10 film ,BEE: OMATTA. TUESDAY, APRIL 19. 1010. FAR 11 AN- ......v.. iCommued.) rierlCa. FLOW DA FARMS CHEAP .o...u iu 'i..rtt I- "' fruit, vegKuauie. v.uui y. l-can farm In r lonoa Dest ir,ci.nur die net u yuu cOkiin i U " l'-r "VU"U'' a new tract of land In Columbia county. p.,u, Hi ' " " iranti on cahii or ea.y .inent ut P ' muntn and at $W p, i acie umi.r .' pr.ee. v nave just .esuea a beau ,iui tt pag book, snowing pictures of t.chls and Jweillnas in our loa.ny a.l In ert.stio ool oia. we will ma" ou n. book neo na s-nd you such otner atlvei t smg mauer as will give you a food Idea ot ,u, urupo -lion. Our land m convcne.it 10 to laii roarfs and we nave a moiin city ot . people in our imdat. People h"u noi ma cunnider our tract one ot ine vry vtxi propositions in Florida. It la rndorawi by .banners, coiigieHxmcn, farmers and me t.oanl ot Trade. Columbia-!' lor.da Lena to., 4 Tlmea Bldg., St. Lou.h. Mo. Illinois. DESIRE some choice . aqultlea In good, well located land, having amall Incum brance against; nave goou. clear property -to ofler. Rueeell La eourd. 101 Callan der Ave, l'eorla III. tons. rOR' F.XCItANGi: oood $500 atock dry goods, ahota and groceries; what hava you in clear land or iiicuin property f M. II. Wlnnard, Wyoming, la. 4: ACRES of bottom land In Iowa, pear Council muffs, pi ice, $76 per acre; will take $15,0)0 In clear land or good merchan dine. Also SJ acres In Hairiaun county; will trade equity for something clear that Is worth the money. Address 1). M. Rem ington, Mondainin, la. IOWA corn land la best lai.d; 110 acres four mllea town, fair buildings. W.000; 153 acrea two miles town, fair buildings, ti.&OJ. Write "4. Buffalo Center, la. Kamaaa. MO ACRES pasture, well fenced, plenty water, In Barber county, Kansas, for rent, sale or exchange; state what you have, owner, K. a), l'ow. I.ila. Kan. THE) CREAM O THE CREAM. We have for sale six farm located In eastern Kansas within 70 miles of Kansas City; they are convenlunt to schools churches, and good towna on main line of railway; most of them are well Improved, and sightly locations. In richness of soil they are equal to the best lands In Jackson county. Missouri of Johnson county. Kan sas, which sell at from 1100 to 250 per acre. We will sell these farms at from fJn to f per acre; M par acre will buy as good a farm, with as good Improvements, as can be bought In the above counties at from 1125 to f;5Q per acre. Ho trade, but lair terms. Act promptly. UT. JOHN & PARK EH, Olathe, Kan. . KANSAS FINELY niPKOVED FABMS, , $20 PER ACRE All rented, paying from 10 to 22 per cent rent. Best alfalfa in the world. Easy terms. If not as represented, will return your expenses. NOWATA IjAND AND LOT CO., 24 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Red 19M. POSSESSION 80-acre farm; well Im proved; rich soil; ii acres In cultivation; near good town In aoulheaat K annus; price, 2.6U0. Address owner, L. IX. ITIuley, Caney, Kan. 7" Michigan. MICHIGAN FARM BARGAINS. Send -stamp for our catalogue. Gives location, pricey owner'a address. Several coulee farms In famous Michigan Fruit Belt. CLOSTKRHOUSK & WOOLSTON, . Urand Rapids, Mich. Mlaaesotav. FOR RALE My fin Improved farm of 1SS aorea, three miles from Montloello, Minn.,, Improvements, soil and location all good; price, o5 per acre; will sell with a small payment down and easy terms qn the remainder. C. W. Soeabe, Greene, la. Mlaaaarl. .... ' II ACRES between tree's Summit and Lone Jack, on rook road; well improved; price, . $4,W0- Jcnn W. LuttrelU Indepen dence, Mo. , FOR SALE In Camden county. Mo.. aplendld ranch tract, 620 acres; springs, running stream; 60 aores Improved; clover meadow; bottom land; blue stem grass; free range. Also loO acres Joining famous ' 11a Ha Tonka park, and many other tracts, small and large, amounting to 10,000 acres. Price, terms, address A. It. Jackson, Cli max Springs, Mo. 160-ACHE bottom farm; every acre till able; 6-room house and other outbuildings; 15 acres under plow; fenced and cross fenced; 6 acres hog pasture, fenced with plank; 40 acres pasture, balance aaw tim ber; plenty of water; want income prop erty, merchandise or notes secured by first mortgages on real estate; piles M per acre. Address B..F. Clardy, Ethel, Mo. KOUTH MISSOURI CATTLE AND SHEEP RANCHES. 2.120 Taney county; Improved, watered; $6; terms. 2,200 Christian county; improved; snap; L400 Oregon county; unimproved; dandy; i.sOO and 1.9C0 Carter county; $5. 10W) and 1.240 Taney county; 4 and 440 aud 1.4U0; 6. All well watered, flu graas and snap bargains. OSAGE REALTT CO.. Osceola. Mo. ORCHARD landa and cheap, on easy terni.i. If interested write boutrt Mis souri Land and Orchard Company, Doni pnan. Mo. FOR SALE on long time and easy terms; 4 unimproved 20-ncre tracta and 4 10 acre tracta, on good road. H mile to school, I mllea to Blue Springs; price t1 per acre. George Hughes. Blue bpriags, Mo. I CAN TELL YOU why good Improved land sell in this beautiful climate at from tlO to 115 an acre. Address Box 47. Ozark "Teltraxaitat. INSPECT AND YOU WILL BUY THIS It UO acres In souihw.st Ark.. 1 mllea city of , 26,0v0; raiiroad station on land; Ked River valley; solid body; no richer farm land; everal Improved farms on tract; hickory, oak. ash timber. For quick sale, 17. U) per acre; terms, inspect and you wlU buy. LKGRAND W. JONES. Texarkana, Ark. 1 X- WESTERN REAL ESTATB. ' Farm and town property where railroad right-of-way is fcougiit through. Kir.kaid homesteads. Dry land to coma unoer gov romcnt canal. Imn't .wait Addreaa I'. O. siux No. luX, Grlng. Neb. FARMS, Improved and ummDroved ranches.- F. J. D:ahner, O'Neill. Neb. 640 acres of good, level grus land, north east Nebraska. Is clear of lncumbrnnce. If old before May 1. will take fl.toO; o,i easy terma, ( per cent deterred payments. Ad dress Y 263, care Bee. Oklaboaaa. OKLAHOMA BARGAINS 40 acres extra I'd bottom, two sets Improvements. It. I0 per acre, beat county for corn, wheat, oat! and alfalfa. Our list free. Kaima 4J.0U0 to $I.U0il. Lefeurve ft Wood. New Kl U. Okl. 110-ACim Oklahoma farm for sale or ex clmiKe fur clly piwpvrty or busluew. Thus. J. Harrison, fryor, Okl. OICLAIIOMA We have 100.000 acrts of choice land to select from, ruidui in price rum i to $o per acre. This land Is la the oil anl cas district and you tulghi set au oil well uh vcur Innd. NOWATA IJtVD XD IX.T CO.. Sulla -4 New York Life Side. Mart h Uuketa. LA ROB and small Iraets of land for sale In North lakoia and Montana. Missouri Val:y Land .'o I'ickiiiaon. N. I KX) IUPKOVKI FARIK.S FOR f4AI.K-s-)0 ill buy viie. balance half crop pnymenia Wadorth Laud and 'l ree Co.. LariC'too. N. 1 - T:S THOT'SAKD acres' of homestead land In fertile Vant county, N. D A nap; $1$ per acre. Lyoa Laud and Loan Co., 14obtli. N. IX REAL ESTATE FHIM Al) HAXll a, A .Ml FOR tAt.E (Continued ) , Ohio. BUSINESS FnCU'KKTY In FlndlaT. O. for wetern land; property renla for Hi per month; fine locution In one of the bent towns In Ohio; will give you good trade. Write for further particular. Chae. Stay tnau. tort Dodge, la. SoaKIa Dakota. OR A NT COUNTY, B. D.. FARMS. 100 acre t miles from Troy; 120 acres under plow; 20 acrea timothy, balance meadow; all nice, level land; best of soil; small houre and granary; fine farm. Price, &.Z.0; 2.J,0 cash, balance at t per cent. $20 acres miles from Troy, 130 acres under plow, balance all tillable; Rood soil; no buildings; a beauty. Price. $10,501); one half cash and balance at 6 per cent. SW acres 24 miles from Troy; 120 acres under plow, 70 acres tame grans, 100 acres fenced for pasture; all nice land and all tillable; nice large house, good bam, gran ary, etc.; nice grove trees; I wells, good water, tin-barrel cistern; a beautiful home. Price, $U.3uO; one-half cash and balance at per cent. 40 acres miles fiom Troy; 400 acres under plow, SO acres tame grass, balance pasture and hay land; 2-5 acres fenced; 12 acrea grove; fine large house, large barn, granary and other buildings; well of good water, windmill, tank, etc.; to own this farm means to be happy. Price, $40 per acre; $9.0U0 cash and balance at per cent. Also have raw prairie landa for sal on easy terms. Address. THOMAS It. STEVENS. Troy, 8. D. DOUGLAS COL'NTT-320 acres mile Armour, 2i0 crop, balance alfalfa and hay, fair Imp.; Al farm, easy terma. 820 acres 8 miles Armour, one of the very best Im proved farms In county, land perfect, 100 acres tame grass, balance crop cultivation, fine grove, orchard, this Is one of the best bargains In county. 320 acres t miles Ar mour. ZjO cultlv., new barn, fair house; a genuine bargain In this. 1M acres, ail culti vated, no buildings;- a bargain, near town. 15 other choice improved larms In Douglas and Charles Mix counties, prices 40 to S70 per acre. BRULB COUNTY 380 acres 2 miles Pukwana, new hou(-e, other buildings good, 2,'iO cultivated, land the best 640 acres S mile Pukwana, 110 crop, al! good, tillable land, good set Improvements, at a bargain. ItiO acres 4 miles Pukwana, well Improved, one of the best snaps In county. 120 acres 2 miles town, well improved, a snap. 60 other Improved and unimproved places In Brule and Buffalo counties, S20 up.- Have nothing but the very choicest pieces of land. Write for further Information and Huts. W. T. BARTLETT, SOS Grain Exchange Bldg., Sioux City, la. SOUTH DAKOTA LAND The rush is on for Stanley county land; sevoral new lines of railroad now . building in this county. Huy now nd double your money in the next two years. Choice lands selling at from $12 to 118 per acre. For mans and In formation write to Felland Realty Co., 6:'l Palace Bldg., Minneapolis. Minn. SOUTH DAKOTA LANDS. - 840 acres, lvlns on the valley at the foot of the Wesaington hills, with 15.000 worth of Improvements, consisting of a good, new bank barn 40x65, with plenty of room for hay, cattle and horses: a good elcht-rnom house, granary and corncrlb; artesian well running through nog pasture; tuu acres ot this land la as good land a there is In Hand and Beadle counties, with Just enoiiKh slODe to drain nicelv: the other forty acres consists of twelve acres of Rood natural timber, good high building spot and fine pasture land; 400 acres of this land is In cultivation and 200 acrea Is fine hay meadow; level land and should be cultivated; this land pnld 15 per cent Inter est on the Investment for the last five years; It can be bought for the small sum of $42.50 per acre, on good terms; the place has the advantages of rural free delivery and telephone; this section Is .cither an In vestment or a home for anyone to nannie, with or without stock, as It Ilea tributary to cheap pasture land; only six miles from Wesslngton, and will bear close Inspection; this is one of fifty or more bargains that we can offer. Wesaington Valley Land Co., Wesaington. 8. D. Texaa. FOR SALE At a bargain, an Oklahoma farm, In the richest agricultural portion of state. For particulars address Geo. J. Martin. Amarlllo, Tex. SPECIAL fine proposition of 7,680 acres', all-fine land; -Joining the city-of Midland, Tex., on T. P. R. R. ; part can be sold for town loot balance for farms; already run out In tracts from SO acres urt; all tillable; the town la booming, and this can be handled on 140.000 cash; will agree to give deeds with each 0 tracta with separata set of notes; 10 annual payments', a per cent Intereat; can furnish blue print; write me at once. Will Jennings, Italy, Tex. FOR SALE Cheap land. In old Mexico and Rio Grande vnlley, Texaa: any size tract; adapted to sugar cane, cotton, fruits and general agriculture; large acreage timber, mineral oil and gracing; some Im proved ranches. Address O. C. Hlllebrandt Co., Lands, Loans and Investments, Browns- vlllB. Tex. IRRIGATED farm in Toyah valley: 160 acres In alfalfa, 40 acres ready for corn; tnift is said to be the best farm in the valley; will pay 20 per cent this year. Write S. E. Washow. Saragosa, Texas. Virginia. WHY remain "where the climatic condi tions are an much against you when you can purchase the richest land, at lowest prices, In 'he country of Manatee? A ten- acre farm here will net as much as 1W acres In tho north; delightful climate, no drouths, convenient markets, abundant laror, good schools; goods shipped from tills county are sold .at highest prices In northern markets; establish a fruit and vegetable Iarm here and become Independ ent; write for booklet J. W, White, Gen eral industrial Agent, b. A. L. Railway, Norioia. va. Waablngton. DAIRYING PAYS. And nowhere better than In Snohomish county, Washington. But little freealng or hot weather, no bad storms and small grain, grass, roots and most frulta yield great; no failures. Butter Soo per lb. and higher. Our best dairymen have money In plenty; 18 years ago 1 brought cows here from Wisconsin and have done dairying, ao talk confidently. I am now selling real estate and many farma. Have one of 155 acres, mostly bottom land, near Inrffe condensery and good city; water piped into buildings, now support ing 40 cows. Price with tool and some stock.. $15,500. Good terms. More big and little. Write for particular. J. A. BAKEH. Room 3 Walsh Bldg , Everett. Wash. Wyoming. , FOR SALE Ranch on Colorado and Wyom.'nu line; consists of .600 acres of grazing and hay land; ranch I now slocked with cattle and sheep; will sell ranch with or without atoclr. For further particuiari apply to Harry Tathain. Jelin, Wyo. II Iscella neoas. NOW, you Ree readers, get busy. See what snaps I have in land. Leander Clark, Kearney, Neb. REAL ESTATE WANTED WE HAVE BUYERS FOR t, $ and '-room houses. If prices are rleht , csn sell your property for you. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO. Suite tU N. T. Life lV.ig. WANTED To hire, broken and planted to corn, 40 acres at Fort Calhoun, Neb. Dr. Ross, Tel. Webster 1192. HAVE I10O00 to $3f.,000 to Invest In first elass Income properly. Must be well lo cated. 1'refer brick bundinT. E 241. care Bee. REAL ESTATE LOANS WANTED City loans and warranta. W, Farnam riratih it Co.. Karnam St. LOANS t heme owners and home build ers, with privllete of making partial pay ments semi-annually. W. IL THOMAS. 101 First National Bank Bid. OARVIN llltOS., Ill N. T. Life, 110 to :-00 Cm en Improved property. No delay. V tn l&.OvO on homaa in Omaha, O'Keefe R.l Vtats Co.. 14 N. Y. Life. Douglat er A-tlis. MONEY TO LOAN Payne Inrestment Co. FIVE PIT CKNT MONET te loan on - " Oonaha- bonlneta rroperty. THOMAS JIKKNNAN. Room L New Yoik Lite B.da, REAL ESTATE LOANS tContlnued.) WANTED City loana. Feers Truat Co. $100 1o lio.ooe mult promptly. F. D. Wead, Wad Dldg., 18th and Farnam. LOWEST RATES Bemls, Brandela Bldg. SECURITY Is of first Importance In making an Invest ment. Wa have a numher nf Bond ninrl. gages secured by Nebraska farms and bearing i pvr cent Interest, which are of fered lo Investors. Pee our loan department witn reference to these. I PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., P"u theast Corn er lf.th ap dFa rn a REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Farm and Ranch Land. 2 ACRES, 6-R. htuse. 4Sth and Mander- son. 4 acres. 7-R. houxe, 4fith and Harney. 23 acres, small Hous 40th and Boulevard. F. D. WEAD, 1801 Farnam Ht. SWAPS ONE ot the finest ftutt farms ever built; 10 aerea large and amall fruit: modern house; an Ideal home aud a big money maker. It is worth 17,000. Do you want It 7 NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. 8ulte 624 N. Y. Ufa Bldg. Ked 1993. CLOSED carriage or street hack, landau let style, but lltle used, made by Cunning ham and sold new for $1,004 This carriage la now worth $000 In cash, but we would exchange It for horses or for vacant prop erty or for weatarn land. Johnson, Dan forth Co.. 8. W. Cor. loth and Jones Sta, IS.O00. 117,000. $20,000. General merchandise. 115.000-117.000 hardware. wants land. Please give legal number In first letter. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., Suite 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Red lutt. You Want a Barm the other fellow wants city property or stock ot goods. We want tne commission. Bend us full description In first letter and we will you a trade. NOWATA LAND A LOT CO.. Cult 624 N. Y Life Bids. Ked 1J9H WILL exchange good quarter section of land In Kimball county, Nebraska, for ftve pansenger car In good condition. Address Y 258, care Bee. Two bouses clear $4,000 Trade for land and assume a reasonable amount. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Red 1999. WHAT have you got to trade for Colo rado Irrigated lands under good reservoir and ditch? A, C. White. Fort Morgan, Coio. IF YOU HAVE Property to the amount of $3,000 to ex change for a good mrmeymaklng business write MIDLAND INVESTMENT CO., 103-4 McCague Bldg. SOUTH OMAHA Famished Hooma For Rent.. NICE furnished room; hot and cold -water; centrally located. 2316 I. WAVERLY HOTEL, 2310 M St.; Am. plan; bath; $1.25 day; weekly, $5 up; meals, 25c. Offered for Sale. FOR SALE Barber shop; call or address James Turner, 412V4 N. 2Bth, South Omaha. Hedn Wanted. WANTED Lady cook. Kline Hotel, 106 N. 24th St TAILORS G. A. LINQUEST CO.. 235 PAXTON BLK. MAX MORRI8. Ml BROWN BLOCK. V. TAUCHEN. Krug Theater Bldg. WANTED TO BUY BEST PRICE paid for second-hand furni ture, carpets, clothing and shoes. 'Phone Douglas, 3P71.','.". " . ': .' " ' SECOND-HAND elotblng. party, afternoon dresaea. John Feldman, D. lias or Ind. A-263S. I BUY, sell and exchange second-hand goods. Sol Rosenberg. 103 & 14th. Doug. 5886. KEISER pays best for furniture, - etc Antique furniture cheap. 1020 Center. D. 6663. WANTED TO RENT We Are Getting Numerous Calls For Houses of All Sixes. List With Us. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. (24 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone Red 199. too Late to classify WANTED: 10 good salesmen immedi ately on educational proposition, small salary and good commission. Commence work at once and win De sieaay traveling for six montha at least. Unmarried men best. Salary and commission will be bet ter than $125 per month. You must be a hustler, willing to work, hard, and be able to submit tne nigneat reierencea ana furnish surety bond. BESIDES BEING A GOOD SALESMAN PRICKER MEN QUALIFIED AS PRINCIPALS OF SCHOOLS. FIRST GRADE TEACHERS (male). HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES (over 22) BUSINESS COLLEGE GRADUATES. REMEMBER YOU MUST BE A SALES MAN. Read this ad carefully. It Is not play but hard work we want. If you can qual ify and are willing to travel continuously fur six months making small towns see Mr. A. C. Hoff, Hotel Home, Tuesday night, 7 to p. m. OMAIIA FARMS. One mile southwest of Dundee, 90 acrea, on Leavenworth road, no Improvements, hiKh srrounda. 8250 per acre. Terms. Nine mllea west of South Omaha, less than mllo to U. P. market town and paved road to Omaha, 270 acres, well improved, orchard, maple grove, $126 per acre. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1002-8-4 N. Y. Life. Douglas or A 2152. 1903 Stoddard-Dayton Touring Car, with too and full equipment: uaed but little $2,300 19U9 Stoddard-Dayton Roadster, with top and full qulpment; used but - little, fine condition 2.000 1907 Stoddard-Dayton Roadster, with top and full equipment, good con dition 1,200 19US Stoddard-Dayton Touring Car, 7 paaauiifcer, full equipment, over hauled 1.600 Waverly Electric, without battory.. 1.T0 With battery SjO Reo Touring Car, 2-cyllnder, 1906 mcdel 400 1907 Stoddard Dayton, with touring car body and limousine body; all In good condition 2,000 DEK1GHT AUTOMOBILE CO.. 1818 Harney St. WRITE for our booklet No. 65. describing 112 quarter sections, flrst-claas land at $18.00 to t-"7 50 per a-re. State how many acrea you are in the market for. State Map and Booklet No. 65 Free. F. J. Farringlon A Company, 406 New York Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. FOR SALE One 7-room modern house, with barn; a bargain at $2,800. A. W. Bock, ton N. &th St., Ssuth Omaha. AUTOS GOVERNMENT NOTICE CHIEF QUARTERMASTER OFFICE. Omaha. .Neb., March 21. 1910. Sealed pro posals. In triplicate, will be received here and by the quartermaster at the posts named heieln, until 10 a. rn., cent:al standard time, April 21. 1910, for furnishing mineral oil and gasoline during the fiscal year ending June au, 1D11. at Omaha and Forts Omaha and Ribinxon. Nebraska; Fort Dea Moines, Iowa. Furls Riley and LtavenwoMh. Kaniae: Forts D. A. Rus sell and Mackensle, Wyoming and Fort Maade, a Li. Untied Slates reserves right to teject or accept any or all proposals or any part thereof. Information furnished on application here, or to quartermaster at the stations named. Envelopes contain ing propoaals should be marked "Pnipusajs fur Mineral Oil or Gasoline." and addressed te Major D. 1C M'CAKTH Y, C. y. M. mi-sav-u-u-a . REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Real estate transfers for April IS WU, fuinuhea by tne Muliaud Guarantee ami trust company, bonaea ausu actera, im rtinnm street, le.. Lxmaiaa 2Jt: N. A. KcKtry and husuaml to KUa Cusick, etu.i 8u teet of north 70 leet ot lot L. blocs. , Hlunn's $4 add...$ 1,250 McCaaue Investment company tn Annie Gerber. lot s, block lit, city, vs.im W. w. Vvenquest to C. E. Wenquest, st of norm l.D feet of wft of e ot lot 4. iisgan's I F. V. Morgan and husband to Holmrs-Adkins Co., west 60 feet of lot 6. block U5, Kountse Place 4,600 Raiston Townslte company to F. Ke.ohiavek. lot 32. block 24, Rals ton Ralston Townslte company to Chanea Ili-lohlavek. lot 24, biock 12, Ralston 175 Ralston Tuwnsite company to Anton Belohlavek, lot 41, block 23, and lots 1 and 8. block 24. Kalaton 1 II. L. Denton and husband to James Pauisen, east 6 feet of lot 6, block 1. West Knd 8.0W Joseph F. Murphy and wife to Ed Sealer, lots 20 and 21, block 1, soutn Omaha View 226 A. R. Nelhart and wife to William Jaaperaon, lot 5, block 1, Himebaugh & Patterson's sub 750 S. M. Owyer to John P. Kehoe, rot 15, block i, Patrick's 2d 760 Dundee Realty company to It M. averts, lot 17, Block go, uunaee . Place 600 R. G. Stroble and wife te F. 8. Hotch- kitis, east 83 feet of lot 10, block 5, Read's 3d L"&0 Ida V. Tl.den and husband to Otto A. Weiss, kit 3, block 8, Exchange Plare i 376 The Marble Savings bank to William A. Gordon, lots and 7, block 228, city 1 4,250 E. Ohman to Tlllle Loftman, lot 8, block 1. Curtla & Stone's 1 O. T. Banner and wife to V. E. Hughes part nwV of ne',4 sec. 6-16-13 500 Joseph Rtelger arid wife to Ed C. Hchtndler and wife, wVi lot B, block 4. Credit Fonder 1,700 M. A. Danbaugh to Nettle Peterson, lot 3. block 3. Marysvllle 3,760 John E. George to A. O. Schelglcr, lots 80 and 81. Sullivan's 300 Joseph V. Kasper and wife to MateJ Krajeoek, west 33 feet or east 99 feet of lot 4, block 11, S. E. Rogers' 1 Reed Bros, to Bertha A. Kruger, lot 8, block 3, replat of Durant Place 450 C. K. Sweet to C. H. Sweet, lot 13, replat of block 3, Bemls Park 1 S. D. Bangs and wife to Stella Riv ers, lots 1 and 2, block lo, Summit add 600 S. A.' Broadwell, et al., referees, to John Rebensee, lot 1, block 130, Flor ence : 146 Stephen D. Bangs and wife to Anton Welsxhowieskl, lot 16, block 14, Sum mit add 325 J. E. Wakefield and wife to S. E. I Springer, lot 12, block 49, South Omnha 800 R. Hansen and wife to M. Gladys Morrill, lot 18. block 102. Dundee Place 9C0 Grove-Wharton Construction company to Rasmus Hansen, lot 19, block 102. Dundee Place 3.600 Carl Jensen to J. Armbrust, east 32 feet of lot 9, block 25. Wilcox' 2d add 2,000 M. J. Mllitgan to M. Bell, lot 1, block 33. Ambler Place The Westland Realty company to Reuben W. Elton, lot 20, Howes' add. 8,000 The Westland Realty company to R. W. Elton, east 8 3-10 feet Jot 19, Hawes' -. 73 B. E. Wilcox and wife to William B. Long, south 78 feet lots 2, 3 and 4, block 24. Walnut Hill 10,000 R. K. Bell and wife to A. W. Jones, lot 10. block 81. Albright's Choice... 6") 283 800 300 W. E. Sage to It K. Bell, same Nellie Kerby' to Garvin Bros., lots 10 and 11. bloek 1, Ames' Place S. H. McKlnley And husband to L. Wl'cox. lot 8. Colfax sub C. M. Lansing to Charles Welnfleld. lots 10,-u and 12. biock 3, Portland Place - . 4,000 220 Kenwood Realty company to Barbara Klrchner. lots lis and 1S9. Kenwood John H. Butler and wife to Joseph K. Musgrare, lots 1 and Z, block 7, Bovd's t. 500 H. Friedman to Harry Bernstein, lot 6. GodfrevV , 8,000 Joseph E. Mtwigrave and wife to John H. Butler, lots 16 and 17, block 4, Pruvn Park"' .r.:. '.'.'. 2 S. -T. and AE.'Flretone to A. M. Floher. par lt 1F. Chnrlsen Heights 4" S. J 'nd- A K. Firestone to A. M. Fisher. Jnti-157 and -part of lot 158. Chnrlsen Heights .... 91 F. ft. Paroflns to O. H. Bullard. lot 7, block SV Boyd's....;.. , 1 LEGAL NOTICES CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION. State of- Nebraska. Office of Auditor of Public Accounts, Lincoln, Feb. 1. 1910. It is hereby certified that the Penn Mutual Life Insurance company of Philadelphia, In the State of Pennsylvania, has complied with the lnsuranoe law of this state, applicable to such companies, and is therefore author ised to continue the business of Ufa Insur ance in this state for the current year, ending January 31, 1911. Summary 'ot. report filed for the 'year ending December 31. 1909: r INCOME. Premiuma ...... .....$17,296,864.48 All other sources.. 6.371,219.81 Total f 22.668.0S4.39 DISBURSEMENTS. Paid policy holders. 10,327.8-I4.88 All other payments 4,059,859.84 Total 14.387,704.72 Admitted aaaets .... $108,786,753.16 LIABILITIES. Net reserve ". $87,650,772.00 Net policy claims.. 681,9a. 78 All other liabilities 16,198.624.46 $104,331,221.24 Surplus beyond cap ital atock and other liabilities.... 4,456,531.91 4.465.631.91 Total $108,786,763.15 . Witness my hand and the - seal of the auditor of public accounts the day and year first above written. (Heal.) ., SILAS R. BARTON, i -Auditor of Public Accounts. C. B. PIERCK, Deputy. C. Z. Gould, General Agent, 620 Bee Bldr. Special A Kent K. W. Foster, Bernard Kohn, C T, Tlatt, C. D. Braun. ( 19-D-lt OCEAN STEAMSHIPS Maximum Steamship Luxury Six Days Hew Ycrk-P&ris Gjmp&jfnie Cne'rale Tr&nsatl&ntique Elegant modern express steamers leave New York lor Havre. Thursdays 10 A. M. Express train connections for Paris and all continental points. pMseng-ert have tbe comforts ol famous hotels satMrior cultine, palatial suites, mag niticeot salons, orchestras, gymnasium, eleva tors, roof garden, dally paper and every desired lurvry. Naval ofrlcera; man-o'-war dis cipline. Stety is amply provided for by wu- s and submarine bell signals. , . , La Lorriv.ie, May 6 , La Touralne, May 21 La. Savoie. .May in La Lorraine June 2 La I'rovenoe. May 1$ I La Savoie. June 9 Additional atlllDss at M cabla prtes alttraata tartar br popular sue elaa cabla ataanMr 14 to tl.W. , J. M. BITVOtCS, - 1509 rarnam St. W. B. BOOK, Al. O. M. ft tiU T. Ky. K. O. GHin.ua, 164)1 rarnaai at. J.OXTJM JtJIiiAX, rirst National Bank. HAMBURG AMERICAN all Model Safety SaTtoea (Wireless, eta.) London-Paris- Hamburg a Praa. Omit.... Mar 4.Bluaefeer Mar ti e PwiluyWanla... Mr '1 1 IWMtachlaJl Mr 1 a Grax. WaltUraae Mar 14 a Pres. L4nwla ..June 1 t tC Auc Vie. ..May xlOrana June I (a) Hita-oarltutt a 1 a carte fuataurant. (ol Hamburg d tract. fa) Naw. BabttJTg-Amartcau lane, 45 B'way, M. T. r looal Areata QaNEIMYIAN-AKKICAN LINE t3 10 eoO Toe Twla-Bcrew Paaaisr fiMBtn llirael ta (.ortvaiy, Siveifi zni Deomsrk narar II ...April tllH.llla olav Ma H r. K. Tialsaa May 4 Dacar II Juna I Vnlft Siataa Mar l " K TI(.o . Juna It All luaaur snipped Vlraiaaa, SlraC cabin. Hi asaara. aautn' a!-u. tag.. A- av JOUkiOj at CO.. Ui 'aat Klnle at. Cklaaa. a T LOU lit AUkMT. mEim uiE WMF U YOU GET WORN. DONE. COME. HEKt, I flAVt A JOfl FOP YOU : YES, JAKE. A MAN THI WORLD HAS GOT TO HUSTLE ALL OF THE ITIME! ITS Jhustle.hus TLE, HUSTLE JA I WE MUST WAKE HI UP JAKE. DO MOT LET HIM SEE ME! AFTER WE WAKE HIM WE MUST TRY TO GET HIM Or'HlM FEET. LETS StfAKEW lznnn Akin ooikir WWVir r We- I1(I1IJ i HIM To HIS senses; fforou ARE THE. ONE.' (J EH? TAKE THAT' .tOrtlUCiKT. The Boss of the BY A MERE MANN. The Boss of the Establishment was ob viously excited. So was his wife. So was everybody else in town. From which alt wise fans will infer that the only day In the year had arrived, when the most blase city in the world. New Tork, throws Its hat in the air and Its dignity to the winds with the mighty shout: "Play ball!" J" "We must get there" early and' avoid the crowd," the Boss announced at about the time that 40,000 other, citizens made the tamo astute observation. The Boss' eyea sparkled In joyous an ticipation of a great game. Ills wife shared his ebullient mood; partly, perhaps, because she, too, was a fan, but mostly because her Chantecler hat and her new gray suit formed. In her eyes at least, an irresistible combination. On other occasions they seemed equally oharralng to the Boss, but on that day, as they Journeyed in .a packed elevated train to the Polo ground, . It was all one to him whether an Egyptian mummy or Venus herself sat beside him. - Neither would have been . more or less to him than an Ignorant female person, whom It was the part of the masculine wisdom to enlighten on the fine points of the na tional game. All the way to the grounds the Boss ex pounded and explained to his own intense satisfaction. "I guess I never told you that I was the crackerjack player on our high school team," he . observed with a swelling chest. "At one time I even thought of becoming a professional I had so many offers from major league managers." Of course the Boss pointed out all the great players as his wlfa eat In rapt ob servance of the practice stunts. "Ah-h-h!" and a great sigh of satisfac tion - went up from 40,000 throats, followed by a mightier hush, as the home team loped out on the field. And the game was on! ; The visitors went out In one, two, three STUNNING i .;M . 'V.',w r V4 i f 7i bearinosTTN .w ft.. -N K.rwr- ..e -ta.t r L.-S'Vl OLD ftLUf I f IMC VlK LI IV l HJ JLl I i 1 1 W A MAN. ESPECIALLY (J(' V"N AV """V P NtllsHBOrt. Or t t " - . jl fvr l I I . l X 1 X I 1 V I 1 I I.I J I "s. vn I '.S-ir r SHE . 1MGA im liPTOLMvliiL M -t YCAJft fori'. THATS OUfc NEIGH80R. AID ERM AM KAGG HE S GOT A LEtfl IE TOO MUCH'- MY! WE CAN'T LEAVE HIM TrirW IN THAT CON DITIO N! WE'LL HAVE "TO TAKE .HIM HOME ! (is iritf YO0 JAK WHFRP I THAT FOUR -INC BOSS or fYoUft. BOSl IS' ArA WELL'. WELL! THAT I'j THE THANKS WE ..GET FOR BRINGING HIM HOME! THE NEXT TIME ru. JUST LEV HIHSTATV ITILL Hfa NCHED.V 1I4 IT. TN IftJS VOaK IVtHIM TILEMM (W TO'S MUL0 CX Establishment He rLioe : slide n Cr:-'i yfiRicKco Trie Boss' uiirc order, and the Idols of Coogan's Bluff pranced in far their half of the Inning. The first man up hit the ball a mlg'hty awat. "Gracious!" shrilled a high feminine voice, "but that was a corking three jsacker! Slide!" shrieked the lady fair. "Slide! Slide!! Slide!!!" as the runner plowed his vay feet foremost ahead of the ball to third base. The Boas turned In amazement to see what women In his vicinity was so skilled In the fine points and slang of base ball and so Infatuated with the game. And as he turned he beheld a creature with dancing eyes and cheeks stlU flam ing with excitement sink to her seat with sudden pained consciousness of the at tention she had attracted. It waa the Boss' Wife. "Say!" he exclaimed, "why don't you get out on the tilamond? Maybe you could give the umpire a few points on the RAINCOATS ;1 11 ..(! . ill! ', ,. ft !!' i V'1 P. V". inn'v"' ' i .- "WW I-l.li. coats of llglitwright , woolens rub-l.-erbced and made on mannish lines are exceedingly popular In Paris, London and on tills side of the ocean Just now, and models aiuh aa are shown ubove are par ticularly stylish for young women for car riage or automobile use. .The plain and simple fronts of these coau make them especially desirable for not only rainy weather but for morning use. fAJ 1) 2 L - M i I I . II .j. i i , 1 1 rs arr - jr I J TV J 8B .. r r l it n i i rwk. iv -r .fL m i ll V' V. 1 if vj; wt v I A T I E 1 fc'l 'IfHll mm m - - i.u ' -s. L V WW r s m r a i'a rai i nn tv l w NOW. Wt'VFN! COT HIM"" .c ) CAN 5ET him JSTAmO. HE' 1 1 'be all night! we1p better. STEADY HIM ALONG FOR A SHORT DlSIANCf III HE GfTS: STTki nu wrff AGAIN! IVE GOT YOUR HAT. JAKE: WEJJr JUST KEEP RIGHT ON WITH HIM'. HE WILL SOBER UP SOON. IF HE DOESN'T WE'LL TAKE HIM' All THE WAY, lUUJ IF IT HADN'T BEEN ME. fiOOONESS KNOWS. HE'D BE IN THE LOCKUP NOW SHE DIDN'T Mf HE SEEMED TO TAK HLR SPITE OUT'ON , j AKE ! SHE 'A VEM (fSUPPOSE SHE WAS excited: JAKE PACK TO HIS CHORES, faiortO- M hum ' Gives His Wife a Few Pointers on Base Ball Ethic3. .1 "I hTl 1 .3 itv v Mo X i STRIkEI game! And here you let me explain tatngil to you as If you'd never seen a base bal game before! May I auk where you ac quired ' this Intimate technical knowledge of the sport? You talk Ilka the widow of a dozen league mnnagersl' ' The Boss' Wife laughed. "Why, don't you know my brother Jim made the team at college?" she asked. "I used to go to all the games and watch the boys prac tice, too.".,, , ., . ,, , .., ., .. Really," he observed, oondesaendlngly, "you seem to have a pretty fair under standing of the game for a woman." As the words left bis llpa a foul ball soared into the grand stand directly over , the Boss. i Instantly he leaped to his feet. HlJ arms shot up there was a sharp sniacU aa the ball struck bis bare hands and then incomprehensible' fatality It rolled un der the seat amid a storm of derisive yells from the other fans. "Hey, there, butter fingers!" "Oh, you Mike Donlln!" "Say, Bo, you've got it all over Kllng!" The Boss face burned under the fire of taunts. Ills wife glared fiercely, first in one direction and then another, seekingv to cow the leerers with her most Intlml- dating glance. "You're Just a littla bit out of praotloe, aren't you, dear?" asked hie wife, tact fully. "But I could Just see by the waj you Jumped up you must have been a wonderful player when you were In train ing. By the way, there's something that Jim never could make me understand. What Is a fielder' choice?" And forthwith tbe Boss forgot his hu miliation and In hie favorite role of fam ily oracle explained things for half an hour. "I went to the base' ball game yest'r day," remarked the Bosh to the Con firmed Married Man next morning, "and foolishly took my wife along. She doesn't iinHnaiDnit invihim about the sport and the result waa my afternoon off way sponea. FOR WINTER k yf - LJ4 1