Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 20, 1910, Image 1

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    Omaha -; Daily
Fop N-brakn r.ilr anil warn.eT.
For K.i'.r and lnriur
For weather rpp.-rt ?( Pan"
VOL. XXXIX NO. 2fi2.
Records Kept Luring Sick Periods of
Two Swope Men Ordered
Before Couit.
DocxasT3 or dstortance
JTatse and Letters to 5 rsts Show
Nat-are of Eiat i- -j. j
Attendant to Colonel S Tells of
Affairs is. House 1
Defease Tarw Bias P---tlom
itu. Mn. !.
Testtswar Arnlia CHa
Iji rarebmrt.
KANSAS CITT. Mo., April 11 Dr. B. C. j
Hyde this afternoon made, threugh bis at-;
torneys. - formal application to tha court,
for copies of all irtlr passing between I
John (J. Pax ton, Mrs. L. O. swop ana m.
scientist who . mada th .examination of
the viscera ot Colonel Thomaa H. and
Chrisman Bwopa.
The nurses' charta kept during the Ulnes j
ot the two men wera also aought. Prosecu- j
tor Confttlng atfreed. after the application
Bad been made to furnlah- the documental
requested. The atureye for Dr. Hyd
prumined not to prese the application it air.
Conkllng Vonid turn over the- papera to
morrow morning.
Oat-ax 'Cogswell, clerk ' of tha probat
court of Independence, was tha first states
witness to take the stand. He was called
to testify regarding tha appraisers' "'re
port" of tha personal property and the will
of Colonel Ewopev which were filed with
blrrv i r
F. P. Childa and Jess J. Vineyard, wit
iwmm to tha st.jnW af tha will, were
called and questioned a few questions.
Xtin Take Stand.
' Tha Mint Important wltneaa for the state,
M'.m Peart Keller, the nurse, who attended
Colonel 'Swore In bla '"- Hlnews. 100,1 tne
Witness stand, als:lS o'clock. On September
li, last, at tha request of Dr. Hyde, she
said, she. went t Ui Swopa home to at
tend Colonel Swope. " .,'
jTh phifslclan old. her, aha testified, that
hile Colonel Sw-, was not In aerloua
rendition, ha waa suffering- frorav bruised
shoulder, and needed aoma on, to ba con
atantly In attendance upon him.
la. order U refresh her m emery, Miss
Keller referred .to- her chart, Examination
of thla chart by -the attomeya shewed, it
t k.nt ilu rin v tha last week ef Col-
mJ SmUfS lirsiriin Mm - .Minn. mi i m
thla was, nurse aald:
"Colonel Swope objected ao atreeinously
to our keeping a record that wa had to
give It' tip. and Dr. Hyde said the colonel
waadong ao well It wonld be unnecesaoa-y
to keep a record." , .
Colonel Swope. ahe aald. waa Irritable
oftentimes. The- note Vefirsed attention
appeared frequently -In the chart.' .
TTs Draar Reeord.'
The first record of Swope taking any of
the etr chntne tonic w-hlch he obtained at
a drug storo near hla home, appeared) un-
Vr date of Srptember KS. Once or twice a
Kay. at thla time, the patient would take I
a teaspconfu! of this mixture, testified
Miss Keller. "He talked of returning to
the city. I was well plonsed with his con-
tuition. We mere taking daily drives to-,
"But when I apoke to Dr. Hyde about
my patient's condition he said, 'Colonel
Bwope will never return to Kansas City." "
Scarcely had Miss Keller begun to tell of
the apoplectic stroke, which on October 1
killed James Moss Hunton. when the de
fense objected to testimony regarding Hun
ton, or any death or illness other than that
Dt Colonel Swope being admitted.
The Jury was excused and preparation
mude to argue this, which la perhaps the
Inost imtxrrtunt legal question irt the case.
Vpon the court's finding depends whether
the death of Chrisman Swope. the alleged
!olwnlng of Miss Margaret Swopa and tha
typhoid epidemic in the Swop house will
pdaeea "ofthe cert TAOIN BHRDLITU
e Included In the evidence against Dr.
si? do.
tsttemeat for Defease.
A A vlgoroua attack on expert medical tea-
timony, severs criticism of the methods
pursued by tha prosecution In gathering
evidende and a general dental of every
charge made by tha state against Dr. B.
H Hyde marked the opening statement of
Frank P. Walsh, chief counsel fur the de
fins today.
Referring to the stata'a chemists as
"hired men," the attorney repeatedly
warned the Jury that It waa likely to ba
tricked by the testimony of tha medical ex
perts. v
The chemists who will testify are Dr.
Ludwlg Hektoen and Walter a Hainea,
both of Chicago, and Dr. , Victor C.
Vaughan of Ann Arbor. Mich.
Mr. Walsh covertly charged that tha re
ports of the cheiniula were altered at times
to suit tha convenience of their employers.
The slat had unfairly denied Dr. Hyde
the right of having the vlscrraa of Thomas
II. and Chrisman Swopa so that tha phy
sician nufht have examined them for
poison, averred Mr. Wa!h.
tatrsM Were Stale Froas Hyd.
Even theft had been resorted to la order
to obtain evidence against Dr. Hyde, the
attorney aald. ,
He pointed to the taking of gerira from
Dr. Hyde's office aa proof of this state
ment. Mrs. Logan O. Swope wad assailed as the
cause of Dr. Hyde's trouble. Belief that
Dr. Hyde had Influenced his wife In a
money matter winch Mrs. Hyde decided
adversely to th desires of Mra. Swope,
cau-ed the first tnmble over Colonel
Swope'a will and precipitated the whole
Bwtvp affair, said Mr. Wainh.
Th attorney also charged that It was six
hours after Mr. Swop heard of the fatal
attack of Colonel Swop befor she went to
n-s room. Mr Walsh ciueed his address at
The first witness for the mu. It waa an
nounced, would be called this afternoon.
Eo larir aaa the crowd today tlist the"
aourt said it would clear the aisles after
Ilia morning seion. Mora tiian lot womta
era present.
Addreaa f Mr. Walaa.
Mr. W!an betfan bis address with a
lliort review of t v life of Dr. Hyd from
hi bit t it (o t:.t prevent.
Tii testimony will show you, genii-
tCoiitinued ua Second P Jj
Miss Gould and
Young Drexcl
Are Married
Alliance of Philadelphia and Ne-w
York Families Premier Event of
Gatham Society Season.
NEW TOnrC. April 19 In -the marriage
at St. Bartholomews church today of Miss'orie tJwynne Gould, daughter of
feorg J. Gould, and Anthony J. Drexel.
fr., of Philadelphia, society recognized the
premier event of Its season and prepared
to do It J-istice. Nesrly everybody of
wealth and prominence In tYew Toi k and
many leaders of society In other c1tlei of
the country figured on th list of guests.
The ceremony unites the Gould family
with -one of ,jptrtldeiphia'j wealthiest and
mot ar1sf..'ratic famll!.-;-. The bridegroom
is a har'ner, second una o ." Mr. and Mrs.
Anthy.y 3. Dr: xel. and only j.Vo years the
senii of his 13-year-old brut.
PIsA was the keynote color of the wed
d In tfJ decorations, 't pretii;'.a In the dec
oratings of tiie Gould .mtin'-jn for the
luni'viU-precudlng th erjimny, planned
for th entcrtalbment by Uie brida and
her attendants, lnc uding her sisters. Miss
Vivian and M!xs Edith. Gould, and for the
reception to follov.-. The ehtircu was like
wise decorated In keeping with the prevail
ing calor schema. .
The bride's gown, waa of white satin
charmeuse. cut In long flowing princess
lines. There was an overdress of white
chiffo'n embroidered with orange bioseoms,
and a long train, also embroidered with
the flower. Tha tulle Tell, which fell be
low the bottom of the skirt, was fastened
with a spray of orantre blossoms. The
bridal bouquet was orange blossoms and
white roses.
The costume of tne bridesmaids and of
the maid of honor were in delicate pastel I
Th beet man was the bridegroom's
brother, Armstrong Drexel. Miss Vivian
Gould was In attendance upon her sister
aa maid of honor.
.Miss Gould her-elf selected BHhop Scar
borough of New Jersey to perform the cer
emony, tha bishop's assistant being Dr.
Leighton Parka, rector of St. Bartholo
mew's. Socialists Take
. Control of City
of Milwaukee
Mayor Seidel Formally Inducted Into
Office and Uew Party Organ
; ize the Council.
MILWAUKEE, Wla. April 13. -The gov
ernment of the city of Milwaukee, which
. i mm' mia -4ffitia,. tcitfa. th --
tion of two years under republican rule,
baa been . controlled by the . democratic
party, today passed Into the hands of tha
social democrats, with - M)'or Emll Seidel
aa their leader. '
Mayor Seidel will have back of him
twenty-one members of his party, to enact
Into law all the measures not in conflict
with the city charter which ba may advo
cate during the jiext two years. The minor
ity consists of ten democrats and four re
publicans. The council chamber waa packed when
the new city officials took their places.
Alderman Edmund T. Melius was elected
to tha presidency of the council and Carl
D. Thompson was chosen as city clerk."
Following these elections Mayor Seidel
was escorted to the chamber and delivered
hla inaugural message.
"Before, all things, home rule, the right
of self-government, should be secured for
tha city of Milwaukee," said tha mayor.
In the course of hla address. Other meas
ures advocated by the mayor Included the
promotion of tha well-being of the working
class of tha city; enforcement of sanitary
measures; tha establishment of a bureau
of municipal research with a view to plac
ing tha finances of the city on a aound
basis and the combining of various offices
to save expenses. Ha asked the council and
city attorney to report as to the feasibility
of establishing a municipal lighting plant.
Following tha Inaugural ceremonies, a
reception to the newly Installed city offi
cials was held In WestHide Turner hall.
Dtstarbaaee at Martert, O., Resalt
la Saspcaaloa af Jaalor
MARIETTA. O.. April 19 The chapel
set vices of Marietta college broke up In
disorder today, following th appearance
of the Junior close In ealtthumplan eoa
tumea as a satire on the caps and gowna
of the seniors. Aa a result President
Perry has suspended tha entire Junior class.
The disorder reached a cilmax when two
members of tha Junior class grasped Presi
dent Perry and thrust him bodily from his
office. The university executive told tho
Juniors that they were suspended and or
dered them to leave. Not until he had
threatened to cad the police waa hla order
Ther are twenty-two men and women in
the rebellious, class.
Patent Brooder
Chicks Fall
"Raising chickens Is an art, not a sci
ence, declared the fat msn, as he settled
Into a seat his slim ne.ghbor on a
Farnam car. bound officeward. "It will
only become an txart science when, the
chicken grows more Intelligent when the
personal equation, that la. th personality
of th chicken ia removed."
"What's tha matterT" Inquired the slim
man. "Didn't JU sleep well last nUhf"
"Sleep nothing. ' retorted th one-Um
good natured fat man. "Folks at my place
ar conducting an experiment In city lot
farming. Bright ld?a. Got It doped out that
there's fortune In poultry grown on fifty
square feet of back yard. Fool chickens
decided to hatch in middle ot th night;
oo sleep In our house till daylight. Chtckon
burn very hour.
. patent brooder faUed to work, so they
rapped 'em up In a rsg and put "eiu a
a retter In th klti-hen. Being m.r t
axpeilenced chickens vry mother's son
of 'am piled up In una curat r. Six smoth
ered and three crawled oft Into tha pipes
ai;d tid Inta liia fjrnsL. ' iiaww Eu-i,
High Cost of Beef Laid to Fictitious
Competition of Packers, Says
S. Benn Says Thes Firma Are
Eivals Only Ostensibly.
Witness Declares Price Was Baised
by Clever Tactics.
National Packing; CsBpasy RewllF
Owned hr the BIsT Threw, He
Declare PwbUe See
ST. LOCIS. April 19. The high pr'ee of
moat Is due partly to fictitious oompetl
tlon. biddinsf for cattle m the market, be
tween bvyer rsulnr:y emsloyed by the
Swift. Armour and Morris Interests, and
buyers employed by the National Pack
ing company, which Is controlled by those
Interests, according to testimony given this
afternoon by A. S. Benn. Tic president
of tha St. Louis Dressed Beef and Provi
sion company In tha Investigation ; of the
packing conr.panniea bring conducted by
Attorney eGreral Major. -
Th St. Louis company is awned and
controlled by the National Packing com-
pany. ' according to testimony adduced
To this competition between concerns.
ostensibly rivals but really under tha same
control, the witness specifically attributed
the recent price of $1.15 for hogs.' Benn
stated that buyers ostensibly representing
the National company but In fact repre
senting the Armcur. Swift and Morris in
terests, frequently bid against the buyers
directly employed by these Interests and
thus fore up the price of meat.
Pablle 1 Faoied.
The benefit of this policy, which raises
th cost price of raw material for the
meat companies. Is explained by the in
vestigators aa producing an Illusion of
competition in tha eyre of tha public.
"Tha competition between tha different
buyers Is something fierce," aald Benn.
"If It had not been (or that, we should
not have had hogs at JTLIS." .
"It looks a If tha Swift. Armour and
Morris hit er seta were really trying to lift
themselves over tha fence by the boot
straps,' commented Attornfy ' General
"That's Just what It la,"- agreed Benn.
V ?. Marfaa.i Ainnawim and A- W. Armour.
B. F:. -I F.-and C. H. Swift and Ed
ward Morris were named by Benn in
his testimony In tha meat hearing today as
directors In the- 415,000,000 National Pack
ing company, which owns and controls the
Dressed Beef company and other socalled
independent plants.
, Bens, (who la assistant to the president
of the Natioaal Tacking company at Its of
fice In Chicago admitted that tha National
Packing company Is a holding corporation.
holding the stock of twenty-three packing
plants and refrigerating can companies.
Benn named aa directors of the National
Faoklng company the Armours. Swifts and
Edward Morris and tha following In addi
tion: K. K. McLaran, Edward TUden (president
of tha National Packing company and of
the St. Louis Dressed Beef and: Provision
company). T. E. Wilson, Arthur Meeker,
L. A. Carlton. F. J. Conner. F. A. Bauer
and L. H. Hayman.
Benn gave the list of stockholder tb the
National company, which ahowa that the
J. S. Swift estate owns T0.W7 shares, J.
Ogden Armour, 60,158 shares and Edward
Morris, 13,752 share.
T. Fred Asaems Jarnpe frosa Bin.
iM Hatel at Pikwau, 9. 0.
la Kick; mt Tins.
MITCHELL, S. D., April V. (Special
Telegram.) The hotel building In Puk
wana caught fire thla morning at 3 o'clock
and was completely destroyed, together
with the drug store of L. B. Ash, whOBe
entire stock was consumed at a loss of
T. Fred Anderson of Sioux City bad a
narrow and sensational escape from tba
burning building and had he been left an
other moment he would bava been burned
to death, ell waa sleeping on tha second
floor of tha structure and waa not wakened
aa son as the other guests. lie heard a
shont that awakened him. but the room
was filled with smoke and h could hear
the roar of the flames beneath. Ha barely
Jumped from the window when the floor
on which he had been standing a moment
before crashed In. Mr. Anderson Injured
his back and sprained hla ankle In falling.
While none o fthe other guests were In
jured they Buffered losses In not being
able to get their valuables out of tha hotel.
The building waa owned by John Stranaky
and waa an old structure.
Does't Work,
Onto Furnace
organized by milk man, paper boy and
other early morning arrivals, brought back
one. Two chickens lit on th furnan- n
j proceeded to get fried and stewed. I'll
I stat right her that th odor of mbrionlc
Droiiers cooKed ail naturel In a hot air
circulation heat plant Is mora efficient
than pleasant. .
"What kind of chickens were they" In
quired tha attentive alim man. There waa
a tone of real Interest In hla voice.
"Pure-bred White Leghorns," replied tha
sleepy fat man.
Then ha came to with a start. "Say
have they got It too over at your house?
That poultry bug I mean."
"Take to advice of a friend before It
gets too late." said tha man h kn
pld. with you listen ta m. Tll .'tn that
1th niy real road to rich ta a lettuc
bod or radishes or something nits that
j Eliminate th personal qut;on and kep
your farm product out of tha ht plants
which aconnoy out oooiylu alvUiaauoo.
i .- , - - -
tT'"' T'i"A ' V.,
' -' " A Spring Trap Hidden Among the Flowers,
From tha Pnlladelphla Inquirer. '
TT 19 a aW . M. as-s)a. srw -, t a 1 n n, w
Federal Grand lory Finds True Bills
in Indian Land Probe.
Farmer Sapertateadent af Ageaey aad
' HI Clerk Also Informed Acalnst
by Ia)afHorlal Body TWaaM
Laksn Art at aa Ead.
Eight men heJe bean Indicted by the fed
eral grand Jiir. for land frauds against
the Omaha In?', ans in Thurston Bounty. Of
theae, six are Thurston county residents
and the other , two wmirn formerly Indian
agency official '
The men- Indited are Barry L. Keefa.
merchant; Waiter T. Diddock. lawyer;
Smmett W. Rx. -altar, WU1 EatlU. James J.
Ore, Ernest P. Kelley, all of Walthill; John
IsL Comrmnn, f orirr aapevuttendant' of the
Omaha Indian ajfanov, trat now a cleric in
the Indian agency office at Dulce, N. M
and Franks Coddington -of Decatur, a olerk
In Commons' office while aha latter was
superintendent. Common was relieved
from his office as superintendent of tha
Omaha Indian agency in, Octaber. 1909.
. Tha Indictments charge the defendants
with conspiracy In inducing the Omaha
Indians to enter into fraudulent contracts
for deeds whereby It waa sough to obtain
possession of the lands- after tha Indians
had secured their patents upon"the expira
tion o fthe government trusteeship of twenty-five
years. Thla trusteeship terminated
last July.
Tho Indiana were induced to enter into
these contracts and sign tha deeds for a
nominal figure per , acrw . whila the lands
were still held. In trust, for them by tha
government. -i -
ladtaaa Eseesaed Dweda Oalr Leatea
Speetfia Instances were- shown la the
hearing before the fedsral grand Jury where
Indiana were induced t contract-, for the
sale of their lands at an extremely low
figure and the speculator Immediately
transferred the contract to a third party
for over double the price paid or agreed to
be paid to teh Indian. In other Instances,
the Indiana were made to believe that they
were simply signing a lease, only to find
later that It waa a deed and that they had
given away their land for a mere pittance.
- Only recently have tha patents been re
ceived by tha Indiana for the lands and
they discovered upon filing their patents
that deeda were already filed purporting to
have been signed by them a year or more
ago an dthat th holder of the deeda had
a aeemingly undisputed title to the lands,
In' aoma Instances thla waa to tha home
property of the Indiana, as well aa to much
of their personal property,
Tha Department of Justice haa purposely
Ulmted the investigation Into these cases
at thla tima owing to tha praaa of other
Other Reservation Tfext.
Th Investigations are to ba continued,
however, relentleisly. and tha present ia
but th beginning ot the Inquiry Into these
practices, not alone on tha Omaha Indian
(Continued on Second Page.)
About the home
some things are no
longer needed. A
sewing machine, go
cart, washing ma
chine, lawn mower,
bedstead, etc.
Why don't yon sell them!
A Boe want ad will do the
Call Doug.238, if you can't
come down and aa ad taker
will write your ad and place it.
If the articles are not sold in
seven days your money will be
refunded at the counter upon
presentation of your receipt.
Your ad won't cott you any
. ?
co C
Methods of Elgin
Butter, Board Arc
Coming to Light
Chicago Dealers Say Price Fhrin?
Committee is Packed . with
Clerks and Employes.
CHICAGO. April VS. Chicago butter deal
ers declared today an investigation of the
condltiona under which the Elgin butter
board fixes prices has been start" d with a
view to presenting the evidence to the
United States district attorney.
At the mtettog in Elgin yesterday, it is
declared by Chicago men, the Elgin board
fixed tha weekly prlca at 32 cents, out
voting the Chleagoana" by "packing" ' the
meeting with clerks and otter employes.
T. E. Purcrll, a Chicago dealer who waa
in Elgin, aald:
"The "EnSTtf iuiniulllie aWTtTttlfr. telakea
the prica without a single ' sale, and we
hav to suffer from It for the rest of tha
Another Drop
in Ho gr Market
Chicagro Prices Dollar Lower Than
Two Days Ago Eecanae of
Heavy Receipts. .
CHICAGO, April 19. Recent heavy ar
rivala of hogs are reflected In a decline
in prices of $1 in the last two days.
A few weeks ago hogs sold at the high
est slnca tha civil war, thua attracting
heavy shipments. In view of which tha
present reaction is not considered remark
able. Salt pork on tha Board of Trade recently
underwent a decline of about $3. but the
market ateadied today on buying by pack
era who were abia to purchase tha cured
product on a basis of 8ls cents a pound,
eompared with 9 cents for tha live article.
Philaderlokla Colored Pnai
t Paoch la Jaek O'Brlea'a
PHILADELPHIA. April 23. Frank Col,
a lightweight negro pugilist of this city,
died in a hospital today from injuries re
ceived last night In a boxing bout with
SUley Rodger at tha boxing club man
aged by "Jack" O'Brien. Rodgers waa
held without ball to await th action of
tha coroner. Tha referee and several wit
nesses were also held. Cole, In tha third
round, received a solar plexus blow which
sent him to tha mat, his bead striking
with terrific force.
Adolpa Berasis, Member af Police
aad Fir Board, la Victim af
Heart Tramble.
SIOUX CITT, Iowa, April 19. (Special
Telegram) Going to bad last night appar
ently In perfect health, Adolph Hermann,
for many year alderman and later a mem
ber of tha police and fire board, died sud
denly of heart disease early this morning.
How Big is Omaha?
What Some People Think About It
15S.S43 J. Tevlotdale. Council Bluffs
KB 53 G. A. larman, Ainsworth
li.rS W. B. Welkin, Atlantic
I43.7li J. B. Dunn. Caliaway
l.wt. J41 Virginia Tagga-t, Loyal
HTo" Frances Keavey. f.zt S. 13th
lia.210 Ruth Miller, South Omaha
MS lrr l P. Campbell. 718 !i. 8im
VJ.UA... H. S. Atherton, Geneva
14ji3 H. C. Larsen, 7.NJ.1 Seward
lfil.345 Jant Hunter, plattsmouth
Krf'OJO James Nlckerson, loot Farnam
117 111 Mr. William Sydney. Arc tie,
142. 7d Mabel Franson, 41tl N. 17th
ixt..4... F. F. OMborn, County Jail
144.471 A. W. Cioldt. Plaltsmoutti
117. 1J... .Millard W. Bryant.Council Bluffs
ti'LUl N. Kengor. Bee Bidg
l'I7,j74 W. L. Tounsrra.n, South Oman W. 1 Barker. Hastings
14. it C. E. Herring. N Y. Life
!i.44 G F. Thomas, '.' N. litri
W D. M. Havoriy. 1115 N. ttih
1T.1 o : J. H. Smiley, South Omaha
149 TW A- H. Anderson. 3it S. 21st
1JU M ...C, L. Jones. Columbus
lfr.S P. L. Howard. North tend
147.S.S..., W. 11. Belknap, lilatr
14V : H. F. Wlckensamp 1 or ;iietei
1 i0 Oeore Neftune, oinaha
KWI ..J. R. Hucter. sr.. I'tutMin. uta
i H. A. Osoorue, l'laitnmoufn
Uu.iAf , J. K. MAHon, Piditunouin
TItb Cenriu Man..
" 5?
Commoner Calls on Taft and Appears
Before Committee.
Ls( Caafereace with Preside!, He
Says, Wa Purely octal
Favor Postal Havlnc
WASHINGTON. April . William Jen
nings Bryan and President Taft spent more
than an hour closeted together at the
White House lat today. Th two great
traveler exchanged reminiscence, it la
said, and each commented upon how well
the other . waa looking. Th president
rather, Intimated that being be a tea at tha
polls did not eeern to bo such a bad tlilni!
for ona'a health and happtnera after all.
T-he ca,k wa purely a social one," aa - j
Mr.' Bryan, as he left the executive of
fices. "Did you discuss the tariff bill vas
"No," smiled the Nebraskan. "We forgot
all about it."
"Or politics?"
"No, that did not occur to ua either."
Both the president and Mr. Bryan
seemed to have enjoyed the quiet chat Iu
the executive chamber. Mr. Bryan walked
In democratls fotshtdon to the White House.
Ilj was received with the usual courtesy
by the attaches and was shown without a
moment's delay into the president's of
fices. Mr. Bryan left at 7:55 tonight for
Lincoln. Neb
Favor Postal Savin.
During his visit to the capltol Mr. Bryan
met a number of the democrats In the
minority room and to them he expressed
his views on the pending legislation, -peo'ally
the postal savings bank and rail
road bills. Mr. Bryan advanced his opinion
that tha democrats of the house should
vote for the postal saving bank, because
In his view It invited the surest method
of bringing about the guarantee feature
for deposits.
Whila believing there were some good
features In the pending railroad bill, es
pecially those providing for government
supervision of tha Issuance of stocks and
bonds, Mr. Bryan advised hla democratic
friends to defeat the measure because he
thought Its bad featurea outweighed Its
desirable provisions.
Among those who attended the confer
ence were Minority Leader Clark of M!a
sourl, James James of eKatucky, Bartlett
of Georgia, Rucker of Colorado. Underwood
of Alabama, Cox of Ohio and Hughes ot
New Jeraey.
Goe Before Committee.
At a hearing before the house committee
on Insular affairs, Mr. Bryan pictured
Porto Rico aa a place of beauty, and pic
turesque magnlflcance, but an la and with
burden which th United State should
help to rilieve.
Ha declared Porto Rico was tba "key by
which we ar to unlock South America,"
and that South Amarica offered a golden
opportunity for the immigrant. He pre
dicted that In half a century th popula
tion In Soujh America would be Increased
a. to
He pointed out that the United States
was reaching the point where there wa
left little Idle land or free land to of for
tContlnued on Second Page.)
N. G. Smith. 210S Douglas
1M.'1 B H. Kady. Fremont
W. C. Keeltel, Lyon
172.r! Frank Kondle. Jr., Weston
l4t.;'3 Thomas Slubbit. Beatrice
1 William Polaca. spins, v 2lth
168.1.')"... .Mrs. August Johnson. 2uJ0 Seward
T. J. Nelson. Onuhi
141 y).
174 y.
174. eSS.
J- L. Cross, IV2 Doilslmi
.H. L. tiara. 2301 S. 22J
.....Edith Stanley Calhoun
w. f. Palen. Tesamati
. ..A. R. Kokes. Tekamah
smu-ett. TeKamah
...t.. C Cook, 17th und California
Joseph O. Llx'er. Arcade
A. H Karman. W. o. w.
...WIU,m Sidney. Arcade
rVR5.. J'""1
134 ,:i7
104 IKS
lri. IKl
1 ht4
u.J 3i:i. .Mra.
ft. H. Falter, Plattamoiuu
juiiii uroiioit. It s. nt n
Henry Harvey, South Omaha
9- S. Cohen. jS 1mw,v
p j Nelson S Y 1 sr
Richard T. Imgdale. Bee Blda-
. John Kldgway. 1KU7 Karnam
ij. .-u. Miuieoranu.
H'.4l.S U M. Hihlehrarid. 12 huneroft
HI J. E. Brit ton. Council Bluffs
H-i ' J- A. Kearney
lT'-.l'- !- E. rnovau. Nehraska i 'It y
lo4.-Ul ilejen Donovan. Nebraska City
Is Counting. Now.
Eetiremcnt of Senators Aldrich and
Hals Will Kike Great Chanj:
in CongTess.
Largrcr Group cf Men Will WielJ
- Influence in Party.
Burkett Kay Succeed to the Finance
Bar Leadership Will Ce Thla
f Past aad eTtr Day is at
Ilaad -Western Wantea
, ' la t spit -I.
(From a Staff Cvrrcinjilttit)
WASHINGTON. D. C, April lS.-(Spcial
Tekg. am.) Th p.i!lt:rui sensation of the
day is tha offliiul announcement of the d
terminatlou of Senators Aldrich ami It!
to retire to privata iifo at tho expiration
of thi'lr terms. March 1 I'll.
Nothing was talked about In con-
Stet-s t.Mijiv. The presence of Wlillcm Jen
nings Bryan on the floor of tha house ex
cited but the smallrst amount of applaus
as against the senatlou of Senators
and Hale's determination to quit the politi
cal life.
With the retirement of Aidrich and Hal
the future cf the republican party, so far
as the senate la concerned, wil devoiv
upon a committee like thut which existed
during the Ufa of Allison of Iowa. Piatt
of Connecticut, Hanna of Ohio, witf
IFpooner. Aldrich and Hale to complete tha
When Allicon. P'.att and Hanna d!cd, a::d
Spooner retired fnm public life, to maka
a modest fortune f.r himscf practicing law
In Ner; York, the mantle of leader-slip fell
upon Aidrich. who had a very nhle ?ronJ
In EuKene Hale of Maine. And now year
of ill-health have served notice upon thewo
two New Engiandera that they munt give
way to younger men and tako their placea
urong pnst lcalors of the partj'. With their
going will go the tremendous power which
New England wielded In national legisla
tion, for Aldrich Is chairman of finance,
while Hale la chairman of the appropria
tion committee and chaiman of the senat
caucus, to cay nothing of being chairman
of tho committee of public expenditures,
made up of chairmen of Important commit
ters of the sonata.
Feaalaa Stvln-js.
- - The psndulum -qll has swung far to
ward tha aat since the civil war will, with
the retirement cf Aldrich and Halo, swing
to the west, and thereby will vanish an
other cause of complaint ao frequently
heard tueae daya, trippingly spi.ken by pro
grrsslves of the republican party in "Ald
rtchism." It la thought that In the rearrangement
of the aenata commltues, which wil fol'.o'.v
closely on ?hw heels of the Sixty-first con
gress, that Senator Warrnn will go t. tho
head of tho appropriations committee,
while Senator Burkett, although he ia hav
ing the fight of his life for re-election,
will succeed to the finance committee. This
will bring about a shift In other desirable
committee assignments which unquestion
ably wl 1 bring wi stern men to the front.
It will push Burkett a notch or two ahead
on the appropriations eommittee, whila
Senator Broun will be considerably favored
should Warren taka tho appropriations
chairmanship, by an advance of at least
th re 3 r laces.
It is not thought that Crane and Lodge
of Massachusetts, nor Penrose of Pennsyl
vania, can be dislodged, but they will have
to share power with ambitious westerners
who ara aeemingly about to corne Into
their own. It wl 1 be Impossible In tha
very nature of things to keep close co
operation In the senate leadership beyond
next March, and Indeed, the Influence of
the approaching changa will ba felt before
then In the general advance of men from
the west Into council and action.
Unquestionably the retirement of Aldrich
a 111 ba regarded In the light of a body
blow to high protectionist. He has bees
tha bulwark of strength to them In hla
personality, hi i dogged determination, basal
on hi convictions, and the tremendous per
sonal Influence he exerted over men made
him one of tha commanding figures of his
time and ha baa left an Impress In thirty
years of a public career upon the legisla
tion of bis country, such a comes to but
few men In their lifetime.
Barkett Profit In a Way.
Senator Burkett who waa fortunate
enough In having filed upon Senator Ald
rlch's seat more than a year ago when
Senator Aidrich casually one day let fall
his determination not to seek re-election,
will succeed to Aldrich's seat after tha
fourth of next March.
"The passing of Aldrich and Hale," said
Senator Burkett, "marks the absolute dis
appearance of old regime. They were real
powers of that directory. The leadership
In the upper branch of congress, must by
very nature of things, fall Into younger
and necessarily mora liberal hands."
f U,n,hff Tmlllvee when mttVmA Mi - nna.H,,.
who will succeed to th mantle laid aside
by Senator Aldrich said: "No on will.
His mantl will be removed to the Smith
sonian Institution to ts placed on exhibi
tion among the relics of an antiquated and
discarded political machine. The day of
Aldrlch'a authority la over and a new day
Is at hand."
Western We men at D. A. ft. Caacres.
I Several well'known western women are
.m,,n tha hun,rli In illanHir. i,n-,n
. ..... . 1
1 annual congress m in uau.mers or
I lne American iwvoiuuon. airs, isenu
Lincoln Haustis. who Is Iowa's candidate
i for vlc president general of tha national
I ucJetJr. " " of P-'onal magnet-
j isra as well a unusual executive ability.
She spent her early girlhood In Canton,
China, where her father waa at that tlm
ontul. but lived for several years before
' t. mu..j.ff k... In n'.al,!,!,,,, u k. ......
she has a large following among the
I 'susniers. on nisi uvi iiitu pruiuioeut:
at th national congress of tile Daugther
j by songs contributed by her to tha program.
i ..i... r.,.., ., ,,,(....
Mrs. neustts la a member of a largs num.
ber of wonutn's organizations, among whcli
are th Colonial 1'i.nn, th League of
American pen Womwn, Society of Iowa
Musicians and th Dubuque Woman's club.
and will atleud tha heunlal convention