Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 19, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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Council Bluffs
Pefendant and Court Both Agreetblt
to Kore Delay,
Taersday Aarll S Date Fixed far Re.
! at Teatlsa say Cea
tlagea aa Official's Re-
The bearing In the removal proceedings
against Major George H. Richmond, chief
of police, will not b rMumeil thla morning
In the district court as originally planned.
A continuance to Thursday, April 28, haa
been agreed upon on account of the con
tinued indisposition of Major Richmond
who haa not fully recovered from bla
recent attack of heart failure, and alee on
account of the fact that the further post
ponament of the hearing will suit the
convenience of Judge Woodruff and of
counsel ea both sides.
At first H waa suggested by counsel for
Major Richmond when It became apparent
that the latter would not be well enough to
resume hla place on the witness atand to
day to postpone the hearing for another
week. Thla waa aatlafactory to Attorney
Ocranal Byers. but when judge Woodruff,
who la holding court In Avoca waa com
munlcated with. It waa learned that It
would better ault hla convenience if the
hearing waa postponed to a later date. Ac
' rdingly Thursday, April IS waa the date
Tfet fur the resumption of the hearing con
tingent on Major Richmond being at that
Uma cuficlenily recovered to attend court.
Major Richmond waa down town for a
ahort while Friday, but has not been able
lo leave his home since. He Is atlll quite
weak from the effects of the severe at
tack a week ago, although hla condition
yesterday was reported to be somewhat Im
proved. 'ill
Primaries Near;
Politics Warmer
president of Pottawattamie County
Taft-Bepublican Club it
Getting: Buiy.
1st vie of the near approach of the
primary election at which the republican
will same .heir delegates to the county
convention which will select the delegation
from Pottawattamie county to the state
convention, Charles R. Hunan, Jr., and J.
J. Bass, president and secretary, respec
tlvetr, of the Iowa Taft-Republlcan club of
Pottawattamie county are doing some good
aotive work to Increase the membership of
the organisation and arouse Interact among
republicans throughout the county.
It 1 the Intention to form branches of
the club in every section of the county with
a view of effecting a strong organization
before the primary election In June.
Copies of a circular letter from Frank
D. Jackson, state prealdent of the club,
setting forth the purpose of the organisa
tion axe being sent out by Messrs. Harm an
ajut Heaa to repulblloana throughout ' the
county. In part this letter Is aa follows :
We want and tavlla the. republicans of
Iowa who believe in Prealdent Tft and In
the republieariisrir ha represents to Jota in
and bBOHTie an active member of trie Taft
Repubiican club, to the end that if a- ina
loritv of low republicans shall rally under
the taft banner we may give such cordial,
enthiwlastlo and material endorsement at
the next repuWlcan state, convention- aa
shall bring to him encouragement In his
efforts ami strngth to his administration.
Equally important with the endorsement
of President Taft and the national ad
ministration. Is the election of a republi
can congress. - By uniting the republicans
of Iowa- under the leadership of the presi
dent to Insure the election of every republi
can nominated for congress at the coming
We ahall. therefore, prosecute with vigor
the or rarilatiim of Taft-Republlcan clubs
In every township and voting precinct In
the state of Iowa, trusting and hoping that
In sum township or voting precinct the
Taft clubs will have sufficient strength to
elect a set of Taft republican delegates to
the county convention at the June pri
track by Paulas; Ksrtkweaters
Traist la Yards Walls at Work
r - ' aad lajared,
AHck Erica, a Northwestern car cleaner.
Was seriously hurt last sight while at
Work on a window of a car standing on
k track adjolrlng the main line. He waa
given a side swipe that , resulted In a
trushed chest and a puncture of his lungs.
Me is being cared for at Mercy hospital.
Carriers A ale Mara Meaey.
As part of their campaign to secure ex
tra compensation for furnishing convey
ances and horses, the rural letter carriers
Pottawattamie county are circulating
I. tit Una which later they will forward to
The petitions, which are being numerously
signed, ask "that the free rural letter car
riers be allowed extra com pen mi t ion for
furnishing conveyance, horses and feed;
because that under existing conditions of
cost and expense to maintain a vehicle and
feed three horse, the compensation of these
carrier Is greatly inadequate,"
Redecorating the home Is a subject Tall
of Interest to those upon whom the duty
falls. In view of the fact we direct your
attention to the most comprehensive stock
f wail paper in ths city. Ws want your
trade. Let us get a chance to treat you
right. Before you have decided come In
and see us. H. Borates, III 8. Main St.
Have It Done at
Jay Smith, Proprietor,
60S SOUTH Mlli BTaVnST. . .. .
lad. Faoa S7S.
I 111 XI 11 Kf'l
One of Ci most Taluttl Qualities of Hotfeer'a Friend U that
it tf s-purds Hie future healU of tba mother. It U ft liniment to
to applied externally to the body, the w of which lubricates ths
muscles and tendon, leftena the glands and ducts, prevents lamps
forming lu the breuts, and relieves the pain, sierronsnats, nausea, and other
troubles from which so mxaj expectant mothers soSer. When Mother's Friend is
used tegnl&rl It ts and prepares the system for aa easy acu natural can summa
tion of the term. Women who maaaage with tU great liniment are always saved
much aafferlnj when baby comes, and recover more talchly, and without 111 affects.
Mother's Friend Is sold at drag stores. Write- far our free bock containing valaa
b taXorsuUca for expectant mothers. - -. 1
Council Bluffs
Minor Mention
FUs Oowea Kmffa Offlee ef the
SVaieaa See la U est attraet,
Bwta aewea SSL
Davis. drugs.
The Clark btrber shop for baths.
Got d dressers. See MarttA Peterson.
CORJUGANa, undertakers. Phone Itt.
Stock pastured. Bell "phone 7131 Plnney.
VYaodrlng Undertaking company. TeU Ms.
Lewis Cutler, funeial director. "Phone 17.
Balrd AY Boland, undertakers. "Phone 12.
Ptencll patterns and colors, Alexander's
Art store. 133 Broadway.
j. W. Terry, optician, moved to ill W.
Broadway. Eyes examined free.
Purryear'e college does cut employ solici
tor. Invited to cail at the college.
Send your lace curtains to M'rs. Broslus
for cleaning. Best references. 'Phone F-W&.
Mr. end Mrs. Robert Mitchell of Dee
Moines are visiting Mrs. Mitchell s parents,
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Blxby.
Miss teimbaugh. superintendent of the
Jennie Kdmundson Memorial hospital, is
visiting friends In Chicago.
For first-class wall paper work, paint
ing and wall rarer, and reasonable prima,
see Jensen, Masonic temple.
Harmony chapter. Order of the Eastern
Star, will hold its rsgular meeting Thurs
day evening in Masonic temple.
The best and cheapest place In the city
to get your wall p -er and painting is at
W. Mcholalseo at Co la south Main street.
Be In the swim, send your garments to
the Bluff City Laundry Lry Cleaning at
Iy Works. K-24-M North Main Street.
Phone 314.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Starr,
Sunday afternoon, a daughter. Mr. Starr
waa formerly Miss Henrietta Sauer, daugn
ter of Mr. and Mrs. U. W. E. bauer of Uils
Rev. Marcus P. McClure. pastor of the
Firm Presbyterian church will deliver an
address at the opening session of the Corn
ing presDytery at Red Oak tomorrow
The fire and police commission will bold
an examination tomorrow evening at tna
city hall of candidates for positions as po
licemen and firemen. The examination will
be conducted by W. F. tlapp, secretary of
the board.
The Woman's Aid society of the First
Presbyterian church will hold its April
kenslngton Thursday afternoon In the
church parlors. There will be a program
and Mrs. O. T. Krtng and a committed
will be In charge.
The city council will meet la adjourned
regular session this evenlnc. Mavor Ma-
loney, who returned yesterday from a visit
to Burlington and Chicago, is expected to
announce his appointment of a poll tax col
lector and eny poundmaater.
All member of Lily camp degree turn
and other Royal Neighbors wishing to at
tend the class Initiation at Missouri Valley
are requested to meet at the Northwestern
depot at e.lS o'clock Wednesday evening. A
olasa of thirty-two will be initiated at Mis
souri valley.
Harvey Kendrtck. the negro who shot up
tne saloon at Broadway and Jilevenin
street Saturday evening and seriously
wounded John Duncan, another negro, was
still at large at a late hour last night.
After the snooting Kendiick ran down the
railroad tracka and Is believed to have
boarded a train out of town.
The funeral of Henry J. Russell, the
young switchman who was killed In a col
lision between two locomotives Thursday
night in the Rock laland yards, waa held
yesterday afternoon from Trinity Metho
dist church and was largely attended. The
services were conducted by Rev. Frank
Caldwell. Burial was in Falrvlew ceme
The annual meeting of the South First
f treet chapter of the Woman a guild of St.
Paul's Episcopal church will be held this
afternoon at the residence of Mrs. W. O.
Pryor. 44s South First street. Morningslde
chapter will meet Tuesday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. Adolph Beno. 2Uf Frank
street, when the annual election of officers
will be held.
Fifteen- Freight
Gars Burned
Northweitern Eoad Loses Number of
Empties by Fire of Origin
Hot Known. .
The rolling stock of the Chicago at North
western railroad was reduced yesterday
morning by fifteen freight ears, which
went up In smoke In the north end of the
company's local yards.
The cars, which included two or three
"bunk" cars were standing on one of the
witch tracks In the north end of the yard.
near Gilbert's lake, a point about half I
mile from the nearest fire hydrant.
The cause of the fire, which was dlecov
red about 11:) o'clock, la not known, but
Is believed to have started ' la one of the
bunk car. The flames spread rapidly
from car to ear and by the time a switch
engine reached the scene the heat was so
Intense that It was found Impossible to
couple It to the biasing cars so that they
might be drawn to where water could be
obtained at Avenue H. The yardman sue
ceeded In getting a car loaded with coal.
which was on an adjoining track and had
caught fire, down to Avenue H where the
tire department which had been called
turned the hose on It and saved the car
and Its contents.
Geverasaeat fcnalaeer af America
Stadylasr Freaek D least era with
View la Helplas at Heaae.
WASHINGTON. April 18. Aroused by the
recent serious floods In Paris when the
Seine overflowed and caused considerable
damage to the French capital, the engi
neers of ths United States geological sup
vey have begun a study of means to pre
vent or diminish losses In the United States
from such floods. They estimate the an
nual damage by floods in the United States
at $100.0fle.0. While they are Inclined to
think that It Is too early, perhaps, to under
take any active steps in the matter, the
very magnitude of this annual loss Invites
a serious study of means of prevention,
end ths recent misfortune of France may
lead to practical work that will serve as
an object lesson to America.
laeeadlary Seateaewd.
PIERRE. S. D.. April is. Special Tele
gram.) In circuit court la Sully county,
Robert Evans was given a sentence of five
and one-ha'.f year on a conviction of In
cendiarism. He was accused of burning a
barn, stacks and a team In Sully county
last fall.
Hold TJ? China-Japan Kail at Sprig-,
CaL, mi Open Throttle.
Passes Sertlea ef Soalhera Pacific
Psweicer aa Sidetrack Oaer
atar Saves Lives aa le
aad Trala.
BENECTA. Cel., April 1.1 -The China-
Japan mail, which left an Francisco over
the Bourhern Pacific railway for the east
at o'clock Saturday night, was held up
by two masked men at prlg, two miles
east of here at 12:30 o'clock yesterday and
robbed of nine pouches of registered mall.
The train carried no express matter.
Four of the pouches have been recovered.
but the robbers rifled the others and now
re hiding In the hills and canyons be
tween Martine and Oakland. Sheriffs'
posses from two counties, detectives snd
postofflce Inspector on horse and in au
tomobiles are 'engaged. In the man hunt.
The robbers are well armed and a battle
s anticipated.
The passengers on the train were not
disturbed and sevsral of them did not
earn ef the robbery until this morning.
After getting ths mail sacks the robbers
cut the engine loose from the train and
sent it wild, throttle open, down the main
track te the east
In ths direct path of the engine waa a
section of passenger train No. 5, west
bound, heavily loaded. But for the pres
ence of mind of a telegraph operator at
Bulsan a serious collision would have
taken place. The engine waa thrown Into
a ditch In th nick of time. The train
robbery is the first In California for sev
eral years. It was plotted and executed
In a daring, spectacular fashion.
M ea Cllaae la Eaarlae.
Before the fast mail arrived at Benlcia,
two men who had left Oakland on an
other train two hour earDer and bad left
their train on the Port Costa ferry
climbed unobserved on ths rear end of
the fast mall's locomotive. The train had
gone less than five miles from Benlcia
when the stowaways crawled over the
oil tank of the tender and pointed re
volvers at ths heads of the engineer and
fireman, ordering them to slop, the en
gine and get off.
We are not going to hurt you," said
one of the robbers. "All we want la the
treasure box."
"Take us to the express car."
When Informed by the train crew that the
train carried no express matter, they said;
"Then take na to the mall car."
Arriving there they threatened to blow It
up with dynamite if the door was not
opened. Under this threat. Herbert B.
Black, In charge of the car and his as
sistant. Thomas W. Clancy appeared at the
door. The robbers compelled the engineer
and fireman to enter the car with orders to
"throw out the registered mail packages."
Kewsaaaera Dlda't Da.
Black started to toss out the newspaper
sacks, but the robber detected the ruse at
once. They threatened to kill the clerk un
less he gave them the registered mail.
Black complied. The engine crew then was
forced to carry the nine sacks to the en
gine. The engine ard mall ear were then un
coupled from the coaches filled with sleep
ing passenger and run down the track two
miles. Here the mail pouches were thrown
out. the engine uncoupled, and its throttle
pushed wide open. The engine dashed for
ward on Its wild Journey toward a pas
senger train coming- westward to Tolenas, '
sixteen mites east, passing the first sec
tion on a siding at Cygnua.
As the engine passed ths station at Bul
san, the operator noticed it waa running
wild. Ha Immediately reported to the dis
patcher's office at Oakland a 1 received In
structions to call Tolenas and Instruct them
to derail the on-coming engine. Second
section of train No. 5, westbound, had
Just arrived at Tolenas under order to
wait there for the China-Japan MalL The
switch was thrown and the runaway en
gine, by this time, pretty well relieved of
steam, ran on a siding and smashed Into a
string of box cars.
Robbers Croaa Bay.
In the meantime the robbers were mak
ing their escape across Ean Pablo bay Into
which the Sacramento river empties. The
new of the robbery had gone up and down
the line and posses were quickly formed.
Just before fleeing with the mail sacks
the robbers fired four shots, to frighten
off Immediate pursuit. Even this did not
awaken the passengers. The porter heard
the shots and locked all the doors to the
Bleeping car. The train lay engineiess for
some time while an engine was secured
from Sacramento. It then waa hurried Into
Sacramento, arriving at C o'clock this
A good description of the bandits waa
furnished by a man on the ferry boat, who
had observed them as they ' hung about
Port Costa waiting for the train. They
appeared to be railway mechanics and from
their familiarity with the engine officials
it is thought the robbers are former rail
way employes. 1
Their trail has been followed to the
rough hill country between Martine and
Oakland and it Is believed they are beaded
toward San Francisco and have a good
chance to escape.
Eeeaae Made to Water. '
Near where the bandits left the engine,
a road leads to the east bank of the bay.
The men ran down this road to a row boat
concealed in the bushes. The four sacks
they did not take with them were found
later along the edge of the track. They
evidently had fallen from the engine after
It had been uncoupled from the train.
From the point where their boat was
moored, the bandits rowed directly across
the bay to Bulls Head point, one and a
half miles east of Martinet There they
abandoned the boat. In climbing the bank
one of the men slipped and lost a SS-call-
bre revolver and a pair of field glasses.
This made three clues for the officers to
work on.
From the point where the boat was aban
doned all trace of the men waa lost, but
before daylight a horse and buggy were
stolen, supposedly by the robbers, from a
stable in alanines.
Between 1 and 4 o'clock In the morning
George Fraxier. a farmer living three
mllea east of Martinez, heard a horse and
buggy driven past hla house at a wild
pace. Thla has lent definite directions to
ths chaiw, which early la Um afternoon
centered In the hills and open country
leading to Oakland.
Sheriff Veals of Contra Costa county was
ths first official to start after the ban
dits. With a posse he left Marlines at
I o'clock in the morning. They crossed
from the west shore of the bay in a
launch to the point where the bandits em
barked for the. west shore. So quickly
and accurate aas the pursuit that It la
thought the bandits and the officers passed
each other In the dark" and the hunted
men were warr.d of the whereabouts of
their pursuer by the noise, of the launch.
Deisenisar Baa alwr" Rasa.
The sheriff and his man found lltue to aid
them on the east shore. 4 daybreak they
crossed over again and found a row boat,
hidden under a bask. The row boat forma
sa Important link la a theory connecting
the robbers with two unknown yucg men
who have been living In a cabin a mile
from Martinet for two weeks.
In he row boat the effioers found tlx
registered letters unopened. A gold fifty
cent piece of 1V date was found In the
bottom of the boat.
On clue to the plans and Identity of the
robbers which the reftiead officials con
sider a hoax was a letter found In the
pocket of a garment left by one of the
robbers In the engine. Th letter detailed
the manner of the holdup and where the
loot was to be divided. The place named Is
a saloon In Sacramento. A map of Texas
also was found, with several cities marked
with a cross.
Officer were sent to the cabin where
tha two young men stayed. The men were
gone. In a field nearby a suit case waa
found, filled partly with shotgun shells,
colls of fuse for dynamite, and soap. Half
a mile back from ' ths place where the
train was stopped twenty sticks of dyna
mite were found beside the track.
One stick had been set under a tie. with
fuse attached. The train had gone over
Ninety-four packages of registered mall
are missing. In each of these packages are
several letters. The railroad officials have
posted a reward of K.000 for the capture
of the robbers. The United Slates govern
ment haa offered 11.004
Man ot Mystery
Proves Ordinary
Clever Swindler
French Count Who Sold Spurious Pie
tares and Entertained Lavishly
TOURS. France, April IS The arrest of
Count and Countess de Gatlgny at the In
stance of Mrs. Charles Hamilton Paine.
formerly of Boston, but now of Paris, oa
th charge of misrepresentation in con
nection with the sale of paintings, alleged
to be the work of great masters, whereas
they are only copies, has caused a great
sensation. The De Gatlgnys, with their
four children, lived lavishly and gave bril
liant entertainments.
A magistrate today ordered a search of
their chateau at St. Cyr-Sur-Loue. and this
resulted In ths seizure of extensive corre
spondence and many valueless paintings,
some of which are said to have been
labeled with notices intending to prove
their authenticity, as if they were destined
to bf sold In the United Etates.
Count de Gatlgny has been regarded as
a man of mystery. He Is said to have
been born In taondon In 1S67. He waa a
great traveler and sometimes went under
th name of Prince Lusignan and Prince
Borghetto. His wife, who was a Miss
Lunt. waa born In Boston In 1869. They
were married In 1S96. Their fetes and en
tertainments in their gaily lighted and
magnificently furnished chateau, which
were attended by the aristocracy, have long
been the talk of the country. Several
years ago Mr. Paine, who has a passion
for paintings, visited the chateau and was
struck by the wonderful art gallery, the
greater part of which he purchased. An
expert visiting his Paris mansion, where
he examined the collection, declared that
tha alleged Corots. COrreggios, Muiillos and
Titians were spurious.
i - I
State's Briefs
On Harvesters
Filedby Major
Allegation Made Company Increases
i Prices of, Machinery to Any
Fisrure it Sees Fit
torney General Major today filed with
Special Commissioner Judge Theodore
Brace tha state's briefs In th proceed
ings to oust 1 the International Harvester
company from Missouri. In his brief Ma
jor says:
"It is well within the power of this
company In the absence of any natural
or business cause to Increase the price on
binders and movers to any extent It sees
fit. and the public la powerless to do
other than raise Us hands that Its
pockets may be looted.
"If this Is not monopoly the term is
meaningless and but a catch-word, valu
able only for lulling people Into a sense
of security while they are in tha midst of
danger." .
The respondent company has thirty
days in which to file its brief, and a re
port of the sfiecial commissioner Is ex
pected before the supreme court adjourns
in June. The case haa been set for argu
ment at ths October term of court, sitting
en banc.
No Significance
in Nuncio's Visit
Vatican Issues Notice that Official
Was Hot Authorized to See
ROME. April U. The morning of ex-
President Roosevelt and ths papal nuncio
at Vienna, Monslgnor Granlto 111 Bel mon te
Plgnatelll. after Ambassador Keren's
luncheon yesterday waa evidently not ex
pected by the Vatican. As rumor are al
ready in circulation that the papal nuncio
bore a message from the pope to Colonel
Roosevelt, the Vatican today issued this
"The papal nuncio at Vienna did not ask
for any instructions concerning- his visit to
Mr. Roosevelt, nor were any Instructions
sent to him from th Vatican. Therefore
the supposition that the nuncio waa
charged with a communication to Mr.
Roosevelt la deprived ot any foundation, sj
It is certain that his visit cannot have any
special significance."
Eaeeatlve Favors Plaa la Make A aril
34 Day ta Paaa Fight
j Whit Plagae.
NEW TORK. April li President Taft
approve of making next Sunday, April M.
a "Tuberculosis Sunday." In a letter re
ceived her today by Livingston Farrand,
executive secretary of the National Asso
ciation for the Study and Prevention of
Tuberculosis. President Taft writes:
"I sincerely hope that the movement
which you have Inaugurated to make Sun
day, April St. a "Tuberculosis Sunday." on
which ministers are requested to call the
attention of their congregations to th im
portance ot tubcrculuala problems, and to
give such simple lnformatioa regarding It
as may be feasible, may prove to be suc
cessful. Tha amount that can be dons In
saving human life by a united affort and
ip rerpert to euch a disease as tuberculosis
can hardly- be exaggerated."
Uiuoi: CO.. tii a. main. Piio.stj ua.
Not Since Kossuth, Has Any Han
Been Welcomed like Roosevelt.
VUltee Drlvea froaa tatloa ta Hotel
Threag. Solid Walla af Feo
le Klahtserlag
BUDAPEST. Hungary. April It Hungary
received Theodore Roosevelt . with open
srem, after he crossed the frontier Sunday
popular enthusiasm, according to the ne as
paper editors, exceeding anything since the
days of Louis Kossuth.
The Journey, after Colonel Roosevelt left
the train at Press burg to spend the after
noon with Count Apponyl whom he had en
tertained at Washington and Oyster Bay.
assumed almost th character of a trium
phal procession. The entire population of
the ancient cspltal of Hungary turned out,
the mayor and other city authorities greet
ing the ex-presldent st the station. They
welcomed htm as the apostle of liberty and
At the three village esch mad up of a
different race, Magyar, Slovak and Ger
man the party passed through the automo
bile trip to Apponyl castle. Colonel Roose
velt was met with equal enthusiasm. In
each Instance the president ef th village,
the priest, schoolmaster, tha fire brigade
In uniform and the school children In whits
Sunday frocks, and sashes bearing ths Hun
garian colors, stopped the automobile to of
fer flowers and words ot welcome.
Vast Craw4 at Statloa.
The return trip, from the castle, by an
other route, was marked by similar demon
strations, and when Budapest waa reached
at o'clock tonight the former president
was fairly mobbed at the station, which. In
spite of the heavy downpour of rain, was
surrounded by thousands of Hungarians,
cheering wildly. The mayor of Budapest
and representatives from all the societies
In the city were there to meet Colonel
Roosevelt when he stepped out on the plat
form, while hundreds of railroad men from
the yarda clambered on top of the train to
take part In the demonstration.
The university students massed outside
the building sang the Star Spangled Ban
ner as the ex-presldent was whisked away
to his hotel, through solid walla of people
who had waited patiently In the rain to
see the distinguished American paaa. At
the hotel another multitude had gathered
and refused to depart until Colonel Roose
velt appeared on the balcony to acknowl
edge the greeting.
In his brief speech to the crowds around
the hotel, he reiterated, what he had aald
throughout the day In reply to the words
of welcome that had greeted him at va
rious points. He recognized, he said, the
courage, devotion and chivalry of the Hun
garians, and he especially pleased them
when he declared that one who lived as he
hatl among the .cattlemen of the great
west could best appreciate the extraor
dinary character of the descendants of
horsemen, who had followed - Arpad, th
magic national hero, into the plains ot
Central Europe.
After all was over tonight. Colonel
Roosevelt said that his reception re
minded him of demonstrations he had wit
nessed at tha height of a hot political cam
paign at home. He could only account for
It on the theory that to tha Hungarians ha
represented ths idea deeply rooted In
America of liberty and. human rights.
The Hungarians evidently were deter
mined to ehow Colonel Roosevelt that he
had touched their hearts and to. make his
reception aa different aa possible from that
In Vienna. 'Although ostensibly tha guest
of Ambassador Hengeimuller Von Henger
var. the ex-president is In reality the guest
of the Hungarian government.
Praarrasa far Today.
The program for tomorrow Includes,' be
sides calls upon the premier. Count
Khuen von Hedervary and Archduke J
seph. at whose royal palace crowning the
height above the city he will be a guest
at luncheon, a visit to Francis Kossuth,
leader of the united opposition, who Is 111;
a sight-seeing tour, a visit to the House
of Parliament, where Count Apponyl will
hold a reception In his honor, and a dinner
at the Park club, at which Baron and
Baroness Hengeimuller will be the hosts.
Practically the whole of Tuesday will
be consumed In a trip by special train to
the state Arab breeding stud at Brabolna
as ths guest of the minister of agriculture.
The premier's dinner will be the conclud
ing function ot Colonel Roosevelt's visit
to the dual monarchy.
Today tha former president authorized m
categorical denial of reports telegraphed
from Vienna that he had discussed with
Emperor Frances Joseph ths question of
tho limitation of armaments, with the In
tention of continuing to press tha ques
tion at Paris, Berlin and London.
PARIS, April 17. Mrs. Roosevelt and Miss
Ethel arrived here at 10 o'clock tonight
from Avignon, where they had ben spend
ing a day or two. visiting the points of In
terest. -
M. Pinchon. the foreign minister and
Ambassador Jusserand will attend a spec
ial session of the city council on April 85,
which win be held In honor of Colonel
Roosevelt and at which the city will pre
sent th ex-president a commemorate medal.
' Dyaaaalte Wrecks Balldtaa-a
as completely as coughs and colds wreck
lungs. Curs them quick with Dr. King's
New Discovery. 60c and 11 Oft, For sale by
Beaton Drug Co.
J Good Soap at a Fair Price
NO. MADAM, aoap sr not "all UK."
THEY DIFFER, in aL. Hap. sruality and price,
also in what therjr do and th -wax therjr do it.
THE IDEAL SOA1 la ono that la ( convenient
ahapo and good quality, and. at th earn timet,
ealle at a- fair priest not a "cheap" aoap, you
understand, but low enough in pric to b at
tractive and yet high enough to insure ite quality.
LENOX SOAF ful&Ue the requirement.
Lenox Soap-Just fits the hand
Maj. McWhortcr
Wins at Bridge
and Loses Prize
Makes Two Weeks' Guest Card Bo for
. Tear and Then the Tale
CHICAGO. April IS. 5peclal Telegram.)
If you had made a two weeks' guest
card to the Chicago Athletic association
stick for one year, and had thus estab
lished yourself in an expenstve member
ship, and had played in ths club's monthly
bridge tournament and won first prls
wouldn't It make you Irritable to lose both
the prize and the overworked guest card?
At any rate, that Is the way 8. A. Mo
Whorter of Omaha and Chicago feels about
It, and he's the loser sforesald.
A. J. Whit, of tha board of trade firm
of the same name, was sponsor for Mr.
McWhortcr. who also Is In the grain and
provision business, giving to him a card
about a year ago. The ordinary cird la
good for two week a
Mr. McWhorter liked the Chicago Ath
letic assoclstlon and visited It daily, so
often In fact, that the doorman did not re
quire him to show his card and finally
concluded he was a member. Most of the
members did, too, so It was no wonder
when the entries for the March bridge
tournament were being compiled that some
one said:
"Major (they called him thus at the
club), why don't you enter? Tou play a
good game."
"Well. I will." responded Major Mc
Whortcr, and he did and captured the
handsome traveling bag. with Its s lver out
flttings, that was the first prise.
When the committee In charge compiled
the results for Cherry Circle, the club
paper, the winner's Initials were missing,
and the membership list fa. led to reveal
any sch person on the rolls. Thn the
tale unraveled itself.
Governors for
a Quiet Fourth
Mrs. Eice of New York Pushing
Movement for Safety of Boys
and Eardrums.
NEW YORK. April 18-For the first time
since the firecracker and skyrocket became
a feature of Independence day. New York
threatens to have a "safe and sane" Fourth
of July this year. Although Inclined at
first to aid with the youngster. Mayor
Gaynor haa recently signified hla Intention
of upholding the order prohibiting the sal
of fireworks at retail from Juns 10 to
July 10. This will practically prevent
crackers and the like from reaching the
Individual exploder, as It war, and if the
order Is upheld to the letter, th city will
be quiet, where ordinarily It Is like a
Mrs. Isaac I Rice of this city, a pioneer
crusader against noise, and the president
of the Society for th Prevention ot Un
necessary Noise, Is largely responsible for
the attempt to have th next Fourth of
July devoted to oratory and parades rather
than to the explosion of gunpowder. She
has enlisted twenty-three governors and a
national association for a sane observation
of Independence day and la still engaged
In promoting the movement. .
Statistics show that total fatalities in
the United. States resulting frstn Fourth of
July accidents last year were MS. while
there were I. JOT accidents,
f .
Bryan Not Ready
to Talk Politics
Bebraikan Send Wireless Interview
Ahead from Ship Earonte
fnm South,
NETW YORK, April 11 A brief Interview
with William Jsnnings Bryan, who Is ap
proaching the United States on ths steam
ship Caracas after his South American trip
reaohed New York by wireless lata tonight.
"I approach the shores of ths United
States with gladness," said Mr. Bryan.
"Each absence Increases my appreciation of
our cation's wonderful advance and prog
ress. This Is my first sxpsrlence with
wireless at sea and I recognise th added
safety which It gives to ocean travel.
"I have been out of touoh of the news
paper so long that I am not prepared to dis
cuss politics."
Eaeeatlve Body Qlves Official Saae
tloa ta Philadelphia 0 fritt
er lie tar a.
PHILADELPHIA. April 11. -The execu
tive committee of the striking car men
passed a resolution last night declaring the
men shall go back to work although the
referendum vote was 1.266 to stay out
agalifst to return. Ths local commit
tee made the resolution public after re
ceiving a radlflcatlon of their action from
tha national committee In Detroit
Means skin health and bodily
purity in infancy and childhood
and freedom, in the majority ol
cases, from torturing:, disfiguring
affections of the skin and scalp in
after life. Those who value c
clear skin, soft, white hands, t
clean, wholesome scalp and livej
glossy hair will find that Cuticur
Soap, assisted by Cuticura Oint
ment, realizes every expectation.
jM tarn upfront ttia world. Depeaj: Landm. If,
ChartMlxnaa St; Paris. 10, Rue Sa la Oiaiiaet
d'Aaua: Australia, A. Tru a Ce. Praser: laOia,
B. K. PstiL Cacvtta: China. Himg Kon( lint 004
Japaa. Mantra, Ltd., Tokts; 80. Africa. Lnma
Ltd, Cans Town, etr : U . A, Patter Dnif OCaasa
Corp, aoi Props, lit Oaluaibas At, Dosua.
ssr Post-fri-a. is-pace cuticura Book. "How
tsstrva, rurUy aad Beautify the Bala and iUiu"
More women every year are
wearing whit tailor suits, all be
cause they bate learned that they
ean be dry cleaned time and again
and always come borne looking
like new..
Our price for . cleaning and
pressing white tailor suits U
$2.00, and we guarantee the work
satisfactory. ' .
Don't make the mistake of
wearing your suit until It becomes
so badly soiled that it will be nec
essary to steam clean it, aa steam
cleaning is much harder on the
goods than dry cleaning.:
We think our dry cleaning of
wnite goods Is Just about perfect
try us the next time.
1613 Jones St.
'Phone : Doug. 963. Ind. A-816.
rarDi OF OMASA rxotTB
Each state has Its flour, the emblem
of purity.
But Omaha Is the city to have as 1
The Updike FTour, so purs and so sweet
They all acclaim It can't be beat;
Its process of making la so up-to-date.
That all must be using It sooner or lata
What is tha Pride of Omaha?
Its parka and bulldinga grand
Are all a credit to its name
And voiced throughout the land.
But ono Pride we all agree.
Is Updike's Flour fur vou and me
Ju09 California St.
An order on her grocer for a
FLOUal TO XYfeag WOataJi
who mails us a vera of four to al
lines (which we 'use - tor sdvertislng;
about "Pride of Omaha" Flour.
Updike Ffliiling Co.
IS la aharmaa Ave Omaha, JTsh.
Pent lr men Enclosed please find a
verse. I would like very much to win
a sack of your flour. I have used It ovef
a year and have never used any flour thai
?:ave aa good results as the Pride ol
When I was first married.
Just sbout a year ago,
I soon found out my husband
Had to have things Just so.
I always had poor luck with bread,
And my husband used to Jaw,
But everything la ail right now,
I use Pride of Omaha.
m M. St., South Omaha.
Very Low Fires T
BALTIMORE, South era Bap.
Xf r tie Convention,
3l- u Umj U-la.
ATLANTIC CITYaeal. As.mbl.
Free byte naa
citrca, May
. 1S-31.
U r; day School As
aaolitioa, Slay.
IS. N. Austin, W. A Preston,
Gen. Paaa. Agt X. P. A.. .
Chicago - Chicago
SJ w J W w'