THE BEE: OMATTA. MONDAY, ATOTL 18. 1910. 1 THE BEE. GUARANTEED TO SELL IK 7 DAYS ANY ARTfczt HOUSE- "WIVES HAY FIND AEOUT THE HOUSE. AND DO KDT NEED OR GIBACK THE. rlDlIETy v. l s - l ; - : tTsS-l jrxr"" r i a . rws nr nut err . . .'"i ... -.," hi iWliitiltWH'Tr. , . ,. ;.....,..., ,v. - ww"' r,, . jTSWaaT hi Want - Ads Want ads rrrelTl at anjr time, but to I Ban re proper elaaalf leatloa mt b pmentrd before 13 o'clock m. for tbe renins' ertHloa aaa before TiSO o'rlock of previous evenln for moraine and luaaar edltloaa. IVant ada received after kach boar will have tbelr first Insertion nnder the heading "Too Late to Classlfr-" Cash mast "II orders for vrant ads and r advertisement Vflll be accepted for less than SO cents for first Insertion. Kates apply to either The Dally or Bandar nee. Always eoaat alz words to a line. CASH RATES FOR WAWT ADS. REGl'LAR CLASSIFICATION One Insertion. 1 cents per word and 1 cent per word for each anbseaoeat Insertion. Raeh Insertion made oa odd days, 1 1-2 rents per week, f 1.50 per line per month. Want ada for Tbe Bee may be left at any of the following drag stores one la yaar "corner draettlst" they are all brunch offices for The Bee and your ad will be Inserted Jus, a promptly and on the same rates as at tbe main office In The Bee Balldlnc, Seventeenth and Farnam atreets. Albsch. W. C, 40th and Farnam. Ileranck, S. A.. 1403 S. loth St. l'ayton Pharmacy, 720 8. 16th St. r."non Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. Hernia Park Pharmacy, 33d and Cumins, lllake-Hradlnh, 2S16 Sherman Ave. Caiifhlln. C. R., th and Pierce 8ts. Clifton HIM Pharmacy, 2213 Military Ave, Hlnterlona; Drug Co., 31st Ave. and Farnam. Crlnsey Pharmacy, J4th and Lake. Cooney Pharmacy, 2228 S. lfith St. Ormak, Kmll, 12M-6 fe. 13fh St. Khler, F. II., :iS02 Leavenworth. Frator & Arnoldl, 213 N. 2!Sth St. Freytas, John J., 1514 N. 24th St. FieKKer Drug; Co.. 1308 K. 16th St. Florence Irue; Co., Florence, Neb. Green's Pharmacy, Pnrk Ave. and P:i0lfic. GreerouRh, O. A., 106 S. 10th Pt. OreenoiiKh. O. A., Tenth and Hickory. Hayden, William C. 2K0 Farnam Kt Har.aiiom Park Pharmacy. 1501 S. 25th Ave. Hoist, John, 624 N. ltith Pt. Huff, A. I.. 2924 Leavenworth St. Johanson Urn Co.. 24lh and Spalding St. King;, H. S., ZZJI Farnam St. Kountxe Place Pharmacy. S304 N. 24th. Marea, Fred L., 2019 CentrRl Blvd. Patrick Drue; Co., 1624 N. 24th St. Lathrop. Charles E., 1324 N. 21th St. Goldman Pharmacy, 24th and Leaven worth Sta. Saratoga Prus; Co., 24th and Amen Ave, Schaefer'a Cut Price Drug; Store, 16'.h and Chlcaso Sta. Schaefer, AuRtmt. 2631 N. lfith Rt. s- Schmidt, J. H.. 24lh and Cumins Rts. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cumins. Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Orace Sts. Wlrth, O. H., 40th and Hamilton Sts. ANNOUNCEMENTS THE MEXICAN WHITE SAPPHIRE. A ftreat discovery. A item with the hard net, brilliancy and luster; can't be de tected from a eenulne diamond. We ruar antce ttila gem to retain Its beautifulbril liancy and aparkl forever, tbe same aa a ftenuine diamond, at 1-30 the cost, la solid Kuld mountings. Call or write for IN luatratrd catalogue. Jewelry Co tOO McCacue yidg. Omaha. BEST CEMENT BLOCK 8 In Omaha. All lengths and wall thtckneas In stock, Omaha Concrete Stone Co., nth Av A Sahler. Estimate given contract work W. 886. B 8018) after f p. m.. W. 42)1. MONEY TO LOAN -LOW RATK, In sums to uit, S10 Bee H dg. UNION LOAN COMPANY. GOOD MERCHANTS LUNCH. c rvra A. JETES. 1302 Douglas St. O KjIQ. ILER GRAND HOTEL Finest In the west 16th and Howard Sts. Turkish Baths MAOOAKD Van 8torage or Omaha Trunk Van Ftorare Co. Pack, move, store and ship 11. 11. goods. D. 1436. B. 242. J. A. KF.PVAN WILL MAKE YOUR SUMMER SUIT. 603-10 Brandels Bldg. WESTERN DUPLICATING CO., 403 Bee nidg. Multlgraphed letters. Doug. 3641. EYES EYES EYES HAVE THEM EXAMINED BY AN EXPERT OF REPUTATION. I HAVE SUCCESSFULLY TESTED EYES AND KITTED GLASSES IN EUROPE AND AMERICA. RECENTLY DOINQ MOST OF THIS WORK FOR . THE WURN OPTICAL CO. PEE ME NOW. REASONABLE PRICES AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. W. MATTIIEI, 405 PAXTON BLOCK. , DOUGLAS 3631. Red (326. Ind. A-1753. Bee Hive Cleaning and Dye Works, 1G20 S. 10th St. Tel. Douglaa 4367. ELLINGTON cleans wall paper. D. Tit. PATTON'S ftunproof paint, Jap-a-lac: try EnsinaL Keratoma Drug Co., 24th 4k Ames. DAVID COLK Creamery Oo- lATTON-BOWMAN nDW. CO. AOKNT8 P. F. CORBTN BUILDERS HARDWARE. CONTRACTORS' 8UP pLlKil 1614 Farnam. .Phone Doug t&l C PHOTO ENQ HAVING Acid Rinse Etching. Prompt Work. W. R. URAMULETT it Co.. 1311 Howard. D. 6D71. Cf T 8. A H. Oreen Trading Stamps W'lU wltb h4r)j Bni ,nft co,. paopla's Coal Co. Duuglas 17!4: Independent A-14eA B. F. WURN, Optician. 424 Brandels. GOINO TO BUILD? Get Ideas of a prae ttcal builder. E. H. Olaen. Tel. Benson j4. f?et.Husv-0'it"V" 8rllt MT'LTIORAPH WORK A SPFCIALTT. J. C. Northrun. lTTEROLOGIST " Wo PaxtOM l'lk. 'Phone Doua. 66SJ f.mnt Block". BEST QUALITY Uemem UlOChS Ideal temeot Stona Co. Douglas Printing Co. TeL Douglas H4. BARKER BROS. PT. CO. herwtn-W Pts . oil, varnish, glass and brushes. 160 Farnam. Kohen Bros.. Carpenters, liW N. IVth. R 3264 Mlrsourt Filters made, sold. Ill Howard. BIG REMOVAL SALE FRIEDMAN LOAN OFFICE. Ill S. 12th. .r to move to 8. E. COR. 13TH and IK.U'GI-AS. Clotblng. blioea. Jswlry. etc., old below cou TWO changes of vaudeville every week I'm lor Thrater, west uf ltth on Douglas. LYNCH BROS. Pl?TaANO REPATR WORN- A rRIALT7. Tui S. Kill Phine Duuglas K'i. SHOES cMd for end delivered free Ptandai-a Shoe Repair Co.. IttH Farnam. FT KVAYOH RBIVAIRKU ""relrhl. Pas. ROLL'S NINE NAPANKE9 la their Last Dav st Sco l tt vhe Parlor Tbe- ANf1'" "NTS (Continued.) 'lifts BIO FEATI'HK-Zjii s Mne Napanees. at the Parlor Theater, commencing Sunday. ( LEW W. RABER Printer, Bee Bldg.. alter April 15. Tel. D. 1013. 4KP1IOH PPN(!R CO.. Iroa and Wire Fences Cheaper than Wood. Last a Lifetime. 107 N. 17th 'Phone Red S14. TIIOS. PUR KIN Krr1cLolfthr.c?onr1 W1RINO OLD BUILDINGS A SPEC IALTY. 2609 Cuming St. Tel. Harney 2448. T7 Iron and Wire. PPtlfr Chsmplon Fencs Co. x viivu;,h a, si. ti r iRon THE City Garbage Co..' Tel. Doug. 13S7, cleans vaults, cesspools and removes ma nure, ashes and all kinds of refuse. Shirts BURGESS SHIRT CO. made to order, til Karbach Blk. STOP THOSE HEADACHES by using glasses fitted by an expert optician. August Johnson, with Prlti Sandwall Jewelry Co.. 3d r loor riuu Block. MONUMENTS J. F. Bloom & Co., . r a . i ., .-nf 17th and jnuvcu iu Hf w lucHiiuu. iui Cuming Sts. 'Phone Doug. 676. WANTED. . iv ... m. t, rn-n ..nrv nn Northern Pacific R. R., North Dakota, and Milwau kee R. K., south Dakota. PH ELAN-SHIRLEY COMPANY. 1009 New York Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. S. H. Cole Sign Co.. D. 876a. 1316 Farnam. JOHN E. HIMOE. shirts. 630 Paxton Block. tuu unMH iri'PK'mmn CO.. 20 per cent leas than Omaha prices. 20th and L Sta. AUTOMOBILES DRUMMONDS Sells Buggies, es Auto Tdds. Builds Wagons, Repairs Autos and Ail Kinds of Machines, loth and Harney Sts. I U n Dl IJ " . . . . . ' """I nalnted and completely overhauled. Opoo 7t r . . f ... OA U A . , . n An . n.vl. and closed body, glass front, top, extra tubes; complete set cl tools, tire covers, Coat 16.600 leak than a year aud a half ago. Will sell at great sacrifice. Address Arthur otoii. Oiuana. xxeo. inTnunntt.i. nnnnn;9 tn SO. Columbian Optical Co., WJ-211 S. lbth. MODEL E. Jackson, and M. Oldnmobiles, touring cars, each 40 H. P., ixii Cyl., cost 12,000- and 12,750 each, with no extra, and each has 2uO extras: Top, windshield, preetollte; also, generator, speedmeter, weed chains, extra casing and tubes, tire holder, cover, luggage carrier. Guarantee perfect condition. Sell either for $1,250. Dr. H. J. Hill, Lincoln, Neb. - OMAHA'S foremost repair house; all kinds of repairing; when In trouble call Douglas 7281 or A m.'.i-'i -J - '- The Paxton Mitchell Co., i 2318 Harney St. FOR SALE For best bargains tn auto mobiles, write or call oa the NbUtUbKA-VUlCK AU1U UU., UU-ll Karnara St. CT IfllTI V ii. fnin nifHn.f Tf a mhl.. OUl A "" . -vu. -.-.. automobile, gray In color, splendid condi tion, no dealer!. Address D-&0G, care Bee. , CALL US for oemonstratlon of Cole "30." Mldweut Auto Co., 19th and firium. WRITE for llKt automobile bargains. H. B. FREDRICKSO-V AUTO CO.. Omaha. Auto Painting irrVDH MURPHY & SON. 1412 Jackson. EXPERT mo'orcycle & Blcycyle repair ing. Omaha Motorcycle Co.. 1620 Cap. Ave. AUTOGENOUS WELDING. All kinds of broken cylinders, crank case and castings promptly repaired. All work guaranteed. uun t &UMX iiu i uk uuiorAn I, Council Bluffs, la. RARfJATNS ia automobiles. 1802 Farnam 8c BARGAIN In secondhand cars: over hauled and repainted: look like new: for ale regardless of price; Pres-to-llte tanks for sale. Standard Automobile Co., 2U24 Farnam. Tel. Doug. ItUL BUICK car with top, wind shield, I lamps complete, 1703. Inquire A. Hoape, 1611 Douglaa St.. Omaha. 6END for our list of second-hand cans. XJKjtLljll I AU1UA1U111I.U tU., ll14 Farnam St. FOR SALE 1908 Maxwell automobile. 1550: excellent condition, fu.l euuiDment. horn, extra tires, top lamp, tools gener ators, cuirains. etc. -rnone Lieut. Haskell, Fort Omaha. Webster JW0. FIVE-PASSENGER Fulck car. In Al con dltlon: a bargain nt $o50. The Sweet-Edwards Automobile Co., 2062 Farnam St. FOR SALE 1910 mode Stoddnrd-On vtnn K.niuatisr 13 a i in nawt . rop. iKh to sell to private party, phona tl a a-r. tt 1 "11 BUSINESS CHANCES A Livo Omaha PAYS 12 TO 1S DIVI manufacturing concern wants more capital for 'expansion- can use some good solicitors on liberal commission. Ad dress or call on Mr. Guild secretary Commercial club Alto Mr. Palmatter, Merchants DENDS National Lark. McNeill-Jewel Realty Company. rite us tor Bargains. 615 N. 24th. Tel. So. 7iW. South Omaha. BIG money made riant now! If vou have coma ready cassh. Secure; exclusive territory: rights at once: useful snd substantial patent: lurxe proflta; no competition. Auaress JI. 209. Dee. FOR PALE A rood retail lumber yard. In central Iowa; investment of la,0ua Ad dress x 24H, care Hee. FOG EL & ALTSTADT TO BUT OR SELL. tn Neville Blk. ' Doug. (121. TO GET In or out of business call oa UANQtaTAU, 404 Bes Bldg. Te D S-lb7. WANT man to take Interest In legitimate buslneKs; big profits; na competition; must tz.trm 10 I3.0OUI Address, r 177. ttee. TO GET In or out of bu:ne In Omaha. Pouth Omaha or Council Bluffs, see Wil liams. 411 MoCague Bldg., ISIli and Dodsa. FOR SALE Upholstering business, splen did trsde and money maker only one other eatauhshnvnt hi town; small lent; on ac count of change of business; will sell on time to suit buyer: onlv a small amount ec capital will be required. Address C. A Morgan. 331 Uroadway. ' ouncll Bluffs. W ANTEI A party with 13 500 as a buslneas li lnvMi In a lexttimale m making merchandise buriiiess In Oni tl. 11 Is an opportunity north Investlgs Addrtaa-P 3. live .kffl.-aL side monev Omshs; listing FOR SALE We buy. s-ll ar.d trade lands, merchandise otd liuoma property: eend dMHcriptlun of your property; no deal too large. "'Opportunities" ma'ltd free, tity Realty Co., Land Brokers, iiuokugee, Okl. BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) POOL HALL and barber shop for sale. Address Box 35. Hot Springs, S. D. TO BUT. SELL OR TRADE See Midland lnv. Co.. 103 McCagua Bldg. CORNER STORE ROOM Where man of right caliber can mnke money. T. J. Hook, 1101 N. 18th St. From 9 to 0. LAUNDRY To sell or rent; Just Installed In good town. Address, Y-254, Bee. A LIVE responsible manufacturers' agent, wanted as Division Sales Manaser, by leading specialty house, handling small, well advertised line of novel utilities. Ex- csptlonally profitable commission opportun ity. Address R. B. Co., Room Broadway, N. Y. City. WANTED A buyer for 110.500 vendors lien notes, first mortgage drawing 8 per cent and due In five years on partly Im proved patented section or land seven miles south of Happy. Tex., and tralf mile of R. It. switch. Above section has a new five-room house, stable, well and three miles of fence, and sold for 16.500. 111 discount the above notes imo. Act now, and do not write us unless you mean buslnosH. Address L. C. Klein Lund Co., Happy, Swisher County, Texas. FOR SALE Drug stock; money maker; small town; good territory; location Oak, Neo.; reason, manager died; don t write; haven't time; come: first man with the money gets It. Oak Drug Co., Oak, Neb. 15.000 PER month coal and feed business; good location; every accommodation. Cheap. Address H 227, Bee. 200-ACRE farm within one mile of town to trade for stock of general merchandise. H. O. Campbell, Franklin, Neb. WE offer for sale a well established cash dry goods business In a splendid country town; no groceries to bother with. If you are desirous of going Into business write and investigate. C. D., Box 1. Qibbon, Neb. 1 FOR SALE $10,000 stock of clothing and gents' furnishing goods; situated country town 1,000 people: stock to be sacrificed for cash. Address L. So. Omaha Bee. FOR BALE Drug store, best location In town, most prosperous farming community in Nebraska. Invoice. W.OOU; no dead stock. Will sell cheap. For particulars nd dress. Box 614, Schuyler, Neb. FORTUNES made operating "The Circling: Wave," the latest Invention and catchiest amusement riding device In use. Write for catalogue. Armltage Oulnn, 12 Mill St., Sprlngvllle, N. Y. WHY not a profitable business of your own? Write for 200-page Illustrated book telling all about the biggest retail oppor tunity of the day for men with limited capital. A chance to start from a small beginning and grow Into a big department store. The book contains many storie of success others have made, and will go with full particulars to you for the asking. Address today, Y 259, care Bee. WANTED Party with 21.500 to Invest In w ell established and paying business, with or without services. Address D-240, care Bee. AN exceptional opportunity to get control of a permanent business that will net large returns. Very -small ' capital will handle it. For models, see MUles, 109 No. 24thV FOR SALE General Merchandise Stock Between $4,000 and S3.000, In first-class condition, located In the best town In N. W. Nebraska; object of sale,' settlement of an estate; no trade accepted. Address Y Z6l, care Bee. GOOD location for cafe and Ice cream. The Manuel apartments. 21st and Howard. Rent reasonable. Red 44.f7. CHIROPODISTS DR. ROY, 1505 Farnam St. Douglas 6497. DENTISTS BAILEY & MACK, 3d floor, Paxton. D.10SS. TAFT'S Dental Rooms. 1617 Douglas St. DANCING MORAND'S, 15th and Harney; lessons Mon., Frl.. 8 p. m.; private u'Uy. D.-1041. DETECTIVES OMAHA Det. Agency. 42S Paxton. D. 131. CAPT. T. CORMACK. 617 Karbach. D. 2832 DRESSMAKERS SEWING DONE. 2210 Langdon Court. Dressmaking and plain sewing. D. 4431 M. 8ELECOW, 2902 Far r!am. Harney 2017. VI 183 STURDY. 2702 Farnam. Tel. H. 4671 INFANTS' layettes, hand-made: also em broidery and tatting. 549 S. 2tth Ave. Red 6022, ' EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN SANITARY HAIRDRESSINQ PARLORS. Switches Made Irom cornmngs, 11.50. 601 Paxton Blk. 'Phone Doug. 4C7L E. P, BRUCE Mollne Pianos. 413 McCague. 1 KiNB-PRilPLE SHOW at the Parlor Theater. The largest show for the smallest admission. Commencing Sunday. LADIES. It will pay you to get our prloes on hats, willow plumes, fancy feathers, flowers, frames, braids, eta PEN NELL. 1511 Douglas St., second floor. GOOD, clean, snappy vaudeville. Come and have a luugh. Parlor Theater, west of ltth on Douglas. rrtTTT A T?l) Dressmaking. Room 4. 152 UUiXlVlVi jjougiaa BU Phone A-3K64 Dress Pleatings, Buttons Covered All sites and styles. Ideal Pleating Co.. 100 Douglas Blk. Both phones ARSENIC and IRON complexion wafers makes clear, white skin. By mail 60c and 81.00. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. THE FRENCH WAY Ladies' clothes beautifully dry cleaned. CHINA decorating; order work a special ty Lessons Tuesday, Thursday and Satur days. Firing dally. Children's classes Sat. tirday morning. Mrs. C. C. H ungate, 394 Brandels Bldg. Tel. Red 5486. WHITMAN'S fussy package for fastidi ous people, tl. Add 20c if mailed. Melcher Be hni Id t Drug Co.. 17th and Farnam. WE frame pictures at reasonable prices. Barker Bros. PC Co. VUTV'nVA Seamless hosiery fit better VViiUirt. and wear longer than any other hose. 19 Bee Bldg. Douglaa 4337. FOX Ledles' tailoring, latest atyles sat Isfactery fit t?l Iavenworth Pt H fifU EDUCATIONAL THE SPU1NO TK.n.M AT Boyles College, Is now open day and night. Students are ad mitted any day. Prepare for profitable portions in SHORT HAND. TYPEWRITING, TELEGRAPHY. CIVIL SERVICE, sure to be open In the fall. The catalogue is reaay. Apply for It BOYLES COLLEGE, Boyles Bldg., ' Omaha, Neb Both Phones. EDUCATIONAL (Continued. ' SPRING TERM MOSHER-LAMPM AN BUSINESS COLLEGE. Unexcelled course In business, short band, penmanship and English. Nona but experienced teachers. Day and evening sessions. Most Interesting catalogue pub lished In Omaha. Send for one today. MOSHKR A LAMPMAN, Seventeenth and Farnam Sta. ST. ANDREW'S SCHOOL FOR BOYS 418T AND CHARLES. Per. F. D Tvner. 848 Charles. Harney 23S2. EVERYTHING FOR THE GARDEN Marserlea- Fruit Trees andShrubs n.o;n'u?! aery atock. A splendid assortment of hedge plants. Let us quote you prices now. Call and see us. or phone Benson 634. BENSON OMAHA NURSERY. BENSON. NEB WARRANTED 4-knlfe. ball-bearing! mowers, $5.00, at Dunning's, 1(112 Harney. Patronize Home Nursory LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE LTNK OF NURSERY STOCK IN THE CITY. Sales Grounds; 19th and Douglaa Phone Douglas 1S?8 or Douglas 448. M. P. BIRD NURSERY CO.. Nurseries North Omaha. WARRANTED lawn , mowers, $3.00, at Dunning's, 1012. Harney. GENUINE Catalpa Rpeclora $10 per l.OOti. Cor. Davenport and 17th Sts. Phone A-18G2. Lawn mowers at Dunning's, 1612 Harney. TTfTnTTS Plants that grow. V. Vf. xxvxja-iO Meneray, Creacant Nursery Ox, Omaha yard, 21st and Farnam Sta. Phone Harney 4550 FURNACES AND. REPAIRS GAS stove cleaned and repaired; gaso line repairs; water fronts; new furnaces. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS. Both 'Phones. 1206-1208 Douglas St. FLORISTS BENNETT'S Flower Dpt. E. atore entr-ce. HESS & SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam 8t- 1. H. BATH. 1628 Harney. Douglas 3000. A. DONAGHUE. 1607 Far. D. 100J ; A-100L BRANDEIS CUT FLOWERS DEPT. J. F. WILCOX. Council Bluffs, la.: larg est greenhouse In west; beautiful flowers for any occasion shipped anywhere In U. S. L. Henderson, 1619 Farnam St Doug. 1258. HELP WANTED FEMALE Clef leal and Office. WANTED Cashiers; must be 17 years old or oyer. Apply Superjjttendent, Itran- dela Stores. WANTED Hand-lronera. ' steady work, good pay. Kimball Laundry, Fifteenth and Jackson. GIRLS experienced on power sewing ma chines. Apply C. W. Reynolds, 1008 Jack son St. WANTED Experienced cutter and fitter on all kinds of ladles garments. Good wages to first class woman. R. Y. Hobson, 1023 Capitol Ave. 'Phones R. 2927, A-3927. GIRLS wanted to learn hair dressing, & rices reasonable. Oppenheim parlors, 213 IcCague Bldg. WANTED 10 experienced dressmakers. None but experienced need apply. R. Y. Hobson, 1023 Capitol Ave. Red 3U27, A-3927. rjonaelterpere aad Domestics. WANTED Experienced housemaid. Mrs. Charles Mets, 556 S. 28th St. , FURNISHED rooms; one block from car line; reasonable price. 2711 S. 23d. A COMPETENT girl for general house work. Apply 101 8. 5th St, Tel. Harney 486. WANTED A young woman for general housework and cooking; small family; no laundry; good wages. Address A. P.' Clif ton, Fort Omaha. 'Phone Webster 6263. WANTED Dish washer. 177 S. 24th St, South Omaha.. WANTED A woman for laundry work and for second cook. 8611 Jackson St WANTED Girl for general housework In small family. 320 N. 41st St, Tel. Har ney 600. GIRL or woman for general housework. 1916 Spencer. Tel. Webster 1133. WANTED Competent girl for general housework In small family; good wagos. 319 N. 41st Ave. Phone Harney 1630. WOMAN for general housework: nit washing. Phone Doug. 1829. GIRL for general housework; two In fam ily; good wages. UU Emmet St Tel.. Web ster V.Vi. GOOD experienced girl for general house work; ho washing, Mrs, H. F. Morris, 401 Farnam St. Tel. Harney 1336. GIRL or woman wanted for general work; one who likes children; small family; light work; good home for right party. 218 N. 17lh St WANTED An experienced white washer woman for Mondays at 15c an hour. Phone Douglas 2. 224 N. 18th' St WANTED A eook. also a girl for laun dry work. 3120 Davenport Tel. Harney 69. WANTED Middle-aged womaa for light housework. Call Webster 8488 In forenoons. COMPETENT girl for general housework In family of two; good wages. (24 North 19th fit TeL Douglas 2724. WANTED Girl to help take care of baby; no washing or cooking; good home and wages. 2432 Templeton. Phone Webster 4tf. SIX housekeepers. Canadian Office, 15th and Dodge. GIRL for kitchen work. 1812 Chicago St. GIRL for housework at on": one that can cook; good wages. 2026 Dodga St WANTED Girl for general housework; good wages: three in family. 405 S. 42d St. Phone Harney 1476. WANTED Girl for general housework; good home for light party. 63a Para) Ave. WANTED Maid for general housework, Small family. S!20 Uarnay. COOK wanted. 1906 Chicago St GOOD ceok: good wagea and no washing $200 Harney St WANTED A rood reliable girl or womaa In private family. Apply 2024 Blnney St, or call Webster 61 WANTETi A ycunc girl to assist with light housework: a good home to right party. 1703 Laird Phona Web. 2744. SECOND GIRL St 108 N. 2ith St WANTEI Girl for general hnuaework Call Mrs. Caldwell. K17 Harney. Phone U im A HOOD woman for general housework; German preferred; must be a good cook; no washing or Ironing; liberal wages. 210 California. HELP WANTED FEMALE id Doaneatlcs -Cont'd. WANTED Housekeeper: good wages to right party. 1604 Corby St. GIRL or elderly woman In small fumlly. Phone Harney 4229. WANTED A competent girl to cook and assist with housework; no laundry work Mrs. R. C. Howe. 114 So. 33rd. WANTE At once; girl for housework; Onlv three In fmllv: irnnri u'aiTA. t.. Thomai W. Hazen, 2724 Spalding St. Phone trouairr ova. COMPETENT girl for goniral house work; small family; good "ages. Mrs It 8. Anglln, 101 South 39th. St. LADIES wanted to take work home ap plying transfers; $1 to $4 dozm; original; reliable firm; work guaranteed. Trleber's 1210 Farnam St. WANTED A nurse girl. 2919 Webster. Phone Harney 636. WANTED Good girl for general house work. lMil Blnney St. Phone Web. 894. KITCHEN girl wanted; apply at once Mrs. Smith. 611 S. 24th St. WANTED Competent girl for general housework. Two in family. Call morn ings. 3530 Harney St. WANTED Girl for general housework three In family. 2963 Poppleton Ave. Tel Harney 2183. GIRL for generat housework; two In family. 223 S. 81st Ave. WANTED middle aged woman; assist in housekeeping. 216 b. 35th Ave. WANTED-Chlld's nurse; references re Quired. 1038 Park Ave. WANTED Girl for general housework' small family; gcod wages. 1046 Oeorgla Ave. GIRL or woman wanted for general housework, one who likes children; small family; light work. 2U N. 17th. GIRL for general housework, 6016 Cass. Tel., Harney 132L GIRL for general housework; no laundry work; best wagea; ui'ddle-aged preferred. 108 S. 23d St WANTED A oompetent girl for general housework. Mrs. R. S. Anglln, 101 a. 29th Sta WANTED Girl for general housework; give references. 2S27 Capitol Ave. GIRL for general housework where sec ond girl is kept Mrs. George Barker. 632 S. 87th St, Tel. Harney 3237. WANTED Oirl ot woman for general housework. Light work. Good wagea and good home. 1552 N. 19th St WANTED Girl to assist wlto general housework. 2630 Manderson 6t WANTED Cook; highest wagea. 1102 g. 80th Ave. Phone Harney 2641. WANTED Experienced cook; good wagea $210 Farnam b't. WOMAN who understands work and Is willing to go to suburbs; good home and good wagea. 1612 N. 26th St 1'.' WANTED-Competent girl; German or Bohemian preferred. 1909 Capitol Ave. YOUNG girl to assist with housework and cars of child 1 year old. Mrs. Chedeck, 17th and Cuming: Sta. WANTED Girl at once for . general housework. Call at '-Oil Charles. COMPETENT girl for general housework; one who is forr.1 of children; no washing. Apply 308 S. iSth St WANTED Girl for general housework; 2 in family; good wages. 20)3 Dodge. GIRL tor general housework; good home and steady place; good wages. 1302 Park Ave. WANTED A girl or middle-aged woman for general housework; good home for tbe right party. 623 N. 19th. Rosenblatt. GIRL or woman for general housework. 1915 Spencer. Tel. Webster 1133. COMPETENT cook. Apply 206 S. 32d Ave. or telephone Harnav 206. WANTED Girl for general housework. No washing. 401 S. 88th 6t WANTED An experienced cook, also laundress. Mrs. W. J. Hynes, 3816 Harney. Harney 4760. WANTED Compt tent girl for general housework in family of two. 2514 So. 10th. Tel. Douglas 6951. WANTED Experienced cook; wages $6 per week; family of two; no children; no washing. Mrs. C. S. Montgomery, 502 fl. 36th St. Tel. Harney 2462. GOOD girl for general housework, $6 per week. Mrs. Cowderoy, 1325 So. 36th St. WANTED Reliable person; general housework; cooking plain; nice room and home. Harney 8440. 4123 Farnam. MIDDLE-AGED woman for light house keeping and companion; more for home than wages. Addreca 61914 N. 16th, 3d floor, room 7. allsee LEARN HAIRDRassiNO It pays. Toa an earn $16 to $36 weekly. Full eoursa taught J. L. Brandsls. Halrdreaalng Dept PUPIL NURSES wanted at Douglaa County Hospital, 40th and Poppleton. Ad dress Mabel Christie. WE can take you out of your shortage of laughs in this world. Everyone laughs at the Parlor Theater, west of 14th on Doug las. TEARS will come to your eyes after the laughs are abstracted by our company of 9 vaudeville artists. Parlor Theater. WANTED Transfer glrla and cash girls. Must be 16 years or over. Apply Superin tendent, Brandels Stores. HELP WANTED MALE Agenta, Solicitors and Salesmem. TWO men to work from rig and solicit; good pay. C. F. ADAMS, 623 S. 16th St SALESMAN wanted to sell "The Rest Ever," Lady Washington Hulled Beans with chicken. Galehouse Packing Co., Seattle, Wash. GROCERY SALESMAN, thoroughly ex perienced, for live store. Apply, with ref erences and state experience and salary expected. Address O 233, Bee. START LOCAL ACCIDENT INSUR ANCE AGENCY THAT WILL PAY VOU 816 TO 140 WEEKLY. UNUSUAL OPPOR TUNITY OFFERED. GOOD PAY AT FTART AND RAPID l.NCREAHE TO WORKER. ADDREUd FOR PARTICU LARS. HOME CASUALTY Cp.. IXOK INTO THIS NOW SALESMEN WHO CAN TALK TO WO MEN; NEW $2 HOUSEHOLD PATENT; GUARANTEED ABSOLUTE NECESSITY; HALF PROFIT; UIU COMPANY: STRONG ADVERTISING; NOT SuI.D IN STORES; EXCLUSIVE TERRITORY; SAMPLES IjOANKD SALES MANAGER, 122 8VCAMORE ST.. MILWAUKEE. WIS. WANTED A solicitor with horse and buagy to drive through the country and ao.lclt subscriptions. ''all and aee circu lation manager. The Bca Publishing Co. AGENTS New specialty, good seller, good money Writs today. Bartlctt Supply Co., ill Brown Blk.. Oiuana, Neb. HELP WANTED WALE Agenta and Saleenaen Continued. AGENTS everywhere; send three dollarl for three sample equalizers, refill for three dollars each. 200 per cent profit Ne competition; eaahy applied, full directions. The hardest working pumps work easy. Wind mills work easily and noiselessly with sIlRlitest wind. Great money maker. Writ today, now. Equaliser Manufacturing Company. 640 Bee Building, Omaha. EXPERIENCED coll.ctor lor house fur nishing C; state experience and reference. Address II 4,9, Bee. WANTED Newspaper solicitors. Call or write Twentieth Century Farmer, 602 Bee H.dR.. Omaha, Neb. TWO bright, enerRetlc young men for permanent city positions. Apply 612 Ware Hlk. WE positively have the fastest selling household patent on the market. Woolfar lne Co., Pittsburg, Pa. EXPERIENCED collector for house furnishing company. Must understand south side route. Address S 235, Hee- AN energetic young man as mnnager ot salesmen; ;i6 week. 612 Ware Blk. WANTED Five f Irst-cliisn salesmen In shoe department Applly Superintendent, Brandels Stores. WANTED Experlenred salesmen In dress goods and domestic departments. Apply Superintendent, Brandels Stores. It WAN TED A boj Room. . ..ry sea composing WANTED Boys for factory work; clean, light work: good pay. Omaha Box Co., East Omaha. WANTED Galley boy with experience. Apply at once Western Newspaper Union, 510 8. 15th. WANTED Transfer boys and cash boys, Apply Superintendent, Brandels Stores. factory ana Trades. WANTED Top trimmers. Apply E. W, Reynolds Manufacturing Co., 1008 Jackson, ONE good cornice man and tinner. Lin coln Cornice aud Metal Works, Lincoln. Neb. WANTED Platen and cylinder pressmen; open shop conditions; good wages to com" petent men; 4S-hours week. Applv. quick. State Journal Co., or Woodruff-Collins Printing1 Co., Lincoln, .Neb. j WANTED A blacksmith's helper who - nas naa experience in putting on rubber tires. Johnson-Danforth Co., southwest corner loth and Jones Sts. MECHANICS AND LABORERS WANTED For all kinds of plow shop work. Machine blacksmith, punch men, fitters, grinders, polishers, erecters and laborers, city, work, good pay. Competent men will find un usual opportunities to secure permanent positlona at good , wagea. Apply in per son to the employment agent, Deere & Co.. Mollne, 111. WANTED First class barber Immedi ately. Grand Hotel, Council Bluffs. ' ... . HORSE8HOER, ETC....'. WANT1CD Ail around man at once. A. Jensen, 308 w. nth St.,. .Columbus, Neb. . WANTED Carver automatic ' die press operator, two machines, permanent situa tion and good salary to steady, reliable party. Give references. - The Tlios. D. Mur phy Co., Red Oak, la WANTED Two good moulders at once. Address Fremont Foundry and Machlnn Co., Fremont, Neb. WANTED A good man to oversee laun dry. Must give good reference. Address Y 253, care of Bee. Drug stores tsnaps). Jobs. Knlest. Bee Bldg. WANTED Granite and marble cutter. Good wages. Steady Job. ' James Glldea, Hastings, Neb. WANTED Experienced freight handlers, salary $50 to $06 per month. Steady em ployment entire year.. Apply Burlington Freight House. WANTED A No. 1 toolmakers. Rogers Motor Car Co., Ralston, Nb. Tel. South 17702. f WANTED Car carpenters, car repairers, machlno blacksmith. Apply Cudahy Pack ing Co., South Omaha. WANTED 6 or t men for factory work; good pay. Omaha Box Co., East Omaha, WANTED A Gordon feeder. I. A. Med lar Co., 414 S. 14th St.. Omaha. WANTED Compositor; lady or man. In good office, who can assist with ads and Job work; $10 per week. Review, Elgin, Neb. Sllscellaneoas. ANYONE, ANYWHERE, can atart a profitable mall order business at home evenings. Send for particulars. Heaoock, 739, Lockport. N. Y. COME and see our large stock of fancy laughs. Parlor Theater, 1408 Douglas. WANTED A Janitor in office building. Must have experier'e In this work and furnish first-class local references; must live In the building; room, heat and light furnished. A good position for the right man. Apply 407 Brown Blk. WANTED Some good sodding done soon. Apply 19 N. Y. Life building, noon or 6 p. m. ' Tn T?AT THE OLD RELI- :$15 I K iVl IM ABLE, 109 N. lth. Suits to Order, MEN wsnted for railway mall. Internal revenue, postofflce examinations. Write for examination schedule. Preparation fraa. Franklin Institute, Dept 190N. Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Young man, one who under stands dry goods preferable; one who has had experience In wholesale house. Must have references. Orkln & Levitt, Sioux City, Ia. MEN wanted. E. W. Reynold, 1008 Jack son St. WANTED Men to learn barber trade; few weeks required; splendid trade for poor man; be your own bobs; can start shop with small capital, or work $12 to $20 weekly; good demand for barbers; further Information free. Moler Barber College, 110 S. ltth St., Omaha. , LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Vehicles. ALFALFA hay. Wagner, 801 N. lth. WAOON repairing, painting, lettering, rubber tires, put on and first class black smith work done by Jobaaon-Danforta C.. 10th and lones Sts. HORSES for sals. 1415 Cap. Ave. D. 1P19. LET Frost fir that wagon. 714 B. 14h. tlUOUiCd. u i irm. a . a 1 1 1, . u . . a u , a, high class work, for sale cheap. 1117 Par Bain. w r. T n a . - hLah a .,.aKA,,a DELIVERY WA CONS Heavy teaming, gear and (arm aiKon. 1UT Farnam St ONE high grade pneumatic tire bike atanhoiK) buggy, almoat new, one-half price. 2T.19 Jai ksoii. Tel. H. 2422. WILL, sell cheap gaited saddler. Blue Hlli bon, 8 years uld; thoroughly trained, drive double or alnple Address W. (1. L. Taylor. 435 No.. 2T,th St.. Lincoln, Neb. $io0 Racine Sunhope, almost new, fjr best offer. Phona Webster 415s. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horat'a and Vehicle 'ontlnneil. FOR SALE Young mare, good driver and gentle, m Knimet St. , . FOR SALE Horse. 2 Imrtn'sN s, buggy and spring wagon. 2I1S J St., So.. Omaha. Corra, Bird a, Doga and Peta. . .. A FINE young family cow; fresh; brloa, " tut. Web, 7i'. OOOD cow Just fresh. 4.1d and Center St. FOR SALE 35 shoats and sows. Tel. Douglas 85. LOST AND FOUND IF you are short (M 'ligh go to tha Parlor Thenter. west of 14th on Douglas. LOST A lady's open-faced, Roman gold Elgin watch, monogram M. A. L. : also ivath pin, with green stone. Address Methodist Hospital. Reward. , . LOST Rod cow; reward If returned tDjv 2S26 Webster. . ... ' NOTHING but decency On " our stage, west of Hth on Douglas. Parlor Theater. MEDICAL DR. AV. C. MAXWELL 621 Bee. Bldg. Has cured hundreds uf the most prom inent people In Omaha and all parts of tho U. S. of PILES and F t .- 1' I-1 V without an operation. No pain. Tel. D14?4. Res. Murray hotel. AVERAGE TIME TO CURE. Rupture, one visit Piles and Fustula. a days. Cancer. Catarrh. Rheumatism and Gout. SO da vs. Goiter snd Blood Poison, etc., 00 days. No knife, blood or pain. See how quickly and easily these cures are possible when you become fully Informed conoern-. Ing our new methods. Write for free took. GERMAN DOCTORS. Corner Main aud Broadway. Council Bluffs, I a. FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crclghton Medical college, ltth and Daven port Sts.; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. Phona Douglas 1167. Calls answered day or night BEST nerve bracer for man. Gray's Nerve Food Pills, $1 a box, postpaid, btieroaao 4b McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. COSTS YOU NOTHING If you have a chronic cMsease to try the FAMOUS FREH ThEATM ENT at the Radium Medical and Surgical institute, northwest coruer lltu. and Farnam. ' MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS. Notice to the Public , No More High Kates $10 to $1,000 LOANED ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. " PIANOS AND SALARIES. THIS I." A NEW FIRM Organised by the REPUTABLE BUSI NESS MEN ot this city to protect honest working people in need ot temporary help from .lie extortionate charges of the so-called loan com panies. Wa will loan you all tha money you want and charge you only 10 pur cent a year. THIS MEANS YOU PAY $ 1.00 Interest on $ 10 for 1 year. 2.60 Interest on 26 lor 1 year. 10.00 Interest on 1U0 for 1 year. r and all other sums In proportion. Easy Weekly or Monthly Payments. Reason able Appraisement Charges. A glance at the above rates' will con vince you how much you save by dealing with us. NO RED TAPE NO DELAY. Money in your pocket w I tula an hour. Independent Loan Co., ROOM 204 WITHNELL BLDG., Phone Doug. 6046. 15th and Harney. $tt$$$$$m;mmsm$:uKm?;ttmtt$$$$m$ U$S$$$$S$$$K$$$$$$m t$($S$$$$$U3$$S$$$$$l It PRIVATKLOANS It 1$ $10 UPWARDS tl On FURNITURE and PIANOS la use; $ $$ also to those holding $j 1$ STEADY POSITIONS. $1 . $$ A Modern Firm. $ it with a Modern Purpose. It It LOOK AT OUR RATES: $$ $ CAN YOU BEAT THE&IT $ It Pays Principal and Interest.'' . ti II No Other Charges. tl 1$ $25-0 PAYMUNT3 OK $4 80 i 1$ $.- " " $6.60 $ $ $J5-45 $u.eo w ! $40- " " $7.60 It $$ Payable weekly or monthly. It 1$ Other sums in proportion. $$ $$ This company la backed by men $ r it with unlimited capital, for tha pur- tl II pose of helping those in need of tain- ti $$ porary assistance. $j It OUR PURPOSE IS " $4 It To make loans to those who cannot $1 ' tt afford to pay high rates. We will M tf pay off high rate companies and ad- .1V . i$ vance you more money at less cost l. tt tban you are now paying. u V $$ OMAHA FINANCIAL CO., tl $ 601 Brown Blk., Opp. Brandels. It 1$ 'Phones: Douglas 2o;ki; lnd. A-20.K. $ mmtmttmtHronmttrtt$mr,tsm.ssmittti WB DO NOT ADVERTISH IMPOSSIBILITIES. After you have had an unsatisfactory In terview with those who do, come in and we'll show you that wa make loans aut a cheaper rate than any advertised. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co.. For eighteen years at Eouthwest Cor. ltith and Farnam Sta. . . 119 Board of Trade Bldg., Telephone Douglas gtt. Salary and Furniture Loans st positively the LOWEST RATES, uulcger servtca and MOST ' CONFIDENTIAL DEAL of any In the city. Pauouise the BIGGEST AMU RELIABLE Cl.EDIT CO., Third Floor. 307-303 Paxton Block. Douglaa 14H ana a-iiu. DIAMOND LOANS AT b - IV. C. FLATAU. " . ".I" DO YOU NEED MONEY to pay youi debtsT If so, call on us. We loan money o:i FURNITURE, PIANOS and L1VM . STOCK AT POSITIVELY the LOWEST TERMS, WEEKLY OR MONTHLY PAT MKNT3. BUSINESS CONFlDENTlAU NKHKA8KA LOAN CO.. ' 7 Crounse Blk., opp. P. o., lfith & CapltoL I Win av I.-j!. A 1 I." w . f"M IT V TliNirn U k T A ItTL'fY tit-nnt . WOMEN K KEPI NO IiOUtflS AND OXU KRH. withuut security t eiuty Lavmenti. tttirM in M (.rlnrln... nltloa 'J'-vi J, " ........ LiM,-a a V(a4V.f6U- ruuig 61$ New York Life Bldg. ' Furniture luani; prlvata. 4 Patterson blk, '' MOVING AND HOUSE CLEANING . OMAHA VAN AND STORAttHWn cleans your carpeta ani) floors. Electric i. vacuum system. 'MA) Bo. 17th. Tel. Diu5g. E. L1EBMAN. expert house . and baas ment laiuT, stoves packed arid guaranteed - nut to rual m nickel. All klnda ot stoves,' sewing machine repaired. Written guar antee. 1117 Dodge. Tel. 1). 15h0. lnd. A-4J6i. EXt. Delivery Co., off lie ltith and Dar. en port rUa.; warthuusa, 'iMi-Vt Izard HI. FAPER1IANGER.-4. use tha be-t Snow. U.. . I II. VI Pahie Co.. I VK TOUR flake p.s'r. Ouil, I a.-i Co., lit 8. lJio. Doug, ll.oo. no TT NnVHAVB YOUR FURNV UVI 11 lXVtY xi'HK REI'.MRED ANL-. UPHOLSTERED. A6',. FARNAM. H. lilt i A.',, 4 4 I 1 I i ; af" V.JU r