TIIE BEK: mi A1TA. MONDAY,. AritfL . 18. 1910. IN AND PRODUCE MARkET eat Valuei Continue to Decline with Bearish Sentiment. HUMP COMES ES COIN 1TLICE3 . -' - Balls Sapvortlna:'. Rrw Cron ratore, at Cash Condition Bias, wltb . . f'ontlnaal Dhitmi la 5' J Prvralam. 1 , ... v OMAHA, April 1. mo. Gossip In wheat la unchanged, bearish entlment still rule and value are still declining a tho cash situation la not Im proving and northwestern stocks continus to Increase. The new crop futures are be ing wen supported on tha unfavorable crap news In Kansas and Nebraska. The corn market slumped with the de cline In-whoat. JThe cash demand, which has been active all week, waa, easier and waa a weakening feature. ' ' Wheat ruled weak throughout the session, sentiment sull ruling neariHh In the pit. bulls are Still iimw.rrtnv the new ern futures, but cash wheat conditions are slower and premiums are being lowered steadily.., Corn opened steady, but weakened late under selling pressure due to the weakness In wheat. Cash corn waa slow and sold o lower than yesterday, demand not being as ac tive. 1'rlmery wheat receipts were 3M,(W bu. and ahlpinenta were 397.000 bu., against re ceipts lest -year of 1,000 hu. and shipments of 2H0,m bu. r Primary corn receipts were 842.000 bu. and shipments were 8x7.000 bu., against re ceplts last year of 206.000 bu. and shipments of SJS.0U0 bu. - Liverpool closed K'ti'&tik lower, on wheat and nominal on corn. Jocal range or options: , Ai Holes.! Open.) IIIgh. Lew. Close. Yesy. Wheat May... 1 OS ' . MVil I. 1 03 !8 1 03 1 03 98 Iti 56 66 4f". 42 8S' 39 July... vern al sy.,-. July... Bats . May... July.I. M'4 06 42' 53 56 42 SUV. ; Omabav Cash Prices.' WHEAT No. 3 hard. $1.0291.03; No. 3 hard, DSoiyfl.OJ; No," .4 hard, 80'uc; rejected hard, 70Vs5o; No. 2 spring. 11.02V 1 03; No. spring, !cB1l.02; No. I durum, 86Q86c; No. 3 uuriim, W'uHGc, ' ..- CORM-No. 3 white, tlvHW; No. 3 white, B67c; No. white, &M,.'3c; No. 2 yel low, 54c; No.' -yellow,. 63vi4j54c; No. 4 yel low, tootle; No. 2. 63'AlfiVUi: No, , 53&63c; ISO. 4, bofilc; no grade, 8')r46c. OATS Standard, 4iro"41Vic; No. 3 white, 40Vd'41c; No. 4 whita, 39'rt40V4o; No. 3 yel low, Viijtc; No. s.yellow, No. 8 mixed, 89(400. , HARX.EY No.. V 6102e; No. 1 feed, 50 tfolc. t ' KyE-N.'f'72tfc; No. s;..ft72 Carlot Keeelpu. Wheat Corn. Oats. Chicago 26 130 118 Minneapolis j 148 Omaha 2 69 10 DttlMB- .v;;;.w.;.-.A 69 ; CHICAGO GRAIN, AIID PROVISIONS . Features of tno Trading and Closlng " . Prlcea on Board of Trad. CillCAGO, "April 16.-Wheat prices fell . off today under heavy selling pressure and .Closed from 'u'lo down. Corn and oats were' affected toy the weakness In wheat .-amd also--declined. Provisions stumped a sharply, at tha start and -continued on the , down grade tpth dose, finishing, from 10c to $1.02 off. With tha exception of a brief Interval In Uie early day whan fears of frost damage to .the. growing crop Induced a slight flurry Id. the distant futures, bearish sentiment Nled hd: values declined. July dropped lfce-from, its, high point 'of 31.08 to a low of $101. Quantities jf long grain were thrown pp, the market and the demand was wholly Inadequate to support the load. The close was- wealc-all around at practically iioUorrv.lgiHvea,., wh, ulyt lio: off at 1 1.014, 'e'l 03 and September o down at 1 OWl.00. . ...... Corn allowed some firmness early In the ..session and. influential' buying credited to x elevator. and shipping Interests, the futures generally advancing Kc. When the lump In wheat values came the support to tia corn, prloes gave- way and all tha . futures declined. There waa a slow de mand for caah corn and prices were steady 'to o of?. No. 1 yellow sold at 58frG9c. The: -closa iwae taketv for all the futures, jwlth May -0-off at B7o. Weakness of wheat and corn .over balanced other conditions In the oats pit and ' transformed comparative firmness .early"' in- tbe day.-, weakness-which con tinued to the close of the session. The ! '42o wa .r,,Lk w'trt May Sc off at 42 . J Lower- prlcea for llva hogs and the ex- peotation of increased arrivals at packing , centers last, week bad a depressing effect In the provisions pit' and all products opened at a decided slump. Final figures . nm Tuwrr croantTS ttwi: tork 92e down at $21.05; lard. 67flOc off at $12 12 13.15. and ribs, 62 off at $12.00v 'ho leading tufures ranged as follows: Article,! Optm4Jllgh. Low. j ciose. Vesy. l:What ...,Mayri. July Sept. July 8'pt. Oats. May J"1' Potk ' May .. .July - 8ept. 'L&rrt ' . ,Mayt T 1 0 1 03 1 09 1 04 ' 100 6 61 1 00 . tfo 42H-!Tl4243 3954 404 , 38 21 97 22 20 22 12 13 72 13 47 12 40 12 53 .12 37 12 27 37i on 21 25 21-10 12 15 12 05 12 00 13 00 11 90 8e.pt1 ,lbs . M aw r July 8ept 11 87 No. i. Nuih quotations were as follows: FLOUR-Easy; winter patents, $5.30.55; winter straights. $4 306 23; spring straights. . HT't W); bakers. 12 .9fj$fj.30. RV E No.- 2, IHfiSoo. . . BARLEY Feed or mixing. 43g62c; fair to choice malting.' CPYic. , SEEDS Timothy, 14.60. Clover, $117" PROVISIONS PorK, mess, pr bhl., $2100 03500. Lard, per 100 lbs., 812.87I2.40. Short ribs sides (loose) $11. 7!ai3.12; short 'clear sides (boxed), $13 50ti 13.76. .' Total clearances of wheat and flcMr were equal to 120,000 bu. Primary receipts wero , 8S1.0iiO bu., compared, with 2S1.000 bu. tho ' corresponding day a year ago. i . Estimated - receipts for Monday: Wheat, 1$ ran; corn. 10 cars; oats, 147 cars; hoss . Sl.poo hea4, ,- .. . ': ' St." 'Lobla General Market. BT."LOT'l8. 'April 16 WHEAT Futures, lower; May. $1.06; July. $100. Cash, , lower; track. Jt'o 2 red. Sl.lofil.ll; No. i CORN Futures, lower; May. $9c; July. .(Jo. .'Cash, Iowi-k tsack. No. $, lflt'3U,c; No., white,. 3c.-- .... OATS Futures, lower; May. 41c; July, o Cash) lower; track. No. I. 42c; No. . 2 while, 460. -, RJE-Nonilnal. 80e. , . FliOr R I'nchangid ; red wlnlrr patents. 8t)5. 70; extra fancy and straight, $4 Uit liaro winter lars. ' $tC5'o 3 IW, SKKL Tlmothv. $i.O0(i 3.50, .. . , C'ORNMEAL $3 25. -HRAN Quiet; sacked, east track, $1.06a -1.07, -" v- - .. HAY-Iweri . timothy, $U.50iiJ8.00; praV ''FAOlNt-7o: ' " ' HEMP TWINE 7c. v I'RovjKiON!-Pork, lower: p-lme job i 'iu. li.ju Laid, lower; prime stam. $13.U'al2.42. Dry salt meats (boxed), un rhangedr jex.ra shorts, $14X1; clear ribs. $14 K.1. short c4ear. 15.Un,.. Hjcon (boxeji, unchanged: extra shorts, H6.37W; c)ear ri0. $16JiW: short clears M. T'D- POf-LTRr-Flrin; ct.lckens, We; ssrlng, 30c: turkeys, Sic; ducks. He; geese 8c HI ITT E Il-Stead v : creamery. 27 o 32e EGGS Elrmer, wo- ., ' ... Receipts, Shipments inour, bbls. i.-!. .ux 5 ) Wheat, bu.. Corn, bu Oats, bu 4 too 11.40.1 1 9S0 " K.owo 4.M00 Mlaaeapolla Grain Market,. MINNEAPOLIS Apr 16. WH EAT Mav, 0i; July, Jl o-'a:. !eplmer.-sjc.. feh o. 1 hard. $1 M 4 '. mrhern, ,$1 0-.ff 1 ! sNo. ,r).ltU) 4rra. $i.rt 'o IV, ;i, Mo. 1 ll"'i'l 1 EIjOV-'R In wood. f. o. b.. Minneapolis: JTU-st patents, $6.25.40; second patents. -109 .1-07 1 03 1 03. 1 01 I 01 1 01 1 00 5R-Si 58a . 67i 61 ,j , 61 ,.. 60 i2HHf . . 63' 62 I 4Zig-43 43 42 .40.fl 8t 3tiVy v SSVi . 87 3J-70, 11 70 31 05 ,22.00 .23 00 . $1 26 23 00 23 00 21 10 1$ 5tW IS 62 13 10 13 40 12 40 12 Oft 13 25 12 2o . Jl 95 12 30 12 86 13 00 13 25 12 .25 11 SO 12 06 L II 05 U (0 R XvnS 20: first clears. Hl!Vfi4.25: a. cond t LA X-J KV fOIIN-.Vo. 3 vellow. 'rf..1o. OATS-No. 3 white, "o. N KVK-Nij 2. TSfi71c. " It RAN In 190-lb. sacks, $18.0Oj?R;5. . WEATIIF.R I THE GRAI.f BBtT Light Rata General, nlik Tem pe ra ta res Mark Lower. OMAHA, April 1, 1910. The barometric depression, noted in tha pfeaedlng repoit as central over the upper Mississippi valley, has shifted eastward during the last twenty-four hours, and now extends In a trough shape from the upper lakes south over the central valleys to the gulf. Unsettled weather prevailed through out the valleys since the preceding report, and light rains were general. Rains con tinue In the lake region, the Ohio and Mississippi valleys this morning, and light snows are falling along the Missouri river In Nebraska and Iowa. Temperatures are much lower from the mountains east Over the.central valleys to the lakes, and frees Ing wenther was general throughout the upper Mississippi and Missouri valleys Isst night. The Indications are. favorable for continued cold weather In this vicinity to night, and freezing temperatures are pre dicted for Nebraska and Iowa. The following shows the temperature and precipitation for the last three years: . 1810. I. 1908. 1907. Minimum temperature.... .12 81 41 88 Precipitation 00 .13 .00 .01 Normal temperature for today 51 degrees. Deficiency In precipitation since March 1. 1.28 Inches. Deficiency corresponding period In 1909, 1.52 Inches. Deficiency corresponding period In 1S0S, 2.02 Inches. L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. Cora aad Wheat Region Balletln. For Omaha, Neb., for the twenty-four hours ending at 1 a.- m.; 75th meridian time, Saturday, April 16, WO: OMAHA DlfiTRICT. Temp. Rain- ' stations. Max. Mln. fall. Sky. Clotidv -Cloudy Pt. cloudy Cloudy Clear Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Pt. clondv Clar Pt. cloudy Bnowlng Clotidv Knowing Cloudy Cloudy ' Pnowjng Cloudy Ashland, Neb 45 S2 .00 Auburn, Neb 63 li ken Bow, Neb. 40 34 27 .11 90 83 31 82 27 32 82' 2 ' 32 28 Vi 82 24 26 .00 .06 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .02 .04 .03 .00 .00 .02 .00 .00 .11 .00 Columbus, Neb... 43 Culbertson, Nb.. 53 61 44 Falrbury, Neb... Fairmont. Neb. Or. Island. Neb.. 4C Harrington. Neb. 86 Hastings, Neb.... 45 HoldreEe, Neb.. Oakdnlo. Neb... 46 37 Omnho, Neb 42 Tekamah, Neb... 41 Alta. la.... 41 Carroll, la.... Clarltxla. la.. 44 4S 40 38 Sibley. Ia Sioux City, la.. Minimum temperature" for twelve-hour period ending at S a. m. ' ... DISTRICT- AVERAGES. No. of . Temp. Rain. Central. Rations. Max. Mln. Inches. Columbus, 0 17 74 53 .20 74 ; 58 ' .30 IndlannpollsJ 1 nil.. 12-.' Chicago, 111 26 13 14 71 ., . 43 . . .30 rt. 1 .on is, mo . 74 46 Des Moines, la. B 32 .00 40 . 32 . . .50 Minneapolis, Minn. 80 Kansas I'lty, Aio.. 24 56 . 84- . i. .80 Omaha, Neb. 19 . . 44 30 .10 Freezina temperatures were general Frl day night throughout the Minneapolis, Des Moines and Omaha districts of the corn and wheat region. Appreciable rains oc curred In all except the Des Moines district L. A. WELSH, , . Local Forecaster, Weather Bureau, DEW YORK GENERAL. 1 MARKET Quotations of . thl , Day oa Varloas Commodities. NEW YORK. April 16. FLOUR-Dull and barely steady; spring patents, 85.4o4J5.70; winter straights, $3.Wii)5.20; winter patents, $.356.76; spring clears, $4.40ft4.76; winter extras, No. 1, $4.25(2(4.60; winter extras. No. 2. 3.ii&S 4.16; Kansas straights.- $5.0005.15. Receipts. 13,746 bbls.; shipments, 6,348 bbls. Rye flour, dull; fair to good, $4.264.46; choice to fancy, $4 504.88. - - .. CORN MBA L Steady: fine white and yel low, $1.461.50; coarse, $1.86(J1.40;, kiln dried, RYBJ-t-NomlnM; No." western, , 58c, f. a'j b. New York. ' ''i WilEATJSpot dull; No. 2.rert.' $1.17. c. 1.J r., to arrive; no. l northern,' fi.i,(S. open ing . navigation. Option wheat was, firm early on Covering by shorts on j the cold weather In .the west, chut ,on tha advance there was renewed selling nn weak , cash. May, $1.16frl.l7. closed $1.16-,. .My. Al.10 ftl.U, closed $tl0; -SepUrmper olpsed at $1.07. Jtecelpts, 19.W10 bu. . ' . CORN Spot market steady1;, steamer, 63c, nominal, export basis; No'. 4, (Oo, ele vator, export basis; export No. 3, 64c, asked. The option market was 'without transactions, dosing unchanged. May closed at 68c, July at 71o and September at 71c, Receipts,' 11,250 bu.; shipments, 3,677 bu. OATS Quiet; mixed, 26 to S3 lb.a, nom inal; natural white, 26 to 32 lbs., 46tH7c; clipped white, 84 to 42 lbs., 478SSc. Option market waa without transaotlons, closing nominal. Receipts, 13,725 bu.; shipments, 1,706 bu. HAY Irregular; prime, $1.10; No. 1, $1.10; Ne. 2, 95cti$1.00; No. 3, 0g95o. . HOPS Dull; state, common to choice, 1909, 2:VnMc; 1908, nominal; Pacific coast, 1909, Ib-g 19c; 1808, nominal. HIDES Firm; Central America, 22c; BogoU, 22g33c, LEATHER Firm; Jiemlock firsts, 26'S1 29o; seconds, 23(27c; thirds, 224j25c; rejected, 20-a2ie. ' ' . PROVISIONS Pork, weak; mess, S25.7S; family, $27.0a27.60; ahort clear, $J5.75&tf7.50. Keefs. steady; mess, $15.0OB16 00; family, $19.00gl9.60; beef hams, $34.0OS26.00. Cut meats, quiet; pickled bellies, 10- to 14 lbs., $16.004217.00; pickled hams, $17.60. , Lard, weak; middle west, prima, fl3.OOfl3.10; re fined, weak and nominal; South America, $14.76; compound. $10.2T610.50 TALIjOW Quiet; prlmo city, ods., 7c; country, 77o. RICE Steady; domestic, ztjocj japan. 6''tfVkc. BUTTER Weak; creamery specials, sac: extras. 82c; thirds to tlrst, ..anisic; neia second to specials, 2M?Slc. CHEESE -Quiet; State, full crenm, new, best. 13c: common to fair. 11 13c. KOOfi-Stesdy; western storage select ons, 22tt234o: regular packed, extra firsts, 22 2So; firsts. 2.'fa22Hic. soutnern,, regular, packed .firsts, 2113.220. POULTRY Alive, steady; fowls, 22o; turkeys, M'ri2De. Dresoed, firm; fowls, 15 19o; turkeys, 17?23c. Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. April 16 WHEAT May tl.02. sellers: Jul. 97fi'970. sellers; Sep. tember. SC-vwc, sellrrs. rash, Z7Mo loaer; No. 2 hard. $1 .0,M51 .09; No. 3, $1.01dj 1.07; No. 2 red. 81.10ijl.13; No. i H.tWl.ll. CORN May. 57e. bid: Jily. 6a59c, sellers: Seuiember. b&'Afi 58iO. sellers. Cah. unchanged to c lower; No. ?. mixed. 5.4 W5Sc; No. R. W257c; No. I white, eodjtwo; No. 3. f.9sj59c. OATa Vncbanged, nomlnaU No. 2 white, 42M46; No. 2 Ultxtd,. 41i645a. , . RYE -,7c. - .- " -' - HAY I'nchangedl" cholra timothy. $15; choice H-alrle, $10.751111.00; Choice alfalfa, 1.WV(V 17.50. . . . ..-'' Rt'TTKR I'nchangsd; creamery extras, 30c; firsts, 2io; stcondi, 36o; packing, stock, 20c. EGGS 6c. Jower; current .receipts, new cases, $5.73; iniscellaneoua casts. $5.70; southarns. $5.45; toraf" necked. $6.15 Receipts, Bhlpine-" Wheat: bu. ,:..? $mo- IS.ooo Corn, bu ". 2 000 -' (-9.000 O&tS. bu.. : 8.CO) 8,000 - PtlladcVthla Prodnoe- Market. PHILADELPHIA. April 16. BUTTER Weuk: lower; extra ura creamery, 34e; nearby prints, S5o. EGGS Mady ; fair demand; Pennsyl vania and other nearby firsts, free cases, 2Tc. at nisrkr current recelptsrln returnable cases, at mark; western, fre. cases, 23c at mark; current receipts, free cases, 22c at mark. - CHKK9E-Quiet: new, ViK. lower; J full croenis, choice, old. 17"f17c; fair to good old, 10lijlic; new, 14ui4c. ' Liverpool Orala and Provisions. LIVERPOOL. April 16. WHEAT - Spot, dull; No. 3 red weotern win tar, no stocka Futures, dull; My, ?s8d; Jyly. 7s 8d; October. Ts 6d. CORN Spo(, quli-t; new American mixed northrrrik 5s Sd; old American mixed, 5 ml; Futures, dull; July, nominal, MIlwaskM Grain Market. - MILWAUKEE. April 16. FLOUR-Dull. WHl5AT-.No. 1 northern. $1 HJiLlJ; JJo. t northern, $1 .0b'v l.Ot; July, $1()1T, OATS 4tc. 1 " "'' BARLEY Sample,' 08.. - - . T. . . Du.lo(h Grain Market". ! DULlHlI. Arrll 16. WHEAT May, $1.4,; JulS'.' ' I1.09;'' 1' hhrthern. $I.0i; No. $ northern. $l,05j' ;.,',. OATS-uc. v. , ; . . , '-.' Tutletl) Market, .vv.c ' TOLinvi, wltnif M EEr' -Clover, oash, r 10; April, S5; December, $6 .42 "4. Tim othy, prune, $J lu. Alslke, prim. $I.ia Oil AHA LIVE STOOL MARKET Cattle Eeceipti Are Light and Pricei Are Nominally Steady. SHARP DHOP. IN HOG VALUES Material De-llaes la Provisions Drives Market to Lowest Polat la May Weeks hee ArtNois " tnmXtr Steady. SOrtH OMAHA, April IS, 1S10. Receipts were: - Cattie. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday.. I... 1 14$ 4.471 .oii Off Irlal Tuesday l.V ll.m s.ww Official Wednesday 4.311 11.4H1 $ 216 Official Thursday t,i0 10.443 4.8J9 Official Friday 7 7,14 5,2 bsumata Saturday 144 o.f" " Sir 4av hla aralr 20 R04 r.4.j 21.648 8?,3' 34.:J.12 Fame days last. week... .lu.6 Same days $ weeks sgo. 23,1 Ham days 4 Weeks ago.Jl.W7 3i,244 41.S90 ciMiii u.;. ittm jrvKr dv.jvi cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for tha year.Ut date, compared with last year: ' mm loot Inc. Deo. Cattle 393,156 273,318 18.838 lioas . .670.803 819 156 148.2M4 iic isi ti7 6'r. 72.375 Sheep ,, MAI," ....... m - i i i ,. li . . . v. .Mrill. tie luiiuwiiii isuie ehuhi prices of hogs at South Omaha for tha last several days with comparisons: Data., 1910. 19U9.190$.1987.1U.1905.1904. April 7... April t... April ... April 10.. April 11.. 4 98 4 91 4 91 4 96 4 88 4 81 4 Of 4 99 4 89 April April April April April 12 18 14., 15 16.. Sunday. Receipts and disposition of llva stock at the Union Stock yards, South Omaha, Neb., for twenty-four hours ending at I a'clock p. m. yesterday: RECEIPT6. Cattle. Uses. Wabash Missouri Pacific Union Pacific C. & N. W., east C. V N. W . west C, St. P.. M. & O C, B. & Q., east C., B. 4. 14., west C-, R. I. 4V P., east Illinois Central 1 4 13 1 4 29 3 7 14 1 2 4 M Cattle. Hogs. 07 1,0 ....... w 1,441 W ..... 11 Totals.... DISPOSITION. Omaha Packing company.. Swift and Company Cudahy Packing company. Armour St Co n fccti warts-Bolen company... Other buyers Totals....'. '..' ; 11 3,574 CATTLE Only four cars of cattle were reported In this morning, which was not enough to make a market, and prices were nominally steady, as compared with yester day. As compared with a week ago, clos ing prices this, week Oo not show very much change so far as the desirable, light afld bandy weight cattle are concerned, while tiers has been a decline of 10.016c on the ordinary run of plain, .heavy cattle. Both local dressed beet men and eastern buyers have been anxious for fat, handy weight s leers, and they have sold well all tha week, while there has been a disposition to discriminate against - the heavys. cattle, and unless choice, they have been alow and unsatstfactory sellers most of ths time. A good share of the decline Of ths early part of the week,-however, has been regained "and tha general tone to ths trade at the close la rather strong than other wise. - ' : Buppllea-of cows and heifers have been of very moderate proportions -tui week, sua on tnis account and partly because 01 the broad demand, the trade has been In very-satisfactory-condition from a .seller's Standpoint Good to choice, fat cows and heifers have been in active request 'right long, while vthore has. been a good- In quiry from feeder buyers for desirable thin stock,. Medium and common stuff has not been so milch sought after and they have been rather slow sale atr' times, although Closing quotations are about the- same as a week ago. - Veal calves show no par ticular change for tho week, but there has been mora or 'less of a slump In the market for beef steers and rough stock generally. There has been a very fair volume . of business done In tho stooker and feeder market, and for the most part prices com- 6 are very favorably with a week ago. leavy stuff has been a little slow at times, and the-bulk' of the offerings of this de scription has sold to the killers at con siderably better prices than the feeder buyers would pay.' On the other hand, there has been a good demand from the country all. week for. th desirable light and medium weight stuff, and prices have been about as high as at any time this season. .... . . . ' - Quotations on cattle: Oood to . choice cornfed steers, $7 65.00; fair to good cornfed steer, ' $6.00fc7.0O; good to choice cows and heifers, $5.806.75; fain to good cows and heifers, $4.76T.65; common to fair cows and heifers, $2.754.50; good to choice stockers and feeders, $3.0O7.OO: '' fair to good stockers and feeders, $5.O0j6.O9; -common to fair stockers and feeders, - $3J59 4.75; stock heifers, $3.76if 4.50; veal calves, $4.26f,5.26; Dtllt8 stags, etc., $3.5O&.00. ' HOGS--Prbvlslons were badly demoral ized again this morning, and the trend of hog prices was sharpiy lower from tha opening. A few dime lower offers were made at tha start, but these were aulcklv withdrawn and replaced by l6cta0o lower bids. One or two loads kept selling at a time at these figures until thirty-five or forty of the pehs had been emptied, about nan or loiai supply. At this juncture, buyers simply quit and It was very diffi cult to get any kind of an offer until well aung lenaia noon, unippers were nrao ileal I y out of the trade as has been' the case on most oays this week. , At the time of olosing this report' there were still almost one-half of the bogs re ceived still in first hands, with no buyers in slghtv- , . .. loaaya neciine, ot course, carries the market hot only to the lowest point of the wr, oui sifo 10 me-lowest level In many weeks.. It follows that the net loss In prices has been very large and trad slow throughout. Heavy receipts on- most days have tended to make a bad situation worse witn in result that current sales are just about 60c lower than this a week ago. Representative salest HOCJ NaY li... ... 77... 74... at. git. pr Ms .ist 40 t 10 ' m. At. . .130 ..201 ..220 .171 ..141 8b. Pr. ... M 0 U M I 16 .. Is so I M ...$ ...tM 40 t 35 .. 40 40 4 80 9 40 40 40 10 I 44 II.... 47.... II ... . 7.... 7S.... 71... .... 71.... IS. ... 19... II.... 71.... M ... 18.... II... 4..,. 17.... II... w...; 66. . . . 45. ... 71.... 1 it ao r,. ....... ,t to i .144 1W S7i .M .. ISO ti 140 I 10 .! 40 I 9 .. .116 K 10 ' Ul 1HJ 1 .m ... iio M 10 ID 231 ... 41 U. M. .14 20 46 I I M 43 M it... 14 ... I... 42... ,,. .IU tOO t 46 ..tW ... I HI 40 I SO 40 I 60 ... t W ... J 4 . 7 ...tut u a ...lit . ..iM ...2kt ...131 . . . I.ST ...!.0 ...iM :..no .. I WS4 20 I 42 .. I2S lint 46 .. IS .. Ill ... I IH4 0 TV4j t 5 t tot too t w 74 ...II .to IU 71.. 4 I 4) I M' ,..'..'. M IU 10 10 72. II. ti. 40 I lo 10 ...IU) . . IU W ' S 7t Blitur-'in su4tcp barn v. as practically dravrttu toaay, as is usually me case 011 a batuinay, ai.d prices rsmalued uomlnuliy -tteady. . v 'lb week's supply has beep a few thou tauQ head iarer inai. last week's run. but much smaller than receipts during u tarn wetk last year. Most of the ship ments hav coin from duferent Nebraska seclious, tl run of Colorado lambs hsvlng stopped abruptly. Wooled lambs of good quality aro still coming In freely, but the stiorn end of receipts is steadily Increasing almost a third of supply consisting of Ihorn stuff. Under th Influence of a broad and ac tive demand at the opening, prices on all kinds of stock were marked up consider ably, but fairly liberal recelpie on Wed nesday and the feeling In picking circles that local prices were too lofty as com pared .with, other ptnts, brought about a reaction and much of the early gain was lost as a result. A keener demand Thurs day and Friday produced moderate ad vances tbal carried goud gradrs of sheep snd, lamb almost back to the high point at the opening. Current quotations are Just about UiH5c higher than a week ago, with well-fiMted shorn- strings and hlgh tfrfslr.g wooled. lots, ahowlng th full ad vance ' ' Shorn shep "and lambs' are' quotable at 7cIll.W per -' b4.ndredwr.lght lower than slmUttr ouullijr woolvd Moments. Th fol l.iwiiig quotations apply to th latter class of sloe : .-.. . Good to choice lsmbs. $9 WW10 00; fair -to good lambs, tS.OOtii 4 50; good light yea-int. ts jS.ifc good heavy ) earliug. $8 Wa8.50; 10 16 90 8 81 12 26 10 16V f 90 I 74 86 t 25 10 16 Hi 74 $2 8 25 6t6S39 6 30 C25 10 03 t 72 42 t $3 I I8 79 (99 (42 ( 84 6 31 68 V 01 6 64 6 46 1 6 88 i 2 9 StS W 5 .V. 1 6 46 5 26 9 (, 6 8 5 43 6 89 5 31 8 54 $ 88 6 37 ( 43 1 4 49 good to choice wethers. IS OO-.l 8 35; fair to Rood wether. $7KHi-8.00; good to choice ewes, $7.501 8.00; fair to good ewes, $6.75'(J.o. f IIICAfJO LH P. STOCK MARKET Cattle Market Stead r lloaa Re ported Lower thee Weak. estimated at 2"0 head; market steady; CHICAGO. April 1 CATTL& Receipts beeves, $6 Ulu S. a : T"As Slecrs. . . el S5; western steerg, $o 00j (isf,; stockers Slid feed ers. U X'i ; cows and heifers, $2.3ifi.25; CnlvejL $;.iXku8 50.. , ' HOGS Receipts estimated at 10 000 head; market 10c lower; light, 86010.00; mie1, 19 60 95; heavy, $9.-S9 9i; rough, $9 60i 9 70, good to choice heavy, $9. 70 ii 9 95; pigs, $9.25$ 10W; ' bulk "of sales. $9 MU9 96. SHEEP AND' TjAMRS Receipts, esti mated at 15.000 heai; market wreak; native, $.50'ii8.ss; western, $ri.tsti V40; yearling, V'iiHK lambs, native, $;.i55))9.75: western, $8WijlO.0O. Kansas City nraln and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, April li- CATTLE Re ceipts, 200 head; n southerns; market steady; natlvs steers, 1660148.25; southern stfers, $5.258.00; southern cows, UW5.7); native cows and heifers, $4 0O(J7.60; stock ers and feders. $4tOji8.W; bulls,- $4.0ik.t6.0O; calves, $3.758.00; weetern steers, $6.75((i8.WJ; western cows, $400tr6.25. HOGS Receipts, 5 000 hesd; market 69100 lower; bulk, $9 5Vci9.75; heavy. $9.70r9 W parkerrand butchers, $.60u9 80; light, $a.a0 ft 9. 70; pigs, $s.60y9.00. SHEEP AND IjJk M RS Receipts, 1.000 head; market steady; muttons, $6 60(8.50; lambs, $S.26fi9.73; fed western wethers and yearlings, $7.009.10; fed western ewes. $6.60 -.... - New York Live atorlttarket. NEW YORK. April lfl.-C ATTI..E Tloercs, receipts, 1.7X5 head. iNotlrtng doing In live cattle,, feeling stetidy. Drersed- beef quiet, but firm. Exports, 159 head cattle and 3,703 tiuarters of beef. ' CAI.VES Receipts, none. Market nom inally firm;, dressed calves, firm; city dressed veals, 8cj15c; country dressed, 8 12c. ' '- HOG?? Receipts," 2.6S1 head. ' Market was nominally steady at $10 4O4jil0 65. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Uccelpts, 4,St5 head. Sheep, nominal; lambs, steady;' fair unshorn lambs, - $10.10; medium clipped lambs,-$8.80. St. Loots General Market. ST. LOUIS, April 16.-CATTLE-Recelpts, $ 000 head, ' including 150 'Texans; market steady;-native beef steers. $7.5Kt8.B0; cows and heifers, $3.5ft5f7.66; stockers and feeders. $4.00g6.00; Texas, and Indian steers, $4-601 $00; cows and heifers, $3.006.25; calves, in carioaa lots, 83.608.26. HOGS Receipts, 4,000 head) market 5c lower: pigs and lights, $9.80&i9.96; packers. $9Vg 10.00; butchers and best heavy, $9.85 610.00. .;; No sheep. ' ' St. Joseph juire Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH, Mo April 16. CATTLE Receipts, 100 head J market-steady ; steers, $5:75i8.00; cown and heifers $3.2506.50; calves $4.006 7.60. 1 MOOS Receipts, 2,200 head: market, 6S10c lower; top, $9.80;- bulk of sales, $9.654j'9."6. No sheepvon sal. . . Stock In Slghtl ' Receipts of live 'Stock at "the flvo princi pal western martlets yesterday. - . ... u. Cnttle.Hogs.Sheep. South " Omaha... . j.. ..V. 143 " 6,763 40 St. Joseph Kansas City ........ .... 100 ' .... 200 2,000 1.000 ..i. 3,000 .-4.000 St. Louis :u'.. Ghloago .-.t..-ve. .... 200 J. 0W - 1,500 Totals 41,.,.. ....8,643 .23,963 2.540 OMAIYA GENERAL MARKETS. Staple and Fancy' Prog oco Prices Far nlsbed by TJoyer and Wholesalers. BUTTER Creamery. No. 1,- delivered to the retail trade-in i-lb. cartons. 33c; iio. 1, in 60-lb. tubs.. 32c;, No. 2, In 1-lb. cartons, lie; in 60-lb. tuba, 80c; packing stock, solid pack, 19c; dairy, in 60-1 b, tubs, 26c. Market changes ivery Ttlesday. CHEESE Twins,, 17c;. , young America, 18c; dulsy-chcesei J80; limborger, 18c; No. 1 brick, 17c. domestic block Swiss, 23c; Im ported Swiss.. 30c. POUiTItY-i-DrinBsed broilers, $9.00 doz.; for storage, -$;. 00,-, for. fresh springs, 19c; hens, 19c; ooks.,112Uc; (lucks, 18c; geese, 15c; turkeys,. jevptgeonSy. per do., $1.20; homer squabs, 00 per doz.; fancy sqaubs, $3.50 per dox.fr Nor-I. $1.00 per dux. Alive: Broilers, from llTlo'm lbs., 45c; 1 to i lbs., 30c; hens, HsQnld roosters, 9Vic; young roosters. lScr'trVlcKs,' full feathered. 14c; geese,, full featljcrcd, Dc; turkeys, ISc; ;ulnea fowls, 25c each; pleons, 75c per doa. ; lotaeis, $3.00 per doz.; su,uabs. No. 1 $2 per FISH (all frozerfyiiSalmdn, 11c; pickerel, tc; whltefish, 18c; pike, 10c; trout, 13c; cat fish, 18c; large crkpples, loaiSC; smells, lc; Spanish mackerel,- 18c; "eel, 18o; haddodk, lao; flounders, 12cr frog, legs, 40c per doz. Fresh catfish, lir?:; trout, 13c; buffalo, 9c; halibut, 9o. s ' FRUiXts Strgwberrlrs: Texas and Louis iana. 24-o.t Cases, per case. $3.50: 24-ot. cases, per case, J J. 00. Oranges: California Camella brand "Redlana Navels. 60-96-lli sizes, per box, $2.5; JU size, per box. i'l.'J) 150-176-2O0-216-3t0 size, per box, $3.25; other brands (torn nivrside ana other districts, per box, $i.8oUi00;-. 80-96-112 sizes, per box, $2.002.50. Lemons) Llmonlera, extra fancy, 1100-360 sizes, $6.00U'5.60; choioo iOO-ia.) sizes, per box. $4.50; 2tu size. .50c . pet- box loss. Bananas: i'ancy select. prr bunch. $2.2f I.bv; jumoo, uuuiy imj.w. urup iruit: Florida. 46 size; IJ.Od. Applea: Ben Davis. per'bbL, $3.3u; Nw York Kuasets, medium slzn-per bbl.. $3.50: California fancy W. W. pearntalns, per box, 12.10; California-extra faney Wi w. -paarinaJn, Kei w ood brs d ber box. $2.25: extra fancy 'Jelorado Jona- than, per box, - $2,50. Cranberries: Jersey, winter stock., pef , bbL, 15 OWii.&u. Dates: Anchor brand. n4)t, 30 1-lb.; pkgs.. In box. per Dos, iz.w. igai-jaiirornia, vki size, 30c. VEGETABLES Irish Potatoes: Wiscon sin and native, per bu., 40,-i.Wc; Colorado, per bu., SOQtiOc; Seted sweet, potatoes' Kan sais .per bbU, $kfi0. Cabbage: Wisconsin, Holland aeedr per -ib.r io Celery: (.'aliforla or Florida, per u-ib- bunch, loo. ; Onions: Red. aer lb., 8c; Texas crystal wax, per crate, $2.75. Old vegetables: parsnips, car rota, beets, turnips, In sacks, per lb., to. Garlic: Extra fancy. ".white, per lb., lie; red nnr Ih.. lfic. NEW SOUTfrERN VEOETABLES- Radlshes: Per dos. bunohes. 45c. Turn ds Per dos. bunches, 60c' Carrots: Per doz. bunches; 50c. Shallots: Per doz. bunohes, 50o. Paraleyi Per doz. bunches. 60c. Beets Per dos.' bunches? 60c. Splnacht'Per bu., U lbs., 1100. Egg plant: Fancy Florida, dot.. $1.6O2,08. Tomatoes: Fsncy Florida or Cuba. Ber 6-baskt orate. $8.25r choice. $2.75. fHrlng and wax bean sr Per hamper,- about 25 Jbs.,- j.uii wo jucunioersi ot nouse. per doX. il.7W(.z.( - HO MB GROWN VEGETABLES - Radishes: Extra - fancy -borne grown.- per doz. bunches, 35d Lettuoe: Extra fancy leaf, oer d as.. 40c: tread lettuce In hampers. $3 00(35.00. Parsley: Fancy homo grown, per doz. bunches, 4vc." itnsoaro: far out. bunches. 45c. Asparagus: Per dos. bunches, 76a Green onions: Per doz. Imnehen 15i. - - MISCELLANEOUS '- Horseradish: Two doz. In case.- $1 90. -Walnuts: Black, per lb., lc: California, No.-1, per lb., 16c; California No. 2. soft, per-lb., 12s. Hickory nuts: Large, per lb., 4c; smnll, per lb., 5c. IU roanuts: Per ssck, $5.00: per doz., (jc Honey: Per 24-fram( case, $3.25. -. ; Cotton Makt. ',-,: NEW YORK: April 16.-OOTTON Market ket opened stead at n advance of lji,4 point on overnight puymg orders, aitnougn the c'ables were "slightly disappointing. Europe was a buyer early, but bulls gave prices no aggressivs auppori, ana in mar ket soon eased off. Reports of too much rain In the central belt imparted a reiu tlvely steady tone to the new crop, how ever, and prices rallied, on covering. LIVERPOOL. April 16. COTTON Spot In limited demand, prlcea 13 point higher; Amerloan middling lair. S.SIc:. good mid dling, 807c; middling, 7 93c; low middling, 7 8:4c t suod ordinary. 7.57c: ordinary. 7.32c. Th sales of the day were 7,000 bales of which 600 were for simulation and export ann memo- n.iw Amri icnn. ST.. LOUIS. April 15.-COTTON-Steady middling. Hc. Sales. 750 bales . receipts. 1.2S2 hule; ehlpmauu, LS64 , bales ; stock. ?.S.t.76 bales. NEW ORLEANS. April 3t-COTTON- Spot. closed utictiunifed; sales on the spot. s) bales; to arrive w bales. Low ordinary, llo, nominal; rdbiary, U5-16c; good or dinary, 13c; strict good ordinary, 15c; low middling. i.i-io-. strict, low -middling, 14 6-16cr middling. .14 9-Hie; strict nilddllnir. 14c; gopd middling, 1 14 15-16C; srit good middling, lnc; mlOdllng rlr, 15Vt.o; mid dling fair to fair, 15c; fair 16o, nominal Receipts, 2,972 bales; atock, 11S.&U2 bales. Evaporate Apple and rtrl'd Frilla, NEWt TORK.t Aflrfl' 14,-EVAPORATED APPLES Quiet but best 'grade are firmly ield on the spot, fancy In quoted at 10c, chojc; -);l(hc; prjme,- 6'u1c; cpnimoi to fair. '(1c. ..'-'. ' 1 DIUKU FRUITrWPrunes r( aulet and barely steady, quotations range from 2'if ;Wo tut California: bp' to 80-40 oa kjao for Orefona, . . . v -.: ' "'' "' Hay. Market. , , .'.' ' - OMAHA, April lt-HAT-No, 1. $9 00: Nn. Z. $8.00: parking, 'i 00 .-Mtrawt Wheat. i0)' rye and oats, $7.00" Alfalfa, $12 00. Tha sup! ply of poor h.ly- 1 mtwh heavier than Hie demand n. nobody Dalits to buy tb poorer duality. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Mayor Trainor Refuses to Interfere in Organization of Council. DEMOCRATS SEEK TO DICTATE They Ask Permission to Snbmtt Slate Rnt Execntlve Won't Listen - Coaatr Tax Fall Dae. The democratic members of th? city council called on Mayor P. J. Trainor yes terday afternoon to submit to him a pros pective organization of the council and to ask that he permit the democratic council to dlctat some of the Appointments which are lawfully delegated to th mayor by the city charter. The list of committees In the council showed a change since the proposed list was published a few days ago. Since then the democrats are snld to have headed and controlled each of the councll- manlc committees, with John Franek named as the president of the council. The mayor refused to Interfere In the organization of the council, declaring that the council had the right to organize as It saw fit and that it should proceed on Its rights without reference to the. mayor. . He also gave the visiting councilmen to understand that he understood perfectly the rights which the city charter bestowed upon him In the matter of appointments. The parties who are appointed by the mayor are to bo affirmed by th council, but in the event they are not they will be de facto officers without affirmation. The mayor showed a disposition to be conciliatory, however, and it depends on what the council is willing to concede In Its organization whether be will ' concede any appointments. Another confereno is to be held Monday afternoon wltiy the re publican members, and the mayor may be called In. Th mayor dismissed the street gang yes terday which has been working under the previous administration, but as yet has named no one to fill the places. John Hudec, the special officer In charge of the city prisoners, was dismissed also. Connty Taxes Do. The people of South Omaha are prone to forget that the city treasurer is at present the deputy county treasurer also, and that they should pay their county taxes In South Omaha. These taxes are falling duo and many people will probably make th mis take of going to Omaha to pay their taxei. They may pay them there, but it will cause much confUBlon, as the books are properlj prepared In South Omaha. The city treas urer,' J. J. Olllln, announced yesterday that the whole levy of personal and real prop- erty was now ready for payment and ahould b paid In South Omaha at the convenience of the property owners. If -paid In Omaha it will make much extra work In checklna back and forth and prectlcally defeat tho object sought when South Omaha was made a subtreasury. Woodle COok Incarcerated. Woodle Cook, a negro of South Omaha. said yesterday that he didn't mind being railroaded" to Jail, but he did not relish being sent through at express fates. It re quired about ten minutes from the time he nurloined $5 from the purse or Mrs. Mar garet Ulrlch, Twenty-second and streets, until h was nursing his .wonndea xeeung after a sentence to thirty days ' in the county Jail by Judge Callanan. He had been employed to work for Mrs. Ulrlch, who left, , her purse. In .the room where the, negro was cleaning up. lie "took- $5' from' the purse,' wfiloh contained over $460 In cash and checks, thinking that sh-would hot discover the Joss at;, once. A slight gesture on the1 negroe's part caused Mrs. Ulrich to count her money' Vhen she returned Just ."too lata .to detect him , In the act. She accused him of taking the money and started to ihe police .station. He caught up with her and offered the money back. She took tha money, but turned the negro over to Judge Callanan, who Imposed a sentence of thirty days for petit larceny. All the events occurred within ten minutes . and Cook was -last heard mourning the rapid turn of the wheel 01 fortune. . , Y.'.M. C, A. Dinner Announced. A 6 o'clock dinner will be given under the auspices of the local Young Men's Christian association Thursday evening, April 2L-at the Greer hotel. A general In vitation is extended to all who are In terested In the work of the association on condition that those who accept the invita tion must report their names to the sec retary not later than Wednesday evening. The object ts to present the affair of th association In the best light and - th result of the action will there taken be vital to the association. Under the present condition of th affairs greater Interest must be developed or the association must cease to exist, . . , Small Meteorite Fall. Paul Anhouser of Omaha while visiting at the horn of Q. W. Roberts, th city n gineer of South Omaha, Friday evening, saw' a small meteorite fall on the lot near the residence where he visited,' The celes tial particle- fell through a cloudy sky and was vary brilliant when first seen, but diminished rapidly with the deoent after the manner of most meteors. He ran out to the place where the object fell and discovered a small hole in the ground where th meteorite lay still red hot. He, with a number of curious spectators, dug up the small object a soon as possible and found an Irregular mass resembling a piece of waste Iron. It was two or three inches in diameter. The meteorite waa found at 725 North Twenty-second street. oiltB-Malaehy Wedding; Monday. Thomas Smith and Mlas Mary Mulcahy will be married Monday morning at St. Mary's church. The ceremony will take place pt $ a. m., Father Charles Mugan officiating. Leading up to this event Miss Alice Rafferty gave a kitchen shower for the bride Saturday, April 9. .Miss Nellie Welsh and Miss Anna Oaughan gave a china shower last Friday. Ml a Alice Raf ferty will be brlde'Bmald and Mr. Patrick Woods will assume the role of best man. Miss Mulcahy Is th daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Mulcahy, 170 South Forty eighth street. Tho Labor Gnsett. A new paper, Th Labor Gazette, In the interest- of labor, la to b launqhed in Its first flight April 19, In South Omaha. This paper will . be the official paper qf the South Omaha Central Labor union and also will represent all the labor organiza tions. The sheet will be put up In maga zine form and the data of publication Is each Tuesday. The management ia In the hands of C. II. Van Wle, who announces that the paper has received good support from th South Omuha. merchants and working men. Made City Ooln. Our children' fine colored top shoe are It. Crtsey. Thomas Hoctor returned Friday from a trip t Bloux City. - Our Stetson shoes for men, will save you $1 a pair. Try it. Crrsrey. The Death Valley Slugger defeated the Cherry li. Ill team yesterday by -a scot of 11 to u. ..'!,.. JuMt Received A new lot of fine strap sandals for . girls at l.-". (LuO - and $1 76 pair. Cressey. . . .-, The Ladies' Aid society of tha Preaby. ttsrian church will giv Its anniuU hot Ma rti It and nsple- snip illnner at the resi dence of Dr. and M. C. AI. Schlndcl Tues day evening, April 19. Rev. C. R. Cook ef Omnha will conduct the service at the English Lutheran church this morning. . Try us this spring for anything you need In the shoe or oxford lino. You will bo pleased. Cressey. The Kk offer Try a pair of wr hoy's sktiffer for spring or summer wear; prices, $1 26 and $150 pair. Cressey. Th N. C. C. Base Rail club defeated the Tigws, T to . yesterday In a gam played at Twenly-elghtn and E streets. Local members of the Improved Order of Red Men ar notified to mevt today at 1:30 p. m. to attend the funeral of Mar tin Isaacson. Tho delinquent will bo ub Ject to a fine of $1. ! METZ FAMOUS BOTTLED REKR-For home consumers. Prompt delivery guaran teed. 'Phone South 164. 'PHONE SOVTH MS for a case cf JET TER BOCK BEKU. Prompt delivery to any part of the city. Henry J. .letter. Men' low shoes at $3.50 and $4.00 pair ar winner. See them. Cressey. High Romsn Sandnls Very nobby. Just In, for girls, all else to No. 2. Cressey. William Jowph Sweeney. 1 months old, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sweeney, died Satur day. Th funeral will be held at 4 p. m. today from th residence, 1010 North Twenty-sixth street. Dr. R, L. Wheeler will preach the sermon. . Your aching feet ' will be cured If you put them In a pair of our Grover'a street shoes. Cressey. . FOR RENT Acre tracts: 81 acres, Wosl L St.; good Improvements; fine for gar dening. 11 acres, 8. 36th St.; S rooms, barn, well and wind mill; nice place. 5 acres, 1 mile south of city limits; good yard and cistern. All nice land. O'Nell's Heal Es tate and Insurance Agency. Tel. South 192. 1 1 I EIGHT FARMERS FOUND GUILTY OF CONSPIRACY Kentneklan Are Convicted of Hav ing Worked In Restraint ot Trade. CINCINNATI. April 17.-Elght Grant county Ky.) farmers were found guilty of conspiracy In restraint of trade by a Jury in the United State's district court at Cov ington, Ky., late today. Of the twelve men Indicted' one was dismissed by order of Federal Judge Cochran yesterday and three others were acquitted In the verdict ren dered by the Jury today. Fines ranging from $100 to $1,000 were assessed. . The defendants convicted were alleged to have Interfered with the Interstate com merce by "Intimidating and persuading" W. T. Osborne, also a Grant county farmer, to withdraw from shipment a lot of tobacco consigned to the Cincinnati market from the station at Dry Rld?e, Ky. All the men found guilty are prominent In their ' locality, on of them, John 8. Steers, being a clergyman and member of the state legislature. The prosecution marked the first efforts upon the part of the federal government to take a hand In dealing, with alleged "night rider'' out rages. Judge Cochran made it plain that the Burley Tobacco society as an organization was a factor in the cases on trial and ruled out both from the evidence and -the argu ments of counsel matters involving It. The Case passed upon today will be appealed. WOMAN AND MAN DIE BY TAKING STRYCHNINE Wllllant CraYhtree snd Mr. Cbarle locnni of Knobvlll! Ia., Found Dead. KNOXVILLE, Ia., April 17.-Wllllam Crabtree, aged 19, and Mrs. Charles Slocum, aged 36, committed suicide here late today. A neighbor woman who chanced to enter the, home of Mrs. Slocurn. found Crabtree dead. 'Thowii, across, his body with her arm about him, ' lay 'the woman in th agony of-death, blood flowing from a frightful gash' Ih ' her throat. Two half empty glasses containing strychnine stood nearby. Mrs.; Slocum Is the mother of four children! .She-. and her husband separated some weeks ago after a quarrel over Crab tree. Wool Market. BOSTON, Mass., April 16. WOOL In teres t in the market Is becoming stronger and a fair aggregate of wool Is selling, while several largo lines of do mestic stock have failed to move as a re sult of a difference of o to lo 1 pound between buyer and seller. Staple Oregon Is In particular request 1 and It Is understood that the entire remaining supply could be sold If dealers were disposed to grant con cessions. Clothing territory Is moving stead ily, with fin to fine medium selling at 60 064c. A fairly, large movement In quarter blood fleeces is reported at 30c, 29c for Michigan. Ohio washed delaine Is selling at 36e, with S5c rejected, while transfers of unwashed delaine are taking place at 26 C27c. Crossbreds and merinos are selling In very moderate volume only, but at firm prices, th low prices on domestlo . wools feeing responsible for buyers' almost ex clusive Interest In American wool. It Is believed that the merket Is about to ex perience a revival of activity that will clean up supplies, but owing to the outlook for continued high values In the west and abroad, dealers are not disposed to grant further concessions. The shipments of wool from Boston to., April 14, -Inclusive, - were 62.195,968 lbs.; against 72.692,815 lbs. for the same time last year. The receipts to April 14. Inoluslve, wears 72,710.616 lbs., against 93,220, 6C6 lb, for th am period last year. Coffee Market. NEW YORK, April . 18.-COFFEE Th market for futures-opened quiet at un changed prices, in sympathy with feature less foreign markets, and during the early trading showed very little feature. Later, however, there was a good deal of switch ing from May to the late months, with the near positions ruling easy owing to Haul datiori, while lat months were well main IyVC and a. TEtPPHONR - AW ' ' TELEPHONE BOSTON. MASS SO STATE, ITMEXT . DOICLAS We offer for sale and recommend the purchase of any of the following bonds Wichita Tall aad aTorthwsst rw . Kallway Company of OltUana G Company of Kan kakee, 111 Taokaoavlll (Tlorlda) Oas Company , Mnaoi, Indiana Liglil Com- ' pany Sastern Wisconsin Hallway gj Iilrht Company oekford, Xillnola rieotlio Company Kaein Ou Xlgbt Company raster Oregon Light h 8011 Company Sscaaaba Power Company of oanaoa, suon. ........ OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: BAT NTB. Pre., Fremont. . , . (.-.,. PHILIP II. FARLIiT, V.-rres., Boston. RA1LK0AD. MUNICIPAL AND CAPITOL , FULLY PAID. Mmu I tslned, with the,nirket elvxili g sies-lv. nrt 8 points lower to I point hiirhrr. Ssles. 1 OHO !sk. Including SOW In tlie shape- of exchnnges from M iv to Msrch at S3 punts. CI wing lids follow: Am ll. 6 50c; June, 6 'c; July. 6.70c; Aucust. September. October nn, November, t i,'; Decomler, ISOc: Jsimsry, $; February. 6.Mc; March. 9e. Snot, quiet; Hlo, .. 7. 8"; Suntoa, No. 4, 9'4C. Mild, quiet, CorOixre, 9ul2tc. 1 r- , lla aad Itoata. NEW YORK. April liV-OJt S Tttrpen tine, quiet; inscMne hnrrels, - tic C'ottos erd oil. steadier; prime crude southeast, 7 .: prime sutiinw r yellow. $7"."Tt i.i; M:iv. $7 8nj7.85; July, $7.9oli7.Sl L rVpteinber. $7 if.yi 7 86; Iecember. $6.61(0 6 13. Petroleum, steadv refined New York. bbls.. $7.77: 1 e flned New Vvrk. bulk. $4.85; Philadelphia, blii . $7.7,1; Philadelphia, bulk. $4 25. RoSIN Quiet; refined common to good. $4.60 ... HtHIN Firm; ettlrs S.K bnxrs; receipt, 771 boxes; shipments; 793 boxes; stock. 7i,9l Nixes. iJuot.: R, 14 !; D. $4.35: E. $1 : F, $I9MvCO; (!, $:,.( 'Tfu.0r; H. tl7; I, $,'.. K. $V7T bl.l: M, $".8.1; N, $5,W; WO, $6nO.(J 6 10: WW. rtlfri NEW ORLB.VNS. April 16-RO?itN-Re-cclpts, 69 bbls. . y. . t agar and Molasses. NEW YORIC, April '16 SUGAR Raw, quiet: Mtipcnvsdo. H9 test, 8.74c; centrifugal, 9t test, 4 24c; molasses sugar, K9 test, 8.49e; refined sugar, quirt; cut loaf, 8.9.o; crushed. B.Wc; mould A, 5 50c: Cubes. 5.40c; XXXX powdered, 5 30c; rmwdered. 6.25c; granulatnd, 6.16c; diamond A, 6 15c; confectioners' A, 494c; No. 1, 4 90c; No. 2, 4.8iV; No. 3. I.SOc; No. 4. 4.7Tc; No. 5. 4.70c; No. R. 4.65c: No. 7, 4.60c; No. 8. 4 56c; No. , 4.68; No.' 10, 4 45o; No. 11. 4 40c: No. 12, 4.35c; No, 13. 4.30c: No. 14. 490c. MOIASSRH steady; New Orleans, open kettle, 32fi42e, . ' ' RAILWAY TIME CARD t'MIO. aiATION .l.ma and IIsm, Union Paclfl . ' Lva fan Fran. Ov'rl'd Ltd. $.16 a. in. Chi. Jap. F'st MalL 4:19 p. ra. Atlantic Express Oregon Express 4.09 p. nv Oregon-Wash. Ltd. .....13:44 p. in. Denver Special .i I Ml a. ra, Colorado Upeolal ......U:4 p. ru. Uolorado Express ...... t M p. Bz. North Plat Local..... :15 a. in, tlrand Island Local.... (:29 p. in. Llnooln-Baat Local. ..18.41 p. m VaL 41 Ceo, City Lot. 41:4 . ia. Illinois Central ' ' ' " Leav. Arm. 11:30 p. nv 1:46 p. m. 1:46 a m. :M av $:4t) p. m, IX M a. m 1:l a. m. :(M p. ia, 4 :45 p. in. 10:80 a. ra. '.:0 9- lillt iu. Arrive. Chicago Express ......a 7:00 am a 346 pig nucago limited a o:w pra a i. -tut Mlnn.-Ot Paul xp.,.b 7:00 bib Ulnn.-St. Paul Ltd a 6.00 piu a :46 am Oinaha-rt Dodg Loco :16 pin bll.st am ckleaao Itook Islana raolllo BA8T. Rocky Mountain Lit...,. a 1:40 am al0:30 pig Iowa Local a 4:3u piu Chicago Day Express. .a 6:68 aui Des alolnss Loei.......a 4 .01) pm al2:$0 put Iowa Local.' .......I10:3b am b 1:16 put Chluago-Kastera Exp... a 4 W piu a 1:16 fin Chlcago-Nebraaka Ltd. a put a 6:03 am WEST. Chicago-Nebraska LlC fur Lincoln. ........... .a 8:2B am a 6:47 pa C01U. and Cal. Exp a 1:36 pro il:lu pis) Okla. and Texas Exp.. .a 1: 30 piu a l:ii0 pra Hocky Mountain Ltd...alO:44 pot a 1:34 aa lieicaae A Mortxtvta . GASTUOUKI). Omaha Express a i.OO ant alZ:36 am Chicago ixioal .....aUi(Hi piu a 3:88 put Colorado-Chicago a t.iM yui a . put Chicago bpscltu ....a k:uu put a Im aia Pacific Const-Chicago.. .a 6,o pro a l.u pin Lo Angele Limited.,.. :lti piu aU.tfu yui Overland Limited ...all:4a una a Lie am Denver Special.. al3:4 am a .j4 aui tar roil Local a 4:80 piu a tw m Fast Mali a a . uut NORTUBUUNU Twin City Express....,. 1:6u am a)0:30 pra eioux City Local .a 1:4 um a 8:2s Dui MInu. k Dakota Kxp...a V:vo piu a 9:16 aia 'iwlu City Umlikl a mi yui a lntaut WiiUfBOVtiSX. ,, . Llr.eolu-Chadroa a 7 :60 am all:00 ar Nortolk-Bonatell a 7:60 am a!0:46 pra Long Plne-Uo. Piatt.. .b 1:U Dot , a t:2u on hastlngs-buperlor b l:is pm b 6:30 pra Lead wood-Hot bpg a 3:6 pm a 1:30 put Casper- Lander 8. piu aU:0V m imoni-AiDion : piu b 1:3 pt lliaaourl Paelfla . . K. C. and BU L. Sx. K. t:. and UL U" a!x .a t:f am a : aia (lv Bat. 13 p. m alt:i6 pm a 6:30 pm Lkicauo, llnssk at. Panl- .. -, .-'.v. 'Lava." Arrlv. Overland Limited aJi:4g pru a 1:00 am Oniaha-Cblcago Uxp....a 7:14 am 1 111 toiorauD Diicuii 1 iwm Colo.-Californla Lxp..'...a 6:W put Parry-Omaha Xocal.....b t:li put all;! pi a Ji pot bU.w via Chicago Ureal- W lilcra Chicago Limited a 1:041 pm 1'wln City Liuiltd....a :Mi pm Chicago itixpr 'i wlu City alxpraa a 8:09 am Wabaak a l:W an. a 3:46 pta :W um Orraha-St. Iul Exp.. a 1:30 pm a $ 38 am Mali and Expreaa.n....a IM am aliOl dm fclii.nhi.i-rv CiM.ai Itrom - Council Blullf). .b,i:00pm b!0:15am auiiLiNaxoa" Maiea, " l'MTionii,at a-4 Oaningt.n . . . Arr,;- Denver and California.. a ;io pro a 1:4 pra Puget Sound Kapreaa.a 4:10 pro a 1:16 pm Nebraska polnta.. ...... ..a 8:W arn a 1:10 put Black Hill.. ..i...a :lupm a lao pm Northwest Exprs......aU:i5 pra a 7,00 am Nebraska points ..i. a 8.20 aro a 10 pm Lincoln Mall..... w....b l.u pi U:bj iir Nebraska KxproM liiliia a 6:10 pm Lincoln Local.... b 8 0S am Lincoln Local. .....a 7:26 pro a7:6oim Bchuylsr-Plattemouta j.b 1.06 pm bl0:aom piattmouth -lowa ,...,.a 9:18 am a;toatn Bellevue-PlattemoutU ..al2:S0poi a 2:40 pm Colorado Limited.. aU: pra a 7 :0V am Chloago Speolal a 7 :16 am all .05 Dm Chicago Express 4. .a 4:20 pm a$:5jL Chicago Fast Express... a 1:30 pm a 1.00 am Iowa Local..'......... a 1:16 am alO:ao am Creston-Iowa Local..., .a 1:30 pm al0:30m St. Louis Express......,.a 4.30 pm all:46ani K, C. and Sc Joseph.. .. s 10:46 pm a 46 Im K. C. and SC Joseph.'.. .a 8:16 am a:ivuna K. C. A Bt. Jospa a 40 pm ....... WEBSTER STATlOS Vltfmmth an Wbstr. , , . . Mlssoarl raolfl i " fmT Arrls-a, Auburn Looal.. ...bl twpm bl2:l0pin Ckleago, St. Paal,, MlanaapoIU Ommba Flotrx City Express. ...,.b 1:60 pm b11:4Sm Omaha Local el :30pm Clous City Passenger ., bt:pm Twin City Passengr:...b 1:30 am mui cur jwctm ....., - 171 V f ". OMAHA . NEB. f . noAn r tsadx sure. T"fcfc3 eSa, TMmttmnmwmmmnmm iiiiiinm ! wimi'si mi p Price and Yield - ' Du Rate. Interest. ' ' abovL' 5 7 5.30 Jan, X, 1938 8 87 5.88 2?b. 1, 183 ft ' STH e.10 Jus 1,1937 S 7U I a.BS Joly 1,193a 8 6.10 Oct. 1,1933 98 H 6.10 Men. 1,1939 101 0 Jan. 1,1930 er. . 100 jt Oct iim e 101 ..1,1014 FRANK JOHNSON, TteaJ., t Omaha. 1, r CHAS. W.'TUrtNERJr., Bee. New York. ' B. SCHNEIDER, 9 CORP0IJAT10N U0ND5 SIOO.OOO.OS TrVrlnanai nii irmwili