THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, APRIL 10. 19!,,. ! . ... . . . J . . . J- -" The omaha Daily "Her TOUNDED BY EDWARD ROSE WATER. VICTOR ROBE WATER, EDITOR. Entered at Omaha, postofflce aa aecond jlaae matter. TERMS OK SUBSCRIPTION. llr Be (Including Hunday). per wek.l"J 1'aily Pee (without Sunday), per week.lOo I'ally ue (without Sunday), on year.. Lal)jr flee a4 Sunday, on year DEUVERKO BT CARRIER. Fvenlng lie (without Sunday), per wek.M Evening Rea (with Sunday), per week....!1 Hundav Be. ona year... J Saturday Me, ona year.... l w Address all complaints of Irregularities In faiiver to City Circulation Department. . OFFICES. , Omaha Tha Bee lluuUing. South Omaha Twenty-fourth ana N. Council Bluff 15 Boott Htreet. Lincoln 61S Little Building. Chicago IMS Marquetta Ituildlng. New York Rooma 1101-1102 No. M West Thirty-third Street. , Waablngton 725 Fourteenth Street, N. W. CORRESPONDENCE. Communications relating to newa and editorial matter should ba addrcseed. Oinaba JDea, Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, express or pontal order payable to Tha Bee Publishing Company. Only t-cent stamus received In payment ot mall accounts. Personal cliacka, except on Omaha or caatern exchange, not accepted. STATEMENT or CIRCULATION. Btata of Nebraska Douglaa County, sat Uorg B. Tscbock. treasurer of Tha Bea Publlahlng Company, being duly worn, says that tha actual number ot full end complata copies of 'l na Dally, Horning, Evenlna and Hunday Bea printed luring tha month of March. 1110. a follow: 45.770 II 48,870 1 43,810 IT 43,110 1 41.760 II 43,030 4 43.830 II 43,090 1 43360 10 41,800 1 41,600 II T 43,940 II 43,830 1 43.700 Jl 43.490 I 43,710 14 43.460 10.......... 43,100 II 3'699 11 43,810 IS 43,030 II 43.980 IT 41,400 II 41.700 II 43.610 14 43,130 II 43,770 II 43.630 10 43,410 II,,, 43,760 Total 1,336,400 Returned coplea.. 10.730 Nat total.... 1.315.8J0 l)aily evereg 43,441 GEO, B. TZSCHUC1C Treaaurer. Subscribed la my presence and aworit to befora ma tbla flat day of March, 1110. M. P. WALKER. Notary Public, abacrlbars leaving the city tem porarily ahoald kar Tha Baa mailed to them. , Address wtU ta changed aa often aa requested. Do not get too thirsty tor your sas gafraa. Anybody else in South Omaha who wants to be county commissioner? Graft gets sore eyes when the searchlight of publicity Is turned on. Bryan refusing to talk politics by wireless! '. This Is Indeed an ago of wonders. Don't count your chickens before they are hatched, and don't pick your irult until It is ripe. Is Mr. Hearst trying to play the role of the prodigal on? If so, Is Father Democracy ready with the calf? The Nebraska State Board of Op tometry should fit Governor Shallen berger with another pair of glasses. The natural Inference Is - that the Judge who decided that prunes are not pastry' is trying to placate the land lady. Good! Halley's comet has been lighted and it is much closer than was expected, being but 2,000,000 miles way. John Temple Graves hag been ac cused of "hitching his 'wagon to the stars.'" Sure it is a star and not the comet? The suffragettes who participated In the late riots have proved one qual ification for going to polls they are able to meet the crowd. V , A Yale professor has juBt caught a glimpse of the comet on its way west and pronounces as a base canard the report that' It has lost Its tall.' A Kentucky woman tells the suf fragists in convention that what they need Is courage. President Taft doubtless would take issue with her. Those census enumerators did not figure on doing a ' mld-wlnter stunt With snow on the ground, or they would doubtless have insisted on mora money. " Mr. Bryan Just could "not let the colonel be the only traveler to "stir 'em up." The difference is one rouses the living, tha other raises the dead Issues. The Chicago woman who gave a friend $135 to kill her husband asso ciates with cheap friends, who are but t trifle above the Pittsburg council man class. Fruit men and truck gardeners fear the worst and hope for the best. But a hat about the poor housewife who will have to do her flower gardening over again? Every man haa his hobby. Mr. Morgan's Is collecting "old masters," Mr. Roosevelt's collecting wild animals and Emperor William's is collecting automobiles. A southern paper says too many flemocrats In Tennessee are crazy and too many In Maryland are fools, still leaving us in the dark as to the rest of the family. Jusfas (he first crop of candidates to go before the coming state-wide primary began to coino out Nebraska experiences a killing frost. Politics plants, however, are commonly. sup posed to t hardier . than the other variety. Tariff Board Beinlti. The tariff board provision of the new tariff law seems to hare Justified Itrelf already as an advanced step In political and economic reform and to have paved the way for a permanent commission with full and specific p6wers, such as the president has recommended to congress. It may be just as well that con gress delayed to act on the president's recommendation, for by giving an op portunity to experiment with the tem porary board It has enabled him to show what may be accomplished under the administration of a permanent body. By appropriating $76,000 to employ help In determining the appli cation of the maximum and minimum tariff clause, congress has enabled the president to vindicate the wisdom and value of that clause as well as the principle of the tariff board. But the chief temporary advantage of this con cession Ilea In the fact that it may lead to more scientific and satisfactory re visions of certain schedules, an end much desired by the president, but which, probably, congress failed to dis cern. The president is asking $250,- 000 for the further work to complete bis present plan. Experts must be employed to look Into costs of produc tion and trade conditions in the United States and abroad, and it is believed that congress will not refuse to re spond. The maximum and minimum tariff, which applies to countries discrimi nating against us the maximum schedule, and to countries not dis criminating against the United States the minimum rate, has already oper ated to secure the admission of about 55 per cent of all American products to foreign countries free and to ob tain the minimum rate for nine-tenths of those' articles that must pay a duty abroad. Rather than submit to the im position of the additional duty, foreign countries have made concessions which amount to a very material revision of the American tariff. The tariff board was well nigh Indispensable in ob taining these results. Its service was to investigate the tariff relations be tween the various countries and the United States, advise the president and assist the Department of State in formulating the terms of agreement. The work of the board is the best argu ment In favor- of a permanent com mission with more unrestricted powers. Democrat!' Sham Battle., In an unguarded moment ot candor a democratic leader in the house the other day disclosed the whole motive of his party in the anti-Cannon fight by saying that if the republican In surgents could succeed In ousting the speaker at this session of congress they might then go home and tell their con stituents what they had done and thereby remove the issue of Cannon ism from the coming campaign. "But the democrats would be left holding the bag," he. naively added. And that is all there is-to this entire furore so far as the democrats are concerned. Not a democratic member of the house has the remotest desire to lemove Cannon at this session, nor the faintest idea that it will be done. It would destroy all their stock In trade if it were done, whereas his retention, they believe, would leave some hope pf democratic success at the next elec tion. The democrats know that if the speakership were declared vacant to morrow they could not elect a demo crat to the place except by Insurgent votes and since It Is not a matter of principle with them, but ot political expediency, they have absolutely no choice between Uncle Joe and any other republican. If they can go on with their sham battle against the speaker until the end of the iiesslon without dislodging him they will have achieved all they undertook at the outset and then in the congressional campaign will go before the people with the plea that they did all they could to unseat Cannon, but were blocked by .i . i , , i me repuuueaus. John Bedmond'i Victory. The king and Mr. Redmond seem to hold the key to the situation in the British parliament. Premier Asqulth's victory in passing the resolution abol ishlng the lord?' veto power plainly discloses the fact that the government, before it could even hope to get its budget through, had to come to terms with -the Irish and make tariff con cessions for Nationalists votes and the prime minister openly announced his intention to call on the crowu for enough now peers to override the pres ent body If the latter refused 'to vote for its own official decapitation. Mr. Asqulth's victory Is pronounced, but at the same time Involves his own peril and that of the ministry, for if he falls at last to carry to completion the government's program the cabi net must resign or recommend the dls solution of parliament and the premier Fays he would not forego such recommendation "except under con anions securing mat in the new Parliament the Judgment of the peo pie, as expressed at an election, will be carried Into law," setting forth the desire of the present ministry to die tate terms for the succeeding one. Although the king'ji sympathies are taken to be on the side of the com mons, It is yet possible he may dls sent to a move so revolutionary as that proposed as a last resort, bu should ho do so he will there and then be drawn Into the political maelstrom the very thing he has so, thus far, skill fully avoided. King Edward, of course could he have had his way, would hav avoided this issue and 'too' doubt 4he premier would like to have avoided It tor hiia, but if driven to the extreme Mr. Aaqulth'soes nothrngleft for him ut to fall back upon his constitutional ight of invoking the aid of the crown to compel the House of Lords to vote for the anti-veto bill. But with Mr. Asqulth's ultimate triumph still much in doubt, the over shadow leg point of interest at this time is the concessions John Redmond has gained for his people. No natter what (he ministry may decide to do, It will have to treat with the Irish members and may have to make home rul9 the paramount Issue in the next election aa the price of Irish support for the TOvernmfnt program. i The Lot of the Juror. OMAHA, April I6.-T0 the Editor of Tha Bee: You are on the right track when you say the way to get better Juries Is to raJaa the pay of the juryman. They have raised tha pay of everybody else around tha courta the Judged, the stenographers and the bailiff, but the Juryman la expected to work for tha lama old $2 a day. A busl- eaa man drawn on the Jury gets excused. but a man who would be earning S3 or M a day at his trade haa to stay and pocket the loss. JUROR. The high cost of living problem we have with us, and nowhere does It hit much harder than on the man drawn for Jury service. "Juror" shows up the facts very clearly that explain why we have so much trouble getting capa ble and Intelligent men to serve on the Jury, and yet litigation involving thousands and hundreds of thousands of dollars, to say nothing of cases in which life and liberty are at stake, is ubmitted to twelve good men and truo whose time is appraised as worth 2 a day.. The $2 a day jury fee may ave been somewhere near a fair com pensation thirty or forty years ago, but not in these days of 2 5 -cent beef steak and 30-cent butter. In the re adjustment of business to new condi tions the juror should not be left out In the cold. Courage and Regrets. Courage seems to be a matter of temperament after all, as well dis played In the forum aa In the forest. It may not require imminent bodily peril to summon it forth. Demure, if determined womanhood, may some times form the test of its stability. The man who in this day steps out on a platform In front of a convention hall filled with women who believe in the elective franchise as the panacea for public ills and quietly remarks, 'Ladies, I do not believe in woman's suffrage," forces himself at once into the hero class, whatever may be said of his discretion. The fact that some of the less demonstrative of the dele gates have taken It back cannot. In the least, be regarded as detracting from the sublime courage displayed. The president has given to the country a new aspect of valor genuinely In keep ing with his temperament. Bat the president who gave the good women a fine lesson in self-restraint must not be allowed to deceive himself with the be lief that the women who expressed their disapproval of his utterances 'with such penetrating clearness have for gotten what he eald just because some others of their organization sent their 'regrets" to the White House. Re grets are one of the inalienable rights of a woman even if the ballot is not and if she chooses to throw them out as a decoy with an eye to the future that Is also her right. The point of this lesson for Mr. Taft is to rest on hla laurels and not hazard glories won cn potential peril. Really Funny.' While Lincoln has just voted itself dry again for at least another year, the' funny thing is that even before the campaign is over the Excise board should be getting busy revising its rules and regulations to make it easier to get drinkables in a dry town. While Havelock was wet and Lincoln dry the Excise board promulgated a rule pro hibiting the delivery of wet goods In Lincoln for family consumption, Im posing the necessity on the thirsty mortal in search of a quencher to patronize the street car running to Havelock and carry the bottle or Jug home with him In person. Now to accommodate the refrigera tor traffic, it Is proposed not only to authorize . household delivery In wagons, carefully labeled to disguise the cargo, but even to license three or four central distribution stations, con dltioned only that nothing be drunk on the premises and no consignments handled unless in original packages or bottled in bond. The clubs that have been so popular in Lincoln are, of course, to continue unmolested in a dry town. Does prohibition prohibit? Of course It does. If you don't believe it. look at Lincoln. If the fire insurance companies took in over $3,500,000 In premiums In Ne braska last year and paid out less than $1,500,000 in losses it may be barely possible that they are charging rates that are excessive. Just recall the re cent invitation to underwrite the Omaha city hall, which brought out Identical bids from every insurance agent In Omaha and a bid from South Omaha $1,200 lower. The bringing out of Judge Dean means that tha democrats, of the Sixth district are determined that no available material shall be overlooked. World-Herald. What rot! It means nothing of the kind. It means that a bunch of scheming democrats in Judge Dean's back yard want to make sure that the gates are shut against him running for supreme judge again next year. Our old friend. Edgar Howard, has suddenly quieted down about the "fixers" whom the public service cor porations have hired to nail down candidates for the state senate on all tickets In advance of the next legisla ture. Edgar should let the public know who buncoed him with that hot air etory. County Assessor Shrlver sees all kinds of trouble ahead growing out of the elective deputy assessor business. But that was all foreseen and deliber ately Ignored by the late democratic legislature, which forced Nebraska to take this step backward. Just as everybody was settling him self in the consoling belief that 'all Is lovely, comes the official note from the Vatican that the Vienna nuncio's call on the colonel was entirely unofficial. 1 Perhaps, after all, the Rev. Mr. Tip ple was only aspiring to the record of the Rev. Mr. Burchard, who emitted his famous and fatal alliteration of the three R's at the wrong time. Johnny Bull should not get eore be cause his Lord Kitchener received no more attention In the United StateB. He came through Just as the base ball season was being opened. Tho one regret Americans must feel as time for Mr. Roosevelt's return ap proaches is that he shaved off those African whiskers without giving us a chance to look at them. In Claaa by Themaelvea. Baltimore American. Mr. Bryan's reaurrectlon of silver puta him In the claaa of the Mad Mullah and the king of Abyssinia, who never know when they're dead. Knocking jtt the Gilt. Wall Street Journal. Being a member of congress la not what it va& A bill prohibiting acceptance of telegTaph and express franks bida fair to knock another bit to gilt from the ginger bread. : Can't Get Away from It. Chicago Record-Herald. "Distributers, not producers, fix the prices of farm products," is the conclu sion that has been reached by F. D. Co burn, secretary of tha Kansas State Board of Agriculture. Whether he la right about It or not, the fact remains that the con sumers pay the prices. Handy Package In the Bin. Washington Post. Postmaater Oeneral Hitohoock'a $10,000,000 saving, added to Secretary MaoVeagh a $50,000,000 Income increase, makes a harvest of $00,000,000 already stored In Uncle Sam's bins secure from boll weevil, chinch bug, black rot, drouth, flood, froat and other enemies of Serelary Wilson. 1 ., . inner nuica nanani Springfield Republican. No lawyer who haa been-a, railroad at torney for the vacancy in the United States supreme court euoh is tha demand upon tha president by the Nebraska State Rail road commission.,.-: But why confine the exclusion to railroad lawyers? Are other lawyers for the reat industrial trusta any more free from bias, or are the said trusts any less of a, menace to the rights of tha people than .the railroads? This Is all rather rough on tha corporation lawyer and decidedly restrictive of the field from which the president could make a. mature selec tion .for ..tha Bupraipne bench. - Baiting; fn Speaker. Philadelphia Bulletin. In more than one respect Speaker Can non's political record may be open to 'criti cism. But even those persons who regard him aa unduly autocratic or as Jacking in progresslvenees, will be apt to think, that there Is something rather petty lrt the at tempt to take away the automobile which haa been assigned - to the speaker's ' use. If an effort were made to stop furnlBhlng vehicles at publlo expense for all impor tant officials of tha government, it might be stronaly defended. Making Uncle Jo seph a speclal target in this respect does not seem a manly way to fight him. A STRONG PARTY MAN. Roosevelt Characteristic Overlooked In Political Speculation. Cleveland Leader. All reports of Theodora Roosevelt's plans and purposes, after reaehlng his own coun try, have to be taken with many doubts. They are never authorised, and often they are false. Yet there Is much reason to be lieve the repeated assertions, publicly made, that he will take "a more active part in working for republican success, especially in New York, his' own state, than any former ex-president ever did. These statements are probably because Colonel Roosevelt has always been a, staunch party man. He haa worked and fought for freedom and progress In his party, but he haa always held that it la an organisation which affords more ef ficient means than any other for obtaining good results In government and tn the civic progress of the nation. Ha has had little patience with men who decry party government or belittle parties as instru ments for working out the plans and pur poses of the people. Aa for restraining precedents, it is easy to foresee that they could not interfere materially with Theodore Roosevelt If he decided that he ought to take a mora direct and open part In polltlca than other men, similarly situated, though fitting for them, such barriers mean little or nothing to him, when large questions and great intereste are at stake. Our Birthday Book April 19, 1910. Samuel Avery, chancellor of the Univer sity of Nebraska, waa born April 19, 18G6, at Lamoille, 111. He la a graduate of Doane college and of the University of Nebraska, later specializing In chemistry at Heidel berg. He was professor of chemistry in tha university' prior to his elevation to the position of chancellor a year ago. John Dalxell, congressman from the Pitts burg district, la 65. He la ona of tha old timers In the house, and a member both of tha old and new rules committee. Napoleon B. Broward, former governor of Florida, waa born April 19, 1S07. He la a native of Florida, and haa visited in Omaha. Wayne McVeagh, the big Philadelphia lawyer, was born April 13, 1833. . He waa attorney general under President Oarfle.d, and Is a brother of the present aecretary of tha treasury Em mat tU. Holomon, deputy county treaa urer, la 4L He waa one term county com nilblunr, and later county comptroller until that office waa abolished. L. U. Lowrey, prtwtdent and manager of the American EUctrtc company, waa born April 19. 1878. In Omaha, where he waa educated In tha public achoola and Crttgh ton rollei(e. He haa bcrn In the electric buulncs with various concerns since Army Gossip Matters of Interest Oa and flack of tha rirlng Line Cleaned, from tha Army and Wavy Beglate. The quartermaater general'a oflca Is about to award tha contracta which will complete the ahpply of heavy furniture for officers' quarters. The latent order will Include the regular alowance of articles, according to the atandard dealgned, for those build ings which have been recently completed and have not received thia equipment. The contract will also embrace two articles for all officers' quarters, being additions to tha schedule of heavy furniture hitherto Installed. One of these articles In a ma hogany divan, with wooden seat and with out upholatery of any kind, being Intended for tha aittlng room; the other article la a so-called "hall tree" or hat rack. It la es timated that It haa cost about tflOO.000 to equip officers' quarters with the heavy furniture. Tha allotments for this pur pose hereafter made annually will ba only for the equipment of new quartera of the restoration of condemned1 furniture. During the Joint maneuvers In Maasa cusetts in August of last year Major Oen eral Wood had' placed to hla credit funds to cover expenses In connection with tha care and entertainment of foreign military attaches. The sum waa transferred to the chief quartermaster for disbursement and $38.66 waa disbursed for dinners, luncheons and meals furnished tha attaches from August IS to 21. Tha assistant comptroller of the treasury has refused to allow pay ment of this sum, on tha -part of the gov ernment, on tha ground that there la no provision of law which authorises tha mili tary authorities to Invite foreign military attaches to be guests of the United States at Joint maneuvers, and that there la no other appropriation under control of the depart ment available for such expense. There Is one vacancy existing In the corps of chaplains of the army. This Is the position to which It was proposed to appoint Second Lieutenant C. P. Titus, Fourteenth infantry, now on duty in the Philippines, who as an enlisted man of volunteers distinguished himself on the ex pedition to Peking. Lieutenant Titus holds the certificate of a theological school In Colorado, but he failed to qualify for the chaplaincy upon his examination befora a board of officers convened at Manila. The vacancy now existing In the corps was fllied originally by a clergyman of the United Brethren denomination, and, if there are qualified candidates from that sect. It Is probable that the. choice will be In that direction, following the policy of the War department In maintaining the present proportionate representation of religious bodies. The War department is In receipt of tha reports from officers at Fort Leavenworth, Kan.; Fort Myer, Va., and the Army War college, to whom were referred the tenta tive general order prescribing the .regular physical exercise by walking and riding and the annual physical test. Tha com ments, for the most part, are unfavorable to the order, aa It has been framed. It is pointed out that the requirements, so tar aa horseback riding Is concerned, are ex cessive and would be too severe upon anl mala, especially where an average of six miles an hour for six days a week must be maintained. The soheme Is criticised as making no provision for climatic conditions likely at certain seasons of the year to greatly Interefere with any regular rid ing or, for that matter, walking. It haa been proposed, among other things, that greater discretion be permitted Individual officers and that the responsibility of granting exceptlona be Intrusted to com manding officers, by which process the War department will be relieved of much correspondence In the matter. Then, too, It Is understood that Oeneral Wood, the next chief of staff, entertains some Im portant views concerning the physical test and it Is possible that the whole question will be laid aside until Oeneral Wood comes to Washington. The order, aa it has been sent out for trial and remark, has obtained few Indorsements, largely for the reason that It Is not sufficiently elastic In Its re quirements and overlooks the poslblllty of Interruptions on account of weather and other circumstances. ' Senator Warren's bill, which provides for the dropping' from the army register of officers who are confined by sentence ot civil court to prisons or penitentiaries, will, If it Is enacted into law, be applied Imme diately to Captain Peter C. Hatna, Jr., of the coast artillery oorpa, and Captain Thomaa Franklin of the subsistence de partment Aa tha bill was originally worded, It came very narrowly avoiding the Issue in Captain Franklin's case, as the phraseology made It apply to those Who are. roaflned to "state" places of Incar ceration, while Captain Franklin Is In a fed eral Institution. The law Is also necessary In Captain Franklin's case beyond that of the case of Captain Hatna for the reason that the separation of the former officer from the service could not have been caused by nominating and coflrmlng a successor. This Is a proceeding which the military author ities nave refrained from taking, lest It might soma day prove a dangeroua pre cedent, and, of course, It could not oper ate excepting In a position to which an officer might be appointed by the president with, senatorial approval. Captain Frank lin Is an officer of tha subsistence depart ment, to which appointments are no longer made, vacancies in the corps being filled by details from the line. The detail. of a line officer In place of Captain Franklin would not operate to dlspoae that officer from the army. Tha Warren bill will ac complish a desired end without resorting to unsual proceedings and meet similar conditions hereafter. PERSONAL NOTES. ' A medal waa presented to Dr. Horace Howard Fumeaa of Philadelphia, by the founders of the New Theater for his dis tinguished services In tha cause of dramatic art In America, the first awarded. Dr. Lyman Abbott, at a dinner in New York, interrupted with a witticism a chorus of voices praising the oratorical powers of the suffragettes. "How true it Is," said Dr. Abbott, "that, as Keats aatd, a thing ot beauty may ba a Jaw forever." Bishop Green of Ballarat. complains that there la too much praying for tha king. "While Anglicans are loyal, we do not want to pray for hla majesty five timea in tha course of ona service," aaya he. It hardly aeema loyal to Imply that King Edward needs ao much praying for. Captain Thomaa Bplght, ' who fought In Walthlll's brigade when he waa a boy, but la now a congreasinan, haa asked the country to notice lhat besides tha two Mississippi aenatora five other senators, Bailey of Texas, Oore of Oklahoma. Clarke of Arkanaaa, Nawlands of Nevada and Chamberlain of Oregon began ilfa aa Mis sissippi babies. J. H. Van Ktnsselear, nephew of the lata . 11. Harrlman, left for New Tork to tin:r hla resignation aa general agent of tha Harrlman lines In the southeastern statea, which position ha has held for the last el.rht years. Van Rensselear's resigna tion becomes effective May 1, when he will assume the presidency of the Railway bervlce e.u.uipmfel u.$luj The report made to the comptroller under date of March 29, 1910, shows that this bank has Time Certificates of flppnsit $2,034,270,61 3M Interest paid on certificates running for twelve months. NEBRASKA PEES3 COMMENT. Hastings Tribune: And now they ara naming babies after Hon. O. W. Ncrrla Such Is fame. Walthlll Times: Every time a business man leaves his home on tha reservation these days someone announces that he haa gone to Omaha to be arrested. Hastings Tribune: William J. Bryan saya he doesn't want any demonstration made for him upon his arrival In New York. Perhaps William haa heard how tha New Yorkers look upon his county option views. Grand Island Independent: Mr. Bryan Is coming back, toot But one doesn't hear so much about It, and the public generally. appears not to care particularly. For the moment It does not even know from where he's returning. Hastings Tribune: From far off Porto Rico cornea tha news that William J. Bryan Is not going to ba a candidate for the United Statea senate. Evidently Representative Hitchcock got Just a little closer to Bryan's ear than did Edgar Howard. Callaway Queen: Blxby, of the State Journal, says he admires a man who Is open and above board aa to where he stands on all questions. However, we have not heard Bixby say anything about the stand Jim Dahlman has taken on the re moval of the state capltol. Plattsmouth Journal: If Omaha had taken on the activity for river navigation two years ago, they might have had an Increase in tholr population that would be worth while. The people of Kansas City subscribed over $1,000,000 to buy boats for the lower Missouri, between Kansaa City and St. Louis. Think of that! Aurora Republican: It becomes more and more apparent aa the days go by that Senator C. H. Aldrlch of David City Is the logical candidate for the republican nomi nation for governor. Mr. Aldrlch waa the leader in the senate In the 1907 session of the legislature, a neealon which did more for the welfare of the people than waa ever before or since accomplished by any assembly In Nebraska. Auburn Granger: Election returns from over the state do not confirm the state ments -ct - the - enthusiast ' who' could sea that the wave of antl-saloonlsm waa sure to engulf the saloon business. The returns in general are rather discouraging. Are we really on the right track and armed with the proper facta and moved by rigtvt- eoua impulses In all case where the license system la being opposed? Schuyler Sun: Whenever the country newnpapers find foreigners invading the field of the home merchants with goods and merchandise and selling them to farm ers, they are asked to arise and whack the intruders and advise the farmers to buy their goods of the home merchants. And when foreign printing houses send their representatives among the merchants and business men, many of these tame merchants give them their orders and get Inferior work for the money. That's reci procity. I PULLMAN AND KXl'RESS CHARGES Together They Form the Cream of Transportation Business. Philadelphia Record. The action of tha Interstate Commerce commission In curbing to some extent tha rapacity of the Pullman monopoly encour age, tho hope that the comblnatloa of ex press companies will not much longer practice their extortions upon the Ameri can people. TT.ese express companies, that are skimming the cream of transportation, of course could not despoil the publlo If reilrcad presidents and directors did not share the booty, at tha expense also of their stockholders, toward whom the offi cials 1iold a fiduciary relation. The leas tha spoil of the express . companlea tha larger vould be tha legitimate dividends of the railroad stockholders. Publicity, which the corporations ao much dread and which congress la hesi tating to enforce, will reveal what railroad presidents and dlrectora are aharlng In the express plunder, and that alone ought to be aufflcient to causa a dissolution of the nefarious connection. But If thla should fall, tha next legislative step of necessity will be to denounce and punish as a mis demeanor the holding of express company shares by railroad officials. When the common carriers of tha country perform their obligations to transport and deliver all freights Intrusted to them tha express oompanles will disappear for want of em ployment. Thus one cause ct tho exorbi tant cost of commodities will ba removed. If under existing law the Interstate Com merce commission has power to prescribe the rates of upper and lower sleeping bertha It haa power also under tha aame law to reduce tha rates of Interstate ex press transportation. Silence! The Instinct ol modesty natural to avery woman Is often a great hiadrsnee to the cure of womanly diaeaaes. Women shrink from the personal questions of the local physician which item indelicate. The thought of examination is ab horrent to them, and so they endure in ailence a condition f diaaase which surely progresses from bad to worse. . it bma b00m Dr. PIrc prtvlUf to ear m llroaf many womtm aro bmr toaed m reuge tor nodoaty Im klm oftor ot FREE oouoolta tloa by letter, nil oorromooodomoo Im bold m omerodly eomtiaoatlol. Xtdroo Dr, R. V. PUrce, Buffalo, A. r, . Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription restore and ' regulates tha womanly functions, aboiiabea pain and builds up aad put the finishing touob of health oa every waak woman who give it fair trial. It Makes Weak Women Strong, Sick Women Well. Yon cao't afford to accept Merit nostrum as a substitute for thia non-alcobolio medicine or known coMroimoN. Jill WIM Iiir II W1 mm WEI NOT IN THE W-H. Araphoe Pioneer: We say keep Hitch cock where he la. Aurora Sun: Scarcely anyone In Aurora seems to favor the candidacy of Mr. Hltch cock for United Statea senator. Hastings Tribune: The Omaha World. Herald Is scared clear out of Its boot! !e leak he Je ll fall. Hon. George W. Norrls ba mada the publican nominee for the senate next Nemaha Republican: It is a good thing that Bryan gave hla permission for Hitch cock to run for the United States senate. It affords Hitchcock hla only excuse for running. Papllllon Republican: Hitchcock calls these weekly trips from Washington "homo runs,"., but it looks like this senatorial can didate is sliding down "uneasy street." Hla popularity In . Sarpy county Is rapidly waning. Nemaha Republican: Congressman Hitch cock la fortunate. His candidacy for the United States senate occupies top o' col umn, next to tha pure reading matter po sition In the columns of the Omaha World Herald. St. Paul Republican: Gilbert M. HI Un cock says that Bryan reposed In him the secret that under no circumstances would he be a candidate for the senate. Tha testimony Is objected to on the ground that it is Inconsistent, Improbable, and that the witness has a political bias and Interest. Oakland Independent, Editor Hltchoock of tha World-Herald has announced him self as candidate for senator. It will mean a big fight and we hope ha won't win, be cause ha la wrong on soma of the Impor tant questions that are pressing for so lution, and la on tha wrong side ot tha fence to do thla state the good that a re publican will. 1 MIRTHFUL REMARKS. "Some men's Idea of heaven," aald Unci Jerry Peebles, "is an cverlastln' ball gama with the home team forever wlnnin'." Chicago Tribune. "Pardon me, governor," began the Inter viewer, '"I" "Certainly, certainly," replied the Ten nessee executive, reaching for a blank. "What are you guilty 01?" Philadelphia Ledger.. - ' T 6nCe knew a man who waa simply wild to be in the public eye, and yet waa tickled to death when ha waa finally shelved." "He must have been an Idiot." "No, he wasn't. He was an author." Baltimore American. ' "I'm afraid I won't ba able-to pay your bill for aome time, doctor," aald the grate ful patient. "H'm," replied the physician, who Is a natural diplomat, "there are two points I forgot to mention In my advlo. You'd better quit -smoking and cut out a meat diet." Washington Star. "I always feel, after I have spent an hour or two In your company," he aald, "that I am a better man." "It la very good of you to say so," she replied. "Don't hesitate to come often." Chicago Record-Herald. Patron (to restaurant proprietor.) Look here, sir, this clumsy fellow has split my soup down my back. Proprietor (to waiter, aternly.) Bring this gentleman a full order of soup In stantly. Boston Transcript. , Landlord What's that up there, sir? New Arrival It's my airship; there'a no suitable shelter for It about here, so I'm obliged to keep It flying, ,un there aee? Landlord Yes, I see. My terma for guests with airships are cash In advance. Town and Country. "When a woman marries and then di vorces her husband Inside of a week, what would you call it T" "Taking his name In vain." Princeton Tiger. WHEW M00NEY STINGS THE BALL Somervllle 'Journal. When Murphy bunts, and gets to first, wa cheer bis feat with pride; Tha ball twists slowly down tha line. V And never rolls outside. When Casey makes a sacrifice. His deftness moves us all, " But oh, the real hl-hl-tlng oomea When Mooney stings the ball I For Mooney haa a nervous way Of handling his bat. The pitchers hate to watch his eyes, They don't know where they're at. ; He stands there ready with the stick Upon the sphere to fall, . ' ' And oh, the crowd lets out a yell When Mooney stings the ball! Yes, Mooney waa designed by fate To make the pltchei-a mourn, The foxy inahoote and the wldes . 1 Ho lets pass by with acorn. - " He stands regardless of tha crowd The atrlkes, the umpire's call. Until the sphere floats o'er the plate Then Mooney stings the balll 1 It moves ua when tha center field Pulls down the fly he'a cursed, It thrills us when the shortstop's throw.- Cuts off a man at first. But, oh, tha fierce excitement when. The bases filled, wa all Leap up, and howl, and dance and yell. When Mooney stings tha balll Si V,