Fhe Omaha Sunday Bee. n HALF-TONE k Fista. roa rat homt OMAHA DEE rasa. n to rorm. VOL. XXXIX NO. 44. OMAIU. SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 17. 1910. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. MILLENER'S PURSUIT OF SECRET OF WIRELESS WAVES J SI i Ui 5lS ., 71 tit xamrrr; '!S r;a r . a a r r r r v jmsj . ,.t p.! 1 ' 1 r. j U lif HFX7T TTCAS rSTTWTMTTPT I TINT rlc . tBrroad4 ty wtlrrttg sucMa . stop aad acra of aoity ri'JroaJ 7rda tie ersatiTa njfnd of lctrici csfiaMr U problts; for thm civr t a probJeau Waea ti aolatlfla 1a rachd tka Union Pacific Railroad com pany will ba peaiacsaioa of a wiraleaa Ulphoa of w or tics Ja. ar.i Dr. Trwlartca H. J41Iar. alactrlcaJ raaaarca aspart. hara araettl a mUMtoaa ia aciatif5c history. Taera ara many, many daya of paraiataat tad ra!Bl3aaa axpartajeatatloa jt to coasa afora tta wlralw ttlepaoaa It a fact. SOU taat UrJa brick eiaaty fcolda "'" 11 now taat ccrtala Isteraated acrlaacra abroad ara aailoua ta piy U'. ur. auJar. who ii to ba found orar aii laatramanta tarousa aict aay of taa long daya. aad ft timet far lata taa algfet. t31a a lit tla to tla Tlaitor aad tbta rttJraa !ato sod rut reaervo. Of what otaara hara dooa ha la wmias to Ula, of what ha la doiaf wall wait antU afta- ahlia. Thara la a raat maaa of lavtrnmaata to ba aa. Ona asay look tham oar; bat aaiar xalad about Ua circalta that lia coa ceaJed bhiad th witchboarda. Tha parauit of ti viralau ta!phaa maaaa far more to tie Valoa Pacific and io tha railroad world thaa a laboratory damoa-atr-tioa- Tha achievement of a enceeatfal wlreleaa 'phena will mark tha aad of Ultrapbie traia ordera. U will meaa that tha diapatehar at hia datk may hold direct eoaTera with tha maa with his haad oa tha thrcttla of the b'.: moral that la puuinf tha tralaa over the moaa taiaa haadrada of milea amay. Ia thia Ilea mack of the importance of tha wlraieaa ta the railway compaay. That tha wlreieea telephone shoa'd replace the present day tele- g faoaa ia rarai aaaje Sa as aalikely as that, the wireleea telegraph ------ iw -" " i-ui. out ix i :ia or ipaciai appli x-r f SZKDUtC. OTT V.IKEIXa VOTII MALL COIL :T1 it f" - la tha frteet arer wound for tie reaeratloa of tha 3 paTaaa faan nnlA - -m iimgyioavsw v&reo&l Siai & macMa. bow thm lrrct at GUce Bay. which la but o par coat of tha aUa and capacity of tha caa aaier eoaatractloa for tha rnioa Padflca experimeatal plant. Thla rreat ladaction coll. for that U aH ia reality a transformer ' ia, will delWer a current of 100,009 Toita at half aa ampera la aol- ) ama. Thia iseana nearly eerenty horaa-power of eaerry coarcinf mr I tha wires that dellrcr tha impulse to tha aateaae from wh4ca tha ! wlraieaa waxa la dlssemiaatad. Ia frequaacy, rata of vlbraxioa or ; waa aadalatloa, what erer oaa may wish to call it. tha coil permits i of a arest run. It ia capable of handling from 9 to 4a9 and 5?9 ' cyeiea. which meana the current caa reTerse polarity that many times in a second. The sixty cycle current has a frequency about equlra leat ta that of the alternatiBf current ordinarily nsed for commercial electric lihticg purposea. It may ba aa epoch-maltint; moment when tha key firet closes to start the ether echoea aoundlns acroea apaea from tha aateaae coa- ' sect with this giant coll. What will It do? No one caa ae answer. Electriciana all orer the coaatry who here had aa latimatlca of the aecreta that ara being aararellad dow !a the little brick lsboratory are waitine; for the machiae to maka its on answer. It u admitted that It will at least far exceed the eapabiliRaa of aay machine bow ia operation. The wireless teiegrsph from ships ia the harbor of Havana kaa beea read orer the recemns; instruments at tha Omaha plant by Dx. j Mllleaer. Tha words clicked out from tha Canhagena. plying ia tha a aters of the Uland republic came ap across the aea and land ta ba picked ua by the a j it isnjrs.M3ry a.B4 ia 'some third story ouaaed from the receiver clear and strong ia the high-pitched acta catio. for tho wirecs. teiep.oaa ia aa bread a. that of the wir in tta StoS iLJl t ! 0t - to asaemble tha voters ta wnni if vi u wirpiesa eai i . , . teiepcoae was perfected with the wireleaa telerranh. "v . lw v. ,,ffl. il wnatr tt erint axk. Mm. u kttrd Several lavestiMtors ara pashlng toward the wire'e. teiepheae. The problem thus resolves itself iota tf. MU.ener laboratory, with iu intricate maze of apparatus aad the Omaha plant on that remarkable aad memorably alaht. Thia The experiments are rtag ca both la imtrici aad mhmmA .w ... . " L" proouctioa la proper mystertea. coataiis an entire aeries of inventions ia tie mitiir performance of the wlr! nt,,.- . . 1 . tha Geraui ar. n,r,,!,r!. tv " wnrca wlu P":t themselves through tha ether ethers eamalete. kut t .... , l. - . 'ur "a . j .w, suijiiia ia laaicsie larryiEg in terms of M.m v. 4rr---i .v.. - . ... "'"' 4k m thai the, are so far along ar so .ear the goal aa 1. Dr. leaner down lat, aalhle a an .peel tC,areni Wk tfcre in tha Taioa Pacific yards. Tn pelkia- ffirj., in , . t A fEaoopiace lookatg bras box. displaying to the eye only a Tha atteapta at the wlraieaa transmit, of apeech h.v. beea Erectly toalcalLJ bj the C . t" T" U 'nd 0B- f0EJ 'ki irel block m.ay. ?accaa haa attended tha aea of severtl devices, but ia highly shaking voice that cornea froVth f tt 'ailing device, which has proven its poasibilitia. On the dial are linitetl alerre. ita tm th. at t ,. . . . - cornea from the instrument. The sound waves. d;aolaved thm arm. .e . u ... . I . ' . . """:" l aens-UTe or coarse, are dead within the short titaBr. tha, tho. v. . 7 . iulu iia inose - - s "' iegrapa plants and experimei f TlOll DI aWIaVTlT-gni aB1 t f a fcj 9 . a. .j,. ... fc - J UdaXi a. Hit 'II nl B f! AEPP h t r k at a. f- tVa A - i . -ttJn ...... ... " V T . " " lal m" uuuxea ia out ua ultra Tlolet wavea which are coming off tk rr .,-t,., v " v"" -"- u taaai. la na- or i toe L caon Pacific Uboratory. They ts tha wlre.esa traaamlsaioa of speech. The Umitaticna af auch a device auaJy with tha aouad wavea are clrZd rll imahane- as the traia enter. , block tha cab aignai befora the eyea of the ea- -faaliag- through space with the luting eo'la. whea Aa Lilt ar. obvloa It caa acarcaiy a,er ba mora thaa a iectar. room know, how B kl of taki, plac without moving bi. t.nd ' Brant Rock ataUo. came in ,cro the M ml3 nVuSLZi "T1" . . . . w MU)eaer-a work in the Unio. Paciac search labcr.tor, i. 11 fc , t4 fcan,''y tT oBl.hmt whea they beardH Numaroa. other device, kav, bea mad. to eparata Intermittently, aow directed toward the perfection of the sseakaVL h! u I, te.egraph plant vnta wtich Dr.'Mener i. conduct, nira at aea a answer. Tb.n the Carthage. at Havana ,JkI and occaa.'onally. Just enough to glva eacouragemaat to tha iavea-J- inx tha .peaking arcL , uJ nt wkeri I.Sl t 1D "p'na,eaU for tis raloa F oa. of remarkable eJSciency. P trreaa the continent. " ' aatora. Tha wireleaa teleshoa will coot ia t T-h- -i i 1 aw.ier in orii h a new transformer now under urota f mti t-,, ;,- V"fc irr) iwrr,. .v.. . ' ,uu"' "-oa pincjy aa ice receiver cf a ultnhnn. vrv,, ,l . . . - - v'-"a.Di irotn arparatua or the aa positive of it a. U the mathematics, that aa integration caa ba of perfectioa la reached he will know that the L deVLE fv" "T "- l'E1a " ' PlBt a'X owrf1 iB Cf ,re id W P..: i of grater aad mrw aerformed. It may Uka a loaa time to writ, the .w. . Ia,t TCe ,rr u rlBg the tha world. Dr. JJiUener is iaveatirati the ioabiHi r,f , remarkable fM,. fr tta carve, bat n can ba done, and it win ba doaa. f. tha u , . Vr..rp.SiST " trtrPh0" '-l' iBUfld a who ar wrvstlroc witM th problem of hov !t i. i-- tw. ......... - erAmpiO cf tho TitaJ !miortajit cf th irpii tv. .rf - w saatua LICrU3 over laad. a record which greatly d.scounta all that y k.- pushed before. A we;rd interest atijicbes to the meaaagea received from Braat Rock aad the Tar away ahipa. It waa in thoaa clear, aiet hours af the tugkt that Dr. Mir.ener and G. L. Milliken. government engineer la ctarce of i 'rl.ci ti.-. r,v .t..,. m "(t'" vimui.m mjm eapenmentaucn. wera ... . oaat coea .ot exiat. effiriwrv that ,.. v , ' . " ii"IL"i ""' B,' r " rece.t atorm. which cut off the rail- Wha tta enerrlred wa,e. . v . . Tk. -? r . be mad. to reprodac. hama. laboratori. Jort how he dlaVT. taV-.rS; t ll ia . LrT1!.'1 "h r"""110- aUB' Pro rk wkea alacad U elreult wnh a telephone transmitter aader of ka aw train. Part, of Li. .3Bratu. y1. J. !f "l Dr- P f ordinary bey g0 beyond? If they do, how far? !t is ,:t0fM L , ,a. c iraia rrora tne eon cow in makirr r-. .. -. that amii from Omaha to th AtUmu: aeaboard. aad perhata leagues beycod that, will be handled readjy. 7" U nrired wa.es go a voting up against tha walla af tha efficiency could har. bridged tha af.orm swept territory aad per - traaam:tter aader of k-a awa train. Parta of hia a;paratus haw. beea made . .,.1 cecals MiiittiMna iu mlmA tw tt .. tv- , . tm wfn maae 09 apecial r" IK"i'n oroer ia vte eaat. waiia other nana wr mmA m tt. n.k. We priaciple. a taagibl. fact to work apoa. At f.m thought to the and yet ath.r. by kl. .., k.ada Uo one bn him iT po.aeL.oa Uy miad thia perhape aeema af litU. sigaificaaca t. the attempt to af a kaowledga of the who.. poaaeasioa ai tha traaaaUaio. of apack by wirele Tha iavtlg,ora hav. A great deal 1. aa'.d to li.'la the tephone trantm tter whh foaad. however, that tha are light prodac. a wrlea of vibration, constructed to operate with a h ah aaluae a ..... , which vary from thoae which prodac. Maad aad I:.ht 1. aa aacend- protein, the arVt .tahih' ! f aaergy pitched U differeat kaya. They ara rihrationa which arw castration of a speaking are wb'ck aav. far-T... - a 1 'l"X dic0"rT cf Tt' 'itj" water sappiy a. of his tnvialUa and iaaadlhla. aimp!y beeausa af tha limitation of the lata it with the attest accuracy cf artkv!aTio" rep.t.d y. The SliUener of U. laboratory, a coace.UTited pe ,a fnvialUa and iaaadlhla. aimp!y beeauaa af tha llmiuuioe of the lata it with the at a est accuracy cf artku'ation. m IRt UIF 1. V . n . . W . . k,- -. ... ... " 7 I - l rci,oo ' arc waica Will eveatually boom. a part of h;a w releaa t.V ta tha acopa af hearing aa tha klgh pitch ham f Ua rastit. do, pkaaa will, however, be a much different laVtrament from t. or d! ta peraoaa arltk a low raag. of keartag. There ar. aaaay peraona 1i4 a try tamp with which the demcastratloa waa made erfacOy good ear. who eaa act hear the and it i. a deav The shaking arc preeau ,..y whimsical poaa.bil-je. aade from . v. . w..wo. n taa wlriea telephone. The enure illaaunaUoa ... p.yoc5r ,r ,nT at tow far? !t i. altogether within tk. .1 1T DOSH In lTt TMf aa-t-taa . . t . irted the .r-ti e . 7 ' ' " T "ulB tiac' " Meaner ia . 7 W .J T : la.jjy inev are i xce ta:on Pacific a rfaarth laboratory meaaaca eoTi-d iW ' " J" OPrUOB- B3id ta ri The .'.temert perch7nce Tot.da a W Jlener. the maa. aeea ouuside the little room ia which he wraps extravMant. but tho wirel-a. has wsts cf ls owa Tb t JvT himself ia his work, ia fsr from ihe inventor cf fictka aad drajna. Pity of the traCtfrmer which generates the imou'ses m.VvV, Dr. Mulener is to the caaual acquaintance just aa intereeting peraoa H e multiplicatloa of the range by many Cgurea cf professional arpearaare. who might b ecaineer. U.?tr or phy- The transformer ia ita obvious phvaiial aer-err i. i, . iciaa. He U as murh inclined ti, talk .Ht .a. -w... ... . ... ,: . oua pcyaiiaJ a.ecra is Interesting t - .i . " '-'' i'vcriur 01 electrical eciente It rnrti. . latest ..r, . the .tag, or the city", water .apply ., ef hi. lb- Uat word and one mere in transformer L.,r, 111 3t - - w o. a., was . 4 a V fTUr or body af iroa. i. which the liaea of force are produced by tha 4 90- r-::TSjeee wr.h a aair Cf allera a eat Us n. t, k,. Tnlt ,-., . .w . . . ' gtaaa-er- tV7 -- -a:. Xobod, d,pute. tta autheaticity of the fact that eiectr.ity obey. J ctZtT ZrZV cnaia laws, h, there 1, . ,,esUoa .. ,0 what aom. cf t. 1... of li.e, of force wheB xlZTn are. The discovery ef maav of theM 1... h , v... an ... "". t off or reduced to aero. tv tatii - umsa iae CDIe shAl he rie.r to . w . . auoa throcih the invention cf aw Ax k.maa oar. w , fj.T .... k . "e. i De dcovery of maay of th.w law. haa led dirwctlv to their All ef ahich mea, .a.. . " . . " " la Th. prodactlo. of the. kigh wave vibratlo.a which com. aft announcement of a. elecuo. inlliJL'rj tilaUoa through the i.v.ntioa of aew devkea. The new traaa- each ladirida.l iaipu wh'chme. inL the t 'I, ef tH. making are beeome. ,h. vita, fuactio, ef the iaiUa! ar und- ctio. of the atret, a ttT"7 wTd". 1 ta ' from ihe c i" Jf 41 - - - - .reawLaB:i rrrrr; :r.irt k - - -- 'r: .7 iCoatiaaed ea F.ge Four.)