W. HA7.KK, I0u S. Kth. 'Phon D. 120ft. Boulevard View $3lO-a Chicago 8t.; lust completed, two storlee; four bedroom; oak and birch finish; first class work; built personally by owner; no commissions added. Inauirt 2M0 Chicago Bt. Tel. Harney ftkat. Dodge and 10TH ST.. $5,500. 7-room, all modern, large lot (L shaped) Could build aaothcr hous fronting boule vard. Looks like th right thing to u. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO, A t-ulte 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Ked 1M. CXJSY HOME FOR RENT A brand new. atrlctly modem t-roort house, east front, nice lawn. 2302 S. (Ml m. i.:r:gnton nrst. GALLAGHER & NELSOX, 4!4 Brandal Bldg. Omaha. Nab, 87x13 $52,000 Farnam and 22d Harrison & Morton t i s