The Omaha Sunday Bee. VAST ova WEATILER FORECAST. for NEBRASKA Flr and cold. For IOWA Fair and cold. For w-cftincr report ace pane 2. NEWS SECTION 'A01!i on TO XXOVT. VOL. XXXIX NO. 43. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 24, 1M0-SIX SECTIONS-FORTY PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. BETTER GUN MEN IN GERMAN ARMY Kaiser Wants Higher Quality of Marksmanrhip for Hii Sea Fighters. Omaha Protests BALLINGER TO BE VICTIM0P PLOT? Conspiracy Inyolring Gifford Pinchot and Subordinates Alleged by Defense. SALEM IS ALMOST Last Week in Omaha Charges to North Coast Unequal A MASS0F RUINS Fire from a Housewife's Kitchen Destroys Greater Portion of the Town. Complaint to ' Interstate Commerce Commission Other Cities Get Lower Rates. SHOOTING NOT UP TO THE HARK GEORGE OTIS SMITH ON STAND HIGH WIND HELPS FAN FLAMES t Result of Recent Target Practice Show Poorly. raON DISCIPLINE IS AT FAULT Individual Thinking Rigidly Stamped Out in Nary. HOME RULE TO ALSACE-LORRAINE Autonomy In Their Local Affairs Will lift Granted Cltlsena of tni Two Colonics nTrrl from France. BY MALCOLM CLARKE. BERLIN, April 23. (Special Dispatch to The Bee.) The kaiser and the German na val authorities have become converted to the Idea that In order to have a flnt clans navy something more la needed than the finest ships and most powerful guns that human Ingenuity can produce. They have come to a realizing sense that thu nan Is of fully as great If not greater Importance than the machine If his war fW-ot In to become a really formidable fighting force. ' Recent maneuvers and fleet target prac tice Is responsible for this awakening. The kaiser Is particularly exercised over the poor tnarkmanahlp of his naval gun ners. Even In the newer ships, mounting the latert pattern guns, and equipped with the most modern, sighting and ranging appli ances, the number of hits scored was very disappointing. The gunnery records of the American and British navies are very eagerly scanned In Berlin, and the kaiser Is asserted to have ipoken his mind very strongly upon the poor shooting achieved by his fleet. . Will C hange System. As a result. It is probable that the pres ent system of gun training In vogue In the German fleet will be radically altered. It Is asserted by those who are In A position to judge that both the gunnery officers and the gun crews themselves are equally at fault The officers do not seem to exer cise sufficient care In ranging their target before giving the order to fire. The cap tains of the gun crews, for their part, are content to accept the range as given them from the control stations and not to check It for themselves. . ' The position In the German navy today Is this: In Mllhelmahaven It possesses one of the largest and finest naval bases In the world, and a fleet of any magnitude could be fitted put there and prepared for war with a rapidity that could probably -' not be equalled by any other yard any where. The newer battleships and cruisers now completing for the sea will be fully the equal of any warships yet built, and ' their guns will likewise challenge compar ison with British weapons. It Is the personnel and the system of training that Is at fault, and here Germany la surpassed alike by the American, the British and the Japanese. This has been admitted for some time past by many Gor man officers of experience. The same ' rigid, cast-iron discipline that pervades the German army has been Introduced Into the navy, and every rank has had Us Initia tive and power of Individual thought and decision studiously trampled out of It I understand It Is the purpose of '.he kaiser to detail a number of bright young officers to make a careful study In Eng land, Japan and America of naval disci pline and the development of naval gun nery and that sweeping reforms will be made In the German system. Homo Halo on the Rhino. ' Alsace-Lorraine will soon be granted home rule, according to belief In best In formed cire'es here. While the people of the Relchland have not in principle ac cepted the right of Germany to annex their country against Us will, the lrreconcllables have died out and the autonomists who have replaced them recognise , the fait n,.rmnl and declare that if they must form part of the German confederation, they should enjoy the same privileges as the other states. That Is to say, that they should have ' a diet for the enacting of 1(,.. jlvgls atlon, should be represented on ihfriederal council of the empire and have a prince or statthalter nomlnatd for life. This would allow Alsace-Lorraine to main tain Its national life and traditions. In stead of having continual efforts made to crush them out of existence. The imperial government, I understand, have about reached the conclusion that this Is the best aolutlon of the question and soon will put a plan of autonomous government Into effect Berlin to Expand. If present indications go for anything. London will have to look to her laurels or she will have to give place to Berlin as the largest and most populous city In the world. Two prlxes of 16,000 each have Just Urn awarded by the municipal council of Berlin to A couple of architects, who were successful In a competition, for pro ducing adequate plans for the expan sion of the city. Berlin has at present. Including Immediate suburbs, a population uf S,U'D0, but It Is proposed to transform the caultRl into an atsslomeraUou of ,0tf. 000 of Inhabitant. The project Indicates an increase of radius from twenty-five to thirty miles, and provides for the presur vailon of woods, the laying down of rail ways, and other means of rapid communi cation, the mupplng out of broad avenues, and the construction of hygienic buildings, rendering Brlln not only equal, If not su perior to London lu vastness ad popu t lutljn, but very much handsomer, cleaner, ai d more comfortable. Muratou Mlsslouarlea Expelled. Mormon misalonarios are not wanted In Germany. The kingdom of Saxony has jutt e.xptlled five spostlea as undealrabte aliens. The Mormons have carried on an active propoganda in Europe, and ei iialiy in Germany, during tht lust ten years, end they have Induced a number of persons, mostly women, to iuirie to the Jitsadquurters of their cited and to adopt their mode of life- I'h) steal Tralalajg for 1'hlldrrn. A Berlin doctor has just published a Vol j Iuu.b In which he ionics some novel state s' intiils lth regard to the phynical ttatn- iCouttnutnJ Second Page.) WASHINGTON. April 21-Frelght rates on grain from Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs, la., to points of destination In the New England territory are alleged In a complaint filed today with the Inter state Commerce commission by the Omaha Grain exchange against the Baltimore A Ohio Railroad company and forty-two other eastern carriers to be unreasonable and extortionate. The rates from these points of origin to New York and Philadelphia are not complained of, but the allegation is made that the through rates from Omaha com mon points to points of destination In New England territory, north of Boston, are so high that Omaha shippers cannot compete with grain shippers who are afforded lower rates to that territory. A conflict In commerce between two Im portant western cities was developed to day when the Sioux City Terminal Elevator company and the Board of Trade of Sioux City, la., filed a complaint with the Inter state Commerce commission against the Chicago, Milwaukee ft St. Paul Railroad company and other carriers. The desire of the complainants is to have oioux uuy made by the commission . a basing point of freight rates. The com plainants allege that Sioux City is dis criminated against and that Its freight rates are unreasonable as compared with inose given by the railway companies to Omaha, Neb. The complaint requests that rates similar to those given to Omaha be given also to shippers of Sioux City. Socialists Arc to Control Affairs in Two Continents Prof. Kautsky Makes Prediction Regarding the Conditions Here Fifty Yeara Hence. BEWJN, April 23. (Spedal Cablegram.) Prof. Karl Kautsky, the famous social ist made the prediction today that within fifty years Europe and America would be ruled by socialists and that Russia would be a republic ' The Interview granted by Prof. Kautsky followed an article pub lished earlier In the week from his. pen, In which he predicted that Germany would soon be under the complete control of men with socialistic tendencies. ' "The new conditions will mean a cataa ttophe' for the existing order of things," sold he. "I do not mean "by that to indi cate a soola'l or Vinanel&l tmnlo of wosldv wldo dimensions, tsut merely to say' that one can -question, the wondnrful ad- l. vanoe of socialism In tooth Europe' and 1 , rr-. - ,. I il t ' T Amnrlnt. Twentv veara aaro the rule was nfi, sodRjism with a mild torm of '. the fews of socialism. People have ben educated and they know better now. ; "The socialists must move conservatively. As one eminent socialist In America said recently. 'Socialism Is on trial before the world.' A blunder now will set socialism twenty years. As we gain strength and converts we must carry out our propa gandas with general force. "Capitalists fear, or profess to fear the approach of socialism. Indeed, It would bo better for capital. If socialism were the prevailing power. "Conditions breed socialism just as much as the party spreads its own strength. WVttvin fifty years Russia will tie a re public and eventually it will be a social istic one, although that may be very far in the future."- V Abbot Called ' on Roosevelt BRUSSELS, April 23. The circumstances surrounding the retirement of Abbot Law rence Junssens from the post of secretary of the Congregation of Rel'.glous Affairs are given a somewhat different color In reports received here, where much interest has been exolted because of the fact that the abbot Is a Belgian. ' According to these reports he secretary did not willingly resign his office until he was summoned by Cardinal Merry Uel Val and threatened with dismissal If he did not resign at once. -v The abbot's offense Is said to have been found In the call which he made on Mr. Roosevelt following the latter's decision not to visit the pope. I BELGIAN RULERJi JOURNALIST Identity of Man Who Has BcesTwrli laa; Anonymous Articles on Economlo Subjects. BRUSSELS. April . (Special Dispatch to The Bee.) Belgium has lost a very able Journalist For several years an Influential Belgian Journalist has been publishing anonymous artlc!a on economlo subjects, which revealed an Intimate acquaintance with the world's commerce, and a work ing knowledge of the principal ports of Europe and America. Those contributions have now ceased, and the secret of the articles has been reveak-d. Ills Majesty Albert I. has now no time for journalism. Mistah Johnson's Parade is Declared Jeffries' Funeral "What'a that procession of automobiles golrg along ovtr there?" inquired the old rime policeman, as the Johnson party swung into Sixteenth street from Dou.'lai Friday afternoon. "Huh, don't you all know wat dat Is?" sniffed a young negro, as he eyed the old timer with disgust "Dat's de Jetfrlea funeral, an' dat big cullud fellah In the front auterin'blle is de undertakah w'at will offsyate at de obiqultiea next Ju-u-ly," with the accent on the last word. "What are you talking aout. boy?" asked the old-timer. In evljent perplexity. "list's Jack Johnson, man," said the boy, as if the mention of the name sufficed. Tells of Conversation with Acting Forester Price. REPEATS STATEMENT OF LATTER "We Like Ton, but We Do Not Like Your Chief." FURTHER PLOTTING AVERRED Witness Quotes Him as Sarin, "If ' Wo Don't Get Him, Balllnger, One War Wo Will An other." WASHINGTON, April 21 With the evl. dent purpose of showing there was a con spiracy between Clifford Pinchot as chief forester and certain of his subordlnatea to accomplish the removal of Secretary Bal linger, the "defense" In the Balllnger Plrchot Investigation today put on the stand Dr. George Otis Smith of the geo logical survey to relate a conversation he had last September with Acting Foreste Price. Mr. Smith swore Mr. Price had said to him that "We like you, but we don't 1 ke your chief." Smith said he Intimated In reply that If he did not like Mr. Balllnger he would resign as director of the geological survey. "Well, we know you are In an embar rassing position," said 'the witness, quot ing Price, "but it won't last much longer. If we don't get him one way, we'll get him another." ... ,' The "defense" regards this an Important disclosure, Indicating that It Pinchot were unsuccessful In bringing about Ballinger's downfall . by proving the Glavls charge-, he was prepared to attack him from an other quarter. How Claims Were Located. Mr. Smith occupied the stand during the entire morning session with the exception of the first half hour, during which C. C. ' Heltman, former chief of the mineral division of the land office, told how claims were clear listed. . Mr. Smith's testimony dealt with the relations of his department to the forest service In conservation matters. He was still on the stand under direct examina tion when the luncheon recess waa taken. ' In order to accelerate the progress of the Inquiry, the committee decided today ' to hold sessions on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of next week. . ... , Three Session a Week. Chairman, Nelson announced at the opening of today's session that the oom- i tntttee" had decided In an executive session S d rt t , mAaaitnna T' k ixu A m TIW-1 ,1 s !v ..?. "w nd Bnturday of next week. No decision wag reached regarding Attorney Brandels' 'euuest for permission to recaU witnesses, Mr, Heltman, whose division was. one of those which had to do with the "clear listing" of the Cunningham claims, de scribed the various steps taken In . such a procedure. His testimony - was largely technical In its nature and neither the at torneys for the "prosecution" nor mem bers of the committee displayed much de sire to interrogate him. , George Otis Smith, director of the geo logical survey which Is tinder the Interior department was the next witness called Mr. Smith had charge of rewlthdrawals of water power sites by Secretary Ballln gtr. While Mr. Smith was telling of a dis agreement he had with. Forester Pinchot, who, he sold, had threatened him with the "publicity cluto" if he failed to carry out his conservation ideas, Chairman Nelson Interrupted: "Isn't that a part of the conservation policy?" t "1 don't regard it as an essential part, but it seems to have been a part." re plied the witness. Mr. Smith then entered into a denuncia tion of newspapers and magaslnes which told only "partial truths." but relieved the puoncations from the resoonsihintw w clnring that the extravagant statements an en out to the press have hurt the con servation movement. Mr. Smith told of a conversation he had .ni xreeter Price on Septem ber 18. 1909. Mr, Price waa then acting forester in the absence of Mr. Pinchot ,,'Mr,'..Pr,C Bald to me whn entered his office: 'You're all right. Smith, but 1 -wV , Chlef'' Ud Mr' Smith. When I told him that I didn't corn" over uiociin mat ne ,a((j You're all right, but I don't Hke your chief." "We Will Get Him." "I replied that if he did not like my coat I would take It off. Price then re Plied: 'Oh, I realise you are In an embar rassing position, but It won't last long If we don't get him one way, we will an other.' " i . . . w "iiuin ma mr, prce refer? quired Mr. Madison of the committee. In- mr. uamnger," replied the witness. Calls Balltag-er n '"Yellow Dos;." At the afternoon session Director Smith told of a meeting with Pinchot In the lat ter's office on July 23. 190. during which the chief forester had charged him with "downright disloyalty' to his former chief, Mr. Garfield. He said" Pinchot accused him of giving out newspaper interviews "re flecting on the last administration," on the subject of water power sites and other pubilo land matters. "And who's Jack Johnson?" the old-timer, with a wink at the little group now gathered. "Is ho the discoverer of the comet, or what?" "Who's Jack Johnson! What yo' ben all dis time, o' man? He's de cullud man w'ats goln' to knock Jim Jeffries' block off Wen he gits in de ring on de1 fort' o' July. We's all bettlu' on him. for shuh." "Oh, that's who It Is, eh?" retorted the old one. "Well, me boy, after that flj;ht he'll be coming bock In a box car packed In Ice." ' Oh. rhucks, yo' don't know nuthln'," ihuutid the colored boy, as he ambled on, d.-fubUj through and through. 3aW7-" 'ffW HOMO U05. XR GROW J M fnjO- --3. C!b3&rr- W i y ll'I A , fKr" is: mMm-mm' "iliTiii'-iijlf J V '!v s Tn ymuUrmvav tou stay wrekx " fuWu" W'Ri: PUT !!' , , , . iVMT Local AT THE BIER OF MARK TWAIN Successor to Take Up Work of Dead , Humorist ' EULOGIES. SPOKEN IN NEW YORK Thousands View Dead Writer's Body, After Which the Party Marts ..for Old' Homo at vv V - "''Etntira. ; .... . ,' . NEW YORK. April 23. (Special Tele gram.) The .possibility that Samuel Lane home Clemens (Mark Twain) appointed his own successor in tho field of American literature. If It can be satd that the latti sage and humorist oan have a successor, was started by the announcement that his uncompleted manuscript will be completed according to expressed wishes laid down by Mr. Clemens before his death. Before the shock of Mark Twain's death had begun to spend Itself literary men had begun to Inquire who would follow In the footsteps of the great American author, but the interest attached to the wishes of Mark Twain" in this respect are not con fined to literary circles. In the army of readers who knew Twain through his books and loved him for his humor arvl true Americanism there is positively a larger interest' .' Who will be the successor of the famous humorist? It is understood that Mr. "Clemens ex pressed the wish that his tasks be com pleted either by one writer, or by several In collaboration, but the strictest injunc tion was that 'the manuscript should not he touched by any savt an American. His Unfinished Work. In the library at Stormfield, where Mr. Clemens ' spent the declining years of his ll'fe are a number of stories and sketches, some slight and some pretentious, which were started and never finished. Some ape hastily . outlined In skeleton dorm . and others are nearly completed. Mr. Clemens did not exert himself In his task, for he was ill and the weakness of sickness had sapped Inspiration from , his mind. He only worked when "the spirit moved him. a'l he said himself. He added in' his whimsi ' cal manner that he pever before realised how lacy-a spirit could be under the cir cumstances. But as .the humorist grew feebler,' he turned serious attention toword his uncompleted labor, and as he realized tfiat he would likely never touch It again, (Continued ion Second Page.) Turn to the want ad pages. See what on. You will is going find the very thing that you need, no doubt. In ' these pages employers find servants servants find homes. Landlords find tenants tenants find houfees. Bargains that you haven't thought of are listed In these pages. What has been lost, is hero. What has been found, is here. Altogether, it will be inter esting for you to wtule through it today. It may be that you will call Douglas 238 tonight yourself. Events as They Appear to The Eee's Congress Will Adjourn by the 1 Middle of June Administration Leaders' Expect 7 Complete Legislative Program i ' by That Time. to WASHINGTON, - April 23. -Congraas will adjourn before the... middle of June and pos sibly by Juna 1, It la believed byprosident Taft and the administration leaders. And before that time It Is expected most of the so-called administration measures now be fore congress will have been passed, or. If not, they would be in such snap that they can- be enacted ' Into, law soon after congress meets In Decsmbsr Operating In favor of the early passage of the five admInistiatlon bills, which are the railroad bill, the statehood bill, the postal savings-bank bill, the conservation bill and the antl-lnjunctton bill, are two factors. One Is the fact that a number of republican members of each house wish to get back home as soon as possible to pre pare for the coming congressional elections. Another Is that the passage of measures' advocated In the republican program Is the surest way, the leaders believe, of pre venting further democratic congressional Inroads. The statehood bill has passed the house, - Kin u.. ....a ..: one conservation bill has passed the senate and the anti-Injunction bill Is almost ready to be reported favorably to the house. - Of the five measures, the postal savings bank bill, the president has been told. Is In the greatest danger, for -although It has passed the - senate, It will have a rough time, it Is said. In the house committee on postofflces and post roads, to which it was referred. , Grafters Raise Defense Fund Charge that Indicted Men at Pitts bur?; Are Trying to Tamper "with Jury. PHILADELPHIA. April 23. That some men implicated In the councilmanio scan dal have raised a large fund to defeat the ends otf Justice and that tho present panel from which will be chosen Jurors, to hear the cases, is being tampered with, were al legations made to the state supreme court today by District Attorney William 'A. IBlakley of Allegheny county. Mr.' Blakley made his charges In filing an answer to the petition of Max O. Leslie, 'delinquent tax collector of Allegheny county, Indicted In the. scandal, who wants a change cf venue. - ' ' How Big is Qmaha? What Some People Think About It 1M.2H George Carter, N. IS 11.7,1V) Charles It. Wth. 3701 N. 18 Lr'2.164 Karle Heel. 60S 8. 2S IM.Wa Frank Kotera, 131S Martha 133.275 W. L. JaKKiir, N. Y. Life H'i.iMt William M. Wheeler, Lincoln T. L. Ha'.l. Council Blufs lwl.OoO Mildred Ixifgren, Benson lii.m ....Kutii McUowan, i'il 8. li l:i.S77 Victor L. Uintiam. 47M N. 88 13S.34.". iHrgaret S. Crocker, lilt S. 32 13 27il ildra. Llczie Brooks, M M. 1'C liW.7" J. 11. Brooks, DJj S. 2 1U.K.1 M. C. Cunningham, i:n N. ; U:X1.; L. C. tiruham, 472U S. S8 141. m 11. W. Graham, 47I S. Si IM.VS Gtrtrude Worral, Suit Bancroft IbT.iiTi. .J. E, Diffeiibauitli. th and liarniy I'll.!) W. L. Uobertaon, 21. Hi ('. lS'J.OoO Agnes M. l.arnrn. 2iU N 2 l7,(-'t. Max Flerman, HIJ 8. :i lf&.a.'O Joe ltcsenbluin. Wi N. II 1u-1.7mI Mrs. A. Joyce, t urtis 1W.4IO L. L. Lvls, Council Muffs 141,2; J. BHiker, 632 8. 37 HJ 310 Mrs. K. Sullivan, Si'lS, 8. 1J l:Ao3; 8. Reynold. t23 Dodge i:.i'V' Ruth Williams, Gn.nt Uj'.K'O Mrs. K. Steverson. hooth Omaha 14;,71 William Bulchar, Yolk 17K.310 J. B. Sedgwick, York lZu.uO v. C Buntiiad, Loomls I The Census Man Artist. CITIZENSHIP IN A REPUBLIC Colonel Roosevelt Delivers Lecture in the Sarbonne at Paris. ACHIEVEMENT ONLY IS GOOD Critics Are Parasites Who Aro En titled to No Credit-Property Be longs to ' Wan, Not Stan '. ( . Property. PARIS,; April 23. Theodore Roosevelt former president of the United States, de livered his eagerly awaited . lecture on "Cltlienshlp In a Republic," In the Sar bonne this afternoon. His sludlence was composed of alt of (he members of the French cabinet, students selected from the University of Paris and many distinguished guests, by whom the occasion was regarded as the most Important feature of the dis tinguished American's visit to Franco. In the. course of his address, Mr. Roose velt made reference to the subject of human rights, and property rights in the following paragraphs: "My position "as regards the. moneyed In terests can be put In a few words. In every ' civilized society property rights must be carefully safeguarded. Ordinarily i,., , r'S-hts and property rights arc funda mentally and, In the long run, Identical; but when it clearly appears that there Is a real- Conflict between them, human rights must have the upper hand; for property belongs to man and not man to property." Spends Day la Latin Quarter. Mr. Roosevelt spent today In the old Latin quarter across the Seine, wh'ch for centuries has been one cf the centers of the world. At 1 o'clock this afternoon In his capacity as a foreign member of th? French Institute, he attended the regular session of the Academy of Moral and Po litical Sciences In the conference ha:t of the old Laracln palace,' which Is now tne home of the Institute. This room was se lected Instead of the smaller room In which the "forty Immortals" meet. In Order to permit the pubilo to enter and because It Is the usual meeting place of three of the academies, the Academy of. Fine Arts, tin Academy of Inscriptions and literature and the Academy -of Moral and Political Sciences. Aitnough Mr. Roosevelt la entitled to wear the green brocaded uniform of an actaemician, he appeared today in hn familiar frock coat dress. At S o'clock he delivered his lecture in the Grand Amphi theater of the Sarbann, -"here he was cordially received, in-r .-fr-.3rks were fol lowed with intense Interest. jj,miie Houtroux. who presided, after the customary routine business had been con eluded, addressed the academy on the re- (Contlnued on Second Page.) J;- w. Wlnshlp, 2!3l Franklin ''''', -. r. Alien, lieneral Unlivery M7,ii0..., Julia Allen. IMS, 1(1.141.. 41 III Cl.a.U. rtr... . . . ....Cliailes Hansen. 251K Franklin ...Knill Mobr, Kls S. II -W. V. Smith, 3412 H.ivd J- H; Sherwood, Oxford R. Taylor, 3.012 Bnrdette 1U..S... H;3 3.11... 1M.M0... 137.H17.., 116 OKI... 143.2i'7... Ii4.2W. . 1W.IO-3... l'., 127.SM).,. i;t'.ooo... n;.,o... 147.H7L'... IRI'10... ..Alfred Benson. Mlnrtnn ....Ralph Wynian, 34lrt c lifoinia .ora Conner, mill wi..i.r uumiimra, Ilncoln Sims Auguslln, Osceo'a .J. W. Swan, University Flmf Krnmt Crondes, Fremont .E. V. O 'henes. Fairfax, s! Ji J. P. O'Connor, 21 S 3J C. C. fclraube, 1720 Dorcas 14 Lo3 v.. . Trailers. H u mil 'H7.1I2... .Russell Milllman. Mlmourl Valiev l.r.2M Hoy J. Hill, Uf, Burdetii juoiini! uumi, lailNnmuth Ut.Mi- Chailea Wclland. L'mars 144.72) C. H. Hcranton, a.lij Cn,n W.0 Mis. Fannie Cruwdrr, Fremont l-'-.i"'13 M. A. Klrchman, Wahuo HrCt0 Herbert Ki-hulxe. Lyons l-"Uf .....W. II. Widaman, Norfolk 11,H3. M. C. Petersen, Smith Omaha l.l4 A. 8. Collins,., P ort Ornslm I4iYio2 J. II. Owen, !sJ8 Reward 13S.W8 E. H. Cochran, Denver Is Counting Now. For Six Hours the Blaie Sweeps on in Its Fury. ONE HUNDRED ARE HOMELESS Number of People Are Injured, but None Fatallv, BUSINESS HOUSES ARE GONE Loss Estimated at Mre Than Qoarter of Million Dollars, Including Business ' Houses and Residences. SALEM, Neb., April 23. (Special Tele gram.) Salem Is In ruins tonight. Fire starting in the ' overheated oven of a housewife's kitchen swept over the vil lage this afternoon and In six houra the entire business district and a largo por tion of the residence section was de stroyed. The loss Is estimated at between $260,000 and $800,000. with but small In surance. One hundred pertple, homeless, are being quartered with the farmers about the vlllnge and at Falls City. Twenty or more persons are Injured, none seriously. Four were burned In a dyna mite explosion at a hardware store. Some of the Losses. The principal business tnstitutlona de stroyed were: M. L. Dowell. arenernl m.rnhanillM in - 000. Khlldneck Bros., hardware. $20,000. Bank of Salem (papers safe), $ii.000. . Carsh & Co., general merchandise, $,1,000. Mulone & Pearson, restaurant, $5,000. Sitlfim Mutual Telenhtin rnmnnnv. $5,000. ' " southeastern Nebraska Telenhone com- pany, $5,000. Nebraska Telephone company, $5(10. Snyder &' Parrlsh, druggists, $1,000. A partial list of residence properties de stroyed are those belonging to .E. P. Emmert, A. Snyder, C. M. Coffee,' P, H. Brlsl, 8. E. Stouf fer. Joseph ' Wlndle. George Vandorberg. James Klarry, Wade Whitten, farm house; Methodist Episco pal church, $2,600. Those Injured In the hardware store ex plosion were: John McCool. S. E. Stouf fer. ' ' . . F. H. Brlsl. ' ' " M. li, Dowell. . - " . . Efforts of Workers Unavailing. ' The flames swept across the town, fanned by a strong northwest wind. The efforts of a bucket brisrade. enmnnsed hf .vnrv able-bodied person In t(ie village and fifty automobile), loads of men from Falls City and vicinity, were futile. The conflagrr- tlon mowed down all In Its path through the edge of tho town, leaving nothing be hind but the embers In Its wake,' - Dynamlta in a hardware store' explod ing, threw a vast volume of sparks and burning lumber Into the air, causing In- Jury to six persons. The volley of sparks from this mighty blast was carried far with tha wind. From this source the horns of Wade Whitten,, a wealthy farmer liv ing more than a mile distant, , waa fired. His home, barns and stock were entirely destroyed, incurring a loss of probably $10,000. No lose of life has been discovered. Virgil Grtnstead, clerk, while fighting the fire at M. L. Dowell's hardware store, where he was employed, fell through th roof to the burning Interior, but escaped with his life, though badly burned. Dynamite Explodes. Falling to the floor of the burning store. Grlnstead crept to the door to fall faint ing into the arms of F. H. Brlsl, one of the bucket brigade fighting the fire out sldu. He was painfully injured, but not dangerously. While scores of fire fighters were en- gaged In throwing water over the Shlld- neck hardware store the dynamite In the basement exploded, showering them with burning timbers. The blast spread the flames still farther across tne town, ine resultant fire at the home of Wade Whitten was not dis covered until two hours later by the tows) folk. The fire started at tho home of C. IS. Coffee at 12:30 o'clock. Mrs. Coffee was baking bread. The kitchen range became overheated and communicated the flamei to the walls of the d willing. Before aid could be called the entire house was In flames, whlc-ii spread before the wind, fir ing half 'a dozen other homes In the space of a few minutes. It was soon apparent that the entire town waa endangeied. A call for help was telephoned to Falls City, seven miles dis tant. , The fire and srnoke was already visible at that distance. In tha coursa of the afternoon fifty automobiles came from Falls City and the surrounding coun tryside. The additional help was of little avail, however, as the fire fighting ap paratus available was confined to buckets and tubs. Water could only be obtained from wells and clcttrns. . Practlcully the only successful combat with the flames .was at tho Metliodlnt Episcopal church where but a two-thlrdi has was sustained. The damago is esti mated at $2,W) to the church. Rescue by Automobile. All communications to the outside sav tl-rougn ' ths Burlington's tcUgruph wires at the btatlon, three-quartern of a mile dis tant from the town proper, was cut off when the offices of the three telephone companies were attacked by the conflagra tion. Automobiles, , runnJruj between Calem and Falls City tonight ,are carrying away the people whose homes have been do stroyeu, to places of refuge.' Many have beu temporarily cared for at the homes Of the counlry people of the vicinity, liven approximate estimates of the loss to tha village are difficult tonight. The Insurance policies car rlt4 are small and scattering mid will cover buta small fraction vt the ls(-s. In the destruction of several of the eighteen hoima burned, families have lest their all. 'i he dwellings lost averaged not less tmin fl.CC) each In value. Aid to tho Injured was render td by Dr. E. L. Green, Dr. 1 1. R. Minor and Dr. Gilffi.h of Falls City, who came early with the column of automobiles which brought reinforcements. An examination late tonight found the contents of the safe and vaults of the Bank of Hulem unharmed. The safes con tailed most of ths records and documents of valu