Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 20, 1910, Page 11, Image 11

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    HIE EES: 0?,!AjIA. WEDNESDAY. AFRITa in. mo.
f .
Table Strdnj, wTieat Sallies, lVTiil
Sliarts Ga to. Cover.
- .
a Cades llH(nt rr r
Rata Makf X Effort
X sieve
Tisveard ' the t ro Im
kwvseat. - -OMAHA, April 13. riO.
Wheat ran i"l at the opanlng. Caoles
-ere strong ;-'! covering by short in
lured m,e nw busing, which tir y
charged t in ct sentiment and Uu:n trad
ers wn- pt.iy r' f..r a reaction from uieea
levots. n't i t'l.r pointed to nr fact
tnat recent ruts have nut Improved tne
!Mwin ernr. .
There is lnr! or no cuantre In tha eon
market, li'i i w.i n.ia continue on all bulges
ihi va.ties e.atiiy" wmic under u:ir pressure.
,'he cann rnruliT oni an'if:v Improved.
Wheat started irn end higher, wit.i
I-Jveromd castes t!unr, raumnif shorts to
c ivr. Lati-r bears tirceme impressive Ujaiu
and prices were turoed lowe.- from the
up'i i touhre. . . .
v'ilibef l.iii-,r?atlun sent torn valnm still
In"'". wh ilftl or no reuov.-.ry frnm ye
'eriay. Cistt corn wan weaker ami ofrr
nas bron4it ttwr less today, buyers bmrf
inclined hold off for the pi-nmru..
ri"i.r ii.ut. ree. ipt v wre iO.'HO bu.
And nuivKaw iwere i.twe bia.. onanist re- i
Tetpt ost wHf ,rr -SHvwJa mi. and snip
nenta of. Mhi.iHti Tin. -
Primary com receims were 377.000 bu.
tnd shipments Were ail.'! bo., ijairwt n -
supts Mt voir of bu. and ship
ment ot tlCUPt- bu.
Liverpool closed "Infld higher on wheat
uid i., .mf-r on corn
.' ocai rinse ef options:
4rtlcloa.rOp. 3J Hhjlfc.
Low. C!oe.t Tea y.
JaJy '.';
1 "V-!
1 .
33 I
frmiiia raad Pr!reav
WltEAT-No. Z iard, SiJU-Wi; No. 3
lard. ivi,.HSc; No 4 hard, m-n6c: re
ected hard. Jfawffen; No. X spring. ILOmg
.ilt'; No. S spriutr. 97((.Jl il; .no. 4 spring,
4c; No. A durum, (fHc; 3
lurum. CtfSfS'i!.
i.-jRN :vi, 2 white. 6."e: No. S white.
fir.V;N.j. . 4 white. 51rr;t'ci fvo, 3
uior. .ri.t";4or' X). 4 color, 5Ma.ic; No. 2
r'allow. Stir: No. X yllnw. 5:'6a'ii?; No. 4
rbllow. 47rae; NK i, 5ic:- No. I a'gfiHc;
u. 4. 47i-c; no grada. ti44c.
OATS Standard. 4t)' au; No. S white.
iitiMe; No. 4 white. S7'r6",ls:: No. S yel
ow. :ii(.;i;: No. 4 yellow, 3VaaS3Sc; No. 3
mixed, ai"'4.T3c.
bAKUt-No. 4. uOASlc; No. 1 feed, 4!$
X 7tr74c; No. 3. 72-630.-
Carlu. Keeeipta.
' x." ' Whea. Corn. Oats,
- , ......
Dulutti .,
rtsr the Tra41n saat Claaiajc
Prtees Board af Traala.
CHICAGO. Avril 19. Wheat prices started
out etronst trfday and closed weak after
longa had ITXm mered the bulls Into submis
sion, la a milder meftur corn emulated
wheat, and In still narrower limits oata re
flected tiie early advance and later decline
of tha other araJna. Provisions advanced
(a"wmy, ektelnir from I5o to OOe Up.
-A su-on foreirn mHrkat wtth Uveruool
Ifeures materially adTanced srtorta sir
ixcuae to cover with tha opening- of ha
Say and heavy buylnif ran - Ma- up ra
wHi.lo July and September took on a gain
oil about He. Hjlders p cash wheat, to
gettlrr with- elevator- concerns- Joined in
sorsr'nir the market with offerina-s and tha
bulls gava way. July aank by deifrees from
Hltai to M.W to JUStts, and iept.eiiwer,
sh.ii" d down from ILOO'-i to atio. wliiie May
timthled from -t at-tl3- The loe-was
ariitC with ifufrH off at C (,, ep-mtr
Ua down at HHaJPS, ajid Xy, Wil
tKrJU.a.Wl.U3,, . ,. , .
Corn waa Inclined!' to f.rmnmi early,
buoyed up by Uia admncinr tida of whent
L Midi took, on bout toe. Later- tn tha atm-
mian when wheat waa on tha down grade,
enrn saa.fed. May tourhina; 5Hc. after ha.v
lBf iold at W-tr.- Tha demand for mt! ecm
waai fair and prlcea were steady; No. S yel
ow snid a tlKc, Ail tha futures closed waak,
a-t.-Jt May off at tiia.
There hum a slackening of rtlifpplnar de
mand In oata. May moved between. 4Zc
m4 -4i and eloeed. weak. F'.nal flirurea
lor May wera tuVc duwn at Al-S if 41c .
In provisions pork wis particularly ac
Kva and showed a net irxin of from 47Hc for
Sevtambar to-two for May. Lord ami ribs
aero, lesa forward and gained from, liki ta
tyt; Clostnif fignres for the May products
j --rf Pnrk. kt up at 121.25; lard. 20c higher
I nr.os and rfba, 15c np at 12.P4.
-milt Xat urea . raug aa follows:
Articles. Open. Hlh.j Low. Cloaa. Tesy.
'1 0SH;1 OtrW.I t5Ss
IwtSi 1 ll
41 i-si
1 04
k May
Uuty .
' Lara
May jiur
May -
'Si '
.iti1! -
t .
!4i'1"l -
L -0t
40 J
21 00
21 IS
30 M
13 05
21 26
21 60
31 47
n s
13 3a-
n w w B t n ss
U ' 13 t U mi
U aTSj 13 07H! U 85
n 32'j 13 02Va, 11 0 I 13 02"a 11
Ik lit juaa 1 U 75 UDfr iU7S
U Z2W U i W U 73' U UHi U SL'H
No. If '
aiMicauona wera. as touovs:
rUJCU-Wu; winter paienta, ICakgiSS ;
r liner atraishu. aurina- aira.unia
Kit No. i ;4!,
'liAHLSlfi-F'M of mixing, 43ip50c; fair
to. cnei, maiang. txi fMa. -.ScfcO
Tunuctiy. U-uu elouar. tll-7S,
F -'.':-jJTI.'Ii.iNS Furl, mesa, per boi., SJL25
fSi.Si); lard.' ?ter ! lbs.. Uiut. short rioa.
MOaa. loose- J.iTTna, snort clear sldua,
bwsili iuaij.;a.
Tuil cifnracee of wtieat and Hour were
e?'ia Ito i'.3.wt bushela. Primary r-elp:a
aii-si, UUHheia. Cumgurnl with iiS.oywl
buitueis ui. ;M-TSHondinK day a year ago.
Taa w.irid s v'jiiU,e suuply. as ituwa by
BraJatreet. tm-rwaiMwi tl.i biMheia
ati;naed receipta for tomorrow: Wheat,
! fw; coon. MM aars; oaia,-14 caca; hogs,
it je head. . ,
I ttiair Cash Pricea Wheat: So. S red.
' ft. -vi l. If-: No. 1 red, tl.w A-sil t. No.
liard, il.7Sl No. J hatd. U 'Mil-W;
No. 3 .'pnnir, Cora: Ni, i cao.
ie5'-'iu Ni, S ca,i. !:'-.;; No. 2 wiuui.
le-vrt; i WHitei .-vwi; N'X 3 yei-
W. N 1 yaliow, ii--uJoe. Oata: No.
3 wtte. 3 fj.rv: No. J wnita, ti-ni:v;
Nm white, etV-MJ4e; standard. C'j.itiiO.
LX'TTaH eyfeotly; reamera. iujkUa;
la. i-'rs. i, i iMj,
1 ' ..S tt-ei .-ts. ' ST. 3 cases. Msrktt
nwady. at murk, wbm Included, TT'tn lHc;
;ti,. Jm,r prtma ftrsfs. 21
i,' JtiCk.ii bteady,. daisiea. .lHe: twirum
t.U-jf-. Young America, 1 long
aorna. nwr.!Jtc.
"V i"ATut.a Weak; choiea to fanry. 22tf
" '" o g uilt. Asso. ..
KJtLTHr-r'ii-ai; tarkeym, iTc; ehickena.
iuill(JS, lljic.
- Lasts lawaeraj Market.
-ST Ltnrr:. pnl i WHEAT Futures,
kr;. May. vua; Juiy. -,c. t astt. lower;
-et No, 1 rwd. ax-uoul.-Ji"; No. t DAfd.
C Futures, lower; May. 5S,ii: July.
i'-Lt- -aTaaai, lower; tra. a. o, J, J?-g.jvAe;
No. J wbtie. ait4L;i-tc. -
iUT- r a4iu-ea. lower: May, 41c
ca.0. A.asu. lower ; track. No. J,
No. I white, 43Wr-447.
HIE-Nominal. 7Vc.
p"l t.TKV Firm; chlctsns TTc: snrmms
"l.i)CK-Ltfwer: red winter paini.. ii
&.!: etitra fancy and straight. i..xj.8. 10;
Aevtt -wuitee cetais, i ifg-lNs.
L -"F.I '!":iJ3V. Xia.jB,
C' iiMi'-AiHia
PrlAM '.v'i-tik. sai-ked. east track. 31 0B4
J.M. ....
HAT-PuU; tiuwithy. i3."5'.ll; prairW.
H2 mri 'J
! a 1 Te.
.MP T'bj.;-k. , ...
.-V V.-J'org rtufbar. Aubb-ng-.
' fun i h.; ic-r; pmrm siit:n, f.
" ttr eilv in.a'A - 4 y I nxini u &
JtA'.'s. f,rr '.. j; 4. . Sll.w-t
4UA.-a,,- lictio luaer, Ooxud ti.ut
20 70 21 25 f 20
2t 42Hf 30
M a 31 37?it SJ
cietir rihs, t"5 .
T'4; h.irt
-"St . ,.,.j
23c; V.irn-t, .-Or; dnr.ks. JW
at .on
Corn, bu
i 'in. bu ....
Flour, bbta .
. ..
PH 0
Vrmlaa; Tailiwi Caattaa frank
Iwkr VnihilM Ukn.
OMAHA. April. 19. !SUJ.
Ftiatn trnpratitr emtntiw t''ral
from t.'ta FUwhy nurnt.ini aMt ovr tn
rntrl t.iyi to- tn lo"T Uiita rif 'in.
Killina froata k-iirr"l In KtniM nd J;
aniirt and h avy fr'i wr rpirttl n
erai aa far "nlH a. ArHn.ii and u;a-
noma Hi ooid -:nr n:ia connnuwi
f an.i .raw ar.n
rn rv
rn nd iiiwer At..intii! tatf. Ha;na audi, ' ' ' , u".
.Di.n-11 w.-r. ..nPrul frm tt. ' M,ui!.ippi ! m ,,rh spoli ation. T ho market waa not
nvr rvt i u.f on;o i!ov and !K r- I . t"t Importan-o was atiaubml to
!i.n Jintii! the !a--i twnnty-( )iir honr ,' vry lne individual tranwactlona,
arirriir.:ln-ia in tn Ohio vaiiv nd laaa "prlally In t nited ltat step. Tha awll'.nf
! on t.-ia miirninrf. Tht wiui r baj of thia atock by tha aiock MChanm firm
cirtml m tha utpT Y iwnaaippl and Mia- i w!:ir wan rcwalmt as the laritost of
diniti TJiiloyii la n!ia.iy clear I ra.?orr of tha companv n ahara of any of
throHjthout tna wt. Tmpf rauirvt ar ! its claaa by tha statement givan out by the
hlirhe:- in
the nor-bwent. thi mountain re-
inn and
to tiio r-:iiir coast, ana
i!l rice olowiv In fun Ttrlmty tonm.1t and
W-dnecriay. aith fair weattier.
The f'iiltn Btio n ih- :nnr3tura and.
pr-cipuation for the last three yeura:
iit'.u. i."rti. ljti. 130T
Mini:n;im teaiiwrature ... Mt W H Sit
PwK-.iacioa- W T .otf .
.Niirmal temperature for today. 48 drre9.
Lef icwicy
2. 77 ini'he.
in prciyiUiiion &i.-c& lane.. a t.
correspond ins aerlod tn tada,
aorrespondlnaT period In 1903,
. WELSH Local Forecaster.
l.yi tncttea..
I E-eflcie-ncy
! 2.15 !n:h-a.
Cava J Wer R'Sloa Bmflatia.
For OmnTia. Teb., for tha ' twenty-four
hours emiinif i S a. m . 75th mend. an
time, Tuiwl.iy. ilnrll 13. 1S10:
-Tp - Rain- . , "
5tatlor5S. Max. M in., fait
Pt. clmidy
Cloudy ,
Aflilaiid, Nh .12
Auhuro. Neb 41 .71
Li km Bow. Nb. in 24
otnmbuK, Nb... Hif r
fnlhertaon, Nb.. rt2 2h
Fa.rhary. N?b... 'i :t2
Fairmoni. Nb... SS 2S
fir. tj.lan.1. Nb.. 30 21
Ilartinaton, NVb. .D
Hanttnat. Nb.. 4a In-
v .410
Hi)ldnKe. Neb... 3)1 29
Oakdaie. Neb... .KJ 24
Omaha, N"h Is 3t
T-kamoh, Netr... T7 Ht
Alto, la 3fi 29
Carroll. Ia 38 T,
(larlnda. Ia St 30
Sibley. Ia..... 34 2
tioux City, Ia... SS 22
Minimum temperature
period ending at 8 a. m.
tn averages.
Not included
No. of
Terrro. Rnln.
Central. Stations.
Max. Min. Inches.
Columbus. 0 17
M 32 .40
41 34 .30
43 SZ .50
44 34 .30
42 32 .00
42 .m
4 20 .on
44 32 .on
43 28 .Ob
LoulHvilie. Ky LI
Indianapolis. Ind.. 12
Chicago. Ill 2S
St. Louis. Mo 1.1
Dos Moines, la.... 14
Minneapolis. Minn. 30
Kansaa City, Mo.. 24
Omaha. Neb 1
Tempera tores below freest ns; ara reported
In all portions of the corn and wheat region
ennept the Louisville district. Rains and
snows were general over the eastern por
tion of the corn and wheat region- during
the last twenty-four Hours and continue in
that section this morning.
T. A. WE1J?H.
Local Forecaster, Weather Bureau.
af tka Day ast Tart was
" JHIff- TOR.IC April -19. FLOtm-Easy.
with small trade; spring patents, J.3&Ki.50;
winter snraights, J6.0tra.lU; winter patents.
J5.rSU5.76: Kansas straighta. R3U&6.1U. Re
ceipts, le.SHa bbls.; shipments. LI. 713 Hbla,
Ryu flour .raay; fair to good, 4.Si4.4&;
choice to far.ry, 4.504j,4.fl6.
WBSMEAL-Eaay; fine wWtiy and yel
low. JL4Wi.t6; oo ara. n.6LH kiln dried,
ft TE Nominal i No, I western. j&MfCV f. a.
b. New York.
WHEAT tipnt. wsakn No. -3 ned, a.
L t: N. I northern, 8Lli f. e. te, opening
navigation. Options advanced early oa
shorts covering and firm cables, but tae
tin tics were bearish ' with favorable crop
news and the market eased off ami closed
at ia net decline. Exporter took three
loado; May closed SLU1; July, . $1.08.
September, $L08a; rect-iput. Court, b-tk .-
CUftX Spot barely suady; suiamer. S2Wc
and No. 4. SDc, both, nominal'. . elevator,
export boats: export. No. 2. ii3,-z. nominal,
f. e. b. uption market waa without tran
sactions, closing unchanged to c net
lower;- May closed tiiia; July, 70V:; Sep
tember. 70Sc; receipts, W.87o bu; ahipuienta,
113.J bu.
OATS Spot easy; mtiail, ja to 32 lbs.,
nominal; natural white. 2a to J2 lba.. 4fci3
4lic; clipped white, 34 to 43 lbs., 4&4uc;
receipta. 70.250 bu. ; shipments, 457 bu.
HAT Juiet; prime. JL10-. No, L C10;
No. 3. SrcH-JLOO; No. a, afcojoc
HOPS Dull; stata, common to choice.
He. ZS'tfOtic: 1W, nominal; Paclflo coast,
Uk. livflUc; lain. nomtnaL '
HIDiisi Firm; Cemral America, 22Ha;
Bogota. 32ii23c.
LiiiATH Kit Firm; aamloek firsts. 2C9
29c; seconds, 231"7c; thirds, 224j.2Sc; rejected,
PROVISIONS Pork, eajry; mens, $24.50-
39.uti; lamny, .wi.-; biiotx clear. )-5.7a
iiZt.XK Bef. steady; mesa. t15.ilG-ftl--.i)0-.
family, SlSltulSriO: bams. 24.00ife2e.UO. Cut
meats, easy; pickled bellies. Hi to 14 lba.,
15.5Vl7.lW; plckleil hams. Jlti.3j"rl7 10.
Lard, steady; middle west, prime,
li,: refined unaetcled; continent, JL3.";
South America, (14.75; compound, )Di).0oj)
10 'A
TALLOW Quiet; prime city, odd, THc;
cotmtr-c,- TLmWsc
RKJE Steady; domestic, SgSe; Japan,
BLTTER Firm; creamery, second to ex
tras. JOilWle.
CHEB.-sE Quiet; state full cream, new,
best, I'J'v.: common to fair, ll1!-.
EOO Easy; western regular packed.
Prat, 21tff)t2; southern, regular packed,
first, Sljil1!.
POULTRY Alive, firm; fowls. Ct
Pressed, dull; fowla. Halite; turkeys, 17't,
22c ,
Llsiael 43ntAa Ma-rlBrf,
LrVERPOOU April 13 WHEAT P pot,
dull. Nik t red weMarn wlntar. no stock.
Futm-ea, steady; May, 7a Sd; July, 7 P,d;
Octotter. Ts Bd. . . . . ..
CORN iSpm. quiet; new American mixed
northern, as 3d; old American mixed, ta SVI.
Futures, cumiuai.
Kaaaas t"ly 4SrsJsi aa4 rravtalaaa.
Jl-ialS, bid; July, 9nc sellers; Septenrcer,
iMViioc seilera. Coxii unchanged to 3c
lower; No. 1 hard. CuitfUK; No. X 94w1.Ub;
No. 2 red. L0qi Los. No. 3. JLillLOS.
CORN May. 5tiNn5SA sellers; July. 5SS??
5Kc bid; Septt ember. aSa bid. Cash, un
changed; No. I mixed. 57c; No. 3. rjaui;W;
No. 3 white. AWrc; No. 3. C-y58c
OATls Vix:unrl; Sis. 1 white. 4&sac;
No. 2 mlx"l aryac.
HAT Cncnsnaed: choice timothy, tlB.OO;
chotce- pralrts. ia7Eail.; ehtrfes alfalfa.
ti.jtf!SA ....
BL'TTER Market la higher; creamery
extraa. 31c: firsts. 2Ju; seconds, 27c; pack
insr stock. 30c
EfJId Unchanged; current receipt, new
ease. 15.70: miscellaneous cases. tu.ffi;
southern a 35. 49; storage pocked. M 10.
Reeeims. Shipments.
Wheat, bit an en
Corn, bu ll.iaid 00 r
Oaca, bu 000 7 uuj
. Ulssaspalls Aisala Market. -
MTNNE.t P if.!.- April 19 -WHEAT-May. !.:! July. .0b: Septenir
ber. 9H. Caen : No. t hard, tl 0Ri- No.
1 itortiiem. 1 vrl 074: No. 1 norThern.
tl tH-rr ,t.4; No, J nortitem tl s,,,) 04V.
CORN No. 3 yellow, as, .itsjSia. '
OATS-Sa 3 whive, Ssa .I'.e.
RYE No. 1 7trn,o.
B RA N la lW-po.ind sausks, BaOofflgJE. .
FLoUU First patents t;a wood, f. a. k.,
Minneerjol'.nl. J&.vf al; socund patents!
IS.ikuf.At fist Clears, Kk-S4.!5; second
etears, ti. Mmj-X 19. -
MUaaaita Grala Harkat.
MIL W AlKKS, April S3. W H EAT No.
1 imruiam. tl t."rl t; Not S northern, COtiti
LOTS- Jiy. tl
OATH l',4A4t. .
JfliOV, ac;
pril 19-0"R.VK'e'.(er; No. 2
Nj. 1 yeiiow. i,-Sc; No. X
&;xi;: Mo. 4, Wc
no- grou thuHAK.
i).T Lowr
him, 4iS- -
Six. 3 white, tZa; fio.
Dalatk beat -a Market.
rCLCTH. April 19. WHEAT Ma v.
CooS. J 11. . Cif, No. I Buricuira, tLa.-,.
No. 3 saiutarn, ji"a.
Speculatica Uncertiia Btcaiue of
Lack of TecisiTs Tom.
rrngntlna fail
Will Bav Effv
Ij Artificial
a Marfeaa Pmmt
f Imkluc
XEW tORRT. Apni I3.-Thra waa a lnok
( d.-ciiv tn tho stjofc marHt tmlar
ctirporation Itself yaaterday, gava riae to
miichi comment.
The Influence was due to the wldespresd
belief that the firm's holdings represent
tre- Interest of some of the so-called insid
ers In the corporation. The source of the
selling was rgarded Done the less as aml-
I nous. The effect wa to give rise to doubts
. of U. accumcv of previous predictions of a
Incoming Incnrme In the dividend. The nim ir
was given currency- also that the quarterly
statement of earnings to be pu-hllshed next
Tuesday would pr iv dlHaspouiting.
It. was reported that tne pnhucatlaa of
monthly rtartstics of copper production, de
liveries and aio:ks would be abandoned
and the Copper Producers' aieociaUon die
solved. The effect on sentiment was to
sueireHt a return to secret methods and a
feliing of distrust af local trade condition.
A denial of the repoitt rallied coppers.
Tha yolume of the- gold engagements for
export prnved somewhat disconrerting, the
total rising- tn near tha Jt.000.000 mark, of
which $3.ouo.000 was for London and JLH50.
000 for Braaii. The action of the money
market showed the relief caused by this
movement af gold in. the Lowering of the
private discount rate..
The prosecution of the cotton market pool
would have several phases in the Wall
street view. A breaking up of the arti
ficial conditions surrounding cotton and a
price adjustment would be welcomed by the
financial community. On the other hand,
legal procedure against market operators
In another commodity-suggest analogies for
the stuck operator that are nut grateful.
None of the day's factors was constant
in its operations and prices ended the day
little changed.
Bonds were easy. Total sales par value.
C.7HE.OH0. United States bonds were un
changed on call.
Number of sales and leading quotations
an stocks- were:
. Salee. Hlsh. low. Cloea
Allls-aalmers dMI av4
a-n-u-r-unaUHl (-neper 21, Duo V Too,
i-MfMM - Aa-rtcuiuinu . .
47 1,
tn. Bw-t sugar
Amarit-aa Can
Am. C. at r 800
Am. Oman Oil
Am. S. A U pi ,- S
Am. loe Hvurtt ! t its)
American tan d . .... -
. HHl
Amerlf-an LocomOTlv . ....
Am. 3. A it .
Am. S. A R pfa
Am. Ste-S Foundrlcw
Am. Hugae Reflmng
Am. T A T
Am. Tabecre ptd. . .
American tlwla ..........
Aiisconaa Ulmnc Oa......
Attthiaoa, ex-risats ....
AtrklnMl pta. ez-rlglita....
AUantie Cout Una
BfUtlmor Oslo..
B4-thietiesi Steel
Br-wMr-s RapM. r.
Onodlu Ftu-ine
v e?4 sr- k
loo 107 -or
at z4
l.ana is ia
. -k . y
4. i 47
&.kio nvk nan
lUlt H-! 10(11
jus . ia iit
lb. tu iu-
tsa W'i
i UBS, 1'4 45'-,
100 lut loa
""tin "
: . di4 at
La a 1M
.- 144 14-fti
10 gft S7-1I
t,9iM . 41-
"k'ana it'i its
M ,7 17
ins 17
I.o. - 44 at
.. -;i si
l.w) ji su4
w -.wa 4W--L
' m a
;( lnl"4i lliHi
4.9M A3 wa
. u ie
lll 14"i 1
18. W --( U'4
n.ea .. wtw
IHIS 4 4
Cm t nut L-atiler ...........
Central LeaUier ptd 100 lut loa 107 1
Ontral ot New J-rxir mm
Otm-M-eli A 01 la. tU0 m aT .
Clllcmea A Alton.... .... ... 64
l.tiliun fH. w, am tm . a zr-.
cnwas-xOt. W. pM.. .... - '." . M4 U4 44,,
awwA 5.. w 1.51 a if iM i4',
C W. St. y-T. ....t, 144 14S4 1434.
a. C, C A St. L.
Comnuto r. a i.
Calorailo A aoattMrn....
CftneohttKte-1 Gmm ..........
Cf.n Products .....
Deiawara A Uadaea ...
Dan-ei-r A Rio efmnea.....
D..-.A. a:: 0V.
DMUlaW S-wunuas ...
(Cri 1st ptd
Erie 3d ptd
Genn-ai Bl-mrie
(treat ?Cnrtha-n pra.
Grai -4artaaaa ,0re etls...
iuina-a rsunj
lntar-ior---iis"h Met. .
tnu. Met. pro,..
International Bar-raster .
Int. M-uine pli.-. ....... J ao
latarnauimal Paoar . . . . . .
loiernauon&l Ptuup ....... IM 4TH
Iowa Cantral . . .
Mannas City 8a 404
a. c. Bo. pfd. Ha
Loolude Oea
Uawllla 1 . ... 7n
Minn. A St. Lonis 4fw
M., St. P. A A a. M
M., S A T - .
M. K. A T. pt.
Mlaa-nirl Padna ........... 40
National Ulacun) ...
Nauonal Lead LOwl
a. H. a. ot M. id ptd :o
Hew York Ceetrai . a,
f4. T-. X A W .. ,
Koi-folk A Waatara LP
Pitiff-h AilM-lallA - -
Won 3am PaclHo ITTS
Pmciac Mail
Pwiiurlvanta 4,400
Pat-ale's Uaa
r, c. c a st. i. &
Plttabar-s Coal
P.aaiil Ote-M Car.
PaUmAB. Paiacs C3ar. S0
Boiia-ar 9o4 Spring.......
Beading .
tiepuQiis 9taa4 MM
BvpiUilt Btaad ptd.......... .
Buca lalalKd Co. . U.a
liri IManS Co. pfd -. &)
at. l. A s. P. id rttt a
St La-ota 0. W MS
at, L. A W. pfd..-. 0
SlofBt-efttei-l A A 1......
SaaaiMra Patina . 14, 70S
aaiuaarn Ealleor N
to. Rail-ear ptd... 4MS
T II I I Cappar 300
Tnaa A Pauulc... .......
T., at. L A W.
T.. St. U A W. ft .- I
Cnlun Pacirlo .. ...... rf.ea
CBloa Faafll out... '
' 3
A7'A 17 . 7
47, 117 47
ua4 l"i iota.
140 If 16
V M 4
lllHa 1314 UK4
44 41 41.
Tf na.- TM
ia iu Itn
tt H K
2S4 344 '
124 AIM'S Ua.
lOatA, U4Jj 104
us uts 11
137 134 lSs
l.Hi Ul Ulk
10k lUSw WV,
'.Z'.l 41
141 V, lftl 11)1
14744 is&tft lfci
r.ifc rr" srv.
... iUB
4f4 47V 44A
tt ti. 4W
51 4 Sua. Ave,
to4 eMh
744, Ta, 744
TTS TT ta,
12 13T4
a ai n
aa-a 444 44.
11 a n t
AA 43 4t4,
asis 44 an,
1S1 !84 Ik.ia
444j r, f
' 74"a. 7a 7K4j
. '44 4 434
. - 1 Aft
. 121 l.'tat 121
tS'S 4S 4S4j
(n't, 54H ad
22-. SS SA
4A 4T4j 4S
4r. 4V, :,
4 44
a r.i ta
4 ia
c. a a.t7 loe
O. A Kiuur tw
U. 8V B4 IX1.:1
V. S. Steal ptd 1.3B0
Utolt Copper 4a
Va.-lniina Clwmical .... J.304
Watiasa . T
WttaaeS ptd l"
Waaura Marrlaad otts aav
WeatlnKhoua Bltria ....
Waatara Cnlun w
Whaatlus A U a
Total awas tor ibe day. gU.KM
Laadas Stove It Market.
LON73QN. AprU IS. Ameiicoa aeciu-Uiaa
opened easy today. During the first bour
the low priced team its hardened, but the
rear of the list waa lifeless. At noon toe
market was dull with, prices ranging from
a above to g tielow yesterday's New York
Ceneula raaar tl Leshreltte A !4aah,.SM
do aocoant Si's Mo., tut A Texas,. 44
Amifcl. Copper ...... T4 Saw Tvt CamraA.. . Irtta.
Anaoonda s Wfrreis A WweiaS.-lOT
inaaon Ill du ptd at
d ptd l'S", Oniana A Wsstavs.. st
Baiumure A Ohio. -.134 Pennsylvania ........ TS
tanadtaa Pacific ...lS7kad Mloaa 44i
Chaaasnaan A Utats.. ts Baaitn S
Cbl. Uraat Waatara.. W Southern Bail way .. Ska
Cut.. Mil. A at. p..ia on pt 44
Da Basra 14 Soataara PaaUte . ISHa,
Denver A file lA M , L IlloH PacinS ......ivsa,
ao ptd do pfd .. 100 a
In, 110 A Staat
do 1st. pnt . 4V4. 4a pat .... 12S
de AS ptd WauaaB Aa,
tleand TruuS St de ptd s
Ulinota I'rr.tnl . Inanlan 4s Si '
eiLVER Bar, ateady ax 34 ir-lbd per
WuNET JHJJ1 per east.
The rata of dioccunt In the open market
for short bills is 3H per cent; for three
months' btha, 3 13-ia per cenC
Btw Tasax (
Tha following qtiotatlona are faraiahaa by
Lognn A Bryao. XL aoum alxtoanui street:
Omaha :
ft.wraa ConaulidotaaV CTHli lie Otnoaoa . Sa)
Suite CoaaUaaa ..... 31 lliaplratlim .. Tafc
Cartoa f inaia . . 2i'ea. Caakaolldatad .. I'ai
1 wt Coenblldusd ., t Neaoda-Utaa I
rrartwn , S4Hin iMhw lift
Da'ia-Ueir A Hawhxla CxalUloa ., S
Sir I taitrml .11 Say tWral 5
K cinoa.iidataS aa Swia Pas. Ce. tiea
klr Wiu, i Saace, ituaaakS Co...lfM
r-mnSiiu , ...IAS Wuanna a Pntebani i-A
t,n,ui 4HT.Tmiaa atoms 1-a
taujiltleld Cwoa. T-ll.lT.r opine
u,narM Ptoraaaa ... I C tula Cut X
lieturiatd Eauar Ts
Tmswy Statemawal. .
WASHINOTON. April 19. Tom eonditlua
of the treasury at the beg' train g of bustnees
today was as fuilowa: Truss fundo, gold
etiin. t .... silver d.iliara, tv. j)f; ,gu;
silver dollars of bfjo, S3 .""l.iti. silver ear
ti7U:ate on l stand'. ng, A ttti.tluO. Cirnral
f'.n-i. atandstr.1 silver doiiais In swtieral
taud. C.AiA,i"4; eurraiul Uauiiiuva, tyZ,4Vs.-
1. irli.n ra'.nc in tra'tTT offer.
in hiiK to rr!'t rf Xrnrmr
if the t"nl"t S't". tlS. ML.Tl . a.ihmitiary
a lvr 1n. t:iTTl.sS'. minor coin. II 4";
total baianca tn nrai fund. Ht-t..K";.iM.
ew Tark Maaey Market.
SEW TOR. Apr, m. MONET c.
steady. 393 pr cent; ruling rate; 2 per
cent; closing bid. t per cent; offered at
2 pr rent. T'tne Innns very d id and
hsvy; at days SS4 per eent; M days, 4
41 pr cnt: sty months. nti rr cent.
per eeet.
S-tual bosinesa In bankers' hills t H .: ., r
446 for sijtty-day bllia. ind at t.'.'aa for
demand. Cnmmertlal bt la, t4Al i'4.H4'.
SILVER Ear. !vv Mexican Sollara. 44n.
HOXDi-Government. steady; railroad
bonds, easy.
'"'.sing q tint it hi ns m bonds wera as
C. a. ta. Ia naj....ywai tnt. if. M. 4Sa ,
in wwiuaw Japan 4e at
r. A ia res ''4 ! 4a . H,
t aautrna tnt'4.K, r. In let la
t7 S 4a rs 3. ah. 4a 19X1. . . 5"
"Win 1 H U. A H unt. 4a W,
AiltavThal. at 5r 79 S4 . K. T let 4. .
-m. . V, lit a,,
An. T. A T. er. 4a..l4 n. PaclDo 4a s
Am. Totiacni 4a mi . A ot . 4U,
do aa
..1m7uj. t. C. . A4a
Armour A
Co. 4e... de des. 4s. K
AtrFilann gen. 4S...
do or. 4a
do rv. ria
At. C. U 1st 4e..
E.I. A Ohio 4a....
dn l'.
do s. w. .tss..
PHI. Tr rr. 4a
-an. of Ga. m...
. T . M. H. A H.
Tl:ti r. 4a ist-a,
1141, It. A W 1t o. 4a... H
en fr. 4a 1"S
al!li). Pa.ttnc 4a rt'4
, do is. 73
0. A U rfri. 4a
.. . m Pann. oa. Is; A. , . W14
.. .1.'4 e1n con. 4e. IIW,Rradlas sae. 4a a
Can. Leathm- (...
at M. J. a. 5a. ...lHvk St L A 9. P.
Che A Ohio 4He....l!4, do sen.
do r!f. 3a 4, 3l. U 1 f i
Ot- 4a.
CTlltmao A A. mi TI a let S"ld 4o Kn
C. B. A Id. J. 4S.. .. H "asbner A. C 4a... SH14
do gen. 4e 48 So. Pao. eol. 4a
1 M. ASP. s 3va do OT. ta :i4
C, B. r. A P. e. 4a.. vai do let r-f. 4a. aw,
do rtg. 4a ejj.i. RAMaay is ...J11M1
colo. Ind. Sa. 7H do gan. 4a. Txa
"loin. Mid. 4a 77HCn1mi Pactfle 4s lf
r". A 9. r. A a. 4Ha. do rv. 4a lt4,
D A H. ca. 4b. W tin tat A rat. 4s,...
0 A R. a. 4. 4ir. , Rahoer 4a. l'Ha,
do.raf. 5s ..... T"r. A Steal 3d Sa....HH4l
Ptattllaraf its 7 Va-'aro. (lam. 5s.. ta
Ere p. I. 4a aa,Wabe 1st. fm 11
do ran. 4a 7S dolatAas.4a.....rH
lu ct. 4a. aar. A.. TS Waatern Md. 4a
do sarins 3 711 Waat. Elan. ev. Im. . !
Gen. Kit: rv. is juWla CantraJ 4a m
til. r-n. lot rf. 4a. V'i Mo. ro. cv. Sa etfs.. 9Vi
Int. Mot. 4va. tl?k
BIO. niltetad.
taaal Seearttlea,
Qurtatlons furnished bv Ssmnal Burns,
Jr.. 614 New Turk Life building, Omaha:
Beatrlne Cream err. earn ws
Cltr ot Oman. 4. 19 KSV,
Csttaby Packing Co. Ik P414
lows Portland Camant fta ., . .....
Iowa Port, C Cos. oa
Nebraska Tel. stock 4 par ent. ....... BSt4j
No. Platte Val. Ir. Co. aa, Mtl. ...... M
Omaha Water Ce. ta,. J1S. .....,,...
Otnana Waiar CO. 6a, UMS, n
Omana Water Id pld 13
Omasa Gas Sa. ln M.v..... Wit
Omaha B. U. A P aa. una., St
Omaha B. L. ptd 4 par oaot-..., . sr
Omaha St. Ry. Sa. t14. aavfc
Omaha A (?. a 84. Br. ia IVS. . M
Ontalla AC. B. SU Ry. ptd 4
Oraatia A C. B. St Ry. com t
Omaha A C B. R. A B. p(A 44
Parttlo T. A T.. 5a. WIT t
ehrai.i. a. A H. 4s. 140. .,1.... M
bvmrti Omaha. City of 7.-. . 10214
TP"a Br- fia, lsim oa.,.. .....
Wrigat A Wllhatmr Co t4
Dntoa A T. stock. So. Omxho.... K
tions on mining stoc::s
Alice J7S aLjViir Con
. ft
orunawica i;on. ..... s
T.ltUe Chlet .
Msxtraa t. ....... !o
Ontarlu ...... MR
Ophir. ;i
Htamlani 44
Yellow Jacket ...... ..100
I Com. Fnanoi ,ux-- . u
I Horn silver ss
iron Stjvar . . .lot
saaa .ieavsiaara.
OMAHA, April 19. Bank clearings for to
day were 12.474.303.37 and for the corre-
vwuuing oate last year eUb,3sl.SZ.
MetsA Maska4W
msrae tor standard capper , on the New
York metal exchanee closftt week aiith
spot quoted At C2.37wgT2.7n7 'April at 312.46
18.70; May at JliiutjliTn.-and Jane and
July at tl3.aF-ijrJ.75. The Londrrjr market
?f ,w"al nd lower, -with- ?pot closing at
Sr 18a 9d. Arrivals were- twitted at New
York of about fifty ton.t;Ui!tom house
rotnrna showed'exports ofTtrr.uina, maav
ing 7.045 so far this month:" LiasJ dealers
quote Lake copper at CZSTt4k.13.12'. Elec-,Eut-0
C2.57l513.0U, . . , casung at
JE "?. o'uIl..h spot' quoted At'32.97H
ZT1L : AP"J- t7i2.'4.j..3ri.iJi'; , May at
.o.!e-triM.i: juna At SS.J04ii3.L6, and July
at taSm 33.30.
I iiuiiuita ciost-d firm. with, spot quoted
at Avl9 5 6.1. and futuree at AvI is tkl.
-..r " "u"' ajijt. qtiocea SI 44. Jo
t4-; N"w York; and at tAJOAJS. East
1 15 - Liiiotju, maraet was un
ehanred at 12 12 tkl.
Spelter was dull, with quoted at J5.50a
0.00. New York, and At lfi.2Uia.37' Eot St.
Louis. The London market was lower At
12 7s 6dt ......
The Eno-llsh iron ntrk au 1.-
AM 9d for -Oevelsnd warren. tivaila
the market was quiet and uncnanged. No.'
I foundtry northern. tlkftiaAiit sa- v, 9
C7.SUtTlii.00: No, 1 southern and No. 1
sou t tiara - soft. C7.fl0tffil7.75. ' -
ST. LOT-IS, Anrll 1a A4-irTi
dull. $4.35 asked, "peltar. hrwte- asked!
' AvaJlabls Sapsliee 'e Grata. '
NEW TORKT." Alrll 19 Rnalal ki.
And rwleap-oohte eommnnications neaiaari
by Bradstreefs snow. " tne. fniinwi
coon gee in available aupplisw as aompaxed
yi "vmus accounts ...
WHjuAT United Stoxaa. east Ron knee,
increase. 171. (We bushels: CuiaiIa ie.o,t
226.4100 bushels. "
Total, United States and" Canada, de-
4.0ts bushels. , "
for and In Europe. Increased,
American and Euro peon supply.
1.251.O00 bushels.
CORN United States and Canada, da-
crease. 913.000 bushels.
OATS United States And. Canada, de
crease, 4S.0b0 bushels.
" he leadtna- decreastia and. increaaea n.
ported this week follow: Decreases: Man
itoba, 22.009 buwhelH: Midland, 13U.0U0 ba-sn-elsr
St. oJhn, H, busnels: St. Joseph,
al.lKA) bushels: Cbattanuoga. Tn.tko bushels:
Portland. (2,000. buohela; GadVrieh, 54.000
Increases: Nashville. SAOH bnhia-
Omana. 74.000 bustle's ,
Certtiaa Msrket.
NEW YORK,. April 19. Tha cotton mar
ket opened barely .ataojy at A decline af
4li9 points under A reaewoi of sc oxtering
old eroo Uquidaulon autributsd, t the threat
of government interference in the bull cam
paign. During tha early trading May con
tracts sold st M.a3e and Oi Vioer at 13Cc,
ar aboet pumts nam liwnr, but tha
southern buil leaders gave tts near months
constderabia suptrt aa tills break and the
market aster rail ted severe! points from
tile lowest.
Cot urn futures opened barely steady.
May, lAOOc; June, tt.32; July. lAtfc; Aus-ust,
lAdac; October. 12.27c; December, 12.15c;
January. l2.12:aTX13c
Spot dosed quiet. IS points higher; mid
dling opiands. 15.15c, mldJitnr gulf, lfi.4Uc;
sales. 2.J04) bales.
Fuutres elueed very steady. CUMting- bide:
April.; Mav, lA77c; Junet 14.t-c: July,
lAaee; Aiiaruat. 13.77c; September, 12.5c; Oc
tober, Li 37c; November, liLAAc; December,
liilc; January,. 12.ic i
ST. LOUIS. AprU 10. COTTON Steady;
middling, 14; saiee. none; ravelpto, !Kit
bales; shipments, 949 baiea; stock, 3S,jug
Apsiea autat Dries! Fralta.
APPLE 3 Duil but deaursiile grades are
In small supply and prices ai-e steaiiy; on
the spec fancy is quoted at Wc; cholire,
8"7f4ic; prune. "aT"iai:; common to fair.
DltXED FRUITS Prunes are quiet and
eoaw. quotoAlons ranging from rVifva for
Callfornlaa up to 3s-40a and i.xac for
Osegons Apricots ore quiet and easy wltn
new crop offerings attracririsT 'very little
attention; choice. lOH-'illc; extra, choice,
llmUV;; fancy. liftUlV--. Peaches are dull
and easy with eonaiderobls preaeura to
sell; choice. fAjc; nut uhoie, 4i4i7'4e;
fancy. 7',r"Hxu- Atalaius ar ataady, quiet
and pricmt bai-nly steady; looaa Muscautla
are quoted at 3tnto; choice to fancy
seeded, 5w(ii.c: aeedlesa, 3u4Ci London
layers, tLii-iit.
tllavdelvAla flat
Unchanged. '
EitOcI eLeedp; fair deanaod. Feoosva
vonUa. and atasr nearby firsts, free- cim,
a; al Btark: current retteipts. tn return
acua cssaa, i'.e. at mark; waatsm firsts,
frws cseeo, ax mark; currant receipta, tree
sures. tit, st mark. ' New York full cream,
choice eld, l'.'Wi'ey fair to. good. lnSrdt
l.'e; ctuacs new. lac, fair ta good Uic
Tale da
TOLEDO. Ani W.-HEED-Clover. cash,
97 IS April, .: t-tOer and Peoemoer.
V. mi. T.uiothy. yr.uia, tili. AJaUts, priuia.
titt, ......
Cesiiable Lijrit Ca.ttl4 Are Stronj,
111 Ctim Steady.
Largs Parties, af Sale Are Weil TaWf
Cades Nfae-Oella Mark Walhsaa
Hlsber Tkaa I a K eat
ers Markets.
Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs, Sheep.
Of:iciai Mondxy !.. A. l.9"4
Kstiinate Tuesday 4.040 7.770 l.0
Two daya this week... T.OS ttSM U.W4
Same days laat week....ll.W7 ' l.ii-0 11.13
tiome davs 1 weka ago,, a:' U.20 11.0
Same days 1 weeks ago,. m U. IT
Sama days weeks arn.. 12 V4 14 X2 n.'B2
Same days last year '7,:1 W.7S1 s.414
The following table shows the average
prices of bogs at Booth Omaha (or the lost
several days with comparisons:
J 1S10. "J,i.,!.ll!H.19IK.
April 10..
73 471 I r. I 281 M
I 401 Ml I llj n
I Jul 1 461 S Ml 4 A3
I 411 i l !
I ,T7 t q ( 19 I 4
S tr.i v I ST.; 5 ?
5 a t asl ay i w m
April 11.
April 13.
April la.
April 14.
7til I W
i 04H,
T 01
t 901
4 Set
t t
Pll 17
April 10,
April 19..
52) I
3U 44( ft A. , 1 IS
Receipta And disbursements of live stouk
at ths l.nlim Stock yttrde for the twenty
four hours ending yesterday wera as fol
lows: ...
. CAttla. iiossa gheeta HYt
t-.. At. A Ht. P
Wabauli R. R. 2
21 ii
- t
1 2
- 1 j
WT 29
Mix Pac. Ry 4
Lnion Pacific an
C. at N. W. tost.. 14
C, fc N. W. (Wtattl;, 14
C, St. P. XL t O. ..
C, B. A Q. least).... 11
C. B. & Q. twest).... 2
C, R. I. A P. (east) S
C. R. L P. i-wast).. 5
Illinois Central I
C, O. W.T n
Total ...2io
Cat la. Hoars. She
Omaha Packing Ca...... " 1..1 L.S
Swift and Company l.irl 1.5 13 1.011
Cudahy Pkg. Co i 3.314 3,(114
Armour A Co L0t 2,(M ltd
S:hwartichlld 4k 3 101
Stern Franks... m .....
Inaioir Ii .....
W. R. Van sent Co. 4?
Benton, Vanaant ik L... It
Stepnena Bros, 30, .....
Hill At Soa TS v..
F. B. Lewis J
J. B. Root & Co. 4 ..... .....
J. H. Bulla . a
Im Wait 10
H. F. Hamilton . is
BtilUvaa Bros. J
Lew Rothschild
M A Kons.-Calf Co....
Sol Degmn 8
Christy. Cltae At a 48
Other buyers E2 77
Total ' 4,874 8.097 1848
CATT LID There was 9. very fair ran of
cattle fur a Tuesday and the general qual
ity of the offerings was well up to the
recent very good average. Aa compared
with yetserday, prices did not show much
change. Ail classes of buyers appeared to
have good orders to fill and lost no time in
cleaning up desirable offerings at full yes
trrdsy'a figures. Desirable ltjrbt and handy
weight grades were perhaps s shade
stronger than yesterday, while heavy eat.
tie. unless choice, were neglected some
what at times. In general, however,"- It
was a good steady market and a very fair
"clearance had been made- beforw noon.
There wars in the neighborhood of twenty-five
cars of cows and heifers on the
market and with the usual good demand
from both local packers And outside
butchers, the trade was ittve and prints
generally a little stronger than am yester-
nay. cnoice tieirars sold up to 17.00, which
Is tha high- mark- of tha-season, and the
bulk of the fair to good butcher and beef
stock sold as high as at any time this
season. Common and canning grades were
A llttla slow, but quotably anchanged. Veal
calves were In good demand At fully steady
prices and the market was a shade stronger
fr buiis. stags and rough stockagenerally.
The stocker and feeder trade presented
no new features. Fresh supplies wers of
moderate proportions and; tnera waa a fair
Inquiry from the country in addition to tha
usual free buying- by local feeders. For ths
moat part prices were In about ths same
notches as yesterday with, desirable light
stuff, both steers And heifers showing- some
Wuototions oa cattle: Good to eholoe
eornfed steers, $7.H''j.00; fair t good
corn fed steers. tCOii 'V (W; good to choice
eowa and heifers, $b..4-1.7S; fair to good
Cows and heifers, t4.75.;5 ; common to fair
cows and heifers, 22,76 4.50: good to choice
stackers and feeders, W.owr7.iu; fair to good
stackers and feeders. t6.Uoii0.ii0: common to
fair t tuckers and feeders tt 'e4.7S; stock
heifers, tS.754.50: veal CAitss, 4.25aA.2B;
bulls, stags, etc.. 3.Sft(()Aas,
Repntsentatlve sales: ' ,
!e. Aa.
I 40
4 71
4 96
T 4t
I 10
T 14
T 1
7 1
7 a
T it
T 4
I 49
T 44
T 4t
T 44
T 40
T 4
T 44
T 49
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T 4S
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7. ........... urn-
IT .11S4
4A t. at
14 II 4T
ta. ti w
14 10!4
TT..... ....... HAT
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4 lvni
it lam
A 44
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14 ...liM4
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17 .1AI
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II 1A11
4. 1174
14 34
J 1347
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17... JD04
14.- 13141
17 'Aa
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31 SL7
T 41
ITS A ..l9t
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I Is A........ LU
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4 .....471
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Laa- ..owe . . ea ftMaf
tt 6
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a. ... stit
41 IS
74 4 44
7 Sft
4B 4 SS
St I 71
list 4 W
144 T OS
4 44 11
4 7S . 4
14) 94
I Te lli...,
B 1 1 "
t,.... IStO, ATI .1 UX0 M .
1 lta 4 IA I W?0 t 79
I... 1004 4 At 1 lsra I TS
1 .. :e 4 4a l ....ii 4 at
1 14-A 4 40 l if i as
L.. .....Hms I IS 3. ...... . ... . l.ja ,
A. , l I AT. I .IiM 4 44
1 ......143 I M I i,o a
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1. . 14 I t lad
4 404 i n i 170 i a
A ia 4 2. lot I A
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A 11 I 04
It. at.4 A Ml Af tg
4....... 3 I'M IS. 4; ft t M
19. A 194 !. 4D4 IU
S 4ST I AO A s I
AVt 4 44 h -.,.. M aft
A 4.T I 1 4 rtg I at
AA a 4 as u not T M
CoWS ANt aniUHa
II 114 T 49
HOGS Prtrua took- another long drop tn
tne nog yoi-us touauy. out ia spits of tne
big decline, a mure h.ip.ral fe,ing per
vaded Uia trodo. Advu from, eastarn
points were aiiiiost as d eteuraging as yes
twrday, aside from trie tact tnai provbaans
epnei Strang, ana local .jtr-rs were Just
aouut a quarter lower from start to ft man.
As compared with other maraets ttiese auosared to be reiaUvsiy A.rh an.i
sellers wasted little time in clearing tneir
pens. . MOTaatatii wss active tnrotlghout
and an aitnaat peifect clearance wae af
fected beture noun, ahiiipmg orders are
still very scarce and outsio uitrnxti'iiiiii
of little euasequence. snaoiy was ialtly
auciu mm pjuittaiTO - it retreat runs.
A large ptirtion of sore forced bv
low the SS 00 ltne. bul seUlng at aa.'il.Ja.
as compared wltn yesiertlay s bu.k of 4 ur j
A AA Tupa dropued to t jo, a fiat Sua lower
Ulan yaatter'tay s a go. sa.eA
Atwtm sesaitaAlva st eer
Ha, A. 9A. P. sa Av, sk. Tr.
.:" tut I n I... .. iai I Av
la........lS ... I To 4 It ... tt
3 an 4 W 1 AA l 191
TT. la l 41 11 as 4 94
4A -ATS ... SIS 71 .14 SaS I as
IKS ... Tt 1 M IS
11 14 ...-Sat - Ti .. a 9H
la ... 4 ts . :i ... w
:t .. a 4 si ......,, ia la
AvS ... 41 74 CI ... I Hi
A.....1U IS V. M SI t AA
4. vt ... t st ...... ra IS I as
t irr ... . it ...
: t Js a to
rr ae ... . aa I aa
T e 1 is r a ta
7 t at t a 7. ...... ,A- . . t at
js i,s ... 1 as at ft mis
It fa ... I St TX AM S at
'a. e 4 I at " r M IS
1 ... t a ta m . . t as
... iw m 11 re Ml
M rt ... I H sr as ( a
S S'4 ... ISA TI, ...... SIM
JT S4 . 0 44 TS v4 IS
B) AT 1SS I W T ...... JS4 M N
tl A-.s ... l as an ia 1 as
... IM IW ...... HI SSV
44 ItS . . S) ST. .. .. Au I WW
44... f 140 I 41 SO M MO IW 4j
B ... I A at M m
is... Ai . . I m aa . ...... it ... I -
44 A41 laS I 41 M Af I
at if l I W S.. . HT ... IMv,
ti im taa in si rt m a m
as 1ST ... si as 11 as I as
as r-4 ... its te io ... tm
n sa as 1 at aa i as 1
rt a m 1 w 1 ao ta
Tt K7 40 I 44 AM ... I 6
10 ss ... I m . 4 ... lag
aa .ti so 1 m sa i'j ... I
m 11 4u a 74 am ... las
44 m ... lag It. aaa . .. a at
aa lis m 1 si - lis ... 1 si
41 Mt ... its n. J40 las 1 44
at I at rr Aa 1 94
47 zta ... l as. a ... 194
is Aig ... ia ;t ... Jos ... 1 at
71 i w 1 at it xe ... H
rt in ao itTH m s ... ss
41 . ! a). 4 1 OB
44 , tW I 4S - TS tn 1SI 0
T4 tn- IB I as 4A 1:0 ...
T4 tan no I ts 21. sa ... I as
7 4 M I 91 44 rt ... I
41 r.m is 1 ts
SHEEP Supply of sheep and lambs was
only nurmai this morning, about evenly
divided between shorn and wooled offer
ings. Demand for well-finished siAeeee wss
reasonably active at prices little different
frnm those taat prevailed jetwnnj. out
medium and "In-between" grade wers
slow from the start, wltn the tendency of
prices decidedly weak. Discrimination was
the order of the day. and after most of
the more desirable lots had been sold, the
best bids obtainable on the balance were
all of a dime lower than yesterday, A lares
share of lata business being dona oa this
Worried Mexican lam he sold up as high
as lost Week's top. tlO.iO. and very good
yearlings still tn fleece realised S.3.
Shorn lambs commanded H 2u, with A lea
desirable kind at t.05. Shorn ewes sold
up ss high as 17.30.
Current prices on shorn lambs are Juat
about 7&a lees and current prices on shorn
sneep around bvo lesa than values on- sim
ilar quality wooled shipments. The fol
lowing quotations apply to tha latter class
of stuck:
Good to choice lamba, .0'i0.10; fair to
good lambs,; good light yearlings,
W 2VI..rr; gnod heavy yearlings. to.OOfuti.:)-.
good to choice wethers, to.0uvti.3b; fair to
good Wethers, 7.5(l.Ofl; good to choice
ewes, 7 6a9,08; fair to good ewes, 30.754
Representative salts:
No. Av
10 ID.
7 20
4 50
9 HE
5 7B
5 00
I 50
m Mexican lambs 83
1!M western ewes, shorn......
IS weetern ewee. culls..
151 Mexican- wethers.............
SI Mexican wethers
251 Mexican lambs..
2HH western lambs
174 western lamba, thorn
29 western ewes, culls, shorn.
. 90
,. 3
. S3
. 75
. M
, 88
Cattle Market Ste-avdy ta Stress:
Haga sad 9hee. Report! Laattf.
CHICAGO. April 19. CATTLE Receipts.
S.900 head; market steady to strong: steers.
tfi.3wro.0s; cows. t4.-i7.25: heifers. UXlf
J.RO; bulls. 4.5r?ftl50; calves, t3.ii(f8.l;
stockers snd feeders, $4.75'al Sfi.
HOG,-Receipts, 11.0H0 h d: market 274?
JOc lower; choice heavy. $n.Hj.00; butchers,
mMt.: light mixed. $ .7l'rfil..; choice
light. JK.antili); packing.,., fig.iiB; pigs,
tH.fill.!: bulk of sales. to.7rvuS.lMX
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 15.000
head; market IfKJlfic lower; sheen. 17 oWf
9.40; lambs, $7.5010.10; y arllna, s7.004fS.7ft.
Ktstst City Lisa Steele. Market. "
CepptA 11, 000 head, including 300 southerns;
market for heavy steers, steady to 10c
lower; for light steers and cowe. strong:
choice export and dressed beef steers. 17.75
$. 40; fair to gnod. to.SCr7.70; western steers,
t6.35.yi35; stockers and feeders. .IOj'7.aB;
soiithem steers. 6.7B'4's.0: southern, sows,
S3.5frt5.aO: " native cows, 3.75"i;.90: native
heifers. tS26ta8.08: bulla, U.j0C50: calves,
H,i Rscelpts, 17.009 heaVt: market. 3549
c lower; top, IB.10: bulk of Seles, t.7fj
9.00; heavy, R.85j9.10; packers and butch
ers, S.)Q9.a6 light, tS.rjOfgH..; pigs, 17
SHEETP AND LAMT33 RscefptA 10008
bead; market, steady to 10c lower; lambs
Is.jO-d 10.09; yearlings. $8.0093; wethers.
17. ( id. 75; ewes, ja.KrgS.25, stocker And feed
ers, S3.xys9.oo.
4. Leals Ltwe Sttvek Marks.
3T LOUIS. April IB CATTLE Receipts,
1709 head, including 209 bead Texans; mar
ket stood. .to 10a hUrher; aatlvw shipping
and export steers.'i 00: dressed beef
and butcher steers, J0.0Ut"i.8.t)0; steers under
L009 lbs. Ki.SOTtl.lO: stockers and feeders.
t4.ti0.'u.00; cows and heifers.'iiLTB; can-
ners. J2.0i(?3.a; bulls, tz.50taa.25; calves,
3.36; Texas and Indian steers, A7l.atj4.10;
cows and helfera, J3.00rtJ425.
HUtlS-Receipts, 9.500 head: market 8Da
lower; pigs and lights. t7.5uaH.10; packers,
l W (i9.; butchers and beet heavy, J9.0CK9
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.501
bead; market higher; native muttons, $7.50
en. 15: lambs, n.ttfcpia.50: culls and bucks.
t4.o0tar7.09. j ,
new Yerk
Llvw Stavra: Market,
April 19. BEEVES Re
celpta. 221 head; no trade in live cattle
feeling, steady; dressed beef, steady, ll'if
13c; Liverpool and London cables quoted
live cattle lower at uWiSWajo dressed
weight; refrigerator beef, steady ll'sSllVjtC.
calves Receipts, none, not nl tic doing:
feeling, steady; dressed calves about
steady; City dressed veals, I0t$l5c; few
choice. 15'ftc; country dressed, KSUc.
head; marker, steady, sll sold: clipped
sheep, e.utk37.fi0; culls, 14 50; unshorn sheep,
t.0CiH (; medium clipped lambs W 75.
riuu rieceiptsi 3.q0 head: market, nom
inally much lower on Buffalo advances.
tselc lav SLarkt.
Receipts of live stock at tha five prin
cipal markets yesterday:
Cattle. Hoffs. Sheep.
South Omaha......
St. Joseph
. 4.040
. 2. KI0
. 3.7W
. taos
4. 770
Kansas City ,
St. Louis ,
Total receipts 34.040 50,370 32,140
tavl aat Faatarr Fvaslawa rlesa Par.
tASAtect ky Blaywrs sad Wkedeealerai.
BUTTER Creamery. Bio. 1. delivered to
the retali trade in l ib. cartuns, Uc; No. 1.
In 09-lb. tuoo, a-gc: Nik X In 1-ib. coi-uins,
lie; In rtO-iu. tuba, Jttc; packing si oca. eoiul
pack, Ut-io; dairy, in uu-lu. tubs, 25c Moxltet
chaages "-very Tuesday.
Clil!.ii;3a Twins. lZyac; young AtrerlcA,
ISc; douiy cheese, .'Sc; lac; No.
I brlco, 17Sc; domeauo block awkaa, Aiu; tn
pcrtad hwiM, juc
FOCi.TE.1 Dressed broilers, COO doz.;
for sturagA o-00; for fresn springs, 13c;
hens, 19a; aocua. Lia; duck lv. gaeee,
lac; turaeys, iba; pigeons per duA, tl.Aw;
burner sqaau, t-i.09 per doa; fancy sum MB.
tsO per i.: No. I. S3. us per duo, A.iv;
Broilsrs, tram 1 ta I1 Ilia, ASc; ltft to S
lba. Aw;, lLs, old roosters, 9o; young
roosters, 13c: ducks, full teaihared, ltc;
geese, I ill fetiAtmu, tc; lurkoys, lso;
suiasa taw la, tua eaonj algesna. Tee per dos.;
houiatav IAs peg aoa,; axiuoos, too. 1 J2 per
F13H (all f rosea) Salmon, lie; pickerel.
9c: whiter ah. loe; pike, lut:, treut. Uc; cat
fish, lAc; large erapples, WiAc; s"nelts, luo;
Spanlsa macos:!. lac; ea, ls; haddock.
Lie; flounders, Lk:; trug lug a aba per duk
Fresh caifiaa, ii; irout. Uc; buflaua, tc;
aa.iaut. is.
bAs.r CUTS Ribs, No. L no; No. S. 14i?;
Nov A Ua. Loins, No. 1, le; N. J, isc;
No. 3, Uvt ttiuc. No. 1. o; lao. 2. 9c;
No. S. Hie Round. No. t, UVl No. S
lc; No J, IKe. Plats. No. 1, 7 'Ac; No.. 2i
7V; No. L 7J-
k'rtUlT S straw ban lea: Texas snl Lavals
tana. 24-qt, cases, per case. tAje; 34-pC
cases, per ease, liutwjia. oranges: Cai4
lurnia cametia and- ATwiucer araads R-.t,
land naveis, su-iM-113 aises. per aoa. tU. l
i. .a. xia siaat, per bus. AS
atces. per boa. 13.50; sitior brands fram
Hiversiita and ether atismctaV per box. t2 4
tti.uu; ao-iKi-iij s:es.. per Sos, SAOuip.t
Leutuus: Liiiionlaro. estra faasv. jue-d)
siseo, u i;i.j; cnote AUKAuO -sixes, p-r
bos. I4.u; Ad sixe. Me per bos less
Bananas: Fancy aeiect. per buncli, t2..A
i uu; juninu, oiuicn. a.,p.i. oraoe fruit;
Florida. 4 stoa. lu.'AL Aor.iae: ben Davis,
per bui., US., New fork Rowsets, ase-tiu'ti
aise, par buk. U-J: Chturaa fancy VV. VC.
Peartnains, pr box. Ai 10- California extra
(oucy, w. w. feorniaUis Red Wood
brasA, Bws box. IV 29; exti-a fancy Colorvte
Jonathans per box, 12. jO. t' ran berries:
Jrtey, winter susek. per box, K.Ji. Dares:
Auccur brHiul. new, 3u I-iu. pkgA ta boo.
oer Avua, foil Figa: California, lus si as,
VEOt'TABLXS Irish potatoes: Wlactin,
4ia a.d tiitivai per bu.. hi-m: roiorad.a
to.. aeea gweei atrfrttwat
P Hol, fl M CanhaArsr 'Teswbe.
Holland ses.4, f-r ITA.. ir; new Ca.rornlaw
per lb,. 4a. Cweryi Callfoenas or FioridaJ
per lA-lb. baiaek. tHa. imloni: Red. p4
ib. In; Tevas erywai arae. per erst a
OU vagetahieet Parrta, earmta. twe'a,
lurnlpa. In sac ha, per o , le. ijetrlter Rx-rsj
tajiry, white, r r lb.. is; red. p- lb,, idr.
(edlehea: Per doa. fconchee. 4A0. Turulpnl
Per doa. buraehea, 5fto. t'orrnts: par doa
bunches, SOe. Shallotfs: Par doa hunches
.loo, Parsley: Per g.ia kunnSee, t. taetsl
Per doa. bunches. am. Spina.m: Pr bu.,
13 IbA. COS, a ploat.- Fsarr F',
ilcdl., C.otKjKlk iomaioee- Fsncy Florida
tr Cuba, per -basket eratA 11 ehou-a,
tajO. String asd was beans: per hamper,
atvnnt 95 lbs.. StOTMidiai. tureen pesa. per
hamper. IS ; Cuwumbers: Hot hoUfe, pa
ds. r j! .
Radishee: Extra fanr-v home grown, peg
dos. bunches, JRa. Lettuce: Extra fancy,
leaf, per do., ki; bead. In hampers, tl "S
Parsley: Fancy home grown. per doa,
bunoiies. ale. Rhubarb: Per dos biinehes,
4Bc. Asparagus : Per dos. hunches, mo,
Oream onions: Pee doa bunches 2r.
MISCELLANEOUS Horse-sdish: Twa
doa. In case, C-OtA Walnuts: Block, per lh.,
!c; Collf ii-nlo. No. U per lb.. lic: CsM
forma. No. 2. soft, per lb., lc. Hick. Ti
nuts: Ijtnre. per lb., 4tt; smell, per lb..
So. Coooanuts: Per earn. Kit-, per doA,
Oba, Honey: Per 24-frame esse. S3 J&,
Otla sad Baala.
OIL CITY. April 19-Ori-Credlt hal
anoes. C.36: runs, 23.389 bbls: aversge, 142,.
n tvnls.: shipments, 1S9.9U bhls; averagt,
217.151 bhls.
oelpta, ITS bbis.; turpentine. 13 bts.; ex.
ports, turpentine. 15 bble., for New Ytrk.
entine, firm. iSVfl-ac; sales, li4 bbls; re.
ceipts, 41'1 boia; shipment 141 bbls; stork.'
..23 bhis.
ROSIN Firm; sales, t213 bbls: receipta
L3is. bbls.; shipments. 104 bbls.: stork. 00.371
bbls.; B. liU!': D. K-W: E. H. F. KStCWl
O. IB.0B: H. W ITH: I. SS .: K. IS. 70; M. J&..HH
N. 35.90; W(i, t4.00: WW.. IS.
Hay Market.
OMAWA. April 19. H AY Nix L. : No
S. W .09; packing. I5.t0. Straw: Wheat,
ft 00; rve and oats. C 00. Alfalfa,. $11 00.
The supply of poor hay 1k much heavies
cnan tne demand and nohody wants
nuy the poorer quality. There has be
marked iacrettee in the supply and
present there are about LSI cars of hay
toe martlet mat no one will buy.
Ceffee Market.
tures closed quiet, net unchanged to S
points lower. Sales. X,W bags. Closing
bids: April and Mav. t.Wc: June Am
July. 1.700; Auanist. li.TTic; Sept mber. Oc
tober and November. d.SOc: December A
January. 4.89c; February. O.'kM: March.
ie. Spot, qiiet; No. T RJrt. V; No, I
Santos, io. Mild, quiet; Cordova, 9S124a.
lagar tad Utataeaea.
NEW YORK. ADrll 19. arOAR Rsw.
tteady; muscovadu. 99 test. 174c; eentrlfu.
fil. 941 test, 4.24c. Molasses sugar. 19 t at,
40c Rffinetl. steady; cr-ished, 5..6c;
granulated, 5.15c; powdered, 1.25a
Outlaw Horses
for Frontier Day
sSaanawaaoaWSBA (
Cheyenns Will Put on Lively Pro
rraia ia Honor of Visit of
Colonel Roosevelt.
CHEYENNE, Wyo.. April 19,-(Special.)
Local Frontier day enthusiasts, who have
been doing a little quiet scouting for "out
law" TTbrses to be used In the bucking' snd
pitching contests during ths visit of Colonel
Roosevelt hers on Ansnst 24 25, SS and 27,
announca that sloven vicious "outlaws"
have been loonted in one place la Wyoming,
four In another, two In another and one
In another, " And one old-time aowboy wltn
a wide acquaintance over tha west, guar
antees to deliver no less than thirty-flva
vicious backers within thirty days. So- tt
would seem, the local Frontier committee
wUT this year have no difficulty In se
curing at least fifty ."outlAwa," or more
than tha number required for the annual
celebration, thus assuring the thousands of
visitors and ths distinguished guest of
honor some rare sport. The committee,
headed by Han. E. W. Stone, who has
served several years as secretary of tost
Association, la one of tha best ever ap
pointed, all are enthusiastic, and Already
are down to hard work arrartg'.ng- for- that
big? event. "
Evaane Rcalct Pratpsrty Said.
HOT SPRINGS. S. D., April 10 -4SpeclaL)
A deal has Just been completed tn this
city, which Involves the very heart and
most extensive interests of Hot Spring-..
The Evans hotel property, together with
the plungs bath, tha Hot Springs hotel, and
the MinnekahtA bath house and springs
hava been gold by the Iowa Load aoroooBy
ta Frank James ef Groton. 8. D.. Dr.. F. E,
Walker of this eiry, Frank Blooherg of Mfav
neapoliA Minn.; F. T. Post of LeMars. Ia,
and Fred James of Sleepy Eye, Minn. Tha
trarchase price la COO. 004 and tha transfer
will be made Immediately, although tha
present leseo, George A. Turner, will be
permitted to continue with his lease until
Its expiration lit October.
Ctrl Attacks ky Nesrra.
CHBTENNB. Wytx. A aril l.r-(Speoial.
Miss aHtUa Boies, a shop . glrU was At
tacked near her home a West Twenty"
eighth and Eddy streets late last Bight as
sha returned from her work down town.
Her assailant waa an unidentified negro
wearing a cavalry uniform, who, after
firing a shot to frighten her, clubbed her
ovr the bead until sha fell ancunar.luna.
robbed her of 15 and soma Jewelry and
left the girl for dead tn tha street, makinaj
his escape In tha direction of Frontier park.
Tha police were, quickly notified aad sev
eral suspects arrested. M'se Boia tt ask
dangerous! y wounded.
Os CesAare Wk Was CnrwaL, - '
Mr. W 11 ford Adams Is his Buna, and bs
writes about It: "Sows . tlms aga ( was
confined ta my bed with, ehranlo rheursav
tlsm. I used two bottles af Foley's JCltJaay
Remedy wiUa good offset, and the tbtro
bottle put ma dn my feet and X reevmaal
w0r a as eooduotor ao the Lextliigtats. Kf
Street Bail way. Il cava im sBora rctld
than any medlcls I basts ever used, aad
tt wt.l da aa you claim In eoeas ef tTAots'
mattsra. Foley's Kidney licmedy ovazvas
rhetimaUsm by ellmiaatlng tks arts sstil
from Una blood. For sal by aul drucrsta.
Traatpa 9asrc ftliaaaas. '
INDIA- AP.)l J S. April 19 WsJtas
Whitelotik and George DotigiaA aoid ta be
tramps, were arreateit today and eh org act
with tb shooting of patnMinea Joepa
ArnpD and Alfred C. Grove snortly oxuer
midnight. K.rupo was Auliexl and Oreves
seriouaiy wounded.
UffSstftfs f eaf iSAtjafadaf T
Itaaaaaatlat lei 1 4jt 4 iLalaai i aa aj
.as-alai ..ii.a.i.l J
VaTanrz to
Oi.ri.Hswr Da
CHiciico. ILL.
IlimUr C&Uat Eonrtf 4f Tratf