f ' THE BEE GUARANTEES TO 3ELL IN 7 BAYS ANY Arafo2fc Hc5" ,.ife&r tefeVX 'WIVES MAY FIND ABOUT THE HOUSE. AND DO NOT NEED OR. GIpCK TIE MONEY. I . ; , ' -S 1 Want- Ads Want ada received mt any time, not lu lainrt proper claeslf Icatlon " be prraented before 12 o'clock m. for the evening Million and before Ti30 o'clock of prevlooa evenlne; for morning and Sunday editions. Want nda received after tarh konrs will have their flret insertion under ! heading ''Ton I. ale to CInesHy." Cash mint aecoropnny H ordera for want ada and r advertisement will be accepted for leae than 20 rente for first Inaertlon. Rate apply to either The Dally or Bandar Bee. Always eoaat els worda to line. CASH RATKA FOR WAHI ADS. IIF.UIIitR CLASSIFICATION OnO Insertion, t .1-2 eenta per word and 1 rent per word for each aabaeqoent Inaertlon. Each Inaertlon made, on oild days, 1 1-2 eenta per week, ft. CO per line per month. Want nda for The Bee mar bo left n( an- of the following drag; etnree iue j ) our. "corner druggist" they firall branch offleea for The Bee a..i joar nil will be Inaerted Jest aa 1.. -inaptly and on the aame ratea aa at 4.- mula' offit-? In The Bee Building-, atvmteeroth and Farnam atreeta. .lhach. W. i', 40!h and Farnam. Iciaiick, K A.. 1402 S., 10th St. J iiyiun ili.iriiiacy. 720 S. 16th St. . I.iiinoi) I . -urn a ay, Benson. Neb. Rcmis P.irk Pharmacy, i'ld and Cuming. lllnke-P-radlsh, 2S10 Sherman Ave. CHiighlln, O. It, 6th and Fierce Sis. Cilfton Hill Pharmacy, 2213 Military Ave. Hlnterlcmg - Drug Co., 31st Ave. and F.irnam. CrIsBey Pharmarv, 24th and Lake. Cooney Phai r.sry, 2ll2 S. 10th St. Cermak, Emll, 1264-6 S. 13th St. Filler, F. H., m2 Leavenworth. Foster & Arnoldl, 213 N. 2Mh St. Kreytag, John J.. 1SH N. 24ih St. Fregger Drug Co., l.W N. Kith St. Florence Drue: Co., Florence, Neb. Green's Pharmecy, Park Ave. ard Pnclf.o. Greenough, G. A.. 105 8. 10th St Oreenough, O. A., Tenth and Hickory. Haydetl, William C, 2820 Farnam St. liar prom Park Pharmacy. 1601 S. 2?th Ave. Heilst, John, C24 N. ltth St. Huff, A. L. 2TC4 Leavenworth Kt. Juhaxsin Drug Co., 24th-ard Spa'dlng Sts. King. II. S.. HZ FnrnanvNt Kountze Place Pharmacy, 3301 N. 21th. Mares. Fred I,., 201-1 Central Blvd. Patrick Drug Co., 1624 N. 2tth St. Lathrop, Charles E., 1"24. N. 21th St. Goldman pharmacy. 2Uli and Leaven worth St. Saratoga Drug fo.. 24th and Ami' Ave. Schaefer's Cut Price Drug Store, !6:h and Chicago Sts. SchKcfer August. '2631 N. lth St. Sehm'dt, J. H.. '24th and Cuming Sts. 1 Walnut Hill Pharmncv. 40'h and Cuming. , Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Grace Sis Wlrth, 0.. H 40th and Hamilton Sts. niHTIIS AJfD DEATHS. '.l-.-ths William Larson. 2S17 South Thlr-'v-sccond. boy; David Moylan, 1923 South Nineteenth, girl; Charles Slmonaon 1118 North Blxttenth, boy.- - Deaths Msty SUnbtirg. R29 South Ttven-ty-flrrrt, 3J; Jiames- Batchelnr. cotinty hos rltul. 5i):' JCteewKarlw 1204 Catiar Oenrarn A. Fietmnn. North Seventeenth. 6; Patty Tcen, it-n taming, s, ; r ioiance Patterson, id Svut'.x' Twenty-ninth, 40. "AKNOUN CEMENTS TUB MB3TICAN WHT1 K SAPPHIRK. A gn.; Aeeovery. A gem with the hard "' bfl'ilancy and luxter: can't be de toVM -eitn a ganulno d'amond. We guar U t U gem to ftaln lt beautiful bill- 1.1. rparklf 'orever. the same, aa r4 Hi dlamon . at 1-30 the cot. In roild c! rountltiss. Call or wilts for II ii' ai "itsli!;tie. Del.ong Jewelry C.. t' U-Ct.:t Bldg. Omaha. , . I KST ' EMKNT BLOCKS In Omaha. All 'MiMlm snO. wall thlcknras In stock. Oiiiali.i Concrete iStone Co., h Av A Sadler F.jilmate given contract uk W.-sb II JuiBi after p. m.. W. 4231. x40NEY IO LOAN LOW UATK. In sums to tult, 310 He H dg. rnono iiuuc. )0. UNION LOAN COMPANY. COOD MERCHANTS LUNCH. K "rrC! A. iRTKij..U Douglas St.. J VJ.O. 1LEK GRAND HOTEL Knd'.tolf.VsVi Turkish Baths MAGGAKD Van Storage or Omaha Trunk Van & Storage Co. Pa'-k, move. Mora and ship II. H. goods. D. 14!K. B. 242S. J. A. KEP VAN WILL MAKE YOUR SUMMER SUIT. 608-10 Urandels Bldg. . WKSTEItN DUPLICATING CO.. 403 Be T'ldg. Multigrnphed letters. Doug. 3641. EYES EYES EYES HAVE THEM EXAMINED BY AN EXPERT OF REPUTATION. I HA VK SLCCESSFl'LLY TESTED EYES ASM) FITTED . ULASSES IN EUROPK AND AMERICA. RECENTLY DOING MOST OF THIS WORK FOR THE WURN OPTICAL CO. SB-R ME NOW. REASONABLE PRTCES A.U BATier ACHGN GUARANTEED. W. MATTIIEI, tr, PAXTON BLOCK. DOUGLAS -3fi31. lted fk!2. , . Ind. A-I7i3. I3co Hive Cleaning and Dye Works. 1620 S. 10th St. Tel. Douglas 43i7, ELLINGTON cleans wall paper. D 714s. PATTON'8 Sunproof paint Jap-a-lae; trr Enamel, baratogs Drug Co.. St lb A Aniaa. DAVID COLH Creamery Ca I'ATTON'-BOWMAN IIDW. CO. AGENTS P. F. CORBIN BUILDErtS HARDWARR. CONTRACTORS'- EI'P-UJt-a. liiiS Faruam. Phone Doug kui PHOTO ENGRAVINQ Acid Blase Etching. Prompt Work. W. R. BHAUULb.I l' ei Co., uu Howard. D. BbTL nn AT H. Oreaa Trading Utamps LVJAXJ Wth hard and soft coal. People's Coe.1 Co. Uvugias lidW tnatpenoeat A-I4W. B. F. WURN. Optician. .424 Brandels. QOINQ TQ BUILD? Get Ideas of praa Hcal builder, E. H. OUen. Tel. Benson tM "Oet-riisv-O'ilrk" Sola!1 HULTIGHA PH WORK A SPECIALTY. t. v. Mottnrup. i tiKuiAMjisi . jM Fan ton fU 'I'lione Doug. SOU n,e T11,- BEST QUALITY. uciucus uiulm dj cment Siona Co. Douglas Printing Ce. Tel. Douglas S44. BAlllvEl, BROS. rT. CO. lhrwln-W' ris . oil. varnish, rushes. l0Ss Farnam. glass Bnd Cohan Bros,, Carpenters. W N. li'th. 11.1251 Missouri Fl'ters msds. sold. ISO Howard. BIO REMOVAL SALE .FRIEDMAN LOAN OFFICE 211 t!th minir to iiicv to 8. K. COIt. 1JTH and iiV,l.AS Cluthlng, Slioca, J.wciry. eic. tlld below CuaU TWO charges of vaudeville every irk. Wiur 'lhoatvr, west vf 14th oa Douglas. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued. LYNCH BROS. plheatYncano REPAIR WORK A eTK-lALT . 8. Kth Phone Douglas 1477. SHOES called for snd delivered free Standard Shoe Repair Co.. !S04 Farnam. rt trviTOH nr.PAIREu FrelrhL Pa- ngr.. J. R. Kennedy. 104 & lSIb Doug.7. ROLL'S NINE NAPANEES. In their 'Last Davs at School." at vne Parlor The ater, commencing fvirJ HIO FEATURE .oil's Nine Nanantes, at the Parlor Theater, commencing Sunday. ANCHOR FENCE CO.. Iron and Wire Fences Cheaper than Wood. Last a Lifetime. 207 N. 17th 'Phone Red S14. TIIOS. DURKIN fcrlt. WIRING OLD RUILDINGS A SPEC IALTY. 2(509 Cuming St. Tel. Harney 2448. T Iron and Wire. r'Ptlfr Champion F'ence Co "'ir.th At Jackson Sts. Tel. D. 15M. THE City Garbage Co.. Tel. Doug. 13S7, cians vaults, ctsRpools and removes ma nure. SKhcs and all kinds of refuse. Shirts rl order. E18 Karbach Blk. STOP THOSE HEADACHES by unlng glanaes fitted by an P"-t optician. AuguNt Johnson, with frrlti Sandwall Jewelry Co.. 8d Floor Paxton r i t. . ' riuu rv. MONUMENTS J. F. Bloom & Co., Movrd to new location, corner 17th and Cuming Sts. 'Phone Doug. 670. WANTED. w 100 lenm for railroad work On Northern Paciflu II. R., North Dakota, and Milwau kee R. R., South Dakota. . PH ELAN-SHIRLEY COMPANY, 1009 New York Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. K. II. Cole Sign Co.. D. S76S 1318 Farnam. JOHN E. H1MOE, shirts. 630 Paxton Block. lrrtMK T.'i:uriTI't;E CO.. 20 per cent l'?ss than Omaha prices. 20th and L Sts. AUTOMOBILES DRUMM0ND 3 Sens Buggies, lakes Auto jus. Builds agunK, Repairs Autos and Ad Kinds of Machines, lain and Harney Sts. FOR SALE 90 H. P. Austin cor. newly painted and completely overhauled. Open and closed body, glass front, (op, extrA tubes; complete set uf loom, lira cover, Cost St'- bOtf less than A yar and a halt ago. WHI tell at great kscnflue. Address Arthur felon, tliuuna, Neb. AUTOMOBILE GOGGLES, 25c to $3.50. Columbian Optical Co., SW-211 S. lGth. MODEL E, Jackson, and M, Oldsmoblles, touring cars, each 40 H. P.. xii Cyl., cost $2,000 and 12.7; each, with no extra, and each has 12.0 extras: Top, windshield, prtstolltc; also, -ge-iitrator, spucdmeter, weod chains, extra casing and tubes, tire- holder, cover, luggage carrier. - Guarantee pt-rfect co-ndltlon. Sell either lor l,2i0. Dr. 1L J. Hill, Lincoln, Neb. OMAHA'S foremoKt repair house; all kinds uf repairing; when In trouble call Douglas 72S1 or A 2011. The Paxton Mitchell Co., 2318 Harney St. FOR SALE For best bargains lo aula- mobiles. rue or call on the NEBRASKA-BUICK AUTO CO. 11112-16 far nam bt. SLIGHTLY used, four-cylinder Rambler automobile, gray in color, rplendid condi tion, no dealer-. AddretJ D-uuO, care Bee. CALL US lor demonstration of Cole "3a" Mldwect Auto Co., Uih and Farnam. WRITE for list automobile bargains. II. K. FREDRICKSO-V AUTO CO.. Omaha ntn Pnintirif "Murphy Did It." Get AUtO 1 aimiHL, our prlces. ANDREW MURPHY & SON. 1412 Jackson. EXPERT mo'orcycle & Uicycyle repair ing. Omaha Motorcycle Co., 1020 Cap. Ave. AUTOGENOUS WELDING All kinds of broken cylinders, crank cases snd castings promptly repaired. All work guaranteed BERTSCHY MOTOR COMPANY. , Council Bluffs, la. - UARfiAINS ,n usd utomobllas, 1001 Farnam St. BARGAIN In secondhand cars; over hauled and repainted; look like new; for ale regardless of price; Pres-tu-lite tanks toi sale. Standard Automobile Co., 2021 Farnam. Tel. Doug. UUL BUICaC car with top. wind shield, i lamps complete. $700. Inquire A. ilope, IBIS Douglas St.. Omaha. SEND for our list of second-hand cara DEIUGHT AUTOMOBILE CO.. 1814 Farnam SL FOR SALE 1908 Maxwell automobile, 1560; excellent condition, fu 1 equipment, horn, extra tires, top lamp, tools gener ators, cutralns. etc. 'Phone Lieut. Haskell, Fort Omaha, Webster 5090. FOR HALE 1910 model Stoddard-Dayton 5-passenger. Reason, parly go ng to Eu rope. Wish to sell to private party, phone Harney 1737. $S00 LOT for auto. Addres J 2425, Bee. BUSINESS CHANCES A Live Omaha PAYS manufacturing concern wants more capital for expansion can use soma good solicitors oir liberal commission. Ad dress or call on Mr. Guild, secretary Commercial club Also Mr. Palmatier, Merchants National bank. 12 TO 187o McNeill-Jewel Realty Company. Write Us tor Bargains. 614 N. 24th. Tel. So. 790. couth Omaha. tOK SALE A good retail lumber yard, in central Iowa; investment of $la.uX. Ad dress Y 246, care Bee. FOGEL & ALTSTADT TO BUY OR SELL. If Neville Blk. Doug. Jill TO GET in or out of business call on OA NGESTAD, 404 Bee Bldg. T D. 3JI7. wsni- man lo tag Interest In legitimate business; big profits; no competition; must h.ve fc.iiiO to t3tJ0. Add.es. F Hi bea. TO GET In or out of hutnes In Omaha, fouth Omaha or Council Bluffs, sea Wil liams. 411 McCagua Bldg., liih and Dodge. FOR SALE We buy. sell and trade lards, merchandise and Income property; cend description of your property; no deal too large. "Opportunlt es" mailed free. City Realty Co.. Ijuid Brokers. Muxkoaee. Okl. ' TO BUY. SELL oil TtlADK Sea. Midland Inv. Co. 103 McCasua Il'd; t'ORNER STORK ROOM Where man of rffht caliber "" make money. T. J. Hook. 11 Jl N. 4Mh St. F.-om 9 to S. LAUNDRY Tn sell or rent! 1n lnilall...l I In good tuao. Address, Y lit. BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) A LIVE responsible manufacturers' agent, wanted as Division Sales Manager, by leading specialty house, handling small, well advertised line of novel utl ltlts. Ex ceptionally profitable commission opportun ity. Address R. S. Co., Room llll-KO Broadway, N. Y. City. WANTED A buyer for 110.500 vendors lien notes, first mortgage drawing 8 per rent and due In five years on partly im proved patented section of land seven miles south of Happy, Ttx., and halt mile of It. R. switch. Above section has a new five-room houKe, stable, well and three miles of fence, and sold for 116.600. Will discount the above notes $"i00. Act now, and do not write us unless you man business. Address L. C. Klein Lund Co.. Happy, Swisher County. Texas. FOR SALE Drug stock; money maker; small town; good territory; location Oak, Neb.; reason, manager died; don't write; haven't time; come; first man with the money gets It Oak Drug Co., Oak, Neb. T..O00 PER month coal and feed business; good location; every accommodation. Cheap. Address II 227, Bee. 200-ACRE farm- within one mile of town to trade for stock of general merchandise., H. G. Campbell, Franklin, Neb. WE offer for sale a well established cash dry goods business In a splendid country town; no groceries to bother with. If you are desirous of going Into business write and Investigate. C. D., Box 1, Gibbon, Neb. FOR SALE 110.000 stock of clothing and gents' furnishing goods; situated country town 1.000 people: stock to be sacrificed for cash. Address L. So. Omaha Bee. FOR SALE Drug store, best location In town, mot'i prospeious farming community In Nebraska. Invoice, JJ-.000; no dead stork. Will sell cheap. For particulars address. Box 614. Schuyler, Neb. FORTUNES made operating "The Circling Wave," the latest Invention and catchiest amusement riding device In use. Write for catalogue. Armitage Gulnn, 12 Mill St., Sprtngvllle, N. Y. WHY not a profitable business of your own 7 Write for 200-page Illustrated book telling all about the biggest retail oppor tunity of the day for men with limited capital. A chance to start from a small beginning and grow Into a big department store. The book contains many stories of success others have made, and will go with full particulars to you for the asking. Address today, Y 259, care Bee. WANTED Party with Jl.500 to Invest In w ell established and paying business, with or without sen-Ices. Address D-210, car.: Bee. i AN exceptional opportunity to get control of a permanent business that will net large returns. Very small capital will handle It. For models, see MIlle3, 100 No. 24th. FOR SALE General Merchandise Stock Retween $4,000 and $5,000, In first-class condition, located In the best town In N. W. Nebraska; object of sale, settlement of an estate; no trade accepted. Address Y 2til, care Bee. GOOD location for cafe and lee cream. The Manuel aparments 21st and Howard. Rent reasonable. Tied 437. FINB OPENING for hotel, restaurant. 'oiirmtl1. tow inlll, cnnnlne "artory. s'arr-h factory. Jeweler, photographer; ; gateway tf wn on new line. JumeB Price,' pingree, N. D. ' " 1 .QHIR0P0piSTS DR. ROY.- 1505 Farnam St. Douglas 6497. DENTISTS BAILEY & MACK, id floor, Paxton. D.10S5.' TAFT'S Dental Rooms. 1517 Douglas Bt. DANCING MORAND'S. 15th and Harney; lessons Hon., Frl.. i p. m.; private daily. D.-1041. DETECTIVES OMAHA Det Agency. 423 Paxton. D. 1311. CAPT. T. CORMACK. 17 Ksrbach. D. KBJ DRESSMAKERS 6EWINQ DONE. 2210 Langdon Court. Dressmaking and plain, sewing. D. 4432. M. SELECOW, 2902 Farnam. Haruey 2017. MISS STURDY. 1701 Farnam. Tel. H. 4871 INFANTS' layettes, hand-made; also em broidery and tatting. 64J S. 2bth Ave. Red 6022. ' EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN SANITARY HAIRDRESSING PARLORS. Switches Made from Combings, 1.60. C01 Paxton Blk. . 'Phone Doug. 467L 13. P. BRUCE Mollne Pianos. 413 McCague. A NINE-PEOPLE SHOW at the Parlor Theater. The largest show for the smallest admission. Commencing Sunday. LADIES. It -vlll pay you to get our prices on hnts. willow plumes, fancy feathers, flowers, frames, braids, etc. PENNELU Ull Douglas St., second floor. GOOD, clean, snappy vaudeville. Come and have a luugh. Parlor Theater, west of 14th on Douglas. rTTTT A T?l 1 Dressmaking. Room 4, 1.J2 VjHJlAl-"-lVlUoUBli,4 gt- Phone A-385i Dress Pleatings, Buttons Covero-1 All sites and styles.. Ideal Pleating Co.. 200 Douglas Blk. Both phone ARSENIC and IRON complexion wafers makes clear, white skin. By mall DOc and 1100. Sherman ac McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. THE FREN CH WAY Varna": L dies' elothes beautifully dry cleaned. CHINA decorating; order work a special, ty Lessons Tuesday. Thursday and Satur. days. Firing daily. Children's classes Sat. urday morning. Mrs. C. C. Hungate. 894 Brurdels Bldg. Tel. Red 64SS. WHITMAN'S fusy package for fastidi ous people. I'- Add 20c if muiUd. Meieher Schmidt Drug Co.. 17th and Farnam. VK frame pictures at reasonable prlcaa. Barker Bros. Pt. Co. Urjvpjv' Seamless hosiery fit better ViN.i en(j wrar longer than any other hose. 519 Bet Bldg. Douglas 4337. FOX Ladles' tailoring, lalest styles sat isfactory fit. 2922 Leavenworth PL H. r.3 SWITCHES, from combing. $1.50. Gowe. 1021 8. 19th. South Onnha. Mrs. EDUCATIONAL the SPUING TERM AT Boy iies College, Is now open day and ntgn:. Students are ad mitted any day Prep ire for profitable poi-ltlons In BOOKKEEPING. SHORT HAND. TYPEWRITING. TELEGRAPHY, CIVIL SERVICE, aura to be open In the foil. The catalogue is ready. Apply for It BOYLES COLLEGE, Boylea Bldg., Omaha, Neb. ' Both Phonee. trr iniiiifw's scnnni. . rflH HtlYU-tlST AND I'llAltLEi. Kv. F. D. Tyurr, Wis Ckariaa. liarucy S3U. EDUCATIONAL (Continued.! SPRING TERM MOSIIER-LA MPM A N BUSINESS COLLEGE. Unexcelled course In business, short hand, penmanship and English. None but experienced teachers. Day and evening sessions. Most Interesting catalogue pub lished In Omaha. Send for or.e today. MOSHER & LA MPM AN, Seventeenth and Farnam Sts. EVERYTHING FOR THE GARDEN For Lawn. WARRANTED,!" .""Hani'ey WARRANTED 4-knlfe. hall-bearing mowers, $5.00. at Dunnlng's. 1612 Harney. PoTirmvlvnnin lawn mowers a I tllllH ivania Dunnlng's, 16.13 Harney WANN ANTED GARDEN HOSE, 10c a foot, at Dunnlng's, 1612 Harney St. lanracrlea. Fruit Trees and Shrubs Ar. 57' aery stock, A splendid assortment of bedgs plants. Let us quote you prices cow. Call and see us, or phone Benson 634. BENSON OMAHA NUR9ERT. BENSON. NE3 Patronize Home Nursory LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE LINE OF. NURSERY STOCK IN THE CITY. Sales Grounds, 19th and Douglas Phone Douglas 1628 or Douglas Ulii. M. P. BYRD NURSERY CO., Nurseries North Omaha. TT?TT'rT'3 "' Plants that grow. F. W. X it JiiO Meneray. Crescent Nnrsery Co.. Omaha yard, 21st and Farnam Sta. Phone Harnev 4W0 FURNACES AND REPAIRS GAS stoves cleaned and repaired; gaso line repairs; water fronts; new furnacea. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS. Both 'Phones. 120M2A8 Douglas St. FLORISTS BENNETT'S Flower Dpt E. store ontr'ce. HESS AV SWOBODA. 1-ilS Farnam St. J. H BATH. V-J& Harney. Douglas S0O0. A. DON AG HUE. 1607 Far. D. 1001: A-1001. BRAN DEIS CUT FLOWERS DEPT. J. F. WILCOX. Council Bluffs. Ia.; larg est greenhouse In west; beautiful flowers for any occasion shipped anywhere In U. S. L. Henderson, 1619 Farnam St. Doug. 1264. HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical Bud Office. WANTED Bookkeeper for retail trade; must have exper.ence; state age, salary and reference In application. Address F 224. Bee. - :,-.o . . WANTED Cashiers, must be 17 years old or over. Apply, Superintendent, Bran dels Stores. t . . prr- ; .' Factory Snd rTrades. WANTED Hand-Loners, steady work, good pay. Kimball Laundry. Fifteenth and Jackson. ' GIRLS experienced on power sewing ma chines. Apply C. W.' Reynolds, 1008 Jack son St. WANTED Experienced cutter and fitter on all ' kinds of ladies garments. Good wages to first class woman. R. Y. Hobson, 1023 Capitol Ave. 'Phones R. 3627, A-S927. GIRLS wanted to' learn hair dressing, prices reasonable. Oppenbelm parlors, 313 McCague Bldg. ' WANTED 10 experienced dressmakers. None but experienced need apply. R. Y. Hobson, 1023 Capitol Ave. Red 3927, A-3927. housekeepers and Doaaeatlra. FURNISHED rooms; one block from car line; reasonable price, nil S. 23d. A COMPETENT Girl for general house work. Apply 101 8. S5th St. Tel. Harney 43. WANTED A young woman for general housework and cooking; small family; no laundry; good wages. - Address A. P. Clif ton, Fort Omaha. 'Phone Webster 6253. WANTED Competent girl for general housework in small family; good wages. 3J.9 N. 41st Ave. Phone Harney 1(0. WOMAN for -general housework; no washing. Phone Doug. 129. SIX housekeepers. Canadian Offloa, 16th and Dodge. GIRL or elderly woman In small family. Phone Harney 4229. WANTED A competent girl to cook and assist with housework; - no laundry work Mrs. R. C. Howe, 114 So. 33rd. WANTBAt once; girl for housework; only three In family; good wages. Mrs. Thomas W. Hazen, 2724 Spalding St. Phone Webster 2203. COMPETENT girl for general house work; small family; good wages. Mrs R. 3. Anglln, 101 South 89th St. LADIES wanted to take work home, ap plying transfers; $1 to $4 dozen; original; reliable firm: work guaranteed. Trleber'a. 1201 Farnam St. WANTED A nurse girl. 291$ Webster. Phone Harney S36. WANTED Girl for general housework: three In family. 2903 Poppleton Ava. Tel. Harney 31S3. GIRL tor general housework; good home and steady place; good wages. 13ul Park Ave. COMPETENT cook. Apply si S. 32d Ave. or telephone Harney 206. WANTED Girl for general housework. No washing. 401 S. ISth St. WANTED An experienced cook, also laundress. Mrs.' W. J. Dynes, asm Harney. Harney 47C0. WANTED Competent girl for general housework In family of two. 2614 So. loth. Tel. Douglas &. GOOD girl for general housework, $6 per vek. Mrs. OoCiieroy, 1324 So. 3tth St. WANTED Girl. Cull at Deaf Institute. WANTED A woman for washing and second girl. 3611 Jackson. WANTED A compe en' second gl 1 Mrt, John L. Webster, 618 S. 26th Ave. GIRL to assist with housework. 221S Douglas. GIRL to assist with housework and care of children. 1614 .Castellar St. Tel. lied 6(04. GOOD, girl for general housework. Mrs. In Herdman, 3604 Harney St. Tel Harney WANTED A young girl to assist with gemral housework. 6i So. 26th Ave. GIRL to assist with housework; no waah Ing or cooking; good wages. 102 N. 18th. GOOD home snd $5.00 a week to girl who can do general housework. Two in family. 2101 Wirt street. , WANTEIi A girl to help with general housework; highest wages, paid; cJ at ouua. 2127 Douglas. HELP WANTED FEMALE flonaekerprra and Domealtea Cont'd. GOOD girl for housework. 1020 S. 36th Ave. Telephone Harney 21(4. COMPETENT girl for general housework; no laundry; wages, $6. ION S. 33d. EXPERIENCED cook, small family, good wages and no washing. Mrs. W. J Hynes, 3816 Harney. Tel. Harney 470O. GOOD girl for general housework, $5 00 a week; no washing. Tel. Douglas 3060. 2213 Howard St. WANTED A good second girl; small family; highest wages paid. 305 S. Snh St. GOOD girl to assist with housework. Chas. Thompson, 2444 Templeton. Web, 4521. UUNDRE89. for Mondays preferred Apply at once, Wm. Moncrleff, 113 8. 86th ei. let. riarnfy 442V. GOOD girl or woman for light house work; good wages; white or colored. . 153 tN. ls'in St.. A GIRL for.general housework; In family; wages. $6 per week. 1529 S. 2i.th St. WANTED A white washerwoman to work by the hour. 1915 Charles. GIRL for general housework. 3002 Dodge Bt. Tel. Harney 1419. WANTED Immediately, a good compe tent girl for general housework. 625 N. 41st Ave. GIRL for general housework; good wages; apply at once. 614 a. loth St. GIRL for general housework: one who can cook. Tel. Harney 341 or address 1120 3. 2Xth St. WANTED Experienced girl or middle aged woman for general housework. Mrs. R. Rix, 3304 N. 24th St. GIRL to assist with housework; one who likes small children. 1508 Corby St. Tel Webster 294. GIRL for general housework; small fam ily; good. 1326 S. 30th Ave. GIRL for general housework; no laundry work. Mrs. A. O. Peterson, 3313 Cuming St. GIRL to assist with- housework and help take care of one child; good wages. Phone Harney 4746 or call at 120 8. 34th St. GIRL for general housework; three In family; $6 a week. 2023 Wirt St. GIRL or middle aged woman for general housework. 2113 Maple St. WANTED A good laundress for Monday or Tuesday. Tel. Webster 645 or call 2415 Manderson St. A GIRL for general housework. Mrs, J. P. O'Keefe, 3626 Davenport St . YOUNG girl to do light housework and assist with care of children; good home for high school student. Tel. Harney 1734. 3902 caes St. WANTED A good washerwoman to take washing home. Harney 1636. 3611 Jones St. LADY WANTED To do plain cooking. Appiy at 1900 Farnam. GIRL or woman for general housework experience not necessary. 6002 Dodge St. GOOD girl for general housework. Family or inree. iuii. joinrop i. lei. web. Via. WANTED A cook. Mrs. Harold Glfford. v d, com oi. xei. jarney t44. GIRL for general housework at 1624 N 40th St. Tel. Harney 822. A GOOD, neat girl to assist with house work; small family; good wages. 4940 Un derwood Ave. Dundee car. . WANTED Good girl to learn general housework. SUA N. 20th. 'Phono w.h.i.r WANTED A girl for general housework. airs. a. a. ioquitn, 21117 spencer St. GOOD girl for general housework. Good r-ive, guuu wages. Appiy ur. iiostetier, HOB 8. 20th St. COMPETENT girl for general housework 812 N. 39th St. Tel. Harney 303L WASHERWOMAN for Monday mornings. Inquire S21 8. 21st Ave. GIRL for general housework; no laundry work: 1A a walr rm uAn ' ' . .1 J Uth Ave. WANTED Girl for general housework. Dundee; good wages. 6106 California St. 'Phone Harney 261. ailsoeilaaeoaa. LEARN HAIRDRir.SSINO.-It pare. Ton can earn lit to $2& weekly. Full cours taught. J. L. Brandels. Halrdraaalng Dept. PUPIL NURSES wanted at Douglas i.uuiiijr nuspiiai, twin ana roppietoo. Ad' dress Mabel- Christie. ' WE oan tuba .. .1 . . . jvim vuv fuui miuriaaa ui laughs in this world. Everyone laughs at !k. X .-1 .1... T' V. . n . . . ..... ... w.o lut ucaiBi, weal. UC J41U on lOUg lus. TEARS will come to vour eve after t-l.j laughs are abstracted by our company of 9 vauuevnie artists. Parlor Theater. WANTED Transfer girls and cash girls, Must be 1 years or over. Apply Superin tendent, Brandels Stores. HELP WANTED MALE Agenta, Solicitors and Salesmen. TWO men to work from rig and solicit; good pay. C. F. ADAMS, 623 S. Uth St. SALESMAN wanted to sell "The Best Ever," Lady Washington Hulled Beans with chloken. Gatehouse Packing Co., Seattle, Wash. START LOCAL ACCIDENT INSUR ANCli AGENCY THAT WILL PAY OU 115 TO $40 WEEKLY. UNUSUAL OPPOR. TUNITY OFFERED. GOOD PAY AT 6TART AND RAPID INCREASE TO WORKER. ADDRESi FOR PARTICU LAlid. HOME CA8UALTY CO.. ISIOK THIS NOW SALESMEN WHO CAN TALK TO WO MEN: NEW $2 HOUSEHOLD PATENT: GUARANTEED ABSOLUTE NECESSITY; HALF PROFIT; BIG COMPANY; STRONG ADVERTISING; NOT StiLD IN STORES; EXCLUSIVE TERRITORY: SAMPLES IjOANKD. SALES MANAGKR. 128 SYCAMORE ST.. MILWAUKEE, WIS. WANTED A solicitor with horse and buggy to drive through the country and roilcit subscriptions. Cnll and see circu lation manager. The Bea Publishing Co. AGENTS New . spsclsHy. good neller. rood money Write todsv Bartlett Supply Co.. 411 Brown Hlk.. Omaha Neb. AGENTS everywhere; send three dollar! for thres sample equalisers, retail for three dollars each. 200 per cent profit N competition; easily applied, full direction!. The hardest worklns pumps work es-v. Wind mills work easily and nolslsly with r-llohieat wind Ores! mcney maker. Writ trwlay, now Kanllrr Msnof icturlng Company. $40 Bee Building. Omaha. EXPERIENCED collirtor Inr hoii.e fur. tilrhlrg : state rxprrieura and rW.renc Address II 4.9. IW WANTED Newspaper solicitors. Call or writ Twentieth Cantury Farmer, IVt Res iildg.. Omaha, Neb. TWO bright, enoigniii! young men for peitnaiieut vity cvsitl uis. Ay.'U Hi W: iila. . HELP WANTED MALE Agents and Salcanien Continued WE positively have the fastest selling housihold patent on the market. Woolfar- Inu Co., Pittsburg, Pa. EXPERIENCED collector for house furmshliiE company. Must understand south side route. Address S 23 Bee. AN energetic young man as manager ot salesmen; : week. 612 wars nm. WANTED Five first-class salesmen In shoe department. Appll Superintendent, Bianuets stores. WANTED Experlt nied aalesmfn In dress goods and domestic departments. Apply superintendent. Brandels Stores. flora. y TVANTED A boy. Appry Bea Composing Room. WANTED Boys for factory work; clean light work; good pay. Omaha Bog uo, East Omaha. WANTED Transfer boys and cash boys, Apply Superintendent, Brandels Stores. WANTED-Top trimmers. Apply E. W Reynolds Manufacturing Co., loud Jackson ONE cood cornice man and tinner. Lin coin Cot nice and Motal Works, Lincoln, Neb, WANTED Platen and cylinder pressmen; open shop conditions; good wages to com petent men; 4S-houra week. Applr. quick State Journal Co., or Woodruff-Collins Printing Co., Lincoln, Neb. MECHANICS AND LABORERS WANTED For all kinds of plow shop work. Machine blacksmith, punch men, litters, grinders, polishers, erecters and laborers, city work good pay. competent men win find un usual opportunities to secure permanen positions at good wages. Apply In per ton to the employment agent. Deer & Co. Moline, 111. WANTED First class I barber Immedi ately. Grand Hotel, Counoil Bluffs. HORSESHOER. ETC. WANTED All around man at once. A, Jensen, 308 W. 11th St., Columbus, Neb. WANTED Carver automatic die press operator, two machines, permanent situa tion and good salary to steady, reliable party. Give references. The Thos. D. Mur phy Co., Red oak, la. WANTED Two good moulders at once Address Fremont Foundry and Machlnn Co., Fremont, Neb. WANTED A good man to oversee laun dry. Must give good reference. Addrean Y 4o3, care ol Bee. D-rug stores snaps). Jobs. Knlest. Hee Bldg. WANTED Granite and marble cutter, Good wages, steady job. James ulldea Hastings, Neb. WANTED Experienced freight handlers, salary $oO to $66 per month: Steady em ployment entire year. Apply Burlington Frtlght House. WANTED A No. 1 toolmakers. Rogers Motor Car Co., Ralston,. Neb. TeL South 1770Z. ' WANTED Car carpenters, car repairers, machine blacksmith. . Apply cudahy Pack lllg V0.,; 0OUII1 WIllttMU. WANTED 6 or G men for factory work; good pay. umana uox uo., maBt Omaha. WANTED A Gordon feeder. I. A. Med lar Co., 414 8. Uth St., Omaha. WANTED Compositor; lady or man. In good office, who can assist with ads and Job work; $10 per week. Review, Elgin, in to. ailscellaaeoae. ANYONE. ANYWHERE, can start a profitable mall order business at home evenings, bend lor particulars. Heacock. 139, iocKport. n. x. COME and see our large stock of fancy laugns. ranur ineaier. uougias. WANTED A Janitor In office building Must have experience In this work and furnish first-class local references; must live In the building; room, heat and light furnished. A good position for the right man. Apply Wl Brown ik. WANTED Some good sodding don soon. Apply 839 N. Y. Lite building, noon or 5 p. m. IRMEN THE OLD RELI ABLE, 109 N. 16th. Suits to Order. 1 $15 MEN wanted for railway mall. Internal revenue, postofflce examinations. Writ for examination schedule. Preparation free. Franklin institute. Dept 190N, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Young man. one who Under stands dry goods preferable; one who has had experience In wholesale house. Must have references. Orkin tt Levitt, Sioux City, la. MEN wanted. E. W. Reynold, 100$ Jack son St. WANTED Men to learn barber trade: few weeks required; splendid trade for poor man; be your own boss; can start shop with small capital, or work $12 to $20 weekly: good demand for barbers; further Information free. Moler Barber College, 110 S. ltth St., umana. WANTED A -gentleman for state organ iser for the Loyal Order of Mjose, the leal in ir fraternal and beneficial order of U. 8. permanent. $6,000 per year. Call Room flOi'Vi paxton uioca. i none jus. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Vehlclea. ALFALFA hay. Wagner. 801 N. lth. WAOON repairing, pa'ntlng. lettering, rubber tires, put on and first claas black smith work done by Joaason-Danforto Ca.. 10th and lone Sts. HORSES for sale. 141$ Cap. Av. D. 1M0. LET Frost fix that wsgon. 714 8. 14th. nUOGIES. surries. stanhopes, runabouts, high class work, for sal cheap. 1117 Far cam. DELI VERY WAGON Heavy teaming, sear and farm wagons. 11)7 Farnam St ONE high grade pneumatle tire blka stanhope buggy, almost new, one-half price. S..1J Jackson. Tel. H. 2423. WILL soli cheap galted ssddler. Blue Ribbon. 8 years old: thorouKhly trained: drive double or single. Address W. G. L. Taylor, 436 No. 2Mb. St., Lincoln. Neb. $150 Racine Stanhope, almost new, for best offer. Phone Webster 415S. FOR SALE Horse. $ harnesses, b'iggy and spring wagon. 1116 J St., So, Omaha. HARNKJS. phneton. sale rr trade for .ili.no, photograph, gun. Address A t.!7. FCR SALE Young mare, good driver and gentle. 3024 Emmet St. Can a, Blrda, Dogs and Pets. GOOD cow just fresh. 43d and Center St. FOR SALE 35 shouts and so Tel. Douglas eS. , LOST AND FOUND tnT-A ladv'a onen-faced, Roman gold Elulri watch, monogram M. A. L.; alo wsteh pin. lit) green stona IlsUiodist Hospital. Reward. LOST AND FOUND tCnntlnued.) if you are snoii on uncus go to Parlor Theater, west nf Uu on D.uwla to th NOTHING but d? -ency on our Ml SB, weft of 14th on DoukIiii. Parlor Theater. LOST White English bulldog; spot on head and tvi hip; . i Liberal reward Douxlus ;3,2 one browti r No. 17''l. I A 1 1 i 0 8M. ' 1 MEDICAL DR. YV. C. .MAXWELL (24 Bee Bldg. Has cured hundreds ot the most prom inent people In Omaha and all vurts of the U. 8. of Pli.ES Biid r il'l 1,A wiuwui. an operation. No pain. Tel. Du.4. ites. Murray hotel. AVERAGE TIME TO CURE. Rupture, one viwlt. Piles and Fistula, 5 days. Cancer, Catarrh, Itht-unrnt sm and Gout, "30 days. Goiter and Blood Poison, etc., 90 days. No knife, blood or pain. Si-e how quickly and easily tliexe cures are possible when you become fully Iniuinu'd com-urn-lng. our new methods. Write for frre bonk. GERMAN DOCTORS, Corner Main uui Broadway, Council Bluffs, In. 4 t ' n T,-1.- . ....... i . i i . . . . ! riii-.Q iiicuivm nnii uifciii u eaiiiinni Creighton Medical college, 14th and Davein- jui , -.. , n.i,i M lieu 1 1 vii lULIU to COI- finement caes; all treatment supervised by college ptofeMors. Phone Douglas litil. Calls snswered day or night BEST nere b.-scer for man. Gray Nerve Food Pills. $1 a box. postpaid, blierniap & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS, t$m$$$$$$$$$$(K$$eit$U4fv$($$i$s$$;i$$;i;M$u$$ f . Notice to the Public j No More High Rates $10 to $1,000 $ LOANED ON $ HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. $ PIANOS AND SALARIES. $ THIS I? A NEW FIRM $ Organlxed by the REPUTABLE BUSI- NESS MEN of this city to protect $ honest working people ln need of $ temporary help from '.he extortionate $ charge of the co-called loan com $ panics. Ws will loan you all th $ money you want and charge you only !10 per cent a year. . . THIS MEANS YOU PAY $ 1.00 Interest on $ 10 for 1 year. $ l.oO Interest on 26 for 1 year. $ 1U.OU interest on iiw ror i year. s j and all other sums in proportion. Easy $ 8 Weekly or Monthly Payments. Reason- $ s able Appraisement Charges. $ $ A glance at the above rates will con- 8 $ vlnce you how much you sav by dealing with us. NO RED TAPE NO DELAY. Money In your pocket within an 8 hour. Independent Loan Co., I ROOM 204 WITHNELL BLDG., $ $ Phon Doug. 6046. 16tn and Harney. $$mw$m?wm$wstmsmm$$ww8$ r$$$$$$m$$m$$$$mm$ fwwK?eWiw PRIVATE LOANS $$ $$ $10 UPWARDS $$ $$ On FURNITURE and PIANOS In us; II f$ also to those holding $1 $$ - STEADY POSITIONS. 88 " ' A Modern Firm. "' ' ;h' ' $ 1$ With a Modern Purpos. . T (I $8 LOOK AT OUR RATE8J f, $$ CAN YOU BEAT TUEMt , $$ ' Pays Principal and Interest. i t . No Other Charges. 4 It $26-6 PAYMENTS OF $4.60 1 $$ . $a0-6 - " " $5.60 ' 4 U $36-8 " - - " $660 ; i 51 $40-8 " " $7-60 i tt Payable weekly or monthly. $$ Other sums In proportion. t It ' This company Is backed by men J It with unlimited capital, for the pur- $1 $ pose of helping thus In peed of Urn- It $$ porary assistance. ($ l' OUR PURPOSE IS II M To make loans to those who cannot $4 tt afford to pay high rates. We will 11 mmmmmmmmtmtt tttrtttmnmtmtw WE DO NOT ADVERTISU j IMPOSSIBILITIES. After you buve had an unsatisfactory In terview with those who do, Come In anil we'll show you that wa make loons M ft cheaper rate than any advertised. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co.,' For eighteen years at ', Southwest Cor. 16th and Km nam 8 La, 119 Board of Trade Bldg., Telephone Douglas 2295. Salary and Furniture Loana at positively the LOWEST RATES, qtilclTSf ervlc and MOST CON F1DENT1AL" DEAL of any In the city. Patronise the BIGGEST AND BEST RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Third Floor. 307-308 Paxton Block.. Dougla. . . 1411 and A-1411. DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 it tt Lit a rn A IT Tel. Red 5 V. J. riiaJU. Hi4 DodK. no YOU NEED MONEY to pay ytnrr ytnrr debts? If so, call on us. W loan mu'.er on FUHNIl i i'K. r ia iu.- ami i.ivn STOCK AT POSITIVELY the V EH'I TERMS. WEEKLY OR MONTHLY PA If. MENTS. BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL. NEBRASKA LOAN CO.. 7 Crouns Blk., opp. P. O., 16tli & Cap I tot. Doug, ij.; A-uut. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE, WOMEN KEEPING HOUSE AND OTH ERS, without ecurity; easy payments. Office .n 66 principal cities. Toiuiau. rouot $13 New York Life Bldg. Furniture loans; private. 4 Patterson blk. MOVING AND HOUSE CLEANING OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. cleans your carpels ana uoo vacuum system. !XW So. Lth. Tel. MuoJ. office 161 h and Dav enport Sts.; warenouse, uv.-vj PAPERHANGERS. use the best Snow- flake pssie. Oiuii Paate co., i '. j;oug. oiuui UKJ A. J- J l' It fit lirilii'ir'1 UPHOLSTERED. 8v06 FARNAM. H.,3U FOR furniture po Ishlng. repairing and upholstenng. call Douglss 57';l. PTOVES stored. Ranc. 1011 N. 84th St CUJtlAlo phon Douglas sL I, . i 1 i (AVE vour ga stove cor.ne.cted by the only xper' In Omaha- satisfkctloo gur- sulseu. I none vi-t(.c.r aii. CONTRACTING CARPENTEI! JOBBER. FRANK. U. bt.VVAUU, lo4 B. Zllh. D. 8445. A-2606. PT.TTf mKCi on now, J. A " " - " ruspa.rick, 1721 C Cuming, Douglas 1344. ALL th late patterns of wall paper at reduc-d prices. Barker Bros. Paint Co. WHAT I th us of taking up your car. pets when you can hsv them cleaned n the floor in a few hours? F rse setlmstes riven. Meal Air Cleaning Co.. 2" Dougla l.lork. 107 H. ICtli St. Phones: Doug. 7i; Ind. A-1936. Aero, from llsyden a. HAVsi your linoleums laid right. Bi nsqn 2'.2. I'bon WHITEWASHING, tlister patching, storm windows, screen UAt on snd tsken down, clssjilng. TL Liuty $40u. MulUeV It pay off high rat companies ana aa- I tt vane you more money at less cost t it than you are now paying. I a OMAHA FINANCIAL CO., -I 601 Brown Blk., Opp. Brandtts. 1 tt 'Phones: Douglas 2036; Ind. A-i'036. it 4 1 I. J it 4 - .' ; i . i n