Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 18, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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i r
f E?JZF OH KEi s
Im ImI Frtws XJ
aUghtta T-.atn.'as luim trudii Co.
iaaa Jta-aowal. Xafe tmmn c UU
TomrV . Air General Agent. Caai
tun Tm na Fire la moth ar-of
a 1. s. 5om:sl ctdat. S n nAarra, li A Har 7 !
The fcnM Wil he Save is to fallow j C
fix-d. definite p;a of HTh( Nmirli!
" mouth. 5- Xebraaka and
Loaa Am, Buard of Trade Bidet. Oamha. '
Waddla by -lee atttkBa-ASabert j
t'11'"" a4 Kan Haxei Trotter of !
wre aiml by Jadg Alts-tadt
FYrda 7.
charged, with criminal aeaan.r nn k t
--- w a.v 1 "im ganty 67 Jury :a
s-a-r-cr cau-t Saturday night aT-.-r a 47
ef aai.oting. t
C- AVywa Koe he Br-Oaa -Rev & F '
Lyon of Mach:ga. 1o ta the g-aest of
his lmar, C. J. Lyon, will pr-ach at the
Prst Baptist charts at the moraing- and
'a' servie-a. j
laye T Baa) Tttafe'a Phraftaj The clara ',
ef 111 ef the Braadeia and Boy! t:i :-
school af avtlag wi;i pint fTar oa-art ;
aya a t-; Braadnia utr on amr-
ArU iJ. at a KaJlnm. ataya ar: !
MaatM-BMc. "T5 Paraonx. "At tta (
Valoa Suaon," andor tta dlr tin of !
31 m nxcH.
ro-a. bnn of
drbata by Jury yearartay af:rnjcn redad
la Tictary f-r Vr. PJ T. Zl'.im ha araa
aaad f-r ' by L..a Gar-i. m-:ra-:-
t-ta br;j, a .a-d. Tha caaa wiva ac-
curid vara! daya bafora Jala -anady ;
vaa butariy f uht all taa way thraui. :
A rrtsct f r the defan-Liat waa r-tarart
it T :j j. m. j
roaalsa War Taaaraaa aa att-Tixa
La Paray. Caltad poajixti War Vatarajia. i
It. at ita Soad na. ara la Baricht ha.L f jr :
the purpeaa of arxaajena- to attend taa !
xbrt aaaraal encaatntneat cf the Nebraaaa .
divfcrttjB. This will be be.d at Columbus.
Nb-. an Tuesday. Apr-J 31 and the Omaha '
, 1. . . 1
Tea, Thouamad 9oHaX Trwaawjra at.--k in
rreaiu Or- '
Era yeara a-3(, dE- a reta-l and waoie- i
- maaafactartnc and Jobbta bualaawa
ThJa ta a lecntmaia entermaa; an bi je ;
say or aides. Jobbing schema: company la '.
weti manaaTevx aad beera a Ifood repaa j
uau; capable or paying 11 par cent caaa 1
(fivtdrad: atrlcteat LaTeatlgatloa la
Tited. Ad.fraaa a. cars Baa.
Saamtr. Jr a who gara hla ad- to cnngrtuU.tad apun g-lng so j K who kao-wa a fettle aad ia abas to- aad lavng-3arc. another la history, aaother
draaa aa tha VTctarta hteL and Itta i cb T'IUC ma aa pr"u-.ri. Other use it la better oC thaa -be who kaowajta ger-grajby on tlf the whole roocd of aui
haw. wo said she halla from Denver, i atadecta that hare recent.y been j a great deaa and ai anabia ta aaa it. ; rts tn lae earticaiaro ahiai bava bees cuv-
wre arratsted laat fc:n at Fremant by ; ta posi.ons are: XMiacn. j Tha piaca to begrn tha raal eeTacatJon fir i ared.
i":ua i.'UJia aLna acuvna.ii an a 1
eham of rind larra-T Tw
-. . , .
cusmi i a .n carr-.ea hit a trana
f af tarsoua articlea val-ied at tlt-l
from tha bouaw af Praokia Tharaton.
Dodre atreet. where the womaa la aal to !
aaure Llrad for a Haa.
JIayaar Jx
.aaiaa. a anal .
aaalamtaaa far Ciiuaai.
Tha f Ira, afcot ia Marar ra.;nu'i
ca .era cor ua aemocranar nomination
f goaernor aaa f r-d Sarartay night at ,
Waaaiaa-toia. aai Mayor Pe-himan, aSa i
waa tha Brimrlaal SDaakar. had aa bia i
uptc naxaooau unatty za pavrtia-ruu- ra-1
Lair on to prohibition. I
:lA3 tlJUIL; faldkv lat u ta aati
aad aaaw all Sa. tbts au:a af aura that rma haa. not coma yet whan thaw caa
,. , . . " .
write laws an tha atacata booA to take
awiT from ua acr Ba-raanal Lbarrlaa -
He arraed, that a aaxlon oaly grew aad
rauoaued rreat whan lta people ware el-
their conaxrlancea, provldad that ta
ao '
ailing- the-y wars not trespaaatna; on taa
rlghta af their a el at, bora,
SpeaJtlcg oev tha subject af tha rataarral
af tha capital from LiacoLn ha aawd ba
waa not only ia favor of that, but tn
taa l eiuuaal af The penitentiary xaa, aad
bw deacribad' that taa titration aa at pras
aat In aa anaaCafactory- poattlon eanitar
iily. B. B Pharty aad Jensaa Klelaea also
skav -
Plra. whioa partly deau-oyad taa Maaoorl
PactSe eaajahed to the soura of WM
atreet .and ranaanl da ma era aaiountmjg t
. aa-wbaatw tLstH. accurrad sbortiy before 12
eeiocx, faxnrday Bight. It atmrtad ta taa
ahaary ta tha emtta af taa anad and the
Caaiea epraad rapidly to the teaia strxctara.
Tha Cremen. under Aaaiauurt Chief Di-
ri spa i If laws Esa-t aaa real
F-tfeearm HaavatradL
Been, ware premptly aa the spot. Bors-ltfe- 1 Johar Tg taaat of tha Toung- Lavliea Da
tandtac Tha difneaifcaa of aecaaa to tha ! bathta; society to Pern Friday, where tha
Iccaoloa. aad prawentad tha am aad af tie j two schools ware pitted wlta each ether.
Era fa tha cars lytrg at the vUnnity. -t-v. Junior-senior baiuet which too.
tost ona ercaKxm. Ia this caaa thai rear
ar.d of a car became lam 'tad. but tha flames
were aooa trader eoturai. There was little
e-jej nx ma aaeaa ana ix aua an iaaa fra.
The annctpaJ dajnaga is to tha build; ag aad
to a numbatr of amaJ cars sated for dumpta
TTaa aVmf raiuka a-vf iaaa awn eaa
-rra Oad tp for almost two hours, owing
t tha hydrant at glxteanta and Wirt
vaata havte to ba ased.
I Sir -
should haa eoeai al w"th deaa bardaigwa) sat
urated with Eucblen a Arnica Sative. Kaa is
kin, w-ouavis. sores, nuaa. Sc. Far aaia
by Baavaoa Drug Co.
I a ia a Kay Fty aaa
With tha refnrn of Coionel W. A. Gl
fir. J- J. rertarht aad Gou.'d Delta to the
rry there wf3 ba soma acCvjry d npiayad
ia aerooaLaUcal cirriea feere.
Arraagemvnui have bean made for a
maar-ig of taa Nabraaka Aera clah af
Nebraska, at which Commissioner Guild
-J preaeat a maaa af data la. ratrard to
Amaha'a awwkiiimt on tha- aarnna nr'ra! aua 1
E:i:.-.aaf Bow N. Tow! kaa been acgrage
in .ad aaround Omaha availahl. for bai-
lo-mrrtg purpoawa aad aa adaat atta baa
been tuur.d. subject, af course, ta- tha earn
ers p rmiaaiua lay aaa R
w raa
The charter membaraerp closed a 11a
taantv-a:u aa-nea aa tna rosxar. Thaaa
A.-a a I r .
b-etae- r-ot:aet fa r aaa Haa.
OA -a stars af'Atr-m.
Tha Fsatorattea aovar af amend a aaa j caa.
m sa aver aaa mat ea aad any
that atweanta M sa a aaaaat ta
J. I- Sawthere, Eaa Claire, W. aaya:
"For a -ng caaa t have heeai aaahaa ta
aires- aoesaliy sights, becaaaa ef aaJsa
exreaa aey bach and aoreneaa af sty hsaV
aya. My asa-iiia waat vary paar aad say
gauaral ewndsuaaa waa aaueh rua iaaa. I
hava baas taAig Foirya Xidaay PUA but
raeta, I eat aaa aaJoF aty saeaha. aad sty
e-taeral orutzm s gtaaSy lntLread. I
caa haaaaat-y A waamaad FoLey a aLataay
PUla aa I haaas thaw have cured aaa.' Fa
by ail atruAaAia
Hatteri f General Iaterest ia tie
It are
H-ae m TWt H a
4 Dtsti
Apa-l r Sraeiriai.r-The errm
' aim ement earr?uaes of : srrrool of
bTa Sunday w-th a se. -non by
B. Asm of the lava Agr-.cultarsl
rr.mTKr.cTMl will r-vmci .la f-v-
dar a.Tt t!i a lormra by EVaT Ba ftt
Ta or- nt rar haj a iom ms
. fil or. f.,r rba aar-r-j.'t :rai raiw.
Tha t 'diiK baa baa .ar ?r thaa in '
any pvloue year aad the vort of the
school hu attracted etten-i.ia in oHr
.u aa ta Nebraska. Rf-nf.y
he a-honi iu cot? 4 acted experiments f.-r
the beneft of farmers in ml corn In wars.n farmort of acwwrtTj
f-r orerauTIoii.
. ..
Wla Twa Tlraaaa
tn lay.
Pan Sora-a; dai:r taaai wan a
a.a3 - ,
. "
rtcrory or Kaaraay Frvlay a n-
" at j-i-o.
- !' u M a, E.Ti7.
,,jeu"1 J'"-'L'J "B o.Tad. That
aadiai-d iaeoraa tx ti aa aan pooa
9t 1 baiow -LOW p-r aanaas be
dealraaia moiiVjiin of aur aystrai of
frterai raaaiion.- Tha rr dbat-l the
' Th Fm boya deoalMi taa
Caer. M.ea Maael Banaa and M:bb Be.'ie
Boi'l'wit - The P-ra boya waa won oer !
K. ley are: Eijon Pertt. Georr? E. 1
Gor" ad Jtr E. Mirxaa. The Kar :ey 1
boy are A. O. Sjsa-;e, R. E rifda;e. W. j
a-taiiev th M k -. -.
Dnf n- w . .
oniTemty. uper-.a'-ndent Tiy.or of Me- ; c
- " BJMl J-M1 laompeea or ijraad isiaao. 1
- rr t!tat the rw, achoo a
" aM- W IJ J"ia
ltr D- H- Weber, one of Pent atrna-est
-rm amm iw r-u Te rii :u- ,
-",uwny ' saaa-n scaou.a avr v eaer ,
ia a sUseet etaile-r; ia iw uHir of
1 gl el elt f Jtjrav au-b a am K,,. . !
j a r cf taa Xormaiita. Tha Ehubert aehooia
" - ' ' wia. -ix. . .w. ,
at Tharatn: Hrsrr X?ijcn. acienca teacher
. .-i . . . . '
. icujr i ruaaao, jacso acaon
aad PraaJt Jenntngs. pr-netpaia of ward
school a at Pa-rbury. Kaihrya Ailea. grada
acaitrra at T-cuawli. Martha GrmTian. i
graaunar gradea at 5iabert.
I P ' ' f Aylaworth of r3Tar. fannar'T af i
010 "anr-nr.ry of Xabraska. gave a lecrare j
ander the aasptaea of the toeal su?Trar ,
aaaoclaticn racenfiy on: "J-ga lnd aad !
ua javenila Lnnrt at rteover Dn-lnr i
a LETasa Maariurw ntaa nriBiai II in Tlat TWTnaWIaa T ,
.s. , ; .w m
Taa Troubadowr Concert aomaan-e aaa a
nowrt in the normal aaaStomnn last Sat-
artay evening- Thaa aoneert araa tear-'T
affarwawa ary an uui lit. n was trie '
wy all hi aw lit. It
aad aJ
for ex-
iaaa: a am her of the lor rare errarae
artaeaeda ahawa a aarta-i iimnnr
. . . . a
a . . , i
' " a.K0u uiSdTV I i ill 1H1 a or
" . . " t
Oca cf the most snccassfa; art exhrhita i
. ,. . . . ., . . . :
' c " c:aa
w ai -i. waa aa
' -j
useu to purcaasa arc wtta waarn to aaora
. .. . .
1 - auiii iiwm. vwioa uai r 1 I
I avhih, rt. r w,'. fn,-,,
. . . . i
1 J " -r"
eaasda of this sa!a amounted t about C5
and win ba ased la fartherlasr tha work of!
KjCAstwXT 9TATK 50IXaL 31 0 Tat
aaat Laat Weak
Mlaa Ailea Btaatay. aa-n i et a i y t tha prea
alent. aaa been, etuied to Ohio by tha se
rious li'neaa af brr saothar.
Mrs. Clara Gartnar Baornet. f-admued
frem tha normal tn rXC aad who waa ax
saaif'ngty popular with both taa atiidtmts
and tha faaratty. (?rt Last week.
Cr. W. A. dark Tialtad Albloa last
weak and apoka baaTora tha County Taach-
Prof. A. J. Mercer went to Haerhrga Fri
day to act as Jtalre at tha Eebraa-HAat-Inca
H"eh school denaia.
Prof. Oaorga N. Portar averomnaaiad tha
iriacw ajni a was ona or taa most en.oy- , vs organic foundaaon of tha arwaa
abia events of tha year. Tha womaa of , to Omaha Saturday tTVuoon.
tha Ch.-Klaa church awi-rad a deKghtfal s -r-v. ,k .r .v. i, u-.ii
i frra-eouraa dinner. sJ
; rrcm. Encffl Hamlltan.
BT Which LaWlB
Grace Hail aaa
L-a Gardnar reaaaandad to tixmta. WBaon
w-maru amu aa ijji l Tia-.Bi. i.a K T m
i . . ... .
; naainni aa ua noraaai waa lasiarauy oea-
I coi-r, prw.ri u
artractiva a-ioauaaea Ta youaa- naonl.
artractrra appraea. Tha yourg paop.e
acxuxtad themaeiv-a with muca credit.
. .. " 1 . "
Warraja Jameaon.
Ian Temperance Caloa boapttai. sacra ha
haa been far act ei a. weeks. Several mem
bara of Lta famiTy are present to attend
Tha prase ml brtLi baa arrived aad the
work haa) aaaa renewed aa taa wlar of '.
the bulldlra-. It la bopad that tha tvt i
will now few pushed rapidly.
r. Koaach of St. Paal'a caurch of Lin-1
sola waa a pleasant visitor at tha school
1 Friday. Ha exprea-ad himself aa much
with the achocL
BaaaJta aad
ua Iaaairy at WeUeweey
La. aa efTort ta find out Just what eoaleare
gtria read. arsdanta at Weileeley
tntaa-vleaa TV. w . w- -..,
fr"'" f "f1
awtr-l al A aaaaaaw aa. . .
I "
, bahlbiaiiy read ... dail, papar. But they
! -01 ta -tor a.A Th-y .k m tr.e
i Bi auaa: paan r-M airrr-
I ' "
Waaaiiaa ra-a:ariy. A imuat every g-.rt
t Waaaaay raada a waaaly paper ar anontluy
iraainra m araa. cases aa-maT reaad rr
, .
laau- ccuaa. riaa paw ctDi or taa ecuidextes 1
read aoma raiig'.oas staaaixine rvg-xiar-.y
Tery fw saaj tha ehaaa. taaaay wmnri. ea.
and a BaCfuiiy aasail number of students
read aoasrif.s pubiicarroca Nona read
French ar Geravaa aaagaxinaa ngtilarlj
Tha ""ai fur aaurt atoa-aaa la amiaat aaa
vwraai. Tha lepuita ft1 'sua tha nova read
era ware eceouragma- aa ta quaat-Cy auoae
thiac aUffaranl as ta aa..ty. A fa sf the
alt aai read Ivaana and Sojtt. Thaa-herai
aad Jauie Aaaten. The rvaJera af taa vi J
modara aaswaL tha sure! that :.! sorv v
this preaaat day fxaud af pxiajaAal litaraiara.
asaaa as a tawrth af the t but a skatt
arc onxiHl ao ' tTr-.; r.ior" aut :a
Tw-wt ca-- tMa rMiMi M fiTir' w-ari
nj favorwo .-wrt rr.-rry rtf. Of
ao :. JOr!;tA bnk!a ta ). ant a M -Hw't
and M- M aaa e'nwa
woda. Kra. 'Warfon ta pcpui oat aw
ra4 aanrt ar--! than fr Sr ao-ia
Vr Jam ' .:y via fc - and tVrt
Frum . tSirty-atx fia rwd a boaTSy
w'tMa ma U-t f mmtHa Wita a f"-
-xrVOma. than ba'r b-n tia 0aa apiia
f AJit f. man Paas-r or Caj-a Wb
haftu rDrty-CTa mul -MKT fjr p4aur.
-. J Trrta a fair aaxs-iut of 1 riartty.
XiNU-'.y ail tha raaay'jRa raaJ ara otodm.
Em on ta.nKa4- at tha hi-al of taa Hat.
a!tli CaJ-"T ,a a cioaa wooed. y ana aula
Bacoe. or M inri. Cm biuadr4 aad
t-w-nrT-ti rrta real or-try for pl-a
! T-ncTacB ta tia fa-rwrtta. f5itow4 by
Worts arts. Bnar.i a--.4 t:y!r. Tour
guia Mai Ckwua and Ct Hakiia.
HUt B-r not arrr:Btly raaj Car- I
tnaa. ?ym ondav 1 wtnbir ia. ara uua.:y
n - imicot i Tia tour at la dtraaia ia ta-!
rrpajtn. Naarly a fora of tha Ca tad ; "" J aina -ra-Jonii a-inraca roi
r-a4 a '-ra pi ara T-ry r-eanCy. WyUij rac it iwiaraa- at Mrv E7.U Fu
tha f-w hcou of Uioaa wio nj.y j TC aup-rtntaat of acfior-a la Chi-Shai-r
lt. a aaJa aiaaattra frn ' Tonne ropa-a t raia
.v- ,.1.. t -ji
sodcra. Thr ta a artdaai r ad aTToetioo
fir tha po-tioat tha lyTcal drama, auch
a tt !a manufartard by Mr. Taata and j Marka Ucsaepfc-a Pr ron P-aJXyv-th
a r ara arMeiy potsniar. C tia aa)
or'y rh:rtr-ia raad I ham. Maatarlnck aad
Shaw. It wovid ha wd to kao what
f.r'.a rit of oiletra ad.
Clauaa 1m rata ten ra w
When Monday morTfri can a to at the
dor-r that trt re ;in com as w.ta re. ,
Taa p ara far a student to dwa on ,
ua tha ctaaa roon L not on tha au t 1
Clrar-trea ara o?.a!al. but aimt an- ,
dr.u aeern ta think they ara romiianry.
A taavhr caa taarb a tune to talk
aaaier thaa he caa b-ach a fr-ahmaa not. to. !
CTer-atady tcay ba a dii
as, bet there (
w 4aner vt !t aa ectdernsc
The teaxrher is naeJjie to r with a at-
dent: tha most he caa do Is to potnt tha .
a tipitw" -w at-i.iMtt: rata a hurterf!T eda- :
..rwB mimi. mi. a KuTirT v uuv
it yoa cava oc:y a sun meanau-a .w to pwir a quart at -ira.Tj.rn. w a
oi-JEe taa cotiears. 1
It la better ta say aa. tmportaaf fhina- J
cnnsety uiaa vo aay u mti -- .. u . mi. a
PMfaaan atim'.d leau-n tha vsiaa of
mA . n C w n Ca:lr aa
eoqjemiy aa ha caa tuoau
i m rnixecarD ia a.iniaa . -.uvi
. f.---.i w.r t. and tha world '
. . .
a-eta wtat the at-hom carrtea rorwara.
icaa Raidarw.
Fids-ratD wai Tf naa, j
M iw i.-,a H Haan haa oond a achl
ea anrairara f -ir venan at Amber. Fa.
Th acnooi ia noded aftar
aaaaa aa a? vac- -a at aaaaOB 9 afT fl el jtJ
the famous
T: " w Tha . rrnaacpso rii
n f i ai-a diaBror.a tha ra.-uirr cialm
--. aava, aa.a, asaa a-a-u - hj
aalversiiy :
rk. There were ten comiea:ora.
Prof. Jeremiah !mtth of the Ha
uw aeflooa. wno Has 7Xi- pr-sanuea aur
iart- wf!a ba will be in hh "3d rear, u
t - anBiy a -j-on or tae Kevotaaoo.
i Wuilaaa Aiexaader Sarith. super-jtteindent j
. ef acr.ouua at Paoghkeereie. Jt. T.. aad ;
Beraard A. Merraau a recent graduatw of (
IFamnt aa.nrain luia I la man a
at tha CaL Ciara company of
. . .
i,.U- a, " -k. ....
, . u . n t -Tk.
-P- Amer-ra
ta Which the French Were
! Conn..
is liiraatiarsg tae haxiaar of Uji
i r..'""".-"- ii WTZ. "4 V:i
! ir- .Z - "
i rrr .-.rr..C w.... V v "- - rr-: " -
; ''".r'JZZZZ 2 L'
a;-, -.a aiT aau-n M.M iaj-k aa
i 1 " .
mciajad a mocm uu. torreat oar la aa :
tmce that br beauia has rapidly decitned.
aad Dr. . H-iar tae raasiiy poyavc an.
declares she is surr-trir-.g from sromacn
p.--on.rg. due to taa aooa. ta, the soft soap.
t'eepeet ind-xaacnn wat expra-aaea ay tae
gtrl' a father over the affair, watca baa en
daaav-red bia daus-acer a life, aad ha baa
aaaviMaiicaad a .a lntanuoa f aaartigg a war
st ct am .canon, on taa aaxaety.
Swedish League
Committee Here
Ccsstitstiaa for 5:brsxki.'s Srar
Heublicu Cma-initiaa. Crafted
at SavTardij itcetiij.
The conarJtarional eammittea of the
Swa-disn-Ameneaa raaubucaa Leag-aa af Se
braaka. formed a month ago at Ltnrn.a.
beid a me-clag for tha formulation of tha
B I.,nn r raitala aa.- f
. . w . . . .
r . ah.-, WAh- v t.
i . B
---viaara. csanaj, atau Jr
O. Aaderstra, Bava-
UXX- renre nt tha eras,,
; praeur.t to rrpr-aent the orri-
n ta appointad tn each eounty
, wr, , . - x. Joim.
i Tha Swedaua-Aaiarlcaa leagae is a.,t
(a becotse a peraiaaeat poiiCcai factor.-
iaaaartaa that .Mas
Way Eaav
A beet tha
Pa tta
.. , ... ,
.7 .
; -' vtiiwr Laarr ua nmoaruoa am.a i . .
! aeaxh ef a eaiore watnaa wtta whom fee :
haa baaa Svlag far tha last twelve months '
aaaara to taa aoikra aa rjaranea Pat-
j Tha only tr.junea on
1 1 jcoiorad aad swoiiaa
tha body were a
eye. which Ha.l !
I admitted was rs tsed by
a biow he had
and a rat on '
1 a- 1 r --ai.
i t aow i iisa.
r u d .e-. ,
J -' a - tL JiU V) 2D WeaJf n. fMJ Tlj IJV
. af taa In l ira were aatrriraa ia h u
A..,, a.,, a- h,a .... ... ... v-
A..tK a,a h k .a . . . v
1, . .J . .
e. . b. . ,
; as
tie paMica. Cr. Hartea aaw the
a about 7 a. auul aba waa daaad. Ha. I
that ba tax hueaa avacut ( a clock
faucd ber eorr p. vir.icA of aetn UL
1 am wi
t aut to get her ccate &rantea.
I v
- at iaa
ha got sacs. k ataCMt aa found
ker tn had and ana a. a ta iii H.
seat fur Lna doctar. I aa a ii- . '
tha bed were aonaa aottlaa of aneditane
aad a b--t:.a af I'm a-art contaicing laud- j
aa am. Theea ware taken a-waeuKfl of J
y tna cerenar. Tad taa post aaurtaat i
txaannatioa ia bvld. aa.d Dr. H
:ng caa ba said aa to tr.e eaitea at death.
aA ia just ana of suapimoa, as) to tha Bra
tnt. ha
Sa -aattar aaw atrvere aa af attar-
rboea asay be. Cha-oeruuij'B Cji. Cboiera
aaat Laa-raoaa. aUawdy aaver tut ta gT. a
a C'is LiTfitijatica.
ata Dr Hiac t-rrmw
iai ata ? tta
CattlaaT aat All
Rll of Uta ctio car !U uiu In aae
, :a Oxcaha ta aifdvr ay ac'-lTaiy. Tho prla-
ICa of t!ra Tariowa acbooia cma-'jte tha
fo mrtrn haTia tha mavur is raanra -j
and th-.a eomnni -!- la dMfi Ir.t ut
: eommitta 1 w;u i ara auuly ta aep-
a .ta aubi-rta. Araporx ta to b. b
f ;ra tia eiim yaat.oo baaraa in J na.
T'' awa fw a r a-aM rii-lorm 1b
a.ra ta a
bark :. ta cvt auc
1 exerdaaa aa aootpacca; tntarst, ta
tna;a mudt of tha darai af Uasted
iututrr, and
u VTTTcUla a rwa-yaart h-.
; arhooi con for puila who cacaot tajf ;
taa aatahUaiied rtraraa of four y tra. I
Of Mra. Touna'a prnpoaa-a aad tha lataa
uatoa of tha wiioia auh;-t eow ta pro(-
aa ta Otjaha, Sup .n'anJaat rarjliwu
tijt ka ova T'w at lanjrxli m taa
fjilaartria lnLerr!ew:
Da. DafUi
hava read the
at'a Tle-a
a-Mh M-a. '
jr: P-.aT Tounc aupr-.atnder.r.
aiHlrf a
tta ta f
of the t
puhiic acboota of Caiauro,
g-rra aa oablca of w hat It La pnapoaed
aj duoa ia connection with tha ra
T'aiott of tha course cf ax jdy 10 In uaa
n tha acaouia of net city. Her iOtr-r;a
-oud indicate that Chi-arx ilaa every j
other dry on tha coojuaens. La at preaant
a raoiraT'aaQa of tha
tena.a whicb fo to xaia op the eoursa of !
txjd ia taa-puhja acboola.
"Lia Chtaa, Cnsaja ia at preaent maa-
ina- aa intensive atidT af tha whoa e !-
Emm r uiia affltkOl mr"jftiiaiit. r-1 in i
E Jaaojarr. tha ariociaais were at-vjuitmed lrstii t
ari - om..n.iiw wi- puiu-a.
on. TOn"c 1
a--k -a-a
detailed etady af each brancb. in the
v-i w. ' -1 AAMftn, wu ,
u--u- auu-a waa.
Da motera cmina K itasT MiaJ be ia tie
ni f naa jaf I it 11 ia auwirae tn wrtfina a.
other tn arahmetia. aaoder la grammar
4. iriai j .1 uluihuhi '1 -
;-a- d.iae br the aririraij of tha Ocnaha
. .. .
acnoota aionat w. .a una as . r aioax lai-
: prrtaat aad ya.-jahie w&rat andertusn
. a prafeaatonaa way n connecaua wth the
' ! public school far many years. Each auh- !
puoi:c acaoo rae- ma-nj jeaLrs. r-a :i aua-
cotnnattee ia ;ta extaosiva aujuy is taauiar-
I ww -artrH ra awt h nw Nena- enrse
a tha schools cf practlaa.lj every Important
' city in the eaantry. ecaciered from tae
1 At-aatic ta th Pxci-c ecas. A few of
.v ami, ht-him - as.uir Ma.a-r m
report, aed a- wsU be. aoasa time aefore
tha duaa of - la Jtine.
. (mm aTasaaaala aaa raaaaaaeataia,
i "la sradyl9ar -jh various branches ia
the course at st-jdSr. each prlacipai haa had
. , ' . ,
eons tarty la nifna that the one thing .-ir
whlcb tha Otna3a schooia now ataad. and
have a.'wa.ya atd. ahaJ be pi isui sad ta
t ita mtggjlry eirpn.ian aad drCi apca lijtef
fuiutanentaaa which anuat tta at tha basis
! of a en reman school educason.
wiH be dona ia aaj wax hA tower tha stand
wv2 be dona ia aai way Ui tower tha ataad-
.j i a. rr-,. h ,
ard or tha Idi-aia
I achoola
In tils pau-Jctar ataad both at
ad abisavL .If aaytaiag. even
kaoa i
tmrrr ampoaais wtii ae uuu upon i.aar
: - .
1 T am aaahla ta reaaw the) wont of tais
i na nata at-r each sah-
, .v.. , . .
' . . ,
Ti. r-e iuv aa i mil nil - . - xur jia mia I a-
LdOiT Oaf
In wlw-S
It La pra,po-dl5aT
wa a- ri.-
; tn aad appraaaX. Then. Sa tarn, the
i ahoa lepait miu be sutunlrted ta tea
: ctnnInltTe. tn. B-avrd of Education on
w-.-b -
aay. ntraaevaa-. - In the work of revision.
tacit II 1 1 ii 1 1 aaaa aaf that committee has had
Cfmaoant'y hr an tad tha ajac-aairy of aiua:
nwtSnar ail aaau uw ucaa wrth w-haeb. any
braatda may ba f rand to be eceuraberaHt.
aad. finally-, thaa osasesairy of atmpbfyiirg
taa naaserSa arhica ramain In that branch
after a wtaay einslnaxloa has been made.
. .-
Will Cat Oat Dead Thiaia-a.
-It should tea nlHiwrjuod no branch.
of atodr ra ia aad af ItaeS he eminated
! trom tha course af mtxuUon. Tae eatai
I wa Jon referred to will eoncara ttsetf arlta
tha nuai waautiaia tn each brxaca. or ex
t am;A lal the vubject of artt ametac. aaane.
i thtaa ara still beiaa- taught maus.y things
I which, ara cow out of data aad without
' pracrlcAl valaa la the adanarlon of" the
i child. AH una obaoieta material will ba
! eliminated ta order to give mere time ;.ir
' dr-.U on thai fuaa .Tr-ctala in arithmetic
j Aad what ia true of arithmetic is aqaai:
J true of many other branches In the oour
.Of Btady
, -THn- -ki. iai-r , . a .
! to diacuaa la a brief fetT-t-rrrw. TaAen
aii lta beannara. It ia tae moat important
aad Tttai aabynrt Mm tha AjaerVaa
public today In aU-io-atioo. The movetneat
tor tha iwuraji-iaraon of tha amtenaia of
tha course of at nty. and fur ri lmprrrva
meat. along- Lara that ara sane, modern
ana o jnw-oaiv, wajra la now maai i.r-v
. rT
! I SW awat 1 A ate1 W , B I a- ta. - a.
. ti w-- ua or tae cuz-ic
tL Z.Z1
oeavor and asvtrxtion. .
"Ia tola dry we are makiag- ad pr-4-reao
ia thia work of rariabjo. of thaa coarse
cf study aad of the riiinaniM v.
! achooia to the aara. thaw aroaucx they are.
. it caa ba eoniVs-ney laid that th. -da-
, tlcnai farce, of Omaon wtll to it that
euacaranaaal fVrf-ea
an"! are
to tt tiat our puiiuc acauoi iik. ba
tn taa matter of a imxWmwi
study, aad in the taatur of efilmt js-
--1. anau ae aec-onil ao soae
a the
. mtimm4mgt tWkr-ikapw K
, - w
i taiwaia
' "int.Mi n,. . ArT.i IT .Sri-aJ
Bl i. .HI
'-Oi Wit'.alin. wlu dAa.r-.. f v
, March after C. frcm a ba
and grate, tha tmpresaion that be had b-e-t
' murM-r-rd by -ea-r-r-x btH.nd mma
b toaaiiy
:a-oib. was aeea aht. rec-j(pi.erf by aa
j aid f Wi.d at ferirg. C-a. WJrraha had
aa aaoosiache ahave-i off to g iaxd araa-at
: " " W"T d--
iaa rea- raww. aUM w"A WTTamT D Wafl all al
1 ' -a '"n.
ram Mil Ml '"V H ... f . . . .. . .
i anrra tor ana. eeuev-.ntT that Lie maka U
I out ef hia right miad.
ta Ba Held Taaaa
na fas- Measheea
Tha event of tha aa-a amore the Ota-.
( :udaa wilt ba tae a"h-iu,a af uu Bare
I Cha quar-era. w-... . w B taae ilace T ir -
day aftarraooa a.i I evening. Ln.-:Bg -
atAraoaa there wl be a reception ttir Ln
1.- f ?
't wiJrn a :
aa"-f il ar
jivujucim hara a
Ta Wa tas In th r oca b'lli.Im; ar-d th r1-"! :
f .rina: a aaon ta t! aa tarr-a wl b I
n-a-;.. T aril! ba maslc aa t r-f-a b- 1
moia and a-.asy prrrn3nt ot taa
cuy ara p-td M b- or -a ', TTa a -!
r.r axr-j-Mr win aa TtT raa maoa at
. . , . l
Juj?a J. V. 5arnm:a of Lmin, la..
iiTt charaa of th 0-" -nn l nl
ba aa rtrt by Tha a(TV a of tha iaeal
!o! t
Wise Fair Will
I I)V aV H a1 fll Tf '
llaVt A OT 1 Wcl l U I v :
afTta 'ria is JiApidiT GrSWHJ lid
--r, ... .
. i
A rati Bnnar-r.a may ba a
tha Wj XLetar.r'Ml baajntal
faarara of
fair aad
tanr. whica ariU batJi May 1 and ran twa
donatad by a pramia t railroad
mu. haa 1m a 11 fji!Hl ba a aana aad
,;ca.rt aad t idrra rf many dom tic aai- j
-r 1--. uu aiiiura mi .
ita rahbt-j pink ayaa, B-nBiaa p.4TS '
i caciara T.ra. rr-ry race of in.m.
Mra. Socaailbart;. pr ..d-ot af tha boapital.
ia La doubt jiat what to do wtta ail taeaa
. " , ., 1
aaiir.a.a. but ba.iT 1 a mora -a arul ,
I znaaa a fuod addaoa ta tha fair. j
I Docatlcca laat wa ware tha b"t ain- 1
the ta ra-a the CS -X f ir a ba-
3:aS aanea b'faa.
irVrea haaka ba-ra made
d-na-luna. ae-reraU
I ' "a
1 ra.uabia merchantLaa aad cajh ttooatjoRa
, . t . , 1
n:t bTO c- BSda far the re-,
merer, aaa nm-'a g: 1
moral of tha eottare J-at weat of the
hospital ara ta ba adVardart for the com-
T( t Tfa eottace Baa Been rtred a
d-?raiitJry far c-ar
ta reratrru a
aiade itucaaaary far tha new bin.
, whica wtil extend m tha ahapa af aa L" 1
TO TJI" 'c " s3'
; man auxioiaa;. I
Tha entertain an-nt committoe. of which
Prof. Cbaathera ia bead, aaks far atrtumeers
leatare the oaamr. urer a aaaa ajreajy
icoariaa uaeur m. 1 ;cn, jar. .aamiim
1 saya the aerrcee of many mora would be
aactah.e. Toinateera are as.ed to -nd
, . ma waw atemorraa coi" -
I tee. rooms . S and . Km theater butidlcg
t lai-rC CPHU :
wi mkn w 1 1 111. n.iik iivv.b
Ptnt Metttag aaf LaMtaw Wav. l mt CI aaa
ea Aaae-ieai taalTtf
awry af Mearem Ceau-t.
Claaaaaia af Anati
Tha aacnnd m:rf of iodire 5x 1 of
. , .
! .a-n.r, Tk. .
' v u . - v. . . . -
- v. - - . --- n w v -mm
. -. i - n :t'a jua u nira. n aa BKj.t)n.
A .-
aiaule fx aa open1
a. - - . j uui
. . . . 1
. . . - . " . 1 . h i
Maee T ho caaa aad Oiiua.
ateyal A e ha tea.
Ceitaha htdgw Jf j. L Bjsral Ahatiat, heid I
a nii'aaa ill aaamn T"": r-s. i T n -p- r Tn
i rar.d-dates wera imtiaied. the irJtja.:lm I
1 w.nj by a social session. Xaxt j
Tjla- nfht will ha aa open mi'iitiaaT for
of the- order. Aa ant urate dt
j grant baa been provided.
I ' ,T'" ; ? " BJ-. ta!a
J FrWay t.atat. Brataar bUewartand waa
M ..j - .axy. to m tie anxrtral
1 tearai of Erother IVhraa- who haa reaigaed t
w ta- btjaiaaaai
at Nettraaaa. Cits
wraaaafaaam af tit Wava-ld- J
Pjmimi rv VA t TA-i f I
j arnd. aa a.-.iilr.c ItaVrt raieral ?tiaday. 1
! o-ere-.a M a
oid-Ume I
; ETOiwr or tne oruer.
d.rt Wedseaday ar.d
j .a pi- ai I p. as.
Wrt-ada av-aiaa: a cltwas of eitrhtr-S-s-e
; p-
i A-a cj o. L 5 camp is rr-w-
; mg rcil.y asd w:.l atxn tare a
acaMTtaorsiirp thaa any other frataraaa so-
. " aecuon.
. . K
Omaha Uve No. t CX!1 F-i'owa.
confer tie titrd dearrea next Fr-.dar even-1
lrtir. i
Baj-on lodaw X 3 will tare two caa-.'
di.lairs for taa third dearr-e Tuesday evea-
IE. 1
Btton led are 21 will . confer The
second dearrea Taesday night on two can- f
Hrpertaa enrampmenl 2 cnef-wred
re Pxrrw'-hai dgT-ee on ( wr radjdai8 j
let ever. .ca
Euith Pbah win bold Its rearalarl
maruK amt Sat ur lay eveauna- and tha j dera-e will ba cocf-i mL I
T-e jmf.iia lodg-aa are maa-jig preoaira- '
j raTtia to Kat!T ceaebraTe lite cmaw-fnt
a---i- m-a.-v -r tne oraer on tae evening
OC .ipr.l a. ata . 1 1 n awizi.ea ua uia
meawrera are arrtted.
Trtaar af Baai Baa-.
Mecca cnjirt V v. ZX Tribe cf Ben Fir.
wi'.l reieoraie tta fiteenta anrriveraary
Taeadaty evenmar. Apr-J 3. whfrn is
tha aaaie anniversary of the orwaa saTioa
Cored by Lydia E Phk
Part Eariia. iCra. "I was tick for
tiiroTjyh ta LhAc?9
of Liis and u
hartLy abiat ta ba
xraxxnd. Aftr taJu
ins; six bor ijr of
E. I-iiiA-n'i
table Ciav
potmd I (alOdd S
poaods, aril bow
able t d my on
tnk aad feel
well.- ilrs. Eo.
LA ICrT, I'arai liap-
kid. Mir.n.
Erootrf, Oh Li. "I was Irrsa-iiLr
ar-jl eT.tri!ne!y rcrvona. A Be:rtbcr
1 - ! A " a
W-a a CaeapouEvtV me aCtl 1 aan
&eoEi ri?ffn4j ari py rrrve are
, f v Yv -LS-soi.
1 a a ..ia- 'Lv.
l.T'LA E. r1iiisJi3TestAble Corr
r,-r-..nL rai.i fna riatiTe rootA arJ
Lerti. ccctaiaa rvi itarciiCuj ex hara.
i f tWj
hoZJ.i tha recorl
W at a-a. - t a.
moerof a..rAJ rim
' a i f IT" "i 'ah aed li.a1 aaaa a. If-ei a. aaw af J
are oa Cie in tiio t". v, i a Ubcratairr
at Lttui. Maaa. frrm wo mm wta hate
be-a cared froia aianwt erery f oral rf
female cttct lAintA. trjiAaiination. ui
reriUoo.iipacemtrn Druid tumors,
Irrcs-i-ir.rirA pe-nocTie pa-Lns.
r:e.a.a a.-ul liarrvoua proajtraii-jn.
ttrry sur'naa- woftjan oa it a harr-
aelf I LyiiA E. l"iiaua' Vfg"-
tai: e Cantinicaai a trial
If yoa wast icia1 h-ttire write
la A3 trCtS aUaaa
1- -V .'
,V t ' . -
T-r :ti O ". a'o-a- 91 ar-
?-r a
ar bm mJ fir ta -nt. A.i
frt,'.. rf t'junc. . uTiik and ai a-
e :t ciura t aar..-ipat.
.. f ,
' .
T3 cnn-ttT n- r i'wi af t" Lai "oa of
,s M...rr. . . w a. j m M a
.mwtw, fra I aar Ta-.r'a - .n
- 1 u an-r v ar. ivy. 1 -n.i i
'ha art K '
bur-iota. A." or in-imann, a -1
kr "n
aj Sia. ta n.tt3'i tnan prvil !
ta ua-r a. M Mary Tra 1 of aart- '
Pa-taron af Wd ". M.-a Ray of 1
I rn 1 'vm m M v aiay b ir t council,
, I B. jffa and alra. La ira C. Marti of O a.. a
-ra ch 1 ia tixniMt taa d.rata ti
! V" r b.-iai n lira ta aa ad at
I Ka.arr.aaoo. ii.ra. tn ima
1 w 1 u . . . . v . u
1aT Ban",t Coajurii -r ;
nalu t j.-muwi. and afar a atMntrt .
i in aaa nimwi 00 Mra Mm u )
ia.-art ra.toa. d vity arand nm- j
"'J"!rr,,,f aad aeraka. tan ua
of 8n:a OT.aJj ca.-MHlaraa. pr nurr ti 1
tha oriia.aiioa of a ntva in that cjrr d jr- (
a . leg tha r nt monti.
Tha foortaaatb aniwal avaatnn of
, rand cixioru. Rjt am.inn of Sb;ia
, a-jt ba he.d Tow?.- Ani ia Ba,- I tj.a pfBirteaa and taaw-h
jSr2. i'l TUba,. aupar-aaavat
on cr iaana-a wbi maat prin:iii.T
m. Tha rotT!T-tra rn errtantia.a
T j Mju aay af uaut aad O. .J
i-mnjci ok ti . a unw a L"ayui:v aa-
Pr'" hf n R. Banrt et af Co -
a-:.,. Tha rr-ar,d u.-,e.t .! 1
ba prvcadad on Tjaadav tvaus iu
Iaa hk u tha do.-a-a.-aa at ut-
MT?rcnaata nutet. tha a unit af Asrl
jg thr w-.:s ta a J."3t m xt af P,ooaer
aad iYariaad eounciua.
Kniatata aaa! I a die a at Saawrttv.
I Aa mo ra- waa "' br Ka.-atony
- a -ar" 1 aa y aa . a u w ay t aa ia
intSjded muffle danclac aad ref. 0-na-.a.
Oman council 1. 4wS tn ta lta ow Bail
j,... -vm-,..-!. .aaaMstJi d Partsam
cnirMy. wadaawtay cnji(. Taa prjtraai
-.endaace. Cna taa arerar. of Apr-., a t-i
orancu wji eve a oaaca u ita meouera
aad frradi
i Vesta ehaptr NoJa. Orir of tha Eaatern
heid a aieeer.c -ramrday n:xat In
remTiia A hinii't waa arrvat
j a.-.d utnrera ware e.acted.
aaa af
All Dar aesaaea at Ha
af Sfra. WmataalX.
The women of tha Benson Wamec'i
f Tempe'aaca
anion heid aa a l-
da.y educational meeratg- Friday at tha
lorce or Mra. Mitcaeii on ja-nroa avwsaa
waa aera-ed at noon, tha after-
i aoon betag devoted to the dlscassion of ra-
jnoos trpics of interest and to addriaaiea
j by Mr. Covail of Omaha. Bee. Messrs.
! Caunaoei Wilarrn aad Atack of Benson.
I A rtmdly a'imber were in artendaare.
j among whom were aevaral teachera In the
, jnbi.c school a Great Interest waa maai-
- ,
feed la the work of the Woman a Chris-
' m Tmttuti 7stm titt 'nn ril aflTia-a a "1 ."t a
', - Tmtperaaca onion. Greetinga aad a
Importance cf
Cood Seasoning
Pure fptces aid digrsdoo tfcey srima
brg appetite ami give Tinery erf tast
to food. Spice Tilue, then, dementia b
aoiureiy aa qtialirj and qaaiity Era "a
asVTt;.j in strenii ud fiavoc
i ,,.
IT km aW aaa aaaw tawea. aaaaa
as Service
We caxiiot talk too strcsiy on the cjaits of the Ee
Cex" lamp. S
For the hccie ita place is ia the kitchen, in talis, as a
side lanp for reading-, for oyer the desk, ia bed rooms ari
hath rooms.
For the store or office it is particularly adapted. It
gires a brilliant, mellow liht, downward where yon need
i7 restful to the eyes and a perfect light for the showing
cf goods or matching colors. .
The glassware used with the lamp is particularly at
tractiTe and may. be ia the keeping with any interior.
Omaha. Gas Company
iXJ L"-n
j rj
Originated, Compounded and Administered b
Experienced Physicians
Tha SEAL latrrnAl trALsient earn I A at aJara Traatioiaat
i fie nr1xiicsi. occasional or Exodexai
lartaier. Ln cAonuai aaa eyxeaasve , cVRE for tie dr.ak habit: it Is th.
;riaker and tie nenrouh aaaa who aj cot aa.p, anJ parf-t of know
! to driait ta ketrp from boniia raor treunBttv ur-.tiaated by a jstsU Un
jaervooA. It takea awgy Ji UicLiaalicn compounded by a jhysicUa. aid ad
; ta (trail, ail d rirai ajid cravtaa; for ! noiri;atered by ex-perteaeed pbyiir.aca
i 3 rink, by aearraiizlcg the poiaoa of;
, aohol ta tha yataai and riddia; UtaiTliw Rl la a "afawalaa'a Cart
blood cf tie Polbou by raj-d proceag, n wOU hat tAata a &um)ntr of cl
ol e.iauau, ut anaut
' tS' aJ normal condition he
i berore Ujubc uqaor. wuru tae er-
, feet of alcohol may be concerned
appetite for drink fonw end be a new
Ma Hypaaerwatw la jwatlosta
- - . i It auiaoua ua corsa u taa iaat.ta
Tt M-U-tuternai trea: inert efr-u Kn4 fjf Uc Haaw Tr-taient, -tit
a perfeet eare ta tare dayg wtrJietjta Jxit M afrw-Ute as laatiiut Trea
bypoderaie fcjectlocA
A Caraattwdl Coat tract
I A riATaXiteasd booat and contract
4 tea eaea noxieEi aria ta enact a
'perfect rar. or refiaj tha
; lie end cf tie talrl day.
ra.'S a -ft r r -).! f m Mn. 4 y;
, Caaa . fnir pra-xJont of ?t
jmni. fana w a-lot-!
a ea-Tipai af "?-.! f1a .n apwiwi
wi'.a i C'-e ri d m T r ai
arac ra-'-an fw aaa mamra
by eKj h;stch:cal pageant
a.iaa -aaa at a T-raai
Est rtaiaaaaat T iar 4f
at, KaaaaT-
( .
i Aa biaton-aJ yaaat ri- rfiB tha aa
,. of th- bartla af Laa'a-ia w.l
1. .
i a a'T'n Tjalay by tha aitator e.a--i oi
tha Omaha FTAh 1
y kindred c
hannra 47i-t.r. ti
y h. story of Amoftca will ba pr-nta
ay rha 4r"a a.-id boya la a w.r of t-aan t;
taiiaa-x. B-a.daa tha-a ac-naa nm Spaa
!!h. "wt and Iier!i daa and a sun
oar of Kicsrtv ifanrrt aa thay war it
:ai.xtial timaa. JI ba lvaa m euatuTta
Tha wata-fta kaa raea 4rad rha aM a-a
rniy af hi a.-fltjo taax-fcara. bat a.aa
hara af tha gra4
rart!a ha
ttm tt ba kaarTy aa-0Ta on.
I -t si "..4 l-Hf - ha
" f' - Proa -d bi rh
; a-a.r-caj pau aai. axa icvi rr
yataayja aadrrr mt nf tha annra at.
ient bly of the ej-hoei. bnt a:o that
a-1 tha ;cpt in the eeth aad eichrl
rradea aa watL
"I krmw of tjt batter way M r rr it
tha hearta of yaaa and oid a Ike a !o
f?r tre cid era-st I" Tha fa-'t tha
! the er.farra.srr.rat W'U ba heid on La:rif
! ton flay ta in ttaatf iufTnt t height ,a ' v.rv- " cuniun
1 paeaaL
of tha a-rpn'h aad annth rrad
will ba eacnaad Ir'.-
achol !n order tha
taey a-.ay ba ai.a
tj artond Taesday after
arj aratieT aerf rstaacs wtu b
. 1 ;i . 1 ... w vtvuixia . , t k.
ljrt We-.!aday Wis r-Tni the high acnoo
Ttaurd a.1 the (rade acbooia tn the ctj
! aad ajTta-c-oed tha paaeant to the pupui
of a.I seventh aad fith adea. ar'ju
tati la a.1. The demar.d far the
' urketa waa so 1 11a I that Pruiay rsqneaw
: ' JT mcra t-caata were tea la fr na a.1 aliii
tha hurh school budding, and tt k
thought that. If poaashie. another prodao
ton w-,U ba anada Wedneedar afteranoa
Tha entarta-jmuKit anil ba grven at tat
Crei(rhton auditorium. Caiforaia atTaec
Cood reaniia ataja taa aaa
Foley's Kidney iti-a, They gte promni
-ailrf bi a-1 eaaea af kidney aad klaatdaa
aaordara. ara baaOag. atratigtaantss aaa
anU-arpt'c Try then, roar aa-a by aS
drtLgaratav -
; A Life
' trr that great h-aith toc:c. Eiactrle B!t
ters. Is tha enplcSuae-it cf poor, thin b(iM
aad atr-rgthee-jg- the wak.
5Jc Tor eak
j by Beaton Crag Co.
tha choicest tr-icea that Natara jTroaJacaa.
Fraaa, full ia fiavor and awyglii and unsurpassed m
Sealed aa aocm aa rnund no ait, mcasmra, coiora or
rDpunrjea of an kind caa tDuca the-a. Ton Eroa.
S pi era fnaite food caoaung better. Try them.
Ti -ia are aaa kriada ef aaicea
Tt-H BSLOS. aad "atarax."
AJk jrmr garwr fir Tatar tIO ontt.
'aa ,
afa aaaiy aaaaat aaaaaai raaaal aaaeAaaWa
Z-a Prm
vgr 5E.U. L- A rKTS10A V!
ta i earee aaa gtc - rcnAii
foe u artriA. a jit
ta won tiaa before, wiat la tie nae a
tAAia another etd tare- The Neal
aU the latest, tmrpved.
ap-to-date. ool
etire ia'worid.
laatttatw tr Nam Treat mast
If an able u eoaie ta tae Iruitital
j mMiT Ct. write or -prion- far fre
(book aad eony ef eontract: Nai lest
la tate Co.. lael Soeta Tenth airtai
! Cm ah. Nea. Ail eotnaaaicAtioa
r'ctlj eonfUentlai. Eaak refereaca
, f-tea.
araaaaw's aaawaa. W mmU aaaaat ea r aaai naaal aacaaaa. f'
aaayataaraaataaaa i aaaa a aiaa. 'Taaa'a Aaaaa JauAa.73
TOtVat aUrOgw Deal Bsaaaaaaa, Iwaaak FT
Mi t t CaffXM. J?