11 TirE BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY. AFRIL 21. 1910. - f v 1 i - f CHAIN lDPilUDlCE MARKET Spfcnlaiors Too Fust Selling Eliort U Heed Beports. 7L0WI53 CP . WLSIE1 WHEAT and ntlier nesrby f'rsts. i trt rael S at mars; purr-nt rce!(t. im rtumni ran. i Ho m murk: areiitem first, ifre esse-; 1?t at murk; rurr-nt recripta, tfres ce. at ma. C1IELSE-I'm:tinl. Rtrt ( kanli( at field ta Kmaaaia aad 5kraika Am Ms ' lasaa-a. . OMAHA. April 30. . Csais oa ht cams lower and JiJ adly weak. The apet-ulstlvs erase to sell wneitt anurt Continues and all crop news la Irn.niwi. ftepnrts from Kansas and Ne tii aatt ara nlil bullish and plowing; up of tne winter wheat flltvls ts becumin mnm f.-enral. More than likely the market will b oversolri and sharp reactions will occur. t'orn mumped off at the openlna; wtt.t W. oniy to firm up later when early off'-rtnic wera absorbed. Receipts ar vei-y moderate and shinpinir demand lm- prnvntl. . - ' . ' Wheat recovered slightly from the break at tl.e "tart, ca'isel by heavy selllna; on !"tr cahlea. Bear tr Mi it rrn4Tt im! lh mariiot iwelved llttla support as cif conditions show no signs, of I m pro ve na t. After th early break the porn market IkiuM hotter irer,-th than wheat and more than recovered the lo-s. Caeh sales were active on Harht receipts and small of f.-rinsa. wr taken at over yeeiertlav. Primar w heat rreipts were SeS.'. bu. and shipment were r.l.w) bu.. strains! receipts Inst year nt lte.(4l bu, and siup iu f St.uua bu. Primary orn receipts were MI.'1"" bu. and enipmenta were tai.ooO bu.. aaainst re i'Clpta last year of ZO.vM bu. and ship ments of 4.t4 bu. Cl arancea were lOK.ono hti. of corn, none of oats and wheat and flour equal to 65.W9 but . Uverprx closed m al"l. lower on wheat am? ."-,1 lower on corn. l'Vl rangs at option: Artlclea.l Open.) Hlh. Low. I Close. Yea y. ' Wheatl -. 4ay...l lOO'Aj 1 , 9Hi iuiy..j - i Sri vl Corn , J t May.. 52 KlVfcl 52 July... "4, &fci "Oai r" i ' I May.. 41 I 41. 41 I July... it-V ' 3-Si I w tVki I 41V, to 41 . Oma.au Caaa Prt V.IUSAT No. 2 hard. 9H41.00; No. S bard. saMu,?'c: No. t hmd. Se.toc; re--Je'd bard, ioWCo; No, I spring, swtill h; V No. 1 sprtntt, D4f-c: No. 4 spiins. !0!jti;; I Ho. 1 duruni, Utfatc; No. 3 durum, 81 SiV' CORN No. i white. W4c; No. 3 white, &."ii:c; No. 4 white. E2fj:4c; No 2 yellow, &AJ.2!rc; No. 1 yekow, M'aZc; No. 4 yel low. 4T'u49c; No. 2. No. 3, SKSic; No, , 47a,U'tc; no made. 38-4Ec, L OATS tjlandard, 4c; No. white, 39a ao; No. 4 white, 37yij'X,v: No. t yellow. 'U'VaSSc: No- yellow,. 3T'J7S!; No. I mixed. I7Ua.TSc. 1 BAflLEY No. 4. B(wjalc: No. 1 feed. 4ft?J f BTE-No. X WwraH!; No. S. nWFrPbc ' 1 . crta,t welwt. '" v Whe. Corn. Oats. Chicago 1 11nneapolLa 61 '.Omalii f a I 'tmluta 44 VKItTllER I.f THE 6R4U ICl.T Rlnlwat Tartr in) He-weal tweww M leMwrl mm H we It. lew. OMAHA. April . ll The eaetarn dlfturhance still erwrhanes the lower iake rlon and upper Ohio valley an1 nneettled weather continues general thrnuRleioit that section. Rains and now, with Ireeitn temperature, were general over the luke region and Ohio val ley dunn 'he las twenty-four hours, and nows eont'.nue In the lower lake renm and extreme upper portion of the t'hlo vwliey thla mnrniiMf. The weather has cleared generally tnrmiKhout the central vwllevs and west Into the mountain n temperatures ar muish higher throughout the Miseourl valley and amng the eaMtern Kockv Mountain slope, iieavy irome oc curred again last night in Kanna.t. atiao'nirl and eat over the cwitTal valleys. The weather will be fair In thla vicinity tonight and Thursday, with warmer tonight. The following shows the tamperatnraj amd precipitation lor the last threw years: " . W10. lanA'COT. Minimum temperature .. 67 Jl Precipitation .13 M .00 Normal temperature for today, hi degrees. Iieficiency In precipitation sinca Marcb 1. I.M Inches. Deficiency correepond Ing perfod in ISO. l.Vl Inches. Deficiency correspondlnf period In 1.24 inches. U. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. Carm aael Waeas Regrlaat Ballefta. For Omaha. Neb., for the twenty-four hours ending at 8 a. m., TT.th meridian time. Wednciutay, April 28. 1910: -OMAHA DISTRTCT. Temp Raln- S'atlons. Mm Ashland. Neb.... M Auburn, Neb 1 B ken. Bow, Nb. 70 (,'oliimbua, Neh... S Cnlhertaon, Neb.. 0 Falrhury, Neb... tK Fairmont. Neb... HI t;r. Island. Neb. 7 Hortlnirton, Neb. S9 Hantiniis. Neh... H9 HoldreKe, Neb.... 77 f akilale. Neb fl Omaha, Neb ) Tekamah. Neb... M Alta. la 54 Carroll. Ia 58 Clarinda. Ia ft Sibley. la Eo Sioux City, Ia... M Minimum temperature for twelve-hour period ending at 8 a. m. Not Included In averages. DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. of Temp. Rain. SEW .GK&5I0CliS AND BONDS Occaiional Baying from Bears Forms ' Principal Demand. C0PPZ2 A5D STEEL WEAK Mwwewreat Rewwew Oatsat PI Irwa T at pi lea t'akrallky ros4ltla la' Trade 4dwlta tw GI4 ICaaai la. n;tr TTI.orO; dil-er dollars of 1T. t3Tn-i; siH-vr certtf!rate ,uttanding. US ..T4 treral F in' Htsrdard silver dollars In general f'ind. IL.M4: current ilMlltle. lmi.7.1.1 : working balance In treasury of fices, tl't.Ml.TtH. m hanks to credit of tree- urr of the L'nl'ed state. i,.iwni: "uo-idlm-v silver cotn. J21.7M.J: minor en. fl.ai.uil; total ba.ance In general fund, SM.- "CP. ."01. CHICAGO GRAH A."D PHOVISIOXS Fewtwrew el taw Tradlnar aad Claalac Prlen ea Board mt Trade). CHICAGO, April 20. After a maximum 'ilmii of Mi . cents wheat recovered and floaed at a sllgtit net advance. Com and oats werw Imitators of wheat., although - Kistnir leew and gaining mora than the major grade. Provision registered another material advance roararaieaa ot a weaa nog mailt. . ... ... n Initial decline in wheat carried May diiwa to 11.06 and September to 970. a r drop at lSe and lao respectively. In thla r;v tlro of l-d at Liverpool waa Influential . lowgg for the moment burdening" the pit . wrtn their -ofTertnga, soon apoaranur u moved Into playing safe by reiteration ot i- reduced crop In Kansas, rushed into the breach and bougnt actively. July touched M.'SaVv"OMwlier. c and May. , r-tiW.H. May Closed a ahado up at SLtVi; r July. 1o higher at ll.nfrl.o'A,;- and Sap- ten i her ic Improved .at !:i Jc. i" Corn prloee. followed wheat, tn tba ear! de cline and latar showed greet Improvement. Mav moved eetwn WW4aSe. There waa "a -tmir demand for caah com and piirew ' held steady. No. I yeUirw sold at oa'c. The clow waa atrong for -ail the futurea, with May inVi up at 67Vn57rc. Invratment buying took oata prices away from tha weak start. May worked up from Mia. fail. tkv. . .( Clear 2S .o Clear .tm Clear 27 .00 Clear 3 .On Clear 31 .o0 Clear 2S .0(1 Clear .0 Clewr 2S .00 .Clear 31 .00 Clear 35 .00 Clear 3t .) Clear 32 .() Clear 28 .00 Clear 31 .00 Cloar 29 .00 Clear K .00 Clear 31 .00 Clear 38 .00 Clear Stations. Max. Min. Inches. ' Ammru UnM .... Central. Columbus. 0 1 Louisville. Ky 19 ruiAfllHJn. iiiu.i m. w " Chicago, in tn 9V Louis. Mo 13 Pea Moines. In.... 14 Minneapolis, Minn. 30 Kansaa City. Ma.. Z4 Omaha. Neb 19 Reins and snows were general In the eastern portion of the corn and wheat region during; the last twrenty-four hours. No precipitation la reported west of the Mississippi river. Freezing temperatures were again general ovr the corn and wheat belt and heavy frosts occurred in all portions. L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. Weather Bureau. NEW TORK. April 20 Ppeciflo etiwej were not clearly perceptible for the weak neaa of Storks today. The demand waa apathetic Oceaslonal buying from th bears to realise profile bv covering shorts constituted the principal demand, but prices ended at the lowest. The persistent sellina- of Cnlted Plates jiel waa of notable sentimental effect on the general market. The dealings In steel tnede up a large proportion of tne aggre gate. Estimates of the earnings for tne first quarter, to be reported at the direc tors meeting next Tuesday, accompanies the selling. Assertions that tha total would fall below the 4flio.00 total of the De cember quarter seemed to discourage stot k- boldera. although the lull in trade has been wen known. The coppers were even weaker than tee and were affected also by the falling price of tha metal. The movement to reduce the ortput of pig Iron, coupled with the advo cacy of curtailment of copper production, Implies an unhealthy condition In those trades. It Is probable some degree of specu tatlve depression waa reflected from the commodities markets on the stock market. This ia contrary to the usual order, owing to the fact that the declines In grain and cotton are due usually to promising erop prospects. The effect of the government Inquisition Into tha cotton pool Is held re sponsible for much of the unsettlement The additions to the gold export move ment wr an influence towards depres sion, although no direct effect was per. cepiible in the tone of the money market. Rates for call loans, Jn fact, were some what earner and the demand for time loaDa also la reported to be almost st&trnant. Discount rates were firmer In London and It la to that center that attention is directed for money market Influences. Bonds were heavy. Total sales, par value. n.9e0.ooo. United States bonds were unchanged ml eail. Nnmber of sales and. leading quotations oi aiocas were: Bakia. Hlxh. Low. d AlUn-Ouklmees Amatsamatee Onppsr ..... American Aatfenitural Amefiimn Beet sugar . . -.- AoeVu ru Aakerioan Car Jk T Amarteui Cottoa Oil American H. I. pfC.. American Ire swi'iantiea 44 S4 . 50 3 .30 jti 36 .30 4k " 34 .HO 50 X .00 S3 30 .00 M t . 00 31 .00 62 32 .00 5EW TORK GOERAL MARKET Tarloaa 41c to 44c. tha otaar fiiri moving , May cliwi July -j. Wlti It. The close waa strong, with. May 7uHc Receipts. 18.00U; shipmer H;Uc higher at , mtMAy. mIxenr3 2Wi ar.d nls took on from 10c to me. Final figures for the May nrodnnts: Pork. 2Bc up. at 2U.O; lard tSj3&c hiher. at JliJTtf li40; riha l.nc up, at The leading; futurea ranged as follow: Articles. I Open. High. Low. Close. Te-y. Wheat . May ." July C..ru I kl nM Mm a j . July i - fcvpt. Dets May July " bVpt. Pol K May July BVpt. - LsrO May ' July. BVpt. -B'b-e-. Jsay. TV: July 1 Xrl 1 0T 1 05 1 H l 0S1 I I .1.1 .... :0lt6iH, W, O!! Hi 611,rg12WO't a, GJiai 61 it haH:Si3!?40( i41i.94j 4SJj4rk 41tif 4-v41S"i i 21 M il li 21 ao 21 NO 21 TO a ao 21 37 a as i U 17m 12 Xi-st 13 t 1 U 1& l IZ 3xi 12 7Vsi 113 12'i 12 22''. 12 0J II i 13 10 11 : U is 12 ID Ut a oo a 25 a os a 37H a ttw a S7H 13 40 12 06 12 27H 12 05 12 2& 1 12 W7 15 30 12 Ml, 12 US 12 (C ia o;va u itt - N. 2. Cash nwotatlong wera as follows: ' Fl-'iTH Weak; winter patents, SJ04fS..'B; -wuitiev siraighta, t4.3tM6 :i; sprmu straights. H.tL.f. bakers. ti6.3o. , u KKlsi Nfc t. ic kAKLLl'-Fewl or mixing. 40Q5OC; fair to i choice ntaiting. 6'4ao. i HKKna Timothy, t4.60; clover: STLTS. - KK ) Vl.-lN Mess pvrk, pr bul.. 32130 ; H, Lard. Br 1U0 I ha.. Jl2-3;'o l4u; i. anurt rila. sidea, lonm) 311.U..J2'41 short .: eUmr nu-n i boxed) $13 jwuiXTa. ?- Total olearancna of wheat and flour were equal to bo Out bushels. Primary receipts were ll.uuu buaucla, compared with K&.'JU0 , bimhele the correpunrtlng day a year ago. ICstimated receipta for tomorrow: Wheat, 3 cars; corn, lu cars; oats, 33 cars; bogs, 17.: head. Chicago ("aah Prices Wheet: No. t red. 11 i'ii ut-'t. No- red. l.0.wTl.O'; No 1 'bard. l..-il OT: N 3 hard. l.tihl.t; No. .3 spvir.jf. l.tiH.W4. forn: No. 2 man, 67. j,"tc; No. 3 rash, rAijfSc; No. S white, a-ftMc; Nv S white. i'-vsi:ic: No. 3 yellow. - iee. )l: No. X can. la-JVc: No. I wiuie.. 44c; No. 3 white. 41B4oc; No. 4 while, i 4W!Pc: siantlard. 4,"t44o. KLTTEH c'reainerlea, W-fiUc; dairies, 22 tl ."Sc. Ei HIS Receipts. T.S27 ces; steady, at - niarav eaaew tneluded, 171 U"tc: firata 20c; prime firsts, 21c. CM hUUriii firm; daiaiea. Ut1Sc; twins. liViiHc: young Americas. Wrc; long horns. !4'-i t I4'5. Pttl.'I l:i Firm; Jurkeya, 17c; chickens, : lite; t.i n ITu. VEAlelraJv; to 0-lb. wts.. gfflc; f to ivi-rb. at., frulOc; Si to UO-ib. wta.. ItMtUc. .. r . Ke.iita Today Wheat. 14 cars; corn, oO ' car; oata, 126 cara. Killmated tomorrow heat, s caia cum, itt tars; oals, ii cara. ' Kamu City Grata mm Pravlaiwaa. KANKArt CITT. April WHEAT May. j bid; .July, neVi'V, Jt. . ' Mii.ra. C wnct,oed. No. i hard. tl.OL'-r No. JL h,, No. I red, L. Nil 4. 101iwi. l OK.-ilv jp iatr aelUM-s; July. ilva bid. Se;it.. iSr Int. Cmi uneluni,-,l 10 H-ilc hiincr; No. 2 mixed, S7c;, No. i, tV a wbite. ttr'T,!!.!,.;, s. v ijx i4 l iirlHinucd. .u. 3 while. 42tj4c; N.i 3 non.vi 4( u4.v. i i;yh-. . .xv. . r . ' "iiAM 1 in -'uuiti d ; chiJce tlTiothy, 31l; efsol.-w r""1l"'. J'" TT. j 11 ia!, cico aif-la. t :t 1 Ti it-1 ncnangetj; crramerv extras. t.K'Aji Kc Inglur: current receiita, new caen. S! 75: nitat'wilanieius ciie.ii. 3&..0; oumcr-.'.M, li.; ii 'rjd packed. Jo.15. . .Philadelphia Produce Market. i'- i'.AIi!- LJ-ilIA. April Jl' HI TTtH- ei: eii wrsii rn cifa ocry. neii t y rij! 1tiu; god ujiuanJ, Penuy Ivaula tAaotatloaa mt taa Day Coaamodltlea. NEW TORK. April SO. FLOCR Julet and barely steady: spring patents, tu.3&'i 5.50: winter straighta. 3S.0IXa&.10: winter patents. ST.2V66.76; Kansas straights. t.Xf 5.10. Receipts, lfi.730 oliia. ; shipments. 4,430 bbls. Rye flour, barely ateady; fair to good. S4.2bf4.46; choice to fancy, 34 Sou 4. S. CORN MEAL Steady; fine white and yel low. n-ioyLlC; coarse. U.25j'l-30; kiln dried, H-25. RTE Nominal; No. I western, SVic, C o. b. New York. WHEAT Spot, easy: No. 3 red. ILISH; nominal e. L f. : No. 1 Northern, Sl.lEHu f- o. b. opening navigation. Option: Wheat waa weak and lower at the start under further liquidation on the weak cables and poor eaaff and export tjemand; but prices re gained the loss on covering by shorts and closed at unchanged to 'aP net decline. Export sales were fifteen loada of Mani toba at outposts. May' closed 3L13t4; July, 31.0"i: September. $l.m4. Receipts, 7.SO0 hu. CORN Spot, ateady; steamer. 62c bid. and No. 4 nominal elevator export and No. 4 nominal elevator export baels. Export No. 3. 63HC nominal, f. o. b. Option mar ket was easy tinder liquidation by specu lative longs but rallied with wheat, clos ing Irregular at c decline to 40 advance. September, menta, 2.0UO. mlxerr26!&32 pounds. nominal; natural white. 2tVj32 pounds, 46 4t4Xc; clipped white, 3442 pounds, 4&-tQS2c Receipta, 16.250 bu. HAY Quiet; prima. 31.10; No. 1. tl.10; No. 2. Wen SI-00; No. 3. Kka05c. HOPS Dull; state, common ro choice, ISO. Z3tn26c; 1903, nominal; Pacific coast. IStiS. lfi'fl'.Sc; 1908, nominal. HIDES Firm; Central America, 2Jlc; Bogota. 2Ti23c. LEATHER Firm: hemlock firsts. 289 Z?c: second, 23'27c; thirds, 24 2&c; rejected, 2Wa Sic. PROVISIONS Pork. unsettled; mess. 324 &0fi-R.(W; family. I26.00J527.00; short clear. Sa.7i02T.5a Beef, steady: met. nstKMt 16.00; family, 31D.Oijgi9.50: hams, 324.0Mf2S.0a Cut meats, steady: pickled bellies. 10 to 14 IbB.. S15 50j 17.00; pickled hams, SIS.SOIT.00. Iard, firm: middle west, prime. 312. wvj 12.M0: reflTMd. unsettled; oontlnsnt, 31S2E: Bonth America, 314.75; compound, 310.0Ck W..A TALLOW Dull; prime city. 7tc;' coun try. 7S','r7M!. BICE Steady; domestic, StfSHor Japan, 5Hit5Sic. BITTER Steady; creamery held, second to sneclal. 24ft31c: creamery, third to first. 2S.i31c; state dairy,, common to finest, 24 S2c. . CHEESE Quiet; state full rrrom, new, best. 1:14c; common to fair. llWilSc. EGGS Easy; western regular packed, first, at a 22c; southern, regular packed, first. IlB.ISa. POULTRY Alive, strong; fowls, 20Hc; turkeys. 14i30c. Dreased, dull, but firm; chickens. liulSc; fowls. lilDc; turkaya, 17JT3C lrt Xl rMi 4s, pie t- T44 T44 4 l.BVI SftJ T"4 11 1'4 1(H 1, t m4 i no - f nut m as u i.oiw rtH a rr H 141 14i 14 ns S1H 60 Xo mhi i mi 108 . a r4 h 41 t, L04) 1244 131 134 it! in , OA St ITS 3T 3.4M 4l4j 4i 4 , i.S 114H HI 11IH iw im liav. i" , ; us 4" ill 1104 lii4 ant it to n4i .90 l T 74 183 , T.M 41 414 107 . 3" , S S 4i im a at ?h 53 '.' Va' liiii' lsat" if . 1,300 14144 14S lt Loearm4lve American 8. a- R Amarlran m. a R M Amertrwn Steel Fntindrta A men 1 Sugar Rsf ...... Amarlran T. T Amerteao TnttMca pM.... Amsrtoan Woelea Anaconda Mining Ce .... Atctilena ................... Atehlsnn pfll Atlantl C. L Baltlmoea a Ohle FiethlMnoa at4 . Brook 1 rn R- T Cknxlion Pasilis Onlrmi LMther Central Laathcr pfd (iMitral ot New Jersey..., n,tiwmke a Ohio Chicago M. West new rhicaao A Alton Chleaco Ot. Wrt pfO.... CUteago M. W Jll.. HU. a St. r. c, a, c. a St. L rolo. Fuel Iron , CeK. a Southern ........ Consolidated Oas Corn Products Delaware m Hudson Denrer a Rio Ormnde ... Ownr a Rio Orande pfd Dtsttlienr aeeurltlea Erie Brio 1st pfd , Kris 3d prt .'. Ooaoral Eleetrla Great Northera ora ctta . Oroat Northern pfd ...... Illinois Contra! IntortiotmiBti- ktot. ........ Intftrbormixtl-Met. pftl...M. Unomatlonal Harraoior . Imor-afarlne ptd Inurnatlonal Paoor ..... IntoenmtinnaJ roatp. - lewa Contra! K. c. aoathsra 4a. C Bwtaom Btd Larledo Oaa l.ft" 14 ttfoievtllo Naskvllla ... son !! IMnn. St. L l' 4 K1H Bt 1 . t, " New Terk Meaty Market. NTTW TOP K. April . M"KY-Cm call. stady at 2'u3 per cent; ruung rate, J per per cent; cioslnff rid. r per rent: orrererl at 3 per cent. Time loans, dull and sort: sixty days. 3 per cent; ninety days. t per cent ; six manlhu. 4 per cent. PHI yi Bt Mf.Ki. aa uuv 1 a 1 isiv tiijiq per cent. aTERI.INri EXCHANGE flteadv. with tctnal business In bankers' hills at ft SUi 4.M.I for sixty-day bins ami at 4 , ; or demand; commercial ouis. it.iuvi W )NDB uovernment, stenuy; rauroaa. heavy. tTlnatnc quotations un Bonds war as follows: a rat. la roa....JeX I C let r-f 4s OOMoa 1W ntMet. ....... 0. S. to rm. 'WHUit r. 4a oowpoo ..lfTHJaean 01 O. S n 1IH do 4H ioobob - ...1 K r. B IM Is-... Allto-Chal lt So T-u tt lleb, 4a tlttij Am. As. to... ltd L. a N. an. 4a Am. T. A T. ev. 4s. .1"T.. K. a T. lot 4S Am. Toeareo 4.... 1I do iren. 4Vs SK Am. Tobaero 4a TH miaootiri racino 4a... To' Irmmr a Co. 44a... BUN. SV at a. 4Sa. ... f4 Atrtiiaon BOO. 4s T. t". g. I've MS do CT. 4 Ill1 do de 0 Ml do ev. ia 1U"W. T. AY U. e. Itn, At. C L. 1st 4a K'a.Nta'. a w ev. 4e....hi4 a. a o. ta . Partric 40 i4 do its . -4 do la rt do 3. W. IWs .ir S. L. rM 4s ra Br. Tran. cv. 40.... l&SPean. ev. Mm tltlSl M4 -, ot Oa. f 1 do eon, 4o l'nv, Centnal Loathor fcn'onn Romdlns gen. 4a 9 C. of N. J. (en. UlUHSt. L. A 8. F. fg 4m. . X?i4 Cboo. a O 4Wa Hl4r do sen is " do ret 4tk or. invest. L. S. W. een. 4a 7714 :. a A. IWo Tl 4o Kit gnld 4B '4, C, B. Q-, It. 4s.. t4ea board A. U 4a.. S do BOO. 4s nSo. Pm. ent. 4a , M. S.P. g Ho s to- ev. 70IS C. R L P. o. 4a m do 1st ret 4s U do rffl. a. s4go Railway as 11 Wi Ind. Uu 7 do son. 4a T4 Colo. Mid. 4s T7 Union Paotfle ov. 4.1W44 C. 8. r. A ex. 4Ha T do Bt and ret. 4a.. tt Del. Had. ev. 4s.. rt B. Rnbher fm ....l'H D. R. O. 4s n VS. net Id to.. . .104, do ref. 5o U.Va.-Car. Ilx-m 6a.... Dietlllers to. TlWabaari lot So 100 Et4o bt. L 4a. do kd. and ox. 4a.. Tl " gen. 4s aiw. Mt. 4e BtSj Mo eon, 4s 7HWat. Woe cv. ta... do cv. 4a oar. A.. T Viim. 'Crural 40 M 00 ear. B TO Ho. Fa, ev.osetl.l4 Gmi. IClee. ev. ia. . 14014 Bid. )rforo4. OilAHA LIVE STCCkv MARKET Beceipts of Cattle Are Liberal and Trend of Vs-lnes Lower. HOGS SELL ACTIVE TO EIGKIH 1 aaaaawawaSaaea Dwwaward Martaieat mt Prtrea la Ckerked Dewtw LI Wravl asly kea aael Laaak Trad U Dwll. SOUTH OMAHA. Neb., April 1510. Receipta wera: Cattle. Hogs. Sheen. Official Monday 3.i9 4.; . S.4 Official Tueetlay 4.1 ..""2 Estimate Wednesday 7.4U3 I.tMl S.1MO Threa days this week..l5.a7 20 W7 10 T Same days last week.. ..17.313 ri.."l 1 Same days weeks ago.. 7 4 l.2-'7 rlame days i weeke ago.-12.S17 30 SIT 14 .774 Same days 4 weeks ago-.17.SUS 33.273 24.371 Same days last year....U.4 S.108 13.343 Tha following tabla shows tha a vera ire prices of bogs at South unlit for the last aevtral days with 00 oi pari eons: 110. 1. Inc. Deo. Cattle 307. J74 T71.4W 35.SH4 Hogs el.tTfg (Uo,.;.T4 ..... 14S Sheep 4CL727 &S.444 S4.714 Data, I 110. 1803.13.13JT.(13C. (lSo.tl304. 1 sesantlsa. Quotations furnished by Samuel Barns, jr 614 New Tork Life building, Omaha: Beatrloa Creamery, com City ot Omana 4o, li-S Cadakr Packing Co. ia Iowa Portland Cement as. Iowa Poet. C Cow. a Nebraska Tl. BtorS par cent No. Piatt Vol. lr. Co. (a, 1IC0. Ooaha Water Ca. la. 1W4 Oiaaha Water Co. is, IMS. Omaha Water 3d pld Omaha Oas S. 117 Oraaba R. U a P. 5. MXt.........4 Omaba B. U ptd i per cont.... llmut St. Br. oa. UU .......... Omaha a C. B. 84. Rr. is. 193. ...... Oni-oa a C B. St. Ry. od Omana a C. B. 8t Rr. earn Omaha A C B. R. B. ptd Paotria T. a T. 5. 1JT Hhiwvoport O. a K. , 14. south Omaha, Olty ot Topeaa Rr- oa. : - Wright a Wllholmr Co Unloa a. T. stock. So. Oauiha. a4j 4 1 10114 10414 I at 1(4) 1 1US t4i loot, 10s US) lul M Mt4j 13 ' 11 8t St4 SB M R as 14 M4j 10014 M 4 44 71 T44 4S 4S as ag 44 MSTt 1(.3 a r, tt April IS.. April a.. April 13.. April 13.. April 14.. April 13.. April 13.. April 17.. April U.. April 13.. April 30.. is t Ta 43i rx s I 7V, 43l343l4l 7 Oil I 4 4 :tl I 4 31 S 4k S MS f DAi ' I In I W 4 ST. SI S( I 4M S S 311 4 m, c ,'oq s r) 3 l I m I 361 t 4HI SiH t 81l i 231 14SJ I I S3! SSI t 511 6 23 4 t Ml t9H I W 44J J ?T 4 75 S W ( 93 S S4 341 421 t 23) 4 33 r I vs .- lea I 4TV4 .jh 1 rv, rr t 7t lit rr I ia 1 W IW tm N in tr a t IT p . . a M 34 a t ... M .m ... I te n 1 i sa it . 4.. m. . 44 . 4. . T4 ... t . . rr 4 . I'S ... w . pi m " . t . . w ..r 4s ..4 , JT , ... . Il . re ki ..m ..IM ... . S t .. ... ( Sunday. Receipts and disbursement of live StorH at the Union Stock yards, South Omaha, for the twenty-fotir hours ending at 3 9 m., yesterday; RECEIPTS. Cattiex H ot?-i. Sheep, irr'a C. M. at Pt. P. By.... 14 Wabash R. R. 4 Mlaeourl pariflo 3 Union Pac'flc 93 C, 4V N. W. et).... 3 C. fc Sf. W. (west) 77 C, 8t P.. M. O.. 24 C. B. A Q. (earn).... 7 C. B. a Q. (west) ... 4 C. R. i. P. (east).. S C. R. L A P. (west).. 3 Illinois Contr&t I c. a. w . 100 4114 S 2 bOd SH4 ML 3.40 la Ut 141 60S IT 10 14 10 173 173 171 t,ol 4144 4?li ir4 wa 31 m two l44 i4 Ji 1.M0 1914, M0 44 a 47 4 JT So 151 ISO liO 300 ST1 3.50D II 1174 157H M 144 1S' 14 T.x S (B4 ISSfe 13.300 OH ?H 4 H S4 MV4 34 94, IM 1K4 . 609 . fl 4414 46 ii 1 n a MO H4 MV4 sg iw rr 7 47 St. ' Iewia Cawral Market. ST. LOUIS. April 30. WHKAT-F'utures firm; Miiy. SXOS'i; Juiv. HsSc. Cash dull; track. No. 2 red, 3l.tft(uLo7; No. 3 hard. fi.tr; 1.09. t'OHN Futures hiKher: May. B94aeuc: Mian., il r. 4 3 St, at. a., K. a T M., K. a T. pfd Mltaosn Parlfle National Ijad N. Ry. of M.i. 3d pfd !fow Tork Coatrwl N. Y.. O. A W Norfolk a Waetem North American Northern Paclfls Paclhe Mall ... Ponnairlvaala .............. People's Gas Pitta.. C C. A St. L..... PUtsoang Coal Praoind Stool Car Pullman Palace Car Railway Stool apnng . Readme ResuMt Steal Republic Stool pld .... Rork Island Co , Rork Island Co. pfd . a. L t t I. M pfd. St. Lt. Booth ooet u ... St. U Sotuhwoot. pfd.. Slooa-Siiomeld Stool a .southern Paein 1W1H "0'"t 1414 HH. U4 1U4 la4 IS. MO 4414 4t4 4ti4j lOO 7JH TH 7!4 700 Tl 4S a 3ra 8114 Kl 111 t. M 2S 3.1D0 114 12tl4 Ld4 tm 44 44 444, 1.UI0 104 1H KO "4 74 3.IUS tt 11444 13414 1U4 2 S M.71M 11444 1W4 l-'i4 New York Cark Market. The following quotations are furnished by Logan & Bryan. 31S South Sixteenth street: Omaha: Bay State Oas- 37 (lolilhatd Daley ..... Boot on Coneoildaud.. 10 Greene Cananoa .... 4l4 Butto Coailtloa ..... !3 Inspiration 7 11-14 Cactoa HLaroaa 344 China U4 Nov. Consolidated .. 31 Chief Consoltdatad .. St.Newbotiae 1 Fraction 44 Ohio- Copper J4 Oavie-Dalr 34 Rawtude coalition... IT OJ Bar Central 1 a- . Bwlft Pks. Ce 1' . IS 'soars. Roobork Ca...lft4i4 Rly Central 1 S3 6 33 10 4 20 1 i 3 112 16 'J u 34 234 Total receHptB 294 . DISPOSITION. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing; Co (M 1.331 l.oo Swift and Company L140 1273 L4 Cudahy Pkg. Co L4o 1.472 3.13 Armour & Co L'1 1473 2.723 BciTwartxachlld at 9 Iii3 Sinclair S3 Stein Franks 14 K Packing Co W. B. Vansant Co 71 Benton, Vansant dt Lush. 103 Stephens Bros. 74 Hill at Son 133 F. B. Lewis 33 Huston dt Co J. B. Root 4 Co....;.... SO J. H. Bulla Jl tL. Wolf HS a. wertnotmer .......... uo H. F. Hamilton 37 Ma A Kens. -Calf Co.. 20 Cllne 4 Chr.sty 27 Other buyers 133 SHEEP Thers was little action to the sheep and lamb trade at the opening today. In fact, bids of any kind were hard to got and It was well aieng toward noon before enough biialnees had been dime to est ah Hah a baeia of valnea. Warmer weather, which aiways exerts more or leas of a bearish lnfluenow on the demand fr prod ucts, and unfavorable wires from the east were two of the main reasons for the slack demand. Heavy supply and the feeling in killing circles that local prices are too high, aa cempwred with other points, did not serve to impmve the stiuailon. In the neighborhood of thirty-five double decks wre yarded with the shorn end of the run almost aa large as woo led receipts. Quality was very deoent on an average, but several ahlpmenta of heavy lambs still In the fleecs were received snd packers at no time lately hay taken very kindly to thla class of stock. Whan trading finally started, declines of lfcJT?fo wars Insisted upon and a large por tion of the offerings had to sell at thee figures. A few selected lots of desirable stock, mostly lambs, sold early at prices hardly worse than barely steady, but the buIR went at the decline noted. Movement was slow and dull from start to finish, oholce Mexican lambs tn the wool selling up ss high aa 3l0.ua. with wooled yearlings al 3" 40 and shorn lambs at 3 30. Current prices on shorn lambs are fust about 75c less and prions on shorn sheep around S0c lesa than values on almllar auailty of wonted shipments. The following quotations apply to the latter else of stock: Good to choice lambs. ft.aOt) 10.00; fair to good lambs, 39 0oT M); good light yearlings, fg.ltf.54; good heavy yearlings. 37 764141.16; good to choice wethers. fT.sbtf t; fair to B"od wethers, $7.50itiT.liS; good to oholce ewes, 37.v04)'7.a; fair to good ewes, 3s.75tj7.pw. No. Ar. 4M western ewes, shorn DO 103 western ewes, culls......... 73 144 western lambs, shorn la western ewes, cull Wi western ewes, shurn......... 1!2 western lambs, shorn 117 western lambs western lambs f, western lambs W7 Mexican lambs 112 western ewes. , shorn.. 19 western ewes. shorn.. 3R3 western ewoa. shorn.......... 101 33 western ewes, culls .. 73 203 western lambs, shorn 12 western swea, shorn.. 373 western wes, shorn.. 41 western ewes, culls... 40 western ewes, culls... as weot era swes .... 5A7 Mexican lambs .., ITS western wethers , 331 western yearlings AO west era lambs IV spring lambs . Tl M T. 10 00 T.782 355 3.370 Blr Witch Franklin 143uprtor a Pltlebarg 114 Olroax Ooldflold Cons., uoldflaid Plorenoa .. 34 14 Tnnepah Mining HTTlnuy Copper 7 444 Baualt Clearlaara. . OMAHA. Aprtl-20Baak clearings for to day were 33.015.1S1.25. and, fos the oorre sponding data last year ever 33,360,994.10). Cottoa Market. " NEW YORK. April 20. The cotton mar ket opened steady At a decline of 2&6 points tn response to disappointing cables, favor able weather reports and prospects of mors drastic curtailment by southern mills. There was a renewal of yesterday's cover ing movement at the. Initial decline, how ever, and during tha early trading; prices rallied, the old crop selling up to a net advance of 44)6 points, with soma later positions recovered to ths figures of yes terday. ' Cotton futures eloeetl steady. Cloao: April, 14.S9c; May, 14.7!c; June. 14.37c; July, Uffir: Auauat. 13.fKc: September. 12.96c; ' October, 12.36c; November,, 12.22c; December, 72 .... M .... 73 .... 73 .... W .... .... M .... 03 .... 04 no w w 7 ! .. 104 .. 7 .. 31 88 Pr. T 35 00 g 3 50 50 3 6 9 10 9 10 9 10 10 00 7 15 T ' 1 3 50 3 25 S 00 T 00 4 00 4 7S 7 9 IS 3 15 5 49 Chicago i-ivr: toc k . 'ti irket Cattlw a aid Skeew Markets Repwrte4 Low.r llagi Weak. CHICAOO, April 30. t'ATTLE-Itecelpta. l0ia head; market, inn Ua lower; steers, SX.ll0: COWS. t'Ajl-A. heifers. MJJ T.;4). bulls. 34 -om cs v... 31(Hi . Bto.-kers and feeders. M 7MT7 - Hi Mt Heooltts, li.ti head. market, weak: rhiit-e heavv, $S. 10r15; butchers, 33 U i9 2n; light mixed. Hi."-i:.0: .choice ItKht. 310'os'-i&: packing, tn t.o3.ul pigs. Id ,-t,o. bulk of sale, m IW. tfv. SHKKP AND LAMIAS Iteceipts, 14.0VI head; market, livvjif. lower; sheen, r ( lamba, JT Mu 10. 10: yearlings, 37 Oh-tf 1. Haaaai City l.lve a toe It Market. KANSAS CITY. April 80 CATTLK Ra eeipta k" head, Inclitdlng southerns; market for heavies. KVi to It lower; for light. Ion lower; for cows and heifers, steady; for calves. Jfco lower; chalee ex port and dnwwil beef steers. 7 Vut.40; fair to good. 3-7:.u7.3: western eer, 9 rv,t 3.00; stocker and feeders. 94 1t ; somh ern steers. K 3fHJ7.!": southern cows. ftiatSS S0: native cowa, f3.7An7.tw; native neirerv fTvAUVtw; bulls. fCuOiku.-": calves. ft.OO) ..) HCMIf Receipts. 13f head: marked. So to ln higher: trm. 9H.16; bulk of see. fx pg 454 jo- heavy. 3!0va9ir; packers Snd bnteh- r. fS-tiaLio; light. 3s.(nrs.s."; pigs, V !9 S.rA SHEEP AND ttMBS nerelpts. tOOS head: market. tedy to 10e lower; lam tie, 3Nii4i9 90; .yearling. 3S nfT9 3: wwthers, r.If"fR.7n; ewes. ftv5Wj ; stoekera and feeders. HOWjO-OO. St. Joaepk Live) Stork Mark. ST. JOSEPH. April . -CATTLE Re ceipts, liino head: market steady to low Icwer: steers. 36.51S' it': cows and JenTara, 33 '-.r7 25; calvea. S3.iitfl0. HtKls- Receipts. 7iT0 head; market steady to oc higher; top, 33 ; bulk of salsa, SHEEP AND IJIMPS Receipts 6TJ0 bead; market steady: lambs, fs.joy iftOJ. Stactc la' siarkt. Receipts 04 live stock at ths five) prlr . ClpaJ markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheen. South Omaha 7.m 7 no s.iKi St. Joweph S.0" T Kansas City is. .t"i Pt. Louis ti0 S jn Li Chicago 14.0O0 Totals .a.0M 63,809 22.114) erbert . Gooch Co Brokers xni Dealers SaaXW. noTxmawn, mXTW, Omaka Of fleet lia Hoard of Trade lUaA 3seU Tal phone, 3otirlaa Mil 3nd-su&aWn, AVItaarS. Oldest and lVairasa aVooss ia too Btatsa WE OWX AXD OFFER :XlAL&4 i.L s 400 ill nirt, ! H4!i2Uo: January. 12.1SC Tn lidS im 4 loi4 too 4 11 94 MO 4214 41 4t4 100 1W144 m44 ih ins 4x14 41 4V4 .103, TOO 117 1MH 1644 tua t it 314 we . 10. 4H 4"j 441 . 1.K4I 14 10 IW 414 44 in a s4 3t4 T44 71V Tit, 1.. 10 TT T .1 U.aiO 1214 1M4 13S4 SoaUiera Railway 1.JR 2S Souihorn Railway pfd .... 4u 4444 Tensoaaoe Copper .... Texas A Pacific Toledo. St. U a W.. Tol.. dt. u a W. pfd L'taon Parlfle L'nloo Paclfle pfd .... Cnitod Otate Raltr United Slates Rubber .... United States Staot -3SS. ) Sf I III tod State Staei pfd 1.700 lit L'Uui Cootr Vlrstnla-"arollDa Cham .. WabaeB Watman pfd wcetera Md. etfa Wootlncboaa itrla .... Wttont L nion WhoalLng A Lak kVl ... Total Salos tor the day SSKTOv shares. 14 2744 44 W4 a 41-4 44j Tn 1:14 a 4114 W4 am 4k 4414 tl.7l UTV la-4 ia4 :w M M M TT 4 8314 4114 la4 ikm 3.7ft 44 4 4 1.7' b i U aa e4 BS n4 T."0 4T14 44'4 444 LVO 4i 44-4 4T 40 4414 5 TI14 4H 44 4 July. 8lc. Cash higher; track. No,, i tiOc; white, eivjici?. No. OAT Futures iilarhrr: Mav. 41iic: Julv. 3Sij3sV. Caeh steauy; track. No. 2. 41c; No. 3 white. tSV- FLOUR Dull; red wlntrr patents. 95.15 5.M: extra fancy and straliftit, 34.j0tia.10; hard winter clers, f3.V.n3;J. TIMOTHY Seei. 32.vi.tiia. COH.VMrtAI-fSS. BRAN Dull; sacked, eaat track, 31.05? I.04. HAY Steady: timothy, $110i3U-a0; prairie. 3.2 : 1150. BAOilINil 7St HEMP TWINE To. P IKK Steady ; Jobbing, S2t.00j25-Oa. LARD teteady. prime steam, fl2.3SSiS 12. 4v DRY SALT MEATS Strady ; boxed ex tra shorts. lSc; olear ribs, 14Sc; ahort clears. BACON Steady. boxed extra short, UrSo: clear nhs. IKSc: enort eieara. IfiSc. pt LT R Y Finn : chickena, 17'4c; apnngs, 23c; turkeys, 20c; dvufta. 16c; genee. Kka, Bt.-TTi.il Ateadv; creamery. IT j 33c. EGUS Steady, Uc. Receipta. Shipments. Flour, bbls 44 7 Wheat, bu 21. Corn, bu 4t.o Oata, bti. JU.4M) ' Lmdss Closlaar Stacks. LONDON, April 30. American securities opened about unchanged today. Trading waa light and price changes wars uncer tain during the first hour. At noon tns market waa Irregular, with values ranging from S above to 1 below yesterday's New York closing. Loulatll a Naart...l4 Conaoia money II 4 Mo.. Kaa. a Taiaav. 44 "4 do ai-oouat u4 New Turk Central. ..1-T Anaoonda. ax-dlv.... 014 Norfolk A Wetarn..l('7 Atrhlaun f. do pfd St do pfd iet4 Ontario A Western.. 4 Baltlmor a Ohio 114 Poiioarlranla TO tanadian Paeine Rand Slinoa tHi'tieaapeak A Ohio.. 90 Rootftn H Oil. Ureal Woatern.. SI Boathom Railway .. BiS'.'hl.. ail. a 61. P...47 4vO Doora 3M4 111 Denver A Rio O.... 4444 :i4 d pfd sts, lMft En 11 W4 do lot pfd 4H 1244 do 2d ptd 3u CSOtul Trunk a 44iuttiot Contra! ....14 few MLVtRe-Ef. steady at 24Sd per ounce. MOlM:.-3tiJ'4 per cent. The rate of discount in tha open market for sttori bills is 3 3-lhVo2T4 per cent; for three month bills, SS per cent. do old Ooothorn Pacttl Union PaelfK .. A pfd ........ U. a. Htoal do pfd Wabash do f Spanlao 4a BUa Btewka aad Bow da. BOSTON. April 20. Cloalng quotations of stocks: Anal. Copper T4 Mohawk 54 A. - 1 B...... No.aoa Con Sc4 Arltena Cent i4 Mtpi ln Ulna .' Atlantle 7 Nona fiotta 9 B. C. m C rrta... U14 North Lake la Boa. m C C. A S 14 Old Dominion 14 4 bnitt Oaollllon rt Oeraoia 141 iiuiiMt A ana at Fumtt ia 3fl ! oi A Hecla " Cramer I fl"1 CeBtannlal ... lt Snauaon 13 ltLaUO 1 raor kaiia Coa .. tt Suporiur 41 Kaat Ilutto cop... Cotton snot closed quiet: middling up lands. 13.15c; middling' g-alf, 13.40c; sales GOO bales. ST. LOU13. April 20. COTTON Un chanimd; middling. 14c: sales, 200 bales; receipts. 1.775 bales; shipments, 7,S5s bales; stock. 3S.720 bates. Waol Xarlwt. BOSTON. April 30. WOOL HeAvy move ment in nearly all- grades especially In fleeces, at somewhat lower prices. Is noted In the local wool market. More favorable news has been received from tha west where growers are- reported -to be willing to shade prices. More' than a million ! a..., Total .48 CATTLE Receipts wers fairly liberal to day and tha general quality of the offerings waa about as good as lt has been at any time of late. Bearish advices from eastern marketa. torether with ths liberal receipts. naturally tended to create a lower trend of values, and although there was a very fair Inquiry from both local dressed beef men and eastern shippers, bids wera generally lofel&a lower than yesterday and tne bust nesa was slow from start to finish. Heavy cattle were discriminated against by ail classes of buyers and soma of ths desirable handy weight grades snowed comparatively little decline as all classes of buyers wanted them. It was late In tha forenoon before) much trading had been dons and the gen eral undertone to tha trad was deilodly weak. - Ths supply of cows and belters waa by no means excessive and with a good, gen eral demand, the market held very nearly ateady, at least for desirable offerings. Medium and common cows wers indifferent sellers and it generally took shaded prices to mors them. Veal calves wers fully steady, but tha market for bulla., staffs and rough stock generally was a shads lower. - Business In stoekera and feeders was mod erately active, as supplies were not large, and thers waa a good showing of country buyers tn ths yards. Good stuff of all weights commanded about steady prices, but there was the usual dull snd weak mar ket on the low grade and off-quality kinds. Tha volume of business waa comparatively limited." Quotations on cattle: Good to choles corn fed steers, . $7.i'j S.OO; fair to good corn fed steers. ft.OO'i.OOr good to choice cows and heifers, 36 sr4 75; fair to good cows and heifers, 34.7&r6.66; common to fair cows and heifers, S2.7!a4.50: good to choice stockars and feeders, to. JO 17.00: fair to sood stockers and feeders, 3a.0O4.00: common to fair stockers 'and feeders, 33 Tt4.7!i; stock heifers. 33.754.50: veal cjuvas, H.2S43a.2g bulla, stags, etc.. SXf.Oit&Ou. Representative sales: . BEEF ST8.Tf.H3. No. Ar. p. a pounds of Ohio one-quarter blood changed hands recently and there) nave) Deen some hfavy sales of territory stock. Domestic quotations aa follows: " Ken rtickv. Indiana and Missouri. three eighth blood. SJr; quarter blood. 2Mj''0e. Scoured Baals Texas fine, twelve months, iR'iiO-c; fine, six and eight months. 4ti-5c; fine fall. 5fc&fc. California Northern, iVwfilc: middle county. Ixwifitic:. fall free. ittftUi. Orejrun Fjiatem No. I staple. tjSrritl. rev: eastern clothing, tkrcwlc: valley No. 1, MfrTCc. Territory Fine staple, (c; fine medium staple. nS'utite;. fine clothing. 62v tvic; fine medium clothing, 57Sc; half blood. ilrg'Dc: three-eighths blood. 5i-5So; quarter blood combing, 54"c: pulled, extra, 70c; fine A, tic; A supers, 57ijic. No. Av. Sa lt ling T 40 tl 10 7 44 I...., 10e0 1 fe : 1167 7 5S 40 7 54 U ,...114 1U 17 1171 T Sf 13s T 44 IT 14S4 T It 4 1171 T 78 M Ill T 73 41 1U4 1 73 47 14H T St 1. 1473 t If Ceffew Starke. NltW YORIC April 20.-i:OFFErE-Ths market for coffee futuraw opened ateady at unchanged prices to a decline of 5 points in sympathy with the showing of Euro pean markets and as a remilt of scattering near month liquidation. Most of the near month longs seemed to be replacing their sales of May by purchases of the later months, but. in spite of bulllBh' Brazilian crop estimates. - ths market added to its Initial loss, closing steady at a net decline of 5 10 points. Sales of 42,000 bags Included switches to the extent of 2d.O0O bag's, chiefly from May to March at about 40 points. April and May. 36.15: June, J6..B, July, 3fi.tJ5; August. 3 70: September, Octo ber and November, 34.75; December. 3t.30; January. So.K2; February. 38.84, and March, b.34. Spot quiet; Rio No. 7. Hc: Santos No. 4, JJeC Mild quiet; Cordova, !4'0l2Sc. I dii 1 P-am f ' sp oils aael Itwelat. SAVANNAH. Ga., April 20 OILS Tur pentine, firm. S3c: aaiev bbls. ; receipts. 47 bois. ; shipments,. 3at3 bbls.; storks. .4tl 1 l)W. I Ki 'SIN Firm: sales. 34 bbla; receipts. vj this : shiiinventa, 7T0 bbls.: stock, i rfOS bt;. vjnote- H. 34.12's; -. 3434; E. S4.; K 35-O-S. O t'; H. f5. ITS: L 95.39: K. $:' M, 3i.s0: N, 3i.s0; Wii, fS.00; WW. .vt -I-L15. ....... 1IL, CITY, Pa. April f.-tlll-'Wretlit lia.aiue 1 A Mho.; niita. St) j,0 hois ; aver as, li.sn-t ht'i 1 sOiyimHita,. -Aa-41 bbla ; a.vraaa, i..46 Milt. Kanaka Hay larlrt. CfAHA. April 29. HT-No. t. 39 ': No. S. UK mi; pecking. f&. '.imv: Wheat, -i; r an.) outs. 37 00. A tnlfs, 312.A1. Tno soi jilj of poor hay 1 muli heavier tittn toe denisr.d una-. ''m.iv e'lints to liny th p.ioior quu,:ly. Tlvre I1.1 heeni a imWfJ !n,T. i.t t:ie anpulv' and at f-re&etit tie nr4 a number ef ears of hay ttu Uie ion.1 Kri i:.t lo one w ul buy. .. Supertor A Bniua,.lM .. 144g Suponor a Pitta .. II .. 4 Temarack aw .. 4 C. . ol A Oil.... 414 .. C. S. S. Raf W .. IT do pfd 414 . . 1144 rtaii Cua 134 .. 444 Winona f .. 144 wolverine irt .. S4 Slew Twrtt Hlaraf Stawks. SEW YORK, April 24). Closuis quota- Praoklln Olrottx Con ...... 41 ran or Ooa Groan t'ananea lu goraJa (C) korr Lui Laao Coceer .... ; Leaalla Cotear . Miami tapiM- . thtns on mining atui",s: A tie 3S eadmlle Cna ...... 4 urauawKX. . T Lull. Chui , 4 ii,ni. Tuortai aloe... M Idexiran 134 do brad 'f iiiumIi rb Con. t at. A Va !4 Oi-air 136 Horn Hllvav 4 Ht.r.oard . 4 it e,i.v .44 Tallow Jack ...... at Ultsraa. T meter y St a tea .(. WASHINGTON. AprU 30 The condition of the ir4,irv at tha tWKir.r.tr.g of business Uiday ts a follow: - Tiu.l i'utids Uo.d ooin, fA6,177,i9; silver Metal Market. NEW YORK. April 20.-METAI.S Stand ard copper was weak on the New York Metal exchange today. Local dea.era quota lake ctipper at 3U.TV4 U .00; electrolytic, fl2.iCS0 12-75; casting, 312-aoa 12.62S. London market cloeod easy; spot. L4 loa; futures, 57 10a. Tin. dull; all deliveries up to tha end of July quoted- at 332.7;i((m.25. The Englitih market waa firm; spot, 1T0 5a: futures. CdI los. Lead, dull; spot. 3l.i 4.4s; London market unuhanged at 412 iss 4d. Spelter cloaed easy; spot, to.auuA.ra); London market urn-hanged at 3 7s ad. The Engl 1Kb. Iron marke was lower at 50 7Sd- for Cleveland warrants. Local market Unchanged. UT. LOUIS. April XL METTALS Lead, firm. Speiter, dull, f&.40i 4 4 is M Id 10 ,01 4 ' 14 11 7 4 43 40 tTT 4 54 it rt is 4 lt T ( 13 PIT T 04 14...... M IN S 1144 7 19 ii..... on T it 23 114 t 34 (2. 114 T 14 1040 T M Utt T X4 . cows. ll 4 19 i 1044- f ft in 1244 4 40 11 14X1 4 T4 14 1-44 I HEIFERS. 44 4 44 n , 4M IN II...... 4K 4 OS 41 443 t Tt BULLS. no 4 s i lrso 4 3. 1421 4 id 1 1. ...Utl 4 14 CALVES. 1 4 4 04 3 3 14 t 74 4 4 Ii5 I STOCK ER.S AND FEEDERS. t W IH 11 44 4 33 oi IS ' ...' si i ao I. Ml I k moucj Deaptta a liberal supply, ths auwnwara trcna oi nog values waa rh,kM thlB morning aad movement was agree.auiy active from tha start at figures steady to a shade higher, aa compared with yester day's average trade. Buyers were all out early with good ordera, and while ths volume of shipping demand ia atm re stricted, outside inquiry snowed more life man tor some time past, tiood light hog were favored by killers thmtiahonr ian.i any Improvement In prices was mors nofii. abie on shipments of this description Practically ail of the hogs had changed hands before noun. A larger share of supply went st fx.iSMf tno. aa compared, with yesterday's bulk of o ami o. a, i opa remainea the same, ft.iA. Representative sales: HOGS. It-..., 4.... 1-... 4.... 4.... 4.... 14.... I.... it 4.... I.... 1.... 3. ...11M 4 ...1U31 4 35 ...ItiA 4 4 ...Ha 4 at ...1140 4 7 ... T5T 4 14 ... 714 4 H ... 470 4 ....1010 I 73 ...1774 4 ...144 - 14 lr i as IS 14 t. Lewis Llv atea-k ' Market. ST. LOUIS. April SB CATTLE Rec-eipts. touO htaul: including atO Trxans: market, steady: native shipping and export steers, ps.wwi 4 HO; dressed beef snd butcher steers. 9). y .4 uti; sttera under LOjw pounds. f&.inO 3.10; a l ock or and fevers. 34.u(4d ia: cow and heifers, P j7 m; cannena. 32.0tVil.23; bulls, 34.uOuAM; calves. 4.7iia.l0: Texas and Indian steers, t.Ml-lU; cows and heifers. 33 Ofnii-; 36. HttiS Heci ipta. 8.303 head: market. steadv; plga and lights 37 fiy.ut; packers 9 15JO9.10; buU-hera and best heavy, ff u. J. 15. SHKKP Receipts. 1.000 hed: market. I atneiiy; native mutton, 37.jwv!5; limi t. I 3m 'i lC.SO; ri'lis and bucks, 14.00 JS j4l; tockois, 34tH'3 7.i. Swear and Mwlasavs. ' NEW YORK. April 20 -Sfij.AR Raw. stalv: muscovado. test. 3.74i3.r7c; cen-t:-'f utral. tet 4 .'4.H 27c. Mo ax are auxar. & test. 3.4vtji2c. Krtlntfd, -qu)i; orueutd. S.ilc; grauuiaLed, 6.10c; yowtlenrd, Ma Av. gb. p. Sa , . a, sk. Pr 41 141 S 4 7 M T a I n 17 ... IT! 41 31 a 4 a 41 174 ... I T4 T sol ... g a SI ll I 44 SM ... IX) 4t iJ 10 I 44 M w ... I tn IS HI ... 4 T 3n4 ... S X 44 I 4 4 I P 4 t li 4 Tt 164 144 I 44 71 14 ... I4 TJ 1.1 34 4 b Sl7 4 I at 4 tt Ill SI I 44 X 115 ... 3 44 St 3 M o IM ... I 11 1.4 4 I W 74 1.4 44 4 4 41 l ... 4 4 t4 117 ... 4 m Ill a g 44 44 4 14 U 141 v) 4 71 li 14 I 4 It Ml ... 14 I: 14 I 44 14 44 I M at IH ... I Tt t7 ... 'l t 41 14 IS I at 4T 144 f 1114 4 2.1 441 I 14 U U4 Win VI 43 14 Mi I at 14 ... 1 44 4 tsf ... IM 71 MS - . I 4 17 1)1 4 I V4 T a I 44 It V.t M id 71 &4 I k4 J7 IM 14 f N 4 J..4 IS) 4 a a. . m a 44 I 114 N !4l S I t w 3!l It I a ft 3tt ... lag tie o I as ; it ... im ail ... 14 1 41 14 ... 44 tli .-- 4 44 ID ..144 ... 14 44 IJ 40 I i K at: ... 4 M U -.11 ... Ill 4t U ... It 4 U7 4 4 a 41 2(4 a H I am a 4 14 t .? w la I ... I 40 4 I 94 ' 4T ' 4 4T4 w ... 4 43 4 2 4 4.'4 41 M ... IS 2,000,000 Pacific Coast Power Company First Mortgage 5 Gold Bonds Dated March 1. 1910. Da March 1. 1040. Optional at 105 and Interest Marott L 1915. or any Interest payment date thereafter. Semi-annual interest payabla March 1 and September 1 at Harris Trust 4 Savings Bank. Chicago. Denominations 31,000. In coupon form, with prtvtl; of registra tion aa to principal only, or tn fully registered form without coupons. Pending the preparation of definitlva bonds, temporary bonds will be delivered. Harris Trust and Savings Bank, Trustee The Pacific Coast Power Company owns lands and water rights on the White and Stuck Rivers, in Washington, within twenty miles of Seattle and fifteen miles ot Tacoma, which, in opinion of engineers, are capable of the development of 80,000 hone power at art exceptionally low coat, and when completed, this plant will be one oC tlie most valu able nrdrxeeletric pavnerti!s In the United States. The Company also owns more than slxty-eix per cent ot the common stock of The Seattle Electric Company and mora thau seventy-two per cent of the common stock of The Seattle-Tacoma Power Company, which ' corporatlona have been in successful operation for many yeara. ' CAPlT.VLIZATIOJf (Aa officially rctortd) AnthoriziMl Isnetl, Prrfrrrv-d Cumulative Stork.. l.SOO.OOO None Corarfrort SUtrk 9,0OO,H)O $0,747,300 Flmt Mortgasie Bonds 10,000,04)0 2,000,000 ' -1 Additional First Mortgage Bonda may be isutl only ander connerratirr- restrictioDa of tlie truHt tlecd. NET ISOOMB APPIJCABLK TO PAYMENT OP INTEREST OS THESE BONDS IS OVER THREE AXD ONE-HALF TIMES AN NUAL INTEREST CHARGES ON ALL OUTSTANDING BONDS. . .. t ' For full information regarding these bonds reference br made to a letter of the Stone & Webster Management Association, managers of the property, copies of whicb may be bad on request and which aets forth the following important features: r " '. . Is Bonds ore secured by a first mtr1gace upon very valla- ..." able lands and water righta now being developed. 2. Aa additional smrity fur the bonds there la depoaitttl . with the Trustee $4,125,400 par value, of the common, stock of The Seattle Electric Company and $l,(i:i7,44H par value of Uas) commoQ stork of The Seattle-Taroma Power Company. - 3. At present market price of tha stock of the Patdfle Coast Power Company there Is an equity In the pro perry over the bonds of approximately $0,700,000. 4. Company will serve a - population now estimst"d at 430,000, Including cities of Seattle aad Tacoma.' WE RECOMMEND THESE BONDS FOR INVESTMENT. Price 97 and Interest Special Descriptive Circular on Request ' ' BOND DEPARTMENT Harris Trust . Savings Bank . Organized as N. W. HARRIS & CO. 1HH2. Incorporated ltX7. MARQUETTE B17ILDIKG, CHICAGO ' N. W. HARRIS COM New York X. W. H-UIRIS & COw, Btuttoa Financial Talk No. 2: A reliable investment in a 6 Railroad Bond is seldom obtainable. By reason of our facilities for inspection and investigation we are enabled to recommend such an in vestment to our customers with assurance. Sometimes we are criticized for being ultra -conservative. ; Perhaps we are; we regard it .. . as a virtue, not a fault. . - ; ';' ', If you have funda awaiting profitable and safe in. vestment, we invite correspondence regarding tfu;se 6?a Railroad Bonds. LAWRENCE DARNU.MQ CO. BANKERS. Philadelphia. 27 fine St, New York. rkliingtov