Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 18, 1910, Image 1

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    ALLY B
For Ncbtm-ka --Kalr and wnrtnrr.
For Iowa- Fair In w-st
For a mi her report bk 2.
I f o v n Omaha?
wf six no. j;.
VOMUNTKIJ.Or llncliati Double
New York'i Investigation of Mutual
Life Company Bring Aid
to Teoole.
i n KIIJ (IIIOSTS i WcddincatCamp
of Little Crow
New Jersey Prosecutor to Appear To- J
-vf.-. Thoi- Who Opprne- Suf
fMjuM -n't rUMif Thrn m
nf V-fi"l Ki
day Before Governor Fort Urging
Extradition. .
Fif Hundrfd Sio'ix nnd Two Hand
red White At Ehboratc Function
on Rosebud Reservation.
. R f f : H VIf.W Of THE PROBLEM
M'f Ray It U UnuMMwry to Go
ti Jail H'r.
ft Kncl4 Rip t tU Hiding If
fiVnt (Him.
M . Mill MlhS I nlted
rri f rrl rnlne
lallafnr f
"V tara.
V vi lli vlT'iN. Apr 17 -With on'.y on
a i. e iMi'tm ami h to iff-r fifv.
I,r 1 1 -it metlisn ani nri,in worn
m meeting of urTrnii
' .rrm.,1 II W a gathering llirlden-
P i ..... Dfinil convention of th Amerl
n '.'tan iffair M'wlatlnn. It iM.I
k-.m 'civil offered prayer at th begin
,T .f th miii which ws preiided
. ,r l.v in Rev. Anna Howard Shaw.
.... mr . 1 . a a-, n m .,
I. r M I ly "l lpnm' T "i
at thy nded waa new element
. ter. courage. Harriet Miy Mills
v,. York told of th trnirhles of the
, In Hi Nw York legtslntura.
V r..-trr Fortx-a-Rohertsnn. a Itrltlsh
.i'frt-l anil FHa HfMi Stewart nf China-
Mppenad M give rtiislf ka'lnn of
I .exponent" 'f woman suffrage, f'harlott
),rV!n Oilman wrnt some poetry In be
nt'f of tti ran on th stag while th
I'Wa spok and then rnd with th rx
. .nall'iii that h mtit to refl-rt on thofi
ho ,ai1 pr'f'-l'il hrr, ut that noli' mla-ht
fo awav an1 Mr thv hao hfnri nothing
,w on tt' Th llrl!lh ami Am'ri- i
n r;"'f rati n of oiiKinnt frc raill- i
Mlly rttffrfiit I
RrtlUH ( Imm npfiia.
Avvr'tir, to tho HrltUh flakrr thfy
yr rutr rtlvM1 Into clii)ie thoae who
ir pr-Jn.l'.rl aalnt th mwrnffll and
lna who 1t It liifiprdlfnt to trl
inffroif to women. Whlln. t'luolilnif on the
VtuhJ--t of pdlncy. th apoakrr aild It
ne'ther nrrnmry nor pdlnt for
imiTt.-an women to - to Jail In behalf of
Tha Amrran r1alf1ralw put the on
Krr,t Into three c!aa. del-nated sa the
h,..t the owla or hootera and the com
ylaoent alnnera. Amor aome of the Khoeta
feared, eordin to the apeaker. were
irh"t "only fcad-women-would-TOte"
9m one thet ih-wmn-woii!d-deprlve-,.men-of
tl)'r-darln-teea;" "that the-
"am.n -w...!d do-nthln ele-biit --ote;"
tal that k,r-woild-ni-vote-at-al1."
,ti..h' r.nrH In the meellna- waa Mar
t,t T''r fpton of Ohio. A treasurer of
tie a.'-l.'n. h tnr.k itp a rollrrtlon.
h.wever. that h-r lMrlfanl"
hrr to ohlert to working on
a.srtrlatlon will eteet officers tomor-
i,rr!-t lsr Mil's dertbed the finest
fs. ..iff. li Nw Tork for 1'rl"-
- f,,r lx-le eS'. re-ue. .lie,.
is-.,, mm wi'h ee 1IsIH'ts at Albany, j
,'eri,-.. r-r eorfl-lene- In vlrt.iry In j
, ' r ar-1. In p-irt: i
Nw T.ifh s't'e lawmakers are I
rt-ir.l f " ale ns pierr i-r .ip-rrm- revrr.ny suppiemenie.1 ry a simitar ms
wc inHn i h tut Ti strike rr.very at Mirpur Khas. about forty miles
n- .i -ra I w -I of four letter frro the I eost i.f Haidarahad. Slnd. A series of
r'f- !'i" "f the roosfltittion I mounds, sopiise.l to he the remains of a
..rl .i. pt - rt. It menn e.irry- j tvirled town, attracted the attention of Mr.
n t
,,.lv li..:f-ir a".i fnen
..ire t ie poll ' in
, t reit'iir r..ntit'ittonl
rnr!m fivlne- t ill- ;
S !
f.. t
fMf i .nm.i iTT.i-ivnti I
ri Tf..i In ei 'luent of the
.t f - w i e'i m f "" t of
.,.! p " ' I ' ted.l iv th.. whn
... v. , ; ,h.trr Wer4
S;-' ' 11 " - . 1 nr nri.tif
-.l oMf n.m. ".,,r rrMri'w1 flfv nI trv -
hi h.i smn r
fy men i S"'t
. Til t Hf-1
Xe ..M V f.i-."l"e a
hnr e l hv our
, h, i t, strike
v. -
t le -
W 'l
..i' ae c't i a f -ei
,. IM. r aur women
,l l r.eV.ire. t.
ie e..
il,ITI:il. .r 'lli.e.-n ..'.-.1
,f ,, .1 r.n .1 t inn hit". Ill
h , i e".i nt e:iih;y
, .nee l.'-r e 4
riH I.
t -t I
4r-4t fl-r--I
f m '
IV II t'l
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( "I 4 '
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!"Im-X FA I. .., K. I'. T'lH 17 - (Spn 11.)
lniii.lml Sn. in Iricl.iir.n from lh
l(o"l"nl. I'nin lsi.ii', i 'lu i utie Hlver and
nt tier i iM r v ii I li n nf the mite KXthered
i l:,o f'iiliii nf l.lllle Crn, a h ldlll( war
nf 1 1 if Hi ill" Slnnx tritif, on the llnxi
renrrvnt Inn, to Hirttc'lj ate In oi.e of
mki'I rlilim it ' IihIIjii wrd'linH of
f. n Ilme While pmple to the iiumluT
i-V if vn aiM.i Kailurtd to wltn'fs the
" venl. riwiklnK K IfliilniiHi y camp
..7W penjil . who had been drawn
f Vj ie of the IniliHti wedding.
v , 'Ink wh a doulilo "one, tha
prf. '.,s 'l",'ip IancHsh. a white
man' -j, I with thn II. K. ranoh at
t'nt rti'd Mil Iiuls- Little t'rnw.
dniiltli, f if f'hli-f l.lttli- frciw, who l onu
if the wriilthloit i lil-fn of thn Sioux nutloli.
and I'avid Thlnh. a younR Sioux of tha
Iaiit Ilrnlo tribe mill Ne'll. Yi !low I'ux.
daiiKhter of Yellow l'"ox. n prominent Sioux
The ciremony tonk plare In Advent EplK
t oial clnirrh. Hi v. It. r. l.amliert and
Itev. Iiallla Mhaw, 1-nili Eiiifcopal prleBts
Of th Ho' luid reM-rvntlnn, of f lolHtlng.
J The full rliiK cerenmny wan nsnl and the
jniarilaK" rit' a wero prnnounc.d In both
r.nanen alio imrotali or Mnux.
After tho i-eremony a Ioiik period of
handiihakltitc und ruiiKrntulatluna whs in
dulged 111. after wlilrh the larRe KatherhiR
ftRnln rrturned to the tempurary ramp,
w hi-re) aiinther lniortMiit feature of the
day hud been arrani-d. Thla waa the
weddlnn dinner. All the day and nluht be
fore and until the middle of the nftfrnonn
of the day of tho wedding the preparations
had brn goniK on. and nhortly after the
return of tho wedding; party from the
church the weddlnn dinner was annouured.
John Itelknap. an old lime cowboy, who
for years had presided over the mess wagon
or roundup parties on the ltnseluid reserva
tion, waa the chief cook, mid he waa ably
' assisted by frli nds of I.lttle Crow and by
members of Little Crow's family, and also
I by the whlto teachers of tho reservation
1 schools. All the white people attending the
i wedding were served In tha school room,
which was fitted up with two long tables.
Over 200 white people alone partook of
the wedding dinner.
The Indians followed thi-lr own customs
and arranged themselves In a large clrj
within the camp. Kitting upon the ground
and being served out of large kettles that
contained all the good things that an In
dian likes, the kettles being carried mound
the Immense circle of sitting Indians, and
the vlunds being ladled out of the ltetles
to plates, which hud previously been
distributed among the Indian cuests. '
Old Monastery
is Discovered at
Mirpur Khas
; Buddhist Shrine Found Buried Under
! Centuries of Accumulation
! ' Unearthed.
CA f TTTA. April !;. .Apodal Pispatch
to The liee The discovery of r.-llcs of
llniium. near Peshawar, has been milte
i ousens. nperlntenil. nt of arcria-'lngy.
F'.omt.ay Ke came to the belief that they
were the remains of IPiddhlr-t mon.terle..
and the largest mound would possihly
r.iriee.-l remains of a shrine or stupa
,rr,., ,,ver sinie snored relic. Excavatlr.i
tua rrn'tind he inearthed two lirge and
w ell-mowMed terr n.ft Images of the
.....t... ti,. j. ... iii-.. uiu .u...
f( h nn., !tliI(, tf 9,iurirr wi.mnt or
t l.-e ,,f stupa.
"'ion well wa f..u:id. s.m twenty-five
f-et In depth an.! ten feet in diameter. Pe
nen'h a r-rV-k s:;i'. therein was f.iund a
hm'ier fif'.-e-i sq'i.ire bv one f.n.t
1"i, nul ling a st uie coffer In ' time the first ballot was taken the Jury
w. pieces and tvvi little enrthern pot- . sfooil eleven to one for acquittal, the one
i hoked sn. t'.e heavy st.ine who f.ivore.l a ve-dict of guilty success-
i-u-ht w a small ei-vital hnttln some j f illy withstanding the arguments of his
three '-i.-hr. h'k,'h, half encn.He.l in silver . eleven comrsdes and finally forcing a dis
4i.t -M.'k with verdigris tVit!iln the hot- ' agreement.
fir n Trri nm, !r ' r ktt
wnrvjt ,n ir"it l"f an-1 mt.rilit1 n l it
"f !" m n ''"r Ir wx on!v 4
htii-e 'r'l ,!'! : h.ilf h lPktrh. hut witM'n
' v vt M,f'ir-r PVlt'l'l T f 'ii.l. A 1 1 t t :
t-'ip. iK'fl twit, win f.-un1 ft ront. tin
n v t i--. ,1 m f .l int an. I 4 fr-itfmnt
.f .' if ton Tr -1 k hnmn dnt pvtvr
- h m '.fNif, -it, t- b burnt humnii
in if i 9 .'in'i ir-( t ti t tin . t h rfii
!'i 1 1 1 '..-. m t.4 t mm h ri phis-
'I T I 'te-rl ; eJ Idli Kt') rim. it
' mm T atr-t-nr , "hiic-h tr;vtlr.
r'. 1 it 1 t in t ti 1 f 't , rn. iit'lx T ' .1 r
1 n ( i , tit .f i t ' it tin.
I i e
1" I
l:v.l. in.
i .ti ...
in vtrinuv
Wirelss for Dispatching
Trains Over Union Vacific'
Confident Investigation Will Uncover
Much Vital Matter.
Official Declares He Had Chance to
Receive Big Sum.
Contention Made that Proper TtcUet
Inv of rroducla I'lnced In Storage
. Will Greatly Safeguard
the Public.
NEW YORK, Aprfi 17. (Special Tele
gram.) rierre Prosper CSai ven, tho public
prosecutor of Hudson county. N. J., who
will appear before Governor Fort oa Mon
day to urge the extradition of th meat
barons from Chicago, has been In Wash
ington, where he was acsured the hearty
approval of I'resldont Taft, Attorney Oen
cral WlrkerHham and Senator Lodge In his
war on the "meat trust" and he expressed
confidence that Governor Fort will sign the
papers that will enable him to got the
controlling factors.
"Standard Oil company laughed derisively
at the poor, struggling lawyer who was
elected mayor of Bayonne four years ago,"
said Mr. Uarven today, In an Interview.
"It was an expensive chuckle, for I Jumped
their taxes from SfOOO.tHW to 13,(HU,000.
"When I was In Washington,"- he con
tinued, "I had a long talk with Senator
Lodge and he showed me that his com
mittee, which Is investigating tho high
cost of living, is after the cold storage
plants where tons upon tons of meat and
poultry are stored away. My contention Is
that by maintaining surveillance over the
cold storage plants In and about Greater
New York, the evil may b checked. P.aee
honest inspectors in charge of them, and
sue that every fowl, every jdeoe of meat
and every egg that entr them Is stamped
with the date It Is received. Then the pub
lic can know when It Is buying storage
meat and It can, benefit by the difference In
cost between it and the fresh product If It
so desires.
Attempt to Influence.
"Yes, an attempt was made to Influence
me to drop these prosecutions. The pro
priety of making an arrest In this Instance
did not arise. I only wljh It could. I was
given to understand that I had but to drop
the Vase and riches would four In upon
me and from sources that could rLCver bs
"The results of the investigation of the
cold storage methods led me to believe
there was something wrong. I continued
these Investigations until I was satisfied
that certain corporations and Individuals
were violating the law. The National
Packing company was formed in 1W03. I
knew of its real significance only by sur
mise. The puollc knew little or nothing of
It. It was Incorporated by dummy Incor
porators, as I ascertained by delving Into
the records. Hut th records told their
own story after I had penetrated their
depths for the namea of the real incor
porators appeared on subsequent documents
referring to the corporation. Ti.n light
dawned upon me, and I realized what a
gigantic ta."k there was ahead of me. liut
the names are all In the public records and
these men I purpose to bring to New Jer
sey and I believe I shall succted."
Konr Men (harared vllh Attempt to
Influence Witnesses to Be
Trlrd Acaln.
SIOCX FALLS. S. r.. April 17-(Spe-cial.
1 After being out for a period of
- .
' iriny-riiir nou rs tne ju ry in th cawc of
.the Tnire.! Siai aaln.t C. T. Morrison.
Fr:ink Hn.Kan, Howard Heal and JcufDh
K. Nli ewonger. all residents' of Hnbrldca.
who were charged with having endeavored
t. influence a government witness In an
Indian li.juor case report a disagreement.
It is a remarkable fiu-t that from the
It im expctd ths ess will bs retrfe-l
.lurin-r a Urm of Tnitd StateM court
hlc:i will convn at Ah4rt1-en on May
: The pronunoncw of the dfn.1antN antl
tne niiliiiv of t lie) charge against them hsa i posal to strengthen and develop the
it a l. the of unusual Interest. i man navy, died today fnm injuries re
' AliKKl'KEV. si l... April 17.-iSpecial.)
- Malor H'n C. An. one of tha pioneer
of tha r.v-ervatlon country, who owns a
r inch ..r ..! a. res near Dlaon, a. I.,
mm pun ! i.-d a tract of land twenty
Mule . iii.ii lii the state nf Snnoia, M.x-
c ... .in.l wilt r-muVM there, engaging In
ine cutle h.imei.. nn i large m aie. Ma-
ir A-.ii w..i return his ranch In H. ulli
I uk... I.iii make the . haiige mi account
.f ine ne.ilili ,.f hm fmmlv
I . u..ip.-e In.weiri', (,.r lh. l line h-1114
r ii . i 'ii . .iil. .m.. n wi: u iu in,,.,.. ,,,.
.III. ..f lr.i l .III!.' I ,.,;ni ,t,. ,,f
ne , .,i i:i i.,m !ii-l! 'he i. In..
..( 'In
i- k j. ei
I In I
ut II u i
.. I. i
I. .1 I .
i i . n..
ve i, lUli
Good morning; have
From tha- Bpoltesman-RevJew.
Head of Burlington Says Certain Re
ports Are Imaginary.
No Aarreeinent Entered! Into ' lth
Denver A Ulo Grande, and West
ern raelflo fo4 Tlirosgh
Denying the report that the Burlington
road had entered into kn agrwment with
the Denver & Rio Grind? and Western
Pacific, rouda to run through trains from
Chicago to 6an FraJicMCQ, Darius-M:llr,
president of the BurlliJgtort railroad, aald
the dispatch from Denver that auch un
areenient had bec-n' friteed Into were
puroly irruciniry and ilthout foundation.
'The fintt 1 linew o'f' .Jltsd "alliance,
or agmeTOent." said Mr. MfflOT, "waa wtieo
I rend of It In the papers. It Is without
foundation, and purely Imaginary. Wlien.
I was In San Francisco Vice President
C. H. Schlacks of the Western Pacific
lnvlteti mo to accompany him on a tour
of Inspection over the new road. I was
glad of the opportunity and simply hitched
my car onto his train and went with him.
"When someone learned of the fact ho Im
mediately becan to draw conclusions and
said wo wiere planning to run through
trains froru Chicago to San Francisco.
There is nothing In the report that we
have made arrangements with tho Colo
rado Southern to run trains over their was a witness 10 tne crime ana cnargeo
coast route to the gulf. The matter was H. d. Mclntyre. a brakninaii on the Bur
not even hentloned. If 1 rcceuber cor- j U:iglon railroad, w ith the crime.
Former Newspaper Man of Promin
ence Kmlres After Several
Weeka of 1 linen- -
WASHINGTON, April 17.-A. J. Halford,
formerly a newspaper man of considerable
prominence, and In recent yiars editor of
the Congressional Directory, i!ld todav af-
i ter several weeks' Illness. Mr. 1 1 ai ford
I a brother of Ma lor Klilah V. Ha: ford.
nrk-.u MrrV Priri..rtr ir.rri.nn
Sereral years ago he was connected with
various metropolitan papers as a political
I writer In Washington. !! had also been
I connected In Important capacities with the
Associated Press and New York Sun. Mr.
Malford was a native of Hamilton, Ohio,
and was Si) years old. He was the father
of Lieutenant Doane Halford, 22d Infantry,
I'. S. A., and Captain Frank Halford of
the marina corps.
National Liberal la Dead.
BERLIN. April 17. Count Orl.ila. the
well-known national liberal member of th.
relchsiag and a warm supporter of the pro
ceived In a recent street accident.
The habit of turn
ing to the want ad
pages of The Bee
Sundays to fintl out what is
gtiinj? on, is a very jrtol hniiit.
It in a jjruwinijc liulit.
So ninny have n'ofitt'l !y
this habit.
lift want atls fiinl jolts for
Tiif.v will m-11 an tiling im
ll,i worhl.
Tliis ii
tln irivat li,irn,iiu
Ilfll'l tllt'lll.
Voii n-l ilii' (Mi.
.f III
If t lii-y should a he i .mr
In ii on: if ' In - 1 1 1 1 In I r.
, It. . nn 1 I ... i I I i . 1, I II I t
tad alii ei ii- - no . I r
.i ii i .1 b I i ' r . .
t le
I Ma
c' a
you subscribed to the laymen's missionary movement?
Fast Mail Held
Up and Robbed
Sheriff's Posse e Hotly Pursues Two
Bandits Who Stole Nine
Pouches of Mail.
BENICIA, Cal.. April 17-A sheriff's
posse Is hotely pursuing two bandits who
early this morning held up the China-Japan
fast mail train on the Southern Pacific
near here. The passenger were not dis
turbed. Mall cars only were robbed a
the train carries no express. Nine reentered
mall pouches were taken, but the value of
the loot Is unknown until officials check up.
Mr ol Attorney Fonnd -lust Two
Ymra Afreir Trnvto
Mnrder. T"
MULLEN. Neb.. April Ifi. (Special Tele
gram.) Just two years after O. F. Hamil
ton mysteriously dropped out of slg'ht his
body was dug up from a hastily made
grave near thn local stock yards. By the
fii ding of his body a mystery hns been
unravelled and a crime cleared up that
has baffled the authorities since he was
last seen alive.
A man's guilty conscience prompted the
story of the murder, the subsequent burial
and the solution of the perplexing mystery.
Frank Cleavcnger today confessed that he
I Cleavenger today filed an affidavit giving
his story of the murder, stating that the
matter had been on hie mind ever since the
right of the tragedy and that he could
no longer stand the strain on his con
science. On the night of the murder, states
Cleavengcr, 1 he end Mclntyre entered a
saloon in Mullen by a rear door to get
a drink. Hamilton was seated In a cor
ner, apparently asleep. According to
CW avenger, Mclntyre first awoke his In
tended victim, then struck him over the
head with the butt end of a revolver,
which caused unconsciousness. The pros
trate form was then rolled down the col
lar, win re the murder was done.
Cleavengcr states that C. W. Rector also
was a witness to the murder and that
both were compelled to assist Mclntyre
in burying the body under thrat of death.
This was done under cover of darkness.
In the stock yards, near the Purllngton
Mclntyre resides at Seneca, where he
has a family. He has not yet been placed
undtr arrest.
Hamilton was a well-known lawyer and
is si id to have Incurred the enmity nf a
number of people by his activity In un
earthing land frauds. His sudden dlsap
peaiance caused a sensation In this sec
tion of the country, for there were no
clues to his fate.
Oratorical Contest at Haroa.
Ht'RtiN, S !., April 17 (Special la
the high school oratorical contest KrtduV
evening ' Clarence Oaburn won flr-t place;
Miss Myrtle Hitnev. second, and Mt's
Haiel I leek, third. Tha declamations were
followed with a cantata. "Wreck of the
Hesperus," by tl.e itiidenn of tha huh
How Big is Omaha?
Whal Some People Think About It
!?4 CT
m., :r.i
i ... "4!
! i n i
J VV Seh, pp. ' l'-4a
J 1 1 I "i N .' l
lliitv ! 1 1 . in O . ' i
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i, J..n
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Vhe Ceniiu Mau
Thermometer Fell to 22 at 7 a. m. on
Sunday Morning.
Jnat How Much. Damage Was Done In
Orchards Cannot lie Told for
a Week Today Should
D Warmer.
Since 5 o'clock Saturday evening the ther
mometer has been below freezing point. At
that hour the thermometer fell to 32, the
freezing point. Snov continued falling In
flurries all night, and Sunday morning the
ground was distinctly white In and about
At t o'clock Sunday morning the ther
mometer stood at 2.1. at 6 It waa one degree
lower. From then on It began to rise, but
very slowly. At 12 o'clock 27 degrees was
tho mark, and the high point, SO degrees,
was reached at 5 o'clock Sunday afternoon.
There It stood at 6 and 7 o'clock, with a
wind out of the north making heavy over
coats very popular.
Speaking of the possible effect of the
freeze on the fruit orchards, Deputy County
Treasurer Emmet Solomon said the real
story cannot be told for a week or ten
days yet.
"I recall, said Mr. Solomon, "that on the
10th of May two years ago we had a very
sever frost, yet fruit raisers had a good
crop at grapes that year. Cherries were
hurt worst, being practically put off the
list In this neighborhood. We had some
peaches and a fair crop of apples. Of course
in a freeze like this, the buds that are out
will be killed and fall off, and this season
we are away ahead of the 10th of May.
Puds that are. not yet out. however, will
probably come along all right, If condi
tions do not gorw worse later.
Always Gather Some Frnlt.
"For twenty-five years that I have been
more or Kss familiar with fruit growing
In this vicinity wo have always had a
pretty good crop of grapes, and more or
leys other fruit, no matter how unfriendly
the frosts seemed to be. I guess we'll have
some fruit this year, when the picking time
W. L. Crosby, a veteran fruit raiser of
Florence, says that apples, cherries and
plums have been pretty severly hit by the
fall In tempemture, but he la not looking
for a complete failure of the fruit crop.
Shrubbery and trees have suffered con
siderably, but there Is still time for these
to recover. Garden truck that was put out
In an optimistic spirit of raniiiderte with old , prsD f sentiment of the business men
man Jack Frost has vaninhed, to a very I the clly council turned don the appllca
large extent. If not wholly. This has itr. for a sec.-r.d franchise, and tha men
brought about the re.-alling of promises hack nf the move then brought their ap
put out by the enthusln-ttc gardeners to puratmn directly to the people through
furnl'h their friends with early '"gaj-den i ih provisions of ti.e referendum, and tho
ass" long before M. -m..ral day. Masked j p,-. p. us a whole will h given an oppor
and covered fiow't beds have prabably es- i tunity to express themselves on tha aub
caped entire destruction, where thn covering , r,-t rent Tuesday.
was sufficiently heavy. As a rule, how- Thn ii. en.-e proposition Is also an Inter
ever, flower b-t d.i not really appear j . tu g ,:e The license majority at tha
strongly unrll after tha flrt of My. lel.ctlon lant year wan oiilv t enty-sevan.
Ih rreexihg wemner i-o'ii.nuett inroiigi
Sunday night, but the wenther bureau Inn
mate that today the temperature .
ml turn upwird again.
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U Couutlnj Now.
Heavy Cut Shewn in Expense! la
Fw Ymr.
Campaigns Made by Men for Directors
Come to End.
Konr Yenra Jlnlntennnr Drops
this Amount and Volume of
nnslnrsa slope
NF.W YOTtK. April IT. The fir t Investi
gation of the Mutiinl J.lf Insurance nun
puny und. rtnken by the state Insuran e
d-pnrtmont since Governor Hughes un-i-r-vereh
the sen mm la of I'.nH has been com
pleted tiy Superlntendnt Hotchkisa and d
Vfiops these fncts: K
1. The final effort of the new msna ;
mrnt to recover U.OO.niM from the In
President Richard A. McCurdy and bin
nssoclntes of the old management resulted
In a net outgo of $217,819 lore than the cc
piiny received from the MK'urdys.
2. Since the Armstrong lnw wont Into ef
fect thn Mutual' expenses of maintenance
nnd administration have dropped from
$15."20.:'Ol In l!!o4. the year previous to the
Arm trong Investlfatloli, to In 19.
whllo th- volume of business remained
about tho same.
.1. As late as IWi Agents of the company
wer, still active cnmpUgnws In the Inter
ests of directors seeking re-election, al
though the report does not charge that
this was done nt the Instigation of tho
directors themselves, or with their con
nivance. For these electioneering services
I agents of the company received In 1H08
flfi"l.?31 of tho policyholders' money.
4. A late as 190S payments to agents Ag
gregating f.?M,ni, which did not apnear on
the books of the company as bonuses for
getting new business, but are nevertheless
believed by the department to ba such,
paid In violation of the Armstrong lam, '
were traced to the Boston offlco . Thera
Is no record of them In tho homo office.
In Boston tluy aro charged to "auperpislo
of eld business," which la to say, ta pre
vent tho lapsing of old policies. '(
Henort Called I'ntrae.
Superintendent Hotchkisa characterise
the report submitted by the company" a
committee which recommended the accept
ance of the compromise with tho McCurdya
aa "untrue In at least two .particulars and
defective In one more." "And It Beema to
us." he continues, "that either the com
mittee did not know the facta or purposely
misled the board of directors."
Nevertheless It la said the report on tho
whole Is complimentary to the company.
The examiners find that the company has
complied, In the main, with the Insurance
laws as amended by tho Armstrong com
mittee. The examiners believe that the expendi
tures of the policyholders' moneys for
inestlonable purposes has been definitely
"The examiners state,", sayg tha report,
"that proper restraints have been placed
by the company upon the supply depart
ment, where expenditures for legislative
and other Improper purposes wera con
cealed by the previous management, and
that the system In operation at present wtl
prevent the recurrence of such practices."
The returns to policyholders have been
Increased correspondingly. The dlvidenda
paid In 1904 amounted to J2.074.20S and In
im to s.311.2.o. The report explains, how
ever, that one reason for this significant
increase lies In the fact that many de
ferred dividend policies matured during tha
years 1H07-OS.
License Qarstlon and TrleBoa
Frnnrhlae Are laaaea at Tan
day's Rallotlna-.
PIERRK. S. I). April 17-fSpeciaI.)-Ona
of the propositions which the people of
I this city will he asked
to vote upon at
the coming city election la that of tha
granting nf a seond telephone franchise
here. The svfhject has been discussed at
the dinners of tha Business Men's club
nnd has not received any great encourage
ment from that organization. On the .
an. I the ilrvi feel thai if t.hev In.l
in tlia proper amount ,,f rfort at that
i (lii'i un tney
, htt, they HI
might have won. On that
pushing their campaign this
I A nioMh ago the indications war
I tioi.g for a Ji y ..n for this year, hut
i "l .ntini. ui appe.iri to have been
I cn.uig , in u. h iw iit, and tha
ni4iin appear to be aliout even. o far
' a-i sen rin . 1. 1 a nl,eie. on tha street is t .
i coiimiIi-i .-.1 Hm iiriihes snl h.ia any
',,', i" Ui.o i a. iv and .t wnl taae tha
c.Mlloli !o ..,1 the reH.ilt.
K.ira laaa I ! I kuua4
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