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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1910)
THE DEE: OMAHA. WEPXESDAT. .ri7IL 2 WW. Nebraska Nebraska Nebraska all th money it d"ir; to Ta and the "ncr-a. wmiid mm through '.h ?tate Ra.lwar foninwijn. When lfK.ked a if the rrtns were a. j t f the repeal m the or-l. ranee J I nnir-be. nt eiMze-.s Vrui to pr-et and I ! u-.. co'incl!nv"n wr Told 'hat what the TT I V V T TTT TJTTT. nV T I r " vc-v ' R.liv cumm.M jn would or would mit i . with S'Vaj, is Cut Flam Briaar Of f e i Tea aw y 0 Dalarr List Pad f I- 1 Trartlu -wvewwr l.rm f pfl ar Tr-aa. iTmn ft StafI CntTCTir-ident. i LrNCOL-V. April 13. i.peCai Te.eara m. -'?r ehallenberger has pardnned Wai ter Eaunrer. wntcncH to the state peni- enttsry f"r two yean, from Dawes eoonty I a! th f!n'!;n'' f Ul , siun on the valuation of m a charg of placing an obetnictmn on j ft reiiroad trat-H. The man. who in IS yam aid. had ahot hineif whii out hunt nx and pleaded that he had r,a.fai the train i to rste to some tows wt?r he could gt nedlral attention. Besides fagging th j train. hw aiso piTed some rocas on the tracks In order to b sur that the trim ! wrm'cf atop. Ha had served abo'it one year or hi aemance. The pardon rem mended by Judge Himnftoa of the trial court. Th hearing on the application of the city of Haveiock fur a educed rat on the ) vt-cet cars ftjm that city to Uncuiti or ' from Ijncoin to that city ia on the !'aA Ra.iway ccmnu.-'siiiii. Bucking and rj:ii:n y AX i'.i-iUob of the people o f'jie tlinv.iig uiui shun city ia the ; city attorney of liLacuJa, who fars that to (Tlrft Harinclt wat ia now er.joyed by t!:a epcple of fnlveraKy Fiioe. Cuiletc View and Ur.coi n will bo to take from the ' Tank Exploded by Cigar Match - . ir m: kl- !!ueiin the counru had to et-.i wv j JuTed u Esult of Peculiar Ac- whrtker it wmiid rrpil the ocr-.jpation t- : , 4 , . v -p- . I cii promui:-" Jumped on :r rwipular 1 1 1 ard shifid the r rf.;bii:t-r ta the ta; : AINi?""ORTH. Nb.. April IS "nriftl (mm!i:rn. j Telecram. Four weil Irruiwn eitArer.a, A. Ccn.;d rable ir.frt u att-d in th- c. TIUver. Re BaUor. E. t- T a rm and piwr.ii by ron of the a. it'cs of . Marlon Forr. had ft mlrftcuimia nnpf the eour.ciimen a they iu.r3ie 1 under thr ! fn.m death about T o clock last ev iln- ftn rponeibi:ity. The council evn went o j ,, r::t of an a'.it;mohile acc:den The far a-x to sprx'int a mmmif To ir.v-iiTi- , mn returnina- from Long- Pine and nmiinc of the Ra.iwaf mramla- had Jum (mewed the canron ahout ft mile the property tl djunt when one of the men atpped from I the cuTrzii-r. -j,, car to If tajiic ft cs.r. He threw te I wm v Ir-t tlll lavewtlwc match and it roiled under the ira- WiJ.a M. Thorapaon. the Xbraka con- chine. i-niriri tf.a guoiine. and tne ita 'rt who bareiy escaped bin pamied , exrloded- A-l of the men wre thrown a coraldernbie diwance by the eTplowion. Mr T!:tTer atif'rd the wort. one arm and one le befna; badly burned. He waa from tr.e atate peniientiary by E'l-'tnct J'lilite E.ei; and M e;y Bernateln. withirut o moiti aa a eonimitaTion with tha fo- ernor. ia no trying hia luck wth the ch;ef hastened to Lonar Pine and the anendina" ejwutive of tha a:a:e. Thompeon. who phvi'dan now beiieree ha will recover broke in: ti;e limelight by try nat to in- j The ofher members of ,tiie party were more rent a ba,am e fir a fyma; machine, has or leaa burned and shaken op by the acci inver.ied a mailing tube which he has pu: der.t. They were later tak' n tj Long Pine, on the market. lii thin patent tube be ! where their injuries wr dreesed. sent to Governor ?ha!!enber-r todav a hntvtay manMK-rip til;n wh- he ahou.d , 1 a q receiva exerutive clemency. The mailina' nurcn sues before tut (, a mply the ordinary Cube, but closed 1 at both ends and fixed so it will open J down the fide, thus permuting: the ab- j for Subscription stractlon of papers r led lnstda without ; dane"r of tearing" them aad without ; trouble. ! Hiark tw tfaeti7 wairw. The aovemtir is Bivtientiy waiting' fjr c'ty rt Lincoln. College "w ia on haat . word from the secr-tary of the Stat Board ; w'fTi a lawyer and so is University Place. ( optometry Uiai tiie bJard has conormed both rghtina; against, any chanif in die ! to h a orders in tlie. matter of cert, floater I rata to thexa cit:en. which it in issuing- under the law to thone ' When th appilcatjjn was first f'ied the i persona enntie.1 to -them w:Sau: taking traction company at ones Tied a motion i the examination. On tn"e cert!f:cTes it was prmted in red letters and then sramp-d. in another p!a-e the words that the staia board does not guarantee the competency of the holder of the certif'rate. but that it was Issued under the lav. without an examination to make Ljnriwi. College View and I'm rersity Place defendants with itself and t.iia was done. All cf these towna rwreive a !o-wer rate than Havel ck. It 3 brought out at tJje hearing that the foUowing aaifries are paid the offlcera o fUia company: President Sharpe. C a montiu Vic President Bogga. Secre tary 4-trtith, tJuv. Treasurer Bxumbanv tUM: 3. y. Foster, J, C. ffeacrest and A. J. Kiiner. tl'.a eacfl : Dr. Mlr. P-Z. J. H. Humpe.. manager. t20; Superintendent Brook. EM)-, Eooklti'eper Ransom. JIZ.; Cark aivl Alien, attorneys. W. latere! la Cartse Mertiag. The excise board wHJ mert Wednesday morning asd the pvn,-se of the tr.eecng ia ! deride j?.it how many aaioons. whale sale housea. dives, joints or wharVver w:U be ths omcial names of the places whera Uqiiu can be bought, are to ba licensed. And it will auso be decided whether clubs ma..- continue to cell liijuor. Tt la tha purpt'M cf Mr. Powell to hare tho e uba notified that afttr a certain date they will no longer be permitted to sell iitruor aa Hiey ' have ben doing for the period during whicif'Tlincoin iru cirposed to be dry and durlr.g which it "was advr-t-sed that llnuor could not be bougat ht-re. H r. Piwfil beiievea these cluba alioulj be gives, a reaaoaahlf .engtb, of time 'to a--iuair.t tilt ir membetrhlp wlih the uew crdr of tilings, for it in baiieved a sudden droughl, iAi-inoln fiKl-JUH0vfa!' f ring; to soma at tha ..a-ttUa The time may be extended nnt the liquor houses are opened tap. but tiiere la nothing offi cial about t?ia time. Befora the vot waa caat In the ejection Methodist Conjn-ST.tioa Seka to Enforce Pajnient of PIsdghi to ' Baild lew Edifice. j .! CENTRAL CITT. Neb.. April IS -Spe- j cjal. The decisions of the courts upholding j the pnnciple that eubwcnpiioca made to 1 benevolent aad inst:t-jili.ns are ! legally bittdins ti-vn trie subscriber iie-j . a liability la Incurred by the beneficiary , as the result of the inducement held out j by the subscription, are being; called inuj ; re-.-r.sition in a case just filed In the dis- ! trict court here. The plaintiff Is the : The board received for this kind of a : Method;st church of Fuilerton, a corpcra- I Hon. The claim Is set up that in April of 1307 a number of persons subscribed their ' names to a subscription agreement pledg- j ing themselves to contribute various I certificate 6 and for g-iving an examina tion the; board received CS from the appli ant. The guvernor eaid tnis morning be thotignt t.'ie amount of the f had some- thin tr, do w-th the board s decisjon about toward the c-st of building a the woitfcng on tlia oertifVatea, The at torney general gave an cpinion to the gov trtior that the board had no right to Insert thone words on Uie certiricatea and that, the action of toe board had been very rep-rt-hensibie. Incidentally unleas the board gf t3 buso the governor may taka strpa to rrnfarce his orders. This could be done by a.mply appointing; a new board and remov ing the meiber of the old board withott a certificate of endorsement. G?verma Teaaa. Govemcr and Mrs. Shailenberger. Colonei and Mm. W. J. F-jrse. Judge and Mrs. Edgar Hwnard. Mr. and Mra. PKcnard L Metcalfe. Mia Grace ShaUen ber-tr. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bixby arid Colonel Jon G. Mjher. chaperoned by Colonel and Mrs. W. F. WisiiiA h'thiB afternoon for Texaa for a week's trip during; which Mr. Scbwind will pus hia Texaa land lo re- j new Methodist church in Fullerton. ir.e of thom whose name appears signed to the agreement ia Eli Jameson, who pledged himseif ta the payment of CC. It is set forth that relying on the various pledges , tha trustees of the church went ahead and had the new building erected. It is claimed ; that Jameson refused to pay his PO rub scripton and subsequently moved -from the j town. Action aa-anat him la starred in j Memck county because be owns property i here, against which an attachment haa bee j issued. The church trustees bring ; rait for th full amount cf Jameson's sub i scrip tion. COB. together with interest from : the time it became due. and the costs of th action. WOMAN'S ATTEMPT TO END LIFE MEETS WITH SUCCESS - Itaflfetew. dry sources that the clubs would not be disturbed and tnat it ttirjid bs mad easy for persons to secure iJ;uor. ao it ia a question whether Mr. Powell wi 1 be able to carry bis point and disturb the clubs. In tha meantime, howevtr. Acting; Chief Ma on served notice on th Essies' lodrf It must not e-ure a shipment of beer which aai:s it at the dpot, and aaothrr eiub waa orderd to cut tha liquor. Five dra7 loads wer? delivered to another ciub, laat nisht, however, untnclestad. Dr. Iwcwar, f'Tererlnarta-n. amf anotir party have bt-n arr--ased. arJ ui-.iaf of a five gal on lug of wiiaky waa taken with them. Ileal Poala Proeeatt. The city ccurcii g M etrd feet and ref-:ied n Uioorse the reeomraeniiation of the vit-w before t.'ia officials. Durinjr the ah- senm of th governor Ueutanant Goveniar jgra. Car VaaOraaal f Steele Cits ! Hopeweil will haauj th reing of ctaf and I Exwttre frsw Waaaas SVIf- t Be ana been iavlreg to matte- hia heme in ! Uncoia wtuio so doing. FAIRECB.T. Xeb.. April .-3pe-C5ai. Mrs. Cora Van Orsdol died j shortly after 1 o'clock last ven- ins at her bom at Steele City I from a self Inflicted wound. Mrs. Van Basic fcy Plattaaaamtai Iia. PIATTSMCHTH. Neb.. April U.iw cia.LVLrv Ward L. Austin, saaior of the th gen. rai icnprion waa created through ! First Methodist Episcopal church ia this j city, haa wriiton a book entitled "Pardon j Versus Cleaoaing-." in which h give hia phiiraopfcy aw parion and elanu;ng. and . oiier elements oC- the Chrlstain expen I Tie on point the m mister seeks to niake. and he surrounds 1 with ail t argurrents bearing; on the question, la that Justification and regeneration ar aepa I rat elements of the Chnstain experience. ' ad may or may not occur at th same time .and that these elements, aa well aa ail outers, may be separatf-d by a lonrer or shorter period of time. your 11 11 llOil In cold weather do you hate to go upstairs or from one room to another? Do you huddle up in one or two rooms or else suffer from cold? Do you constantly warn the children about going from room to room after the things they want? If you are comfort able in only, say, 3 of the 8 rooms of your house, you are getting the use of only three-eighths of what your house costs a. poor investment! home? v . ak VP -rv"-: - W J U- v" , u-. U J I Km. M w II Radiators DEAL iBOiLERS enable you to enjoy every room, hallway, nook snd corner of the house. Not only do you get the full use and enjoyment of the home, but IDEAL Boilers and AMERICAN Radiators vdll actually pay for themselves in the fuel savings. They are so simple to run, and so thoroughly rid the house cf ash dust (giving long life to furniture and decorations) that house-cleaning is reduced cne-hall IDEAL Boilers arc the only heaters so made that all the coal-gases and soot are kept inside the boiler burned there thus protecting the family health, No other heating apparatus in any way competes with IDEAL Boilers and AMERICAN Radiators, hence their rapid and wide adoption in all foreign countries where domestic economy means much. Ask your architect to specify and insist cn IDEAL Boilers and AMERICAN Radiators. Do rot take any other. Ia so important a matter ycu cannot abrd to run any risks, especially so when IDEAL Ecilers and AMERI CAN Radiators are so fully guaranteed. Our catalog (ore) has a wealth cf concise hcrstirg and ventilating information which every owner or tenant trraH cr large in town or country ought to have. If building, or if paying the buUcy bCa and siiScring the E3 of cM-fashioned heating, write, rr.'J or . phone to-day. A3 inquiries cordially welcomed. Puts ycu under no obligation to buy. A 14a. f! rCSAL Boiler aad Sf.5 ft. of A Ha S 25-W ITEAI. Boiler aad ,M ft. of M-in. yff7!CA Radiators, eotnit tb 38-m. AM5rCA."i Ramaara, cmrtmg th owner $120, eci oacd ta liot-Watar owner S235. were ascd 10 Hot-Watex acmt tsia coctac. heat ihim enrtage. A tbaa ariee the gooda can be boccht ef any reputable, eoneflent FHter. This did sot utciaue coat of iaoor. pipe, vaivea. fre-.gttt. t&, winti inata.ianon ia estra ana wariaa according ta l"'im,t"' and otacr coacuua&a. ADVANTAGE 19: rOSAI, Boilers aavi pmrt t bora ant, r:eta tn I noil, a thaa ininal a wars. 1 aaar AmekicanF ADIATORjiOMPAKY Write to Dept. N-80 413-417 South Tenth Street, Omaha Orsdui-. hi!e temporarily InBane lavst TSnraday meh(. murdered her 2-year-old daughter, Jeanette. by beating her over :ne head with a hammer acJ then cut- . . !M by the Re. Thomas Gr-fihs. Th secured a butcher knife from the kitchen . Maaons had charge of arrangement, and chs her own throat. At first some BEATRICE; W. T. Gore, the Ubertv I stoek.Tiaji. afa.nt whom Cai!!e D. Jir" j r.:ed a suit fir divorce a.nd aiimony eia.m- 1 1 1 tr 1 1 h. Vl Mnmirtn U. committing the horribl deed. The woman. , dAy p,, aml..virs ia the disrnrt court Uiougit oad.y injured, waa aoi to wnta . ehanpng the woman with arremptir.a; to t t era to uaf stion asked ber on naser. mcney mm mm inrour.T tr.r?a:jL FnhUi gatawraocna and Warehouses located at Chicaen. New Tort. Boston. Fhriadelnma. Buffalo. Pittsburg. Oe-e'-and. Cincinnati. Atlanta, Indianapolis, Uumapaui, St. Lauia, Kanaaa City. Dcavex, Seaoie, San Ptucko, Sractiord t Ontario), i-ondoo, Pana, Berlin, Milan. r7w 7w .w Twf -w a '' '"w i w w w .am .aai .a ru .mm aa ytmt . w .mt m Mm w .w w w hopes for her recovery were entertained, but ah haa been gradually sinking; aince 1 She said that ah had committed u Kaa Fww4 Dm trailer Heware. I eed herself yhlle temporarily insane. FAIRJiOC'NT.. b.. April 13. 4 Special.) 1 Mrs- Cora, Van Oradol ia th willow of the Mr. Gregg;, a farm r living north of this 'AXa w- Van Oradol. who died about city, was found dead under a hedse fence j fvtT nl w!o. with hia haif brother, at aiout S o'clock last night. Hia wife i raa inniber yard at Steel City. No r.a--ice cona-ju-- f jt Ihe repe ii of the noticed hia team standing in th Eeid. I arrangements aa yet have been made for 5 prr cent occuatlun tax levied a.n the Umcoin Traction company. Tlier s-nw utile d juht that the ori: ur.d on going to tha field at o'clock f -ineraL Found her husband missing Aftar a a; arch ' of Uire hours tiie dead man waa found 1 Jaii TV DOCKET AT CENTRAL CITT nanc mou.d have been rcpett had the j at Pome Uitanc from th disc, under it c tier htea . m.-hf d thn)uh as coii:m-ia heiiait feme Tr i. s nnn ... tleath rtsulted from heart failure. piAted. but when uie fac.a became kso-vn t tha eiuacra a mighty prim-st was i:f:ed up. beetas th.s suprem court hed held that th tax was legal a.-v! a; I't itile. S when 'J council met yesterday a jna jority decided BoC to accept that reenm icrntlatioa. Ir waa- urged on tho Tnarce commitree that unieas th octruparion tax eatriew tm Tate Bawd. BEATRICE. Neb.. April 13. 'Sporai.) Th city ctMi-ifi! lajt night ordered a special eiedon for My ZL to decid whether to :aeu tT.'W0 bonds for a new warer ptant ea Cauaea fna Traa B(laaa( HaaaaT. i CEXTRAX. CITY. Neb.. April 13. 3p j rial.) J udx Georg W. Thomas waa her ' from Columbua yesterday and set th i docket fear th resriiar spring- tarm of tha I dlittrict court, which convene In th city 1 next Monday. Apr! 3. Th first Jury-trial I HARVARD The. P.'.siey Uverv barn was j burned Mnda? af?mirn. list of the ! j properry waa removed, but two Nrw b- i longing to farmers were burnetl. This is an j old land mark and tha second bam burned nn this a.te, the other some twenty year : ago. Th touflcLnff- had little Tilue and waa , reasonably Insured. BEATRICE At a meeting of the direct- ' of tha Touna Men's Christian micuUi'in ; Monday evening C. H. Larcrs terra.-.-ed hi- j resignation as secretary to rk ef'ecT Aua-ust 1 and th same was accepted. Mr. and Mrs. Lavers wiil etialie In Youns aei 1 (.uniiriin mocnemt worn m tne state of Washington. HOLDREGE-Jickfin aV ots : travel the Iroquois mone Houfe m tnta city ut W. H. Cotiper of Cenrral City. Thev re ceived In exchanai, a Merrick county farm, upon whirh they "nil prohnbiy move in th near f-ature. E. RiJdwin of Central City, who will have charge of the place f 1: front wei'.a, W. K Paimer A Co., of Kan-i to b taken np wiil km tha action of th j tha new owner, has already assumed min ims against William Barrirt on a charge agatnent. ! ivy very mucn alarmed over the roid j weati'.er anu iat niij.'it t:ier was inje i fresmit. hut pot-Bihiy not emMiffh to cause : any particuiai damaee. as the wind that ! preva.ied apareniiy preveai-d t.ij c-d I aaiur from oaiaing any dantajre to the i The fru t hion;om ar v-j tr tvucfii for th cc-d wvaiiit-r t' harm. spring crops are iieiking fine, but t iere i consiilerabie fa:i 'h"t L",t win he plowed up. poseito'y aiKivii 3 per cent of the entire crap. Farmers ire well ad vanced with the-r aprlnir work and thera Is pinry of mniKi'irs in the gnud to nuns everythin grow fast with warm wa:her. HOLEP.Ei t5-B'.-hop Gravel has ben in the city fi.'r the iaet few durs visiting h:i rfaighee. Mrs. G. G. Fw-nnt and family. The biehop ha jtist iateiy returaei fronr an extended trp to Me ern coast, and this is the first time since h:a arrival horn that he ha.i maile a Tit to a-iv nt the towns in his diocese, Wbiie in Caiif irni.i Rev. Mr. G-aya ppnt the mnjor portion of his tme at San Diora a-td ether coast -, cities, where he enjoyed a comntet re?t ; and hal a pieeant recreation. Asa enn ; sequence he is much improved in heai'.h. , and feeiing a xreat d--al better tiian Wiei , he left fur the west nme months airo. Mm. Graves and iaueht-r who were In Cali ; f.irnia with the hishup wiil return in tne . nt-tr future. Bff jre g-inat to their home i in Kearney thv w;!l iri a two-week n' ) viEit w.rh reiarives in this city. - ax .1 '1 - ' "' I W ueT ia nroiect.t , . ,. , . FA IRHlRy The c!erU in the prad fares would have to b inert ad if ordrad. . i "'i' 1 Fairourv pesrofffe- ar ir.akma: pr-ukr- , amnu w ut-na "''; attona for a oanouet and state mw:t ..f second cas will b th trhu oc Sfiannaa Grubb on a charge of bora stealing. On th civil ducket the first raa set for h raring waa the action of Q'linulla M Drealier at Otnaiia against E. H. BaxrnX city GOLD DUST Makes Hard Water as Soft as Rainwater Every good honsewife knows the value of nice, soft rain-water for Trashing- clothes and for all cleansing purposes. It isn't always convenient to secure! rain-water, however. Neither is it necessary. Gold Dnst will scften the hardest water, take out the mineral substances and make it so near like the water that falls from the clouds that you couldn't tell the difference. Think what this means to you on wash-day. ThereTs a deal of difference between the action of hard and soft water for all cleansing. Just a little a v m . Lroia Lmst added to tne 'rater renders it soft and brings out the greatest cleansing value. Try it the next time you wash clothes or ciishes. Gold Dust real ly cleanses so easily that it relieves housework of all its drudgery. 1 Rob Him Twice On One Night ing out cf a real aetata deal Th aecund trjd la tin suit of Dr. X. J. Hoafiajui 1 1 ' ; and ChaJron High a.-hoolt was won hv t Oklahoma- xa wait is ror damages grow- Alliance. Aiiianc v represented ov Mis Ethel Jameson and Ethi J .h!! n and Rev. Otto, an itrdamed minirtpr T"ie "h-!-n tMfn,4 nt U'mi.imIi IT .'j ' asainst William J.mlan, aa action brought : M irr sey aad Mart-..a Lenn.n,rt.,n ai! in "the I by a physician for profeeauonai service, th . Tenth a ade. The ju.1g- wer S inrin?n I defecuant setting- up the claim la hia de- ' 1nt Wagner of yrurgi. R- Wbi'ter ten of a -no cure, no pay" agreement i ?T of - Wehr of S.d- The third cavil caa m for a Jury tnai , HOLDP.EtlE-J ad Parr lul a late ; ! th action of the 3. Hirrh Dtatillln-, week-end licence Saturday evn n to a ' eompaxg agaioat J. J. Roawrh for Indebted- I counie who ha t icm a eon,.1ra iie .ii-- a-s claimed ta baf been Incurred when 1 t?.ne to "arrted. Tred liPi cf , . . , . . , , 1 Victoria. Br-itiih o.umbia and M:a Laura, I th defendants waa engaged La tha saloon , LleOenroad of Km.-as City w-r. the r- buaines in Grand luiun.L j clptents of Jndae Barr s ducu-ni-rt. and di.l I There ar nougn other miaor case and I wa,t lon ut ' worth. Thpy wer ; e.,u.ty proceeding, to mak. the April term j T cVthe ES MufZj .T.S". j of court quit an Interesting on from pre ' rectory. j ent proepecta, j HOIXREGE Frank Coi!Sn of tha rty. ! J who fur aime years'ha been ac ated i Stkncl ewa 1 rm. 1 witii th hotei butsfneas in riiln puT of the ! CENTRA L. CITY Harvey Boyd, a Cen- ' tai baa DorT-hae-d the former Carrawav trai City boy. gradnaUid with ft .mtjr f.-vraj ' n us if dirt's and will conduct it in tne City Veterinary coil-ge. , fifir. Jefr 1 arrawav. the man' f aii.'TT J Coiiln haa demonrrated b1 a'-iiiity a capable man f it some time at th hotel n rhiw city postal cierka. which l to be held in this citq next Friday. Ail prominent post master from over the state wiil be pres ent and give abort taika and it wiil be a dav long to- be retnemttered by tne pt office denartment of th a ci!v. CHADROX-The debata between A'i anc- j BUTflaTS SpeClilmng' OH Property 01 j A. Girskis, Grocery. LootLn? Stare aad Earn Simultazeoualy. In the crimes of a day A. Ginskie. a grocer at North Twnty-f lurth street. ; was smei1 t as the rii-ti.m of conrfn- ' tratd b'tr? j-7 Mintiay. Ginnkie dittov er'nl d aring the a.'iemoon that bo(h h; ' sure and the bart at hia residence, Zl?' ' B'j--ciu atrett. hud been riH?d. The prowlers, working btfire day'ight r.rciiabiy. ifit small cha.tga ta the amount j of SI from the store ar.d a sr t o" hrxad 1 new harness from the bam. 11 r. G nkie ' a as unabie vt form a-ny clue on th affair ' i SPRING IS H ERE ! JEET her with the springy step that shows your I set have the Springtime glad sets. V,'hich means: wecrthe l IL? Vrx u .1AKE3 LIFE'S VALU EASY0 M aan 1 H w.U Uuie be ate SOLS Br-vr Km ww ww tne he haa arfl-tidd for tn laat tir He intend Ut iocat at Mason City. tr i.airr 1 . n w. 1. 1 . r.- . t .w r 1. i--.... . 1 in,r. 1 nv waa married in Linc.n vnti miav ! enarge of the .'urtis hotel Apnl 3.. tj Ma Cora, b.acawotid. They wUl make HARVAJLD Th- of M-a. A. ?aw- teji was orougr.t from T"!e Ilast nvn ajrv.'im nd buried In th eemerry ilniav M-.. awteil. who had been meane f r twitv- Pniter.t A'ivrtjpainr la fceturna. tae riad to E'r : their Hum in una city f ir tha present. LWRE.M'E-Mrv s'aphronia Klminan d.ed yesivrda. l tne 14a of f,i.l.w.n tn smui uf her ooai-and oov a few I . roontlia ag'i. Thry were anoag t'te ari:at i ' aettiera in Una cinnmuri.i y and leave i ih:jlrn. mujtl ,1 f am rmn ! HOLX'REGE amue) F'uvia. whs retired i om yars 40 frum active hfe m the ) farm, died yeirda? at h ja bum In Lh.a ; tciiy. sVveral chi:ilr.n ard a widiw sur- i . to deceased. The f-itwal m m hnd ; i.Kiav and interment mad in Lb Ijca. I cemetery. i j FAIRMO.VT-Th F.ilmure I'juntv ? 111- '. f!v years, waa f Jonn 4t . wh. er-tted une f rt two-M-n-v btiM.nes bui.d'iw in Hrvxr. rhts binjr in t' e n- :r or TZ-t. tier rami w removed 'a I'?:!- TunmU' of tn.a w.e. Iwjim aiecirj !.UJw by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY C lcr of FAIRY SOAP, tie oval cAe. by u Mr(.HMiiM jsiaay arnuui ara C. W. 'umund. rata. Am Oreen. Kv L. H. L Waif and W Li. Bruuka, a-nuul I attoerlntndenc GtXEVA The bdy ..f frr B. H M set : 3 at his noma. min rew-'bd rrr ; t"iif.tiy n.ght. fc-nimtiijiil by Mr. ria ! a ,n djiiMr gj n. Tne I .u.riU waa tou4' H at the ar t aa uiarua tuuy Lr te'l, uf Lin u.n, n lumia several yare 1 itd a g-ia-tl was anpointed ftr Mr. SawtH ad ti- j eiat baa been auid by oraVrs of the c:iurt. TF.',,M.-3r'R--;uy W. G-n of L.n- ' cMn rae a lecture at ih Baotte churrn in this c-tr lat n r" l -ou- . waa "Fud- n K"ta. ay " Mr i''- hi b-en. traein w . aia fam.x'S Ntiraita haa- bajl argrega: . ,-n. la pii p t-I on roed'.tkm i the iiih and wicc-i-di 1 1-1 ntervata: ht aud'.m-- tnro-igtt h;a rn .- iee'iar. as Mr Green waa r-ar.l h.-e 1 and a'-al it -d fnm tfe . -riMlH ftere wivt Hon.r. and haa a Ii.wy i f f-.n,l I ha ei- gft h tn an 1 tnev r er--c -n- j ' d-'rtfd to be Br-.r.f atif bar lr Grw. .' 'a.k. A- ft Re1h jmn presi td at tr. ir- . in aid t.iw irii;y S-j-iia i.-artc-. j tax- 1 ni.he tne moj;.:. STROM SSURU-Th peocl f thia Ti,-ia, , CCUM ALL THE CHILDREN. IS PLEA OF SCHQCL ECARO j Meaaher Madeay haw Hltrr Omaha i Ilaa Bera Wnaxra tm. th Put 7 Wrww; (uit. Th groat importauc' cf t.te coming schi ol c na. and tht- nee-1 f r Ljimu it .iirtpli-te and cor--t a as n(htt;ul Mm- : day est-nin? by U-m!r Lirdjay at the, meeting of th Bjard of Edcauun. "T'11 a.-wprr ithoiild wsti -l:e prop ( up on tjt.s ai.b-. ," said Mr. Lindnay. ' F.,r f v ral : -tar; (.'trata. in cuctnuo with .ihvr cit es if .'ttn-K. di ainwtiu! g:i to diptauii etMnet i..i..n. T ' we ao' point su. tii ty li.-fjiri; . to say th.r lojt. tf'ae Z''-. lit. a (.raa-::. e lias t en ti.rpd by t ie ln..kri. a ::rt uie tnr.'t 1 aant tu iniikri ouw .a th! tiulurt-a ah'juid !. rnumcraid on y wticr- uu y --n. a:Jd iiotir.- :.-.?. Tl-.ey wiil not f-es b eoaiiuiit-d at two pi:u-ra, with a ci-K!e4.itriit urre-iiAbte reurn.'' This new Crossett srile is s snappy model ia the new shade "B3on Cray. Just the shoe to go with your gray spring suit. Made Trith nar row hih toe over our new "Marathon" last. Other Crossett styles give you a wide range of choice. $4 to $o eYerrwfcsre J ' Lewis A. Crossett, be, Miket NCBTH ASTffCTON. MASS. " IIAYO Tl " a " f ! IraS.a 3 0 SVw tm r? Crossett Shoos WBITC FOR CATALOGUE lad ran a-v Lwuurr: a J Ut. ui.n -ui;h Ram H a uiti i it 0 "hj vaatj tiBi aad nxoney plaatls doulitf ceeX a Lea jqu csa buy a4a Uls( grow fro ni I3 !,E22iS-l SIID CCL'?1.1T 18 13 Howard Satreel Talephon Douglas 113a