U.fE TIKE: OMAHA, MONDAY, APRIL 18, 1D10. REAL ESTATE FARM AMI itAXII I 4MI FOR BALK (Continued.) REAL ESTATE FARM An HI.MH LA.lt FOR AI,K (Continued.) REAL ESTATE LOANS (Continued.) REAL ESTATE CITY rHOPNttTl FOR SALE. Continued.) l-HOOM cottar nn Ink, smong pin wood, on mile from P.. R. station, store. tf ; In renter of fits state: 14 mile frnm jtraioard; screen! porches; fireplace; ;oats. I I Ib-irn, Hubert. Minn. Suburban Home I large lot and entirely modern hnwe foinlng the Field club on tha went for 4.rti Very slahtly and an unusually well bulH hnnee; laraa rooma on first floor, up alnlra not finished. Hot water heat and hardwood flnmn. Harrison. & Morton YES. JUST WHAT YOU WANT! 7 rooma, all modern escep-t heat; lot DOi 128; oar at door; price. $?,SOO. $600 cull, bal ance monthly. I rooma. all modern except heat; large lot; pew; price, 12. WO, $i.00 cash, balance eaay. I large rooma, brand few, all modern: lot 601.3; prlca, $2,700, $wo caiii, balanct "-room, brand raw, beech floors, all mod ern; a dandy; price, $3,500. $600 cash, bal ance easy. NOWATA LOT LAND CO.. Sulla C24 N. Y. Life Bld(. Red 1909. 3515 DAVENPORT $3,900 Six-room all modern nearly new house, lot 47x112. Payne Investment Co., FOR BALK At a batgaln, new 9-roora house, reception hall, bath, oak floora. full banement, hot water heat. Two fine lots, well located. Irqulre ZU2 Iwmt St. REAL ESTATE FARM AHD ItASCH LAND FOR SALE . Arkaoua, . INSPECT AND YOU WILL BUY THIS 12. MO acres In southwest Ark., 7 miles city tn 000; railroad atatlon on land; Red River valley; solid body; no richer farm land; ' reveral Improved farms on tract; hickory, oak, aeh timber. For quick aale, $7.50 per acre; term. Inspect and you wl,I buy. I. EG RAND W. JONB6, Texarkana. Ark. Tex. ' 120 ACRES S cultivation; 1.100 Klherta peach trees; IVO. 1.930 acres, black alfalfa land; timbered; $9,W0. Robert Sessions, Wlnthrop Ark. BEAUTIFUL Orark region of Arkansaa; fertile valleys, rich mountain topi, good climate, flowing springs; farms all sizes, all prices. Write J. C. Mitchell dt Co., Fayettevllle. Ark. lllinole. DESIRE loma choice equities In good, well located land, having small Incum brance against; have good, clear property to offer. Russell La Bourd, 101 Callan der Ave., Peoria, III. Call(urnla). California Land Free 1 You are entitled to 320 acres of this good land. - Products whtoh may be raised on these lands embrace everything except -Tropics gone products. ' One man who lias twelve acres of orchard her sold a season's crop for $9,000. One old tree In this section1 produced 1,600 pounds of apples In a year, tor which So a pound was received. ' i . i .' . Cherries are also -heavy producers and find a ready market. , f ' These lands are near Los Angeles, close to railroad station; good well water; plenty water for Irrigation. For further Information call on or address I JOHN MARESII, Ilotel Boquet. Celornan. . COLORADO LAND FOR SALS. ' BY OWNER. Artut 0,640 acres of good land, mostly smooth and rolling, fine soli, to ba sold In o body. It to 10 mllea aaat of Denver on the Union Paclfio H. R. aouth of Weiklns, benneit and Strauaburg. This tract 11' close to above towns. Th land Is all lanced enu many times croak fenced. Other Improvements: Houses, bains, sheas, cor rala, private telephone, etc. Good alfalfa and bay land; also springs and otuar water ings. ' Extra good proposition for sus dividing or colonizing. No areata Dead ap 'ly. Huy direct from owner. -NOAH CAN.M, MM tiiai.arrn fim.ee. Denver. Colo. ' I OWN about 9.000 acres of the choicest Kiowa county, Colorado, land, .which must be sold within sixty days; the beat bargain In Colorado. Fred E. . Hodgson, Fergus Falls, Minn. . , ... . BEST orchard and farm land In Arkan sas valley close, to railroad and market for $16 per acre cash. Waist rights for same at $,b per acre in twenty equi annual pay ments. Thla land Is going fast and will ouuoie Its value In a very short time, Write W. R. stover, care of Elks' club, Pueblo, Colo. . Delaware. DELAWARE FARMS, delightful climate, productive soil, best markets, the Ideal larmlng country; we guarar.tee satisfaction; aend tor frae catalogue. McDanlel & Mc Danlel, Dover. Del. Florida. J. F. WILCOX, Council Bluffs, la.; larg est greenhouse. In west; beautiful flowers for any occasion shipped anywhere In U. S. FLORIDA FARMS CHEAP Would you Invest in a 6, 10, 20 or 40-acre fruit, vegetable, poultry, pecan or truck farm in Florida's best agricultural district if you could get It for $10 per acre under .he market price? We are .lust opening up a new tract of land In Columbia county, Florida, and while constructlna; the cam paign, we ulll.aell In this vicinity a few tracts on cash or easy payments of a p?r month and at $10 per acre under the n:Arkt price. We have Just lasued a beautiful 2 page book, showing pictures of fields and dwellings In our locality all In artistic col ors. We will mall you thla book free and send you such other advertising matter aa will give you a good idea of our proposi tion. Our land la convenient to two rail roads and we have a mmlnrn rltv of 6.0)0 people In our' midst People who know r'lorlda consider our tract one of the vry best proportions In Florida. It Is endorsed by bankers, congressmen, farmers and the Board of Tradf. Columbia-Florida Land Co.. 34$ Times Bldg., St. Louis. Mo. MlrUlgaa. MICHIGAN" FARM BARGAINS, Rend stamp for our catalogue. Gives location, price, owner's address. Soveial choice farms in famous Michigan Fru.t Bjlt. CLOSTKRHOUKE A WOOL8TON. Grand Rapids, Mich. Iowa. FOR EXCHANGE flood $9 500 stock dry coods. shoi-s and Krorerlrs: whut have you In clear land or income property? M. U. Wlnnurd, Wyoming, la. 4il ACHES of bottom Innd In Iowa, near Council Bluffs; price. $ro per acre; will take $l&0u0 In clear land or good merchan die. Also HO scree In llarilnon county; will trade equity for something clear that la worth the money. Aauiasa D. M. rtsnt ington, Moiidarnin, la. IOWA corn land la best laid; l acre four miles town, fair bulldlnir. SHOnO- m seres two miles town, fair buildings. ti.MK Write "IS. A a," Buffalo C-"'-- al UaMlH. FOR itAt.K My fin lmprove.1 farm of 1i acres, three miles from Montcelio. Minn, fmcrovemrnts soil and 1oetnm all good; price.. Jo5 per acre; will s-ll wllh a etrall jittynient down and esv terms on the t"-.'.l'dKr. C. V. L'oeabc, Uieeue, la- ACRF.S paature. well fenced, plenty water, n Harb.r county, Ksnsas, for rant, a'o or exchange; state what you hava. owner. 11. t. tew. l.ila, Kan. f?0 ACRKS, In Mead county, Kansas, all In cultivation, quarter crop goes with land, soli A No. 1; price. $30; will take Omaha resldtncu tip f $4,000. LATH HOP A TORIN. 415 tie Building. THE CREAM O THE CREAM. We have tor pale six farms located In enntern Kansas within 70 miles of Kanaas City; they are convenient to schools churches, and good towns on main line of railway; moat of them are well Improved, and nightly locations. In richness of soil they are equal to the best lands In Jackson county. Missouri of Johnson county, Kan sas, which sell at from $100 to $250 per acre. We will sell these farms at from $26 to $i5 per acre; $f6 per acre will buy as gcod a farm, with as good Improvements, as csn be bought In the above counties at from $125 to $100 per acre. No trade, but fair terms. Act promptly. ST. JOHN PARKER. Olathe. Kan. KANSAS FINELY IMPROVED FARMS, $20 PER ACRE All rented, paying from 10 to 22 per cent lent. ' Best alfalfa In the world. Eaay terms. If not as represented, will return your expenses. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., 24 N. Y. Life lildg. 'Phone Red IB. POSSESSION W-acre farm; well Im proved; rich soil; 65 acres In cultivation; near good town In southeast Kansas; price, $2.MX. Address owner. D. R. Flnley, Caney, Kan. Mia 19 ACRES between tree's Summit and Lone Jack, on rock road; well Improved; price. $4,000. Jchn W. Luttrell. Indepen dence, Mo. v FOR SALE In Camden county. Mo., splendid ranch tract. 620 acres; springs, running stream; GO acres Improved; clover meadow; bottom land; blue stem grass; free range. Also 160 acres Joining famous Ha Ha Tonka park, and many other tracts, small and large, amounting to 10.000 acres. Price, terms, address A. R. Jackson, Cli max Springs, Mo. 160-ACRE bottom farm; every acre till able; (-room house and other outbuildings; 15 acres under plow; fenced and cross fenced; 6 acres hog pasture, fenced with plank; 40 acres pasture, balance saw tim ber; plenty of water; want income prop erty, merchandise or notes secured by first mortgages on real estate; price $M per acre. Address B. F. Clardy, Ethel, Mo. SOUTH MISSOURI CATTLE AND SHEEP RANCHES. 2,120 Taney county; Improved, watered; (5; terms. 2.200 Christian county; Improved; snap; $18. 1,400 Oregon county; unimproved; dandy; 2.300 and 1.9C0 Carter county; $5. 2.000 and 1,240 Taney county; $4. -6i0 and 440 and 1,400; $&. All well watered, fine grass and snap bargains. OSAGE REALTY CO., Osceola. Mo. ORCHARD lands and cheap, on easy terms. If Interested write South Mis souri Land and Orchard Company, Doni phan, Mo. FOR SALE on long time and easy terms; 4 unimproved 20-acre tracts and 4 10 acre tracts, on good road, mils to school, 1 miles to Blue Springs; price $86 per acre. George Hughes, Blue Springs, Mo. I CAN TELL YOU why good Improved lands sell In this beautiful climate at from $10 to $15 an acre. Address Box 47, Ozark Mo. Nebraska. AUCTION SALE OF GOOD LANDS , TO BE HELD IN OMAHA : ON MAY 3, at I p. m. Every acrO must, and will be sold to the highest bidder, regardless of price. 4.074 acres of good unimproved raw land. Located in Valverde county, Texas, close to town on main line of Southern Pacific railroad. Will sell In tracts of 50 acres and up to suit purchaser. Terms, $1.(0 per acre cash, balance long time. Call I or write for circulars, maps and full par ticulars. This is a chance for you to buy good land at your own price. Writs today. 6. E. WAIT A CO. (Trustees.) , 617 Bee Bldg. Omaha. Neb. INSPECT AND OU WILL BUY THIS 12,100 acres In southwest Ark., 7 miles city of ib.vuo; ranroad station on land; Red River valley; rolld body; no richer farm land; several Improved farms on tract; hickory, oak. ssh timber. For quick sale, $7.60 per acre; terms. Inspect and you will buy. LKURAND W. JuNKS, Texarkaua, ArU. Tex. 45-BUSHEL WHEAT LAND, $26 PER ACRE. We own and control 20,01)0 acres of Chey enne county, Nebraska's choices farm land, now on the market. The heaviest crop yleldlng county In Nebraska for ten years; alfalfa also a leading crop. Ask for folders and full particulars. Agents wanted every where. Write for our proposition at once. Railroad fares refunded if things not as represented. Fundlngsland & Severson, Sidney, Neb. FARM BARGAIN. Most ba sold on account of owner a health: well Improved ItfO-acra farm 7 mllea from town; price. $45 per acre; easy Urma. J. T. Campbell. Litchfield. Nab. WESTERN REAL ESTATE. Farm and town property where railroad right-of-way is bought through. Kinkuld homesteads. Dry land to come under gov. ernment canal. Don't wait. Address P. O. Box No. liil, Gerlng. Neb. FARMS. improved and unimproved ranches. F. J. Dishner. O'Neill. Neb. 640 acres of good, level grass land, north east Nebraska, la clear of Incumbrance. If aold before May 1, will take $4,000; on easy terms, 6 per cent deferred payments. Ad dress Y fetiS, care Bee. North Dakota. LARGE and small tracts of land for sale In North Dakota and Montana. Missouri Valiey Land Co., Dickinson, N. D. 100 IMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE $500 will buy one, balance half crop payments. Wadsworth Land and 'J ree Co., Langdon, N. D. TEN THOUSAND acres of homestead land in tortile Ward county, N. D. A snap: $13 per acre. Lyon Land and Loan Co.. Bowbells, N. D. Ohio. BUSINESS PROPERTY In Flndlay. O.. for western land; property renta for $15 per month; fine location In one of the best towna in Ohio; will give you good trade. Write for further particulars. Chas. Stay man. Fort Dodge, lu. Oklahoma. OKLAHOMA BARGAINS 400 acres xli a !d bottom, two ets improvements, $62.50 per acre. Best county for corn, wheat, oats and alfalfa. Our liat free. Karma $3,000 to $$,000. Lefebrva A Wood, New Kl-a, Oki. 110-ACr.E Oklat-.fc... farm for sale or ex chango for city p.oou-.-i'y or business. Thus. J. Harrison. I'Tyor, old. OKUHOJIA map. crculars and price list on farms, ' on lequesu IraStout, Gushing, Old. OKLAHOMA We hava 100,000 acres of choice land to select from, isnglng in prlca from $1 to U per acre. This land Is In the oil and gaa district and you might get an ml well uh your land. NOWATA LAND AND IXT CO. bulla iM Ni v,- ,f, uidg. t Wyoming. FOR SALE Ranch on Colorado and Wyoming lin; ruuaista of &uo acres of gruxuig and .hay land; rnncti ti now itorkta with cattle and i.1iep; will aril lanch with or without atock. For furtner particulars apply to Harry rail, am. J elm, Wyo. oath Daksta. GRANT COUNTY, S. D., FARMS. 1W acres $ mllea from Troy; 120 acres tinder plow; 20 acres timothy, balance meadow; all nice, level land; best of soli; email house and granary; fine farm. Prlca, $2.2M rash, balance at per cent. $20 acres f miles from Troy, 120 acres under plow, balance all tillable; good soil; no buildings; a beauty. Price. $10,500; one half cash snd balance at t per cent. 20 acres 2H miles from Troy; 120 acres under plow, 70 acres tame grass, 100 acres fenced for pssture; all nice land and all tillable; nice large house, good bern, gran ary, etc.; nice grove trees; $ wells, good water, t-barrel cistern; a besutlful home. Price. $12,300; one-half cash and balance at I per cent. 660 acres $ miles fiom Troy; 400 acres under plow, $0 acres tame grass, balance pasture and hay land; 3t acres fenced; 12 acres grove; fine large house, large barn, granary and other buildings; well of good water, windmill, tank, etc; to own this farm means to be happy. Price, $40 per acre; $9,000 cash and balance at ( per cent. Also have raw prairie lands for sale on easy terms. Address. THOMAS R. STEVENS, Troy, 8. D. DOUGLAS COUNTY $20 acres H mils Armour, 200 crop, balance alfalfa and hay, fair imp.; Al farm, easy terms. 220 acres $ miles Armour, one of the very best Im proved farms In county, land perfect, 100 acres tame grass, balance crop cultivation. fine grove, orchard; this Is one of the best J uaisams in cuunijr. azv acres s miles Ar mour. 260 cultiv., new barn, fair house; a genuine bargain in this. 160 acres, all culti vated, no buildings; a bargain, near town. 16 other choice Improved larms In Douglas and Charles Mix counties, prices $40 to $70 per acre. BRLLB COUNTY-3.10 acres tA miles Pukwana, new house, other buildings good, 260 cultivated, land the best. 640 acres , mile Pukwana, 110 crop, al! good, tillable land, good set Improvements, at a bargain. 100 acres 4 miles Pukwana, well Improved, one of the best snaps In county. 120 acres 2 miles town, well Improved, a snap. 50 other Improved and unimproved places In Brule and Buffalo counties. $20 up. Have nothing but the very choicest pieces of land. Write for further information and lists. - W. T. BARTLETT, $05 Grain Exchange Bldg., Sioux City, la. SOUTH DAKOTA LANDS. 640 acres, lying on the valley at the foot of the Wessington hills, with $5,000 worth of Improvements, consisting of a good, new bank barn 40x 66, with plenty of room for hay, cattle and horses; a good eight-room house, granary and corncrlb; artesian well, running through hog pasture; 6'.".) aores of thla land la aa good land at there Is in Hand and Beadle counties, with 1unt enough slope to drain nicely; the other forty acres consists of twelve acres of good natural timber, good high building spot and fine pasture land; 400 acres of this land Is in cultivation and 200 acres Is fine hay meadow; level land and should be cultivated; this land paid IS per cent Inter est on the Investment for the- last five years; It can be bought for the small sum of $42.60 per acre, on good terms; the place has the advantages of rural free delivery and telephone; this section Is either an In vestment or a home for anyone to handle, with or without stock, as it lies tributary to cheap pasture land: only six mllea from Wesslngton, and will bear close Inspection; this Is one of fifty or more bargains that we can offer. Wesslngton Valley Land Co., Wesslngton, S. P. I HAVE for quick sale a fine H section seven miles from Midland, 115 acres In nice growing wheat, land all under fence and cross fence; small house and barn; will sell this land at $22 per acre, Including crop and hew diso and mower, good wagon and other farm machinery; will carry back $2,600 at 7 per cent Interest. Come quick if you want this snap. Hudson Land Agency, Midland, S. D. 80UTH DAKOTA LAND The rush is on for Stanley county land; several new lines of railroad now building In this county Buy now and double your money In tha next two years. Choice lands selling at from $11 to $18 per acre. For maps and In formation write t. Felland Realty Co., 631 Palace Bldg.. Minneapolis. Minn. Texaa. FOR SALE At a bargain, an Oklahoma farm. In the richest agricultural portion of state. For particulars address Geo. J. Martin, Amartllo, Tex. ...- SPECIAL fine proposition of 7.680 acres; all fine land: Joining the city of Midland, Tex., on T. P. R. R. ; part can be sold for town lota; balance for farms; already run out In tracts from $0 acres up; all tillable; the town Is booming, and thla can be handled on $40,000 cash; will sit ree to give deeds with each $0 tracts with separata set of notes; 10 annual payments. 6 per cent interest; csn furnish blue print: write me at once. Will Jennings. Italy, Tex. FOR SALE Cheap land. In old Mexico and Rio Grande valley, Texas: any size tract; adapted to sugar cane, cotton, fruits and general agriculture; large acreage timber, mineral oil and grazing: some Im proved ranches. Address O. C. Hlllebrandt Co., 'Lands, Loans and Investments, Browns villK Tex. IRRIGATED farm In Tovah valley: 160 acres in alfalfa, 40 acres readv for corn; this la said to be tha best farm in the valley; will pay 20 per cent this year. Write S. E. Washow. Saragosa. Texas. Virginia. WHY remain where the climatic condi tions are so much against you when you can purchase the richest land, at lowest prices. In the country of Manatee? A ten acre farm here will net as much as 100 acres In tho north; delightful eilmato, no drouths, convenient markets, abundant labor, good schools; goods shipped from this county are sold at highest prices in northern markets; establish a fruit and vegetable farm here and becomo Independ ent; write for booklet. J. W. White, Gen eral Industrial Agent, S. A. L. Railway, Norfolk. Va. Washington. DAIRYING PAYS. And nowhere better than in Snohomish county, Washington. But little freeslng or hot weather, no bad storms and small grain, grasa, roots and most fruits yield great; no failures. Butter SOc per lb. and higher. Our best dairymen have money in plenty; 1$ years ago I brought cowa here from Wisconsin and have done dairying, so talk confidently. I am now selling real estate and many farms. Have one of 16S acres, mostly liottom land, near large condensery anI good city; water piped Into buildings, now support ing 40 cows. Price with tools and some stock. $15,600. Good terms. More big an J little. Write for particular. J. A. BAKER, Room S Walsh Bldg, Everett. Wash. allscellnneans. NOW. you Beei readers, get busy. Sea what snaps I have In land. I zander Clark, Kearney, Neb. REAL ESTATE WANTED WE HAVE BUYERS FOR $, I and 7-room houses. If prices are rlgbt ws can sell your property for you. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO . Suit t&i N. Y. Life Bldg. WANTED To hire, broken and planted to corn. 4' acres at Fort Calhoun, Neb. Ir. Ross. Tel. Webster 1102. HAVE $10,000 to $25,000 to Invest In first class Income proueitv. Must be well lo cated. Prefer brick buildings. E 211, care Bee. REAL ESTATE LOANS WANTED City loans and warrant. Vf. Farnam Smf.h & Co.. 1220 Farnam St- LOAN3 to home owners and home build era. with privilege of making partial pay ments seml-annunJly. W. ti. THOMAS. (01 First National Hank Bldg. Good 6 Farm Mortgages always on band and for sale at amounts from $300 to 13.000. REN SON & MYERS, 412 Lite Bldg. OAHVIN PRO III N. Y. I. If. v i 1X0 o on Improved property. No telar. j tins I5xs) on b-"e in Omaha. Vef i nal F'tat Co.. lua N. Y. Lit Douglai ! or A-tlal. I MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Ce. FIVB PER CENT MONaSY to loan on Omaha business property. THOMAS BKENNAN, Room 1. New York Life Bidg. WANTED City loans. Peisra Trust Co. $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Weed, Wead Bldg.. 16th and Farnam. LOWEST RATES Bemls. Brandela Bldg. SECURITY Is of flirt Importance In making an Invest ment. We have a number of good mort gages secured by Nebraska farms and bearing 6 per cent Interest, which are of fered to Investors. Sea our loan department with reference to the. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Southeast Corner 15th and Farnam. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Farm and Hanrh Land. t ACRES, 5-R. house, 45 th and Mandtr- son. 4 acres, 7-R. house. 46th and Harney. 23 acres, small house, 40th and Boulevard. F. D. WEAD. 1801 Farnam St. SWAPS ONE of the finest fruit farms ever built; 20 acres large and small fruit; modern house; an Ideal home and a big money maker. It Is worth $7,000. Do you want It? NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., Suite 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Rod 1W. IF YOU want good Kansas farms for your flats, residence or other Income prop erly list with us. LATHROP & TOBIN, 4 15 Bm Building. CLOSED carriage or street hack, landau let style, but litis used, made by Cunning, ham and sold new for $1,000. This carriage v ..w . v . v., .1. w I w " uu i J xchance It for horse or for vacant prop rrty or for western land. Johnson, Dsn B. a TtF .A h. ajl Yah.b 43a IUI III VUn 43 VV . LUI , J VII I III W V lives OlaTh $8,000. $17,000. $20,000. General merchandise. $15.000 $17, Ouo hardware, wants land. Please give legal numbers In first letter. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. Suit 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Red 1999. You Want a Farm the other fellow wants city property or stock of goods. We want tna commission. Send us full description In first letter and we will get you a trade. NOWATA LAND LOT CO.. Suit 6M N. Y. Life Bids. Red lam WILL exchange good quarter section of land in Kimball county, Nebraska, for five passenger car In good condition. Address Y- 268, care Bee. PARTIES wishing to buy or trade for large tracts of dry, improved of unim proved land, irrigated, Improved or unim proved land, lands where reservoir sits can be developed and the land put under a good ditch that will furnish an abundance of water, correspond with A. C. White, Fort Morgan, Colo. Two houses clear $4,000 Trade for land and assume a reasonable amount. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., , 624 N. Y. Life Bldg- Red WHAT have you got to trade for Colo rado irrigated lands under good reservoir and ditch? A. C. White, Fort Morgan, Colo. TO EXCHANGE for stock general ' mer chandise, 160-acre Improved farm. Adams county. North Dakota, or 320 acres Stuts man county. North Dakota. Lock Box 761, Jamestown, N. D' I HAVE several fine pieces of land that I want to trade for merchandise stocks of goods. A. C. White, Fort Morgan, Colo. IF YOU HAVE Property to the amount 'Of $5,000 to ex change for a good rconeymaklng business write MIDLAND INVESTMENT CO., 108-4 McCague Bldg. . ' w "T SOUTH, ppHA Furnished Rooms.' For Rent.. NICE furnished room; 'hot and cold water; centrally located. 231$ I. ROOMS and board; 'good location, close in. 2310 L 8t., near 24th St. WAVERLY HOTEL, 71310 M St.; Am. plan; bath; $1.25 day; weekly, 16 up; meals, 25c. Offered far Sale. FOR SALE Barber shop; call or address James Turner, H2 N. 26th,. South Omaha. . Hedp Wanted. WANTED Lady cook. " Klin Hotel, 100 N. 24th St. TAILORS O. A. LINQUEST CO.. $35 PAXTON BLK. MAX MORRIS. $01 BROWN BLOCK. V. TAUCHEN. Kmsi Theater Bldg. WANTED SITUATIONS A CLEAN, energetle young man, with two years' experience as head clerk to sales and traffic mamigar of large manufactur ing company desires position in advancing rout of similar character. References. Ad dress B 220, care lie.'. ' ' FIRST-CLASS up-to-dat dressmaker wants sawing in families; can give beat of city references. Tel. Douglas 6275. . WANTED TO BUY BEST PRICE paid for second-hand furni ture, carpets, clothing, and shoes. 'Phoa Douglas 3H71. SECOND-HAND clothing, party, afternoon drcsaea John Faldman. D. 8128 or Ind. A-26S6. I BUY, sell and exchange second-hsnd goods. Sol Rosenberg, 10 a 14th. Doug. 68S5. KEISER pays best for furniture. to. Antique furniture cheap. 1020 Center. D. 6S62. WANTED 6.00$ feather beds. Writ or 'phone D. 7003, Metropolitan Feather Co., $01 N. 20lh. . . BEST PRICES paid for 2d-hand furnl ture, carpets, stoves, clothes, shoes. D. SAIL WHEN writing to advertisers, kindly mention Tl.e Bee. WANTED TO RENT We Are Getting Numeroua.Call.a, For Houses of All Else. List With Us. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. (24 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phon Had tm. GOVERNMENT NOTICE CHIEF QUARTERMASTER OFFICE. - Omaha. Neb., March 21, 1910. Sealed pro posals, in triplicate, will lie received her and by the quartermaster at tha posts named heroin, until 10 a. in., central standard time, April 21, 1910. for furnishing mineral oil and gasoline during the fiscal .year ending June SO, 1911. at Omaha and Forts Omaha and Robinson. Nebraska: Fort Des Moines. Iowa. Fort Rlly and Leavenworth. Kanfas: Forts D. A. Rus sell and Mackenxle. Wyoming and Fort Meade, S. D. United States reserves right to "reject or accept any or all proposals or any part thereof. Information furnished on application here, or to quartermaster at the atatlons named. Bnvelopea contain ing proposal should be marked "Proposals for Mineral OH or Gasoline." and addressed to Major D. E. M CAHTHY. C Q. M - M 21 22-23A.lt-19-(0. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS HAMBURG AMERICAN ajl Kolua Safety Savless (Wirslaas. tct London-Pa rls- Hamburg ) rl.clnn.U.apr :l.UAM (i)Grl WalderaM Ma, II Ibi Amarlk Apr. tullh) k. Aug. VI. .Ha? II HI rrat. Uranl..' . . May 4 lliuachvr ala, 21 (r) foinayWanla. Ma, It ,ly(aca!an .... Majr H , . or B,u-farit&n a la Cane Krauarant. (cl Hamburg rilraei. (al Naw. atambajrg-Axerln U, 48 B'way, V, T. a U1 Areata OUti ff3 rnov To am -you i I fCsiiu.1 HiaKfiTeO,, .3" OwM tCKN.lB0Ot(, I SCMH LIIMft'A. IP I Ah VMa" f SAy y PS.OM UMOlR NO. NOMt WA.1H Hiwt.. I - STfttp?, IN 6vTKN ) vvuu- JZ&WY 00PTKI6NT, 1910. IT The Boss of the Spring fever raged In the Boss' establish ment. The Boss' wife, suddenly and unac countably discontented with the narrow limits of home, decided that her talent war wasted on the Boss and that if ah had followed her natural Inclinations Sarah Bernhardt would hava retired from the stage and Maud Adama would now ; be grateful for a summer engagement In Denver "etock." "In the spring a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love." The average man, 'op the ; contrary, turns his mind to dreams of fishing. f ' So one evening. Just after the Boss' wife was declaiming the Juliet soliloquies to her mirror, the Boss latchkey turned In the door and, laden down with bundles, he staggered Into tha "apartment. "Gallop apace ye fiery-footed steeds !" In toned the new Juliet, while Mary, the gaping handmaiden, - rejoiced that at last tha master waa come home and oould de cide whether the mistress needed a spring tonlo or a straltjacket. "Hey, there, Juliet!" called the Boss, good-naturedly, "com, look at my new fishing tackle; we're going fishing . to morrow. I'm taking th day off and we'll run down on Long Island and bring home th finest atrlng of trout that ver sta lled! What do you aayT" The new Juliet, being 'a married person, was used to descending from th heights of. th balcony with th swiftness of an elevator minus a safety brake. , "That'll b great!" she answered, unro mantlcally; "but have you brought me a fishing pole?" : "Certainly not. I'm taking you along to row th boat." "Yes, you are!" Jeered the lady. "We don't stir on step out of the bouse un less you've brought m a pole, reel, line, Inker, files and everything!" "Her they are In this package," th well trained Boss replied. And then suddenly an Inspiration srnot him. "Suppose w go down tonight and gat up early tomorrow morning around 4 o'clock, say and go fishing. Fishes bits ao much belter at sunrise." Tha Boss' wife agreed and three hours later found her and th enthusiastic fish erman Installed In a 6x8 room of a Long (r The Tired Business Man "What do you know about this Brooklyn woman suing for a separation on the ground that her husband treated her to re fined cruelty?" exclaimed Friend Wife. "As though cruelty could be refined!" "On with the dance, let cruelty b unre fined," paraphrased the Tired Business Man. "If the lady stood for sugar unre fined before marriage she should expect cruelty refined now. Along with sugar and oil, cruelty Is th principal thing we refine right now. Fhe should be glad he treated her at all. And did you read what' that refinement of cruelty consisted of? Oh. terrible and awful thought! Hubby orltt cured her hats! "Oh, crowning Insult! Did you get that 'crowning' part? As If a mer masculine human being who could . stand about ten feet away and look at th roof gardon show could get as good an lda of It as a lady who had Inside Information from the inside of the hat! When a man attempts to criticise his wife's millinery he has troubles to th brim. "With a man the buying of a hat Is a simple matter. He goea to the place he went to the last time and asks for a hat, and the young man present, having heard him ask for a derby, shows him all the other handicaps, Including golf caps, and finally places on his roof a neat Utile piece of felt, or, if It Is summer, a straw, and extracts the customary two or thre bucks. And th purchaser goes horn and has to call his wife's attention to the fact that he has a raw awning, fine wouldn't know the difference, thinking he has merely had the old one brushed. He does not have te exert any great preference, telling the clerk that any kind of hat will do, aa long aa It la a black felt derby. aevn and a quarter. H1AGAZIN rj ijn in suwtj tmU ft fVmi snaaaiiiaiMnaaag iiii n I nasi ass nmis la a- Al i in At.aa... M . i. THE NEW YORK EVEftlllll TEUQRAM (NEtt YORK HERALD Establishment He THE. &S3 W0U6. A SOU'WESTER AHP forjH Topped Ooora. ano4thb.lapy Picture ttvj-. Island inn, scented by the subtle perfume of a kerosene lamp. Thay had given orders to be called at 4 o'clock. Five o'clock found th Boss and hla wife padding solemnly the cow path to the lake. And after the Boas had unlocked the oars of the rowboat they had hired and pushed softly out of the seaweed-strewn harbor Into deep water, stirred by the mystery of early morning, the Boss' wife surveyed the fisherman and his regalia, and. It must be confessed, she smiled. There was really no reason why she should smile. The spectacular sou'wester th Bos wore for the occasion waa not Daily Health Hints. To stimulate the kidneys a diet mav ba used that Includes parsley, carrots and asparagus. Black pepper and horseradish are also useful, and gin and hock are recognised aids In this particular. "STARTLED VISION." "But with women it la quite another story; In fact, It is a aerial story with many abrupt 'to be continued In our nexts,' and at that It never contra out the way we think It will. Speaking architectural. It Is not only another story, but several other stories and an attic. "Some wives make a pretence of wish ing te please their 'hubbies' by consulting them seriously ai to th plans and specifi cations of th next mansard, or. rather womansard roof in which they will appear. They ask tha producers what would be the Idea of a cute llttl conception for the-top floor, and If th gent has happened to see something rathsr choice on his way horn from work or has been inadvertently browsing through th fashion pagea. h eases off of hla llmlud Intellect a brief V CtU. Al Rlahtt RlHml Takes a Day Off to Teach His Wife How to Fish. more absurd than the flower-hung picturi hat she had donned herself. His high topped boots were no more strange than her French-heeled Oxfords crossed In a little pool of water In the bottom of thi I boat. Nevertheless, the Boss' wife, completely satisfied with her own attire, laughed In wardly at the $20 worth of boots, landing nets, gaff and other fishing tackle which formed the Boss' outfit. Th gun came up, cleaving' the morning mist with a sword of light and firing the lake to as many opalescent tints a tha trout It contained. "Gee!" said the Boss, as he dropped tha oars, "thla Is a great morning! We'll stop here. This looka like a good place," and he cast his line. The Boss' wife, with a very una port rrnan like effort, cast here. Her line waa In the water, but her eyes were on the distant shore. Out of a clump of marsh grass she saw a long, lean, black and catlike animal emerge. 8-r-r-x-x-r-r-x! sang the Boss' reel. "Oh, look!" sand the Boss' wife "Look at the ottar!" "Oh-!" said the boss, who felt the trout escaping, and then he added, rudely, "Why can't you alt In the middle of the boat and keep still? I brought you here to catch trout, not otters!" The Boss' wife smiled grimly, but said nothing. Her reel spoke for her. T-r-r-x-x-x-r-r-x! It sang. . How she did It she never knew. Awk wardly, lgnorantly, stupidly, she wound th reel. Nevertheless a pound and a ' hall trout landed at her feet, flopping Irides cent homage to her skill. "Oh, look at it!" she screamed ecstatlo ally-lsn't It beautiful?" Thla waa the beginning. ' v "If It's under the legal size." said th Boss, "you have to throw It back!" But It wssn't. Evidently the Bosg re ferred to the trout he waa about to catch, and to the othera that followed. It waa a sad story the triumph of bull headed luck over cold science, and Is bast told In the Boss' comment to the Con firmed Married Man next morning: "Izaak Walton'a Ideas on piscatorial nuTfr tera are purely theoretical, unsclentltl Illogical and impractical." ' (Copyright, 1910. N. Y. Herald Co.) Tells Friend Wife to Let the Cruelty Be Unrefined. resume of the words and music of the compoultlon which has struck his Idle fancy. "He msy give specifications and ground plans and elevations, hinting, for Instnce, he would like a plot of white straw with a sweeping brim. 'lined with blsck velvet underneath, and trimmed with same around the top to, bring out the sub-plot of nest rosebuds of a dainty pink, with a llttl whipped cream laid' over and served piping hot. And, having meekly accepted 'hubby's' suggestions and praised his tast in hats, 'wlfle' gently drains off anything from ten to a hundred slmoleona, or about enough to keep the old man In hats for a lifetime, and does a disappearing set. And presently she dawn upon his startled vision peeping shyly from beneath a red atraw turban, trimmed with purple ribbons and violets. Or else she doesn't consult htm at all. But in any casa shs can be depended on to weep copiously and a ecus him of cruelty when he tells her exactly what ha thinks of It" "A hat Is woman's crowning glory," said Friend Wife, sententlously. . t "Then uneasy Ilea the husband who ap proves of the crown." replied the Tired Business Man. (Cr pyrtghted, 1010. by New Tork Herald t o.) Dandelions. The merry little dandelions. In glossy yellow hats. Alert and sweet. They look aa neat Aa tiny butter pats. The rheery llttl dandelion?, So blithe and widn awake, They star th plain, Thev rem the Ian. And. oh. what arenVi tbey make! 1 a. B ss.