8 k. -p THE OMAHA' STTNDAY BEE; APTUT, 17, 1010. 1 J wtui VO atTLll II i J I . . 1 I I ft I w V 1 -u l I f - I If ' l! iWmM ii ii mat iflffiif i i a i t j i j iii ii ia m w a r i v m m . my v t i v i III Ml . I I 1 I 4 ill SI Ml tJl Embroideries WORTII UP TO 75c, AT 25tf and 39c. 18 and 27-inch fine embroidered flouneings, skirtings, corset covcr.s, wide bands and gal loons, also nl lover embroideries; elegant de signs in Angleterre, Japanese, floral and shadow effects Chf (ti many worth 75c Htm "HSaP a yard, at yard flWtr Ovj. 25c EMBROIDERIES, AT 15c A YARD. 18-inch fine ' embroidered flouncings, corset covers, also wide edges, insertions, headings and galloons neat, openwork designs many worth; 25c a yard, 4 r at yard .'. . .JL3C ALL OVER EMBROIDERIES. 221-inch fine nainsook and batiste all overs, also 27-ineh fine embroidered shirt waist frontings newest designs actually worth tip to $1.2o a yard, at yard Fine French and dor-1 Fine e m b r oi d e r e d See Brandeis Stored Ad On Page 7F. Great Sale of Women 's Sample Suits and Dresses. v: N.5.voinf3 i v x r .1 X,"- n.n..i...lIIIMiiilii. , S I 3 Extraordinary Sale of Women's Sample Suits and Dresses See Our Ad On Page 7F. Exquisite Pattern Hats EARLY SIIMmf.p . , vvwj. V ZjU. v lmlc JIus;t rvod a great shipment of charming pattern hats from ou Isew lor k buyer. This includes both the latest early summer models fr nnti .New York designers. The new styles are simply bewitchinc- our resident from Paris $25 . . V7 w S0n nly at Jirandc,s stores. We will show scores ot them Monday for the first time, at BRANDEIS HATS ARE ALWAYS ropprnr TXT ornvT n o matter how moderate the price, you'll always note that smart touch of individ ual styie in every JJrnndeis hat. See the clever, new hivIps summer and late spring, at 5 - v "3 Spring Hats in Basement All new and up-to-date styles large and (J rn medium shajwB, at vluU up-to-date untrunmed Hats All the lat est shapes, on special sale in -n basement, at wlIC .v a T W ' f ' I - i . ' - : ' I,,, , ,nn L " JT .1 ' ' j lwmil,M m I,. - mhi nj i.wpw, i iiim,.! M B i ii ii mi iihiiiii m .i-,.-,n- rt.,,...-, .. , .... l . ,, ... ...u.. -Tomorrow Is-Brandeis Great Special Sale") IL u UJ JL Mi OJ Effl siradl FDra Dfth 59c man val. laces and insertions also dainty edges many worth up to 12Vl'G a yard, at, yard 5c Irish, partly made, robes, also Swiss em broidered robes all new designs white and color a gr many worth ik l!W up tp i 10 tiff ,t) (J eyeclal, each ... Bargains at Linen Counter 60 ellghtly soiled Pattern Table Cloths, 2, 2 and 3 yard lengths; values up to $4.00, at, each.. 2.69 25 slightly soiled, hemstitched Table Clotha 2ft yds. long; $2.00 values, at, each $1.00 Double satin damask Table linen; full 2 yards wide; $1.39 quality; special 08 76c Quality full bleached, extra heavy Table Damask warranted all pure linen, at, yard 59 600 odd dozen lots of Napkins; values up to $1 75 at- doeen 81.00 BED SPREADS OMAHA Smartest Now Styles LOW SHOES For Wo r en Vou can find the classiest, new styles in wom en's Shoes at I5rnndeis stores; stvles that cannot be found elsewhere; the strictlv smart novelties for 1D10 in new snm colors and lasts, at For Best Shoe Values in Omaha . Patent Leather and gun metal pumps; gun metal oxfords; new two and three-eyelet ties; new ankle strap pump; smart style and comfort In very pair, at 4 Fringed Crochet Bed Spreads; full size; $1.60 quality, at, each . .08j!? Soiled Satin and Mar seilles Bed Spreads fringed, hemmed or scal loped edges; values up to $4.00; special each ftt S1.98 FANCY LINENS Odd lots ot Scarfs and Squares; in filet, drawn work, cluny, lace and Irish embroidery; values up to $1.25; special, at, eact 49 54-54-inch hand drawn Lunch Cloths; $2 values eacQ 98d The Greatest Sale WU . Paper Ever Hold irS Omaha. Monday, Brandeis Stores will offer the en tire stock of. medium and high grade Wall Papers bought for spot cash of a large East ern jobber.. Three carloads of wall papers Take.odvantage of this bargain opportunity. Plenty of clerks to wait on you. 40c Papers at 18c . All the two-toned pa pers, beautiful goods 40c grade, Mon- rolV... 18C 18c Papers at 7c . All the new bedroom A Great Cash Purchase From a Storage Warehouse -On Sale at About i Price Wt. INCLUDE IN THIS SALE AN IMMENSE LOT OF and TTTfiTVl lTVlrrtAtnfiA TTTA 1- i. 1 1 i his,or5, Tokay tn ZKXZT " " " NEARo 0UR ENTIRE TIIIRD FLOOR Will be DEVOTED TO THE SALE 80 Experienced Clerics to Wait on You, 80. No Waiting. No store but Brandeis cnnld on floor covering, at the time when Thr TJ gPWer matC.S " J"W "oney 70c' Papers at 27c All the duplex and oat meal papers, worth up to 70e, ronnd?f 27c 30c Papers' at 12 Hc All the finest gold papers 9 and. 10 incli borders to, match, worth iip to match,. worth up to 30o-Mon- day, roll... l-aS-L 8c Papers at 3c . . 50,000 rolls and 7c and 8c papers, in one big lot, Monday, roll 25c Papers at 10c Special floral and stripe patterns for bedrooms no borders for this lot, worth up to 26c Mon- ro.I. 1 1 If at papers, crown bord ers and cut outs; ar tistic patterns and colorings, worth 18c, Monday, rj roll I -aC 15c Papers at5c Ml the white blanks 12 c and 15c goods, in one lot, , r, Monday, roll v2-L 40c Papers at 16c Imported arntshed tiles for bathrooms and kit chens; regular price 40c Monday roll. at , THIRD FLOOR. 3c 16c mmm OMAHA 3 4-Yd. Wide Linoleum 85c Grado, at. per (ij Square Yard . . . All the very best grades and most desirable pat terns. These goods are in full pieces not remnants. No better linoleums made. About 50 rolls in this lot. Be sure to bring the measurements of your rooms. In if Mill Lengths Linoleum 75c Grado, at por Square Yard . . These are the very best grades of 2 yard wide lin oleums in mill lengths, big enough to cover the ordinary kitchen or pantry, i An extraordinary bargain. Lace Curtain Specials Cluny Curtains In white and Arab; mounted on heavy net- at S1.08 88.50 Filet Net; wo hare Just received another big shipment from, yard 45i to 83 Muslin Curtains; full size, for Monday, pair . . . .G9 Rope Portieres; largest assortment In the city at from 81.75 to 87.5o Snow Flake Scrim Curtains; Just the thing for sum mer, at, from 08 to S W Imitation Madras; 36 inches wide; regular prU-e'ittc per yard, at -n . Window Shades; the best oil opaque; 3x7 completo each, At 1. o ' One bli lot of single Lace Curtains, worth up to $2 60 a pair, at, each .40 Unoleuni 2 Yard Wide These are very heavy-weights, regu lar 75c quality will be sold in full pieces, not rem nants, at square yard All The Floor Oil Cloth I New Wool Dress Goods This season is a gray season for all kinds of woolen dress goods. 54-inch imported tailor suitings and such weaves as whipcords, nar row wale diagonals, mixed English mannish suitings, summer weight $1 i S-150 1 IU 1- hopsacks, etc.', at yard Sale of French, all wool Serges; 42 and 46 In ches . wlce and showing 27 different colorings, including the blacks .r?:...79c to $1 Cream Serges and Diag onals; specially selected lines, ranging from 42 inches to 54 inches wide, yard. at ?:.69c to $195 Imported Silk and Cotton and Linen Fabrics Main floor Dress Goods Section; a splendid light for showing these fine fabrics. Printed French Organdies, at Kft 2 7-incb. Silk Dots, at oq 27-inch Silk Jacquard, at tUft 86-inch Black Silk Pongee, at oo Beautiful Bordered Novelties, at Imported Bordered and Dot Voiles, worth up to $2, now at , 1 08! A very special lot of Imported Crepe' Liss'e;' 37 di ferent patterns, at Unusually sells at 35c a square yard. It is sometimes offered as a big 1 i Dargam at zoc Monday, square' i U Inlaid Linoleum yard, at rni J a 1 V , . araf 01 lloor 011 cloth and linoleum in lots too small to advertise, urement of your room. All Our Best All our best inlaid Linoleum; 6-ft wide; full rolls; worth up to $1.75 per yard per C"fl square yard, O Jl at U Be sure to bring the exact meas- Special Bargains In Our Dasfemont Very fine mercerized sateens and fancy stripe skirtings-equal to 25c IIeatherbloom-6, 8 ana iu-yara lengths, ' J , at yard , 2C 9x4 Unbleached Pepperell Sheeting they are in lengths for making sheets, n yard.. ...iwC 8 1-90 seamed J All the Straiv RJatting Rugs Tap, interwoven and stenciled rugs, suitable for bungalow, summer homes and porches. . 6x9 Straw Mat ing Rugs worth up to $3.50, at- .98 4x6 Straw Mat ing Rugs worth up to to $1.50 '3x6 Straw Mat ing Rugs worth; up to $1.00, at 25c-40 All the Oath Room Rugs , These are all those fast color washable bath room rugs very, desirable sizes and colors, greatly under- i'nwu 111 uus saie. Washable fast color bath rugs, 36x72 or 30x60, worth up to $3.00, at each Washable bath rugs, 2754 or 24x48. in size, worth up , up to $2, at each ' Mra Special 87 Bales of 'Hne BooiiivSi7 -Knns r vv;ii m.. .1 it. 1 i n - . . . SJliy 1UUJ ai llIL vvesi rnce jcver Asked in Omaha for This Grad bleached sheets, good value at 50c 100 dozen Monday each . , 39 c Beautiful new bastis tes floral, striped, checked, dots and silk striped effects from the 1 A bolt, yard.... 1UC 81-90 bleached sheets, seamless and made from very strong round thread sheet ing 75c would be a low regular price for this quality, CQ at, each u7t Full standard yard wide dress percales, dark colorings, from the bolt, at yard 2t ft (TIMELY REAL ESTATE GOSSIP Hesidenti of Field Club Environs 1 Form Improvement Association. WILL TEY TO BEAUTIFY DISTEICT B. A. Brun I rin KutablUhmrmt of Iarirb Lines -mt MrrllBK of ' Real Batate Kichaace I'rlt-e at l.awla Hldrac. Hecldents of South' Thirty-fifth treol, between PoppMun and Woolworth avenuei., have orcunlzed what i-to l)e knuwn aa the Field Club lintrVt Improvement cluh. and will endeavor to Improve upon the natural txautloa of the district In at. Ion they live. The organization l luadid b V. A. I H Ho ixl aa prenldent and a fill quota of offlcra and an attempt will le made to aoeerUtln what, can bo dona In tha matter tt improving on nature' offer Inga In the way of artificial horticulture. It 1h the aim of the orgnntintlon to make that eectlon.of the city the moat btraullful, meat healthful and moat attractive of any within K eonfinea of Umalia. avvral ineUi)j have itven hv'A already 1 ill BSXrTrT!51TIIa,r!",l I j m, , , . ?: .J.. ' '". ""f '""l ' t3 feoTgrsQ.S 100 full bolts blue apron check ginghams iu.si coiors juonday, yi, at yard U 2C German linen suiting Blue, pink, white, nat ural, linen shade, brown and desirable plain shades made to sell at 25c yard f f from the bolt Monday, at yard 1UC nd pluna have been d:scu?8ed an to the best methods to pursue alon the lines e t forth for the beautifying- of the. district, rrom the enthusiasm that has bten dis played at these gatherlnsn It U an assurod fact that aomehlna; .will be done to carry out uKBeitlonB made for a moro attractive qLai tf r. Kim treos have been planted alora; the parkwaya. already, a uniform distance lart. establishing a precise uniformity. The same kind of tree guards will be In Ktallod along the rlfht-of-wav to carry out the schemo of uniformity. An electric lik-ht httH been srcuitd from the citv for the intersection at Pnmi..inn - - - w.iiuc aim the next step will be, the procuring of ..unooarus to mark the streets. It Is also panned to have everv house properly The club that has been orpanUed 3 earnest In its desire to Iniprjvo t le Vmi clot nd a committee has been appointed to foi-m a set of simple rules to gjvern th8 body. A meeting will soon be held to discuss means of future Improvement. N. P. UodKe. 1r.. nnivhnM i-.'w on North Twisty-fourth street, near Clark from the heirs of J J. Joelin of Albino. , ' Y" for '7 V- A two-story frame build ing will be erected on the sit. The Western Real Kstuta Trustees of Boston purchased the property occupied by the Electric gaiajta on Farnam, Just east of Twenty-fourth B.rect, from Charles R. Sherman and A. B. Mconnell fnr HO. COO. The purcha.io waB made as an Invest ment by the eastern company and Includes the building and lot. The heirs of John Schaub of P.-trpy county sold the Windsor hotel property at Tenth and Jackson to a client of the McCaguo vul"i"'") ir ;n,uu. -jne property was bought as an Investment. The work of tearinj down the buildings tt Fifteenth and Djt streets, prepara tory to excavating f ir the new Union Pa cific building, begaa Friday. The work or erection will bo punned a'ong rapidly as soon aa the excavat'-if Is eompletid. Famuel Corrldon will put up two new houses on Davenport, street. They wl'l both be frame structures and will be mod ern throughout. One will be a double apartment and will cost fK.Oro. It b located at Z122 DsveniHjrt. The other will be at 31 It! Davenport and will cost Jt.0 0. The contract for the construcllon of the l!en r.'setiit company's factory has b".-n awarded to Parsons A Ktene and work Willi be started at tlio site. Twelfth and Caplto! avenue, within a few days. The excava- uon is completed. Edward P. Peck paid in the neighborhood vi sa.iw ror the house of Edwnrd W. L.ew'18, i-ortleth and Harney streets. This is one of the finest flni-hrrt hm.... in omana. Erection of two modern housna on Pnn. pioion avenue will be started at once by jonnson. Ho will nut nn nn. story frame hous at Sil Poppleton that will occupy 24 x32 feet of ground space, and another two-story frame 26 x26 feet at 8110 Poppleton. Both of these residence will be modern throughout and will cost about C5.500 each. Mrs. S. Lehman win build a brick store building at US South Tenth street. The work will be done by P. J. Kenny. Residents of Dundee are much lntereted In the uuestlon as to the kind of paving the county commissioners recommend for that suburb. A large number of property own ers out there are decidedly In favor of the new ameslte. material and a number of petitions are being circulated asking that the county board designate ameslte as the kind of pavement to be laid. Commissioner John Vlrant and O, J. Pk'kard recently went east to Inepect the new paving ma terial and are much In favor of It. A re port of their observations ha been filed with the county board. Ameslte looks a great deal like asphalt, but has a little CoirncT surface. This Is In Its favor as It will provide a foothold for horses In slip pery weather., The pavement that was In spected In the east has withstood a hrd winter and summer and not a crack, nor noie was found In It. It Is renorted tn 1, In perfect condition. A comparison made by the real estate men of Omaha of the present market condi tion and prices at this time against the market a year ago Indicate that the prices and amount of business done is about the same. . It seems to be the opinion of real estate men that the uutomuLlle garageB on Far nam street win be crowded farther west and the present sites will be occupied by small stores within five years. It Is said that the automobile men could find Just as suitable locations farther out on Farnam. Erastus A. Benson spoke at the meeting of the Ileal Estate exchange last week on the suhlct of Interrurban lines and In his pcdnss brought out many points Indicat li.g that the futuru of Omaha depends In a measure on steps in the direction of establishing lines that afford feeders. As an example of what Interurban lines would mean to this cltv. Mr. Benson n a statement made bv chants of OmaTia. He said that thi. mr. chant told him that since the establish ment or the line between Floreno and Orr.aha the outaldo trade had Increased S per cent. Mr. Benson argued that If aticn a result was obtained from the estab lishment of a line to a suburb which Is a natural buying community of Omaha the results obta'ned by extending an Invitation to the smaller towns within a radius of fifty miles would be' bevnnd hnf' :.ol only would Omaha benefit, argued Mr. Benson, but the smaller towns on the lines of an Interurban route would benefit, for, he explained, in communities where such lines were operated the general tend ency Is to slimulate business. Citizens of one town wculd visit other places and thereby further the spirit of commercial ism, j Mr. Benson pointed to the fact that the shortening of distances as reckoned In hours and minutes meant tba promulgation of progress and that Omaha should do all In Its power to encourage the Idea .of reaching out and demanding by its prog ixsslveness that trade which should laturally come to It. Paroled Forger Back Into Toils William Carnaby, Court Charge, it Arrested and Identified as Rob ber of Glencoe Mills. William farnahv nnr!. r.a .-'i. , ,.,,. 1111111 a3- trlct court, has been arrested for the bold robbery of the Glenro. noil. - t... . ji riuay when o was taken from the office In the presence of the busy clerk. Oarnabv ha K. lH,.lei...i t . . J ' "' " -niut s tamer, manager of the mill, and is held at the city Jill The trial in police court has been set over to Monday. The thief whe robbed the mills carried a roll of sacks Which .. .... " o uiiTTing lor sale Into the office and taklnjr the money usiciisioiy waiting for the clerk. According to- nolle -n,.,.,i... pleaded guilty te forgery In district court last winter and was paroled. Xaahvlll Fireman Killed. NABHVII.LH. Tenn.. April lii.-Fli Lieu tenant Ambroi-e was killed and three other peisous were Injured In u fire her t -ilay which damaged the pis of the Bradford Wholesale Furniture M fnfiiiiuiing Liaut to the extent of about W.uw.