THE r.F.K: OMAHA. TL'KSDAY. AP1!IL, 10. 1910. i . I i - - t v W 4 EIliZF CITY r.EWS feeat Mat Xi. to tnd Crtlf ! T-iblio Aeoonatant. nrfcttug TTs; firms Bnrgsae Qrasdea Co. 1880 Wettoaai Life Iunrtaot Ca 110 CiiarUa K. Ally. General Agent, Omaha, tor Tout Fin rre In moth proof vault. Nominal coat. Situkerta, liaiur; Koyal JTt libera Ajuuversary Ivy fcimp. No. 3, Id. y.u Neighbors, will rei Wat Its nineteenth tnnlvrnary on Wed "day evening. " -""-trta ta Better Mr. John Nel wn Patrick, who has been critically 111 for several days, was said to be considerably tnpruved In health Monday. Taa ITebraata Sa-Uiga and Xioaa Aae'a loans on homes only ;n Douglas county. Service prompt, lurmi reasonable. Hoard . of TratU Bid., Uo3 Famam tit., Omaha. an Card Farty A carl party will be given Tuesday evening, April la. at the Modern Woodman Kail at Fifteenth and Dooglaa streets, oy Pansy camp for the beaaflt of the, Wodern Woodmen Sanitarium at Colorado prtngn. ' Car-nb- Bomad Over James Cnrnahy. the man who wax. arrested Saturday ami Identified as tha one who stole t'A from the Glr-ncoa Milla company luat week, waa bound over to tha district court under Jft bonds Mxmdajr morning. Sural Takes Crocs rise Cigars of a flna brand, two-po'ind ran of coffee and twenty-three package of high class smok ing tobacco with an Incidental IS in cash comprised the loot taken by a burs-lar from the grocery and meat atora of H. ipea-il. North, Twentieth afreet, sometime Sun day. The entire Hat of stolen good a footed up a value of $S. a -salty Company Xneorporatea The Iten TVl tValty company has been Incorporated for SliS.OOa by John Iten, Louis C. Iten. Otto Baumnltler and Frank C Iten, who will be. In tha order named, respectively presi dent, vlea prealdent, per ret a ry and treaa nrr. It la stipulated that KS.ono of the capital atock shall be paid up at the be ginning of business. Judga aalla at Home County Judge Charles esll la home from a ten-day trip to California, where he went on business. It 1 announced that he, County Clerk Havery and County Treasurer Ftimy will proceed to elect a county commissioner to fill tie vacancy within a day or two. "8an Francisco aeema to be prospering In a fay, If not politically and morally," aald Judge Leslie. Bxprass Drive Injured in a collision between an American Express company wagon and a atreet railway work car at Tenth and Izard streets, George Erlckson, driver of tha wagon, received severe in juries to tha right foot Monday morning. Erlckson was . the only one Injured In the accident, and there was no serious damage done. The Injured man waa taken to his home, 2026 California street. "Thirty Tears Without Support" Mrs. Ellaa Jane Wilson married Hiram Wilson, 57 years ago in La. Porte county, Indiana, and not during this time, says Mrs. Wil son, haa her husband supported her. A dl- ' vorce Is sought In district court on this ground. Decrees of divorce have been granted Mrs. Anna Luneburg from Frank P. Luneburg, and Adelaide Smith from Homer W. Smith. ' aW.. g. T. Clyde Criticises Church . "What's tha Hatter With, tha Church?" -waa thai subject of a paper read Monday by Bar. John P. Clyde of the Plymouth Congregational church . before tha- City Ministerial association at tha Toung Hen's Christian association. ilr. Clyde told of ' faults ha had, to find with, tha church, and things connected with It and suggested a few remedies. t Hr-crttk.laed . tha methods used in getting statistics and said that -, there were three kinds of liars "A liar, an ornamental liar and statistics." I 1 i AUTOPSY DISCLOSES DEATH FOLLOWED AN HEMORRHAGE Jim Hall, tha colored man who was ar rested Saturday night In connection with the death of Ftorenca Patterson, also col- ored, with whom ha had been living at 217 South Twentieth street, will probably have to faca an indictment for murder follow- . ins; tha autopsy performed Sunday after noon by Dr. Samuel McClenaghan, the cor- ' aner'S ' physician. Tha postmortem was made at O bee's undertaking establishment, where tha body lies pending the Inquest by Coroner Crosby Monday afternoon at 3 clock. Dr. McClenaghan discovered that an ar- tary an- Um left side of the head had been ruptured, producing hemorrhajfe between tha akull and tha brain. Thla In his opin- Jma waa sufficient to causa death. . The doctor also- found that tha woman lad been suffering from chronic, kidney ' troubr, Us has not yet mada an analytic txaminatioa of tha contents of ' the ttomacn. Tha case waa reported to tha coroner " laturday night by Dr. J. H. Hutten, who lad bean, called in to attend tha 'woman y Halt. Tha doctor found tha eye on tha ' fight sida of tha head swollen and dls- loiorad, Tha lips on tha same sida were 'tat a If by blow. Vhydca'tYOU tiy cj ,Ta? J :. se: t"(wiJwe turn Aa inuaiauoa far Vhaocnq-Ceush, Croup, Cronchitis, Coughs, .-X! phtheria. Catarrh. CtwawiwiMt as a to Asthmatics. iak U mail, Wayta tT ir aXt akclla la brtHhtla til n"si t fit attar al kit ut-lMa(ttlmX MMm UaAA lay IM Wily liu 4w aMssa assist i laTVaftwlxiisf chxvm tMuM tin, t4err! Droits aVfUa.pUe, W CMrlt4 W UH 41i. lHHrtii MiAfato tna tvaif tvaaia. .tvln pnuuia: uu4 C tsJMtl trr( Jkr4. U M l!VMuni.t W IMUUMI. ViMi MSJ-.Mi UaWUJjfasW 1 .1,- iff Wtel IsflfJHkUllsL rauatnt rrvsta tta intlnansaei 'i'7' LAST iPPEAL IS LAND CASES Defease of Fraud Defendants ila's Final Effort to Escape. SXHEAHOQ 13 TWICE HEFTS ED Appellate Coart Seeand Tim Df r liven laterfereae la Jadaaaaat I tM "Till lata latrrnt Ceart. Tor a second time the L'nit'd States cir cuit court of appeals has declined to inter fere with the Juiisrment of tha United States dlstHrt court of Nebraska in the matter of Barrett Rlrhertls. W. O. Comstork. C. C. Jain, son and Aquilla Triplett. convicted of conjiplrary to defraud the government out of us, possession snd title to a large area of public lands by means of fraudulent entire. These parlies were Indicted with Thomas M. HuntliiMton, Fred Hnyt and A. B. Todd In one general blankat Indictment on the foregoing charge --jne 15. 11)08. In the case I of Richards, C'omatock, Jameson and Triplet, the trial began November n. 13. and ended December 21, IstWI, with a verflici of guilty as to each of the aefondants. The convicted men were erraiirned for sentence March 18, 197. Richards and Comstock were sentenced to pay a fine of tl.SOO each snd to be confined In the Douglus county Jail one year. Jameson and Triplett were sentenced to pay a fine of CM ench and to eight months' Imprisonment each in the Douglas county Jnil. The trial of Huntington. Todd and Hoyt began April 8, 1307 and ended April 19, 1907, with a verdict of guilty. Huntington and Todd were sentenced to pay a fine of J1.000 each and to b3 Imprisoned In the Douglas county Jail for three months. Hoyt was sentenced merely to pay a fine of XLOQ with no ImprlaonmenL Appeal n A Heated Error. The entire seven cases were Curried to the circuit court of appeals on alleged error, but the appeal was denied about four montha ago. and the defendants were all given sixty days to file a motion for rehearing to the same court. It is this motion for a rehearing that has Just been denied, and now aa a last re course, the attorneys for all the defendants will apply to tljo United State supreme court for a writ of certiorari, which Is equivalent to another application for a new trial. The trial of tha cases against tha two groups of defendants excited the widest interest throughout the entire country be cause of the eminence of the two rrincipal defendants, Bartlett Richards and W. Q. Comstock, as the leading cattle men of northern Nebraska, their great ranch of several hundred thouaand acres being known as the Spade ranch located hi north erf and northwest Nebraska. Iadleted Seven Tears Past. In a previous case these same two de fendants had an Indictment returned against them December 10, 1003, charging them with illegally fencing a large area of public lands, and they were reindicted on the same charge in May, 1306, when Richards and Coiutsock pleaded guilty In November, 1905, to the indictments and were sentenced to pay a flna of $300 each and to six hours confinement each In the custody of the United States marshal. Tha two men were turned over to their at torney, B. S. Hall by tha United States marshal, T. L. Mathews, as special custodian, and were taken to tha Omaha club, where they spent tha six hours of their confinement, l;Tbe lightness of the sentence was believed, by the Department of Justice to have been due to a lack of proper prosecution, and tha result was that the then United States Marshal T. L. Mathews and United States Attorney L F Baxter were summarily rsmoved from of fice by President Roosevelt. William P. Warner waa immediately ap pointed to succeed Mr. Mathews as United States marshal and Charles A. Ooss be came United States attorney, succeeding Mr. Baxter. The trial of the defendants on tha third indictment which resulted in conviction, a document of Over S.Ooa-tages was conducted by Special Assistant Attorney General S. R. Rush and United States Attorney Charles A. Goes, assisted by Assistant United States Attorney A. W. Lane. . The first group of defendants waa rep resented by R. S. Hall and J. F. Stout of Omaha and A. W. Crites of Chadron. The attorneys for Huntington, Todd and Hoyt were Gurley & Wood rough of Omaha. Chiodo Defends Home vrith Gun Italian Tailor Engages in Banning Fight with Signor Bothola Firing Words and Bullets. Enraged and frightened over the inva sion of his home and the smashing of his door and furniture, V. P. Chiodo, a tailor. 216 South Eighteenth street, fired two shots wild and drove Tony Rothola, his assail ant. Into the street, where tha two were arrested by Patrolman Risk about o'clock last evening. The two men. both Italians, raving poor command of English, told a vociferous story of family strife, the ver sions coinciding In a general way with each other and the evidence the police had. Rothola, who lives at SOT South Twenty aixth street. In a bouse owned by Chiodo. was arrested two weeks ago on a charge of having beaten his wife. It was ex plained by Chiodo that he had cared for Mrs. Rothola, who is His cousin, while her husband waa in Jail. Rothola went to rhe Chiodo home twice Sunday, demanding to sea his wife. The at the time waa at the detention woman home, where Chiodo had sent her, but Rothola refused to believe it. He smashed In a door on the second visit and the shooting and chase resulted. Chiodo de clared he shut in tha air purposely, merely to frtuhlen tha other Italian. Tha tailor was released on bond, i . Steals Summer Togs in Storm A Consciencelcsa Vagabond leaven "Dummy" Exposed to Snow "With out Linen Duster and FarasoL In the face of fi-ersing wind id driving snuw an unidentified thitf siolc a linen coat or "duster" and i ml, white and blue !r..iraol from Saoi Adler's it ire. Twelfth lur.'l Farn;n Ftreeta rfjndy. TUo coat was on a dummy. .' The police aro aexkiutf the lliief. not fjr I thieving, but to deliver hint to tha Insanity oumraiiwlon. -' 1 Captain John Savage, chief of detectives, ! nt long quiet and thoughtful in his sound- p. -study, ... ," ;.- ... ' ' "Craxv with the heat," was his decisive dUgnoais. , T- Key to Ut iliii'.on Waut Ada. Our Letter Box Oeaanaatteaa Ttsiely Caftla aTa imdli Tv Baaerea 4a ae Banted (rasa M rr(s 31 ewe Faklra. SOUTH OMAHA, April li-Ta the Edi tor of The Bee: It wad with a sense of satt.factlon that many of your readers resd your recent editorial on "Foreign Missions and World Peace," which assured us that the former Imprudent, untrained missionary waa being replaced by men bet ter suited for the task. Leaving out of consideration the enormous spiritual havoc that unsuitable men can work In such a field of endeavor, Un-y have, a you say, also brought about material troubles In the form of international disturhancea by their misdirected energy. However, recent de velopments would Indicate that there Is yet plenty of room for Improvement In the missionary material that Is being sent abroad from the United States. But if you can. some day soon, assure us that the ranks of the Associated Press reporters in foreign news centers are being replaced by safer and nancr men. It will again replenish our cup of Joy. No set of men have In their hands the power to disturb Internat ional relations to the extent that those men have, for the press more than any other element molds the opinion of the ordinary reading public. And If press reports are untruthful, exaggerated, or give a wrong perspective, then public oplnian formed on them as a basts will of course possess the same qualities. In this way prejudices and passions are aroused that increase In volume until they become an Irrefutable force. History proves that even war has resulted from Inflamed public opinion, where under other circum stances, war would not be resorted to. Our Spanish-American war waa caused by sentiment, when little material Interests were involved. The contributing causes of a desire for Cuban liberty, the Maine's des truction, etc., were entirely overshadowed by the feeling that our national pride was affronted. And who told us It was me Associated Press reporters in Cuba. How our fists did Itch for an opportunity to take the Insolence out of those Cuban Span- lards when we read those dispatches, sent by Correspondent Scovllla and others, giv ing accounts of the insults heaped upon us "TaiiVee dogs and Yankee pigs." Well, at last we worked ourselves Into a real war spirit President McKinley and congress could hardly stem the torrent long enough to put the army and navy in condition for war, so fierce was the clamor. When the war was over, and the American army oc cupied Cuba, It Is Interesting to note that those same reporters were literally kicked out of Cuba by the American authorities, so offensive had their attitude become. Had the Spanish authorities done that in the first place, it Is possible that other means than war would have settled the disturbance. The Associated Press men abroad evidently act on the adago of P. T. Barnum. "Tho American public does love to be humbugged." When Cardinal Merry Del Val has not time to afford an Interview they send up a "pipe" Involving his father, . aunt, or mother-in-law, in wnicn xne "Yankees" are auain Insulted. When Mr. Roosevelt and Mr. Plnchot fail to unbosom themselves to these un scrupulous fellows, they Imagine what the mutual interest was, and forward us the result in the hope of stirring up more trouble. If the editors of our Influential news papers win devise some plan of weeding out those liars from the press service abroad, they will render a valuable service to both truth and patriotism. '" A. t. brennan: That Inquisitive- Ceaaaa Mas. Omaha. April II. To the Editor of Tha Bee: These census enumerators that are abroad in the land. Mr. Editor, Is there no appeal from them? For downright In qulsltiveness, I point to their list of queries, why, they even expect a poor woman to reveal the tragedy of her life her age. With ruthless scrutiny they eye the pitiless figures of her hemic self-mastery and then oh, agony of agonies! ask her io swear to It. For one moment she craves the privi lege that has always attached itself to, or rather been attached by masculinity. What behooves woman's dally massage as a wrinkle eraser, her painstaking re moval of silver threads among ther red and her nractlce of 'a teetering step that Is supposed to herald youth on tha wing. If these emissaries of a twentieth century In quisition are to go on their way rejoicing? Well, there's a morsel of comfort for some of us and that Is this: So severe a trouncing comes but once a decade and by the time the next arrives many a brain twisted, heart-sore woman will have pasaed to where there are no census takers, no provoklngly persistent gatherers of help ful statistics. , Woe Is me. In the words of Mrs. Allen: "What air wo comln to JoslarT XENIA FAIRCHILD. Finger Prints Robbery Hint Saloon Proprietors See Marks oa Door and Their Investigating' Discovert Loss. An unidentified burglar having consider able agility climbed a transom and robbed the saloon of Stoddard A Meredith at 218 South Fourteenth street of about (CO in cash and other lout some time Sunday. Tha proprietors first discovered their place had been entered by observing the finger prints left by the prowl-, r on the glass door and transom sill In front of the establish ment. The Intruder apparently helped himself ! t0 number of whlky bottles and two stacks or paper covered restaurant checks which resembled stacks of silver, and money from the cash register. He made his exit through a rear door. The. True Secret of Beautiful Hair (Amy Letter In World Magazine.) . famous French actress well known In America recently stated in an Inter view: "Nearly tvery woman knows the excellent results that follow dry sham pooing, but too many depend upon orris rout aione to kep the hair and scalp In gnod condition. Orris root will not grow hair. "Tlie best dry shampoo I know la made by mixing i ounces of powdered therox and 4 ounce cf crria root. Sprinkle a little of till j mixture, upon the heai and brush It tl:or,i-ii:,ly ti:roiu;h the hair. The true secret of a suixetsfut dry sham poo is to distribute the orris root and thrux through the hair evenly; use a sitter tup can if you have it.. Then don't spare the brush. Th;j treatment keeps the hair It lit. fluffy and lustrous, while too much mols- tuie on tlie hair and the ailiail in moit m i.pi tend to make tr.e nair eoaraa, ary, I brlttla anj dull lu color." (.Adv.) LAY SEN AXS0C5CE PLEDGES Reports on Frnita of Omaha Conren tioti Are EeceiTed. HONEY FC3. MISSIONS COMINQ (larrkea Tre CHIe Keraeal la Mass Mfetlas Etalatl aa Prwaalaea Mia latere Xaka Adilreesra. The most encouraging reports were re ceived Sunday sfternoon of the progress of the laymen's missionary movement? at a mass meeting of delegate '.aymen fmm Omaha. South Omaha and Council Bluffs churches at the Toung Men s Christian as soctation. which Indicated that Interest In the laymen's missionary movement has not abated. The meeting waa presided; over by Clem ent Chase, who in his Introductory re marks said that this was nut by any means the crrTuTudlng meeting of the laymen s movement, but wai really the beginning of the movement.. Ha waa pleased to see from the large attendance that the spirit of tha laymen's movement was still In the air and boded well for its enduring char acter. Reports were called for from the churches represented as to the progress being made In meeting the pledges made for support of the movement at the March convention. Many of the churrhea reported that they would double their pledges. Others bad already mat or would soon meet their pledges. In fact, scarcely a church but gave in Ihc most encouraging reports. Some of the denominations had been unable to make a thorough canvass since the convention on accuunt of it being the close of tha ecclesiastical year, nnd others had been busy with the serv ices of holy week, but now that these matters were out of the way the laymen's movement work would be taken up and there would be no- Question but that the peerage, a large rent-roll and a long stand pledges would be fulfilled and even mora, ing feud with the next door neighbor for Short addresses were delivered by several another nobleman. In order to Insert a of the ministers, in which they all spoke of the Inspiration that has been given every branch of church work by the lay men's movement. Instances were given where Sunday school classes had pledged themselves to a plan to educate a native girl and native boy In some foreign misi sion field, while some of the small churches had obligated themselves to see to tha support of native Christian teachers In foreign lands and other churches hod as sumed the responsibility of the support of a missionary In thel foreign field. In addi tion to their contributions to foreign mis sions. Thirty or more churches gave positive assurances that the quota of $2 to 15 per member would be raised for foreign mis sions during the year, and most of them gave further assurances that these contri butions would be permanent. It was shown by the various reports that as an outgrowth of the laymen's move ment that laymen had gone out In the field to work. Men who formerly would do nothing In the line of church work were now at worlt- Missionary subscriptions were doubling and every indication pointed to tho fact that tn laymen's interest In church work was permanent. At the close of the meeting Clement Chase said: "While them Is an lndeflnite ness about many of the- reports that have Just been given in, yet this will not affect the results or enthusiasm. The executive committee will shortly send out a call for more definite flgarest from the various churches. I .wish further to say that I have become deeply interested In this great movement and have ixjraatly enjoyed ' the associations and nfew Acquaintances I have made since associated wlrn It and am yet at your service in forwarding the cause of foreign missions." " Mr. Chaste called attention' to the great meeting of the Men's National Missionary congress to be held fn Chicago May J-a, whichi he- stated, wtruld" bo one of the greatest religious meetings of the world. He urged that as many Omaha people should attend the great meeting as could. The program Includes addresses by many of tha foremost ministers, bishops and laymen of the United- States. Big Boost for Hospital Fund J. L. Erandeis & Sons Contribute $300 to Movement for Erection of Annex-to Wise Memorial. A cash donation of tSM from tha firm of J. L. Brandeis & Sons reached tha Wise Memorial hospital committee today, accom panied by a letter of best wishes for suc cess. The Brandeis firm has been a liberal donor to the hospital since th.6 new building waa projected a few years ago, and con tributed largejy to the success of the pres ent structure. This gift gives another sub stantial boost to the US, 000 annex fund be ing raised and for the benefit of which a two week's fair and basar will be held at tha Krug theater, beginning May 1. Monday's mail brought. In addition to the Brandeis gift, several smaller donations, several of them In cash and others in ar ticles which ara to ba given away at the fair. Mr. Sonnenberg, president of the hos pital, and Isaac ICahn, chairman of the building committee, have secured a new feature for tha fair, which will be of In tense Interest. A chart of the movements of Halley's comet during the progress of the fair is to be displayed on a large easel at the entrant of the theater. Thla chart will be kept up to date, showing the exact position of . the comet in the skies each day of the fair. The services of a prom inent Washington astronomer have been donated for this work and those visiting tha fair will be able to keep track of the sky wanderer, aa It changes position from day to day. Its magnitude will be shown In a remarkable manner and- Its relation to the plants will be explained in foot notes which accompany the charts. BEAMER AND COMPANION HELD Mas sas Waaaa Charged wttk Rak. be-ry mt Hause to Ga lata District Court. James Beamer and Ella Shaw, tha couple arrested at Fremont Saturday night on a charge of having robbed tha house of Frankie Thornton. 9H Capitol avenue, were given a preliminary hearing before Judg? Crawford Monday morning. Judge Craw ford bound buth prisoners over tj the dis trict court an bonds. The Thornton woman testified tuat Bt-amer and h!s woman companion had divappeared from tha Capitol avenue ad dress at about the same time that dree.-es, WQtnen'a eoats and rtng.i to the valui: ot dropped out of s.ght. The defendants both pleaded "not g-illty," alleging they j also lost certain of their possessions in the nouse. oeamer said na an a waiter. A Dangerous U'uoad , rendered antistptlu by Pucklen'a Arnica , sl,e, lh healing womier for sure, burns. ; i, '. vae;n ::a sail rneutu. For I aaia by IStaton Drug: Ci I; r II At the Theaters ;j "The Antrleaa Lara" at tk RraadeU "The American Lord" at the Brandeie. A comedy In four acts by George H. Broad hurst and W. U. faswy. The cast: John Hruester. a large ranch owner f Llkhurn, N. U Mr. Hanford Rotiert Brueater, his son Mr. Thayer E. Jackson Scott, his negro servan Mr. Harrison Crofford Peter Burnank. known aa "Uefore-the- draw Pet'." Mr. Edward F. Flnley Henry Dunn, known as "Texas" Mr. Uevrge U. Haipln Arthur Chudleigh. an English barrister Mr. Conrad Cantsen Andrew MacDufrie, manager of the Brueater estate.. Mr. John E. Margrogor Thomaa Wlcka, tenant of the Bruesier state Mr. Joseph W. Kendall James Stokes, tenant of Bruester estate Mr. T. C. Conghiln Footman, a servant of Bel voir castle Mr. T. L. Stoddard Alice Bruester, daughter of John Brue ater Miss Louise B. White Clerk at the Eagie hotel.... Mr. M. C. Atone Ba" oy Mr. Richard Garth Lord Wycherly of Wycherly Manor.... Mr. John J. Burke Hon. Richard Westbrooke. his only son Mr. Earl B. Teadaker Rev. Matthew Denraan, an English eur- Mr. A. H. Cooper-Prlchard Lady Felicia. Lord Wyrherly's daughter , Miss Nellie M. Hoffman Maid, a servant of Wycherly manor Miss Lucy Garth Mrs. Westbrooke, a widow, sister-in-law of Lord Wycherly Miss Drofnah Breezy western Americans Impinging heavily on sacrosanct British customs and Institutions have 'been for soma time a faorlte theme of dramatists. For one thing the sympathy of the audience Is fairly sure to be enlisted in behalf of the man who Is preaching that democracy and human uuallty in which we all profess at least to believe. Moreover tha anguish of English cousins at ruthless desecration or venerable traditions has a funny aspect to average American eyes. In this case It Is a North Dakotan of Vir ginia ancestry who suddenly falls heir to little complication, son and daughter of one belted earl are made to fall In love with daughter and son of the other. The tem porary expatriate Is likewise destined fur a little cardiac palpitation, his Inamorata being that matters may be Involved a little more the sister of the hereditary foe. Two episodes In the play ring quita true. One Is at tha end of the second act. where the American's defense of his couitry sounds genuinely felt, and the same time is minus that blatant jingoism which often passes on the stags or In stump speech for the real thing. The other scene Is where , tha American say farewell to his daugh- I ter. Just about to elope with the son of the enemy. These two bits at least were excellently done by Mr. Hanford, who Is ' this year indulging In a variant from his usual Shakespearean roles. I Except Miss Drofnah as the sister-in-law I and John E. McGregor as a Scotch estate manager, the support la somewhat color less. Vaadevtlle at the Orpheim. The elifht HVjIe girls from the land of Nippon are a charmingly novel departure from the ordinary run of vaudeville. Th? Japanese octet In native songs and dances proved popular yesterday through this quality of novelty as well aa through In trinsic merit. The act is handsomely and picturesquely staffed. Shortly after they hid done there waa another Japanese on thp stage, or, more j strictly, the unusually clever Impersonation j of one, by an actor named Allen Atwell, ! who is one or the two principals In at' stirring 'little sketch called "The Code Book." This Japanese was not nearly so i attractive aa the others because ha, for-! sooth, was a spy serving as a body ser vant to an American officer. "The Code I Book" is a bully little one-act play, ad-1 mlrahls from every point af view, and ! most capably- acted by Charles P. Ham mond, Percy Plunkett and G. A. Brown, besides Mr. Atwell. Other features of the bill are also good, the whole being the best in several weeks. Clarice Pasquelena, with Whom appears William J. Sullivan, Is one of tha fun niest women who have been on this stage In a long time and tha audience also greatly fancied the nonsense of Fred War ren of Warren and Blanchard. Other acts are Ilia Clermont burlesques circus, a pre tentious trained animal affair; Miss Eva Mudge In songs and quick character changes, and R. franklin and the two Standards, these last being acrobats known as "tha human rubber balla." "Tha r.arrat ( t5 Jardiai 4 Parts' at the Gayety. That's some name, but tha company has enough well built and healthy women folks to carry 1L Also, they, carry through a rather pretentious program. In which the silent presence on tha stage of a number of well dressed and good looking girls more than compensates for the boisterous behavior of two male persons who are libeling the word "comedian" by their antics. All the way through, tha feminine end of the company outshines the mas culine. Tha distinctive feature of tha performance is the dance by Mile. Murln and Signor Ferrari. Thla la a part of a clever pantomimic sketch, illustrating an evening among the "Apaches" of Pairs. Tha girl wins back ber lover from a slrrn who had nearly captivated him, and the two do a wild, almost uncanny dance. Tt does not deserve the reputation that at taches to the so-called "Apache" dancs that has been used aa a ahocker in tha east, for It la not vulgar nor suggestive in any way, but Is a maddening whirl. In which such souls might well unite. Ths pantomime Is made the .more realistic by the murder of the dancing girl at ths hands of tha loser, and the grief of the lover for tha death of his mistress. Not a word la spoken during tha Sketch, but the acting is so forcible aa to leave little misunder stood. The other specialties are enjoyable. Howe's Travel Plot area at tha Bord. The first of a series of travel pictures, under direction of Lyman Howe, were presented at the Boyd yesterday afternoon and evening. This bill will run all week, beginning In the afternoon at 2:30, and In the evening at about 8:30. A change of bill will ba made weekly durtng the sea son. These pictures are of the most Interesting sort, dealing with topics of human concern In many places about the world. Justifying the title of "Travel Pictures." Scenes In foreign parts. 'on land and at sea. In vari iua parts of America, subjects varying from winter sports on the ice and snow to ths testing of a twelve-Inch gun on board a battleship; showing trains moving In the mountains, a rotary snow plow at work. tha many operations In a loasrhia- cama , from the cutting of tha first chip of a forest giant to Its plunge Into the water that la to bear it to the saws of tha mill; the building up of a big gun from the tarping of -the Siemens furnace to the shrinking cf the Jacket on the barrel. In cluding tha turning, tha tempering and all, and similar subjects ara shown by the el arest of plcturas. ?ora "comics" enliven the program, tut they are nut of the ordinary variety. The program Is edu cational as will a j entartalulnc and will be auiuysd by ail. A Spring Overcoat or Cravonotto is indis pensable for this sort of weather Tour health, your comfort and jour ap pearanr all depend uprn your choice of a Gnnit narrnaf SM i""" van at t A rk Tftll if ford to take chance with any of them? j Then If you would look for garments that combine utility with style, faultless fit and expert tailoring and yet are priced to meet your own particular needs, you will find that the new "Nebraska" coats at $12, flft and 113 exactly the kind yon want. Quality, though, it really the first and most important point In tbesn roats, and It Is the point to which we've devoted the most at tention; so we're certain that you will never find anywhere such a well balanced array of good polnta at near our prices. To appreciate these coats best, you should Inspect our three great values, at $12 $15 $18 ci tJixtij wax "The House of High Merit" vie- A HieoldleMcii B USINESS ling quality and con spicuous merit. Two of many distinctive models pro duced for nineteen-hundred-ten. Correct and pleasinir in every detail made for serv ice. Tour denier will show you- all the correct shapes and shades for 1910. THE WESTERN HAT & MFG. CO. MILWAUKEE DRUG ORCY ENDS IN BLOOD Alcohol Crazed Men Battle Knives in Cocaine Dive. with DYING VICTIMS TO HOSPITAL 'Mickey' Hawkins Staaaera la Re treat Leaving; Gory Wake Three Held at Jail Bad Beaarda a Blatter. In a fierce knife duel in the house known aa the "Coke Joint" at 1112 Daven port street. "Red" Bnrk, a negro, stabbed John "Mickey" Hawkins about ths head and breast about 1 o'clock Sunday after noon. Hawkins was found staggering along tha atreet at Eleventh and Capitol avtnue aud was taken to St. Joseph's hos pital, apparently In a dying condition. The police, tracing the trail of blood he had U ft, arrested his assailant. Three other men were taken following the throwing out of a dragnet of detectives in the neighborhood of tha shooting. Charies "Red" Wilson of 12i Chicago street, John McFaddon and Guy Stevens, a negro, were the men taken as having figured in the incidents surrounding the knifing. From the admissions of tha men it de veloped that McFadden, who had just been released from Jail on bond In the morning, had Joined tha others at the "Coke Joint," bringing a bottle of alco hol, and the entertainment that ensued had ltd to ths duel. After the alcohol had been consumed by the party, McFad den, according to tha witnesses, threw CS on the table, directing that someone ulse go after a fresh bottU. Hawkins, It waa said,' grabbed the money, and Mc Fadden In disgust bolted from tha place. Hawkins and Burk then became Involved in a quarrel over tha possession of tha money. Tha two grappled with each other In the hallway and drew knlvea, while their remaining companions closed the door, leaving them to fight it out. Detective Mitchell later came upon tha wounded man and Detectives Ring. Davis and Pattulo caught the other men. The poilc-e recognized all tha men as ii.ivlng been arrested previously under tha influence of cocalaa or liquor. Hawkins had Just been reliased from Jail Sunday morning after having served a thirty-duy sentence. He had been used as a willing worker and "trusty" about ths Jail. L'p to a late hour last night Hawkins waa alive, but not expected to survive his injuries. Persistent Advertising la Returns. tha road to Dig Ask t i our JL ( NoHlnmldion. No alaohol Ak Ho ltms doctor aSaut Ayer'i SarmpanlU quently." Ayrr's SarsjparT.ia la a strung a kmc jot tht vounf. , tonic, i i .. v .Vi'l I!;." : 3 i.'? il LUiJSOalaliilll rTl-Sv-rTS. 1 r hats of ster You Are Cordially Invited to inspect what wa believe, to be th finest refrigerator ever produced. The only one which secured the Grand Prize at the Alaaka-Youkon Exposition. You will be delighted with the TV 1 Refrigerator Oak and THa Exterior Opal Gla&t and T3e Interior r 'e- ",-1 fTvi-!-iJ.; L 1 ' - 3 Standard sires slwnvs In stock for Immediate delivery. Other sise ni:u.j to order, in nso In many ot the beot Aparlmmt Himut, Clutu, orris. .ViS tauranls. PhUic iiuiitntioni, liaipilaLtand Homa In the United Staim. Call and ee this triumph of Refrigera tor construction. (1) The Brswick-PaFc:-Cfr'--' 407-409 South Tenth .treat, Omaha, Bala. Co .Of any !.!. TlllSt Thi Cri!s.l tai Qsnulns HALTED SLEI Tha Fos.-drlnk tet Ali ign. More healthful than Tea or Coffee. Agrees with the weakest digestion. Delicious, mviaoratin? and nutritiuus. Rich miiit. mailer grain, powder form, A quick lunch prepared in a minors. Take aotulstitate. Ask forllCRLICTS, Others are imitations. TWENTIETH CENTURY FAfJMER Ideal Fa run Joaraal. una Duller a Tear, your doctor how often ho prtsenbes an ii . t - . l , , -, , ft in S3 Pel 1 r.r ' no u u n l s.kuuous atimuiani lor cuuuren. n will Kj LI pro5-bl- say, "Very, -cry rarely." Ask 7j him how often he prescribes a tonic for them. will probably answer, Very, very frc- entirely free from alcohol.