Bee. Omaha PAST TWO I HE EDITORIAL rttxi 9n TO aTTOaTT. VOL XXXIX-XO. 44. single corr rnx cents. OMAHA. STXDAY MOUXING. ArliH, 17. 1910. Political and Social News from the Old World Reported by Special Cable and Correspondence fabt m . . . LAND yaer ova ro sivx-r. Ji ROCKS OX WHICH MARRIAGE FALLS1,, Cium for Dirorte in the Different Countries of Europe Are Classified. AEULATED ANALYSIS ITELIS2XD Eernlt ef E$earches ef the Eojal British Ccms-isrion. HAXT ELASOIS AEE ADMITTED c - U Cvxntrjet EaTe Some in Common, With Variations, GOTBALLT BEC0G5TZE DTSAXITT ""espaUbillty Seine teat la Several M Pay Aeeelete Dl verve far Safffrrleat Cease ta Cliaer Party. BT PAUL. LAJMBETIi. LOMON. April Hi .Special L-ispaicfa to The Bee. An lmere-ur,g contribution to miifruJ for study f tbe divorce fornioD 1a th tabu'sted analyst t the divorce la a f tba various Earcpeaa countries, and the self-governing colonies of tie Brit- , ir.h empire, submitted ta the royal com mission en drvoree by ft ancrrlarr, Goat-11 Barsca. Tht Mjjent fpatu-a of ttreae levt ; may be briery sumtne.r'afa. AvMHa permit ta CelboHee afjiantllfi ' tsuj. vvt baa different laae tar l)Mt fcarta. ITvtaiTlatit enar obtain Oi-rrce aa ttie ae-r-era! rrounds of miaoaxM) at, Biaiickme da- i arUon. an atu-ispt the life f tbe cm- j att ana ""uuoiperable vernlon, afcile iej- ration is parmlltea aa rb erraunaa af ill-irf-atJWBt. In urK-irit la an Immoral life, j T mutual fcfmiiwnL Eleven fxousOa for mit ata epea ta Gtraeas tasicent 1 Aurtria, kTnom hnt are an unfouDOcfl aocuaatiuo f aalBOfindact aeiirwt itx alfe, M-fce-m. exitr? rulo a mocafctic Drier, tra'ickua aiaai lion, rrvelrj-, tonTtr 7 ar&icrt tbe life of the oonno-t ana "Irrwun- liable batrrd- N ariiaraUoB if permie-n-iwibia. Java lie oibe jrjxunda of i n pet) them. arryonrKt are TT.aKrkua aeafirUcm. immoral llrtnc. cruelty. ir tpwMfflt of otk jiarrJe. u4 tbe fan lhat tme f the ppous ha hrcme a Cbrla t.aa. la Rrlalaa Balsarta. Bt jjuib rrin an (.TiUbCe for eit'Orc-e inicnda4 of tbe aife. mltooiaa of tbe friufcbana' If be aball have krpt the v-ra-pponAri.t Jb the animaa rraldroce. vit)eooe eKdantrlijf life, cruelty, rrare Isaaitlea, emtrnra oa one of the partir Involving iaaa to clvfi rtrhta and "mutual and sn avavarlna' oasaesj. f tae partla expiaaaad la tbe anoer preacrlbaa try lw."" Uob 1 permilted. but aa tbe demast af "Ue jtpcornt. ejrroroe muft ba (ranted after three eara anirM tbe petitioner afrra ta tbe nranaUro ef tbe vrparatlao, ' Ten areuiifla tor diroroe are recorc'aed In Eu'icarla tbte 4Ttclna!n miswofl upl. tyseltj . threat or drairr.a aralnrt tbe life of tbe oamnort. be abenpe of tbe buaband ff-r four jeara If bia arheraabeula ia un-atgre-B, or it la tba cae of it beinj anca-o. be fail ta aend hii a If a tbe Rtnas of ruifan. lcaanlt.v. entrat la severe puEishmant for thrtx. fraud, embexalemenl or horaiclde; uzurDbmaotlated ebarra af cile oedirt tnade by ooe parry asrarnat tbe other, and ""restraint t rrii(ricma liberty." PI ar la Daasaat-bu In recTOark tbe rariJ( I Judicial fli- a.-r-exa 1-Ti riTr m laar-DTyfl wH V.eami AaaVPr um. Jeprory. Absence for frt-e years abarr the presumption is that th bbsi-titoe k dead axid Imprisonment for life, Adminls-trati-ve divorce i obtatnabl gr9md of insanity, separation f r three years er aca lence f three year. feaparatioa can be granted by tbs minister of luetic, usuaEy on the groBDds a kick enaiie ta divorca. la Franr the ground of d-'vorcs are mis conduct. vinc endangering DJe, rueltx. grave iadgr.j'.ira and the condemnation ef eltber larty lo an " afflictive or degrading' punish mmt, i-jiara-.lra 1 jK-rmiKK-'kis, but a bora sejAiatioa ba coniinaed for three jears it can b conierted as a rittit iris tfivwce a th afp'lcatioa of either tiariy aeaaaaa ta Cenaaay. t'ivorca In tbe Gertuan tmpire is ottali able u eaiber absolute or aiscrrt iothu-j-scnfla Ab!lui ground ltvcHid rfiiscon-c'-;flt lgami. anemjH on life, maiicou AasertKxn for one year and insanity of Hirer ;ears dara.tKBS. -destrortng inie!iec:ual ennnuitioa betaaeo tbe partiea and hold ing out os bop of taceverj ."" FeparaDon ia allea-od ea ground srmilar to those al ready mtiiift'cd. t-ut on the demand of ti cefendart d-c.'ee tf divorce must I ranted. riscrel irr drvorce i obtain able ca il g7unda of grav vioiatio snariial !utea or of "dithonotahle or im moral conduct recoering marital relation ee sc. rained tiAt tb ccftinuano of tbe marriage ougbt tot to 1 expected " Plarrisalaatiaai la Cuit. Oreec a!loa-s tb fcubnd eij-ht groand for divorce and rbe a:fe only sevea. For th feoKband tbe groubd embrace tnlacoo duct, an attempt s the sttt.nd s I ff. svnndiaciosur at i-er knoaiecxe of a p'ot agalnsi kl hla Trd:'-iKur t U kii tiand of ber knealodee of a conrpuracy arainst tha sovereign, staytng at tn-ht si another bauae etoevlir.g th bouse of ber ji-!fH. atteaidmg races, tbatrs or sport a-t-hout ber buaand s tonseM. or attending dinneia er ttE.lag la th cow,p.ny ef mea aramst tb husband- wiaa A aife may a.leg a rT,.-n for divoe tb husband exuLA-pracy agairst the neti'B er hi faiiuie detieux lurh a eon.Fr.imce after It ua cosne te l-.t 'i.J.c. 1-lfr, sn atlempt by the iwkitii on bee life, er bia fallutv ie denounce at or foscut is r7ct ef it sfu-r aware of plots aaint ber Itie. lite e-.i, vox te procure mifcoonflwet on ber part, bia preferment of a false tiiarge misooriduct aainst ber. ber husband a xt.isovndtioi is tbe horn, er bia persistettl Xt,ta.tu3 jrt is the same una Haaaary'e Ltot. Mu-4gary stcit-a. at absolute rrocTidt for d;erce. miaoondact. bifamy. er,a!icion desertKtri. as attempt v;.-a lit or seriout Sia'.ti-aai;t, encat-ge-ing ibe aUtty er bea'.'.h f t ether party, and sentence 1 dtwtk r ftie years liuprmonmt-nu !.- ' creuanary greunda of 4 vorce errraoe a tu fa vi.-UtiHfis of marital oblirai ion, outer taji tbe abeve, an attempt ie tndoos a ei.'id .f a tam-.'y to a cnatiiai set. er to aa BiHKal life, and stuiAwim pernstenne In sa itcenal tifa J-rnaret ia persnit .ed Ja u.e e!beriTifix, --sseieiduct, snalKSass ti.aa.i if sd ea Aeooud PagaJ ROSE BOWLS TEST SOFILT onn Edited ly Eooterelt's Visit Eu 5 early Subsided. GAKELUG BAXD3 AXD GOOD JOTT. i !Oa (lab Flad Itself ntlr HmH, While lMktr Flat that tb Fellee in Krai aad la Eat-west, BT CLEM EKT J. EAFJT.ETT. ROME. April K.-SpeciaJ Eilspaicb is Th Be Tbe storm ratae by tb visit .f j fnnwc Preradent Rooaevet to quieting iwi f lu u c found there ba n caruaiuea Tb . i 'n lie- Vatican ana th Method'st mis sionaries cat, a sol be more strain d than tbey had been, aa so treat barm a a loix there, Kr. Rooaei-elt made a treat impre rin oa Kins Victor ar.d Qaeen Elena, a ho er.Jored bia vlntt Teat!y. and the Italian people reneraEy a era pleawd a 1th te f aoDua Americas, Or. of tba p'.eaaaxt feature of Mr. Rooaex-elT rlFit ta Italy wa the tireeenta tira ta ban of a boat of tb late F. Maricir, Craa-ford. Mr. Rooaerelt a-a a -ret friend and admirer of Craa-ford, a be lived the laat 7 ear of bia life at Sorrento and e pressed bimaelf a preatjy rratined to nav true memento of tbe ntg abo bad hed muca 3utra aa Amerkaa letter. KalB, KaXe-meiirTe aaa ateaL Ttoime 1 laucbtc, at a basa prat-Oral ck played a somber of aell-knoa-n ' Kooery men "a-faa arere framblinf In one of ' i authority for the statement that the tbe Jeadinr butela. A party beaded by i daaliir. caralrmi.n a ilh f iasl.fa.e blade Picnor Antolri. a weU-abea-a clmun. die- rourt fii aay to tbe mounted mTantryman ruiwd aa a police commiaKi oner and hi 1 a-jth prosaic ririe. In a preface to a book assistant descended on tb samY.lera atd. j Mr. E-vkin ?b0dr be rtrorvgly d ln buslneaa-lJi fashion, seiee tbe stakes! Tocatea that for cavalry th steel aeapon ana t-amalirr impleacemta. He look tb names and addresses of the players, and. teJltr.c theta they aould bear more of tbe matter at a later date, departed. AU tbe ritn.Mera eurpnaed aurin tbeir OJiet ram f:i lata tbe traa It im that st.m of the younrer mernker if tbe ' party dissolved Into tears at th tbourht 1 ef "a bat papa a auld say." tarn tried ta ' boli and aere nber rubly tarred back i t-y th" roardlnc' lb doors. While tbe laughter aroused by this Joke Is! atiU tolnaT round, a aren-knaa-a private I CamMine; club in ahiti ronlette ba been plaed mcbtly for years, a as raided bT i tn polio tbis time cenumelv. t deputies and several tkicm of prmcelv famiues are involved in tbe affair. ttfeterr af a Haaataa Traak, A sinister light baa been tbroaa on tb anvetertocis Ruasias trunk marfler per petrated at a lacglcg fcoyss U Rcn last Mart. Tb first cJu Irons t abaa? that .tb victim eras either a revolution ist or a polios spy. Cavallwa Oast!, then as simant to tb chief of police at Rome, a-as sent to Warsaw te proserin twauJriea "Ba-; for aertbig act ba raaolred t experiment a-itb tbe fmrer print system.. Ta that end fca had tb. body of th rietita aabumed and tb imprii-ta pbaUiiicrapbed. Tbe re sult a-s that as bis arrival i RuaaA. tbe imprint arera found tor correspond exactly a:tb tboe of.. a vanished youth -same Tarantovrky, tbe son of a manufacturer of false keys, resident at abudevka. Ha be longed to aa anarchist club at Warsaw. nd - ' - . , , . . r . . ', ' Informer ts the local secret pollt. but eras scan after threa-a into prison on tb ais oovery bajtg mad that be bad bees play ing itto tb band cf revolutionary com rades. theraupt avos-ed bis e- termination t creat a coloal atandsj If r1" to trial by a fuU exposure of tbe I xnrtM of to Russian secret oetartjve syetetn. Hence n a-a derided t. r.:... him and to put spies a Us track instead 1tb instructioB ts kill bins as a Atageraus enemy. The aaaataina. arbors Cavaliera Cast! unearthed, acre Identified aa beloa; tng to tb Warsaw district. Tbey dogged Tarantovsky s steps to Roma, and there. In the guise of friendly fellow countrymen a-iehing to care h!m ef a malady from a-hicb be was auffertna; tbey aomlniatera injections ef cyanide of potassium. Wbe unconsciousness truperrenea tbey cepoeitefl tbeir victim tn a traUt. locked it ar.4 took tbeir departur. Neurasthenia Attacks Dogs Canines Placed ea Bombarded Ships for Experiment Come Ont of it lei-Tons Wrecks. PARIS. April M (.Special r:sjtob to Tl Be -The recent bottiherdxoeiit of tbe Jena had curious affeoia oa the unfortun ate dogs that aer auaced an board tb doomed v-easel. Tbe ooga a er put in certain portions of tb afalp wlrb the idea of as certaining abetter tbe effect of gunfire a-aa t aej.hnLiai tbexe or t pcuson tlteoL What tappeced was that tbe doca under the Influenia of tbe repeated explosK and abocAa ttame depreased. as tbougb suf fering from euraatboiila. There a era an tb Jena dog that a-er gentle and obeoi ent; at ri first discharge Uicy became depressed and aervou. aftrr port firing they refused to anraer tie call of the efflcer on tbey knew best. 'Ane worse a lime aeat on. , mnt finar tw dog committed sukcio by j threeitg tbemsal.Hs ait lt,e aster and aiiamg uemseiTes to sirk without maktng any effort ts ss-tm." FIRST IRISH CHURCH OR SAN ' - Old IlaraaeeleBa, Plaeees ef latlraarm la Preskyievlaa (aarrkea. aw Dlaalay. BELFAeT. April It rtial Cispsack to Tb Bea t la the lecture hall ef iw Pre.ttenan enure al EaniktiB testa th bamrtMiiuin, now past in. t atwk tb tleta-ic iiiterests attat-he ef bavr been tue -.'.ret musical lastruaueat eupiioyed in lei ora.h!s ef the Prrebyierias church is Ireland, Th lrtroducuoa ef txus iaetra sneM was ttim begmn-cg of a prolongad and heated ttMtrsverr. aagel t'lgumualy for Biaiir yeaia. but cf a-biek not evea tnc wliuM rm .ft a be bejLrA Tbe lum,- w-a i-as. boaeter. bsea mad that tbe narmoa I lum sheu.d be acquired as a moments of j t past, and preserved la th Aeaemb!y j kd.i.r. BeLXasC SABRES TO FLASH O'ERAYARNOMORE I British. Authorities Etleg-ate Weapon tf Antiquated and fteltH. ICXE CF EEfG-S GOLD CTPS LOST ! Something- of a Scare Stirred Tp Among- Kate Ee-f prn. i - EDWAED EEVTVES OLD CBDEES ' . , , , , Bang- BebeTei tint Chapter Deaerre I Kort Attention. ' WABSHLT FACT CULTS ABE BrSTad imiu h perhap. today th. n. riaat la oreal Brltaia Warkiaai aa (aatraeta far TfU -Oae Preadaaaahte aad Maar aaaller mm la. ET P.U L UMEETH. LcXrON, April 3 iS;rial t'iMich te Tb Bee The cavalry sabre ba outUv-rd it aeftilneK and muat aoon Join in hon orable reUreTnent lanoe, belm and hauberk and auch other Kiir.ilar aeapoa of oflrnee and ofetise Na lea as authority than Fieid Marahal Ixird Hfrt. Litil T.ob. Bob Bahadur. aug-ht either to be discAarced or denied ail influence on tactic, a pure type of mounted riflemen substituted for tbe exirtine t-li? type. Lord Kolit saja: -Why wa. ante a tinerenl esji jpmeni. miouib -aa..rj .m, trained on tb old tradition, arid their 5 i buckets attached to tb horse. 1' t oerljn oep- tional woaslona la supplement f aaord r lance?" Aft"" fluetinaT the astaor view of the tMKbQ lt -r i BoVJh Africa up to M.ifch, MM. tb field marshal adds: "With every aord of this I acre, and it must be remembered that my JuOfmeri is based upon pmaonal and first-band tcnoal ede. Why did our cavalry fail? Because they fld not knoa-. becawse tbey bad sever been reared te ancar. Imtw to tia tb prlnctpsJ asd most aseful aeapon wtCh arbicb tbey a ere armed. . Because tbey did not understand, because tbey bad jmu been asked t nndarstanft. "that tbeir ral should ooxtslst tn attar-kino- ta acenay ea acL!y like tba tatfantrj-, ant ta shoot their aay us to btsn.'" 5Trjen Lcrr-d Roberts speaks f ta etics i Kpcafca aa ona aitb aLhriiy, and -alien be says tbe eavalrymaa must give aay ts taa mounted rifleman, it is a matter f a abort time arben this aril b don. "M atektaar tbe BLeraJ Majle. SometbiTisT Ilk a swnsatkm ass caused for a faa- bours at Windsor Cat"t recently. It a aa decided ts overhaul the immense store of sold and silver plat kept there in preparation for tbe cornice London season. j T tb oonsternatioa of tboe charged asith tv,e -f-v ..r .he em-l V..,. a verv val- th safety of tbe royal piate, a uabie gold cup a-as siiaatng from Its accus tomed pAaoe, and tbe most caraful searcb fafk-d t reveal Its abarejabauta Tb bigb tb. and tb saast strmgent incruiries m- at nee instituted, althout. hoarever. ; the alight est result. Suddenly it acenrred to eameon te wire to Buckiagtiam Palace te see if tbs cup was ther by any er a no Ta tb immense relief cf al! concerned th cup a as fotmd tii era, Vavjng boon overlooked after tb last ceurt, when, acowi-dlng ts tb usual practica. tbe piat a-aa all sent back to Windsor for aaf custody. Tbe plate esosets at th cast) are very Jealously guarded, and are ouite impreg nable ts either fire or burglary, ahiie tbey can emly be opened owing ts an extremely Ingenious system of locks is tbe presence of several trusted retainers. Same Feara Ago. boa ever, a couple ef gold plates acre lost, and bare never bees recovered ts this day, though some of the best mea is Kostisnd Terd aer employed for several months in endeavoring ts trau them. Bev lilac tae Ola Oraere. it is now understood that th formal openiiig cf the nea borne of the Order of the Thistle in ft Guaa's catbedral. Ldjn-buig-b. by tb ktng, will b postponed until hla majtsty trsvels porta ax th autumn. w . " , . . . .. .. ..... cnapei, wtiica, anen rmisnea, aui oe in; every aay a fitiuig liomt for the moat ancient order. The opening ceremony wi'.J ba marked with consioeraale state, and. in addition, t tbe king, tbe duke of Con tia ugiil and tb prmc f Wale a in beta be presi-tu. ahiie tbrre is some protect that Prince Arthur of Cennaught. the ku.ff's fatorit nefihew, a ill b ajmltted ! 10 t' "r 1hl' In majesiy la taking th rreateK in- in toe prearat.or.f for t-,e dedica Uun of Uiia nea Cxpt-1 of tb Thistie. and this serves ts direct attention enc zusre t tbe great reatard that he paya t the variou noble order ef a hich be is tbe bead. He la often been beard la de clare that ha aouid ixxe te see more of the 'd tim spirit tatroduied into these ord re, and bis revival f the Cuapters of the Garter ia St Geut ge's cdiapel, V ixifltoT, is t ut a forei-unner of a hat b hopes to aceoir jlit h Tbe peats asd stats of these asseatiblles a;p al very suoncly la bis m..ety. and be i boiis that tbe orders should sen to ! the ktit.fctt c o'r tag-ther in brotberiy !lwk and mutual assistance, lie baa intimated thes vira veiy stnt'Ltg-y to several proaxvuexit mesubers ef ; the d)!T- rent w-ders lately, sad b bo on ef the day to feel ra quick suores- '. mam Ct-9,vrr tb Garter, tb Thistle . ; "lJt- 3 uj. " coarse, I ' Wmdsar. Ealnburga and Lmbiis. rtpe-sively. lalleet Maa la Parliasaeal. Tb taJira. mea.ber f lb sw Psriiaixeai is Mr. Cieug-as B. BaU. tae utiioatst rep mesitative far tbe lale ef Wight a he t ne lea tLbaa six feat fne tachee tn berht. He la rui very cies. bmitr. by Sir Ra dulf Baker, tb vaiisnH. meacber far Xurth Ioraet. wh is baif aa bxk abarter. Mr . tCkuaud ea Bvceed J-agaJ Austria's Aged Emperor Suffers Much in Health Pxman Incident Worried Hiza Xnch and Increase-d Anxiety of His Tamily and Friends. EI EMIL AXTBASfT. 1ENNA. April la (Special Dirpatch t The Bee ) Arin runipri a: current that the a red eraiperor'a health la auth a t ratxae -ra fear in tbe tr.ind of ir.r faia fly and the pxrraaffit There aeem to be, acardtna to my informant, uo anetific j tro-iihle. bat mer'y the feei,irr"e Jnc .drnt !to .a-. aca. Tb reoew trouhie or the reception of Mr. RooeeJt at t:.e Vatl- i tan baa, I unflemtand. a-rrted hi majerty .Uy. Tb emierar 1 a devout Catholic ! ! Catholic country in Europe. Tb far that Mr Kcosei-eJ't k to to Vienna naf.n ner a cm'irir:ii uo m , ' Vatit an a orried the court and il a aa ' stated at one time that hi majesty aa a creaky inornsed that be had oecjiied to cancel bis :raremetjt to shoa Mr. Roose velt utmsuaJ honor. The a hole afla'.r ba bad a bad effect on hia health, Kereae at Hla Peat. Ambassador Keren ba arrived and tbe first impression Vienna ba formed of hins ie Tbey take him to be a tvpi-t-al American, bluff and beany and a hi) perbap lackirjc aomea hat is tbe suavity of manner are lock for In tle European diplomat tT bih rank, poessastts a foodly bar af ahread. ntnroom senee abic b a-ffl em hie him te rain and bold bia popularity. Eimngaaet la -Kid- Part lea. Roma extraordinary stories of extra va rum at Juvenile parties in Austria. a.nd the loadtnr. cf tii Jun;lRer stomachs a-b unaboieeom delKaoia are beina; lold Aurdly iat hour are aoa-adaye kept, it is ajmerted by mere infanta On the la- rtieti for cbUdree . fh. BW, added. carrtoaTes at I a. m." And in Austria all school k ki c arlork In tbe mortiina. At a recent ti.ildren a party the hostess. -dent-'y wishing to outshine tbe other ladies ef ber circle, provided st supper time, a large quantity of unsaJted caviar beajied on fcuge blocks of ioe, Tb delioatr was for th most part a asted. tbe cbildresi pot be ing -educated tip to" caviare. Another dish was cf trout cooked is champagne. Tbe cost of this may Imagined, when to said tbat there awe fifty children present, and that the very best c hampagne had been used for lb purpose. Tbe -grown-tips" arba aer present aay tbst tbe trout tbus prepared proved a great delicacy, bnt tb children, wbo ewe saving tbeir appetites for tbe sareeta failed to appreciat It. Blab erate toe came later, bat these war spoiled In the eAMrea'a eyes y tbe hot Cbooolat aaace wrb- tb axa aala aoerad orer tbe cea " Tbe raaua mar bare recoaa--memflefl it' self to tb graws-tips,- tbe ebildrea ' poabed . tb taAealdy-loeAir-g thawed iocs on one sida Objects sat- Betas; Beavlaeea, - A' Buftapoat, woroaa named Schneider is peUtiordr.g for a dri-orc because ber bus tnd taaists oa dispiayteg tbe house tb portraits of bar three in odeteneora It is stated is Vienna that tbe German emperor a-IU visit tbe Emperor Francis Joseph during the second week of May la order to congratulate him personally upon bis approaching 80th birtbday. AH tb aobool to Temesvar, Hungary, have threatened to go on strike tmlesa tbe new rai that they must all wear hair tightly plaited is cancelled. Swiss Portia Paid in Kisses Franlein Bmrilein, Lawyer, Clears Poor Peasant Woman, Earring Fame and Gratitude. GENEVA. April It (Special Dispalcb to The Bee ) A fata Portia, Frauiela Brust lein, tbe easgfater of a leading federal Judge and tbe first woman toaks Bilk la tbe country, ba gamed a remarkable case at th Zurich tribunal by ber eloquence, fl.e aas defending a poor railway gate keeper. Mm. Louise Wyes, who. ea ar- ( minute lite to close the rivir-g a 5 gale at tb level crossing, discovered that the express train had killed a Swiss btry, aged years, ah bad eandcred ea the line. Praulem Brustiein pointed out that her client was so wretchedly paid by the leaeltby Federal RaUway company-H i mania for taaiit hours work a day that sl was farced to seek eutsid work to support ber four cbnareo. Oa the day of tbe accident tbe express aas Is time for tbe drat time for several weeks. The Jury ,uiTta tb. mr RUlMr w-hr. i. tbaxiks. covered tb bands of ber counsel aith kinsca FORTUNE TO EKGUSH PAUPER Isspeverlabed W Idew GeU BiaT learaey ead Will Ttew Besjeaker Tbaee T be Befrveaded Her. LOrOX. April 1. (rpeciaJ Il;tch ts Tbe Bee.i Mra Ellen Marsdeji, a widow of Low Moore (Turku), who bas lived is such dire poverty that she bas bad ts de pend on the aetacianr of neighbors and a aeekly aliawaace of i shillings aa aaris-n relief., bas Just received intelligence that a sum of CkmW bas been left ta ber bv ber tuncie, Mr John MrLermoit, aba died in Virrlr.ia recently at the are of C f?ne ie a I ears t.f age. and ber husband was a laborer, ethe bAs four daughters ana tae Sana Wbea she gets the money, Mra Marsdes saya. "I shall befriend those nhe befriended me. Mr. Mc&ermon went u y tn l.f. and mad a for- to Aa-ierica ear); trtie by farming . CHINESE ! gJQ KIUTARY FOR Ceaspalaat Araay bervire faaiei aAaled tee Celeeiaal Klacdea by Wseral 1 la fktag. BEPUJV. Aprfl M-efpacisl naspsich to Tbe Bear-General Tia CVanx, the CV:neae mitiimer ia Berlta. wbo ba been appainted Chinese minsrter e aar. csntempiiates la tnuducir.g xuvrt-eraal military arrvlce ta China. Tt. BUmetrr ais states that be ba la t lew a s-beaa far giving the eving mill vary train. sg la echoe. KAISER"S ARMY TO DEFESDTBE AIR Germany Will Be Prepared to Fight cn Land, cm Water tr in tie Clonds. WAX FBOGBAM IS IOW CCYTLETE Zeppelin Stations for Cordon About Empire's Frontier. BI trm . A- tr'. . . nw.w tr r ' Attacjdng Air neetS. . . . L.JLLAI UiAJViJ ius ALfiuriAiJ j all fcrraur fCatbaalastla m . - . mim - - - Aerial alatl Are Baer Taralaf tb Maebtaea. Oat BT MAIA?OLM CLARKE, BERLIN. April la (Ricial X'.spatcta ts Tb Bee. It is not alone In bttleshlp and aimy corn trt Gei-many 1 pressing to tbe front is J-ep ration for tbe inevit able time a ben tbe saord must decide tbe question of Euroieat, if not a orid. supreia acr. From th time Count Reppein eV.moa atrated tb fact that be araa sot a vislon ary dreamer, but bad solved tl problem iS aerial tiavlgatlon, tb German aar of fice bad never aavered in .t faith that the dirigible airship a ould b a great, entirely en board the Ruesian ro al yatit if not a controlling factor, in tb neat aar j Standard, a-hicb i to anchor off tb Fin in a-blcb th fatherland should cugarc j nib ooast. about M mfe from St- Prter and, aa a result, the kaiser ba at bis dis- j burl. Tb tsarina is naturally a very bealthy poaal a fleet of fourteen aortal amrshlpa, j woman, but tbe frequent discoveries that ranging from 149 to i3 feet In JengUv and ( lBe tntrt canfjdfnttal t her domestic sT eritn speed rant tii trom taeuty-one U I xtl!im aer but emiaaarie of tb nihilist tbirty-seven and ne-hatf milts an tout. There are nine more building, one nearly im feet Jong and another bsving an esti mated s;eed 'f fifty mile sn hour. Ten or s doses factor-tea and -dockyards." a here airships are manufactured os systematic lines, are at work. Twelve or fifteen persianexit garag-eseeveral of tbera elaborately equipped "ststjoTur 4ot tbe frostiera, tn tbe proximity of tbe sea, asd at lalaDd cent era. A special battalion of nearly 3n office ra. engineer and men. trained is all tbe exigencies cf serial nav igation, is ready to toka tb air. Oer Boacy's great erdnaatoe-makora, tb JCrttpp and Efarhardta, an perfectiiig alrsbp-oa-stroymg artillery and ex perisoentlng with guns and explosives for offensive epara tkna from a beigbt. Airship maneuver have become a rearular feature of tbe army's work. Parrel ryt eg tbe Air.' Tbe army's aebeme A "aerial def ease" coBtemplates a ckala ef permanent sta tions, wbioh wlU eventually extend la a sweeping semicircle through the taortb and east. Tbe Mea is that . Oerraary shall b fortified to tbe air sieng ber entire French and Russuaa t: an tiara, and la" lb araa flanking tbe sea. Every fortress within this area is ts be provided with one or more vesee'a At present military airship stations ar standing at Mrtx. Cologne. Frankfort, Berlin. Friadrichshafen, all of which can acotsnmodaie two more ret eels ef tbe largest type. Gas-generating plants ar attached to tbs military airship sta tions, which ar to be duplicated gradually at all strategic points a the "fet"" growa WbD working bard on tbe ffens1ie pre graxa, tbe defensive baa set been neglected. Tbe Krupps bar perfected three airship destroyers, ee atari onary field piece, with as extrem range la beight of CTlaV jar da. another for moon ting ea aa arm ored motor car. aritb aa eatiauae range of CUM yards, and a naval gaaoa, which a -ill burl a forty-pound proJecUl to tbe enor mous beight ef 12. SBC yards. For all tbe strops guns a time-fuse is used. 31 is claimed that tbe fuse la per fectly safe to bandle. yet as delicately ad Justed that It a-El detonate the shell im medistely on piercing tb hull of as air ship or balloon. Tbe Krupp airehip-destrey-ii.g guns are ale prevtaed with tracers, s hereby tbe trajectory caa ba folios ea by day or night. Ceesaauar as Patk aai i Germany is utuversally enthusiastic over its "future m the air." "Aerial Navy 1r number hundreds ef tfaou- ; saxid or membera Several tiniv ersitiee and technical colleges bav astabliahed aers xtauacal profeasurshipa Tbe kaiser is en couraging the officers af bis erney and ! ,lr " owv- " ui ni uTKtura. i re nenjy esaewed " " vompoaen I "UJionaire captains 4 mOustry, Is rta5,r "llB "- " support anf 1 rt,-J "MTPrJaa, airtbip er aaroplana, j ti,ch t" to lacreaa tb fatberWs I J"" 114 ". ciouda Botb tbe society rlB' ar irJ,i1 n aeroplanes of tbeir caa ana of foreign systems, tbe I Gersnah Wright company having perfected fee-Cities for turning out five biplanes a month at tbeir works la TegeL Tsa ma chines are already la commission and at tbe army' disposal. Ceeatry Ule fee ( raw a Pvieee. Great interest baa bees aaaaened ia tie prerinoes of Germany by tb new t that lb aaier ba ad need the croaa prince to spend some tar in the country "ia order ts become acquainted aitk the rural popu- lation." as hia father and grandfather did , before h:m It is expect el that at full army ; majt- he a-ill take ever the command of a rerimert at Br-esla-a t.r ieeTr-. km , k. J Rhine provinres cairn that they need 1 nrinc more beinr farther . .v.. I , , , . . .. legem, declares that tbe cross prince ought really to be sett to tb province to farm land for three lear. asd it us bKune ! acquainted alia the aay -ef tb Ufa ef ; Pruasis s greatest II say: -Tb Cros n Prince Friedrck Wliltaai ia already :a army officer, a saiijr. and aa amateur 1 ecboolmaster. fur be one eaax.ined ia a Potsoaaa scnoul. Why shsuld be not aise bs aa agricult ui j. " Tb crura piino I said not to run tb rustkiatlat:: but. ao-i-or:ng ts the report, tbe kaiser consoles hi is etch the fact tbst FreSer-tck tie Great eeaiared that tbe tins be epeac arbea aear ia CToaaamnd f a proviitcial regiment was tbe bappieat of bis life liat Isapsrtaal Plaavtla. The iucu Zcdtuiig. pubiianes as in- terestiiig deempuoa af the fresh result fCkntl&id ea BeeoTd RCSSII DSITIXC OCT JEWS rorced Jtigration from the Pale in Steady Progress Tew. JUSTICE DOSE TO TTJIASD Maar Uarm relet Oal tbal A ate af Blabta t Illeaml. bat Ran Paea Xat C far Tbla. BT GEORGE JTvAFER. rr. PETrRSFr.3. Apni u-f-pe-ji J I'ispatcb 1 The Fie, v "W fcil aroidinr pro- frame and o-.brr violent meaearea tlr - rultioi of Jea- from RuWi i rf'inf Itinietly brt rntblee y. Freor i l".rit pat oa lbfl Hrbrea-r ttroufheut Rkeia and j iaimk. R r and oiir nornt ta tb Pale i ,b, Tb g9rwwmBtm it a t;vr:y eooourac'nc tii anti-Ja iah move-j merit. S certain y taking n men to :or j it and ther 1 a aell fonei be'.ief tht in j reality tbey ar babied tb abole affair. Lw Makee t Matter. Th recent declaration of tb Confrrena of International lae-yers that Russia S acting lllegaliy In attemjiting to .brogate Finnish right of sef-gorenmeint eicite only laoQuid interest and arm bsv r effect ahatever on Russia s plans for aeal ing aritb Finland. It ba been decided that t he interest a of tb empir demand radical change in Finland and tbey a-ttl be mefla gaasx iar ta Lit at 9mu XPta-ithstandtng tb severity of the tsarina s recent nervou breakdea s. . ber imperial majesty 1 boa- la much belter health. I am Informed, and It is intended tbst for at least six months, aba arCl live bas kept ber la a state of momentary perv- . eus apprebensies for the lives of ber little ones for years. Only st armrtadt ber bretbeTs castle In Germany, or on board tbe Ftandara does ber majesty obtstn any relMf from the mental torture of ber posi tion. Bee Maid a at a a. Russian society amused at tbe exper ienoe ef a countess well knows is society, wba. a year ago. engaged a nice looking maad. That maid aas quite competent, especially is halrfii-esmng. The countea was ratber surprised a hen detectivea called and asked ber to Una tap ber servanta Tbe maid tbe competent maid was discovered to b a man. and a suspected murderer, Wba bad for a year sucoeosf uliy pretended ie be a woanaa, Crtrla Cwasaall dalesde. Tsj youBg gtrla tbe IQle. Lavuriar. arsid Mile, Kalmaln. aeilber more than U years of age, commnted auicld togeither recently by saaiiowutg poison. The g.rA Krst plsyed Chopin' Fixtreral marrk ana -than took tb deadly drug. Ke rootiv I given for tbeir deed. CVael Jailer Oaarlrtet, A belated conviction has bees obtained at Moscow against a gaoler and a policeman who bad subjected prisoners in. tbe prison of Smslensk to sever e torture with the view of compelling- them to confess to crimes ef erhlda tbey were innocent. InJ the mdictment ef tbe gaoler and bis com rade, it was stated that four pnsooers told tbe assistant procurer af tbe BmCeaak ceurt. during as laapectiea, of the priaoxu tb Bexneneff. tb gAossr. and Soidst en feoff, a Bliceaaa, bad beaten them a-ith a rubber knot m erder te fere the to confess crimes ef which tbey bad been ac cused. These borrors took place is Septem ber. 1W. Although tb atrtborrtie have knawa about them for a year and a half, tb tortorer war allowed t ooctitrae working la the prates. The defence put forward by tb leaver ef tbe accused e at curtouA He said that tbey bad been brought up is tbe eld school; that is tor. turiiig prisoners tbey were carrying out a system which fioarisbed under ether condi tions and was no being changed. After tbia explanation tbe court took a lenient view ef the case. Kemcnoff was condemned to six months Imprisonment, sad tbe assistant torturer got off a lib. ta months" arrest. DYNAMITE FOB LOVE PANGS (lata ere e. Pare well IIm, Tbea Peaib Bleat Eatds Uvea eg J Man end Girt. MAX'RJU. April li (Special tnapatch to The Bea Because a girl of Oropeaa, small toe n is Toledo, would not break ber troth to ber soldier lover, another young mas. a h a as mgratjated e ith ber, took ber life and bia eas in aa awful fashion. Tbe rejected lover aeised tbs girl la bis araa, kissed ber paaaianately and predue- v namite earnrldga. applied bia ligtiled cigaLretts ts it. Tb house a a demolished I and the dismembered remains of tbe mas Isnd girl acre found amid tbe ruins. !?LANE RECORD IN THIN AIR ! ra-SiTtU ntWUliU 1.1 inifl m 4raueet Hrlaktk Abeve Ira Le el Beeebed by Captain Eaaleaaia, I'aderatady ef Wrtcbls. GENEVA. April It. (Special Xipa'.th to The Bees-Captain Emglehard, a pupil of tbe Wrigbt brothers, baa made a nea flying record at Hi. laVorita fiarting from i j f rosea lake, (CI feet absva tbe sea I ve-- r-ra;r"d the air thirty-tae l m.nutea Me came eoaa en tn toe. Aa Tar as afltual aitltuca a-oea this ia a rMurl. Ks-bard found K d fricult to rise even i tirt lh "-ariTisd atmosphere, I ' CRAFT TO SAVE SUBMARINES . Pveskebaaaav laseata a Will Plve Be Ik M tb lAseMed. Ppecial Dpatok te The PARI A, April It Bee iTb Frene-k rnaratime prefect at - Rochefort-aur-Mer has wet n eased aenn ln- tit r tatins nifriBi nra a-ita a mrtAi 4 m I designed for going to tb aid ef damaged h Devleee Pie f. submarines If sunk Uiteationa'y it mounts' bom jnteraatii etatunkes have been pub is tii SHirfer by ttself er It caa be raised j llabed la Pans ai.auig "tb disease which by chains without tb help of dtvers. Ttj I dicurs dM from. Forty -four per cast. inventioa Is by a verkausB ta tbe araerial 'and a s serial commiiaioa bas been as- poirsed ts eaaa-tne M tr tb Biitiis'.ar of PARIS SMILES ON TOURISTS AGAIN i La Belle Will Show AH Comers What ' a Good Time Loota Like This Summer, FLOOD ETTECTS HATE VAXTSEED City Beady to Welcome Its Victors Jut as ftnaL HOTELS ABE ALBEADT FILLED IT Strell Cararaxuries Be pert Epotu -All Taken Errn low. LITTLE STOBT OF FLOOD TOT k (et Aaarry at a Officer Weal te Jail fee Weeks Before Be Ceeld Ceel Oat. FT PAVL VILLIERbV PARIS. April It Special lipetcb te Tl bee ) Recovered pracrjcally feara tbe effects of tbe flooda Paris is preparirig to raoeava and entenai-i a rer.ord-brteking influx of tourists tbia spring. Already tbe advance guard is ber and th hotel are filling up rapidly. Th great rush of Americans Is loosed, frr t latter part cf this month and early la . May. and they a-ill b weAoamed will opes arrca The Amerjcan traveler la popular la Paris. He geneially has snaey; b comes with tbe lntemtioa ef spendme it and b does spend It. As that section of tb gap ertv -atk-k caters esperla'ly to travelers la trot la t ' burines for byg-ianic reaaotis. fber look ' upon tbe people ef tbe state as friend and brotbers and are very good to tbera while tbe money last. Hart el Already Pali. General Manager Ellis of th Hotel Rita . saya: "The beet proof that th fieods C Jan uary bars not kept visitors away from Paris is that not only la tb Ktti full at prefer, i but tbe demand for rooms are . mora sumerou than ever. Tbera la ui s. t reason to antidpata a reoord season. ; far a we are or-arernefl th eiiaatioB eoatd ; pot be better." Mr. Ellis added tuhatt) tbe . hotel aas booked full up to June. Mr. aebwenter. manager of Che Betal Maurice, said- Tb Kruries is full. There ' ar a good number ef Americans Iters, but 4 tb real rush e-iil xtot- begin xtstS the be ginning ef May. Hewevvr. 1 have maay more orders than hast year. Business fat evidently rood tn America, for eor j9ta ar m greaerat- beoktng -tbeir renma for a, ' xnsea longer period than they did kaat - ' soa.- Tbe same story Is told by Oa praprie tors ef ether bote a "A peouUar ecba ef tbe reoent fleed bee " Just earn tip aa tb polio oourta. A. asefi-to-fie resident the suburb laCpei te rescue a neighbor and bis little daug'bter from tbs floods. Tbe girl aaa-ed soma chickens. In passing through as octroi station mm their return th little girl forg-ot to fle clsra their fowls. The octroi iaapeator saw this and raa after tb girl ts make ber pay a stun of 1 franc ! cenxa and , also to draw up a pi oa verbal for s prospective fine. "Let those people also," said tbe rescuer. "If xbere is anything te I dona I shall eome "tomorrow and sect it " He did ga en the following day. but arrived Just tea minutes late at tbe octroi station. Tbe papers bad bean sent away and a crianrnal proaecutioa was to ba started. Tbe good man thereupon renam a vexed at tbe officiafs hasty artioa that be called eut for a run to shoot bia. BvA after reflection b theugbt it weald be bet ter for him to deliver himself up te tbe police than commit a murder, and ea be did. "I shall murder that snaa be said to th police commissioner, "if yoa ds net lock me up The police effloer bad ho choice Seft. Be did lock fcim up and thought that by din ner er supper time bis wrath would cool doa n. But It did not- Tb Sanger tb snaa aas is prison tbe bolter his reseiftmert i grew, and be aked to be sent to tbe racte. Every day for a a-eek aa examBung magistrate bad bun brought vj. asd asked him xf be would nea- be a goad maa ant ptomise not to shoot th octroi official. "I cannot do that," said tbe man day after day, and be bad ie beeiaaea back ta the Same prison. Hia aife. bia dauyhtax, bia neighbor and all his friend bad to aa. treat turn before be aouid relesrt. After a, i week hi aratb suttaided. and he sect word j ts tbe magistrate that ba felt aufTicaeaaiy 4 cooled dwwn ts enjoy bis freedom. Ba aaa fortbaitb reieasad. much ts toe relief of mag-iatrates and police. "-Friends ef tbe sriesAaat. Among tbe numerous quaint socutaes tat Pans is one with the peculiar title. "The Friends of tha ElepiAnt, Asked far aa ' ,nn ,f tb ebieeta ef lbs urfdi M Gaston Toumier, tb renerai secretary t a Id : "We ar tbs enemies of all bag-. rrnm bunteira. aueh as ex-President Roatt ' Every year men like htm make veri- table bee lamb of elephants in tbe Tiark j Cc r.tisem. and It is estliutled that aboat , elephants fall annually before tbe gui J thf-h rut tie "imroda. That n una. ber doe not Include ih anixaais Allied by tb natlvea. We a ant te put aa end i this, and lo eboa that a-bo)eaal slaugh ter f tb elephant is a coioassJ mlstaka. "Tbera ate still about Xsti Ous elepbanl is Africa. One, ucaraticated and well trained. aa do tb a ork of thirty mea, Suppose on kill as elephant, it J'ields lid peunda ef !, j" flesh and f.fty pounds of Ivory. A rapid ajcuiatlja a-lJl show oa that if all lAe ae.(Ki elexibasis a ere nuaasarred yea arsuld realixe. aay M.sUi.. Wnereas. If yew ' keep theen a lie and profit by tbeir work, jlhey a-iil yield nearly . That ts I etat a east to demonstrat to th big j ,,CIW, - k. 'are eraAuane -e. miriating aa intelligent and useful race ef i animal." t appear, d. f :a heart affe ! per cent front nervous dawwdera. giar orat ; trsrm tbe drug habit and I par deal j tkberciSiiaia