Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 19, 1910, Page 2, Image 2

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Our immense stock of girls' dresses
includes some excellent values for
school "wear.
No. 68, the style illustrated, comes
in figured percales of light or dark
shades, has full pleated skirt; waist
is trimmed with contrasting colors
and braided. This very pretty style
in ages 8 to 14 years.
V, 1518-1520 Farnam Street
'oom, but all other witnesses should
Mr. Lucas, tor the defense, made ob
jection to Mr, Heed delivering the opening
statement, claiming It was the duty of the
Lucas was overruled.
At the first mention by Mr. Reed of Dr.
Hyde's alleged' Intention to exterminate
Jie entire Swops furnlly. attorneys for Hyde
mnde strenuous objection. Only facta re
lating to the death of Colonel Pwope, and
not suspicions, should be presented, they
mid. '
Objection to T.eed as special counsel mak
ing the addrens was renewed. The Jury
as removed and Frank 1. Walsh began
l vigorous attack on the prosecution.
Ilarah Word laed.
"We objpet to the hired counsel In this
tase making uch'fM.y abatements regard
ing Dr. Hyde," he said. "An attempt will
roads to Introduce evidence gathered by
llghly paid counsel, detectives, liars nnd,
ttrhaps thieves, who entered the hou?e
nd library of this man while ho was ab
ient from the city.
"Such testimony as they will give Is
rholly false, and In due time will be dis
jroven. But. If a review of It Is permitted
:o creep Into the minds of the Jury of this
'.rial. It will create a false Impression
rhleh will remain, even thotifcn the state
ments are eventually dHprovem"
At the suggestion of the court,, Mr. Reed
vas appointed a special prosecutor.
The defense spoke to the court about
leed being paid by Mrs. Rwope, and asked
:h,at he telj the court the amount of his
,"Of course he's paid." hastily said Mr.
Jenkllng. rising from his chair. "And It's
rlth the consent of the mother of one of
i$r murdered children."
Mr. Conkllng was reprimanded by Judge
Untsliaw for using the term "murdered,"
ved warned not to repeat It
The remark was withdrawn by the
.The defense's objection to the admission
f that portion of tho Ktatetment regarding
7t. Hyde's averred purpose to slay the
$ope family was overruled.
.-. (Continued from. First Page.)
orjved 7,000 names and told the petitioners
he would do all he could to "start the doc
uments on their way."
Miss Floe, La Follette, daughter of the
rugressly& Wlfieonln senator, hurtled up
to the senate side to present Wisconsin's
petition to her father, but found the sen
ator In session, and according to the order
of business, the petition could not be re.
jelved until later.
Dor ah la Favorite.
'Senator Borah was easily the favorite
In the senate chamber. He was presented
with petitions from the District of Colum
ba, Idaho, New York, Kansas and Hawaii.
"' Senator Hoot Is our arch enemy, and
tve couldn't ak. Mr. Depew," declared a
leader of the New York delegation, "so
we had to go away out to Idaho to get
a senator to Introduce our petition,;'
.Mrs .Demlng of tho New Yoik delegation
applied fur admission with some suffrag
ettes. ' Mrs. Demink Is p'easing to look
upon. - -
'"I'll' leV'you In," beamed the doorkeeper,
"tml I don't think there's room for ny
of your friends."
'"You're very brassy, aren't you," re
torted Mrs. Demlng sharply. If there's
no room for my -friends, -there's- none for
me." . ., ... . ....
Mri. Derrtlttg khdher par ;y were admitted
to another of the galleries.
" Applause- from Galleries.
The crowded senate galleries burst forth
in applause when .Senator. LaFullette pre
scried his armful 'of petitions and said:
.'"I hope the time will come when this
great . body of Intelligent people will not
fmd it necessary to petition for .that which
ought to be accorded as' a right In a
country of equal opportunity."
The suffragists In the gallery demon
strated so loudly and long that Senator
K.tan, who, was ln-'rte chair, banged the
gavel and reminded thed that applause
wa not permitted In the senate.
Two or three- of the offenders laughed
oat loud.- That seemed to Irritate the
ihalr and he declared that If the demon
stration wus repeated he would order the
ii Merles cleared.
Thar stopsd the -demonstrations.
tThe Key to the Situation-Bee Want i.-
- f - a' rrf For (W SO
' 1
Tho American
ii -better than
foreign cosU
half-no tfuty
or ship freight
to pay.
Roosevelt Pays
Visit to Parliament
of Hungary
Connt Apponyi Holds Reception in
Hit Honor and Addresses Him
as Friend of Peace,
BUDAPE8T, April 18 Although Hungary
Is In the throet of an exciting general elec
tion, the visit of Mr. Roosevelt fairly
monopolised public attention. The polyglot
newspapers of Budapest today print col
umns about his arrival and extended edit
orials of welcome "home" appear in Eng
lish. The character of the crush at the rail
way station last night when the former
president arrived, may be judged from the
fact that the chief of police suffered a
broken leg and several other persona were
Today a big crowd Sheered the dis
tinguished visitor, as accompanied by Am
bassador Hengermuller von Hengervar he
left his hotel and entered an automobile
to begin the day's program. Mr. Roose
velt first made a formal call at the royal
palace, where he left his card for Archduke
Joseph of Austria. He then visited the
House of Parliament.
Mr. Roosevelt is receiving a magnificent
welcome from tho Interparliamentary
group. Count Appenyl held a reception in
his honor add In presenting him with an
engrossed address, extolled the former pres
ident, not only as the tried, and proven
friend of Hungary and peace, but as the
champion of public morality and honesty
everywhere. He declared that no "other liv
ing statesman represented such high and
noble aspirations.
Replying Mr. Roosevelt paid a tribute to
the valor, courage and love of liberty of
the Hungarians, whose ancestors, he said.
had saved the westesti world1 from th
Mongolian hordes. Acknowledging Count
Apponyl'a personal references, lie insisted
ho was fighting simply for the Decalogue
and the golden rule. ,
Following the reception Mr. Roosevelt
returned to the palace, where he was the
guest at luncheon of Archduke, Joseph of
In the afternoon Mr. Roosevelt visited
Francis Kossuth, leader of the united op
position, woh is ill and with whom he
spent a half hour.
fr'T. PAUL, April 18. Governor Eberhart
todu received a letter from Colonel
Hog... el t, written at Naples, in which
Colonel Roosevelt says he will attend the
trans-Mlsstsslppl Commercial congress,
but cannot as yet make any definite ar
rangements. .
Four Mail Clerks
Killed in Wreck
Near Memphis
Cars Plunge Down Embankment and
Debris Takes Fire Passengers
Rescued Through Windows.
MEMPHIS, Tcnn.. April 18. Four mall
clerks are dead and three trainmen and a
mall clerk Injured as a result of the wreck
of a through flyer from New Orleans to
Chicago on the Illinois Central, five miles
north of Jackson, Miss., early today.
The dead:
W. R. L1TT, mall clerk. Memphis.
V, E. HD.MHK. mail clerk. Memphis
JONES TRELOAU, mall clerk. Memphis.
A. W. WOODS, negi'0 mall clerk. New
The wreck was caused by the tnt ne leaving
the track and plunging down a fifteen-foot
embankment, carrying with It the baggage
cir, mall and library car and two Pullmans.
The rest of the train remained on the track.
The wreckage caught fire and the bodies
were cremated. .
Colonel William Craln of New Orleans,
who was officer of the day during the
recent Shrlners' drills at New Orleans,
was on the train and organized a relief
crew, taking the passengers out through
the windows. Piocurlng fire extinguishers
from the mall car, Craln and his fellow
pissengers endeavored to quench the flames
and rescue the mail clerk, but failed.
. None of the passengers was Injured.
Union Pacific
Must Pay Local
Grain Rebates
Eailroad Aain Puled Ajainst in
uit of Omaha Companies Though
Sum is Heduccd.'
ST. LOUI3. April Zl-The United States
circuit court of appeals affirmed today the
decision of the lower court that the Union
Pacific ranroad was Indebted to three
grain companies of Omaha for rebate,
but ordered that the combined da mates
bo redueoid from H0.631.J7 to. ta.&C.IU.
The plaintiffs In the eult rers ;
dyke Grain company, the Nebraska-Iowa
Grain company and the Crowell I.umSWr
and Grain company. They alleged that the
railroad had rt.soi Iiuinte4 against tlum.
In refusing a rebate of cent a bushel
lor all freight cars , which twere- unloaded
and returned loathe yards .within forty
eight he J
iTHwaokce Alderman Outline Princi
ple! of New Administration.
ftood Service Will D Kxacted from
rhll Corporations lutll
Maalrlpel Onarrnlilt Cm
Be Attained.
MILWAUKEE, April 18.-Vlctor H.
Berger. alderman-at-large-eiect, and spokes
man of the social democratic party in Mil
waukee Issued a statemetit giving an out
line of principles m"t win guide mi social
democratic administration during the next
two years, beginning with tomorrow, when
the Inaugural ceremonies will take place.
"The socialist party of America Is the
American expression of the International
movement of modern wage workers for bet
ter fnod, better houses, sufficient, sleep,
mora leisure, more education and mote cul
ture," says the statement. . To scuro
economies as well, as political liberty will
be one of the aims of the social demoiacy.
. Municipal .ownership of public utilities,
among other things is advocated, but until
this Is reached the best possible servlcs
will be expected from these utilities com
petition is objected to on the ground that
the more competition means more cor
ruption. In bref the social democracy stands for
every radical change that will bring means
of production into tho hands of the people.
. . . Text cf statement.
Mr. Berger'a statement In full is as fol
lows: .
A detailed review of what the social
democratic administration of Milwaukee in
tends to accomplish during the next two
years will be contained In the mayor's in
augural message. I wish only to state the
general principles upon which this party
stands and upin which we were elected on
April 5. I,' of course, will not repeat the
In the first p'ace, the social democratic
party of Milwaukee Is an integral part of
the social party of America. In Wisconsin
we are officially named "the social demo
cratic party," which Is the customary In
ternational name.
. Tho socialist party of America Is the
American expression of the International
movement ot modern wage workers for
better food, better houses, sufficient sleep,
more leisure.- more education sud mure cul
ture. The founders of the republic declared for
political freedom. But we call attention to
the fact that since the birth of this nation
a revolution in Industry has taken place.
Formerly hand labor and individual effort
produced the necessities of mankind, lo
day machine labor and social or associated
labor are the means of producing those
necessities. And while in that former time
it was the Imperative duty of tho govern
ment to protect the Individual In possession
of the property he had-produced, so today
It is equally the fluty of the fiovernment
to protect associated labor, that Is to say,
the whole body of working people. In the
possession of tho products of their toll
Middle Class Disappearing.
The present system of social production
by individual ownership has produced two
classes tne propertyies class and tno cap
italist class. The middle clues: once tne
buck bone of this great nation, is fast dis
appearing in the mill of competition, and
the issue Is now between the first two
classes. All attempts to obscure this Issue
or to delay the settlement are futile, fur
all other issues will be speedily absorbed
by -it. Thus It develops that the battle
for human rights has become a battle to'
determine which form of government we
shall have in the future plutocracy Or
Political liberty alone has become Inade
auatc we i.-.ust have both political and
economto liberty. To Feeiire this Is the aim
of the social democracy.
In city atialis -u ond for the public
ownership of municipal utilities. .We are
weir&ware, however, mat Milwaukee does
not enjoy self-goremment, and that, as a
rulevno steps ean. be taken in mat airec
tlon without an appeal tQ the state legis
lature at Madison. - -
In municipal- attaira. the. tociaL democracy
stands also for radical cliange that will
bring means f produotton Into the homes
of the people. It believes In self-government
for the city, tho initiative, the refer
endum and the right of recall, in a just
and equitable taxation, in efficient sani
tary inspection of workshops and houses,
and In the public control of the food sup
ply in the interests of the public health
and in the highest, development of a rea
sonable public service. At the proper time
the social democracy will Initiate thla and
other things.
MeetluBT Present Conditions.
We call attention to the fact that the
measures we urge are lu no way a complete
n.iM, for existing evils, nor are taey neces
sarily socialistic measures. They are to be
viewed rather as needed palliatives. Under
no circumstances should the working peo
ple rest content with municipal imtove
ments. which are merely temporary in their
nature and must be entirely inadequate.
They should move onward to the conquest
of all public, powers, to an entire chunge
of the present system for one which shall
secure to the people collectively, the means
of production and distribution.
The main spring of corruption in muni
cipal afaflrs is found in the fact that a
few - alderman or officials have in their
power to give away or sell franchises to
officials to secure a share in the millions
The temptation thus offered our public
officials to secure u shade in the millions
thus given away is too reat for the aver
age man to withstand. If the city should
operate its public utilities, the motive and
the opportunity for bribery would be gone,
even if minor evils and breaches of trust
mliiht continue, owing to the corrupting
influence of the capitalistic system which
makes money-getting the sole aim of life.
The social wlemooracy, therefore, objects to
more competition in public utilities; more
competition means more corruption.
We stand for the public ownership of pub
lic utilities; but until w reach this, we will
enforce the utmost extension and possible
service from these utilities, as far as the
present laws, will permit.
Contract System ' Dangerous.
We look upon the contract system also
as a danger. It constantly Induces con
tractors to bribe city officials on the one
hand and to exploit their workmen on . the
other. Moreover, it is always in the inter
est of the city that citizens earn decent
wages; tnereiore, insieaa or contractors,
tha labor unions ought to he encouraged.
The city should tad pledged, so far as
the charter permit, to employ only union
labor, and at eight hours a day, and should
require tne same of all contractors doing
citv work.
The money made out of the city by con
tractors will better go toward the relief
of the unemployed: first by the improve
ment of the streets; second by the estab
lishment of public coal and wqor! vards and
a public Ice house. In this climate Ice Is
roUowlnr stature! rootrtapSw-
"t have a boy, two years' old. weighing
forty pounds and In perfect health, who
has been raised on Grape-Nuts and milk.
"This is an ideal food and evidently
furnishes the elements necessary for a.
baby as well as for adults. We have uied
Grape-Nuts In large quantities nd great
ly' to dur advantage." '
One advantage about Grape-NuU food
is that It Is predlgested in the pruceas of
manufacture; that Is, the starch con
tained In the wheat and barley is trans
formed Into a form of sugar by the tame
method as this process la carried out in
the human body, that Is, by the use of
moisture and long exposure to moderate
warmth, which grows the diastase In the
grains and makes the remarkable change
from starch to sugar.
Therefore, the most delicate stomach
Can handle Grspe-Nuts .and the food Is
quickly absorbed into the blooi M'ld tlnuo,
certain parts of It going directly to build
ing and nourishing the brnln and nerve
centres. ' - , v
Made at the pure food factories of the
POftum Cereal Co.. Ltd.. Battle Creek,
Mich. ' .
Jtead "The Hoad to Wellrllle," -found
in pkgs. "There's a Reason."
' Urti read th above letter! A wev one
appears from time to tine. Taty are gen
uine, true, and fall of fcui&aa interest.
i. .1 i !!l .
ss necesssrv In summer as rosl Is In the
winter. These necesiMes should be sold
st ccst. The city could easily harvest an
abundance nf Ice during the winter months,
thus employing many cltlsens who would
otherwise have to receive public aid. We
realise that giving work to the unemployed
can solve no Industrial problems, but It I
the least that can be done as a humane
dutv towsrd thos in distress.
Free education Is essential to a hleh
civilisation. Free bonk are as much a
part of free edurntlon a f-ee teachers and
trt sr-bool houwes. The social democracy
demand thnt books end scImhI utensils
be furnished free to all pupils attending
the ru,,,,c schools. '
Taxation of Corporations.
This naturally leads us to the question
of taxes. If corporations bore their share
of taxes figured even at the present val
uation the taxes or all clttsens could be
reduced 20 per cent, and there would still
be enough money left in the city treasury
which could be used for public improve
ments of all kinds. "
public health renulres - more attention to
factories and work shops, better plumbing,
mure public baths and a system of public
street closets, such as Is found In Euro
pean cities.
I'liblio health also, demands an extMision
of the free medical servlo. At the present
time many a disease and even epidemics
get their origin from the fact that poor
people shrinK rrem consulting a -pnyaican
because ot the expense, until it Is too late.
While we realise that pauperism ano
prostitution are the legitimate outgrowth
of the present Ht"ni, which submerge
the lower stratum of the. proletariat, it is
well known that certain wealthy citizens
derive profit from degradation through the
rent of old rookeries which are a menace
both to public morula and the public
health. We will see to it that all slum
property be condemned and that steps
shall bo taken to protect our boys ana
The city ouglit to afford the protection or
the law to such of its cltlxena as are un
eole to afford it themselves. At preetit
the poor know of Uio law only when they
feel Its crushing effect. A poor .person
with a Just cause has hd stundlng In the
courts unless some lawyer Is promised a
Ma- share of the proweds of the case; if
there are no proceeds the poor person has
no means of defense at all.
Th Is Is a ireneral outline of the principles
that will guide the social democratic ad
ministration. ' - . .
As to the working details, we shall have
to refer to our platform and the message
of our mayor, Emll 8eldel.
We are hampered bv an obsolete charter
and laws made in favor of the capitalist
cIkss - and th- capitalist ' class, only, - but
we sen in promise the best administration
this city has ever had, and as far as
human effort can secure it, we will make
good our promise.
Mayor Roe Will Be Absent.
CHICAOO. April 1S8. Mayor David 3.
Rose of Milwaukee stated in an Interview
today that he would not be present when
tho ceremony of Installing Mayor-elect
Seld 1 was perfoimed.
"For ten years," cald the mayor, Vthe
socialists of Milwaukee, or rather certain
of their leaders, have worked against me
on lines of personal vlllificatlon. Seldel,
as an aWlerman, never called upon me as
mayor, and I do not care to acknowledge
him by my presence.". '
Cable and Sand
System Going in
River Measure
feenate Possibly Will Pass Same Today
' and Permit Experiment of
OmahaAs to Be Made.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. April 18.-tSpecial Tele
gram.) The rivers and; harbors bill In all
probability will pas, the senate tomorrow
with but few-change-, -as it-was reported
to, the senate iby, tho: commerce committee
several days ago. Senator Brown's amend
ment, which at, one-tlma looked as if it
would be rejected, beoause of its 'unusual
character,' was aeepted'bj the- eommexoe
committee . authorising! ft .'.engineer corps
of .the .army toi ehnterater tb effective
ness of the cable .aitd reasid plan : as pre
sented by Messrs, -Pajcton and' .Clark when
here last wlntervrThls plan is to be tried
between Omaha and the mouth of the
Platte river tc keep the Missouri river
within its bounds. . Th project Js, , sjrffl.
clently new -to warrant this demonstration,
according to the commerce committee hav
ing -.the rivers and fiarbors bill In charge.
Senator Brown presented the new Idea
to the commerce committee and earnestly
urged its adoption, as the river between
Omaha ' and the moUth of the Platte is
regarded as most-advantageous for such
demonstration. .
Senator Burkett's amendment for the
survey of the Missouri river in the vi
cinity of Florence and Omaha, waa also
adopted by the committee. It Is included In
the bill and it is expected It will be
adopted without opposition tomorrow 'when
the amendment is reached. ,
In a long line of carriages and automo
biles, which extended Its length along
Pennsylvania to the capital today, was an
automobile bearing the name of "Ne
braska," upon yellow-colored cloth, and oc
cupied by Miss Minnie Williams of Kenhe
eaw,' Adams county," delegate to the suf
fragette convention from Nebraska, with
friends interested In the movement. Miss
Williams asked Senator Eurkett to present
the petition of Nebraska people to the
senate and Judge Norrie to the house, and
theso representatives Introduced a petition
signed by 10.3S6 .names favoring woman
suffrage, in their respective houses.
Senator Crawford of 8outh Dakota pre
sented a large petition of several thousand
parsons in .favor ot woman suffrage, - the
petitions being presented-by Mrs. Arthur
Fairbanks of Huron, S. p., and Mrs. John
stone Jeffrlts. president of the state orga
nisation of woman's Suffrage of Fort
Pierre, 8. D. '
S.-nator Brown today presented to the
president Robert McGlnnis and wife of Lin.
coin. Mr. McGlnnis Is general agent of
the Chicago &' Northwestern railroad, with
a station at Lincoln, although' his home la
(n Fremont. '
Argument In the case of the.;. city of
Omaha against the Omaha Water company
was begun today . In, the supreme court,
John L. Webster jopenlng for the city. He
will conclude tomorrow.
.- EMaeattonai Netca. . '
. Miss Jane B. Haines has opened a school
f agriculture for women at Ambler Pa
Mhe nolioui la: modeled-after the famous
school at Sauviea,.,England.
Stewart E. Robb- of Richmond Hill, N.
has won the Frames Sampson prize
in lino umpruving tne i acuity claim athletes are deflelnt in university
work. There were ten competiiors.
Prof.: Jerem.ah .Smith of the - Harvard
Law school, who Jma Just presented his
resignation, to take effect September 1
1U10, when he will be In hie 7d year. Is
actually a "Son.of.ilio Revolution."
Mark Twali la Improving.
HEDDIN'a. Conn., April lS8.-The condi
tion of 8niuil L,. Clemens (Mark Twain),
who is ill at his country home, showed
some improvement today. Lr. Holiert H.
Halsey, who hus been in attendance upon
Mr. Clemens, went to New York today, but
is expected to rtturn this even lair.
I- i
MeCninber Makra Pronrru, '
WASHINGTON, April 1 Senator Me
Cumber of Nonh lakoia. who was oper
and on several Cay a ;o at Oarfldd ho
pilal here, wti reported tonight to be get
llnj along very weJI. f -
".rt - Arrival. DllUd.
NKvV YnBK ti.lnt...i.
l,HIJ,AMCl.l'U!A...lrln.....,,....v ....
ST. JOMMi TunSnan
HI'. JiiliNU Ml. Trmtle
! P. J'lHNj Mnm(Wiirt
l.lVKhi'u )!.... -Britain ...
LIVEMPlidl. ....... I 43 ...,."n
iQin- NSTnv. N , Cedrle.
y t Kr. Nro'A m Coinpanla.
SOL 1 U' W Hi
10, 1910.
--! -1
Captain Carter
Must Give Up
Bior Fortune
Supreme Court Decides that Wealth
Held by Former Officer is Prop
erty of Government
WASHINGTON. April 18. Dismissed
from the army and put Into the peniten
tiary for his alleged connection with the
fraud on the government in the depart
ment of harbors at Pavannan, Oa.. former
Captain Oberlln M. Carter had a S400.000
fortune swept out of his hands today as a
further outcome of that transaction. This
was the result of a decree by the United
States supreme court.
The decree was based on a claim against
Carter for an equitable accounting for the
money he had gotten fraudulently, It was
charged. ' V "' 1
Tho claim of the government was that
Captain Carter, as engineer of the United
States army In charge of the Improvements
In the harbor at Savannah, Ga., with
Greene and Gaynor, contractors, defrauded
pie government out of more than 12,000,00.
Of this amount It Is alleged Carter got one
third. This suit was brought to obtain
possession of the securities and real estate
In which It was 4 claimed this money was
L. D. Carter of Oakland, III., an uncle
of Captain Carter, and I. H. Carter of Chi
cago, a brother, were charged with aiding
blm to conceal the alleged fraudulently ac
quired funds.
The circuit court held that the contrac
tors had reallzrd excessive profits and that
they had divided them with Robert F.
Westcott of New York, deceased. Carter's
father-in-law, and as a conclusion of law
Carter must be held chargeable with knowl
dge pf what was being done In the prem
Upon this conclusion. It was held the
United State should recover.
Of the $578,599 which the government
claimed to have traced to Carter as profits
he had received, SST3.3S2 was tied up In
receivers hands In New York, New Jersey,
Illinois and Georgia, subject to the disposi
tion of the present litigation. .
In announcing the opinion of the court,
Justice Lurton said Mr. Westcott, Carter's
father-in-law, was a "screen" for Carter.
(Continued from First Page.)
tendency toward rising temperature Tues
day, with no freexing temperature in sight
for Tuesday.
There Is every hopeful Indication, that
the backbone of the freeze will be reached
by Tuesday morning.
Just what damage will result to tha fruit
buds Is a matter ot conjecture, though
serious damage is feared. Where smudges
were used In the southern Iowa orchards
Saturday and Sunday night it Is believed
that' the destruction of the fruit crops has
been averted, and the smudging process
will be renewed tonight. But orchards not
protected by smudges are tn all probality
ruined, particularly In the central Mis
souri valley region. Fortunately the' freez
ing temperatures have not extended much
south of the southern' Missouri line.
Reports' from the Oregon and Washing
ton fruit belts Indicate no damage from
the cold snap whatever.
' But eleven out of the thirteen-St Louis
stations report freezing temperatures 6r
below. .Sunday night. ' -r i.vf
' Snow Is n reported Monday Morning' at
Hartlngton and. Sioux City, -with clearing
weather and rising temperatures at Valen
tine and .North Platte.'
Fruit Killed and Growth of Barley
and Wheat Retarded.
MITCHELL, 8. t., April 18. (Special Tel
egram.) The snowstorm of the last three
days suspended this morning after doing
an immense amount of 'damage to fruit and
what grain had been planted and had ap
peared above ground. ' Sunday the storm
raged all day. In the morning the mer
cury stood at 21 degrees, with a freexing
temperature throughout the day. Railroad
trafflo was not Interfered with until Sun
day afternoon. The Milwaukee line to the
Black Hills was open throughout the day
and the train came ae far as the Missouri
river. This morning It was abandoned there
on account of a blockade three miles west
of this city. A freight train started west
Sunday afternoon and was derailed while
trying to plow through the drifts. Another
freight was stalled in a drift five miles east
of this city.
HURON, S. D., April 18. (Special Tele
gram.) Three days of freezing weather and
snow has killed, the fruit prop and retarded
al vegetable .. growth In this part of the
state. Barley and oats seem to be perma
nently Injured and wheat seriously dam
aged In many localities. The storm Is gen
eral oer the Jim river valley.
Reports from Varloaa Cities Indicate
Fralt Cro Gea.
PLATTSMOUTH, Neb., April 17. (Spee'al
Telegram.) Ice formed to more than the
thickness of a common window pane Sat
urday night and Sunday it snowed. It is
generally believed that much of the fruit
in this vicinity has been killed.
The old settlers say that they never
before saw the fruit trees, apple, pear.
plum, peach and cherry, so full of blos
soms in this county as they were this
spring. . ,; ,
WEST POINT. April 17. (Special Tele
gram.) A violent snowstorm has been
prevailing in this section .since Jast night.
The snow already fallen is about three
inches, completely covering the ground.
The storm has alt the appearances of a
January snow, minus the cold. Damage
done by the late freeze has not yet been
determined, but enough Is shown that seri
ous Injury has been done t fruit trees,,
especially those which Voom late. In some
Instances of early apples the fruit is al
ready set oa the stem and U as large as a
cherry on some trees, the belief btlng that
In these cases no damage will be done.
PIERCE, Neb., April 17.-6peclal Tele
gram.) The winter weathtr of Friday was
followed by, a terrlflo freess during th
night, garden truck and the fruit crop
receiving a hard blow. The foliage and
leaves on the trees even were frosen stiff
and turned black under the rays of the
tun the next morning. Water outdoor
frose to a thickness of a half Inch In many
places and the surface of the ground was
frosen to a depth of two and three Inches.
The plum, apple and cherry trees were
heavy with bloom and promised a bumper
crop prior to the freese.
BLAIR, Nrt., April 11. (Special.) Mr.
William Koopman of the Mount Hope fruit
farm reports the damage done by the last
three-days', storm and Saturday night's
frette to the fruit crop of this county as al
most complete; He says that the bloom
wa Just dropping from most of the tree,
fruit, leaving the buds in the worst shape
to stand such a storm.- Raopberrles and
strawberries will be damaged badly, but
blackberries ai not far enough along td t
damsged. Thla will mf un the los of thous
ands of dollars to this county.
ST. JOHEril. Mo., April 17.-A!hoUh
the temperature went to thlity degrees this
morning, Ice forming, fruit growers In th
vicinity of St. Joseph believe that little
damage was done. It "has been enowlng
today and 1s cloudy. There 1s a slron?
wind tonight.- Indications are for another
heavy freeze. In many large orchards near
St. Joseph, smudge pots have been kept
burning for the last three flights lit an at
tempt to save the fruit, prospect being
good for a fine crop If the danger of trost
can be averted.
GRAND FORKS. N. I)., April 17.-The
snow and sleet storm wnicn Began Tiay
Is still progressing and tonight developed
Into a blizzard of some proportions. Street
car traffic here was abandoned early In the
day and telephone communication Is cut
off In "all directions. Telesraphlo reports
Indicate that the storm Is general through
out North Dakota. The thermometer is
several degrees below the freezing point
and the whole country has a wintry ap
pearance. Trains are all several hours late and a
general tie-up of traffle Is probable.
BURLINGTON, Ja., April l7.-Snow which
has been falling continuously for two hours
over southeastern Iowa continued today.
Tha weather was unseasonably ecr.a.
SPRINGFIELD, 111.. April V. There was
a heavy fall of snow In Springfield today.
Farmers were warned of the possibility of
WEBSTER CITY, la.. April 17. (Special
Telegram.) Ice froze two Inches thick here
last right. Some three Inches of snow fell
and It has ben snowing at periods all day.
Vegetation . waa the farthest advanced In
years and great damage nas been done to
PEORIA. III., April I". Snow baa fallori
here and throughout this section of Illinois
almost continuously for twenty-four hours
and a heavy frost begsn to settle down late
Heavy Frost la Predicted for ftonthern
Nebraska and Kansas.
KANSAS CITY. April 18. Temperatures
ranging from 27 degrees to S8 degrees above
zero, accompanied by Intermltent flurries
of snow, represented the weather conditions
In western Missouri, eastern Kansas and
southern Nebraska last night and early to
day. Government Forecastor Connor said that
the clouds In this section would dlssappear
today and even colder temperatures would
prevail tonight.
In Oklahoma, Arkansas and northern
Texas, milder temperatures were recorded.
there being no frost In that section.
Horticulturists fear that the fruit was
injured In some portions of tha Southwest
last night- .
NORFOLK, Neb., April 18.-The north
ern Nebraska fruit crop la believed to be
ruined, as the result of a blizzard which
swept this territory yesterday and today.
The temperature was 25 this morning.
Secretary of Mlasoarl Board Says the
Crop Is in Danarer.
COLUMBIA, Mo., April 18. Fruit crops
in Missouri have not been damaged by the
present cold weather acordlng to a bulletin
Issued today by T. C. Wilson, secretary of
the State Board of Agriculture, but they
are In danger. Unless the cloudy weather
lasts until the temperature rises much
damage Will result.
LA. PORTE, Ind., April 11 Fruit growers
and farmers today declared that the heavy
snow which fell last night In northern In
diana ' and southern Michigan Instead of
killing the'' fruit crop was of great value
to the fruits and the winter wheat. Many
growers' raised the tempera rure In then? or
chards by' turning oil pots.'
Bee Want Ads Are Business Boosters.
Comet rises Tuesday 3:83 a. m.
Comet rises Wednesday 3:61 a. m.
The Weather
FOR NEBRASKA Fair, with rising tem
perature. FOR IOWA Fair; warmer west portion.
Temperature at Omaha yesterday;
Hour. ueg
5 a. m 28
6 a. m I!
7 a. jn 31
8 a. m 30
9 a. m 80
10 a. m 81
11 a. m.... 8
12 m 88
1 p. m M
2 p. m 86
t p. m..,., H
4 p. m S
5 p. m 8(1
6 p. m 34
7 p. m 84
8 p. m... 35
'Shor&Ay Suction Cleaners
Worldng To Beat
the dust demon to get the home clean
' and sweet for the summer is ont-big-job,
It costs money, it costs time, it turn
the home into a comfortless, dreary
tarn, It tiret muscles, shortens tempers,
tries nerves and, most of all, those
clouds cf dust are full of germs and
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wife, yourself and family.
A "PEERLESS" Suction Cleaner
will clean your home a thousand times
better without moving a thing, and
without raising a speck of dust. .
Illuilratrd booklet and addreu of tuartst
PEEJtLESS dealer, fret on reguett to
Manufacturers Outlet Company, Affg.
89 Ouuubars Sweet. New Yerk
FerhbW , '
The Bennett Company.
Orchard Si WUhelra Carpet Co.
Omaha, atsb.
Z.lfe U like
' A tulnoe pie,
A little of
Smoke ' Irnil Basttr,
. So Clffara.
rorget Sortews
Ouly tae Joys.
iilit Boulh J ml Street.
Bourkc twenty
five the best suit
or raincoat valuc'
possible to produce
tor $25, are achiev
ing deserved popu
larity. The wearers of Bourkc
twenty-five n u m bcr
men who have never
previously worn roady-to-wcar
garments. Men who arc at
tracted by style. Men who ap
preciate fine tailoring. Men
who demand exclusive fabrics,,
nnd men who expect excellent'
value. ..
We are sure you will appreciV
ate these satisfaction-giving!
garments nnd would like to
sell you your clothes this sea
son. Drop in rind talk it 'over.
Spring Suits $18 to $40.
Raincoats nnd Overcoats $18
to $40. .
318 S. 15th St.
AFTER the dentist has're
x paired the damage your
teeth have suffered through
neglect, the daily use of
r. Lyons.;!
ii Powder
will cleanse, preserve and
beautify thenv without in
jury, and impart purity
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The only tiigh-c1M
Baking Powder sold of
a moderate price.
You may have no stocks or
bonds, but you have other things
of value, the loss of which would
mean much to you.
Your money, Insurance policies,
contracts, leases, deeds, abstracts,
receipts and Jewelry are not safe
In your home or in an office' safe.
Absolute security is to ' be ob
tained only In a modern safe de
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Our safe deposit boxes rent fot
only 1 for three months. Call
and see them. . .
American Safe
Deposit Vaults
F. O. II.VMER, rresldont.
Hee Dhlg. 216 S. 17th St.
Xast Time Tomorrow night Charles B
Hanford in "TBI AMERICAN X.Q3D.'
Prloes, BSo to S1.S0.
Tuesday and Wednesday, Kstlnse
Wednesday Maude Adams Is ''W1UI
Evuar WOMAN KiOWS." '
C A I'll US
Twice Dally. Matinees, ISo and SSo.
Evenings, BSo, SSo and BOo. IT MAST H.
Canada, Algeria big duns in . sotfba,.
twenty others. Vest week I India, Boot
land, the runaway train many others, i
Matlnse Every Day, S:18 Evalng, SUB.'
This Week The Klght OeUha Girls, ;
Hammond and Atwell Co., Jean Clermont's
HurleHfiuo" Circus, Warren and tiianrhO
srd. World's Comedy Four,- l-va Mudo, .
M Franklin anil Standard, , The Kino.
drome and the Orpheum Concert Orches
tra, Price loc. 2&o unu Uic...
Brags tB-0-B0-79a
suv, u-a- .
111 dnnlnir Friday nli?ht
1 w ice u.i.y -' - . , . .
ii.. Murln ana sag.
iff. rerran, z-ieocii
. . ... I . nannri . IlA fha
u n OT,UJUiM sj - - w
or iinnim iir iiiFiivi'
X.dls Dim Uatlaee Daily ht 8n6.
Trtday Is "Amateur Wight," Cash r-l
Saturday Bight. CUawploa Jack Johnson.
: uifNKrfT RECITAL.'
CeoU aierryman. lanlt.
On the eve of tlielr departure fur.fcurop
' to atudy miislo
TXVBBDAT BTEB1KO. pft"' 1,10
. Adiuleslon. 7(ia and j '
Tickets on aale at Hpe and Bchmulie
4k Mueller -