TTTE BEE: 01fAHA. TTESDAT. APRIL 1?. 1310. Nebraska Nebraska Nebraska ECOSEVtLT SEMi LEI ILK Ix-Freideat Iafanni GoTtrnor lenberjer tiat Ee'i Baiy. ECPZ3 TO TEH SAJ A37C3TC0 Sarlfwertwei Applies fee PmilnUa te CTs.ege Rate e Xlaed Car Hears 4 keep. Fnm a Staff Correspondent.! LIXCOLX. April 18. i?pwlal.) Gomor St alien berger baa received a letter from former President Roosevelt. Whfn tn Texas 1 during last month the g'rvemor wu Lm-1 portiined by the Commerce! ciib of San. Antnnio to Invite and uni tha farmer j president to attend the Congress of Com mercial Clubs to be bid there nest fall. j Governor Shanenberser wrote the letter , mad today ha received the following reply: HTTJL. BEAT'-SITE. ROME. April a,-! Mr rear (iirrror Shairnberr : Indeed ' if I can I will gt to that com tnerrlal on grees ae s-eoi Ant'ntn. a.:il liy li r-i.a;e rata, o onaawn of .l transportation, and that ta jiiet wH It wll tf tha act la held ra id by tha court. Mr. M:n ortH tha Railway tomra:ili7n to take tha matter up with tha congress men of thia state and bring to their at tention Just what he bill will do If passed and held valid. Ha holds hat It will In validate every order issued by a ra-lway commission. Tnetlea Sreek Watered. Tha Lincoln Traction company has "'wat ered" Ita stork to tha eamoont of B. TIL TS a. according to a report completed to day by V. G. Powell and L, EL Wettllp.g. rate clerks In tha employ of tha 8taie Railway cnmmieelnn. tn connection with an Inevtsigatlon held In relation to a petition from tha citizen a of Havelock. a suburb to tha capital, for tha reduction of fares. The value of the company property, say the report, filed toova, la C38I.SM.uT. Tha conteftno of tha traction company In resisting the effort for a reduction of f r- baa been that It would cut tha earn ings on capital to an unreasonable and unprofitable rwure. teek Tarda Talaatlaa. The South Omaiia t'nlon Stock Yards nwnnmn& mail . iila'.m ... -M AM T , ... ,hnli ' - .low " a.1- ?-mia 1 ' '' , nrrn?tv tliift if In - ... ..'m rn in. to e... ' it ib n.u the Utare Railway commieeton for the ner-I ' ' prominent railroad attorney PETHI'JS 10 PRESIDES ITin STebruka 'Siilrrad Commiiiioo Seadj Bfsalatiaii ta Executive. JTTEGZ FC2 THE SmZXZ BHTC3 OeJeeteai Slaa ta Apwertatsseat of ear Lawrrr Eat played ay It a II reawa ta wn4 Jaa tlee Bra war. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. April IS. Special Tsitfrim.) Tha 8ta:e Railway eommiselon thin morn Ina; adopted reaolutlona proteetma; to Pres ident Tift aint appointloc any person to tha auprama benrh wheaa Ufa worlt baa been daeoted tn lewal defenaa of corpora Unna and a rain him to select the succesaor to Juatlea Brewer from tha membership of soma stats supreme court. Tha resolutions will bo sent around to tha various state eommlmlons and they will be requested to adopt similar onea. As a reason for takins; tha action tha eommls- Bupwlhiw for me to answer -fli!tv at tme moment. I m:tet flret ft bin-It to Arui-rlra. Pv the way. you hare no concep tion of the way I am preened with work Lero. Slm-erei rn"ri. THEODORE RtWEVELT. Waata ta fcaaare Kale. The Burllnffr.'ti railroad has applied for permleston to carnr the rule on the ship ment of aiis-d cars of boa and he-p. The mission to Increase rates for yardage. If i throuatiout tha country are urflna the the estimate embodied tn a r-port tt be I president to appoint a corporation attorney filed with the commission or E. C. Hard. ! to "i vacancy. Tha resolution la as fol- et gineer. is correct. Mr. Hunt's report ' lows: will be Tied in a few days. '"Whereas, A vacancy has occurred tn tha supreme court of tha L nlted States, throuab the death of tha Hon. David J. Brewer; Whereas, tha legislature and commi Robbers Take Car Fare from Victim's Glove Eig-b.'WT.Taiea Get Jewelry ui Hosey AmoTiatio; to $243 from Ped dler, bat Leare Coat . "Ivery Ilttia bit helps." remarked a stick-up man to bis companion, pull'.nc a f rlom dime from a glove worn by Harry Goldberw. a v cum. from whom they bad Just taX en Jewelry and currency to tha amount of C9. "Tap. that'll make ear fare," wa tha cool answer. Goldberg was released by tha highway Den after they bad debated over tha ad visability of taking his coat. Tha robbery occurred at Thirteenth and Martha atreeta, Goldberg, a peddler of per fumed soap and Jewelry, was on his way ta his home. ST SoutB Eleventh street. Tha plunder taken from him Included t'1.79 la money, a diamond rlnsr worth a gold watch and a number of fountain pens. Tha watch la said to have been tha prop erty of another for whom Goldberg was to sell It The detective department Is of tha opinion that tha robbery was carefiily planned and premeditated. Goldberg, owing to par tial paxaiysis, was unable to put up a Cgi', bad be been so Inclined. SEW OFFICES FOR CCDAHI'S Quarter of XiHion-BoUar Stmctir fzr Ftckia; F.aat last wcjld n ccxmrcnc!! alldlaw ta Cewtmla taeraral wine 1 Ike Prewea 9tt lac Btaa. ta trrkl- .teal S ear -Taa.- RelUir Friday. The supreme court will hear no cases on Friday, in observance of Arbor day. Those commission has set May 1 as tha date of ! 'J' "" to f I on. of tha states and the nation ar. at IT lT t XtT"lL m" i Z Zve7ar: Oni -d an taciease I nthe rat- on hoas the com-1 " 'honest effort to property solve the mo- Clcrk is Found Dead at Desk be"n" harTon" thaV" date. At 'p'resTntThI H U D R ED THOUSAND PAID a single deck car contains both sheep aad i hoK'-i the shipment takes the sheep rai' and weight. When the car is double-dack tha hog rata In taken. Recently the Bur l'rgton shipped a enr which had the upper deck loaded wtih sheep and the lower deck wfh sheep and hmrs. Ah attempt - wis made to collect at tha hns rate, and the shipper objected. T'le attention was called mentous questions involved In tha proper and reasonable regulation of the rates and to tha FCR ONE BUFFALO RANCH irvtces or common carriers and particu- I laxly tha railroads: and. Larwaac Deal la Wntera C.aatry j "Whereas. Tha final determination of the BcrTky KBB(lrw Tru4 fiaaa ta I questions rests with tha supremo court of Sew Ow.era. ln fnitad States; and. "Whereas. Wa believe that a man whose lfs's work and legal training have been devoted to the defense or advocacy of railway Interests, though he be gifted with Charles OUara Meets End Sitting Orer Eis Work ia. Early Mora in Heart Disease. Tha Cudahy Packing company will erect a sa. ofTVa building at tha South Omaha yards. This announcement was made Monday and bids for tha construc tion of tha building are being asked for. Tha site chosen for tha structure is Just south of tha present office build ng. Tha plans call for a building X feet long by TO feet deep that will be four stories high with a basement. The structure will be fireproof throughout, constructed of steel or reinforced concrete. Ia the rear an addition wtil be erected. Tha main offices win be located on tha first, second and third floors, while the fourth story will be devoted to man and women s rest rooms, an assembly room, dining room, lunch room and kitchen. Ail modern appliances which can be used in modem afflcs building construction will be Installed. There will s two passenger elevators, a freight elevator and electric i lifts. Tha building will be beated In win- j ter by a fan system and cooled In the j summer. A very complicated system or auxiliaries will be Introduced In tha con struction of the edifice. Intercommunica tion will be had by means of telephones, dictographs and a pneumattn system. Tha vacuum system will be utilized for clean ing. Bids have been asked for and it Is esti mated that the cost will be in the neighbor hood o? CDO.IWO. I. KEARNET. Neb.. Aarll 13. Special Tele- I gram. The largest land deal ever trane- atu-ntlon of the commission and 1 ln Buffalo county, was made this talents of tha highest order, or Imbued me Burungtaa J-Ued to be permitted - ' " ' ' "" , " w I with the loftiest sentiments of patroitlsm. cham rhe hoe- rare for the mf-iixt sinff'e the firm of Graham a: Nasi to Krewson : , . .. - I .anMr KaamviA th ,4 1 1 FS U B1l f inftlllfld nf Wright & Co.. the famous empire ranch, - . . . , . 'a Justice of the supreme court of tha which ilea seven, miles west of Kearney i . . f the express companies doing business ' which is In alfalfa- Part of the !faJfa j mmon to those who regard a large part. deck curs. j Merely Xaa I J,M0. While the fia-jres showin the earnings Thl tn Nebraska, as given in the annual report fthe ataie Railway commission, indicate that the earnings have amounted to some- tn.ns; over IS.. with an expense account j Nebraska, of something ovr STflOKe). The eaminis j CW.One. should be divided by two to g?t at the correct figures. The Railway commission figures Include freight f irwards ami re ceived, so If the shipment of a package amounted t 45 cents, paid at one end of was planted eighteen years ago by the government experimental agents and this tract has been the blue ribobn tract of The sum paid was an even I If not air the recent efforts of the consti tuted authorities to regulate tha rates and services of common carriers as Ill-advised, hasty and retaliatory assaults upon what they assume to be vested rights: and "Whereas. We believe that there are men of unquestioned legal ability and integrity K rl a Killed la kiisway. HOLDREGE. Neb.. April IA Special. Frlneds of this city of Enck Cripp, tha 1 adorning the supreme courts of the varl-well-known German farmer, who was I " states of the nation, and In the legal w:i.h lar wu at hie hrvme north, of; profession, who can assume the functions the line tha saaw amount is charged us , Bertnuld h4v. particulars! "itiea of a Justic. of xhm supreme at the dest nation, making a Una! of M !f unfortunaia man ! court of the Tnited State, with minds free was Just starting to the field to sow oats, j frcn those prejudices and beliefs which having four horses hitched to a seeder, and naturally acquired by one whose life's a heavy ' wagon contalng thirty or forty i work Is devoted to defending and safe bushels of oats hitched behind him. He ' mrding railroad intereeta: be It therefore bad barely mounted tha seat of the seeder j "Resolved By tha members of the Ne to start for Lha field, when the teams be- I braska State Railway commission, that came unmanageable, and whirled around 1 considering- the momentous questions In throwing him off the seat and directly i reiving: the regulation and control of eom umler tha wheels of the waaon. The ac- "" carriers which must be finally de- V. Qulnn to turn over to him the office j rldent was wltneeeed by bis wife, who stood i eided by the supreme court of the United of county stiperln lendent of Dakota county, in the doorway of the kitchen at the time. I state. Mary V. Qulna was elected to the office -oon as she could get to her husband. I "w" earnestly peritlan the president of for the term preceding the present term md; now badly injured he waa, aha boaiaoing- ln.t January. Vass rece!-ed a j cajad the doctor And neighbors at once, majority of the' votes at "the last elertlon He lived only till 11 o'clock the same even- and was gl'en a certificate of election. ng however, tha Internal iniury close to The respondent refused to turn the office Charles O'Mara. night clerk at the Vic toria. Thirteenrh and Dodge, was found dead at his desk early Monday morning. He died over his work. The body was taken in charge by Willis C. Crosby, eomner, who expressed the opinion that death was caused by fatty degeneration of tha heart. Mr. O'Mara waa 58 years old. He bad been suffering with heart trouble for some time. He is survived by a daughter. Mrs. Edward Stone, and a sister. Mrs. John C. Rlttermeyer. both, of Omaha, and a sister. Mrs. Charles Sullivan, of Coldwater. Mich. Arrangements for the funeral will be made upon wont from Mrs. Sullivan. Dahlman Crowd Strips for Fray Coats Off asd SleeTes Up, Mayor's j Supporters at Work Flyna j 3akes a Few Remark. cents. So the actual earnings of the ship ment would bo only S cents. Thus tha ex press companies doing business In Nebraska have taken ln only something over 11.500. ft instead of the 5.0.iino. Ftcattac Ov Offlew. Arguments will be made tomorrow In the supreme court In the case wherein Wilfred E. Voea seeks by mandamus to force Mary the Cnited States that In the appointment of men to the federal supreme eeart, those only- should be- appointed whose training and aasodaion render It certain that they his heart waa of such a nature that he i WI" " " over to htm because she alleged he did not caala not possibly recover from Its affects. ! "" y tilonm environments which, con have a first grade certificate on the date j The attertmed was 4 years old. and left one 1 ri"r w unconsciously. Influence t3ie of tha election which hy law Is one of the j cnHrt besides his widow. His funeral was j Judffmrnt and become potential factors in tuailflcatiuns of a county superintendent j Bel(l Saturday and Interment made In the controlllns; the actions of all men." Withdraws Sevlal Rata. ' German cemetery north of Bert rand. i -. ' The Burlington has avked' permission to; w i, i PrOnfl VCrClfCL withdraw lis requst for a rats of 3H cents ma brick an dbuildlng material between Lin- j coin and Fairbury. The permission to put tn the rata which was a reduction from 4 ! Goldew Weedlaw at Table Keek. TABLE ROCK. Neb.. April 18. Asa E. j Hywond and wife of this place, who were ! married here fifty years ago. celebrated ; their golden wedding here Saturday. Mr. i Stings Railroad Mnra war w. e wnta.l With tress, nriv'. thlt ' no higher rat. cmld be charifm! between ) Hywood settled her. in in. and rs. j JUasonjri Pacific Loses $2,800 by Be- intermedlste paints. As some of the rates between these stations amounted to 4 cents and 5 cents, the order did not suit the com' Heywood In 1SET. the latter being a daugh- ter of M. J. Mumford. a pioneer settler of; ! Table Rock who. for more than a quarter I cree of Jurr in Federal Court Damage Suit. pany. The rate was originally asked for 9 ""fury officiated as Justice of the ta compete with the Rnck Island. M (IwaalLe Still Oefevta. Tha Milwaukee ratiroad. following its i Thoma r Harrison of Juiesbure. usual custom when it filed its statement . . . . - with 'he State Board of assessment this morning, also filed a statement that it be ttered the buard has no authority to assess All of the living children were , Osro Castle has secured a verdict fn the pr-eent. as follows: A. L. Heywood of i Cnlted States circuit court against the Grand Liland. F M. H?ywood of Lincoln, ; Misourl Pacific Railway company for SlO.OOe damages for the loss of a foot, while tn the employ of that road at Auburn. Neb. Castle sued originally for 139. 00ft, and In the first trial of the case a year ago ha waa awarded ST.XW damages. The railroad company appealed tha case and a new trial was ordered, with the result of an Increase of S2.SOI in his damag-e allowance j schools anil, resigning his position, bought th light plant some twelve years ago and i has operated tt. since that time, making many Important improvements ana tncreae- Seaemalu Xewa Utttfc BLAIR. E. V. Cappa sold the Blair E'ec- tta property ln Nebraska. This position Is ; trie Laitnt snd Power plant last wek to taken becauas the rood comes into Ne- 1 the Puiloca Public iervice company for a break, over a leased line and ha. no track- ! r,;" BiLr cTy State Board .1hL Ira B. Mills, chairman of the committee en lag-.aiat.on appointed by the president of the National Association of Railway commissionsra. has written to Henry T. Clarke. Jr.. of the Nebraska commiasiun. member of tn. sub-committee on legislation t regarding the bill rerentiy reported to eon-fr-a from the ccmmit ee on inters a e com merce. Mr. Mi' is says the bill strik.ts from the or 'smai law the following: "Provided, however, that the provisions !. .. tLoiinty. Of this act shail not apply to the trans- . Buone portatlon of passergers or property or to I"i Butte the receiving, delivering, storage, or hand-i E"yi'" t Brown........ Ung of property wholly withn one state , and not ohippel to or from o foreign coun- try from or to any state or territory a aforesaid.' The letter says: "This Is an attempt upon the part of con gress to assume jurisdiction of ail com- Dress Aflame. Woman Falls Mrs. EL D. Cornean Plunjes Down Stairway "While Fighting' Fire From Gasoline Store. While cooking Monday afternoon at her home, X3I Hamilton street. MVs H. D. Comeau .vertumed an old stove and her clothing- eaught afire. Rushing from the house she fell down a flight of stairs and waa severely bruised. Before tha blaaa waa. extinguished tha household goods were damaged to the ex tent af about 1300. while the lose ta the building wilt amoajit tar S40& Mr. Comeau la a policeman:- iss Edward Fleming-, an other officer, re arced at his place. The first floor of the building waa used for a grocery stare. Mrs. Cornemv suffered only alight bums. Freight Service to Be Discussed Whan you want what you want when lnic the value of the plant to its present Ta want it say so inrougn ine Bee want valuation. Ad columns. Fair Dates in Nebraska for 1910. Deliveries to Omaha Firms Will Be Subject of Iarestigatioa by. Commercial Club. Railroad officials representing the vari ous lines which enter and leave Omaha have been requested to meet a special com mittee of the Commercial club Wednesday afternoon tn Arthur C. Smith's office to discus, freight service In and out of the city and toe facilities for prompt delivery once the goods have reached Omaha. It is expected that there, will be a dele gation of business men ready to furnish tha committee with facts. The railroads will send their representatives to hear what tha committee has to say and explain present condition, aa they are, with rea sons for their existence. President. Secretary. Address. John O Neill H. L. Brooks Albion. ....... G. r. Darting ... E. D. Mailery Alliance. -Robert Ford J. N. Fuller .Butte. cpt- 3-3) :W. H. Peck ...C. W. Potter.... .Ainsworth. Pate. . Sept. SV-S... . Sept. Zl-X... Cwlar Cliase Clav , Cuming. . , C"u.ier merer, both state and interstate, and take : fouirias tnn fh erais commlsaioiw ail their author- ! rnel ....Sept. l-ls. E. W. Chllds Z. M. Baird Hartington. James Burke .C. W. Meeker Imperial. Oct. 4-7 W. F. Hoicnmb H. H. Haxvey Clav Center .ept rM5 ....J R. Mansfield L. A. Leisy Wiener. Svpt- 1J-1S ". W. A. George C. T. Orr Broken Bow. ...Sept- I4-I7 iCharlea Mann B. F. Pltmann Chadron. Sfpt. 14-16 E. E. Youngs .E. C. Van Horn. Lexington. Geo. Perk G. W. Hervey, Omaha. ....Sep:. 39-22. .C A. Elker JBtir Snrinrs. Ducj- .-Vpt. 1-i. J- Morse C. C. Burr Bvnkeimao. Dawes i I a wwi a.. Breaded Veal Cutlets Eetter Taken Crip, Coldsa- Post Toasties sr usm! in p!a of bread. Tel's how in the little took, 'TH-E;u cia-je with Tc-iS-tiea" found ia pkgrs. Also two do-en cr niore ether ways of uin this de!i cioos food. . TKe Hemarj Lifiers Postnm Cereal Company, Lti. Be rile Creek. Mica. 4 I Fillmore i Fnsiin Frontier. Furnas C Gretiey Hsmtlton... Harlan Haves Hucncock. Hoit pr. i;-TS ....Sent. liJ-tn .iJohn Harmes... .'etlt. ...J T. Biuley Augatl-aept. X-. Fred Xolim Scot FL T. Crocker... tiepc 19-12. .it- F. O M:ley. ...H- P. Wilson. ...... Teneva. ...S. H. M lrrv FrankHn. 1 H. "heney 3lockvli le. ... W. C. Lumiey... Beaver City. H. V Rieeseo ...Bestrtce. ...T. F. Bvrte Gi-eeiey. ...Aug: 3B-Spt. JL L. Mabon 9. B. Otto . Aurora. ... jVp. 13-W P. M. Everson Anna. ... tMHit- SMJct. 1 M. L. Tennant I. B Mav Haves Center. ...ieot. Ui-'.7 C Crowe W. Z. Tayior Cuibertson. ...jiept. H-21 J. D. Grimes. Fern D. im;rti Chambers. Postal Pays Up Occupation Tax Wire Concern Files Statement of $806.70 ia. Intrastate Business for Four Months' Period. Paying under protest, as ln the first in stance, the Postal Telegraph company has sent In Its check for J1S.2Q, as occupation tax on the lntei-staie business done ln the four months ending March JL The total amount of business reported In StiOtLTO. From the New State Telephone company comes a report, the firs made, of business done In Mebraska ln four months amount ing to SXXX.M. This is the long distance branch ef tha Independent Telephone com pany and no check accompanied the statement. Now that Mayor Dahlman has formally opened his campaign locally for the demo cratic gubernatorial nomination, by the Washington hall meeting beld Saturday, tha Pahlmanttes bave thrown eft their coats for the fight. "I note by dispatches from Lincoln," said President Flynn of the Dahlman club, "that the governor's managers are credited with feeling quits chesty over the alleged fact Ciat Mayor Dahlman did not secure an In dorsement from some meeting held ln South Omaha. Wa do not know Just what meeting can be meant, but we do know that no Indorsement was sought for the mayor from any elub or other regular or ganisation. "Without our seeking several German American and Bohemian-American clubs have already Indorsed the mayor, and we are very weil satisfied with the outlook. I am willlnx to predict right now that tha governor and hi. backers will not get 2 per cent of the democratic vote ln Douglas county. In tha primary. Be won't even do that well If the county optionists force him into the open on that question, with a dec laration that 1. clear cut and that cannot be given two meanings. .... , r- Plans Drawn for Big Apartments R S. Rood and T. 2. Crane Will Erect Another Flat Building at Cost taf Eighty Thousand Hollars. An apartment house to cost SatLOOS ta an nounced at the corner of Thirty-eighth and Farnam streets. It will be known as the New Coionial Apartments and will be erected by Edwin S. Flood and Thomas D. Crane. Plana for the building' have been com pleted by the architect. L. D. Wliiia. Tha apartment, win be larger than usual and will contain eight room. each. The build ing will be four stories high, with two basement., and will be eighty-five feet on Farnam street by seventy-five feet on Thirty -eighth street. Would Redistrict Twelfth Ward Petition Eeinj Prepared to Create Six Toting" Precincts Out of Present Four. Special Offer to owners of Edison Phonograph Unless yonr Phonograph ta of the latest trpe It will not play Ambrrrj (four-minute) Rerords without the Amherol attach ment. Without this attachment it ta furnitihinjr. onljr half th entertainment it shouKL Ta introduce Amberol Rerorrlg Into your home and demon strate the added advantage of having an Edison Phonograph that will play both the Edison Standard and Edison Amberol Records, any Edison dealer is uthorieil to equip your Phonograph with an Amberol attachment at a enU chary- f 4.00 to 17.50 according- to the style of inntrument you have, and giee you, for fl.00 additional, ten specially made four-minute Amberol Records. That is Ten Amberol Records for $1.00 If You buy the Attachment These special Amberol Records are not far mi and wiQ not be listed. They have been made ft thia special purpose. Go te any Edisna dealer and hear them. Then jmi will realise what an Amberol attachment means to yoa. If titer la do dealer a ear by. write us. . . Sit js to J?n m ab F tlaaa Fhonoemnhs Eiinn Amberol Rer-orrie play rwwe ss Inns' we Kdiana Grand Opera aeronts Tie to St.M ,m.i Nebraska Cycle Co. represents the National Phono jrraph Co. in Nebraska, and carries bnize stocks of Edison Phonographs, inclndinir the models mentioned in the National Phonograph Co 'a announcement on thia page today, as well as a stock of over 100,000 record. Nebraska Cycle Co. 15th and Haxney Sts., Geo. E. Mickel, 334 Broadway, Omaha, Neb. Manager. Council Bluffs, Ia. Buy land. Every man should own a lot of land. The opportunity is greater now than it has been in fifty years to realize on good property. In The Bee today many tempting offers appear. People who acquired large estates are willing now that others may share with them. Wide awake dealers are advertising these liberal propositions today. Take advantage of it! Do it now! There is no possible way for you to ever regret it. For further information regarding this prop erty call Douglas 238, or address The Bee Land Department. Petitions are belr.r circulated asking- that f ! the Twelfth ward be redlstricted as to 1 t t votlnf precincts. There are noes tour pre- i rlnot. ln the ware and It is desired that 1 the r.rst and fourth precinct, be cut tn twe makina- six ln all. Frank Dewey of the office of County Clerk Haver! y, ia one of the leadera In the movement. He and others arrue that a considerable portion of the voters of the ward are now not casting' ballot regu larly becaiuw of congestion at the poll, at 3 p. m. and after, moat of the voter, belnc working men. It la asserted that 15M more vote. wJl be cast tf the council acts a. desired. Johnson. i Sept. 2s-JO Theo. Smith ..A. W. BufTum .Tecumseh. Kearney Kv a t aya. Krilh Oct. 4-7 I. W. Haws . Val Jenaea Minden. pt. 13-1 F1. P. F'.sner B. A. R jesa Nuriif. aruL Z!-2 C. A. t'lkea ...X T Cheer ttrotv Aug. 3U-it-1 . W. C. Itaiey ...-T. J. Buck master.. Creighton. E. El. NeuMia ...K-lmoaii. J. D. Wood. 8. R- Hall Havelock. J. Q. WaAHv ...J. I Rynearsoa.5Cadison. L. C. LaviuD... C. F. J-uucher Uuiraa. K;mnil Lancaster .......Sept. S-9 n4iwn .pt- U-t ilerrici.. spu Nmah , Oct. 4-4 H. B. Howe D. JC. C. Lenff...... Auburn. NucSoiu ffept. a-C Geu. Jacksuu.. Nelson. Pawnee Snt. Zi-TS J. P. Albcght J. S. Lowe Pawnee City. pVrre Aug. Jv.... 1L H. k mr Jt. K. bauanaua.... P'erce. Poia Sept. C-Ot 11. J. Brawn ci- T. JPut" Osceuia. Pd Willow oept .J. W. Dirt cher Jamaa E. Ryan InU:ano!a. rufw!rr Snt. IvM Fenrv Oustafsen. . .O. M Thorp Wahoo. reutt's E-Lur "PC Shis... J"rar.a Hevrs A B. W ,xi4 ...I'enr.g. ard vt. J. SL Lmienoetk . m. U. eaiuh i5rwra. Xierutea apt- J-a H. li. Lv-m "..rc..u. .-hrriut - ". H. FV Wssmur L. My. ........ Ruenvvlla. moui G. M. Lacy ..R. B. .x hnurr. ....Hurrnun. SiMiia... ...... SF- 3-23-. Tke- McLeed ..John suuxulfer 5'.uujn. .O. P. Hendersnnt...W. R. Mellor Lincoln. Jd Hacelierg.. Henry KJrvy .Tncdfora. J. C Km a P. Cnasi aTATfi FAIR Sept. 5-t ! Thumu Kept. US-C. T:ier. 8ept -.. CHARITY BAZAR SUCCESSFUL Xlse Jests is Highly flcaeed wtta rrwlt ef Wark la BekaJf ( Park Wilde Beaaa. Vise Jontz. general secretary of the As sociated Charities, exnressed herself as being-very well pleased with tha result, of the bazar held In Tha Bee building, Fri day and Saturday. "It was our first attempt to make the pubtie acquainted with the Industrial work wa are doing at Park Wilde home." said Miss Jontx "Considering this tact, and the disagreeable weattier, we are very well satisfied. The Bee company. . the news papers, the volunteer workers. In tact. t evervbodv- waa verv kind and helnftil ajirf we desire te have them know that we sincerely thank them. "The shut-ins, the seml-invallds and tha unfortunate poor, who have pride tn being able ta support themselves, wul be greatly encouraged by the Interest shown and the I patronage bestowed. Over CHS was realised from sale, in tha two days, and some of rhe worker, were able ta take erders for arrixtee to be de livered later. A User lm Ik. etaesaefc !. dyspepsia eumpiicad with liver and kidney rreuouia. Electric Bl terra hc-tp all sucn -emere er aa pe. ssc. fur sale by Ba fun Lrug Ce PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS Waiter Koff Keely of Ean Francisro, representing the Morns Theater compan ies, is at the Loyal. R. Ruble, city passenger agent of the Union Pacific at Denver, ia ln Omaha visit ing tha general offices. W. A. Plnkerton, chief of tha Plnkerton Detective agency of Chicago. Is an Omaatt visitor, registered at tha Loyal. Asher Raselter ef St- Louis, superintend ent of tha Plnkerton Detective agency for tna western district, is at tne Loyal, called here ln conference with nia chief. W. A. Plnkerton of Chicago. CLUDDIHG OFFERS Cur Price ONLY Eegnlax price for both one year. .$7,50 J & .5 0 Daily and Snnda) Bee ...$S.001 Woman 'i Home Ckjapamcti 3L50 Daily Bee (without Sunday) $4.00 1 f Pff f a ilcOur-'i UazzzLzs IZQ . 0NLY $4.60 Hegnlu price for both, one year. .$5.50 j Daily and Sunday Eee $3.C0l MeClura ' Magazine 1.50 Our Price ONLY Regular price for both one year . . $7,50 J . 5 0 THE OMAHA DEE I OMAHA, TIUQ. Invest your rent money instead of spendinn il As sure as you can pay rent, fo can you buy your own home. Paying1 for a home on the eay term plan is just the same as payinar rent, except you own the home, and all the money you put into it is to your profit, Hun-ired of people are buying their own homes on thL plan. Why not you! In Thursday 'a Ece there will be a great many choice home bargains advertised for sale on the easy payment plan a few hundred dol lars down the balance monthly like rent, - Thursday is day