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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1910)
THE TEE: OlfAIIA. TTEPNESDAT. AFFJL " im 4 t aomrst t i nf eo'Tnn In prugpsdlng Or eaoe enrf.m hmort. frifjrrrat!nn wee laid bfnr William 9. '-illCSCARl HAILS ROOSEVELT i Inni. aseintant tn the attr" -r Tnrai. a-i Eats Urae-a aai S'ile. :n ar of trust pniw.mti.mi in t?i d I Populace al Badarjt Acclaiai Hlra II .ut Asrw-r. psrtnwnt. indicating the fa.t that a nom ', ta;nat:rm hxrt N lin-mrd btwen a sum- j j er of iperatorv to buy up ail if the j I mainlrig unue-d ratr omton pref;ir"ei in trie u t..t-..t.w ...m.,.a. , ..... rwa-ltl. a the ruit of the nprt".nns of this pool (nan( Xaks nfl( freea the print of th.s cotton has rad? om at tb,e Great Btar tlrs-WarMs Cr-urnst SUtsamia. CUT GITZ3 . WZLCCXS tarry ana Ctta Wx r- a a - Cmk a. 9raa ta Cm fkat asms In Tajaaa B Para Visit ta tan. Ham ef rirllnnt. in- ! klrtnml an anjpty In fi if the normal j price that the cotton, manufacturers had ) greatly reduced their output pather til an i buy at thia exorbitant prlr-. throwing out ' at rniolovwnt iigwiMi of S per emit of , Irha ooiton mill operative, of the United BTTDA F-EST. April la-ff-avy rainstorm Sat ml time i-wuiting In the monopoilxa- 'hie afternoon did not prev-nt Colonel Man of the mora vtalb.e aupply of raw Roosevelt from disposing of an exceedingly 1 rr tn rhe m.rk.. and the diminution In strarHWUa program. Thia included a lu..cha n earamprco tn cotton BTHwia. TORIC. Anr-I 13 A fedenl yatiat;an w'tnaut precedent In this coun try will be started in. New Tor tomorrow. The attorney (innii of tha Cnited States haa ordered an inquiry into t!io agaatle bull mrtmn!it in cotton, with whscn tha namra of juinj A. Patten of Chicago. Frank B. Hana and William P. Brown ut Saw Or!an and Euipn Saia of T'xaa ha; liei-n popularly connected. HlfB a.-ui Brown both app-ar aa da rnclaota In lha prjcatl!nia. but it could out ba lan-d wh-thr Mr. Pattan wi'.l ba autrpunrd at Chicai t roma hr and teaury. lis haa hn-n gnnm-ailw cr-d-ttL. hiiVDVor, W'th bains Canc:i (raiua of tha pool, and In racaut lnti- ylawa ha has outiinwl ma SuiiiHn poHit:nn and" hla dirmlnation to C.ifhc the aup biiwnI lnar cliuua which haa ben roahip- nn eotlun to Uua country fnra England tha authcrWra of tho atata normal achool Normal Students Are Dismissed Exptilaioa of Seva Stadeati at Spear- CjJo. JvHam Attack on President Cook at Caace HalL SPSAFISIL 8. D., Agrd a. Sictai.; Pubiia dnncea not rwceiv.uK the aanctlon in aa- mwleavor to brwak taa markpt. wui nerpaxrer Da taoaoed oy the Tha buil movement haa rachl auch a i f Jdenta. but tha Incident tht brrmeht Ho-a. huwpvpr. that thr ara mmora af J ahaut haa resulted in the UBpendlns a ponaibin May corner in tha New Tor , and expulsion of eevan at udenia, botit bays BiarKet. N'mr brfure haa the sovernment ! and giria. each of whom waa found rullty U'lrouadt aimilar act:on aitainec any pool I of lnaurtxirrHnat tun by Prof, turrnr In the marliet. eiifter on tha iung I head of the echooi. 1 at tha Rovai Pa,ace. where aa the irueet ! of Arhduae Joacpru a receptl-.n at tha Far j liament houae and a r.ghtama: tour. whicB j comprised Y alta to tha unique ajrrt cultural I muaeum. built in lmltarlon of the celebrated gothic castle of Va;da HOTyad. where 5It Hooteveit waa espaclaily Interested- in tha conservauon and reforest ration work of Hungary. A portion of the day waa taira up with a call upna Franr is Ewetith, leader of tha united opposition, who is ill. a rialt to Washington monument; erected by lha Hungarian-American federation: an in;jeo tinn of tha studio of Zaia, tha Hungarian "wrujpror; a reception to the members of tha American colony at tha American consulate and a reception to tha Hungarian journal ists at the hotel. Hr. RooaeveJt and Kor mlt were tha rurata of the Austrian am bassador, Baran Hengelmuller von Hen gervar. and tha baronneaa at a dinner at the Park club, where they met tha leading I. -"K- representatives of tha Hungarian nobility. u u u or tha iiiort side. Jabperu a in laaaaal. Trouble over dancing- haa bera brewing at tha achool for soma tXraa past and tha climax catziu when a club of boys, not ...... . members of tha achool. gave a pubiia lsued at the direction of Mr. W!ckoraha.ra. i -n Connor's tui.l. warnings issued to the I tur1inf hiitt- attonilltitf mam jlanni B nn eominaoillng a dusen or more prominent! r . , JJaw T'jrk cotton broaera to appear before a apeclai federal grand Jury tomorrow tn testify in the matter of tha "United Stales aa.nat Frank B. Hayna and William P. Bnrra. The subpoenas demand the submission to the Jury of all recui ts. papers, letters, memoranda and asa agreement dated Keo ruary X last by Fayna and Brown and athers. Tha agreement, tha sutjphoenaa stated, was for the jrirehasa of l&S.OOO bales at cot ton far delivery In See Tark during tha month of March and July inclusive, at certain prices and under certain conditions. Tha fixing of the prtoea and conditions, tha government charsea," waa a violation of law. Expiree! Irtak La Pi lee a. Annonncement of the government" s actitm waa followed by a very exerted break In prices on the Sew Tork Cotton exchange, which at one time bid fair to result tn al most as great a demoralisation aa that noted last January. Sarty In April tha market bad a very- aevera setback under heavy liquidation and at that time thara were rumors circulating that tha bulla were abandoning their position, but a orm auleraola recovery In prices) since then emr gaated that tha selling had been largely- In tha wtiy of outside liquidation and during tha past wank or tarn days tnara have been raoewMt rumors of an tmpendlns; aquaese T?ia position In the near months at- any rata haa lad to heavy shipments of cotton a Sew Turk for delivery on eon tract and tha arrivals reported today were In excess of 3. OK bales, tnciudlnir nearly KOW bales from; UvarpooC wftfia tha stock, af'ootton available for delivery on con tracts has al ready Increased from ahoat ST.itDt bales to 13.00 bains. Evan so. It haa been aprrreh ended In local elrcies that amoutaa of ootton are: ring here from tha south, and abroad were not suf ficient to satisfy eompletaly tha one tracts held by tha bull leaders, which, have been astlmatad at about 06.Jt baiea. and there probabiy baa bean some scattered buying baaaot apon aa expected suLisaafal issue of tha) bull naiTipaign. The TralUaar laniaal. The sal Una which followed today's threat of nuasibla legal obetadea to bullish plans, probably represented In a large measure tha Uqaldatioa of this so-called trailing- tn. tereut. In adUlUun there waa andouhtadly soma sailing Lor tha account of prataaetonai tradara an. tha Idea that tha legal aution might fbroa th Uquldatlun of the bull bAUUngsv Csuaily clnaa a rodents of trailing around tlia loeai nng- aj pi asuad tha oulnlun after tha ejus that tha bull leaders themaaivea had mm 'an aed rather than reduced their aontracc holdlBga and tha market ruled aaiiatdarahly steadier In the lata trading and al.innd at b luaa of ocly frum. la u IS points tar 'Jtm day. Whan tn aawa of tha govromnta da alstun at first waa ctriruiatad tha market bara ma weait and uuaetiled and Inside of an tutus 1U eauon sold at la4 eenta or putnts eaiuts Aa high level ef tha day and aouvt aa- aointa under tha high, price af las', avail. May eiusad at laS oenta I 'ter- months aympathlsnd 9a tha near Doath -ttreait, but interest, was pretty much aunCoad to tha old crop. and. aside front tha cxfitarnenb with reference to Map ini July aoatracta, tnera waa no particular fratnra Saturaily tba prrmoaed g.Trern ment aaii'.un waa practically tha sola tuple tn trade circles after La a atoaa of tha market. All aorta at theories were advanaed as to tha ciucia ' fur the aantamptated suit. One mnu-rrrmiaim was that gnveranint afTidals hiul themacivea taaan tha initia tive, whiie otnera believed a aomplalnt braughtf a)"") sorae of ttia. Interests Involved on the snort side- of tha marker may have been raspunaible. In soma quarter an opin ion was expressed that tile action was In pratedly Mrnored. according to President Conk, until be waa forced to take drastic action. At the last town danca President Coot appeared and sought admission. Some of the oider boys grappled with him. braining the professor coneiderxbiy tn the melee, finally throwing him out. declaring that It was none of his business whether any students of tha school attended. But Prof. Cook thought otherwise. Twelvn students sent summoned on the carpet the follow ing morning-, and the whole school waa- re quired to a Urn pledges abstaining- from dances without tha authority of tha ofS ciaia. their parents or a-uardlans being like wise required to sign their assent to this ruling; which Prof. Cook received from the State Board of Bearenta two months agu, 9even pupils held out and were promptly dismissed and tha tmubia In thought to be at an end. l In the C-tptd at Vsuisngtcn ssd in ijzmiIj every stsc in tbe Uclea. krrcsa tcna art grang oo uto the reaaoss fer the Incressa cost cf Svicg. Fcxxi ez pecae hea became a strxna profclera ia numy fcrrnflfea, and a nticrr-Wkls protest fa being mmic agaiEgt fee present rare cfiaod pficea. We bare act hitherto fssUjrcd the crjuuonsj cf Asquith's Motion Finally Adopted GrxillotuLS HCe&aTirs Goes Tirougli Stormy Saiaa of Eaiue of CammasA, LCSCS. April SL After another stormy sitting; aristna- out of a personal Incident between William O'Brien and Chancellor XJoyd-Oaora-e. attacks by tha) oonsai natives an the guei ument's alleged surrender to John Badinond. leader of the naXionallsta, and a warm repudiation by tha ministers of any such bargaining, the House of Com mons tonight adapted Premier Asquith's guillotine) motion under which the finance bill must be disposed of by April 17, by a vote of MS to 32. Interviews Kaaaata. Perhaps tha most interesting feature of tha day waa Colonel Bonseveit's half-hour talk with Francis Kossuth. Although Kos suth's nam is still srnanymous through out Hungary with the independent aspir ations of tha people of Hungary, he la now living quietly, owing to the recent fall of lha Independent coalition ministry, of he and Count Apponyt were tha leaders. Tha Austrian government manifested not the allffhiasi. disapproval of the visit, on the contrary. Baron Hengelmuiler accom- j panted Mr. Roosevelt and was present at the interview. Koaauth told the ax-preeident haw In his iar! y life, which ba had spent In exile, how he had been taught to revere Amerion, where bis father had found refuge. Ha talked chieCy of tha material development of Hungary since Mr. Roosevelt waa here 'arty years ago. Politics, so far aa la known, waa nut mentioned. Tha rain did not dampen Che ardor of tha Hungarians. Wherever tha former presi dent went there weer crowds ta cheer him. Tha mter-parilamentary group, through Count Apponyl. balled him aa the champion of pubile honesty throughout the world and the greatest living statesman. To meet Colonel Roosevelt at luncheon Archduke Joseph had several notable Hun garian hunters and travelers. Including Count Khuen von Hedervary. Count Teieky, tha discoverer of Lake Budolf tn British East Africa, and Cbunta Zichy and Sxapary, who also have bunted In Africa. There fbra big game was the principal topia af conversarlon. Owing to tha Illness of the archduchess no women were present Colonel Bonseveifc today received a cable- gram from a group of Hungaxiana. with whom be haa dined several times m Sew Tork. extending greetings In connection with . bio visit heret (i Four American boys from Hartforvf,. who are studying In. tha seminary to CX tuent selvea to. car for Hungarian unmtgranta arriving at Sew Torn, called on tha ex president to pay their respects. WHISKY SLUMPS IM PRICE . FIVE CENTS IN FIVE DAYS la lUiaaia Wag Ceeaattma and Pall CeeC PEORIA, EL. April 13. Following cioeely on tha 2-crat reduction of last Friday, brought about by the American Spirits and Manufacturing, company. Independent distillers of thia district, today brought tha price down to C-Jt par gallon. This- is a reduction of S cents In five days, and there is a poaalblllty of a much further re duction. Independent distillers at thia dis trict, with a combined capacity of 1X.0W gallons of spirits daily, propose war oa tha American Spirits and Manufacturing ceicpany. "Molaemia spirfta," put on tha market at a cheap priua by the American aampany, hi claimed by tha local quotation ooramit tea repr as anting tha important distillers of the west to ba the causa af friction and consequent war. They declare the Ameri can Spirits and Manufacturing company makes, a grade of spirits from. West. India moiaesesj mora cheaply than earn, but It is said tha product does not meet tha re quirements of corn spirits. Garfield Talks On Water Power Former Secretary of Interior Urj-a Co-Operation of State aal GoTerameiit. EESTIH, April 13. Declaring that all the elements which go to make up a water trust arc In existence yesterday and tha tendency toward such, osntra.lffa.tian ia growing stronger, James B. Garfield, for mer secretary of tha Interior, tonight made a strong plea before tha Colorado Conser vation commission for co-aperaxion between tha federal and state government In tha conservation of water power resources. Mr. GarSeld waa preceded by Governor John . Shairoth, who, at tha morning session of tha meeting declared m unquali fied terms tor exclusive control by state governments. Mr. Garfield defended the course of far mer President Boasevelt In making use of a broad executive authority in making withdrawals of water power el tea, "In brief." said Mr. Garfield "the con dition la this: Tha federal government owns property essential for the development of water power. Tha states control' ma use of water within their reapectlva bouudV arles. In order to bring -together these two elements that are necessary fnr water power deveiopmrat. tha Jurisdlctlan af na tion and states should co-operate. In conclusion, Mr. Garfield stated, tha reasons for tha belief of himself and others that It la the right and duty of tha federal WiSHBrjTOif. D. Anrfl H-flwapt ! f"' 60 a"1 WUa ttoe Brohlams, a. eWTTrijnj nn aa. jivoa ax uiu a quiatuuna aval uj WITKES3 BALKS AT ASSWEH iiHUii'Ciji'Uliiiii GROUND CHOCOLATE sinply because it haa so marry other qualities to rrcocsaead it. Ect ia Taw cf the present situatica we urge epea every family to begin the rise of GbirsrdelTs Grrxrnd Chocolate. It will prove a ddightfcl staprise to thesse who have never tasted this delirifxa beverage, arid its use wi3 materially lower the cost cf the fcrmTy fixxf, because it is the most cothtive and satisfying" cf all foods. Try it trxiay. You will feci better, you will be stronger arid you will need less cf other foods. D. GbArmrdelll Co. Snaea- 1S33 n 2Z PKRER AD21T5 .COMBOE poisaswaswsBB Confesaei tiat SbcaSed "Beef Triat" Owns "Ifliepeadealf CoacerB. STATT5TOT CLSATES SZS3AHC3 ras aim tana af 'aatrrleaa FTag" raala aa afaJaa Seed Hla CTaavaawa. his authority for charging members af congress and newsnapers with, being cor rupt. John M. Maxwell, former editor of tha American Flag, tha organ of tha Mer chant Marina league, today refused point juaue) Ut answer questions aa to his sources of information. Ha avowed authorship cf letters Cgur- Patten, ' ouoeyicuotieiy in. ua mveansnoao. ine me American Jf -AH, mostly by him. con tained an article headed: "Word to Waeo iructon ' Correeponilonta' which, ba testi fied today, waa an effort to reply to un fair scorlee and baseless charges by some Waehlnarton correspondent. Ha acknowl edged tha only correspondents ba could mention were John Snurs of the Dee Momee Register and William Brigham of tha nature of a rebuk tn Mr. whose operations In grain of last year at- I N("'"nur laaua of ... irwirt..n.i .rmttnn 1 which wa written Wall street was stirred by- ttie nawa It waa widely discussed also In banking dr eies and much intrest will ba taken !n the bearing by the financial district and the stuck exchange as well aa by the entire cot tun trade. SEW OBLJLVS, April ffl. The cotton tim real TiBbr-her rwasysjreMl a e.(lair hPWtfft af here today on tha report that tha federal lfU B""U, E. charged th grand jury In New Y jr had summunad several sromiuect bull Ituiders bef jra thea correapimdentsj with ' "taking, " beeausa i they st-nc storiea to their papers stating Piaaaaataw Staroa tnat T laawa Paeltlvelr taaa SatletauU PacktiUaaT Caiasaay staea tba- Prlawa. ST. LOCT3.. April 11 Admissions by Charles I Crquhart. secretary of tha St. ttfuia Dressed Beef and Provision company. that the concern, hitherto supposed to be independent, is owned and controlled by the National Packing company, caused a sen sation at todays prossndlngB In the Investi gation ef tha so-called "beef trust." being conducted by Attorney General Major. TTrquhart's teatlttmny. Major declared, ahawav positively that tha National Pack ing company fixes tba pneea at. which tha local company buys and tha price at which It sella salt meats and by-products. Crqu hart tesufied that much ef tha stock of hla company la held by "John Doe" and "Ricaard Roe." and that Its business Is conducted on telegraphic ordure received daily from Chicago. Cea Ira Is Stasis- Want. Majors declares that ba will show by other witnesses that tba National Packing company la a holding corporation for the Armour, Swift and Morris Interests and controls twenty-six so-called Independent companies throughout the country, fixing prkroa and territory for each company ar bitrarily. Tha Investigation of tha relation of the local company ta tha holding company will ba continued tomorrow. Aa soon aa tha local eompany standing baa been de termined. Major will turn to tha Chicago companies and tha officers oC each, of them have been asked to appear. Twenty-eight stock buyers for different companies have been subpoenaed and an exnanatlva Investigation will be made aa to tha relation of tha National Packing company to retail prlcaa, Frank: liagarman of Kansas City, ia act ing as chief counsel for tha companies, and 1 assisted by Alexander yaw, M. W. Bor ders and L. Miller of Kansas Clry and Henry Voedar of Chicago. Fifteen witnesses have been subpoenaed for (Ba bearing, asirmg them being Cdwarf aa well aa aorifying rppresentallvea of large ; eottin brjkerae buuaaa tn appear with their ouuka. I that It bad become clear that lha eam- pauri for ship subsidy originated in the "Standard Gil-Beef trust plan to du initiate South America," " tn explain that a-oaa wmm. , wtm, aiw-u la-iweury-Kvo nut ap.p.e ha.v. per cant of tha eoitoa mill operators of j diract relation with or are infJurnced Anter!t-a bava bees thrown out ef employ- j hy a foreign ahipplng lobby, but that auot aa Uia result at the workrugs ef Mu j oat matter fanly- ranreaentativa aiiegvd eultoo p.. .il. -.nni:ng to uifurma- L, u,. kind of oauntrywula pi-ouagaoda tiuo lu Uie hauila of Artoraey General to prevent larJaUun to reetora tha mar- tw ' nee kiitm trie Depart- i anant marine. BMtnt oc JUiticca to tw-cu. an uiveeugatioa of tha rpured cumhife&Uun. Tlie iul)uau tseued at Nw Tjrk today, afTliia-B of Uis Department at Justice say. Duu k th fcevnnu)K' of a tnusaugh. mv art- j Thai SUs? Drugtm ef lha sky. Watcb the aaildraes fbr spring aeugna and eakla. Care ful saatners keep Faie"a Honey and Tar gauuo uf u-.a a l-fd pouL Aunuuncentent : m tSx hauae. It la tna aaat an af the dHtrnmiatwn to- nmcand LaiM ! Diwveotioei and euro for annua- Ut pool aa cusLiiltint avttu. the publics- I u urgent ana inuneiiiaca reilar a vital I carried from there to paoars far-her west Bun uf Uia dim, ati-nra rrm Sw lark I wr"1- - i oy puny exprwis racrs. He is survives by that Mr. T'.ihcr-n im baU anh-rxd aa ta-1 " aa.a ay a aunnr. am, Eilaaoeth Pjumer of Roch- the The right to occupy and use tha lands of the United Ststcs for bydrauilc and elea tno works, to geovraia and diatrlbuta power, is entirely disunct from ud tnAm. pendant of the right to appropriate fur tha! same purpose water cowing through and upn me landa uf the Cmiad ataiaa. This ngnt of the Cnited atatea Co dls poaa of uie rght to occupy and use its lands fur bydrauilc work, does nut lnter-fn-re wun siata oonrroi of water approprxa Qona on tae contrary, it artarda a baais tor co-operation of atata and natium Under rhe exieilng law tha proper ad ministrative ofrtoer of the government is fuiiy autourtsed to grant the occupancy TUdsn of Chicago, ' said to be president ?d- ii"-11? tur ""Pent of hour tna National Packing company and af water power, but such grants aie by , T MlT. . tha statute expraaawy matie revocaoiy by " 9t I-aal Preasiad Beef and Provlaton bun or bis suct-eaaur at bis discretion. j company, and Edward and Im Morris of Chicago, of tha Nelson Morris enmpany. TR2NTOS. N- J.. AprU ovoGrnar Fart this afternoon rstei sad his decision tn tha matter of tha extradition of X Og drn Armour of Chicago, under Indictment in Hudson county, on a charge of con spiracy to increase tha price of meat prod una. Prosecutor Garven of Hudson eoonty asked for tha ex tradition of i Ogdaa Ar mour. Kdward Manaa and Lewis Swift of Chicago, who warn reueatiy Indicted by tha Hudson county grand Jury for aUeged conspiracy to inn ease tha price of food products. At tha hearing Prosecutor Garven aaked President Smith's Word to Saints Adyitea AH to Be Oiriitiaa Gentle men and to EzerciM Foriieax ance at AH Times. -' - ISC EPESX' ENCK. Mo.. April a. (?pe ccal Tmrrgram-) President Joseph Smith gave a short sddreas to tha conference of Reorganised Latter Day Saints today, in which ha urged bin followers ever to re mum ber to be Christian gentleman. "AH men aan be good men," ba maid, "few men can ba gi eat men. . "Grand Is the exhibition of patience., for bearance, and the refusal to be moved to resentment by tha crluclaras of friends and "There ia no tribunal tour side of tnat great bar who haa tna right to alt span tha beiir fa of man and say thia la ortho- i doz or this ia hetaradtjx.' That right is left for tna Great Judga and Him aiana." Then the missionary appointments, were read. Thia Is always a period of Intense Interest, for tn the mass of men alltina Ustening with bated breath: it means tha DEAN CF ASSOCIATED PRESS PASSES AWAY AT ST. LCUI3 Cmawtea J- Oebaa , Aged T Diva Aft laiaja Car aa ST. LOUTS. April tt Charias J. Oaborn, H y-ars old and d ao of tha Aaaoeiated Press, died here last night a."Ter an illnaaa of several weeka Ha waa aorreapondent of rhw Associated Press tn St. Louis from VS2 to lard, when ' he retired. Ha oantinuad his afniiadoa ' with tha 3t Louis ofTiee In aa advtsary fr tba exiradiUon. ef one af tha trio, X. capaeiry, however, until his death, making i Ogdan Armour, and tha governoif a decision hint an employe of Che Asaueiaxed Press i - ta Mr. Armour will apply ta tha for fifty-five years. M:or O twin's Crst duty as eoiTi'spond was the organisation of a news aarvtce to the Paciflo ooauac. In doing tlua ha traveled by ctagn euacb over tha old west ern trails. The tmowraph Una than ended at Tipton. Mo... and the news Items wore af the other two. quiry by uu toirais mil -: xraml Jury 't aii a.. a.t ti tha i in4it fur ' ail aruaxiMa ater. S. T. ri-eitrnt Atl,-tiauia- U, purr-na-a ftatf. er.i tit t air a-stlirna- - - I. the road tn Bug : Chamber-aiii's Caugix sumimly aurea t&a worse rwiila Try it. Saaacttwaa for taaalsa raaaX. PnCRRS, & D., a aril 2. lapeiai Tela gram.) Coroner Haillaier returned from Blunt this afternoon, where an Inquest waa held aver tha body af Geerga Kallay. whose hams was near Ceatnet. Kailey Sarordar attempted to secure "T In Blunt. Claiming It waa for aa aching toot A. Ha waa given a atlxtura ef oil of dovee and chloroform and told to one it in bis tooth. 11a drank tna mixtuiw and araut tha effevta. severing of home ties and- aftsu tna leav ing of native eh ores. Sometlmea it means years of toll and pioneer work. In far and different fields, sometimes In tha face of much privation and oven real persecution. Richard Baldwin of Sharon, Pa, preached at tha morning aaraloea. . Tha body . ap proved tha recominendatlon af Albert C Stone to the quorum, of seventy, and his ordiaarion waa ardered. A onmmltraa of women renortad the raising of over M ainiia Friday night toward tna parmaaant endowment fund of Graoaland oollega, Frank A. RiisenU of Denver tendered his j resignation as member af tha board of auditors, which waa aaceptad, and hla piaoa was filled by William A. SUstwood, expert accountant, of Kansas City. Francis J. KberOng of Ohio, by vote ef tna body, waa released from the quorum of seventy and 1 his ordination to office ef high priest was ordered. Tha recommendation of William H. Dwam af Independenos, ta tha office of high priest, waa also approved. Herman C Smith of T fnl. Ia snursa historian, waa selected as mem bar of tna library commission. Tha othar niisnliia are: aaunuat A. Bin g use, St. Louis; Ed ward H. Flahac; Boaton; Frederick M. Smith, Indepandanoa and 4 win A, BlsJtas las. Michigan. Tha young pea pie's organisation af tha church known aa tha rsiigia. offered a sum to tha church, ta- be used ia roratga translations of tha church's books, but owing to that part of tnctr resolution by which they sought to retain control and direction af tha fund, tho body raj acted lha offer this aftarnooa on tba grounds that tha church ass the parent body chould not ba subservient to and under tha dlreo tion of the child. Blanop Roderick May of Indepaadanao at thia Juncture offered to tha body a 1 script concordance to tba book af doctrtnea aad covenants, which ba has You found it a day or two since . ) ... Dnrin; & ire k yon rna across aa artlcla has b5ii lajiiiaf aroTzad moatlxa, idle. Totx hav no farther nse for iL The Bee gpiaxaiiteea to this article for yon. If it doee not sell it for yon, it iriH five yon back yorrr money. a jjaw- How to start the advertisement . -" - ' - .Ton will find tameHdag abeniths bouse that yon do ' not use, aa a Sewing Machine, G!J Cot, Bed,.Mnttreav -Spiiags, Go-Cart, HLx Qiavir, iSiove,,- Carpet, Eaff t CLotiiag. Call DaagLaa 228 auxd describe , the property to the ad taker. She will eheerfnlly write yon aa ad and tell yen what it will cast to run ii'alweelC Then a solic itor will call on yon and gl'ia yen a receipt far the money. How to get your money back ;v ; - After The Bee has inserted ' yrmr " sid-reitiaeiiierit a week and yon have not sold the article tulvertieed, brisg yonrreeeipt to the ctrrmtj-gg rocra cf The Eea and pr: it to the cashier. Your money will be "cheerfully refunded. The Bee believes in its ability , to sell things. L Ltd Lull !7)i l.,-nyU' Fail at tho Critical omont Tas TZAI tutaTBai trwatAemt cures pertodlcai, oocaalonal or mndorat drtaaar. til kabltual aiid icassdya drink ar and ths nsrvong man wtia aau tn drlak to kp from baeumlag mm cutrrama. It taJtos away all tncllnatios to drink, all dwatra an4 envtag tar drink fey eutrailxlhs tn pclsoa of aieoaol tn tns systsnt and ridlias; tie blood of to poiawn by a rapid prrseasa cf cotmlnatlon. laavlitg to drtaaar ta tSm aama normal coadltloa It 'was In before) tna ring Uqaor. so tar as thm s fect of aicc&ol star P onnsaTr1 a" arrpwtita) for drtaa grin and Im a nww (Uaaalfyuig, alpl'ahatlrallr X.2Dk quotarioaas i B-aUl. from ths work. This was received and ra j R HjSfatarsnis Is se)4ias) furred to the first presidency tor appravai Tils BaUJt tatsrnai trasWklsat Sffawtg with instructions tor tham. to plaaar it in 1 a. Barf act cura ixr tnfwg dnrra wlC&oat la board of publication. If tha hands af thi it Is aa apsn-owad, Tba ramtnlltee on enlldran's nasno ra oypodermla lnlactiaiis. A easrnlltwaw Cowtrat smaraiitisaHt kaai and aintnui la parted favoring tha ereetum of tha bona. ' g;Taa avc4 patient aaTwaiZtn to aCaec , durtng tha presesit conference year. It will r,rfar:t enra or -r-,l .iMimp,i. i . um vm nmm quae, urns and adeem af tna church ware- sus tamed by voas of ths aasaanbly. This forav-a-lty kaa obaserved ac aacb aanfaswnaa to show tha oonfidaacw of tna body ba. Its priaatnoud, and various argulsationav A t&4m Treats sett rsa sxax. b a raTsrcrAjrn CCBL1C tor too driak Habit; a ta-t& Etost mod era and parfact of kawnt trwataxsata, orlarUuatsd Br a gltralrrlaa. u bb pound sd by a payuteiaa, and ant miala tared 6y oxTeaisacod phyaiciaaa. TIM Bsel Is trysJlso Cere . If yon knvs takea a attrabaT of oid enrtt aad ftrao ta drtaJtlax ifiklm 1 wares) than bafors, what la tno una of taka aaar&or old rarr Tis Ssal la ' tis la Wat, Imp rtrvad. qp-to-dats, ooiy ' rtrro ta tixo rord. Ustltets or Msom Troxtmsss IX aaanlo- t soan t ta tutat j sand for Cm Eonaa Trwarmamf waisk is just, as accctivs aa Lasctata) Trenvu -bmbL CnJ. arruo or 'pnnas for Cnm book and eapy of eontnaat. Seal XaaO tat Csv. MX SsnU Ttata abroad. Cmahav Sab. All oonmsioaiaaCsM trtcCy coalaotUi. SaaUt rc glvon. . . . ihm aad of Uia tMrd day. n-.E HEAL 10 THE OHLY CUOE A ran K. W. Condlua, DiiJaa. Tex. ftiuad a I sura eura fur maiaiia and tullooan jCr. King's S Ufa Pills, lia. t S? BeiUA Lr.g C ' rrn n eaaaai at ii 1LJ --UU G--!lie Best Jor Mi